#Redstone and skulk spoilers
theunderscorwolph · 5 months
Hi, yeah. I made that one scene in chpt 27 of Redstone and Skulk into a comic.
Rns by @SilverSky13
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Close ups:
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A few words under cut and a few other close ups of the doodle page I like and must point out (smol edit: uuuh better image I think?)
THIS CHAPTER!! OUGH, I CANT. ITS SO ANGSTY BUT ALSO FLUFFY! Agh, i cant. This chapter made me cry, poor Guish D;
For context, I have read many sad and angsty of both books and fanfics and almost none of them made me cry except for a few. Rns is one of these. and on TWO OCCASIONS has it made me cry! (Once with Tanguish and Helsknight's fight and again with the stab :[ )
I love rns so much. I wish to shrink both Tanguish and Helsknight and put them in my pocket to keep safe. :[ my bois, my guys, my sillys.
I have no words but all the words all at the same time.
Anyway! Moving on, Sillys! :D
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Hehe.. I love them <3 (platonic)
And yes I headcanon Tanguish aroace cuz man has no time (or thoughts) for romance, he is wanted dead by two different people.
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silverskye13 · 1 month
In which impulses are revisited
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doyouknowthemossinman · 6 months
tanguish: gods, i'm worthless. i can't do anything myself. everyone is leaving me and it's my fault
martyn, taking a very deep breath: what did i JUST fucking say
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transbeetleboy · 7 days
its 630am, and I haven't slept. I binged and caught up with Redstone and Skulk by @silverskye13 last night, and I had some thoughts.
first: its very good pls read it
second: okay so this is a little more involved so ✂
I haven't been keeping up with the tag bc I've been behind and didn't want spoilers, but I saw mention of there being a theory that Tanguish is a saint, and in reading a big chunk of chapters last night, especially 41 and 42, I had some thoughts
Helsknight and his relationship to knighthood is complicated at best and very much a... a job he resents but has grown kind of fond of aspects of but is otherwise largely kind of a pain
He came to know he was going to be a perfect knight in the ways that Welsknight can't be (these details are fuzzy, its going on 7am) or maybe tries to hold himself to it bc Wels ... listen this isnt the point I'm getting at but you know what I mean
Tanguish had a laughable idea of Helsknight, like, shopping around for which church fit him, and honestly, I don't think it's that far off the truth? it feels so much like Helsknight had an obligation to uphold to be a knight, and while he did do his research and learning before deciding, how fitting is Blood and Steel for the person Helsknight had built himself into?
the point I'm getting at here, is that, what if there hadn't been any kind of... particularly strong tug of devotion? or if there was, it's waned a lot over the years? and now there's the awe of divinity and wanting to submit his being to this one cause, this one purpose?
and the encounter with the paladin... I'm just sayiiiing...
the title of the fic does also carry that format of Saintliness with it, yknow?
I'm taking Nyquil and going to bed lskdjf
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bearbythebench · 1 year
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Helsknight! More specifically, the Helsknight from "Redstone and Skulk" by Silverskye13 on AO3! (You should go read it, by the way. It's so good!)
Me rambling, below the cut
I never drew an armored character before, so I'm kinda proud of how this turned out! No helmet tho, because I'm a coward.
Drawing aside, that fic has consumed 90% of my brain in the last few weeks and I'm not articulated enough to explain how much I love everything about it. The worldbuilding, the writing style, the themes, the characterization, the descriptions... Everything.
