weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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Make this comment section look like Renguko's Search History , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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thefandomthings · 7 months
❝𝐊𝐧𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩/𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬❞
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬, 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚l𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Notes: I've been wanting to do this for awhile and decided to do it.
Requests: OPEN
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ᴳⁱʸᵘ ᵀᵒᵐⁱᵒᵏᵃ
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𝙾𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚒 𝙸𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚘
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Tengen Uzui
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𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐤𝐨 𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨
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𝔊𝔶𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔦 ℌ𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔧𝔦𝔪𝔞
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connormurphysimp · 2 years
So I watched the demon slayer movie. I cried my heart out.
but how about renguko x borrower.
Hear me out. This man would be the most respectful human. Imagine the borrower completely terrified by how loud his voice is and his over enthusiastic nature.
Only to realize how big of a softie he really is
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domxmarvel · 2 years
It's the rule
Pairing: Mitsuri Kanroji x Female!Reader x Kyoujuro Rengoku 
Slot: mistletoe (Modern au)
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“That’s the last box” You set it down,Mitsuri had just finished emptying the previous box. “Did you find the star for the tree?”
“Not yet” You had already decorated the tree,but it was still missing the star. 
“Y/N,could you come here for a second?” Kyo called you over from the kitchen. 
“Please don’t tell me you ate all the cookies” He laughed,you found him standing in the doorway.
“No,I just want you to know I set it up” You were about to ask when he pointed up at the mistletoe. You gave him a kiss,followed by another one and another until you were making out. He had his arms around you as yours got tangled in his hair.
“I found it” Mitsuri came running,holding the star in her hands. Her face turned bright pink at the sight of you and Kyo. You reached out and pulled her under the mistletoe with you.
“Looks like we’re all under the mistletoe” You said dramatically,Kyojuro quickly joined in
“You know what that means,you’ll have to kiss both of us”
“It’s the rule” You winked at her,making her blush. Before both you and Kyojuro smothered her in kisses.
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shinomitsu is the type of couple to re enact the lion king meme (SIMBAAAAA)
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callsignao3 · 2 years
This is not mine but I am looking for who made it please help I love it so much
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weirdcaterpillar · 2 months
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Kyojuro Renguko doodles
sketching him made me realize how his hair looks like burning bush 🔥
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petitelepus · 1 year
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Summary: Things happen and you end up living in a manga cafe when you are offered a new home and an exciting new housemate. You end up making a contract with the interspecies program and that changes your life forever. Good or bad? Let’s find out.
Warnings: None
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Monster Musume!AU
"You can't stay here anymore."
You blinked as the words settled in. Your roommate and her boyfriend, or rather fiance had asked you to come out of your own room and have a chat with them. You were all sitting on the kitchen table, you on one side and they on the other side.
"W-what?" You stuttered, not believing what you were hearing. Weren't you the one that invited her to live with you in the apartment that the two of you shared until her boyfriend moved in also? "W-why!?"
"We have been talking..." The man looked at your roommate and then you, "That this place isn't big enough for four."
"Are you taking someone in? Without asking from me?" You asked and they nodded. You admit that you got mad, but you calmed down the second you saw your roommate hold her stomach and her fiance set a hand on top of hers.
"Are you guys...?" You swallowed, "Are you having a baby?"
"We wanted to make things work, but there is just no room for all of us." The fiance explained and he sounded sincere as was the frown on his face.
"We assure you, we didn't plan any of this!" Your roommate cried out, but then she looked at her stomach and a kind gentle smile rose to her lips, "But this baby is a blessing and we want to have it."
"Ah..." You blinked before nodding, "I understand... You do what you have to do..."
You really did understand. Babies took a lot of space and time. You couldn't be mad at them for planning their and their baby's future together. There just wasn't any room for you in those plans.
"I'm sorry, but we need space for the baby." Your roommate looked genuinely sorry and her fiance frowned, "Can't you go live with your parents until you find a new place?"
You shook your head. That wasn't possible, you had sworn that you would never return there. Not that you had a bad relationship with your parents, but when you had moved out and made it your goal to live as an independent adult, your father said he was proud of you. Just what kind of a disappointment you would be if you returned home with your tail between your leg? No, you couldn't risk it.
"We will rent a space for your stuff until you find a place to live."
"It's the least we can do."
"I see..." You nodded, "Thank you, I'll try to find a new place to live quickly. When do you need me out?"
