#Rewriting Rev
verboselocket38 · 3 months
How do Rev's parents deal with the fact that his best friend/probable boyfriend is a coyote?
They all deal with it differently.
His brother Rip not really caring the most out of the family, but he still tries to either keep his distance from Tech unless Rev is in the same room as him. He doesn't talk to Tech though, doesn't like social interaction either way and really does not care Rev is friends with him. Overall doesn't make a big deal.
Rev's Mom (Or Ma) is really hesitant at first when she meets Tech. She is a relatively sweet woman and worries a lot. She acts nicely to Tech to be respectful since that was the way she was raised and it takes her awhile but eventually she warms up to Tech and ends up liking him. But their first interactions are kind of awkward as if she was forcing herself to be nice.
Rev also has an unnamed baby sister (I think I'll might name her Roo) and she is too young to understand anything so she doesn't care about Tech. But she does make goofy faces at him.
Rev's Dad (Or Pa) probably cares the most out of all the family members. He doesn't specifically tell Rev that he is against them being friends or anything but is pretty harsh to him. He doesn't say it to his face but he has called Tech a "dog" behind his back. He doesn't look at Coyote's too fondly and whether that will change in the future is uncertain.
When it comes to Tech himself he says the way how roadrunners treat or look at him differently is normal to him and he says he "doesn't mind" which is basically a lie. He does care and it does hurt him but he pretends it doesn't.
Rev being the first Roadrunner to treat him like an equal is why both he and Tech became friends.
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...But it's not fine...
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theangrycomet · 10 months
Ace should have had a burrowing superpower.
No- Seriously.
THAT should have been his second super power.
Have it where he generates a sort of destructive energy in/around his hands that breaks down the molecules of anything so that he can “Dig” through anything. The denser/harder the material the longer it takes.
This would not only be a great counter to Danger’s Egg Randomizer but would also let Rev’s GPS ability have an easy way to be regularly demonstrated.
Also it grants him an ability that’s ACTUALLY connected to Bugs and one of his Gags
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year
make no mistake. at any given moment i am rotating within my mind the stray italian greyhound anime canon hikaren animatic that exists nowhere else
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xanfeursel · 4 months
sighh guess who wants to completely rewrite her oc universe after not touching it in over a year :/c
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rosietrace · 1 year
Oc thoughts: Victoria Shard on Saturn Torpeo and Aldrich Edelweiss
Ocs featured: Victoria Shard, Saturn Torpeo, Aldrich Edelweiss
Ocs mentioned: Saturn Torpeo and Aldrich Edelweiss (@revivemyreverie /@revolllutionary)
A/N(edit): So um,,,, It has occurred to me that I forgot to tell Rev I was making this 🧍‍♀️ just gonna- *hides in closet bc of second hand embarrassment for myself*
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♝•°•═════ஓ๑【 ♛ 】๑ஓ═════•°•♝
▹ 【 ♛ 】 Victoria Shard, the beautiful manipulator
“Saturn is certainly… Lively. Yes, that's the word. I don't particularly enjoy the crackling of fireworks every time I run into him, but he's at least more tolerable than Vil. And I suppose his fear of antique dolls is a bit amusing to me.”
“Aldrich is a peculiar topic of conversation, is he not? As the prince of the Edelweiss empire, it was inevitable that he'd have a run-in with me, the heiress to the Shard duchy…. What interest do I have in him?... I have not a clue on what you're on about.”
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱【 ♛ 】⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
➜ Victoria was actually quite annoyed by Saturn. At least at first.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ When they first met, their conversation was brief but neutral; Hell, one would even say that Saturn could've been intimidated by how significantly taller Victoria was compared to him
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Their relationship at first was at best, only acquaintances at best - Strangers at worst.
➜ Was surprisingly intrigued by his specialty in creating gadgets
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ It was actually what got them to start talking a little more. Saturn was tinkering with an unfinished gadget, Victoria got intrigued.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ And they hit it off from there.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Saturn would go to Victoria for her opinion on the gadgets, and she'd give him advice on the logistics of their mechanics.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ And when she found out about his fear of antique dolls? She couldn't help but laugh, teasing him about it soon after.
➜ Surprisingly? Saturn balances out Victoria's strictness incredibly well.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Particularly when trouble is under the topic of conversation, Saturn sees it as all in good fun.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Whereas Victoria saw it as a hindrance. An inconvenience she had to deal with regularly.
➜ How they actually met is unknown, and how they got together? Yet another mystery, I suppose.
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱【 ♛ 】⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
➜ Their first interaction was all but ideal.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Victoria had finished practicing her latest sword techniques and believed that singing would be a decent way to pass the time. This caught the attention of Aldrich, who was nearby, and he decided to join in - Turning a her serenade into a duet.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Victoria didn't know what to make of that. She was confused, yes, and uncomfortable - most definitely - but at the same time…. She felt at ease.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ She couldn't explain it then, and she refuses to explain it now. The two continued the afternoon as friends, or as Aldrich claimed: “Maybe even lovers,”
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ But then she revealed what she knew. The girl from the church choir, her death - Aldrich's involvement in said death and playing the role of the innocent. He was infuriated, most definitely, and had he had his knife then he probably would've…. Hm.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ She left without another word, not even batting an eyelash when Aldrich called her a grotesque witch.
➜ How they even started getting along is beyond the comprehension of…. Everyone.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Everyone who knew Aldrich and Victoria knows that they're the kind of people who don't forgive easily. The kind of people who'd look you, dead in the eye, and promise to never do a damn thing for you after doing something incomprehensible to them.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ And yet there they were. Aldrich with a gaze so gentle you'd mistake him for someone else, with Victoria, embroidering a camellia into his handkerchief.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ In return, Aldrich spared no expense on giving her something in return. As displeasing as it was for him, he had bought her blades. One's made for her - and only her - to use. To attack with. All of them unique to Victoria's combat style with a design crafted from the finest blacksmiths of his empire.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ No one could tell if either of them appreciated the other's gifts. They smiled, and it reached their eyes, but at the same time - their expressions remained almost unreadable.
➜ Somehow - in what used to be an almost impossible task - Victoria allowed Aldrich to see her softer side. The side he saw in the forest, way back when.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Her smile was all the more beautiful when she was being genuine. There was a glint in her eyes that always caught his eye - the kind that told him that his presence was appreciated.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ She never found him to be unsettling. A hindrance, yes, and a bit peculiar - almost certainly - but never unsettling. Maybe it was because she wasn't human, that she's met several people just like Aldrich before him. But that never crossed his mind. Not when she was right there, right in front of him.
➜ How….. By all means, how, did she go from a grotesque witch, to… That?
♝•°•═════ஓ๑【 ♛ 】๑ஓ═════•°•♝
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didsomeonesayventus · 2 years
Is nature healing if my useless KH trivia brain is becoming useless FE14 trivia brain
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
I’ve been working on this flip flapping essay since early this morning and the new video is going WAIT until my ass is done.
0 notes
leoascendente · 1 year
PAC/ Your future self wants to tell you... 🔮
-Reuploaded and reedited old PAC-
Hi my loves and welcome to this new Pac, today you'll receive a message from your future self. This is an old pac I decided to correct, rewrite and add some more information. Take a deep breath before choosing your pile and choose the one that makes you laugh, take only what resonates and leave what doesn't. You can choose more than 1 pile if you feel drawn to. Hope you like it, I love you all 💕
Decks I used: Goddes guidance oracle, moonology oracle, shadows and lights oracle, ethereal visions tarot, astrodices and my lucky charms.
For private readings click here
Pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
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Pile 1:
Things will become a lot more easy in your future, I see you very happy with how things will move in your life in every aspect. There's a massive shift in your reality from what you curently have going on, you'll be making a bold move that will lead you to success very fast, this energy is fiery and rush so surely everything will move at speed of light for you once you give that step. I feel that this success is estremely close, like this could happen in any given moment, it's like you have the door, you have the key and everything ready but nothing moves until you open the door you have right in front of you. I feel that what is keeping you looking at the door and not moving forward is a wound related to your confidence, this wound is caused by other people who judged you and treat you unfairly in your past, they made you think you weren't capable of doing great things and they hurt you so much that you ended up believing their lies. Don't let cruel people's actions hold you back or repress you from doing what you really want to do, be unique, be original and don't be afraid to show yourself.
There's a karmic person coming back to your life, you know this person and you probably have bad a good memories with them but things ended up un bad terms. They are the same as you remember them, with their positive and negative traits but you have changed a lot since this person left your life. Your future self warns you about them, not because they have bad intentions but for you to not repeat a past situation with them. You'll need to listen your intuition to proceed with this person, keep a safety distance if they have hurt you or made you feel bad about yourself, I hear something about hero complex so try not to save someone who feels right being as they are, no matter if you know how to help them, if they don't need or want your help or advice don't waste your energies, there are a lot of people in the world that will really need and appreaciate your help, but this person from your past doesn't. Your future self tells you that you need to pass this karmic test, this situation will help you realize your inner power and recognize all your personal progress and growth, it will also be helpful for your confidence.
Take as divine signs when you see blue butterflies, horses or an orange cat, the goddess Freyja, something related to Avalon and pink flowers.
(Cards: Ace of pentacles rev, king of pentacles rev, 4 of pentacles rev, 8 of wand rev, the Temperance/ 6 of cups)
The tarot cards talk about money issues you have been dealing with in your recent past, but if it's not about money it's about your sense of stability or physical safety, something has made you feel insecure or this feeling of uncertainty is something you carry from a young age, you might have felt like doesn't matter how hard you work, the ressults of your work are taking longer to reach you. Don't worry or doubt about your manifestations, sweetheart, I know waiting can be exasperating sometimes and can make you think you are in the wrong path or things don't work for you, but your future self wants you to know that this is not your case, you are doing things the best you can so avoid being so hard on yourself, some things take more time to materialize in your reality but that doesn't mean they are not going to manifest, it might sound cliché but it's true, good things take time and the more time they take the more wonderful the rewards will be, every seed need its proper time to grow and become a tree..
