#Rhyming Poems
mindmattertime · 3 months
STAY on your OWN time and your OWN dime, and peace shall be yours as well as peace be mine. - 🜏ЯYᙠ
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bratpoet · 3 months
The Weeping Cherry Blossom.
You are the cherry blossom tree,
a white cherry blossom tree
a weeping blossom
you are fed by the sun,
just as you are fed by the clouds and their rain
but with too much sun,
you ache for the storm
regardless of the potential for pain
your branches bend low
barricading your body
with pretty pale petals
presenting a copy
you are the stallion
far out on the field
with a kick that kills
and a soul that wont yield
strong is the back
of the horse filled with pride
you beckon and bait battle
with each hefty stride
portraying yourself
like; your hearts on your sleave
as your body pulsates
and muscles all weave
a horse with no tree is a horse with no home
a tree with no horse resides there alone
the horse cannot eat of the poisonous flower
as to taste the truth
is to taste loss of power
the horse does not care for the delicate blossom
though the tree creates air for its lungs to get lost in
but the tree has no eyes
with no sight it cant see
that the horse that it dotes on
is worse off than thee
is but a self made creation
of what the tree lacks
a creation with legs
one that battles the axe
the axe being agony, desolation, distress
something the blossom alone cant repress
you start as a sprout along side a foal
and to protect your limp branches
you maim and you maul
but now you are big
you will out grow your stallion
let loose limerence of legs
learn to love the dirt
that surrounds them.
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kairos-thehumanpoet · 2 years
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("Are You The Devil?")
"are you the devil?"
i am more
of a puppet,
posessed and on strings,
made of drugs and addiction,
and so many nice things.
he takes over when
i feel at my lowest,
makes me do bad things
when i know that i shouldn't.
so listen, kiddies, when parents say
"don't do that!"
"you'll struggle you're whole life
if you go down that path!"
~kairos 💛
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dj1981 · 1 year
I wrote this poem about how it was love at first sight when I met my wife almost 20 years ago. We have been married almost 18 years now. We have been through a lot together, but our love remains even after all those years! Here is my poem, Enjoy!
Title: Eternal Love's First Glimpse
In a world where time stood still, Where destiny wove its tender will, I gazed upon a wondrous sight, A vision bathed in golden light. Her eyes, like sapphire pools, so deep, Drew me in, made my heart skip a beat. Blonde locks cascaded, a radiant crown, Her beauty surpassed all I had known. She possessed a figure, heavenly blessed, Curves that enticed, left me breathless. And oh, that smile, a celestial ray, Melting doubts, chasing shadows away. A flirtatious charm danced in her gaze, A playful spirit set my heart ablaze. Her Giggles and laughter filled the air, Her energy infectious, beyond compare. She was a goddess, my heart's decree,In her presence, I felt joyfully free. Every facet, every glimpse, perfection defined, A love so immense, it transcended time. If I could relive those early days, A single day, in love's sweet haze, I'd seize the chance with a beating heart, To bask in love's glow from the very start. For even after the first date's embrace, It felt like we'd known each other for days. Amidst skepticism, doubts others had sown, We proved them wrong, our love had grown. Differences whispered by naysayers' tongues, But love's power silenced their misguided runs. Nearly eighteen years of marriage, hand in hand we've walked, Together, forging a bond that can't be blocked. From that very first moment, I knew it was true, A love that would last, forever me and you. Through highs and lows, trials that came our way, Our love endured, growing stronger each day. So let them marvel at our enduring flame, As we dance through life, united in name. For love's first glimpse, a gift divine, A lifetime of devotion, yours and mine.
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buglarvainspector · 9 months
Last lessons of the dance instructor
Head up, dears, the art is finding
art for art's sake 'mid the binding
tempo, tempo, all unwinding,
while you dance. Revolt, and fly.
Capture movement, Earth has tied you
to itself. Head up! Decide you
will not heed tunes that misguide you.
