#Regardless I want to see what else is out there
wtftaylr · 3 days
I love Companion Benny. I love the idea that he gets huffy-puffy and “just a little” jealous if you switch him out for another companion. He simply cannot cope with the fact that you’d toss him aside like yesterday’s trash for… what, some scribe in rags? A boring-ass first recon guy? A vaquero ghoul? (ok he thinks Raul is kinda cool actually but he won’t openly admit that)?? Benny has STORIES, baby. Interest. Intrigue. You wanna know all the juicy strip gossip? Guess what, you CANT now because you DISMISSED him. How DARE you.
Benny is VERSATILE, baby. His tagged skills are guns, melee, and unarmed. Good luck finding another companion that can do what he can. Yeah Craig “Frowns” Boone can headshot a cazador from a million yards away or whatever, *mumbling* show-off, he would’ve seen that cazador eventually *end mumbling* but Benny can shoot, stab, AND punch. Hey courier, watch this. I’m gonna punch the fuck out of this deathclaw. He does it (you gotta administer a few stimpaks) BUT HE DID IT. And he was only at half health. 400+ health honeybaby, Benny can take a few whacks from those deathclaw freaks. What was that? Showing off? Benny doesn’t have to show off, sugar plum. He’s just that good.
He also won’t complain that his feet are getting tired. Yeah he’ll complain about minor inconveniences and wants you to do something about them regardless if you realistically can or not, but at least he’ll walk miles upon miles in a day and not complain. He also won’t complain about going back to the Lucky 38. (he’ll just complain about not being able to get in there before the Courier showed up.) What, no one else complains about their feet hurting? Uhhhh BOOT-RIDERS. Silly name. But that’s how they rode the Mojave, dig? On their feet. He’s done this before. Experienced.
AND ANOTHER THING. how many companions shout words of encouragement during a fight. Go on. He’s waiting.
You’re doing great, baby! Show these punk losers what you got!!
I bet all the caps in Vegas you’ll miss that while getting shot to shit by the Fiends or whatever. Grumble. Benny hopes you come back in one piece, of course. He’d just rather see to it himself that you remain in one piece. Uhh BECAUSE HE’S JUST THAT GR-
(The courier left with their choice of companion hours ago. Swank is trying to work but Benny won’t stop gabbing his ear off. Dear god Benny just go be the Head of The Chairmen somewhere else. Swank is trying to do actual work here.)
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snowballseal · 3 days
hihi! i was curious if you would be willing to do a drabble inspired by the sleepy affection with sylus piece, but with out good dr zayne? i feel like sleepy cuddles with him would be so comforting... regardless, thank you sm for sharing your writing!! every piece you've posted has always brought a smile to my face (kicking my feet all happily too) even for characters i'm not as interested in :)
Sleepy Affection ~ Zayne
Summary: It's winter, and there's nothing like cuddling with your sleepy doctor after you've both had a long day (or a long few days in Zayne's case).
Word Count: 1014
Note: I'm honestly so whipped for this man. Like, I'm so soft for him. And he's so soft for reader. This man would turn into a cuddly cat when he's tired, kinda like the misty invasion card (*eyes emoji*)
Hope you enjoy! Thank you for the request! And thank you for your really kind words. I'm glad my writing can make people happy.
Winters in Linkon are your favorite.
There’s something about the snow, the crisp chill in the air, the smell of peppermint drifting from the coffee shops. Every store is draped in twinkle lights and each street rings with the song of bells as people come and go. The kids seem somehow more feral and delightful, running through the parks in their brightly colored scarves, building snowmen wherever they can. Being a hunter, you’re drawn into more than a few snowball fights by groups of eager children who want to see your “fighting skills”.
But your favorite part about winters are the sleepy evenings. It’s the feeling of getting home after a long day, a deep chill in your bones alongside the exhaustion, ready to curl up in your blankets with a cup of hot cocoa and a movie. There’s nothing else like it.
And what makes it even better?
When your boyfriend joins you after his even longer shift.
Your apartment is quiet except for the playful soundtrack of ‘Elf’ humming in the background. You snuggle deeper into the couch, eyes glued to the window beside you, watching the thick snowflakes dance with the wind. They look like little ballerinas to your tired eyes, pirouetting round and round and round. Hypnotizingly graceful.
The front door opens with a muted click.
Lazily, you tear your gaze away from the window. You do your best to glance over the back of the couch, your cheek pressing into the cushion, too comfortable to move, eyes half-lidded with sleep.
Your heart flutters at the sight in front of you though. Zayne stands in the foyer, pulling off his many layers of warm clothes with a startling lack of grace. Snow clings to his dark hair and coat, falling to the ground with each of his sluggish movements. The doctor looks tired. His eyes meet yours, dark and warm, hooded just like your own.
You lift the edge of your blankets. A silent invitation.
Zayne trudges across the living room, his steps uncharacteristically heavy. He takes off his glasses and leaves them on the table behind the couch. You smother a giggle when he practically collapses against you. It’s like having a large cat curl around you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck with a long, content sigh.
Resting your cheek against his hair, you tuck your blankets around his shoulders, murmuring a soft, “Hey, baby.”
The doctor lets out a low rumble in response, drawing you impossibly closer. You inhale sharply when he slips his hands under your sweater, his freezing cold fingers desperately seeking out the warmth of your skin. You shiver as they trace delicately along your waist, slotting in the tight space between you and the couch.
“Your fingers are freezing,” you whine, jarred from your sleepy state.
Of course you don’t actually mind, though. Not with Zayne. Not when he nuzzles so cutely into your neck, murmuring the most unapologetic apology you’ve ever heard, his voice low and raspy with exhaustion. A fuzzy kind of fondness washes over you.
“Long day?”
Zayne sighs, his breath tickling the sensitive skin of your throat, “I’ve slept only three hours in the past two days.”
Poor thing.
You feel a stab of pity for him. That might be the only drawback of winter, you suppose. Akso Hospital is always infinitely busier with this kind of weather. The snow always brings more accidents and Zayne always volunteers to work extra shifts when the need is dire, no matter the cost to his health. It’s something you love, but also something that worries you.
Brows furrowing, you card your fingers through his hair tenderly in hopes of helping him relax. It’s still a little damp from the snow. Zayne shivers when your nails trace over his scalp. Another shaky sigh escapes him when your hand dips under his collar to massage his nape. He practically melts under your touch, his weight pressing you deeper into the couch.
You’re not sure where the movie is now. The cup of hot cocoa on the side table is likely cold. But it’s hard to care. All you can focus on is Zayne. The steady rise and fall of his chest. The faint smell of jasmine hidden under the lingering scent of the hospital. The comforting weight of his body on top of yours.
Eyes fluttering shut, you nuzzle your face into his hair, hands going still around his shoulders. The two of you stay like that for what feels like hours, drifting in and out of sleep as the snow dances outside. It all feels so distant, your blankets hiding you from the cold, from the rest of the world. 
It’s just the two of you.
The two of you, in your shared apartment, always coming home to one another. Just like this.
Your heart warms at the thought. Nudging his forehead gently, you draw Zayne back just enough to see his face. He looks back at you with those hooded eyes, hazel depths brimming with a reverent affection. Biting back a smile, you lean down to kiss him. It’s a tender thing, a mere brush of your lips against his, featherlight and full of devotion. It leaves the both of  you aching yet content as you draw away.
“I love you,” you whisper, nose brushing his sweetly.
“I love you as well, my dear,” he hums, a flicker of a tired smile gracing his lips.
You can’t resist pressing another kiss to them, your own smile breaking through, “Go to sleep, baby. I’ll wake you when it’s time for dinner.”
Without an ounce of resistance, Zayne settles back against you, his head resting on your chest. The soft thrum of your heartbeat lulls him to sleep, the exhaustion finally catching up and pulling him under. You listen as his breathing evens out, deep and slow.
And while you mean to stay up, you can’t resist the warmth, the comfort of having him there with you.
Vaguely, you hear the credit song playing as you drift off into sleep.
I have such a thing for calling stoic men 'baby', I feel like it's so soft and cute and he'd honestly probably melt for it. Idk, maybe just me, please don't come for me in the comments.
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blackknight-kai · 2 days
Let me start saying I love your blog, reblogs and headcanons, truly, all of the above🩷🩷
If you’re comfortable with the question, do you have any for the Destined One with a female virgin reader?
So I wanna say thank you 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I haven’t quite shared my own head canons much but I don’t have any issue sharing them 🫶 others do a much better job of it so I’ve left it to them. But! Your ask comes at a wonderful time as I needed a break from writing a fic 💀 (kill me im up to 20k)
Let’s get after it! Destined One & a female virgin head canons? I’ll give it a shot! There will be a nsfw section below sorry if that’s not your thing. I wasn’t super explicit on body parts etc but let me know if you guys want a Sun Wukong one? I’d try.
If you’re NOT in a relationship yet and he finds out? (Be it you told him outright or it comes out in passing conversation)
He’d would remain expressionless and quiet as usual. Not wanting to make a big deal out of it and remain respectful
But if you look closely you can see him swallowing thickly at the new information
Will NOT treat you differently
He has a LOT of feelings for you and knowing you haven’t shared yourself with someone else, while not a huge deal he’s never really cared one way or another, it’s something he finds himself thinking about often.
It makes him a little hot under the collar sometimes when he looks at you and remembers what you’d said.
NSFW - on the very rare occasions that he takes some time to himself or you’re not around, in the quiet he puts his goal to the side for just a moment and allows himself to think about his wishes and whims. Specially how he’d touch you and make it good for you because you deserve to be treated like you’re special and HE wants to be the one to do it.
