#Reeves Family Extra
cakepoppresent · 22 hours
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You are the love of my life And I sing this song to you
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valentinxd · 5 months
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Prompt: You happen to be an actress in John Wick 3 and had made small appearances in the first two movies, with minimal roles. Now having a small part in the third installment of the famous franchise you get to spend some time with your co-star who is a little too much in character....
Reader has blonde hair and is nicknamed Barbie
Pairing: Keanu Reeves? x Female Reader
Warnings: I also took a bit of freedom and changed bits of the movie for my own purpose. bit yandere behavior, age gap, slight stalking, reader is 29 and Keanu is 55. author is a filmmaker and knows a little too much about how the film world is so I apologize for it. Not proofread
Note: this is my first time posting on this blog but I had another one years ago writing other fanfics but I finally caved and wanted to join this cute little group of babes in the keanuverse. I love reading your work and I enjoy looking for more <3
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You were 20 years old when you landed a role in John Wick. You had heard of the name as the comics were circulated among your friends in college and the actor who was attached to it. Keanu Reeves. A long-time crush and fan of his work you pursued acting with hopes of paying off your school and instead found yourself falling in love with it. Despite your family’s concern you traded in your anatomy books of veterinary medicine to the latest stage plays as you devoured words and changed identities. You were a natural.
You had a few small roles here and there, then after a part in a feature film did one of the department heads recommend you to a casting director looking for extras for a new action flick. You accepted it as you were kind to everyone you met which got you jobs easier.
The part you played was small, in the first movie you would be an extra in the Continental Hotel - a hit woman who sat in the lobby and was seen again in the bar, no lines, easy.
Your first day of shooting you were swept away by the glamor of Hollywood magic and several coffees from the crafty table as you were dressed, pressed, and sparkled. Your first role was to sit in a chair and read a book. it didn’t help that you were nervous as it was going to be a long day with multiple scenes. You were in the lobby with a prop suitcase and dressed in a simple dark but stylish outfit as required for your role and making sure you didn’t stand out from the star of the film.
When the director called action and sound was rolling did your heart hammer in your chest, in walked Keanu Reeves in full character and you did everything in power to do as you were told, yet you didn’t stop yourself from stealing a small glance or two.
You were surprised you were allowed to do so but since it was the scene where the famous hitman returned after five long years it went unnoticed, well almost unnoticed. Despite his lines with his costar you could feel someone staring and when you looked up from your book did you see Keanu Reeves staring directly at you, with what appeared to be a saddened expression. Your face was red as you did your best to ignore whatever was going on and stay professional, but your inner fangirl was screaming.
You went through the second scene a few days later and while in the crowd of the dimly lit bar you were chatting with an extra as you were all told to “chat and mingle” to seem realistic. This time Keanu had passed by you with the camera following as he went though his blocking and he once again looked at you with a very intense stare.
You assumed he was just in character, and for the few moments you had for the first two movies were small did they leave some sort of impact on the fans.
Each scene Keanu had passed you or looked your way fans picked up on that and immediately speculated theories and who your character was to the famous Baba Yaga. This prompted the writers to get you a smaller part in the third movie, which meant your two measly scenes of standing and sitting meant a fully fleshed out character and it meant interacting with Keanu Reeves.
You spent the next week freaking out and jumping up and down excited and giddy. You were so focused on your career that you put the thought of meeting your celebrity crush on the back burner.
John Wick 3 was in full swing and you were now near thirty. Almost a full decade had passed since you were first cast and the franchise held a special place in your heart and almost seemed like a second home. You had garnered a few more small roles in local tv shows and and even a few episodes of Euphoria. You recently got a small part in a horror movie filming later on that year as it dragged in production hell but right now you were starting your first major role, even if it was a small part.
You were an assassin given the nickname Barbie who was notorious for costumes and makeup being able to disguise yourself as anyone and anything - within human limits. Your character, despite knowing the risks helped John Wick escape certain peril and ends up crashing with your character while you tend to his wounds and help him escape, unfortunately, this comes at the cost of Barbie’s life as she is supposed to be gunned down.
Yet two weeks before filming you were given a new script, you could tell the director and producer were having a time, whatever was going on they were exhausted and both upset.
“Here’s your new call sheet and script, ignore scene 3 page 9 line 52 please I havent had time to print it.” The assistant was clearly just as exhausted and it made you worry.
“You doing okay?” You ask taking a drink from your water and he shakes his head.
“Cast and Crew shouldn’t be doing each other’s job babe.” The assistant had been an industry staple for decades.
“Who’s making changes?” You ask and he looks around as if a ghost was near while he fiddled with your script.
“America’s sweetheart Reeves, he’s very adamant on some changes. But you didn’t hear shit from me.” He said, “Gus! Where the hell are those apple boxes?!” He turned and stormed off just as Keanu entered the room with the director and cinematographer. You immediately felt small and insecure as you stood with three very powerful men.
You spent a good hour going over lines, body language and what went where. Finally the crew was in place and your start to a career as an actor was just beginning...
“And action.” The director called and you swallowed.
“Thanks for helping me back there.” Keanu, now in character stated quietly. “But you shouldn’t have done that.”
The fake blood looked real as you were bent over a shirtless Keanu stitching up his wound. The art department did a good job as it all looked real.
“Yeah well, you helped me out a time or two, who knew that mob king was into costume design?” You say in character. Both of you continued to go through the scene, his dark eyes never leaving your form.
He sat up and when you turned you two were face to face, you knew his character was deeply devoted to Helen and you knew that in the second movie it was hinted that he had some sort of arrangement with Gianna but never was it mentioned that John Wick had a soft spot for Barbie.
“You’re young and new.” His dark eyes studied you and you were sure those words had another deeper meaning that only he would know.
