#Redemption Dark AU
the-lost-writer · 3 days
Working on redemption dark still! (link to story)
In the meantime here is a little sheepy character I drew
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More on redemption dark:
The fifth chapter (yes the fifth not the fourth) is a long one so be excited for that!
I do make a slight backlog of chapters for my own mental peace, it makes me less stressed and allows me to feel free to work on other chapters at my leisure.
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wanologic · 3 months
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vlad met him there via helicopter
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 241
Wing au? Wing Au. With perhaps a bit of a twist. Also a hint of eldritchness perhaps. For fun! 
Ghosts have wings. Sure, they aren’t normally seen, not in the visible spectrum, but they do. Scanners pick them up, and sometimes a ghost might even reveal them, which was hypothesized to be some sort of animalistic intimidation attempt. (Something more than one Amity Parker rolled their eyes at)
Everyone had seen them at least once- the motorcycle-driving ghost’s mass of shadowy feathers, the green-haired girls matching shaggy ones, the rocker’s ones that looked like pages of music before bursting into flame. Even the box ghost’s had been spotted- feathers looking more like sheets of cardboard than anything else. 
It wasn’t until the whole kidnapped to the ghost zone that anyone saw Phantom’s, but that was another tale unto itself really. Honestly the arrival of the GIW would have maybe been seen as positive before, but the fact that many of them had looked in the mirror or gone to the doctors only to find feathers beginning to sprout on their back soured it. 
Especially as the GIW continues to prattle on and on about how all ecto-contaminated scum are less than human, less than bacteria. And well, what does that make them? Them, who have been to the realms of the dead and gods and back, touched by the swirling green energy in ways incomprehensible? Changed by that energy? 
So the people silently brush hidden feathers together, quietly rebuff the white-wearing lunatics from the city as best they can, and hope to anything listening that they can stop anyone else from disappearing. That maybe they can find the few no one noticed had been taken before it’s too late, even if they have to tear down the entire government to do it. 
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zarvasace · 3 months
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“She was also insane.” Prince readjusts so he leans up against a tree, his red cloak protecting his tunic from the bark. “You don't know the half of it.” “Do we have to talk about her?” Link asks. He finally looks away.  “No.”
Don't mind me just making fanart of a fic I'm writing that isn't even published involving a lot of OCs that nobody cares about :)
Edit: these guys masterpost
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jellyfosh · 5 months
Kraken Leviathan Dark
beware of the wittle Quacken and its henchmen of jellyfishes (virabots)
Dark: I’m a monster rawr rawr rawr >:3 fear me
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bonefall · 11 months
Bramblestar being really proud that he came up with Spiderbite as a dishonor title, up until he realizes just how into it Spider is. It gets on his nerves to the point he also takes his dishonor title away early, this time everyone supports it
Bramblestar: "It is time to forgive the sins of the past, and I think Spiderleg has proven his devotion to the clan, so I will grant him his name back, any objections?"
Spiderleg: "Well I-"
Bramblestar was SPEEDRUNNING through undoing their Dishonor Titles. Not a single one of them worked. Stupidhead was wheezing. Spiderbite liked it too much. Shredbloom, EXACTLY as Squirrelflight predicted, just felt even more ostracized.
Complete and total backfire. In general, Dishonor Titles for Dark Forest Trainees didn't work because they didn't actually address the underlying problems that drove these cats towards training there. The "true believers" in Tigerstar's agenda died fighting for it-- most of these cats survived BECAUSE they turned tail.
But by the time Bramblestar was backpeddaling, the damage was done. Blossomfall fled to join The Kin in BB!AVoS, along with several other cats who found the cult's message of true family and unity appealing.
Like mice into open jaws.
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friedonionchkn · 9 months
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some more dark clone turtles, they’ve got clothes now!!! (inspired by tron) also happy new year! oh god it's 2024, was 2023 even real-
i'll clean this up someday (legit being pulled into another fandom-)
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The swirling bile cauldron of your brain is cooking up a poison stew
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
anyway. the idea of the selkie!au CG baffling and deeply concerning the other hollowheads by calling selkie!alan 'dad' will never not be funny to me.
