#Rhys Requests
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Pairing: Jack Reacher x Reader
Word count: 5k
Notes: So… this is my first Reacher fic, I literally could not have done this without @silas-aeiou like bruh I would have done SO BADLY

“You do somethin’ different with your hair?”
You look up from your desk, blinking slowly at the literal Hulk Jr. in front of you. Reacher goes to sit across from you; he makes the comfy chair look like it was made for a doll.
“U-uh… yeah. Yeah I just- I’m trying a different mousse”
“It works for you! Makes your curls really bouncy”
You can’t help the light blush on your cheeks as you beam and turn away from your computer “That’s what I thought!!”
Reacher had made it a sort of habit to come drop in on you, ever since Finlay had sent him down to get a copy of a report from you because he just needed five freaking minutes to himself.
He replayed that moment in his head often because how could he not? You were standing precariously on a spinning chair-
Which, rule #1: Don’t.
Trying to reach for some box on the top shelf, you had gloves on your bare feet which he could only assume were to keep your tights clean… at least you’d had the sense to take off your heels. You were leaning to the left when suddenly, you know like those kinds of chairs do, the wheels slipped out from under you.
You screamed and braced yourself to end up on one of your tables, but it didn’t happen. You sure did crash into something hard, though. It smells good, too. Your eyes slowly open, and you’re met face to face with the prettiest blue eyes you’ve ever seen.
His arm stays securely around you as he reaches up for the box you need and sets it down on the clean table.
“Need anything else?”
“U-uh no… no I’m- I’m good.”
“Where are your shoes?” He hooks his arm under your legs and you yelp and wrap your arms around his neck.
He tips you downward a little to point out your weirdly gloved feet.
“My office…”
He carries you back to your office and sets you on your desk. Your shoes are off to the side and he grabs them for you.
“Names Reacher, Detective Finlay sent me for the report on the John Doe that was brought in?” He kneels and takes off the gloves then places your shoes on your feet. He holds his hand out and helps you off the desk. He doesn’t let go until you do, and you’re finally able to really get a look at him.
First of all, he’s freaking huge, you stagger back a little and he towers over you even in your heels. He folds his hands in front of him respectfully and you shrink down a little. He doesn’t… seem like he’s going to try anything, but you’re more than sure he could crush you with those very…very large biceps. They make shirts in that size???
He clears his throat and you blush, because hell yeah you’re staring and step a bit closer to him to grab the folder off your desk.
“Uh…y-yeah I have that report. It’s- it’s not finished though I’m by myself and-“
“Can I help at all?”
That was the day he became an assistant ME for an afternoon. You were so nervous around him. He watched your hands shaking while you filled out the report, and while he tried not to seem so… big, it didn’t really work. It took a good 45 minutes for you to finally calm down and start talking to him.
Every time he was at the station he’d come down to your little area, sometimes he’d stay there for a bit and talk to you. You’d eventually started opening up to him the 5th time he’d come down, he put his hands on your hips and lifted you to reach a new box of gloves your colleague purposely put on the top shelf just to mess with you and you went on a mini rant.
“He’s always doing that!! I mean- I’m not that short!! Oh, so he’s five fuckin’ nine big whoop! How about I show him I’m closer to his junk!” You stomp your foot and he nods, watching you throw your tantrum. Because you were that short, especially to him. He finds himself watching the way you…bounce with every angry pace across your office.
“You want me to take care of it for you?” He doesn’t like to get involved but for you? He’d consider it.
You sighed and smiled a bit at him as you stopped pacing “No… I got it. But thanks for listening” You pat his hand and for the first time in a long time, he felt his heart skip a beat.
After that? Jonathan, your coworker, made sure to always keep things on the perfect shelf for you.
“So uh- are you busy today?” You get up from your desk, put away a couple of files, and walk around the front, hopping up on it. You cross one leg over the other and smooth out the front of your shirt. His eyes stay on your thighs for a minute before they travel lazily back up to your face. Your cheeks are pink as he shrugs.
He was, but he could blow off Finlay and Roscoe for a few hours, they probably wouldn’t care anyway.
“Okay well uh-“ you smooth your shirt out again a nervous habit apparently that he thinks is cute. “Would you like to go out with me? Maybe we could go to lunch or dinner or something?”
“What kind of car do you have?”
You tilt your head quizzically and he has to keep from reaching out to stroke your plush thigh.
“A Volks- Ohhh…”
“Mhm, what time do you get off?” He smirks and you shrug, looking up at the clock.
“Well, now. It’s my early day, maybe I can give you my address? And you can pick me up in an hour or so?”
He stands up out of the chair and takes a step toward you. You’d open your legs but you’re not sure they could stretch enough for him, instead, he comes closer, getting in your personal space, you can feel the heat radiating off his body, his cologne filling the small space.
“I know where you live”
“Of course you do” You scold him playfully and he hooks his finger under your chin, titling your head up to look at him.
“I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. Two o’clock sound good to you?”
“Mhm! Sounds perfect” Your eyes flit to his lips and right back to his eyes and he chuckles, letting you go and turning to leave.
“See you soon”

What the hell do you wear on a date??
What the hell do you wear on a casual, out-of-nowhere, I didn’t think I’d get this far, date with a man like Reacher?
It’s getting closer to two as you tug at the roots of your hair, you hiss at yourself and re-fluff your hair, because if there’s one thing you got right, it’s your hair.
You’ve thrown at least half your closet out and the other half is coming next. You dig through the pile next to you and come up with a pair of denim short shorts.
It’ll do.
You yank them on and fish for a nice-looking top, maybe something cute?? You’ve known Reacher for months now and you know he’s not gonna be doing any dressing up. So you just decide on a Rolling Stones t-shirt that you’d cropped a while ago. It’s a bit tattered and old but damn does it make your shorts look even cuter.
You root around in the bottom of your closet for your cowboy boots, your dad had given them to you for Christmas years ago and they were still the best pair of shoes you owned. They withstood anything you threw at them, you dust them off and slip those on before going to the mirror.
You shoot off a picture to Neagley and wait for her to respond as you look around for a bag to use. You’re knee-deep in the mess when your phone goes off, after a hearty laugh at your cowgirl aesthetic, she tells you how cute you look. You send her back the sweetest video of you flipping her off!
You’re busy grumbling and shoving stuff into your green bag, the one with all the pockets and patches on it when your doorbell rings.
You snatch your phone from your bed, two o’clock exactly.
Of course, he’s on time.
You throw the rest of your crap in and push yourself up off the floor.
Reacher stands outside your door, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a bunch of wildflowers he’d grabbed on the way over, roots and all. He picks at a few of the roots as he hears a weird crashing noise from inside before the door suddenly swings open.
You brush the hair out of your face and lean awkwardly against the doorframe.
“Hey… did you- did you just fall down the stairs?” He looks over your head into your house and you pull the door shut just a little
“….Just the last couple ones. Anyway are those for me!??” You take them from him and even if they’re a bit ridiculous you can feel your heart soaring because he’d decided to do it in the first place.
“Uh- yeah, you know, mom always said never to show up at a lady's house empty handed”
“She’d be really proud of you” You positively beam as you step aside. “Here, come in!! I’ll put these in water and then we can go!”
He follows you inside and shuts the door as you bounce off to the kitchen, he shamelessly watches your hips swaying in those tiny shorts. He’d never actually seen you in civilian clothing…it looks good on you.
You grab an odd-shaped bowl you’d lost the lid to a long time ago and fill it with water from the fridge.
“These are really pretty… I like lavender!” You carefully place the roots in the bowl to keep them alive for now and turn to him.
“So I was thinking maybe we could-“ You’re interrupted by your phone ringing, you look at it curiously before sighing.
“It’s my mom, just give me a second”
“Take your time”
As much as he wants, to he doesn’t eavesdrop. Instead, he just looks around your house… it’s nice, very colorful, and very put together. He likes the little tea and coffee bar you have set up, he wanders into the living room and looks over all the pictures you have around your house.
Apparently, you were an only child unless you hate your siblings that much, he’s just pulling some book off your shelf with a blue alien on the cover when you come back in.
“So hey- what are you doing??” your heart stops in your chest and he pushes the spine back into place.
“Nothing. What’s up?”
You take a second to freaking breathe before crossing your arms over your chest.
“So, I guess my mom’s school is having a bake sale? And she wanted my help and-“
“What are we making?”
You blush and shake your head, your curls bouncing “No I couldn’t ask that of you” you laugh a little “We can just go to dinner later if you’d like”
“I’d like to help you. I’d like to spend time with you no matter what we’re doing”
“Really? Even if it’s making peach pies? That’s what she asked for”
“Especially if we’re making peach pies”
You hand Reacher a notepad and a pen and start going through your cabinets and making a list of everything you’ll need to get from the store, which he’s already made sure you knew he was taking you there too, and get ready to go. You grab your bag from the chair and reach out, he hands you the notepad and you stuff it in your bag before reaching out again. He hands you the pen and you roll your eyes, putting that in your bag too before reaching out one more time.
He looks around himself, there’s nothing else you could want?? Unless you want like… a glass of water or something…
You sigh and take his hand, pulling him from your kitchen and out front to his car.
“His” car could fit your car at least 650 times inside it, he walks ahead of you, opening the door for you and you blink.
“You could fit the entirety of the Miami Dolphins in here”
“I feel like that’s not true”
You hoist yourself up into the cab and he stands behind you, making sure you don’t fall back out, as soon as you’re situated he comes around and gets in himself. He really fits the car, he fills the seat out so nicely, that you look away when he looks over at you with a smirk.
“Buckled in?” He asks as he turns it on and you nod
“All set”
He backs out of the driveway and you’re off, you feel weirdly small in the seat, your feet just barely rest on the ground when you sit back fully, you’re looking out the window when you feel his heavy hand rest on your thigh, you look over and his palm is facing upward, he doesn’t look at you but you smile anyway and take his hand, wrapping your fingers around his.
He doesn’t let go of your hand until you pull away from him to grab a cart to push around, you hand him the list and he goes through it with you, it’s so oddly domestic in the way you’re shopping together, he reaches things on the high shelves for you, his body pressed into yours each time, even with the tiny shorts on you’re starting to feel hot.
Every item he puts in the cart gets a stupid pun out of you, and after you wheeze out the last sugar joke he can’t help but crack a smile, you squeal and beat on his arm.
“I knew I could make you laugh!!”
“I wouldn’t call that a laugh”
You shake his arm and he snickers because he’s moving for you. You skip ahead of him, pretty damn proud of yourself and he watches you, there’s a weird ache in his chest every time he looks at you, especially while you’re dramatically spinning around in the aisles and being an all-around idiot as you sing and dance along to the music playing in the store.
As you stand in line for the checkout you go over the list, making sure you’ve got everything.
“Crap we forgot vanilla… how could we forget vanilla??? Hey Reacher, do you mind-“
“Aisle three right? I’ll be right back” He’s already jogging off as you scoot ahead in line, you start putting things on the belt and greet the cashier before standing and waiting for your things to be rung up. You tap the little ledge waiting patiently as “Mike” rings up your groceries.
“So you gonna be doing some baking?” He asks as he puts the flour in a bag for you and you nod
“Oh yeah, for my mom's bake sale”
“Oh that’s cool, so you’re from around here? I see you shop here often”
“Uh…yeah I guess” You chuckle awkwardly as you pull out your card waiting for your total, he seems to be taking his sweet time ringing you up.
“I’m just getting settled in myself, had this job for about a month... I’m not really sure of any good places to eat, maybe I could pick you up sometime? We could go out somewhere?”
“Her date nights are taken”
Reacher puts the comically tiny bottle of vanilla down on the belt and you look up at him, he places his hand on your lower back and takes your card from you, patting your butt to move you along
“Let’s hurry up and get out of here, I’m not having my mother-in-law kill me because I’m late with some pies.”
Mike looks like he’s just shit his pants as he scans the vanilla, suddenly he can’t get you out of the store fast enough. Reacher holds your hand at the same time he pushes the cart out to the car, he helps you in again and puts the groceries in the backseat before getting in the car.
“Mother-in-law?” You take his hand before he even offers it and he scoffs, but you can see the light blush on his cheeks.
“I’m not lettin’ some punk creep hit on you”
“Oh is there like, a particular reason?” You draw shapes on the smooth skin of his hand and he shrugs
“What’s that mean? You’re the one that asked me out.”
Your mouth drops and he snickers, taking your hand and kissing the back of it.

You grow pouty as you walk into your house, he carries the bags in and sets them on the counter. He crosses his arms and leans back as you begin to unpack the bags, his eyes narrow and you turn to him.
“How are you making peach pies, without peaches?”
He pushes himself up off the counter and comes up behind you, your breath hitches as he reaches in the bags and finishes unpacking for you.
“You done pouting?”
“If I say no?” You crane your neck to look up at him and he leans down, kissing your forehead
“I have ways of putting a smile back on your face”
You look down slowly, your eyes widening and his chest rumbles as he chuckles. He pulls you back into him, rubbing your sides and you squirm a little.
“So, peaches?”
His chest is hard against your back, you put your hands over his as he wraps them around your waist.
“I have a tree, in back?” He doesn’t let you go so you shuffle to turn you both around and look out of your kitchen window, a large peach tree sits in the back corner of your yard, there’s a swing attached to it and a blanket on the ground beneath that
“You want help picking?” He bends down to rest his chin on your shoulder, his lips brushing your ear as he asks in hushed tones. Your face heats up and you turn your head, staring into those gorgeous blue eyes.
“That would be nice… thank you”
Instead of being a normal person, and reaching for the peaches, Reacher puts you on his shoulders, his hands firmly holding you in place as you toss peaches down into a basket, cheering each time you make it in, while he laughs every time you miss.
“Hey…” He taps your thigh and you look down at him for a moment, pushing his short hair back and messing it up a little.
“What’s up?” You go to toss a few more peaches in, frowning when you miss the last one.
“What was your first impression of me?”
“What?” You laugh a little, giving his hair a small tug in the right direction and he brings you closer to the tree
“What was your first impression??”
“What was yours” you counter
“I thought you were pretty, still do.”
“Oh… well- that just kinda makes mine seem stupid”
“I highly doubt that” He chuckles “C’mon…tell me”
“I for sure thought you were going to throw me through the wall”
“I’m sorry what?” You feel him chuckle and you smack the top of his head
“Don’t laugh at me!! You’re like… the size of a small bus or something!”
“A small bus??”
“Are you gonna tell me I’m wrong?!”
“Jesus I wasn’t gonna hurt you! I’m not that intimidating!”
“I know that now!! Now you’re just a teddy bear… with really big arms”
“I’m not-“
“You’re just the biggest sweetie” You purr “Always a gentleman, you bring me snacks!”
“You do like your snacks” He walks you over to another branch and you smile.
“You even make sure I’m staying hydrated, you just- you come to see me so often”
“I like bein’ around you what can I say”
“You do? really?”
“Thought I made that real clear when I let that asshole know who you belonged to”
Your eyes widen as you keep quiet, he snickers and brings you over to the last branch where you distractedly pick a couple.
You’re turning one in your hand, looking it over when he rolls his eyes
“You gonna toss it in or not?”
“How could you even ask me that?” You put it down in front of his face and turn it for him “Look at how soft and luscious this looks! Look at the color!”
He’s slowly stroking your thighs as he listens to you explain why it’s the perfect peach, he can feel the vibrations of you talking and the way you wiggle in excitement, completely secure, knowing he won’t drop you. You take a big bite of it and moan softly, your eyes roll back and you nod appreciatively.
“Oh yeah, oh this is good, mhm. You want some? Have you ever had peaches?”
Reacher carefully moves one of your legs off his shoulders, taking you down carefully so your legs wrap around his waist.
“Not really no”
He leans in, capturing your lips in a blazing kiss. It's passionate and hungry, filled with all the pent-up desire he's been apparently holding back. Your hands tremble as they clasp around his neck, his tongue dips into your mouth, tasting the sweet peach on your lips.
Oh, okay, yeah it did taste good.
“W-what… what was that for?” You mumble dizzily as he pulls away and he looks at you, his eyes staring at your lips again.
“You asked if I wanted some”
You nod dumbly and cup his face, bringing him back to you, your fingers thread through the dirty blonde hair and you tug lightly. He groans against your lips, kissing you deeper.
“Harder” He growls into your mouth, nipping at your bottom lip and you gasp, pulling at his hair harder and he grins, hoisting you up higher in one arm before squatting down and grabbing the basket of peaches.
“Don’t we have work to do?”
“After that? Are you kidding me??”
He carries you back into your house and sets you down on the counter before going to your large sink and dumping them all in to wash like he hadn’t been just about to toss you onto the ground outside and take you right there like some kind of wild animal.
“Doesn’t your mom need this by like… a time that you didn’t tell me”
You giggle and cross your leg over the other, leaning back on your palms, you’re purposely displaying your body for him and he knows it. He turns to you, his hands on his hips
“Are you propositioning me?”
“I am, yes”
“Oh okay I was just making sure”
He wastes no time in yanking his shirt over his head, he’s in front of you in two large steps and you scramble back a little on the counter, he grins darkly as he grabs your thighs, pulling you back to the edge of the counter.
“Now you want to run? Oh Princess, no. You want it, don't you? You want me to take you hard and fast, to make you mine."
You nod quickly, your cheeks on fire as he lifts your hips and yanks your shorts down in one easy swoop. He stares at the silky red panties for a moment and you blush.
“I-I wanted to kinda hype myself up you know?”
“I think it was a good decision” he can see the small wet patch on the front of them, and he smirks at how wet you are
"Fuck, you're dripping for me already, aren't you? Such a needy little thing."
He rubs your slick folds teasingly, avoiding your aching clit and you whine, spreading your legs for him more. He pulls you down to him, kissing your neck as he fumbles with his jeans, pushing them around his hips. He grinds against you, his clothed cock creating delicious friction against your clit and your back arches with the counter.
You both moan as he grinds against you, dry humping you into the counter, you claw at his shoulders, your body trembling beneath his.
“That’s my good girl, you want my cock? Hm? You wanna beg me for it, little thing?”
Your head falls back against the counter as you grind against each other, his large cock throbs between your legs and you reach down as far as you can, tugging at his boxers.
“Please, Reacher? Please please-“ You gasp, your voice stuttering as he ruts harder against you “F-fuck me”
“I won’t be gentle” He kisses the shell of your ear, turning you over and putting you against the counter.
“I don’t want you to be”
He notches the swollen head of his dick at your entrance, teasing you with the tip of his cock
"So fucking tight and wet for me. You were made for my cock, weren't you?"
He sinks inside you, working you slowly for a minute, with shallow thrusts to get you used to his size. It doesn’t surprise you in the least that he’s that big you’re surprised you’re not splitting at the seams. Your eyes roll back as he thrusts in and out, in and out. Eventually, that slow pace starts to speed up, you mewl into the cool countertop beneath you and he grins wickedly.
“All you had to do was ask”
One hand grips your hip hard enough to bruise while the other tangles in your hair, yanking your head back as he rails you from behind.
"Take it, baby. Take every fucking inch like the desperate little slut you are."
You cry out his name, gripping the other edge of the counter helplessly, every hard thrust sends you flying forward as he rearranges your guts in the middle of the kitchen. He pulls you up to his chest, crossing both arms over your chest and using you like a toy.
"You like this, don't you?" he growls in your ear. "Being bent over and fucked like a cheap whore in your own kitchen. I bet you've fantasized about it, haven't you? Imagined me taking you hard and fast, giving you what you really need."
Months of pent-up sexual tension, lingering touches, and stares, all come together as he takes it out on you. His hips snap roughly against yours, the lewd sounds echoing around the kitchen.
His hand reaches down between your legs, working your clit in time with his thick cock and you’re nearly gone. You hold onto his arm as you feel his balls slapping against your soaked cunt with each thrust, they’re so large and heavy, the sensations driving you crazy.
Your pussy flutters around his cock, squeezing him like a vice. He groans, holding back his own release, as you pant out how close you are.
“Fuck Reacher, I-I’m gonna cum, oh god”
He smiles, squeezing you closer to him "Gonna fill this tight little cunt with my cum. Breed you like the needy slut you are."
With a final, brutal thrust, he buries himself to the hilt, letting out a guttural moan as he explodes inside you, setting off a sort of chain reaction as you scream his name, cumming with him. Thick ropes of his seed paint your walls white, marking you as his as he fucks you through your high.
His hips slow down, moving you up and down his cock before he pulls out. You collapse against the counter, your mouth dropping as you hear his cum plopping on the floor beneath you, dripping from your abused cunt.
He sets you down on your feet, holding onto you tightly as he slowly goes down to the floor and lets you fall into his arms, your legs too jello-y to keep you standing.
He cradles you close to his chest, panting harshly as he leans against the cabinets.
“So… that was great”
You nod fast, snuggling into his chest “Really great. Do you want to move in?”
You knew his situation, everyone knew his situation, you knew he would still be himself and he knew you’d still be you.
And you wanted him to move in with you.
“Yeah okay.”
It takes a half hour for either of you to want to move, Reacher eventually slouched down so far he’s laying flat on his back with you on his chest. He draws little shapes on your bare skin as you lie on the floor together.
“Have you mopped recently?”
You swat at his chest and he snickers
“I’ll have you know I just did yesterday!”
“You missed a spot” he points to the puddle on the floor and you slap his chest again.

You smile as you take the money from the little girl and hand it to Reacher, he stuffs it in the cash box in his lap and you hand her a peach pie.
“Have a nice day!” You wave as she runs off. Your mother comes over, looking over the table, most of your pies were sold out by now and she wanted you to make a second batch.
“Things are going well! We might just be able to afford that new playground by the end of the month. Hopefully, you’re feeling better honey, are you sure you should be working after you fell down the stairs?”
Your cheeks flush deeply and Reacher snorts, That was the only excuse you could think of when you showed up limping to the bake sale and Reacher decided to just carry you the rest of the way to the table.
“I’m sure! I’m perfectly fine, Reacher is taking care of me”
“That’s for damn sure” He mumbles under his breath as he takes a sip from his water bottle. You elbow him in the side and he snickers
“Thanks for taking care of my little girl Mr. Reacher” Your mother smiles and you shrink down in your seat as he grabs one of the peach pies, eating nearly half of it in one bite.
“Oh, believe me, ma’am, the pleasure is all mine.”
#words by rhys#rhys writes#jack reacher x reader#reacher amazon#jack reacher#Rhys requests#Reacher x Reader
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A Warriors Heart
Based on a request.

Pairing: Virgin!Azriel x Virgin!Reader
Summary: Azriel and Reader have been mated for a long time but have yet to act on it. What happens when alone in a house together?
Warnings: Smut | Minors DNI | tender | loss of virginity | fingering | praise kink | creampie
A.Note: Sooo the original request asked for an Experienced!Reader but I was struggling writing a dynamic like that so here’s this, hopefully it’s okay. Also, Rhys and Reader are half-siblings!
6.2k word count.