Your future self ask you to stay more in your present moment and work in your feeling of deserving, your future self is perfectly fine but you are forgetting about enjoying your current life. You really need and deserve a break and have more fun, you deserve to live a happy life, you deserve love and you deserve success just for being you, start believing in yourself and all your worth. You are also in a healing moment of your life and that's why your past situation is coming back to finally end up with this cycle, you really need to leave this behind because new golden doors are opening for you. This past situation that is repeating has something to do with an emotional wound you haven't solved yet and this comeback of someone will be the perfect chance to make peaces with your past and turn the page into the new chapter, your future self is telling you that is your moment to heal and Universe will be giving you the opportunities to do so.
Temperance and 6 of cups tell you to enjoy the simplicity of life, these cards invite you to take things with calm and work on your inner peace. Take this moment of healing as a gift from Universe, let the Divine guide you and show you what you couldn't see by yourself, everything will end up better than you expected. Also, don't doubt to ask for help to your spirit guides, they are there to help you whenever you need them.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Taurus, Jupiter, 5th house/ agate, aventurine, rose quartz, golden leaf, shell)
Well... There's love and romance on their way to you, for the most of you this is the person you are going to marry and have kids or pets with, I hear something about a legacy so you will surely have an abundant future with this person, also I see this upcoming relationship will be very healing for both of you, you two will feel your relationship as a wish fulfilled. The agate and 5th house have the message of wealth created by following your true passion and heart's desires, the golden leaf also talks about prosperity and abundance. As an advice, your future self asks you to work on your sensibility and your intuition, you also can be developing psychic abillities
Pile 2:
My spiritual pile 😊, It's time to take a leap of faith honey, trust yourself and your potential because you are capable of great things and you know it, you just need to believe and remind it more. You are bold and powerful, my love but your mindset is playing you a bad trick by making you think about all the things that could go wrong, remember that it's just your brain predicting things that probably will never happen. We know we are brave after facing something that scare us, so do it babe, jump to the unknown with fear but do it, chase your dreams and shine like the star you are because the loving hands of Universe will be there to hold you.
You have a vision of something you want to achieve, you want to success in a very specific area of your life, maybe it's related to career, love, a glow up, money... Whatever it is you are going to get it sooner than you imagine but you need to stop rushing ressults by now and take the strategic steps you need to take because your goal is almost here but excessive control over things can be delaying your success. You'll reach your goal love, your future self assures you that, but you need a time to see what you really want and what works best for you, don't try to fit in a box that's not made for you, do things your own and unique way and you'll see how fast you manifest your desired reality. Also, your future self wants you to release the weight of fitting into other people's expectations of you, don't betray yourself to make someone else happy.
Your future self asks you to improve your intuition and your connection with your spirit guides, you have angelic precense in your life by the moment, they'll show themselves in the form of moths. Ask your angels for help with self confidence and releasing behavior patterns that are no longer useful for you, they are very present in your life because you are energetically ascending and overcoming a lot of emotional baggage, you might feel over emotional for the next few weeks but it's a needed process to cleanse your energies and your soul, let your emotions guide you and give you the answers to your blockages, and rest if you need it.
(Cards: Chariot rev, sun rev, queen of cups, justice rev, wheel of fortune/ High priestess)
You are or have been waiting for the perfect circumstances to do something you really want to do, it's something that when you think about this, your heart jumps with joy and excitement. You know this can make you really happy but you are waiting for the outside circumstances to change instead of looking within to see what's blocking you, you are being unfair with yourself by forcing you to stand still and wait when something that makes you happy is at your hands and is calling you so loudly, your future self is telling you to check yourself to see what's holding you back and why you are expecting a chage from the outside when you are needing a change on the inside, that's why this reflection moment is so important, there's nothing outside blocking you, this comes from withing yourself but remember that taking a leap of faith will be very rewarding. This emotional issue might be related to the fear of being judged or rejected, maybe your dream is something unconventional or the way you want to make it is, but keep always in mind that Universe is aligning everything for you to reach the best outcome possible.
You know the solution to it, you got the high priestess at the bottom of the deck and the queen of cups to represent you, you are wiser than you want to admit. Your intuition is really powerful, make use of that wonderful gift you have more often honey and believe it when your 6th sense talk to you. By the moment your future self tells you to let the Universe put things into place while you heal that part of yourself that holds you back from chasing your dreams. You can check pile 1 if you felt called too.
Embody the energy of the queen of cups by entering in your femenine energy, rest more, meditate, pamper yourself with things that makes you feel beautiful and comfortble, be kind with yourself, eat that ice cream you love etc. I hear something about a crystal ball, maybe you can get one to help you with your intuition and to communicate with your guides, you can also be having lucid dreams so try to keep a dream journal next to your bed to write your dreams when you wake up, dreams and the oniric realm will be very significant for you.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Taurus, the sun, 7th house/ white heart, rose quartz, shell, spike)
There's a love interest appearing soon in your life and this person is going to be very straight forward with you since the moment they meet you, you are attracting a lot of attention and people who wants to spend time with you. The shell fell next to the spike, telling you that not every person that comes into your life is good intentioned, your intuition will tell you who you can trust and who you have to keep away. You are going to receive tons of love, not just romantic love but true friendships, you surely will be reuniting with your soul tribe.
Pile 3:
My dear pile 3, you might not be in the best moment of your life and I'm really sorry for that, but the good thing is that there's divine intervention currently happpening in your life. You are being helped by higher realms to help you heal some wounds that you have been trying to solve and you could't by yourself or to help you deal with that situation that got you out of balance. It's something that's giving you a lot of anxiety and maybe even sleep problems. Your future self wants you to release control and surrender to the divine and a release, some things are put of your control and you can'tdo much about it, if you are not yet in that process of healing it will start soon. You got Eireen and Ixchel, both goddesses related to healing and inner peace, there's this really high vibrational energy focused on you and many times, when we get this energetic downloads we get overwhelmed by past memories or experiences so we can eatch them with a new perspective, the bad thing about this is the anxiety we get from this too. When you feel overwhelmed with this just call your spirit team, they will lead you to the answer of the problem, this will also make tou feel supoorted and protected.
Whoever chose this pile, you are a very brave and strong person, you have overcome some obstacles very hard to deal with in your past and most of you, just by yourself. This makes you feel powerful and confident but also distant and stoic with other people, you know you don't need anyone to solve your problems but we are still humans and we are social animals, our hearts will always feel called to create connections with others. You had difficult circumstances over life that might led you to create a protective shield around you to avoid getting hurt again, it's good to have healthy boundaries but avoid making your heart a feelingless rock. Your future self wants you to know that this is the moment for a deep dive in your feelings to heal and find inner peace, you need to release negativity my love, and if you can't do it by yourself, just ask for help to your spiritual guides, they wil be there for you but stop being so closed off with the world, also, your heart chakra is needing some attention.
Your future self tells you that there are new doors opening for you in your future that will lead you to success and maybe a position of autorithy/power for some of you, but you can't walk through them until you let go all that weight you have in your back that is keeping you in a negative mindset. Be careful with your pride playing a bad trick on you and try to use this time to release negative energies, you can wear a protective symbol to keep low energies away from you, I see specificly an Egyptian cross. You can also burn rosemary and smudge yourself with its smoke (please don't use white sage, it's in danger of extintion and it needs a ritual to be used correctly, use rosemary, it has exorcising properties and it's useful for almost everything)
(Cards: 2 of pentacles, knight of wands rev, emperor rev, hierophant rev, 4 of wands/ 8 of pentacles)
Mmm I see you are being a little reckless or moody with those reversed emperor and hierophant, are you allowing yourself to have fun? or at least do things because you want to make them and not because you have to? I feel you are repressing your happiness for something outside of you, I even feel that your muscles are tense. Maybe you are trying to fit in a enviroment you don't feel comfortable in or the people you have around make you feel lonely but you still hold on to them, idk what the situation is but it involves more people, for some of you this has to be about a toxic work enviroment. If this is the case, your future self tells that you don't have to cut them from your life if you don't want to but you should ask yourself why you feel like you need to repress yourself to make them happy, your happiness also matters and now you should be focusing on that.
Analyze the way you treat yourself or what you demand from you, your inner voice might be too hard and you have to be more gentle and caring with yourself. Honestly honey, I feel you are in a little toxic envorioment and that's why the need of a protective symbol, to keep the negative energies far from you, so an stone like tiger eye or tourmaline can be helpful to be energetically protected. You are an intelligent person but you are listening to the voice or opinions of other people instead of yours, by the moment let outter circumstances evolve at their own rythm and focus on what you can do for yourself and nurture your inner world.
Your tarot spread ends up with the 4 of wands, a card of celebration and happiness, so don't worry, you will have your happy ending. By the moment, your future self asks you to put the focus on the 8 of pentacles, to be progressively moving torwards your desires without listening to others, just do what you feel called to do. Also, think about the things you really want to do, fulfill your desires more often at the same time you acomplish your tasks, fun and duty can coexist if you allow them to.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Aries, Venus, 1st house/ infinite, golden leaf, star, shell, aventurine)
You need a big dose of self love, to put love and care into the things that make you passionate and you feel driven to make. Everything will end up good for you, stop for a while with overdoing or overthinking and invest more time in your wellbeing and emotional balance, you also need more silence to listen your inner voice and intuition more clearly. The overall message from your future self is that you need to think less and enjoy more your life, it's good to be ambitious but it's important we don't forget about ourselves in the process, we owe ourselves love, protection and care. The golden leaf tells you that wealth and abundance are flowing to you and the star is reminding you that you are moving into success and recognition for your talents, keep going and don't let anybody mess with you. Also with the aventurine and the shell you got the message of allowing this divine healing energy enter your life, light a candle for your guides, make a gratitude journal, etc. Whatever helps you develop your spirituality will make you feel a lot more peaceful and will make you trust more your instinct. I'm also getting something about eating more fruits and do some grounding excersices.
