#Rena if you see this sorry I got so intense on there this has just been bothering me for so long
I care about Pokémon spin offs so much okay goodbye
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ambrossart · 10 months
My question is about: Does Rena Daveport exist in Paper Men or will she ever appear? If I'm not wrong, in the novel it dated Henry Bowers' father
By the way, I'm very excited to see chapter 31, especially to see the intense moment between Evelyn and Henry, I can't even imagine what Evelyn's face will be like when she sees Henry, I know that Evelyn is too good with him but as a reader I'm indignant with this boy, if I were her I would close the door in his face! How can you come here after saying that I'm not worth it and above all not helping me (I'm sorry I got carried away 😅) I mean I LOVE Henry I'm team Bowers I think there are a lot less people here because of him, I'm one of them those few people.
So there's a "Rena Davenport" type of woman that exists in Butch's life, but she's definitely not coming over on the weekends with baked beans. 😂
Henry has never met her. She's just a woman that Butch goes to see whenever he needs his "needs" met. He doesn't consider her his girlfriend and she probably won't ever appear in the story.
I say "probably" because... well, you never know.
And 31 is gonna be a tough chapter for both Evelyn and Henry, but mostly Henry since it's from his POV. This situation with Evelyn has brought up a lot of repressed thoughts and feelings about his anger, his abuse, his abandonment issues, his intimacy issues, and I think he's slowly starting to realize how much his problems are affecting him. But at the same time, he feels pretty helpless to stop it. The boy is not emotionally equipped to deal with all of this.
And I think that's partly why Henry has fewer fans than, say, Patrick. Patrick is incredibly dangerous and likely to murder you, but he's also fun and flirty and sexy. Henry isn't like that. Even when he does flirt, it comes off weirdly aggressive and threatening. And he comes with so much heavy, heavy emotional baggage. It's not quite as fun to fantasize about that. It's actually really exhausting. I mean, look at Evelyn. She's been devoted to Henry for years. She's given him everything he's ever asked for, and what has he given her back? Not a whole lot.
Loving Henry Bowers is a thankless job, and I think Evelyn's ready to retire.
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Higurashi When They Cry - Watanagashi Chapter 1
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!
This is it... my first step into TRULY NEW Higurashi content...
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Um, that's an oxymoron.
I do wonder what THIS means though:
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Does this mean instead of a minor fatal Camera freakout prompted by ??? and a major fatal Keiichi freakout prompted by nothing, the events this time around will be that an actual murderer commits actual murder? Sounds scary!
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Keiichi is talking to Rena on the phone.
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Um, no, I can hear the voice acting. She clearly said that "good morning" in Japanese is "ohayou", not that "ohayou" in English is "good morning". Try again, localizers!
This is not nearly as "okay, you got a lot of opening exposition last time, but now for Episode 2 here's an extensive backstory sequence" as Umineko. This is like... in medias res.
Keiichi will meet up with the girls face-to-face.
Mion confirms to Keiichi that she loves doing crimes. Rena confirms to Keiichi that Mion loves doing crimes. Based
Oh, the text log works differently in Watanagashi than in Onikakushi. Even if I see text in a text box, I can STILL check the text log and ALSO see it there.
Keiichi calls himself gamerblooded. I don't know how to feel about that. I think it somehow correlates with Mountain Dew.
The core trio meets up with the Toddlers in front of a moneyful toy shop. Toddler 01 doesn't love doing crimes. Not Based
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Endlessly reusable Higurashi reaction image.
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Is this Ryukishi telling me I've foolishly overlooked something and need to find out what's REALLY evil? ...Is the True Evil something other than ableism? Am I totally off-base?
Ah, this is a timeline where nothing scary has happened yet, so Rena is back to her accursed despicable self, accumulating Rena Points as per usual. Ah well.
Mion has an army of male toy enthusiast frenemies. Alright.
Kaiji Joke Part 14
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It's CALLED a Rena Points Meter. Also, why does that ellipsis only have two dots?
There keep being intense audiovisual stings while Keiichi calls his friends scary murderers, even though we're 110% in Nonscary Mode right now. Kaiji Joke Parts have always had Keiichi going all like "Guoooooohhhhhh...!!", that much is an essential aspect of the Kaiji Joke, but... I don't remember it always being this much... like this. There's no way I can argue that it isn't uncanny.
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D... Don't say that...
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Oh, Keiichi is playing that game for toddlers. Fitting, given that his opponents are toddlers. Wait, shit, am I gonna have to call these guys Toddler 03 and Toddler 04? I... I don't think I realized what I was signing up for here...
Keiichi notices for the first time that games for toddlers suck. Good work, Keiichi! This is part of becoming a man!
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Um... "Okay" "Cool"
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exceptionally bad taste sorry
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THAT voice acting is what a "Man" sounds like???
These people with these voices... Are "Man"s???
Despite being the person whose name was most similar-sounding to Kaiji, Keiichi was the least-Kaiji-ish participant in this Kaiji joke, and the lead girls (by which I just mean Mion) are filled with smoldering fury or some such. However, in a deeply Kaiji fashion, Keiichi transitions from least-Kaiji-ish to most-Kaiji-ish. He enacts a clever gambit: Bullying children.
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I have to ask... I truly have to ask... why was "Pretty girls!!" the part without voice acting. It appears there is a disconnect between the English and the Japanese, methinks.
Keiichi makes Toddlers 03 and 04 bleed all over the place. I can't remember why I ever felt sympathy for Keiichi. Something about hallucinations? It doesn't matter anymore.
If I made mochi for Keiichi, I would also put a needle in it. There, I said it.
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Mion is so insecure about her intelligence... the joke's on the Insecurities Devil, because I say stupid stuff exclusively, and I'm the biggest most genius 100% of the time, so Mion objectively doesn't suck.
I believe I am beginning to grasp the shape of it... within horror-drama scenes, it's impossible for anyone with a conscience and an opened third eye to not feel deep empathy for Keiichi and Rena, the most obviously mentally ill characters... however, within lighthearted comedy scenes... oh yes, things are different within those scenes... within those scenes, Keiichi and Rena, the characters who accumulate Rena Points, are easily the most puntable characters by far!!!
So then, how does it all balance out? How can it be determined who is truly the worst Higurashi character? Well, the third-most-puntable character... the most-puntable mentally-healthy(?) character... is Toddler 01. HOWEVER!!! Toddler 01 being the worst Higurashi character... if I am not mistaken... is a Normie Opinion, isn't it?! I, a Self-Proclaimed Freak and God-Emperor of Having Something Wrong With Me, refuse to let my shroud of hipsterism drop for even an instant... Toddler 01 CANNOT be MY least-favorite Higurashi character!!! Therefore, taking into consideration the fact that having Mion as my least-favorite is rendered utterly out-of-the-question by the fact that she's the best one... heh, there's only one option, isn't there?
...Fuck. I don't want to say Toddler 02 is the worst Higurashi character. She doesn't seem half bad. She seems like she has a decent head on her shoulders. ...Can I say Ooishi is the worst character? I already know I can't say Camera, because cameras aren't characters.
Anyway, Mion decides the toy shop game tournament shall now spontaneously transform into an exhibitionism contest. Alright?
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Oh, it's a Something Came Up situation. I see. Mion's actions were completely coherent and explicable all along.
Toddler 02 decides to cut to the chase and name-drop this arc already. That's right. The important festival will contain the Kaiji Joke Climax and nothing will go wrong.
Man, even the store owner doesn't have a character sprite... that means, like, Toddlers 03 and 04 are going to, like, actually matter... what the heck, I don't need these twerps in my life...
Everyone except Mion gets toys. Mion points out that Keiichi's toy implies a nonstandard relationship to gender roles, so Keiichi shifts the balance of reality such that Rena has two toys and he has none. In a CG I didn't bother taking a picture of, Mion seemed distinctly disappointed about that.
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...Yeah I have no idea how to take that. Sincerity? Insincerity? Either way, what's the rationale? How interested is Higurashi in particular about interrogating such themes?
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Pfft, like that stopped you.
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What a creep. Upwards, steadily upwards, doth thine Rena Points Meter climb.
Meanwhile, in Side Story Land...
Man, Mion's aura... it's just inherently pleasant. Also some information gets conveyed or something
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Keiichi is forever cursed to be the most puntable character in Higurashi. Sorry. So sorry, Keiichi. There's nothing I can do to save you. There's nothing I can do to rescue you. You're going to have to suffer and struggle on your own.
Forgive me.
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Post-Reveal Revelry Day 12: Secretive
Read them all on AO3 
“What are you up to today, Marinette?”
“Alya and I are going to the mall,” Marinette said. “Adrien and Nino might join us later, maybe.”
“Maybe?” Sabine echoed. Marinette didn’t dare turn around – not when she was carefully adding more cupcakes to the display case – but she could feel the weight of her maman’s curious stare on her shoulders.
“Adrien is finishing up an early morning photoshoot,” Marinette explained. “He was hoping to be done by noon. He said that his role is pretty minor for once.”
“Ah, I see,” Sabine said. “It’s a shame he has to be up so early on a Saturday.”
Marinette paused in putting the last cupcake down, wondering ruefully just how her maman couldn’t see the hypocrisy in that statement given that she’d been woken up at half past seven that morning. One of the bakery workers had called in sick, so Marinette had been roped into getting out of bed early and helping out.
But then again, her maman also didn’t know that Marinette had been up until 3am this morning fighting another akuma. It had been very late – or very early, depending on how you looked at it – when Ladybug and Chat Noir had finally separated to return back to their own homes. Marinette wondered if her maman would’ve been more sympathetic if she’d known that.
“Adrien will be okay, Maman. He’s used to this,” Marinette said, straightening up. The lie felt heavy on her tongue. No one ever got used to the lack of sleep caused by being a superhero. Marinette sure hadn’t.
“Still. I want you to take some sweets with you,” Sabine said with a determined nod. “And I’ll give you money to buy a nice drink for each of you to go with it.”
Marinette brightened. “Thanks! That would be great. We’ll probably hang out there for a while before going back to Alya’s.”
And having a group nap, Marinette did not add. It wouldn’t be the first time that the four heroes had crashed together, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. Carapace and Rena Rouge hadn’t joined Ladybug and Chat last night, but they had both been out late Thursday night patrolling. Alya and Nino had both looked pretty dead on their feet yesterday.
“Well… I think you’ve done enough. I should be able to take it from here.” Sabine retrieved her purse and dug around, finally pulling out some money which she gave to Marinette. Then she surprised Marinette again, this time with a big hug.
“Maman, what?” Marinette said, startled.
“You’re a good girl, Marinette. I don’t think I tell you that enough. I hope you have fun with your friends today,” Sabine said, squeezing her tightly.
Marinette’s throat felt tight. Sometimes she really hated how secretive she had to be when it came to her family. The pressure wasn’t quite so intense now that Adrien, Alya, and Nino knew the truth, but it was still really hard. The problem was that she didn’t know if life would be better if she told her parents that she was Ladybug, or if it would become worse. It was a risk she couldn’t take.
“Thanks, Maman. I’m sorry I was cranky about getting up this morning,” Marinette said, hugging her back, and Sabine laughed a little.
“I would’ve thought something was seriously wrong with you if you weren’t cranky,” she joked. “Ever since you were little, you’ve always hated getting out of bed.”
“Can you blame me? My bed is just too cozy,” Marinette said. And frankly, she didn’t get to spend nearly enough time in it thanks to Hawkmoth.
“You can sleep in tomorrow,” Sabine said. “I promise I won’t wake you up. Now go! Shoo! Have fun.”
“I will,” Marinette said, unable to keep from smiling. Her parents really were the best. Maybe someday she’d think seriously about letting all the secrets go and telling them the truth. But until then, she’d just have to rely on her teammates to keep her sane.
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bamberry · 3 years
Let the Mayhem Begin || Chapter 1 - Revealing Truths
Adrien Agreste x Marinette Dupain Cheng Pairing
Summary: When Chat Noir reveals his secret identity to Alya, all she can do is painfully watch the two make an absolute mess of themselves. But who said she couldn’t make it worth her while.
The Beginnings of a story are the most important.
It was few weeks after Marinette, her best friend, who couldn’t even get a single word out around a certain blonde, who often fell or bumped into a number of objects and people, told her that she was Ladybug, the hero Alya very much admired.
It had taken a few days and a sleepover to adjust to the fact that Marinette was secretly a renowned super heroine who was fighting every day to protect the city of Paris from a crazy butterfly man.
So when Marinette told her that Chat Noir and Ladybug didn’t know each other’s own identities she was quite surprised.
“But you guys are like the greatest duo in history?”
Marinette then went onto explaining that of the consequences and possibilities of Chat Noir knowing who she was. Alya had to be the one to reassure her that Chat Noir would never do anything to try and hurt Ladybug or Marinette for that matter. Alya fought alongside the guy a few times, if anything it’d be the last thing he’d do.
But nonetheless, Alya too had to respect Marinette’s choice.
“I’m going to have to tell him I told someone about my identity.” She tells Alya.
“Why?” Alya asked.
“He’s deserves to know that I told someone. He’s my partner and in order to protect Paris the best we can he has to know that I told someone else not because I didn’t trust him. But because I did what I knew what best. I have to trust that he’ll understand that.”
Alya really didn’t need Marinette to tell her twice that she was Ladybug. It was clear as day.
“You’re too good for this world Mari.” Alya pulled Marinette into a hug. Of course the blue-pigtailed girl returned the hug.
When they pulled apart Alya could tell something was still on Marinette’s mind.
“What is it?”
“It’s just-does that mean Chat Noir can tell someone who he is too? I mean, it only makes sense. It’d be fair. But what if he tells his identity to the wrong person? What if everyone, including Hawk Moth finds out? I couldn’t stand the fact if Chat Noir had to give up his miraculous because of that.”
“Marinette.” Alya grabbed her shoulders to calm the girl down,”I think Chat Noir is perfectly capable of making that choice for himself. He might be silly sometimes but you know he’s capable of making the right decisions. I’m sure he wouldn’t think about telling someone like Chloe or Lila.”
Speaking of Lila, Alya was quick to apologize to Marinette and is now currently plotting Lila’s demise, however unhero like that may sound.
“What if Chat Noir told you?” The question caused Alya to lose her train of thought,”What?”
“Think about it, you’re the first person to ever resist Hawkmoths power. If anything his secret would be most safest with you. Then there’d be no worry about our identities getting out.”
Alya looked at her completely surprised. As much as Alya would love to know Chat’s identity, it was not their decision to make. Plus Alya didn’t know if she could currently handle knowing another secret identity. Or maybe she just end up exploding with excitement
“Marinette, that’s something Chat Noir has to be able to decide for himself. “
She sighed,”You’re right Alya. But it wouldn’t hurt to give him that option. Regardless, I’m telling him tonight during patrol. “
Alya patted her best friends back,”It’ll be alright. I’m sure.”
“I just hope he doesn’t hate me Alya. Chat Noir has always wanted for us to truly know each other. I won’t lie, a part of me always refuses out of what he might think of my civilian self.”
“Marinette you’re literally one of the most kind hearted souls I’ve ever even met. You’re brave, strong-headed. If anything, Chat Noir would just love you even more.” Alya said with a mischievous smirk.
“Alya!!” Marinette fumed with red.
And so, that’s how Chat Noir ended up at Alya’s window later that night.
“Chat Noir?”
“Hey Alya,” Chat looked around to make sure there was nobody had been watching,”This isn’t a bad time is it?”
“Not at all. So what’s one of paris’s favorite superheroes doing here at this hour?”
Chat Noir sat on the window sill as he watched Alya,”Ladybug told me she told someone her secret identity.”
Alya figured much already. She can see how it seemed a bit upset by it.
“At first I wasn’t really thrilled. I had always wanted mi’lady to be the one to tell me who she was first. I thought it was because she didn’t trusted me.” Chat Noir said still looking rather glumly. Alya didn’t say a word, instead she let him continue.
“I won’t lie and say I really hurt by it. But then she told me she told you.” He said,”Which is kind of ironic because I couldve sworn you were the one who owned the blog that was made to figure out who we were.” He chuckled.
“But I thought about it, and I realized mi’lady is under a lot of pressure for being the new guardian. I get how stressful it must of been for her. But I also understand why she still couldn’t tell me. I don’t hate her for it though.”
“You must really love Ladybug.” Alya said to him.
“I do.” He replied looking back out at the city,”So when she me told that I could tell someone I trusted if I needed to. I wasn’t really sure who I could go to. Or if I even wanted to. I mean sure, I have some friends who come to mind, and they’re great and all but ..” He stopped for a few moments before continuing,”But I don’t really know if I’ve even shown them the real me yet.”
Alya felt heartbroken for the superhero. Did he really have no one who knew about his real self besides Ladybug? Did he really not tell those annoying cat puns with to his friends? Someone he could turn to? A part of her just wanted to hug him and give the reassurance that he wasn’t alone in how he felt. But she withheld.
“So when Ladybug suggested I could tell you. I was conflicted? Not because I don’t like you or anything like that , because you’re a great person. But if I’m being honest, I don’t know how’d you feel about that.”
Was Chat Noir really asking how Alya would feel if she knew his identity too. Would it be too much for her to handle and cause her to meltdown? Would she feel suddenly more burdened with another secret and possibly run away? Was he seriously asking her after all he just shared how she would feel?
“How I felt?” Alya asked dumbfounded.
“Ladybug trusted you with her secret for a reason. I don’t want to be the reason you might feel overwhelmed. You’re currently the reason why Ladybug is doing better and I don’t want to take that from her because I shared my identity with you.” 
For the first time in a while, Alya didn’t know what to say and for a while she remained silent. Even after it all, it was still all for Ladybug.
Alya mentally cursed in her head and made a note to subtlety open Mari’s eyes to the possibility of Chat Noir.
“Alya?” Chat asked. Apparently Alya had been silent for a little too long.
“Sorry. It’s a lot to think about.” Alya said,”But you know what, I’m strong too. I know I can handle whatever you guys throw at me.”
“So you’re saying I can trust you?” Chat Noir’s tail seemed to move excitedly for a moment. It’s almost like he expected to be rejected.
“Of course you can, and to prove that. I’ll let you in on a secret of mine.” Alya said as she put her hands on her hips,”I’m Rena Rogue.”
Chat Noir’s eyes widened as he slowly forms a bright smiles on his face,”I should’ve known Ladybug would’ve chosen you for the fox miraculous. But I’m glad it was you.”
They both laughed and talked about the various battles they fought together in for a while until a comfortable silence fell between them.
“Alya.” Chat said,”I want to tell you who I am. But I want you to know something before I do.” He said,”I know you. In real life I mean. Like I know you in person. As in we’re already mutual friends.”
Alya eyebrows arched a bit, to say that enough to make Alya start thinking of the potential candidates. Ever since LadyBlog took off, Alya did have some fame to her name so she wouldn’t have been surprised if she had met his civilian form during an interview or something of the sort. But to say that they were already friends?
Chat Noir took a deep breath,”Okay I won’t lie I’m a bit nervous.” He laughed hugging his baton protectively.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to do this today if you don’t want to. “
“No I do. It’ll be fine I think.” He said as Alya stared at him intensely.