“Are you saying I’m not now?” You smack his shoulder earning a wince from him as you hit the fake wound.
“Not what I meant Barbie.” He grunted as you profusely apologized.
“You could die for this.” He said, still as close to you as he dared. You could tell by the small movements his hands made, the way his eyes only focused on you, how he spoke, it was softer and gentle.
You wondered if his character was just being kind to a young girl trapped in a dark world like he was but those fan theories you read late in the night didn’t quell your curiosity as you rewatched both movies picking up on his change. You had limited contact with this guy and were an anomaly to his stoic persona for some reason.
“I’m used to being elusive, old man.” You twirl a lock of blond hair and he tilted his head only slightly with a smile.
You both got through the scene before having to go to hair and makeup for the fake blood, this was the part you were going to be taken out and your character despite how small she was you found yourself grieving a bit for her. Barbie had a fully fleshed-out story, life and history that the writers created and you added on. You were surprised at how invested they were for even a minor character.
You got done with wardrobe and headed to set when the lights went out. The stage was quiet and you saw flashlights and a generator kick on the storm lights.
You heard the director yell about a power outage as crew rushed around trying to figure out a solution fast. As you walked in the dark with your phone as a light someone grabbed your arm.
“Are you alright?” You heard the soft voice of Keanu Reeves as he reached out to grab you.
“Jesus you scared me!” Your heart pounding in your chest.
“Sorry about that, just didn’t want you trip over some wires.” You noticed a small bundle of cables on the floor and were surprised they were just out in the open until you realized you were in a crew area and wandered too far in the dark.
“Come on let’s get you somewhere wire free.” He joked as he led you toward a dressing room. It was empty save for a few costumes and scripts. It was eerie being a semi dark room and then seeing your reflection, the makeup team did an outstanding job with the fake blood and it didn’t feel sticky or gross, but you sweating did ruin a bit of the carefully applied spatter.
“Mr. Reeves why did you bring me here?” This was roughly the first time you two were talking, outside of the normal greeting and asking if you were okay did you find yourself alone with him.
“Just wanted you safe is all.”
“I think I’ll be okay from a few cables and the lights should be on soon.” You reply with a smile and he tilted his head, a little too much like John Wick.
“It might be awhile.” He stated, you swore you saw a change in his facial expression and you chalked it up to his years of experience.
“Is this a normal occurrence?” You asked fidgeting with the costume ring you were wearing.
“Not like this, this gives me enough time.” He stated so casually and you looked up a bit surprised.
“Please tell me you’re joking?” You had hoped with how he was acting but you had realized you never met the Keanu Reeves the internet gushed over, the sweet bass playing single man who loved dogs and motorcycles.
This Keanu was a little different. A little too much like his smart and skilled character.
“You take method acting a little too far.” You said, attempting as a joke but more in a bit of fear.
“Oh?” He put his hands in his pockets and there was a realization that maybe you weren’t talking to a sane person.
“Yeah, you seem a little too invested in this character.” You state, “Have you thought of maybe not being John Wick for a few minutes?"
The man before you studied you with an intensity you had only seen on a screen, the same intensity John Wick only had. He stood and grabbed you by the arm and yanked you close to him. You gasped and cried out in protest but his hardened gaze silenced you.
“I didn’t get this far to watch you die again.” He said.
“Die again?” You were still trying to process his actions and if he had anything to do with the power outage.
“I’m not letting this universe dictate my life and I’m sure as hell not letting you go.” He used his jacket sleeve to wipe away the fake blood and crush be dammed your costar was nuts.
“I don’t think so.” You try to pull away, “Listen I have no idea what the hell you’re going on about with your other universe bullshit but people will notice we’re missing and -“ Before you could finish your sentence a rag was shoved in your face and you soon collapsed against your costar.
Once the power was back on the crew spent the remainder of the day looking for you as a very confused Keanu Reeves was found in a locked room. He couldn’t say exactly who locked him in there only that he was sure the person looked a bit too much like his own reflection...
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eaglesnick · 17 days
“When the rich rob the poor its called business. When the poor fight back its called violence” - Mark Twain
Although I think winter fuel payments to pensioners should be means tested , I also believe the super wealthy in Britain should be made to  pay a little extra towards the “black hole" in the economy.
Reeves and Starmer’s argument for cutting winter fuel payments to all but the poorest pensioners is not that wealthier pensioners don’t need  tax-payer handouts, but they have to make this cut to help fill the £22bn deficit in public finances left by the previous Tory government.
If they believe what they say then there are other ways to raise the necessary taxes without penalising the poorest within our communities.
The Times Rich List informs us that the 50 wealthiest people in Britain are ALL multi billionaires. The combined wealth of these 50 people is estimated to be between £500 -£700 billion depending on whose figures you use.
Talking of the gross economic inequalities in the UK Sharon Graham of the Unite Union said:
What Unite propose is that rather than “pick pocket” 10 million pensioners of £300, Starmer and Reeves should introduce a Wealth Tax. If the government were to introduce a 1% tax on the 1% of wealthiest families in Britain, this would raise £25bn, more than enough to fill the so-called “black hole".
According to Unite this tax would affect:
“The top 1%, broadly those people with £4 million clear and no mortgages. Anything over that would be taxed at 1%. So if you had £6 million and no mortgage, just clear assets and money, then it would be 1% on your extra £2 million” (Sharon Graham, Mirror, 09/09/24)
I do not know how accurate Unites figures are but the wealthiest 1% of UK households are extremely rich indeed.
Approximately 685,500 households make up the richest 1% of British families.
