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capncarrot · 7 months ago
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Zatanna: Bring Down the House #3
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bookish2bookish · 2 years ago
El Poder de la Palabra en el Análisis Crítico del Discurso: Ideologías, Identidades y Transformaciones Sociales
Shylock después del juicio, una ilustración para El mercader de Venecia. Ejemplo de un estereotipos discursivo con el que se ha representando al pueblo judío Uno de los versículos bíblicos más atingentes a comprender el poderoso rol de la palabra sobre la acción humana es Proverbios, 18:21 que lee “Muerte y vida están en poder de la lengua, y los que la aman comerán su fruto”. De las palabras…
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nenamatic · 1 year ago
Are you tired of writing boring blogs, emails, and ads that don't captivate your target audience? It's time to give a shot at the possibility of an AI writer! Over the last year, I've tried and reviewed various paid and free AI creators of content. Today I'm back to introduce you a new intriguing artificial intelligence writer Copy AI. This AI writer is gaining popularity in the marketplace lately. So, I decided to taking a look and determining whether it's really worthy of the hype. It's not going to create long-form content in a matter of seconds, or even create complete blog posts with a single mouse click. However, it could aid in the creation of content such as blog titles, outline or points to paragraphs blog intros and outros metadata descriptions, and the like of thing in only a couple of clicks. For this Copy.ai Review I'll begin by discussing User Interface and the working process of Copy AI. After that, we'll proceed to talk about its pricing plans, the most important features, pros and cons of this Ai Writer. With no further waiting, let's jump straight in to the review. About Copy Ai Copy Ai was founded in 2020 by Paul Yacoubian. This company has headquarter in Memphis, Tennessee ,USA .Crunchbase records that the team received a seed funding that was $2.9 million from investors like Adam Morley and Sequoia Capital. At this point, there are more than 3 million+ active users and popular companies like Microsoft, Nestlé, eBay, and Ogilvy use Copy AI for their professional work. My First Impression My initial impressions and experiences using Copy.ai are that it is able to be a valuable and beneficial AI device for appropriate person. It's a great way to push yourself to complete the content you've written even when you're not very imaginative. If you have to create a large number of smaller chunks of content in a short time. The accuracy and truthfulness of the information must be verified in certain areas, especially ones that concern the well-being and health of humans as well as animals. It should therefore be utilized in a way as an aid during the content creation process. In this reason it can prove extremely effective. I have found that the Copy Ai is better suited to general issues than for specific ones, but I believe that with time I will be able to utilize it more efficient. For instance, it produced some nonsense about one specific product, but when it was writing content for the specific product category, it far outperformed. At this point this is probably not the best option for those who want the highest quality long-form content. If you're simply looking for something to throw in a description of a product or in a social media post and you're not concerned with quality the content is fine. But when it comes to producing truly great material, I do not believe it's yet there. What GPT Copy Ai use? CopyAI is a tool for copywriting that is based on the most recent model for language prediction, known as GPT 3. Generatorate Pre-trained Transformer (or GPT3) is the most advanced model built on over 175 billion variables. This is why it creates highly refined as well as high quality content. Copy Ai User Interface The interface for users of Copy AI appears modern and sleek with minimalist layout. Once you sign into your account with Copy AI you'll be able to see a tidy and organized user interface. The left-hand panel offers options to create a brand new project, and you can use the various tools and templates that are available .The main screen offers some useful examples of use as well as a list of projects and folders that were that you have created. It is possible to access the account and language settings in the upper-right corner. The interface however is sluggish and slow. The outputs are a little slower for certain scenarios. Use Cases Copy Ai Interface Copy AI Copy Ai Features Languages As of now, CopyAI supports 25+ languages on its Pro plan.
