#Richard E. Byrd
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vintage-polar · 14 days ago
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Byrd feeling sad about Scott hours
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travsd · 3 months ago
The Adventures of Admiral Byrd (and His Son)
During its 1933-34 season, CBS Radio listeners were treated to one of the most remarkable broadcast programs of all time: The Adventures of Admiral Byrd, a weekly 15 minute dispatch by Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd the 4th (1888-1957) from his base camp at the bottom of the world in Antartica. On this, his second Antactic expedition, the nation’s youngest Admiral was actually stationed by…
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raceispunk · 1 year ago
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i really think gas leaks should be a niche horror subgenre like evil mold is. where are my evil carbon monoxide poisoning stories outside of reddit threads.
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semioticapocalypse · 4 months ago
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Commander Richard Byrd, wearing a specially designed leather helmet and mask, used during his flight from Spitzbergen over the North Pole and back in a Fokker Plane, making the trip of 1,360 miles. May 10, 1926
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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theymightbebipeds · 4 months ago
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Favorite excerpts from my read of Richard E. Byrd's Alone thus far. Fantastic writer, manages to incorporate extensive descriptions of circulatory ventilation systems without things becoming dull. Also, the Corn Meal Incident.
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buildoblivion · 6 days ago
underrated part of being a polar explorer person is getting into a new cold boy only to stumble upon a bottomless pit of conspiracy theories
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vintage-polar · 11 days ago
Byrd propaganda:
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"Richard E. Byrd really rocked the fur parka"
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necromaency · 1 year ago
staying at a weather base in antarctica for seven months sounds like a dream to me where do i sign up?
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dexare · 6 months ago
Photo taken by Cody O'Brian on August 19, 1999.
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" Yeah, sorry about that. I couldn't retrieve anything els, most of the files are pretty deep, and the signal quality is fucking trash too, you can zoom in to read it tho. Unfortunately, we don't have any funding, so that's the best we can do for now since working with Kor is pretty difficult.
Anyway if i remember correctly the video format file was actually retrived a while ago, we can technically do better now, but honestly, everyone's getting burnt out for working on the same thing over an over again and since the re location we haven't received any support, not that we really had any before that. but everything really feels like it's going down hill man. What are we even doing anymore.
Bro, chill out... it hard enough dealing with the heat down here, i dont wanna hear you whining, too.
Fuck you man, this is bullshit how long is it gonna take us to download every file in the God Damm world by our selves.
However long it takes man, nobody said it would be easy.. He'll Kalesh warned you that nobody would help us an that we'd be out here for while by ourselves, he said it specifically "by the time anybody realizes what were doing, it gonna be too late, where either going to be dead or completely finished", wasted effort.~probably..
Yeah, yeah, whatever...I don't even remember why we had to relocate at all, that was a bad call.. at least before we'd get gocket at an I could get a sandwich whenever I wanted. At least I felt like I was doing something.
Because the congregation raided us, and we all almost died, plus we aren't doing anything different.
That's no excuse, man. At least before we get the random yabrony for the Collective, throwing us a bone.
Look, dud, we can't keep relying on goodwill. This project needs to work on it own, find people who believe in it, and help us genuinely not because they have to.. like back home.
Plus Kalesh's fucking wild idea barely works its a miracle we get files at all, this project was a long shot at best so even back home we wouldn't get any support with how slow Kor is right now.
It not his fault he needs upgrades, man.
Nah, I bet you anything he's just dumb an lazy...."
[ Antartica District 13 ]
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"Sample 99, we don't talk about Sample 99"
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reality-detective · 1 year ago
1957 Aviator Admiral Richard E. Byrd Interview After Completion Of Operation Highjump.
An Area Of Land As Big As The United States Discovered Below the Antarctic Circle. 🤔
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vintage-polar · 15 days ago
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It sure does mr richard e. byrd
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menteabierta · 1 month ago
“Una parte de mí permaneció para siempre en la latitud 80 grados 08 minutos Sur: lo que sobrevivió de mi juventud, mi vanidad, tal vez, y ciertamente mi escepticismo. Por otro lado, me llevé algo que antes no poseía por completo: la apreciación de la pura belleza y el milagro de estar vivo, y un conjunto de valores humildes. Todo esto sucedió hace cuatro años. La civilización no ha alterado mis ideas. Ahora vivo de manera más sencilla y con más paz”.