Also, not really a spoiler, because it's literally in the summary of the chapter, but... RIP Hels' best armor. We never found out if you were actually netherite or just dyed diamond, but you shall be missed. o7
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peregrine5 · 1 year
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THE NEWEST CHAPTER OF REDSTONE AND SKULK AHHH I had to draw something fast to release The Emotions
Rambling (and spoilers) below the cut! (You’ve been warned)
Helsknight pov WOOO! It was so well written!! And the way he thinks of tanguish the pure admiration and fondness is just so!!! I love them so much!!! I liked Helsknight before this but now i love him so much more he’s just a cool guy who really cares about his little friend yknow
And the poor guys got so beat up!! When Helsknight lost his sword I got this feeling of dread like “oh no it’s over now isn’t it” and boy was it, he was not made for fist fighting especially against someone twice his size yikes
Next chapter’s gonna be fun with both of them gravely injured like this >:) let’s be honest it’s great when characters get tossed around
This chapter gave me so many fanart ideas I can’t wait to see what fanart other people make too!! :D
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wolfclaire · 1 year
How does Enchanting work in your AU? Is XP a thing? What is XP? Is it souls or something? Or do they just get it from bottles?
Sorry, I'm just really curious about the mechanics of this.
Hi, thank you for your ask!
EXP and Enchanting huh... To be fair, I haven't thought about it into details, so sorry if I begin to ramble... (spoiler, I did ramble, sooo......enjoy)
So, Enchanting. It works the same way like in Minecraft. You get EXP and after a certail LVL, you can use it to echant your gear using lapis on Enchating table (with ton of luck, lets be real...) that is surounded by 15 bookshelves in order to get LVL 30 enchants.
But EXP...you don't get it just from killing, do you? You get it from breeding mobs; you get it from trading with Villagers; you get it from mining cerain ores (coal, lapis, redstone, diamond) or blocks (skulk); you get it from smelting anything.
That means EXP cannot be souls, cause you are 1) creating a new life with breeding; 2) every thing you kill gives different amount of EXP, is one soul more "valuable" than other? Are baby mobs without soul because they give you no EXP? (we aren't going into THAT territory, no way!) and 3) since when do ores or blocks have a soul you need to smelt away? I get skulk, you get it from a mob dying on in, but normal stone => smooth stone? How can stone have a soul?!
And even if you get it from bottles, the bottles can be only gain from Cleric Villager......how did they get them? And why do they always have them for trade? That's another can of worms that shouldn't be opened right now...
Also, this isn't like in Undertale. We are not working with acronyms like "EP = Excecution Points" or "LV = LOVE = Level Of ViolencE", that would only include the killing part of this whole EXP deal!
I think we should stay with the rules of normal minecraft for this AU and not complicate things with souls.
Souls are for Illagers (mostly Bro Duo Cub) to mess with. He eats them to gain more magical powers, to make himself stronger to be able to travel through the borders of universes/multiverse (which isnt easy to do mind you!).
Magic wielded by players and Enchanting are two different things. Magic can be used just by selected few (Wizard, Witches, Illagers etc..). Enchanting can be done by anyone, you just need the Enchanting table and lapis for the most basic enchants.
So um...TLDR: no special rules for Enchanting or EXP, lets just stick with whatever is going on in normal Vanilla Minecraft
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radioves · 2 years
revisions on my warden post because someone pointed out the fact that the bossfight thing is kinda redundant because the warden was Specifically designed to not be killed i just kinda forgot because i think i wrote that when my brain didnt realize it existed
i still thing the boss arena thing would be cool, or at least shrink the deep dark down into its own biome or atleast a procedurally generated structure like an oversized village so players actually have to look for it instead of accidentally mining too far down and stumbling across it involuntarily
give the deep dark some layers. make the top layer of the structure look ‘safe’ and unassuming, maybe with a little bit of skulk so you know where you are. the main structure with the frame already has a motion-activated door, keep that so the players can find it and prompt them to explore it. or they can do the jungle temple route and just dig a hole through but thats fine because thats not where it all begins. metaphorically
and then, as they get lower down, make the skulk slowly engulf the structure. make it obvious that your Not where your supposed to be. have chests and lore scattered around that make players want to go in further. the structures already have what look like redstone tests, thats cool. maybe add some other pieces of lore to describe what it was like before the skulk. or, if thats not the case, what it was like living a life without sound