The house was silent. A rare occurrence. Even when the three Illyrians weren't crowding it with their banter and heavy footsteps, Rhysand's mother's soft humming usually drifted from the kitchen, accompanied by the clatter of pots and pans. That noise, that life, filled every corner of our home, like a heartbeat.
But tonight, the silence felt heavier. My brother and Cassian were away on an overnight expedition to another war camp, and Rhysand's mother had been summoned to the Night Court by my father. It was just Azriel and me. Alone.
I had known Azriel was my mate since I was eight years old, the bond threading between us as easily as a ribbon slipping through fingers. I had accidentally accepted it when I was fifteen, too young to understand the weight of what I'd done. We'd made a pact soon after, two awkward teenagers fumbling to make sense of the unshakable connection between us. Friends could be soulmates, we told ourselves. We swore to keep the bond platonic, to navigate it without letting it define us.
But no matter how much I tried to ignore it, the bond shimmered between us like sunlight on a blade, sharp and undeniable. Azriel's protective nature—his tendency to linger closer than necessary, to bristle when someone dared flirt with me—had always been my undoing. And while he could command a room with a single glance, I had no doubt he saw me as nothing more than the sister of his closest friend.
It was why I'd spent the last seven years pulling away, trying to temper the ache that came from unrequited feelings. Even now, with all the years and distance between us, I didn't know how to act when it was just the two of us.
I didn't hear his footsteps. I never did. But his voice, soft and steady, broke the silence as I stirred the stew on the stove.
"Smells good."
I jumped, whirling to find Azriel leaning casually against the doorway, his hazel eyes glinting with quiet amusement.
"Gods," I exhaled, clutching the wooden spoon to my chest like a lifeline. "You have to stop sneaking up on me."
A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth, a rare, fleeting thing that made my heart skip. "Can't help it," he replied, shrugging one broad shoulder. "Your reaction is worth it every time."
I rolled my eyes and turned back to the stove, determined to ignore the warmth creeping up my neck.
Azriel moved closer, his steps silent, until I could feel the faint heat of him behind me. He leaned in, just enough for his breath to brush the back of my neck as he peered over my shoulder.
"Stop looming," I muttered, swatting at him half-heartedly with the spoon.
He pulled back with a low chuckle, the sound curling in my chest and settling there, stubborn and unrelenting.
As he retreated to the sitting room, I focused on the stew, determined not to let my racing heart betray me. But even with his back turned, I could feel him—his gaze like a tether, steady and unyielding.
I hummed a tune under my breath, one my mother always sang while cooking. The melody was soft and familiar, a distraction from the weight of the quiet house and the man watching me from across the room.
By the time I ladled the stew into bowls, the tension in my chest had coiled tight. I turned, the bowls in hand, and froze.
Azriel was leaning back on the couch, his legs stretched out before him, wings draped lazily over the sides of the cushions. But his eyes were locked on me, dark and burning, as though he could see straight through me.
"Ready," I murmured, more to break the silence than anything, nudging a drawer closed with my hip as I grabbed two sets of silverware.
I set the bowls on the table and slid into my chair, pretending not to notice the way Azriel settled into the seat beside me instead of the one across. The scent of him—night-chilled mist and cedar—washed over me, and I busied myself arranging the utensils just to keep my hands from shaking.
He started eating without a word, and I followed suit, though each bite felt like a struggle under the weight of his presence.
It was almost odd watching him eat food I made, so reminiscent of how mates accept the bond. Even if the tether between us was always at the back of my mind, nights like these brought them front and center as if laid out on the table in front of me.
"Thank you," he said after a few minutes, his voice low. Almost shy.
I glanced at him, startled. "It's no bother," I replied quickly, brushing off the gratitude. "I know you've been training all day. You needed it."
Azriel tilted his head, studying me with a look that made my stomach flip. For a moment, I thought he might argue, but he only nodded and returned to his meal.
"I'll make you breakfast in the morning," he said finally, the promise simple but weighted.
I blinked at him, a small smile tugging at my lips despite myself. "Deal."
We ate in silence after that, though it wasn't uncomfortable. The sound of silverware against bowls filled the space, grounding us. But I couldn't ignore the way his gaze kept flicking toward me like he was holding back something he didn't know how to say.
Finally, I set my spoon down and looked at him directly. "What?"
His lips curved into a faint smirk, the kind that always made my pulse stutter. "Nothing."
"Az," I warned, dragging his name out like a thread.
His smirk deepened, but his eyes softened, the light in them catching like a spark in the dim kitchen. "I missed this. Just the two of us."
Heat crawled up my neck. "Is it so different than when Rhys and Cass are here?"
He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "You tell me." He smirks. "You don't usually stare at me so much when they're around."
The words struck something deep, a soft ache I hadn't realized was there. I looked away, focusing on my bowl. "Maybe you just haven't been paying attention."
His wings shifted slightly, a rustle of leather against wood. "I always pay attention." The quiet conviction in his voice made me pause, my heart pounding so loudly I was sure he could hear it. "You seem so busy avoiding me that you don't realize how often I'm watching you."
I dared a glance at him, and the way he was looking at me—like I was something worth watching, worth knowing—stole the breath from my lungs. "Now you just sound obsessed with me," I replied, attempting to keep my tone light.
"And if I am?"
I quickly dropped my gaze, grabbing my spoon like it could anchor me. But the tension in the air didn't ease, and I knew—no matter how many years we'd spent pretending otherwise—that the bond was still there, pulling us closer with every passing moment. "Then I'd tell you to find someone else," I say, my pulse fluttering.
"No," he added casually, "you'd miss me if I wasn't here to keep you company."
I snorted, rolling my eyes to mask the sudden skipping in my chest. "You mean to annoy me, right?"
"Same thing." He grinned, his rare smile brightening his usually stoic face, dimples softening his features and making my stomach knot.
I shook my head, trying not to laugh as I resumed eating. "You're unbelievable."
"C'mon, admit it. You'd be so lonely in this house without me as entertainment." His voice was softer now, and when I glanced at him, his expression had shifted. The teasing was still there, but beneath it was something warm, something real.
I swallowed hard, the knot in my chest tightening again. "I hate to ruin your fantasy but you're not exactly a great source of entertainment."
"Do you want me to be?" he said, and the way his voice dipped sent a shiver down my spine.
We fell back into silence after that, but it wasn't the same quiet as before. This time, the air between us felt charged, every glance and shift of movement loaded with something unspoken.
As we finished our meal, Azriel leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he studied me. "So, what's for dessert?"
I scoffed at him. "Dessert?"
"Yes, dessert," he said, as though it were obvious. "You cooked dinner, so dessert is next. That's how it works, isn't it?"
I gave him a flat look. "You're awfully demanding for someone who just promised to make me breakfast."
"I like to think of it as balancing the scales," he replied smoothly. "Besides, I'm in the mood for something sweet."
The way he said it made my stomach flip, though I tried to keep my expression neutral. "Well, unless you're planning to bake something yourself, you're out of luck."
He sighed dramatically, resting his chin in his hand. "What a shame. Guess I'll have to settle for your company instead."
"Flattery will get you nowhere," I said, standing to clear the dishes, though I couldn't keep the grin off my face.
"Who said I was flattering you?" he called after me, his voice laced with amusement.
"You can clean up dinner then, I'm going to go read," I say with a taunting smile.
"So I can't have dessert or your company?" He argued as I began retreating down the hall.
"I'll be in my room if you need me, shadow singer."
"Yes, ma'am." But his tone was anything but obedient. I reached my door, and when I glanced back at him, his smirk was firmly in place, his gaze following me like one of his shadows. I entered my room and closed my door with a finalizing shut.
I leaned against the door, letting out a shaky breath. My chest felt tight, the warmth of Azriel's gaze still lingering on my skin. It was always like this with him—subtle, unspoken, charged. And yet, neither of us ever dared to cross that invisible line.
Until tonight, maybe.
The sound of dishes clinking in the kitchen echoed faintly through the house, proof that he had actually listened to me. I smirked to myself, shaking my head as I moved toward my bed.
I plucked my book from my nightstand, letting his gaze and words fizzle away, forcing myself to focus on the story in my hands.
It was hard not to think of him, he was technically a part of me after all. The tether between us was dusty and untouched, but somehow pulsing with life. I hadn't meant to, but I tugged on that bond, and the noise in the kitchen halted entirely.
Before I could weigh the fallout of my actions there was a knock on my door, soft and hesitant.
I slipped from the bed, still clutching my book just for something for my hands to do. I opened the door before I could second guess myself, revealing Azriel leaning against the frame of it. "You finished with the dishes already?" I say with a tilt of my head.
"No, I—you called me in here," He said with a crease in his brow.
"I didn't say anything?" I mutter.
"But you did, the bond," He attempts to explain and I cringe, hating to watch him fumble around this.
"I didn't mean to," I confess with a slight smile.
I stepped back instinctively, letting him into my room before the vulnerability of the moment could choke me. Azriel hesitated at the threshold, his broad frame nearly filling the doorway. His shadows coiled restlessly around his shoulders, mirroring the tension in his jaw. Finally, he stepped inside, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
"You didn't mean to," he echoed, his voice low, almost disbelieving.
I shook my head, gripping the book tighter. "I've been doing well, haven't I? Not tugging on it? Not pulling you into something you didn't ask for?"
Azriel's gaze snapped to mine, sharp and unyielding. "Something I didn't ask for?" His wings shifted slightly, the leather whispering in the quiet. "You think I don't feel it, too? That I haven't felt it every day since I was sixteen?"
I blinked, his words striking me like a lightning bolt. He took a step closer, and the air between us charged, crackling with everything we'd been avoiding for years. "You think you're the only one pretending this doesn't exist? That it doesn't rip me apart every time I'm near you?"
The rawness in his tone stole the breath from my lungs. "Az... I didn't know. You—" I swallowed hard. "You've always seemed so controlled, indifferent to it."
He let out a low, humorless laugh, the sound cutting through the room. "Because I had to be. Because if I wasn't, I'd—" He stopped himself, dragging a hand through his dark hair. His wings flared slightly as if he was fighting the urge to pace. "You have no idea what you've done to me. And when you pulled on the bond just now, well it's a shock I can even find words despite the aching in my heart."
My heart thundered in my chest, the bond between us humming, alive and insistent. "Azriel," I murmured, barely able to meet his gaze. "I didn't mean to—"
"Stop apologizing," he interrupted, stepping closer again, his hazel eyes burning into mine. "Don't you understand? I want you to pull on it. I want to feel you. To be near you."
My lips parted, but no words came out. He was so close now, his heat wrapping around me like a second skin. The scent of him—cedar and night-chilled mist—was intoxicating, pulling me under, but I was far from drowning.
"I thought you wanted me to ignore it, and I tried my best," he continued, his voice quieter now, trembling with restraint. "But then you went out of your way to keep your distance. And it drove me insane. Do you know how hard it is to love who doesn't feel the same?"
My breath hitched, his confession settling over me like a second bond. "You—what?"
He smiled faintly, but there was no humor in it. "Don't make me say it again."
My knees felt weak, my grip on the book tightening to keep from falling. "I thought..." I shook my head, a bitter laugh escaping me. "I thought you only tolerated me because of my brother."
Azriel's wings flared again, a sudden, restless movement. "Rhys has nothing to do with this. He never has."
I stared at him, my heart racing, my mind a whirlwind of confusion and hope. "Azriel," I whispered his name a prayer, a plea.
He reached for me then, his hand hesitating before brushing my cheek. His touch was warm, grounding, and the bond between us thrummed in response, a living thing that refused to be ignored.
"I'm done pretending," he murmured, his thumb tracing the line of my jaw. "If you don't want this that's fine, I'll distance myself. But if you do—"
I didn't let him finish. I dropped the book, my hands finding the soft material of his shirt as I yanked him closer, crashing my lips to his.
Azriel let out a surprised noise, a deep, guttural sound that sent heat pooling in my stomach. His wings flared wide, his shadows scattering as he kissed me back with a ferocity that stole my breath. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me flush against him, and I melted into his warmth, into the strength of him.
I gasped when his lips left mine, trailing down my jaw to the sensitive spot just below my ear. "Just us," he whispered the words sacred, a vow.
"Us," I breathed, threading my fingers into his hair, tugging gently. "Always."
He lifted me then, his hands firm on my thighs as he carried me to the bed. He laid me down gently, his body pressing against mine as he kissed me again, slower this time, reverent.
My hands roamed over him, tracing the hard planes of his chest, the ridges of his muscles. He shuddered under my touch, his wings trembling as they curled protectively around us.
"I've never—" he murmured against my lips, his voice ragged as I cut him off.
"Neither have I," I whispered, arching into him. "I trust you, Az."
Something in his eyes softened at that, the love and need in them so intense it made my chest ache. Then he kissed me again, and there was no more room for words.
Just us. Just this.
We were a fumbling mess, equally awkward as we were clueless. But I wouldn't have changed anything about it. Because I finally had him, his lips were on mine and his hands held me.
I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, pulling at the back of his shirt, yanking it up, needing my hands on his bare skin. He pulled away from the kiss to get it over his head, discarding it on my bedroom floor.
His body hovered over mine, his wings curling inward like a shelter, cocooning us in a space where only we existed. My hands roamed the expanse of his bare chest, marveling at the strength there, the warmth that radiated from him. His muscles tensed and relaxed under my touch, a shiver rippling through him as my fingers explored.
He dipped his head, brushing his lips over mine again, this kiss softer, slower. "Are you sure?" he murmured, his voice a low rasp against my mouth. The vulnerability in his hazel eyes made my chest ache.
I cupped his face, smoothing my thumbs over his sharp cheekbones. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life." My voice trembled, but it carried the weight of truth. "It's always been you, Az."
Something in him broke at my words. His forehead dropped to mine, his breath shuddering as he let out a soft laugh, tinged with disbelief. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this."
"I think I've got some idea," I whispered, my hands slipping to the nape of his neck, tangling in his hair.
His lips found mine again, but this time, there was no hesitation, no restraint. His kiss deepened, his tongue brushing against mine as his hands began to explore, sliding down my sides, tentative but firm. Each touch sent a jolt of heat through me, my body arching into him instinctively.
When his hand skimmed under the hem of my nightgown, his fingers tracing the bare skin of my waist, I gasped against his lips. He stilled, pulling back just enough to meet my gaze. "Tell me if I—if you need me to stop," he said, his voice a strained whisper.
I shook my head, a soft smile tugging at my lips. "Don't stop. Please, Az."
He exhaled shakily, his hands more confident now as he lifted my nightgown. I helped him pull it off, and he paused to take me in, his gaze sweeping over me like a caress. "You're beautiful," he murmured, his voice filled with awe, as though he couldn't believe this moment was real. His fingers brushed over my collarbone, down to my ribs, and I trembled under his touch.
"You're allowed to touch me," I said softly, my cheeks warming under his intense gaze. "I want you to."
His shadows curled around my wrists, feather-light, as though they couldn't resist the temptation of me either. "You're, soft," he murmured, an uneasiness in his eyes that made me realize why he was so hesitant. I took his hand in mine, running my thumb over a scar.
"Touch me, Az." My voice was a breathless plea as I guided his scarred hand to my covered breast, craving the feel of him everywhere. His breath hitched, but the hesitation in his eyes melted away as his hands explored my sides, fingertips trailing heat over my waist. His thumbs brushed against the underside of my bra, and my breath faltered. He froze, his gaze meeting mine, searching for any sign of doubt.
When he found none, his lips tilted in a barely-there smile, reverence written across his features. He reached behind me, his fingers fumbling with the clasp, his brow furrowing in concentration. When the garment finally slipped free, I flushed, exposed under his gaze.
His wings trembled, his eyes darkening with barely restrained desire. "You're perfect," he whispered, the words soft, as though they were meant for no one but himself.
I swallowed, my heart thundering as I reached for him, pulling him down until our bodies met. The heat of his skin burned against mine, a delicious contrast that sent sparks through every nerve. His lips found my neck, pressing kisses along my skin that grew wetter and hotter as he made his way down. My head fell back as he trailed lower, his mouth closing over my breast.
A soft cry escaped me, my fingers tangling in his hair, tugging lightly. He froze, pulling back just enough to look at me, concern flickering across his features. "Did I hurt you?"
"No," I whispered, my voice shaky but insistent. "It—it feels good, Az."
Relief flooded his expression, and his lips curved into a small, teasing smirk. "Good," he murmured before returning to his task, his tongue flicking experimentally, his teeth grazing gently as he learned what made me gasp and arch into him.
My hands explored the expanse of his back, the muscles beneath his skin flexing and rippling under my touch. I dragged my fingers lower, to the base of his wings, earning a low groan from him that vibrated through my chest.
"You're sensitive there," I noted, a teasing lilt to my voice.
He let out a shaky laugh, his breath fanning across my skin. "You have no idea."
I grinned but left the spot alone for now, my hands sliding to his shoulders to pull him back up. Our lips met again, his tongue brushing against mine, tasting me, exploring me. His kiss was consuming, and I let myself sink into it, reveling in the way he took control, how he kissed as though he'd waited lifetimes for this.
I trailed my hands down his chest, my fingers mapping every ridge and dip of muscle until I reached the waistband of his pants. My hand slipped beneath the fabric, but his scarred fingers covered mine, halting my movements.
"Are you sure?" His voice was hoarse, his forehead pressed against mine, his breathing uneven.
"Yes," I murmured, one hand tugging gently on his hair to pull him closer. "I want all of you, Azriel. I've always wanted you."
His throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, the vulnerability in his eyes stealing my breath. "It'll hurt," he warned softly, his voice laced with worry.
"I know," I said, cupping his cheek with one hand, my thumb brushing over the sharp line of his jaw. "But every time after this will be perfect," I added, a quiet promise in my voice.
His eyes softened, a flicker of something unspoken passing between us. He exhaled deeply, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Every time after this," he echoed, his tone laced with awe.
Still, his hand didn't release mine. "We have to get you ready first," he said, his voice gentler now, the determination in his gaze sending a thrill through me.
My face burned, but I nodded, moving my hand to his shoulder and digging my nails into his back as he slid my panties down my thighs. The cool air kissed my heated skin, but it was nothing compared to the intensity of his touch.
He started slow, his fingers sliding through my folds, teasing, testing. My hips bucked involuntarily, seeking more, but he gripped my thigh with his free hand, holding me in place.
"Azriel," I breathed, his name leaving my lips like a prayer.
"Here?" His voice was dark, teasing, as his thumb circled my clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.
"Yes—there," I gasped, the words tumbling out before I could stop them.
I slapped a hand over my mouth, desperate to stifle the noises spilling from me, but his shadows coiled around my wrist, pulling my hand away and pinning it above my head.
"No, love," he murmured, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. "I'm done imagining what you sound like screaming my name." His breath ghosted over my skin as he pressed a kiss to my neck, finding the sensitive spot that made my body tremble. "Let me hear you," he uttered, his voice rough with desire.
A shaky exhale escaped me, and when he slipped a finger inside me, crossing a line that sent a burst of pleasure through my body, I did exactly as he'd imagined.
"Azriel," I moaned, my head tilting back into the pillows.
"That's my girl," he praised, the words making me clench around him.
His scarred fingers moved in a slow rhythm, in and out, each stroke deliberate, teasing. I could feel myself unraveling, the tension building in my core threatening to snap.
"I—I'm close," I whimpered, my voice barely audible.
"I know," he whispered against my neck, his teeth scraping over the sensitive skin.
His shadows tightened their hold, pinning me further into the mattress as he placed his thumb on my clit, circling it hard. His mouth returned to my breast, his tongue working in tandem with his fingers.
Pleasure surged through me, and I cried out his name again, my legs trembling as he pushed me closer to the edge.
"That's it," he murmured, his voice like velvet, thick with want. "Let go for me, love."
And I did.
The tension snapped, and I shattered beneath him, pleasure crashing over me in waves. My body arched into his touch, and his name spilled from my lips in a breathless chant. He slowed his movements, coaxing me through it, his lips pressing gentle kisses to my skin.
When I finally came down, my chest heaving, I opened my eyes to find him watching me, his expression raw, reverent.
"My girl," he murmured again, his voice thick with emotion.
I reached for him, pulling him down until his forehead pressed against mine. "Azriel," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I'm ready."
His jaw tightened, eyes flicking over me once more but he nodded. His eyes didn't leave mine as he removed his pants and everything beneath it.
He hovered above me, his chest rising and falling with measured breaths as he shed the last of his clothing. My gaze followed the lines of his body, drinking in the powerful, carved planes of him. Shadows danced across his golden skin, softening the hard edges, but nothing could diminish the raw, unyielding strength that he carried.
"I've waited for this," he said finally, his voice hoarse. "For you."
Emotion swelled in my chest, tangling with the heat that still coursed through me. I placed my hand over his, pressing his palm more firmly against my face. "Then take me, Azriel. I'm yours."
Something broke in him then, the raw vulnerability in his gaze giving way to a feral hunger. He lowered himself onto his elbows, caging me beneath him. His wings flared slightly, a protective shroud as his forehead pressed to mine.
"Tell me if it's too much," he murmured, his voice softening as his lips brushed mine. "I'll stop if you ask me to."
I nodded, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. He kissed me then, slow and tender, as though sealing a promise.
When he positioned himself at my entrance, his gaze found mine again. His wings quivered as he asked one last, silent question. I answered by wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
The first press of him was exquisite—a stretch that burned but didn't break. My breath hitched, and Azriel froze, his hand gripping my hip as though anchoring himself.
"You alright?" he asked, his voice strained.
"Yes," I said, my hands finding the base of his wings, the sensitive area so soft beneath my touch. I stroked gently, hoping to soothe the tension coiling in his body. "Keep going."
He nodded, his jaw clenched as he eased into me, inch by torturous inch. My body adjusted to him, the burn fading into a fullness that made my breath catch. Azriel buried his face in the crook of my neck, his breath hot against my skin.
"Gods," he groaned, his voice breaking. "So fuckin' good."
I tightened my hold on him, my fingers slipping into his hair as I whispered, "Please, more."
He sunk in further, and once I was certain I couldn't take anymore he pushed in another inch. I moaned into his shoulder, relishing the burn of it, the pleasurable pain that sent me spiraling. Deeper, so deep. I lost words as he finally bottomed out, his hips meeting mine.
Tears shone in my eyes but I didn't tell him to stop, didn't want him to. It took me a moment to adjust, to so much as catch my breath. He lifted one of my legs up, shadows tethering it there, allowing the foreign stretch to lessen.
"Okay," I say shakily. "Mm, you can move." I nod, placing my hands on his shoulders.
He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, telling me he was here if I wanted him to stop. Then, he began to move, slow and steady, his hips rolling in a rhythm that built a delicious friction between us. Each thrust was deliberate, controlled, as though he was determined to make me feel every moment of my very insides molding to him, fitting around him and only him.
The pain faded entirely, replaced by waves of pleasure that built with every movement. I moaned his name, my nails digging into his back as he drove deeper, his wings trembling on either side of us.
"Look at me," he rasped, lifting his head. His eyes burned, molten with desire and something deeper, something that made my heart ache. "I want to see you."
I met his gaze, unable to look away as he moved inside me, his name spilling from my lips like a prayer. The connection between us deepened, an unspoken bond that seemed to tighten with every thrust, every shared breath.
Azriel's hips maintained their slow, deliberate rhythm, each thrust sending a delicious ripple of heat through my body. His wings trembled above us, shadows curling and twisting around my raised leg, holding me in place. The stretch still burned faintly, but it was a sweet ache, one that was quickly drowned out by the mounting pleasure.
“You're so tight," Azriel groaned, his voice hoarse, breaking on the words. His hand came up to cradle my cheek, his thumb brushing over my lips. "So perfect for me."
I whimpered, my chest heaving as I struggled to keep my eyes locked on his. It was hard—gods, it was so hard when he was staring at me like that, his hazel gaze molten, filled with a hunger that set me ablaze.
"Az," I breathed, his name a plea I didn't fully understand myself.
"What do you need, love?" he rasped, lowering his forehead to mine. His breath mingled with mine, his lips brushing against my mouth but never pressing fully. "Tell me. I'll give you anything."
I couldn't find the words, so I arched into him, my nails dragging down his back, the feeling of his muscles tensing beneath my hands enough to make me shiver. He groaned low in his throat, his hips stuttering before he caught himself, slowing once again.
"Careful," he murmured, his lips ghosting over my jaw. "I don't want to hurt you."
"You're not," I managed, my voice trembling as his next thrust hit something deeper, sending a jolt of pleasure straight through me. I gasped, my fingers tightening in his hair.
Azriel's smirk was dark, dangerous. "There?"
I nodded, unable to do much more than whimper as he shifted his angle slightly, rolling his hips in a way that made my entire body arch off the mattress. The pleasure was overwhelming, a slow, torturous build that had me teetering on the edge without ever quite falling over. "Faster," I begged, needing him to abuse the spot.
He did as told, quickening his pace, learning what made me gasp, what made my nails bite into his skin. His shadows curled around me, their cool touch a stark contrast to the heat of our bodies. They skimmed my sides, my thighs, whispering over my skin like a lover's caress.
"So beautiful," Azriel murmured, his voice filled with reverence. He dipped his head, his lips brushing over my collarbone, then lower, until his mouth closed over my breast yet again.
I cried out, my back arching as his tongue flicked over my sensitive peak. He lavished attention on me, his hand coming up to knead the other breast, his thumb teasing the hardened peak.
"Azriel," I moaned, my hands roaming over his back, his shoulders, desperate to anchor myself as he continued his slow, torturous rhythm.
"Say it again," he demanded, his voice rough as he nipped at the delicate skin of my chest.
"Azriel," I whimpered, my voice breaking on his name.
He groaned, his hips snapping harder against mine. The sudden force sent a shockwave through me, pleasure and pain twining together until I couldn't tell where one ended and the other began.
"Good girl," he murmured, his lips trailing back up to my neck, finding that sensitive spot beneath my ear that made me shiver. "You take me so well."
I couldn't respond, couldn't think past the way he filled me, the way his body moved against mine. My free leg tightened around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer.
Azriel's pace quickened further, just slightly, enough to make my breath catch. His wings flared, the powerful appendages framing us, blocking out the world until there was nothing but him.
"Gods," he groaned, his voice breaking as he buried himself deeper, his hands gripping my hips so tightly I was sure there would be bruises. "You're going to ruin me, love."
I cupped his face, bringing his lips to mine in a searing kiss. He kissed me harder, his movements growing more desperate.
His pace grew more erratic, his hips snapping into mine with an urgency that sent waves of pleasure crashing through me. His ministrations worked me mercilessly, every thrust pushing me higher until I felt like I might break apart entirely.
"Azriel," I gasped, my voice trembling as my nails raked down his back, desperate to ground myself against the storm building inside me.
His lips brushed my ear, his breath hot and uneven. "Let go, love," he rasped. "I've got you."
His words were my undoing. The coil inside me snapped, and I shattered, my body arching off the bed as the pleasure tore through me. I cried out his name, gripping his shoulders as the waves rippled over me, again and again.
"Fuck," Azriel groaned, his thrusts faltering as my body clenched tightly around him. I felt him tremble above me, his restraint slipping with every broken sound that left his lips.
Through the haze of pleasure, I reached for his wings, running my fingers along the sensitive ridges where they flared above us. His reaction was immediate—a sharp intake of breath, his entire body shuddering.
"Gods," he ground out, his head dropping to my shoulder as I stroked the base of his wings, teasing the place I knew would unravel him completely. His hips snapped forward, deeper this time, and the broken groan that spilled from him sent another thrill through me.
"Az," I whispered, pulling him closer, my lips brushing his ear. "Inside.."
His head shot up, his molten gaze locking with mine as he searched my face. His jaw clenched, his restraint hanging by a thread as he rasped, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," I breathed, my fingers threading through his hair, pulling him down to me. "I want all of you, Azriel."
The last thread of his control snapped. With a low growl, he buried himself inside me to the hilt, his wings flaring wide as his release took him. His body tensed, a shuddering groan spilling from his lips as he gave me everything. I held him tightly, my hands stroking the base of his wings as he rode out his climax, his hips jerking with the aftershocks.
"Gods," he whispered hoarsely, his forehead pressing against mine as he struggled to catch his breath. "You're everything, love."
I smiled softly, brushing a strand of dark hair from his damp forehead. "And you're mine," I whispered, my voice steady despite the emotion swelling in my chest.
Azriel's lips found mine in a kiss so tender, so reverent, that it stole the breath from my lungs. He stayed inside me, his body pressed tightly to mine, as though he couldn't bear to let go just yet. And I didn't want him to.
Not now. Not ever.