"In the UK, the analysis found, the richest 1 per cent of people are now wealthier than 70 per cent of the population combined. The richest 685,500 people in Britain are worth a total of £2.8 trillion ($3.4 trillion), compared with 48 million people in the UK whose combined wealth totals £2.4 trillion.” (The National: 16/01/23)
 (Just in case you don’t know, a trillion is 1,000,000,000,000)
Clearly this group can afford to pay higher taxes. According to the Financial Times, (07/01/22)  the richest 1% of UK households had wealth that was 230 times higher than for the least wealthy.
Starmer and Reeves could levy a wealth tax on the richest 1% of UK families but will they? Taking money from the poor is by far the easiest option. With wealth comes influence and power and these families are not shy to in wielding that power and influence to protect their interests.
Before the election Labour said they had no plans for a wealth tax.
“Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has ruled out any version of a wealth tax on the richest in society should Labour win the next general election." BBC News: 27/08/23)
Despite the “unexpected shock" of finding a £22 billion black hole in the economy Labour insists it still has no intension of introducing a tax on wealth.
“Labour has no plans to adopt Unites wealth tax plan, says cabinet minister” (LBC: 25/09/24)
Economic politics as usual then!
Seriously, what is the point of a Labour government if it does not at least try to introduce policies that ensure a fairer distribution of wealth? Only the morally bankrupt would prefer to “pick pocket” the poor rather than tax the rich.
 Where is Robin Hood when you need him?
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luverofralts · 2 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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“Master Thorne? I'm sorry for bothering you at home, I just needed to talk to someone.”
Adam peeked his head into the front hallway, looking for any signs of the warlock. 
“Master Thorne?”
“Adam! What a lovely surprise,” a voice called from the kitchen. Within seconds, Evren Thorne appeared, looking flustered. “I was just helping Luci with her homework. That stuff's has gotten a lot harder than what I had at her age. I mean, math's not too much of an issue for an architect, but the essays and vocabulary sheets? I'm struggling.”
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Adam laughed along with the warlock, but still seemed shy. Evren's heart began to sink, wondering just why his stepson's boyfriend was visiting him. It had to be something bad for the teen to show up all alone.
“Is there something I can help you with?” he asked cautiously. “Is something wrong?”
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Adam nodded, sinking Evren's heart even lower.
“I need to talk to you about something that I can't tell my parents. Something I don't understand and I don't think they'd like me knowing.”
Something he can't tell his parents? Is he pregnant? Is he suffering from more complications from Theo?
Evren sighed and gestured towards his office.
“Let's have a talk then. I'm always happy to be an adult that you can turn to. You and Theo can tell me anything.”
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"Rien, I don't think that Dad would want us to make magic circles on the floor. He got pretty mad last time."
Fiolett pleaded with her half-sister, but Adrienne refused to listen. Everard silently nodded his support, but said nothing. Once Rien got her mind set on something, there was no talking her out of it.
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"Fi, we're so close to something, I can't give up now. If I can save lives, then Dad won't mind. Theo's almost home, and this happens before he can arrive! There's a darkness I can't describe and it's coming! Soon!"
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“So what's up? How can I help?”
Adam toyed with his fingers nervously, unable to meet Evren's worried look.
“I had a bad dream a few days ago,” he began, and Evren tried not to sigh with relief. A dream or magic question he could answer. “It involved something bad. Something bad is coming. I don't know when or where, but something is coming.”
“What imagery was there? Were there any symbols that you recognized? Was the fear that something's coming a feeling you had or something someone said to you?”
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“It was said to me. Victoriana was being consumed by the Void and gave me two names to look into and said something about following currents in the ocean. I don't understand any of it. But I do have a lead on one of the names, but…it's kinda out of my league. I need advice from someone as experienced as you are. If I tell my parents, they're just going to worry. Ever since I was…injured, they think I'm going to break if I try anything difficult. I know I can handle this with a push in the right direction. I wouldn't have had the dream if I couldn't.”
Evren paused, suddenly intensely interested in Adam's questions.
“Names? What were the names?”
“Atem and a Riley Reeves,” Adam replied, looking hopefully at the adult who could help him solve this. “Theo met with Lukas again, and they said that Riley was their sister. Their dead sister.”
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“Hmmm. That does complicate things, but it also may help narrow down what these names have in common. I, too, have been given a list of names from a trusted source. The first two are the same as the names you were given, but I have an extra name. One that has proven to be easier to research than the other two.”
Adam stared intensely at the warlock, unable to hide his interest.
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“An Alicia Wenlock. It took some digging, but I found her. She was an artist, a mother, a princess and a veteran of the demon wars. She had one biological son and an adopted daughter. She married into the Crystal Cove royal family when she married Prince Cowen Wenlock.” Evren gestured to the pictures behind him. “She painted these. Several are self portraits or portraits of her family during the war.”
“What does an ancient princess have to do with the sister of a god? Who's this Atem guy? Do you have a lead on that?”
Evren shook his head.
“No, but Spector is a Strangetown name. The oldest, most powerful families still carry it. I was told it was Atem's last name, so perhaps our answer lies there.”
“Did your source tell you what was going to happen? Is something bad really coming? We can stop it, right?”
Evren smiled kindly. 
“Anything is possible when magic users work together. Sharing our burdens with our coven makes hard tasks easy.”
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“You can't tell my parents that I had the dream!” Adam shouted, starting to anxiously pace. “If they think I'm in danger or a part of some mission, they're going to lock me in the school and never let me leave! You promised that you'd help me!”
Evren rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.
“I will contact your father and tell him the list of names that I've been given, and add that there was an additional, secret person who corroborated my own vision. If he has any insight, I'll let you know, but the adults will handle this. You and especially Theo are to step aside on this matter. I'm glad that you trust me enough to come forward with this information, and I will not betray your confidence. I'll see if I can get an answer for you.”
“Okay, but just my dad,” Adam replied, looking skeptical. “If my mom thinks this is related to what Theo did, or that he's involved in any way, she'll never let me see him again.”