“Uh alya.. you’re making me a bit more nervous.” He said embarrassingly. Alya shook her head,”Right sorry sorry just continue.” She said letting her unintentional threatening gaze ease.
“Okay.” The air thickened around as the tension increased.
“Okay but if you like hate me after th-“
“Oh my god CHAT NOIR.” Alya said almost laughing at his sudden nervousness.
“Can you? Turn around?” He asked fiddling with his fingers.
Alya did just that. He reminded her of Marinette around Adrien. Except Chat Noir could at least get a few words out instead of none.
She heard a deep breath
“Plagg, claws in.” He said. It was silent before she heard another voice,”You got any cheese on you?”
“Oh Plagg, you and your stinky cheese can wait.” The voice said.
Alya turned around and when she tells you nothing couldve prepared her for this. She means absolutely nothing.
“You-“ Alya choked out. Her mind racing literally everywhere. “But-“
Adrien scratched his neck and chuckled nervously,”Guess the cats out of the bag.”
“Oh my god.” Alya was in complete disbelief. Or was she? It slowly started to come together. He constant sneaking away. The way he had never been akumatized and was never seen together in the same room. The way he looked like Chat Noir when she for fun drew a mask on him that day she showed Marinette.
She froze. Marinette is Ladybug. Chat Noir is Adrien. Chat Noir loves Ladybug. Ladybug is Marinette. Marinette loves Adrien. Adrien is Chat Noir.
These idiots were in fucking love with each other and they didn’t even know. Alya wanted to just scream.
“Alya?”Adrien asked worriedly,”You havent said anything in a while? Are you disappointed?”
Alya’s spiritual form slapped her in the back of the head,”No!” She almost shouted. Adrien stared at her like she had gone mad.
“No! Not at all! Just surprised but not really? Does that make sense?”
“You’re not surprised ?” Adrien asked her curiously.
“It’s complicated.” Alya admits,”But I appreciate you sharing your secret with me Adrien. You can trust me.”
“Thanks Alya, it feels nice to have another friend.”
“Of course.”
And with that, the two spend the next hour or so just talking. About being Adrien and about being Chat Noir. It was clear Adrien was still pretty closed off about his Adrien life but Alya didn’t want to push him to say something he wasn’t ready to say.
When Chat Noir left Alya practically let out small a small screech ,”THEYRE literally GOING TO END UP KILLING ME WHEN THEY FIND OUT.”
“WHY ARE THEY MAKING IT SO DAMN COMPLICATED.” Alya banged her head against wall.
But then a thought occurred. A very dangerous but fun one.
She chuckled evilly to herself in her room as her forehead turned a bright red.
Alya knew these two would never get anywhere and she of course has sworn to secrecy. But no one said that she couldn’t help out the oblivious lovebirds. Of course she’d be discreet.
Her laughing became ridiculous, one full with mischievous intent. She plopped herself at her desk and began typing away at her computer.
Operation Cat-Bug| . . .
Alya saw the sun rise by the time she stepped back from her computer. A sight to behold. Sure, in need of a little proof reading but nonetheless she had it all planned down in her computer. She nodded in approval as she hit save. School was going to start in about an hour.
She proudly stood up from her chair, legs aching and sore but she did not feel an ounce of tiredness. It was the opposite actually. Excitement jittered through her.
Let the Mayhem Begin
omg hi! I’m starting this series. I don’t know exactly how many chapters it will be but I don’t blame on having it be more than 10. Or maybe who knows, I’ll just go where the wind takes me.
ao3 link
I promise they’ll get longer this is the introduction *wink face*
Next Chapter: School Days
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Mr. Pigeon 72!
I knew this was going to be a really good episode, just because the synopsis we got and the trailer seemed pretty bland. Whenever ML does that, a lot of big things happen in that episode. I screamed and choked on my water in the opening scene where Ladybug's with Alya in Marinette's room. I've been looking forward to Alya and Marinette scenes sooo much since Gang of Secrets! Wayzz & Alya: Hey Marinette, you should take a break and rest. Marinette: Nah, I'm good I gotta keep working Alya: YOU'RE LOSING IT, GIRL! Marinette: Don't care, must work Alya: Okay... you know Adrien and Kagami broke up, right? Marinette: Wait what?! Oh no, Kagami needs me! Alya: Not the reaction I was expecting but okay "Let's not wait for the storm to pass, but let's dance in the rain." I really like this quote! Even during bad times, you need to find the good and enjoy it. And Marinette reaaaally needs to do that. But in a literal sense, please don't dance outside during a dangerous storm.
ALYA AND TRIXX ALDJFSLJDS oh I love them, I'm so happy we'll get to see more of them. The way they both reacted to Marinette saying she has to go console Kagami, they weren't expecting that. xD But I was! I find it very amusing how in episodes like Frightningale she was more upset with Chloe being Ladybug than Chloe being in a video with Adrien that Alya's shocked by her decision, and in Frozer where Marinette was putting Adrien's wants before hers. I really don't understand why people think just because she likes Adrien, she'd not want to help make those around her happy even if it wasn't what she wanted for herself. I'm not surprised at all that Marinette would do this for Kagami, but I'm very happy that she is. "Alya, in Paris, Kagami has no other friend except me. Only I can console her." This makes me so happy. The only times in this show I like Kagami, is when she's with Marinette. After watching this episode, I'm more and more thankful she finally told Alya about being Ladybug I don't even want to know the state she'd be in had she not. O.O She almost ran out of her room as Ladybug (whoops), then almost ran out in her pjs (again, oops). Thanks to Alya, she didn't do either. xD That little detail where Marinette runs out and the sun's really intense, letting us know she's been inside a really long time, so everything outside is really bright. I really appreciate the little things like that. Or at least, that's what I take it as. Unless they're hinting at summer coming up soon... Dang Marinette, just jumps on Kagami's back LOL Kind of reminds me how Chat Noir likes to come up on Ladybug. xD "Your so original friend." Marinette is pretty original! I know the tone implies that's not a good thing, but eh. She's letting her go with Marinette and spend time away, so who cares! Marinette trying really hard to convince Kagami to get back with Adrien and how she's going to help her. I think it's really sweet of her, but Kagami of course clearly doesn't want to. Plagg: What's wrong with you, jumping into ice water! YOU'RE LOSING IT! Adrien: *exposes duffle bag full of Camembert* Plagg: I take back everything I said about you Also huh, Alya just told Marinette she's losing it, now Plagg tells Adrien he's losing it...hmmm. Bob Roth is a horrible person and each time we see him, he does something else to show it. Poor Adrien's allergic to pigeons specifically. I guess he's okay with some birds but not others? Idk? But he told Gabriel it'd be doves, so he approved. But it turned out to be pigeons instead. To be fair, at least in the US, Mourning Doves are often mistaken as pigeons, at least where I live, so they'd make a decent substitute... if it wasn't for Adrien's allergy. Adrien in Gorizilla to Wayhem: If you stop following me around screaming, I think we could be good friends! Wayhem with Cardboard Cut-out Adrien in Mr. Pigeon 72: ADRIENNNNNNN! :/ Marinette has a bag full of everything she may need in all kinds of situations. Comes in handy but good grief girl! How do you lug that all around??? What kind of scenarios do you think up to think of
some of that stuff!? Marinette's so adorable in her bathing suit awwww! Dude. Bob Roth. He said he's allergic to pigeons! And you blame Mr. Ramier because Adrien sneezed and it scared the pigeon away? How is this man successful again? He doesn't listen to anything or anybody. Marinette's like hey Kagami, look at Adrien. You'll start liking him again. Do you feel your heart beating fast now? And she's like "I feel especially bad for the trainer (Mr. Ramier)". I mean same though. He's being treated horribly! x.x Next take, Adrien dives and he sees Marinette with Kagami. But I think he only saw Marinette. Because he says he thought he saw a friend from school (Kagami doesn't attend their school, just the fencing class, as far as we're aware) and also he makes no mention of Kagami at all in this episode. Which means...
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Why's your jaw dropping at the sight of your "just a friend" in a bathing suit, Adrien? And, you know, Kagami's literally right there in a bathing suit, too. Just saying. But it's like she's not even there to him. Hmmmmm. Poor Kagami's like, this entire thing is embarrassing, I feel embarrassed for me, Adrien, and this situation. Kagami: Marinette, stop! It's getting crazy! Marinette: Love is crazy! Don't think about it! I love how the more Marinette tries to help Kagami, the more things are working out in Marinette's favor. Interesting, isn't it? The more she tries to tell Adrien her feelings and make opportunities for them, the more they fail. The more she tries to help Kagami, or someone else, the more opportunities for her land in her lap. Hahahahaha the way they both fall LOL "Marinette? 😮" *guilty smile* AND THEN THEY TAKE DOWN POOR EDGAR! :( Mr. Ramier's in the background giving the poor bird CPR as he's drowned and Marinette and Adrien are just casually talking not paying attention lolol "What are you doing here?" "I came to surprise you." Kind of, she was hoping to help Kagami get back with Adrien. So that's a kind of surprise! "Uh, well to relax!" True too, actually. Alya did send her off because she needed to get out of the house and relax from her Ladybug and Guardian duties. Marinette, everyone needs to be careful when at a pool. Clumsy people like you especially need to be careful! lol Good thing Adrien's already seen her fall so many times, it's nothing new lol Gabriel: It's a failure Bob Roth: It's not my fault, it's his! Mr. Ramier: You are under arrest! Edgar is my best friend. He's the most intelligent of the pigeons! Gabriel: It's a pigeon Bob Roth: WHAAAT? IT'S A PIGEON? RAMIER, YOU LIED TO ME. Sorry Gabriel, I'll replace this man! I know a shark trainer First off... LOL that whole scene XDD I actually knew Bob Roth was going to say that entire thing before I heard it lolol Second... awww Edgar's okay! c: and third... I'M SORRY, YOU WANT OUR PRECIOUS BOY TO BE AROUND SHARKS?!?!? Who keeps this man employed?!?! Idk why but this whole time I thought that everyone would turn into giant talking pigeons lol ah well "I realized my mistake! We'll recreate the moment where you fell in love!" ohhh? Like I mentioned earlier, whenever she tries to do something to help Kagami (or someone else) that's when her intentions work out best for her. 😉 One of my favorite things from Style Queen was Plagg and Ladybug working together. Now they're working together again and just... ahhhh I gushed so much at that scene! x3 YESSSSSSS what I've been waiting for! Ladybug can just call Alya now and be like hey, I need your help! And Alya can just be like okay cool, and either goes to her room to get the Miraculous herself, or finds her and gets the Miraculous. So cool! Of course, I'll be most excited if she ever gets to just keep it on her, but... baby steps. Rena did a phenomenal job speaking as both Ladybug and Chat Noir lol. She's such a fan of them both, she knows just how they are around each other. Oh, oh no. We're trapped against a wall by a few pigeons. Looks like our only option is to give up and remove our Miraculous and reveal our identities. Are you seriously buying that, Gabriel? Plagg's like HELLO I'll be taking this! Alya did everything from inside Marinette's room. Ladybug was trapped in that room at the pool the entire time. All it took for this akuma to be defeated was Illusion that can be done from anywhere and Plagg getting the object off Mr. Pigeon. That's amazing! Also, this is the first time Ladybug didn't have to actually see things around her to know what to do. She just focused and thought about it. o.o Okay so hold up. Thanks to Alya, Marinette now knows she can create charms to protect past akuma victims and keep them from getting reakumatized, which is wonderful. I love how much of an impact Alya knowing is having! BUT How exactly does Monsier Rat come about then if he has a charm to protect him??? 🤔🤔🤔 I really like how her drive to want to figure things out was
especially because Mr. Ramier's been akumatized so many times, and she wanted to help him from having to continue to go through that. "This girl is truly Miraculous" awww cute how he got to just watch that this time.
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I screamed at this moment because I knew. Since Origins, we have not seen this exact sky. Even during rainy scenes like in Chat Blanc or New York, they didn't look like this. YES, Kagami knows that the way Marinette feels about Adrien shows how much she loves him, but she knows she doesn't feel that way about Adrien too. And "You're right, Adrien is perfect... perfect for you." With a smile and everything! Awwwwww! This acceptance, and the Marinette and Kagami friendship in this episode is really, really good! 😭 "Wow, have you kept it [the umbrella] all this time?" She sure wasn't expecting that!! But wow Adrien, you noticed? Then Coup de Foudre happens again. Yeah, this girl is never getting out of her feelings for him.
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Of course she's having trouble with her words still, but that's okay. But she's like oh, I'll give it back, and he just pushes it to her and says she'll need it to get home... unless she'd like a ride with him. AND SHE ACTUALLY ACCEPTED AND WRAPPED HER ARM AROUND HIS OMG.
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To then only have the umbrella close on BOTH of them!
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AND THEN ASKS IF HE WANTS TO WALK INSTEAD BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE UMBRELLA! She's come so far! And the sheer disappointment when he remembers he can't because of his Chinese lesson :/ And then, because he can't not be looking at Marinette, he hits the back of his head on the car, making himself look silly, just like in Origins she made herself look silly. This time she laughs, and he laughs with her. And it's literally Umbrella Scene 2.0 and it's absolutely everything.
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DORKS ❤️❤️❤️ "They are made for each other." awwwww instead of Master Fu, this time it's Kagami. And she sounds very okay with that, that's so nice. "Let's not wait for the storm to pass, but let's dance in the rain." Then proceeds to dance in the rain!
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Ahhh what a refreshing, good episode after how much she's been struggling and crying! So lovely! Her friendships with Alya and Kagami were really strong in this episode, her doing her best to help her friend with the guy she herself has always liked, and then Kagami was the one that wasn't really into it, and it made both girls realize that Marinette loves Adrien and is the one best for him, not Kagami. And I'm pretty sure this episode helped Adrien to open his eyes to Marinette more too. At least, this is the beginning of that, anyway! Alya's such a tremendous help to Ladybug now, which is everything. I do wonder if more friends will very slowly start to find out her identity and they end up contributing more to bringing down Hawk Moth, so she really, really isn't alone like she once thought. I don't really have any complaints about this episode at all! Just a bit sad we had no actual Chat Noir, but we got Ladybug and Plagg from it, so it's fine with me! x3 I know some may see it as "Chat Noir isn't necessary, how dare they do this to him!" but no, he's very necessary, sometimes he just can't be there and she can't do it alone. You have to remember how much Chat Noir means to Ladybug, and that she wouldn't even BE Ladybug if it weren't for Chat Noir! I'm really curious now about what episode 5 is, since now we've gotten Episodes 1-4, 6, we're getting 7,8, and 13 later, and we've already gotten 11. Filling in the gaps for the first half of the season! This entire week is going to be crazy with the new episodes, and for each one I'll be writing one of these posts for, so be on the look out for them!
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kasienda · 3 years
Best Friends & Boyfriends - Ch 7
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Read on Ao3
Summary: Adrien and Nino are best friends. Chat Noir and Carapace are dating. Chat and Carapace go on fun dates. Adrien and Nino gush to each other about their boyfriends. That’s it! That’s the fic!
Chapter 7: 
Chat Noir was forever grateful that Ladybug had agreed to meet him with such last minute notice. He had left her five voicemails and she finally called him back, and he had felt like he was interrupting something, but she insisted that it was fine and that she would meet him at their usual spot. 
She had listened to him patiently as he explained what he wanted to do, and all the tension flowed out of his form as her only reaction was a soft patient smile.
“Honestly Chaton, when you called me panicked the other day about him being late, I was shocked that you didn’t already know who he was.”
He frowned. “You were? But Ladybug, I’ve always-“
“I know,” she reassured. “I just may have been in a similar situation recently and we… well, we didn’t last a week.”
“I started dating someone, my best friend in my civilian life. And things got serious really fast, and I… I couldn’t keep it from her.” 
“You’re saying you told someone your identity,” he concluded. 
And she wilted. “I’m sorry.”
“What?! What for?” 
“Part of me still feels like you should have been the first to know.”
He smiled softly at the admission. 
She glanced at him before continuing. “And knowing you were strong enough to keep your identity even from the one you love for so long, well… I feel like I should have tried harder or something.”
He took her hand. “M’lady, stop.”
She looked up at him then. 
“I know that I was sometimes petulant and pouty about it, but your identity was never something I was entitled to. It is yours to bestow as you see fit. And in coming to you now, I hope you realize I’m not so much asking for permission as trying to be transparent with you about what I’m doing since it affects both of us.” 
She nodded. “I appreciate that. Thank you. And for what it’s worth, if it wasn’t obvious, you totally have my blessing. From what I can tell from the Ladyblog, you and him seem really happy. Carapace is clearly a very lucky guy.” 
“Thank you, m’lady. It has all felt impossibly magical if I’m honest. I sometimes can’t believe it’s happening.”
“I know exactly what you mean,” she said, wistful. 
“I take it you are happy with your girlfriend?” he asked her with a grin. 
He was rewarded with a blush and a huge smile. “Definitely.”
“Well, if you’re willing to lend her a miraculous, perhaps the four of us could go on a double date? Carapace and I have found quite a few amazing spots in little corners of the city that would be neat to share with someone.” 
“Oh, that wouldn’t be a problem! She already has one.” 
He raised an eyebrow. 
“Rena Rouge,” she admitted. 
“Really?” he asked. And goodness knew he had gotten the front row seat to Ladybug and Rena feeding off each other to create the most complex chaotic plans that always seemed to work flawlessly. He could only imagine how intense they were when they got to play.
She blushed. “Yeah.”
“I’m really happy someone could sweep you off your feet.” 
Her eyebrows furrowed together. “How do you know it wasn’t me who did the sweeping?”
He laughed. “Oh, you’re right. That definitely makes more sense.” 
“You know it!” 
He smiled at her fondly. “Thank you for dropping everything for me tonight. It seems like you might have been in the middle of something? Maybe with Rena?” 
She blushed again. “Yeah, maybe, but based on how many messages you left me this sounded more important.” She looked up at him then, her eyes wide and sincere. “And I think for tonight, it was.”  
He pulled her into a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered into her hair.
“It was nothing. I will always be here when you need me.”
“I hope you know the same is true in the other direction.” 
“Of course. Good night, Chaton.” 
“Good night, m’lady.”
She zipped away, and he probably should have followed suit and headed home to his apartment, but he was too excited and restless. He knew sleep would never come. Not for hours, and it was already after midnight.
He dialed Carapace on a whim. He had been planning to wait until tomorrow, but...
Carapace didn’t pick up. 
Chat sighed. It had been worth a shot. 
He launched himself off of the building, and just took off running through the city. Without thinking about it, he ended up at his and Carapces’s usual meeting spot. Adrien sat down and let the memories of so many all night conversations wash over him. 
How on earth had Adrien gotten so lucky? 
He hadn’t been sitting there long when his baton rang. He answered it immediately. 
“Hey,” he greeted softly. His voice cracked.
“Kit-Kat? You okay?” 