If you’re in a relationship and it either came up naturally or during a more…heated moment.
Would absolutely freeze. Like body full on screenshot kinda freeze - only his tail would flick and twitch as he processes
Because honestly it hadn’t occurred to him before but it is NOW. He’s thought of you and making love with you but first or not first hadn’t been a topic of thought
He’d probably internally get flustered and his heart would race ridiculously but on the outside his expression would appear stoic or mildly surprised
Wouldn’t try to pressure you or make a big deal out of it, as though it doesn’t matter one way or another besides making extra sure you’re comfortable
His tail would eventually give him away though as it would be swishing behind him happy and interested as the information settles in his brain
Dude would be first and foremost HONORED If you shared that news with him and were giving him your first
Probably a first for him too ngl. I see him as someone who was so focused on his path that warming another’s bed wasn’t something he was willing to spare time on.
If it’s not a first for him too then it’s not something he’s done often and isn’t an expert
Would definitely thank you for trusting him with sweet reassuring kisses (if they are a little heated don’t blame him too much)
He is respectful! As I said no pressure. No rush. But would the information please him? Yes.
Definitely adds fire to his belly because HE will be your first
Sends a note of possession through him not because he’d “own” you but because regardless of being a first or not you’d be his and he yours.
Regardless of if you’re shy or ready to get the show on the road he’d be so gentle and would be careful, really careful.
Probably a bit unsure and might move a little too fast accidentally in his own lust but would immediately sooth you as soon as he realizes
Looks to your expressions and sounds to make sure you’re feeling good and safe
He wants to treat you WELL views it as HIS duty to make sure you’re happy
It’s a lot of pressure but he’d do his best and set his mind to it being nothing but perfect for you
I imagine at first his hands would be so feather light letting you get used to him and his touch as he undresses you piece by piece- he’d watch his claws unless he finds out you enjoy them grazing across your skin
He’d brush his lips across every piece of new skin revealed to his eyes unable to help himself
Finds out he really loves your chest, both feeling you & tasting you. as well as napping on you later
But over time as the act went on he’d be more confident, still tender but less unsure
He’d be enamored every time he got you to sigh or make a pleased sound
It’s his goal to hears those often
When he discovers how turned on he’s made you it would send waves of pride crashing over him, he had done THAT
Overall though he’d take his time
He probably won’t speak much if at all, but he’d make sure you’re ready every step of the way. If he does speak it’s not more than a few words here or there, low and only for you to hear as he nips your ear
Multiple check ins
He’s a giver, and while he isn’t practiced whatsoever he’d use his mouth and fingers to bring you pleasure, finding out exactly how you like it by listening to the way you moan or the way your body shivers and trembles with specific movements
He 100% will become VERY VERY good with his hands and mouth
His tail is sneaky, he’d use it as a way to hold on to your leg (holding you open while one of his hands is occupied) or would brush the the furry appendage across your skin just to see goosebumps rise in its wake
When you’re finally connected, after time spent letting you get used to him (and him you because let’s be real he’d be overwhelmed by the feel of tightly wrapped around him too) he’d roll his hips gently
He would make sounds, sighs and groans in your ear.
He’d love it if you cling on to him and tell him he’s doing something good
Full on shudders if you scratch his back or dig your nails into him - he loves it and he might accidentally thrust too hard when you do it
Wants to hear you 👏👏
Would keep control for as long as he could but would listen to your requests almost instantly if you asked him to move faster
Would love it if you moved his hand exactly where you wanted him to touch you
Would suck marks on your skin - thighs and neck, wherever he absentmindedly ran his lips. Would be shy about it later but would touch them possessively or when you’re dressed his eyes would stray to where his marks are on your skin.
Afterwards he’d silently but tenderly wipe you down and then pull you into his arms
Would nuzzle his face against you and breathe your scent as you both relax and come down from your high
Would massage any soreness you have that he could and feel pride at wearing you out, although his face wouldn’t show it
His tail would be like a vice around your thigh all night and trying to get out of his hold in the morning is a chore
He’d 100% take care of you especially for a first time is basically what I’m saying. After, he may be a bit rougher with his movements or may be impatient at times especially after a tough fight and adrenaline is still kicking but will always treat you tenderly as you guys build confidence together.
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Every time one of the Sunny cast is in something else that's marginally successful, you always see articles like "This proves it's time for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia to end" and I need to be dragged out of the room kicking, biting, maiming because yes, while it's great the actors are branching out and I want them to be able to do so and get the recognition and respect they deserve for their skills, that doesn't mean there's not still worth in their other work, and what it all boils down to in the end is: people don't respect Sunny or all their skills already on display in Sunny, they never have and never will. To them, Sunny running so long is a 'blemish' on the record of their career, a growing mold they can't scrub clean, a shackle on the arms of ambition that's been dying a slow death and refusing to set them free, and not the incredible feat, work of passion, and still very much alive (and important to so many people) thing it really is.
And these people don't even have stake in the situation! Many aren't even fans, never understood what they were doing to begin with, admit to having only seen a few clips or episodes here and there, or, even worse, have been saying the same thing every single year even when Sunny WAS in its prime because they see something (especially of a certain genre and presumed quality) on that long, they only look at it on the very surface and default to expecting it to have continually gotten worse regardless of whether or not it has, and I won't argue Sunny hasn't had its share of speed bumps and slumps, but by god at every turn they have also worked to get over them—especially succeeding in their latest season balancing old Sunny with the new —and keep delivering new plots and new ways to work with these characters that they have put so much thought and love and work into over the years, and even though it's a comedy show, they deserve to be seen as more than just a bad punchline to an overused joke. Their life's work deserves to be seen as more than just a joke. Because it may not mean anything to the people writing the headlines, but it means something to a lot of people. And the love for creating it is still there. The love is still there. Anyway, woe, wall of text be upon ye, I hope Sunny lasts forever.
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rafey-baby · 4 hours
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older!rafe loves to put his fingers in sensitive!reader’s mouth & her favorite place in the world is his lap...
cw: mean older!rafe being a tease & making her choke on his fingers, heavily suggestive, size kink, use of daddy
wc: 1.6k
in love w this man so more of him on the way xx
this is an additional part to this
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rafe has had a bad day.  
She notices it immediately by the way he greets her with only a brief peck on her cheek; carelessly throwing his jacket on the couch before slumping down against the cushions and letting out a washed-out exhale. 
For the entirety of the week, gloomy clouds have painted over the dusty, colorless horizon and wet water puddles have saturated the socks of passing pedestrians and dog walkers alike. However, Rafe is not someone who particularly minds rainy days, which is why she assumes that the reason for his disgruntled mood has something to do with business, as it more often than not does.  
He scratches at the buzzed hair still slightly damp from the rain while she simply stands there and blinks; unsure whether he wishes to be alone or not.  
”What are you doing? C’mere,” he suddenly orders in a somewhat of a stern tone and she has no choice but to pad over to his sprawled out legs, lowering to sit on top of him and letting him paw at her waist as his beefy arms pull her closer. And she can't really complain when the heat of his body seeps into her flesh in such a comforting way; makes her insides feel all fluffy and featherlight.
In the same way that Rafe seems to enjoy her needing him to take care of her when everything feels like too much, she loves being there for him; likes to feel useful, needed.
”Do you wanna...talk about it?” The muted melody of her vocal chords reaches his ears as vivid raindrops pitter patter against the glass of the windows and he groans in exhaustion at how perfect she is for him.  
”Not really,” he dismisses her with a shake of his head. ”How was your day, hm?” 
”It was uh, okay. I don’t know, the usual. Had some boring lectures, almost fell asleep…questioned every decision I’ve ever made,” she huffs out and settles her palms on his strong biceps.
”Mm,” he’s only half listening; beginning to mindlessly twirl a strand of her hair around his index finger.  
And she takes that as her cue to continue blabbering out complete nonsense as she begins to grow slightly restless being this close to him. Truth be told, she’s pathetically been missing him the whole day; the only thing granting her the motivation to go about her routines being the thought of seeing him at the end of it all. And now that he’s here, he seems frustrated; mind entirely elsewhere and she doesn’t know what to do except ramble on and on about her dull day.  
Then, completely out of the blue, he’s grabbing her jaw into his massive hand and hushing her. 
”Shut up for one second, yeah?” He mutters out before he’s tucking a thumb past her lips; a surprised squeak leaving the back of her throat at the sudden intrusion because he was the one who asked for her to talk in the first place.  
However, she can’t exactly say that it’s unexpected. He often gets a tad bit meaner whenever he’s had a dreary workday and takes it out on her in some form or another. And regardless of how unhealthy all of it might seem, there’s a crooked part of her brain that yearns for it; wants him to come to her whenever he’s upset. If she’s utterly honest, the thought of him searching for solace in anyone else makes nausea creep up her bones.
For some reason, the firm pad of his thumb making her tongue feel heavy in her mouth placates her; turns her brain into a needy, dingy muddle in a way that only Rafe is capable of.
”Shit, just needed something to suck on, huh?” He pushes down on her tongue, making her swallow around the digit with a whimper.  
”So fucking pathetic sometimes, you know? Just take anything Daddy gives you,” a low-pitched chuckle thunders from his chest, seemingly amused by the ease in which she gives into him.  
However, there’s also something gooey, syrupy beginning to whirl in the pit of her tummy. It reminds her of the countless times she was perched on the park swing as a little girl during the balmy summers of her childhood; thinking she could reach the fluffy clouds with the tips of her sneakers if only she could fly a little higher.  