The two of them glanced at each other and you frowned. That wasn't a good look. Your friend looked back at you, "I'm sorry, but my parents are coming tomorrow to the city and we would hate to put them in some hotel when they want to get to know their future son-in-law."
So they wanted you out today or tomorrow tops. Your disappointment must have shown because the boyfriend quickly added, "We, no, I will help you with your stuff starting now! I don't want the future mother of my child to worry or exhaust herself."
"Oh babe, you're so sweet." The two of them smiled lovingly at each other before they pecked each other on the lips. You nodded but you weren't feeling as hopeful and positive about the future as they were...
You quickly found out that finding a new place to live proved to be a lot harder when you were seeking one alone. You went to see many apartments but you soon found out that even if the place appeared to be perfect, the rent certainly wasn't for your small and empty wallet.
You couldn't even afford a place to stay at, or not at least one with a decent bed. No, you had to resort to staying in a manga cafe when the day would come to an end and night came. It wasn't the comfiest place, but the reclining chair was your bed now and the tiny cube room where you stayed was your temporary home.
It wasn't that expensive, but your savings were running low, eating pre-heated meals weren't exactly healthy and the worst was that no one wanted to hire a homeless person.
You slurped your cup noodles and sighed as you went through some pages on the computer. You had multiple tabs open, some being about open job offers and others about possible apartments. So far you hadn't gotten even one invite to a job interview...
"Fuck my life..." You groaned as you went to close a website, but then a new ad popped up. Thinking that it was probably spam or some commercial, you moved to close it but then it caught your attention.
That sounded almost too good to be true. You were about to close the site when suddenly there was a knock on the door behind you.
"Yes?" You called and the voice replied, "Your coffee miss?"
"Ah, yes, come on in." You said and the door opened and a young waitress came from behind the door with your coffee.
"Here you go- Oh, what's this?" She took a look at the computer screen and you panicked, fearing that she would think that you were using their computers to download something bad or worst, illegal.
"Shit, I didn't click it so there shouldn't be any viruses-!"
"No, I don't mean anything bad. I was just taken aback since my friend's cousin got that same invite. Apparently, it's about this new government's Interspecies Exchange Bill. You know, the people who, excuse my language, are related to fantasy creatures?" She said with a light smile, "They clicked the link and apparently it changed their life for the better!"
You blinked. You had heard of them.
In the past governments used to hide these humanoid species from the world but now for one reason or another, they were now starting to live among you humans. You had seen a few during the last year and while you admit, they were cool, you were never brave enough to befriend one.
You glanced at the ad and then at the young waitress. "Honestly, it sounds too good to be true." You said a little sadly because you knew that luck never favored you.
"You never know if you don't try." She smiled as she handed you your coffee and closed the door behind her. You sipped your bean juice as you took a look at the ad.
You never know if you don't try, huh? Fine, you took the bait.
You clicked the ad and a brand new website popped up, welcoming you for a new beginning, asking for your current information, and backgrounds alongside a recent picture of yourself. Talk about suspicious, this could have been a scam or worse... But on closer inspection, they didn't ask anything that could be actually used against you.
"Fine, I'll bite the bait." You nodded as you started to fill in your information and chose the most recent and decent picture of yourself from your phone. Once you had filled out the whole application you hit SENT and smiled by yourself.
"As if this helps..." You muttered as you took a sip of your lukewarm coffee and that is when you heard a bing from your phone, signaling that you had gotten a e-mail. Okay, now you were confused. You used the computer to log onto your e-mail and saw a new message there dedicated to you. Confused, you clicked the message and saw that you had been selected for an interview!
"Already!?" You gasped. You looked at the message and it appeared to be legit and not just some scam. You looked at the message and there was a phone number you were expected to call if you chose to proceed with the selection progress.
You quickly reached for your phone that was resting on a charger by the computer, and input the number but before you called you took a deep breath. You could do this. If you failed then at least you tried. So you hit the call button and put the phone by your ear.
You swallowed nervously as you looked at your phone. 10 minutes time. You were on your way to the cafe where the man you had talked with on the phone had instructed you to go if you wanted to learn more about the job or possible home you were looking for.
You had put on your best shirt and pants, a classic combo, and some makeup, but you left the perfume out because the man on the phone had asked you to come without any. You felt beautiful and you didn't look homeless so you were winning so far!
Your phone's GPS peeped, letting you know that you had arrived at your destination. You looked up and blinked.
This was a cat cafe. You looked at the info the man had given and you were right, it was this cat cafe. It was certainly different to have an interview in such a quirky place. Shrugging, you stepped inside and you were greeted by dozens of curious little meows. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of cute kitties that came to greet you.
