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thetarotman · 9 months ago
Llewellyn's 2024 Tarot Calendar: May, 2024
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rockhag · 2 years ago
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A mega quick day in London earlier this week, consisting of dropping bag off at hotel, quick bite to eat (🌮), an evening with @lingua_ignota and a browse in Treadwell Books the next day where the lovely lady allowed me downstairs so I could see Pamela Coleman Smith’s fireplace that they rescued from her home in Bude when it was getting demolished. Such an honour! #london #treadwellbooks #treadwellbookshop #pamelacolmansmith #tarot #pamelacolmansmithtarot #bude #parcgarland #heremticorderofthegoldendawn #riderwaitesmithtarot #riderwaitesmith #curvedmirror #curvedmirrors #linguaignota #earthhackney #24hoursinlondon #tacostacostacos #margaritas (at Treadwell's Books) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjsbPVeIMUh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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redladymoon · 6 years ago
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We have now reached the culmination of the #Wands for the #2019minorarcana study. Here we have the 5 Kings and 1 Prince. All powerfully arrayed, they all emote creative force. The #RWS, #Llewellyntarot and #Universalgoddesstarot Kings sit comfortably on their thrones holding wands and surrounded by either symbols of or literal fire, the element of the wands. Strong, sure and magnetic.⁣ ⁣ 🔥⁣ ⁣ The #deviantmoontarot King takes the last one step farther by being out among the people. Children, the future, have flocked to him as he lights the way. There's a cyclical pattern of inspiration here. Where he leads, they follow; sparks of light which in turn empower him. ⁣ ⁣ ♣️⁣ ⁣ The #Linestridertarot and #thothtarot cards have the leonine symbolism in common. Indeed Leo fits all the cards. Strength, energy, power, initiative, and vision are all great leadership qualities. There can, of course, be some negative as well. The Thoth is the Prince and therefore seems a bit younger, less experienced and more action-oriented . He's in the chariot going places and doing things. More led by the lion than embodying it or at least seeing it as separate from self. But still directing and driving that energy. So there is still control here.⁣ ⁣ ��⁣ ⁣ ⁣#scarletmooncreations #kingofwands #princeofwands #wands #tarotstudy #tarotcommunity #divination #cartomancy #witchywoman #witchlr #riderwaitesmithtarot #selfcare #intuition #creativity #fireelement #strength #blackgirlmagic ⁣#elementoffire⁣ #minorarcana⁣ #selfcare #selfstudy ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxMtjoHl_i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ogws44h2b2po
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instintocigano · 3 years ago
Carta da Semana: A Lua. Pelo visto a Lua decidiu mesmo ficar presente por aqui, é a carta do Mês na nossa egrégora e veio pra nossa segunda semana de Setembro. Hoje começou chovendo por aqui, trovoadas, raios, água forte descendo, lavando, limpando a alma. E a Lua hein? Ela é ligada aos ciclos da vida, a sentimentos descontrolados, instabilidade, ilusões e fantasias. Será que não estamos acessando os pensamentos negativos? Guardando alguma mágoa que não deixa a vida ir pra frente? " Observa, escuta, e saiba calar-te". Qual será o medo que paralisa? Será que estamos tanto no material que nosso corpo se desprende da alma? Semana para refletir sobre onde está direcionada nossa luz verdadeira, vamos nos obrigar a desapegar do passado, dá medo mergulhar profundo nas verdades dolorosas da vida, porém só assim serão curadas. Enfrentar as incertezas, o choro, os devaneios e até o desespero, para então sair limpo, forte e capaz de realizar qualquer coisa! " Não nos iluminamos imaginando figuras de lu, porém tornando consciente a escuridão". Agenda apenas para quinta feira. #mensagemdasemana #tarotestilodevida #riderwaitesmithtarot #radiantwisespirittarot #loscarabelo #cartomantes #cartomancia https://www.instagram.com/reel/CTwosURjZed/?utm_medium=tumblr
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newmoondemon · 4 years ago
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#Tarot Card of the Day: Today's energy is The Chariot 🌟 This is a wonderful card that is signaling you are on the right path! Keep doing what you're doing because you are in line with your goals and higher self. You are overcoming the obstacles you have faced recently and are growing and moving on, whether it is mentally, physically, or spiritually. While positive this card may also be asking you to check yourself: have you been losing control? Have you been lacking direction? Or maybe you're getting a little ahead of yourself... Either way the Chariot is signalling that it is time to move forward and to trust yourself and your path! #lionsgate #newmoonenergy #newnoon #witchcraft #divination #tarotcards #cardoftheday #riderwaitesmithtarot #minorarcana #majorarcana #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #diviningrose #witchythings #divinationcommunity #tarotreading #tarot #tarotoftheday #witchesofinstagram #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreader #thechariot #resinart #resinjewelry #resinwitchcraft #resinwitch #athame #crystals #selenite (at Parkdale) https://www.instagram.com/p/CScOqCKLIqr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tarotvaleriana · 4 years ago
