new moon grimoire
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a witchy babe she/they astrologer-in-training moon & cosmic powers
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
✨🥂Leo in the houses and where you shine🥂✨
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Depending on where leo is located in your natal chart, it shows you where you shine and where you are bold and unapologetically you. It's where you show the most unwavering passion (dare I say even stubbornness 👀) 🥂💛
P.S. this post is based on my own opinions and interpretations of these placements. This is my very first "astrovation" post so yeah🥸
In the first house, leo shines within the natives public appearance in both their physical looks and personality. They often stand out for their piercing eyes and big hair (if not big hair in the sense of an afro for example, their hair could stand out for its colour and general style that not many others tend to have) since leo is represented by the lion, hence its mane as well. They have a big heart alongside a big personality to accompany it, making them very lovable people. The ascendant house is ruled by aries and in turn, aries rules the brain. This would likely present as an individual with a bubbly, fiery personality who is passionate about their loved ones and their interests. They are the type of people you can hear from a mile away. You can oftentimes find them wearing bright colours to accentuate their overall glittery disposition.
In the second house, leo shines in affairs related to speaking (as in a powerful, compelling voice that easily catches the attention of others) and the way in which they are able to convey their message. The individual may have a speaking tone comparable to a lion (I know this comparison is far fetched lol). They may even have an odd yet compelling singing voice that attracts attention. Next, those with leo in the second house tend to gravitate to bright, shiny jewelry such as, of course, gold (yellow gold in particular. The second house is ruled by taurus and in turn, taurus rules the mouth, vocal chords and neck among other specific parts, connecting the dots as to why these natives have a way of speaking and wearing jewelry (necklaces specifically) that complement their fiery side. They too tend to show a particular passion towards their finances and possessions, likely to show their proudness for their material achievements through their captivating voice. Finally, this person may feel compelled to express their emotions raw, and unfiltered. The lion here cannot hold back its roar in times of great intensity.
In the third house, leo shines in its ability to communicate physically, using their arms, hands, feet to create bodily gestures, such as dancing. The third house is the house of gemini and, in turn, rules over body parts that there are two of, just like the twin symbol of the gemini. These are natives who are bold in how they express themselves, maybe even more comfortable with the use of profanity (free expression)? I can envision them even writing and thinking in a less filtered way and expressing their opinions unwaveringly. They stand firm in their ideas and may appear extroverted (even if that may not be the case in real life). The individuals with this placement may also gravitate towards more boisterous means of communication and or learning themselves such as hip-hop and salsa dancing. As for learning, they may prefer brightly-coloured media and energetic music to hold their attention. Finally, these natives tend to show a passion for learning and will likely love to share their findings with others, in a bubbly and engaging way. In early education, they can be known to be highly engaged in class discussions.
In the fourth house, leo shines in affairs related to the family and home life, as the fourth house is that of the cancer. These natives are fierce protectors of their family, especially in cases where someone near and dear to them is wronged. I can imagine these individuals planning all sorts of parties and events, particularly in the comfort of their own backyard to embrace the company of their loved ones while in their sanctuary. Also, they can be more intense in the way they choose to "nurture" their children for instance. They may come off as intense and upset when they notice something off about a relative, ready to confront whoever is responsible for their misery. At the end of the day, the pain of their family becomes their pain and they do not play around, just like the ferocity of a lion. This house too governs the stomach, to which I can envision this placement my enjoy cooking "summery" foods such as tacos, pastas, red velvet cake among more vibrant foods. As a means of self-care, they may pamper themselves with bright home decorations, flowers, gold appliances and many more things of that nature.
In the fifth house, leo shines, well in its own assigned house! Leonine energy naturally shines here and with affairs related to the heart, literally and figuratively. These natives find solace in their hobbies and romantic endeavours. For fun, those with this placement may gravitate towards "heart-healthy" activities such as cardio, dancing and running (as they promote increased <3 rate). They may even dabble in more artsy interests such as painting and singing to feel more alive. In addition to heart-healthy activities, they too will be bold in the pursuit of lovers and will not hesitate to put their best foot forward. They know what they want and they use their heart to guide them in the right direction. They are adventurous people who do not shy away from the spotlight and the opportunity shine in any faucet of their life.
In the sixth house, leo shines in its ability to thrive in their daily routine as the sixth house is that of virgo, thus shines a light over affairs planning, health and self-improvement as well. These natives may indulge in a daily exercise regiment, including workouts that are particularly beneficial for digestion (since virgo rules the intestines, liver and pancreas). Yoga, bike-riding and walking are prime examples of exercises these natives may indulge in as a means of maintaining their health. In regards to their get ready for work routine, they might opt for reds, oranges and yellows in their outfits (for some reason, a burgundy pantsuit with gold jewellery stands out here) as well as bright red lipsticks to balance out the look. They're the kind of people to blast all sorts of empowering music as they prepare for their job. After work, however, they may decompress with a gold face mask or a nice, bright bath bomb in a bath of course. I can too envision a nice robe, pjs and slippers as a part of their notorious routine. Before bed, they might be the type to indulge in a nice cup of tea.
In the seventh house, leo shines in its ability to commit wholeheartedly to endeavours related to libra-esque qualities and, of course, special emphasis on equilibrium. In affairs related to partnerships of all sorts, whether love (marriage in particular), or business, these individuals give their undivided attention and feel the passion course through their veins (since libra rules the veins of course). As well as this can be beneficial, particularly in keeping others engaged with the native, this can too go south with affairs related legal matters. The individual may not know it in their nature to slow down and may result to defensiveness when the slightest question is asked of them. They also can be prone to conflict in undeveloped, straying away from the natural libran quality of equilibrium, which can cause much internal frustration to the native as they just want to express their caring side in a way that no one would doubt for even a second.
