#Renault Clio
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things-about-cars-in-posts · 1 year ago
Which cars are most bisexual?
Ever get the chilling feeling that you made a grave mistake long ago and you are about to reap what you sowed?
In short, I hit some of my friends up to ask for help. In random alphabetical order:
@jettacar suggested the fourth gen Nissan Quest:
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"It's like, no one really bought these. They aren't particularly common. But also, there's no one type of person that buys a car like this. Rationality would have you believe only families are buying this, because it's a giant minivan - but i can't immediately think of another car with a wider variety of types of people that own them right now (excluding cars that just sell incredibly well)"
Unfortunately, that made the conversation derail into minivan talk.
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Up next, @rabidragon suggested the Fiat Multipla, due to its peculiar seating arrangement of two rows of three seats:
"3 seats in the front for you and your man and your woman".
Indeed, the peculiar thing about the Multipla is its row of three full-sized seats in front (many old cars had a front bench with some having three lap belts, but the Three Individual Front Seats club is as exclusive as it is devoid of prestige) and the many peculiarities that it caused, like off-center pretty much everything (mirror included) because the driver is further to the side than usual and where most of the centered things go there's now a passenger who would like to be.
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But the even more peculiar thing about the Multipla is how spectacularly ugly it is. It's one of the few cars I've ever actually seen that manages to be full-on ugly not just outside but inside. Click on any list of ugliest cars in the world and if it doesn't contain the Multipla I can promise you that list was created by a machine that has since been physically shot. And if you're thinking "Well, it's not bad enough to warrant that hyperbole" - you are looking at the second generation. This is the pretty one. I put the first one and its interior at the end of the post under a read more because I genuinely did not want to be responsible for you seeing it.
I noted that Honda's FR-V managed the same seating layout with downright smart looks inside and out...
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...and unfortunately that made the conversation derail into engine swap regulation loopholes.
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Finally, @chevyventure suggested multiple. In (roughly) his words:
First generation Mazda 3 "It's a hatchback, good for many different uses - and Mazda is a little silly, charming and off the beaten path (if you were getting a Japanese hatchback you'd probably get a Toyota or a Honda) with a cute lil' smile like a Miata"
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1988 Volvo 240 Wagon "Volvos are frequent hand me downs from family like all the cool childhood trauma the LGBTQs get"
[Editor's Note: bro.]
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Renault Clio "It's peak hotness while also being cute in its own way, not necessarily preferring a masculine or feminine audience. I've never seen an ad for a Clio before, but if my assumptions about the car market are correct my guess is the normal one is kinda marketed towards women"
[Editor's note: So, I wanted to check that, so I just looked up "Renault Clio ad". These were the first two ads I found.
So yeah. I feel it qualifies.]
Unfortunately, talking about the Clio made the conversation derail into TWR's involvement in- oh wait, you're not gonna know about that Clio variant, are you.
So, many racing series can only be entered with racecars based on some production car - which is great for manufacturers, because they get to advertise their brand and one of their models simultaneously! But since there are rules on how much of the base car can be changed and how much of it must be retained, the stricter they are the more what you want as a base for your racecar is something high performance. So when you want to go racing with a dinky little thing like, say, first car to ever use plastic bumpers and only car to ever be called Renault Le Car in America Renault 5...
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...what you are going to want to do is what, among many others, Toyota did with the Yaris GR and Lancia did with the Delta: the homologation special. Basically, you make a special version of the car with the characteristics you'd want in racing, sell enough to clear the rules's bar for "production car" (or at least, convince the officials you've done that), and go racing with that. So Renault did that to the 5 and hit up one Marcello Gandini to redesign it around the changes. You know, Marcello Gandini, guy most famous for designing mid-engined Ferrari-slayers:
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Which makes sense, because the Renault 5 Turbo was a mid-engined Ferrari slayer. It was faster than the top-of-the-line Ferrari both in acceleration and in cornering speed. This thing.
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(sidenote: The Interior. end of sidenote)
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Well, twenty years on, some legend at Renault thought "You know what? We were onto something with that. Let's do that again but HARDER." Presumably, into the headquarters of Tom Walkinshaw Racing, a racing team that developed for Aston Martin, F1 teams, and made Jaguar's Fastest Production Car Ever record holder, and of course a fuckton of the most exciting racecars around, showed up uninvited that Renault madman saying "Y'all wanna work on something REAL prestigious?" before chucking them the keys to a second generation Clio and walking off with a "Don't thank me".