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chaoticm0therfvcker · 3 months
The Realization (Red Velvet Redemption AU Part 1)
Summary: It had been six months since Dark Choco had left the cookies of darkness behind to reunite with his family in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, and Red Velvet Cookie is starting to have his doubts about just how genuine Dark Enchantress is with her feelings towards him. After a very harsh realization, Red Velvet makes the decision to run away as well, hoping to find Dark Choco and ask for guidance through this new chapter of his life
Six Months Ago
Dark Choco quietly packed his things in the dead of night, shoving his minimal belongings into the old, tattered messenger bag that had followed him through all his adventures with the Cookies of Darkness.
When he first joined the cookies of darkness, he was but a broken, slightly reckless, young adult, his better judgement being clouded by that damned strawberry jam sword he picked up in an attempt to become as powerful a hero as his father, Dark Cacao Cookie. He was broken, traumatized, desperate for approval thanks to his not-so-great upbringing, and Dark Enchantress gave that to him. She had taken him in, cleaned his wounds, showed him that he wasn’t alone in the sense that there were cookies just like him; ones that were turned to the dark side in the pursuit of power. In a way, she was caring towards him, more so than Choco’s father seemed to be.
Despite going on mostly solo missions, he was a Cookie of Darkness through and through, and while he didn’t love it, he felt welcome there.
Growing up, Dark Choco didn’t have the greatest childhood. He grew up without a mom, the closest thing he had to a mother being his aunt Hollyberry which he only saw once in a while, and while he wasn’t necessarily abusive, Dark Cacao wasn’t the best father. He was hard on Dark Choco, training him hard to be a tough yet kind warrior. He was very emotionally reserved, the only time Choco ever hearing and “I love you” from his father being when they succeeded in battle. Cacao was so emotionally reserved, in fact, that the only time Choco ever saw him smile was once during an outing with Pure Vanilla. Despite this, Dark Choco grew up grateful for his father, grateful for his luck being able to grow up in a mostly safe environment, and that thankfulness fueled his motivation to make his father proud, and bring as much protection and security to the Dark Cacao kingdom as he could. Unfortunately, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he would never be good enough for Dark Cacao; that he would never be able to make him proud or happy or make him care for him in the way that Choco so desperately craved. This pain, this passion, this motivation to make his father proud is what led him to pick up the Strawberry Jam sword, the intense power of the blade driving him to madness, and in turn driving him to attack his own father.
Dark Choco lost two things that day: his eye, and his home.
Then, one day, he was required to go on a mission to the Dark Cacao kingdom. One of his fellow Cookies of Darkness, Affogato Cookie, was in the kingdom, posing as a royal advisor to Dark Cacao in an attempt to take over the kingdom. However, a group of bright-eyed, plucky adventurers led by a cookie named Gingerbrave were traveling to the Dark Cacao kingdom as well. While their reasoning for their expedition was unclear, it was obvious that once they caught on to Affogato’s true intentions, they would do anything within their power to stop him. Therefore, Choco took it upon himself to stop them.
Then, he saw it.
He saw his father, the king, with two younger warriors. Choco recognized them as Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip, though they were much older now than they were when he had left. They had defeated Affogato Cookie with the help of Gingerbrave and his friends, then defeated some berserk, corrupted form of Dark Cacao that struck fear in the heart of Dark Choco, though when the king returned to normal, Choco noticed something.
Dark Cacao took pride in Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip, gently clutching their shoulders and giving a small thank you. Choco could see a faint smile on his lips. It was clear that he cared deeply for these two warriors, almost as if they were his son and daughter, though Dark Choco noticed something else about their relationship. Dark Cacao was acting the same way with them as he did with Choco; kind, yet emotionally reserved. It was clear he cared, but it was also clear that the smile on his face was a rare occurrence, and although he was proud of them and cared for them and most likely loved them as his own children, he didn’t express it in the way that most parental figures do. He was stern, yet kind. Affectionate, but without the ability to show much of this affection. It was in that moment that he realized that he had been wrong about Dark Cacao. Of course Dark Cacao loved him, of course he was proud of him, of course he was as caring and affectionate as Choco had always wanted; he just never showed it in the typical way!