Pile 4:
Mmmm I see you excited for something new you are doing or something you really want to do, maybe it's a new hobby, activity, course or job, you know this involves some changes in your habits in order to do this new thing the best way possible. Even though you know the change can be difficult or uncomfortable, this new oportunity makes you very happy. This new dream of yours is going to bring you abundance and success in your future, I literally see golden sparks falling from the sky and being poured over you, so don't let your insecurities or anything hold you back from this because it's a golden oportunity for you, release any attachment and move into that direction, your future self assures you it's going to be worthy.
You can be through a period where you'll be very emotional, allow your emotions flow so you can understand better what your emotional world is trying to tell you, maybe you can discover the root of an insecurity you needed to let go so you can feel lighter. I'm hearing that you are used to your comfort zone and you don't manage well sudden changes, but babe, all your cards tell that this change will bring so much happiness and abundance to your life, don't miss this wonderful chance.
Trust yourself and your desires honey, if you are feeling that excitement within you about that new idea or offer you want to manifest is because you are receiving information from higher realms to lead you to your happiest and most fullfiling outcome. The change can feel weird at first but after a while you'll feel great for making that decition and have taken the risk.
(Cards: Page of cups, 3 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles rev, ace of swords rev, justice, 9 of pentacles/ Temperance, star)
Your future self wants you to take this offer/opportunity that is going to come to you or take the step to move into that path you feel excited for, it will take effort from you but you'll have good people around willing to help you in anything you need. This opportunity will also help you financially if you were struggling in this aspect, a lot of pentacles cards fell in your reading, 9 of pentacles wasn't supposed to be on the spread but the card wanted to fell anyway by the justice's side, like you will surely will get a contract, promotion or a formal salary, however it is, money will flow into your life.
Again, at first you can feel overwhelmed and exausted but the enviroment will be healthy enough for you to fit fast and easilly, if you are not used to team work the people you are going to be with will be super nice and helpful with you in every moment. If you are going to have a boss or a mentor of some kind they will surely be very polite, respectful and fair, they will be very trustworthy and will pay fairly for your work, this is a very trustworthy and healthy enviroment to move in. If you have any court case going on or an issue related to the law it's going to resolve at your favor.
You will have extra money to invest in yourself, maybe to start a project by your own or just to buy something you'be been waiting for the moment you could afford it. Maybe that's why this wonderful offer comes to you, because this can give you the resources you need to start creating something by your own. You'll harvest the fruits of your labor and you will enjoy the ressults and also being so proud of yourself, after a while you'll look back so proud of how far you've gone through. As an extra message I'm hearing something about being careful with sharp objects.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Cancer, Mercury, 5th house/ ruby, bouquet, white heart, agate, star)
There are mixed messages here, for some this can mean that there's a pregnancy happening soon, for others this can also mean the planning and success of a personal project, for others I hear a massive glow up too. The overall message of your future self is that you need to apply logic and love in your life to achieve your goals, give the needed steps torwards your dreams and think more about your desires and plan to get them. The star and the ruby are signs of success, authority and recognition, for some even some level of fame. There's also a gift that will make you very happy coming from someone you love and appreciate, I see this gift will mean something important for you.
Pile 5:
This is my other spiritual pile, you can read pile 2 if you felt drawn too 🥰, you are highly protected by your spirit guides if you were wondering about it, you are in a beautiful process of transformation and evolution. Your psychic abillities are also getting stronger or you are finding new abillities you didn't know you had, whatever you are doing with your spiritual journey you are doing it great honey, and your future self wants to congrat you for the work you are currently making. You are becoming wiser and more powerful, you are also releasing generational karma and aligning with your soul purpose, you are making a fantastic work, be proud of yourself.
You might not know clearly where you are leading or what you are doing, you are just letting Universe and your spiritual team guide you with all the faith of your heart and doing what's best for you meanwhile, maybe you are trying to create a career out your spirituality (I encourage you to do so). Don't worry about your path, with your knowledge and the divine guidance you have you'll lead to a beautiful place, just go step by step for the moment. Your future self tells you that luck is on your side, just trust the process and everything will be fine, also there's a message here about a soulmate or even a twin flame, soon you'll be meeting them but be careful because your glow up will attract bees but also flies, be selective with the people you let in.
I see here some kind of codependency or bad habit you are breaking or you are aware that you need to break it at some point, there's something you are attached to and you are trying to undo the knot, just know that your guides are helping you with this and you are not alone, even a little step forward is still an step. Give yourself more credit for what you have overcome and what you are dealing with to get over, your path is unique and this will make you feel more powerful and confdent.
(Cards: Fool rev, 4of pentacles, king of pentacles, judgement, emperor/ star rev, strenght)
You are taking a more logical and structured perspective of your life, trying to focus your energies and intentions torwards a goal and planning an strategy to get it. Your future self wants to tells you that you are doing fine by being more grounded and having a more logical approach to your desires, maybe you've been moving through your gut feeling jumping to the unknown with faith instead of strategy and you've realized you need more organization and planning. You know what you want to manifest in your life but you also know that you need consistency and discipline and that's what you are trying to embody, your future self tells you that you'll be doing great, just be perseverant.
You are going to get the stability you've been looking for but first you have to find a balance between your spiritual and material life, you'll get all the answers you've been needing to keep progressing but don't let everything in hands of divine desings. It's great to be in touch with the spirit but you are still living a human life and you need to take terrenal action too. This is like a test for you too, of how much you can do if you really accept the challenge, adult life and responsabilities can be boring or exhausting but are part of life too, your future self wants you to befriend with your earthly life now that your spiritual life is on point and the communication with your guides is clear, consistency and perseverance will be your major keys.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Virgo, north node, 3rd house/ white heart, pink heart, swallow, diamond)
I see that you are aligned with your soul purpose and everything is moving correctly in your life path, the diamond and north node are signs that you are aligned with Universe. Try to help you by being more organized with an schedule of some kind, help yourself to embrace a more grounded energy in your daily life. Even the little day by day routines can be improved to guide us to better places, like a more healthy diet, waking up earlier, spending less time with the phone, etc. Details make difference. For some of you there's a relocating, maybe you are moving into a new home or neighbor, for others you might have to travel soon. You got both hearts with the charms so a love offer (I hear multiple offers tbh) is going to arrive soon in your life, I see your soulmate/twin flame is on their way but also a lot of amazing friendships will arrive too. The swallow is the omen of the ancestors' precense, they are by ypur side guiding and helping you, if you are into witchcraft they invite you to work with them.
Pile 6:
My sensitive souls pile 🥹 I'm getting something related to self worth issues, I feel a really loving energy from you but it hides sadness or melancholy behind it, like you are always trying your best to make everyone happy and you don't see that good intentions reciprocated. There's a lot of pain related to past relationships/friendships, whatever you have been through has left a mark in you that keeps you looking back thinking about what you could have done differently. You have very nurturing and motherly energy, like you really enjoy helping and taking care of others, you are a benevolent soul who sees no evil in others because you don't have that within you.
Your future self wants to warn you about someone in your life that has not good intentions at heart with you, I see a very weird situation here with a lot of anxiety and mental fog, this might be a romantic interest that is making you feel badly. This may be a pattern, a situation you've lived before but with different people or it's the same person and circumstance over and over again, Idk what it is but surely you do know because there are a lot of cards that says that you have seen and feel something worriying about this specific person but you did't knew clearly what it was. Your future self tells you that this situation has to end for your mental health and wellbeing in general, you have the wisdom to see what this person has to teach you and then let them go, you will end a tough cycle too. If you are not willing, for whatever reason, to take this person out of your life just learn how to set healthy boundaries. For some of you, I see someone very obsessed with you and with a very dark energy around them, they want to consume you somehow, I see this person has nothing to do with you, I don't like to say this kind of things but it gives me the feel that you are completely out of your league. The energy of this person is disgusting, so for the ones who resonate with this, please stay safe and do what you can to keep this person away from you.
Your future self wants you to work on your self worth and self esteem to make you feel safe in your own skin, give yourself more love and compassion, remind yourself that you are loved, guided and protected from highwr realms, though I see you are very conscious about your spirit team and their precense in ypur life. If you were having financial issues your future self wants you to know that it won't last too long, be grateful with what you have meanwhile and trust that abundance is close to you. There's also a message here about stepping out of your comfort zone more often, try new things to do or do something you've been wishing to do for a while and you haven't done yet, unleash your adventurous side a little more often and allow yourself to feel free.
(Cards: 10 of cups rev, page of swords rev, hierophant, queen of wands rev, moon/ knight of swords)
If you resonated with pile 3 I recommend you to read it too. This energy is so confusing I don't know how to channel and simplify it, I recommend you to cleanse your energies regularly. Whatever your situation has been it was really painful, I even feel like a void in my chest and can't barely hold the tears (I'm really sorry you have felt this way 😔), here I feel a heartbreak of some kind. Even though your past pain, your heart is still full of love to share and that's such a lovely and admirable trait, your future self guarantee that in the future you will look back with a completely different pespective and many things you don't understand now will have a reason to be.
You are an honest and genuine soul, you don't hide who you are or bend your values to appear nice in other people's eyes and this autenthicity sometimes end up with being misunderstood and feeling lonely, it's part of the journey and the polarity of life. There's this situation with someone that your future self warns about and it's telling you that this situation is draining your personal power and making your fears bigger than they really are. You really need to break this negative cycle and somehow you are aware that you have to but you are giving more chances for this person to change or you are being naive when it comes to them, don't let anyone use your sensibility as a weakness because it's not.
