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thecraggus · 5 months ago
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The Thing (1982) Review
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The Thing (1982) Review The Thing elevates paranoia to iconic levels.... click link to read more Read the full article
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filmbookpodcast · 7 months ago
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The Complete Works Ep. 109: Tom Cruise - RISKY BUSINESS (1983) https://film-book.com/the-complete-works-ep-109-tom-cruise-risky-business/?feed_id=146506&_unique_id=66d52dd0344d0
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unblogparaloschicos · 10 months ago
Cine: Seis grados de separación (1993)
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La noche promete ser de una importancia esencial para John Flanders, "Flan", Kittredge (Donald Sutherland) y su esposa Ouisa (Stockard Channing, nominada al Oscar a la Mejor Actriz): están frente a su amigo e inversor Geoffrey Miller (Sir Ian McKellen), con quien está a punto de cerrar la venta de una pintura de Paul Cézanne. El negocio es millonario, pero les cae la inesperada visita de un muchacho que afirma haber sido asaltado. Éste se hace llamar Paul (Will Smith, que entonces estaba saboreando las mieles del éxito como rapero y como protagonista de la sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air") y, además, los sorprende confirmándoles que es compañero de la universidad de sus hijos y que es hijo del gran actor Sidney Poitier. Su carisma es indudable y no tarda en sorprenderlos con su profusa cultura literaria, sus dotes culinarios y anécdotas variadas sobre su presunto padre.
Conmovidos por tan extraordinaria personalidad, la pareja, luego de sanar su herida, le permite pasar la noche en su casa y le da cincuenta dólares. A la mañana siguiente, le encuentran en la cama con un prostituto (Lou Milione) y, en medio de un gran escándalo, echan a ambos del departamento noyorquino. Hablando con amigos, descubren que el modus operandi del muchacho es similar y emprenden la tarea de buscar a tan extraño, aunque encantador, personaje, para intentar evitar que continúe con su desquiciada cruzada.
La historia es increíble, pero real: su inspiración es David Hampton, un adolescente que estafó a estrellas de la magnitud de Melanie Griffith, Calvin Klein o Gary Sinise haciéndose pasar por David Poitier, hijo de, claro, Sidney Poitier. Hampton recibió una condena que iba de los dieciocho meses a los cuatro años de prisión y murió en 2003 por complicaciones del sida. Luego llegaría la pieza teatral, escrita (al igual que el guión de esta película) por John Guare. La dirección recayó en el australiano Fred Schepisi, quén se valió de talentos actorales como Mary Beth Hurt, Heather Graham, Bruce Davison, Richard Masur, Eric Thal, Kelly Bishop, Anthony Rapp, J. J. Abrams (sí, el director de "Star Wars, el despertar de la fuerza" y "Star Trek") y, en el rol de Trent Conway, el primer incauto qua cae ante los encantos de Paul, Anthony Michael Hall.
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duranduratulsa · 1 year ago
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Now showing on my Spooktober Filmfest...It (1990) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #it #stephenkingsit #stephenking #pennywise #pennywisetheclown #timcurry #sethgreen #tonydakota #EmilyPerkins #BrandonCrane #AdamFaraizl #OliviaHussey #dennischristopher #RichardMasur #annetteotoole #RIPHarryAnderson #HarryAnderson #johnritter #ripjohnritter #jonathanbrandis #ripjonathanbrandis #richardthomas #vintage #vhs #90s #spooktober #halloween #october
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brennerrama · 2 years ago
“If the rich could hire others to do their dying for them, the poor could make a wonderful living.”