You can set different languages for input and output, which is great. Some popular languages supported are German, Italian, French, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, etc. However, you won’t find Hindi as the supported language at the moment. I hope they introduce it in their future updates. Tone With Copy AI, you get a bunch of refined tones to mold your content according to certain moods and occasions. It offers 8 preset tones, including Bold, Friendly, Luxury, Relaxed, Professional, Adventurous, Witty, and Persuasive. Unlike all the other AI writers I’ve reviewed so far, Copy AI offers the option to create custom tones. If your preferred tone of voice isn’t on their list, you can create a customized tone for any use case. But do they work well? Keep reading to find that out! Plagiarism In the case of plagiarism using Grammarly's AI text, Grammarly detected 16% plagiarism. This is a little high, especially if accustomed to checking lengthy blogs for evidence of plagiarism. I've seen these result in one or two percent level of plagiarism (which is typically from completely non-related content). But, since I had to test such a small amount of text, it's logical. I also ran five tests using other paragraphs created by Copy.ai to determine whether they produced more positive results. They showed zero plagiarism on the five tests. Use Cases Copy AI comes with an extensive library of 90+ AI use cases belonging to different categories. For instance: EMAILS-Discount Emails, Follow-up Emails, Welcome Emails, Confirmation/Cancellation Emails, Cold Outreach Emails, and more. BLOGGING-Blog Ideas, Blog Intros, How-to Blogs, Meta Descriptions, Listicles, Long-form Content, etc. COPYWRITING-Landing page copy, AIDA copy, PAS copy, Features to Benefits, Product Descriptions, etc. SOCIAL MEDIA- Facebook posts, YouTube descriptions, LinkedIn posts, Instagram Captions, etc. BUSINESS-Job Descriptions, Rejection Letters, About Us Copy, Hiring Blurb, etc CREATIVE WRITING- Short Stories, Song Lyrics, Poetry, Dating Profile, etc. Accuracy If we speak about accuracy you have to be with your eyes open here. Check everything. Algorithm needs more improvement. You can get misleading output. For example you can write about tennis balls but output you can get talking about all kind of it. Reader can be confused. Copy Ai and Editing The content from Copy Ai is among the most impressive I've observed from AI. I was very pleasantly amazed. In my Welcome Email, I wouldn't need to alter much. The ability to select several options helped me choose the right paragraphs for me and, in turn, help to reduce editing time. But, as with all AI software for writing, it is best to hire an editor in your company review Copy.ai's output. When I was testing a different software, Copy.ai gave me some mathematical figures that my brain was aware were wrong. The rest of the content was excellent however, Copy.ai cannot solve math . Therefore, please ask your editorial staff to go over the work. Do not blindly publish an article. Copy Ai Pricing Copy.ai's Pricing plans are extremely simple. They offer a free plan which is free for the entire month which means that every month, you can use at least 2,000 words for free without having to input credit card details. This should show you how sure they are in their ability to upgrade. Next is called Pro that begins at $49 per monthly for the use of 40,000 words. It will increase based on the amount of words you intend to use each month. All the excellent features regardless of the number of words you select. Copy Ai Free Plan If you're just beginning your journey with AI tools you can go with the copyAI plan for free. It will give you access to all more than 90 use cases, with a the word-generation limitation of 2k words per month. Payment Methods Copy AI allows payments using Credit Cards. They also accept Google Pay, which is perfect for Indian customers.