Chat’s lips stretched into a wide smile. “More than okay. I just was… restless and was hoping to hear your voice.” 
“Where are you?” 
“At our spot.” 
“I’m on my way.” 
“You don’t have to. I know you have stuff in the morning.” 
“Don’t move. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” And then his boyfriend hung up. 
Chat’s heart started pounding and his stomach dropped. He tried to slow down his breathing to figure out what he was feeling. Was he excited or panicked?
Probably both. 
He knew he didn’t have to say anything tonight. Carapace had told him he had as much time as he wanted. He usually had an elaborate plan or a rehearsed speech, and today he had none of that, so he could definitely let himself have a whole day. Maybe practice the speech Nino had helped him outline about how insane his civilian life was a time or two. 
But Carapace landed next to him with a glowing smile, Adrien realized he didn’t want to wait. There was nothing holding him back anymore. 
He wasn’t afraid.
Carapace had told him himself that he was willing to build a new dream of their future, Nino had promised to have his back in easing Carapace to his insane celebrity life, and even Ladybug had given her blessing.
Carapace leaned in and their lips melted together in a slow savoring kiss that ended with them smiling against one other.
“What are you doing out so late, Kit-Kat? I know you didn’t have patrol, and you asked to wait another night for our next date.” 
Chat watched Carapace’s golden eyes carefully. “I talked to Ladybug.” 
Carapace tensed, his eyes dilated, and his tongue wet his lips.
“And?” Carapace prompted, his voice carefully neutral. 
“She was shocked we hadn’t already unmasked each other. She said that she’s been dating Rena, and they barely lasted a week.”
“What?! She’s dating Rena?! But Rena’s…” he trailed off his eyes huge like Chat had just hit him with a bat. 
“She gave us her blessing,” Chat Noir steam-rolled forward, just now remembering that Rena was Carapace’s ex. “To uh… share our identities.” 
Carapace’s wild eyes suddenly centered right on him.
Adrien was grateful for his transformation in that moment, knowing his hands would be sweating buckets without it. His gut was already fluttering with a thousand butterflies, and his mouth suddenly felt very dry.
Carapace stepped forward and swept up Chat’s hands and cradled them to his chest. “And what do you want to do?” Carapace asked, his eyes never leaving Chat’s face. Chat Noir didn’t dare to break his gaze. 
He wet his lips. “I think I want to share our identities,” he said firmly. 
“Like now?” Carapace asked, and Chat could hear the hope in his voice. “Or do you want to set up some fancy evening?”
Chat Noir grinned, and deposited a kiss on their joined hands. “What do you want?” he asked, but he already knew what Carapace wanted.
And Adrien knew he wanted it, too. 
Carapace’s eyes gleamed. “Honestly? My vote is for now.”
“Let’s do it now then.”
But then neither moved or said anything. They just stood there, holding their hands between each other’s chests, staring at one another. 
“It’s not going to change anything,” Carapace assured him. 
A laugh exploded from Chat Noir's throat. “It might change a lot actually. But I think it will be for the better.”
Carapace shook his head. “I just meant, it won’t change the way I feel about you.”
Chat smiled. “I hope not.”
Carapace squeezed his hands tighter. “Because I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Chat whispered. 
Carapace grinned, then glanced around. Chat Noir did the same, but it was likely unnecessary. This had become their spot because it didn’t have a lot of sight lines that could hide unwanted cameras. 
Carapace turned back to him with an eager smile. “Okay, whenever you’re ready, Kit-Kat.” 
Adrien opened his mouth to call off his transformation, but the words didn’t come. He wanted to look at Carapace one more time just like this, as the boy he had fallen in love with.
“Unless you want me to go first?” Carapace offered.
Chat shook his head hard. “No. Let’s go together. On three?”
Carapace nodded. “On three.” 
They counted down slowly and then their transformations dropped away in flashes of green.
Carapace’s mask dissolved into a very familiar face, and everything Adrien had thought he was prepared to say died on his tongue. 
Adrien forgot how to breathe, he clung to his boyfriend’s hand harder as they stared in silence at one another. 
To Nino’s hands. 
It was Nino that he had stayed up with so many late nights talking to about anything and everything. It was Carapace who had solidly supported him through every transition and milestone of his life since collège. It was Nino who had been fighting akumas beside him and Ladybug for the last half decade. It was Nino who he had made love to the night before.
“Fuck,” Nino said.
And then like a dam had burst, Adrien crumpled over giggling hysterically.
He rapidly stitched together everything he had experienced with Carapace and everything Nino had told him about his boyfriend, and was shocked at how well everything aligned - he couldn’t believe he had never figured it out before.
“I guess-“ he interrupted himself with another bout of giggles. “I guess I don’t need to introduce you to my friends.”
“How are we so stupid?!” Nino railed, his face buried in their tangled hands that they still had never released. 
Adrien only laughed harder until he fell to the ground dragging Nino with him.
“It’s a shame though,” Adrien babbled. “Who am I going to ask for relationship advice now?” 
Nino stared at him in horror. “Oh my god! You were always talking about me!”
“I was, and you were talking about me.” 
“But you said we fought. We never fought!” Nino insisted. 
Adrien’s mirth evaporated like a drop of water on a hot summer’s sidewalk. 
“You asked for something, I said no, and then you went home to think!” Adrien said. “What was that, if not a fight? I thought you were going to break up with me.”
Nino shook his head. “That wasn’t a fight! A fight involves shouting and throwing things! You set a boundary and I wanted to respect it. But I was upset. I didn’t want to make you feel bad for setting a boundary, so I left until I could respect it. I was never going to give up on us that easily. I made you cry?”
“Like not just cry. You were completely devastated. I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize you grew up in an emotionally abusive household. I didn’t realize you would take that so hard. If I had…”
Adrien squeezed his hands. “Nino, stop. I’m okay. Have I told you that I have this amazing best friend who talked me through it, and that conversation helped me realize that I needed to take some steps forward?”
Nino’s seemed to deflate in front of him. “I repeat, how are we so dumb?”
Adrien laughed. “Nino Lahiffe, I love you. And I suppose you already know about all the baggage that I come with.”
“What?! I don’t get the whole speech?” 
Adrien laughed. “Do you want the whole speech?” 
“I worked hard on prepping you for that,” Nino said sullenly. “Fuck! Your old man is going to hate me more than ever now.”
Adrien leaned forward, but stopped a breath away from Nino’s face. “Am I allowed to kiss you? Or is it weird now?”
Nino surged forward, and their lips crashed together as their breaths mingled.
“Kit-Kat?” Nino whispered. 
Adrien shivered at that nickname on Nino’s lips. 
“I told you that knowing who you are wouldn’t change how I felt.”
“I know, but you couldn’t have…” 
“But I think I was wrong.” 
Adrien’s stomach turned to lead.
Nino’s forehead leaned against his own. “I love you more.” 
Adrien half cried, half laughed. “God! You scared me.”
“Sorry, I just…” 
Adrien shook his head. “No, I get it. Knowing who you are makes everything… I don’t know…  more. Like there’s just more depth somehow. I love you more, too.” And then Adrien just broke down into sobs.
Nino finally pulled his hands from their shared grasp, so he could pull Adrien against him, his hands rubbed both Adrien’s arms and his back soothingly. 
“I’ve got you, Kit-Kat. I’ve got you.”
“I thought… I thought I was lucky before. Like everything with you has been so easy. So beautiful. I have a hard time believing it. How could it have gotten better? This is too good, Nino. This has to be a dream.”
Nino kissed him again. Hard.
“It’s not a dream, dude. I’m right here. And you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.” 
“Kit-Kat,” Adrien corrected.
“You called me dude, but I like it when you call me Kit-Kat. Especially when I’m Adrien.” 
Nino was the first person Adrien had ever told, the only one that knew now that Master Fu couldn’t remember. He got to share this part of himself that he had to keep a secret for so long. And he got to share it not just with Carapace, but with Nino, too. 
Nino grinned, and his eyes sparkled. “You got it, Kit-Kat. But for the record, I like it when you call me Nino. It means that you know my name.”
Adrien nodded, still crying. It was a good thing that Nino had already seen him as a crying mess over the years, earlier in the week being the most recent example. He would have been super embarrassed otherwise. 
“I love you, Nino.”
“I love you, Kit-Kat.”
Adrien let himself turn into jello in Nino’s arms as his boyfriend peppered his hair with kisses, wondering how he had ever been scared to tell Carapace who he was. 
Because now, he was fairly certain this was the best day of his life. 
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niyes-lahiffe · 4 years
hey hey @emdoddles surprise!! I’m your secret santa! so here’s some good ol’ love square 1 and love square 2 (djwifi) in an older au ;) I hope you enjoy!! @mlsecretsanta
Babies are More Tedious Than What we Bargained For
Paris was always so wonderfully pleasant this time of year.
Most people would disagree, since during the wintertime, it was unbearably cold to them. But to Marinette? Cold meant bundling up in soft blankets, drinking delicious hot chocolate, and of course, cuddling with her wonderful husband.
Though, right now, she had other things plaguing her mind.
Marinette was sitting at her desk, deep in thought as she repeatedly tapped the pencil in her hand against the surface. She hadn't even noticed her husband returning home from work, and what snapped her out of her stupor was when he gently kissed the top of her head.
"Oh! I didn't even realize you came in," she said bashfully. Adrien just gave her a warm smile before quirking an eyebrow.
"Alright, what's eating you?" he asked as he scanned her up and down. "You look adorable but your hair's in a messy bun. Not to mention you've got a pencil behind both ears, in your mouth, AND in your hand." He knew her too well, even if she was...obvious.
Marinette's face started growing red. "O-oh I uh, I've just been...thinking..."
His quizzical look never faltered, if not grew even more intense as he pressed her on, "About...?"
"I...I...!" She took a comically deep breath. "I WANT TO HAVE A BABY LIKE ALYA AND NINO DO."
Adrien blinked. Marinette blinked.
"You..you want a baby?"
Marinette's mouth snapped shut and she nodded eccentrically.
As Adrien gawked, Marinette prepared herself for the worst, whether it be him denying because he didn't want one or because he wasn't ready or...
She yelped when Adrien gleefully scooped her up in the air with a bright laugh. "Marinette, that's wonderful!"
His hug was so tight but it was wondrous. Marinette blinked down in surprise at him. "It...really?" She didn't think she'd ever seen his grin as big as it was at this moment.
"Yes!" The kiss he gave her lips was sloppy, short and excited, and it sent every one of his emotions through his wife's veins. He set her down, but not before he twirled her around again, their delighted laughter filling the air. "I know we've talked about it briefly before but neither of us were ready...but I think we are now."
Marinette grinned at him, agreeing, "I think so, too."
They leaned in for another kiss when a loud, boisterous noise from outside interrupted. They were completely jarred, immediately running to the window to see what on earth had happened.
In unison they dashed over to the window.
"Oh dear..."
"Hot coco's done!"
Nino walked up to his wife, who help their baby in her arms. Little Zoe giggled at her papa when he leaned down to give her chin a tickle.
"It smells fabulous, babe," Alya complimented before reaching her head forward to give Nino's forehead a kiss as he played with Zoe.
The ground suddenly shook, and Alya and Nino both gasped. She handed the baby to the DJ after he set down the coco and peeked through the blinds to see what was going on. Her face blanched.
"...What is it?" Nino asked as Zoe babbled in his arms, completely carefree as she played with the headphones around his neck.
"I don't know, but it's something bad. Maybe an akuma, maybe some strange magic force, maybe something worse."
They both glanced at their kwamis, who shrugged.
Nino was in shock, yet still groaned. "An akuma? We haven't even heard from Hawkmoth in years! Why now?"
Alya backed away from the window, clearly distressed. "I don't know, but we need to help."
"Alya, we have a baby."
"One of us needs to go and see what's going on, then," Alya replied as she gently gave her fingers to Zoe, who grabbed them excitedly.
Nino first looked at his wife, then down at the baby in his arms. He was silent for a moment before saying, "You go. I'll watch over her."
Alya nodded and pecked her husband on the lips. "I'll let you know if we need any help."
"Please be safe, babe."
"I will." Rena Rouge was now standing where Alya was a moment ago, and she smiled encouragingly as she leaped out the window. Zoe cooed in awe as her mother, now a colorful superhero, zipped away.
"Don't worry, she'll keep her promise," Nino told his daughter, though he was mostly talking to himself. "She has to."
Carapace stood on the street in anxious anticipation. Rena had never contacted him, but judging by how long she was gone, he knew they were eventually going to need help.
Zoe was in his arms, sound asleep despite the loud noises of battle that surrounded every corner. This child was truly something else.
He hadn't had any time to get in touch with a babysitter, friend, or anyone of the sort, so he had to stick with putting a fake Rena mask on his child's face so no one would recognize her. It was a super cute mask that he absolutely would be gawking over if he wasn't so nervous about the fight.
Carapace's toe tapped as he heard Ladybug and Chat calling out in the distance, then cursed internally as he watched his wife fly across a few buildings.
Yeah, he really needed to help.
Carapace turned to the woman who was standing next to him, watching the fight in concern, and said, "HI do you like babies?"
He probably should've worded his sentence a bit better. The lady turned to him with wide and incredibly confused eyes. Rightfully so, but it was too late to go back now.
"Uh..yeah. I do," she replied. Judging by her weary eyes, it was obvious she'd already have run off if Carapace wasn't one of Paris' famed heroes.
"GREAT!" He gently shoved Zoe into her arms and took off, yelling all in one breath, "Watch her for me for a quick sec I'll be right back thank you!!"
The tedious battle had finally been conquered. It definitely wasn't CHALLENGING, per-say, but it was one of those times where everything just took forever. Rena had already given Carapace a scolding for practically throwing their child into a unknown lady's arms, but his defense was he was too anxious to think straight. However, when they finally landed on the street The green-clad superhero had dropped off Zoe, the lady was there and the baby...wasn't.
Carapace gawked at her. The lady also looked surprised so there was that, but she unfortunately wasn't getting out of the parents' rage.
"Where." He was going to say more but the lady interrupted with a panicked, "I DON'T KNOW SHE WAS HERE A SECOND AGO I SWEAR-"
"She was what?" Rena stepped in.
The woman proceeded to explain that she had been holding onto the baby for one moment (despite the extreme confusion at the suddenness of it all), and then she was simply...gone the next.
"You gave our baby. To a random stranger. And she LOST HER?" Carapace started backing up as Rena gripped her hair. "YOU GAVE OUR BABY TO A RANDOM STRANGER AND THEN SHE LOST HER!!" Her husband couldn't get away in time. Rena grabbed his shoulders and shook him viciously enough to cause him to go dizzy.
The stranger pointed behind them, eyes wide as a kite (and luckily before Rena could do any more damage) and croaked, "Uhhh...what's that?"
Carapace and Rena Rouge looked behind them to see a floating Rena Rouge mask.
"Mama! Da!" A childish voice called out happily, and Carapace would've had a heart attack as the mask stepped closer if he didn't instantly recognize the voice.
"There's my girl!" Rena rushed forward and scooped the object in the air, which admittedly looked pretty odd. Zoe giggled as she materialized into view. The superhero turned back to her husband, whose eyes were wider than saucers. The random lady was also no where to be seen. "So...our child can turn invisible. Might be a good idea to let LB and CN know."
Ladybug sat atop the rooftop and sighed as the sun fell, sending the sky into an array of beautiful deep colors. Sunsets in Paris were something magical, especially in the winter when all the clouds gathered together to create combinations never seen before.
Chat Noir landed beside her with a thump and gave her a delighted wink when she smiled up at him. He sat down next to her, fake stretching so he could casually slide his arm around her.
"I'm your wife, you dolt, you don't have to do that," she snickered at him.
Another pair of thumps sounded from behind them and they turned to see Rena and Carapace, with their still-masked baby in their arms.
"Sorry for the interruption, L," Rena said, smiling at her and Chat's extremely cheesy position.
"We've got some tubular news!" Carapace help Zoe out from underneath her arms, and she blew a raspberry at the pair of superheros. "Look at my child."
"That's great news but I think we knew about that already," Chat joked.
"But watch this!" Rena walked up to Zoe and said, "Can you show us your little trick, baby?"
Zoe laughed happily as she suddenly disappeared from view, leaving only the mask behind.
"WHOA now that's new!"
"What on earth caused this?" Ladybug asked as she stared in awe.
 Carapace said, "We're not entirely sure-"
"-But we think it has something to do with the fact we're both miraculous holders," Rena finished for him. She tickled the area below the mask and Zoe reappeared with more giggles.
Ladybug and Chat stared at each other. "Well. That's certainly...exciting!" Ladybug chided.
Rena inspected the both of them for a good moment. "You two are planning on having a kid, aren't you?"
They would certainly be surprised if they didn't know this was just how Alya was.
Ladybug sighed, defeated. "Yeah..."
"Well, I just wanna let you know that, despite how strange this is, I know Carapace and I will get through it." She grabbed her husband's hand and gave him a warm smile, which he returned.
Chat laughed at their cheesiness. "That's GROSSSS."
"Oh like you and lovebug aren't any better, cat boy!"
"We can tell you two dudes need to talk, though, so we'll give you some space," Carapace said with a wink. Then, he and Rena were off with a heartful goodbye.
Ladybug and Chat were silent for a long moment, finding themselves holding their hands together tightly.
She finally broke the silence with a, "...I still think we should do it."
Chat gave her hand a loving squeeze. "I think so, too."
They shared another sweet kiss as the sun finished setting, unsure of what was to come for their future, but they knew they'd be fine as long as they were together.
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deathbymeow · 3 years
First Encounter
Adrien stood in the foyer of the penthouse apartment. His limbs frozen as he saw her for the first time in three years. He couldn’t turn back now but he didn’t know how to move forwards either.
She’d been the only thing driving him forward, the only thing keeping him sane until he could return but he hadn’t expected his body to fail him like this.
Marinette moved in time with the music. Her dark hair flowed over her bare shoulders spilling down her back. The slip dress she wore moved hypnotically against her skin as her bare feet travelled over the timber floor. She hadn’t seen him, and he still wasn’t sure if he wanted her too.
Before he could decide, Luka walked into view and headed straight towards Marinette. Luka grabbed her waist and turned her around to face him. Words were exchanged between them before Marinette wrapped her hands around Luka’s neck and pulled him down. As she kissed him a wave of nausea hit Adrien and the reality of his absence hit him like a tonne of bricks.
It had been three years since he’d been shipped off to New York. Adrien had tried to rebel against the dictatorship that was Gabriel Agreste, but after 29 people including some of his classmates and Marinette’s father had died in a fatal akuma attack, there was no reasoning with him.
Adrien was barely seventeen, in his last years of schooling before he went to collage. He could have ran, hell he wanted to but he’d been riddled with guilt so he went not knowing when he would return.
Adrien knew what it felt like to be isolated after living with his cold father for years but living with his Aunt and cousin Felix had been a whole new kind of torture. He’d been closely watched and always had his bodyguard with him.