Tears pricked at the corners of Dark Choco’s eyes, and he clutched his sword tightly. He had been fighting the overbearing power of this blade for a long time, but this was the breaking point, that final burst of emotion and motivation that he needed to break free from the sword’s control.
In that moment, Dark Choco’s mind was finally clear of the swirling darkness inside of him, the echoing voices telling him to attack the innocent cookies he had worked so hard to protect in the past. Most of all, his head was clear enough to realize that he needed to leave the Cookies of Darkness, return to his home, and make an attempt to reconcile with his father.
Suddenly, Dark Choco was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his door creaking open. He quickly spun around, covering his bag with his body, then let out a sigh of relief at the sight of his friend, Red Velvet Cookie.
“Hey.” He greeted, letting out a shaky exhale.
“Hey Choco,” Velvet replied, taking a step into the dark bedroom, “what are you doing up so late?”
“It’s nothing. None of your business.” Choco snapped, his tone much harsher than he had intended. He wasn’t usually this harsh towards Red Velvet- in fact, he was Choco’s closest friends- though he was incredibly stressed out in this moment, not to mention trying to hide the fact that he was leaving.
“Yeesh, you don’t need to snap at me,” Red Velvet responded. Then, he saw the bag. “Are you… packing? Are you going on another mission or something?”
Dark Choco let out a defeated sigh. “Sort of… I’m leaving. For good. I’m going home.”
For a good minute, Velvet stood in stunned silence, a look of surprise, fear, and confusion on his face. “Home…? But this is your home!”
Once again, Dark Choco could feel tears forming in his eyes. “No, it’s not. The Dark Cacao kingdom is my home, and I am done pretending that it’s not.”
“What about your father, huh? Isn’t the whole reason you left because he neglected you?” Red Velvet retorted, desperation in his tone.
“He didn’t neglect me!” Choco snapped, scowling, “Yeah, maybe he pushed me too hard at times, but after my last mission in the Dark Cacao kingdom, I realized that that’s just his way of caring for people. He cared about me, he protected me, he raised me to be strong and kind! And this stupid sword ruined it all!” He grabbed the Strawberry Jam Blade and pointed it at Red Velvet, defensiveness in his eyes.
At the sudden motion, Red Velvet put his hands up defensively. “Choco, put the sword down.” He sighed, “look, loving father or not, Dark Enchantress took care of you, took care of us. She showed us kindness when society cast us aside.”
Dark Choco sighed and lowered the blade. “I know… but these past few months, with a clear head and the realization about my father… it just feels fake.”
“What feels fake?” Red Velvet inquired.
“Her kindness!” Dark Choco exclaimed, “She has hurt so many cookies, destroyed so many homes, tried to convince us that we were doing the right thing in that sticky-sweet tone of hers! I just feel like…”
“I just feel like she’s just showing us love to make us do her bidding.”
Red Velvet gasped, a tense silence filling the air. Tears filled his eyes, blurring his vision and causing a familiar tightness to form in his throat. He wanted to say something, to scream at Dark Choco in defense of Dark Enchantress, but he just… couldn’t.
He had nothing that he could say.
“Look, you can’t change my mind on leaving, but you’re free to join me if you’d like.” Dark Choco started, “I know your relationship with Dark Enchantress is really good, but you’ve seen what a monster she could be. I care about you a lot, more than anyone else on Earthbread, and I would hate to see you fall victim to her manipulation. We’ve all done such bad things under her command, but it’s not too late to make things right.”
“Choco… I’m sorry, I just can’t.” Red Velvet replied glumly, “she’s been so kind to me, gave me an arm, let me keep as many cute little cake hounds as I wanted… maybe one day I’ll see through her so-called ‘fake kindness’ but for now, I want to stay here.”
Dark Choco nodded in understanding. “I understand.” Climbing up onto his windowsill, about to jump out, he added “if you ever decide to leave the Cookies of Darkness, you know where to find me.”
And with that, Dark Choco Cookie was gone.
Present Day
Red Velvet sat on his bed, sipping a jellybean latte as a cake hound slept in his lap. It had been six months since Dark Choco ran away to return to his home kingdom, yet his words still echoed through Red Velvet’s mind.
“I just feel like she’s showing us love to make us do her bidding.”