Let your motions tell you why.
Earth desires you. Find the sky.
Back straight, now. Be queenly, kingly.
Though strength may be weakening we
cannot break, for menacingly
time devours you, if you yield.
Find the tempo, tempo folding,
pleasure those who are beholding.
Gravity is always scolding,
beauty, then, must be your shield -
center stage, your battlefield.
Eyes inward - disregard the staring,
longing eyes, the soft despairing.
It is discipline's red herring,
ammunition made of pride.
Tempo, tempo, mem'ry beats it -
only giving in defeats it.
Lessons fade, but life repeats it:
find the music trapped inside.
Dance to love, to fly, to hide.
©2013 Sara Taylor
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yesterdaysprint · 3 months
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The Atlanta Constitution, Georgia, March 4, 1936
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monaluppo · 1 month
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Wolves protect one of their own with claws and teeth like knives. Once you are part of the pact, they are the best allies.
Loyalty is crucial in a game of do or die. Your friends may betray you, but wolves always bond for life.
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panthermouthh · 1 year
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And I said, “Hello, Satan
I believe it’s time to go.”
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Love Enduring
What is grief but love enduring
I loved you with my whole being
And still my heart you are stirring
Though now you are beyond seeing
No longer can I wrap you up
In a tender and warm embrace
Or break bread together and sup
With your bright smile on your face
I cannot kiss your rosy cheeks
Or see your eyes crinkle in glee
My empty hand for yours does seek
So my gloomiest thoughts will flee
Memories of you I have carved
Into my heart on sacred stone
But my soul is fed and not starved
Because my love is like seeds sown
My tears water the wound that holds
The vestiges of you in me
Safely in my love I enfold
My eternal symbol to thee
My grief for you will never cease
But neither will my steadfast love
Your memory will bring me peace
You nest in my heart like a dove
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literallyjusttoa · 23 days
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"A Jester can mock, and the King cannot fight
For the gift of free thought is the jester's one right."
A sweet golden prince who lived up in the sky,
Listened to his families' terrible fights,
The ceiling would rumble, the tile would shake,
The throne room was fragile, and soon it would break.
He'd attempt to speak, but it never went right,
His father would rage, and he'd lose every fight,
As decades passed by, it soon became clear,
The King saw his son as a monster to fear.
The Prince quickly followed every command,
Only to be trapped by his father's cruel hand,
Years of destruction with no end in sight,
This war would not end with a large act of might.
And so the Prince stopped fighting fire with fire,
And instead he pulled out his golden stringed lyre,
Since he had no respect, he would leave the King's cage,
And swap out the throne room for a shining stage.
He taunted with wit and he giggled with guile,
And even his sorrow he shared with a smile,
His father's gaze lessened, his temper was tame,
As his once "Golden Prince" treated life like a game.
The centuries passed and the mirth never ceased,
The sun never set on the first son of Greece,
He danced for his siblings and bit down his pain,
Since each peal of laughter meant there'd be less rain.
There's only one role for which there are no rules,
So who is the jester, and who is the fool?
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printsofcats · 3 days
The Debt
Bob robs Peter to finally pay Paul,
for the five hundred dollars Paul loaned him last fall.
Bob felt ashamed but he needed the dough,
and knew that good Peter would not even know.
Paul gets the cash and is off in a sprint,
to pay back old Morris for the money he lent.
Old Morris is happy with money in hand,
and finds young Maurice to pay him as planned.
Young Maurice is happy with five hundred bones
and goes to his uncle to pay off his loans.
Maurice’s uncle is proud of the boy,
and heads off to locate his good friend Miss Joy.
Miss Joy is a helper who’s helped many others,
helped Maurice’s uncle and all of his brothers,
when all of them found themselves in a tight pinch
and Miss Joy was ready to help in a cinch.
Miss Joy takes a ferry to go and see Mary,
with all of the thanks that a person can carry.