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#suriels tea#acotar#fanfic#a court of thorns and roses#x reader#sarah j maas#azriel#acomaf#azriel x y/n#azriel smut#azriel x you#azriel fluff#azriel fanfic#azriel x reader#azriel au#azriel spymaster#azriel shadowsinger#azriel acotar#acotar smut#x you smut#x reader smut#x you#acotar au#acotar fanfiction#rhys acotar#rhysand sister#Rhysand mom#request#thanks anon!#Azriel is my baby’s father
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hii since you're taking requests could you write something with azriel? maybe something where reader is bonding with Lucien over unrequited mates (except azriel doesn't know they're mates, it has only snapped for her) and she thinks he wouldn't want her but he totally does and is super jealous and then happy ending lol. thanks!
Warnings: angst, reader is depressed?, mentions of canon violence
Note from author: tysm for the request, uni is being uni atm so struggling to write so quick lol but I hope you love itttttt will try get other request and next Randall part out heheh.
Lucien had to take you to the great open of the spring court. He was desperate to console you. His worry was etched across his face and yet you felt nothing.
So he sat beside you and waited.
You started off into the vastness of the green. Breathe. If you squinted a little the scenery grew blander and reminded you of the mortal lands.You thought back to how this pain had grown.
Your mother had always warned you love made you weak. She saw how deeply you loved Feyre at such a young age, you’d go tripping over branches just to be near her. She saw that if that was how much you loved a friend , to truly love someone would almost certainly destroy you. And human turned fae you felt how much the bond was too heavy to carry.
Your love for Feyre took you north of the border, you were by her side through every fight. Fists clenched and teeth bared. She was your sister and you fought like it. You’d seen every turn of leaf with her and you were so ecstatic to see her reunited with her blood sisters with a baby on the way truly, finally happy.
Yet you were in despair.
You, Feyre and Lucien had an instant bond. You rode all over the spring courts, ate, danced and laughed together. Tamlin however, your lip curled at the thought of him.
After being whisked away to the house of wind you remember the exact day you met the cause of all this hurt.
You’d suddenly felt a presence coming, you turned to Rhysand and demanded to know who was here. Both Feyre and Rhysand were stunned as you were still human. Then he approached alongside Cassian and you could barely tear your eyes away. Your heart knew him, your soul , your very being.
And yet he was nothing but sterile towards you only relinquishing a firm nod. Cassian on the other hand swept you up like a mighty warm wave telling you he’d heard lots about you.
Months later when your mission to Hybern went disastrously wrong the pain of seeing Azriel broken and dying on the hard stone floor made you want to sweep him up into your arms. All splashing and screaming from Nesta and Elaine had been tuned out you couldn’t help but stare at him breathing cinched. You tried shouting down whatever feeling you had but nothing. Your eyes urged him to get up, look up anything.
“Bring her”, the king lazily waved his hand at you. His men dragged you by your hair, you writhed and screamed.Closer and closer they dragged you level with Azriel and the others. The great hall span and they slammed your head against the stone, chaos ensued with Feyre screaming and Elaine wailing.
In your blurred state you opened your eyes to see shadows and a scarred hand straining your way.
You awoke the freezing water. The cauldron was somehow ice and fire it burned and cooled. It was life and death itself. You prepared yourself to accept the latter.
The mother lent down and kissed your eyes,she bound her blood to yours and gave you a gift.
You didn’t remember much after that.
You were in a coma for many moons, Feyre and Rhys sent for healers across the land mostly because your gift from the mother had shown itself. Your longing for home had caused the room they rested you in to be flourishing. It was a sight to behold even Nesta admitted.
Great roots twined around the bedposts, ivy curled around the door, moss and wiry grass shot up from the carpets and flowers bloomed. Elaine took to maintaining your garden, Nesta read to you and Feyre wept over you and stroked your hair. When Lucien had arrived to court he ran straight to your room and shadows seemed to watch over you in everyone’s absence.
Everyone did their part in looking after you, everyone but Azriel.
Throughout your sleep, the flowers rustled, grass weaved its way up to you and roots kept watch. All whispered the events around you, another odd gift of the Mother.
The day you awoke you wasted no time in searching for Azriel, the last you remembered he was dying. You followed the great rope in your soul that had replaced the string that previously tugged you to him.
The study was still and beautiful as you remembered, more so in his presence. His wings grew taught as he sensed your presence. “I’m awake” you couldn’t help but proclaim.
He turned, “I can see that” he coldly threw back.
Your world crumbled, even as fae he couldn’t love you or even feel more than indifference.
He brushed past you, “I shall alert the others”.
You shoulders sank, and yet your heart warmed at the thought of seeing everyone. After an hour of being grabbed, hugged and kissed. You’d all shed as much tears as you could. Feyre and Lucien offered to walk you to your room.
Before you slipped into your room you couldn’t help but ask, “Is he okay?l”. They didn’t even need to ask who, Luciens face softened and Feyres grew taught.
“The past few months have been hard for him Y/N”, Feyre gently lay a hand on your shoulder.
You attempted to be sympathetic before losing control of your temper, “And it wasn’t hard for me?! The least he could’ve done was visit once!” You threw the great oak door to your room open and slammed it in their faces uncaring of how juvenile you were being.
“Y/N” Feyre pleaded, you heard Lucien pull her gently away stating you needed space.
You allowed your anger to flow out of you, translating into great black ropes of thorns growing everywhere and they bowed out of the way of no one but you. That’s not to say everyone didn’t try. One by one they knocked and burst in, only to be defeated by thorns which was entertaining for awhile until you realised yet again everyone came but him.
You send crawling ivy about the house searching for him. It found him in the garden with Elaine, you let it shrivel and die there. You didn’t care who saw anymore.
The thorns grew sharper.
Lucien burst in one afternoon he didn’t speak a word, he barelled straight to you. Strands of his fiery hair and drops of blood left in his wake. He grabbed your wrist dragging you out of the fetal position. He winnowed you to the only place he had ever truly seen you happy.
Spring court.
“She’s gone!” Feyre cried panicked as she burst into the study. Rhys rushed to her as Cassian and Azriel shared a confused glance.
“Who?” Rhys questioned.
“Y/N, Lucien went up to try coax her out and they’re gone”
Rhys and Cassian froze anticipating Az’s reaction.
Azriel stormed out the room with Cassian not far behind.
“Az where in the cauldrons name are you going we don’t know where she is yet”
“I don’t need to know” he spat back
Cassian gripped his shoulder, “Don’t be stupid” he chastised
“What if it was Ness”
Cassian let him go stunned into silence.
Rhys informed Az mentally you were in the spring court offering to winnow him but he was gone and soaring towards his heart.
Lucien carefully started to talk from beside you.
“We were so happy here so I just- , I don’t know I thought I could force that joy back” he looked at your mournful gaze and sighed.
“He’s your mate isn’t he?”
Your head snapped towards him, Lucien could’ve sworn the grass did too.
“Elaine is mine”
The wind stopped and the grass stood still.
You said nothing crawling closer and laying your head on his shoulder, you felt at home.
You felt like a child again.
Tears blurred your vision and you let them slip.
The wind resumed, grass swaying peacefully.
“You know I’ll always love you Lucien no matter what, I mean not like that but you know”
He roared with laughter making you jump and burst out laughing.
You both calmed and watched the vast fields you could’ve sworn you heard the roars of Tamlin in the distance. He stayed away nonetheless.
You rested your head back on Lucien’s shoulder and your tears swelled again.
“What do we do?” you mournfully asked him.
You felt him breathe in sharply before cutting out
“I don’t know” a pause, “but I know you can’t do what you were doing we’re worried about you and rightfully so, I mean you’re been down right lazy. And so cliche, come on thorns-“
You cut him off shoving him over, you never would get used to the new strength you had.
You saw the playful glint in his eye and lept to your feet sprinting away he gave chase and you were back to where you started running around fields being chased by one of the platonic loves of your life. You wished Feyre could happily be here again.
But you finally felt happy again.
Azriel no longer had to sense your presence he heard your giggles from afar. What he saw made his fists curl. Lucien had grabbed you and started spinning you around. His fury pushed him to land with an earth shattering crack.
He advanced on Lucien as he dropped you in confusion.
“Azriel what are you doing-“
Lucien fell to the ground as Azriel shoved him with thankfully not all of his might.
You surged forward to come between the two. Azriel felt as though the reedy grass was wrapping around his legs.
“What in the cauldron are you doing?!” You yelled, fury sounding across the clearing.
Lucien’s eye squinted as he assessed the situation a slow smile crept onto his face, “I’ll leave you two to it”.
He disappeared.
Azriel still seemed furious, “You can’t just disappear like that Y/N you scared us half to Hybern and back”
Your rage was once again summoned , “Do not delude yourself into thinking you care for me Azriel”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He spat back
You felt your hands start to shake with anger coursing through you, all this time he disregards and runs from you and NOW he wanted to play possessive.
“You do not get to turn up and demand me to stay at your beck and call when half the time you fly out any room I enter! Shouldn’t you be guarding Elaine or finding places to hide from me”.
Shame finally dared cross his face and he turned from you. His shadows grew more agitated. They retracted from being near you, their proximity startling you.
You turned on your heel and marched into the woods, you needed to get away from him. Before your rage turned into a confession.
“Y/N” you heard him mutter.
You fell into a soft march that was further percussioned by his footfall.
Great knarled trees lining the meadow attempted to stop him from entering the dense forest but he pushed through his shadows staying a whisper away from you.
His shadows didn’t bother reporting back to him.
He knew where you were.
Hunched over the pool of starlight he could’ve sworn you’d crawled out of it,the softening sun cast a glow through the dense trees, a fallen star had come and somehow stolen his heart.
He didn’t even want it back.
The pool transfixes you, Feyre had shown it to you during your time there and it soon became your private diary. Little whispers you’d let skim across the surface and lift the weight from your shoulders. When you met the inner circle and came to know Velaris you were so sure you were home. That the stars had listened. You were now sure they must’ve forsaken you, ripped out your heart and replaced it with a dying star.
You paid no mind to the crunch of leaves, you’d already felt him follow you there was no need for him the make his presence known.
“Go home” you spat coldly eyes not lifting from the pool of starlight.
“Come home with me” he gently offered.
“My home is closer to here than I ever thought it could be in Velaris” you muttered.
His hurt was palpable.
As Lucien just did he relented and came and sat next to you in silence.
The dying star inside you was getting darker with the realisation you’d always feel like way about him and you couldn’t have a mortal lifespan this would be generations of hurt.
So you spoke.
“Why Azriel, why are you here who sent you” you muttered dejected.
“No one. I-….” He trailed off lost thought, jaw clenched with the unspoken.
“Tell the truth” you sighed.
“Please just for once in all the time you’ve known me give me something” you begged.
He looked back over to you, wind brushing over you how he longed to.
He steeled himself, guard finally dropping.
“I was so afraid watching you that day”.
Silence as your brow furrowed.
“Your human body was so fragile, tossed around like blown sand.” Eyes tearful and locked on you.
“And I had to lie there dying and watch you almost die and that was a greater anguish than anything they could’ve unleashed on me”. He sighed as he saw you squint at him.
You stood angrily finger pointed at him as Nesta did. He couldn’t help his lip twitching,you really were one of them.
“If this is some ploy to bring me back to Velaris you will find you’re sorely mistaken in its use.” A great seething hiss of air spat at him.
He couldn’t help but laugh, only you could take a confession with suspicion. From almost crying to the woman he loves to laughing in her face, could this day get any worse?
“You jest?! I laid in wait of you for seven moons Azriel and you were nowhere to be seen! Lusting after Elaine I suppose” A dry laugh cut from your mouth.
All humour abandons him
“Is that what you suppose?” He huffed.
He rounded on you and stood towering, gathering the patience he needed to confess.
Patience found he continued.
“I couldn’t bear to see you laid there unmoving” he breathed deeply he looked furious. “I’d only just recovered so I sent my shadows although I suspected they were already watching when I couldn’t”.
Your face softens. Shoulders sagging.
He continues, breaking those walls you so flimsily held against him.
“For that I apologise, I should’ve been there no matter how much it hurt. I was with Elaine because her gardening reminded me of you the most” he smiles “after you so spontaneously decided to decorate it was the closest thing I had to you, the only thing of you I could touch”
Your lips part in want.
“I have wanted you from the moment I smelt you, and when I saw you my fate was sealed” he smirks at your lust struck face, hand going to cup it.
“Why not tell me?”
“I saw how well Elaine and Lucien’s discovery went” he smoothed his fingers against your lips.
You seized his hand, “I felt it when I was human, I felt you when I was human and I always will”.
Tension was strung like the fireflies now floating above you as dusk encroached.
He smiled and crushed his lips to yours in what felt like a thousand years of longing.
You both drew back just staring at each other,relief blatant.
“Let’s go home” his eyes pleaded.
“Sure” you smile
“I’ll cook” you smooth hair behind his ear as his eyes widen.
“Are you sure?” He asks warily.
“I tell you I’ve known you were my mate when I was human and you question me?” You laugh heartily.
“Now move it bat boy” you march off with a smirk.
He has no choice but to follow his heart.
And come up with an apology and thank you for Lucien.
#azriel x reader#azriel#azriel x you#azriel x female!reader#acotar x y/n#acotar x reader#acotar#acotar x you#lucien x platonic!reader#feyre x reader#tumblr fyp#fypage#fypppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp#fanfic#fanfic rec#fanfic request#masterlist#light angst#angst#fluff#batboys#rhysand#rhys acotar
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#polls#movies#bend it like beckham#2000s movies#gurinder chadha#parminder nagra#keira knightley#jonathan rhys meyers#anupam kher#shaheen khan#requested#have you seen this movie poll
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𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐝 || 𝐣𝐨𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐠💌™

𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: joe goldberg x f!reader
𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1.9k+
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: smut, p in v, edging, swearing, vibrator, ‘you belong to me’ vibes, dom/sub undertones; dom!joe, sub!reader. MDNI
𝓷/𝓪: not beta read, i apologize for any errors!! || my new bsf (🤫) has been dying for this fic; i really hope you enjoy!!
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You and Joe finally decided to go out on a date. You’ve both been so busy with work lately you haven’t gotten to spend much time together. Joe’s working full time; you're working part time, but unfortunately your schedules barely line up.
It was Joe’s idea to come to this restaurant; this was where you met. So, it’s quite sentimental to the both of you. which is a big reason why your boyfriend is eyeing you angrily as you flirt with the young waiter.
Now in your defence, you didn’t mean for the flirting to start; it just happened. He came to take your order but could not keep his eyes off you. Of course Joe noticed; he notices everything, especially when it comes to you. And out of the corner of your eye, you saw Joe clench his jaw in frustration, maybe even jealousy. So that’s when you decided to play along, for as long as Joe would let you, that is.
“Okay, your food will be ready in a few minutes. It might take a bit longer since we’re currently low staff.” The young waiter, whose name you learned is Elliot, tells you apologetically.
“It’s okay, baby; we aren’t in a rush,” you tell him kindly before he walks away, making sure you emphasize the word 'baby.'
Joe stares at you silently, trying to collect his thoughts before he speaks. “What are you doing?” The warning was clear: don’t do it again or you won’t like the consequences.
You stay silent, looking innocently at him, until he raises his eyebrows, indicating he’s expecting an answer.
“I’m just being polite; is that a problem?” You sass, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh, you do NOT get to flirt with the waiter than sass me. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Joe asks sternly, keeping eye contact with you as you try looking away.
“Oh my, God, Joe. It’s not that big of a deal. Why are you being such a—“
“Okay, we have one order of the grilled chicken, with salad on the side,” Elliot cuts you off, bringing your food over, “and one order of steak and baked potatoes.” He slides Joe his dinner.
“Can I get you anything else? a refill on your drinks maybe?” Elliot offers the both of you. Joe notices Elliot’s hand slightly brushing against your shoulder but doesn’t comment on it.
Joe shakes his head no.
“No thanks, darling,” you say, smiling at Elliott as he walks away to take other orders.
Joe is now looking at you furiously. “This is your last warning. Do it again, and we’re leaving; do you understand me?” Joe demands, grabbing your chin so you’re making eye contact.
You nod your head, but roll your eyes while trying to wriggle out of his grip.
“uh, uh. eyes up here. I said, Do you understand me?”
“Yeah, okay,” you nod your head. “I understand.”
Joe releases his grip and nods his head. “Now eat, please.”
You and Joe eat your dinner peacefully, finally having the evening together Joe wanted. You are so close to finishing your meal without anymore distractions until Elliott comes over one last time to check on you.
“Is everything alright?” Elliot asks, sounding like he genuinely cares how your meal is.
“It was delicious, thank you,” you reply, setting the fork down and looking up at Elliot. “Wasn’t it good, Joe?" You turn to look at your boyfriend.
“Yes, it was. Thank you,” he says politely, despite how annoyed he is with Elliot.
“I’m glad to hear that!” Elliot replies happily, “Would you like me to get the bill now?” He asks, collecting your empty plates and utensils.
“Yes, love, that sounds wonderful,” you respond with the same level of enthusiasm.
Elliot leaves to get the bill, and you look over at Joe, not expecting to see him so angry.
“I have told you several times to knock it off. I am sick of you disrespecting me,” Joe says sternly.
He leans forward to whisper this last part so only you can hear.
“When we get home, you are being punished. I do not care how much you don’t want it; you will be punished for your actions, and that is final. Do you understand?”
You look at Joe bewildered. Sure, you wanted to push his buttons; angry sex is the best, is it not? but a punishment? That was something you didn’t expect.
"Yes, sir,” you respond sheepishly, “understood.”
The drive home is silent, not even the sound of the radio going. You knew you were going to be in trouble, but not this much trouble.
I mean, really? a punishment?
That’s not necessary. Of course you’d never say this to Joe; he would not approve of this mindset.
when you finally arrive home and Joe parks the car in the driveway. There’s a moment or two of silence while he tries collecting his thoughts.
He turns to you and grabs your chin with two fingers, forcing you to look him in the eyes when he talks to you.
“When you go inside, I want you to strip completely and wait for me on the bed. I will be inside in a few minutes. Go.”
Joe releases his grip, and you scramble out of the car and inside the house, shutting the door behind you. You run up the stairs and go to your shared bedroom.
You strip off your clothes, put them in the laundry basket, and wait on the bed as Joe instructed.
You heard Joe walking up the stairs a few minutes after you sat down. He wasn’t stomping, which was a good sign.
Joe opened the door and looked to the bed, making sure you listened. “Finally learned how to listen, hm?” He teased, walking over to the bed to stand above you.
“Go get the vibrator,” Joe says sternly, pointing to the nightstand on the opposite side of you.
“Joe, please no,” you plead, making zero effort to do as you’re told.
You sigh and climb across the bed. opening the drawer aggressively and grabbing the vibrator. Sliding across the bed you had it to Joe, and once again start pleading.
“please, please! dont. I’ll be good, Joe.” You give him your best puppy eyes. “So good, I promise.”
His eyes soften slightly, and he rubs his thumb across your lips before leaning in and softly kissing them.
He pulls back and admires you for a moment before saying, “Lay down, on your back, spread your legs.”
You whine but obey him wordlessly, trying your best to prepare yourself for what’s about to happen.
“Good girl,” Joe turns on the vibrato to its slowest level and holds it between your legs.
You gasp and twitch at the sudden sensation between your legs but say nothing; instead, you grip the soft cotton sheets in order to hold still.
“Oh baby,” Joe coos, placing down the vibrator so it won’t move when he lets go. and sits down on a chair beside the bed. “This is only the beginning, and your already gasping and moaning?”
You glare at your boyfriend and begin to say something when your cut off by the vibration being turned up a level, using a remote Joe keeps with him.
“Joe,” you groan, struggling to keep still. You look over at your boyfriend to see him smiling at you, enjoying watching you struggle to keep your composure.
“hmm?” He hums, “What is it, baby?” Turning it up to the max speed, he asks, “Is something wrong?”
“Mmm, fuck,” you moan breathlessly, gripping at the sheets even harder.
“Use your words,” he tuts.
“Please, off,” you beg helplessly, “I'm going to come, please.”
“Uh, uh. No, your not.” Joe sits up and pushes the vibrator deeper, rubbing it up and down. “Only good girls get to come. Were you a good girl?”
You quickly shake your head no, hopeful that if you obey, you will get the reward of coming.
“No? No what, baby, use your words.” He says sternly but not coldly.
“No,” you groan in a mix of pain and pleasure. “No, I wasn’t a good girl.”
“No, you weren’t,” he agrees, stopping the movement of the vibrator and leaving it still once more. “What were you then? hmm?" joe prompts.
“Bad girl,” you answer, arching your back, trying to nonchalantly wiggle away from the vibrations.
“Yeah, you were a bad girl.” He notices your wiggles and once again moves the vibrator closer to your clit. “And do bad girls get to come?”
“No, they don't.” You give him your best ‘I’ll be a good girl’ eyes, but to no avail.
“No, they don’t. Does that mean you get to come?” he asks, finding pleasure in your constant gasps and moans.
“No, you don’t.”
You gasp loudly, “Joe, I’m going to come. I can't fight it anymore.” You carefully grind on the vibrator, trying to bring yourself to the orgasm you so badly need.
Joe quickly puts an end to that nonsense by taking the vibrator away. “Oh, baby, wrong decision.”
Joe waits a few minutes to let you come down from your almost orgasm, then puts the vibrator right back between your thighs.
“Oh,” you gasp, gripping at Joe's wrists, your nails digging into his skin. “Please stop. I’ll be good, I promise,” you beg. At this point, you’re willing pretty much anything to get him to stop.
“yeah? you have?" He gently removes your nails from digging into him.
“Yes! Oh, God, yes.” you all but yell. “I’ll never, ever flirt with someone else again.”
“Yeah, I know you won’t,” he agrees, unbuckling his pants and pulling them off.
You watch Joe strip, just now noticing how hard he is. Joe pulls down his boxers, and his dick springs out.
Joe climbs on the bed with you and removes the vibrator. “Show me how much of a good girl you can be.”
You eagerly climb on Joe's lap and position yourself on his cock. Joe slides inside you easily.
“Hmm, so wet for me, yeah?” Joe teases, kissing your neck.
“Yes,” you reply, turning your neck to the side so he has better access, as you begin to rock back and forth on Joe.
He flips you over your laying underneath him while he starts pounding into your dripping wet pussy.
You whimper and dig your nails into Joe's back. “Joe,” you pant, “don’t stop, I’m close.”
He continues pounding you. “No one will ever make you feel this good,” he whispers in your ear. “Look at you, so needy for me.” He kisses your lips rather aggressively, his tongue slipping into your mouth.
You moan in pleasure and run hand through Joe's hair, tugging on it, so his face is closer to yours.
You pull back from the kiss to moan out, “Joe, I’m going to come.” He continues, not slowing down his pace.
“Come for me, baby, that’s it. good girl,” he praises as you finish.
Joe comes shortly after and pulls out. You both flop on your backs, trying to catch your breath. After a minute or so, Joe turns to you. “I meant what I said. No one will make you feel as good as I do.”
You nod in agreement, pulling him into a sloppy kiss. “I know,”
Joe pulls you close; you rest your head on his chest and close your eyes.
“You’re mine; you got that?”
“Mhmm,” you hum. “Believe me, I won’t forget.”
𝓷/𝓪: requests are open!! feel free to use whenever you want.
#addy writes ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・#joe goldberg#joe goldberg x reader#joe goldberg x you#smut#joe goldberg smut#smutty one shot#smutty fanfiction#you#you fanfic#x reader#reader smut#new post#leave requests#requests open#penn badgley#penn badgley smut#penn badgley x reader#joe goldberg x rhys montrose#possesiveness#edging kink#you’re mine
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Our Flag Means Death 2x6 | A beautiful name (requested by anon)
#did he have to be so hot in this scene 🫠🫠🫠#david jenkins really said i'll make rhys as sexy as possible and then put my wife in his arms#oh to have a knife held to my throat by this stede bonnet#ofmd#ofmd s2#ofmd s2 spoilers#our flag means death#ofmdedit#ofmdsource#ofmd gifs#ida.stuff#ofmd 2x6#stede bonnet#hellkat maggie#gif request#UPDATED VERSION
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STEDE & EDWARD + kisses
Our Flag Means Death 1.09 | 2.05 [3/?]
↳ for anon
#our flag means death#ofmd#ofmdedit#edward teach#stede bonnet#blackbonnet#taika waititi#rhys darby#ofmd spoilers#useraurore#userelio#userlauren#userfaiths#usertj#emeraldcas#useremi#season 2#*ours#*request#*kate
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thinking about how feyre literally told rhys “to keep out of it” during nesta’s intervention and almost IMMEDIATELY he opens his big mouth and starts meddling. and not just that but he also starts going on about brawling nesta and going “head to head” with her….??? my brother in christ that is your mate’s sister why are you acting like this .
#”You want to go head-to-head Nesta Archeron?” no she’s a traumatized war survivor leave her alone#rhys literally threatening to …fight a woman ???#and just in general going against feyre’s requests#has this man EVER listened to her#acotar#a court of thorns and roses#nesta archeron#anti rhysand#pro nesta#acosf#god it’s been ages since i’ve been a hater#let me hate once more
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Feysand x Reader
Poly!ACOTAR x Reader Masterlist
Story Summary: You meet Feyre and Rhys on your one Friday night off in a blue moon, dancing your heart out at Rita's. The three of you have a whirlwind romance, them going from your High Lord and Lady to the two people you spend the most time with. What happens when a snake whispers in your ear?
Warnings: manipulation, some mild angst (I don't think I made it painful enough...) and allusions to smut... shitty friend
Words: ~4.9k
Author's Note: this is a request from @loving-and-dreaming!! I changed it up a tiny bit, mainly in the way the friend was shitty to reader, so I hope you still like it! ALSO the friend is named Taylor because my ex bestie was named Taylor and uhhh 'convinced' my bf (her ex (she said it was okay!!!!)) into breaking up with me and 'dating' him... so... same vibes tbh. THE SNAKE BIT. IM SORRY MISS SWIFT. IT JUST WORKED. YOU ARE NOT THE INSPO FOR SHITTY FRIEND. So now that that's out of the way... Enjoy!!
18+ only pls
Your relationship with your High Lord and Lady was… fast paced, to say the least.
You had met one night, dancing your worries away at Rita’s, instead of pouring the drinks, a rarity for you on a Friday night.
You’d had your arms above your head while you swayed to the beat, eyes closed and listening to the music when a pair of slender hands rested themselves on your waist, a warm body pulling up behind you.
Opening your eyes, you were face to face with the most handsome High Lord, possibly the most handsome male you had ever laid eyes on. His violet eyes sparkled with mischief, especially once the hands resting on your waist began to trail upwards, his eyes tracking their path as they made their way to rest just underneath your breasts, teasing the exposed skin there.
If you had to venture a guess, you believed it was your High Lady behind you, her fingers playing along the edge of your tiny, tiny shirt.
“Having a good night, sweetheart?” A sultry voice asked in your ear, lips close enough you could feel her warm breath. A delightful shiver raced down your spine, and if your High Lord’s eyes were any indicator, they had both noticed.
You turned in the female’s arms, putting your High Lord to your back, an opportunity that he didn’t waste as he closed in the space, his own hands resting on your hips now.
It was your High Lady, as beautiful and breathtaking as ever. Her blue eyes sparkled in delight when your arms came to loop around her neck.
“I am now,” you said coyly, grinning up at her.
“Hmm…” Your High Lord hummed against your neck, lips already ghosting over your pulse point, greedily scenting you. “I could say the same, couldn’t you, Feyre?”
“Definitely, Rhys,” Feyre sighed happily, and leaned forward slowly, eyes locked on your lips.
You closed the distance, the alcohol in your system making you bold- after all, this was your mated High Lord and Lady, never in a million years did you think they would be interested in you. It was rare enough to be mated, even rarer for said couple to be open to added partners outside of the bond.
Her lips were so, so soft, and the way her hands tightened on your sides had you deepening the kiss, tongues beginning to dance with each other.
Rhys’s hands slowly moved, coming to rest over the swell of your ass and squeezing gently before returning to your hips. His mouth, though…
His mouth had already sucked a couple of dark marks along the expanse of your neck, claiming you as theirs for the night.
Feyre broke away from you, breathing heavily as she took in your flushed face with lust drunk eyes.
“Want to make this night even better?” Feyre offered in a breathy voice, and that alone was enough to convince you.
“Yes,” you breathed, eyes already stuck on her lips again.
That was all your High Lord needed to winnow the three of you away, straight into an attractively furnished bedroom.
The next morning, you awoke, tucked between two warm bodies, their arms wrapped over you and your legs intertwined.
You attempted to free yourself quickly and quietly, but their arms around you were like a vice, and you couldn’t seem to get your legs free.
“Mm, good morning,” Rhys said into your ear, his voice thick with sleep. He was at your back, and obviously aroused, if his hardness pressing into your back was anything to go by.
Your cheeks flamed, you had hoped to be gone before you were kicked out, but it was too late now.
“Good morning,” you whispered, attempting to not wake the High Lady, still sleeping peacefully in front of you.
Rhys nuzzled into your neck, placing a soft kiss just under your ear. “Were you trying to leave?”
Your cheeks reddened even further- now you had been caught attempting to leave before they woke.
“Feyre,” he said, more loudly than before. “Feyre, our little lynx was trying to leave before we woke up.”
Feyre’s eyes flew open, and her lips automatically fell into a pout. “Why would you do that, little lynx?” She asked, a hand coming up to caress your face. “Did you not have a good night?”
The sadness in her eyes had you instantly replying, “No, no, I just… thought you might want me to leave before the morning.”
“And why would we want that, sweetheart?” Rhys asked, running one of his hands along your side soothingly. “I know that I had a wonderful night with you.”
“And I did too,” Feyre hummed in agreement, her thumb smoothing across your cheek bone. Your eyes fluttered shut, their soft touch so, so nice.
“I did too,” you admitted quietly.
“So what’s the problem, little lynx?” Feyre asked, tapping on your cheek to get your eyes to open.
You bit your lip as you took in what they’d said. “There isn’t one, I suppose…”
Feyre smiled brightly, leaning in for a gentle kiss. “Have breakfast with us then?” She asked hopefully, that same sparkle from last night in her eyes.
You couldn’t help but smile back, answering, “Yes, I’d love that.”
“I’ll get to cooking,” Rhys said, but turned your head to him for a soft kiss of his own before throwing the covers off of himself, standing tall with pride as your eyes greedily took in his naked form. He smirked playfully at you before going to their wardrobe and throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, then left their bedroom.
Feyre’s soft hand on your waist got you to turn back around, facing the beautiful female in front of you. “Did you want some different clothes to wear?” She asked, hand tracing a pattern on your skin.
“Yes, that would be nice, Feyre…” you trailed off.
Fuck it, you thought, and snuggled further into Feyre’s embrace. Her arms tightened around you, and you sighed contentedly as your face rested just above her breasts, head tucked beneath her chin.
“Can we stay here for a little bit?” You asked quietly, shy even though the two of you had been so intimate last night.
“Of course, little lynx,” Feyre assured softly, one of her hands running up and down your back slowly.
The two of you had almost fallen asleep again when Rhys came back into the room, chuckling when he saw the two of you wrapped in each other.
“Come on, ladies,” he said amusedly, slowly peeling the blankets off of both of you, making you both whine at the loss of heat. He sighed before replacing the blanket. “Breakfast in bed?”
“Yes, please, Rhysie,” Feyre answered, pressing a sleepy kiss to your head.
“Thank you,” you said, your words muffled by Feyre’s skin.
Rhys returned a few minutes later with two breakfast trays, and you and Feyre finally had to sit up against the headboard. He placed a tray over both of you, and grabbed two extremely soft shirts, handing one to each of you before leaving to grab his own food.
You blushed and thanked him, sliding the shirt over your head and taking in the breakfast he had made.
Chocolate chip pancakes, little sausages, and orange slices, as well as a mug of tea.
“Thank you for breakfast,” you said once he returned to the room, quickly sliding under the covers and placing his own tray over his legs. Feyre hummed in agreement, a bite of pancake already in her mouth.
“Of course, little lynx. We don’t want you to leave hungry, after all,” he replied, smiling at you.
“In fact…” Feyre began. “We don’t want you to leave at all."
Your breath caught in your throat, taken aback by such a quick suggestion.
“No, no, I’m sorry,” Feyre laughed, a gentle hand on your back. “I meant, we would like to continue… this. Date, even,” Feyre suggested.
“Oh,” you said nervously, a hand rubbing the back of your neck. “I, uhm… I think I’d like that.”
“Good, we’d like it too,” Rhys said sincerely. “Now, eat up little lynx.”
You did as he said, comforted by the fact that the two of them liked you enough to want to date you. The High Lord and Lady. Date you.
“Now now, none of that sweetheart,” Feyre said in a slightly disapproving tone.
“What?” You asked, eyes wide as you looked at her.
“Shit. I’m so sorry, love, I accidentally used my daemati powers,” Feyre apologized, her head in her hands. Your cheeks flamed, she had heard that?
“We’ll get your mental shields strong enough that we can’t even break in, don’t worry sweetheart,” Rhys reassured you. “And we will be very, very careful to stay out of your mind, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed. Having your mental shields trained would be good, anyways. “And it’s okay, Feyre, you didn’t mean to.” You comforted her with a soft kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, little lynx. I will be so careful, I promise.”
You smiled brightly at her, then turned back to your food.
“These pancakes are really tasty Rhys.”
That night, you had a shift at Rita’s, thankfully with your best friend, Taylor. You needed to tell her about last night.
So you did.
And she happily listened, up until the part where they’d asked you to date them.
“Really?” She asked incredulously. “Are you sure they wanted to date you?”
“Yes, they made it very clear, Tay. Is it… really that crazy to believe?”
Taylor shook her head and giggled. “No, no, it’s just that I thought they might have meant it in a ‘let’s be fuck friends’ kind of way. But it’s good to know that it’s romance they want!”
You nodded your head in agreement, but a small seed of doubt had already planted itself in your gut. “Yeah, it is.”
For your first date, Rhys and Feyre took you out to Sevenda’s- they even rented the whole restaurant for the night, so you would be as comfortable as possible. It was absolutely perfect, the food was delicious and you found that you really did get along with the pair. You were able to banter with them, and make little jokes here and there, like you had known them for a long time, not a week. You loved art like Feyre did, seeing beauty in every corner of the world- you worked with pottery, she worked with paints. Rhys had the same love of the stars and planets as you did, both of you were able to lose yourselves in a conversation about the various constellations and planets that had been discovered so far.
And, of course, the three of you got along very well physically.
Something about the sex you had with them was just… magical. Right. Like all of the other times you’d had sex before were the warm up for being with the both of them, absolutely losing yourself in the giving and receiving of pleasure.
The next shift that you had with Taylor, you gushed about the date, how perfectly it had gone, and how you had a group date and two individual dates set up with the two of them in the next week.
“I feel so lucky, Tay. Like all of the hardships in my life happened to lead me to this moment, this relationship,” you rambled, before realizing you had been talking about them for almost the entirety of your break.
“I’m happy for you, Y/N,” Taylor said, smiling brightly at you.
You returned the expression. “Thank you, Tay. Well, we should probably get back to work.”
Two months later, you were convinced you were in love.
Your High Lord and Lady had become Rhys and Feyre, who had become your Bat and Star.
You had never truly gotten over how beautifully Feyre shined when she climaxed, and you never expected to.
Rhys had told you he felt the same when you floated the thought his way one night, both of you looking down at Feyre shining, just for the two of you, with so much love in your eyes.
“I just love them so much, Taylor. I can’t… I don’t think I can keep myself from saying it much longer,” you confessed, wringing your hands together as the two of you stood in the alleyway behind Rita’s.
“But, maybe you aren’t saying it for a reason…?” Taylor suggested. “I mean, they are mated… How could you compare?” She asked innocently, horror crossing her face when she met your eyes. “Oh, Y/N, you know I didn’t mean it like that.”
Tears pricked at your eyes anyways, knowing that she was right. “I know, I know how you meant it. It just… hurts to be reminded of that sometimes.”
Taylor sighed as she looked at you, a little bit of pity in her eyes. “I’ll cover the bar for ten more minutes, take a little time, okay Y/N?” She suggested gently, patting your arm.
You nodded. “Thank you, Tay. I’ll see you in a few.”
She knocked on the back door, the security guard opening it for her and letting her back inside.
Once the door had shut, you placed your head in your hands. Taylor was right, they are mated.
That didn’t mean they couldn’t love you, though.
With that thought in mind, you wiped the corners of your eyes, clearing any lingering tears, then closed your eyes and took a few deep, steadying breaths before knocking on the door yourself, returning to your spot behind the bar.
“Move in with us.”
“I- what?”
“Move in with us.” Feyre said it, this time.
“Three months is a little… fast to move in…?”
Rhys chuckled lightly. “I told you she’d say that, Fey.”
Feyre shook her head. “You can move in here and keep your apartment until you’re sure you want to stay with us, if that’s what you’re worried about little lynx.”
“Hm… okay. Yes, I’ll move in with you,” you confirmed, and Rhys picked you up and spun you around, and once he’d set you down, Feyre wrapped her arms tightly around you and began peppering kisses all over your face, only stopping once you were giggling and lightly pushing her away from you.
It had been a month since you had moved in, and you had no doubts in your mind that this was where you wanted to be.
The night you moved in, you cooked a meal for the two of them, and confessed your love to the both of them.
They had not returned the words, but their actions and promise that they were well on the way comforted you just the same.
Taylor, however, seemed to think differently.
“That’s what people say when they know they don’t love you, Y/N. Don’t you think they feel obligated to say that to you? I mean, they did offer for you to move in… it would be pretty cruel of them to ask you to move out so quickly.”
Your heart sank into your stomach, doubt and shame and embarrassment washing over you in crashing waves. If Taylor didn’t think it was working…
“But… we spend so much time together,” you started.
“Because you’re always around them,” Taylor countered, giving you a pointed look. “Try spending less time together, and if they seek you out, then they actually like you. If they don’t… I’m sorry, but I would start moving my things back into my apartment, if I were you,” Taylor said sadly, patting you on the back as tears streaked down your face.
She went back into Rita’s, leaving you crying in the alleyway behind the bar.
She’s right. I should pull away some, and see if they follow.
So you did. Over the next week, you spent more time in the pottery studio than you had in the past month, throwing yourself into making a beautiful vase, detailed with the constellations you saw every night, gazing at the stars with your lovers.
Just thinking of them when they weren’t in the room made tears well in your eyes.
You had stopped spending so much time during the day in Rhys’s study as he worked, after all, he had only asked you to join him on a few occasions- you were the one who had made it a near daily ritual.
Your evenings before work were, of course, spent at the pottery studio instead of Feyre’s studio, giving her some much needed air, clean of your presence.
You heart broke every night, returning to their townhome- because, after all, it was their townhome, not all of yours.
If they had noticed you retreating, they hadn’t said anything. Hadn’t noticed a single time you had pulled away from them, spent less time with them.
Every night that you warmed their bed, you felt a piece of yourself die inside.
“If you’re that miserable with them, Y/N, maybe you should break up with them,” Taylor suggested, her annoyance evident. “I’m getting tired of listening to you whine about how little they notice you.”
“Hey,” you said, tears welling in your eyes- a near constant for you, after the past two weeks.
Taylor sighed. “I’m sorry, that was rude. But honestly, Y/N. It hurts for me to see you like this almost every night.”
“I know, I’m sorry Tay. You shouldn’t have to deal with this,” you sniffled, wiping at your teary eyes.
“Just… get ready to work again, break is almost up, okay?”
You nodded, even though she couldn’t see, already having knocked on the door and facing away from you. You let yourself sniffle for a couple more minutes before heading back inside.
Feyre and Rhys had entered the bar while you were away, already having stuck up a conversation with Taylor.
She’s cuter than you, maybe they’re bored of you and moving on to someone better, your brain hissed at you, and you felt like you were going to be sick.
You rushed over to your manager before the two of them could spot you, and begged “Can I please go home early? I feel like I’m going to hurl all over the place.”
Your manager looked you up and down, and took in your teary eyes and a hand covering your stomach. “Get home safe, girl,” she said, opening the back door for you.
“Thank you, I will.”
You rushed back home- your home, not the one you had been sharing with Rhys and Feyre. When you reached your door, your threw it open and slammed it behind you, sliding down against it and collapsing into yourself, sobbing pathetically.
You couldn’t do this anymore.
Taylor was right, you needed to break things off- but you didn’t think you could bear to do it, not with them in front of you.
After some time had passed- an hour, maybe two- you managed to drag yourself into your bedroom.
You hadn’t realized how barren it looked in here, without all of your clothes and favorite blankets.
It was empty, just as your hopes for a future with your perfect Bat and Star felt.
You cried yourself to sleep, hugging your knees tightly to your chest as you felt your world break apart.
The next morning, you were more exhausted than when you went to bed.
You had slept like utter shit that night, tossing and turning and crying.
You had shed so many tears, the Sidra probably had a new tributary by now.
Nothing made you feel better, not the bath that you forced yourself into, or the tea you made for yourself.
You were sitting on your couch in the living room, wrapped in a green blanket- your least favorite one, but the purple and blue ones that you liked so much more reminded you so strongly of your lovers’ eyes that you couldn’t stand to look at them.
Tears were still streaming down your cheeks when a knock came at your door- patient but firm.
You stayed where you were, unable to move, let alone walk to the door.
Another knock, this time a bit more impatient.
Still, you didn’t move.
Another, almost… frantic?
Another, hard, nearly shaking the door in its frame.
You still couldn’t move.
“Y/N? Are you in there?” Came Feyre’s soft voice, tinged with worry.
You said nothing, hardly even breathed as tears continued to carve a permanent path through your skin.
“Y/N, I can hear your heartbeat, just let us in, please?” Rhys asked, his voice more demanding than Feyre’s but filled with panic.
You couldn’t move, not one muscle.
One more clearly frantic knock, before someone- Rhys- tapped on your mental shields.
He had spoken the truth, that you would be able to keep them out. You kept them out now, terrified to know what they were going to say.
“Please, little lynx, just let me in, we're worried about you,” Rhys begged into your mind.
And that broke you. Your walls collapsed, and Rhys entered carefully, his presence wrapping around your mind as he did.
“Oh, little lynx,” Rhys cooed, his arms wrapping around you as Feyre came to sit behind you pulling you into her arms. “None of those thoughts are true, my love.”
They had winnowed in.
They were worried about you enough- cared enough- to winnow into your home to check on you.
You sobbed, collapsing back into Feyre as your arms wiggled out of the blanket and pulled Rhys towards you, burying your face in his chest.
You cried for- you weren’t even sure, it had been so long.
But Feyre and Rhys stayed, physically and mentally wrapped around you the entire time, whispering sweet nothings and reassurances in your ear, in your mind.
Eventually, you quieted down, and your tears dried. It was only then that you let yourself pull away from Rhys’s solid, comforting chest and look them both in the eyes, mortified at your behavior.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologized, wiping at your eyes.
“What are you sorry for, little lynx?” Feyre asked, pushing your hair back from your face gently.
“For- for being such a big baby,” you said, more tears, somehow, welling in your eyes.
“Oh, sweetheart. You have nothing to apologize for. That snake however…” Rhys hissed, and it was then that you remembered they had been in your mind, seeing every horrid interaction and thought you’d had in the past two weeks.
“Taylor was just trying to help me,” you explained, sure that your friend had done no wrong.
“No she wasn’t, little lynx,” Feyre sighed. “When you told us you loved us, how did you feel afterwards, when we told you we just needed a little more time?”
You thought back to it- “Happy. I was so, so happy.”
“And after you talked with… Taylor?” Rhys asked.
Your face scrunched. “Like… like you guys had lied to me…” you confessed, so ashamed that you had ever felt that way about them.
“And were there other times that she tried to dull your happiness?”
You sniffled as you nodded.
She… Taylor, your own friend… had betrayed you.
“I’m so sorry, darling,” Rhys said, kissing your forehead gently. “I wish it wasn’t true.”
“I… I need to talk to her. Will you come with me?” You asked shyly, peering up at the both of them through your lashes.
“Of course we will, little lynx,” Feyre agreed, already helping unravel the rest of your body from the blanket.
Once you were free, you stood up, surprised at how much their kind, reassuring words had helped lighten your fears.
“Before we go…” Rhys started.
“We… well, we had been trying to plan a special night to tell you, but…”
“I love you,” the two of them said in unison.
And just like that, your heart was soaring.
Tears streamed down your face, but these ones were happy, and you pushed yourself into their embrace, one arm around each of them. “I love you too,” you mumbled in a watery voice, making both of them laugh softly.
“We know, little lynx. And we will spend so, so long proving it to you, whenever you need us to,” Feyre promised, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“In or out of the bedroom,” Rhys added with a smile, pressing his own lips to yours. “Now, let’s go teach that little snake a lesson.”
“Rhysand,” Feyre warned, smacking him on the arm. “You will let Y/N say what she wants, and then if she feels it’s appropriate, you can scare the shit out of her.”
Rhys made a pouty face, and you couldn’t help but giggle. “If you don’t get to scare her, I’ll make you whatever food you want for dinner tomorrow night.”
His frown turned to a bright smile. “Sounds good, little lynx. You know it’ll be soup you make, right?”
You merely shook you merely shook your head at him. Of course you knew, it was his absolute favorite dish you made. And you wouldn’t tell him now, but you’d be making it either way.
You loved the soup too, after all.
The three of you made your way to Taylor’s apartment quickly, your blood filled with rage at the way she had manipulated you. And for what?
You made Rhys and Feyre stand at the end of the alley while you knocked on her door, wanting to have this conversation as privately as you could.
The door swung open, revealing a well rested Taylor.
“Wow, you look like hell,” Taylor greeted, opening the door wider and letting you inside.
“Thanks…” You said, disappointed in your friend already.
“Did you break up with them?” Taylor asked once she had shut the door.
“Why not?” Taylor asked angrily. “They hardly pay you any attention at all, why would you stick around to be with them for hardly anything?”
“Why do you care so much that I break up with them, Taylor?” You asked venomously, done with her insulting your lovers.
“Because, they’re hurting you!”
“No, they aren’t Taylor. You know who has made this relationship so rocky? You,” you spat at her.
“Because you don’t deserve them!” Taylor shouted at you. “I deserve them, not some stupid little twit like you!”
Your eyes widened, and you shook your head. “I cannot believe you,” you scoffed. “You did all this because you were jealous of me?! Do you have any idea of how fucked up that is?!”
“It’s not fucked up if the person you’re doing it to is a skank,” Taylor spat.
And you slapped her.
Hard enough to whip her head to the side, redness blooming on her skin.
“Don’t speak to me, ever.”
And with that, you turned on your heel and left her apartment, slamming the door behind you.
“I’m scaring her,” Rhys declared when you reached them. “No one can talk to you that way.”
“I know, Rhys. That’s why I slapped her. But feel free to scare her anyways, bitch deserves it. Just scare,” you said, pushing your body into Feyre’s arms and relaxing in her firm hold.
“Understood, love.”
A scream came from the direction of Taylor’s apartment.
“Every time she looks in the mirror, she sees a shadowy figure behind her,” Rhys explained, laughing to himself. “If she looks too close it starts to get disturbing features, too.”
Feyre shook her head, clearly disapproving, but also amused.
“Just make it stop in a month or two, okay my bat?” You asked him, a hand on his arm.
He turned to look at you, a grin spreading over his lips. “Of course, little lynx. Whatever you want.”
“… Whatever I want?” You asked, grinning up at him.
“Anything at all,” Feyre whispered lowly in your ear.
“Can we… go home?”
In an instant, the three of you were back in your bedroom. The only one you needed, from now on.
“Bath?” You asked next, and the two of them began stripping you of your clothes in an instant, making you giggle at them. “All of us?”
“Of course, sweetheart, we just wanted to get you ready first,” Feyre said, pressing soft kisses to your neck.
“We have so much to make up for, including us letting you pull away, darling. You may just be stuck in this room with us until dinner tomorrow night,” Rhys teased as he rid himself of his pesky clothing, turning to Feyre next, who reluctantly gave up her spot sucking on your neck to let him undress her.
“Good, I’ll accept nothing less,” you said, giggling when Rhys hoisted you into his arms and speed walked into the bathroom, where the tub was already filled with steaming water. He gently set you in, before climbing in himself, followed by Feyre.
“Let’s start with getting you squeaky clean, and free of all those sad, sad thoughts, only filled with how much we love you,” Feyre crooned into your ear as she slowly lowered you so you were mostly covered by the water, in between the two of them.
“That sounds perfect, my sweet star,” you sighed, relaxing into their caring hold, feeling safe for the first time in two weeks.
General Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff
#fuck shitty friends#whispers#feysand x reader#feysand x reader angst#angst#acotar#acotar fic#acotar fanfic#feyre x reader x rhys#feyre x reader#rhys x reader#feyre#feyre archeron#rhys#rhysand#rhysand x reader#feyre x rhys#feyre x rhysand#feyre x reader x rhysand#request#tato writes
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hiiii, omg i would absolutely adore more of vampire rhysand fics, especially from that universe you created with them all vampires, will there be more? maybe when reader is turned, she can finally take both azriel and rhysand👀👀👀 or maybe to explore rhysand's relationship with her maybe nesta or someone from her family sneak in to the ball to steal reader back but rhysand is like nu uh tf
those are just some of the ideas that popped into my head, i love your writing and your smut💖
You must be psychic because I had literally just opened up a Word Document to try and write another Vamp!Rhys fic but couldn't figure out where to start!
I've got some ideas, and was thinking about doing some Monster Themed Fics for Spooky Season (More Vamp!Rhys + Bat Boys, maybe a Werewolf or Demon AU) if I can get my thoughts in order enough. Until then, pls enjoy a possessive!vamp!Rhys ;)
Content Warnings: Slight SMUT, Possessive!Rhys, Blood and Gore
“I’m bored,” Rhysand says by way of greeting, as he throws his lythe body onto the chase across from where you sit, curled up in a reading chair in the library.
The sun sets behind you, the golden rays peeking in through the blackout curtains that usually remain closed during the day. Most of the horde sleeps through the day, meaning, if you let your body’s natural rhythm guide you, you have the entire manor to yourself. And of course, you use most of that time to peruse the thousand year old vampire’s massive collection of books. There’s so many organized on the floor to ceiling shelves you’re not even sure you’re promised immortality will give you enough time to read all of them--that doesn’t stop you from trying, however.
The vampire lord remains in the shadows of the library, the crack of sunlight just far enough away to not burn his otherwise unbreakable skin. Sometimes you think it’s a shame he can only go out at night, while it’s true he looks his best under moonlight, the golden hue of the fading sun makes his bronze skin glow like a god. You’re tempted to set down the book in your hands and climb into his lap, unbutton the already half open shirt and run your tongue over every golden inch of him. Time has not dulled the need you feel for him, even after all these months, he’s still as tempting as he was the first time you laid eyes on him.
“There are a number of things you can do in this manor,” you say, ignoring your instincts and going back to the fantasy romance you’ve been devouring for the last hour. In truth, the smut on the page before you might also play into why your mouth is practically watering at the sight of him. You’re right at the good part, and your mind is torn between finishing the chapter and indulging your own fantasies with the very real, and very eager, vampire before you.
“Not entertaining enough,” he whines.
Your eyes still on the page as you try and think of something to offer him. He hasn’t been able to throw another ball in nearly a month, not after a group of vampire hunters had come rolling into town. Their presence had been tiresome and even Azriel, for all his talents had not been able to figure out who’d tipped them off and brought them around. Rhys had initiated an indoor ban on the whole horde just to keep everybody safe. That meant for the most part, everyone had been living off of sheep’s blood and well, you. Mostly the sheep’s blood though. Rhys had threatened to keep you locked in his room, for only his enjoyment if Azriel didn’t stop leaving so many bite marks in your thighs--his favorite place to feed from you apparently. There were more than enough bite marks across your throat to give the others pause before they tried to drink from you these days. And it hadn’t helped that Cass had snuck out and nearly been caught, drinking from a barmaid in an alley three nights ago. Everyone was on edge.
You glance up at him over the top of the worn pages in your hands. He keeps an arm thrown over his eyes, as if, even the little bit of sunlight filtering passed is enough to hurt him. Aside from that, he lays with one long leg tossed over the back of the couch, his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, the swirl of ink across his chest on full display. His dark hair is tousled, falling messily over his forehead. He had to have come directly here from his bedroom.
You look back down at the paragraph you were reading, the spicy scene practically leaping off the page at you, then back up to him as you bite your lower lip in thought. It’s usually him that initiates your interactions, him that dictates how and where you take him. You don’t mind. Truth be told, you love being able to let go of everything and let him dominate you in whatever way he sees fit. It is the height of your pleasure, knowing he could so easily break you, and yet he doesn’t. You think meeting him might actually have put some pieces of your soul back together, rather than shatter them further and you love him all the more for it. And now, in that freedom, you can’t help but wonder if there are still other things to explore?
“We could play a game?” You suggest, voice softer than you mean it to be. Neither of you have ever talked about switching things up. Why mess with a good thing, right? But he’s here, asking, and the idea is literally in your hands as you speak, like fate prompting you to try something new and exciting. It can’t hurt to ask, right? He’s never denied you anything before.
Rhys spreads two fingers over his face, so you catch a glimpse of one, gleaming, violet eye. A grin spreads across his handsome features, fangs glinting in the scarce few rays of sunlight left. There will be nothing but starlight here soon, the plain of existence made solely for him. The others may live in the dark, but it is Rhys who thrives in it. “I’m listening.”
You draw a shaky breath. It’s just a question. No harm can come from a question. But how exactly do you suggest… this? You glance down at the pages again, trying to see if they even gave it a name for you to offer him, but there’s nothing but the promise of pleasure blurring across the pages.
Gathering your courage, you unfurl your legs from beneath you and cross the distance so you can climb onto his lap. Those thighs might have been made just for you, muscle shifting to let you get comfortable as his hands settle on your hips. He sighs contentedly, like this is something he’s been missing as you settle your weight against him.
“I was reading this book and these characters are…” you scrunch your face, trying to explain without sounding crass and failing. A blush works its way up your cheeks as you shove the open book into his hands. “Maybe you should just read it.”
He takes his time, tongue slipping out to wet his full lips as he reads. You count every breath he takes in the silence, watching his face with rapt attention to try and gauge what he’s thinking about it. He’s a master of schooled expressions, always collected and together, but after all these months, you like to think you know his tells. Yet, as he reads, there is no gleam in his eye, no obvious indication of arousal from where you sit over his hips. There is nothing but careful calculation as he reads--and maybe rereads, judging by the time it takes him--the pages.
Finally he closes the book and sets it down on the floor. “You’re suggesting we do that?”
It’s hard to identify if that is amusement or irritation in his voice and you find your heartbeat quickening regardless of which it is. “I-if you want.”
“That’s not what I asked, Little One,” he tuts, hands resuming their rightful place on your hips. His thumbs stroke gentle circles into your skin, a move that can turn either teasing or cruel at a moment's notice.
“I don’t know, you said you were bored. I thought maybe, you know, since we haven’t had a ball in awhile you might want to…” the word sticks in your throat and you swallow as the intensity of his gaze pins you in place. “You know… hunt.”
His eyes light up at the word. “And you want me to hunt you?”
Your thighs clench involuntarily at the thought, a move that doesn’t go unnoticed in the slightest. He grins wolfishly, gaze pinned to where your hips rest over his. He could have you right here, like this and he knows it. All it would take is a couple rocking motions of his hips, a slide of his fingertips beneath the thin silk of your top, teasing up bare skin until he can play with your breasts and you’d surrender. He could drink his fill and take you just as you are, right here and now. But there’s no challenge in it, no fun to be had, and he wants you to tell him you want it. Want him like that.
You’d be a liar if you said you’d never thought about what he would feel like if he let loose his control and showed you just how much a monster he was capable of being. You knew that even if he lost his usual composure, he would never hurt you. Even his basest instincts would balk at the thought of causing you pain. If you said you wanted it, he would make sure that you enjoyed every minute of it.
“Yes,” you say softly.
He sits up, swinging his legs onto the floor, moving you with him. His hands slide over your hips to your ass, squeezing playfully as you squeal in surprise over the sudden shift in position. “What are the rules to this game then?”
Your heartbeat quickens in your chest. You’re actually going to do this.
“I want a ten minute head start,” you say slowly, mind spinning.
He hums as he leans forward and presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Done. What else?”
“No going past the gardens.” There is enough yard between the manor and the perimeter walls that you could still feel like you were outside without risking an encounter with a hunter.
“Agreed,” he kisses the opposite corner of your mouth.
“If you catch me-”
“When I catch you,” he says, lips pressing to my chin.
“If you catch me before the end of the hour,” that gives him a total of thirty minutes before the clock chimes, “then…” It’s not like you’ve never talked dirty before, but still, your cheeks are a deep set of red as you say, “then I am yours to do with what you wish.”
His eyes gleam, fangs glinting as he leans back and grins like he’s already won. “And if I say I want to be so deep inside you that every sorry hunter for miles will know your mine regardless of where I find you?”
You clench your thighs again, or attempt to, this new position in his lap doesn’t give you a lot of room to do so. “If you can find me.”
He slides you effortlessly off his lap, but you find, given the nature of the way he’s looking at you, that your legs feel weak already. “You should get going. You’ve only got ten minutes, Darling.”
You waste precious time leaning down to capture his lips in a quick kiss, but you don’t care. Every kiss, every touch is worth the lost time. He is a promise of endless time, of boundless freedom and new adventures, time is never wasted with Rhys.
He pulls away with some difficulty. “I’m still counting,” he warns.
You grin as you turn and sprint out the library, leaving the doors wide open as you run. It occurs to you now that you’ve never actually seen him hunt outside a ballroom. There’s a lot of strategy to those hunts, as you’ve observed, but he’s never had to chase anything. He’s like a spider, waiting patiently for his prey to get caught and stuck in his web for him to devour. You don’t actually know how fast or strong he is. He certainly has a heightened sense of smell, but how heightened?
You know you want to make it outside, just to let him feel like he’s getting out of the house, but going straight out the back door would be too easy. You run up the stairs to the second floor instead, then into one of the many empty rooms and unlatch the window. This might waste more of your precious time, but still, you’re curious to know if he’ll save time and run right out the door, or if he can actually follow your scent.
Carefully, you climb onto the roof and pick your way across the slanting tiles, until you reach the side of the manor where tree branches reach for you. The gardens outside the estate are massive, their own little forest, and with the gates closed, the gardeners haven’t been around to trim the trees. Branches that would normally be clipped to keep the leaves from collecting on the roof have been allowed to blossom and you find a sturdy one and nimbly walk across it like a balance beam. He may be the expert hunter here, but you spent years outside the Spring Estate, back when your parents were still alive, exploring the massive gardens and climbing the trees. Until your Governess had dragged you back by the ear, yelling about your ripped skirts and scraped knees. Hardly the lifestyle of a lady, they’d said. You couldn’t care less now as you climb, hand over hand through the dense leaves, moving from tree to tree. This is familiar yet different, you are far more free here than you had ever been back home.
Anticipation sits hot and heavy in your lower belly as you move. It’s hard to tell how much time you have left and you need to decide if the plan is to just keep moving or to hunker down and hide in wait.
When the trees start to thin, you finally clamber down onto the damp floor below and take a good look around. There are certainly plenty of bushes to hide under, but that feels… boring.
You glance over your shoulder, the trees blocking out the moonlight that has now replaced the earlier sun. Shadows cling to the trees providing ample cover, for both you and the predator you know is coming.
You bite your lip. You want it to be a challenge. So you keep moving, ears straining for any little sound that might indicate your ten minutes is up. Every rustle of leaves makes a shiver run up your spine, heart thundering beneath your ribs. It’s a heady sort of rush that makes you laugh as you break into a full on sprint, wind tearing at your loose hair.
This is freedom. Unbridled and unrestrained, there are no limits on what you can do or want, and right now, you want exactly what he promised you.
You slow to catch your breath, the trees thinning as you come closer to the hedge maze on the far side of the property. There’s usually a whole slew of string lights bobbing overhead, so partygoers can see past the towering hedges full of roses and attempt to find the bubbling water fountain at the center of the maze. It’s a showstopper when lit, but right now, it is dark and unyielding and you inch your way towards it with more than a little trepidation. It would be a good place to make him walk through to get to you, but some of the hedges are so thick and overgrown it blocks out the light, and you do not have the night vision of vampires, not yet.
A twig snaps behind you and you jump with a hand clamped over your mouth to keep from screaming as you turn to face the noise. There’s enough moonlight to see by out here, but there is no familiar shape stalking towards you. There’s nothing there at all but the trees and the maze at your back.
You give yourself a little shake to calm your nerves as you inch backwards towards the opening of the maze, still anticipating Rhys’s sudden arrival. One step back, then another, until you can almost feel the shadow of the hedges against your back. It’s a degree colder within it than outside of it.
The first bit of darkness covers your entrance.
And it covered the hiding place too, because you hadn’t seen anyone or anything within the maze until a firm hand clamps over your mouth. Surprise makes you scream, the noise muffled beneath the weathered palm as a strong arm wraps around your waist.
How the hell had he gotten behind you?!
Hot breath fans your ear as he puts his lips to your ear. “Scream, and you’re dead.”
That’s not Rhys’s voice at all!
Panic grips you and you have just enough presence of mind to fight, digging your elbow into the stranger’s soft gut, throwing your head back into his shoulder. You twist and claw and bite down on the hand covering your mouth so hard you taste blood.
“You little bitch!” The stranger snarls, his hand slipping off your mouth.
You don’t have time to spit out the blood as you scream, “RHYS!!!” As loud as you can.
The stranger grabs your hair and spins you, face scraping over a cluster of thorny roses that cuts open your cheek as you fight to keep your footing. You stumble, but before you can hit the ground, another rough set of hands grabs your arm and yanks, pulling you deeper into the darkness of the maze.
“Get off me!” You shout, your game forgotten. There is nothing but wild panic in your blood as you claw and punch at the hands that pull you deeper and deeper into the maze.
Rhys can find you in here, right? He knows this isn’t part of the game?
Blood trickles down the wound in your cheek, following a trail down your neck and chest as your head whips around to try and get a good look at your attacker. He’s not much taller than you, but he’s twice as large, his arms made of thick, corded muscle. A spiderweb of scars travels up the bare expanse of his right arm, but he has no other defining features you can see in the darkness.
The second remains in the dark as they drag you through the maze. They must have been here awhile, if they know their way through it. In no time at all, you find yourself at the maze’s heart, the fountain that’s usually so dazzling at parties remains full of stagnant water and dead leaves. Sitting on the lip of it are another two men, one carrying a sword and another wearing a bandolier full of wooden stakes. Hunters.
Your mouth dries, heart skipping a beat. No no no! This can’t be happening! How’d they get past the gate? Rhys had it made by some local witches, it was supposed to be spelled to keep hunters out!
The world narrows in to the sound of that voice, as the body attached rounds the fountain. The sliver of moonlight cuts through the overgrown shrubs, highlighting the swatch of blonde hair, carefully tied back from a face that looks so similar to your own.
Though you have no fangs of your own, you pull your lips back in a snarl as Tamlin draws nearer. “You did this?” You hiss at your brother.
He looks older, tired. Emerald eyes framed by dark circles. It’s been months since you’ve seen him. Months since he sent someone to tell you not to bother coming home since you’d ruined yourself with Rhys. Based on the stories you’d heard, he’d trashed the manor in a fit of rage when he’d found out he could no longer auction you off like a mare to be wed and bred by some stuffy, old baron or count.
He takes you in, nose crinkling as he spots the hickeys littering your throat. You’re not wearing anything more than a pair of lounge shorts and a silk top, an outfit that had felt appropriate a moment ago but now, based on the judgment and leering of the hunters, feels poorly out of place.
It’s an effort not to try and cover yourself, to stand there, blood still dripping from your cheek and keep your chin up.
“Where is he?” Tamlin demands.
Shit. Shit. Shit! Of course he’s not here for you, he’d made it clear you were as wanted as a wadded up gum wrapper. He--they--are all here for Rhys.
“Who?” You play dumb, trying to buy time. Rhys is walking right into a trap and if you don’t think of something quick…
“Don’t play dumb!” Tamlin snarls. “I know you’ve been whoring yourself out to that blood sucker!”
He can’t know that Rhys is the town’s vampire, there’s no way. Every person that leaves the manor is compelled to forget everything they saw. The whole horde is meticulous, Az has even followed people home to ensure the protection of the den.
When you don’t respond, he says, a little gentler this time, “Tell me where he is, Y/N, and I will consider this whole mess a compulsion on his part and not hold it against you. We’ll go home and find somewhere safe for you to live. There’s a temple that will take in ruined women…”
You’re seeing red. “Nobody fucking ruined me! It is my body! What I do with it is none of your business!”
He frowns. “Nesta thought you might have been compelled, I didn’t want to believe that you were so weak minded that it could happen to you, but now that I see you…”
Nesta. Your stomach twists itself into knots. She was supposed to be your best friend, and yet she had gone to Tamlin and he’d called the hunters. She must have seen Rhys drinking from you that first night after all. In her rush, she’d pissed off Cass, who had been so distracted with her leaving he’d distracted Az from following her home. She’d gotten out of the den knowing what they all were and Tamlin had spent all this time summoning these hunters.
The betrayal stings worse than the cut on your cheek, your eyes burning despite your attempts to keep it all bottled up. You can’t cry here! Not in front of them. The four hunters hover near the exits, blocking your escape, but keeping watch for Rhys all the same. They all have stakes. They’re all clearly fighting men, all capable of taking on an unsuspecting vampire.
“Don’t do this, Tam,” you whisper. If anything happens to Rhys… If they get their hands on him because you suggested going outside the manor, you’re never going to forgive yourself.
“You forced my hand!” Tamlin snarls, advancing a step towards you. “You went and made a mess of things as always! If mom were still alive she would have keeled over and had a heart attack from the strain of having you for a daughter.”
The words hit like a slap. He’d always been good at that; when he couldn’t use his size and strength, his words were just as sharp as a blade, and he’d used them to keep you in line for years. Even now, the freedom you had so desperately craved feels like it’s slipping through your fingers. You feel your shoulders hunch, chin dipping towards your chest. He’s always been so terribly good at making you feel small and useless and so terribly unwanted. Even now, your own flesh and blood isn’t here to make sure you’re alright, he’s here to prove himself a hero by killing a vampire. Your vampire.
Figures, as soon as you’d found something to love, Tamlin found another way to rip it from you.
Seeing a weakness, Tamlin stalks towards you, his footfalls heavy in the damp earth. He reaches out a hand to grab you, but before he can so much as brush a fingertip over your arm, his body flies backwards like it’s been tossed by an invisible hand. He hits the statue guarding the water fountain so hard the old angel’s head falls from it’s stone shoulders.
“Don’t fucking touch her!” Rhys snarls so loud the ground shakes. He’d come in silently, stealthy as a cat. The power that radiates off him is nothing like the demure courtier you see in the ballroom, there is nothing subtle or charming about this Rhys. There is only cold, unyielding rage as he moves around you faster than your eyes can track. You don’t even have time to warn him about what the hunters are armed with before he uses his teeth to rip the throat out of the first man. Blood splatters across his face as the hunter falls. Another blink at the second falls, his heart still beating from where Rhys holds it in his fist.
The third hunter has just enough time to slide a stake out of its sheath and lunge, but Rhys is so much faster and stronger, there is no contest. He snags the hunter’s wrist, snapping the bone so hard his wrist twists backwards, the stake now aimed at the hunter’s heart. His own momentum keeps him moving forward, even as he screams in terror, and he impales himself on his own stake. Rhys hurls the body into the thorny hedges, leaving it to bleed out as he turns to face the fourth and final hunter.
It's the one that had grabbed you initially, his thin lips pulled back in a sneer as he flips two stakes around in his large hands.
“You think you can waltz into my domain,” Rhys seethes. There’s an eerie calm to his steps now, blood dripping from his fingers, splattering the trampled grass. “And try and take what is mine?”
Rationally, you know you should be terrified of him like this--this is who he really is, not the courtly mask and disarming smiles you know, this is a full-fledged vampire in all his glory--but you’re not. Not even a little bit. If anything, the sight of him makes you feel like you can breathe again.
“I’ve killed worse things than you,” the hunter spits. “You won’t even be a challenge.”
Rhys cocks his head like he’s thinking, a grin spreading across his face. His fangs are longer than you’ve ever seen them, poking into his lower lip, where the first hunter’s blood still lingers. “Is that so?”
He takes a small step forward, and though the hunter’s fingers twitch around the stakes, he doesn’t move. He doesn’t even blink. He stands still as a statue, his chest barely rising and falling. Almost like he can’t move at all.
Rhys reaches out and plucks the stakes from the hunter’s hands like he’s taking a toy from a belligerent child. The hunter doesn’t move; doesn’t speak in his own defense.
Rhys lifts the stake to get a better look at it in the moonlight. “These are poorly made,” he tuts, right before he jams it between the hunter’s eyes. The man falls, still completely immobile.
“You’re a fucking monster,” Tamlin hisses from where he’s still struggling to get back to his feet.
Rhys slides the hand not dripping blood into his pocket, appearing bored as he puts a boot on Tamlin’s shoulder and pushes him back down into the mud. “Humans are so very dull.”
“Yet you keep my sister like a fucking pet!” Tamlin snarls, trying to rise again and losing the battle as Rhys’s heel pushes down against his shoulder until the bone snaps. “You compelled her into being with you and have been keeping her here against her will.”
You stare at the two of them. Rhys is holding back now, toying with Tamlin--the brother that had locked you up, had insisted your Governess cut your meals in half to keep you thin and desirable for a suitor; the brother who had ignored your wishes your whole life and had stolen almost every bit of happiness you had tried to carve out for yourself. Only one of them is the monster here.
“Nobody compelled me into staying,” you hiss. “Nobody compelled me into doing anything! I chose it.”
Tamlin tilts his head to look at you, despite the pain flashing across his face. “He just used his powers to freeze a man in place, you’re too stupid to know if he used them on you.”
Rhys moves his boot from Tamlin’s shoulder to his wrist, heel crushing down until the bone splinters, the resounding crack echoing through the maze. “Try that again,” he dares.
Tamlin’s howls of pain have somehow not drawn everybody else outside, but you are relieved to see it. As much as you want him out of your life forever, you’re not up for watching them all devour him like a turkey at a Sunday roast.
You pick your way around the mess of bodies until you can grab Rhys’s hand, the blood now cold and sticky over his palm. You do not balk from it. This is still your Rhys. He is still what you would choose, if you could go back to that first night on the dancefloor. Bargain or no bargain, you would have come back time and time again, to be with him and this family you have made for yourself here. This is the life you want, messy and full of monsters.
Rhys glances down at your joined hands, yours so small and delicate against the mess of his own.
You intertwine your fingers. “Please don’t kill him.”
He reaches out with his free hand to run a thumb over your ruined cheek, checking how deep the cuts are. “Why not?”
“Can he be compelled to forget about all of us? Can you make it so that we never existed?”
“Y/N!” Tamlin screams. “You don’t know what you’re doing!”
“I could,” Rhys admits. “Is that what you want?”
“I want to be with you,” you say confidently. “As a human or a vampire.”
Tamlin tries to move out from under Rhys’s boot but gets nowhere.
“I want him to no longer have control of my life. I want to be free to choose where I go and who comes with me. I am angry at him. I’ve been angry at him my whole life. But… but I don’t want him dead.”
Rhys nods, then brushes a tender kiss over your forehead. “It’ll be done then.”
Azriel appears from the shadows then, as if he’d been hovering somewhere in the maze just in case. That intense hazel gaze sweeps over you, taking stock of your injuries before he hauls Tamlin to his feet.
Your brother still tries to fight it, but his right arm hangs limp and twisted at his side, and even if he was whole, he’s no match for either of them.
Rhys takes Tamlin’s chin between his forefinger and thumb, holding him in place with just those two fingers alone. “Any last words, Darling?”
You flash your middle finger at Tamlin, “If you come back through these gates, I’ll hunt you down myself.”
“Vicious,” Azriel praises, tongue running over his lower lip in appreciation to this new side of you.
Rhys keeps his attention pinned to Tamlin. “You’ll return home. You’ll forget this vampire business. You went out and got drunk and got your ass handed to you by the barmaid.”
Azriel snickers at that.
You’ve seen that barmaid, she very well could hand Tamlin his ass, the story will be convincing.
“If anyone asks about your sister, you’ll tell them she ran away to be with the people that love her. There is no need to look for her. She is happy.”
And you are. Your chest warms at the words. You are happy here. You will always be happy here, with this new family you’ve found.
Tamlin repeats the words in monotone, like they’re being forced out of his head.
“You’ll have to find and compel Nesta too,” you say softly. “She saw us that first night.”
“Leave it to Cass to put us in this mess,” Azriel grumbles. “I should make him compel her for the trouble.”
“He’d just turn her for shits and giggles and then we’d be in bigger trouble,” Rhys responds as he releases his grip on Tamlin. Your brother’s head sags to his chest, unconscious, and Azriel drags him out through the back gate.
“It’s done?” You ask, watching them leave.
“It’s done,” Rhys confirms.
You turn to face him again and stretch up on your toes to kiss him gently on the lips, despite the blood. “Thank you.”
When you try to pull away, he slides a hand into your hair and pulls you back for another, ravenous kiss. “Are you all right?”
“A little shaken,” you confess, reaching up a hand to brush a tendril of dark hair off his head. “But alright. Are you?”
He slides his arms beneath you and picks you up like you weigh nothing. “Let’s get you cleaned up and I’ll feel better.”
In no time at all, you’re back safe inside the house, perched on top of the counter in the bathroom attached to his room. Candlelight flickers to give him a better view of the gash across your cheek, now forming a bruise beneath the split skin.
“It doesn’t hurt too bad,” you assure. “Just stings a little.”
He frowns as he pokes at it, then brings his wrist up to his mouth and sinks his fangs into a vein. “Drink,” he orders, bringing it to your lips. “My blood will heal you.”
You stare at him for a moment. It has become an easy thing to accept that he likes to drink from you. He needs blood to live and you want him to keep on living, it is an easy exchange--and one that always ends pleasurably for you at that--but this is different. It’s not necessity. He’s offering because he wants to. Because he cares about you.
“Please,” he says gently, pushing his wrist a little closer. “Let me take care of you.”
You wrap your hand around his arm as you bring his wrist to your mouth, unsure of how to go about this. He holds you steady, pressing his wrist to your lips, guiding you through it like he has everything this far. His blood is a coppery tang in your mouth as you run your tongue over the two puncture marks in his wrist and swallow it down.
By the time he pulls away, the stinging in your cheek has subsided.
“It’ll taste better once you're one of us,” he explains as he grabs a towel and cleans the remaining blood off your skin.
You watch the slow pace in which he moves now, all that rage and strength once again contained within the confines of courtly manners, but there is a stiffness to those usually graceful motions. You can almost taste the unease coming off him as he uses the same towel to clean the blood off his own face and hands.
“You’re not changing your mind about turning me after this mess, are you?”
He tosses the towel in the hamper near the door and comes to stand between your legs. You have to tilt your head back to look at him as he cups your face in his large hands. “Never.” The finality in his tone leaves no room for doubt. “I never wish to be parted from you again.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. This bargain between you is fun and exciting, and truth be told you are more fond of him than you’d ever dare say out loud, but you had always assumed those budding feelings were one sided. This was a game and a bargain at the end of the day, what was one human in the span of eternity to a thousand year old vampire? Daring to believe that you meant more to him was not a luxury you had let yourself indulge in.
“And I thought…” he shakes his head and kisses you gently at first, grounding himself in the reality that you are safe and in his arms, but it turns rough and desperate as he considers what he’s saying. “I thought I might lose you.”
You run your fingers through the silky strands of his hair, knocking a few loose leaves that had gotten caught when he’d come running after you.
“If anything were to happen to you, I don’t…” he shutters as he slides his hands beneath you and lifts you off the counter, carrying you towards his large bed with ease despite the shakiness of his breathing.
“I’ve killed thousands of hunters. I have drained entire covens of witches and packs of werewolves.” He lays you down in the center of the black silk sheets, body propped up against a dozen pillows someone who is undead doesn’t really need, his large frame kneeling over yours as he kisses you again. “I have fought and won hundreds of battles and taken down an army of other vampires. Bloodshed is in my nature. It is woven into the lifeblood of creatures like me. I am used to the killing, but I have never enjoyed it. I avoid it if I can, but tonight, when I saw those hunters around you…”
He steals another kiss, tongue sliding behind your teeth to try and claim your very breath as his weight settles between your legs. “I wanted to take my time. I wanted to make them pay for putting their hands on you. I enjoyed making them suffer. And I’d do it again.”
Perhaps the long lasting effects of being locked up has altered your brain chemistry, because such outright aggression should be a warning sign to run, but it makes heat flare in your chest instead. This is a dangerous amount of possessiveness and yet, you enjoy it. It is nice to be looked after so deeply.
“And I know that I should turn you,” he continues. “You have more than fulfilled your part of the bargain and after seeing those hunters today, I should give you an edge over them, just in case, but…” Another kiss, his hands slipping beneath your top to skim your sides. “But to turn you I have to… You have to die to become a vampire. How am I supposed to do that, knowing that it’ll hurt, even for a moment? Knowing that I will have to be the one to do it?”
Your fingers drift to the buttons of his shirt, slowly popping them open so you can touch him. “It doesn’t have to be today. We never set a time.”
“I saw that scratch on you and almost went out of my mind,” he says as he leans back enough to let you push the shirt off his shoulders, but as soon as the article is off he’s right back on top of you again, kissing you like he won’t ever get enough. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips. “I have never loved a human before. I have never been so conflicted before. I can’t lose you, Y/N. I’m just not ready to turn you yet either.”
Your hands skim up his tattooed torso, tracing every curve of ink up his chest and shoulders until you can cup his cheek. “You’re not going to lose me. Like I said, I choose you. I want to be here with you. Like this or otherwise. I am in no rush.”
He tilts his head and kisses your palm. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“I know,” you assure, using your free hand to grab him behind the neck and pull him down for another kiss. “I trust you. When the time is right to turn me, we’ll know. It’ll feel right.”
His lips pull away from yours just long enough to catch your breath before he starts trailing kisses along your jaw and neck. You let yourself relax beneath his ministrations, eyes drifting shut. It no longer feels strange that this has become the place you feel safest; this is right.
“I love you,” you say softly.
He all but purrs into your throat, the kiss he was placing there more forceful than the last. “Careful, that’s a dangerous thing to say to an immortal.”
“You said it first,” you counter, hands sliding off him to reach for the hem of your shirt. You want it off, no clothes between your bodies, the warmth of him like this seeping into your skin. There is no telling how different it’ll feel once you’re no longer human, you want to relish every experience you have while you still have it.
He nips teasingly at your throat, fangs just barely scraping your skin. Not enough to feed, but just enough to remind you they’re there. “What power you wield over me, Little Human.”
“I’ll try not to let it go to my head,” you reply.
He laughs at that, the sound rich and deep, and you think you might do just about anything to hear it again and again. “Be careful how you wield it, I would do anything you asked.”
“Anything?” You ask with a grin, a few things coming to mind.
He nips at your throat hard enough to leave a bruise this time. “No questions asked.”
“So if I have other scenes in my books I want to try out…”
“What a dirty little mind you have,” he tuts. “And when we didn’t even get to finish the first one.”
“That really is a shame,” you muse. “I was looking forward to it too.”
“Another night then,” he promises, his voice low and dangerous in your ear. “Tonight I want to take my time with you.”
And how can you say no to those kinds of promises?
#rhysand x reader#vamp!rhys#vamp!Rhys x reader#vamp!Rhys smut#vampire smut#rhysand x reader smut#smut request#acotar#acotar smut#acotar fic#rhysand acotar#my fics#my writing#my requests#asks#acotar asks#rhysand asks
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Three Wishes
Poly!Batboys x Reader
A/N: I had fun writing this one! Thank you to the anon who inspired this, there’s a lot of bodies to keep track of so hopefully you enjoy 💜 The original ask is here.
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, pwp, it's filthy but in the nicest way, foursome, voyeurism, p in v, oral sex, double penetration, dirty talk, pet names: princess, darling, lots of praise
The first two lines of dialogue are from ACOWAR
“Would you like someone to join us in bed, Y/N darling?”
Your mate, Rhys, is standing behind you, rubbing your shoulders. You shiver under his steady hands.
He carefully moves your hair out of the way before leaning down to your ear, “I think you’d like two males worshipping you.”
Your breath hitches in your throat as Rhys starts to work his mouth down the side of it.
“I’d like to watch two males worshipping you,” Rhys murmurs against your shoulder.
You lean into your mate and turn to face him, meeting his violet gaze with an equally sinful one of your own. “I’d like that very much.”
Rhys brings his hand to your cheek, swiping his thumb across your lower lip.
“I know of two males who would drop everything to ensure their High Lady is satisfied,” Rhys says. His eyes scan your face, searching for any sign of hesitation. “I can summon them now if it pleases you, Y/N darling.”
You nod, biting your lip, “Please Rhys.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Rhys pulls your face toward his. His soft lips brush over yours, you feel the ghost of his breath on you. You reach up to tangle your hands through his hair and close the gap between you.
You’re interrupted by a sharp knock at the door.
Rhys pulls away first. “Enter,” he says, winking at you as the door opens.
You turn to look and see your spymaster and general waiting for you. Azriel has his usual stoic demeanour, but Cassian gives you a playful smirk.
“She’s all yours,” Rhys says to them before turning to look into your eyes. “Do you remember your safe word?”
“Yes,” you reply.
“Good,” he kisses you again gently before sitting across from the bed.
Cassian and Azriel are beside you in an instant.
“Let us know if it gets too much,” Cassian says, grabbing hold of your hips and pulling you against his chest. Your heart flutters at his firm touch.
“Okay,” you exhale, breath heavy as your arousal builds in the pit of your stomach.
You feel a second set of hands caress your waist and Azriel’s warm body pressing into you from behind. His lips meet the soft skin beneath your ear. You can’t hold back your moan as his teeth drag against your flesh.
Cassian leans down to kiss you passionately. His tongue swipes over your lip before entering your mouth as his hands roam over your breasts. You gasp as his fingers pinch your nipple lightly through the fabric of your clothes.
Azriel’s hands travel up your body to unzip your dress. He pulls the straps down over your shoulders and it falls to the floor, leaving you only in your underwear. Despite the warmth radiating off the two males before you, goosebumps erupt over your exposed skin.
Once your dress is removed, warm hands start roaming your body again. Their featherlight touch taunting you as they explore your curves. You glance over at Rhys who is rubbing himself through his pants. His violet eyes are filled with lust as they drink in the sight of you with his men.
Cassian tilts your chin gently, drawing your attention back to him. You notice his shirt is long gone. You lick your lips as your gaze travels down his chest to the growing bulge in his pants.
“Like what you see, my lady?” Cassian grins, arching a brow.
“Yes,” you admit coyly.
Azriel kisses your shoulder tenderly, before sitting in the middle of the bed. With his shirt also on the floor, he gestures towards his lap where you can see his growing erection through his leather pants. You meet his gaze which he returns with a smirk.
“Come sit here, princess, we want to look after you.”
You take a seat between his legs. His strong hands wrap around you and he starts to tweak and tug on your hard nipples. Cassian moves between your legs, eyes roaming over your body hungrily.
Pushing your knees apart, Cassian leans down and runs a finger over your clothed slit, causing a moan to bubble from your lips.
He traces up and down teasingly slow over the lace of your panties, Azriel’s grip on you tightens as you squirm under Cassian's touch.
Finally, Cassian removes your panties, exposing your dripping slit.
“So wet for us already,” he grins.
He doesn’t waste time before diving in, tongue first. He licks you like a starved man, completely relentless with the strong strokes of his tongue against your heat. You can do nothing but submit to his touch as Azriel holds you firmly.
You let out a string of moans as Cassian’s tongue circles around your clit.
“You’re so sexy when you make those sounds,” Azriel murmurs, his breath hot on your ear. “I wanna hear you cum on his tongue.”
You claw at the sheets, your climax unravelling against Cassian’s skilled mouth. You try to roll your hips but Azriel’s hands hold you in place. Neither male relents until your high subsides and your moans turn into soft whimpers.
Cassian looks up to meet your eyes, “So good, princess.” He turns towards Rhys, “Do you think she can take more?” You look over at your mate. The top of his pants is undone, his fist wrapped around his hard cock.
“Can you take more, Y/N darling?”
You can only nod in response.
“Too fucked out to speak already?” Azriel asks, “That’s okay princess, I have a better use for your mouth.”
He sits you up to remove his pants and kneel on the bed behind you. Your eyes widen as his cock slaps his stomach. You almost drool at the sight of his girth, imagining him inside you.
“On your hands and knees, put that pretty mouth to use,” Azriel orders.
You obey, moving to run your tongue up his enormous length. Azriel’s hands falling to grip your hair as you take him in your mouth. He’s so thick, your jaw is stretched wide as you suck his cock.
Without warning, Cassian sticks two fingers inside your pussy, pumping slowly in and out. You moan around Azriel’s cock as Cassian’s fingers stretch you.
“So good princess, taking his cock. Can you take mine too?”
You moan eagerly around Azriel’s shaft, your hole clenches, gripping Cassian’s fingers at the thought of both of them inside you at the same time.
Cassian removes his fingers before swiftly replacing them with his cock. He thrusts hard into your dripping sex, pushing you further onto Azriel and making you gag. Azriel curses as you take all of him deep into your throat.
His grip on your hair tightens and he starts thrusting into you. “Yes,” He grunts, “Look at you taking us both.”
You’re a puddle between the two Illyrians. No thoughts go through your mind other than the pleasure of their cocks filling two of your holes at once.
Cassian’s thrusts start to get more uneven and sloppy. He groans as his cum spurts deep inside you. After a few more thrusts he pulls out and you notice movement in your peripheral.
Rhys has moved over to the bed now. You feel him rubbing his hard shaft between your folds, smearing Cassian’s seed.
“You’re doing so good darling. I love seeing your pretty mouth wrapped around Az’s cock while Cassian’s cum drips out of you.”
Gripping your hips hard enough to leave a mark, he pushes his length into you. He thrusts slowly but hard, making sure you feel every inch. Your walls clench around him in response.
You moan, the vibrations in your throat tip Azriel over the edge. He climaxes, continuing to thrust into your mouth. A little bit of his cum drips down your chin as he pulls out. Azriel uses his thumbs to catch it, which you quickly take into your mouth, licking up every drop of him as you look into his eyes.
“Such a good girl,” he murmurs.
“Flip over for me, darling,” Rhys says, pulling out of you. He helps you turn over, guiding your hips.
You settle between Azriel’s thighs again and he holds your wrists above your head.
Rhys reenters you, picking up speed. He reaches down to rub your clit as Cassian starts working on your neck, sucking along your collarbones. Azriel’s grip is firm on your wrists while you writhe in pleasure, your lips parting slightly.
“Look at you with three males all over you,” Rhys says. “Be a good girl and cum for us.”
With all the attention on bringing you to climax, you’re quickly falling over the edge. The sound of your moans fill the room.
A few strong thrusts have Rhys following closely behind, his cum mixing with Cassian’s as it drips out of you.
Panting heavily, Rhys lies beside you and kisses your brow. “You did amazing, darling.”
You smile softly, leaning further into Azriel’s lap, pulling both Cassian and Rhys close to each side. “I hope that wasn’t the last time this happens,” you say, looking between the three males around you.
You feel Az’s chuckles rumbling in his chest, Cassian smirks at you but places a tender kiss on the back of your hand. “Whatever you wish, my lady.”
#requests#acotar#acomaf#acosf#acowar#azriel shadowsinger#azriel acotar#rhys acotar#cassian acotar#poly!batboys x reader#batboys x reader#batboys x y/n#batboys smut#rhys smut#azriel smut#cassian smut#poly!acotar#acotar fanfiction
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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 4.4k
Notes: The ending of this fic is brought to you by my best friend Molly. Who, at 13 wrote a 300 page One Direction fanfic and then got tired of it and legitimately just quit. This one’s for you babe.