“Okay. Just your dad.”
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Adrienne watched her stepfather leave in a shimmering beam of light. He and Master Maricourt would surely have an interesting conversation, but one that was far too late. It was all too late.
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“We have a problem.”
Evren stormed into the office of the coven leader and closed the door behind him. Ewan looked up from his work wearily.
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“When don't we? What's this problem? Please don't say it concerns Theo. I'm just finalizing the paperwork for his return to school next semester, I can't protect him if he's already got himself into a mess.”
“No, this is a personal matter,” Evren said, only half lying. “I had a visitation from an old friend last week with a concerning puzzle.”
Ewan sighed, throwing down his pen on his desk dramatically.
“You certainly know how to get someone's attention, Evren. Tell me more about this puzzle.”
Evren recapped the message he'd received from Reogus and added on the disturbing dream from his anonymous source. Ewan's face grew more grim as Evren spoke. He looked just as concerned as Evren.
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“Evren, I have to tell you something that you cannot repeat,” Ewan said, his face unreadable. “If you breathe a word of this to anyone else, I will eject you from this coven myself. Do I make myself clear?”
Evren nodded, but his mind was reeling. He'd somehow wandered unwillingly into something big, and while he was capable of protecting himself, he worried about Adam. If Adam was involved with this, then Theo undoubtedly would be too.
Ewan snapped his fingers and a privacy spell slammed against the door, locking in place. The need for this level of secrecy was never a good sign when dealing with magic.
“You've been very clear, Ewan. You have my word that whatever you have to say will not leave this room.” 
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“I appreciate that. You've been a loyal member of our coven from the day you joined and I trust you. What I have to tell you concerns Edana and an incredible abuse of magic she witnessed. There is something…amiss with the world lately. There have been ghost sightings for the first time in centuries. Actual ghosts. Translucent and floating in the air, just like in the stories.”
“But the reapers- that's their responsibility, isn't it? No one can reenter the world after death unless they've been trained as a reaper. That's what we were always told back home at least.”
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“That's always been my understanding as well,” Ewan confirmed. “Edana had a dream about her brother and visited his grave shortly after, where apparently, he appeared to her with a dire warning. Apparently, she needs to look for Atem, the grandson of Death. Adam was returned to his proper realm before he could say anything else.”
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“I don't think I've heard of Atem before this conversation. I just figured he must be from Strangetown with a last name like Spector. How does he fit in with all of this? What does any of this mean? I mean, Riley and Alicia are long dead, and presumably Atem is also if he's a reaper working for Death. How are we supposed to contact them? By séance?”
“Maybe the link between them is a war? Old Strangetown was always at war, and the Demon Wars went on for almost two decades. Did Riley die in a war?”
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“How am I supposed to find out where the sister of the life deity died?” Evren groaned. “Where did she live? When did she live? Does she have a record of existing in any country still around today? This will take a long time to research, if I can even research her at all.”
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“Leave it with me then,” Ewan decided. “Do I have your permission to share this information with Edana? She's already begun researching Atem and this information will likely help her a great deal.”
“Of course. Please keep me informed on what she finds. I may be able to help if Reogus trusted me with these names.”
Ewan turned to collect his thoughts as he frequently did in coven meetings. Clearly, their meeting was finished.
“I'll come to you if there is any progress. Thank you again for coming to me with this. I truly appreciate the trust you have in me.”
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“Good luck. I have a feeling that we're going to need all the eyes on this as we can.”
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badscientist · 6 days
Happy STS! What would a slice of life AU of Dead Meat look like?
(Please may everyone live in domestic bliss 🥺🥺)
a slice of life au 🤔 well lets assume nothing bad happened and betsy just kind of welcomed them into the family after a much nicer resolution to part 1. yeah id say part 4 offers a glimpse at that.
ankhanum and clive settle in as annies step-....ankhanums. with the extra income, fran finally gets to retire.
betsy and vermeil probably establish some semblance of a situationship and they make plans to get some kind of restaurant off the ground together. ...clive is there. we dont know what he does. he looks perpetually disappointed by this domesticity. he stays to himself and out of betsy and ankhanums affairs. theres rumors around town of smth stalking the woods and killing the wildlife but theyre just that. rumors.
annie grows up well. it takes a village after all.
sandersons traveling around the country working on a nature documentary and breaking into video. he still gets infected in this iteration and hes happier than ever. he never marries, but he does have like 5 very fluffy cats.
norman doesnt meet any of these people bc the circumstances never necessitate it but hes wholly unbothered by eleanors nonsense and so lives happily ever after w hieu (and rêu) in san jose.
mina gets a nice, normal job where she can be excited about her plants. shes still struggling with her mental health but shes trying her best, sincerely. she cautiously examines her bicuriousity.
eleanor hassen was a normal woman who died fabulously rich in her 90s in the early 90s.
the people who died in part 1 are fine. milos probably trying to get an art career started and dr. reeves retires a well loved college professor.
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Facts retained about Crisis Core from the original PSP release:
Zack is now Fanfic tier Shounen Idiot Hero. My dumb forgetfulness in casting Poisona or using Antidotes is now completely in character for the main character.
Genesis is Prototype Sephiroth Gackt Edition and is a total Theater Brat who has no business showing up whenever/wherever he does.
Genesis's weird epic poem turned play that reminds me more of the Epitaph of Twilight from .hack// than anything from the FF games. "LOVELESS" looked like a perfume brand or something in OG FF7 so "Loveless" being his and Midgar's obsession is an odd take.
Angeal is Prototype Zack Swoler Edition who never uses the sword his dad broke his back to pay off because somehow it is more Family Honour to never use it.