Your future self wants you to be honest with yourself and make an analysis of what's going on in your life, to check what's out of balance and start working on that, the key word here would be empowerment. It's your time to claim your power and energy back, to say goodbye to the past and close the chapter, the thing about past is that we can turn back time in our heads but nothing can be changed, being held by this is exhausting and worthless if it's not used to analyze the situation to evolve and bloom. You just need to shift your perspective and keep in the present moment, don't go too far on the future but also avoid staying too much in the past.
Astrodices and lucky charms:
(Sagittarius, Venus, 7th house/ swallow, golden leaf, bouquet, ruby, trisquelion)
I see you focusing on the things you enjoy and love doing, maybe even implying adventurous plans in your routine or do something completely new. I see you being brave and opening to new experiences and new people, the golden leaf and the bouquet talks about benevolent energies and abundance. You can also be entering into a new chapter in your love life and not just meet your soul family but your twin flame too, so be open for tue love because is entering your life to stay forever, true connections are very close. The ruby talks again about confidence and power, you' ll be feeling a lot more empowered and confortable taking the reins of your life. Finally, the swallow and trisquelion are signs of a huge spiritual team guarding your back, you are being guided and protected by ancestors and ascended masters, get closer to them because they are leading you to a wonderful place.
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konuxkii · 3 months
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A/N ; This is just a repost from my former account- I wanted to post something Haikyuu related since the release of the 'Dumpster Battle' movie and why not start with my favorite boy? This is also technically my first real post on this account so woohoo! Warnings : none other than Kuroo being a teasing bastard. Gender Neutral reader/y/n. Just fluff- Also this isn’t proofread because I happen to never proofread my shit so I apologize for any mistakes.
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+ If you were the type of person to get embarrassed by what Kuroo considers 'cute things you do' he's never letting that situation/what happened go. Maybe he'll stop bringing it up and you're relieved that maybe he finally forgot and let it go- wrong. He remembers a lot of things especially about you silly + He’s just laughing it off whenever you start yelling at him. telling him not to talk about it and shut up or just your reactions in general whenever he brings up the “embarrassing situation” always makes him laugh. + Seriously, he's never letting it go. It'll be at a random time, random day, you two silently enjoying each others company or when you two are hanging out (with or without people around) and he'll just : "Hey y/n remember when you-" "NO. I don't- LET IT GO ALREADY" + He’d also try to tell other people about it like- “Oh yeah did I tell you? Y/n did the most hilarious thing yesterday! So they-” and you instantly drag him away or interrupt him by bringing up a new subject. And he’s just looking down at you snickering with that smug smile of his- + Aside from the topic of him loving to tease and embarrass you. Kuroo strikes me as the guy to LOVE physical affection and words of affirmation. He's constantly touching you or saying sweet things to you no matter what. When he's with you at school? Or really just anywhere in public. He's holding your hand or his hand rests on your waist/top of your head, or he's leaning down and resting his head on top of yours. He'd give you kisses on the forehead, hand, lips, cheek, anywhere and anytime. He does not care about PDA !! To an extent- + This also includes when you two are also just casually talking, you two are conversing about something dumb you did and he'll just sigh and shake his head with a smile before poking your forehead or cheek, or maybe pulling on your cheek while making fun of you for what you did. He just likes to poke at your face a lot during conversations actually. + He doesn't try to hide the fact he has a massive crush on you. He's constantly waiting outside your class right as it ends, leaning against the doorframe and looking at you with a smirk. He's not shy about the fact that he'll shamelessly send you winks from afar. Whether it's in class or cafeteria. If you pass by him in the hallway he'll look down at you with that smug smile and in that short period of time and greet you with a "Hey pretty/handsome" and then continue walking like it was nothing. + SOMETIMES a lot of times actually. You'll fluster him though without even realizing it. This is a common occurrence when you're staring at him, he'll blink at you for a moment, taking in your appearance..the way you looked at him, the way your eyes look, the way you slowly blink at him, the way- he'd stop is thoughts there before glancing away, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks before saying something about your staring to tease you.
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Thank you for reading !!! I would’ve wrote more for the people who don't really get embarrassed (I envy you) or just more in general but tumblr kept crashing and I had to rewrite this like five times so- NO. I also ran out of ideas.. Anyways I'm accepting requests !! I write for JJK, CSM, HAIKYUU, TOKYO REV, and more !! No NSFW. Though I may be very late to requests so I apologize in advance...Have a lovely day / afternoon / night loves ♥
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 5 months
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𝐁𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 ⋆˚ʚɞ
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synopsis: hdcs for blade as your biker bf ;)
tags: public (fingering), pet name, vulgar, explicit,
wrd cnt: 380+
a/n: rewrite/repost from first acc!
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biker!blade…who'll teach you how to ride ;) How to hold the bars, how to rev the engine and position your body; sitting behind you to help at all times. He'll act like it's a pain, but the only thing that hurts is the massive hard on straining against his pants watching you from behind.
biker!blade…who'll drive out even an hour to get you late night ice cream.
biker!blade…who fingers you at the red lights. Hand wrapped around your thigh underneath your skirt, teasing and snapping the eslastic band of your panties, both his hands soothe the sides of your hips and waist to grab you closer to him, making sure you feel his cock against your back; the leather of his gloves dragging up the fabric slightly so you feel the cool air around you when it's dark out.
Every red light he'd get more and more generous.
He'd love to watch you reposition yourself, trying to be slick with how you scoot your ass back just a bit and spread your legs apart to give his fingers just a bit more room to palm and rub your clit through the fabric, the leather adding more pressure and weight to his fingers that pushed slightly into your slit. You tried your best not to look too suspicious to all the cars nearby, dragging your soaked panties across the seat in circular motions to feel blades touch.
"Tch-you're gonna get the seat wet angel". He whispers from behind your ear, playfully smacking your thigh to make you notice how the light turned green; noticing some slack from you already.
Sometimes he wouldn't even indulge you in more, but when you were lucky, he'd pull your panties to the side with a hooked finger and spread all your slick around; middle finger prodding at the entrance slowly and whispering all his favorite things in your ear.
"Focus on the road baby, l'll fuck you to sleep when we get home yeah?" He'd say against your neck, nipping slightly at your skin with a finger slowly dragging in and out of your cunt.
"Don't you dare cum, or i'll make you lick my seat clean."
You were staring to love red lights all of a sudden.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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verboselocket38 · 5 days
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Made this while waiting in a restaurant yesterday, finished it today
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Amica Endura
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Part 2 of the rewrites, Hopefully I can remake the magic. Word count:1.4K
Amica endura is a cybertronian word for one's only best friend. The person you stick with for years, and intend to stick by for years to come, and for bumblebee's case, It's y/n.
It's been nearly a year since that faithful day when you got him out of the dealership and you have proven yourself otherwise, he liked you a lot, and you were a perfect friend to him... But only a tiny problem... More than likely he needed permission from a prime, the prime being Optimus, but where was he ??
So late at night when you were asleep, he drove out and took the roads to hopefully find him, just a hint... anything... Soon after almost an hour of driving...
"Ca... ll... Au...ts" A signal was picked up, Bee froze in his place and began to adjust his signal to hopefully hear the message better.
"Calling all Autobots, If you can hear this, meet me at these coordinates" The prime's familiar voice flooded his ears !! Yippie !!!
And soon he sped his way to the location of the signal, oh god it's been ages !!
Optimus transformed at a nearby hill and tried to boost the signal range, Please hope his crew is alright... He looked down sadly before hearing the familiar rev of his faithful companion.
Bee whirred in excitement as he transformed and stumbled in front of him happily as he found him. "Oh captain, My captain !!" His radio scratched. "Glad... to... see you again"
Optimus looked down and gave a gentle nod, he was so goddamn happy. "Bee... good to see you too"
After a bit, Bee started to shift from side to side a little nervously "I can... say something ??" He finally said.
Optimus raised an optic brow. "Go on then" Fully turning to his comrade, giving him his full attention.
Bee stood there for a little bit before opening up his chest cavity to reveal his spark, Optimus looked down at him, and a moment passed before he seemed to understand. "Who is it ??"
He started to grow more nervous, oh god this was it. "Human..."
Optimus blinked again. "A human... You've been mingling with humans" He said firmly, he was only worried.
Bee nodded
"Impossible, It won't be happening" Optimus looked out into the open. Immediately abrasive of the idea.
"They are my friends..." Bee whirred angrily, kicking the ground before going on a rant. "They didn't... See me... as... junk... they helped... me find... my voice !!"
"No... we cannot trust them, the humans will protect what is there's, we can only trust our own kind"
Bee gave him the softest eyes. Now come on, who can't say no to them !! "They... mean a lot"
Optimus looked back out into the open after a while. "If they mean so much, bring them here"
He beeped softly, but you were at work tomorrow, he can't just say before you leave.
But before he could say, Optimus picked up another signal from a familiar rev head. Be beeped again, he has an idea. "Let's go to the mall..."
The next night, you were leaving work and making your way to the bus station, But you didn't make it until a car started to rev in front of you. But the fear slowly dissipated once you realized what car it was
"Porsche 911 Carrera" You looked around it, holy flipping cow... you then noticed on the steering wheel a familiar logo that Bee also had on his steering wheel, was it... one of them ??
The car revved again, clicking open the door. You frowned, So hesitantly you hopped in, knowing that is what it's likely asking... the car feels nice... And before you knew it, the door slammed shut, the engine roared and sped off down the road.
"Woah Woah WOAH !!" You held on for dear life.
The car revved again and went faster just to tease you a little bit, it wasn't long before the police got involved from all the stunt's its been performing.
"Pull over !!" One officer managed to get next to you.
"I'M NOT DRIVING !!" You screamed out.
They flicked the lights on and tried to speed up, but not on this autobot's watch, he has a few tricks up his sleeve.
He swirled around and started to drive in reverse, first blinding the cop and soon rearranging with you safely in back to front. The cherry on top was then he started to make clones of himself and you, You looked to your left to see a clone of you flipping off the cop, and on the right, the clone of you gave a thumbs up.
