#Relationships: Sornin
call-2-arms · 11 months
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Sornin x Halsin
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lolthswcrn · 8 months
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general information.
Full Name - Sornin Tor'az
Class - Pit Witch (Druid)
Race - Drow (Dark Elf)
Age - 97
Date of Birth - (August 22)
Place of Birth - Menzoberranzan (Underdark)
Zodiac - Leo
Gender - Male
Nationality - Menzobarranzian
Religion - Lolth Sworn / It's complicated
Orientation - Bisexual / homoromantic
Relationship Status - default: romanced Astarion and Halsin
physical attributes.
height - 6'6"
weight - 109 kilos
hair colour - Silver
eye colour - Red / violet ( heterochromic since the tadpole )
Accent - TBA
voice claim - Lance Reddick
tattoos - Throat, chin, forehead
piercings - Septum
distinguishing marks - Tattoos
outfit/clothing style - Leather, furs, nude when possible.
background information.
hometown - Menzoberranzan
current residence - Sword Coast
past residences - Menzoberranzan
spoken languages - Drow, Common
occupation - Servant / guard / errand boy
familial information.
mother - Deceased
father - Deceased
siblings - Unknown
children - N/A
positive traits - Strong, protective
negative traits - Selfish, spiteful
moral alignment - Neutral Evil
mbti - TBA
Born in Menzoberranzan, Sornin was raised as Lolth Sworn in a chaotic and violent city. Competition between neighbouring drow was harsh amongst those who wished to serve their Queen, so Sornin has known little kindness in the world, and grew up as violent and selfish as those surrounding him.
At the age of three, Sornin's parents gave him up as an offering to the priestesses of one of the Temples of Lolth. In doing this, they taught him that the world around him was cruel, and it was every drow for themselves, along with giving him a deep sense of abandonment that day. For their offering, they were killed on the spot. Not because it was immoral by any means, but purely to sate the priestesses lust for murder and insult from the inadequate offering.
Because of this adoption, Sornin saw first hand what it was like for male drow within the clutches of the priestesses sworn to their dark goddess. This gave the priestesses the power to manipulate and brainwash a young Sornin, keeping him simple and stupid, ignorant to the world beyond the Underdark and kept on a tight leash as a pet more than a man.
Despite his servitude to those that 'rescued' him, he began feeling resentment towards Lolth in his later years and the priestesses that tortured him.
Eventually, he found comfort in the beasts that lurked in the Underdark on his adventures, and turned to worship the elements in spite of Lolth and the priestesses. However, he never could quite escape her talons, until he was suddenly abducted. The rest is a dice roll away.
Sornin's alighnment is neutral evil. Whilst he served the priestesses, he learned to be cruel and unforgiving. He grew to be selfish and hate filled towards most others, although he never did quite care for the laws around him. He can be selfish, though he has never perfected the arts of manipulation. He is blunt, gruff and more muscle than brains. He finds comfort in insects and creatures that most would call ugly and monstrous. Because of this, he became a pit witch (druid), and used the animals around him and elements to keep enemies outside of the Underdark and protect the priestesses he served. Sornin doesn't understand kindness and even may see it as a weakness. During his journey to cure the parasite, he has much to learn about friendship and relationships in general. It is a slow journey, but Sornin begins to understand what a life away from the clutches of Lolth is like, and refuses to go back. He will do anything in his power to not return home, even if that means hurting others--unless he can be persuaded. Roll the dice.
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dreadgloom · 5 months
 💕 for Sornin Tor'az XD
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the love calculator . . . accepting . . . @lolthswcrn
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Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Dionisia Vrammyr and Sorin Tor'az has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other.
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call-2-arms · 1 year
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// Astarion's smile is too damn sweet throughout this whole scene oisjdfoisdf
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lolthswcrn · 4 months
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🥀 romance headcanons
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tagged: @crimesought ( thank you darling! ) tagging: You!