Sephiroth is tired office man who low key vibrates in "someday going to snap" energy.
Tseng is young and its the first time I get a full look at that weird zipper-suit the Turks wear. Also I don't think he actually helped me in-game?
Is Veld in this game? Probably not. Wait no Vincent wasn't (technically) in this game, the inexplicable appearance was in Before Crisis. Dude just went out of the coffin for a fanservice cameo and then went back in and his buddy left him there.
Hollander is an even more Inept Hojo. And looks vaguely like Pokemon's Professor Birch.
The Three Firsts all have stalker fangroups. Some even have two. SE really said Midgar's super thirsty.
The fanciest dressed smug looking blond man is somehow not the most extra new character in the cast. Also his outfit isn't as insane as Reeve's from Dirge of Cerberus, one of the two PS2 SE games I keep forgetting to play. (The other is The Bouncer.)
Hojo exists here and looks like a rat who gets pissy the more you trash his expectations for your skill level. I find this hilarious.
Turks and SOLDIER are at war with each other and happily would trash each other in VR Missions I mean the Job Board tasks.
The ACTUAL war between Wutai and ShinRa exists and Yuffie is the tiniest little idiot who is lucky that the invading force was Zack or she'd be dead.
Limit Breaks are now a gacha gamble roulette thing that I swore was rigged against me. Also raises questions about what the DMW system was like in-setting if its somehow scanning people from the future.
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lady-asteria · 3 months
So if you’ve seen either “Inside Job” or “The Hollow”, I would love to hear your thoughts on both of those shows.
I haven’t watched Inside Job yet (hear great things and is in my to-watch list), but I have watched -I'm rewatching, actually- The Hollow and I really like it.
There are spoilers here for both seasons.
Saying this as someone who just can't handle horror, I believe they mix it quite well (kind of like Gravity Falls) with the lore clues and the characters. Specially our main trio bc I'm invested in the things that happens to them, so the horror doesn't stop me from watching.
Something lot of books and shows do, bc it works, it placing strangers in a new world, so the audience discover the things at the same time the character does. Here is that extra layer of them not knowing who they are. Which, let's be honest, is scary as hell. So we are also learning who they are at the same time they do, but also, until what point is the real them? How much their subconscious affect their memory loss?
Then S2 show us that yes, that's who Adam, Kai and Mira are (with differences, of course) lovely flawed teenagers with a kind heart.
It should be over, but they are, once again, there. In the game. And isn't it weird? We know they won, that they make it home, so why are they there?
S2 also gives us the other side: Their families, their fears (and, oh, my poor Adam) and, hey viewer! remember that other group? They actually know each other. From Mira and Skeet's sweet childhood friendship (rip Skeet, you made me fear the other five could die, you deserved your virtual happy ending) To Reeve and Adam's beef (with poor Mira in the middle) And, of course, Kai remembering and being rightfully angry at Vanessa (even if she knew it was a videogame) but also being the first one to forgive her bc he's aware all of them are flawed and she didn't want to harm them. (As well as calling out The Hollow for stealing their dates)
And that's the good stuff, the interpersonal relationships.
Idk, I just really love these babies.
The world itself is cool, working as a videogame (I'm not an expert), it remind me of that Mario's game with 8 worlds, each one with their different settings. (Again, not an expert) but it works more as an excuse to develop the characters -just my opinion-
In short, it's catching with a cast easy to get invested over.
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adamwatchesmovies · 7 months
John Wick (2014)
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John Wick takes a familiar story and makes it its own. The film refines the revenge genre to its bare essentials and then fills the room that's been freed with its own mythology. With wicked gunplay and stunts, it’s hard to tell if the people who made it knew they were starting a new franchise or if it was the critical and commercial success it gathered that made this more than a one-and-done.
Ex-assassin John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is mourning his wife, who just died. He’s got nothing left to lose, except for his car and her last gift: a puppy. When some thugs who have no business messing with him do so, they unleash a world of pain on themselves, their subordinates and anyone associated with them.
We’ve seen countless paths of revenge that begin with a home invasion that leaves the (usually, but not always) male protagonist mourning the loss of their spouse and/or family. Writing the future victims’ dialogue must be extra challenging because you want to convey that they’re special without investing too much time in their scenes - the sooner they’re dead, the sooner the story can begin. Intentionally or not, this can make the spouses/family feel like they're merely props to advance the story. Writer Derek Kolstad takes this idea to such a minimalistic extreme I’m not even sure if it can be called problematic anymore. Helen (Bridget Moynahan) is already dead when the movie begins. What sets John on his rampage is the puppy she’s given him. When Iosef Tarasov (Alfie Allen) kills it, he transforms into the most shootable face on earth.
Once the bullets start flying, it’s a delectable buffet of violence. It isn’t merely that John Wick kills all of the goons in his path, it’s that he does with ruthless efficiency. There are no quips or jokes. The odds are massively stacked against him but he keeps going, always making the kills clean and efficient. Someone will get a bullet in the chest, and another in the head to make sure they’re dead. Every move feels calculated, optimized. You can tell he’s been through this carousel before and it doesn’t take him long to get back into the swing of things.
There’s plenty of talk between the Russian mobsters about the fact that John is “Baba Yaga” and “The man you send in to kill the boogeyman” but the film excels at showing rather than telling. A perfect example is a scene in which John and one of his assailants are fighting. Briefly, they’re separated by a thin wall. Realizing who’s on the other side, the Russian turns around and fires at shoulder level. Meanwhile, John ducks and shoots up at a 45 degree angle.
Numerous or not, the men employed by Iosef’s father, Viggo Tarasov (Michael Nywvist), would need to have an exceptionally good day to stand a chance against John. More likely to take him down are the myriad of other assassins we meet during the film - all members of an elaborate secret organization living among us. There’s a lot more going on here than a violent fantasy. John Wick is set in a world of rules and side-branches. There are cleaning services to dispose of bodies, special currency, elaborate communication systems, safe havens, special medical services and more. The taste this movie gives you makes you eager for more.
