#Richard Carapaz
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joutsummer · 8 months ago
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puncheur · 8 months ago
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marcelskittels · 8 months ago
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RICHARD CARAPAZ ‹ Tour de France 2024 - Stage 3 › 📸 by Dario Belingheri/Getty Images
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allthingscycling · 2 months ago
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Richard Carapaz
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is-this-mathieu-enriched · 10 days ago
Are Mathieus usually suitable for emotional support task? What are some other species I should consider for this task? Thank you!
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Most Mathieus are empathetic, and will understand when their keeper is feeling upset. Your Mathieu will likely nestle up next to you and chirrup softly, perhaps attempting to brush your hand to mimic the way that you pet him. He may bring you one or more of his own favourite comfort items, even if your problems cannot actually be solved by a chewable tyre.
Despite this, the species is not normally recommended for long-term emotional support. Mathieus can be very caring and considerate to specific people they have developed a bond with, but they are not a social species.
However there are many other species which may be just what you are looking for:
A Neilson
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Gentle and good-natured, Neilsons bond tightly within their communities, and have a quietly playful personality with a definite sense of humour. This allows them to cope well with fluctuating moods, and the demands of being an emotional support companion. Once he has accepted you as a member of his covey, a Neilson's calm and steadfast companionship will never waver, and nor will his deeply loving nature.
Unlike a Mathieu, Neilsons are largely herbivorous, with a similar diet to a Jai. This can make them a good option for those living in cities, or where there are few or no opportunities to hunt live prey.
2. A Richard
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Despite a small size, a Richard has a big heart! Ideal for those who struggle with social anxiety, the Richard's outgoing and warm nature can be the perfect icebreaker. A Richard will gladly make friends with all comers, but will never stray too far from those he has bonded to, and considers part of his nesting circle. Richards are also a popular choice for diabetics, as their keen sense of smell allows them to detect low or high blood sugars long before you become aware yourself.
3. An Adam
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Used for centuries to herd livestock, Adams are protectors to their core. Often found bonded to Tadejs, they will be endlessly caring and patient to their companions, whilst vigorously defending them if necessary. Adams are regularly used to provide emotional support for those with memory issues, as once they have learned your routine they will happily herd you from one regular activity to the next!
Do be aware that the Simon is a very similar species, and the two are often accidentally or deliberately misidentified (if in doubt, inspect his feet - Adams have slightly more prominent claw ridges).
4. A Julian
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The active and playful Julian is one of the peloton's few marsupials, and ideal for those who need a constant source of joy in their life. With a similar knack for mischief as any Tadej, the Julian's small size may be ideal for those who do not have the space to devote to a large enclosure, but want a companion with a large personality!
Julians are extremely social, and will want to take part in and be involved in every aspect of your life. For those who struggle with finding the motivation and energy to complete daily activities, doing them with the 'assistance' of your Julian may make this easier. Do be aware however that, similarly to Mathieus, Julians are compulsive chewers.
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All of that being said, the ideal emotional support companion is the one who you bond best with. It may be that your Matteo is the most constant source of joy in your life, your Lars will gently nibble your hand to bring you out of a panicky moment, or that your Ben has learned to alert you every time ADHD leads to you getting stuck in an unhelpful thought pattern. There is no right answer here - just as every companion is different, so is every person. But hopefully the above will give you some general direction, and you can find the emotional support companion just right for you!
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starlightseraph · 8 months ago
feeling kinda good-naturedly superior that i’ve been into the tdf my entire life. my mum grew up with it. she watched it when she was pregnant. she nursed me with it playing.
now thanks to netflix my fellow members of gen z have discovered it and we can all go insane over blorbos together.
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ladyrose892 · 8 months ago
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Fonte: Imago
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rogloptimist · 8 months ago
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he is BACK
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sportsallover · 8 months ago
Poll time! Who are you rooting for?
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velovelo · 8 months ago
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inrng · 8 months ago
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joutsummer · 8 months ago
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📸 fe.tte
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someinstant · 6 months ago
I never understand Richard Carapaz's cycling logic, but god, do I love it.
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marcelskittels · 8 months ago
🎥 via tom.dumoulinofficial instagram story | 30.06.24
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And Richie in yellow!
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alexbidetxea · 4 months ago
Alex Bidetxea: Equipamiento esencial para una salida segura en ciclismo de montaña 🏔️
El ciclismo de montaña ofrece paisajes impresionantes y desafíos únicos, pero para disfrutarlo al máximo y con seguridad, es fundamental contar con el equipo adecuado. Aquí te comparto algunos elementos esenciales que no pueden faltar en tus salidas de montaña:
Casco: Prioriza la seguridad y elige un casco diseñado específicamente para ciclismo de montaña. Estos cascos ofrecen mayor cobertura y están diseñados para protegerte en terrenos difíciles.
Guantes: Un buen par de guantes amortigua las vibraciones del camino, mejora el agarre y protege tus manos en caso de una caída.
Rodilleras y coderas: Si planeas explorar terrenos técnicos, estas protecciones adicionales son imprescindibles para evitar lesiones.
Herramientas y kit de reparación: Lleva contigo herramientas básicas (como una multiherramienta, parches y una bomba portátil). También es útil tener un tubo de repuesto en caso de pinchazos.
Hidratación: Para rutas largas, es esencial llevar agua en una mochila de hidratación o botellas accesibles. Mantenerse hidratado ayuda a mejorar tu rendimiento y evita el agotamiento.
Luz y kit de emergencia: Si vas a lugares remotos o con poca luz, una luz delantera y trasera te ayudará a ser visible. También, es buena idea incluir un pequeño botiquín en tu equipo.
Ropa técnica: Viste ropa específica para ciclismo de montaña, que sea cómoda, transpirable y resistente a la abrasión. Las capas adicionales, como una chaqueta ligera para climas variables, también son recomendables.
Con el equipo adecuado, podrás disfrutar de cada subida y descenso con la confianza de que estás preparado para cualquier situación. ¡Prepara tu equipo y lánzate a descubrir nuevos senderos en la montaña! 🏞️🚵‍♂️
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