Ironically, ever since that day, Dark Enchantress had been even more of a doting mother than ever before. She cooked meals for the Cookies of Darkness, bought all the fabric needed for licorice to make Choco Werehound’s dress for the princess games in the Hollyberry kingdom, and when things didn’t go according to plan and Choco Werehound became friends with a girl named Blueberry Cookie, she didn’t seem mad at all. Usually, she would be enraged by a failed mission, and yet she was able to stay calm this time. Red Velvet wanted to believe that it was all true, that all of this was a part of her role as the motherly figure of the Cookies of Darkness, maybe it was even her alter ego, White Lily, poking through, but Red Velvet couldn’t shake the feeling that all of this was fake.
Was Dark Choco… right?
Of course, there were a few red flags. All of Dark Enchantress’s sweet smiles were more like menacing grins, and she would always get a bit snappy if the topic of Dark Choco came up, but then she would chuckle lightly and shake her head, then in that sticky-sweet tone that Dark Choco had previously mentioned, she would say “oh, I’m getting ahead of myself again, he’ll come back. He always does.”
What the hell was that supposed to mean?
Red Velvet looked down at his arm, the large, furry, monstrous one that Dark Enchantress gave him when she first took him in. It was much larger than his other arm, with a palm almost as big as his face and even larger red and white claws. He often used it to pet his beloved cake hounds, occasionally using it to attack cookies on missions, though he would usually just use his saw for that. In their time together, Dark Enchantress spoiled him rotten, giving him as many cake hounds as he wanted, made him the commander of the giant tower they took residence in, and in return, he devoted his life to her.
As he looked at his arm, he realized something.
Was this his version of the Strawberry Jam Blade? The item bestowed upon him as a source of power, just to cloud his judgement and make him want to side with the bad guys? He was just a child when Dark Enchantress gave it to him, so he barely knew who he was without it, without her.
Was he really anyone at all?
Taking a deep breath, Red Velvet stood up from his bed, cradling the still resting cake hound in his arms. He needed to talk to Dark Enchantress. However, as soon as he walked out of his room, she was standing before him, a smile on her face.
“Oh, Red Velvet dear, I was just coming to look for you,” she started, “we have a new mission today.”
Red Velvet perked up at the sound of her voice, his decision to go talk to her regarding his past quickly becoming a second priority.
“If you weren’t already aware,” she explained, “the ancient cookies have decided to share their soul jam with the world, lending their power to insignificant cookies in an attempt to destroy us. They’ve already shared their power with the Crème Republic, and a very talented scientist there has turned a portion of their magic into special candies to give cookies special abilities.”
“It sounds risky.” Red Velvet remarked.
“It is,” Dark Enchantress agreed, “however, with this new information, it gives us the opportunity to not only invade the Crème Republic and possibly steal these magic candies for ourselves, we will also be able to attack while the power of the ancient cookies is weakened. What do you say, are you willing to do this for me? I’m sure your lovely cake hounds would love to stretch their legs a bit.”
Red Velvet smiled weakly and nodded. “Of course. I will stand with you until the end of time, mother.”
That all too familiar menacing grin formed on Dark Enchantress’s face, and she clasped her hand onto Red Velvet’s shoulder.
“I knew I could count on you. You never fail to make me proud.”
After she had walked away, Red Velvet released a shaky breath of air that he didn’t realize he had been holding. He felt ill, nervous feelings swirling in his stomach and making his head spin. He wanted so desperately to believe he was just paranoid, but he had finally come to the horrible realization he had been trying so hard to suppress.
Dark Choco was right, and he needed to get the hell out of here before he did something he knew he would regret.
Taglist: @janayuga @katsunemillennium @c00kietin @cedric-my-beloved @lovelettersinc @undeadvinyls
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how did you reacted to awaken dark cacao?
Wrong timeline, buddy. But if you're curious..