Chloe had been the only one allowed to visit him and only because of the family connection. With her mother living in New York, she visited often. Chloe constantly lectured him about coming home. Even the fact that his passport was hidden from him didn’t stop her suggesting that she could sneak him out of the country on her private jet. Communication with his other friends had been heavily monitored but Chloe would always return home with dozens of letters he’d written to Marinette. The information to sensitive and private to run the risk of anyone else’s eyes.
Adrien had just turned twenty giving him access to his trust fund that held a sizable amount from his years of modelling as well as his Mothers inheritance. Gabriel and his Aunt had lost their power over him. He demanded his passport back with threats he’d take the matter to the embassy and press charges.
Adrien only wished he’d done it sooner. Chloe had been right he was avoiding his responsibility’s back in Paris. He still hadn’t come to terms with the guilt, but he knew he couldn’t go on without seeing her. He was willing to do whatever it took to win her heart back. So, Adrien let Chloe organize all the details of his flight and before he knew it he was finally home.
Now standing in Chloe’s apartment he was a ball of nerves. The girl in front of him no longer looked like the girl he’d left behind. Her cute piggy tails had been abandoned long ago. Now her hair tumbled halfway down her back, her long bangs fell in her eyes and framed her pretty face as she kissed Luka.
“Hey bro, there you are. I thought we were going to meet in the lobby?” Nino said as he caught sight of what held Adrien’s attention. “Oh man, dude, I’m sorry he wasn’t meant to be here tonight.”
Adrien shook his head and turned to leave. He knew there was history between Marinette and Luka, but no one had informed him that they were still a thing. His chest hurt and the air in the room suddenly seemed to dissolve.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why did he ever think he still had a chance with her. He wanted to leave but Nino grabbed his arm and dragged him down a hallway and out onto a balcony.
“Adrien, I’m so sorry you had to see that dude.” Nino shook his head and leaned on the railing watching Adrien closely.
“Shit Nino, why didn’t you tell me instead of letting me hope I still had a chance?” Adrien was still struggling to breath. He grabbed onto the railing and lowered his head hoping to steady his trembling hands and ease the twisted feeling in his gut.
“It’s not what you think Adrien. I mean, I know it looks bad and yeah it’s no secret that Luka loves her, but she refuses to commit to him or anything for that matter.” Alya appeared in the doorway and headed straight for Adrien. “Marinette isn’t the same girl anymore. She struggles to let any of us in.”
“Hey, Alya.” Adrien turned around and hugged her.
“Hey Sunshine, it won’t be easy, but she needs you.” Alya said ruffling his blonde hair.
“Alya, she never wrote back. I… I tried to explain everything. Hell, I even told her multiple times just how much I loved her, but I never heard from her. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her, do you really think I still have a chance?”
“Do you still love her?” Alya asked leaning against Nino.
“More than I thought possible.” Adrien looked away at the distant lights. He thought over time his feeling may have dulled but instead they’d only intensified to the point he felt like he’d left a piece of his heart and soul in Paris.
“Then fight for her. Even if that means you have to fight her until she lets her defences down.” Alya said firmly.
“Alya’s right dude, she would never admit it, but she’s been lost without you.” Nino added.
“You guys are forgetting something though. The akuma attack that killed her pappa it was, it is my fault. She has every right to hate me.” Adrien inhaled and held it hoping to stop the tears that wanted to escape.
“Adrien, no. Just no. It’s Hawkmoth’s fault. We were just kids trying our hardest against a madman.” Alya grabbed his arms and gave him a light shake. “She needs you, whether she knows it or not.”
“Al has a point dude. You need to go talk to her.”
“Nino wait.” Adrien shook his head and grabbed his best friend’s arm. “I’m not ready.”
“Bro you got this, you just need a little push.” Before Adrien could say anything else Alya and Nino disappeared inside leaving him alone on the balcony.
“Kid he’s right. It’s been long enough. How many times do I have to tell you, she doesn’t blame you.” Plagg flew out of his jacket pocket and floated in front of his face, crossing his little paws as he went.
“Plagg, you don’t know that for sure.” Adrien looked over the edge again as his mind travailed back to that night.
When all the dust cleared, and they realised what couldn’t be fixed with the miraculous cure, Ladybug fell apart. With no lucky charm to fix the damage there were bodies’ left everywhere. The battle had been intense, and all the miraculous holders had been in play. A devastated Chat had carried the inconsolable Ladybug into an abandon building with Rena, Caprice, Viperion and Queen Bee. Everyone heard their miraculous beeping, but no one could move. When the beeping stopped Adrien had been left cradling a sobbing Marinette while their friends looked on.
It killed him to leave Ladybug alone to face Hawkmoth and Marinette alone to grieve but she’d refused to see him. There were no goodbyes and no closure to the reality of their civilian identity’s. Something he’d tried to address in his letters.
Ladybug had the help of the other miraculous holders after he left, but it hadn’t gone unnoticed that her fight had become almost ruthless. Her new super suit looked like it belonged out of the video game, Assassin’s creed. She no longer smiled, and Adrien could clearly see what others might miss. Her eyes showed the internal battle and pain she wouldn’t let go of. A silent rage like an electrical storm without the thunder to warn you of the danger.
Marinette knew he was back. She also didn’t know if she was ready to confront her once school crush and silly pun throwing partner who happened to be the same blonde-haired green-eyed boy she loved.
To many emotions swirled around her head and heart when it came to him. She was furious and hurt that he left her to pick up all the pieces after her life fell apart. She didn’t know if she hated him or loved him so much it hurt just thinking about him. When anyone mentioned Adrien or his alter ego she would snarl a warning to stop.
Marinette downed another drink before kicking her shoes off and letting the music control her body. It was easy to get lost in the music with the alcohol coursing through her system. She was vaguely aware of Chloe telling her she’d already drunk too much, but she chose to ignore her.
She hated what she was doing to her mum and friends, but it was easier to be numb than to feel it all. Most days she woke up feeling like she was drowning. Night after night the nightmares plagued her dreams. If she was lucky enough sometimes the alcohol managed to dull the pain and help her sleep.
Her other escape was Luka. She loved him but refused to admit it. Even with his love it wasn’t enough to mask her feelings towards the green-eyed traitor. How could she fully be Luka’s when her body and soul ached for someone else?
Hands grabbed her waist and when she opened her eyes she was looking into the aqua eyes of Luka. He looked pissed at her and for a moment she wondered why.
“Marinette, what the hell. I’ve been messaging you all week. When you didn’t come home your mamma was worried. She doesn’t deserve that. I don’t either.” He said over the music.
“Lu, you worry too much. It’s only been three days.” She ran her finger down his nose and leaned back against his hands, letting him hold her weight. “I just needed to clear my head schools been kicking my ass and I had deadlines.” Marinette reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Pulling him down, her lips crashed against his and she felt him relax against her. She let his tongue into her mouth as his hands slid down her back and rested on her hips.
Luka pulled away first breathing heavy. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into Chloe’s spare room and ravish her body, but he knew what she was doing. Adrien was something she refused to talk about, and Chat Noir was no different. She would do anything to change the subject but now he was back it was only a matter of time before she had to face everything she’d tried so hard to forget.
Luka was terrified he was going to lose what little of her he had. He loved her so much it hurt sometimes but she was hurting too, and it killed him. He’d do anything to fix her. Even if it meant letting her go. It may kill him in the process but the time he had with her was better than nothing at all and if that’s all he could have then so be it.
“You can’t keep ignoring it Marinette. You won’t talk to me about it. About any of it. Maybe it’s him you need to heal that broken heart of yours.” He kissed her forehead, turned around and left. Trying his hardest to ignore her calling his name.
“Lu stop talking shit. Luka, get back here.” She yelled throwing her hands up and stomping her bare foot against the cold floor.
“Mari, what’s going on?” Alya gently took Marinette’s hand and turned her around to face her.
“It’s nothing. I just need another drink Al.” Marinette tried to walk back over to the bar in the corner where Chloe was sitting filing her nails and chatting to Tikki, Trixx and Pollen.
“Ah, I don’t think so missy. You’ve had enough tonight. I think you need some fresh air.” She tugged on her hand and led her to the balcony.
“Alya what are you doing, it’s cold out there.” Marinette complained as she tried to dig her heals in but Alya had the upper hand thanks to her sober state.
“Cold air will do you good girl. Now stop complaining.” Once outside Alya took a step back inside the door. “I’m sorry but you need to deal with your shit.” She said as she closed and locked the door.
“Alya, what the hell! You’re crazy, let me in?” Marinette yelled as she banged on the door.
Marinette stood still as the smooth voice washed over her, leaving her skin tingling like she’d just been zapped. She rested her face against the cold glass and shut her eyes.
“I can’t do this.” She whispered.
“My Lady, please turn around.” He begged.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore.” Her temper flared at her old nickname and she spun around; her eyes blazed into his. “You left… You left me. I needed you and you left.” She held her head high, but her voice wavered as she struggled to keep it together.
“I know. I… I failed you. I…” He stuttered as her blue eyes bore into his soul.
“Tikki.” Marinette called as she felt the panic wash over her like hot ice.
“Wait, Marinette please” He took a step towards her.
Marinette backed away as Tikki flew through the glass.
“Marinette is everything okay?” Tikki asked as she noticed Adrien. “Oh, Adrien.”
“Tikki…” Marinette’s voice was barely a whisper now as she shut her eyes tight. The panic was tightening around her heart and squeezing her lungs making it impossibly hard to breath.
“Please Marinette we need to talk…”
“Spots on.”
Pink light washed over Marinette and by the time it had dissipated Ladybug had replaced her.
Adrien knew it was never going to be an easy reunion. The nerd in him couldn’t help but dream about her running into his arms and confessing her undying love for him before kissing him senseless. The realist in him knew that wouldn’t be the case, but he hadn’t prepared himself for the reality of her not even wanting to look at him let alone talk to him. The panic in her eyes had been real. Was she afraid of him? Was it pure hatred?
Now standing before him Ladybug looked every bit the assassin bug the media had dubbed her new look. She no longer adored the cute spotted mask instead the lower part of her face was covered by a black vail, with her fierce blue eyes blazing underneath the black hood that covered her braided hair.
The hood attached to a sheer black kimono, pulled tight by a black leather corset that laced up the back with red ribbon. The ribbon tales were long and seemed to fly behind her of their own accord. The asymmetrical hem of the kimono exposed the hip of her right leg and ended in a sharp point on her left knee. Without her black tights the kimono wouldn’t have covered much. Her right thigh had three deadly looking blades held in place with three red belt like bands. Delicate red stitching adorned the cuffs of the lose sleeves and flowed down the asymmetrical hem.
Up close Adrien realised that the stitching was symbols of an ancient text. The text seemed to glow, illuminating her silhouette against the dark night sky of Paris. He took a step towards her with his hands up in surrender but before he could get any closer, she leapt over the edge and swung into the darkness. The glow of the stitching leaving a red trail in her wake.
Adrien stood frozen watching her disappear into the night.
“Snap out of it kid. Go after her.” Plagg flew in front of his face and waved his little paws around as he floated upside down.
“You’re right, Plagg claws out.”
A flash of green washed over Adrien as he jumped off the balcony. He felt the rush of the miraculous magic flow through his veins for the first time in years. He’d missed his alter ego and his body reacted as if catapulting through the air was second nature to him. He landed hard on a roof top and ran on all fours, letting his limbs stretch as he leapt to the next building.
He was catching up to the red glow and a surge of adrenaline shot through his system driving him forwards. Before long he could make out her form. She was heading to the Eiffel tower. It surprised him that she’d head there. The two had spent many nights together watching Paris from above.
He reached the tower and landed on their old perch. He was sure this is where he last saw her but there was no sight of her. Chat shook his head and was about to head to the top for a better look when something slammed into his back. The weight pinned him to the ground, he instinctively knew who it was. All his senses were tingling, and it got worse as he felt her hot breath in his ear.
“You shouldn’t have followed me.”
Chat’s heart was racing. He wanted to see her. To feel her touch. To hear her voice even if it was only to yell at him. Hot tears fell from his closed eyes and he forced himself to breath.
“I’d rather die than lose you again.” He hadn’t anticipated saying it with such force and neither had Ladybug.
Chat felt her weight shift slightly and before he knew what he was doing he had her pined on her back. He held her hands above her head with one hand and cradled her head with the other. Her blue eyes reflected the stairs above and his heart clenched when he noticed tears wetting her long lashes. Her bottom lip trembled as she started to lose control of her emotions.
“I’m sorry princess. I’m sorry for everything. For taking your pappa away. For leaving you to deal with it. For not saying goodbye. For not telling you how much I love you. Every part of you. Not just Ladybug but Marinette.” He choked out as tears streamed down his face and landed on hers.
“I don’t blame you if you can’t forgive me, god knows I haven’t. I just want a chance to show you how much you mean to me. We could have a new beginning, forget about Hawkmoth and move away. We could go anywhere you want. I know you’re tired so let somebody else take over.” Chat begged as he let go of her hands to wipe his tear-stained face.
Ladybug hadn’t taken her eyes off his. He meant every word he’d said but he hadn’t meant to say it all like that and definitely not all at once.
In one swift movement she unclipped her vail and grabbed his face. Before he could react, her lips crashed into his with such force it hurt. Chat recovered quickly and he melted into the kiss. It was everything he’s dreamed of and more. Her lips sent shockwaves through his system and a low rumble escaped the back of his throat. She bit his lip hard and he moaned allowing her tongue into his mouth. He hadn’t experienced passion like this before. His whole body tingled where hers touched his and he felt as if he might self-combust at any moment.
At some point they had moved and now Ladybug was on top of Chat. She abruptly ended the kiss and straight away Chat missed her lips against his. She pushed the hair out of his eyes and sighed.
“We can’t have a new beginning Chat. The only thing I can focus on is the ending. His ending. I’m going to make him suffer for everything he stole from me. I won’t take you down that road with me. You still have a chance.” And with that she took off into the night sky leaving Chat behind.
Chat tried to get up, but he tripped on his tail that had conveniently tangled around his legs and he fell to his knees. By the time he’d untangled himself she was gone. He looked over the city, their city, and he made a silent promise to himself. He was going to save her from herself. He would make up for everything he’d done even if it took the rest of his life, they would get their new beginning.
Part 2
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror Finale (P.1...)
masterlist (catch up on parts 1-5 here!) request guidelines
pairing: draco x ravenclaw!reader
summary: y/n has had a crush on draco malfoy from afar since--well, forever. what will happen when they’re paired up for prefect rounds and run into a special mirror?
warnings: language
a/n: heyyy guys...how are you doing...so i’m sure you’ve noticed that i have p.1 added into this even though it’s marked as a finale...yes i am aware of the fact but it is not even close to being done and i do not want to give this a half baked ending. i thought you guys might like seeing what i’ve been sitting on for a long time. more writing will be coming soon! i promise! i’m actually working on another oneshot soon that’ll be fun to put out there !
overall tags:  @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry 
mirror mirror tags:  @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @mey-rapp @kaibie @blackpinkdolan @the-wiener-soldierrrrr @sugarbby99
word count: 2.9k
music recs: i sink i sink -- living hold ; wishes -- beach house ; could this be love? -- saturn 17
Y/N played with the cup of tea that sat steaming before her, running the tips of her fingers around the golden rim. The soft chamomile scent rose up to her nose in charmed yellow tendrils, something that would’ve been calming had she not been sat in front of Professor Trelawny, answering uncomfortable questions and averting her gaze from her loony eyes.
“Dearie, I know that you may not want to share, but it’s incredibly important for the healing process. Even more important than the potions and the tea leaf readings.”
“Er...when I first fell asleep, all my dreams were just of past memories. Aft--”
“Excuse me.” Trelawny held up her hand as she scratched a heading on her parchment. “If you want to get better, you must add more details. What memories? Of what?” 
Y/N swallowed, casting her eyes to the ceiling. “Erm...I saw Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” Her breath hitched as the professor furrowed her eyebrows. Suddenly the teacup felt scalding in her hand. “I saw our rounds together. When we ran into the mirror, that is.”
“What mirror?”
“The Mirror of Erised.” 
Trelawny raised her eyebrow--a quick motion but not entirely unassuming. “Interesting. Very, very curious indeed. Go on.”
“I saw us...together. I didn’t think that it was a special mirror until afterwards because it looked the same. We were...uhm...together.”
It took a few seconds of staring at Trelawny’s googly eyes before she realized she’d just repeated herself.
“And after that….” Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to draw out the rest of her memories. “I don’t remember everything else. I’m sorry. It was just everything that I remember about Malfoy in particular...like, the first time I saw him, what it was like to talk to him for the first time, running away from him in the Slytherin dungeons that one night I had to stay overnight for potions...that’s it.”
Her professor nodded gravely, shifting in the only chairs that the hospital wing provided to visitors--hard, cold mahogany wood. “Well done. And after? Once Miss Severyjn woke you up?”
Her throat felt dry. Of course I’d have to recount what happened. Of course I have to tell them about how I had a dream about making out with him in my dorm. Of course. Just my luck.
“I’m sorry,” said Y/N. “It’s just...weird. It felt too private.”
Trelawny seemed slightly empathetic at this; her eyes seemed even kinder (albeit still dreamy) than usual. “I’ve heard it all, love. No need to be ashamed.”
“Okay.” She took a steadying breath. “I...well...it’s fuzzy. I can’t remember exactly why we ended up ditching our rounds and why we decided to go to my dorm instead.”
It was difficult to continue when she saw her companion’s eyebrows shoot up a few inches, but she steeled herself. 
“It took me a long time to unlock my dorm door--I think I was nervous, or something, because my hands were shaking too hard to hold my wand steady. He moved my hand aside and said something--I can’t quite remember what--and he just unlocked it himself. I think I dragged him in by his tie, and he told me that I was trembling, and then before I knew it he was cupping my face. I remember being surprised by how warm his hands were. I thought they’d be colder.”
“Go on, doll. I only need a little bit more.”
“It’s awfully embarrassing, you know,” said Y/N. “I hardly know him.”
“Don’t you worry. Your dream was created by whatever traces of magic the Mirror of Erised left on you. This has nothing to do with how you view Malfoy.”
She dared to smile at this point, mostly as a way to pretend like she wasn’t mortified recounting her tale. “He kissed me. I don’t know if you need any more details, but that’s the grand picture of it all. He kissed me, and I didn’t stop him, and now I feel like a proper creeper, having fantasies about a boy who wants nothing to do with me.”
The wrinkles on Trelawny’s forehead deepened. “Don’t fret. The Mirror of Erised is a very powerful thing. You couldn’t have influenced that dream to work any different than it had. On that note…” She brushed herself off and rolled up the parchment. “You’ve given me enough to work with. The reason why I ask is because sometimes certain dreams can be prophetic--sometimes regarding important wizarding events that the headmaster ought to be aware of--or potentially deadly. Both instances require a bit more...of an intensive treatment regiment, if you will. I’m happy to report to you that your bout of Dream Sickness shouldn’t develop into anything more sinister. I’ll recommend that you stay here for a bit longer, just to ensure that you don’t slip into it again, but you should be able to have visitors and wean yourself off of Dreamless Sleep. Rest up, darling. You have a lot of sleeping to do.”