”Feels nice to have something in your mouth, doesn’t it?” He ogles at her, mesmerized with intrigue twinkling in the Carolina blue that has always made her think of the sky.  
She lets out a faint moan when he drags the digit out and then back in, making her gag around it; her hips involuntarily rutting against the growing bulge straining against the zipper of his pants, desperate for some sort of friction if even through the soft material of her sweatpants.  
”Didn’t give you permission to move, did I?” He feigns confusion with a furrow of his brows that gets her to reluctantly halt her shifting.  
”Daddy, need your...” Her words are cushioned against the obstacle he’s planted between her teeth.
”Can’t really hear you, Kitten,” he mocks before he’s pulling the thumb out of her mouth altogether.  
However, the next thing she knows, he’s stuffing in his index and middle finger both at the same time. They reach far deeper; a muffled sound of gagging following his actions as he seems to discover a perverted sense of satisfaction from her struggle.
"What did you say?" His lips twist into a cruel smirk when she whimpers pitifully and tries to draw away from him in order to catch her breath but his other hand only grips her jaw tighter, keeping her exactly where he wants as she’s forced to breathe through her nose.  
”I think you can take it for a bit longer, yeah?” His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he simply stares, seemingly absorbed into the obscene scene before him.  
And she should feel embarrassed, demeaned even. And she does! However, the humiliation of letting him do whatever he wants as if she’s nothing but a cheap toy for his entertainment blurs over the lines when her cunt throbs in response to his degrading attention. She flutters uselessly around nothing; powerlessly begging for some sort of alleviation with a whine that merely earns her a tut of his tongue.  
Therefore, the only thing she can do is sit there like an obedient animal because he’s already scolded her once. She hasn’t turned entirely dumb just yet; knows firsthand how ‘Daddy doesn’t like to repeat himself’ and that the next time she misbehaves will result in a punishment her poor cunt probably wouldn’t be able to handle in this helpless state of hers. 
”Don't think you could take Daddy’s cock even halfway in this pretty mouth,” he mindlessly croons, thumb smoothing over the skin of her throat as she swallows the spit beginning to dribble down her chin.  
The thought manages to pique her curiosity because his cock has been at the forefront of her mind for a couple of weeks now, due to him constantly teasing her with the notion of letting her suck him off properly. He keeps murmuring about training her throat and fucking it raw but never actually doing it; merely allowing for her to drool and mouth over the tip because apparently she's 'not ready yet'.  
She’s beginning to turn into something desperate because whenever she tries to take more of him into her mouth, he stops her with a click of his tongue and big hands lifting her head off him. ”Don’t be greedy now, Kitten,” he’d scold her but she's certain she’s going to die if she doesn’t get to feel his cock nudge at the back of her throat soon.  
”Ray…” she tries to fruitlessly speak but he’s not exactly making it easy as he keeps stroking against her tongue. However, she doesn’t need to say anything. He knows what she wants.
”I mean, can barely fit into this tight cunt, don’t know why you keep whining about wanting me in this mouth so bad. Don’t think you’d even enjoy it that much. It’s a lot, you know?” There’s something almost patronizing in the way he’s speaking to her as if he’s not the one who brought the idea up in the first place.
It’s like he’s trying to talk her out of it yet his fingertips keep prodding past her gag reflex every few minutes, almost as if testing the waters before plunging in and it’s making her head spin.  
She whines and tries to defend herself but the digits fussing with the inside of her slobbery mouth don’t allow for her to form anything audible as she begins to grow troubled. 
”What was that?” The line of his mouth curls when he pokes deeper once more, causing her to moan with watery eyes pleading him for anything at this point.  
”Such a dirty girl. Bet you’d like choking on my cock, huh?” He grunts and she hums in response; nodding fervently before he’s finally withdrawing his hand and smearing the spit-stained fingers against her pouty lips.
They’re both panting heavily as he gently swipes at her under-eyes in order to catch the teardrops ready to trickle down before petting at the apples of her cheeks with a tenderness reserved only for her.
”Shit, always know how to make me feel better, don’t ya?” He rumbles fondly against her mouth; following his saccharine words with a messy kiss soon after. Maybe he'll finally allow her to have what she so badly craves…
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lukolabrainrot · 19 hours
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Thank you for the kind words and glad you are here!!
I have talked about this some on my blog, so feel free to scroll through to see my thoughts. I will add this:
In healthy friendships, regardless of your own personal feelings, you should be happy if your friend's partner makes your friend happy and treats them well. I don't know L/N of course, but from everything I have observed between them, they seem to just glow around each other and make each other happy and treat each other really well (at least in public). I think the friend groups would probably have to adjust some to the change in the dynamic, but I don't personally see the friend groups as being a major reason L/N wouldn't pursue a relationship. I think L/N would be able to integrate themselves into their friend groups.
A lot of people talk about how L/N seem really different in a lot of ways (including their friend groups), but with the type of connection we have seen between them, I strongly disagree. They obviously really like spending time with each other, and bring each other a lot of joy and laughter. This means they DO have things in common (most notably their love for acting). But yes, they are also different in ways, which isn't really a bad thing necessarily in a romantic partnership. This is the analogy I will use. They are like two heads of the same coin. Each side is a little different, but each side goes together and works as a unit. That is kind of how I see L/N. I think they balance each other out, they each offer things the other person seems to need, and they work well as partners in life. And then add EVERYTHING ELSE I have talked about on my page related to what I have observed with their connection... and yeah I just don't see their friend groups impeding them from pursuing a relationship with each other if that's what they want to do.
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band--psycho · 4 hours
Zayne x Reader - Doctor Visits
Please be kind, reblogs are always welcome and greatly appreciated!
Thank you all for the continued support! I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
Requests are open so if you have any ideas/requests, you're more than welcome to send them over.
I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied or translated onto this site or other platforms!
Warnings: Doctors appointments, brief mentions of a blood test, mature themes towards the end
I do intend to write a Part 2 for this
L&DS Masterlist / Zayne Masterlist / Join My Taglist
“Thank you for checking in,” the receptionist at the hospital said with a polite smile, “Dr Zayne will be with you soon”
Your heart dropped at her words. 
Dr Zayne? 
“I think there must be some mistake?” You stated; trying to understand how you’re seeing Zayne for this appointment when 1) you didn’t book this appointment with him and 2) he was meant to be on holiday; at least that’s what he told you a few days ago when you last spoke to him. 
“The doctor you booked to see is unavailable right now,” the receptionist clarified her focus shifting from the screen she’d been staring at for a few moments. 
Obviously your unease must’ve been written all over your face because the receptionist followed her own words up with, “If you wish to wait until the doctor you originally booked in to see is available we can reschedule your appointment.” 
You wanted to reschedule. 
But you knew that you couldn’t. 
The Hunters Association had very strict rules on keeping up to date with doctors appointments so that medical records could be kept accurate. 
And recently you’d been so busy with missions and studying; that booking the appointment had completely slipped your mind, that was until Tara mentioned it a few days ago.
This was the last day you could have an appointment before you would be overdue on it.
Which although it wasn’t the end of the world, wasn’t exactly an ideal situation. 
But neither was having Zayne as your doctor for this. 
“It’s fine,” you reluctantly said, moving away from the receptionist's desk and taking a seat in the waiting area.
Zayne was your usual primary physician, he was the one that kept a vigilant eye on your heart condition and made sure that your blood pressure and everything else was okay. 
And although this was just a routine doctor's appointment, knowing that Zayne was now going to be asking you private questions and listening to your answers, made you want to run out of the hospital eight that second.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Zayne, you did.
More so than you trusted anyone really. 
And you knew that he would remain professional regardless of your answers.
But the truth was you were embarrassed; embarrassed to admit things that you hadn’t shared with anyone.
Things that you certainly didn’t ever think you’d have to admit to Zayne. 
“Y/n,” a familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, looking up you saw Yvonne standing in front of you, “Dr Zayne will see you now.”
You nodded briefly, giving her a small smile as you rose to your feet. 
It was like your body was on auto-pilot, and you followed Yvonne straight to Zaynes office. 
The nurse gave you a small nod, signaling that you could go in, before walking away down the hall. 
You took a deep breath; your hand gingerly hovering over the door knob, wondering if you could attempt to make a last minute dash to the exit without anyone seeing.
The opportunity to do so was there, you could go now and no questions would really be asked. 
Except Zayne would know that he was meant to see you today…and if you didn’t show up to your appointment, he’d start asking why. 
And it would mean that you’d have to reschedule it for another day without knowing when the original doctor you booked in with would be free. 
‘The sooner I go in, the sooner it’ll be done’ you thought to yourself, placing your hand on the door handle, pushing the door open and walking into Zaynes office. 
“Y/n/n,” Zaynes stoic voice filled your ears, only raising your already heightened anxiety
‘Just breathe,’ you thought to yourself, turning to look at the doctor sitting behind a desk. 
“Please have a seat,” Zayne continued, extending his hand slightly towards the chair on the other side of his desk. 
You let out a shallow breath, attempting to compose yourself as you sat down in the chair opposite him. 
“I apologise about that change to your appointment,” Zayne began; typing away on the keyboard, his eyes fixed on the computer screen. 
“It’s okay,” you answered quietly, absentmindedly fidgeting with your hands as they laid in your lap.
“You seem nervous,” Zayne pointed out, glancing up at you over his glasses briefly, before turning his attention back to the computer.
His words made you aware of what your hands were doing; halting your fidgeting movements.
“You don’t need to be, this is just a routine appointment,” he assured you with a small smile; but his words didn’t do much to ease your anxiety. 