In the eighth house, leo shines in its natural magnetism and appeal as does scorpio, the representing force of this house. With this placement in particular, strangers may feel inexplicably drawn to the native though some physical attributes may explain this phenomena. The native may have particularly appealing hips and are likely curvy (scorpio rules the hips), making them more romantically desirable thanks to the leonine energy boost. In events related to growth and transformation, leo is loud and proud in their journey, that's not to say that there aren't any struggles of course. This scorpion and leonine energy may tend to clash as leo does not shy away whereas the 8th house tends to be more secretive. This may lead the native to take a more careful approach (more-so if undeveloped maybe) in growth and during their journey, but I can imagine them wanting to scream from the rooftops to anyone willing to listen about their secret experiences. When glow-ups come to mind in particular, this individual will literally shine brighter be more in tune with their leo-like traits.
In the ninth house, leo shines in affairs related to higher education, religion and travel (journeys of all sorts), since this house is governed by sagittarius. The lion is confident in their school-like abilities and applies their knowledge sans hesitation. Since sagittarius also rules the legs and thighs, I can imagine the natives' own would stand out in a positive way. They may enjoy walking, hiking or running, to account for their travels all the while basking in the suns' natural, healing light. Or, they may end up having to a lot of walking at school? Additionally, this individual may also have strong religious foundations that they hold unwaveringly in the way the conduct their daily lives and give them the strength to tackle all sorts of challenges in life.
In the tenth house, leo shines in its public perception and affairs related to the career. This is the house of capricorn, placing a more serious outlook on the perception of the world onto the native. Depending on who the individual just so happens to encounter, authority figures may feel strongly about them. On one hand, they will appreciate the natives fiery side and tenacity and on the other, may almost feel insulted by their lack of filter. In relation to career, this person naturally occupies the spotlight, making them the perfect choice for a performer, allowing them to naturally express their leo-like confidence to the world for entertainment purposes. These individuals can often be referred to as "king" or "queen" in the sense that they appear very self-involved in their career affairs. Regarding physicality, capricorn governs the skeletal system of the body; bones, joints and of course teeth. This could result in any of these parts of the body appearing more prominent, maybe even v-shaped tips to an extent (like those of a lion)?
In the eleventh house, leo shines in affairs related to clubs, friendship groups and initiatives that affect the collective, as aquarius is the one who governs this astrological house. The native naturally shines in their friend group and gives off leader vibes in a good way. These are the kind of people who make friends pretty much anywhere and are able to join any friend circle. Also, I can see this native joining clubs that allow them to express their creativity and self-expression such as drama club or even a dance club, more than likely with their group of friends (or new found friends within their clubs of course). As for collective endeavours, the native may find themselves in events such as communal carwashes and bake sales that allow them to interact with many and share their confident energy to the collective. Since aquarius also governs the calves and ankles, returning back to the point of clubs, the native may seek cardio-like activities to accentuate said parts of themselves.
In the twelfth house, leo shines, well in affairs related to the hidden part of self, parts that are repressed and should be released. This native keeps their loud, boisterous self to themselves, often fearing the judgment of others. Deep-down, they know that they want to be seen by others but they allow their fears to talk them out of it and promptly retreat back into their shell. Only once in a blue moon may they express themselves to their loved ones though quickly shy away once they point out their abilities, despite the most likely positive response they garner. This reaction is born of insecurity and self-esteem, leading the native to oftentimes feel inadequately loved, despite their own withholding of their true self. To overcome this, the individual must learn to loosen up a little and take baby steps in revealing their personality with loved ones. Only then will they be able to expand and develop their suppressed leonine qualities and live a more fulfilling life.
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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Full moon at the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio, Greece
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
<Recieve Unexpected Money In 24/Hrs
Like & Reblog to cast this 💰Money💰 spell
#follow your @cosmicguide
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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aries moon
The sparklers, fireworks. Aries moons are in my top 3 fav moons signs, i adore them. These people are spontaneous and so so fun. If you wanna travel to a different country impulsively or do something really spontaneous these are your people to go to. They can have a reputation for being perhaps a bit stubborn or hot headed. But here’s the thing. These people are unbelievably passionate, so they can be reactive (within varying degrees) when they feel they aren’t being heard or taken seriously. Not every aries moon is unable to regulate their own emotions. The aries moons i’ve met personally have such a love for living and experiencing new things. It’s like the most childlike thing i’ve noticed about them is their sense of wonder. They are the explorers and wanderers. They can be slightly rebellious in terms of their curiosity. Aries moons have such an amazing way of taking you out of your head. They’re like come on let’s go. They help people live in the moment. Aries moons never take a moment for granted, they have such a untouchable appreciation for experiences. Aries moons are also very riveting to talk to. Their expressions and gestures are so fascinating. They get so lost in their words, they can’t control how they express this passion. Aries moons are accepting, the things you think make you weird, they love. They have a way of making people let loose and just be themselves. These people value authenticity, it’s extremely important to them. They can see fake so easily. They can be in the worst situation and they’ll see a way out. They can be sensitive in regards to their passions or the people they love. So if an aries moon is talking about something they love please don’t sigh or rush them. So why are aries moons expressive? Well aries moons sort of have to express themselves. The reason for this is because they can have boiling point moments if they don’t. This is usually triggered if they feel dismissed or belittled. The worst thing you can do is dismiss an aries moon. These people are LOYAL. This is specifically in terms of friendship. They will defend you in any situation. They’ll be at the rescue if you’re in danger or you need help. This is not an easy moon placement to have. But as the aries moon gets older, they usually learn to channel their (varying) explosiveness towards something they’re passionate about. They just feel so intensely. I would say aries moons are in the top 3 most intense feeling moons. Aries moons don’t hold grudges. It doesn’t mean they’ll keep you around no matter what you do. However, they move on emotionally. They don’t feel the need to wallow and pity themselves. They also don’t feel the need to waste their time being resentful, they see resentment as self destructive and a waste of time. Aries moons value independence. If you are trying to attract an aries moon, avoid being clingy or suffocating. They can’t tolerate neediness, if they feel like you are holding them back they’ll move on. I didn’t want to mention this because it feels so cliche but i will anyway. They can be competitive too, this varies from the aries moons who actually compete in every area of their existence😭, to the aries moons who need to win every board game. Try playing monopoly with them🌝. Aries moons march to the beat of their own drum, don’t bother trying to tell an aries moon what to do. A lesson some aries moons need to learn is to be perhaps a bit softer or understanding with people. If you’re a slow person this can trigger an aries moon very easily😭😭 aries moons are very meticulous about who they open up to. This doesn’t mean they’re cold, they’re far from it. But they don’t just open up to anyone. They can be very closed off with their deepest feelings.