"Good day, ma'am!" Came a peppy voice and you turned to look and you felt your eyes widen. A real cat girl came to greet you, with a human body but with cat ears and a tail. It was the first time you had seen a demi- or pseudohuman up so close.
"Table for one?" She asked happily, and you actually panicked lightly, "Uh, actually, I'm meeting someone!"
"Oh, you're the new girl?"
New girl? Oh God, please don't let this be some sort of trick to turn you into a prostitute! The panic must have been clear on your face because the cat girl giggled, "Please do not worry. Just leave your shoes here and follow me."
You nodded and did as she told you to, following her into deeper parts of the cafe. You took quick notice that everyone working there were demihumans, but no one seemed to mind. No, they all loved it, asking for pictures with the waiters and waitresses.
"Ah, there you are." Came a man's voice and you turned to look and saw a young wearing a suit and sunglasses even inside the cafe. He must have been the man you had spoken on the phone with. He motioned you to sit down and you did as he asked you to.
"We talked over the phone. My name is Smith and you were...?"
You told him your name and the man smiled as he nodded, "Yes, just as was written in your info."
Just like magic, the man pulled a little stack of papers from thin air and looked at them over, "According to these papers you filled out, you're currently jobless and homeless. Is that correct?"
Ouch, he went right to the sore spots. You nodded, "Yes, sir, but I'm young and eager to work for my salary or home."
"I can see that, you're only 20 and already so mature." He smiled as he put the papers down on the table. "We did a little backup check just in case. A daughter, youngest out of three siblings, graduated and moved on your own with the little savings you had? That must haven't been easy."
You were stunned that they had managed to get so much information with very little you offered to them, but despite your info, the man smiled, "But my, you're clean as a whistle. No drugs or any other suspicious substance, not a single note from the police, not even a traffic ticket. I must say, I'm impressed."
"Thank you, sir."
"In fact, I think we are done here."
Huh? Done so soon? But you barely even talked with each other, didn't he have any questions or anything he wanted to ask from you?
You were so stunned that you nearly missed the paper and pencil he slid to you. You blinked and looked at the paper and then the man, "What is this?"
"This my dear is a contract that you dedicate yourself to the interspecies program. I assure you, we take good care of you as you work for the company. We will provide you with a place to live in, money for food, and everyday life necessities, taken that you will be sharing the house with a member of the non-human liminal species or as called, extra-species."
"Extra-species?" You blinked, "Like the people who work here?"
"Yes," The man in the suit nodded, "This is just one of our many agencies that employes extra-species."
"I see..." You nodded. You had nothing against living with someone else, heck, you lived with your ex-roommate for a year and a half before her boyfriend came into the picture. You bet you could live with someone who was a little different as long as they were kind to you!
You smiled, determination filling you as you grabbed the pencil and wrote your name down, sealing your fate. You looked at the man and smiled, "When can I start?"
"Marvelous, I admire your enthusiasm," He nodded as he took the paper and got up on his feet, you copying him, and he offered his hand to you. "Allow me to be the first one to welcome you aboard the program."
You were honestly so happy, you shook his hand and gave him the most excited smile you could muster, "Thank you for this chance sir, I won't let you down!"
"I trust in that." He nodded and once the two of you pulled your hands back, he reached for his jacket's pocket and pulled out a card that he handed to you. "Meet me at this place tomorrow at 1 pm. You will be housed immediately with your matching new roommate."
"Ah, my stuff, it's all in-!"
"Do not worry, the moving men will fetch your belongings from the storage unit." Mister Smith said and you blinked in surprise, "How did you-?"
"We have our ways to make your and your new housemate's life easier." He smiled as he lowered his sunglasses enough to wink at you playfully. You nodded, a little unsure, but mostly you were ecstatic. You got a new place to live and you would possibly get a new friend out of your soon-to-be housemate! Oh, you wished she was a kind one.
That night you barely caught any sleep in your reclining chair at the manga cafe. You were so excited yet nervous also. So when the time came for you to pick up everything you had in person and time to leave the cafe for good came, you were feeling enthusiastic.
The staff that you had grown familiar with wished you good luck out there and that if you ever needed, they would have little room ready for you instantly. You almost felt a little sad, but your happiness was stronger than your sadness. You put the address on the card that mister Smith had given to you into your phone and followed your GPS to your new home.