The questions started off normal, like “How have you felt since your last check up?”, “Have you had any new injuries from any recent missions,” etcetera, etcetera, and then they started to get a bit more private, a bit more personal. 
Starting with, “Any irregularities in your menstrual cycle?” 
“No,” you answered back finitely, making Zaynes eyes fall on you once again; but this time, he held your gaze.
He knew that you were lying. 
And you knew that he knew. 
The way in which you answered the question was an obvious giveaway. 
But even without that, you knew Zayne would probably have sussed out that you were lying, he always knew. 
“Y/n, it is key in these appointments for you to be honest with your doctor,” he reminded you softly, urging you to tell him the truth. 
But you knew what your answer could imply; you were a week late, just one week and you knew that it was probably because of stress and exhaustion; not because of any other reason. 
You knew your answer would open a door to more personal questions; but you also knew that you needed to tell Zayne the truth.
“I’m a week late,”
“I see,” he replied, turning back to his computer screen, for a brief moment you saw something in his eyes, a look of…hurt, you watched how his jaw tightened and he continued typing away on his computer, “and when was the last time you were intimate with someone?” 
And there it was, the very question types of questions you were trying to avoid.
You knew what he was implying with his question.
His question was almost laughable, had you not been so embarrassed about the answer you knew you’d have to give, you probably would have laughed.
In truth, you could barely remember the last time you went on a date with someone, let alone the last times you were intimate with someone; and now you had to admit that to the very man who was part of the reason why. 
You liked Zayne, as more than a friend… in all honesty, to you, no one else compared to him. 
So even if you did have the time to date people, or be intimate with them, you wouldn’t because they weren’t Zayne. 
Sometimes, you thought he held the same feelings for you,even though he’d never said anything to give you such an idea. 
It was more in the way you caught him looking at you sometimes…with a look that not only made your heart skip a beat, but a look that made you wonder. 
A look that made you wonder if he felt the same; or if it was just your hopeful heart messing with your mind.
“A year,” you mumbled, feeling the heat of embarrassment fill your cheeks.
It was a year ago, with someone you met in a bar, one thing led to another and you ended up in their bed. 
It was then that you realised how you truly felt for Zayne…because all you could do whilst you were being intimate with them, was imagine Zayne.
After that, you couldn’t bring yourself to try and meet anyone else. 
You didn’t want to. 
Which is why you kept yourself busy with work; it stopped you from being able to think about your own loneliness too much. 
Zayne said nothing in response to your answer; though you did notice his expression seemed to soften as he typed your answer up on your medical record sheet.
A few more questions and a blood test later and your appointment was over and you were following Zayne to the door to his office. 
“I’m going to sign you off for a few days; so you can get some rest,” he said as he put his hand on the handle of the door. 
“Zayne-” you attempted to argue back but he just shook his head, silencing your words, before you could even finish your counter argument. 
“A few days of rest,” He repeated softly, though you knew by the look in his eyes that there was no use arguing with him.
“Understand?” His voice was just above a whisper but it was loud enough to send a small pleasurable shiver throughout your body. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he knew how much of an effect he had on you by just whispering to you like this. 
You hated your first name, so you always went by Y/n/n. 
Hearing your full first name was unusual, no one called you it anymore; but it was especially unusual hearing it fall from Zayne's lips; though for some reason your name sounded good on his lips.
“Do you understand?” he asked again
You knew you shouldn’t have found his question as erotic as you did; it was a simple question, but the authority in his voice mixed with the way his eyes were burning into yours, made you feel very hot and tingly all of a sudden. 
You were turned on...
You needed to play it cool, act like you perfectly fine, so you nodded in agreement.
Not daring to trust your voice at this very moment; not when you were this close to each other. 
“Good,” was the last thing he said to you before opening the door, allowing you to walk out of his office.
You'd barely take a few steps away from his door before you heard it click shut behind you; it was only then you released a breath you hadn't been aware of holding as you replayed what just happened in your mind.
He was so close to you...so close...
'Stop it,' you mentally scolded yourself as you began walking down the hallway.
You passed the reception and left the hospital quickly, trying to think about what you were going to do with your now free days, instead of how much you wanted Zayne...
@xacatalepsyx @fangirlsfandomsss @book-dragon03 @evilldentists @hao-ming-8 @princess-harvey @deathkat657 @comatosebunny09 @the-slytherin-poet @ladyparamount @ayatoq @cheesemachine44 @popcorn-mochi01 @thegalaxysedge22 @hotdogcookie
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paikothecateater · 3 days
Currently working on a whale brothers + Sweden mini fic for an ask, but I feel like I have to point this out. (this is unrelated to the mini fic, I just wanted to assure the asker that I am working on it)
So, I'm sure most of you have seen this before.
Tumblr media
It's a table of how the Nordics refer to one another.
I think this table is a pretty cool thing. It actually shows a lot more about their personalities than you'd think.
For example: Finland is the only one who calls Sweden 'Su-san' he's also the only one to refer to the other Nordics using honorifics or suffixes and this is actually very indicative of his relationship with the others.
(this is all information from Google, I can't speak for it's accuracy.)
The others do not refer to each other using honorifics which indicates a sense of over familiarity. It makes sense, but Finland being the only one who uses them indicates that he probably doesn't feel close enough to them to not use them. Either that or he's just too polite to.
He also refers to Sweden and Denmark with the suffix (San)
While for Norway and Iceland he uses (Kun)
This is actually also shown in the anime. He calls Sweden 'Mr. Sweden' and Denmark 'Mr. Denmark' though he does not do the same with Norway and Iceland. Now, Google did say that Kun is usually reserved for underclassmen and that may be the case for Iceland, but I'm not sure about how that reflects his relationship with Norway.
I've seen people talk about Denmark referring to Norway as his best friend and whatnot, but something I've never seen anyone bringing up is how interesting the usage of Boku and Ore is here.
Finland and Iceland refer to themselves with Boku. This is a generally more humble, polite and refined way to refer to oneself.
The other few use Ore which is described as being much less formal and a lot more masculine according to Google.
So essentially, the viking trio see themselves as big scary macho men, noted.
There's also something that generally intrigues me here.
Iceland has two ways of referring to Norway
Norway and Nore.
He uses Norway for international settings, but only uses Nore when it's just among the other Nordics.
According to Google there are a few reasons as to why that might be.
The one I've gotten most is this:
It's generally rude to refer to someone older than you by a nickname. It doesn't seem to matter any that they're in fact brothers. It looks like the same rules apply regardless of what relationship the two people have.
So it's just so he doesn't seem rude by calling Norway a nickname? I don't think it's that simple.
See, he calls all the others by a nickname, in fact, more so than anyone else. He doesn't change up in international settings for any of the others, even though, if anything, it would make more sense if he did.
Could it be his way of distancing himself from Norway in front of other countries? It would make sense. Iceland did always act embarrassed about being Norway's brother, so maybe this is his way of acting like they aren't as close as they are.
This is also something that happens with Denmark. Both he and Norway refer to Sweden as Sverige, but Denmark also refers to him as Sweden in international settings.
I don't think any of the last explanations work seeing as technically Denmark here is portrayed as Sweden's superior, so it wouldn't make sense for him to change it out of respect.
Google really did not help with this one so I had to come up with my own theory. While the others have some evidence in canon, this is just pure speculation on my part.
Denmark could be saying it in English to make it easier to understand when it comes to international settings. The Danish accent is known to be quite thick and hard to understand if you're not familiar with it. Denmark could be more comfortable with saying Sweden's name in Danish around the other Nordics as they're more familiar with his accent and could easily understand what he's saying.
What about Norway? Well, the Norwegian accent is considerably more coherent even to those unfamiliar with it.
You're more likely to guess what a Norwegian is saying through context clues than with a Danish person because you likely misheard what the Danish person said.
Sweden is also the only one to refer to Finland by... Well... Finland. The others all call him Fin.
We know by now that Sweden is very socially awkward so it makes sense that he wouldn't feel 100% comfortable calling Finland by a nickname, especially when Finland is the only person referring to him by an honorific. Sweden would likely worry that it'd be considered rude if he called Finland by a nickname.
There's something else I find a little interesting here.
Norway calls Denmark anko or Den
While Iceland calls Denmark Dan.
Why the difference between Den and Dan? Both the Norwegian and Icelandic words for Denmark start with Dan (Nor:Danmark, Ice: Danmörk), so why does Norway call him Den?
Maybe he's using the English spelling, but why would he do that? It's not like it's an accent issue. I actually have no clue as to why this is.
Another thing is Iceland being the only one to call Sweden by Sví.
We know in the anime and manga that Iceland has a particularly close relationship with Sweden, so it may be a product of that. Even when it's not directly shown, it's implied that the two are very close given that Iceland can pick up on Sweden's remote social cues better than anyone else. Is this historically accurate? I doubt it, but that doesn't exactly matter right now.
Here's another thing,
Finland's 'Ta-san' comes from the Finnish word 'Tanska' which translates to Denmark, but where does his 'Su-san' come from? The Finnish word for Sweden is 'Ruotsi'
Well it could be that (スウェーデン) the word for Sweden in Japanese is pronounced something like ( Suu-eden) so that's likely where it comes from. It's a little strange that he'd use the Finnish word for Denmark, but the Japanese word for Sweden.
Well, both Japanese and English are used in this table as what I'd like to call (base languages) the table operates under the assumption that whoever reads it either speaks Japanese or English, so they're used as though they were the same language. Essentially (Su-san) acts as (Swe-san) because (Ruo-san) doesn't help people who don't speak Finnish understand who Finland is referring to. Nordic, English and Japanese names for Sweden all start with the letter S. If I told you Sweden is referred to by 'Su-san' you'd probably think it's not that strange as an English or Japanese speaker, but if I told you he was referred to by 'Ruo-san' you probably would be very confused.