Y/N smiled weakly as she allowed Trelawny to pluck the teacup from her hands and swirl the leaves about.
“Nothing but good news in your future, just as I suspected. Good night!” 
Life in the infirmary led Y/N to walk a wobbly line of consciousness. Once Madame Pomfrey lowered the doses of her potion, dreams began to once again tickle at her sleeping mind. Sometimes people she knew would appear next to her bedside, and she was never able to tell if it was real. During one of these instances, Rena appeared to hold her hand and recount the hottest gossip that she missed.
“...And after that, Parvati told Lavender Brown that she was nothing but a ditz whose only acts of Gryffindor bravery had to do with the fact that she left her room every morning wearing THAT disaster of a cloak…but I’m boring you, I can tell.”
Y/N, or perhaps Dream Y/N, whichever one she was, sent her a soft smile. “S’okay. Tell me more.”
“Oh, I totally forgot!” Rena squeezed her hand. “I talked to Flitwick about the whole incident. He sends his condolences. He also says that you’re excused from rounds until we reassign partners. No more late nights with Malfoy!”
She rolled her eyes, shuffling further under the blankets. This was just a dream, just a dream.
“Sucks to be him. He’s gonna have to walk all those big, scary halls alone at night.” 
Rena cracked a grin, but something flashed across her eyes that Y/N couldn’t quite decipher. “Yeah. He already had his knickers in a twist over having to do it the first night. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he missed you.”
“He missed having someone to harass, you mean,” corrected Y/N. 
“Yeah, I suppose so. He’s not all bad all the time though, you know. I mean, granted, he is a rich little prat, but he has some good in him.”
“Got a crush, hm?” 
Rena’s eyes shifted again. She was nervous thought Y/N. But why? She quickly decided to ask Madame Pomfrey for a higher dose of Dreamless Sleep the next time she saw her as a lucid member of society. This stuff is getting out of hand. 
Before Dream Rena left, she dropped off a bouquet of flowers--white roses, her favorite. Y/N tried to thank her, but she felt herself being tugged softly to a different dream, away, away, away from her dear friend. 
It took a rough shake of the shoulder from Madame Pomfrey before she was awake again.
“Drink,” she said, forcing a goblet of something foul into her hands. “You’ve been delirious. You need to wake up.”
The taste that hit her tongue was bitter and laced with the nostalgia of O.W.Ls season last year--Wide-Eye Potion. Her consciousness came crashing down on her like a cool tide and she became aware of how much sweat was dripping down her back.
“Feel better?”
Y/N nodded, but as she turned to set her now-empty goblet on the table next to her, her stomach lurched. 
A vase of white roses stood, unimposing in nature but anxiety inducing when she considered the implications they carried. Rena’s visit hadn’t been a dream--and her last excuse to see Draco, the boy who had made her life hell for the last few weeks, was gone. 
So why did it feel like she’d just been punched in the stomach?
Exactly a week and one day after she had been admitted to the hospital, Madame Pomfrey allowed her a special privilege--the chance to take a walk around the castle grounds. After breathing the same stale hospital wing air, Y/N was eager to fill her lungs with something colder and fresh.
“Stick close to the gravel path,” said Madame Pomfrey, the wrinkles in her forehead deepening with each word she spoke. “Do not, and I mean, do not, get near a single magical artifact or so help me Merlin. If you feel the slightest bit feverish, you will come right back here and you will not--under any circumstances--lie down and shut your eyes. Am I understood?”
“Yes, Madame Pomfrey.” The words fell out of Y/N’s mouth without her really taking any notice; instead, she watched the way the trees moved outside, swaying softly with the wind. “I promise I’ll be careful.”
The nurse nodded--a brisk, tense motion. “Good. Be back here in 30 minutes. Any later and I will employ the entire staff of this castle to come track you down so I can personally drag you back here.”
Y/N had forgotten how air could be crisp--crisp she thought giddily--as she waltzed her way down the steps and into the courtyard. Her loafers made a satisfying tap on the stone that she almost missed when the pathway turned to gravel, the rocks crunching under toe instead. But regardless, she was stoked. In that moment, she had never felt more alive, not even after she’d gotten near straight Os last year...but seconds later, she was hit with something other than euphoria: namely, a silk clad black shoulder. 
“Ow.”  Y/N went face first into the ground, her cheek bouncing off the hard floor.
“Ah, fuck! Fuck! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” A posh voice, no doubt the owner of the silky shoulder, sounded from above her. “Oh, oh my god, Y/N? Is that you?”
She rolled over on her back and looked right up into the concerned eyes of Draco Malfoy.
“Er...Hi,” she said. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at her. “Are you alright? Why are you out of the hospital wing?”
“Madame Pomfrey let me go for a walk. She said that it’s good for me. Also she told me not to...fuck, I’m not supposed to lie down!”
The flash of terror in her eyes seemed to say enough, and before she knew it, he was hauling her up off the ground.
“Why are they letting you walk out all alone?” asked Draco, his tone demanding but not entirely uncaring. 
“I think they presumed that everyone on the path would have the common decency to avoid a poor sick girl coming out for her first walk in a week, but clearly they thought too soon.”
Draco still hadn’t completely let go of her shoulders, where his hands were clasped firmly around the sides in a gesture meant to steady. He snorted at that moment, a bit of his old self shining back through as he narrowed his eyes down good-naturedly at her. “It’s hardly like the entire school has been issued a warning that you’ve been released.”
“Oh, quit stroking my ego like that.” Y/N tilted her eyebrow to examine him. For the most part, her old rounds partner looked no different--same strikingly light eyes, same aristocratic features, same expensive and fashionable apparel--but the bags under his eyes were new. “Have you been sleeping? Like, at all?”
“Yeah, you. Who else?”
His hands moved away from their supporting position to scratch the back of his neck. “Oh, er, not much. I keep worrying about getting what you came down with. Rena told me about the Dream Sickness and how it was because of the mirror, and it’s just hard for me to sleep.”
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.”
“Yeah.” He shifted his weight back and forth, his hands shoved deep into his pockets.
“What exactly did Rena tell you?” Y/N’s words snapped Draco back to attention. “And if you say everything I will lie down on the ground, go back into my dream coma, and tell everyone it’s your fault.”
“Well, then.” A smirk danced across his lips. “Nothing. Rena told me nothing.”
Y/N stared at him for a few seconds before lowering herself to the ground, never breaking eye contact. 
“What--what are you doing?”
His face went out of her eye line as she lay flat on the ground, stretching her limbs out to vaguely resemble a starfish and exhaling a heavy sigh. “I’m going to sleep right here. When Madame Pomfrey finds me, barely toeing the line between life and death, I’ll have rehearsed a speech in my mind about how Draco Malfoy knocked a poor sick girl over in the gravel pathway and then harassed her to the point of exhaustion.”
When Y/N opened her eyes, she could see Draco come into vision. His green and silver striped tie swung in the air above her as he leaned over her, a slight grimace on his face.
“I don’t think you were sorted into the right house.”
“Keep your comments to yourself,” she said, shutting her eyes again and taking in a deep breath. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”
“I thought you were--Y/N, wait!” A hand reached out to gently shake her shoulder. “Wait! I thought you were kidding!”
“I never kid. I’m very serious. Leave me be, now. I have a speech to write.”
She heard a loud and rather over dramatic sigh above her before a hand started tugging at her arm, lifting it up over her head and pulling.
“Draco! Stop!”
“Calling me Draco, now, huh? Awfully intimate when you’re about to frame me for attempted murder,” he said, his tone surprisingly consistent and clear for someone hauling a whole adult woman off the ground. “Can you at least try to help me? A little bit?”
“Fuck off,” was the only thing coming out of Y/N’s mouth as he pulled her to her feet for the second time in less than 10 minutes. Once they were both standing, just barely a meter apart, Y/N found herself at a complete loss for words. Draco was looking down at her with an emotion displayed across his features that she could not quite place, and it made her stomach twist. 
“You have gravel stuck in your hands.” 
His voice took her by surprise. It had softened considerably, almost to a whisper. There was none of the usual snottiness or nasal judgement present--just a breathy declaration that made her knees weak from the sudden shift in energy.
His hand moved towards hers, and he met her eyes with a gaze that asked “is this okay?” Y/N couldn’t help but just stare, wide-eyed and unable to blink, as he gently took her hand and began pulling out the rocks. 
“I have to tell you something,” said Draco, still quiet and unimposing in tone. “I...I know that this might come as a surprise, and I know that you...er...probably don’t care to hear this, but, erm…”
Y/N just stared.
“I’ve been feeling this way for a while, and I just didn’t really figure it out until you, uh, you got sick, and I know I’ve been a proper prat to you and that you have no need to reciprocate anything, truly, but, ehm…”
His adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he squeezed his eyes shut, like he was in pain or something. 
“Spit it out, Draco, I don’t have all day,” added Y/N lightly. 
“Miss Y/L/N!” 
A voice boomed across the courtyard, making Y/N nearly jump out of her skin. A quick turn revealed that it was Madame Pomfrey. And a furious Madame Pomfrey at that.
“You foolish, foolish girl,” said Pomfrey, seizing her by the arm and dragging her away. “Speaking to the same boy in your dreams? Why don’t you just go and lick the Mirror of Erised and fall asleep right after? You give me migraines.”
“I’m so sorry Madame Pomfrey! I didn’t mean to!” Apologies rolled out of Y/N’s mouth at a rapid-fire pace, not stopping until she’d been escorted back to her bed.
“I am so disappointed in you,” the older lady snapped as she stormed over to the neighboring bed, angrily wringing out a washcloth. “No visitors. Not until you have a perfect bill of health.”
Hospital air had never felt so stale.
final a/n: whew this was a long one and definitely not all. this was about half of my draft and i’m still working on it, so we’ll see how long the next one is. i hope that you guys enjoyed! comments/thoughts on this chapter will definitely give me more motivation to finish this series strong, so i’d love to hear what you guys thought of this :) thanks for reading!
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did not sign up for this part 10: Mari plots plotting
So long time no post. I live. Ish. Also finally figured out readmore on mobile, so yay. Will take forever to edit posts now though. Explanation at the bottom First part here previous part here. Ao3 here
Marinette wanted to go on record that Mandeliev did not, in fact, give her an extra day or so to study for the test. Why? Instead, she was told she may do a paper on the application of physics in gymnastics and principles of evasion in urban areas and how to combine the two to maximize one’s ability to run away from akumas and other dangers.
Or as Nino put it: “I am tormenting you into running better, the eight page essay.”
Alya dubbed it the “Run Better Paper.”
Aurore said it should include more formulas when Marinette showed her the draft. (as Adrien would complain about lack of theories and how she should have used this advanced formula she’d never heard of instead and then Marinette would have to forcibly stop him from taking over her paper. Again.)
Kim had taken to keeping her in his hoodie, escorting her to the bakery and didn’t leave her alone until Adrien said it was his “Marinette Anxiety Watch” shift.
Which she would like to go on record, is just plain mean to say. She has Liar 100% under control when world ending things and metaphorical bomb drops aren’t happening to her constantly.
Bruce tried to contact Diana and Arthur again. Hal was off world, and therefore useless.
As his missing son hadn’t contacted them yet. Was still in the Miraculous team’s custody. And he saw the footage of Robin—Damian—being hunted by a lving shadow, an element casting swordswoman, and a strategist that seemed to know exactly what to do to keep Robin cornered in battle. The living shadows—Chat Noir—tried to kill his son with Cataclysm.
That was when they were in public, and had Hal watching over them.
He didn’t want to think about what the kids might do unsupervised to someone that tried to kill Ladybug, openly stalked her civilian self, and apparently tried stalk her again, in broad daylight. And possibly may have revealed her secret identity…
From the comments, it seemed that the Parisians hadn’t connected his sons aliases to the pair, writing it off as “Copy-cat Vigilantes” thankfully. And none of them were revealing more than “so the Fashion Disaster tried to go after Chat and Ryuko’s civvie… Not A Smart CopyBird” was the most he was able to get.
His children, on the other hand…
“I Fucking KNEW IT!” Tim yelled. “I knew it was her!”
“But,” Jason smirked. “You didn’t tell us.”
“Soup girl, baby bat!” Cass said gleefully.
“Wait, we both talked to her—and you didn’t say you thought it was her either Cass!”
“So what I’m hearing, if my ears don’t deceive me,” Jason continued. “Is that you all lost too.”
“Wait a minute!”
“No way—”
Cass shrugged. She was the least invested in winning. She got to meet soup girl, who is very nice and her parents are safe for Baby Bat.
“We don’t have proof,” Dick pointed out. “Didn’t you say something about her being a mouse?”
“Yes.” Cass cut through Tim and Stephanie’s waffling. “She is.”
Dick rubbed his forehead. “How many secrets can one kid have?”
“Five?” Jason said without much thought. “Limit is definitely five.”
“Let me get this straight,” Miss Sting began, watching Ladybug very, very carefully. Rena and Carapace were busy that night and couldn’t act as the team’s Common Sense Filter in person. and texts only went so far.
So the job fell to Aurore. To talk (probably Marinette) Ladybug out of a Very, Stupendously, Inconceivably Bad Idea.
“You want to trust Robin—the kid who tried to kill you—to contact his mother—an assassin—to talk strategy about how to take down Hawkmoth’s civilian life’s business, not kill him, and trust that they won’t kill you?”
“…I’m bringing Chat with me.”
“What, do you want me to use a Lucky Charm to prove this is our best bet?”
“You know what?” Miss Sting threw her hands up. “Yes, yes I do.”
“Fine.” Ladybug threw her yoyo skyward. “Lucky Charm!”
A red, spotted ball with an 8 on it came down.
“… you have got to be kidding me.”
Ladybug shrugged. “Uh, Magic Eightball, is it okay to trust Robin with this?”
One shake later and the floating die window read “Without a Doubt.”
“Give me that.” Miss Sting scowled, shaking as she asked. “Should she bring someone besides Chat and Robin—like someone from our team or Wonder Woman or Aquaman?”
The ball answered “Outlook not so good.”
Miss Sting glared at the magic eight ball. “I can’t believe this!”
Ladybug shrugged. “Lucky Charms are Lucky Charms—and I gotta go.”
Miss Sting checked her beeping spinning top. Someone was just akumatized.
“Re-charge first!” Miss Sting yelled before swinging ahead.
“Oh, hey, when’s Demon Spawn going to contact us?” Jason asked as other bats calmed down.
“He’s not answering his communicator.” Bruce growled. “Hal took it earlier.”
The bats paused at that.
“Well then. Trackers?”
“Disabled—what? We didn’t need anyone crashing the apology and he ran off before I could stop him,” Dick defended. He is not Damian’s keeper. Just his Batman (as yes Bruce, he is Damian’s Batman and Damian is his Robin. Current masks not-withstanding).
“Then how are we supposed to find him?” Stephanie asked as the room grew uneasy.
No one answered that.
“How’s this,” Tim began. “Me, Steph and Cass agreed on who Hawkmoth probably is, each of us has a different set of evidence for it—and I’m counting breaking into his evil Liar and the cameras catching him mid-act a few minutes ago as absolute proof.”
“I’m sorry, you did what!” Stephanie leaned over Tim’s shoulder to see. “Oh shit. Isn’t that guy—”
“One of her friends? According to their private Instagram accounts, more like partner in crime and possible Chat Noir. I mean, he’s the one that calls her his “everyday Ladybug” and voices Chat Noir in everything." Tim answered idly. “My money’s on him not knowing at all.”
Bruce twitched. Then began to add ‘stalking social media feeds’ to his to-do list tonight.
“So,” Tim stepped forward. “I suggest we send this to the Wonder Woman and ask for Robin’s comm to be returned, and failing that, I bugged the video so anything they play it on, we get access to its IP and can find where they are.”
“Have Oracle go over the bug, just in case,” Bruce told them. “In the mean time, the rest of you suit up for the night. Gotham needs its vigilantes.”
Marinette wanted to go on the record that her plan (to keep the bats away) was going well. Deciding what to do with Mu—R—Damian. Damian. Damian and his offer, was a challenge.
For obvious reasons, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Aquaman were against her asking a bunch of assassins for their help. Chat has more than a few reservations. Carapace, Rena and Miss Sting gave her looks for that plan.
But it would work. She needs more information on how to make the plan burning in the back of her mind work. It’s a lot of chaos (and she may thrive in chaotic battles but this wasn’t her usual battlefield, and her team didn’t know who they were going up against for once). And Marinette? She needs to know its not just her doing this when its so out of her depths.
So despite literally everyone and their disagreements she had Chat on her right side with Damian on her left, meeting up with his Crazy, Semi-Immortal mother. And possibly his Immortal, former Black Cat candidate, grandfather.
As Marinette isn’t trusting the likely cult that makes up the Gotham Ghost Gang (Batfam if you like them) when she can get real advice and vague directions to immortal and allied (loyal and terrifying) assassins.
And yes, she wasn’t sure if Liar was wrong or right when they said it was a bad idea too.
But fuckit she’s already got Kaalki at her shoulder, looking a bit bored at the deserted rooftop that Kaalki chose for their meeting.
“داميان*,” the woman smiled at her son. “It’s good to see you.”
“Mother,” Robin greeted. “This is Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug wished to speak to you about potential strategies to take down an enemy outside of battle without violence,” Damian stressed.
“I am well-aware of the Kwami and their Chosen, اِبْن.**” The woman spoke calmly. “The League of Assassins formed to act as the Black Cat to restore the world to balance and un-burden the Order with its maintenance.” The woman offer Ladybug her hand. “I am Talia al Ghul, and I am at your service, with or without violence Ladybug.”
Marinette took her hand. “Thank you Talia. Our target being directly exposed like I planned would have…” Ladybug trailed off, thinking over the ramifications not only to Adrien, but to the whole of Gabriel’s brand, workers and all that worked with them. “Some intense ramifications I’d rather avoid.”
Talia nodded her head, waiting for more information.
“I believe its possible to topple them without affecting their employees by uncoupling them from their business, but doing so is, well, stocks and economics isn’t my strongest point.” Ladybug admitted a bit sheepishly.
“I would suggest,” Talia began, “to create a bit of chaos in the stock market. Perhaps a rumor here and there, let investors pull out and grab the abandoned stocks quickly. Consolidate them under one owner and become the company’s owner.”
Marinette twitched a bit at that. “That… sounds complicated.”
“Oh, but it isn’t. My son knows just how to that, or did you forget our lessons?” Talia asked coolly.
Damian twitched at Marinette’s side. “I did not.”
“You know,” Chat chimed in. “I do know a few things about those things. If its general chaos, well…” Chat’s face twisted in a way Marinette forgot he could do after that Chat Blanc episode.
“… I will take that into consideration.”
“Anything else?” Talia asked, watching Ladybug and her son. Specifically, how her son seemed glued to the girl’s side. “I am certain my son is able to take out your target, if all else fails.”
Damian scowled at Marinette’s side.
“However, I do believe that whatever is happening, whatever has you active, might require a more… experience hand.”
Damian brushed against her side. Code for ‘Possible Danger.’