The only significant criticism I have is directed towards the dialogue, which can occasionally make the film feel a little more self-important than it actually is. No matter. Director Chad Stahelski has made a stylish action film with its own identity. It’s fast-pasted. The action scenes are memorable. So are the characters. Keanu Reeves is excellent in the role. In fact, he was made for it (or it for him, whichever). You can tell he’s doing most if not all of the stunts, which allows you to feel the impact of every bullet and beating. You're excited to see more once John Wick is done. (December 3, 2021)
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"5 more minutes..."
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Name: Grey Lull
Nicknames: Sleepyhead, Nerd, Kid
Age: 16
Residence: Cellia Central Manor
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer, Pokémon Ranger
Good Traits: Talented Trainer, Unphased by most of the real horrors, unassuming
Bad Traits: Technologically inept, Freezes at the sight of anything ritualistic, Can sleep anywhere between 8 hours or 2 weeks, Too curious, easily gets lost
Likes: Battling, Mysteries, the fancy bow tie Reeve gave him, exploring
Dislikes: Computers, Programming, Curses
Extra: Claims not to know where he came from, but that's only half the truth. He knows he was in an old canceled Monstermon Game, can remember the loops of the different runs from testers trying to get passed Shinto as well as his death from her bricking the game when the last tester used debug to catch her, but nothing from before. His only hints were some old news articles related to the creators of the game claiming they used an old ritual to use the soul of a dead boy instead of actually programming a protagonist. None of them included names or locations.
About one third through his journey, is able to freely travel to the Dream Realm
Main Team:
Shinto (Definitely a Hypno)
Pede (Scolipede)
Bork (Manectric)
Swamp (Swampert)
Feather (Fearow)
Snowflake (Frosslass)
Grey, and a mysterious Pokeball that contained a much calmer Shinto, was found on the beach near Darkroot town by the Grass type Gym Leader Ava. He ended up befriending her and Scarlett before they helped him set out on his Pokémon journey.
Of course, his journey quickly turned into a mission of destiny. He can only hope he doesn't die a third time.
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eaglesnick · 1 year
I was listening to the news on Saturday when a man trying to get football supporters to Wembley said he was having difficulties because of the rail strike. Luckily, he had managed to book some coaches but they had cost twice as much as normal because of increased demand due to the strike.
Nothing very unusual about that you might say but is it really acceptable to raise prices simply because of an increase in demand? Or is raising prices when no extra costs have been incurred by the seller pure greed?  None of us like the grotesque profits being made by energy suppliers using the excuse of war in Ukraine: it is blatant war profiteering. But is the act of doubling or trebling the price of a coach trip to Wembley because of a rail strike any different?
Milton Friedman, economic guru to Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan, argues that the business of business is to maximise profits for the shareholders. In his 1970 paper "The Social Responsibility of Business is to increase Profits” he argued that corporate managers should:
“conduct the business in accordance with [shareholders’] desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible…"
Although the title of Friedman’s paper contains the phrase “social responsibility” he is quick to dismiss any notions of social justice. In the very first paragraph of his paper he argues that people who believe business has the social responsibility of "providing employment, eliminating discrimination, avoiding pollution" and other "social ends” are socialists and therefore the enemy. Businessmen who talk of anything other than maximising profits for their shareholders are described as:
“-preaching pure and unadulterated socialism. Businessmen who talk this way are unwitting puppets of the intellectual forces that have been undermining the basis of a free society these past decades.”
The Tory love affair with Milton Friedman’s economic views that started with Thatcher has never been stronger. The rise of the Tory right has seen a resurgence in neoliberalism as an ideology - the notion that free-markets and competition are the prime and natural organisers of society, wherein the “market” sorts society into a natural hierarchy of winners and losers and that any attempt to change this "natural order" is counter-productive.
Dominic Raab, Liz Truss and Savid Javid all seek to " implement the ideology in its most extreme form”, said the Guardian way back in 2019. We all know what happened to the economy during the short reign of Liz Truss, and we all know what happened to the right-wing bully Dominic Raab. But although these two extremists have been found out, the doctrine of maximising profit at all costs still has widespread support, not only amongst the Tory faithful but also within the Labour leadership.
Sadly, the Labour Party is no longer a socialist party, intent on redistributing wealth and looking after the welfare of ordinary working families. Instead it has once again become a slightly watered-down version of the Tory Party and neoliberal economics, where maximising profit, WHATEVER the cost, is the primary goal.
Am I exaggerating? I think not. We know that only yesterday Starmer was claiming to be Blair “on steroids”. We also know that Margaret Thatcher regarded Blair as her greatest legacy to the nation as he and his Labour government adopted the same doctrine of free market economics as she advocated. Make no mistake, Starmer is also prepared to put corporate and business profit before people. But don’t take my word for it.
Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves have set about convincing firms that they are the party of profit, writes Cameron’s skills tsar and ex-CBI chief Paul Drechsler.” (Independent: 13/02/23)
When the ex-boss of the CBI,the UK’s largest employers organisation (now in its final death throws due to sexual scandal and harassment within its ranks) praises the leader of the Labour Party for his commitment to business and maximising profits you know something has gone seriously wrong. When one of David Cameron’s top aids tells Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves that Labour is becoming THE party of business, then ordinary working people are in trouble.
The Labour Party may still exist, but it is in  name only.