I'll quickly run down this one.
Norway calling Denmark Anko.
Anko is referred to as being (kind of like bro)
It is not in fact kind of like bro.
It means red bean paste.
Why does Norway call Denmark this? Well, it could be because of the red in his flag, but that's not what interests me.
Most Japanese nicknames are just shortened versions of one's name. Ice, Fin, Nor, etcetera.
Anko here is very interesting. It doesn't seem to be a common nickname in Japan. It could be that given that Denmark and Norway are referred to as best friends and are shown to be very close. This could be a classic case of a childhood nickname that carried in into adulthood.
Alright, that's all I have to say on this matter. As always, thank you for coming to my yap session. And for the asker who's waiting on that mini fic, I'm sorry for the wait. I just had to get this thought of mine out there before I forgot. I'll try to have the mini fic out as soon as humanly possible.
Also, let me know if you have any other theories about this name table because I'd be very interested to see if anyone else thought about this.
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tgmsunmontue · 2 days
Saga of Solitude 13/21
Nepo!Baby Bradley and his life at USNA and afterwards. DADT fully in force. IceMav AU. (Begun prior to 'It's not who you know' - the non-angsty version). (Side Hangster, which is ALSO angsty).
PROLOGUE (He remembers)
HANGSTER FIRST MEETING (Lonely Nights - set 2009)
ONE (2000) TWO (2001) THREE (2002) FOUR (2003) FIVE (2004) SIX (2005) SEVEN (2006) EIGHT (2007) NINE (2008) TEN (2009) ELEVEN (2010) TWELVE (2011)
                They’ve decided to forgo their rings outside of the house. They live in a little pottery dish that Petra made beside a larger one that Tamsin had made several years early, likely in the same class. It’s a new habit, keys go in the large bowl and the ring goes on his finger when he gets home and he remembers Mav sliding it onto his finger during their wedding ceremony every time. And when he leaves the house it works in reverse, he takes the ring off and picks up his keys.
                They’d had a quiet courtroom ceremony, just the seven of them. When he’d checked his paperwork to see what needed updating he hadn’t needed to update next of kin, Maverick has been listed there for years alongside Sarah, and nothing there is going to change. He does fill in the forms for change of marital status, and he holds onto them for weeks afterwards, hands shaking at the thought of handing them in and everyone knowing. It takes him a couple more days but then he’s standing in the doorway of his office looking at Aubrey fastidiously working on something, muttering under her breath and she’s been with him for five years now, nearly six, and he knows he can trust her.
                “Aubrey… I need to ask you opinion on something.”
                “I have filled these in and should submit them to the administration office. However…” he swallows roughly and hands the forms over to her silently. She accepts them, eyes flicking over them quickly.
                “Well sir, I’m a little hurt I wasn’t invited –”
                “Ah –”
                “I’m joking sir. Now. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, however I came from the administration office and still have the same level of access. I can update the information and file these and no-one else will see it. Unless they go looking of course.”
                “Oh. You can do that?”
                “Of course sir. Leave them with me. And congratulations.”
                “Thank you Aubrey. For everything.”
…            …            …
                He doesn’t know what he expected to change with Ice and Mav getting married. They aren’t suddenly more affectionate with each other, Mav doesn’t move absolutely everything in, although there isn’t much left at his house anyway. He does note the appearance of the rings though, thinks it’s softly sweet that they wear them but the thought then turns sad when he realizes that they still feel like they cannot let the wider world know. That despite everything they’re still keeping it a secret. A part of him understands, to have something so big have to be a very well-guarded secret for over two decades.
                The extremes they both went to, to ensure that they weren’t found out. Marriages to women who fortunately knew and supported them and loved them and knowing that now, what his own parents must have known and done make him feel a little better about his own sexuality and journey. Knowing that they would have loved and supported him regardless. That Tamsin and Petra are here in the world because they added a legitimacy to Ice’s marriage, even though he knows both Ice and Sarah wanted kids and figured out the best way that could work for them. He looks at them all, Sarah and Melissa, Ica and Mav, their relationships with each other well over two decades and he doesn’t know the nitty-gritty of how they got together. Definitely isn’t going to ask, Mav tends toward over sharing and there are things he doesn’t need demystified.
                That said he does wonder how he’s going to maybe manage a relationship. If he even wants one. He didn’t before. Had very firmly put it away as something he couldn’t have, not alongside having the career he has wanted for as long as he can remember. But now… fucking Seresin putting the idea in his head has got him thinking and maybe it’s something he could try. If he could find a guy to try it with. He doesn’t want it to be someone who is also in the service, that seems like a recipe for trouble. There are dating apps and clubs but he already uses those to hook up, case in point, Jake Seresin.
                He does have people he can ask though; Chris and Pat. Nat’s cousin and his husband. They’re his age, well, a little older but not as old as Mav and Ice. More importantly they’re not in the military and probably know guys who are looking for… not just sex. Dating. He remembers them sending guys over and everything he learnt and now fondly remembers. Despite Christopher being Nat’s cousin he does count them as friends and so he finds himself reaching out, asking if he could maybe come and visit.
                Of course there’s an open invitation and he finds himself there mid-week, not really wanting to give up his weekend time with Tamsin and Petra, even as they have busier social lives he still tries to shoehorn as much time with them as they’ll let him. He knocks on the door to Christopher and Patrick’s apartment, a different one from over eight years ago, but he has been here before a couple of years ago when he visited with Natasha.
                “Bradley! Look at you. While I might not be a fan of the military I cannot argue with the output …”
                Bradley grins, well used to Christopher’s flirty banter now after years of it, accepts the hug and kiss to the cheek and toes off his shoes and places them on the rack.
                “Hey Christopher, nice to see you too. Thanks again for letting me come and stay.”
                “You’re always welcome, you know that. Come on in, make yourself at home. You know where everything is right?”
                “Yeah, assuming you haven’t done any major home renovations.”
                “No, we have not. You want a drink?”
                “Yeah, coffee would be good, but only if you’re making one yourself.”
                “I’m making myself a cocktail. Want one of those instead?”
            ��   “Sure. Why not?” Bradley decides, because this conversation will probably go easier with a slightly looser tongue. He drops his bag in the guest room and heads back to the kitchen to find Christopher making coffee but also pouring vodka into a cocktail shaker along with a healthy amount of ice cubes.
                “Alcohol and caffeine. So we can make bad decisions wide awake!”
                “Well, I was actually after some life advice but sure, let’s start with bad decisions.”
                “Life advice? From moi?”
                “Yeah, you and Patrick. You two have your shit together.”
                Christopher’s gaze goes sharp.
                “Oh honey, I thought you were here for a booty call…”
                “And you still let me invite myself?” Bradley asks, half-joking but also a little horrified that Christopher would think him that rude. Although coming to visit just so he can ask advice probably isn’t the best look either.
                “I’m sorry, have you seen yourself. I’m married, not dead. And I didn’t mean a booty call with me and Patrick…”
                Bradley startles a little, feels the heat in his cheeks, hot and immediate because he let himself be startled; caught off guard. Because he had imagined that when he was younger, the idea of somehow being with both of them. However he’d never pursued it or shown any interest, because he’s good at hiding all that, he hasn’t managed a decade in the Navy under DADT by having his every want and desire clearly on display in his face and body. It’s not really happened before. He might need to unlearn some things.
                “I was joking but… interesting.”
                He tries to ignore his embarrassment as Christopher makes the cocktails, his gaze flicking back to Bradley every so often. Then he’s sliding over a glass filled with a dark concoction that does indeed smell very strongly of both coffee and alcohol. He takes a sip and coughs.
                “Shit that’s strong…”
                “Hmm. Bottoms up!” Christopher says, eyes wicked and Bradley coughs again, shooting Christopher a look because yes, he did get the fucking innuendo.
                “Babe! I’m home!”
                “In the kitchen!”
                He watches as Patrick gives Christopher a kiss hello and he’s struck with a sudden memory of his parents, bright laughter and easy affection. Huh.
                “Hey Bradley, nice to see you again…” Patrick says, reaching out to shake his hand and Bradley accepts the handshake, ignores Christopher’s eyeroll.
                “Hey Patrick, nice to see you too.”
…            …            …
                He’s not sure quite how it happens, other than apparently couples seem to be able to hold entire conversations silently with their eyes. He lies there, feeling wrung out but a growing sense of unease growing in his gut that he’s just slept with a married couple. His first threesome and god, Natasha can never know.
                “Well I sure as hell won’t be telling her,” Christopher says, and Bradley realizes he must have said something out loud.
                “You’re over thinking this. You’re not going to ruin our marriage by being in our bed.”
                “We’ve done this before,” Christopher adds and Patrick groans and Bradley bites his lip in amusement, because they’re still them, even here. Even if he’s becoming increasingly aware of his nakedness and feeling less comfortable himself. He hasn’t unpacked, maybe he should just get up and leave. He shifts but Patrick is there, hand pressing him back down.
                “Uh uh uh… you aren’t running away. No sneaking out. There isn’t anything to be ashamed of. You came here to talk, and now we’ll talk. And we’ll all put some clothes on. Go have a shower in the guest bathroom and we can sit on the sofa and hear your troubles…”
                Bradley wonders if making a quip about not minding either of them without their clothes on would be in appropriate or not and decides to keep his mouth shut. Clothes will help.
…            …            …
                “So… help us understand what you want.”
                “I don’t know what I want, that’s a whole part of the problem.”