The walk was a little longer than you had anticipated but when you turned around the corner you saw a moving truck and people. Curious, you walked over there and took a look at the house. It was a gorgeous two-story house that was surrounded by thick walls, a gate being the only way in, a dark red roof, and big windows.
"I take you like what you see?"
You let out a short scream as you whipped around and saw mister Smith suddenly standing there behind you. The man chuckled and you gasped, "You scared me!"
"My apologies. I can be light on my feet." He nodded, "You seem to like this house."
"Oh, I was on my way to-!" You were saying when your phone peeped and you quickly glanced at it. It was the GPS, letting you know that you had arrived at your destination. You blinked, slightly confused as you turned to look at the man before you.
"Is this...?" You looked and saw familiar moving boxes being carried inside. Your boxes, from your storage unit, filled with your stuff, such as books and stuff you had collected during the years.
"No way...!" You gasped, "Is this...! My new home?"
"That would be correct." Mister Smith nodded before pulling his jacket's sleeve back so he could take a look at the wristwatch he had there. "It's about 1 pm."
"Yes?" You nodded and he grinned, "Meaning that your new housemate should be here any minute now."
Just as he said that a car pulled by the road, but not just any car but a limousine! Mister Smith smiled, "Aah, just in time."
You watched the limousine driver get out and move to open the passenger's door and you watched eyes wide how the most beautiful- No, the most handsome creature stepped out of the vehicle.
A man. He was wearing an expensive and high-ranking men's kimono and Japanese sandals and he had long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames, but what caught your attention were two large pointed fox ears on the top of his head and 5 fluffiest looking thick fox tails behind him.
As you gawked, the man stepped aside and a boy that looked identical to this man stepped out. Only this boy had only 1 tail.
Finally, mister Smith gently put his hand on your shoulder and stepped ahead towards the two males, taking you to greet them with him. As you came closer, the fox men turned to look at you and smiled.
"Mister Smith!" The 5 tailed man shouted and bowed lightly, "It is an honor to meet you again."
"Pleasure is all mine, my lord," Smith said back as he bowed also and then looked at you. "Allow me to introduce you to lord Rengoku Kyojuro and his younger brother Rengoku Senjuro. They are Kitsunes or as you may know them Nine-Tailed Foxes."
You blinked, stunned to silence by the foxes' eyes as they looked at you. Golden eyes with red pupils, they were magical, no, magnificent.
Mister Smith continued, "Their family has ruled Japan's extra-species, or as they are called, Yokai, over centuries. Now, as we humans all around the world are welcoming extra-species to our everyday life, they are here on behalf of Japan's department."
Aah, you understood. They were here to strengthen the bond between countries and learn more from each other, both humans and extra-species alike.
"It is an honor finally meeting you, my dearest Hime." The older Kitsune bowed to you and you blinked as you registered what he had just called you. A Princess? You blushed as you bowed back and introduced yourself.
The Kitsune, Kyojuro smiled widely and you felt your heart skip a beat as you saw that bright smile of his and his intense stare.
"I must say, my bride really is a gorgeous human!" He suddenly shouted and you stared at him as his words slowly sank in. You blinked before blushing furiously, "W- wait, a bride!?"
"Yes, I chose you as my future wife!" Kyojuro nodded, "To strengthen our bond, we are to be married!"
"Wait, hold on, marriage!? Me!? Shouldn't we get to know each other first or-!?" You turned to look at mister Smith who just smiled at you, "Yes, that is why you will be living together, getting to know each other, and teaching each other about your different worlds."
"W- why?" You asked, "Why like this?"
"Lord Kyojuro and young Senjuro come from a very traditional Japanese mansion in the middle of the forest so all this modern life and western architectural is new for them." Mister Smith explained and you blinked as you turned to look at the Japanese men, no, foxes.
"Allow us to thank you for teaching us the modern ways." The blond man said as he and his little brother bowed to you. You panicked slightly, not used to such gestures and suddenly everything you knew about Japan and its culture came to your aid.
"Ah, the honor is mine, dear lord!" You tried your hardest not to stutter and you made sure to show respect to them by bowing back to them. You were nearly startled out of your skin when the older fox laughed, "Truly, my bride is the cutest!"
While you were stunned, mister Smith laughed and pulled out a debit card, and handed it to you. "Please use this card to pay and provide food, clothes, or anything that our royal guests or you might need. Buy something nice also."
"I..." You swallowed nervously, "Thank you?"
"You're welcome," Smith nodded and turned to look at the Kitsunes standing there and looking at the two of you. "Now, let's get you guys settled, how does that sound? The house is already furnished, all you need are your belongings and maybe go out shopping together?"