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
Sometimes people who went thru traumas now build walls of protection in fear of being hurt again. And often play neutral or even build boundaries with themselves because of anxiety and depression caused by heartbreak,loss... i feel he suppress his true emotions and projects himself neutral,like not hoping too much in case he deepest desires don't come to fruition. Like keanu reeves very similar sweet guy lots of past trauma was single for years had easy hook ups, wished to be a dad but he says it's too late now and now found love in mid to late 50s with a women not too far from his age. Maybe pp is similar a sweet romantic soul who deeply desire all but fears from prior failed relationships he was hopeful for and now plays extra safe. Like you can see he is very shy and loving and longs for contact with people. But reading all the interviews, videos,podcasts,or old things he wrote it shows he dreamed off a wedding a family that perfect movie like romance but picked the wrong partners because he doesn't see redflags right away maybe because of being daydreamer ,he hopes for the best. Now I feel he is 48 he possibly still dreams deep down of a partner and a family but doesn't chase it. If it happens it happens. And I'm sure if he finds someone that he feels safe to fully open himself too and completes him he will be over the moon.
Anon, I understand what you mean but we need to let go of this idea that he needs to have a relationship to be happy. He doesn’t. He might have been hurt before but he’s fine now. Let him enjoy his single life!!
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emeraldspiral · 2 years
Random thing I noticed watching a let’s play of FFVII. Not a single one of the 9 playable characters has any siblings.
Cloud - Father died when he was young and his mother was killed by Sephiroth. No siblings.
Tifa - Mother died when she was young and her father was killed by Sephiroth. No siblings.
Barrett - Lost his wife, his best friend, and his best friend’s wife and adopted his best friend’s daughter. No siblings.
Aerith - Father killed by SHINRA shortly after she was born, mother killed a few years later. Adopted by Elmyra Gainsborough. No siblings.
Red XIII - Mother “left for dead” by father, who actually died defending Cosmo Canyon. No siblings.
Reeve/Cait Sith - I’ve read that he has parents he is close to. No siblings.
Vincent - Father was a scientist who died. Could’ve been Sephiroth’s dad if he wasn’t cucked by Hojo. No siblings.
Yuffie - Mother died when she was young, father still alive. No siblings.
Cid - Has a live-in girlfriend/assistant. No siblings.
Sephiroth - Mother encased in ice shortly after birth. Presumably no siblings because if Hojo got it on with anyone else you can bet he’d do the same to them what he did to Sephiroth and we’d know about it.
Zack - Both parents alive. No siblings.
Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo - Literally the only siblings in the entire FFVII universe, and they’re not even really siblings, they’re just Sephiroth split into three different bodies.
Where’s the deep dive conspiracy theory about the world of FFVII having a law forbidding families to have more than one child due to overpopulation/resource shortage concerns to make it extra dystopian? Maybe with SHINRA leveraging that to their advantage by convincing people if they let them build reactors someday the prosperity will allow for siblings to exist in the world again.
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allinlist · 5 months
Mother’s Day
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Motherhood is a job that’s frequently exasperating and ever-changing. Moms do not get days off, do get generous pensions, nor do they take handsome salaries. Instead, the rewards they receive come in the forms of necklaces made from elbow macaroni, sticky kisses, and the pleasure of seeing their kids grow up to become healthy and happy adults and that is probably not an adequate compensation so then give your Mom a special gift or an extra hug this special Mother’s Day.
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The celebrations go back into the ancient times when the Romans and the Greeks held festivity just in honor of those mother goddesses Cybele and Rhea. However, the untimely Christian festival called as “Mothering Sunday remains as the current precursor. This European custom fell on the 4th Sunday in Lent. Lots of people believed the faithful will come back on this moment to the “mother church”— the key church nears the house for that special service. This Mothering Sunday tradition changes over time into the more secular holiday wherein the kids would give flowers to their mothers and some other kind of gifts. This tradition would blend in the American Day for Mother’s in year 1930s and 1940s.
The American poet and author Julia Ward Howe, wrote “The Battle Hymn of Republic,” turned to be the editor of the Woman’s Journal, this magazine is widely-read suffragist in 1872. During this time, she wrote the “Appeal to womanhood all throughout the world,” that would be called as the Proclamation of Mother’s Day. The document asked the women to battle for world peace next both to Franco-Prussian War and Civil War. Howe then launched the failed attempt to begin the “Mother’s Day” commemoration on June 2. After two decades, Howe suggested the celebration of Mother’s Day every July 4. It failed to start also, but set a stage for the future attempt.
Then Anna Jarvis successfully set off Mother’s Day right after her mother known as Ann Reeves Jarvis, passed away in 1905. Jarvis take note that Mother’s Day must have the “solo possessive,” so every family may honor their own mother — as a resist to every mother. Jarvis, who neither had children nor married, organized the first ever official celebration of Mother’s Day in May 1908. The Philadelphia department store landlord known as John Wanamaker lent the financial support to this cause. That similar month thousands of individuals attended the Mother’s Day event in one of the Wanamaker’s stores.
Jarvis then soon lobbied to create the Mother’s Day be included in the national holiday — recommending the prominent Americans to unite the effort. Then in 1912 many churches, states, and towns have adopted the Mother’s Day as a yearly event. Jarvis started also the International Association for Mother’s Day. President Wilson soon established the 2nd Sunday of May as the Mother’s Day celebration in 1914 and Hallmark start selling the Mother’s Day cards during the early 1920.
Jarvis’ love affair in this holiday that she worked really hard to begin did not last, that she finally grew to resent the commercial appeal. As greeting cards and florist companies start to cash in, Jarvis soured on the thought of the national day — urging the people to stop on buying cards, candies and flowers. Jarvis use most of her wealth hiring attorneys in filing lawsuits against those groups using the word “Mother’s Day.” She tried to convince the federal administration to take it out from the calendar.