                “Well, what do you not want?” Patrick asks and Bradley scrubs at his face.
                “I’m kind of over meaningless hookups.”
                “Oops?” Christopher offers and he and Patrick both snort.
                “So you want a relationship,” Patrick states and Bradley pulls a face.
                “I guess?”
                “Wow, ringing endorsement for relationships everywhere.”
                “Christopher stop being so bitchy, it isn’t helping.”
                “I… under don’t ask don’t tell I knew I couldn’t pursue a relationship. Not and have a career in the Navy.”
                “So you’ve never…”
                “I’ve never even gone on a date,” Bradley offers. “I don’t know if I’d be any good in a relationship. It seems like hard work.”
                “And you’re definitely a stranger to hard work, what with going through the academy and then flight school being so easy and all.”
                “Still bitchy, but he has a point. If you care about it, you put in the work.”
                Bradley groan, because the advice is reminiscent of what Ice had said,
                “Another silver lining from having sex with you, gives us a better idea of what you might like. Make sure you’d at least be sexually compatible.”
                Bradley shrugs, because he’s never put that much thought into it, other than always wanting to ensure the other person wanted to be there and enjoyed themselves.
                “You ever thought about entering the scene?”
                “The scene?”
                “Oh honey…”
                That devolves into a whole other conversation and Bradley feels overwhelmed with information, glad that Patrick stops Christopher from going and getting their toys. Instead Patrick says he’ll send him some websites to read through, once he’s had time to process and consider it. He can’t imagine doing anything like that with someone he doesn’t already know really well, but there is also a definite interest in exploring and learning about it all.
                He ends up talking about Jake, although he doesn’t mention his name. Just that the three nights and two days with Jake are pretty much the closest thing he’s ever had to dates, if they can even be called dates when it was simply filling time between rounds of sex. Annoyingly both Patrick and Christopher seem skeptical, like he should maybe consider pursuing something there and he shakes his head, insists he doesn’t want someone also in the service. Doesn’t mention how badly he feels that he’s likely burnt any and every bridge back to Jake. He’s not an option.
                “You want training wheels.”
                “Like a trial run. A relationship with training wheels. Someone to practice with that lets you try it out but not something too serious. A guy that’s low maintenance.”
                “That rules out over half your single friends,” Patrick says dryly. “They’re single for good reasons…” he says to Bradley, making his eyes wide to drive the point home and Bradley’s glad that he’s there. He’s calmer and more sensible than Christopher. Between them though he’s hoping they might have someone.
                “What about Mike?”
                “Bradley sees enough warzones, let’s save him from that one…”
                “Fine. Andrew?”
                “Andy or Drew?”
                “Andy. Drew is back together with his ex. Again.”
                “Ugh. Andy would be okay I guess. Maybe too much drama though? Drew would have been better.”
                Bradley feels like he very much does not need to be here for the conversation they’re having. They go through several more names, one or both of them shaking their heads and he’s glad they’re being so picky and discerning on his behalf, but he is becoming more and more terrified of ever entering the dating scene on his own. It sounds like a minefield.
                “What about Callum?”
                “Oh. Hmm. Not a bad idea. And he’s actually local to you, having just moved there… he’d probably appreciate the introduction as well. He’s… yeah. Actually that might be the best one.”
                “He’s a bit of a workaholic, which is why he’s single. But…”
                “I’m not around for months at a time…”
                “Yeah. Worth a shot right? At least a date or two?”
                “Yeah, got nothing to lose right?”
                “Just your first date virginity!”
                “Yeah, okay, thanks for that Christopher…”
…            …            …
                Neither he nor Ice are prepared for the arrival of the boyfriends.
                He doesn’t know if Tamsin and Bradley colluded to deal out the trauma simultaneously but it throws him and Ice both into an emotional tailspin. He knows Bradley is twenty-nine, likely has plenty of sexual experience given his little fieldtrips to New York and San Fransisco that he probably thinks he and Ice are blissfully ignorant of. Hell. He was young once. Tamsin though? She’s only fifteen no matter how much she argues that she’s turning sixteen soon.
                Tamsin’s boyfriend is a sixteen-year-old kid that neither he nor Ice like, although Bradley tells them they’re being too harsh. Pete knows what he was like as a teenager, and what Bradley was like, and quite frankly he’s glad that both his daughters know how to defend themselves, even if Petra tends to the slightly more violent side of things.
                Pete isn’t quite sure what to make of Bradley’s boyfriend. He’s nice enough, clearly cares for him, but also doesn’t seem to have the deep-rooted desire or passion that he’d hoped Bradley would find. It’s fine, it’s Bradley’s first boyfriend and Callum is smart and attentive but also doesn’t seem to get Bradley. Their interactions are friendly and easy, but that’s it he realizes. They act more like friends than anything else, careful distance always maintained and he wonders if Bradley is simply not into public displays of affection.
                Then he watches more, sees how Bradley hugs both him and Ice, how he’s hugging Tamsin and Petra, pressing kisses to the tops of their heads when he can get away with it. He reminds Pete so much of Goose in those moments and he wonders what is stopping him showing the same with Callum. Callum who Bradley won’t even invite to the house for family dinner. They go out to restaurants, although he does know that Callum stays over at Bradley’s place, and he won’t be making that mistake again in a hurry. Or ever again if he can help it.
                Fortunately, Petra seems to think that boys are disgusting, Pete hopes that she never changes her mind.
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its-all-papaya · 1 day
y'all voted for... four, five or eight... so I just chose my favorite.
presenting: dad lando snippet‼️
“mega race, mate! congrats!” he types out. It feels cheesy, makes him blush. He deletes the exclamation points. Thinks about what else to add, what feels thanks for calling me an uber so I didn’t pass out in a gutter and not I have not gone 24 consecutive hours without thinking about your text since you sent it. “mega race, mate, congratulations,” looks better. After another second, he tags on “hope you enjoy your break” and it feels good. Feels normal. His finger hovers over the x key and it would be easy, he thinks. Oscar did it first. He chews on the skin next to his thumb until it stings, then hits send without it. He toggles his phone into do-not-disturb for the final 15 or so minutes of Emma’s park time and leaves on silent while they walk back. Then he puts it to charge while he boils water for spaghetti and heats a half-dozen frozen meatballs to temp on the other burner. Emma builds Lego while he cooks, eats dinner without a fuss, and hardly even complains about imaginary soap in her eyes when Lando gets her in the bath after. It’s a good night, but most of them are. He’s gotten really, really lucky with her, regardless of how often his mum and Max try to convince him it’s anything Lando’s done to make her so agreeable so often. She’s just a pretty easy kid. Once he’s read a chapter (and another, because she’d asked really nicely and they had an extra minute), he kisses her on the forehead and tucks Bunny under her arm, then flicks the overhead off and the nightlight on and tells her, as always, that he loves her more than anything in the world. When he’s alone in his own bedroom, there’s truly no excuse left. He pushes it anyway. Brushes his teeth, showers off the day, changes into his pajamas and puts on some show he doesn’t care about for background noise. Then there’s no excuse. His phone screen is full of notifications when he finally picks it up. Most of them are mundane – emails he’ll get to in the morning, that sort of thing. Max has sent him some shit about his sex life that Lando doesn’t want to read, a selfie with his trophy, and then a calendar invite for a tee time in two and a half weeks, followed by a single question mark. Lando taps out “yeah probly” and then all that’s left is the other chats. He doesn’t mean to hold his breath, but it comes out in a rush when he sees the little unread marker next to Oscar’s name. His heart does a mortifying flip flop in his chest and he taps in with embarrassing speed. It’s time-stamped an hour ago, anyway, it’s not like he’ll look desperate.
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nondelphic · 12 hours
thank you so much for 700 followers!! this is so insane to me and i'm so happy people are enjoying my posts.
i know most of you are here for my ""relatable writing posts"" but i also know some of you are interested in who i am, and specifically my writing, so to celebrate hitting 700 followers i thought i'd give you a taste of my writing !! i know i was supposed to tag some ppl but i forgot to write your names down and i can't remember who wanted to be tagged and who didn't 😭😭😭
these are all drafts and i def don't consider myself a great writer, but i think i'm okay at storytelling. regardless, enjoy it for what it is!
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this excerpt is from my first completed draft of "the midnight chase." for context, marley is aroace.
They sat in silence for a while before Marley shifted towards Lucas. She bit her lip, uncertain of how honest to be. “Lucas?”
He looked at her. “Yeah?”
“You know the party last month? Remember how Elvis kissed me?”
Lucas nodded. Marley averted her gaze, focusing on a path beyond the pond that led to a cliff overlooking the ocean.
“Do you think it’s possible to want that sort of closeness, without wanting it all?” Marley could feel Lucas gaze on her.
“I’m not sure I understand what you mean.”
Marley sighed and let her gaze drop to her feet. Her shoelaces had come undone.
“I mean, I don’t like Elvis like that, but when he kissed me, I felt… warm inside. Like, it’s not something I crave, but it felt nice regardless.”
Lucas remained silent for a moment. Marley looked up to see his gaze thoughtful as he processed her words. The gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional chirp of a bird were the only sounds filling the silence between them. Marley could feel her heartbeat quicken, wondering if she had said too much, or if Lucas might misunderstand her.
Finally, Lucas sighed softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I get what you’re saying, Marley. I think… it’s natural to want closeness, to feel connected to someone, even if it’s not necessarily about romance. It’s human, you know? We all crave that warmth, that feeling of being wanted or cared for, even if it’s just for a moment.”