"Hm, sounds good to me!" Kyojuro turned to look at his younger brother, Senjuro, "What do you say Senjuro? Would you like to go out with out lovely hostess?"
"Yes, but, uh..."
"Yes, what is it, young lord?" Mister Smith asked kindly.
"I would like to see my new room?" The young boy admitted shyly, "This house is so big and modern, I can't help but wonder how it looks from the inside."
"Please, step inside and get to know the place." Mister Smith said with a smile, "I'll make sure everything is handled properly."
"Hm, shall we go?" Kyojuro looked at his brother who nodded little and then at you with those amazing eyes of his. "Are you ready, my Hime?"
"Y- yes!" You flinched but he didn't say anything about it. He only smiled as the three of you walked past the fence and into the house.
The lobby was huge as you stepped inside and filled with moving boxes. Your boxes, you recognized them. You noticed that the foxes took their sandals off and you copied them, taking your shoes off and pushing them aside.
"My, how many boxes!" Kyojuro exclaimed as he looked around and you blushed, "I'm sorry, they are all mine."
"Do not worry for I don't mind!"
You still felt a little awful. You tried to switch the topic, "Let's look around the downstairs, how does that sound?"
"Good idea!"
So the three of you took in the house, the kitchen, and the huge living room you could see from the kitchen. You had always admired such a design since you liked the open space and the chance of being able to see what happened in the living room.
"This place is huge...!" Senjuro awed and you felt yourself smile as you looked at the awestruck look on the boy's face.
Then there was a toilet and bathroom, utility room, alongside some extra rooms, you thought were for storing or extra bedrooms if needed. The three of you made your way upstairs and looked around, stepping into a magnificent room with a balcony connected to it. The room was spacious but otherwise empty, save for a big bed and some basic furniture.
"Oh, wow...!" Young Senjuro gasped and you smiled as you glanced at him, "Would you like to have this room for yourself?"
"C- can I really have a room this big for myself?" He asked as he looked at you uncertainly and you smiled as you glanced at the older fox, "If it is okay with your brother?"
"Hm!" Kyojuro smiled widely, "Yes, this room is perfect for my little brother!"
"Oh, wow...!" Senjuro gasped as he looked around, running up to a huge bed with snow-white bedsheets, "Is this my bed?"
"If you want it to be?" You tilted your head in slight confusion, "What kind of beds did you have back in Japan?"
"We slept on a futon that was rolled out for the night and off for the day," Kyojuro replied and you nodded, feeling a little stupid. Of course, they came from a traditional Japanese home where futons were normal.
"If you want, you can decorate the room any way you want." You added and for the first time you saw Senjuro smile like a sun, "I would love that! Thank you so much!"
"No worries!" You smiled and you turned to look at the older brother, "Shall we keep looking?"
"Yes!" Kyojuro nodded and the two of you stepped outside, letting Senjuro explore his new room by himself. There was another toilet combined with a bathroom and two other rooms that you and the older fox turned to look at. The two rooms were almost identical, only the other one was directly next to Senjuro's room.
You were looking at the one furthest from the young fox's room and you hummed as you looked around.
"This is a nice room." You thought by yourself, but Kyojuro's fox ears twitched as he heard you murmur quietly.
"Then you should take this room!" The Kitsune shouted and you blinked as you turned to look at him, "Wait, don't you want it?"
"My bride's comfort is my number one priority!" Kyojuro smiled and you blushed at that as you averted your gaze from his bashfully, "Are you certain?"
"Yes! This way I can sleep next to my dear brother's room!" He nodded and you glanced at him, admiring his passion and how he cared for his brother.
"You're a good brother, lord Kyojuro." You smiled and he absolutely beamed in happiness, "Please! Call me Kyojuro! As my bride, you are equal to me!"
Again, with that bride thing! Your blush just grew stronger and you couldn't look at him directly.
"Big brother!" Came Senjuro's voice and you and Kyojuro turned around to see Senjuro run up to you two. "Can we go look around the city?"
"What a splendid idea Senjuro!" The older fox beamed happily as he turned to look at you. "What would my bride suggest we do first?"
"M- me?" You stuttered as you thought about what you guys would need. You took a look at the two foxes and an idea popped up. "Well, we could go and look for more comfortable clothes for you two? Also, I bet the fridge is empty so we could buy something to eat."