The car swerved onto an offramp while the cop was distracted, making him crash into a guard division, You were getting to your final destination, speeding off into an abandoned warehouse.
"Yo yo yo slow down !!"
The car skidded along the ground, flinging you out as gently as it could, and soon beginning to transform.
"Woohoo !! That felt good !! Get some oil pumping you know ?? Damn. I've been cooped up forever dude, I can't tell you how old it gets. 'Mirage, stay hidden. Mirage, don't draw any attention to yourself. Mirage, Big is just a movie, you'll never be a real boy.' But that was fun man, your fun dude"
You were just rushing off from the adrenaline, looking up at him with slight fear.
"Oh right, this is probably a lot for you huh ??" He smiled softly as he kneeled to your height.
You scrambled up and grabbed a nearby pole, ready to defend yourself. "Back up !!'
"Hey woah woah, what's with the aggression. I thought after the car chase we were cool ??"
"What are you, some kind of possessed car ??"
"Nah, that's not real man, I'm an alien"
"Like... Like ET ??" Now where did that come from.
"ET !! The little ugly guy in the basket ?? Look at this face !!" He pointed to his adorable face before then holding out a fist for you. "The name mirage !!
You were a little hesitant.
"Come on, give me a little... give me a little... give me a little tap... give me a little tap..."
You then hesitantly fist bumped him.
"There ya go now were friends !!"
Soon you heard more revving, one light and one super heavy.
"Oh great the gang's here"
You looked behind and saw Bee driving in and transforming, Then soon back at the front, you saw a truck driving in and transforming, this one was super tall than Mirage and Bee !!
Bee quickly jumped in between you and Optimus, He knew Optimus meant well, but go easy on them ok !! Optimus stopped to look at both of you before then picking you up and getting a closer look.
"Who... Who are you ??" You frowned.
"I am Optimus prime" He looked at you firmly.
"Bee... what's going on ??"
Bee whirred softly as Optimus continued. "Who are you... Y/n"
'I... I'm just a normal kid... I found Bee in the car shop alright... I ain't even seen nothing I don't even know nothing" You closed your eyes and looked away.
Optimus looked at you firmly before you noticed his optics softened, Out of a sort of apology, before he then gently placed you back down. He still felt like he couldn't trust humans... But he is open to seeing where this will go, if this is what bee wants, he won't stop him.
"Bee ??" You looked over at him.
He whirred softly, putting his focus on you and kneeling down, Unlatching his chest cavity. "Y/n- my best... friend. Most... Important friend"
Your eyes softened when you looked at his spark, It was so bright.
Bee gave you the softest look. "I want... to be your friend- forever" Soon closing his chest cavity, you looked over at the other two.
"What happened ??"
"Dude... He just offered you ultimate friendship" Mirage chimed in, still amazed by the sight.
Optimus nodded to him and you. "Amica endura, The strongest form of friendship that a cybertronian can ever offer. An eternal oath" He explained to you.
"It's never been done with a human before, so consider yourself the first" Mirage chimed again.
Bee looked at you softly, whirring in hope.
You smiled up at him. "Your my best friend bee"
He Beeped happily before scooping you up and holding you close.
Optimus didn't say anything, He didn't feel it was his place, just watching... But he couldn't help but twitch a small small.
Be nuzzled your cheek as you held him close as well. His spark pulsing warmth against his chest, His radio scratched... "I'll love you till the day that I die"
Taglist: @callofdudes
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U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday will honor Emmett Till, the Black teenager whose 1955 killing helped galvanize the Civil Rights movement, and his mother with a national monument across two states.
Till, 14 and visiting from Chicago, was beaten, shot and mutilated in Money, Mississippi, on Aug. 28, 1955, four days after a 21-year-old white woman accused him of whistling at her. His body was dumped in a river.
The violent killing put a spotlight on the U.S. civil rights cause after his mother, Mamie Till-Bradley, held an open-casket funeral and a photo of her son's badly disfigured body appeared in Black media.
The national monument designation across 5.7 acres (2.3 hectares) and three sites marks a forceful new effort by the President to memorialize the country's bloody racial history even as Republicans in some states push limits on how that past is taught.
"America is changing, America is making progress," said the Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr., 84, a cousin of Till's who was with the boy on the night he was abducted at gunpoint from the relatives' house they were staying at in Mississippi.
"I've seen a lot of changes over the years and I try to tell young people that they happen, but they happen very slow," Parker said on Monday in a telephone interview as he traveled from Chicago to Washington to attend the signing ceremony at the White House as one of approximately 60 guests.
Tuesday marks the 82nd anniversary of Till's birth in 1941. One of the monument sites is the Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ in Chicago, where Till's funeral took place.
The other selected sites are in Mississippi: Graball Landing, close to where Till's body is believed to be have been recovered; and Tallahatchie County Second District Courthouse, where two white men who later confessed to Till's killing were acquitted by an all-white jury.
Signs erected at Graball Landing since 2008 to commemorate Till's killing have been repeatedly defaced by gunfire.
Now that site and the others will be considered federal property, receiving about $180,000 a year in funding from the National Park Service. Any future vandalism would be investigated by federal law enforcement rather than local police, according to Patrick Weems, executive director of the Emmett Till Interpretive Center in Sumner, Mississippi.
Other such monuments include the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty and the laboratory of inventor Thomas Edison.
Biden, an 80-year-old Democrat, will likely need strong support from Black voters to secure a second term in the 2024 presidential election.
He screened a film recounting the lynching, "Till," at the White House in February. Last March, he signed into law a bipartisan bill named for Till that for the first time made lynching a federal hate crime.
A Republican field led by former President Donald Trump has made conservative views on race and other contentious issues of history a part of their platform, including banning books and fighting efforts to teach school children accounts of the country's past that they regard as ideologically inflected or unpatriotic.
"This is an amazing, teachable moment to talk about the importance of this story as an American story that everybody can share in now, particularly at a time when people are trying to rewrite history," said Christopher Benson, president of the non-profit organization the Emmett Till & Mamie Till-Mobley Institute in Summit, Illinois.
“We have a memorial now that is not erasable. It can't be banned and it can't be censored, and we think that's a very important thing.”
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irrevocableloves · 5 months
violent delights
twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
chapter eight: questions & theories
previous chapter ౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ chapter nine
summary: after edward had mysteriously rescues her, she finally gets some answers.
warnings: violence, harassment
words: 4.6k (unedited)
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All that could be heard was the shudder of my quickened breaths, not even a word coming from Edward’s mouth or even the drunken men who just stared in what was perhaps confusion? Maybe fear? Just moments ago, I could read them almost instantly. Hunger was what I felt from them. The absolute need for control. It sickened me.
I wasn’t sure what Edward had done, but the boys backed up and Edward made his way back into the car. I hurried and put my seatbelt on before he revved the engine and pulled forward. I couldn’t help but gasp as the men fell over as they backed away. Then he backed up swiftly, making the sharpest turn around that swished my insides. Even then, I still felt the safest I’ve ever been.
He raced down past the building and pulled onto the street, not even stopping at the sign or even waiting for someone to let him in. Honks blared past him, but not one flinch. As he raced down the street, I took the time to study him. His jaw was clenched, his hands gripped the wheel, his expression was full of fury; it looked as if he wasn’t even breathing at all.
“Are you okay?” I asked, my voice squeaked. I winced hearing my voice coming out so frail. 
“No.” He was fuming.
I was surprised when he’d made a complete stop at the side of the road. I didn’t realize I’d been looking at him the whole time when he finally stopped to look towards me, not even reaching my eye.
“Y/N?” he asked as softly as he could, although I could still hear the strains of anger.
“Are you all right?” His eyes met mine for a split second.
“I–I think so…” I don’t think I was. I was too shocked by it all.
“Do you think you can distract me?” he just about pleaded.
From just looking at him, I didn’t need to question his need for a diversion. But, what was there to say? The days without him had left me in a heap of depression and utter sense of boredom at school. I racked my brain of anything that seemed amusing, scratching out my search for vampires and the constant dreams I had of him that left me a sweating mess on my sheets.
“Tyler Crowley–he–um kept telling everyone he was taking me to prom? I think? I don’t really remember, I kinda tuned it out…” I admitted. I should’ve been more angry about it, but the absence of Edward had hit me a lot harder.
“I heard about that.” He seemed to be controlling his breaths.
“Really? Was I the last one to hear about this?” I tried to lighten the mood, it seemed to work when I was rewarded a slight chuckle. “If he thinks taking me to prom is making up for almost killing me, then I’ll just run him over with my car and make it even.”
I saw his mouth twitch a bit with my remark, almost forcing itself not to crack a smile. I decided to speak up again. “What’s wrong?”
“My temper. Sometimes it gets out of control.” He was whispering, ashamed of what he couldn’t control. “It’s taking everything in me not to turn around and hunt those animals. The vile, repulsive things they were thinking…” 
I know. I didn’t dare speak that aloud. I felt like I was losing my mind. Could he too hear their thoughts or were they as clear as day?
“It wouldn’t help to turn around and do it… or even run them over… At least that’s what I’m trying to  convince myself.”
A part of me wished that he would… hunt them down. The part of me that was completely exposed. The one that was forced to hear their thoughts. Unless I’d imagined it… but it wouldn’t have been too far off from reality.
“Jessica and Angela,” I broke the brief silence, realizing that it had been at least 20 minutes since I’d last contacted them. “I was supposed to meet them, they’re probably worried...”
Without another word, he started the engine. Yet again, racing through the streets in a blur. He parallel parked in a spot with ease, right in front of La Bella Italia. My eyebrows furrowed. From the time I’d told him about meeting the girls to our arrival at the restaurant, I never mentioned the location once.
In my swift time of thought, he’d already been opening my door.
 “What’re you doing?” I asked him.
“I’m taking you to dinner,” he said as if it was so plainly obvious. 