*super Mari magic go*
Have a little non canon storyline
Mystic Flour was cleaning up the monastery. All of the cookies she had crumbled during her time as a beast had taken a large toll on the state of the peak. After a few hours of sweeping and lighting incense, she took a seat near where she kept silk moths. She sat there, reminiscing of old times with the other beasts before they had been corrupted. They were friends, after all. But, that time of peace and quiet was disturbed by a loud sound. "Mystic Flour Cookie! It was you who plagued my kingdom! Face me in battle, or i will crumble this peak to ashes!" An angry voice boomed. "...The light of resolution... I mean no more harm. The plague of your lands has dispersed, and I do not wish to fight," she said softly. Dark Cacao Cookie took a deep breath. Behind him were two dragons. One white, one black. "You have awakened your soul jam, I see... impressive," she said, tilting her head to the side out of curiosity. Dark Cacao Cookie did not know what to say. On one hand, he had surpassed the power level of any regular cookie. Even having two dragons by his side. On the other, the one he came to fight, the one who made his soldiers fall... was standing right in front of him with a smile on her face. Not one of malice, but one of peace and content. "I can see past this facade. You will never change!" He shouted angrily, the sound echoing through the halls. "You say this.. but you long for the day your son returns, despite what he has done to you," she smiled and offered him a cup of tea. The former beast and the newly awakened ancient stood there, not saying a word. Dark Caco Cookie sighed deeply and nodded. It would be unjust to strike an enemy who kneeled before him. He turned around and walked away, back to the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
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the-lost-writer · 3 months
Redemption Dark AU
(Part 3)
Stuck in a white box purgatory after his defeat by TSC, Dark sulks. He is the greatest, strongest, and most intelligent stick in the entire universe! And he is stuck here in this… well he isn’t quite sure where but he knows it cannot contain him forever, it’s just taking longer for him to escape without his powers.
One day (if you can even call it day) a glowing orb comes to him with an offer, an offer to get him out on one condition. Dark gladly takes the offer since he will be able to outsmart this being. After all, he is the most intelligent stick in the universe.
New Life
Despite conquering many cities, Dark has never actually been in a city before, at least civilly. Even if he had the desire to, sticks would have fled at the very sight of him! But now not even one stick takes a second glance at him. The city is also too noisy, the commotion and constant hustle and bustle of sticks is a far cry to the solitude in the bay (and box most recently) that he is used to. Kids playing, adults talking, cars honking, street vendors calling out, he just hopes that the apartment has a modicum of peace. He he spots a distracted yellow stick figure talking loudly on a phone with a briefcase in hand walking his direction. Dark instinctually tries shoulder checking the absent-minded stick to get him to stop blabbering-
Aaand he’s back in the box.
“What?! COME ON! SERIOUSLY?!” Dark exclaims in frustration, suddenly becoming lightheaded. Apparently switching bodies on the fly is very disorienting.
The orb cackles with glee. “No hurting other sticks! Not at all!”
Dark grumbles and huffs, shaking his head to clear it. “You are making this unbelievably difficult you stupid…” he grumbles more before he says something else he will have to apologize for.
The orb twinkles with delight at the sticks frustration. Dark watches, seething with hatred. “What if I accidentally bump into someone and they fall? What then?” Dark challenges the self proclaimed god out of frustration.
“Oh, hmm… well I guess that’s ok.” The orb replies.
The rules can change? A brilliant plan starts forming in Darks mind. Why not just manipulate this lightbulb of a god into changing the rules enough so that he can be free? Then no one can-
“So are you gonna apologize now Dark?” The orb interrupts his train of thought.
Dark glares at the orb and let’s out the most irritated sigh he can muster. “Yeah yeah, just put me back.” He takes a deep breath, ready to fight himself to get the words out.
“Sss-sssoorr… sorry. Ok let’s go-“
And he is standing where he was before, just about to run into the distracted yellow stick. He hurriedly dances around them and avoids the collision, the stick finally noticing and dodging as well.
“Woah! Watch where you are heading buddy! Are you ok?” The stick says, concerned for the disoriented Dark. Dark just glares at him and walks away, leaving the stick mightily confused.
Phew. Now where did that orb go? After a few moments of looking around he spots the glowing ball up ahead, rounding a bend and disappearing out of view.
“WAIT! HEY WAIT UP!” Dark calls as he runs after it.
After many twists and turns, the orb halts in front of a pretty average looking apartment building. It looks slightly outdated with patches of different colour bricks randomly cobbled into it as if it has been renovated many times. The alleyways has barely enough room for a dumpster considering how crowded the buildings are here. It now makes sense how the orb was able to afford a room here. Thankfully this street is much quieter than the main road he was just on, giving Dark some relief.