make the loot get progressively better as you go further down; gapples, end city [or better] gear, echo shards, skulk catalyst, scatter the shards of the disc around so players are forced to look for them
now, why is all of this underground? its because when the warden spawns, there will be nowhere to go. and when theres no where to go, theres no where to flee too and take potshots at it from. or divebomb the chests before flying away. or, idk, take a fishing rod and treat it like this is a family outing at the lake or something im just hypothesizing yknow
there will be nowhere to go, so your forced to fight it. or try to run through the twisting corridors. either way your most likely going to die, unless you just really want to kill it for no specific reason. maybe give the darkness effect some form of mining fatigue so you cant just mine under it to trap it. or just make the floor out of something hard to break, that works too
now im going to reference another game because we all love essay / rant posts who reference other pieces of media, but im thinking the warden can be a mob with a purpose similar to the reaper leviathan from subnautica. minor spoilers but im pretty much just describing the progression of pretty much every survival game
the reaper is literally designed to be unkillable. its a massive deathsnake with godawful amounts of health and a bite with massive damage that can destroy seamoths in two bites and players in one. you arent supposed to kill it- in fact, ive seen some players who are actually against it because the reaper doesnt drop anything on death. no exp, no item. nothing. its literally just a flex but all the while completely unnecessary. ntm reapers dont respawn so you kinda just ruined an entire part of the map But thats not my point
the reaper isnt there for no reason, either. the majority of the time, its there to protect the fragments for the cyclops, aka a key component to finish the game, as it has depth modules that let you go deeper into the caves than the seamoth, which is required since the later game materials are further down
my point is with this is the warden doesnt have to be killed to progress. it can be- as its name states- a warden. something put there to protect something else. something it doesnt want you near. something your going to have to put effort into getting to, more effort than just smacking it a bunch of times and going ‘i did it, im the best’
the warden can be very dangerous, and very useful, if it was just put it the right place. the deep dark doesnt even need to be shrunken into a structure or biome, just add chests to the underbelly of the city, and make the loot tables for the upper and lower chests different, with the lower chests holding the more valuable items
and hell, maybe if you get far enough down avoiding the wardens and their sonic shrieks, maybe there can be something down there that makes this all worthwhile. as where one journey ends… another begins…. [COUGH COUGH] li gh ter [COUGH]
tl;dr nah man scrap reworking the warden just rework the deep dark itself. force players to actually explore the entirety of it to find its loot and in return force them to deal the warden trying to kill them and make it so they cant kill it anymore by cheesing it via subjecting them to the Catacombs™️
also to the person who pointed out that they removed fireflies because they were poisonous to frogs. ik. just dont let the frogs eat them its So Simple ITS SO SIMPLE JUST HAVE THEM BE AMBIENCE MOBS AMBIENT PARTICLES EVEN GOD DAMNIT GOD DAMNIT GO- [i am dragged away kicking and screaming before being thrown into the back of an animal control van and am sent off to the pound]
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shadeswift99 · 3 years
Oh! Apologies for asking for two but, Reflex headcannons?
Edit: I found this in drafts, from some time between Reflex and Nothing of Note. I could have sworn I had posted it...! No time like the present, I guess. For anyone who's still thinking about Reflex. :)
Hmmmmmmmm I don't want to say too much because spoilers...also doing headcanons for my own character is kind of just canon...so enjoy the extra content I guess!
Reflex does not enjoy combat. The risk involved always puts him on edge, and his plans tend to work better with more subtlety than a drawn sword can offer. However, he has the most powerful weapon of the three TIZ Team members, and is technically the most skilled at fighting, though Waltz enjoys it more and would argue that fact with the power of a thousand suns. So Reflex is the one that often ends up doing most of the dirty work when the group gets attacked. His fighting style boils down to "get the issue solved as quickly as possible one way or another", and so far he's got out of all confrontations with far less major scars than the other two, so in his opinion his strategy is working pretty well.