Refund Policy They provide a 10-day return policy on all plans of Copy AI that you purchase. You can test their program for 10 days, and get full refund in the event that you don't love it! Free Trial CopyAI also offers a seven-day trial for free on the Pro plan for users who are planning to upgrade. The plan includes every one of the 90+ usage cases, and doesn't require you to enter your credit card number! Conclusion In my opinion, after testing Copy Ai ,I can say that this tool deserve solid second place among all others i have used so far! If you are tight on the budget then you go for it. For this price Copy Ai offer great value to small business owners. If you need help for short form content this is solution for you! If you want to learn more about other Ai writers take a look at: Writesonic Review - here Rytr Ai Review - here Nishesss Review - here
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satpalsblog93 · 2 years ago
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euservano · 2 years ago
Criolo - Nó Na Orelha
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Lançado em 2011, Nó Na Orelha, como já indicado no título, foi um puxão de orelha, uma bronca de um pai bravo, porém amoroso, um estopim filosófico aos ouvidos, uma verdade ácida, porém necessária. Resumidamente, foi a concretização do potencial da poesia e do que ela pode revolucionar. Não é à toa que hoje o disco é considerado uma obra-prima da música brasileira contemporânea, com uma produção que, apesar de buscar raízes na cultura sedimentar nacional, criou movimentos para além do velho e conservador, fazendo surgir pensamentos que atingiram não só o público-alvo, mas toda uma massa de ouvintes atentos ao cenário do rap. Criolo é, não só em Nó Na Orelha, mas em toda a sua rica discografia, um observador aguçado da desigualdade brasileira e foi nesta obra que sua assinatura foi criada: mesmo trazendo temas abordados há décadas na música urbana, Criolo temperou sua musicalidade com uma sonoridade culturalmente específica, inspirada no samba, na MPB e em outros subgêneros da música contemporânea nacional, dando vida a algo que rompe as barreiras da indústria fonográfica para a cultura de modo mais geral. Em resumo, a obra se torna nossa (dos brasileiros) pois é a expressão artística pura, serena, melancólica e, às vezes, raivosa das dores sofridas por um povo historicamente forçado a sofrer.
Nó Na Orelha se inicia com “Bogotá”, onde o tráfico e a desigualdade são temas centrais e que têm como fruto a violência e a opressão nas periferias. Apesar do tema ácido, a melodia é vibrante e utiliza de instrumentos de metal para seus períodos de excitação musical. Fica claro que o eu-lírico tem dois alvos, o proletariado e a burguesia. Para os trabalhadores, “Bogotá” além de expressar sua realidade e cutucar feridas que, até mesmo, as pessoas mais politizadas deixam passar batido, Criolo cria, em forma de cantigas antigas de samba raiz, o cenário da percepção de uma realidade doída mas que, para ser mudada, precisa ser vista. Para a elite burguesa, que detém o lucro máximo com o tráfico, ‘Bogotá’ é o início de uma denúncia contra seu papel na perpetuação das injustiças nas periferias.
Em sua época de lançamento, “Subirusdoistiozin” foi criticada por romantizar o crime organizado — quem assim a criticou, errou. A segunda faixa do disco descreve a realidade violenta vivenciada pelas comunidades mais pobres, como uma fotografia de cena, e ganha importância documental. A linguagem utilizada é proveniente do mundo do crime organizado, de fato, porém fica óbvio com alguns versos que a intenção foi, além de conscientizar, denunciar a desigualdade na Justiça brasileira e a hipocrisia cometida pelos próprios traficantes, que, em alguns casos, se apresentam como justiceiros contra a as injustiças socioeconômicas. “Feio é arrastar e nem perceber”, citada por Criolo na canção, pode significar tanto o modo de propagação do uso de drogas, que, geralmente, é por recomendação de “amigos”, como também o recrutamento de crianças por parte do tráfico, que, devido à necessidade financeira de pertencimento ou à grave insegurança alimentar e falta de apoio familiar e social, acabam entrando no mundo criminoso. Nos últimos segundos, com teor revoltante e rebelde, Criolo deixa claro os reais inimigos: “Acostumado com sucrilhos no prato, né, moleque? / Falar o quê? / Enquanto o colarinho branco dá o golpe no Estado”.