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name: Sornin Tor'az nickname: N/A gender: Male romantic orientation: Bisexual / homoromantic preferred pet names: He doesn't have a preference. relationship status: Verse dependant.
opinion on true love: He thinks that it's a crock of shit. Even if it was real, he doesn't think he deserves it, he thinks that it is dangerous and something that will always end up destroying someone in the end. This, ofc, steps from having to kill the man he loved when he was younger.
opinion on love at first sight: He doesn't believe in it generally speaking. However, in my main playthrough, this is pretty much what happens when he sees Halsin for the first time, lol.
how ‘romantic’ are they?: If he is romantic, then he doesn't know it. It's not something he really was able to express in his life. Quite often, if he IS being romantic, he wouldn't consider it being romantic, just something he wanted to do for someone he cared for.
ideal physical traits: He likes muscle, whether that's on a man or a woman. It's a sign of physical strength, and that's something he looks for in a partner.
ideal personality traits: Sornin will sleep with just about anyone, but for a romance to happen, someone has to be very understanding of his past and nature. They should encourage him--whether that's to be a better person or to encourage his evil nature.
unattractive physical traits: Humans are generally seen as beneath him, unfortunately. So they have a much lower score than other species. General uncleanliness and overall poor socioeconomically states.
unattractive personality traits: Anyone who is a zealot for a god that is cruel, although generally speaking, he doesn't like overly religious folk anyway, unless they worship nature. People who belittle him and call him stupid.
ideal date: He's never been on a date, so he really wouldn't understand how they work. He understands people DO it, he just doesn't really see why.
do they have a type?: Sornin definitely prefers his own people (drow), but he also has a good preference for other elves and tieflings.
average relationship length: He's only ever been in one, and it lasted maybe a couple of months before he had to kill them. Outside of that, he has not been in any other romantic relationships.
preferred non-sexual intimacy: Someone playing with his hair, and him getting to play with theirs.
opinion of public affection: He is not shy of sex and flirting openly in public, but he's not used to actual affection in public. I think he would be caught off guard and not really know how to react. Probably awkwardly.
past relationships?: He has had one romantic relationship with a fellow guard named Tyrrell. Unfortunately, Sornin was commanded to kill him to prove his loyalty to Lolth, and ever since, he's never been able to face a romantic relationship again.
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lolthswcrn · 7 months
// Casual reminder that if your Tav is evil or Durge or whatever, that Sornin is EASILY manipulated into following their dark path no thanks to his years of brainwashing from Lolth/priestesses. He may not LIKE it (or he may?), but his redemption arc entirely depends on who he interacts with most in camp and who can encourage him (whether that's good or bad).
This also goes for companions who he ends up forming relationships with (canon or OC).
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lolthswcrn · 5 months
describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing
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Random asks || Always accepting
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I am a sucker for a happy ending. But I will always make my muse suffer to get there >.> But ultimately, I want Sornin to be happy.
My ideal IN GAME end for him is that he's broken away from his ties with Lolth, and the Matrons have freed him. Now, that freedom would not come easily. Drow are not exactly the kind of people to just give things away, and Sornin was a slave to the Matrons. They want him DEAD before they would ever just give him up.
A life on the run isn't exactly happy, so Sornin would have killed the Matrons that were possessive of him. As a simple temple guard, he wouldn't have been well known aside from the fact that he was the guard that regulars would have known.
But his disappearance would have only been personal to the Matrons, especially the one that had taken him in and cared for him, and those that would have served with him and those that often slept with him and used him as a pet. His happy ending would require that these people give up their possession, which will only happen is HEAVILY threatened or... outright killed.
In my playthrough, Sornin's personal mission would take place after the first attack of assassins after him when he reenters the Underdark. From there, there's options to give Sornin back to the Matrons or to stand by his side and kill the assassins.
Word would reach the priestesses that the assassins didn't return, so they'd send more. Sornin would eventually return to kill them all so he could finally be free. Halsin is at his side. Whilst he initially romanced Astarion, Sornin falls deeply in love with Halsin, and he can't hide those feelings, Sornin also isn't poly, so I think that unfortunately, his relationship with Astarion was more of a fling than something deeply emotional (obvs in RP that's different! this is just my canon playthrough). I'm still not 100% on it, as I'm still learning a LOT about Sornin as he discovers himself.
Either way, Sornin would end up happily beside Halsin, following Halsin wherever he wants to go, with their little (big) Owlbear cub <3 The world would be saved, and every companion would be given their happy ending. :)
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lolthswcrn · 6 months
Headcanon: Past Love
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Sornin had a secret relationship and lover with someone while he was posting as a guard. One of the other guards, Tyrrel'zar (or Tyrrel for short), who was often a shift buddy with him. He was older than Sornin, and far more charming than Sornin, and more skilled in most areas than Sornin thanks to his years of service.