― Admiral Richard E. Byrd
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galindatopland · 2 years ago
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alone, richard e. byrd // the little match girl, hans christian andersen // the long winter, laura ingalls wilder // fear of cold, jacob geller // john l. foggle
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gonzalo-obes · 1 month ago
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Black Friday, Día Internacional de la Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino, Día Mundial del Oso Hormiguero, Día Mundial de la Conservación del Jaguar, Día de No Comprar Nada (BND Buy Nothing Day), Día Internacional de las Defensoras de Derechos Humanos, Día Internacional del Ingeniero de Sistemas, Día de Concienciación sobre el Síndrome de Menkes, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Iluminada y San Saturnino.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2012
65 años después de aprobarse una resolución en la ONU para la partición de Palestina que nunca se puso en marcha, es en el día de hoy cuando, mediante una votación celebrada en la sede de Naciones Unidas, se otorga el estatus de Estado miembro observador al declarado Estado de Palestina. (Hace 12 años)
En Estados Unidos, el presidente Lyndon B. Johnson decide crear la Comisión Warren para investigar el asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy, ocurrido una semana antes, y el del presunto magnicida Lee Harvey Oswald. Esta Comisión estará compuesta por siete miembros a las órdenes del presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos, Earl Warren. El informe se presentará el 24 de septiembre de 1964 y recogerá los testimonios de 552 testigos. Las principales conclusiones que se desprenderán serán que Oswald, marxista y antiguo miembro del Cuerpo de Marines de EE.UU., actuó en solitario y sin consejo o ayuda. El informe suscitará numerosas especulaciones en torno a la existencia de otros cómplices en el asesinato, además de posibles conspiraciones de Cuba, la URSS, el crimen organizado o los exiliados cubanos en los Estados Unidos. (Hace 61 años)
La Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas adopta una resolución, que nunca se pondrá en marcha, en la que se pide la partición de Palestina en dos estados separados, uno árabe y otro judío, aunque manteniendo una unión económica. Pronto los árabes atacarán el territorio del nuevo Estado sionista iniciándose el conflicto árabe-israelí. (Hace 77 años)
Richard E. Byrd, explorador y piloto americano, y sus tres compañeros sobrevuelan por vez primera el Polo Sur. Esta hazaña servirá para trazar mapas desde el aire de una extensísima parte de este remoto continente. (Hace 95 años)
En EE.UU., tras anunciar el pasado día 21 que ha inventado el fonógrafo (un aparato que graba y reproduce el sonido), es en el día de hoy cuando Thomas Alva Edison lo presenta a la sociedad con enorme expectación. (Hace 147 años)
En Gran Bretaña, el periódico "The Times", que se está editando desde 1788, se imprime por primera vez en una modernísima y rápida impresora de cilindros, cuyo corazón es una moderna máquina de vapor. (Hace 210 años)
En Francia se adopta oficialmente el metro como medida de longitud, a la vez que se le define como la diezmillonésima parte del meridiano terrestre. Al tiempo se adopta como unidad de peso el kilogramo. (Hace 224 años)
San Francisco de Asís, que se ha retirado en dos ocasiones a la ermita de Fonte Colombo, cerca de Rieti (Italia), para redactar una regla para la creación definitiva de su orden, bajo ayuno y oración logra que, en el día de hoy con la participación del cardenal Hugolino, la regla encuentre su forma final y sea aprobada por el Papa Honorio III, mediante la bula "Regula Bullata", en la que se autoriza por fin la Orden Franciscana. San Francisco fallecerá el 3 de octubre de 1226 y será canonizado en 1228. Logrará una renovación de la fe cristiana. (Hace 801 años)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months ago
Birthdays 10.25
Beer Birthdays
Ellef Ringnes (1842)
Bobby Bush (1953)
Chris Ericson (1961)
Melissa Cole (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Jon Anderson; rock singer (1944)
Adam Goldberg; actor (1970)
Pablo Picasso; Spanish artist (1881)
Zoot Sims; saxophonist (1925)
Anne Tyler; writer (1941)
Famous Birthdays
Billy Barty; actor (1924)
Sarah Bernhard; actor (1844)
John Berryman; poet, writer (1914)
Georges Bizet; composer (1836)
Richard E. Byrd; explorer, Naval admiral (1888)
Leo G. Carroll; actor (1886)
James Carville; political consultant (1944)