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The result was the Clio V6, most notable for HAVING A FUCKING V6 WHERE THE BACKSEATS WERE. This car is genuinely incredible. Like, you see it and you go "Ooh ahh, the Clio V6!" and you look inside to see, you know, the huge V6 compartment thing and you see the interior and you realize this thing cost good sportscar money and when you got in it was a fucking Clio.
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Mental stuff- wait shit this post was about bisexual cars wasn't it? How did the conversation derail like this? I swear this never happens. Well, I guess it's time for my pick.
Personally, chatting with Mr. Venture about hatchbacks, I realized that I cannot think of a more "girls car" than a Fiat 500 Cabriolet (which actually is called 500C) and cannot think of a more "boys car" than a Fiat 500 Abarth (which actually is called Abarth 500)...
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...so how about the Fiat 500 Cabriolet Abarth?
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It actually isn't called that but I think you could piece that together. As though a spoiler on a canvas roof wasn't weird enough, it contains the third brake light, probably making this the only car out there in which it can change position during use. Although I assure you, you're not gonna be thinking about that when driving it. Thing's a RIOT.
But honestly, that wasn't what I started off wanting to answer. So, last but most definitely not least, I candidate my first, gut-reaction answer: the NA Mazda Miata.
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See, to me bisexuality (and pansexuality, but awareness of the nuances between them is so low they may as well be picked over flag preference) is someone appreciating all the beauty in the world, seeing no point in gatekeeping themselves out of half of it. And is that not what a spider is about? Is it not about saying "this world we're in is so full of beauty, who would rather blind themselves to half of it?". And look at the damn thing. It's bursting with exactly the kind of joie de vivre one would associate with such sentiment. It oozes enthusiastic curiosity. OwO what's this?: The Car.
Also, just look at this picture.
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It can drift. IT CAN WINK. IT CAN WINK MID-DRIFT. I mean, what more than this degree of flirtatious playfulness can you possibly need to be convinced?
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Links in blue are posts of mine explaining the words in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
...are they gone? I think they're gone.
The Multipla pictures are down here. Go on then if you're gonna, you sick fuck.
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If you have dealt with traumatic tumor-related experiences and seeing that dashboard caused you genuine discomfort, well, do not say I didn't warn you.
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caradsfromthepast · 5 months ago
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1991 Renault Clio Graffiti advertisement
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techniktagebuch · 3 months ago
11. Dezember 2024
Man kann jetzt also das Radio nicht mehr ausschalten. So habe ich mir den Fortschritt nicht vorgestellt!
Meine Mutter hatte einen Autounfall (nur Blechschaden) und bekommt von der Werkstatt für die Zeit der Reparatur einen Leihwagen. Seit Jahren sagt sie manchmal, dass sie gern ein anderes Auto hätte (Automatikgetriebe, Rückfahrkamera, nicht so groß), und dann wieder, dass sie sich nicht mehr umstellen will. Die Aussicht auf ein ganz ungewohntes Auto hat sie ein bisschen beunruhigt. Als sie dann zum ersten Mal damit fährt, stellt sich aber schnell heraus, dass eigentlich alles wie beim bisherigen Auto ist. Neu ist vor allem der Startknopf, der zum Starten und Stoppen gedrückt werden muss. Und der Schlüssel ver- und entriegelt die Türen selbstständig, wenn man sich vom Auto entfernt oder näherkommt. Eine Rückfahrkamera gibt es und die Mutter begrüßt sie im Prinzip, orientiert sich rückwärts aber erst mal weiter so wie bisher, mit den Spiegeln.
Das bisherige Auto hatte ein separates Navi, das vor längeren Fahrten gefunden und mit ins Auto genommen werden muss. Im neuen ist ein Display von der Größe eines kleinen Tablets fest verbaut. Darauf läuft ein Navigationssystem und außerdem Radio. Ob man das abschalten könne, fragt die Mutter. Sie meint eigentlich beides, denn sie fährt sowieso nur Strecken, auf denen sie kein Navi braucht. Ich möchte aber lieber nur das Radio abschalten, weil ich erstens nicht gern Radio höre und zweitens hoffe, dass das neue Auto gemeinsam mit mir die Mutter ermahnen wird.