“We’re here!!” You squeal while throwing the door open to Buck’s loft, and he nearly jumps five feet in the air and drops the popcorn when you burst through the door with Eddie.
Eddie comes around the corner and rolls his eyes while setting the snacks out on the counter.
“I literally told her not to do that.”
“Hey, I’ve got a key now. I can do what I want.” You wiggle Buck’s apartment key in front of Eddie’s face, and Buck starts unpacking the plastic bags.
“You realize that was for emergencies, right?”
“And this was an emergency! I had to let Eddie in; his arms were full.” You hop up on the barstools and start to help unpack, and Eddie shakes his head.
“You know if you’d helped me carry them…”
“Princesses don’t carry grocery bags, Eddie.”
“How do you turn into the most spoiled brat the second you leave the station every day??” He smacks his hand on the counter, and you reach over and pat his shoulder.
“It’s called being professional, Edmundo.”
Buck watched how you two interacted while setting up your snack plates. He wished he could be more like Eddie, teasing you and having you lying all over him when you’d die laughing.
But it just didn’t work for him.
You guys were easy friends; you laughed, you joked, and he gave you a key to his loft. But he just didn’t feel smooth enough to take it a step further. He watched you throwing little punches at Eddie and Eddie lifting you up and running you to the couch to throw you while you screamed.
Why couldn’t he be fun like that?
Eddie comes back over while you’re setting up the movie and stands next to Buck, giving him a little hip bump.
“You’re quiet, man. What’s going on?”
“Huh?” He starts, and Eddie snorts at the little heart shape he’d made out of marshmallows.
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing, nothing! Just in my head. I’ll be okay.” He brushes it off, and Eddie blinks at him because he knows his best friend, knows that man like the back of his hand… and he also knows his other best friend. Because the three of you were a trio, much to everyone’s dismay at work. Where you went, they went, and vice versa. So when Eddie first noticed the way Buck would stare at you when you weren’t looking?
Oh, he needed to do something about that.
So one night, before bed. Eddie turned to face you while you fought to get comfy on the cots and asked what you really thought of Buck… and after several minutes of swearing he’d never tell him, you pushed the beds together and spent half the time you were supposed to be sleeping whispering back and forth about how into him you were.
Eddie could tell you were relieved to finally tell someone.
If only you two idiots could see it.
“So what did you decide on?” Buck brings your plate over, and Eddie carries the other two. His eyes stayed rolling apparently when he saw Buck set it down carefully for you and make sure you had the most pillows next to you, just like you liked.
“Transformers! I haven’t watched that in forever!” You stand up from the floor, and Buck looks down at you. Eddie gags at the way you two stop for a second; he can hear your breath hitch and you suddenly turn away and grab your pink duffle from the floor.
“I’m gonna go change real quick! You guys don’t start without me!!”
You hurry off to the downstairs bathroom, and Buck visibly deflates when you run.
“You should just talk to her,” Eddie sighs and puts his hands on his hips.
“About what?” Buck spins around, and Eddie has to keep from shaking him.
“About how you feel.”
Buck had spilled his guts on more than one occasion about how into you he was and how nervous you made him.
“I can’t do that! Do you know how embarrassing it’s gonna be when she tells me off?? But you know she’s too freaking nice. So she’ll probably give me a pity date and say she wasn’t feeling it.”
He flops hopelessly on the couch, and Eddie falls next to him and propped his feet up on the coffee table.
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“It could! You don’t know!”
He did know.
“Make sure you sit between us this time because if I sit next to her, I swear I’m gonna bust in my-“
You come out of the bathroom with your hair up in your bonnet and the tiniest little tank top he’d ever seen. It was a matching pajama set, one Hen had gotten you for Christmas in an accidental size too small, but you wore it regardless.
It was a white set with little red hearts all over it and the softest, most comfy pajamas you’d ever owned. There was just one issue that you weren’t exactly aware of yet.
Buck liked his apartment cold.
You toss your bag down by the couch and step over Eddie’s legs to wiggle yourself in between them like you did every week.
“Thanks for waiting!” You put a blanket over your lap and turn your body just slightly into Buck’s. “Are you guys ready?”
He tries so damn hard not to stare down your top because at this angle he can see right down it. Not to mention it was white, and your pretty skin was very much so not white. Which meant another part of you was darker… a part that most definitely showed through the thin fabric of your tank top.
“Yeah, we’re ready.”
How the fuck is Eddie so nonchalant about this. He just sits back on the couch again and hits play. Buck, on the other hand, is sweating bullets and fighting not to stare at your pert nipples. You have a whole ass blanket and don’t want to cover up your chest, not that you need to or that he even wants you to but man would it be nice to breathe again.
Eddie’s phone starts ringing about 10 minutes into the movie, and you groan and shove at him.
“You know the rules! No phones!”
“Yeah, no phones! Loser.”
Buck has finally settled down somewhat, he’s even begun to enjoy you snuggled into his side with your legs across Eddie’s lap.
“I have a kid. Those rules down apply to me.”
You pause the movie, and he walks off to answer Carla’s call. When he comes back with a sour face, you both sit up quickly.
“Is everything okay?” Buck asks, and Eddie sighs.
“Eh, Chris is having kind of a bad night, and since I’m just hanging with friends and not doing something important, not that you two aren’t important!”
“It would be better if you went home.” You finish for him, and he rubs the back of his head.
“Yeah, I need to be there for him. Are you guys cool if I duck out?”
No. No, absolutely not. We are not cool.
“Of course, man, you have priorities”, Buck answers smoothly, but Eddie can see the internal panic flowing through his body. He grabs his duffle from the floor and nods at Buck.
“Walk me out?”
As soon as the front door closes, Eddie seems to mellow out.
“I’m so sorry, man. I know how nervous you get with her.”
“It’s okay, Eddie, really. We all love Chris, and if he needs you, he needs you. My petty problems aren’t anywhere near as important as that kid.”
“Buck, you are important to me. You both are, and I’m thrilled you can understand what’s happening. But don’t diminish your problems, you know? To you… being alone with her all night is the worst-case scenario for you.”
“I- I wouldn’t say worst case.” He tosses the bag in the back seat for Eddie while he climbs into the driver's seat.
“Probably best case, really. It’s how all my dirty fantasies start off anyway.”
Eddie snorts and puts the window down to look at Buck.
“Be yourself. Be the best you that you can be, and it’s gonna be okay. You can text me all you want.”
“What if I light her hair on fire?”
“There’s a fire extinguisher on the wall and another in the kitchen cabinet under the sink.”
Buck watches him leave with a little wave. He watches until he can’t see Eddie’s truck anymore, and then he heads back inside.
The apartment is so quiet when he gets back. Not that it should be a wild party… but he thought you’d at least play the movie. He comes around the counter, and you’re sitting in front of the oven, staring intently.
“Oh! You’re back!” You look up at him, and every single movement seems to shake your breasts, and he has to fight to look into your eyes. You look back into the oven intensely, and he leans against the counter.
“Do I even want to know?”
“I’m making s’mores. And the second I look away, I swear to god they’re gonna burn.”
You pat the floor next to you, and he eases down and rests his back against the island. He’s watching the oven with you in surprisingly not awkward silence when his eyes begin to wander.
Everything about you was so curvy and perfect. He liked the way you filled out those pajamas, and he liked the way they rode down with how you were sitting.
Yup, he could stare at you for hours.
He looks back at the oven door, and you’re staring at him. He lets his head fall back against the island with a thud, and you snort and smack your hand over your mouth.
“Were you just checking out my ass?”
He groans loudly and slumps over on his side, and you start giggling and slapping his thigh.
“You were!!”
“Watch your damn s’mores!”
“Oh, I’ll watch them, alright.”
You get on your hands and knees and wiggle your hips in his face. You spread your knees and arch your back while scooting a little closer to the oven.
“I think they’re almost done!”
“I have to use the bathroom.” Buck scrambles from the floor and runs to the bathroom, and you crumple into a little pile on the floor, laughing at him.