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taurus moon
The first things you’ll hear about any taurus placements is comfort, luxury, food blah blah. We’re gonna go beyond that today and really peel those layers. Taurus moons are quite parental, almost territorial. When they care about someone, they are very protective and defensive over the person. They prefer to stay balanced rather than roller coaster within emotional extremes. But they do have a temper, they really do. But it’s hidden and unleashed when necessary. These people put family and friendships first, this is extremely important to them. They can have issues with letting go. Whether it’s holding onto a person that isn’t good for them etc, they can really struggle to let go. Why? Because taurus moons need familiarity and when they feel comfortable within that familiarity, they can be hesitant to let go of it. Taurus moons are comforting. If you want someone to soothe you or make you feel comforted find a taurus moon. Seriously, they have this way of making people feel understood. These people are of course stubborn, this is within varying degrees depending on their other placements. They will not change their mind when they’ve decided something. They are strong-willed. This is an amazing trait to have, however it can work against them especially during their teens years when this is more than likely an attitude they display towards authority figures. They don’t like unpredictability or inconsistency. If you say you’re going to do something, do it. They’ll be put off instantly if you tell them something you don’t mean or intend to do. They usually have a goal in terms of financial security and material comforts. They don’t like the idea of having to live in survival mode. Taurus moons also like aesthetics. You’ll find a taurus moon interested in interior design or art etc. They have great taste in art. Yes some of the taurus moons i’ve met have been foodies😭 but please let’s avoid this stereotype. Taurus moons like quality and they appreciate the finer things, but this doesn’t mean they’re just material gworls blah blah. They also value the small humilities in life. I don’t like the stereotype of taurus moons being reckless with their money or spending it on luxury items. Honestly i would say taurus moons are very aware of their spending habits and they are actually more on the cautious side in terms of spending. However, when it’s an occasion, best believe a taurus moon will buy the best presents. They are very meticulous regarding who they open up to. They aren’t cold, they’re far from it. But they hesitate to open up about their deepest feelings. They are very protective over their feelings, because vulnerability is difficult for them. They feel like their vulnerability will be mistaken for weakness. Slow and steady wins the race. They are usually very close to a parental figure. Taurus moons are very strong people, emotionally they are very regulated and careful with their reactions. They don’t like overly exaggerated expressions of emotions. They avoid people who are overly sensitive or people who display explosive emotions. They like stability. They like interesting discussions. They like people confiding in them too or asking for advice, because it displays an authentic bond.
gemini moon
chaos personified😭 i’m joking, i’m joking. Gemini moons never fail to surprise me. Gemini moons are known to be crackheads or bubbly people etc. But i want to dig and see what else there is beyond their exterior. These people are very mentally stimulating, their conversations are always so interesting. I never get bored talking to a gemini moon. They are fun to be around, they make people feel more childlike. They also have a reputation for being childish. But i think it’s important to establish the difference between childlike and childish. They have an uninhibited sense of wonder about anything and everyone. Their mind works on overdrive. They like to knows lots of facts about random things. They’re also intelligent, this isn’t limited to grades or academic achievement. I’m talking specifically about intelligence in terms of how much they know about different topics. These people would win at trivia 100%. They like to keep things moving. I’m not going to quote dory from nemo.
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I lied🌝 Anyway this is their attitude towards difficulties or obstacles. They make people see another perspective, a more positive outlook. Gemini moons are hilarious. Some of them lack in the filter department so it’s like thoughts=🗣. I really appreciate this about them though, i find it endearing. Gemini moons are authentic, they don’t particularly care about meeting any standards and particularly not societal standards. I also noticed they’re good at figuring out how to get to places. When i travel with them, they just know where to go. I let them lead the way because directions are not my forte. They’re great with navigating public transport, i don’t know i just love this😭 emotions come and go like waves. I’ve noticed i’m using a lot of sea imagery, what’s going on here?😭 Anyway i’ll roll with it. Their emotions go just as fast as they arrive. You never have to worry about gemini moons holding a grudge. They move on because they have other things to focus on and do, grudges don’t even seem to be an option. I admire this about them. They are very spontaneous. When i travel with a gemini moon there’s no plan😭 They’re up for adventure and i love this about them. I like how they’re not always meticulous, they’re not afraid to make mistakes. They trip, get up and move on, this is their motto. They also usually have some sort of random interest. These are the people who eat the same thing for breakfast for months (if they even eat breakfast) and then they randomly switch it up. They go through phases a lot. And these phases can end just as quickly as they started, hence their moodswings. Their sarcasm is so great. They are so blunt sometimes😭 You need thick skin to handle gemini moon’s communication style. They just say it how it is and i think it’s so refreshing. They like to talk about experiences and memories, this is a bonding experience for them. They have a genuine interest in people’s stories and experiences. They are very inquisitive, so they tend to ask questions. Not necessarily detectives but more so explorers.
