#Renée Aspe
jtownraindancer · 8 months
History has shown that it is not whether a disaster will strike a town, but when. If it is not a mine fire, it is living in the shadow of Three Mile Island. Or in a community with a tainted water supply. Or the ghastly horror of Bhopal.
Slow Burn: A Photodocument of Centralia, Pennsylvania by Renée Jacobs, 1986.
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arquivolatino · 7 years
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#13AñosDeLaMadrastra 👏🏼🎉💕
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agauchetoute · 6 years
Rokhaya Diallo, journaliste et auteure
Marie Kirschen, journaliste spécialisée sur les questions féminisme et des LGBT+, co-créatrice de la revue de culture lesbienne Well Well Well
Anaïs Condomines, journaliste société à LCI, qui suit de près les problématiques liées au féminisme
Jennifer Padjemi, journaliste et présentatrice du podcast Miroir Miroir
Maelle Le Corre, journaliste et rédactrice en chef adjointe de Komitid, média d'informations LGBT+
Lucie Ronfaut, journaliste high-tech au Figaro et inventeure du terme #menstrutech, qui s'intéresse aux innovations technologiques liées aux menstruations
Les Journalopes, groupe de pigistes femmes engagées.
Aude Lorriaux, journaliste spécialisée sur les discriminations sexistes
Victoire Tuaillon, animatrice du podcast féministe Les Couilles Sur La Table, qui s'intéresse aux mécanismes de la virilité
Nadia Daam, journaliste société
Mélanie Wanga, animatrice du podcast afro Le Tchip
Marine Turchi, journaliste société à Mediapart
Marie Turcan, rédactrice en chef adjointe de Numerama
Nora Bouazzouni, journaliste série et lifestyle.
Melissa Bounoua et Charlotte Pudlowski, créatrices du studio de podcasts Louie Media
Renée Greusard, journaliste féminisme et sexo pour Rue 89
Elise Costa, journaliste justice à Slate, qui couvre de nombreux cas de féminicides
Alice Coffin, journaliste spécialisée féminisme et LGBT+
Nassira El Moaddem, journaliste, ancienne rédactrice du chef du Bondyblog.
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aaknopf · 5 years
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Paris and its places mean so much to so many, as in these lines by Emily Fragos, the poet who is also the editor of a new volume from Everyman’s Library, Poems of Paris. In its pages, with works by poets such as Charles Baudelaire, Pierre Reverdy, Tristan Tzara, and René Char, not to mention Marilyn Hacker, Rita Dove, Mary Jo Salter, and Fady Joudah, we find, as Fragos notes, “love, art, joie de vivre, the specter of war.” She adds, “Most notable, perhaps, is Paul Éluard’s ‘Liberté,’ thousands of copies of which were air-dropped by the British Royal Air Force into occupied France to keep hope alive—a stirring tribute to the real power of poetry.”
Théâtre de l'Odéon
I could not rise from the dark and go out into the cool, night air of that beautiful city, could not get on with my conniving, young life. What had been smooth and good became impossible, slowly, mechanically, placing one foot in front of the next, so that legs, as if buried in snow, might inch along the river and the alleys with the clochards and the cats, and I might seem a bright young thing again. And all this before the shock of loss, the dying, who linger with their weak bodies and blank faces, and my own stupid share of human harm inflicted upon the innocent, and long before Time, that asp, started laughing, laughing at me. More on this book and author: 
Learn more about Poems of Paris, edited by Emily Fragos 
Learn more about Emily Fragos
Browse other books in the Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets series 
To share the poem-a-day experience with friends, pass along this link
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michelagiulia · 5 years
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Renée Aspe (1922- 1969) " Baigneuses sur la plage." . . . . . . . .#art#artcomtemporaine#contemporaryart#renéeaspe#baigneusessurlaplage#sunbathersonthebeach#plage#beach#summer#été https://www.instagram.com/p/B0YhQ1Ji8iu/?igshid=1toezlgliivx0
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jbrasseul · 5 years
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Gabrielle Hébraud, Le bouquet de boules de neige
au musée de Lavaur, Tarn, Musée du pays vaurais, été 2019. Des femmes peintres de la région, au début du XXe siècle. Femmes peintres oubliées, très belle expo.