“Thank you for the offer,” Chat moved in front of Marinette. “But mi’lady and the Guardians have that much handled.”
Talia’s eyes shifted from Chat to Ladybug, staying on her. “Is that so?”
“Yes. I merely needed more information on how to execute this type of plan, that’s all!” Ladybug almost, almost slipped into Marinette while Liar, while silenced for the moment, prodded the back of her mind. “I want to minimize collateral damage as much as I can, to everyone. The kwami already said they get to chose the target’s punishment.”
“Ah, I see.” Talia relaxed then. “You are following the kwami’s wishes. I will respect their wishes as well, Chosen.”
Marinette categorized this interaction as one of the “not too horrible, but will avoid a repeat” once they left.
*Damian in arabic
so we have Talia now as a Player, sort of. she plays by her word pretty well so hopefully its a cameo more than anything else.
any ideas on how JL will handle the video, and if Miraculous Team should see it and freak out or only LB and keep on the dl while JL assissts in her Chaos Plot?
End of update. Will have to repost from ao3 on my phone now as desktop tumblr is being exceptionally rude. Tags always open, just takes me a bit to do—sorry to vixen for vanishing from tags
TAGS:  @heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace @jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04 @bisha43rbs @izang @dreamykitty25 @emu-lumberjack @vixen-uchiha
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
Previous Dreams: (ML Dream Episode) (My Subconscious is f***ing taunting me) (Because my mind finally wants to be nice) (Yes there is more) (The one with Zag Spoilers) (Cause my mind wants this to be a saga for some reason) (Bustier gets some decent development) (There is a musical number apparently) (Plot twist) (This was more elaborate then I expected) (S*** gets real)
-The episode continues EXACTLY where the last dream left off. But now s*** is more intense
-So Paris is getting wrecked in a threeway war between Monarch, Mayura and Miracuteam.
-Scarlet moth is touching all of the Akuma’s Absolute Monarch made and is making a Red copy of them. 
-Mayura is covering Scarletmoth as he does this.
-Absolute Monarch is on the Eiffel Tower and he is watching the chaos unfold. He was shocked to see Scarletmoth. 
-”I broke his back, how the hell is he moving?”
-He thinks about it and realizes it can't possibly be the real Hawkmoth, it has to be some sort of Sentimonster. Damn he picked the wrong miraculous to snatch. He should have picked the Peacock.
-Ladybug and others are fighting and deakumatizing as many people as they can, but the chaos is causing people to be upset or scared and getting reakumatized.
-Madame Booster is still in the apartment. Watching things play out. Hoping that her student would be alright.
-Ladybug and Chat noir make it to where Absolute monarch is. As do Scarlet Moth and Mayura.
-Rena Rouge and Carapace join them and its a 4 v 2 v 1.
-Mayura turns to Ladybug and Chat noir.
-”A truce until Monarch is defeated?”
-Ladybug looks at Mayura.
-”No way.”
-”Ladybug, you, Carapace and Rena take on Mayura and the tomato moth. I will handle Monarch.
-”Chat noir he is way stronger then before. We can't...”
-Chat noir pounces at A. Monarch and Ladybug goes with him. Leaving Rena Rouge and Carapace to fight Mayura and Scarlet moth.
-Carapace pulls the same trick he did in season two and captain America’s Scarlet moth with he shield. and Rena Rouge snatches what appears to be his miraculous... but nothing happens. He didn't change back.
-”What the... This is his miraculous right.”
-Mayura kicks Rena Rouge.
-Carapace is getting attacked by Scarlet moth, and he is out matched. Barely blocking.
-Rena Rouge is doing her best against Mayura but she is to strong.
-Thankfully Ryuuko and Viperion appear and give some much needed back up.
-Viperion activates his second chance power now.
-Chat noir and Ladybug tag team attacking  A.Monarch and are actually pretty even with him.
-Monarch is feeling himself slipping. He feels his vision getting blurry again. He can feel himself fade a bit.
-”Its over Monarch. You can't beat us.”
-Absolute Monarch smiles.
-”Maybe not alone, but I got back up.”
-Volpina and Queen Wasp show up.
-”Sins of the past really are a pain aren't they Ladybug.”
-Pegasus, Longhorn (Bull!Ivan), Roi Seige (Kim), Tiger Juleka (who I can't remember the name of ) Pig!Rose, Bunnex, are doing their best to deal with the other akuma.
- There were other visions of the other classmates with their respective hero costumes and it looks reminiscent of a battle in an Avenger’s movie.
-Madame Booster sees all of the destruction and she rushes off to  the Eiffel Tower to get to Monarch.
-Ladybug is fighting Queen Wasp and Volpina. Monarch was keeping Chat noir from helping.
-Chat noir and Monarch are really having a heated duel and argument. Chat noir screaming how he trusted him. how he thought he had someone in his life that wanted to be a father to him.
-Monarch is feeling some regret.
-”You will understand one day Adrien. But what I am doing is the best for both of us.”
-”You just want the miraculous for your own selfish reasons.”
-” You don't understand. I swear when this is over. You will see it all.”
-Ladybug manages to best Volpina by having Queen Wasp sting her by accident, and then casually pushing her off the Eiffel Tower while she was paralyzed. (she is an akuma she will be fine)
-Ladybug then frees Queen wasp, and then present Chloé with the Bee miraculous.
-Chloé promises not to let her down.
-Mayura and Sentmonster Scarlet moth are overwhelmed by the hero teens and Viperion uses Second chance enough times to figure out that the person controlling the Amok is very far away. and decides to head over there.
-Fearing that Gabriel would be exposed. Mayura releases the Amok.
- ‘I am sorry.’ She whispers.
-Gabriel realizes that Nathalie basically doomed herself and he tries and fails to get out of the bed (his back is still broken)
-So now Mayura is forced to fight Carapace, Rena Rouge, Ryuuko, and Viperion, all of which have used their power once.
-Mayura calls for a truce. Saying that Absolute Monarch is the bigger threat. Only his minions are left. This gets the teens to agree and they all head with Mayura to fight Absolute Monarch.
-So Absolute monarch is now facing pretty much every single hero at this point and Madame booster went to go help him. But she ends up getting deakumatized
-So now he is just Monarch.
-”Its over Monarch.” Ladybug calls out triumphantly.
-Monarch starts laughing.
-”You know. I commend you all for your fantastical battle. But I still have one last trick up my sleeve.”
-He reveals the monocle.
-”Tuxx Slide in!”
-Emperor Monarch is born.
-”I got one final trick. So come at me. All of you!”
-All but Mayura, Ladybug and chat noir charge at him.
-The show reveals what happens when Emperor freezes time with ‘Freeze frame’
-Everyone is frozen on the spot. He snags the miraculous of each person that charged him and proceeds to knock each of them out.
-Leaving a bunch of Knocked out teens on the ground.
-Emperor Holding all of their miraculous.
-He coughs.
-”Come on kids. I got more in me.”
-Mayura, Ladybug and Chat noir all fight him as he puts the miraculouses in his hat.
- a rock version of the the opening theme Is playing
- Mayura starts feeling faint. Emperor monarch capitalizes on it and snatches the peacock.
- “Nathalie!”
-Ladybug and chat noir are the last two left.
-Emperor Monarch fights.
-The two activate their powers, and they use them to actually catch Emperor Monarch off guard. They managed to knock the Butterfly miraculous off of him. So now he was just Emperor. (The butterfly miraculous went flying.)
- Emperor fell to his knees.
-”Looks like I am on my last legs.”
-Ladybug and chat noir do one final charge.
-Emperor does one final Freeze frame.
-When it undoes.
-Ladybug and Chat noir are back to being Marinette and Adrien. And Emperor is back to being arsene. His transformation wore off. His hair was white as snow. The other miraculous fall on the floor.
-Tuxx pops out.
-”Arséne... your hair. Youre out of time. You need to snag their miraculous from them and make the wish”
-Arséne looks at his Kwami and smiles.
-”I wish... I wish for you to be happy.”
-He turns to Adrien and Marinette.
-”I guess this is it.”
-Adrien and Marinette looking at the gentleman as he walked over to the edge of the Eiffel Tower.
-”You win. But It was fun. Really making this a nice final Hurrah. I couldn’t have hoped for a better finale. ”
-He looks at them, with a tenderness of someone that cares for them.
-Marinette and Adrien coming to the conclusion that he didn’t want to win.
-”You two need to watch out for each other. The world is a cruel place. And be sure to live your lives your way. Watch over Tuxx for me.”
-He put his Monocle down.
-”Tell Caline... I am sorry.”
-He fell and as he was falling he was turning to dust.
-I dont know whether this next part was part of the episode, but I swear as he was falling, the Song “My way” By Frank Sinatra was playing and it was showing scenes where Arséne was in. And it was like he was having a slow descent, until the song ended and he was completely dust.
-Tuxx watching, tears in his eyes.
-”Good bye, my friend.”
-Ladybug and Chat noir quickly transform back and Ladybug casts Miraculous healing. Everything was back to the way it was, but Arséne was no where to be seen.
-Oh and also Lila had her hands on the butterfly miraculous that went flying.
and thats where the dream cuts of
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mikauzoran · 4 years
Adrienette: Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: Kiss Ten
On AO3: Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: ...desperately.
(Oops. I forgot to post this on Tumblr last week. ^.^;)
The end-of-the-school-day akuma had been brutal.
Adrien was a little surprised that they hadn’t cancelled the rest of it, but he guessed that, after three years, akuma attacks had become almost normal for Paris, so they no longer merited quite so drastic a response as they once had when they were new.
But the akuma battle had been brutal, so when Marinette whispered, “Skip fencing today and meet me at the side door to the bakery in fifteen minutes” as she passed him on her way out of the classroom, Adrien was more than happy to comply.
Fifteen minutes later exactly she opened the side door and motioned him in, putting a finger to her lips to entreat silence.
They snuck up to the apartment where Adrien noticed the PlayStation set up on the coffee table.
“Oh, is that the new Mecha Strike game? I haven’t gotten the chance to play yet,” he explained, making a start towards the living room. “Can we—”
“—Adrien,” Marinette called from halfway up the stairs to her room. “Come on.” Her voice had the odd ring of a mother calling to her child as he strayed too near the edge of a pond where kelpies were known to drown hapless victims.
With a frown, Adrien obediently followed.
“Hey,” he called softly as the trapdoor closed behind him. “What’s wrong?”
In lieu of an answer, Adrien got a mouthful of Marinette’s tongue.
With a start, he sprang back, hands up in defence. “Whoa! Sorry, but could we…just…like, not today?” he implored with pleading eyes. “Can we just hang out, please?”
Marinette shook her head, tears building in the corners of her eyes as she reached out for him, gripping at his shirt, hands shaking. “I need to not think right now. If I don’t stop thinking, I’m going to get akumatized, and I can’t get akumatized. I can’t make Chat Noir fight me.”
“Geez,” Adrien hissed, petting her hair with one hand while the other rested supportively on her shoulder. “What happened? What’s wrong? Marinette, if you ever need to talk about something, I’m here for you. You know that, right? I’ve got you, okay? No matter what, I’ve got you.”
“Please just kiss me,” she whimpered, tears beginning to spill over onto her cheeks.
Adrien pulled her in for a gentle, soothing kiss full of care and comfort.
Marinette quickly escalated matters, guiding him over to the chaise longue without breaking contact and pushing him down so that she could settle in between his legs which fell to either side of the chaise. She didn’t hold back, putting all of her need and anxiety and fears into the kiss.
The akuma attack had been brutal.
Ladybug had screwed up badly, getting both Rena and Carapace captured. They’d later told her not to beat herself up when she’d taken back their Miraculouses, but she couldn’t help but go over and over all the ways she should have reacted faster, spotted the akuma’s object sooner, given directions to her teammates better, figured out her Lucky Charm more quickly.
Maybe she was the only one who would even think to blame herself, but Marinette knew the truth, and that was enough. She wasn’t fit to be Ladybug. She couldn’t cut it as team leader and wasn’t meant to be the Guardian.
She couldn’t do it. She was a failure…but what choice did she have?
There was no one to turn to for help or guidance, no one in whom she could confide. She was on her own. Totally alone with all of Paris counting on her to be perpetually perfect, all of Paris waiting to blame her the second she made a mistake.
It felt like that first akuma fight all over again, screwing up, letting everyone down, proving she couldn’t do it…only there was no option to give up this time, no one to take her place. The burden was hers alone, and she was drowning in it.
“Ohime-sama,” Adrien gasped, turning his head away, breaking the kiss. He gulped, trying to find his breath. “Slow down. You’re panicking.”
“Of course I’m panicking!” she squeaked. “I—”
“—Shh,” he interrupted, placing his fingers over her lips. “Take a deep breath.”
With a put-out huff, Marinette inhaled slowly.
“Now sit up,” he urged.
She acquiesced so that they were both straddling the chaise, facing one another.
“Keep breathing,” he instructed as he took each of her legs, one at a time, and hooked them over the tops of his own. He scooted in closer so that she was effectively sitting in his lap.
Marinette’s breath hitched as he drew her in, pressing her to him as his lips latched onto her neck.
“Keep breathing,” he chuckled airily against her skin.
She moaned, her mind going blank as his teeth carefully nipped at her throat.
He worked diligently, making his way down one side of her neck and then up the other.
She tipped her head back, granting him full access all down the front of her throat.
He kept going, following the line of her sternum down but stopping before he crossed the threshold of her breasts.
“Keep going,” Marinette groaned in protest, reaching down to further unbutton her blouse.
Adrien caught her hand, lightly restraining her. “No, Ohime-sama,” he answered contritely. “I’m sorry, but I’m not ready to go there right now.”
Marinette let out a little moan of frustration, dropping her head to Adrien’s shoulder and nuzzling his neck. “…Are you sure I’m the only person you’ve ever kissed? You’re way too good to be completely inexperienced.”
He chuckled as he started rubbing a hand up and down her back once more. “Other than a handful of akuma kisses that I can’t remember? You’re it. I swear I’ve learned everything I know from anime and fanfiction. Guess I’m a quick study…or it could be that you’re just similarly inexperienced, so you don’t know what’s good.”
She gave a halfhearted snort. “Trust me. You’re good…even if you don’t seem to enjoy this much yourself.”
He pulled back a little and angled his head so that he could see her face more clearly. “Why do you think I’m not enjoying this? I like making out.”
“Pft.” She nuzzled his neck lazily. “Adrien, I might not have much experience with male anatomy, but I’m practically sitting in your lap, and I can feel just how into this you are…or, in this case, how not into it.”
Adrien blanched. “That! …is not an accurate representation of…of anything,” he spluttered.
“Hm,” Marinette responded lukewarmly, mind starting to dip back into dark thoughts.
“Seriously,” Adrien insisted a touch defensively. “I like making out with you. I enjoy kissing.”
“Okay,” she replied as if she had no skin in the game. “Sorry. I just… Not that I know what I’m talking about, but…I always got the impression that guys were always horny. Maybe it’s just a sexist stereotype, but…but if it wasn’t…both you and Chat Noir don’t really seem to want me like that, so I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong,” she muttered, attempting to hide her face in his neck.
Forcefully, he pulled back so that they were an arm’s length from one another, his hands on her shoulders. “Marinette, there is nothing wrong with you, okay?” he stressed, the intensity of his gaze driving home his point, making her believe it. “Okay?”
She nodded, agreeing, “Okay.”
With a sigh, he untangled himself from her and got to his feet, beginning to pace. “Chat Noir wants to make love to you. Eventually. He’s just…” Adrien scrubbed a hand through his hair, trying to find ways to explain both of himselves so that his girlfriend didn’t think that she was undesirable.
He stopped and looked back at her. “He’s still not over Ladybug and how he messed up things with the girl he tried to date after he realized that Ladybug was never going to come around. He doesn’t want to screw up with you, so he’s taking things really slow. It has nothing to do with anything you are or aren’t doing. The issue is one hundred percent his.”
“Oh,” Marinette breathed, some of the melancholy seeming to come out of her with the syllable. “Oh, good. So…it’s really not me?”
“No,” he assured. “Trust me. An uncomfortable number of our schoolmates would sleep with you in a heartbeat. It’s not you.”
“Oh,” she repeated, still processing this information. She frowned, a look of distaste settling between her eyebrows. “Who at school said they’d sleep with me?”
He shook his head. “Don’t think about it. Pretend I never said that. I’m having a hard enough time just competing with Chat Noir here; I don’t need more rivals.”
Marinette pursed her lips, considering for a moment before letting it go. “Okay. So…if I’m not the problem…why don’t you want me?”
Adrien winced, turning away, going back to wearing a path on her area rug with his pacing. “I do want you. In my own way. Eventually. I’m kind of…in the same boat as Chat Noir.”
He peeked back over his shoulder at her.
She was gazing at him attentively, concentrating on his words, trying to understand.
He sighed, averting his gaze once more. “I told you I’d only ever loved one other person, right?”
“Mmhm.” She waited patiently for him to continue.
He went over to the ladder up to her loft, resting his forehead against the handrail as one of his hands tightened around one of the rungs. “She’s also the only other person I’ve even considered in that way…sexually. I don’t…” He bit his lip. “I don’t have much of a libido. So there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“Oh,” she reiterated, not able to come up with a more complex response. It was all she could do to take in what he was saying and try to make sense of it.
He spun around, crossing his arms and leaning back against the ladder defiantly. “And there’s nothing wrong with me either.”
She opened her mouth but then thought better of saying anything. This was obviously a touchy subject, and she didn’t have the resiliency necessary to survive yet another mistake at that moment.
“Luka told me that there are plenty of people who don’t have the desire to express love physically,” he informed as if quoting a vetted authority on the subject.
In the back of Marinette’s mind, she wondered when Luka and Adrien had gotten so close that they would have discussed something like that. She knew they’d been spending time together over the years, but she hadn’t realized how good of friends they’d become.
Adrien continued with his explanation, “It’s called being asexual, and it’s a spectrum, not some kind of binary dichotomy, so…there are varying degrees of… Are you still with me? You look overwhelmed.”
“I…” She bit her lip and decided to go for honesty. “I am overwhelmed. This is kind of a lot.”
With a sigh, Adrien strode back over to the chaise, dropping to kneel at her feet. He took her hands in his, bringing them to his lips for a kiss.
When he was done, he looked back up at her, eyes penitent. “I’m sorry. I had no intention of dropping this all on you. I was waiting until further along in our relationship because I didn’t think sex would even be an issue for another year or two.”
Marinette’s vocal chords spasmed, forming a sound that was somewhere between a cough, choking on air, and a spit take.
Adrien’s eyes widened, and it was his turn to be speechless. “…Oh….”
He licked his lips nervously. “So…I guess our timetables are a little…not in sync.”
She shook her head slowly, looking horrified.
He sucked in a breath. “Oh. Okay. So…maybe we put a pin in the issue and come back to it later. Right now, I just want to explain asexuality to you so that you understand that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are so hot and so sexy, Marinette. If you just wanted to sleep with someone, you could have that easily. Heck, if you wanted a different boyfriend, you could have that too. You are in no way lacking….”