Ich fände es nämlich sehr gut, argumentative Unterstützung zu haben, wenn ich als Beifahrerin sage "du fährst 80! und hier ist 50!" und meine Mutter dann sagt "ich fahre gar nicht 80!" und ich "doch! ich seh das doch! da auf deinem Tacho!" Noch besser fände ich es, wenn sich das Auto einfach weigern würde, 80 zu fahren, wenn 50 vorgeschrieben ist. Das hätte zwar den aktuellen Unfall nicht verhindert, wäre aber trotzdem sehr schön, nicht nur für mich als Beifahrerin meiner Mutter, sondern auch für mich als Verkehrsteilnehmerin insgesamt.
Ich habe gleich als Erstes den Werkstattmitarbeiter, der es gebracht hat, hoffnungsvoll gefragt: "Piepst es, wenn man zu schnell fährt?" – "Weiß ich nicht", hat der Werkstattmitarbeiter mit großer Ernsthaftigkeit und Milde geantwortet, "das hab ich noch nie gemacht."
Ich denke, dass das Auto, falls es im Prinzip Warngeräusche macht, diese Geräusche vielleicht nicht oder weniger deutlich machen wird, wenn man das Display ganz ausschaltet. Deshalb fahnde ich in allen Einstellungen nach der Möglichkeit, nur das Radio auszuschalten, aber erfolglos. Dann hole ich die Gebrauchsanweisung zum Auto aus dem Handschuhfach und lese die. Als Nächstes lese ich die Spezialanleitung zum "Multimediasystem". Es steht nicht drin. Obwohl ich es hasse, mit Geräten zu reden, greife ich sogar vorsichtig ins Lenkrad, drücke den Sprechknopf und sage laut und deutlich "RADIO AUS". Es nutzt alles nichts. Ich verliere die Geduld und sage – nicht zum ersten Mal – zur Mutter: "Ich geb es auf, du musst einfach immer Radio hören, während du dieses Auto hast."
Zu Hause lässt es mich aber doch nicht los. Erst beklage ich mich im Techniktagebuch-Redaktionschat, dann suche ich nach radio ausschalten renault clio. Es fühlt sich ungefähr so blöd an wie das eine Mal, als ich what time is it in germany gesucht habe. Aber ich finde schnell im "Renault Clio 5 Forum" heraus, dass andere das Problem auch haben: "Radio bei Zündung immer an. Kann man das ändern?"
Ein Nutzer schreibt: "Obwohl ich das Radio (...) ausstelle, ist es beim nächsten Start wieder an. Meine Frau findet das aber gut. Ich bin taub und daher stört mich das sowieso nicht." Und ein anderer hat die Lösung, naja, einen Workaround: "Für mich hat es geholfen, die Audioquelle einfach auf Bluetooth zu ändern, damit das Radio beim Start nicht anspringt. Diese Einstellung wird vom System beibehalten." (Das "einfach" in diesem Satz bedeutet nicht, dass es einfach geht. Ich habe die Einstellungsmöglichkeit jedenfalls während der nächsten Fahrt nicht gefunden.)
Früher, ach, früher! Als es einen KNOPF gab, an dem man das Radio EIN und vor allem AUS schalten konnte! Sogar im Dunkeln konnte man das. Vielleicht werden so schöne Zeiten eines Tages wiederkommen. Aber noch sind sie nicht da.
(Kathrin Passig)
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 2 years ago
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What a difference 33 years makes juxtaposition of Renault Clio, 1990 & Renault Clio, 2023. The latest version of Renault's big-selling hatchback has been revealed, it is a facelifted version of the 5th generation model. The range includes a new E-TECH Esprit Alpine (pictured) with a 143hp 1.6-litre E-Tech hybrid powertrain.
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celette · 7 months ago
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After a rear-end collision, this Renault Clio V has been taken to the body shop for repairs. It is now fully secured in a Celette frame machine with a dedicated jig set, ensuring that the vehicle is restored to OEM standards. The precision and support provided by the Celette system will help bring the Renault back to its original condition, maintaining its structural integrity and safety.