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Pont sur l’Agoût à Castres, 1935, Gabrielle Hébraud
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Gabrielle Hébraud, Paris, Panthéon, 1930
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Mowgli, Le livre de la jungle, Gabrielle Hébraud
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  Albi, Paule Soulé, 1929
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  Jeanne Astre, La Danse, 1928
  Jeanne Astre, Le petit Espagnol, 1936
Jeanne Astre, Le jardin de l’Encastre, 1938
Hélène Rivière, Collioure, 1926
Hélène Rivière, Falaises, 1931
Hélène Rivière, La forge à St Paul, 1937
Hélène Rivière, Laboureur à St Paul Cap de Joux, 1950
Hélène Rivière, Les perruches, 1932
Luce Boyals, autoportrait, 1920
Luce Boyals, Portrait de Georges Gaudion aux lunettes rondes, 1920
Luce Boyals, Nu aux bras marrons, 1920
Marie-Anne Ichanson, Tolède, 1950
Marie-Anne Ichanson, Venise, 1937
Marie-Anne Ichanson, Zouzou, 1917
Portrait de Louis Deloume, 1907, Madeleine Cartailhac
Portrait d’Emile Cartailhac, 1923
Jane Atché, 1896, affiche papier Job
Jane Atché, Méditation, 1897
Jane Atché, Portrait, 1909
Jane Atché, Rêverie, 1897
Marie Bermond, Couple
Marie Bermond, Portrait de la cousine Félicie
Marie Bermond, Trois vieilles dames
Renée Aspe, Femme nue au chapeau, 1945
Renée Aspe, Les brodeuses, 1950
Renée Aspe, Orchestre à la fête, 1947
Renée Aspe, Pêcheurs aux filets, 1950
Renée Aspe, Place du Capitole, 1945
Sébastienne Marre, La corrida, 1935
Sébastienne Marre, Pêcheurs à Collioure,1935
Sébastienne Marre, Scène de bal populaire, 1936
Geneviève Duboul, Enfant dans l’herbe, 1936
Geneviève Duboul, Fillette blonde, 1936
Geneviève Duboul, Portrait de Renée Aspe, 1950
Hélène Gasset-Ousset, Le corbeau voleur, 1935
Hélène Gasset-Ousset, Rapace et Canard, 1935
Edmée Larnaudie, Ma soeur dans l’atelier de F. Sabatté, 1935
Lucie Bouniol, Joueurs de cartes, 1940
Marguerite Loubat
Marguerite Loubat, Portrait avec ma sœur, 1916
Jean-Blaise Villemsens, Jeune peintre au chevalet, 1830
A Lavaur :
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Regards de femmes au musée de Lavaur, Tarn, Musée du pays vaurais, été 2019. Des femmes peintres de la région, au début du XXe siècle.
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dukereviewsmovies · 6 years
Duke Reviews: Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where Today We Begin Indiana Jones Month!
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By Talking About Indy's First Adventure, Raiders Of The Lost Ark!
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This Film Introduces Us To Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. Who Is Hired By The U.S. Government To Find The Ark Of The Covenant Before The Nazis And His Nemesis René Bellaq, Played By Ivan Ooze, Do. WIll Indy Get The Ark Before The Nazis?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Raiders Of The Lost Ark...
But First...
The Movie Starts Spoiler Alert!
Also, If You Own The Movie Or Have The Means To See It On Netflix I Suggest Watching The Movie With The Review As It Will Be Better That Way...
The Film Starts In South America In 1936 As Indiana Jones And Doc Ock, (Yes, That's Alfred Molina In One Of His Early Roles) Go In Search Of A Golden Idol Going Through Booby Traps And Dangerous Insects Just To Get It...
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After Getting The Idol, A Trap Activates, Forcing Indy To Run...
That's The Last Time I Trust Someone With 8 Arms...