An impish, self-deprecating smile slid across his lips. “It’s just the guys you’ve picked.”
With a sigh, Marinette tipped to the side, slowly lowering herself so that she was curled up on her side on the chaise, facing him. “There’s nothing wrong with the guys I’ve picked. I have impeccable taste in men.”
Adrien snorted softly, stretching his legs out to one side and leaning over, supporting his weight on his palms. “I’m really glad to hear that you don’t regret your choice.”
A warm, silly smile blossomed like a daisy on her lips. “Never. …So…explain ‘asexual’ to me? That sounds like that would mean no sex, but you were talking like sex would be a thing eventually…but not often?”
Adrien grimaced, reaching out to stroke her hair. “So, it’s not really high on my list of priorities in a relationship…. It’s…not on my list at all, actually,” he confessed. “I mean…we’ve talked a little bit before about how it’s more important for me to snuggle and kiss and organize romantic surprises and go on dates straight out of rom-coms.”
Marinette groaned. “I must have a type or something because your list sounds just like Chat Noir’s.”
“You totally have a type,” he snickered, twisting a strand of her hair around his finger. “…Let’s just say…that when it comes to sex, I’m not going to be the one to start something, but your wants and needs are important to me. I want you to be happy and satisfied with things between us, so, when it comes time to incorporate that into our relationship, I’m more than willing to work with you. We’ll figure this out, Marinette.”
“Okay. That sounds…good. Thank you, Adrien.” She sighed, turning her head to nuzzle his hand affectionately.
His eyebrows pinched together in concern. “You don’t sound happy. What’s wrong?”
She pressed her lips together, studying him for a moment before letting out a little groan of frustration, “What if I’m ready now?”
He couldn’t help but laugh, a short, sharp sound of incredulity. “Now? When you’re dating Chat Noir and won’t be alone in public with me without one or more of our friends along to serve as chaperon so that it won’t count as an actual date so that you’re not technically cheating on your boyfriend?”
Marinette flinched, rolling over onto her back so that she could stare up at the ceiling and not have to face him. “You could have just said, ‘no’,” she grumbled, “or, ‘no, I’m not ready yet’.”
“Marinette, we are a mess,” Adrien retorted, halfway between a snort and a scoff. “We don’t need to further complicate things between us. We’re not going to be ready until we’re in an official relationship, until we can be seen in public and don’t have to hide and don’t have to keep secrets.”
Silently, Marinette lamented the fact that there would always be some secrets she could never tell him.
“Marinette,” he called gently. “There’s a lot that has to change before we’re going to be ready to take that kind of step.”
She sighed again dejectedly, whispering, “All right.”
He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Sorry…but even if everything was perfect at the moment, right this minute still doesn’t work for me.”
She lifted her head and frowned interrogatively at him.
“I’m marginally freaked out about what you said about being afraid you were going to get akumatized,” he confessed. “Marinette, what’s going on? Is there anything I can do?”
She pursed her lips, sitting up and considering him for a minute before replying, “Take your shirt off?”
Adrien blinked, momentarily thrown by the request. Then, to his credit in Marinette’s book, he let go of her hand, stood, and slipped off his shirt, laying it carefully on the back of her desk chair.
“Tada?” he chuckled sheepishly.
She cast him a grateful smile. “And your shoes?”
He toed them off and lined them up neatly at the base of the chair. He looked to her for further instructions.
“I want to snuggle up in my bed under the covers,” she explained, her cheeks reddening. “Have you ever just wanted to feel someone else’s skin against yours? Soak up their body heat?”
Adrien nodded, well acquainted with those particular longings.
She chewed nervously at her lip, continuing, “I’ll keep my bra on, but I’d like to take my blouse off, if that’s okay?”
Adrien gulped and then nodded. “I’ll head up to the loft first, then?”
She smiled shyly. “I’ll be there in a sec.”
Adrien wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting from Marinette’s negligée—This was a lie. He’d always pictured something simple and cute and pastel pink—but it wasn’t black lace with a small green bow and a golden bell at the center of her chest.
“Still breathing?” she giggled, pulling down the covers and joining him underneath.
“Y-Yeah,” Adrien managed. “…I’m a fan of the bell.”
It reminded him of their first kiss and the bell necklace she’d been wearing, the one she’d worn again on their first date.
Her eyebrows arched slightly in surprise, but her expression quickly turned pleased. “Noted. Lie down, please.”
He did and soon found himself being used as a body pillow, her head tucked under his chin, her chest against his, her stomach resting along his side, her top leg hooked slightly around his left one.
“…Do you want to talk?” he asked after a minute or two, breaking the silence. “About what’s bothering you, why you think you might be akumatized?”
She shook her head, effectively nuzzling his collarbone.
He bit his bottom lip. “Okay. That’s okay. You don’t have to talk to me, but…is there anyone else you could talk to? Maybe your parents or Alya or Chat Noir?”
“Adrien,” she replied, sounding fatigued. “This isn’t something I can talk to anyone about. I have to deal with this on my own.”
“No,” he protested. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from attending school and making friends, it’s that you never have to do something alone. There’s always someone who can help if you just ask. There’s got to be someone you can ask, Marinette.”
“No,” she countered, sounding equally as sure as he had.
With a tired sigh, Adrien relented. “Okay. If you can’t talk about your problem, you can at least talk about your feelings.”
“My feelings?” she echoed uncomprehendingly.
“Mmhm,” he encouraged, lightly running his fingers up and down her spine. “Like, for example, today I felt worried and like things weren’t in my control. I felt a little helpless…embarrassed…scared of rejection…scared of letting a person I care about down…guilty. Your turn.”
“Wait.” She tipped her head to look up at him. “Why are you feeling guilty?”
He shrugged. “I always feel guilty. I mean, here I am in my friend’s girlfriend’s bed. Enough said, right?”
She winced.
“Your turn to talk about your feelings,” he repeated.
She sighed, dropping her head back down to his shoulder. She started off slowly, hesitantly, grasping at the words, but as she kept going, she found that they came faster until they were like an unstoppable tidal wave, flowing out of her with a crushing force. “I…feel…overwhelmed…. Like…everyone is always counting on me…and I need, I need to be perfect because I can’t let them down, and failure isn’t an option, but I’m always on the cusp of failing. And I can’t do this. I can’t do this anymore. I need help, but there’s no one to help. I just have to suck it up and figure it out, and it feels so unfair. Like, no one else has to put up with this. No one else has to constantly balance all the things that people need me to balance, and no one even knows I’m doing this. No one knows, so there’s no wiggle room. No one cuts me any slack. No one realizes what a tremendous weight I’m always carrying around, and…I…It’s crushing me,” she petered out into a small voice, closing her eyes and letting herself go boneless against him.
Somehow, it all felt better in his arms. His scent, his heat, the solidity of his body against hers…it all made things feel just a little bit more okay. Even though she was still mentally alone, having him there physically made the difference she needed to keep herself from losing control.
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and held her tighter, murmuring, “Oh, Marinette. Why haven’t you ever said anything?”
“What’s the point?” she mumbled, lacking energy. “No one can do anything about it.”
“But sometimes talking makes you feel better, even if there’s nothing you can do to fix the problem. Trust me. I know about problems I lack the power to fix. I mean, case and point: my relationship with my father and my mother’s disappearance. It helps to talk about my feelings,” he confided. “It takes the edge off…. Maybe that’s something you could do too in the future the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed.”
“I don’t want to burden people,” she whispered, feeling guilty for bringing it up.
How could he understand the magnitude of her problems? He didn’t know she was Ladybug. He couldn’t understand the situation. He probably just thought she was whining about stress over insignificant things. Her problems probably seemed small when compared with all he put up with on a daily basis. Adrien had no way of knowing what Marinette was up against.
“It’s not a burden,” he insisted vehemently. “I want you to tell me. I want to hear about your problems. Marinette…don’t you know I love you?” he asked softly, voice suddenly meek. “I want to be by your side, especially when you feel alone and overwhelmed. I want to support you…but if you don’t want me to be the one to do that, please talk to Chat Noir. He loves you too, and if he knew you were struggling, he’d say the same things that I just did. We’re here for you.”
Marinette curled up even tighter against him as the tears started to fall once more. “You both already have so much going on with your own lives.”
“There’s room for you,” he assured in a warm whisper, giving her a squeeze. “We have space. We have time.”
She choked on a sob. “I don’t deserve you. Either of you.”
“Oh, Marinette,” he sighed into her hair. “No. It’s the other way around. We both feel so lucky to have you.”
She pushed herself up on his chest to look him in the face, eyes dull yet intent. “Do you really? You were just talking earlier about all the things wrong between us.”
His brow scrunched uncomprehendingly. “What? What are you talking about?”
“I know you’re not happy with things like this, Adrien,” she replied bitterly and yet resigned. “I know you want a real girlfriend you can take to dinner parties and go on dates with and actually tell people you’re dating. I know you’re not happy being my dirty little secret. I know this whole situation with me is eating away at you.”
He opened his mouth to refute her claims, but he couldn’t think fast enough.
She continued, dropping back down so that her ear rested over his heart and he could feel her tears falling on his chest, “And poor Chat Noir. All he wants is to take me on ridiculously romantic dates. Because of the way things are with secret identities, that can’t happen until Papillon is defeated…and he doesn’t even know that I’m cheating on him. I am the worst.”
“You are not,” Adrien insisted indignantly, all the while thinking, “I am. I’m the worst for getting you into this mess”.
Marinette shook her head. “I never meant for this to happen.”
“Me either,” Adrien sighed, sliding his fingers through her hair, gently pulling out her hair ties so that he could wrap soft strands around his fingers. “Marinette…things can’t go on like this. We need to do something.”
She laughed bitterly. “Like what? Adrien, I’ve been trying to break things off with you for how many months now? …and it just feels like we keep getting deeper and deeper entrenched. What am I supposed to do?”
“Let Chat Noir tell you who he is,” he suggested, internally praying that she’d let him break this hellish cycle they were caught in. “Then you could date openly, and you wouldn’t have to sneak around with me anymore.”
Marinette lifted her head to glare up at him. “You know who he is, don’t you?”
“Haven’t the foggiest.” Adrien managed to deliver the line with a completely straight face. “Please let him tell you.”
She groaned, burying her face in his neck. “Adrien, I can’t do that. The safety of Paris depends on it.”
“Screw Paris,” Adrien scoffed. “I care more about you.”
She blew out a tired sigh. “No. It’s not happening.”
“Okay. Then…you need to break up with him and date me,” Adrien decided, moving down the list of desired outcomes from the most ideal to the ones he could live with.
Marinette flinched, and he could tell she was rejecting the idea outright. “…I couldn’t,” she whispered, exhaustion dripping from the words. “I couldn’t stand not having him in my life.”
Adrien sucked in a deep breath. “Okay…so break up with me.”
She laughed at that, lifting her head to press a delicate kiss to his lips. “I couldn’t,” she repeated, smiling adoringly. “I’ve tried. I’ve tried getting over you so, so many times, Adrien Agreste…. You’re hard to live without.”
He gulped. “Well…you certainly know how to boost a guy’s self-esteem.”
She shrugged, smiling even though it didn’t entirely reach her eyes.
He bit his lip. “Maybe…you need to tell Chat Noir about what’s going on.”
All color faded from her skin, leaving it looking like parchment. “Absolutely not. Adrien, I could never hurt him like that. He can never know.”
“Maybe he wouldn’t mind,” Adrien countered, grasping at wisps of cloud.
She snorted. “Oh, and I suppose you wouldn’t mind if you learned I was secretly making out with-with Luka behind your back?”
Adrien grimaced and had to admit that if his girlfriend really was sneaking around with one of his friends, he would be beyond wrecked.
“See?” It didn’t sound like she derived any pleasure from being right.
“Maybe he’d understand and forgive you at least,” Adrien tried. “Wouldn’t you at least feel better?”
She shook her head slowly. “It’s more important to save his feelings than to assuage my guilt. I couldn’t bear to hurt him.”
“I can’t bear you feeling like this,” Adrien muttered in defeat as he carded a hand through his hair.
Out of the blue an idea occurred to him. “Maybe I should just tell Chat Noir myself. Confess, tell him it was all my fault.”
Marinette gave a start, pushing herself up so that he could see her terrorized expression. “What?! No! Don’t do that! Adrien, we’ll break his heart! He’ll get akumatized!”
“He won’t,” Adrien groaned, going back to feeling defeated because there was no way he could win against this girl.
“He will! And it will be all. My. Fault. Paris will be destroyed! Adrien, I can’t have that on my conscience. You can’t tell him. I will never speak to you again,” she threatened.
“Noted,” he grumbled, going back to playing with her hair.
She breathed a sigh of relief and snuggled back up against him.
They lay there for a while in an uneasy silence, each fretting over their own shortcomings in the relationship.
Marinette was right in the middle of mentally berating herself for being ungrateful when Adrien asked, “What if I’m Chat Noir and I’m just trying to make our lives easier?”
He had an odd quality about his voice. It was slightly pinched, a little tight, as if he were verbally walking a high wire.
Marinette’s brain quickly latched onto the idea and had run a mile with it before logic caught up and she groaned. “Adrien, don’t. That’s not even funny. I’ve seen you two together before. You’re not the same person.”
“Yeah,” Adrien sighed. “Sorry…. Sorry for getting you into this mess.”
“Oh, Adrien.” She shook her head. “I helped enthusiastically.”
She leaned in, gently pressing her lips to his.
He kissed back, eager to lose himself in her and forget the complicated situation that was their relationship.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to OPTIGAMI!!
I have never been so nervous and scream so much during an episode of this show before. And if you know me, that's saying something. Gabriel and Nathalie are getting seriously scary. Their plans are getting much more convoluted and are getting closer and closer to actually succeeding. And because of this, Alya's involvement is a lot more important now because there's no way Chat Noir and Ladybug would have managed it without her. Let's be real, the reason they chose Nino as their target was because Gabriel's still bitter about Adrien and Nino being friends after Bubbler. Awww all the Kwami's are so cute, wanting to go along. Trixx being like, oh well I have an owner so I can go! And Marinette being adamantly against it. It was at this moment I knew, Alya's getting that Miraculous permanently. But I didn't know if it'd be in this episode or not, so I didn't get too excited yet. But Trixx and Alya's bond is something I really like and want to see more of. Nino and Alya's little high-five/handshake is so cute I can't help but smile every time. x3
Marinette's freak-out about getting in the elevator. Luka's got a soft look on his face. Kagami's like "why are you like this" Max's just confused at what's going on AND THEN THERE'S ADRIEN WITH THE SOFTEST LOOK When you realize that Marinette adoringly (and appeared like she wishes she could have that, too) watching Alya and Nino do their little high-five/handshake is what saved everything in the end.....😬Cutting it really close. I thought Alec got trapped by Hawk Moth and that that's why he didn't show up. Who knew he was playing video games in a bathroom stall instead of doing his job lol. Lesson learned, I hope. xD I'm just surprised Hawk Moth's in the bathroom instead of his lair. He could do the same thing from home. 😂 I'm not a fan of Audrey, but that was really cold. The exchange between Marinette and Alya during an akuma attack is what I've been waiting for since Gang of Secrets. Adrien being wonderful and protecting Chloe, which could've messed up everything had Kagami not saved him. It's so sweet that despite what happened between them, she still risks herself to save him. "Plagg-" Marinette comes bursting into the elevator, looking in her bag "Tikk..iii!" OOF So I screamed, a lot. And laughed hysterically 😂 All Marinette had to do was run in facing the other way and she'd see Plagg and it'd be all over. All that had to happen was for her to run in a second or two later. All that had to happen was she noticed Adrien a second or two too late. But Adrien heard her say "Tikk...iii" in an attempt to cover herself. Remember, he's always had suspicion of Marinette being Ladybug and came to the conclusion easily enough. Kwamibuster did divert his attention away from it a bit, but Chat Blanc took place after and he didn't hesitate to think otherwise. Aww poor Zoe :c She's part of the "Chloe's used me as a human shield" club. (((Everything after this point, I had to completely redo because tumblr decided to suck and wouldn't allow me to post my message due to an "error" (which has never happened to me before), then wouldn't let me save it as a draft. Then when I went to copy it all, somehow everything got eaten and it wouldn't allow me to undo to bring it back 😭 Goodbye an hour and a half of my time. And another hour and a half redoing it all. So if I happen to leave anything big out, I'm so sorry. My luck has just been extremely awful lately.))) You can take the Miraculous away from the kid, but you can't take the Miraculous out of the kid. Max and Luka showing their hero sides while not suited up is so nice. Loving the Oblivio parallel! Marinette says softly, "I'm sure Chat Noir will save us." While I know she's Ladybug and knows Ladybug won't show up to save them, he doesn't know that. Her response of Chat Noir will come save them, shows that she has confidence in him. Even if Adrien knows Chat Noir won't show up, that's such a sweet thing for her to say and I hope he noticed that. Marinette: "I'M STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR" Alya: "Ohhh? With
Adrien?" Marinette: how did she know? "Yeeeeees!" Alya: oh wait this is really bad Adrien: "I'm stuck in the elevator with Marinette!" Nino: "How cool! Adrien and Marinette are stuck together in the elevator!" Alya: "Haha yeah so cool and not problematic at all!" I love this entire scene. Alya teasing Marinette but then being like oh shoot this is seriously bad. Nino being totally oblivious to it all and thinking that it's good news to get their friends closer. And Adrien's just like, I'm not going to ask for help, I'm just informing my friend I'm stuck in an elevator with my just a friend. xDD And that kiss on the cheek from Alya was adooorable! Emergency phone for the Kwami's is such a good idea. But yeah, if they all screamed "Hello?!" in my ear, I'd be chucking my phone across the room too. Adrien's like, "who's that? That sounded like a lot of people.: "I called the fire department." OK. Yes, because you tell the fire department not to fly but to ride a horse to come rescue you when you're in a skyscraper. And repeat it again "Understood, firefighters? Ride in on a horse." Adrien's over in the corner like what the heck? You also, to firefighters, totally yell, "No, no, not prehistory!" and then sheepishly grin at the person you're with. Totally not sus and makes absolutely perfect sense! And then here's the part that has me going ??? Adrien saw Optigami's eyes on the wall, immediately alerts her to that and shushes her. Now, they're hiding from an akuma, but the thing sees them. There's no hiding from it regardless of what's said. So why be quiet? And yet, he's shushing her which convinces her to hang up. Had she continued trying to talk to them, Nathalie might've caught on to there being something up. Adrien's in Chat Noir mode here, as if what she's saying could expose their identities to Hawk Moth. That intense look he gives her after the fact too really shows that, he's not messing around. They also were both just about to tell the other their identities, them being extremely close to each other to do so. They came so close! So what's going on here, exactly? Adrien's come to the conclusion Ladybug is Marinette before. In Chat Blanc, after Kwamibuster showed him supposedly that LB and Marinette are different people, he didn't hesitate to think that Ladybug was Marinette. I don't think he's ever let that possibility go. And the events in the elevator where she started calling for Tikki, and her nonsensical comments over the phone that'd be something Ladybug does, may really have him leaning in that direction. Also, so very sus again that once Optigami went away, they both were like "Oh it was nothing" "I was only wondering what that strange eye thing was." Yeah, that's why you guys sounded nervous like you had something important to say and got in each other's faces! :D It's also interesting, because whenever Marinette and Adrien are in a situation together, Adrien almost always is the one that takes hold of the situation and is more aware of his surroundings over Marinette. xD This man over here just eagerly eliminating children. x.x Like a lot of things in this show, if Alya had just answered that phone call from Nino, events may have played out completely differently! o.o There goes the Eiffel Tower again xD It never not gets blown up, knocked over, or teleported. LOL it's so funny to me, and also such a yikes moment, that while Alya rushed over to Marinette's, got the Miraculous, teleported back, found "Nino" and gave him the Miraculous, then teleported into the elevator, Ladybug and Chat Noir's civilian selves are just trapped in that elevator, awkwardly, and all alone. Likely deep in thought feeling guilty they're powerless to do anything without exposing their identities. xD But at least they're both brooding over the same thing and probably couldn't care less if the other one talks or not, nor noticing enough that the other's really quiet. XD And the way they both reacted to the portal being opened in the elevator. Cautious, but then Adrien puts his hand on Marinette's back and kind of has
her in a position where he can pull her back to him and protect her. Which is a very different kind of protection than he's offered to others, Chloe earlier in this episode being a very good example. Just a friend? Yeeaah. The fact that in every single episode that has Marinette and Adrien interact this season, there's something there, and it's just a matter of time before it's addressed. A bit sad that we didn't get actual Carapace in this episode, but I'm hoping we get him in later eps! MAJOR OOOF A train with people in it underwater, a skyscraper with probably a lot of people in it burning in a volcano, cars, what looks to be the building they were filming the music video in Frightningale, and the Arc de Triomphe on the moon. Yeah I'm seeing where things are going now with this. I'm going to write a post addressing some of these things a bit later. Ladybug in a ponytail is the prettiest hairstyle imo. Chat Noir rushes in, sees Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge all together, first wondering how they all got in "Hello, Chat Noir" there went any of his thoughts he may have had about it lol... and feels disappointed. "Sorry! I would have got you, if I knew your secret identity." Whoa hold up. Ladybug, so forwardly talking about knowing his secret identity? o.O I smell foreshadowing. "As I always say, m'lady. To know me means to love me." "Then I'll think about it." as she smirks and giggles. Guys. She's being serious. 😍😍😍 I admit, I wish we could know what she was going to talk to Chat Noir about after everything, since she thought the situation was taken care of and asked him to wait there for her. She obviously had something she wanted to talk with him about. And thank you Marinette's observation skills for knowing that's not the real Nino! But poor Alya, so horrified like that... I bet she's thinking both "What have I done? I just gave a Miraculous away to Hawk Moth essentially." and "How is it that I couldn't recognize that wasn't my boyfriend?" On the latter, Chat Noir's made that error several times as well. Hawk Moth just really sucks to do that kind of thing to these kids. Real Nino's here to comfort Alya. Doesn't even have to say a word, just gives her a hug. I absolutely adore this. They're so perfect together. ;-; "It (Lucky Charm) always shows me the right way, but this time I was shortly led astray." "Hmm." Hmm? What the heck does that mean? More foreshadowing?? What's going to happen next omg. Yes, Marinette needs someone out there who can replace her if something happens. And I know so many people are like, oh no, that should be Chat! But just think about it. Today, Chat Noir and Ladybug were trapped in an elevator in a situation where they were powerless. They came extremely close to needing to transform with Hawk Moth watching. Had Hawk Moth not been Adrien's dad and let him be, they would've transformed and fought, no doubt. A lot of things could happen, and Ladybug and Chat Noir are always in the thick of things. We've seen one or both of them become unavailable many times. It's good that someone else is their safety net. You may see Alya as just Ladybug's but she's also Chat's too. I screamed and cheered so loud when Alya got her Miraculous to hold onto! I've wanted this for sooo long now! ;-; Okay ew, the way the music went from happy and sweet to creepy when Gabriel and Nathalie were on screen. 😬 Watch: Gabriel, in his plot to try to get to know more about Alya, will have Adrien through a party or have some friends get together at his house which will likely include Nino and Marinette as well, and have him use his own son to try to get what he wants without Adrien suspecting a thing, even thinking his father's giving him more freedom and more of a normal life. How sick. x.x This was a seriously good episode! I'm very excited to see how this all plays out, because things are getting seriously intense in many different ways! Honestly, my original write up of this post was much better but I lost it all. Which makes me very sad and disappointed, but it can't be undone. :c So
hopefully this was enjoyable anyway! I'll be writing a few posts that are more in-depth about some of the events that happened in recent episodes, including Chloe's character and situation, Adrien's feelings for Marinette, Adrien/Chat's situation with Ladybug, etc that are too specific and detailed to write in a thoughts and reactions post, so be on the look out for those! c:
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galahadwilder · 5 years
Save Me From Myself, Ch. 2
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"Well," Rena said, cradling her hand as they jumped to the next rooftop. "I guess that explains why he always went after our class." Now, out of combat, Ladybug could see the weakness of her grip on her flute, like the knuckles were too stiff to close. Her right glove was slightly darker than her left, too. Had she fractured her hand fighting Chat Blanc? When had she had time?