I fumbled with my seatbelt as my mind raced about as fast as Edward’s driving. Finally, I stepped out.
Just as we were entering, Jessica and Angela walked out, the both of them sighing with relief. Right as they were about to speak, they noticed the brooding, tall man beside me and their worried looks had faded, instead replaced with a red tint in their cheeks.
“Sorry I kept Y/N from dinner. We ran into each other and got talking.” Edward was the one to speak first. I was grateful. I couldn’t even bear to tell them what happened, at least not yet, I didn’t want to worry them. 
“We understand, yeah!” Jessica was completely flustered along with Angela.
“Would it be all right if I joined you?” he asked. He had a way with people, one that left them absolutely breathless. The girls were left in stutters.
“Um! Y-yeah sure!” Jessica breathed. Edward smirked.
“Um, actually, Y/N, we already ate while we were waiting — sorry," Angela confessed. 
“That’s okay! I’m not really that hungry anyways.” I shrugged. With all the nerves with Edward here, I wasn’t sure if I would even be able to stomach anything.
“I really think you should eat something,” Edward said in a low voice, leaning down to speak into my ear. I looked up at him, trying to cover up the fact that I was in complete awe. I simply nodded back at him as if I was in a trance.
“Sure, yeah.” I tried to say as composed as possible. 
He looked back to the two girls, then spoke, “Do you mind if I drive Y/N home tonight? That way the two of you aren’t left waiting.”
Jessica and Angela looked to me for an answer. I gave them a nod with a smile. This was exactly what I needed. A night to finally ask all of my unanswered questions from my brooding savior.
“Yeah! Not a problem! See you tomorrow, Y/N/N,” Jessica chirped.
“Bye Y/N,” Angela leaned in for a hug. “And Edward, thanks for staying and taking her home.” She smiled at him. He responded back with a tight, but genuine smile.
Once they left, Edward guided me towards the entrance,holding the door open for me. My heart skipped a beat. I walked through the door, immediately being greeted by a host. Actually, only Edward was greeted by the host. Just from the look in her eyes, I knew she was instantly enamored by his presence, a feeling that was all too familiar with practically anyone that laid their eyes on him. 
As she spoke, she never broke eye contact with him, not once looking towards me. I hated that it bothered me. The way she smiled at him, giggling at him once he spoke — it made me feel small.
“A table for two?” Her eye contact was still left unbroken, but when I looked towards Edward, his eyes were only on me. My breath trembled.
When she led us to a larger table, one that was meant for four, Edward spoke up, “Perhaps something more private?” He asked the host with a quick glance towards her before slyly pulling out a tip for her. Then his eyes were back on me. 
“Sure,” she said alluringly, still trying to catch Edward’s undivided attention. She led us over to the quieter area of the restaurant, with a ring of small booths lined up. “How’s this?” 
“Perfect.” He flashed a smile at her, one that had absolutely left her awed.
”Um-” she stuttered, “your server will be right out.” She walked away, still making glances back towards Edward.
“Wow.” That was all that I could possibly utter after that interaction.
“You really shouldn’t do that to people.” I finally found my voice. “It’s hardly fair.”
“Do what?”
”Dazzle them like that.” I couldn’t possibly think of a word more fitting. “She’s probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now.”
His eyebrows furrowed, which surprised me. Did he really not notice this effect he has on people?
“I dazzle people?” His head tilted to one side, his eyes full of curiosity.
“Oh, come on.” I giggled. “Do you really think everyone gets their way so easily?”
He ignored my question completely. “Do I dazzle you?”
I froze for a moment before asking, “What do you think?”
“Now that’s the real question…” He mumbled. He looked frustrated.
Thankfully, before I could even form a response, our server arrived, her eyes gleaming. Once again, another woman dazzled by just the mere presence of Edward Cullen.
“Hi. My name’s Amber and I’ll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink?” She only looked at Edward and I noticed that his eyes, again, were on me.
“A Coke.” I said rather bland to the server.
“Two Cokes,” he said.
“I’ll be right back with that.” She shot him another smile, one that was completely unnecessary as his eyes still remained on me.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Fine?” I’d completely forgotten about the reason why he was here with me in the first place. I hated that. The way that every thought bolted out of my mind when it came to him, it was quite frustrating.
“You’re not a little shaken up? Dizzy, sick, cold…?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, I’ve always been pretty good at repressing unpleasant things.” And he was far from that.
He nodded. “Well, I’ll feel better once you have something in your system.”
Just after that, the server came back with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks. To make him feel better, I grabbed one to nibble on.
“Are you ready to order?” she asked Edward, her back facing me.
“Y/N?” he asked. She looked back at me uninterested. I tried my hardest to swallow my tongue.
I glanced at the menu, picking the first thing that my eyes fell to. “I’ll have the Fettuccine Alfredo.”
“And you?” She turned back to him with a smile.
“Nothing for me.” I knew it.
The server gave him a coy smile. “Just let me know if you change your mind.”
He pushed my drink towards me, nodding at it for me to drink. The waiter left disappointed.
Once the glass was in front of me, I sipped on it, forgetting how dehydrated I actually was. In under a minute, the soda was gone and embarrassingly enough, I was still thirsty.
I saw him push the other coke towards me. I gave him a smile, deciding to take small sips from it.
“Cold?” He asked. 
I felt a shiver down my spine and this time it wasn’t from Edward, but from the Coke that I’d chugged and the one that I was currently sipping on. 
Before I could even nod, he shrugged off his gray coat, one that looked a little too nice for a teenage boy. Underneath, he wore a casual dark blue button down with the two buttons loose to reveal a dark gray undershirt.
Once he handed me his coat, I was broken from my trance. I slid my arm into his coat, oddly, it was cold, almost as if I’d left it in my car that was drowning in snow from the night before. But in just seconds, the coat had warmed to my touch. Once it was on, I pushed back the sleeves as they were far too long on me…
“You sure you're alright? Normally a person would’ve gone into shock.” He pushed the breadsticks in front of me and I gladly served myself another.
Why was that? I couldn’t really make out a sane answer as to why my reaction didn’t amount to one of a normal person. There was truly only one answer. Him.
“I feel safe with you,” I confessed. 
His head went down, his eyes to the floor with a furrowed brow.
“I’m not… good for you.” He shook his head, his eyes still facing the ground.
“Your eyes are black again.” I saw his expression change, he looked back up at me, his eyebrows furrowed yet again, but this time in a state of confusion rather than disappointment. “I noticed your moods change according to your eye color, it’s quite interesting actually. One of my new theories.”
“So there’s more theories?” He had a faint smile and I could sense that he was a bit intrigued.
“Well I’m not gonna force it out of you. Just makes me feel a bit more sane.” He nodded at my response, his smile peeking a bit more in the corners of his mouth. 
“And what are these new theories?”
When the waitress came over, we both realized how close we were sitting and immediately straightened out. She set the dish in front of me and then turned to Edward.
“Did you change your mind? Isn’t there anything I can get you?” she asked him. 
“No, thank you.” Then gestured towards me. 
I looked around at the table, realizing I’d already finished the second coke. “Maybe just some water.” I gave her a tight smile.
She nodded, only smiling at Edward, then took the empty glasses off the table and walked off.
“So, those theories?” He moved closer to me.
“I’ll tell you later in the car. Only if I can ask you a few questions.”
“Done,” he said immediately, I was a bit surprised.
“Why are you here?” I started.
“To have dinner with you,” he said as if it were obvious.
“No, I mean Port Angeles. It’s an hour drive – you knew I was here.”
“C’mon, I gotta have at least some answers if you won’t tell me the big one.”
“Next,” he repeated.
I tried hard to not look as frustrated as I actually was. I shouldn’t have. I should feel grateful and not poke my head in where it didn’t belong. But I couldn’t help the pull I felt towards him, the need to know him. Instead, I pulled my focus towards the steaming food in front of me, twisting the noodles on my fork and sticking them in my mouth. It was actually delicious.
The waitress came back with two waters without another word.
“Okay.” I took a sip of my water before speaking up again. “So… let’s say, hypothetically, someone could know what people are thinking. Read minds, you know?” I wasn’t even sure if this question was regarding me or him, but I was intrigued either way.
“Hypothetically?” He asked, amused.
“Mhm.” I nodded. “So, how does it work? How is it that someone could find another person at the right time and just know that they’re in trouble?”
“Well, hypothetically, it shouldn’t take that someone any mind reading at all to know just how much trouble you get into in a town with absolutely no trouble.” He chuckled.
I only just looked at him, waiting for him to tell me the truth or not. Just from my look, he seemed frustrated, as if he was battling a war in his mind of whether or not he should tell me the truth.
“You can trust me, you know?” Without a second thought I reached my hands towards his, but he pulled them away. My face was tinted red. I was glad his eyes were still to the floor.
“I was wrong about you.” He admitted. “You're much more observant than I gave you credit for.”
“Thought you were always right.”
“I used to be.” He finally looked at me. “But, you proved me wrong.”
He spoke up again before I could respond. “I was wrong about something else, too.”
“You’re not a magnet for accidents. No… that’s not a broad enough classification. You are a magnet for trouble. If there is anything dangerous within a ten-mile radius, it will inevitably find you.”
“And you think that’s you?” I guessed. 
Just from his expression, I knew I was right. His face turned cold, in another effort to shut me out completely. 
“Unequivocally,” he said.
My hands stretched across the table again as they had a mind of its own. Even as he pulled away, my hands persisted, shadowing over the back of his hand, feeling his skin with my fingertips. It was cold, like stone. Familiar. Like in my dream. Once the cold started to dissipate from my fingertips, I slowly inched my hand back…
I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. Edward looked down at where my fingertips once laid, a bewildered look on his face. To break his focus, I cleared my throat, muttering, “Thank you,” I started. He looked up at me, trying hard to not glance back down at his hand. I continued “For saving me… again…”
“Let’s hope there isn’t a third.” He said, his usual condescending self resurfacing. He placed both of his hands under the table, pulling himself back into our conversation.