Após duas faixas com significados mais políticos, “Não Existe Amor em SP” chega para evidenciar a humanidade de uma sociedade. Apesar de simples em sua produção, contém tanta poesia, elementos culturais e filosóficos que ficaria difícil mencioná-los num só parágrafo. Foi com essa música que Criolo se consagrou com o público mais jovem, fazendo então da balada melódica o maior sucesso do disco. Retratando a solidão em cidades lotadas, Criolo não está somente denunciando a depressão de uma população em uma época específica, mas sim, com muito sentimento envolvido, refletindo sobre como o sistema capitalista, com sua filosofia individualista, competitiva e assassina, desumaniza uma população que, desesperadamente, clama por felicidade. Já no final da música, Criolo bradea: “Não precisa morrer pra ver Deus / Não precisa sofrer pra saber o que é melhor pra você / Encontro duas nuvens / Em cada escombro, em cada esquina / Me dê um gole de vida”, e fica clara a mensagem que tem como alvo a inocente alma que acredita na glória e justiça vinda após sua morte, que decapita uma vida sofrida, com pingos de humanidade em um mar cheio de sofrimento.
Não podendo ser diferente, “Mariô”, faixa que dá sequência ao álbum, é uma canção raivosa. Levando em consideração a sequência das faixas, é possível interpretar como o grito de raiva após um choro melancólico e sofrido. Apesar da composição bem elaborada, reflexiva e bem estruturada, são os instrumentos musicais que ganham destaque, trazendo africanidade — e logo, brasilidade — à canção. O uso extravagante da produção continua com “Freguês da Meia Noite”, uma composição com duplo sentido que evidencia dois possíveis tipos de negócio: não sabemos se a canção fala de prostituição ou tráfico de drogas, visto que, em ambas as situações, os versos se encaixam perfeitamente. Os violinos trazem tristeza, a percussão uma sensualidade enigmática e os versos humanizam uma terceira pessoa, que não é mencionada pelo nome, mas deixa clara a sua difícil busca por felicidade.
A frase “The grajauex, duas laje é triplex / no morro os moleques, o valor” é o refrão de “Grajauex”, a sexta faixa do disco. Nessa gravação, Criolo também aborda temas como a desigualdade, a fome e a corrupção, utilizando ainda mais a linguagem periférica. “Grajauex” é um clássico do hip-hop, mais evidente até do que as outras faixas que apresentam mais elementos da MPB. A faixa subsequente, “Samba Sambei”, tem como objetivo intensificar a mensagem de que a música cura as dores humanas, utilizando elementos do reggae.
As três últimas faixas, “Sucrilhos”, “Lion Man” e “Linha de Frente”, possuem um papel fundamental na mensagem do álbum como uma obra completa, pois evidenciam os alvos do Nó Na Orelha. Em “Sucrilhos”, obviamente a mensagem é para o público-alvo,, ou seja, para toda a população brasileira, especificamente, aqueles que se consideram mais politizados e engajados. Resumidamente, é uma crítica à própria esquerda, que, muitas vezes, se afasta da realidade das desigualdades no país e adota um discurso liberal. O verso “Cientista social, Casas Bahia e tragédia, gosta de favelado mais que Nutella” teve grande repercussão para além dos fãs de Criolo. Em “Lion Man”, a música mais forte e revoltante, Criolo utiliza poesia e instrumental para criar um sentimento único de revolta e o objetivo é tocar a população, utilizando emoção e ação para criar movimentos que possam mudar o presente. Podendo ser traduzida como um hino revolucionário, a canção declara guerra à realeza, que se traduz na burguesia. Já em “Linha de Frente”, um samba animado que utiliza personagens da Turma da Mônica para explicar o tráfico de drogas, é criticada a adesão de crianças e adolescentes ao mundo do crime. A composição lírica ressalta como é importante que a população brasileira se una em uma luta contra a desigualdade.
De fato, Nó Na Orelha é um registro fantástico e necessário. Apesar das dores brasileiras serem facilmente percebidas devido à sua gravidade e evidência, foi com esse disco que Criolo conseguiu capturar as emoções específicas e necessárias para movimentos de entendimento de um povo sobre sua situação e vivência. O poder da obra está, além de sua qualidade, em seu acerto indiscutível: tocou quem tinha que ser tocado. Os sentimentos causados, as palavras usadas, os instrumentos tocados e as inspirações aproveitadas são, resumidamente, as vivências de uma nação e, portanto, facilmente absorvidos e aceitos por estes. É por esse motivo que considero Nó Na Orelha o LP mais importante da MPB contemporânea, pois além de se conectar com gêneros dominantes na atualidade, como o hip hop, oferece a reflexão necessária para entendermos que a guerra de classes no Brasil não acabou com a abolição da escravidão e está longe de acabar. As palavras doem, de fato, mas o que esperar de um nó na orelha?