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skatecarsdreans · 1 year ago
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a110crazy13 · 1 year ago
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Rally del Sebino 2023 - Photo Oreste Morzenti
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sabinesaito · 1 year ago
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Unser Renault Clio
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solorally · 1 year ago
Carlos RodrĂ­guez y David Nieto, campeones del Clio Trophy Spain 2023.
La 29º edición del Rallye La Nucía-Mediterráneo concluyó la emocionante edición de la Clio Trophy Spain. Los campeones de esta categoría, Carlos Rodríguez y David Nieto, se llevaron el título en la monomarca de Renault España organizada por Driveland Events, tras obtener una impresionante victoria en la última carrera de la temporada. La pareja andaluza llegó a la ultima cita del trofeo en…
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bpod-bpod · 2 years ago
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Nicol, Papa
Sperm meeting egg during fertilisation could be the start of amazing things, but our sex cells have lived a life before they create a new one. To become fertile, sperm must first mature in a tube called the epididymis next to the testes. The process is a little mysterious, but CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology allows researchers to investigate inside these mouse epididymis ducts (highlighted in purple in a cross-section). The team find a protein called NICOL plays an essential part in a chemical chain reaction which nurtures the sperm (blue dots inside the purple ducts) – they will now test this in human cells. Targeting NICOL in humans might lead to promising treatments – perhaps new forms of temporary contraceptives, or – by boosting levels of NICOL – improving male fertility and the chances of sperm meeting egg.
Written by John Ankers
Image from work by Daiji Kiyozumi and Kentaro Shimada, and colleagues
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Image copyright held by the original authors
Research published in Nature Communications, April 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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foreverneverandalways · 1 year ago
Move over lesbaru here comes the Renault...
That was a short film
This is one of the best lesbian movies i’ve seen and it’s a fricking car commercial
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photos-car · 2 months ago
Renault Clio Rally3 2024 : Une révolution sur la piste
Découvrez la Renault Clio Rally3 2024 : un design audacieux, des performances époustouflantes et une technologie avancée. #renault #renaultclio #Rally3 Lire l'article complet : https://www.photoscar.fr/renault-clio-rally3-2024/
Découvrez la Renault Clio Rally3 2024 : un design audacieux, des performances époustouflantes et une technologie avancée. Renault revient en force avec la Clio Rally3 2024, une voiture taillée pour dominer les pistes de rallye. Les passionnés de vitesse et de performance adoreront ce modèle. C’est le fruit de l’expertise de Renault Sport. Dès les premières secondes au volant, cette voiture…
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caradsfromthepast · 5 months ago
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1991 Renault Clio 16v advertisements
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neiljohnsblog · 7 months ago
The New Renault CLIO E-Tech: A Hybrid Hatchback for the Future
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In the evolving landscape of automotive technology, hybrid vehicles have become a cornerstone of sustainable transportation. The New Renault CLIO E-Tech, a hybrid hatchback, epitomizes this shift towards greener, more efficient cars. With its sleek design, advanced technology, and eco-friendly features, the CLIO E-Tech is not just a car for today but a vehicle built for the future. Whether you are navigating the bustling streets of Peebles or embarking on a weekend getaway, this hybrid hatchback offers the perfect blend of performance, efficiency, and style.
The Hybrid Revolution
Hybrid vehicles have steadily gained popularity over the past decade, driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for more sustainable transportation solutions. The CLIO E-Tech is a testament to this revolution, combining the best of electric and traditional combustion engine technologies. It offers drivers a way to reduce their carbon footprint without sacrificing performance or convenience.
The CLIO E-Tech is equipped with a hybrid powertrain that seamlessly integrates a petrol engine with an electric motor. This system allows the car to operate in multiple modes, including full-electric, hybrid, and petrol, depending on the driving conditions. This flexibility ensures that the car can deliver optimal performance while minimizing fuel consumption and emissions.
Efficiency Meets Performance
One of the key selling points of the Renault CLIO E-Tech is its exceptional fuel efficiency. The hybrid system is designed to optimize energy usage, allowing the car to achieve impressive fuel economy figures. In urban driving conditions, the CLIO E-Tech can run on electric power alone for short distances, reducing fuel consumption and emissions to virtually zero. This is particularly beneficial in cities like Peebles, where short commutes and frequent stop-and-go traffic can significantly impact fuel efficiency.