Marley nodded, relieved that he understood, but still, there was something else she needed to express. She glanced between Lucas and her shoelaces, her senses searching for any sign of judgement or discomfort, but all she saw was patience and a gentle curiosity.
“I guess it just made me question something that’s been nagging me for a long time,” Marley continued, her voice softer now, almost hesitant. “Like, what if I don’t ever want that kind of connection with someone, but I still want to feel close to people? Is that okay?”
Lucas’s expression softened even more, and he reached out, gently placing a hand on Marley’s shoulder. “Marley, there’s no right or wrong way to feel about these things. You’re allowed to want whatever it is you want—or don’t want. It doesn’t make you any less valid or any less… you.”
Marley let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. “Thanks, Lucas. I guess I just needed to hear that.”
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and here's another excerpt that shows a bit more of the story...... kinda.
As Lucas excused himself to go to the bathroom, Marley looked for Chio. Instead, she ran into Silas.
“Hey,” he said, holding his arm out. “Let’s dance.”
Initially, Marley wanted to say no, but something in Silas’ expression made her do the opposite. She took his arm and he led her to a more secluded part of the dance floor. Marley noticed people staring at them as they walked, not unsurprisingly, considering her and Silas' history.
Silas put a cautious hand on Marley’s back as the song transitioned to a sentimental and slow piano arrangement. 
“You know the map I gave you?” Silas asked. Marley smiled. Yes, the one she and her friends had managed to figure out completely. “Did you solve it?” 
Something in Silas’ expression told Marley he already knew the answer. Did he want help? Had he solved it?
“Yes,” Marley said. Silas nodded, and a smile crept up on his face.
“Me too. Which means… the winner will be determined by who gets to the middle first.”
Marley nodded. “You’re doing it alone?” 
“Yes. I work best alone. I know you’re doing it with your friends.” Something in Marley churned at his answer. It was a typical Silas answer, a simple phrase etched with an edge of passive aggressiveness. Marley had solved it with the help of her friends. He had solved it alone, using only his brains.
“Teamwork is an underappreciated tool,” Marley said, finding herself distancing herself slightly from Silas’ hold on her as they danced.
“Of course. It’s important to be able to work with others. At the end of the day, though, you'll be alone.”
Marley looked into Silas’s eyes, trying to decipher his expression. There was something behind his words, a hint of loneliness perhaps, or maybe a sense of inevitability. She decided to keep the conversation light, not wanting to spoil the mood of the evening.
“Maybe so, but having friends by your side can make a huge difference,” Marley replied, her tone gentle but firm.
Silas nodded, his gaze thoughtful. “I suppose you’re right. It’s just... sometimes it feels like relying on others is a weakness.”
Marley shook her head. “It’s not a weakness, Silas. It’s a strength. Knowing when to ask for help, and knowing you can trust those around you, that’s powerful.”
They continued to dance in silence for a few moments, the slow melody wrapping around them. Marley felt a strange mix of empathy and rivalry towards Silas. She understood his drive and his determination, but she also saw the value in the support system she had with her friends.
As the song came to an end, Silas offered her a small smile. “Thank you for the dance, Marley. And for the perspective.”
Marley returned the smile. “Anytime, Silas. Good luck with the challenge.”
“Good luck to you too,” Silas replied, giving her a polite nod before walking away.
Marley watched him go, feeling a mixture of emotions. She was grateful for her friends and the support they provided, but she also understood the weight Silas carried. She hoped that one day he would realize the value of camaraderie.
Lucas returned from the bathroom, a curious look on his face. “Did I miss something?”
Marley laughed, shaking off the remnants of her conversation with Silas. “Just a dance with Silas. Nothing major.”
Lucas raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further. “Shall we continue dancing?”
“Absolutely,” Marley said, feeling lighter and more determined than ever.
They returned to the dance floor, joining their friends in the celebration. The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter, dancing, and shared moments that Marley knew she would treasure for a long time.
As the night wound down, Marley found herself sitting with Chio and Maya on a bench outside the hall, the cool air in the stone-cladden corridor a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the dance floor.
Maya pulled out her phone from under her dress. Marley watched her. “Where did you keep that?”
“Oh, I have all my dressed sewn to include hidden pockets. I hate not being able to carry stuff.”
Chio rolled her eyes dramatically. “Ah, yes, custom sewn gowns with pockets, what a normal and humble thing!”
“It’s not my fault that default dresses don’t come with pockets already,” Maya countered.
“Calling normal dresses ‘default dresses’ is crazy,” Marley snorted. She looked at Chio’s dress. It was a beautifully simple dress with long, wide arms and a simple fabric belt around the waist, in a bright orange colour, contrasting Chio’s blue hair in a seamlessly effortless way.
“To be fair, my dress is also customised,” Chio sighed, smoothing out her skirt, before smirking. “I took it in two centimetres at the waist.”
The three girls burst out into laughter. Maya looked at her phone.
“What time is it?” Chio asked.
“We should get ready.” Marley said. The Midnight Chase started at midnight, just as the name suggested. And she was not running down the maze in a long dress. Well, she could, she knew multiple people participating who were going directly from the dance to the maze. But they weren’t in it to win it. Marley and her friends were.
Hopefully, Silas would find that working alone is actually the greatest weakness.
Marley had a gnawing feeling that her stance would be proven right.
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HELP i'm so scared y'all are gonna think my writing is trash because LET'S BE FR THIS IS JUST FROM MY FIRST DRAFT!!!! i haven't yet edited these scenes so they're kinda cringe but i wanted to show my main project. i do have different writing styles depending on genre though, and i'm tempted to show some of my comedy writing. it's pretty hilarious, if i may say so myself.
anyway, thank you again for 700 followers. thank you so much. each like, reblog, reply, message, or ask brings me so much happiness. you have no clue how much your interest warms my heart (or maybe you do because you know how social media manipulates our brains and their reward system)
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chewbokachoi · 3 days
"You said you liked it so I brought it for you." bireenaaaaaa
Eyy looked who finally got to it--sorry for the delay! Ended up a lil longer than anticipated but I had fun regardless :D
Bi-Han felt out of his element.
He was standing, watching just out of sight, not sure if he should make himself known or just continue to observe. Most of him, the sensible part of him (or what remained of it) said he was being obtuse and a creep. But a small part of him, a small voice he ignored for years and thought left for dead, chimed in. What if she hates it? It whispered.
To let insecurity rule him after clawing his way back to life. Bi-Han shoved the voice back once more and slipped out of his hiding place. He snatched up the gift and decided to find Sareena rather than wait in the shadows, or worse, leave it unguarded.
He slipped the parcel into a satchel he had taken to wearing. The idea of being seen carrying around something so carefully wrapped yet so clumsy and unrefined would have been one too many humiliations to deal with. 
Watching Tomas wrap all of the gifts he had prepared for everyone had only done so much to help Bi-Han. He wasn't sure if Tomas appreciated the audience, or who the audience was, but he didn't say anything at least. It was a mix of comfort and further frustration for Bi-Han. While it was good Tomas didn't shun him, Bi-Han resented himself for not knowing how much Tomas truly tolerated him.
Of course it made sense somebody like Bi-Han didn't have as much skill as Tomas at gift wrapping; Tomas who had the time to pursue such a frivolous hobby. But it still gnawed at his pride that he couldn't make something for Sareena half as good. And to even consider asking Tomas to help wrap it for him? Absolutely not.
Bi-Han hoped Sareena would at least appreciate the colors. She always wore black and red. Finding red ribbons was easy enough–black wrapping paper, he found, was harder despite how popular goth fashion and other grim aesthetics had become. Of course part of him was eager to point out it was probably only difficult because he didn't dare ask anyone for help. And then the more delicate part of the gift…Bi-Han found his face warming at the thought of it. It was stupid. He could just leave it in his bag.
To his relief, Bi-Han found Sareena by herself. She was in Liu Kang's library and she had found a rather large, old book. Bi-Han wanted to know what it was, and he wanted to see if he could find out without having to ask. But the closer he got, he saw it wasn't in any language he knew. How much time had he lost out on? Clearly enough for her to have comfortably learned another language.
Despite how quiet Bi-Han was, she knew he was there. Covering his scent on a whim wasn't something he had figured out how to do. Still, he walked close enough to be polite but keep a respectful distance and waited for her to turn around.
Sareena set the book down and turned to face Bi-Han, her expression neutral despite her demonic features. They always made her look vaguely upset or annoyed. In a better mood, Bi-Han could see himself tolerating comments saying that he could relate. But when that mood would finally arrive, he couldn't say. So, instead, he kept his own neutral expression, waiting on Sareena to decide if she had the patience for him or not.
"You're done with training early," she said.
Bi-Han gave a small shrug. "I woke up earlier," he said. He had woken up early so he could get his training in and have time to wrap the gift and present it to her on time.
She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes, the action always somehow ensnaring Bi-Han to her. "I thought you preferred reading one book at a time," she continued, uninterested in Bi-Han's reason for being done with training earlier than she expected. "And the book I last saw you with from here was sizable."
"You are correct," he said, not knowing what else to say. She was still paying attention to him and the thought alone made him want to disappear. He could still make an escape, but he'd have to at least give her her gift. Perhaps while she was distracted by unwrapping it–there was no way it would open neatly–he could disappear. "I came to find you," he said, reaching into the satchel.
Her irises widened like a curious cat's.
Bi-Han pulled out the first gift, his fingers brushing against the second half. For a second, he thought he broke it. But to his relief, it was fine. He pulled out the parcel and handed it to Sareena, barely able to keep his gaze on her.
"Who's this from? Did somebody ask you to deliver this to me?" Sareena asked, pausing her reach.