Swinging Over After Molina Leaves, He Finds Molina Dead, For Him To Grab The Idol Where He Then Has To Run From An 80-Ft Boulder
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Escaping, Indy Runs Into Bellaq, Who Swipes The Idol From Him When Him And His Hovito Soldiers Threaten To Kill Him...
Indy Runs From The Hovitos, Only For Him To Get Away With The Help Of Jock And His Pet Snake, Reggie...
Returning To The U.S., Indy Teaches His Class At Marshall College, As Marcus Brody Comes In To Tell Him That 2 Agents From Army Intelligence Wish To Talk With Him To Inform Indy That The Nazis Are After A Professor Indy Studied Under Years Ago Named Abner Ravenwood, Who The Nazis Know Is A Leading Expert On The Ancient City Of Tanis, And That Ravenwood Possesses A Headpiece Of An Artifact Known As "The Staff Of Ra".
Deducing That The Nazis Are After The Ark Of The Covenant, Indy Tells Them That The Staff, When Placed In A Certain Area In A Map Room, Will Show The Way To The Well Of Souls Where The Ark Is Buried.
Marcus Visits Indy's House That To Tell Him That The Agents Have Deputized Him To Get The Ark Before The Nazis Do And Once, The Agents Have Had Their Fun, They Get The Ark...
Travelling To Nepal, Indy Pays Abner's Daughter....
A Visit, Only To Get Chewed On After Their Previous Affair Went Sour...
Geez, Lady Calm Down!, Take A Deep Breath!
Realizing Marion May be Going Through That Time Of The Month, Indy Gives Marion 3,000 For The Medallion As He Leaves Saying He'll Be Back Tomorrow, But That Doesn't Stop The Nazis From Making Marion A Better Offer...
Wallace Shawn, What Are You Doing Here?
Not Keen To Taking Orders, The Nazis Torture Marion Only For Indy To Come And Save Her...
With The Bar In Flames, Him And Marion Are Stuck Together As They Fly To Cairo To Stay With Gimli, Son Of Sallah, Who Says They Dug Up The Map Room This Morning And That Bellaq Is Working With Them...
Looking Around The Marketplace, Indy And Marion Are Confronted By Arabian Warriors...
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But Indy Soon Has A Bigger Problem As Marion Is Kidnapped And Placed On A Truck, Which Unfortunately Explodes...
Mourning Marion, Indy Gets An Invite By Bellaq, Who He Meets At A Cafe...
What Is With Bellaq In This Scene? I Swear By The Way He's Talking With Indy, He Sounds Like The Joker But Then Again What Can I Say About A Guy That Would Later Give Us This?
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With Indy About To Kill Bellaq, Sallah's Kids Intervene To Take Indy To Sallah, Who Takes Him To See A Wiseman To Translate The Headpiece...
But First A Quick Question, Why Didn't The Nazis At The Cantina Kill Indy And Sallah's Kids? Think About It, These Are Nazis, People Who Have No Remorse About Killing Men, Women And Children, All They Had To Do Was Take A Few Shots And There Would Have Been No One Going After The Ark And It Would Have Been Theirs . So, Why Didn't They? Because Bellaq Didn't Tell Them To? Bellaq Is Basically An Employee Who Cares More About The Ark Than The Reich So, They Should Have Been Like, "Screw It, This Guy's Gonna Be Trouble Later, I'm Gonna Kill Him" But Then Again There Wouldn't Be A Movie So, I'm Divided On This...
Taking Indy To See A Wiseman, Sallah Says Bellaq Has Made His Own Headpiece, Which He Used In The Map Room As The Wiseman Translates The Headpiece, Which Says To Not Disturb The Ark, While Mentioning Staff Measurements Which Is Aproximatly Six Kadam High (72 Inches) But It Mentions To Decrease A Kadam To Honor The Hebrew God Who's Ark It Is, Which Means Only One Thing, Bellaq's Staff Is Too High...
Going To The Dig Site, Indy Enters The Map Room To Use The Staff To Find The Well Of Souls
Finding The Location, Indy Goes Through The Camp And Into A Tent Where He Discovers That Marion's Alive
But Unfortunately He Can't Save Her Now Or They'll Search The Camp...