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cancer moon
Cancer moons i’ve noticed usually take on a parental role in friendship groups (more so if they have prominent virgo placements or ceres aspects). They like to look after people and nurture people. These people are so caring, like i know this sounds cliche but honestly the cancer moons i’ve met have been such sweethearts. Cancer moons like comfort and familiarity. Similar to taurus moons in terms of stability and familiarity. Cancer moons like to keep long term connections and friendships. They usually have at least a friend they stay friends with from childhood. They like the idea of forming stable and genuine connections. Cancer moons pull through when u need them. If you ever need someone to cover for you or have your back, these are your people. They don’t have underlying motives or intentions and they don’t like this in other people. Cancer moons aren’t openly emotional, despite the ridiculous softie stereotype. However, you’ll spot a cancer moon talking about a memory and you’ll catch them in a wave of nostalgia. This is how you can see beyond their guard. Cancer moons often experience nostalgia. These people are very loyal and when they feel comfortable they’ll express their care for you, perhaps not in words. But they do express their care for people within helping people or remembering something you said years ago. They are considerate and loving. They usually have comfort movies and foods. So when they feel like they need a pick me up, they’ll watch a comfort film to cheer themselves up. Specific but true. This is a comfortable placement due to cancer being in its domicile within this moon placement. They are very understanding and they have a tendency to be able to see both sides of an argument. They aren’t neutral per say, but they allow everyone to have a turn in expressing themselves. Cancer moons feel like a safe space, they make people feel understood and comfortable. They are prone to mood swings, sometimes for no particular reason. But as they get older they learn to put less emphasis on low points. They can definitely wallow sometimes and this is okay for a very short amount of time. An important lesson to learn here is you are not your emotions and it’s important to not identify yourself with them. I just realised last night (july 1) was the cancer new moon. Anyway🌝 They can definitely be absorbed by their emotions sometimes and can feel overwhelmed. Remember detachment is sometimes important, over identifying with your emotions creates a very turbulent existence. They are very empathetic, remember to detach yourself from other people’s emotions. Cancer moon people often need time to recharge after social interactions, because they get drained very easily. A lot of these people are great at different forms of divination due to this deep awareness they have. They are great at reading people and can easily decipher body language and nuances.
leo moon
These people are actual sweethearts! I have so much fun with leo moons. Anyway let’s talk about them. Leo moons value sentimentality. Every leo moon i’ve spoken to loves to reminisce about good times and fun memories. These are the optimists, it almost seems like nothing can get in the way of their positive attitude. Some leo moons feel like they have to upkeep their reputation of being a positive person. Some leo moons need to know it’s okay to let go of those expectations and express those other aspects of yourself. Leo moons help everyone else, they can forget to help themselves. They are such genuine people, what you see is what you get. They can sometimes be quite impulsive, which is either really fun or a bit destructive. Just make sure you are directing your impulsivity in a positive way. They know how to let loose and have fun. They have such a positive influence on other people and they usually have a great reputation. They usually have great social skills and people easily warm up to them. They are social butterflies, even if they’re introverted they are great at navigating social situations. They’re also charming. They just have this warmth about them. They make decisions confidently and they don’t care if it makes sense to other people, i love this about them. Even if they’re more timid, they have a boldness to their personality. Every leo moon i’ve spoken to has big ambitions, they have a vision for their future. They are futuristic thinkers and they have bold visualisations of what their future looks like. I admire this about them. I think something i haven’t seen people talk about is their possible addictive traits. These people can have addictive personalities and they have a tendency to overindulge in things when they’re not in a mentally good place. I won’t lecture anyone, but just watch out for this. Healthy leo moons are self assured and confident. When they feel confident, they also influence others to be. People look up to them.
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virgo moon
Hi virgo moons🌝 Let’s get to the juicy details, i know you love that😭. Anyway. Virgo moons. The investigators of details and pursuers of information. These people can have a refined or goofy demeanor and yet they all have the intellect. When they’re passionate about something they will find out every detail down to the cells😭 These people are known to be self critics and perfectionists. They want to meet their own standard. Their level of self criticism varies of course depending on other placements. It stems from their need to be better, to keep progressing. They always think there’s space for improvement and this can cause burnout. But these people are so self aware, i can guarantee they already know this. Their self perception can be warped due to self criticism, but their self awareness is always on point. Some of these people grew up with a critical parental figure, who set unachievable standards against them. Hence the same self inflicted behaviour, as they get older. Virgo moons are very devoted. When they decide someone is worth it oof, they’ll die for that person. This isn’t talked about enough! Like virgo moons can be so loyal, yet they’re usually portrayed as detached. Their detached demeanor stems from their fear of being hurt. They can see vulnerability as a weapon with the capability of being used against them. But when they are vulnerable, it’s so beautiful and real. These people are authentic. Authenticity and honesty is important to them. They hate fake people. They can’t stand dishonesty. If you lie to them they won’t hesitate to cut ties. Healthy virgo moons are great at setting boundaries and this is a wonderful trait to have. Virgo moons like to feel useful in any aspect. They like to help, this is their love language. These are the people you can go to in a crisis. Virgo moons are another moon sign who are not fans of instability, especially in a partner. They like consistent people because they are themselves. Inconsistency tells them they aren't a priority. These people have morals they stick to, they don't sway from these morals and they use them as a framework to rely on when they make decisions. These people need personal space, if you overstep their boundaries they'll most likely cut you off. They also need time to recharge like cancer moons. They HATE disorganisation, especially in regard to their personal space. They need to make sure their surroundings are organised because it helps them decipher their thoughts. To them surroundings are reflection of your mental state. They are deep thinkers and I would argue they're deep feelers. They just process things differently. It's systematic. They can sometimes try to rationalise their feelings, instead of actually feeling and I think this is why they can seem more closed off. They won't allow feelings to hinder their progress. This leads to my next point, virgo moons are hard workers. They can handle the everyday routine, but they are even more hardworking in regard to things they're passionate about. They are very loving, i feel like people don't talk about this. They are extremely loving and they can take on a caretaking role in their friendships. They like to mentor and help people.
