#Resorts World One
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adlertours · 4 months ago
Experience the Glory of Luxury Cruising with Resorts World One
#OnceUponALifeInUAE #ExperiencetheGloryofLuxuryCruisingwithResortsWorldOne Sailing Starts on 1st Nov 2024 From #Dubai Resorts World One Cruise with Dubai 2 Nights  Starting from : INR 39,999/- Per Person Inclusions : ~ 2 Nights on Cruise ~ All meals on Cruise ~ Burj Khalifa Tickets ~ Visa Itinerary : 2 Nights Wednesday Cruise : DUBAI – #DOHA – DUBAI OR 2 Nights Friday Cruise : DUBAI…
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ahaura · 1 year ago
something something when the facade of western "democracy" continues to crumble, liberals are faced with the choice of either abandoning the systems that facilitate genocide, theft, exploitation, racism, etc. or resort to old habits that do nothing to seriously challenge or dismantle said systems... inevitably many will fall back on focusing on optics/aesthetics and hyper-individualizing their approach to combat their feelings of helplessness etc. and/or to avoid confronting the systems in place that have led to this moment (which they are most comfortable in, because liberalism never truly changes the systems in place)
the problem is not, never has been, and never will be the *tone* or *conduct* of palestinians (in occupied palestine or the diaspora); the obstacles in the way of peace&liberation are not from palestinians or palestinian resistance but the continuation of colonialism, the maintenance of which is inherently violent and oppressive. the people responsible for the genocide going into its 4th month are not palestinians who liberals want to tone police but the u.s. empire and its glorified military base settler colony, whose existence is founded + depends upon the genocide and ethnic cleansing of palestinians.
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fireflysugarpie · 5 months ago
cumplane au but they both keep accidentally dom-ing each other
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anti-rop · 9 months ago
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truly do not understand modern Hollywood's obsession with equating a 'strong' female character with having no other option or role but to swing a sword and be a warrior. how can people earnestly look at characters like Galadriel, Arwen, Éowyn, Ioreth, Lúthien, etc., and argue there are no strong, 'feminist icons' and stories within Tolkien's writing—that his works are not 'female-character friendly'. truly living in one of the worst timelines.
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ohfugecannada · 27 days ago
If Marvel and Disney weren’t the spineless cowards they are they’d give us a Marvel Rivals Groot skin in a dress loosely based on these designs:
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vastunknownsea · 10 months ago
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Prompt 2– favorite duo? You know it @campbenji
he’s not that tall guys clearly (pray for my girl Yaz she is trying to cope so hard)(high off copium)(the beret makes her taller)
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icewindandboringhorror · 2 months ago
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Recent-ish things ~
#photo diary#1 - love this image of Noodle.. such a weird angle that makes his head look entirely round like a puff ball or something#2 - a more recent (still from months ago) collection of my pressed flowers and 4 leaf clovers I found.#3. Being one of the only people in 2024 still going 'hee heee I've just bought a new wii game!' but.. I have. >:3#It's kind of like Wii Sports Resort but is like.. open world? so your character can actually walk around and stuff. REALLY makes me#wish I had the type of set up where I could record video from my wii and stuff like some gaming youtubers have. I think it'd be a really#fun game to play on video and to DOCUMENT it!!! I keep wishing I could screenshot my little guy walking around but I caaant..#I've literally just been taking out my phyiscal camera and photographing the screen which always looks bad.. augh..#4. Something in the froxen food aisle called 'Wellington Bites' a play on beef wellington. suprisingly good actually. but I guess anything#with like beef and mushrooms usually is. But it seems like.. oddly decent for frozen food stuff.#5 - boye looking Round again.. 6 - updated score in the wii fit minigame again. This time less than 4 seconds#for each round? which may be a record for me? 7 & 8 - fat bird in the snow. fatt bird in the SNOW!! Hoping that climate change and H5N1#don't eventually remove all trace of birds and winter weather from my life in the future... -_-#9 - ..ough... a few paltry writings.. Except for the one day of 4000 words. But for the most part I have been making soo litte progress#because of the holidays and drs appointments and such a rush of all these other mind distracting things.. Or if I'm not doing something the#I'm feeling tired from having PREVIOUSLY done something so I waste the whole day being sleepy and headachey... GRR...#the funny thing is that like many many years ago I wrote a note on my wall saying 'FOCUS! write 2hr a day or more or youre going to finish#your game in 2025!!!' - which back in 2018 when I wrote it was like unimaginably far into the future but now... ahem.. hem... I guess that#is quite literally the case LOL. To my credit I did parctically abandon it entirely since late 2019 and JUST now picked up really#trying to focus on it in mid 2024 but still... My '''ridiculous'' projection being actually likely the correct one..