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johnnyvalance · 4 days ago
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rosykims · 5 months ago
im actually tempted to start blacklisting datv spoilers now lol. feels like im losing somehow.....
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merotwst · 2 years ago
Thank you everyome for 1k followers here!
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I after 3 hours I will be officially closing my couple discount commissions! This community is great and so many people havw been so kind to me. Thank u for srickinh around even though im more inactive these days. I love u all so much!
I have something planned for MAY so stay tuned, everyone! heheh 💞.
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saraminia · 10 months ago
So here's my first reaction after a couple listens through T is for Tillerson (under the cut so you can go in without preconceived notions when you listen to it):
Okay so..... mixed feelings..... I think I see the vision with this little side project... The production is very mid to late 1980s. The whole vibe and the visual look of the T is for Tillerson cover suits this theme. This is a distinctly soundtrack ep. These songs work best as background music. I can't say that I agree with the arrangements of these songs, if one can agree with an arrangement. This feels also distinctly Billy Tillerson. Which is very different from Noah Reid. You'll do best going in without expecting to hear Noah Reid covers of these songs. Because I feel like Noah Reid version of these songs would sound very different. I must admit, as beautiful as Noah's voice is, it starts grating a little bit to listen to several songs in a row sung in this pretty thin higher register into falsetto. Maybe that's why I think the song that works best out of these five is Every Rose Has Its Thorn. It is sung in a lower register than the others and is closer to a good old fashioned country song. The Kiss sounds closer to a song from a musical. Its performance is emotive and theatrical. Dreams is very much stripped down into a ballad with a very 80s production with the echoes and winding electric guitar. In my opinion it's stripped down so much it's almost unrecognizable. To be frank it's stripped down from everything I love about this song. It feels kind of powerless and anemic. Save The Best For Last is another very 80s synth ballad. It actually sounds pretty fun and nostalgic. But again, he sings it in a higher register and I'm not sure I'm into that choice. Calling Al Angels is just yawn inducing but gotta love the 80s fade to black ending. Very fitting with the theme. Also gotta love the typo in the title. Oh Billy.
So my reaction is just...huh. Okay. Interesting. This ep won't come into heavy rotation for me. Apart from maybe Every Rose Has Its Thorn. Basically I feel like this is an EP by some local small time artist, you could find on sale at some road side gas station in the US in the 1980s. And I suspect that that vibe might even have been very much intentional.
But don't take my word for it! Go listen and give your reactions and tag me so I can see them! I'm so interested to see how y'all will react to this EP.
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ash-and-books · 5 months ago
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Rating: 3.5/5
Book blurb:
A short, steamy read perfect for some Halloween fun. If you're looking for something plot-heavy, you won't find it here. Zoe is stuck partying at her parents' house on Halloween at their annual over-the-top party. But when she meets a flirty stranger, things take a turn for the better. That is, until she realizes the stranger is actually her dad's best friend, Donovan, who doesn't recognize her. Flirting turns to more, and Donovan proposes a way to spice up the night: a hunt through the woods in the dark of the night. She will run and hide, but when he catches her, nothing is off limits. A night that was once mundane turns into something much more exhilarating than Zoe can imagine.