libra moon
Libra moons. So sweet. So soft. So- hold on. ahaha I'm going to try to include every libra moon because I feel like they can have a very generalised reputation. I've seen posts here and there about libra moons being catty or 2 faced. Honestly it's ridiculous, so i'm going to debunk this. To me there are 2 categories of libra moons. The libra moons who avoid confrontation at all costs and the libra moons who face it head on ahaha. This could surprise you because whenever you search libra, diplomatic, mediators are the terms you see. People are multi faceted. Just like I wouldn't say all virgo moons are critical, I wouldn't say libra moons are all diplomats. I think the reason why libra moons have a people pleasing reputation, is because they like people to feel comfortable around them and sometimes this can come off as perhaps a bit fabricated. Libra moons are idealists, they like to imagine outcomes and scenarios. I would even say they're dreamers. They love to imagine romantic scenarios, yeah i'm exposing you ahaha. Every libra moon i've spoken to has a romantic fantasy, whether it's sexual or about a specific partner they want. Libra moons value respect. Disrespecting or being condescending towards a libra moon is probably the worst thing you could do. An unhealthy libra moon likes to cause chaos in varying degrees, i'm not judging we all have shadow sides. But libra moons are not afraid to uproot diplomacy when it's necessary, not necessarily drama for drama's sake, but more so to prove a point or to defend themselves. At one point or another, every libra moon has to prove themselves, assert themselves. They tend to get taken advantage of in their younger years, but when they get older they learn how to utilise their empathetic nature. This is a placement they have to grow into and merge with to really use it in their favour. Now this is where I talk about the balance thing you've probably read about over and over again. Libra moons have usually dealt with chaos in some form, either their childhood home environment, or a adult figure who embodied chaos, perhaps even chaotic friendships. Navigating chaos is a lesson they have to learn. Libra moons are usually artistic in some way, if not this, then they appreciate art and have great artistic taste. These people have an exquisite playlist. They like to experience art in all forms, music, decorating, dance etc. They usually have great fashion too and not always the pretty in pink sort of fashion. I've seen libra moons who really like gothic styles or darker fashion, fishnet tights, velvet, red and black etc. They express themselves artistically either literally or within how they dress, perhaps both. They also can feel very connected to a celebrity or someone who does what they want to do. They can get emotionally attached to someone who moves them emotively. There are 2 types of libra moons in regard to romantic interests. The people who like the elegant, refined, put together, soft or stern partners and the people who love the tattoos and cigarette coming out of the mouth types. I was going to say more, but i'll save it for the 18+ post. Libra moons are curious. They like to learn about the people they love. Libra moons also love to really live in the moment because they tend to get lost in their thoughts sometimes. So if you're someone who can remove them from the expansiveness of their mind, then they're all yours. They are visionaries too. They can be very creatively unique. A healthy libra moon is themselves regardless of who they're with. Libra moons are considerate and genuine. You can confide in these people without worrying about being judged or lectured.
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scorpio moon
They’re intelligent. They’re slow to open up, so they usually present a more toned down aspect of themselves. They’ve probably read this too much but they’re intense. Now i love this about them, but they can have a similar affect on people as pluto-ascendant. People either revel in this intensity or they can’t handle it. Scorpio 🌑’s are detectives so if they really like you you’ll find them asking you deep questions. This is because they want to know what drives people. The majority of them hate small talk. They can see superficiality from a mile away. They hate how surface level things are nowadays. These people are the type of people to like trauma bonding. Let me explain because i don’t mean it in a negative away. They feel flattered when people open up to them. They like the idea of exposing each other’s wounds and healing them together. They like the more jagged, unfiltered aspects of existence. They want to hear about your deepest trauma rather than superficial shit. These people listen and they don’t insert their own opinions. They have this great aspect of acceptance within their personality. The underdogs, damaged, wounded, hurt, they take them in and protect them. They’ve seen the darker aspects of existence, usually within the form of a mother or something traumatic during childhood. Quite a few of these people have controlling mothers or a mother who was very intense or protective during childhood. Sometimes it can be hard for them to get to know themselves, they have to rummage and separate themselves from the external. They can get lost in their feelings. Their feelings can seem like a weapon out to get them. Most of these people have a hard exterior, you can’t see they feel so much. This is a protective mechanism, because they learned early on that exposing such parts of yourself can be used against you. So they tend to hide this part of themselves, suppressing it deeper and deeper until they completely lose themselves. Then they live in survival mode, tackling daily existence. They’ve usually dealt with an identity crisis at least once. This is because they wonder why they can’t be accepted. Why do they need a facade? They are some of the most resilient people and i really admire them. I feel so accepted by them. I’m surrounded by them so their energy is so familiar. I absolutely adore them. They are so refreshing compared to the superficiality and inauthenticity of society. Once they really like you or feel comfortable talking to you, they’ll randomly ask questions. Ranging from what you had for breakfast to what your biggest regret is ahaha. They usually have some sort of values they don’t sway from. Not necessarily religious or anything, but they have deep beliefs of some sort. They can be suspicious of people, they are not naive in any way. People can see their facade as weakness, but scorpio 🌛 are far from it. These people are investigators so they’ll dig and probe until they reach the point of discovery. They have a way of uncovering the surface. They see what’s beyond it. They are not easily revealing so if you can get close to them feel flattered! They are so loyal. If you want ride or die loyalty these are your people. They are there in any situation, you can rely on them. Also let me just say, their humour is underrated. They always make me laugh ahaha. But let me add these are the people who make jokes about their trauma. These people are authentic and raw. They’ll research anything because they love learning. They are usually drawn to more i won’t say taboo, but raw topics. They want to see the unhinged depths of existence. They can see wounds in other people. They’ll help you face them. These people have a deep understanding of society and just humans in general. They wonder how they fit. They wonder what their role is. They think about their purpose because their passions are important to them.
Of course i’m going to mention the obsessive aspect of their personality. When they really like someone, not just romantically but in general they become obsessive. Let me explain why. Their obsessive behaviour links to their abandonment issues. It’s not a i want to control you obsession, but it’s please stay obsessiveness. Control or power dynamics could have been prevalent in childhood, hence the obsession. This can overwhelm people. But it’s not anything to be ashamed of. They can be massive overthinkers, and depending on other aspects, their thoughts can overwhelm them. They have usually dealt with questioning their self worth and a sort of existential crisis. They can doubt themselves heavily. It takes time for them to realise how powerful they are. And let me tell you they’re powerful. My advice to them would be ignore people underestimating you and assert your power in any way that suits you. They should try to ignore expectation in general. I would also say, prioritise yourself, try not to become everyone’s therapist or trauma dustbin. They also are so insanely loyal, once they commit they would literally die for the person they love. These people are sexy. So sexy. They usually hide their intensity, but it’s always in their eyes. They have the sexiest eyes. They’re so intimidating ahaha. It’s either 👁👁 or 😏. I always find them so attractive. They don’t collectively look scorpionic, it depends on their other placements. They tend to love staring, especially if you intrigue them. I always find their eyes intense.