She’ll pay Mary back for all that she borrowed
when Miss Joy was lonely and drowning in sorrow.
Mary herself had some people to pay,
and one of these people was her old Aunt Kay.
Aunt Kay gave her money to pay for her rent
because Mary found that her money was spent.
Since Aunt Kay was also a one in the red,
she went down the docks and she found Captain Ted.
The captain had given her five hundred dollars
so Aunt Kay could answer her IRS callers.
The captain went down all the streets of his town,
looking to see if old Bob was around.
The captain had owed Bob a small sum of money
that Bob floated Ted on the Sound.
Bob took up the money and squared up with Peter,
who never once knew it had left his two-seater.
Bob re-placed the cash and was off in a dash—
his fleet feet had never been fleeter.
So what is the value of money?
What’s the appropriate call?
For these ten quartets have balanced ten debts,
and no one paid anything at all.
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rzvera · 7 months
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disco elysium / l'internationale, eugene pottier / history, antonio gramsci / sacred and terrible air, robert kurvitz / revolution, vladimir mayakovsky / words of a rebel, peter kropotkin
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definegodliness · 2 months
With luck I'll see tomorrow's bright, Although for sure the sun will shine; I got entangled in a night Of dreamt up webs I can't untwine, And, silken-shut, these eyes of mine Still see, but only what will hide Within the dark I keep
--- 31-7-2024, M.A. Tempels
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echoesoftheinfinite · 19 days
I would stay and listen to all your stories without a word,
Wipe away the tears that you’ve quietly endured,
I’d help and tend to all the wounds that could cause you pain,
Hold you close when your world is falling like rain.
I’d love you like those who truly knew love’s art,
I’d stay and wait anxiously while we’re apart.
But would it matter if only I was giving my heart?
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yesterdaysprint · 1 year
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The Daily Worker, New York, May 4, 1927
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monaluppo · 1 day
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What is Ravager Rush?
The Hermitcraft Server has been overtaken by a whole new kind of craze in the making.
Ravager Rush is the game of the season. (They don't call it Frogger for trademark reasons.)
The goal is quite simple: race to the end. Be quick and you'll get some Frog Coins to spend.
Everyone has great potential to win. When you're ready, let the challenge begin!
The road and the river can be quite deceiving. Avoiding the ravagers requires some weaving.
Size up the traffic. Don't lose the sight of oncoming mobs— Look out, to your right!
You barely dodged the beast speeding past. You have to be swift. Move forward steadfast.
It's not very wise jumping the gun. Instead, choose the right moment to run.
Take a step back and wait for the last one of the Sunday Drivers to pass.
Now is your chance! No time for stopping. Remember to keep on swerving and hopping.
And just like that, the road is nearing the end as you reach a small grassy clearing.
Here you can take a breath of respite. Until, a snake! Watch out for its bite!
You don't have much time to consider the path you should take, before crossing the river.
Skipping across a lily pad trail is a perilous sport: don't stop or you'll fail!
Head for the gates, keep your eyes on the prize and give it your all. Any less won't suffice.
As you're evading the frightening foes, you can almost feel them nibbling your toes.
Adrenaline pumping and pulse through the roof; in a panic—you clutch—and just make it through!
Congrats, you did it! If you reach more gates, you might get to run up the score.
If you can't manage to finish the track, it's alright— you can run it right back.
Everyone struggles at first just the same. Improving your skills is all part of the game.
You might want to practice with other sweats. Spurring one another is as fun as it gets!
Push your own limits or compete with a friend. Race through the course again and again!
Extra libel (/j):
In Ravager Rush, there's always a way for [insert ravager name here] to ruin your day.
You don't know the pattern like the back of your palm, if you get run over by Bdub's Mom.
You change the lane, and Tango's Cough misses. Instead, you bump into a load of Neck Kisses.
Do you really think you've practiced enough, when even the ravagers call you washed up?
A message to Hermits: sleep is just fiction. Give in to your crippling gaming addiction!
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