“I followed you to Port Angeles,” he admitted. “I feel protective over you.” His expression seemed like he didn’t know why himself, but he continued on, “I've never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it's much more troublesome than I would have believed. But that's probably just because it's you. Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes.”
It should’ve bothered me, but it didn’t. Instead, I felt content over the fact that this connection wasn’t imaginary. He felt it to the point where he felt the need to protect me. Nothing about this was normal, but I seemed to not be fazed by it at all. So, why should I fight it? The only thing I was determined to fight was the smile that threatened to curve on my lips. 
“Did you ever think that maybe my number was up the first time, with the van, and that you've been interfering with fate?" I speculated, distracting myself.
“That wasn't the first time," he murmured. “Your number was up the first time I met you." 
My breath hitched. But somehow, the memory didn’t bother me anymore, not when I felt the safety I felt with him right now. Not when he’d gone beyond faith and saved me twice.
"You remember?" he asked.
"Yes." I was as calm as ever. 
“And yet here you sit." There was a trace of disbelief in his voice; he raised one eyebrow.
"Yes, here I sit… because of you." I paused. “Because somehow you always manage to find me?”
He studied me, his expression guarded. His eyes flashed down to my plate, then returned to mine.
“You eat, I'll talk," he bargained. 
I looked down at my now, lukewarm food, realizing how long it’s been since I’d taken a bite. I filled up my fork and ate in return for his explanation.
“It's harder than it should be — keeping track of you. Usually I can find someone very easily, once I've heard their mind before…" He glanced at me with anxiety, and I noticed I had tensed up. I forced myself to swallow, then piled up my fork again for another bite.
“I kept loose tabs on Jessica, knowing only you could find trouble in Port Angeles. At first I didn’t notice when you roamed off on your own – her thoughts were quite scrambled. Then, when I realized you’d left them, I went looking for you at the bookstore I saw in her head. I could tell you hadn’t gone in yet – you’d gone south. I searched through the thoughts of people on the street just to see if anyone saw you. I was strangely anxious…”  He trailed off, lost in thought, his gaze distant.
“I drove in circles, still… listening. The sun was setting, and I was considering following you on foot. But then—" He paused, teeth clenched in sudden fury, making an effort to regain composure.
“Then what?" I whispered. He continued to stare towards the floor. 
“I heard what they were thinking," he growled, his upper lip curling slightly back over his teeth. So could I, even if it was just for a moment. “I saw your face in their minds." He was struggling to compose his anger as his entire face twitched up.
His hands were now in his face to contain his fury. “It was very… hard — you can't imagine how hard it was for me to simply take you away, and leave them… alive." I was holding in a gasp. But, still… somehow… I wasn’t afraid of him. 
“I could have let you go with Jessica and Angela, but I was afraid if you left me alone, I would go looking for them," he admitted in a whisper. I sat quietly, dazed, my thoughts incoherent. My hands were folded in my lap, and I was leaning weakly against the back of the seat. He still had his face in his hand, and he was as still as if he'd been carved from the stone his skin resembled. 
Finally he looked up, his eyes seeking mine, full of his own questions. 
“Are you ready to go home?" he asked. The waitress had come over almost immediately after Edward muttered the words.
I nodded, satisfied that I’d be the one spending an hour long drive with him, one that would further my answers to my long-awaited questions.
“How are we doing?" she asked Edward. 
“We're ready for the check, thank you." He was a lot more reserved than earlier. His charming smirk had been replaced with a brooding expression, still reflecting the strain of our conversation. The waitress seemed to notice the change and looked a bit disoriented from it.
“S-sure," she stuttered. “Here you go." Before she even pulled out the check, a bill was already in his hand. He slipped it into the folder and handed it right back to her. 
“No change." He gave her a tight smile, then stood up. Meanwhile, I scrambled awkwardly up to my feet. 
She smiled invitingly at him again. “You have a nice evening." He didn't look away from me as he thanked her. I didn’t even bother to smile. Walking out, he was close beside me, but still careful not to touch me.
He opened the passenger door, holding it for me as I stepped in, shutting it softly behind me. I should’ve been used to this. But as I watched him circle around the car, so effortless and graceful, I couldn’t help but think of how I was so utterly astonished by him.
Once inside the car, he started the engine and turned the heater on high. I was grateful, because even in the warmth of his coat, the temporary chill of the car had left me in shivers and a cold breath. I didn’t even notice Edward weaving through traffic, as I usually did, but we were now on the freeway. That’s when he finally slowed down to a normal pace, for now…
“Now, about those theories…" he said, his usual smirk and smugness creeping its way back.
“I still have more questions,” I revealed. “Just one.”
He only nodded, staring me down, not even paying attention to the road.
“What am I thinking right now?”
He sighed. “Now that. That’s the most frustrating thing of all.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I waited for an answer.
“I can read every mind… apart from yours.”
My breath hitched. “Is there something wrong with me?”
“I hear voices in my mind and you think there’s something wrong with you?” So, I’m a double freak. I should’ve told him that I heard them too, even if it was only for a few moments… But if he could have secrets, so could I.
“How does it work?”
“Mostly, it’s like being in a huge hall filled with everyone speaking at once. It's just a hum — a buzzing of voices in the background. It’s not until I focus on one voice and that’s when their thoughts are clear.” He paused for a moment. “Most of the time I tune it all out — it can be very distracting. And then it's easier to seem normal.” It seemed agonizing.
“Why do you think you can’t hear me?”  I asked 
“The only guess I have is that maybe your mind doesn't work the same way the rest of theirs do. Like your thoughts are on the AM frequency and I'm only getting FM." He grinned at 
me, suddenly amused.
“So you’re telling me that my mind doesn’t work right?” I chuckled, but really, his words unsettled me. It hit a nerve, tapping into a fear I’d always dreaded might be true. 
“Don’t worry, it’s just a theory… which brings us back to yours.”
I froze. Suddenly, saying it out loud made me feel foolish. Despite all my research and seemingly reliable conversations – I still felt like I was losing my mind.
He noticed my silence. “I won’t laugh,” he said, scrunching his grin into a line. 
I took a deep breath before I started. “So, I ran into an old friend – Jacob Black, an old family friend of mine… His dad is one of the Quileute elders.” I noticed his expression change, his jaw clenching.
“At La Push, he told me a few old legends – I think he was trying to scare me. But, he told me one…” I was distracted by the Forks welcome sign as Edward slowed down – I should’ve known that the hour-long car ride would be cut short from Edward’s driving habits. 
Right as I was about to continue onto my theory, my attention shifted to the flashing police lights and sirens as we were nearing the police station. Then, my dad’s cruiser parked right in front.
“My dad’s still here… Can you pull in?” I asked.
“That’s my father’s car in the end. What’s he doing here?”
Once he pulled in, we both exited the car, meeting Carisle as he walked down the steps of the police station.
“Carlisle. What happened?”
“Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body.” 
Flashes of images consumed me. The boat. Red. So much red. In a blur, the flash of crimson red was surrounded by pale bodies devouring the deceased Waylon Forge.
“Y/N?” A voice interrupted the images, a shake and then a cold hand on my face is what I felt before I opened my eyes.
I squinted from the flashes of the red and blue police lights. With each blink, my vision cleared and in front of me was Edward – wearing an expression I’d never quite seen from him before: fear. 
And I felt it too, more than ever.
His once cold hand warmed on my face, almost tingling. But this time, he didn’t move it. 
“Y/N?” Carlisle interrupted over Edward’s shoulder. “Are you feeling faint?”
“No.” I cleared my throat. Edward had finally let go, but that warmth of his touch lingered severely. “I’m fine, thank you. Just… just shock… H-he died?” I stuttered. “How?”
I knew exactly how. The images from just seconds ago flickered. My heart pounded and my breath picked up from just the memory of it. The blood. Waymond’s blood. His lifeless body being torn apart by those three figures… Vampires.
Carlisle sighed. “Animal attack.”
next chapter
a/n: i'm so sorry i haven't updated in forever ..........
tags: @measure-in-pain @brekkers-whore @rejectedbimbo @leilanileila @anothercoffeeblogx @cevans-winchester @trawberry-fire @nephilimsss @itszzmoon @astrovampie @cryingoverfictionalmen @boxofbadsenses @ttnaanj @iheartprettygurls @aoi-targaryen @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mystifiedgrace @ladybirdbeetle7 @celi-xxmoon @quinnieloves @valeriegraham @renesmeviolets @justicexjustice @bubs-world @eir964 @turnintoclown @tiniewife
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weirdowithaquill · 2 months
We Need to Talk About Rebecca...
And we will, once I have finished editing my *seven-page thesis* on what went wrong with her in BWBA, what should have been done and how to rewrite this engine to give her a shot at actually being a main character in Thomas.
I will overanalyse you, Rebecca.
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Because this engine had potential, and Mattel squandered it. It's time to put on my Rev. W. Awdry hat and do some character-building.
22 notes · View notes
octopiys · 1 year
A lil bit of a started story based off of a comic by: @aidenlydia thank u for letting me write about it just in time for spooky season!!
every dream that shatters (another one comes true)
He had to get out. He had to clear his head. His shoebox of a house was too cluttered, too stuffed, and he couldn't breathe in there. Too many eyes watched him, too many eyes worried and never said a thing.
He had to go for a ride.
The bike was right under the tarp where he had left it, settled under half an inch of dust. He wasn't even really sure if his mum knew he had it.
He knew she wouldn't say anything, even if she did know. Her eyes only watched.
A gift to himself when he enlisted, the bike was just as beautiful as he'd first bought it.