sagittarius moon
The fun lovers and thrill seekers. oof. Being around these people is a rollar coaster ride you'll never forget. These people are sizzling and so spontaneous. Fun and fresh and refreshing to be around. Sagittarius moons are thrill seekers, and I don't necessarily mean in a reckless sense, but they like to feel euphoria, a rush of senses. They like anything to stimulate their senses, so you'll probably find a sag moon who's a candle or incense enthusiast. They are go getters. They don't wait for the moment, they are the moment. They can be futuristic thinkers, but they don't usually let the future stifle them. The unknown thrills them. A healthy sag moon has a balanced awareness of the present and future. I'm mentioning this because an unhealthy sag moon disregards the future as a faraway moment and can make reckless decisions because of this. They like to travel and I don't just mean physically, anything can be a journey to them. They like to make an experience out of anything, even mundane stuff. This is why sag moons need a change of routine and spontaneity. Without spontaneity they lose their oomph. Sag moons are experimental, i'm not going to make this 18+, not in this post. But they like to try new things. You'll find a sag moon trying all the tasters at a food market or taking a new route to work, because why not? You've probably heard every sag moon say this. You're like why? And they say, why not? They don't feel the need to have a reason to treat themselves, they just do. This is their motto, just do. Sag moons don't like the idea of possible regret. They have to try anything sparking their curiosity because they feel like time is ahead of them. leading onto my next point. Unhealthy sag moons feel like time is running out, hence why they can sometimes have a reputation for being reckless. Unhealthy sag moons also feel invincible or overly lucky. They are scared of having regrets so sometimes they feel like to need to do it now. A healthy sag moon will take it a step at a time and realise time is always passing, not leaving them, but simply moving. Sag moons like a fast paced existence, they like to surprise themselves. Some sag moons, perhaps most, have a philosophy as their morality. They possibly don't even know this themselves. But every decision a sag moon makes is based on their philosophy, such as do it or make it happen. Does this make sense? Some sag moons also like to read about different things and random topics because they are students. They like to take in different types of information to create a catalogue of random facts and ideas. If you want an honest, blunt opinion these are your people ahaha. They don't withhold their thoughts. Their bluntness is refreshing. They usually have a crazy amount of energy when they're young and could probably bounce off the walls ahaha. But sag moons are great because they express themselves, I've never seen a sag moon who doesn't just express how they feel. They are the neverending wanderers.
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capricorn moon
These people are very complex if you don't actually understand them. It can almost seem like they don't feel at all from the outside in. But this is an exterior. Not every capricorn moon, but a lot of them, have dealt with a cold adult figure growing up. They could have possibly grown up in an environment where emotions were disregarded or even looked down on. So when they got older they realised emotions can be used against you and they formed this mask. Capricorn moons value tradition and loyalty. They were the kid who was mature for their age and probably got on more with adults. They can be introverted and prefer their own company. Their social battery gets drained pretty easily due to overstimulation. They prefer having a few friends as opposed to a big friendship group. This is because they really value genuine connections. These people HATE small talk. Talk to them about the weather and watch them drift off ahaha. They like to take charge of their own decisions. They hate being told what to do. They hate this because it tells them you undermine their capabilities and intelligence. Capricorn moons don't really tend to cry often and if they do it's because they've held it in and they need to let it out or because they're stressed. They tend to get stressed quite easily, this is because they overthink and their thoughts can race against them sometimes. They have very rigid values and they believe in having a strong sense of identity. They know who they are, even if they hide it, they know who they want to become. They have ideals and expectations for themselves, because a lot of them value success in some form. You'll find a lot of capricorn moons being NT or ST in the MBTI system. I won't ramble on about that, but it's something i've noticed. An unhealthy capricorn moon is scared of their own emotions or people who are outwardly emotionally expressive. But over time they can face this. They tend to be sceptical of people who are emotionally expressive because they don't understand how you can be so open and vulnerable. They value organisation and they probably keep lists or write schedules of some sort. They could also be interested in older partners, because they believe age comes with more experience and awareness of things. This is because they can feel age regressed around people their own age, specifically romantically. They have ideals and they organise these ideals in categories, romance, routine etc. They are extremely categorical. They can be blunt at times, especially if someone annoys them. They can also have a stern energy, and this intimidates people. They are stubborn and unhealthy capricorn moons are relentless with their opinions. They believe in self improvement and they are on a constant journey to success. They can attract people who need their help, or softer people. This intrigues them to an extent but after a while it drives them nuts. More disorganised people tend to be attracted to them. Remember cap 🌛’s (you know this already ahaha) prioritise yourself, you can't mentor everyone. Some of them like to read. I would heavily recommend journaling for these people.
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aquarius moon
we meet again. You already know how I feel about you. I think aqua moons are the most misunderstood out of the moon signs, like ridiculously stereotyped. So being an aqua moon lover, i'm going to debunk the stupidity i've seen and i'm going to talk about them in depth. Aquarius moons are known to be, I guess, weird or detached. Here's what i'll say. I see these people as highly intelligent, they are bigger picture thinkers, hence why their ideas can seem somewhat abstract or far fetched. They think about the possibilities of reality and the multiple outcomes. Yes they can indulge in conspiracy from time to time. They have an absolutely amazing ability to link patterns, it's something i've noticed. In conversations i'll notice them mentally making links, it's so endearing. This is turning into a love letter and i'm not going to apologise for it ahaha. Anyway going on from my point. These people can take a point from one topic and draw a point from another topic and relate them. It's so specific, but does this make sense? They are so intellectually stimulating. I just can't get enough of their brain. They are iconoclasts and they never take things at face value. They will come to their own conclusions despite what anyone else is saying. They walk away from the crowd and dig their own path. They aren't afraid to disregard deep rooted structures to pursue their own belief system. To me they're simply fascinating and they are so so unique. This is why i hate them being described as weird because they are far from it. Weird is such a shallow way to describe them. Iconoclast, visionary, so on and so on. Much better. Perhaps even eclectic. They have no desire to find a way to make themselves fit in, they just don't bother because they don't need to. They don't care about how they're viewed because they know themselves and that's enough. They don't care for approval. However, i will say these people are human (contrary to popular belief) so during their teens years, being outcasted or unseen can bother them, which can result in reckless behaviour. But this placement ages so nicely. Once they accept themselves, instead of trying to fit the common narrative, they become so powerful. They can take down structures. They are so intelligent. I just love this about them so much. I can go on about this forever ahaha. My next point. The aquarius moons have a no feelings stereotype, this is frankly ridiculous. The reason why they can seem detached is because they don't see a reason to open up to you. If they want to open up, they do. And let me tell you, when they do reveal their emotions, they become even more interesting, even more complex. They can also seem detached because they see their emotions as a puzzle to solve. This can cause them to become observers of their own emotions, instead of actually feeling them. Being an observer is a great trait, but in moderation. A healthy aqua moon has a balance of both feeling and observing. What i love about these people is how they don't hold themselves to societal standards, they understand everyone has their own pace and purpose. I've never had more deep and intellectually stimulating conversations than with an aqua moon. They are simply- no complexly amazing.