In Hels, the TIZ Team (very begrudgingly) all share a bunker-like base embedded in a netherrack hill. Safety in numbers, as they say. Reflex will never object to a little extra security, but he would rather not have to deal with the roommates. In particular, Aadaph likes to annoy him by stealing his masks and wearing them around mockingly pretending to be him. He'll put on the grim yellow and black fabric and skulk around trying to be as cold and emotionless as possible, and always fail miserably, usually by laughing at some joke he invented himself. He looks like a fool and it annoys Reflex to no end, but Waltz seems to think it's hilarious. If this is what Reflex he has to put up with to get some half-decent help with a plan, sure. It's fine. He'll just work on his Waltz impression, for the day he can finally get his hands on one of those big dumb capes of his....
Nothing I could say here would make what Reflex does okay. No sob story I could give would ever make him good. But there is one thing, one great weakness of his, that comes close to making him understandable.
If you have read his story, you will know that what Reflex fears most above all else is death. That fear is what drives every single one of his plans - not malice or wild ambition, no love of cruelty like the others, just the simple human fear of death and the burning need to evade it. It's the same drive that has a hold on the Impulse we know - the totem salesman, the experienced hardcore player, the cautious, overprepared hoarder. The one determined to do as much work as physically possible before his time is up. The only difference between Reflex and Impulse, really, is that Reflex doesn't care who he ruins in pursuit of his goals. He won't try to avoid causing pain; he won't even look back at those left bleeding in his wake. They are obstacles - no more, no less.
It is this uncaring drive that got him into trouble back in Hels. He had a project to complete, and in the process of making way for that project he casually tore down every last scrap of another person's life. He didn't take a single block for himself - just left it all lying neatly in hundreds of chests lining the place where once stood a base that took a decade to complete. Labs full of redstone that took twice that time to develop. Gone, in 24 hours. Reflex didn't stay to see the look on the doctor's face when he returned, but if he had, he would have seen a spirit break.
He overstepped, that day. He angered the wrong man.
Reflex is not really afraid of death. One simple, mildly painful demise means nothing to him. It is what will happen if he dies and his spawn defaults to his original spawn in Hels that really scares him. Reflex's spawn is a hell within hell. The machine that engulfs every possible block where he could appear is filled with tortures he tries his hardest not to imagine. Being simply torn apart would be a mercy, lava would be a kindness - what awaits him after but a singular second of possible carelessness is thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands of the most brutal, slow, crushing, vengeful...deserved...deaths he could ever picture. He will be torn apart atom by atom, he will be crushed back together again, he will be wracked by poison and withering and fire and rot, and when he finally gives up and dies, he will respawn right back there to experience it all over again.
It is a fate he knows will long exceed his thresholds of endurance. He has no doubt that he could break the machine from the inside eventually, find some way out...but by that point, who will he be? What will he be. A husk. An empty body, scarred beyond recognition. Irreversibly shattered. Lost.
He has no illusions of avoiding it forever. That twisted invention is where he is headed, and that is where he will end. But as long as he still draws breath, as long as there are still lives in this world or any other to sacrifice before he ever risks his own, he will chain himself to life in defiance of all who would challenge him. Above all else and at all cost, Reflex will survive.
Unrealistic Crossover, special just for you!:
If a Blood Moon occurs when Reflex is on the server, he is unable to disguise himself as Impulse. Not much else about him changes - he never got the same Wither magic that your Impulse did - but the sheer fact of him being forced to appear as himself is what makes him dangerous. If seen in the Overworld during a Blood Moon, he will attack on sight. No one who has seen his true form can live to tell the tail. He can't afford that kind of information being let out.
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albonynet · 4 years
Resident Evil 3 Remake train puzzle: Unlock the route from Redstone Street to Fox Park
Don’t let the Resident Evil 3 Remake train puzzle slow you down. Skulking through the streets of Raccoon City, dodging zombies, and keeping a watchful eye out for the Nemesis is tiring work, but now it’s time to catch your breath with a quick puzzle. Naturally there are some mild spoilers ahead, but if you’re stuck then you’re in the right place. 