It turns out the most embarrassing thing in the world to happen to him is also one of the best. Because now things are a lot easier with you, your teasing doesn’t fluster him as much, and he can actually joke with you.
“You know, you’re actually pretty comfy.” You look up at him, and he blushes and puts his arm around your waist.
“I try.”
You pull your knees up closer and lean into him fully, with your head resting on his chest, and he hesitantly leans forward before kissing your hair.
Like friends do!
You look up at him, kiss his jaw with a sultry little smile, and go back to the movie.
Okay, what the hell was that response? And why did it make him want to jump your bones immediately?
You finish the Transformers movie, destroy the s’mores, and move on to Cinderella next. Buck had never seen the third one, and you nearly had an aneurysm when he told you.
“Are you kidding?! It’s amazing.” You shook his shoulders, and he rolled his eyes and yanked you across his lap.
See? It was easier!
He gave your butt a whack and you rolled off of him dying with laughter. Oh, if only Eddie could see him now. It was all a joke to you… but the way your ass rippled nearly had him busting from his pants.
He didn’t expect you to get right back up and tackle him back onto the couch or for you two to start fighting. You’re laughing, and he’s laughing, and he’s not even thinking about your body pressed to his or the way you sound breathless when he knocks you onto the couch and he’s panting over you and you’re staring into each other's eyes.
Nooo, he’s not thinking about any of that.
“Fine god! We can watch it!” Buck gets off you and pulls you close to him again. He can still feel your short breaths against his body, and he has to think about Bobby in the shower just to calm down. You reach over, grab the remote from the table, and get comfy up against him again.
“It’s funny you think you even had a choice.”
Halfway through the movie, Buck is absolutely enamored. He’s traded you for a pillow, and he’s hugging it tightly. He’s not sure when that happened because when he looks down to ask you to pause the movie, your eyes aren’t even open. He reaches over and takes the remote from your lap and hits pause, trying his hardest not to wake you. He’d stay like that all night if you wanted.
You start to stir a little anyway, and your eyes flutter open. You look at the screen and then at him and sigh.
“What time is it?”
He feels that loss of warmth as you get up to stretch but ignores it to lift his wrist to check his watch lazily.
“Uhh, 2:45.”
“Oh!” You stumble a little sleepily to collect your blanket from the floor, and he grabs your arm to keep you steady
“You wanna turn in? I think I blacked out for like the last half hour.”
“Yeah, probably. this movie deserves your full attention.” You lean against him when he stands up, and his heart skips a beat. He awkwardly puts his arms around you before settling them, and you put your chin on his chest.
“Hurry up so I can make up my bed and pass out already.”
“Make up your bed?”
“Yeah.” You gesture to the couch, and he scoffs.
“I think we can share a bed Y/N. I’m not gonna put you on the couch. Hell, you can even have my bed, and I’ll take the couch.”
“I’m not kicking you out of your own bed. If you don’t mind sharing, I’m up for it!”
He takes your duffel bag from the floor, and you follow him up the stairs. He tosses it down next to his bed and yanks the covers back before flopping down on one side.
It’s a little embarrassing the way he bites his lip when you crawl up the bed, and he hopes you didn’t notice. You don’t say anything as you get under the covers and pull them up around you, though, so he thinks he’s safe.
“Nighty night, Buck.” You yawn and scoot your body just a little closer to his, and he looks over at you.
“Night Y/N”
An hour later, and Buck is starting to think this was the dumbest thing he’d ever suggested in his life.
Every time his eyes wander to your sleeping form, he yanks them right back. He was able to ignore your shirt situation when there was a movie to watch; hell, he’d even forgotten about it! But now, in the moonlight and the quietness of the middle of the night?… He can see perfectly through your shirt.
He didn’t even realize he was staring at first until you stirred a little, and he snapped his eyes shut. You’d gotten hot at some point and shoved the covers down a bit, and now he had the most perfect view of your chest. Your nipples pebbled under the cool air of his apartment, and they stick out of the tight fabric of your shirt so clearly. He can even make out the gorgeous dark circles surrounding them.
And he just knows they’d fit so nicely in his mouth. He can just see it now, rolling his tongue over those cute little nubs and sucking until you’re a whining mess underneath him.
Oh, that would be the dream.
You stir again and roll over onto your back, and Buck rolls onto his other side to stare at the wall. This was going to be a long night.