pisces moon
hi my darlings. Pisces moons, you dreamboats. I really said dreamboats, wow anyway ahaha. Pisces moons are my idealists, my romanticists. Pisces moons have a reputation of being softies or passive. Here's the thing, these people are empathetic, but they're not dumb. If you try to manipulate their empathy, they aren't afraid to cut ties. Setting boundaries is a lesson for these people to learn and it doesn't come naturally, it's usually learned the hard way. They are usually artistic is some way. If not literally, then their imagination is boundless. They can visualise and create pictures in their mind. These people are usually easily able to astral travel too, so please be careful if you attempt this. They are very receptive to people's emotions, so over time they tend to limit social interaction to conserve their energy. They, just like libra moons, like to imagine scenarios before bed. Yes i'm exposing you ahaha. They like to imagine there's more than what is. You think what is, they think what is possible? Unhealthy pisces moons live in their imagination to escape reality, or use creative vices such as reading etc as an escape. This of course isn't an issue, unless it starts to become a crutch or a hinderance within day to day existence. They are such genuine individuals and they have such positive intentions. Their rose coloured glasses can get in the way sometimes, so a balance of idealism and realism is so important for these people.
I wanted to mention timothee chalamet quickly because I recently watched Dune ahaha. He's a great example of piscean empathy being utilised to his advantage. I mean his acting is impeccable. I always wondered why until I discovered he's a pisces moon and it made so much sense. He has a delicacy about him, despite his saturian placements. This leads onto my next point. These people have a very vulnerable delicacy about them. Unhealthy pisces moons will use this to their advantage to manpiulate. But the healthy pisces moons will embrace this quality instead of seeing it as their hamartia. Their delicacy does not equate to weakness. It takes so much power to be delicate, because vulnerability is powerful. These people are also absorbed in their own bubble ahaha. You’ll be rambling on and they’re on a different planet mentally. I love this about them. I always wonder what they’re thinking about. A lot of these people need loads of sleep to be functioning optimally, but some of them have great difficulty sleeping. It’s a catch 22 sort of situation. These people can also be lucid dreamers. They have a great understanding of people and they make people feel so understood. It’s like you don’t have to explain anything, they just get it. They are very observant, more so because of their empathy. They can feel what you feel, so they often feel changes around other people. They can feel sudden changes in their emotions when they’re around people. A lot of these people have hidden psychic abilities not necessarily how people understand the definition of psychic, but i’m sure you know what i mean. Their eyes are so dreamy. It’s like you can see what they see when you look at them. There’s a whole dreamscape in their eyes. These people are so beautiful, raw, genuine and so real. People like them are hard to come by these days.
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this post is based on single, isolated placements, so it’s possible you won’t resonate with all the information.
hi my darlings! This took me a while to write but i had so much fun! I’ve learned more about my perceptions of you all, along the way. Let me know what you think! I appreciate any sort of feedback! If you have any suggestions for my next post, let me know!🌚🖤
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
In natal chart, we look through your 7th house ruler, like which house is in, and we can tell the place where you can meet with your spouse.
for example: if your rising sign is libra, your 7th house is in aries. and aries rules mars. so we look which house mars is in.
ruler - planet
aquarius-saturn&uranus (you can check both)
pisces-jupiter & neptune (you can check at both )
scorpio-mars&pluto (you can check both)
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so if your 7th house ruler is in your first house: it means you are going to meet your spouse in events which you made them happen. you are going to find them not them going to find you. you meet them on purpose. you meet them in your early ages.
if your 7th house ruler is in your second house: it means you are going to meet your spouse in banks, restaurants, cafes, museums, in your comfort zones, you can meet them via mutual friends. you can meet them via your common interests.
if your 7th house ruler is in your third house: it means you are going to meet your spouse in places where you get your education, you can meet them when you are in a short term travel. they are in your close circle or they know someone from your close circle. you can meet them near your hometown. they can be your childhood love.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 4th house: it means you are going to meet your spouse in your hometown, near to your house, somewhere where you live in. your spouse can be from your hometown. or you can meet in other city, other country but they are from your hometown. they can be from the past.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 5th house: it means you are going to meet them on holidays, in schools, in the place where it can be a lot of children, in the place where you can get there just for fun. restaurants, cafes, clubs etc.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 6th house: it means you are going to meet them in the place where you go there very frequently, in your workplace, in gym, in hospitals, near to hospitals, gym or somewhere where people get there quick and people are there for work. you can meet them via your friend who is seen the most by you.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 7th house: it means you are going to meet them in a fateful way. in a event that you did not create or cause. you can meet them on court. they can be your client.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 8th house: it means you are going to meet them when you are drunk, tipsy. you can meet them in a bar, in less crowded and dark places.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 9th house: it means you are going to meet them at university, or in a language lesson, on abroad. they can be from another country, state, city.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 10th house: it means you are going to meet them in crowded places, city squares, or well known cafes. it can be an arranged marriage.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 11th house: it means you are going to meet them on social media or you can meet them via friends, social events, at concerts, festivals.
if your 7th house ruler is in your 12th house: it means you are going to meet them in confined spaces, like a cafe. it can be a cafe where you visit most often.
note: those observations can change or can be added through the aspects of the ruler.