Richard Masur in Heaven’s Gate
#heavensgate #michaelcimino #richardmasur #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
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geekynerfherder · 4 years ago
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#TheThing, first released in cinemas #OnThisDay in 1982⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #TitleScreen #OTD #JohnCarpenter #KurtRussell #WilfordBrimley #TKCarter #DavidClennon #KeithDavid #RichardDysart #CharlesHallahan #PeterMaloney #RichardMasur #DonaldMoffat #JoelPolis #ThomasGWaites https://www.instagram.com/p/CQjYfsDJ_no/?utm_medium=tumblr
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1991movierewind · 2 years ago
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In Episode 91, we discuss this coming-of-age-comedy-drama about an 11-year-old girl that lives with her father in a funeral home. While her father is consumed with his work, she starts to feel more ignored when he starts spending time with his new hire. She has a lot of questions about life and death, but doesn't know where to turn for help. Directed by Howard Zieff, Starring Anna Chlumsky, Macaulay Culkin, Dan Akroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis and released on November 27, 1991. #1991 #1990s #1991movierewind #90snostalgia #90smovies #90sfilm #90s #mygirl #annachlumsky #macauleyculkin #danakroyd #jamieleecurtis #howardzieff #lauriceelehwany #griffindunne #richardmasur #tomvillard #mygirlmovie #mygirl1991 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmR00R_Olbw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ocmdbeachdude · 4 years ago
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Coming up tomorrow morning! ocean98.com #ocean98 #ocmd #bulldogsrudeawakeningshow #voiceofthecommunity #thankyouforlistening #thecarstoremdde #thetruckstoremdde #gavinbrinkmusic #richardmasur #appletv #amazonprimevideo #markstrosstechbyte #seacrets #seacretsdistillingcompany (at Ocean 98.1 WOCM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0bKkWL0mv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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weekendwarriorartlife · 7 years ago
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Ooooohhhh Yeeeaaaah!!! ( In my Kool Aid Guy voice😂) More (I guess😂😂😂)📫📼Mail Day Flick-A-Roo📼📬 **Extremo Duos On Tape** #licensetodrive #1988 #coreyhaim #coreyfeldman #heathergraham #carolkane #richardmasur #littlemonsters #1989 #fredsavage #howiemandel #vhs #vhstape #vhstapes #vhscollection #vhscollector #vhscollecting #vhscollectors #vhsordie #vhsaintdead #feedyourvcr #vcrfeedingtime #videocassette #movies #vhskids
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doomonfilm · 4 years ago
Thoughts : The Thing (1982)
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When the video game Among Us found a sudden boom in popularity this past summer, two years after its 2018 release, immediate comparisons to John Carpenter’s classic creature feature The Thing began to pop up.  Whether intentional or not, the remote location and the sinister nature of imposter presence could not be ignored.  Seeing as I had only recently (FINALLY) gotten around to watching The Thing, now seemed like the perfect time to share my thoughts on the film.
A dog finds its way onto the grounds of an American research facility in Antartica, and shortly after its arrival, a Norwegian helicopter follows with gunfire and grenades.  After one of the Norwegian contingent accidentally blows himself up with a dropped grenade, the second is killed by station commander Garry (Donald Moffat).  MacReady (Kurt Russell) and Dr. Cooper (Richard Dysart) head to the Norwegian research facility to investigate, while the remainder of the team stays behind and watches the dog.  MacReady and Dr. Cooper find a malformed corpse they are unable to identify at the Norwegian station and bring it back to the American station for Blair (A. Wilford Brimley), the site biologist, to autopsy.  While Blair is in the midst of discovering that the creature has human organs, Clark (Richard Masur) kennels the dog, only for it to transform and absorb the other dogs it is locked in the kennel with.  Childs (Keith David) eliminates the dog-creature with a flamethrower, and in the wake of this shocking event, the entire crew attempts to investigate what is going on.  The ensuing investigation not only puts true fear into the entire crew, it manages to eliminate any sense of trust amongst the team.
For a film with such a deliberate pacing, the terror and paranoia moments presented are some of the most palatable committed to film.  The Americans do present somewhat of a united front (no pun intended) when the Norwegians first intrude upon the grounds, but as the mystery of the creature among them grows, and facts about its deceptive abilities are revealed, the group quickly begins to splinter, forming multiple factions with little to no trust of one another.  On top of all of this, from the opening to the closing moments, those ‘lucky’ enough to survive are never given a clear answer about the threat that they are facing, only wilder and wilder bits of understanding about it that make it seem more and more of an undefeatable menace.
Having an unclear, undefined force to pit the cast against works better than a standard monster, as the ability to mix the fear of the unknown and the fear of the grotesque packs a much more powerful punch.  The multiple forms that the creature takes, be it part humanoid, mid-transformation beast, or even the traces of an evasive monster, all serve to up the paranoia of both the cast and the viewer.  The sounds that come out of the mouth of the Bennings/creature combination alone are enough to fuel nightmares for a lifetime.  It’s hard to classify The Thing within the pantheon of classic movie monsters, but it is this ambiguity and fluidity that explicitly make it such a memorable movie monster.