However, the CLIO E-Tech is not just about efficiency. It also offers a dynamic driving experience that rivals many traditional petrol-powered vehicles. The hybrid system provides instant torque, ensuring quick acceleration and responsive handling. Whether you are merging onto a highway or navigating tight city streets, the CLIO E-Tech delivers a smooth and engaging ride.
A Design That Stands Out
The Renault CLIO E-Tech is a head-turner, thanks to its stylish design and modern aesthetics. The car’s exterior features sleek lines, bold contours, and a distinctive front grille that gives it a sporty yet sophisticated appearance. The LED headlights and taillights not only enhance visibility but also add to the car’s contemporary look.
Inside, the CLIO E-Tech offers a comfortable and spacious cabin that is packed with the latest technology. The interior design is clean and minimalist, with high-quality materials and a user-friendly layout. The digital instrument cluster and touchscreen infotainment system are intuitive and easy to use, providing drivers with all the information they need at a glance.
The car’s compact size makes it ideal for urban environments, where parking space is often at a premium. Despite its small footprint, the CLIO E-Tech offers ample interior space for passengers and luggage, making it a practical choice for both city driving and longer journeys.
Advanced Technology at Your Fingertips
The Renault CLIO E-Tech is equipped with a host of advanced technologies that enhance both the driving experience and passenger comfort. The infotainment system is compatible with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, allowing you to connect your smartphone and access your favourite apps, music, and navigation services directly from the car’s touchscreen.
The CLIO E-Tech also features a range of driver-assistance systems designed to make driving safer and more enjoyable. Features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and automatic emergency braking are included. These systems work together to help you stay in control of the vehicle, even in challenging driving conditions.
Another notable feature of the CLIO E-Tech is its regenerative braking system. When you brake or decelerate, the system recovers energy that would otherwise be lost and uses it to recharge the battery. This not only improves fuel efficiency but also reduces wear and tear on the brake pads, extending their lifespan.
A Car for the Environmentally Conscious Driver
For those who are conscious of their environmental impact, the Renault CLIO E-Tech offers a compelling option. The hybrid powertrain significantly reduces CO2 emissions compared to traditional petrol or diesel vehicles. By choosing a hybrid like the CLIO E-Tech, you are contributing to a cleaner, greener future without compromising on the convenience and performance you expect from a modern car.
Moreover, the CLIO E-Tech is designed with sustainability in mind. Many of the materials used in the car’s construction are recyclable, and the manufacturing process is focused on minimizing waste and reducing the overall environmental footprint.
Driving the Future in Peebles
For drivers in Peebles and beyond, the Renault CLIO E-Tech represents the future of motoring. Its hybrid technology offers a practical solution for those looking to reduce their environmental impact while still enjoying the benefits of a versatile and capable vehicle. Whether you are commuting to work, running errands around town, or heading out on a weekend adventure, the CLIO E-Tech provides the perfect balance of efficiency, performance, and style.
In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, the Renault CLIO E-Tech stands out as a vehicle that is ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. With its advanced hybrid system, cutting-edge technology, and stylish design, this car is more than just a mode of transportation—it is a statement about the future of driving. 
So, if you are in Peebles and looking for a car that aligns with your values and meets your practical needs, the Renault CLIO E-Tech should be at the top of your list. Experience the future of driving today with the CLIO E-Tech—a hybrid hatchback that is as forward-thinking as you are.
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things-about-cars-in-posts · 12 days ago
These people constitute the driving force behind what one could call softroadification, whereupon vehicles are raised from nominally to somewhat perceptibly and slathered in placebo cladding...
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...or molded into a separate, more SUV-esque model outright...
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...without gaining any meaningful off-road capability - or at least not needing to, since every road the owners will drive them through could be traversed by the base model, its performance version, and in most cases, with proper setup and skill, a NASCAR.
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But that does not matter, because they speak to the worrisome layman like Ryan Gosling in Drive speaks to the socially inept. For the low price of thousands more than the base model and higher running costs forever, they can drive over a sprinkle of gravel with the self-confidence of someone wielding a tool Approved™ for the job.