Henry Steele Commager; historian (1902)
Barbara Cook; actor (1927)
Tony Franciosa; actor (1928)
Jimmy Heath; jazz saxophonist (1926)
Bobby Knight; basketball coach (1940)
Micheal MacLiammoir; English writer, actor (1899)
Roberto Menescal; Brazilian bossa nova guitarist (1937)
Midori; Japanese violinist (1971)
Tracey Nelson; actor (1963)
Minnie Pearl; comedian (1912)
Katy Perry; pop singer (1984)
Helen Reddy; pop singer (1941)
Coco Robicheaux; blues guitarist (1947)
Marion Ross; actor (1928)
Henry Norris Russell; astronomer (1877)
Johann Strauss; composer (1825)
Bobby Thompson; New York Giants OF (1923)
Glenn Tipton; rock guitarist (1947)
Taylor Vixen; porn actor (1983)
"Smoky Joe" Wood; Boston Red Sox P/OF (1889)
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sparviero44 · 1 year ago
Morto David Soul, il detective Hutch della leggendaria serie tv “Starsky & Hutch”
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La coppia di detective è diventata un'icona della cultura popolare, e il successo dello show ha contribuito significativamente alla fama di Soul
David Soul, nato David Richard Solberg, è stato non solo un volto iconico della televisione, ma anche un talentuoso cantautore e regista nel corso della sua carriera. Oltre al suo ruolo indimenticabile in “Starsky & Hutch“, Soul ha recitato in altre produzioni di successo come Star Trek e “Una 44 Magnum per l’ispettore Callaghan” con Clint Eastwood. L’attore statunitense è deceduto giovedì 4 gennaio, lasciando un vuoto nel cuore dei suoi fan e nel mondo dello spettacolo. La moglie ha comunicato che Soul ha affrontato con coraggio la sua battaglia per la vita circondato dall’affetto della famiglia.
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La carriera di David Soul è stata versatile e apprezzata. Inizialmente, ha intrapreso la strada della musica folk, esibendosi insieme a grandi nomi come Frank Zappa e i Byrds. Tuttavia, è stato il passaggio alla recitazione che lo ha portato alla ribalta, con ruoli in telefilm di successo negli anni ’60 e ’70. Il clou della sua carriera è stato, senza dubbio, il ruolo di Hutch accanto a Paul Michael Glaser in “Starsky & Hutch“. La coppia di detective è diventata un’icona della cultura popolare, e il successo dello show ha contribuito significativamente alla fama di Soul.Negli anni successivi al successo televisivo, Soul ha continuato a stupire il pubblico tornando alla musica, raggiungendo la vetta delle classifiche con brani come “Don’t Give Up On Us” e “Silver Lady”. Nonostante le sfide personali, tra cui un periodo di incarcerazione negli anni ’80 per aggressione alla moglie di allora, Patti Carnel Sherman, Soul è riuscito a rialzarsi e a contribuire ancora al mondo dell’intrattenimento.
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David Soul, known for playing the iconic detective Kenneth Hutchinson of the duo Starsky and Hutch, has died at the age of 80. The American gossip magazine TMZ broke the news. He was born in Chicago but had English citizenship. In addition to the popular TV series also "Salem's Lot", "Star Trek" and the cult "A 44 Magnum for Inspector Callaghan" alongside Clint Eastwood.
How David Soul died
David Soul died on Thursday in a hospital in London following a battle with cancer. According to what was reported by TMZ, the actor had been suffering from it for some time as well as numerous health problems suffered in old age. In particular, David Soul suffered from chronic bronchopneumonia, due to more than 50 years as an avid smoker: "he smoked three packs of cigarettes a day", says the newspaper.
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The career of David Soul
David Soul became an absolute pop icon in the 70s thanks to Starsky and Hutch. He was the blond-haired, icy-eyed detective next to Detective Dave Starsky, played by Paul Michael Glaser. David Soul appeared in all 92 episodes of the series, spanning a four-season span from 1975 to 1979 and also directing some episodes. Other popular shows also include "Salem's Lot", the first miniseries based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King and directed by Tobe Hopper in which he played the protagonist Ben Mears and which in Italy was released with the title "The Last Days of Salem ", merged into a single 112-minute version. Before his great popularity with the series, he had gained recognition in the role of Agent Davis in the film A 44 Magnum for Inspector Callaghan. David Soul had also established himself as a singer by releasing five studio albums and seven collections between 1976 and 2020
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