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🔮🌙 Afirmaciones 🌙🔮 . Elige la carta que más llame tu atención, luego desliza a la izquierda para revelar de qué carta se trata y finalmente desliza de nuevo para conocer cuál es la afirmación para ti! . A lo largo de esta semana repite esta afirmación tanto cómo puedas, en voz alta, en tu mente, escrita, etc. en cualquier momento del día o durante tus meditaciones. . Recuerda comentar contándome qué afirmación elegiste 💕🔮🌙 . . . #lecturadeltarot #magick #tarotreading #tarot #tarotriderwaite #riderwaite #riderwaitetarot #riderwaitesmithtarot #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witch #tarotadvice #tarotterapeutico #tarotvaleriana #consejodeltarot #afirmaciones #tarotreadersofinstagram #magiak (at 𝓣𝓱𝒆 𝓤𝒏𝒊𝓿𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRzbILbHEDk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mistynyc · 5 years ago
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Along came a spider! Just hanging around at sunrise!🕷#sunrise #augustmorning #alongcameaspider #notsoitsybitsyspider #spider #hangingout #tarotsuncard #riderwaitesmithtarot #cardslinger #itsinthecards #tarotreader #throwthecards #magicmama #spiderweb (at Westbury, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMPhUxHeD7/?igshid=1hprvntfw55rk
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deathhairball · 5 years ago
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he's here . . . #theneverending #tagsforthealgorithm #algorerhythm #ew #thehangedman #hangedman #tarot #xii #12 #twelve #majorarcana #shiftyourperspective #change #embroidery #riderwaitesmithtarot #riderwaitesmith #riderwaite #backstitch #minimalembroidery #minimalistembroidery #linework #outlines #halo #oopsitypedhalp #maybeitsfreudian #singthatlikethemaybellinejingle #fuckfreud #yesiknowhewasthefirsttodoalotofthingsbutreally #dudewasprojectinglikeamotherfucker #isthatanoedipuspun (at Dunedin, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSW5T1pGhg/?igshid=qxxsl7l6d5tz
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thetarotman · 5 years ago
Llewellyn's 2020 Tarot Calendar: January, 2020
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eclecticgemini · 5 years ago
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A very cool tarot dress on display beside @thewitchsfix (which is also great little store) in Hamilton, Ontario. 💕 #tarot #tarotcard #tarotcards #riderwaite #riderwaitetarot #riderwaitesmith #riderwaitesmithtarot #riderwaitedeck #radiantriderwaite #tarotcomunity #tarotlove #tarotribe #publictarot #fashion #dress #tarordeck #tarotlover #instatarot #tarotreader #tarotreader #tarotreadersofig (at Hamilton, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mo8vPn7Xi/?igshid=49b709fru7s9
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astheemeraldfalls · 6 years ago
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2-2-2019 🐆🌎✨💪🏽 The Card for the day comes from the Rider-Waite deck and it is Strength. From the card we can see the infinity symbol a sign of divinity followed by a crown and dressing of flowers which represents the ethereal responsibility that is placed on us all by the Divine Law of the Universe. We can also see the figure closing the mouth of a lion which demonstrates not only a strength that comes from within, courage, but a strength that comes from the divinity above the figure. Finally, we see that both the figure and lion are sized bigger on the card than the trees and mountains in the background demonstrating how one's strength can surpass things no matter how big or small they may actually be. This card will manifest it's self in your day in the form of the ability to overcome obstacles, like the mountains and trees no matter how big the task may be in your life your inner strength will help you overcome and succeed. Whether it be someone from the past contacting you or unexpected news so long as you are persevering, firm, and lean on the divinity of the Universe you too shall be able to close the lion's mouth on you own situation. . . . For readings check out our Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/AsTheEmeraldFalls . . . #tarotreading #tarotcards #strengthquotes #strength #riderwaite #riderwaitetarot #riderwaitesmith #riderwaitesmithtarot #riderwaitedeck #witchcraft #tarot #tarotspread #divinity #spiritual #spirituality #witch #whitewitch #cardoftheday #cardoftheday🔮 #cardoftheday2019 #astheemeraldfalls #etsy #etsyshop #newbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/BtY1v5iAhee/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ippbuzzskcoz
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redladymoon · 6 years ago