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nenamatic · 1 year ago
Are you tired of writing boring blogs, emails, and ads that don't captivate your target audience? It's time to give a shot at the possibility of an AI writer! Over the last year, I've tried and reviewed various paid and free AI creators of content. Today I'm back to introduce you a new intriguing artificial intelligence writer Copy AI. This AI writer is gaining popularity in the marketplace lately. So, I decided to taking a look and determining whether it's really worthy of the hype. It's not going to create long-form content in a matter of seconds, or even create complete blog posts with a single mouse click. However, it could aid in the creation of content such as blog titles, outline or points to paragraphs blog intros and outros metadata descriptions, and the like of thing in only a couple of clicks. For this Copy.ai Review I'll begin by discussing User Interface and the working process of Copy AI. After that, we'll proceed to talk about its pricing plans, the most important features, pros and cons of this Ai Writer. With no further waiting, let's jump straight in to the review. About Copy Ai Copy Ai was founded in 2020 by Paul Yacoubian. This company has headquarter in Memphis, Tennessee ,USA .Crunchbase records that the team received a seed funding that was $2.9 million from investors like Adam Morley and Sequoia Capital. At this point, there are more than 3 million+ active users and popular companies like Microsoft, Nestlé, eBay, and Ogilvy use Copy AI for their professional work. My First Impression My initial impressions and experiences using Copy.ai are that it is able to be a valuable and beneficial AI device for appropriate person. It's a great way to push yourself to complete the content you've written even when you're not very imaginative. If you have to create a large number of smaller chunks of content in a short time. The accuracy and truthfulness of the information must be verified in certain areas, especially ones that concern the well-being and health of humans as well as animals. It should therefore be utilized in a way as an aid during the content creation process. In this reason it can prove extremely effective. I have found that the Copy Ai is better suited to general issues than for specific ones, but I believe that with time I will be able to utilize it more efficient. For instance, it produced some nonsense about one specific product, but when it was writing content for the specific product category, it far outperformed. At this point this is probably not the best option for those who want the highest quality long-form content. If you're simply looking for something to throw in a description of a product or in a social media post and you're not concerned with quality the content is fine. But when it comes to producing truly great material, I do not believe it's yet there. What GPT Copy Ai use? CopyAI is a tool for copywriting that is based on the most recent model for language prediction, known as GPT 3. Generatorate Pre-trained Transformer (or GPT3) is the most advanced model built on over 175 billion variables. This is why it creates highly refined as well as high quality content. Copy Ai User Interface The interface for users of Copy AI appears modern and sleek with minimalist layout. Once you sign into your account with Copy AI you'll be able to see a tidy and organized user interface. The left-hand panel offers options to create a brand new project, and you can use the various tools and templates that are available .The main screen offers some useful examples of use as well as a list of projects and folders that were that you have created. It is possible to access the account and language settings in the upper-right corner. The interface however is sluggish and slow. The outputs are a little slower for certain scenarios. Use Cases Copy Ai Interface Copy AI Copy Ai Features Languages As of now, CopyAI supports 25+ languages on its Pro plan.