Before attempting this head-scratcher,…
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silverskye13 · 8 months
For the record! I'm going to apologize now and say it's probably going to be a hot minute before a new RnS chapter comes out [a week, maybe two]. I have encountered some issues that need sorted.
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silverskye13 · 1 year
I saw this post today after reading the newest rns chapter and to me it really screams helsknight and tanguish’s dynamic. I absolutely loved getting a peek at hk’s inner dialogue in the newest chapter and the ending hit so hard, wonderful writing as always <3
That is a very good dynamic! They've definitely got some of the elements for it going :3
Really glad people enjoyed getting helsknight's POV! It was a real challenge to write, but also very fun? He's way more straightforward than Tanguish is, and also more confident in his decisions, so there was a lot of rereading last chapter and going "No wait, he would be way more decisive than this actually" and editing things XD
Thank you for the kind words!
And the post linked is screenshotted under the cut, for anyone who wants it:
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silverskye13 · 6 months
CRYING i want to look at the original art (& fanart) for R&S so much but i dont want to get spoiled because im still less than halfway through....... i love your writing so much it's got me in a good mood ever since i started it! (its not overly complicated and the words are all expertly placed, it's perfect for my binge reading!)
also i hope the pain goes away, im sorry it's been hard lately :(
Ah! Sorry for making your dashboard a minefield! Sometimes I wonder if I should spoiler tag things :'D
Just tagging things as redstone and skulk worked so well until it became the only thing I ever talked about whoops. The brainrot is real for me as a writer/artist as well.
I'm so glad you like the fic, and especially the writing style! I like trying write? Not informally exactly, but there's like a balance between informal prose and prose-poetry I like trying to hit, and sometimes it really feels like a tightrope. I'm glad its working for you :D
And thank you for the well wishes. My body decided to riot against me last week, but I think? I'm on the upswing? [Knocks on wood] At the very least my pain/discomfort levels have dropped from like, a 7 to a 2, so that's a win in my book!
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silverskye13 · 2 years
I don't remember if you ever explained this or not, but what's up with Tanguish saying he is killing Tango? I am guessing it is something to do with the skulk?
I know I've talked about it before, but it's probably been scattered across a lot of different shortfics [and talked a little bit in chapter 2&4 of the whole Redstone and Skulk fic in a somewhat blink-and-you'll-miss-it way].
I'm going to go ahead and lay the concept out in full, but like, warning: spoilers for all of the helsmit fics and shorts [Wels/Hels, Tango/Tanguish, and Ren/TheRedKing]
So in my little set of universe, helsmits au... Stuff... Basically the universe doesn't like that the hermits make helsmits.
Helsmits are made when hermits start to face a dark side of themselves, an inconvenient truth, or a dichotomy they don't like. For Wels/Hels, it's their idea of knighthood. Wels is the idealized white knight, Hels is the gritty, holding to your tenents even if it means killing people knight. They are a clash of ideals, and by definition both think the other is Being A Knight Wrong. Together they encapsulate the idea of "Sometimes to do good, very evil things are justified in the process."
For Tango/Tanguish, it's toxic codependence. It's being alone because you're sure of yourself/a little introverted vs being alone because you're self-isolating/filled with social anxiety to the point it's hurting your friendships. Together they encapsulate the idea that you can genuinely care a lot about someone and still be toxic, and that care and toxicity can be mutual. Humans weren't made to live in tiny 2 person isolated groups. We can, but there's a lot of angry psychology that tends to happen when we do.