They came up on the Agreste Manor sooner than expected, all halting right up on the edge of the building, looking down at the front gates. Chat grabbed Rena's shoulder, yanking her down. "Cameras," he hissed.
Ladybug and Carapace immediately followed suit, dropping to their bellies on the rooftop.
Carapace's eyelid twitched beneath his goggles, and he blew a breath upward that ruffled the front of his hood. "You don't think—"
"He was trying to keep me home?" Chat said, crouched, catlike, staring at his home, which was looking increasingly sinister in the Paris twilight. "I wouldn't put it past him." For Chat, and for Adrien, intense emotion always translated into more feline body language—he purred when happy, kneaded when sad, and headbutted when lonely. Despite his calm tone, Ladybug could tell her boyfriend was one step below burning down his entire house just to get at the man inside.
Carapace growled. "I'm gonna kill him," he said, rolling slightly so he could reach and adjust the shield on his arm.
"No," Ladybug said before she could stop herself.
Everyone turned to look at her, with Rena even bending her entire torso like a worm just to narrow her eyebrows in confusion. All of them wore the same expression—gobsmacked.
"LB," Rena said, "I know you're all about forgiving people, but—"
"No," Ladybug repeated, her voice dripping with venom. She slid her knees in under her chest, inching toward the edge of the building, narrowing her eyes at the base of the man she now hated twice over—once for what he'd done to Paris, and once for what he'd done to his son. "He doesn't deserve an easy out. I am going to make him live."
Rena shivered. "I take it back," she whispered. "That the most terrifying thing I've ever heard you say."
Ladybug set her jaw and nodded. "Can your fingers move enough to play your flute?"
"Not well," Rena said. "Can't you just—"
Ladybug shook her head. "The cure will let him know we're coming," she said. "He may know we beat Chat Blanc, but as long as he doesn't see the swarm we have a chance to take him off balance." She reached out and carefully placed her hand on Rena's other shoulder. "I'm sorry," she said. "We need surprise." She turned to her partner. "Does he know you're Chat Noir?"
Chat gritted his teeth. "No idea," he said. "I didn't even make it out of the house before the butterfly got me." He stopped for a moment as Carapace glanced at him in horror, then continued: "I don't know whether he picked Blanc or I did."
"Chloé was Antibug," Rena said.
"Chloé was pissed at me specifically," Ladybug said. "Adrien didn't have that excuse." She sighed. They were in no way prepared for this—they were going to walk in and fail and die and... she shook her head. "We're going in a little bit blind and we've only got one shot. We cannot afford to lose."
There was a padding of feet on the roof behind them, then a slithering body, and Ladybug grinned, dropping her head in relief. "Which is why I had Master Fu call in some backup," she said, trying to hide her rush of breath as her anxiety just... released.
"Hey guys," said a calm, almost musical voice behind them. "Where's the Akuma?"
She twisted briefly to catch a glimpse of blue hair atop a green mask.
"Viperion!" Chat cried, shifting. "Man, it's great to see you!"
Carapace smiled and held out a fist. "Haven't seen you since the house party, dude," he said, grinning as Viperion bumped his fist. "Have you met Rena?"
Viperion grinned. "Not yet, but I've heard a lot from the Lady," he said, holding out his hand. "Nice to finally meet you."
"Likewise!" Rena said. She held out her hand, then hissed as the ligaments tugged on her fractured bones.
"Babe!" Carapace cried as she yanked her arm back and tucked it into her chest.
"I'm okay," she whispered, blinking away tears.
Ladybug chewed her lip. Sorry, Rena, she thought. I'd fix it if I could, but... need to stay on topic. "Glad you could make it, Viperion," she said, turning back to the mansion. Which window gave them the best entry point? Hawkmoth would be expecting them to come through Adrien's room, or his office, so both of those were out. "Did Fu say how long until Bee gets here?"
"Forty minutes, give or take," he said. "Hotel security is tight, so..."
Ladybug gritted her teeth. "Too long," she said. "We'll have to do this without Venom." Not ideal—she'd been counting on being able to immobilize Hawkmoth. Without Pollen... she wasn't sure 
"You got a plan?" Carapace said.
Chat snorted. "She always has a plan."
Ladybug licked her lips. "V, you're on overwatch." She rolled over to meet his eyes. "Stay at a distance, direct our tactics. Use Second Chance as many times as you need to to see what works. If Hawkmoth even gets close to you, activate it, even if we're winning." She grabbed his arm, held up his wrist. "If he gets his hands on Sass, we lose." She turned to the rest of the team. “Viperion’s in command. When he contradicts my orders—and he will—listen to him over me.”
"Seriously," Viperion said. "What's going on? Did you say Hawkmoth?"
"We found him," Chat said, nodding toward the mansion.
Viperion's eyes boggled. "You're kidding—Agreste?" He swallowed, shook his head. "Oh, man... poor Adrien."
"Poor Mari, too," Rena said. "She really looked up to that man."
"Not for a long while," Ladybug growled under her breath.
Everyone was silent for a moment, and Ladybug realized they'd heard her. Aw, dammit.
Rena cleared her throat. "No wonder you didn't show up when she got kidnapped."
Carapace snorted. "Open relationship my ass."
"Can we focus, please?" Ladybug snapped. "We're—we've gotta—" Oh God. This was—there was no way they could win this, was there? She was leading her friends to their deaths. They trusted her, and, and she was going to fail them, they were all going to—
Chat wrapped his fingers around hers and squeezed, and she breathed in. Keep it together.
”Chat, gimme an entrance,” she said. “Somewhere he won’t expect.”
Chat pursed his lips, peered over the edge. "I got an idea," he said. "We get on top of the mansion, and I Cataclysm our way through the roof. Father will never see it coming—"
"You'll only have five minutes."
Chat nodded at Viperion. "We're only planning on needing five minutes anyway."
She stared at him, then grabbed his face and pulled it into hers. "I love you," she whispered.
He grinned, swaying a bit. "I should be smart more often."
Ladybug nodded. “Okay,” she said, making her way to her feet. She wasn’t ready for this. "Into hell, one last time."
Viperion nodded, held out a fist. "Into hell," he said.
Chat laid his hand on top of Viperion's green glove. "Into hell."
Carapace and Rena added their hands to the stack. "Into hell," they said in unison.
Ladybug smiled, wiped away tears, and placed her hand onto her teams'. "For Paris," she said.
We're coming for you, Gabriel, she thought. You'd best hope you're ready.
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sincerelymarinette · 5 years
A Recorded Life (34/50) - Miraculous Ladybug
Words: 1400 Chapter Summary: The Akuma that interrupted the Mario Kart game is not here to play, and takes a different approach to fighting the heroes. Author's Note: This one was fun, it's intense. I'm so bad at coming up with Akumas, but I think I'm getting better.
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"This should be relatively easy to beat," Ladybug said as the band of heroes stood watching the Akuma.
"I promise this one wasn't me!" Queen Bee came running up to the group. "I saw it happen, actually. It was one of the receptionist girls," She started to explain. "They were talking about Jagged Stone coming back to Paris next week, and one of them brought up the collab Marinette is working on with him. It became this whole heated debate over nothing, because the Akuma thinks you're fake and not worth-while, and she was outraged."
Ladybug nodded. "Okay, I take it back. Not that easy," She said.
Queen Bee agreed. "Yeah, but at least we know what to expect?"
"She has a point," Rena Rouge said. "The Akuma is going to go after you, so we've got to play it smart."
"Do we have any idea what powers this Akuma has?" Chat Noir asked, all of them turned away from the hotel.
The girls shook their heads. "Uh, guys?" Carapace interrupted. "The Akuma's leaving without even acknowledging us...?" He pointed.
"Oh, no," Ladybug sighed. "She's heading to the bakery."
The team took off, jumping from roof to roof to get to the bakery as fast as they could. "Adrien and I were playing video games while my parents were cleaning up the kitchen. Hopefully, they got out of there when we left," Ladybug announced.
She was wrong. The five heroes stared in shock as the Akuma blasted the roof off their house, jumping out of the home holding Tom and Sabine in a giant bubble-like cage. "Oh, what perfect time for you all to show up!" The Akuma said, sickeningly sweet. "Who should I add to my collection next?"
"Split up!" Ladybug shouted, and they all ran in different directions. The Akuma followed Rena Rouge and Carapace first, and after an illusion failed to trick the Akuma, she caught Rena Rouge. Carapace stood protected by his shell-ter, but who knows how long that would hold. Queen Bee was out of sight, and Chat Noir and Ladybug were on opposite sides of the Akuma.
"Oh, Marinette. I know your name, but you don't know mine. I'm Organizer. I have a collection started, and your Miraculous would be a great addition."
Ladybug sighed. "Sorry, not for sale," She said. "Chat! Now!" Ladybug yelled.
Organizer turned around at light speed, and before Chat Noir could pounce, she shot a bubble-like cage at him, and caught him. The three cages floated around Organizer, and she seemed pleased. "Hawkmoth will be so happy to see you, Adrien. Now all I need is Marinette," Organizer admired Chat Noir trying to break out of the cage. He couldn't speak in the cage, so he couldn't call for his cataclysm, either.
Carapace knew if he let his shield down he would be captured immediately. "Lu-"
"I wouldn't do that, Marinette," Organizer sing-songed. "If you do, Chat Noir will be the first to go to Hawkmoth."
Ladybug sighed. "Okay, what do you want me to do, then?"
"Well," Organizer started. "Hand over your Miraculous, and I'll let your parents go right now. You have thirty seconds to decide before I send them to Hawkmoth."
Ladybug's jaw dropped. She could see her parents gesturing at her, but she knew she couldn't let Hawkmoth near her parents. Organizer was counting down, and once she hit ten seconds, Ladybug finally spoke.
"Fine. You can have my earrings," Ladybug said.
"Oh, goody!" Organizer smiled wide.
Ladybug slowly lifted her hands to her earrings. If she called spots off, she would have to see Tikki and admit what she was doing. By jus taking them off, she could get away without having to give a second thought.
Ladybug took one earring off, her mask and suit seeming to glitch out. "No!" Carapace yelled and dropped his shield. He ran for Ladybug, but was caught by Organizer before he could stop her.
Ladybug took off her other earring as her parents and friends watched in disbelief. Marinette looked at both the earrings in her hand as she started to walk closer to Organizer, slowly and sadly.
Just as Marinette was about to hand over the earrings and get her friends and family back, she saw bright yellow pop up from behind. "Venom!" Queen Bee yelled, and stung Organizer in the back. All the bubble-like cages popped, and the heroes adjusted to being back to normal. Rena Rouge rushed over to Marinette's parents while Carapace shielded himself and Marinette.
Chat Noir called his cataclysm, and Queen Bee showed Chat Noir where the Akuma was. Quickly, the Akuma was flying out, and Marinette quickly turned back into Ladybug, shielded by her friends, so no one saw how it all worked. She purified the Akuma, used the cure, and her and Rena Rouge took Marinette's parents home. The other three stayed to help the receptionist, and soon Adrien was also at the Dupain-Cheng home to make sure everyone was okay.
Once her parents got to bed, the three sat in the living room. "I can't believe I took off my Miraculous," She said. "But I couldn't bear the thought of my parents being with Hawkmoth."
"Girl, we understand. I would have done the same thing. It's just a good thing Chloé came back when she did," Alya said.
"She apologized for leaving," Adrien cut in. "She said she went back to the hotel to figure out where the Akuma was since this Akuma was going to be hard to beat. She didn't think all that would happen in the few minutes she was gone," Adrien explained.
Marinette sighed and slumped into the couch. "I feel like I'm so stupid. How could I let all of that fall apart so quickly?"
"Mari," Adrien started. "If she were targeting me the way she did you, I would have reacted the exact same way. Don't feel bad. None of this is your fault, and we still beat the Akuma. Another day closer to beating Hawkmoth, right?" Adrien comforted her.
Alya left soon after the conversation, having to get home to let her family know she wasn't near the attack. Adrien and Marinette talked for a bit longer, but she really wasn't feeling up to it. So, finally, they decided to go to bed.
For the first time since Adrien has been with her, she wasn't able to sleep. Her thoughts were all over the place, and she couldn't make sense of them. Like any other human, she gave up on sleep, and decided to browse Twitter.
wow...that akuma attack today was rough. now I really understand why secret identities are so important.
yo fuck that guy who posted the video of mari and adrien. if he didn't do that hawkmoth wouldn't have so much hanging over their heads. her parents could have been seriously hurt.
Marinette is so strong. I would have done the same thing, I couldn't imagine what that choice felt like. Good think Queen Bee was there!
hawkmoth really is insane huh? He's going harder and harder with each akuma. uuuuuugh can't this guy have a normal hobby like sports or cars or something why does he have to fight teenagers every day
ha, guess this proves even more marinette dupain cheng isn't fit to be ladybug, look how quick she was to give up her miraculous
i love this team. they all work well together and take it seriously. couldn't ask for better heroes to protect paris <3
How many more days do we have to go hearing about every little thing marinette dc does? I'm so tired of her just kill hawkmoth already so my timeline can go back to normal
I'm so so so glad everyone is all right from the akuma today. it was a close one. hope that the team can get to hawkmoth soon! @MarinetteDC you know your fans have your back!!
Though there were plenty of hate comments, saying that she shouldn't be Ladybug or how annoying she is, the good and supportive people definitely overpowered them. She was thankful for such a sweet fanbase, even if there is a bad apple every so often.
Finally, after about an hour of scrolling, she fell asleep. Tikki was even sure she saw a small smile on her face...those supportive comments really do affect her, and Tikki was glad to see Marinette appreciated.
@lady-of-the-roses-and-lilies @bookishserendipity03 @avatheexceed @gkz10 @coccinellegirl @kat-thatoneweirdo @strawberryblondish @snow-swordswoman @lilgaga98 @evufries
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