I Love You, But Shut The Hell Up!
Taking Workers To Dig, They Uncover The Well, Only For Sallah To Discover Something...
Dropping His Torch, Indy Sees Thousands Of Asps On The Ground...
Oh, If Only The Chippettes Were Here To Sing A Song That Could Control Snakes...
Freeing Marion, She Has Dinner With Bellaq, To Distract Him From Finding Indy, However, That Doesn't Prevent Wallace Shawn From Talking To Her...
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Going Into The Well, Indy And Sallah Dump Gas On The Snakes To Get Them To Back Off, So They Can Get The Ark, However, After They Get The Ark Out, Sallah Climbs Up, But Before Indy Can Climb Out, Bellaq Arrives At The Dig Site...
The Nazis, Tired Of Bellaq Pussyfooting Around, Toss Marion Into The Well Of Souls With Indy, As They Take Off With Bellaq, Leaving The Two To Die...
But Do They Die? Hah! Of Course Not!
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Knocking Down A Statues Into A Wall, They Manage To Create An Exit Where After A Scene Which Looks Like It Was Directed By George Romero, They Escape, Headed Toward An Airplane Field Where He Takes Out All The Nazis But Has A Hard Time Taking Down A Nazi Jesse Ventura
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Marion Enters The Cockpit Getting Stuck While Indy Fights Ventura, Only Taking Him Out With Luck...
Saving Marion, Indy Gets Her Out As The Plane Goes Up. Running Into Sallah, He Tells Indy And Marion That The Truck Is Loaded On A Truck For Cairo. Riding Off On A Horse, Indy Boards The Truck, Taking Out The Soliders , The Driver And A Few Cars, Managing To Get The Ark To Safety
Loading The Ark On A Boat, They Say Goodbye To Sallah As They Board The Boat For The U.S. But After A Night Of Lovemaking Which Probably Gave Birth To Shia Labeouf...
The Nazis Catch Up, Taking Both The Ark And Marion, With Indy Following Incognito Aboard Their Sub To Their Headquarters, Where He Follows Them To The Desert, Where Bellaq Intends On Doing A Jewish Ritual To See If The Pieces Of The Ark Are Intact, However, Grabbing An RPG, Indy Intends On Blowing The Ark Up
Lowering His Weapon, Indy And Marion Are Tied Up As The Nazis And Bellaq Preform The Ceremony To Discover...Dust, But Then Thousands Of Ghosts Appear To Have A Swinging Wake With The Nazis...
But Of Course, It's Always Their Way...
Shutting Their Eyes. Indy And Marion Are Spared By The 999 Happy Haunts As Bellaq Is Placed In A Hyperlock Chamber For 6,000 Years And The Nazis Are Killed By The "Wrath Of God"
A Few Days Later, Indy And Brody Talk With The Army Intelligence Agents About The Ark With Them Only Saying That It's Being Examined By Top Men
Indy, Upset At The Situation, Walks Off With Marion To Live Happily Ever After (For Now) While The Ark Ends Up In The Same Place As James Woods And The Bush Sisters, See You In Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull...
And That's Raiders Of The Lost Ark And Did I Mention How Good This Movie Is?
What Can You Say About It? It's A Classic And You Can't Really Judge It, Harrison Ford Is Indy, There's No Denying That Though I Do Admit I've Always Wondered What Tom Selleck Would Have Done With The Role Had He Not Gone Back To Do Another Season Of Magnum P.I.