[Ren and Red are a bit fuzzier. I never really hammered them out. Mostly it's Red thinks Ren is a coward for handling 3rd life the way he did, and Ren thinks Red is just a scary jerk. Something something appreciating the life you're given, something something remember your mortality something something friends make our short lives worth it. It was very hazy and existential I was coping with things when I was outlining those]
What happens when the hermits face these issues is, eventually they get past them. And since the hermit was there first, that generally [9 times out of 10] means the hermit grows as a person and moves on, and helsmit stops existing. It's like a physical incarnation of the "growing and changing through the plot" thing that happens during most character arcs. I wrote a short [Voices of Hels? I think it was called? Something like that] where Cub talks about absorbing his hels version and that's why his skin changed from old man to young dude. I used to have a list? Of hermits that didn't have hels versions anymore? I think Zedaph and Doc were on that list. And Gem. I need to find that list again. [In my funny little world I also justify Xisuma having so many helsmits (Evil X and Evil Beezuma for example) because he basically runs from his issues for so long he fundamentally changes as a person, and this he makes a new helsmit wholecloth once the previous issue no longer applies. I also feel like there are probably circumstances where a helsmet can disappear and then reappear later in life when someone faces an old or similar problem again. (Well well well if it isn't the consequences of my actions back again-- [gets tackled by my evil clone]).
For Wels/Hels, Helsknight has pretty solidly accepted his fate is to disappear into Welsknight at some point. His biggest goal until that happens is to, basically, make Welsknight strong enough to actually do good in the world. It's not an altruistic thing. He things Welsknight is weak, is a bad knight, and represents the kind of slothfulness that happens when you live a relatively carefree life. He makes Wels miserable on purpose, because he thinks that's the only way it'll make him stronger. And if Welsknight is strong enough to do good in the world, then hey, Helsknight can disappear into the aether knowing he didn't die for nothing [I feel like you kinda have to have a martyr complex on some level to be a good knight, RIP all the knight characters I've ever written].
For Tango and Tanguish though, Tango isn't trying to be a better person. He's not trying to get over his codependency and social anxiety to reconnect with his friends. He's feeding into is isolation bad habits, and in so doing, is feeding into Tanguish. If he keeps going at the rate he's going, someday Tango will collapse and stop existing, and Tanguish will be the only one left standing. Tanguish doesn't want this [he is just as codependent on Tango as his hermit is on him] and he's also starting to figure out he doesn't like the self-feeding cycle of never having contact outside of each other. He's decided he's going to break their cycle by forcing Tango [and also himself] to branch out.
In Chapter 4 of the Redstone and Sculk series, where Tanguish corners Helsknight to ask him for help, and Helsknight says stuff about "how rare it is that one of us wins", that's what he's talking about. Tanguish could be the last man standing and he's actively choosing not to. Helsknight, who doesn't think it's physically possible for him to win against Wels, thinks it's really, really stupid that Tanguish would just give something like that up.
So! Yeah! Hope? That answers everything? Clears things up? Most of this was supposed to come out either:
A) In the next couple chapters of Redstone and Sculk
B) When I finally got around to writing that Wels/Hels body swap fic I started writing and then stopped writing because MSH is my baby right now and I can't focus on two things at once
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silverskye13 · 10 months
72 for the spotify thing??
I'm not trying to put you down
It's an expression of you as you are
One must live
We need to survive, to go on
This one is from the Redstone and Skulk playlist :3 but it's also just a good vibe. I like to listen to it when I'm, spoiler alert, overthinking.
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silverskye13 · 1 year
🎀 and 💌 !!
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
My love please the struggle is real.
Uh. Uhm. I. I am really good at bringing around plot points in a way that gives them emotional weight. The plants are always just strong enough to be noticed without seeming super obvious, and their payoff makes sense and feels cathartic when it happens.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Oh heck yeah! Redstone and Skulk is going to get its main antagonist soon! Not next chapter, but the one after that I think. And in the chapter after that there's a very very cool fight scene that I'm excited to write. And after that this arc of the story will end and I can take a break for a little bit. The story isn't over, but it'll be at a good stopping point for me to sit back and work on MSH a little, and plot the next arc.
I think? RnS is gonna have 3 arcs total? The arcs have names. I don't know if it's considered spoilers to tell you their names though. I guess if you are curious about the arcs you can just? Send another ask? Pdkfjfjfjg
Real Fic Writer Ask Meme
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