Built in 2000, the gloss on his Harley Softail was just as polished, like a mirror. He smudged his hand on the black, before pulling on his gloves. The twin engine was still in perfect condition, after all, the bike was only a few years old. When he got back from Mexico, he buried himself in upgrading the bike. A radio modification or two, a compartment in the front, hiding a few secret things, a few close objects to him. Dog tags, a photo of the rest of his team, a letter that he wouldn't bother to rewrite until he got back home... He hitched up the wheels, buffed them out just a little bigger. They were more stable, and he couldn't help but puff up at the thought of how nice they fit the bike. He had to clean off the leather of the seat as he tugged it out of the shed in the backyard.
If his mother didn't know he had it before, she surely did now.
He needed to drive.
The radio station switched on, the gauges twitching as he kicked the bike on. Some rock band was playing. One of the newer ones he liked. Linkin Park. The engine revved, purred, and he felt slightly soothed. The sound scraped against his ears, grinding away the thoughts that berated him.
It felt like flying, strangely, and he'd been in his fair share of helicopters. The service granted him that much, at least.
He had decided not to bring his helmet, the one that was emblazoned with a bones of a skull. It would be a short trip. Just to clear his mind.
The house was deadly silent behind him, but for once he'd swear he'd never felt more alive.
Captain John MacTavish, or as his friends liked to call him, Soap, was going to go insane. His current mission had been completed, and since he was technically considered part of a private military company, all he had to do was wait for the next one.
The issue at hand, however, is that there wouldn't be another one for months, and he was tired of routine.
Strange, saying that as a Captain. Sure, he'd built himself a title through routine, and sure, he'd earned himself one by breaking it. He'd tell his team to take a break, but that didn't necessarily mean he himself would follow through with that.
But it was autumn, and apparently terrorists wanted to carve pumpkins or something like that because there was no threat on their radars, and it pissed him off.
He needed something to do. Something to get his hands working with, something to get his pent up aggression out. Drawing wasn't working as well as he'd wanted it to, and now he had filled journals of dead teammates that he'd drawn up in their honor. He'd probably burn them later, like a sacrificial pyre in memoriam.
There was a soft thud at his front door and his head shot up in reflex, shoulders hunched, prepared for a fight. But there was no knock, no sudden burst of entry. His hand had twitched for a gun that he didn't currently hold.
Creeping up to the front door, Soap checked through the peephole in the center of the wood. No one was there, much to his relief. Just the morning mail.
After he opened the door and seized the paper for himself, he saw the mailboy ride past on his bike with an armful of other newspapers to deliver.
Soap deemed it safe to take into his home.
He was so utterly bored, he thought he'd might explode. At least that would bring some kind of interest into his life.
His mother prayed that he'd find someone of interest before she died, and believe him, she wanted to die knowing that her son wouldn't be alone. That he had somebody to come home to.
The Captain, however, never found much interest in women. Or men, for that matter. Not that he didn't find them attractive! In fact, Sergeant Garrick often teased him for the way he'd be caught gazing at a bartender at a pub after a mission, or a nurse who'd had the misfortune of being assigned to their task force during a particularly nasty mission. But his field of work never allowed much time for a relationship anyways. Too much time apart, too much risk, and not nearly enough risque.
Most of the time, it'd be a quick fuck, and he'd be off on his way.
But this wasn't that kind of frustration, it was something else. Understimulation, if you will.
He was four pages through the paper before it occurred to him that he hadn't actually read anything since he opened it up. So he zoned back in, and started from the beginning.
Most of it was a few standard ads, some news articles, a morning prayer that he mumbled aloud. But something had caught his eye. An opportunity.
In basic print, on basic background, was a local advertisement from some old woman selling a wrecked out motorcycle. She stated that the condition was very poor, and it would require a lot of work to get it fixed up. However, she left a line to call beneath the brief description.
Before he knew it, he was dialing the digits into his phone.
It rang thrice before it got picked up.
"Hello...? This is Sara." The voice of an older woman answered, and from the way she spoke it didn't seem like she was expecting a call.
"Hi there, ma'am. My name is John, ah was callin' aboot yer ad in the paper?" He winced internally, having not prepared a proper greeting.
"Oh!" Was all he heard. There was some shuffling on the other end of the line. "Yes, I- yes, of course.... I'd assume you'd want to check it out before you buy-?" She seemed hesitant. Almost sad, even.
"If yer offerin', ma'am, I'd love ta." He straightened on his worn out couch, reaching to the nearby side table to grab a pen and the pad of paper.
She told him the address, and he wrote it down. It would be a decent drive, but the morning was nigh. He'd be able to get there and back by nightfall easily, even if it would take much more time to get there than to actually assess the bike.
He hated driving in Britain. He hated it. The traffic was horrible, why didn't he ever account for-
"Oh God dammit pick a fuckin' lane ye wee bastard!" He shouted at the car in front of him that could not hear, due to the fact that the windows of his truck were rolled up, and the car was in fact, just a car.
He was only ten minutes out, but traffic in Manchester was just not pleasing him at the current moment.
But soon enough he was driving down a free road to a residential area of more run down houses. He wasn't one to judge, having come from a place similar, but the GPS stopped him in front of a light blue house. The garage door was open, and a few shingles were missing from the roof. There were a few children's toys in the front yard, the weeds overcrowding the driveway.
Soap pocketed his wallet and locked his car as he approached the front door. There were a few flower boxes, and the paint was peeling. The flowerbeds held a few dying sweet pea plants.
He wasn't sure how he recognized the plant. Symbolism of some sort he was sure.
He knocked quietly on the door and waited patiently, pushing strands of his overgrown mohawk out of his face.
There was a bit of a scuffle behind the door before it opened, revealing an older woman with graying blond hair and soft wrinkles around her eyes. She was older like he'd thought, probably around the same age as his own mother, and she had the same kindness in her eyes that he missed.
"Are you John?" She asked, her hands finding purchase on the door.
"Aye, but ye can call me Soap if ya'd like." It was a force of habit, introducing himself. Everybody knew him as Soap. Wasn't that big of a deal.
The woman pursed her lips, but opened the door. "I'd let ya around the side o' the house, but my son's mowin' the lawn now. It's in the back shed, hon, follow me." She said, deciding that he was well enough on his word to come into the house.
The walls of the interior were light purple, and in the corner of the living room sat an old box television, smothered by two couches. There was a baby play pen near the kitchen, and some music that played somewhere deeper in the house. He could see the shed through the back windows, overgrown with ivy, and there was a pang of sadness in his heart that he could not place.
"My son was a lieutenant." The woman said suddenly, as they crossed through the living area. Soap hummed in response.
"What force?" He asked, not bothering to question how she knew. He chose to slightly overlook the use of past tense.
"S.A.S. His father hated it." She breathed a laugh to herself as she opened up the back door. "But he wasn't in it for the Queen. He wanted to help people, truly."
"Aye, ma'am, most of us aren't fans of the Queen." He scoffed, and the woman looked back at him with a soft twinkle in her eye, like she knew more than he did.
They were quiet as they walked out to the back shed. He heard the mower going as it turned around the backyard, before it appeared. A young boy was operating it, with shoulder length blond hair, and he paused, staring at them for a moment, before pushing the mower back towards the front of the house.
The woman had unlocked the shed, but she didn't open the doors just yet. She glanced at him, looking almost hesitant. "Its.... It's really just scrap metal, hon. It'll be a lotta work to fix up, if that's what you're lookin' for. He made a few modifications to it, but- well...." She pushed open the door, and he smiled at her, trying to mask the realization that this bike *was* her son's.
"Don't worry ma'am, I like a good challenge." Soap murmured, glancing in as she opened the door.
The shed was lined with shelves, most of them holding gardening tools or the like. Near the back corners was, well, what he figured she'd be talking about. He could see the scratched polish glinting in the soft sunlight that caught the dust mites. The front wheel had been completely torn off, the bike bent almost in half around the leather seat. A few wires hung loose, and the radio modification was shattered almost completely across. Whatever had happened to it, and it's owner, must've been a grizzly scene. He didn't want to think the two were interrelated.
"I'll take it." He said in a hushed voice, before clearing his throat. "Uh- I'll take it, ma'am. I'll fix it right up." Soap promised, and he knew he would.
"I'll have my boy help it out to the car." She responded, and turned away.
He ended up getting the bike for very cheap. Her other son, Thomas, had done well on her word, having gotten out a transport tarp and helped him drag it out to his truck. He looked much like the boy he saw earlier, the one who was mowing the lawn. Must've been his father.
"Mum says you're in the military." Thomas huffed. "Not a Queen's bitch, though."
"Nae, I kill terrorists." Soap said, tipping his head.
"You make good on that?"
"I do."
"You'll like the bike. It was practically new when 'e got it. I was the only one he told 'bout it." Thomas puffed slightly at the memory. "A 2000 Harley Softail... God, she was a beaut. I helped 'im put in the radio too."
Soap smiled, but it might've looked more like a grimace. He couldn't lie and say he didn't feel bad.
He handed Thomas the money, and thanked him. Thomas wished him luck.
Before he got into his truck, Ms. Sara hurried out with something in her hands. It was a black and white helmet. Even if the paint was fading, he could still see the slight tracing of the skull-and-crossbones patterning. It looked edgy. Soap thought it was cool.
"If... If you do get the bike fixed up, use the helmet for me, son. It'll be the best decision you make, y' best believe." She said thickly, setting it in the bed of his truck alongside the twisted metal.
His throat felt tight as he smiled at her once again. "Thank ye." He said sincerely, and he found himself strangely choked up. He didn't know these people, but yet there was something so familiar about them.
Thomas stood next to his mother, almost towering over her.
"Good luck." He said stiffly, and Soap thanked him quietly once again.
The family turned into the house, and he hopped into his truck. The door slammed loudly behind him, and he swore, just another thing he had to fix.
As Soap drove off, what was left of the bike rattled securely in the bed of his truck.
Behind closed doors, a tear slipped down Ms. Riley's face. She pressed her forehead to the cold wood as the Captain drove away and whispered,
"Goodbye, Simon."
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