But let's not pretend all soft-roader buyers are people who'll only buy the microfiber cloth whose box says 'Works with iPhone'. In fact, most of them don't care about their Vaguely Unpaved Road Approved seal, and are just swayed either by looks or by wanting to "sit high".
However, the latter doesn't seem to explain the recent boom, given it correlates to no sudden change neither in human ergonomics nor in pillow existence awareness. The looks, then? Well, as seen above, they're usually the same as the corresponding base model, just a bit more off-roadery. But the appearance of adventure is rather appealing to the modern sensibility - our clothes are made with holes in them to create the look of a life in which things happen.
But that's not really all there is to it. Because sure, the Hummer was sold to those eager to cosplay the brave soldiers that brought home the gas it guzzled...
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...but that platform had another era-defining incarnation - the Cadillac Escalade.
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And this celebration of classless luxury is so far off AdventureMobile I've seen people offroad it ironically - as you would, say, a Bentley, or a Rolls Royce.
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Even the SUVs they now sell.
Because think about it - even footprint being equal, an SUV is far larger, far more imposing, far... more. Some annoying doom artist could assert that the wealthy turn the world into a place they'd rather not be in and justify it with what it affords them to purchase, and thus it's obvious why the paragon of luxury has become having the most sheer matter around you and being the furthest removed from the world outside. I pray to God no one takes that opportunity, lest my eyerolling tear my optic nerves.
Anyhow, that made SUVs more cool than an equivalent sedan rather than less so, as other roomier body styles, like station wagons and vans, tend to be perceived. (And really, who wanted to own the car they were driven to school with anyway?). They were status symbols: of lifestyle -I climb mountains, I go surfing, I blow up Middle Eastern kids- of wealth -look at all the car I can afford to get around in- or both.
And of course, as often happens, a status symbol for the few...
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...becomes considered cool, and thus it trickles down to every market segment because coolness sells. Yet again, the market finds, or perhaps builds?, a myth and sells it to the plebe, says the most annoying person at the function. It markets those myths as happiness and itself as the only way to them, he adds, gently attempting to resist the crowd pushing him out the door. "Shop like a billionaire"! are the last words to squeeze past the closing door.
Thus, SUVs have become the hot new thing. And some people -many people- just want the hot new thing.
We've all at some point wanted to make a choice that would make us fit in, be it by not expressing ourselves or precisely by doing so - because sometimes, people who seem to be hiding their true selves are actually just really that bland. And that is fine! Who could feel justified in imposing contrarianism? No one we haven't kicked out, at least! And similarly, if they find SUVs cool, who are we -especially who am I- to argue that they should disregard what they like and buy the most rational vehicle regardless of their tastes?
But since our economic system has snatched decision power away from anyone who isn't comically money-hungry, tragically risk-averse and tragicomically uncreative, the literal only thing any large brand has been allowed to do is chase an upwards trend, I say, hiding my arm behind my back in hopes no one will notice the aforementioned guest's bite. And this compounds to make placebo SUVs the only form of car ever allowed into production. Thus, the desires to 'sit high' and 'feel safe' grows along with the average car to see around and bear the brunt of, triggering a vicious circle funneling money out of the pockets of car enthusiasts and into the bank accounts of Ben Affleck cigarette meme merch shops.
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question: if you liked this post, you might like those - or the blog’s Discord server, linked in the pinned post!
i rented this cabin for vacation and the owner had a note about the driveway, warning me that "cars without AWD are going to have trouble with it" and when i got there in my rental chevy malibu i saw it was like, your standard gravel driveway thats a bit steep and i was like, sir i grew up in the great lakes rust belt. i drove my shitbox late 90s chevy cavalier through road conditions that would make your range rover cry. i took that thing camping on worn out logging roads and never got stuck once
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writetodrive · 1 year ago
Guido la Renault Clio Rs 2000
L’ultimo articolo dell’anno lo voglio dedicare ad una macchina - guardandomi indietro, ebbene sì nel tempo.
Tutti gli appassionati di automobili lo sanno ormai da molto che un processo importante di cambiamento nelle auto e mobilità in generale è costante dei giorni nostri.