While having a sexual relationship with each other wasn't frowned upon between the guards or by the matrons, falling in love with someone wasn't exactly expected of them, or allowed beyond physical pleasure. They were servants with a greater purpose than love--and the matrons knew to keep their subject's minds away from things like love. Their love was for Lolth, and should be for no one else.
It was Tyrrel'zar who found out about Sornin's interest in nature first, and encouraged him to reach out to the spiders. At first, Sornin thought it was a joke, but Tyrrel had been a guard for a long time, and he knew that Sornin would serve for the rest of his life (just like him). Tyrrel's service was a form of punishment until he died, unlike Sornin's, who was there because he was given up by his parents, and it was the only life he'd known or could remember.
As their unexpected friendship and relationship grew, they would share moments together in and out of the eyes of the matrons. Again, physical affection was not a problem between the guards, but they made sure that the matrons knew there was no love between them, and acted generally cold towards each other before them. But guard rotations were difficult at times, and often Tyrrel would remark about this and that, and bring some life into their posts (and even make Sornin laugh).
It was also Tyrell who found out that Sornin was beginning to follow a path of nature, and who informed him about the Circle of Spores, encouraging him to get in contact with them. Unfortunately, it was also Tyrell who passed on some of the messages when Sornin could not, and who was found with a message on one of his travels.
When he was brought back to the matrons, who did not so care about the druids, but one of their own betraying Lolth and sneaking around behind their backs, Tyrell was faced with the choice of betraying Sornin and exposing him or taking the blame. He took the blame, knowing that Sornin was younger than him and still had a life he could live.
When he pleaded guilty, the matrons put him before Sornin and ordered him to kill Tyrell then and there. Whether that was because Sornin was simply there at the time posting guard or because they knew that they often had sex with each other, is unknown. Either way, Sornin, who knew what would happen to him if he exposed the truth, killed Tyrell with his sword, in the name of Lolth, as the matrons bathed in the blood.
This fucked Sornin up pretty bad. He was terrified of the matrons, knowing that Lolth would punish him worse if they found out it was him. He stopped writing to the Circle of Spores, in fear of them tracking the letters back. But he started getting cabin fever after a long time, and the smaller spiders would visit his room at night, wishing for him to speak with them and travel again.
Eventually, he did. Eventually, Sornin became rebellious in spite, but that didn't take away just how scared he was. His rebellion was still shrouded in fear. He had killed a man that he had grown attached to, and in the name of Lolth, for the matrons who had ordered it. But in doing so, it had proven that he was loyal, and Tyrell had encouraged him to kill him, but that didn't make it any better, or any less heartbreaking.
Sornin has become exceptionally emotionally closed off because of this traumatic event. Not only because of the torment he'd suffered under the matrons for years, but because he could not bear to open his heart again. Not when he was a murderer (orders or not). He regrets what he did and hates what he did.
Anyway, this is Tyrell'zar, who I'm still debating if the Emperor would use his form or not to try and encourage Sornin out of guilt, since he's not a Tav.
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call-2-arms · 1 year
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general information.
Full Name - Sornin Tor'az
Class - Pit Witch (Druid)
Race - Drow (Dark Elf)
Age - 97
Date of Birth - (August 22)
Place of Birth - Menzoberranzan (Underdark)
Zodiac - Leo
Gender - Male
Nationality - Menzobarranzian
Religion - Lolth Sworn
Orientation - Bisexual / homoromantic
Relationship Status - default: romanced Astarion and Halsin
physical attributes.
height - 6'6"
weight - 109 kilos
hair colour - Silver
eye colour - Red (violet since the tadpole)
Accent - TBA
voice claim - Lance Reddick
tattoos - Throat, chin, forehead
piercings - Septum
distinguishing marks - tattoos
outfit/clothing style - Leather, furs, nude when possible.
background information.
hometown - Menzoberranzan
current residence - Surfaceside
past residences - Menzoberranzan
spoken languages - Drow, Common
occupation - Servant / guard / errand boy
familial information.
mother - Deceased
father - Deceased
siblings - Unknown
children - N/A
positive traits - Strong, protective
negative traits - Selfish, spiteful
moral alignment - Neutral Evil
mbti - TBA
Born in Menzoberranzan, Sornin was raised as Lolth Sworn in a chaotic and violent city. Competition between neighbouring drow was harsh amongst those who wished to serve their Queen, so Sornin has known little kindness in the world, and grew up as violent and selfish as those surrounding him.
