#Redacted Audio Sam
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#animals r lowkey my fave things to draw#redacted audio#redaced sam#redacted audio sam#redacted audio fanart#redacted sam collins#sam collins redacted asmr
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get a grip!
in which . . . darlin’ gets confronted by the shaw pack boys in their hopes of finding out more on their ‘budding interest’ with a certain southern vampire.
or . . . david, asher and milo, in older brother-like fashion, poke fun at tank for how flustered they get whenever sam is brought up.
cw . . . gn reader, they/them used, second person pov, some bland sex jokes, boys teasing darlin’/tank while they reject the idea, injury mention, obv set before the solstice w sam, a bit after david confronts tank and they have a pack meeting about it, they are also still a bit nervous about being back, mentions of high school shaw pack, darlin’!reader
“please get home safe. it’s a bit far to yours.” you say as you stand on the pavement.
“i always do, darlin’.” sam chuckles as he unlocks his car. you notice the way his eyes linger in you for a moment. “call me when mr shaw finds something out about quinn, okay? i’ll do the same.”
you nod your head and wrap your arms around yourself to keep warm. it was only 10pm and sam was just now leaving your apartment after you gave him the rundown of the pack meeting that happened yesterday. he would’ve stayed longer if it weren’t for a couple of newborns causing trouble back with the clan. you had told him the meeting was about further information on what they could do about quinn, and while you still felt uneasy about discussing it with your pack, you promised david.
you’re brought back to the present when you feel sam gently pat your shoulder. “can i give ya’ a hug?”
you’ve noticed him some sort of mother hen, always looking after people. he also always seems to know when you need the attention you didn’t know could be offered. you let out a short hum of confirmation.
he squeezes your gently around your shoulders as you loosely hold onto his torso. you feel relaxed, even though it was only for a second. you swear he can hear your heart thumping against your chest harder than any punch you could throw.
“i’ll come by on thursday to check up on you, alright? you have a good night, darlin’.” he says with a sweet smile. you almost falter.
“you too, sam.”
you watch as his car drives off into the direction of his house, to which you let out a sigh of relief. turning back to your apartment building, you stop when you notice a figure standing behind the tree nearby. you pause, trying to find some sort of reasoning for them to be hiding out this late. maybe a teenager trying to sneak back in? no, that wouldn’t make any sense, the windows can’t open wide enough to do that. they don’t smell familiar. you grow wary.
as you walk closer, the figure shivers and stills. it makes you only a bit more annoyed. who was this?
in a swift motion, you have them face first pressed against the concrete with your knee weighing down on their middle back. you keep an arm in your grip as you pull the hood off their head. “why the hell are you spy—?”
“ow, ow, ow, ow, surrender, surrender, i surrender!” you recognised that whiney voice and ruffled hair from anywhere.
you get up and pull the man up to his feet as well. “asher, what the fuck are you doing stalking my apartment building?” you grunt.
“i didn’t mean to!” the pack beta complains, rubbing his arm as he picks up the bag from the ground, “i—i tried calling you but you weren’t picking up! i found this game we gotta’ start playing, it looks totally sick!”
your brow twitches as you sigh, rubbing your forehead, “my phone’s charging in my room. and it’s late at night, what are you still doing up? and… why do you smell different?”
as you guide him into the building, asher trails behind with a wide smile. “well i couldn’t sleep, and i remember at the pack meeting yesterday you said you were fine, but then david told me after that you said you had a hard time falling asleep on days you don’t work, so i thought i could come over and we could play some.” he explains to you as you enter the elevator. “and this is my mate’s jacket. you’re probably picking up their scent.”
you nod your head as you rub your neck.
“oh, you gotta’ meet them at some point soon, they’ve been dying to get to know you! my mate has this whole dinner planned so you can meet all the other mates too!” he cheerfully informs you. if he was in his wolf form, he’d definitely be wagging his tail. “we’re all excited to have you back.”
you glance at him. asher is already looking back at you. the numbers on the elevator wall suddenly look so appealing. “thanks, ash.”
the doors open and you lead him into your apartment. he’s already here so you might as well play that game. as he sets it up on your console, you grab him a drink. it’s awkward for you as you sit and wait.
“by the way, who was that guy?” he suddenly asks as he hands you a controller.
you freeze. “what guy?”
asher laughs a little, “y’know, the guy you were just with outside. with the cowboy accent.” he blinks at you before he raises a brow. “wait, was he some booty call? damn, it’s not even midnight, you guys work fast—”
“he is not some—ugh, no, asher, that’s… that’s sam.” you admit to him.
he stares at you as you stare at the menu screen. “‘sam’? as in, the vampire who’s helping you?”
“yeah, i just wanted to talk to him about what was going on.” you say shortly.
asher nods his head as he goes through the instructions with you in quiet. the music from the game sound off at a low volume due to the time, but it’s a type of quiet that puts you at ease.
“so are you two fuckin’ or what?”
you slap his arm with furrowed brows. “get out of my apartment, asher.”
he begins to laugh a little, “what? c’mon, you gotta tell me! i didn’t know you had a thing for cowboys—”
“we’re not—god, asher…” you feel so embarrassed thinking about how he witnessed you and sam say ‘goodbye’. though it wasn’t even that bad, the implications he was making were wildly out of reach. “i don’t think of him like that.”
“oh really? ‘cause david said—”
“david’s a liar!”
“oh yeah?”
“i’m telling him you said that.”
you begin the game.
