of the Underdark.
412 posts
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dreadgloom · 2 months ago
OOC Update;
I have started beauty school again!! Woohoo! I will post updates on my personal blog and maybe here when I do some cool things in class. Once I get used to my new schedule I will be back on here and @dreadgloom!!!
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dreadgloom · 4 months ago
Imma do a playthrough of Dio again to get their muse up while I finish their carrd. I'm stuck on who should be the guardian this time though. Feel free to vote to help me make a decision!
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dreadgloom · 4 months ago
Information regarding the poll: Do you think being 532 is too old or makes them hotter? Cause I think it makes Dionisia hotter. I need a vote from chat to help out, please.
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dreadgloom · 4 months ago
A couple lil' surprises for y'all while I am straight COOKING on this card!
Dionisia is falling apart (physically and mentally but this is in reference to the physical part) because of the extreme training read as torture they under went to become a Master of Assassins . . . but like they were also partially turned into an aboleth while adventuring with their original party (the party that they traveled with after just leaving the Underdark) by a cult of aboleth servitors that had their original master killed. The ritual was stopped and reversed but that doesn't mean there aren't lingering effects (will be elaborating on this later).
Because of these effects there will be a cool new NPC for you folks to possibly interact with! Her name is Magda Wyvernbane and she is basically Dio's part-time home health assistant. Got her name from killing a wyvern in her youth and is a cleric of Ilmater!
Dio now not only takes poisons but also has the equivalent of a ring of mind shielding metal tooth in the back of their head. Will be going into what made them hate psionics at a later date.
Dio's BG3 bad ending is them becoming a mind flayer because the result of that is them returning to Menzo to restart their fallen House. Yes, that does mean they do become a Matron and are fucking miserable but don't know it.
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dreadgloom · 5 months ago
Just a quick update! This blog is not abandoned! I say this because I've gotten two asks now wondering if I'm still active. I'm just splitting my free time between @cinderschild, remaking Dio's carrd, deep cleaning my house, and spending time with my hubby. My goal is to have Dio all fixed up before Halloween. I wish I was faster but I only have so much energy and free time because busy season at work has started again. Thank you all for your patience!
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
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I shall choose a new path! O'Grandmother Grace, watch as your child is reborn in golden draconic splendor.
penned by Lapis .
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
Okay so imma delete Helia's blog and remake it cause I've tried to fix the problem (I'm still not sure what it is) and it's not working. Please bear with me while remake her and then repost her promo.
Quick question for the dash but can y'all see me when I follow you on @cinderschild ? I just had someone tell me that they couldn't and now I do worry 😔
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
Quick question for the dash but can y'all see me when I follow you on @cinderschild ? I just had someone tell me that they couldn't and now I do worry 😔
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
*kicking my hair and twirling my feet* Heyyy, besties! You’ll never guess what I got this week. A full 48 hours off from work!! One day will be devoted to cleaning and spending time with my hubby but the other is going to be 100% dedicated to finishing up Helia (my gold dragon) and potentially finishing up Dio’s new carrd too!!! I’m so freaking excited. Expect a url drop for Helia on Wednesday!!!
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
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The ranger takes a deep breath before setting aside the mortar and pestle they had been using. A slow nod is given in response to the aasimar’s confession. ❝ That was dangerous and foolish without your equipment . . . never again, ❞ they said after a long silence. It was not that the drow was ungrateful or upset. well . . . perhaps just a tiny bit upset that their current poisoncraft was a waste of their limited time. They were more concerned with the fact that Viorel seemingly acted without first to them the group.
open starter: viorel (mutuals only)
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Viorel is no fool. He knows that many of his companions consider him dead weight. Not only did he have the misfortune of getting separated from his beloved armor and sword, his angelic appearance lead to the group believing him to be a gentle spellcaster. Oh how such an assumption couldn’t be far from the truth. Speaking of truth… “Truth be told I did go somewhere last night. I snuck into the goblin camp and poisoned their food. Now we do not have to fight a whole army’s worth of goblins. You’re welcome.”
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
Breathplay / choking.
"Put your hands around my throat."
"Tap my arm three times if it gets to be too much."
*taps three times to safeword out.*
"Just a little tighter."
"Please? Just try choking me once."
"How's that? Can you still breathe?"
"I don't think I can actually choke you..."
"Are you sure they're doing it right? Let me research the right way to do it first."
"You were turning blue! Of course I stopped!"
"Hey, are you still with me?"
"You're so pretty with my hand around your throat."
"Let me see your eyes right now or I'll stop."
"Nice and snug. I love it."
"Can you tighten my collar?"
"Pull it tight this time. I can take it."
"I wanna choke on your cock."
"Take it down your throat."
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
I apologize for being slow af, my good fellows. I am still working on Helia's carrd and my ask box. I forgot we are entering a busy season for work so I am struggling with my energy levels rn. However! I am very nearly done with it and then I will finish up Dionisia's (shouldn't take as long cause I picked a similar carrd and I have 80% of the stuff needed for it already typed out on a doc). I do have a lil' question tho! Would one or a few of you be interested in viewing Helia's carrd and telling me your thoughts on it? Like I said, it's not 100% done (kinda like 80ish I think). This is just the most detailed thing I think I've ever made before and I wanna make sure it all looks good and makes sense. Just reply to this if you are interested and I will send you a link!! <3
*kicking my hair and twirling my feet* Heyyy, besties! You’ll never guess what I got this week. A full 48 hours off from work!! One day will be devoted to cleaning and spending time with my hubby but the other is going to be 100% dedicated to finishing up Helia (my gold dragon) and potentially finishing up Dio’s new carrd too!!! I’m so freaking excited. Expect a url drop for Helia on Wednesday!!!
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dreadgloom · 6 months ago
💑 (Okay I know they aren't officially in a ship, so more of, what do think would be great about a ship?)
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ship talking!!! . . . accepting . . . @ode-of-odr
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awesome that they are both trying to escape their families' influence. it will potentially be a great bonding point for them.
I adore that Ras is very head full of Dagon's whispers and trying to fight them off while Dio is that stark opposite in the fact that they are head empty waiting for orders because of their training.
kinda of darkly comical that Ras is afraid of his desires and Dio just straight up isn't because of the kind of life they have lived/their moral ambiguity. like I'm really excited for them to have that conversation and then just look at each other like the shocked Pikachu meme.
I freaking love, LOVE that Ras is their type and doesn't see how he can be which in turn confuses Dio. XD
I think it's time that Ras gets the scary dog privilege and isn't just the scary dog. Dio is ready for it!
them both getting close enough that they can center each other and tell the other when something is enough or too much and both respecting and responding to that
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dreadgloom · 7 months ago
send me a 💑 if we ship our muses together and i'll tell you why i love our ship!
if we aren't shipping our muses together but want to, send me a 💘 and i'll give you my first impressions of the ship
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dreadgloom · 7 months ago
*kicking my hair and twirling my feet* Heyyy, besties! You’ll never guess what I got this week. A full 48 hours off from work!! One day will be devoted to cleaning and spending time with my hubby but the other is going to be 100% dedicated to finishing up Helia (my gold dragon) and potentially finishing up Dio’s new carrd too!!! I’m so freaking excited. Expect a url drop for Helia on Wednesday!!!
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dreadgloom · 7 months ago
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