He learned from a young age how to fight and protect himself from attackers, particularly when his parents cared little to protect him. They taught him that the world around him was cruel, and it was every drow for themselves. It was this lifestyle that eventually got him into trouble. He gained the attention of a priestess who offered to spare his life so long as he served her. Sornin saw first hand what it was like for male drow within the clutches of the priestesses sworn to their dark goddess. However, death was not an option.
Reluctantly, Sornin accepted to serve so long as he was spared. Unfortunately, he did not realise just how much punishment he would endure. Whilst he served his goddess, he began feeling resentment towards Lolth and the priestesses that tortured him.
Eventually, he found comfort in the beasts that lurked in the Underdark on his adventures, and turned to worship the elements in spite of Lolth and the priestesses. However, he never could quite escape her talons. Until he was suddenly abducted. The rest is a dice roll away.
Sornin's alighnment is neutral evil. Whilst he served the priestesses, he learned to be cruel and unforgiving. He grew to be selfish and hate filled towards most others, although he never did quite care for the laws around him. He can be selfish, though he has never perfected the arts of manipulation. He is blunt, gruff and more muscle than brains. He finds comfort in insects and creatures that most would call ugly and monstrous. Because of this, he became a pit witch (druid), and used the animals around him and elements to keep enemies outside of the Underdark and protect the priestesses he served. Sornin doesn't understand kindness and even may see it as a weakness. During his journey to cure the parasite, he has much to learn about friendship and relationships in general. It is a slow journey, but Sornin begins to understand what a life away from the clutches of Lolth is like, and refuses to go back. He will do anything in his power to not return home, even if that means hurting others--unless he can be persuaded. Roll the dice.
musings / screenshots / headcanons / aesthetics / my art / others art
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lolthswcrn · 5 months
💕 please
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Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Sornin Tor'az and Cassian Emberstrike has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other.
// I mean, that's NOT BAD hahahaha.
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lolthswcrn · 6 months
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respond to the prompts out of character!
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Hyperfixation is my only reason tbh lol. Sornin was my first and only BG3 PC, and as I played him more and more, I wanted to explore his character and write him. The BG3 community was exceptionally active where the Dragon Age one has come to a halt (once more), so I decided what the heck.
is there anything you don’t like to write? Introduction threads are awkward and forced, I find. I don't really care to have them unless they're exciting in one way or another. I also don't like to write scenes that have already been played out in the media (game, movie, whatever). I'd rather just skip over it and focus on the muses at hands and how they can interact with each other.
is there anything you really enjoy writing I like most things, lol. I really like putting muses into situations where they are FORCED to interact and discover each other, though. Things that get reactions out of them, that make their characters grow and connect. I love relationship building. I also love pining :'D It's been a long time since I've had a really in depth relationship with my muse(s), and I miss it. The angst, the fluff, everything... I miss that, but I do feel like I just haven't had that... connection with anyone for a long time (and maybe that's just on me because I'm in a state of permanent tiredness and busy).
how do you come up with headcanons? Entirely randomly, lol. It's not something I actively sit down and plan, they usually just hit me right outta nowhere lol. Then I'm like OH! That's a thing for my muse!? Okay, let's write that out so we remember and can explore that!
do you write in silence or do you play music? Music is my life, lol. Music is ALWAYS playing. If I don't have music playing, then just assume I'm dead.
do you plan your replies or wing them? I generally wing them. Again, I've not had much time to REALLY sit down and plot with someone, so I usually just open up to reply and my hands do the rest. *shrug*
do you enjoy shipping? Yeeeeessssss please. All the ships <3
what’s your alias/name?  Owl.
age?  33.
birthday?  October 20th.
favourite colour?  Red.
favourite song?  Show Me How to Live by Royal Hunt. 10 minutes of pure emotional power/progressive metal.
last movie you watched?  Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Hasta la vista, baby.
last show you watched?  I'm rewatching True Blood.
last song you listened to?  Kingmaker by Pretty Maids.
favourite food?  Chocolate (: Sushi.
favourite season?  Late Autumn, winter.
do you have a tumblr best friend? No, I'm too old and boring for most people lol.
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Tagged: Stole from @never-surrender :) Tagging: Steal it from me!
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