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Actual Footage From Tom Selleck's Screen Test
The Villains Are Good, Marion While Not Half As Annoying As The Love Interest In Next Week's Movie Is Still A Good Love Interest. There's More I Could Talk About But I Think You Get The Gist At The Fact That I Love This Movie And Anyone Interested In A Good Adventure Flick Should Probably Check It Out...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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Los Estados Unidos en Chile
En mi publicación anterior, hablé sobre la revolución chilena y el derrocamiento de Augusto Pinochet del presidente Allende.  Mencioné brevemente que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos apoyó a Pinochet, y quiero hablar de eso más.  Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial,  los Estados Unidos tomó el papel de líder mundial de Gran Bretaña.  Por esto, los Estados Unidos ganó una gran relación económica con Chile y comenzó a aprovechar los recursos chilenos.  Un ejemplo de esto es que hasta que 1970, dos empresas americanos, Anaconda y Kennecott, controlaron entre 7% a 20% del el producto interno bruto de Chile.  La economía de Chile estaba muy dependiente en los Estados Unidos, y esto es un parte de por qué los EE.UU. estuvo tan involucrado en Chile durante el medio de siglo XX.  Otra razón importante de la participación de los EE.UU. en Chile fue la Guerra Fría.  La Guerra Fría tiene una historia muy largo y complicado, pero para simplificarlo, los EE.UU. se oponía a cualquier persona o cosa que era comunista.  Salvador Allende, un importante figura política y el presidente de Chile, estaba una comunista.  Por esto, los EE.UU. se opuso durante la mayoría de su carrera política.
Durante los 1950s y 1960s, Chile tenía problemas económicos muy malos.  Los EE.UU. tenía miedo que esto permitió candidatos de la izquierda a ganar poder, y estaban correcto.  Los EE.UU. financiaron propaganda y campañas políticas que no eran comunistas.  Esto funcionó, y Jorge Alessandri, un capitalista, ganó las elecciones chilenas de 1958.  Alessandri bajó los aranceles, y después de poco tiempo, la economía de Chile fue inundado con bienes americanos.  Esto hizo a la economía chilena más dependiente de los Estados Unidos, y enfureció a los chilenos.  Los EE.UU. los EE. UU. pagó 130 millones en apoyo a Chile, pero esto no ayudó la situación.  Por eso, Allende estaba muy popular en las elecciones de Chile en 1964, pero los EE.UU. invirtió mucho para sugerir que él no ganó.  La CIA gastó 3 millones dólares en propaganda contra Allende en la radio y la otras publicidades.  La CIA también envió cerca de 100 personas a Chile para trabajar contra Allende.
Finalmente, en 1970, Allende ganó la presidencia de Chile.  Presidente Nixon tenía miedo que Chile se convirtió a “otra Cuba,” y paró toda la ayuda de Estados Unidos a Chile.  Nixon también temía que Chile se aliara con otras países comunistas, como el USSR.  En el septiembre de 1970, Nixon autorizó 10 millones dólares para quitar Allende del poder.  Primero, el CIA se acercó a oficiales militares chilenos para secuestrar a René Schneider, el comandante del ejército.  El plan fracasó, y Schneider fue asesinado luchando contra secuestradores.  Los Estados Unidos cubrieron su participación, y abandonaron sus otros planes.
En 1973, En 1973, Augusto pinochet derrocó a Allende, quien se suicidó durante el derrocamiento.  El CIA no se ha publicado muchos documentos sobre la participación de los EE.UU. en el derrocamiento, pero muchos historiadores argumentan que los EE.UU. fue crucial en el derrocamiento.  En total, para un gobierno que dice que fomenta democracia, los EE.UU. tuvieron mucha participación en Chile.
Escrito por: Jorge Verdelis.
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soniafcademoura · 7 years
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regram @vickyruffoweb Hoy hace 12 años finalizó la éxitosa telenovela "La Madrastra", historia que mantuvo al público en suspenso de principio a fin. Protagonizada por: Victoria Ruffo y César Evora acompañados de un gran elenco: Jacqueline Andere, Guillermo García Cantú, Margarita Isabel, Cecilia Gabriela, Sabine Moussier, René Casados, Martha Julia, Ana Layekska, Mauricio Aspe y Mike Biaggio. @victoriaruffo @productor_mejia — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/18723727_406086129788290_775741544006156288_n.jpg
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michelagiulia · 5 years
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Renée Aspe (1922-1969) " Plage de Biarritz." . . . . . . . .#art#artcomtemporaine#contemporaryart#renéeaspe#plagedebiarritz#beachinbiarritz#biarritz#france🇫🇷beauty#cótedazur https://www.instagram.com/p/B0YhyASCR06/?igshid=p0oe7w7isg6l
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