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
⚜️🌷Finding lost things with astrology help🌷⚜️
Did you know that astrology can help to find lost things? If your ring, keys, or even phone are missing, you better keep reading because I will tell you how to find them🤍
The moment when you realize that you have lost something is the most important because the question is “born”. Check your time and place when you acknowledge that you lost something. Then go to or your other preferred website, and create a new chart with the information about your lost item.
When the chart is created, you can now start the investigation haha.
1. You need to find a planet that represents your lost item.
Sun - gold items, things in yellow, orange color. Something that belongs to the father or husband. Batteries. Sunglasses.
Moon - silver items. Something that belongs to the wife or mother. Feminine products. Food, cooking utensils (except sharp things).
Mercury - documents, paper, journals, pens/pencils, notes, books, letters, homework, library card. Things that are related to education/studies. Bicycle, car. Keys.
Venus - cosmetics, jewelry, clothes (except shoes and belts). Money. Fluffy and soft things. Sweets.
Mars - sharp items (knife, scissors, knitting needles, etc). Things in red color. Warming and metal items. Sport inventory. Things related to the military.
Jupiter - big items. Something very expensive and valuable. Items in purple color. Encyclopedia, thick books. Notes from lectures. Souveniers, things that have been brought from a foreign land. Glasses/lenses.
Saturn - solid, heavy, or cold items. Things in black color. Leather items. Something old. Shoes, belts. Measuring devices, crystals. Watch.
Uranus - Technology, phone, camera, chargers. Parachute. High/long items. Things related to science, electricity.
Neptune - music, photography, headphones. Liquids (perfumes, alcohol, chemicals). Medicine. Harmful substances like cigarettes and drugs.
Pluto (used rarely) - very specific things, video-making technology.
If you have no idea which planet can represent your lost item, use 2nd house. It's universal because it rules over our belongings.
Now that you know which planet represents your item, check the house placement.
If you are sure that the item is lost in your house then use this interpretation:
1st house -> near the entrance door, in outwear pockets, corridor.
2nd house -> near personal belongings (ex. Jewelry box, etc.), kitchen.
3rd house -> on the table, in drawers, near documents. In a place where the most communication happens.
4th house -> on the floor, in the basement, under the bed or carpet, in the dining room, in parents/grandparents room.
5th house -> children’s room, living room, entertainment area, near children’s toys.
6th house -> working area, utility room.
7th house -> bedroom, near partners belongings.
8th house -> in a trash can, in a dirty place, in sewerage.
9th house -> studying area, on a bookshelf, balcony, terrace, next to souvenirs.
10th house -> in a high place, attic, on closet.
11th house -> guests room, next to the window, on the windowsill.
12th house -> in a dark place, behind something, furthest room, bathroom, pool.
If you are sure that the lost item isn't at your house, then use this interpretation:
1st house -> somewhere near your home, near the entrance door.
2nd house -> place where was the payment made, atm.
3rd house -> car, in public transport, kindergarten, street, at your neighbor or siblings' place.
4th house -> in your parents/grandparents' place, your other property.
5th house -> in the entertainment place, restaurant, nightclub, at the exhibition.
6th house -> in the workplace, hospital, salon.
7th house -> the item is with another person. Possibly stolen.
8th house -> garbage that isn't in your house, in the cemetery, in the toilets, in the forest/woods.
9th house -> in an educational institution, in another country, airport, airplane, hotel.
10th house -> at the workplace with authorities/bosses, in state authority.
11th house -> in a friend's house, in a place where collective events occur.
12th house (saddest placement lol) -> the item is hopelessly lost, fallen into the crowd of people, and probably will not be found.
Stelliums with the item’s rulership planet are important!! It tells what else is next to the lost thing.
If the rulership planet is next to:
Sun - item is covered, hard to see. Hidden.
Moon - next to the item is something “alive”, a pet’s sleeping spot, flowers/plants, toddlers playing area.
Mercury - next to the item is something related to communication, letters, documents, papers, small electric devices.
Venus - next to the item is something beautiful, clothes, jewelry, painting. Next to something fluffy and soft.
Mars - next to the item is something red, metallic, sports inventory, working tools.
Jupiter - next to the item is something big, expensive.
Saturn - next to the item is something old, cold (fridge), a clock.
Uranus - next to the item is electric devices, a camera, computer, and laptop.
Neptune - item is next to the medicaments, liquids, chemical elements.
Pluto - item is next to something dangerous.
Hope this helped and you enjoyed reading!
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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‘Opawlia’ by Susan Herbert (1945 - 2004)
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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A true story…
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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a grimoire and a necklace make do for a divination board and pendulum 🌿
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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Hearts on the surface of Mars
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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The last of the three illustrations I made last year for “Witchzine” fanzine. The theme was “Witches’ Pharmacy/Healing Witches”, so the idea of my illustrations was inspired by the preparation of a healing ritual.
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
“A poem begins with a lump in the throat.”
— Robert Frost (via thoughtkick)
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newmoondemon · 3 years ago
How to Dress a Candle
“Dressing” is the term most often used to mean anointing the candle with oil. Dressing the candle is done in the following procedure:
Starting from the center of the candle, rub your oil on the candle’s surface with your right hand (left, if you’re left-handed), upward to the candle’s wick. Continue rubbing the oil on the candle’s surface, from the center upwards until the entire top half of the candle is anointed.
Then from the candle’s center, rub downward to the bottom of the candle. Continue rubbing the oil from the center downward until the bottom half of the candle’s surface is anointed.
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It is very important that you concentrate upon the symbolism which the candle has in your ritual while you’re anointing it. The act of concentration while anointing the candle with oil firmly sets in the mind of the operator the vibratory influence which the candle will have during the ritual. To further fix in your mind the symbolism the candle has in your ritual, hold the candle in your right hand (left, if left-handed) and visualize the candle’s symbolism. If the candle represents money, see money or the amount if you need; if love, a heart; etc...
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