"Of course! Clothes and food sound like a good idea!" Kyojuro exclaimed happily, "Just as expected from my brilliant bride!"
"I do have a name." You hummed quietly and he nodded, "And what a beautiful name that is!"
This damn Kitsune didn't know what he was doing to you with his constant flattery, but you didn't sense any ill will. He was truly and genuinely kind to you. Something that you weren't used to. The least you could do was to return his kindness.
"Okay, let's head out. I'll let the moving men know where to put my boxes." You said and both foxes smiled as they followed you downstairs while you were letting the human men know where to put your things, the brothers put their sandals on and waited for you by the door.
"Ready, my bride?" Kyojuro asked as you joined them and slipped your shoes on. "Ready as one can be."
And with that, you left your past life and stepped into a new one.
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everlastingleuthymia · 2 months
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bunnygirltitan · 1 year
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Kyōjurō Renguko 1/6 by DaZhangFu
…and yes, it comes with interchangeable *parts*…
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uravitypng · 17 days
I was just getting some reading done for my uni just now. There's a scene where a girl welcomes her bf while cooking and wearing an apron. And I was like ucjdjdjcjejwkkskcjd
We need it.
So, we'll be very excited, having just prepared some dishes for fun for him and then our mind will wander and then we get the ~crazzyy~ idea of surprising him with an apron on. With JUST an apron on.
But, but, but. Here's the twist. He returns with his bsf. And we, obviously, are super super embarrassed. So what we hide behind the counter and all that. But little did we know, the night still ends up spicy *wink wink* with all 3 of us.
Although, he is mostly kinda kinda affectionate derogatory like "Awww, look at my little girl, slut*ing herself out for me and then getting all shy when I return with *bsf name*" Ykwim? And then the night continues.
Anywho, as of who he and his bsf will be, I was thinking maybe Kuroo + Kenma, Kirishima + Kats, Uzui + Renguko, Aizawa + Mic, Geto + Gojo. Well, you get the point. So, pretty please 🥺🥺🥺
i don't write for such specific ideas! i have a kofi where i do but i don't here. i typically answer tumblr asks that are simple general prompts and ideas that immediately come to my head with a couple of headcanons <3
my kofi is where you can requests things that are much more detailed, and more specific. i don't use 'y/n' while writing on tumblr or ao3 but on kofi the whole fic is tailored to your liking.
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cyravillaria · 1 year
Ok l have been trying to search all over for this but do you guys know or have seen a shinobu kocho x reader, That has these general promts
It's the end of muzan, we have a kakushi side story talking about their time in the corps she's old and telling the story to her young grandchild and she mentions shinobu and renguko, then modern day the kid grew up (female btw) now she's (sorry but I don't remember her occupation) but she's curious about her grandmas old story and investigate it with a friend (male) they went where ever they went but end up in the old butterfly estate and found something that takes the girl back in time
and that's all l can remember please help if you know and tag me plss I've been dying to read it again😭
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thefandomthings · 7 months
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therapy-ghost · 11 months
Hello! How are you doing? I was wondering if you could do some headcanons or whatever is comfortable for you with Tengen, Renguko, and inosuke (seperate) with a s/o who just got her nose and upper ear pierced, and she made sure the stud/hoop was the boy's fav color?
sorry this took so long; I had no motivation
He sees this and is like “Is that how you tell people that you are mine? THATS FLASHY!”
bros over the moon for the stud
if you get one for each of the girls as well; they will be so happy and lovie dovie with you
mans will also copy you and get the same for each of the wives and you!
super confused at first and asked question
once you explain that it’s a piecing of his favourite colour to show that they are together, he is wanting one as well
showing it off to everyone he can to make sure they know you two are together
will savagely ask “do you know who that’s for?” To anyone that tries to even talk to you friendly while pointing at the piecings
baby is so happy; picks you up and spins yoy around if you are comfortable with it
wants to do the same thing to show is burning love (pun intended) to you
senjuro is so happy and thinks it’s so sweet of you to do that
Rika up in heaven like “perfect for my seeet boy!”
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astralflower-writes · 2 months
demon slayer!! masterlist
♡ = fluff/soft/comfort ☾ = angst/hurt
✿ = soulmate au ✧ = requested
read the rules and guidelines here.
demon slayer corps
tengen uzui
will be posting fics for tengen uzui soon ♡
kyojuro renguko
will be posting fics for kyujuro renguko soon ♡
giyu tomioka
will be posting fics for giyu tomioka soon ♡
check out my bulletin board here.
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callsignao3 · 2 years
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