The orb phases through the old wooden door, leading Dark inside. Dark follows after, turning the old metal door handle and swinging the door open. He is immediately hit with a wave of musky air; this place is full of dust and mothballs. Darks face scrunches up as he waves the dust away, coughing as he steps on the old and worn carpet beneath him.
“Name?” The gruff voice of the building doorman asks from the booth beside Dark.
“Um… I’m Dark” the confused stick says.
“Dark Blue” the orb corrects him.
“Dark Blue” he echos.
“Ah, I see. New resident. Fourth floor, here are your keys, room 404. Elevator is broken” the dusky purple stick speaks roboticly, having done this several times before. Dark takes the keys with a nod, uncertain for the first time in his whole life.
He follows the orb up the stairs and to the fourth floor, almost missing his door tucked away down a hall. He struggles with unlocking the door damned old lock. He eventually forces the stubborn door open and takes in his new home…
If you can call a closet a home. There is just enough room for a small bed and a desk, and one other door for a washroom. Nothing else. It’s cramped and cheep looking, and the tacky peeling wallpaper doesn’t help with that ascetic. The room looks like something a grandma would have found fashionable 50 years ago.
Dark starts fuming again. That orb thinks it’s so funny putting THE Dark Lord into this microscopic apartment! The only good thing is the relative silence of the street! Dark will relish that fluorescent bulb’s death… as soon as he can figure out how to kill it, but that’s all in due time.
He takes a breath coughing up more dust and forces the door closed with his shoulder, locking it behind him.
“So how do yah like it? I think it’s good for the price I got it for!” Did you buy it for the price of pocket lint? Dark thinks sarcastically. “And you can pay the rent with the new job!” The orb squeaks cheerfully.
The angry stick lets out an exasperated sigh. Right, the job.
“What job is it?” Dark grumbles, no longer trusting the orbs judgment at what is ‘good’ or not.
“You’ll be working at a fast food place!”
Fast food? Not a very classy job, and definitely not fit for The Dark Lord. At least he should get some free meals, and besides how hard can cooking sloppy meals be? If some dweebs and losers can do it an ex-conquer (soon to resume) should be able to do it easily. Dark starts poking around the room as the orb talks.
“It’s a beginners level job so you aren’t making a whole lot of money, but you are making enough to save up for something that you want! Isn’t that awesome?”
Dark only nods, half listening. Then he realizes something extremely important is missing from the room. “So where is the computer?” Dark asks through gritted teeth, already knowing the answer.
“Computer? Oooh! Oh yeah, woopsie-doopsie!” Dark chokes slightly. “I forgot to say that apartments don’t come with computers, you are gonna have to buy that yourself!” The orb is obnoxiously cheerful about this. Meanwhile Dark is once again giving it a withering look. He has to figure out how to kill this orb as soon as possible, he doesn’t know how much more of this torment he can take.
“OOO OOO! What if you saved up money to buy a computer? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?” The orb trills at this idea.
“Well I guess that’s what I will have to do now thanks to you” Dark growls.
The money he could have used to start buying tools and start making more vira bots- new and improved of course- will have to go to buying a computer so Dark can start coding. He lets out another exasperated sigh before pausing. A thought drifts through his mind; Will I have to be good to get enough money to buy a computer? The thought seems practically nonsensical.
Him? Good? He wouldn’t allow it! It’s simply inconceivable that he could even conceptualize the smallest ideation of him being good! So why should he-
“-Earth to Darkie? Are you theeere?” The orb sings.
Dark snaps out of his thoughts and instinctively takes a swing at the orb for daring to use that nickname. He immediately gets sent to the box but he is too furious to care.
“NEVER CALL ME DARKIE!” He thunders.
“WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!? You keep going ON and ON about how WONDERFUL this whole situation is, how it's just oh so lovely how you've locked me in a crappy apartment too small for a rat, with a minimum wage job and NO computer. Well sparky, this might sound crazy to you, but MAYBE THAT'S NOT SO WONDERFUL AFTER ALL!! YOU MUST HAVE BEEN BLINDFOLDED SEARCHING FOR APARTMENTS BECAUSE THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST OPTION YOU COULD HAVE CHOSEN FOR THE DARK LORD!!”