At some point, he must have finally dozed off because he woke up exhausted. He didn’t get much sleep, which wasn’t really a surprise, but the sleep he did get was good. Solely because of the dreams. Maybe it was because you were so close or maybe because he was just happy you were there; either way, he isn’t mad, he’s exhausted.
He stretches out and lazily rolls over to wake you up, and he freezes in place, with his arms still up and everything.
He blinks and slowly lets his arms fall, and he’s not sure if he’s losing his mind or if he’s actually seeing what he’s seeing.
You’re laid on your side, sleeping peacefully and snoring softly-
And one of your boobs popped out of your tank top.
It’s like someone just hates him. Someone is just messing with him at this point, and he doesn’t even know why. He’s a good guy! He pays his taxes! He donates to humane societies.
He doesn’t even notice your eyes have opened or that you’re staring right at him with that soft, sleepy expression. He doesn’t notice the warmth blooming between your thighs, and he doesn’t notice you lick your lips when your eyes flick down to the aching tent in his pants.
It’s not until he rolls his eyes at himself and finally looks up at you that he turns into a whole-ass tomato. He just stares like a deer caught in the headlights, and you look right back at him.
Because teehee he was caught before looking at your ass, but this? There is nothing subtle about the way his mouth is watering… and there’s certainly nothing subtle about the way you wag your finger at him, and he pounces.
He pushes you on your back and latches onto your breast immediately. His eyes roll back in his head as he captures that little nub between his lips and swirls his tongue around it, enjoying the way it grows into a hard peak. He bites down gently, just enough to send a jolt of pleasure down your spine.
“O-oh god, Buck,” You moan softly and bury your head in the pillows. He groans around your nipple and looks up at you, watching you pant softly. He’d been dying to see you like that for ages, and every image he dreamed up was never as good as this was. None of the filthy, depraved dreams he had about you came close to how good you really looked.
He settles down between your legs, and you can feel him. Your hips start to move against his, begging for friction, and he gives it to you so easily. He reaches down and pushes his boxers messily around his thighs and drags his cock against your panties.
“Do you want this as much as I do?”
He seems a little hesitant when he looks down at you like he’s not literally rubbing his cock on you. You cup his cheek and reach down, moving your panties to the side and biting your lip.
“This answer your question?” You guide his cock between your folds, smearing the tip through your wetness. You sigh together and Buck takes over for you, rubbing his cock against your clit.
“I don’t think I can be gentle.”
He’s straining to control himself. The tip keeps getting caught at your hole, and now he’s just lightly pushing the tip in and out, testing just how wet you are for him and if he needs that bottle of lube in his top drawer.
“I don’t want you to be.”
Your back arches, pushing your tits forward purposely and he’s putty in your hands. He wraps his hands around them and squeezes them together. He buries his face between your tits and you laugh and run your fingers through his hair and tug.
“You’re being ridiculous,” You tell him and he scoffs and sucks your nipples into his mouth, rolling his tongue over them and biting down. You gasp, making your hips grind down on his cock and he slips inside you.
He groans loudly and lets go of your breasts and instead holds your hips. The way you clench around him almost sends him to an early freaking grave. He lets his head fall forward, letting out a puff of air, and slowly thrusts into you. You wrap one arm around his neck and splay the other across his back to pull him toward you.
“That’s my girl” He pants in your ear, watching your face contort in pleasure “Take my cock bunny”
You arch your back further into his chest, and he hooks his arm under you. It feels like he’s splitting you in half with the way he pounds into you, chasing a high that you’ve both been craving for too long.
“I’ve dreamt about this so many times.” He nips at your neck, leaving little marks in his wake.
“Imagining what you’d sound like falling apart on my cock” He accentuates his words with a sharp thrust and you moan his name, your nails digging into his back and spurring him on
“Gonna fuck this pretty little pussy until you’re screaming my name. I want my neighbors to know who you belong to.”
You whack his chest with a squeak, and he laughs into your shoulder
“Buck! That’s emba-“
You yelp when he pulls out and easily flips you over onto your stomach. He thrusts back into you with one smooth stroke and leans over you, making you moan at the angle he’s stretching you.
His hands grip you so tightly that he knows he’s leaving bruises, but he doesn’t care. He needs to mark you, remind you who you finally belong to, and you take every mark he leaves, eagerly leaving a few of your own.
“Thats it bunny, cum on my cock. Please, please, I need to feel you come undone.” The way his voice cracks sends another wave of pleasure crashing over your body, and you’re seeing stars. He reaches around your hips and the second his fingers find your clit you feel your body explode.
You shriek his name, raising your hips to meet each of his erratic thrusts that become more and more messy the closer he is to cumming inside you, the closer he is to breeding you to the brim and claiming you.
He flips you over with his cock still buried deep inside you and swallows your broken moans. He crashes his lips to yours, and he lets out a strangled groan. He hardly gets three more strokes before he empties himself inside you. He pushes his cock in as hard as he can, splitting you open on him and you sob his name, your nails leaving angry red lines on his chest.
He collapses on top of you, panting wildly and crushing your body with his. You gingerly wrap your arms around his neck, more like awkwardly letting them hang there, and he buries his face into your shoulder.
“Jesus Christ,” He mutters in your ear, and you nod, wordlessly agreeing with him.
He pulls back a little to look at you and smiles, nuzzling your nose with his. You blink blearily at him with a blissed-out smile on your face and peck his lips.
“I can’t feel my body.”
“Is that my fault? Or the sex.”
“I’m pretty sure both those things are your fault.” You poke his nose, and he nips at your finger, making you giggle.
“Do you want me to get off?”
“Not yet.”
He cuddles into you, keeping you there and blissfully falling asleep to the sound of your heart beating.

Buck wakes up alone. Which is super weird considering he thought you were there. Maybe it had been some elaborate sex dream. He rolls out of bed, still naked, and walks downstairs to go see if there’s any evidence of you actually having been at his place.
Coming down the stairs, he sees you sitting at the island in one of his T-shirts.
Ohhoho, so it was very much so not a dream.
“Hello, Gor-“
He freezes in his tracks, and his jaw drops. Eddie is sitting on the chair next to you and spins around.
“Good morn- Jesus- Buck!! Put some clothes on! What the hell?!” Eddie slaps his hands over his face, and you burst out laughing.
“What are you doing here?!” Buck slaps his hands over his dick and runs around the corner.
“I just came to see if you guys fucked or not! Dude! Why would you come down here without clothes?”
“You came to what?! And it’s my house! If I wanna be naked, I’m gonna be naked!!!”
“Can you-“ Eddie takes his shirt off and throws it somewhere, and Buck runs over and takes it. He pulls it on over his head and ties one of his jackets around his waist. He stomps over to the other side of the island and crosses his arms.
“I’m dressed…ish.”
Eddie lets his hands slide down his face and glares at Buck. You’re just wiping the tears from your eyes and trying to keep yourself up on the chair without toppling over.
“Why are you here?” Buck narrows his eyes and turns to get a cup of coffee.
“Jesus-“ Eddie looks away from the eyeful of Buck’s ass and glares at you while you openly stare at it.
“I came to see if you two slept together.”
“Yeah, he lied,” You chime in, taking a sip of your iced coffee, and Buck spins around, hissing when a drop falls on his skin.
“You what?!”
“Chris was at a sleepover! He had a nice night with Marisol… He left to try and give us time together alone.”
“Eddie! How dare you!! It was movie night!!”
“That’s what she said.”
“That’s what I said!!!” You throw your hands in the air, and Buck flicks the coffee creamer lid at Eddie.
“Well, it worked, didn’t it!” Eddie picks it up and throws it back at him. Buck snatches it from the floor and slaps it back onto the bottle.
“Uh-huh, that’s what I freaking thought. God, I’ve been waiting months for you two idiots to just get together!”
“Well, we did.” You shrug around a bite of muffin. “Oh boy, did we get togethe.r”
“My favorite part was cupping you to keep it all in.”
Eddie nearly loses his breakfast.
And just like any other fairy tale, no matter how real or imaginary, they all lived happily ever after.
#words by rhys#rhys writes#911 x reader#eddie diaz#911 fox#911 show#911 abc#evan buckley#evan buck buckely#evan buckley imagine#evan buckley x reader#rhys requests
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Breaking Point

Pairing: Poly!Bat boys x Fem!Reader
Summary: After a petty arguement Reader gives the three males the silent treatment, they use their best efforts in getting her to break.
Warnings: Smut | Minors dni | Double penetration | oral (both m & f receiving) | threesome | p in v | anal | clit play | nipple play | overstim | controlled orgasm | multiple orgasms | bondage (shadows)
A.Note: Finally another bat boys smut, sorry it’s taken me so long!! Just as a reminder everyone is consenting, may seem a bit dubious due to the fact that reader is choosing to be silent but I promise you she is very much into it.
6.5k words.