Bi-Han felt his face flush. "No," he said. And that was all he could manage.
Sareena's surprise gave way to realization. "Oh." She looked back down at the parcel and picked it up, her movements sharp and angular–more demonic than human. She back down on the stone bench, suddenly entranced by the little parcel. "Did you wrap this?" She asked, tugging at the ribbon, a hint of amusement in her voice.
"I may have," Bi-Han muttered, trying to keep his focus on how her hands moved, peeling at the tape and paper. But instead he was watching her face, seeing how happy and curious she was. It occurred to him that the odds of getting a gift from the Netherrealm were low, and they'd be tools more than anything–especially for a demon of her rank.
She pulled back the paper to reveal the gift: a metal, crocodile incense holder. Its mouth was open, meant for the stick to be inserted into the mouth. 
Bi-Han reached into the satchel before she could say anything and pulled out the incense packet. It was wrapped in blue paper with silver wrapping. He had noticed her preference for sour things, and so he hoped she would appreciate the variety of citrus incense sticks he had found. To his relief–and a boost to his pride–Bi-Han could see Sareena could smell what it was through the wrapping.
"Bi-Han," Sareena said, accepting it with her free hand. "Thank you." She looked up. "But…" she trailed off, not wanting to be rude.
Bi-Han couldn't find it in him to see the question as rude. Maybe a small part of it was because she was still a demon and her ways weren't ever going to fully align with the human world. But Bi-Han knew he couldn't judge anyone for any apprehension or hesitation around him. So, he gave her another shrug. "I heard you saying to Ashrah how much you liked it," he nodded to the holder. "So I bought it for you."
Sareena blinked, processing what he had said. Then she smiled. She carefully placed the still unopened bundle of incense sticks in the hand with the burner. Then she picked up the book. "Would you like to join me for some reading?" Sareena asked, moving to make space for Bi-Han.
His eyebrows rose in surprise. Then he looked around, quickly looking for any book to avoid making it awkward. As he walked over to a shelf full of Chinese books and tales, he could hear Sareena unwrapping the other gift. When he returned to the bench, he saw her inserting a stick into the holder. Then she lit it with a light tap of her finger. She turned around and looked up at Bi-Han, the smile still on her face.
He sat down near her, but not next to her.
Sareena crossed her legs, her knee brushing his thigh.
Bi-Han remained where he was–Sareena had done that on purpose, but he couldn't deny he liked the casualness of her proximity to him. The smell of citrus mixing with the enchanted torches that lit the library was providing an odd and unexpected comfort. Bi-Han felt his shoulders relax and found himself hoping this was something he could enjoy again.
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spiro-nagnew · 2 years
Lmao at myself because BTS and BLACKPINK have been around for damn near 10 years and I never cared that much before but here I am almost 30 years old, in the middle of a divorce, entering my kpop obsession era.
That being said, does anybody have some good recommendations for me? Give me your favorite songs or performances from literally any kpop generation. Doesn't have to be BTS or Blackpink either. I have no genre preference. Girl groups, boy groups, solo artists. I'll give it all a listen at least once.
This is also a sort of warning for the people who currently follow me. Prepare for so much content that you'll question when you started following a fan account.
Yes this is a repost from my side blog because that one is strictly used for venting.
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quibbs126 · 2 months
You know, it’s sad to me that Peach Blossom basically got nothing
He was only given one short scene in the story, and he only talks to one character, that being Dark Cacao. And most of their interaction was about Peach Blossom giving him food and directions, with whatever character work being pretty much Dark Cacao centric. And how he’s left, he’s probably not relevant enough to ever bring back in another update, he’s just a guy tending to a peach bao garden
I mean sure, other playable characters have been relegated to short cameos, like Blueberry Pie, but in Blueberry Pie’s case, she already has Ovenbreak, in which I believe she did have a small story, and she has relationship charts. She has a whole other game of context, and it’s similar with Peppermint (though I never finished Mermaid’s Tale so I don’t know all his scenes), but with Peach Blossom being a CRK original, he doesn’t have that luxury
He doesn’t even have interactions with anybody right now in game, which could be changed later and they hopefully give him someone else to talk to other than Dark Cacao, but as it stands he’s got nothing other than saying a Cake Hound bit him or that the thing on his head isn’t a peach
Heck, there are NPCs who have had more characterization in stories than him. Yes one of those is Smoked Cheese, but still
It’s almost like no wonder he just gets lumped in with Affogato despite being nothing like him other than more feminine appearances and being a new femboy, that’s the most characterization some people are willing to give him because there’s not much else to work with. I mean he does have a character, or at least things you can base one off of, but you generally have to look for them in his story description or some of his in-game lines, and I think most people aren’t gonna go out of their way to do that
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mewtwo24 · 4 months
You know idk if it's just me being oblivious af but mxtx sure does enjoy putting her protags through the trolley problem when it comes to her works huh /j
#mdzs#mxtx#i say this not to be critical but because she really does prove how time and again#people want a scapegoat and an easy target to blame#and so much of her work is abt proving how faulty these philosophical absolutes are--nothing is that simple.#literally the arguments made to put everything on wwx (at least for now) appear to be faulty at best#i mean sure sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth but like ;;;;;;;; the kid is just doing his best wtf#everyone out here like WWX IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU except for lwj and i'm just like#1. hes literally like 16 yrs old or smth#2. whether or not he stepped in during the cave scene was kind of a non-question??????#the wens were so clearly going to engage in egregeious violence regardless of the rationalizations that came after#pointing fingers is legitimately pointless and fallacious logic#if mianmian wasnt targeted theres really no guarantee smth similar wouldnt have happened#furthermore working tg and refusing to play by wens' rules was p much the only feasible option#lwj was young and afraid and had lost so much but he still had enough clarity to insist on working tg#i also really love what he said abt suffering bc its just true.#the way he claps back to his uncle by saying that nobody would be spared violence and atrocity#the only choice they had was to try to band tg and mitigate the dmg--basically 'war is hell'#i find it such a stark and lovely contrast to the common perception of others abt him#that lwj stands alone and thinks of no one else; quite the contrary#he's v self-contained and v disciplined but he's not indifferent to suffering or apathetic#i think so much of the natural love that blooms between wwx and lwj is rooted in their mutual desire to do good#wwx wants to help--he loves to see people smile. he would do anything to protect the ppl he loves#lwj is honestly the same--he's just more abt structure and stability#wwx is more spontaneous and more attuned to the people around him#im a little shocked that people werent able to tell lwj was just as obsessed with him#just bc wwx is loud and mischievous about his interest doesnt really???? to me mask the ways lwj is so responsive. also i ????????#still don't understand the mental gymnastics of madame jiang insisting it was all wwx's fault when she literally targeted wen's mistress ->#in retaliation???????????????? all this 'pick your battles what the fuck is wrong with you wwx' and she goes and instigates their wrath??#i mean idk fellas i was just sitting there like 'you could have handled this so many ways and you picked the TNT option. wat.'
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artsycooky13 · 14 days
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top 3 fave bbys in the burrito show (bonus SUPER LONG tags on how i feel bout the characters)
#my art#boruto naruto next generations#sarada uchiha#shikadai nara#inojin yamanaka#in no particular order except sarada is my fav- i think she shouldve been main focus- girl brings all of og team 7 together at all times#just her family history alone is very interesting and i WISH we had seen a convo with sausage boi about her uncle and just everything#but shes a pretty solid character on her own- VERY good mix of both parents yet still being her own self#shikadai is funny i really like seeing him- hes a sight for sore eyes- bro got EVERYTHING from his dad minus his eyes and maybe hair#his dynamic with boruto being besties is really fun to watch- sarada too- with both shika and sara being geniuses and all#i love inojin's simplicity and how ordinary he is.... its... realistic?#hes artistically talented yes with his ninja art stuff but everything else hes kinda... mundane? at times even bad?#Considering every other prev gen child's got all these cool stuff goin on- i like that hes just... kinda normal... i like that about him#boruto i actually do like as well- he'd make a GREAT support character- i love how big bro he is and how he wants to stand up for others#hes a lot like naruto in that way- and might be a hot topic to say this but i also like how - in his very first arc- boruto hates the hokag#not his dad but internalized that the job took his dad away from him- regardless on criticism i think that concept is really neat#i am not well versed in what the story is now for boruto- ive just kinda picked my snacks on what i wanna watch lmao#but i do wish there was more showings of slice of life for all the kids- cuz they are all really interesting- especially for prev gen's kid#>>wished they did timetravel arc with sarada so we coulda seen young sasuke & sakura interact with boruto and sarada T_T#one last note: borusara is very interesting- but i actually prefer them just being friends- at most friends with crushes on eachother#i do think its cute but i like the dynamic of it being unrequited idk its new for me i just prefer them as friends with crushes lmao#prob cuz they work as characters independently Im not really interested in ANY of the new gen hookin up- borusara is the most interesting#i mean it IS the ONLY one being pushed canonically but i like it- that boruto looks out for sarada and sarada worries for boruto#but ya i wish boruto was like mitsuki in being a side character - i think a LOT more people will find him less annoying that way#though- i REALLY want more sarada and sasuke dynamics being shown- actually the uchiha fam a TON more than what we got#they are just SUPER interesting to me lmao#im a sucker for the emo boy turns soft and has family and bonds with their kids- its one of my favourite things in media#i feel like scraping the ocean floor when im trying to find quality sasuke and sarada art pieces and story stuff#cuz ive exhausted all the content in these past what 2-3 years of knowing both boruto- and now more recently - naruto#(yes im one of those people who knew boruto before naruto- smite me)
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