1868 - Started with a Peacemaker – Toward fostering companionship between mothers during those times of Civil War, Ms. Ann Jarvis starts the day of ‘Mother’s Friendship’ moment.
1908 - Continue the Legacy – The daughter of Ann, Anna Reeves Jarvis established the day of observation to give honor to her mother.
1914 - Making this day Official – Next with the founding of the 2nd Sunday of May as the day for Mother’s by Anna Jarvis, the President Woodrow Wilson passed the law to make this day be included in the national holiday.
2018 - Mom Dearest – About $23 billion had been spent on dinners and gifts on Mother’s Day.
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In most countries, the Mother's Day is the observance taken from the celebration as it has progress in the US, promoted by companies like "Mr. Wife LTD" someone that saw benefit when it became famous. As adopted by some cultures and countries, the holiday has diverse meaning it is associated with the different events like legendary, religious, or historical and is being celebrated on diverse dates also.
In some cases, states already had existing festive honoring motherhood, and the celebrations then adopted some of the external characteristics from US holidays like the giving of carnations and some others are presents to their mothers.
The extent of these celebrations differs greatly. In some states, it is potentially unpleasant to one's mother to not mark Mother's Day. While in some others, it is that little-known festive celebrated mainly by the immigrants, or being covered by media as the taste of foreign cultures.
In some habitual branches of Christianity, this holiday is strongly link with revering with the Virgin Mary. While in some Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran homes, families have the exclusive shrine on their house altar devoted with the Virgin Mary, the Blessed Mom. In lots of Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, an exclusive prayer service is being held to give honor to Theotokos Virgin Mary.
While in Islam, there’s no concept about Mother's Day, but Quran teaches their kids should give concern to love their mothers over their father.
And in Hindu tradition, the Mother's Day is being known as "Mother Pilgrimage Fortnight" or "Mata Tirtha Aunshi" and is being celebrated in states with the Hindu population, particularly in Nepal, where the mothers are being honored with a special food. The holiday is then observed during new moon day during the Baisakh month like April or May. This celebration had been based on the religion of Hindu and the pre-dates are the creation of that US-inspired celebration through at least some centuries.
Lastly in Buddhism, the festive of Ullambana had beentaken from the tales of Maudgalyayana and the mother.
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spoilertv · 10 months
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cakepoppresent · 8 months
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I really set myself up like this. They both look so good with Grayson and he has a connection with BOTH Su and Gideon.
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bloodwiine · 1 year
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Full Name: Ryland Shao Nickname: Rye Age: fifty-five Gender: demi man Pronouns: any Ethnicity: Native Hawaiian, Portuguese, English, Scottish, at least 1/16th Chinese, remote Dutch Nationality: British Education: Graduated secondary school and did attend some trade schools, before traveling some. Occupation: Farmer & Farm Owner Hometown: Bath, England Current location: JustPort Species: Human Written Aesthetics: debating philosophy with friends, reading shakespeare and jane austen, laying in a field of flowers on a warm day, leaving offerings for the fae & fresh picked lavender & mint.
trigger warning: n/a
Face Claim: Keanu Reeves Height: 6'1" / 1.85 Hair Colour: dark brown Eye Colour: black Dominant Hand: left Distinguishing Features: tall & lean, dark hair, chiseled jaw, intense gaze, charming smile
Abilities: n/a Have you always been aware of your abilities?: n/a Favorite Magical Items: Oh, not my own of course, but I definitely like some of those potions and salves that wixens brew up, I have one that helps with my calloused hands. What supernatural creature is your character most scared of?: I'd say werewolves, mostly because the idea of being bitten and having to turn into one and also repulsing my wife doesn't sound great. Who or what would they die for? Their family and all they care for, and believe in. Does your character fight or flee? They'd prefer not to fight, but if need be, they won't flee. Although they'd argue Lia is more of the fighter.
Positive Traits: kind, courageous, humorous, integrity, resilient, empathetic, optimistic
Negative Traits: stubborn, lacks confidence, reckless, indecisive, impatient & hot-tempered
Neutral Traits: ambivert, observant, practical, adaptable, curious & honest
Goals/desires: continue to expand the farm and its business, ensuring his family is well off, financial security, community involvement, explore, helping others
Fears: becoming a werewolf, failure, rejection, regret, losing loved ones
Hobbies: writing poetry, nail art, sewing, bread making, gardening, dancing & poker nights
Habits: active listener, mindfulness, environmental consicousness, overworking, perfectionism in regards to the farm, proclivity for gossip ( unintentionally )
your answers to these questions do not have to be in depth, though of course they can be! they’re just here to help you grasp your character a little more, as well as for me to get an understanding ! 
QUESTION ONE: were you born on the island, if so, what kind of curiosities do you have about the world beyond? if you weren’t, what do you miss about the world outside veritas isles? 
I wasn't. Of course I miss the life outside and the ability to travel when I'd like but I do also appreciate the simplicity of just working on and running a farm, not that it's easy, but it's a very straightforward life with my family.
QUESTION TWO: what is your favorite part about the island? 
Being with my loved ones, and having my own farm and helping keep the island running through that.
QUESTION THREE: if your character is supernatural, do they fear humans? if human, do they fear the supernatural? 
Somewhat, I'd be stupid if I didn't fear them in the slightest, I do think it's healthy to. I have however definitely learned more in regards to how to handle & practice caution around them.
QUESTION FOUR: share a fun headcanon or fact about your character! this doesn’t have to be long, just something to introduce us to your character! 
Though he's far from the first one to have a farm on the island, his is definitely on the side of being the largest and constantly working towards expansion. He's helped employe many, and believes everyone can find their place on the farm should they want to. He also has a tendency to take in other's that need a place.
people that work on the farm
a best friend or two
maybe an ex? bonus points if they're a bitter werewolf somehow?
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