#10 - I just thoughtit would be silly to put a bunch of keychain things on the wii remote. imagine playing this way. getting constantly#jabbed in the hand by plastic bits. and the jingling clinking noise it would be always making lol#11 - sky.. huzzah for the sky as always. Clouds my beloved#Gr.. I just really want to wriiite. My new years hopes are to finish my game and to get stuff set up to start selling sculptures again.#AND then maybe do more game videos lol... I miss playing games. I dont think I've posted on that youtube for like 5 months#I've just had so much appointments and Things and Stuff and focusing so much on other projects. But that is the thing that really#feels relaxing and fun for me. so like.. 1. finish game 2. sell sculpture/make sculpture 3. play games 4. find more friends#and social connection and networking or whatever the hell people have to do to be successful 5. do more costume/outfits.#<( saying this all on a day where I did none of those things LOL... I got erm.. maybe 400 words done today.. >:'3c )#6 is MOVE away from the evil west coast (hot.. fires in summer. etc) but like. not happening unless I suddenly become a millionaire so. -_-
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lemongogo · 2 months ago
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sun-e-chips · 4 months ago
#14 Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
Waterspark Moon: “I always thought it would be really fun for Sun and I and all the tiki’s to take a trip somewhere. Somewhere outside of the park all of us, maybe even to another theme park, I don’t know somewhere with a lot of space where we can all be together no work all play. We haven’t tried to pull something like this off because it would be a grand feat with lots of planning: closing the park, hiring a temp security team, transportation, finding somewhere with enough free rooms to book. It’s doable we would just have to be serious enough to plan it at least a year in advance.”
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heartshapedtrap · 9 months ago
oh brother gojo’s corpse is being weaponized as a tool… group suicide in ten minutes
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r0semultiverse · 1 year ago
Okay so Avatar shrines are the exception. Still wild. Aang having weird gender feels after becoming & being possessed by a strong avatar lady is my headcanon now!
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I know I’m overthinking it, but couldn’t they just make or find a small mobile avatar shrine & take it with them everywhere?? I mean we see something like that in Zuko’s ship in his room. 👀 I mean I’d rather see Aang figure out his power on his own & with his friends, but I figure I would bring that up again. Just carry around an emergency fuck you button basically. Lmao
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spamtoon · 1 month ago
Guess what I found.
The physical location and the upload date checks out and this SEEMS to be the real mascot costume. despite the fact there's only 1k views on this one. enjoy!
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transsexula · 2 months ago
Another friendly reminder that I am ONE person and I cannot verify EVERY donation request. I already have multiple dono campaigns I'm helping to circulate right now. If I do not respond it's because I already have my hands full. Please try to wait your turn or reach out to another blogger for help boosting your posts. Again, I am only one person, I can only verify your spot on vetted lists so fast. Please do not send more than one request at a time, especially if you are sending both asks & direct messages.
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laurenovercalifornia · 8 months ago
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punkbooyahbomber2227 · 2 months ago
ended up getting home from work yesterday around the same time kids were getting off from school so i got to hear some pretty out-of-pocket gossip and rumors that are getting spread around here. no, the cryogenically frozen head of sid smeshi wasn't stolen from wahoo world by salmonids during big run. there wasn't a frozen head in the first place since sid smeshi was cremated
besides even if it was real why would they keep it at wahoo world in the first place. the park was conceived and developed decades after he died, they'd be storing it in smeshiland instead
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talentforlying · 1 year ago
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the mermaid: do you think ever really loved me? constantine: ah, now. listen, you can go back and forth about what's genuine, what's lies. none of it matters. you take it from me ... all love's magic. and all magic has a price.
behold: a guy who has been so starved of affection and approval and visible love his whole life that he takes whatever he can get when the opportunity presents itself to be loved, regardless of what it will cost him. who loves unapologetically and hard and without regret, regardless of whether it's good for him.
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