Il motore turbo aveva giĂ  preso campo, ritornando prepotentemente nel panorama automobilistico da molti anni, da utilizzato per poche automobili, le piĂą sportive, a surplus per tutte dopo, indipendentemente dal tipo di alimentazione.
L’elettrificazione fa passi da gigante e spesso ben accompagnata dalle soluzioni miste dei moti termici, quando utilizzando sistemi Hybrid , Plug-in Hybrid o mild Hybrid.
L’auto di questa prova? Aspirata!
Avete capito bene, niente motori elettrici, niente batterie che si ricaricano o da ricaricare, e addirittura neppure un turbo, qui abbiamo un motore oggi si dice vecchia scuola ma dalle note musicali alte, molto alte quelle dei 7500 giri/min che questo motore anteriore trasversale 4 cilindri in linea a fasatura variabile  con 145 Kw, 197 Cv e 21,9 kgm di coppia è in grado di raggiungere snocciolando una marcia dietro l’altra con il suo cambio manuale 6 marce dalla rapportatura corta per brividi ed emozioni che parlano di quasi due decenni fa.
Anno 2009, il modello in prova, serie limitata F1 Team nata per celebrare le vittorie della Casa Renault in F1 con la R27, targhetta identificativa con numero stampato sul tunnel centrale e serigrafie dedicate su tutti i lati della carrozzeria e tetto, esprime già alla vista solo una cosa – sportività allo stato puro.
Bianca, bianchissima, mi avvicino a lei, gli giro attorno, guardo le sue forme che sono così lineari, ancora oggi moderne e molto, molto allargate sui lati.
Plastiche dure qualcuno dirà, sì ma chi se ne frega, all’interno due sedili anteriori Recaro così profilati da farti sentire subito un pilota ma che si sono rivelati comodi anche sulle lunghe distanze.
Si gira la chiave e su tutto il mio corpo si dipanano vibrazioni, quelle di una macchina viva che se fosse un cavallo, si direbbe - eccolo è pronto a scalciare.
Cambio morbido ma ben contrastato seppur non sempre preciso in quella prima da inserire veloce nei tornanti piĂą stretti, mi avvio e mi dirigo passando dal centro cittĂ , verso le alture di Genova.
Il traffico cittadino non è certo il suo “habitat”, soffre nelle continue ripartenze, e stanca al pedale della frizione che necessità di uno sforzo se prolungato, affaticante.
Per lei, servono strade tortuose, sali e scendi guidati, niente interruzioni, e il Monte Fasce che sovrasta la nostra città con i suoi 834 metri di altitudine, una tra le maggiori alture presenti che offre anche punti di vista panoramici, è ideale.
La Clio Rs 3 con il suo passo da 2585 mm, una lunghezza di 3991 mm e larghezza di 1768 mm, da timida impacciata del traffico cittadino si trasforma subito in un’auto dinamica ed affilata, molto affilata, con uno sterzo diretto, sempre rigido ma mai affaticante.
Avantreno a ruote indipendenti, doppio asse con perno indipendente, retrotreno ad assale semirigido, braci oscillanti, il telaio con il suo reparto sospensioni seppur su questo modello modificate ed affinate, ti restituisce fin dalle prime curve, stabilità ed agilità a profusione, ha una rigidità che potrebbe tranquillamente ospitare con se cavallerie molto ma molto superiori ai 200 Cv di questa versione, è solida, te lo fa sentire sulla schiena attraverso i suoi sedili, l’abitacolo ti avvolge e il suono al salire del suo motore rende il concerto unico.
Con un peso cresciuto di generazione in generazione, qui la terza e che si ferma a quota in ordine di marcia a circa 1280 Kg, i freni anteriori a disco autoventilanti da 312 mm di diametro e posteriori a disco pieno da 300 mm offrono un mordente efficace in ogni situazione con trasferimenti di carico all’anteriore gestiti in maniera perfetta per regalare a queste auto, quel sovrasterzo volendo di rilascio che le ha rese nei tempi vincenti sui campi di gara di tutto il mondo, con tempi ancora oggi di percorrenza, in grado di far impallidire auto ben più blasonate.
Guardarsi indietro per andare avanti, un passo indietro con questo numero nella speranza che il progresso delle auto di oggi certamente migliori non perdano del tutto la capacità di fare una cosa in particolare – regalare emozioni -.
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