The set design and isolated nature of the frozen location are monumental in terms of setting up the desperate nature that the team faces before any exposition is dropped or any musical cues inform us of the terror we should feel.  It goes without saying that the creature effects and sound design in the film were outstanding, with Rob Bottin’s creature budget standing at a tenth of the film’s complete budget.  The score, which John Carpenter was more than capable of handling, was assigned to Italian composing legend Ennio Morricone, and his finished product further served to build the epic nature of the outrageous situation, fueling the deep moods that the viewer rotates through.  With every role in this film being key, as the number of interactions starts limited and shrinks throughout the runtime, the strength of the cast speaks for itself.
The collaborative force that is Kurt Russell and John Carpenter is a tried and true formula, and by the time Carpenter cast Russell in The Thing, Russell had the everyman hero role down to a tee.  Keith David has a commanding presence, serving as both muscle and one of the cooler heads among a group falling to pieces.  Donald Moffat also has a commanding presence, but with all the apprehension lacking in David’s character performance.  A. Wilford Brimley lets knowledge drive his character, which makes his assimilation that much creepier, as he is able to hide it up until the point of his fantastic transformation.  T.K. Carter brings a bit of levity into the situation while also serving as a bit of an audience surrogate in regards to the realness of his fear.  Richard Masur fills in the role of gentle giant, with his particular care for animals serving as a direct in for the creature.  David Clennon, Richard Dysart, Charles Hallahan, Joel Polis and Thomas Waites also deserve recognition, as the entire ensemble does equal pulling of the weight to carry this masterpiece to fruition.
I don’t usually throw the term ‘must-see movie’ around much, but if there were a shortlist I was forced to make, The Thing would certainly be on it.  At nearly 40 years old, this movie has not only managed to escape the label of being ‘dated’, but it continues to prove that it belongs in the realm of films labelled ‘timeless’.
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fugandhi · 4 years ago
John Carpenter’s “The Thing”
Still one of the BEST SciFi/Horror films I’ve ever seen! Definitely one of the best remakes I’ve seen and John Carpenter’s best film (in my personal opinion). SUCH a Brutal & Gnarly movie that pulls no punches. So terrifying! Highly recommended viewing for anyone who wants a SpOoKy time!
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horrorpaingoredeath · 5 years ago
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#rentacop #dvd #comedy #crime #burtreynolds #lizaminelli #80s #chicago #jamesremar #richardmasur #berniecasey #johnpryan (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6n5wAwpwbm/?igshid=8r36jd0tzdlu
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duranduratulsa · 2 years ago
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Now showing on my 90's Fest Movie 🎥 marathon...It (1990) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #it #stephenkingsit #stephenking #TommyLeeWallace #richardthomas #JohnRitter #ripjohnritter #sethgreen #tonydakota #EmilyPerkins #BrandonCrane #AdamFaraizl #OliviaHussey #dennischristopher #RichardMasur #annetteotoole #RIPHarryAnderson #TimReid #HarryAnderson #timcurry #jonathanbrandis #ripjonathanbrandis #vintage #vhs #durandurantulsas3rdannual90sfest #90s #90sfest
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technicolor-cinema-fire · 5 years ago
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The Thing (1982) #KurtRussell #KeithDavid #WilfordBrimley #PeterMaloney #RichardADysart #DonaldMoffat #RichardMasur #DavidClennon #TKCarter #ThomasGWaites #CharlesHallahan #JoelPolis #JohnCarpenter #JohnWCampbell #Horror #ClassicHorror #80shorror #scifi #scienceFiction #80smovies https://www.instagram.com/p/B6IqqWRgsPD/?igshid=11s8xwoj2l6ye
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hollywoodcentury-blog · 8 years ago
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The adult cast of Stephen King's IT (1990) #johnritter #richardthomas #timcurry #timreid #annetteotoole #richardmasur #stephenking #it #1990s #classic #icons #legends #oldhollywood #hollywood #hollywoodcentury
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frontmezzjunkies · 6 years ago
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#TheNet59 #Frontmezzjunkies reviews: @ErinMallon's #TheNetWillAppear @59E59 Theaters directed by #MarkCirnigliaro with #RichardMasur & #EveJohnson @MileSquareThtr @Collectivenyorg http://frontmezzjunkies.com/2018/12/21/mallons-the-net-will-appear/ (at 59E59 Theaters) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrtY4_7nsWe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mbfsy52cw0cc
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