I stepped into the house, the familiar sound of my mates bickering reaching me before I even closed the door. Kicking off my heels, I padded toward the sitting room, curiosity already piqued as their voices rose and fell.
Leaning against the archway leading to the foyer, I paused, catching sight of them. Cassian sprawled lazily across the couch, Rhys perched like the picture of regal authority in his armchair, and Azriel sat back with his arms crossed, shadows coiling lazily around him.
"Obviously, I'm the favorite," Cassian declared, his tone smug and entirely self-assured.
"Remind me," Azriel countered coolly, "which one of us has the largest wingspan?"
"That's completely irrelevant," Rhys drawled, looking between them with barely veiled disdain. "Everyone knows it's the charm that matters. And mine is unmatched."
I blinked, taking another step forward, the wood creaking beneath my foot and giving away my presence. Three heads swiveled toward me, hazel and violet eyes locking onto mine as I tilted my head and crossed my arms.
"What are you three arguing about now?" I asked, exasperation lacing my tone as I moved closer. I stopped beside Azriel's chair, resting my hip against its side and arching a brow at them.
Cassian grinned up at me like a cat who'd just found the cream. "We're debating who you love most."
Azriel and Rhys shot him withering glares, clearly not impressed with his confession.
I frowned. "You know I love all three of you equally."
"Sure," Rhys purred, a slow smirk spreading across his face. "But you must have a favorite."
"And it's me," Azriel added, his rare grin making his dimples flash. My heart softened at the sight—until the smugness in his tone caught up with me.
"No," I said, my frown deepening.
"Ha!" Cassian crowed, slapping his thigh. "You hear that, Az? Not you."
A flicker of something like hurt passed over Azriel's face, and I instantly regretted my tone. I opened my mouth to explain, but Cassian cut me off.
"C'mon, sweetheart, you don't have to lie. We all know I'm the favorite."
"No!" I said, louder this time, frustration creeping into my voice. "I love all of you equally. It's not a lie."
They exchanged looks, disbelief written all over their ridiculously handsome faces.
"You three know how I feel," I pressed, my voice softening as I tried to make them understand. "There's no competition. It's impossible to have one of you as a favorite when I love all of you for entirely different reasons."
Cassian, ever the instigator, grinned. "It's just a little fun, sweetheart."
"It's not fun for me," I said, my tone sharpening.
"Darling, relax," Rhys soothed, ever the diplomat. But then he ruined it with, "Some of us are just more lovable than others."
My anger crested.
"Relax?" I repeated, my voice dangerously calm. "You know this is a sensitive subject for me. Yet here you are, turning it into a joke."
"Love, we didn't mean—" Azriel began, but I cut him off, stepping back when his hand reached for me.
"No." I shook my head, my resolve hardening. "If you're going to keep this up, then leave me out of it. None of you will be joining me in bed tonight until you sort yourselves out."
The room erupted in protest.
I held up a hand, silencing all three of them. "I don't want to hear it. I'm going to bed. Alone."
The protests followed me as I turned on my heel and marched down the hall, a smug little smile tugging at my lips despite my irritation. By the time I reached the bedroom, the sounds had faded, and I closed the door behind me with a decisive click.
Stripping out of my work clothes, I pulled on a soft set of pajamas and slid into the massive bed built for me and three oversized Illyrian warriors. The empty space on either side of me was glaringly obvious, but I pulled the blankets up to my chin and resolutely closed my eyes.
If they wanted to fight over who was my favorite, they could do it without me.
Tomorrow, they'd crawl back with apologies. They always did.
And maybe I'd make them work for it.
None of them had come to bed last night—or at least they'd found somewhere else to sleep. That was just as well. It saved them from my wrath this morning.
Still, as I woke up in the emptiness of our shared bed, I found myself missing the familiar sensation of warm, strong arms around me. Missing their presence, their scents lingered on my skin.
I huffed, pushing the thought away as I sat up, rubbing at my eyes. The ache in my chest wasn't their problem—not yet. Not until they earned it.
Slipping out of bed, I grabbed a soft robe, tying it loosely as I shuffled toward the door. My hair fell free around my shoulders as I walked down the hall, the faint sound of sizzling drawing my attention. My steps slowed as I turned into the kitchen, where Azriel stood at the stove, shirtless, his shadows lazily curling around him.
The sight was enough to make my breath hitch, but I schooled my expression, crossing my arms as I approached silently.
"Good morning," he said softly, his dimpled smile appearing the moment he noticed me. He leaned down to place a kiss on the crown of my head, his hand finding the small of my back like it belonged there.
I raised a brow at him, pointedly ignoring the way my skin warmed at his touch.
"Breakfast is ready," he murmured into my hair, his hand slipping lower, brushing the curve of my hip.
I stepped back, breaking his contact, my lips sealed shut.
His smile faltered, just slightly, but he recovered quickly, turning his attention back to the pan. "Decided on silent treatment?" he asked, his voice as smooth as silk, a teasing lilt in it. "You know we're sorry, love."
I moved to the counter, ignoring him entirely as I reached for a mug and poured myself a cup of tea.
"Come on," Azriel tried again, leaning one hip against the counter as he watched me. His hazel eyes glimmered with amusement—and a hint of something darker. "You can't stay mad at us forever."
I lifted the mug to my lips, meeting his gaze over the rim as I took a slow sip.
His dimples appeared again, this time edged with a trace of mischief. "You're not even going to tell me if you want more sugar in your tea? No?" He sighed but was far from giving up, turning back to the stove.
I pushed off the counter and retreated to the dining table, plate and mug in hand. Settling into my seat, I found Rhys already there, watching me like a predator sizing up its prey. His violet eyes sparkled with intrigue as he leaned forward, resting his chin on his knuckles.
"Won't speak to us, darling?" His voice was rich, a purr meant to coax me. "How cruel."
I arched a brow at him, picking up my fork and taking a bite of my food.
"Really? Not even a word?" He tilted his head, his smirk deepening. "You're killing us, you know that? Utterly heartless."
Cassian strolled in a moment later, his hair rumpled, his shirt half-buttoned, and his grin wide. "Ignoring us I hear?" He plopped into the chair beside me, sliding an arm across the back of my seat. I didn’t want to know how Cassian had already found out—Rhys’a daemati powers never ceased to make me shiver. "That's fine. I've got other ways of making you talk."
I ignored him too, stabbing another piece of food with my fork.
"Cold as ice," he muttered, shaking his head with mock disbelief. Then his grin sharpened as he leaned in close, his lips brushing my ear. "Don’t worry, we'll thaw you out, sweetheart."
Azriel appeared then, refilling my half-full mug with a quiet precision that belied the smirk tugging at his lips. He set the carafe down and crouched down beside my chair, resting his forearms on his knees as he looked up at me.
"Love," he murmured, his voice low enough to send shivers down my spine. "You can punish us however you like. But you're making it very, very hard not to make you put that fork down and remind you just how much we adore you."
I swallowed, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.
Rhys chuckled softly, the sound rich and knowing. "You're stronger than I thought," he mused, his fingers drumming against the table. "But let's see how long you last."
The three of them exchanged glances, something unspoken passing between them.
Cassian's hand brushed my thigh beneath the table, his grin wolfish as I shot him a warning glare. Azriel's shadows curled around my ankles, cool tendrils dragging up my calves. And Rhys, well Rhys just leaned back in his chair, his smirk promising retribution as his violet eyes burned into mine.
I was determined to hold my ground.
But with these three? That resolve was bound to be tested.
It’s been days and I have not cracked. I refused to speak unless absolutely necessary. It started as a petty game, but after a while, I was beginning to enjoy the yearning in their eyes, the professions of need they spoke into my skin. It was cruel, and I would’ve stopped it a long time ago if I knew some sick part of them didn’t enjoy it too.
I found myself curled up in the library, attempting to lose myself in the pages of a novel. The silence was comforting—until it wasn't.
Azriel's shadows had found me first, curling along the edge of my book and brushing against my fingers like curious cats. A moment later, their master appeared, leaning against the doorway with that infuriatingly calm expression.
"Figured I'd find you here," he said softly, stepping inside. His steps made no sound on the plush carpet as he approached.
I ignored him, my eyes fixed on the words in front of me.
He crouched down beside me, his head tilting as he studied me. "Still nothing?" he asked, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "You're stubborn, I'll give you that."
I turned a page, though I couldn't have recited what I'd just pretended to read.
He shifted closer, his shadows swirling lazily around us. "I've never minded the silence," he murmured, his voice low and intimate. "Allows me to think about things I’d prefer not to be distracted from."
One shadow darted forward, brushing the sensitive skin of my neck, then lower, tracing the line of my collarbone. I held perfectly still, refusing to react, though my heart raced as another shadow slid up my leg, curling just beneath the hem of my dress.
"Oh, sweet girl," he murmured, leaning in so close his breath ghosted over my ear. "I can hear your pulse. I can see the way your chest rises a little faster. You can't hide from me, love."
I turned another page, my expression neutral.
Azriel sighed, pulling back just enough to meet my gaze. "You're really not going to give me anything?" he asked, his dimples flashing as if he found this amusing. "Fine, I'll be seeing you at dinner then." He leaned closer and pressed a lingering kiss to my neck.
He rose gracefully, his shadows retreating as he disappeared into the hall, leaving me alone with a racing heart and the lingering brush of his touch.
When I finally left the library, I found Rhys waiting for me in the sitting room, lounging on the couch like he owned the place—which, of course, he did.
"There she is," he greeted with a dazzling smile, patting the spot beside him. "Come sit with me, darling. Let's talk."
I raised an eyebrow, folding my arms as I leaned against the doorway as if to say he’d be the one doing all the talking.
"Still not speaking?" he asked, his smile softening into something more mischievous. "You wound me, truly. But I have a feeling I know how to fix this."
He snapped his fingers, and suddenly the entire room was filled with the soft strains of music.
"Dance with me," he said, holding out a hand. "No words required."
I stared at him, unmoving. This was a new thing he’s been doing. Finding new elaborate ways to spend time with me that didn’t include talking, or sex, which was limited—but it was cute.
He sighed dramatically, rising to his feet and closing the distance between us. "I know you're angry," he murmured, his hand brushing against mine. "And you have every right to be. But I'm going to make you forgive us, one way or another."
Before I could step back, he tugged me into his arms, one hand slipping around my waist while the other cradled my hand.
The music swelled, and Rhys began to sway, his movements smooth and effortless as he led me into a slow, intimate dance.
"You're not even going to react?" he asked, his violet eyes locking onto mine. "No little smirk? Not even a glare?"
I remained stoic, though the corner of my mouth twitched despite my best efforts.
His grin widened, and he dipped me suddenly, his nose brushing against mine as he whispered, "That's my girl."
He dipped closer, his lips pressing against mine. For a moment I melted into it, relishing in the familiar sensation that I hadn't experienced in only a day but it somehow felt like years.
But just as he leaned in I was pulling away. I pushed against his chest, breaking free of his hold as I turned and marched out of the room, refusing to let him see the smile threatening to break through.
By the time dinner rolled around, I was determined to keep my composure. Cassian, however, had other plans.
He cornered me in the kitchen, his broad frame blocking my path as I tried to reach for a glass of water.
"Not so fast," he said, narrowing his brows as he looked down at me. "You've been avoiding me all day, sweetheart. It's starting to hurt my feelings."
I brushed past him, grabbing the glass and filling it at the sink.
"Oh, come on," he groaned, leaning against the counter. "You're really going to ignore me? After everything we've been through?" Cassian was the first I mated with, it was just me and him for a long while. For him to pull this card was unfair, then again I was being unfair just as well.
I took a slow sip of water, my gaze fixed on the window.
His grin turned wicked. "You know, I've been thinking. Maybe the silent treatment is your way of admitting you can't resist me."
I rolled my eyes but said nothing, setting the glass down and turning to leave.
He caught my wrist, tugging me back against him with a playful growl. "You can't walk away from me that easily."
His hands slipped to my waist, and before I could react, he hoisted me over his shoulder like a sack of flour.
I writhed, kicking my legs as he laughed, the sound deep and rich. "Keep squirming," he teased. "Still not talking, let's see if I can change that."
Cassian carried me through the halls like I weighed nothing, his arm hooked firmly around my thighs as I lightly smacked his back. My protests were silent, but the swat of my hand made him chuckle all the more, his laughter echoing through the house.
"You've got fight in you, sweetheart," he teased, adjusting his grip on me. "But I think it's time we settled this like adults."
I didn't bother rolling my eyes again—he couldn't see me, anyway. I let my arms dangle, feigning defeat, though the corners of my lips twitched as I fought the urge to smile.
We entered our bedroom, where Azriel and Rhys were already lounging, both looking up in unison at the sound of Cassian's boots hitting the floor.
"Look what I found," Cassian announced triumphantly, setting me down in the center of the room. His hands lingered on my waist as he steadied me, his hazel eyes bright with mischief. "She's still not talking, but I figured you two might want a chance to plead your case before we make her.”
Azriel's brow lifted, his shadows curling lazily around his shoulders. Rhys leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled, his expression unreadable—but his violet eyes gleamed with something that looked suspiciously like guilt.
"Darling," Rhys began, his voice smooth and soft as he rose to his feet. "We owe you an apology. All of us."
I crossed my arms, letting my gaze flick between the three of them as I arched a brow.
Azriel was the next to speak, standing and stepping closer, his wings rustling as he moved. "We shouldn't have joked about something we know is important to you," he said, his tone quiet but sincere. "It was thoughtless, and we're sorry."
My lips pressed into a thin line, but I didn't waver, keeping my expression neutral.
Rhys took another step forward, his hands open in a gesture of peace. "You've always made it so clear how much you love us, and we let our own egos get in the way. We didn't mean to hurt you, darling."
I glanced at Cassian, who was watching me intently, his earlier playfulness replaced by something more earnest.
"Sweetheart," he said softly, his voice dipping into that gentle tone he used only when it was just the two of us. "You've given us so much of yourself, and we've never once doubted your love. Not really. We were out of line, and I'm sorry."
The sincerity in their voices tugged at my resolve, but I stayed silent, letting the weight of their words settle in the room.
Rhys ran a hand through his hair, glancing at Azriel and Cassian before turning back to me. "We don't deserve you," he said, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "But if there's anything we can do to make it up to you, just say the word."
Azriel's wings shifted, his shadows curling around my ankles like an embrace. "Anything," he murmured, his golden eyes locking onto mine.
Cassian reached for my hand, his thumb brushing over my knuckles as he tilted his head, struck by my silence. "Please, sweetheart. Just tell us what we can do to fix this."
Their pleading was almost enough to break me, but I couldn't resist drawing this out just a little longer. I gave them a small, pointed shrug as if to say, You'll have to figure it out.
Rhys groaned, dragging a hand down his face. "Please, love. Don't torture us," he muttered, though there was no real bite in his tone.
Azriel's lips twitched in what might have been a smirk, his shadows flaring. "She's enjoying this."
I remained silent, my expression unyielding as I tilted my head to glance at him. The playful gleam in his hazel eyes deepened into something darker, something more determined.
"Alright, then," Casisan murmured, his voice a low rumble. "You leave us no choice."
Before I could react, Cassian swooped me into his arms, lowering me onto the plush mattress with a gentleness that belied the heat in his gaze.
Cassian leaned over me, his hands bracketing my hips as he smirked down at me. "I swear to you, we’ll have you screamin’ by the end of the night."
His lips claimed mine with a fervor that left no room for hesitation, his hands tugging my legs apart so he could settle between them. He kissed me like a storm, his tongue sweeping into my mouth with a hunger that made my head spin.
When I refused to make a sound—even as his hand slipped beneath my shirt, brushing over my ribs and upward—his smirk deepened. "Stubborn as ever," he muttered, nipping at my lower lip.
His mouth trailed down my neck, his teeth scraping lightly against my skin before soothing the marks with his tongue. His hands gripped my thighs, spreading me wider as his lips moved lower, leaving a scorching path over my body.
"Still nothing?" he asked, his voice a low growl as he paused just above the waistband of my shorts. "I'll have to try harder."
I didn't get the chance to see Cassian's next move before Azriel stepped in, his shadows swirling around me as he knelt beside the bed. His golden eyes burned as he leaned in, his voice a dark whisper against my ear. "Let me show you what silence gets you, love."
His hands were everywhere—sliding over my hips, gripping my waist, tugging me toward him. The shadow singer's touch was as relentless as the teasing flick of his tongue against my pulse, his teeth grazing the tender skin.
"You can keep quiet all you want," he murmured, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "But I'll make you beg if I have to."
Rhysand was the last to approach, his movements slow and deliberate as he lay at my side. His violet eyes were molten as he cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing over my lips. "Darling," he murmured, his voice like silk. "You've punished us long enough. Don't you think it's time to let us make it up to you?"
He tilted his head, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth, then another to my jaw. His hands were a gentle contrast to the sharp edge of his teeth as he bit down lightly on my neck, his lips curling into a satisfied smile when my breath hitched.
"Ah," he purred, pulling back to meet my gaze. "There it is. That little sound you just made—it's a start."
The three of them surrounded me, a seamless symphony of touches and teasing that left my body trembling, and my willpower dangerously close to crumbling. Cassian's strong hands gripped my hips with an unyielding possessiveness, his lips blazing a hot, open-mouthed trail along the sensitive skin of my thighs. His stubble raked against me, the contrast between rough and soft making my breathing falter. Each kiss he pressed lingered, his tongue flicking out to taste my skin as he traveled upward with excruciating slowness, teasing me with the promise of more.
Azriel's shadows slid over my skin like liquid silk, cool tendrils ghosting across the places left untouched by his hands. They tugged at the hem of my dress, easing it upward until it bunched around my waist. His scarred hand palmed my breast beneath the thin fabric of my gown, his thumb brushing over the pebbled peak before pinching it lightly. My body arched instinctively, the sharp jolt of pleasure making my breath catch. He rolled the sensitive bud between his calloused fingers, his grip firm but not rough, as if he was savoring the feel of me.
Rhysand, ever the orchestrator, claimed my lips in a kiss that left me utterly breathless. His mouth was warm and insistent, his tongue sweeping across my bottom lip before dipping inside to tangle with mine. He kissed like he fought—with precision and control, leaving no inch of me unclaimed. His free hand slid into my hair, cradling the back of my head to tilt my face up to his. I could feel the smirk against my lips as he pulled back slightly, his teeth grazing my lower lip before sucking it into his mouth.
Azriel's scarred fingers worked my nipple mercilessly, the sensations sharp and electric. I clenched my eyes shut as Rhysand's mouth moved to the sensitive column of my neck, I bit down hard on my lip to keep from moaning. He nipped at the skin, his teeth grazing the delicate flesh before his tongue licked over the spot to soothe the sting. His lips latched onto the base of my throat, sucking hard enough to leave a mark, and I couldn't stop my back from arching into him. My hand found its way into his midnight-black hair, threading through the soft strands as if I needed something to anchor me.
Below, Cassian was relentless. His large hands slid down my thighs, spreading them wider as he knelt between them, his broad shoulders keeping me open for him. I felt the heat of his breath against my core, and then he was there—his tongue delving between my folds with a hunger that left me gasping. The first swipe was slow, deliberate as if he was savoring the taste of me. He groaned low in his throat, the vibrations sending a shiver up my spine.
"Already so wet, sweetheart," Cassian murmured against my pulsing core, his voice thick with desire.
He latched onto my clit with a fervor that made my head spin, sucking harshly before flicking it with his tongue in quick, teasing strokes. The pressure was perfect, just enough to push me closer to the edge without letting me tumble over. My hips bucked against his mouth, seeking more, but his hands tightened on my thighs, pinning me in place.
Not an inch of me was neglected. Azriel's lips replaced his fingers, the heat of his mouth closing over my nipple as he sucked and flicked his tongue over the sensitive peak. His shadows coiled around my wrists and ankles like silken restraints, adding to the sensation of being completely surrounded. The combination of his rough hands, his soft lips, and the ghostly touch of his shadows made my skin tingle with a heightened awareness.
Rhysand's teeth scraped along my pulse point, his tongue following the path of his bites as he painted my neck with evidence of his attention. Each mark he left sent a fresh wave of heat pooling between my legs, the sensation only amplified by the wicked curve of his lips against my skin. His voice, a deep, seductive purr, wrapped around me like a velvet caress.
"Still so quiet, darling," he murmured against my ear, his breath hot and teasing. "But for how much longer?"
Cassian's tongue thrust into my entrance, and my breathing stopped, halting the desperate cry that threatened to escape. He worked me with an intensity that had my body trembling, his tongue swirling and lapping at me with a precision that only years of experience could bring. The scrape of his teeth against my clit sent sparks of pleasure shooting through me, my legs trembling as I fought to keep my composure. I clamped my lips shut, determined not to give them the satisfaction of hearing me cry out.
Azriel's shadows tightened around my wrists, holding me in place as his free hand trailed down my side, his touch sending shivers across my heated skin. His lips left my breast, his golden eyes dark and heated as he watched me struggle.
"Let it out," he murmured, his voice low and rough. "We want to hear you."
I shook my head stubbornly, even as my body betrayed me, my hips grinding against Cassian's mouth. His deep chuckle rumbled against my core, the sensation pulling another muffled sound from me. Rhysand's smirk was audible in his voice as he tilted my chin up, his violet eyes glowing with wicked delight.
"Stop holding back, darling," he teased, his thumb brushing over my lower lip. "We’ll break you sooner or later, might as well give us what we want."
Cassian's tongue worked me mercilessly, his grip on my thighs unyielding as he kept me spread wide for him. Each stroke of his tongue and suck of his mouth sent me spiraling higher, the coil of tension in my core winding tighter and tighter. Azriel's mouth had moved to my other breast, his teeth grazing the sensitive peak before soothing it with his tongue, while his free hand slipped lower, his scarred fingers skimming over the slick mess Cassian was drawing out of me. Rhysand was still at my neck, his teeth marking a trail up to my ear, where his breath fanned hot against my skin.
My body trembled, overwhelmed by the three of them, every nerve alight with pleasure. The room blurred at the edges, the sensations crashing over me like waves, but still, I clung to my silence, refusing to let them have the satisfaction of hearing me break.
"You're so close, aren't you, darling?" Rhysand's voice was a low purr, dripping with smug satisfaction. His hand slid up my side, his thumb brushing against the swell of my breast, slickness left there from Azriel’s mouth.
I clenched my eyes shut, biting down harder on my lip to keep the desperate moan building in my chest from escaping.
"Not yet," Azriel murmured, his voice rough and amused as his tongue flicked over my nipple. "She can’t come until she begs."
Cassian hummed against my core, the vibrations making my hips buck against his mouth. He pulled back just enough to speak, his lips glistening. "You taste so good, sweetheart," he rumbled, his voice deep and gravelly. "I can feel how close you are. Why don't you use your words and ask for it?"
I shook my head, my breaths coming in short, ragged gasps.
Rhysand chuckled darkly, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. "Oh, love, you should know better than to deny us," he said, his fingers tilting my chin up so I was forced to meet his gaze. His violet eyes were blown with lust, and before I could shield myself, I felt his presence slipping into my mind.
He was using his daemati powers, to show me the lewdest things imaginable. Azriel behind me, his shadows binding my wrists as he thrust into me with that ruthless precision that left me shaking, Rhys beneath me, simultaneously meeting those thrusts as both of them worked me in sync, and Cassian, his head tilted back as he shoved his cock down my throat, hand in my hair, guiding me down inch by inch.
Each vision was more vivid than the last, the sensations blurring with reality until I couldn't tell where the images ended and their touches began. My hips bucked wildly, my body desperate for release as the coil in my core tightened to the breaking point.
"These visions, they can be a reality," Rhysand murmured, his voice soft but teasing. "Just use that pretty voice of yours, yeah?"
Cassian's tongue flicked over my clit in a maddening rhythm, his fingers pressing into my thighs to keep me still. Azriel's teeth scraped over my nipple again, his hand continuing its torment, circling my puffy clit, his shadows trailing over my stomach like phantom touches.
I was on the edge, my body trembling violently as the pleasure built and built, but they held me there, refusing to let me tip over. Cassian pulled back just enough to look up at me, his lips curved in a wicked smile. "Just one word, sweetheart," he said, his voice rough with desire. "Say it, and we'll give you everything you need."
The coil in my core tightened impossibly further, my body arching into their touches as my lips parted, a desperate plea hovering on the tip of my tongue. But still, I held back, clinging to the silence even as I teetered on the brink of shattering.
My willpower crumbled under the weight of their teasing, my need outweighing my pride. My voice was hoarse and breathless as I finally broke.
"Please," I whispered, my voice barely audible.
Cassian paused, his grin triumphant as he leaned closer. "Louder, sweetheart. We need to hear you."
"Please," I gasped, my voice louder this time, my body trembling with need. "Please, I need you. Let me come."
The three of them stilled for a moment, their gazes dark and heated as they exchanged a silent, satisfied look. Then they moved as one, their touches no longer teasing but possessive, determined to give me exactly what I'd begged for.
Cassian wasted no time after my whispered plea. His wicked grin turned feral as he tightened his grip on my thighs, dragging me closer to the edge of the couch until I was back on that brink. His broad shoulders wedged between my legs, and his breath fanned over my slick folds, teasing and hot.
Azriel's hands held my upper body steady as I arched into Cassian's touch, his lips capturing my nipple again, teeth scraping lightly. His shadows coiled around my torso like ribbons, pinning me in place even as they caressed my flushed skin. Rhysand leaned in close, his fingers tangling in my hair as his lips brushed against my ear.
"There's our good girl," Rhys purred, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "So loud for us."
Cassian's tongue worked me mercilessly, alternating between plunging deep into my core and swirling over my clit in maddening circles. His hands gripped my thighs tighter, holding me open for him as he devoured me like a feast. His nose pressed against my sensitive bundle of nerves with every movement, and I could feel the growing pressure inside me building to a breaking point.
I pulled at my restraints, needing him impossibly closer. "Cassian," I whimpered, my voice breaking as he sucked my clit into his mouth, his tongue flicking over it in rapid, devastating strokes.
"That's it, sweetheart," he growled against me, his voice rough and ragged. "Come for me. Let me taste all of you."
The coil in my core tightened, snapping with a force that left me gasping. My release crashed over me, waves of pleasure tearing through my body as I cried out, trembling uncontrollably. Cassian groaned in satisfaction, his mouth never leaving me as he licked and sucked, drawing out every last shudder of my climax.
"Look at her," Azriel murmured, his voice thick with desire as he watched me fall apart. "So perfect."
Rhysand's grin was wicked as his thumb brushed over my parted lips. "She's exquisite when she lets herself go," he said, his voice low and reverent.
Cassian finally pulled back, his lips glistening as he looked up at me with a triumphant smirk. "Sweetest thing I've ever tasted," he said, his voice rough with satisfaction. "And I'm not done with you yet."
Azriel and Rhysand exchanged a knowing look, their hands already moving to shift me into a new position, their gazes dark with intent.
"You want that vision, darling?" Rhysand asked, his tone teasing but filled with promise. "Want all three of us at once?"
I looked up at him, legs still shaky as I nodded my head with bright eyes.
The three of them wasted no time shifting me into position, their hands working seamlessly as though they had done this a thousand times before, making quick work of discarding their pants as well as the rest of their clothes.
Rhysand guided me onto my hands and knees, his strong hands gripping my waist as he positioned himself beneath me on the mattress cover. His violet eyes sparkled with mischief and raw hunger as he pulled me astride him, his hard length pressing insistently against my slick entrance.
Azriel knelt behind me, his shadows curling possessively around my body, brushing over my skin like phantom hands. His warm, scarred fingers traced the curve of my hips as he pressed his chest against my back, the heat of his cock brushing against my back entrance.
Cassian stood at the edge of the bed, before me, his thick member already glistening with arousal. He stroked himself slowly, his predatory gaze locked on my face. "You've been holding out on us all day, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice deep and commanding. "But not anymore. Let's hear every single sound you've been hiding."
Rhysand grasped my chin, tilting my face toward him for a slow, sensual kiss. "Let go for us, darling," he whispered against my lips, his tone dripping with authority. "We'll take care of you."
I barely had time to nod before Rhys lifted my hips and thrust into me, filling me completely with one fluid motion. My moan was immediate, loud, and unrestrained as my head fell back.
"There she is," Rhys purred, his hands guiding my hips to roll against him. "So good for us."
Azriel pressed his cock against my other entrance, his fingers spreading me open with slow, teasing strokes. "Relax for me, love," he murmured, his breath hot against my ear. "Let me in."
I gasped as he pushed inside, the stretch making me tremble as he filled me. The sensation of both of them moving within me was too much, my body tightening around them as pleasure ignited every nerve, a burning sensation ran its way through me.
After not having them for a week, gods it was like the first time again.
"Fuck," Azriel growled, his hands gripping my hips as he thrust slowly, building a rhythm that matched Rhysand's. "So tight, so perfect for us."
Cassian stepped closer, his hand tangling in my hair as he guided me toward his thick length. "Open up, sweetheart," he commanded, his voice rough with desire. "I want to feel that pretty mouth."
I obeyed without hesitation, taking him into my mouth and moaning around him as his taste flooded my senses. He groaned, his hips rocking gently as he set a steady pace, his hand tightening in my hair.
The three of them worked in perfect harmony, their bodies moving against mine as I moaned and whimpered, unable to hold back the flood of sounds that spilled from my lips. Rhysand's hips snapped upward, his cock hitting that spot inside me that made stars burst behind my eyes. Azriel's thrusts grew deeper, his growls vibrating against my back as his fingers dug into my skin.
Cassian's hand cradled my jaw, his thumb brushing over my cheek as he pushed deeper into my mouth. "That's it," he murmured, his voice thick with praise. "Take all of us, sweetheart. Let us hear how good we make you feel."
The overstimulation was overwhelming, the constant assault of pleasure pushing me over the edge again and again. My body shook with every orgasm, my moans turning into cries of ecstasy as they drove me higher, their touches unrelenting.
"Look at her," Azriel rasped, his shadows coiling tighter around me. "She's perfect like this, falling apart for us."
Rhysand's grin was wicked as he rolled his hips, drawing another scream from my throat. "Ours," he declared, his violet eyes dark with possession.
Cassian thrust deeper, his cock filling my mouth as he growled, "She's lovin’ every second of it."
My cries grew louder, my body writhing as they pushed me to the brink again and again, their movements synchronized to keep me hovering on the edge of bliss. The floodgates had opened, and there was no stopping the torrent of pleasure and sounds they pulled from me, each one more desperate and raw than the last.
I was theirs completely, and they were determined to claim every inch of me.

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