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Doing this next card study for the #2019minorarcana, as I have to figure out the differences and similarities in the #Thothtarot for the other two. The Queen of Wands is one of my favorites, which I've said before in my IGtv video for this year's 31 Days of Tarot. Visually, she has a very powerful aesthetic. Starting with the #Riderwaitesmithtarot in the middle, as usual the #Llewellyntarot most closely matches it. But even the Thoth card shows a similar look. The Queen's are all sitting or standing in authoritative ways. Sure of themselves with a wand in one hand. ⁣ ⁣ 🔥⁣ ⁣ Despite the strong, independent woman vibe of these cards, they all have an earthy quality. The colors of the #deviantmoontarot, #linestridertarot and #universalgoddesstarot cards. The sunflowers in the #RWS, Llewellyn and Linestrider cards. The cats big and small. Wands are of the fire element for sure. However, the above mentioned symbols make each Queen seem down to earth, close with nature including the darker sides and the animalistic sides of it. This all makes the Queen approachable. Like she knows human nature as well, the every man. This is a character I would like to be.⁣ ⁣ 🃏⁣ ⁣ ⁣#scarletmooncreations #queenofwands #wands #tarotstudy #tarotcommunity #divination #cartomancy #witchywoman #witchlr #riderwaitesmithtarot #selfcare #intuition #creativity #fireelement #strength #blackgirlmagic ⁣#elementoffire⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXalDJHD9W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fcnd608bs64f
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eternalathena · 8 years ago
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TAROT TIP – Nudity is about seeing the real you. While most of the people featured in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot are fully clothed, there are six cards where the people are nude. For me, this is a symbol of revealing a part of yourself that is normally hidden away. When a “naked” card comes up in a reading, it generally speaks to being exposed for all the world to see. THE LOVERS – Your most intimate partner (ideally) knows you inside and out. Relationships also reveal parts of yourself that you were previously unaware of. THE DEVIL – This card represents the shadow, or the part of yourself that you deny or do not like to see. Before the shadow can be transmuted, you must first look it in the eye. THE STAR – Being comfortable in your own skin means that you don't have to hide anything. THE SUN – Nothing lies concealed under the powerful light of a noon sun. This is about full revelation. JUDGEMENT – Only after we look at the parts of ourselves that were once buried deep down in the subconscious can we hear our true calling. THE WORLD – I count this despite scarf wrapped around the World Dancer. Empowerment and success comes from of knowing who you are, inside and out. Also note that five out of six of the “nude” cards appear on the last line of the Major Arcana, which outlines the final stages towards self-realization or Gnosis (THE WORLD). Before we can achieve the spiritual bliss promised here, we must be open and honest with ourselves. This means wholeheartedly embracing your flaws, trauma, and emotional and psychological baggage. Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot ✨ 🌟 ✨ Want to learn how to give accurate Tarot readings? Check out my 7-week TAROT 101 course, available for download at http://eternalathena.com
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w-c-b-music · 4 years ago
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👑KING OF CUPS👑 - He holds a short sceptre in his left hand and a great cup in his right, his throne is set upon the sea, on one side a ship is riding and on the other a dolphin is leaping. The implicit is that the sign of the Cup naturally refers to water, which appears in all the court cards. Fairness, business acumen, law or divinity, equity, art and science. Creative intelligence. Imma dig deep and use my artistic background to solve a couple issues we’ve had sorting out our upcoming tour. A great reminder to stay grounded, and to trust the knowledge I possess .... let’s see how this plays out. 👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷👑🍷 #wcbmusic #singer #songwriter #producer #queermusic #queerartist #nzmusic #witchesofinstagram #tarotreader #queer #livemusic #tarotreadersofinstagram #riderwaitesmithtarot #faerie #kingofcups #goldenhour https://www.instagram.com/p/COL65zuM4x-/?igshid=1jg4pyyqn12b4
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deversnight74 · 5 years ago
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Finais são dolorosos, mas recomeçar é a cura para toda a dor, desistir jamais... O momento de maior escuridão é aquele quando está perto de amanhecer! #riderwaitesmithtarot #tarotreadersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CBS5soln8Xw/?igshid=ihz405rhuo3x
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thesacredtrusttarot · 2 years ago
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Last Tarot post for awhile! - CUPS will be PATREON ONLY until complete. . . #thesacredtrust #swords #swordstarot #queenofswords #keeptucsonshitty #apocalypse #apocalyptictarot #tucsonarist #tucsonillustrator #tucsonartists #occult #unicorn #postapocalyptic #postapocalypticart #chernobyl #esoteric #occulthumor #occultism #occultartists #artistsoninstagram #inkonpaper #sketchbook #riderdeck #riderwaite #riderwaitetarot #riderwaitesmith #riderwaitesmithtarot #patreoncreator (at Tucson, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_gS2slkNE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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