You can set different languages for input and output, which is great. Some popular languages supported are German, Italian, French, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, etc. However, you won’t find Hindi as the supported language at the moment. I hope they introduce it in their future updates. Tone With Copy AI, you get a bunch of refined tones to mold your content according to certain moods and occasions. It offers 8 preset tones, including Bold, Friendly, Luxury, Relaxed, Professional, Adventurous, Witty, and Persuasive. Unlike all the other AI writers I’ve reviewed so far, Copy AI offers the option to create custom tones. If your preferred tone of voice isn’t on their list, you can create a customized tone for any use case. But do they work well? Keep reading to find that out! Plagiarism In the case of plagiarism using Grammarly's AI text, Grammarly detected 16% plagiarism. This is a little high, especially if accustomed to checking lengthy blogs for evidence of plagiarism. I've seen these result in one or two percent level of plagiarism (which is typically from completely non-related content). But, since I had to test such a small amount of text, it's logical. I also ran five tests using other paragraphs created by Copy.ai to determine whether they produced more positive results. They showed zero plagiarism on the five tests. Use Cases Copy AI comes with an extensive library of 90+ AI use cases belonging to different categories. For instance: EMAILS-Discount Emails, Follow-up Emails, Welcome Emails, Confirmation/Cancellation Emails, Cold Outreach Emails, and more. BLOGGING-Blog Ideas, Blog Intros, How-to Blogs, Meta Descriptions, Listicles, Long-form Content, etc. COPYWRITING-Landing page copy, AIDA copy, PAS copy, Features to Benefits, Product Descriptions, etc. SOCIAL MEDIA- Facebook posts, YouTube descriptions, LinkedIn posts, Instagram Captions, etc. BUSINESS-Job Descriptions, Rejection Letters, About Us Copy, Hiring Blurb, etc CREATIVE WRITING- Short Stories, Song Lyrics, Poetry, Dating Profile, etc. Accuracy If we speak about accuracy you have to be with your eyes open here. Check everything. Algorithm needs more improvement. You can get misleading output. For example you can write about tennis balls but output you can get talking about all kind of it. Reader can be confused. Copy Ai and Editing The content from Copy Ai is among the most impressive I've observed from AI. I was very pleasantly amazed. In my Welcome Email, I wouldn't need to alter much. The ability to select several options helped me choose the right paragraphs for me and, in turn, help to reduce editing time. But, as with all AI software for writing, it is best to hire an editor in your company review Copy.ai's output. When I was testing a different software, Copy.ai gave me some mathematical figures that my brain was aware were wrong. The rest of the content was excellent however, Copy.ai cannot solve math . Therefore, please ask your editorial staff to go over the work. Do not blindly publish an article. Copy Ai Pricing Copy.ai's Pricing plans are extremely simple. They offer a free plan which is free for the entire month which means that every month, you can use at least 2,000 words for free without having to input credit card details. This should show you how sure they are in their ability to upgrade. Next is called Pro that begins at $49 per monthly for the use of 40,000 words. It will increase based on the amount of words you intend to use each month. All the excellent features regardless of the number of words you select. Copy Ai Free Plan If you're just beginning your journey with AI tools you can go with the copyAI plan for free. It will give you access to all more than 90 use cases, with a the word-generation limitation of 2k words per month. Payment Methods Copy AI allows payments using Credit Cards. They also accept Google Pay, which is perfect for Indian customers.
Refund Policy They provide a 10-day return policy on all plans of Copy AI that you purchase. You can test their program for 10 days, and get full refund in the event that you don't love it! Free Trial CopyAI also offers a seven-day trial for free on the Pro plan for users who are planning to upgrade. The plan includes every one of the 90+ usage cases, and doesn't require you to enter your credit card number! Conclusion In my opinion, after testing Copy Ai ,I can say that this tool deserve solid second place among all others i have used so far! If you are tight on the budget then you go for it. For this price Copy Ai offer great value to small business owners. If you need help for short form content this is solution for you! If you want to learn more about other Ai writers take a look at: Writesonic Review - here Rytr Ai Review - here Nishesss Review - here
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years ago
True horror is opening YouTube just to see a post from a dear mutual of yours being read by those Reddit reaction channels right on your recommended page.
It's like there's footsteps slowly approaching the closet I'm hiding in and there's nothing I can do about it. I already lost a friend, how long until I've been taken to? Pray for nowhere is safe...
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jils-things · 6 months ago
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my boyfriend and brother are finally getting along now im so happy for them btw good morning
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bruciemilf · 2 years ago
How are you, hon? 💗
Bit stressed out bf of my SATs, but I'm trying to pull through!!
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dogboyklug · 1 year ago
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Guys i think im getting better at art again
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syncchiniboii · 2 years ago
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Hey, y'all. I'm Kaine. Others call me Ken. And I'm your weird yet supportive uncle that lives in your attic.
✨Fire Emblem
✨Final Fantasy
✨Code Geass
✨Dragon Ball
✨Quintessential Quintuplets
✨Metal Gear
✨Ratchet and Clank
✨Devil May Cry
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