Dark pants heavily after his tirade, the anger still ringing in his ears.
As his rage fades, he notices that the box is awfully quiet. There isn’t another sound at all, and that sentient lightbulb is nowhere to be seen. Did he hurt the orbs feelings? Well good, it can be as sensitive as it wants. He certainly doesn’t care.
As what feels like minutes tick by, the silence makes itself more known. Every moment that nothing happens Dark gets more and more frustrated.
*That stupid orb sure is dramatic isn’t it?* Dark thinks to himself.
“Oh I’m sorry, did I hurt your feelings?” Dark spits sarcastically, partly to fill the silence. “Would you like an apology with a side of sorry?”
The glowing orb flickers into being in front of him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called you that name again. You don’t have to apologize but I thank you that you did.”
Yeah I bet you are sorry. You should’ve known better than to anger The Dark Lord. And I didn’t even apologize you dim lightbulb, I made a sarcastic remark! Does that mean I don’t have to be sincere…? Dark grins wolfishly. There isn’t many pieces to the plan yet, but it is coming together. To make sure he is understanding the orb correctly he tests his theory. “Why do you think I said sorry?”
“Because the words came out of your mouth, you said sorry” the orb sounds confused.
Perfect. He just has to say sorry, even sarcastically, and it will count.
“Alright, now take me bac-“ before he is even finished the word he is standing in the exact same place as before. Dark takes a deep breath, inhaling the dust and coughing once more.
“I’m going to have to deep clean this place” he grumbles.
“Okay! But maybe later, it’s almost time to go to work now!”
“What?! Work starts today!?” Dark isn’t ready for this! He barely explored the city and found his apartment, now he has to do his job today?
“Mhm!” The orb answers happily. “In… ten minutes! Better start walking!”
“TEN WHAT!?” Dark stumbles back and nearly trips on the corner of his bed. In a flash he grabs his key and races towards the door. He has to get there RIGHT NOW if he has any hope of being able to buy a computer. Dark starts fighting to open the door again.
“What cha doin’?” The orb floats above his head unhelpfully.
“I’m leaving to go to work right now” he growls back as the door creaks open. He kicks it closed and locks it behind himself.
“Because if I get lost there will be enough time for me to find my way back!” Dark shouts while racing down the stairs.
“Oooh, smart!” The orb starts leading the way out of the door and into Darks new job. As Dark races after the orb he thinks about his plan; stall long enough to get his powers back, then manipulate the orb into giving him control or (preferably) killing it. If this is what he has to do to become all-powerful again. then so be it. It is only temporary anyhow.
Besides, how hard can flipping burgers really be?
Thank you all so much for your support! It’s really motivating to see how much you all like it. As a surprise, here is what Redemption Dark’s new body looks like!
Thank you to my editor and co-writer @thatonexman for helping me write these chapters! More on the way soon!
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zofi-persson-quotes · 6 months
Gotta love how many people make their Second a sleep deprived baby, and then there's my Second, who's just... a pretty unhinged and feral teen
They're the definition of Chaotic Good tbh
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plusultraetc · 3 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRESENT MIC, I got you (super)villainy <3
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Thinking about a superchargers AU
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Click for better quality pls 😭
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jellyfosh · 7 months
How does everyone in Redemption Squad look like when they were younger?
well technically, the Dark we see currently is Younger Dark. By appearance and memory wise. He wears a black cloak and hat with veiled hat to cover his bright color to be less targeted.
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Chosen was in his villain phase destroying websites with Dark. I kept the Toji Fushiguro outfit on him cause he fits well with it. He used to have a red cape around to be noticed faster and be targeted the most.
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Mango majority was living as a ‘normal’ high school - college student. I’m going by the previous laws of at the age of 16 you go to college. His fashion is depicted from his sister Orchid for a little change since usually he goes comfort clothing.
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Navy hasn’t left his website and was still living under the Clan. He’s still undergoing his training with the big sword. And HE DIDN’T LOSE HIS ARM YET. He was in love with the sunset before the flower. Yes, he had a tattoo. And Curly Hair.
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