“don’t tell david i said that.”
he ended up leaving your apartment at 12am with a teasing grin and hopes to continue your game together.
a few days later, you had promised david that you would go on an afternoon jog with him since it was his day off and his mate was at work. he wanted a little tour around your block for a change, but you knew it was just so he could make sure the area was safe for you.
the park was deemed a good place to rest for a second and catch your breath. trailing behind david was definitely a workout. you hadn’t trained with him in years, subsequently forgetting that he lived and breathed the gym. while you weren’t any stranger to the idea, you more-so worked out at home in the spare room you turned into a home gym. it was nothing compared to david’s routine, though.
you had noticed that his scent had changed, just slightly. a new washing detergent, or something. when you commented on it, he claimed that his mate insists on doing their washing and changed the detergent they used. you say that it smells nice anyway.
“asher said you called me a liar last night.”
“that’s little…” you scowl as you tie your shoelaces, “he was just saying shit. and he dropped in on me at 10pm.”
“what were you guys talking about?” he asks as he opens his water bottle.
you’re hesitant to tell him and he notices. david already has an inkling on what you and sam were, but in truth there was no label to put on it. it didn’t matter what you felt, only what was true.
“just about the pack meeting,” you say at first but you notice david’s raised brow that makes your resolve crumble, “and sam…”
“so that’s it, then? what does that have to do with me being a liar?” he questions.
“you told him that sam was the one who told you about quinn and me being back,” you huff as you wipe the sweat off your forehead, “and now he thinks we’re—ugh…”
“sleeping together?” he finishes.
“yeah.” you huff.
“well, are you not?” he huffs back.
“no!” you scowl, standing back up with your arms crossed, “let’s just go now.”
“it doesn’t matter if you are,” david reiterates as he begins to jog behind you, “we couldn’t care less what you two do, just as long as it doesn’t endanger you or the pack.”
“we are not sleeping together,” you groan as you look back at the pack alpha, “sam just comes over and checks up on me or to tell me shit about quinn.”
“hm, is that so?” you see him begins to jog in line with you. his tone makes you squint your eyes at him. “he told me that he had to come over and save your ass once. bleeding out on the couch and everything.”
“only because i let him save me,” you state, “i could’ve healed myself.”
“we both know you’re about as good as asher when it comes to healing magic.” david claims. he dodges your heated glare. “you know i don’t think sam’s trouble.”
“i know, david…” you mumble under your breath.
he continues your jog without another word on it. you’re thankful; david at least had half the mind to notice when you were done with the conversation.
unfortunately, asher didn’t, which is why david holds you back from hitting him in the head when you two see not only the beta, but milo waiting outside your apartment building as well.
“a cowboy? really, tank?” milo grumbles with crossed arms.
“what’re you talking about, jersey boy?” you scoff back as you reluctantly let the three pack members into the apartment building, “what are you two doing here? again, asher?”
“hey, milo wants to see the southern vamp!” asher chuckles as the elevator door opens. before he can continue, david nudges his rib to shut him up, allowing your unempowered neighbours leave the elevator and make way for you four. in the safety of the elevator, he continues. “when is sam coming over again?”
“i’m not telling you! you’ll just drag these two back here to catch us!” you claim, already feeling a buzz of embarrassment in the air.
“doin’ what, huh?” milo nudges you gently with a sly smirk, “what do you two get up to?”
“nothing!” you claim.
“they hugged last night!” asher shakes your shoulders vigorously, to which david pries the beta’s hands off you. “can you believe it?”
“no fuckin’ way, he hugged you and got to keep his limbs?” milo laughs out as the doors open. they follow you to your apartment. you silently wondered what your neighbours thought about you letting four different men into your apartment at such different times. “goddamn, he’s got guts.”
the three of them had only seen your apartment a handful of times, but the older and youngest seemed to act like they had been there the whole time. your pantry is raided of your snacks and and your fridge rid of your drinks. david warned them to slow down.
“i’ve never seen anyone else get that close to you,” milo points out as he sips from a can, “you into him?”
“you guys are crazy,” you scoff as you shake your head and move passed milo to the fridge, “i’ve known him for like… three months.”
“david fell in love with his mate when he first met them.” asher juts a thumb out to their alpha, to which he grumbles under his breath. “it’s not bad if you’re into him.”
“i’m not.” you sigh as drink from your bottle of water.
“so how come you got that wretched piece of clothing sittin’ on your couch?” milo questions as he makes his way to the said place. he picks up the flannel by the collar with a judging look. “doesn’t smell like ya’. vamps have that certain kinda’ scent, don’t they?”
“tank, there’s nothing wrong with being… involved with sam,” david says again with crossed arms over his chest, “just be safe.”
“you’re taking this out of proportion,” you let our a dry laugh as you grab the flannel from milo’s hands and toss it onto the solo seat in the corner, “our relationship is purely transactional.”
“and by ‘transactional’, you mean—”
“ash, ew.”
“just admit to us that you like the cowboy vampire and we’ll be outta’ your hair.” asher giggles out with some schoolboy listening to gossip in the locker rooms. “i didn’t get a good look at him, though, is he sexy?”
“ash!” you grumble out in protest.
“remember the guy they had a crush on in high school?” david inputs from his seat at your counter, “the one from the band?”
“oh yeah!” milo joins in, “the drummer, right? he was pretty cute then, i remember tank gettin’ all flustered whenever he would invite them to watch their practice.”
“don’t even start.” you warn.
“and they accidentally shifted when he came up to us on our way to school!” asher’s voice makes you rush over to him and slam your fist against his back. “ow! and—and we had to tell him that they were the new school mascot!”
their laughter voids into the room, which makes you grow more aggravated. with a middle finger, you exit the area.
“i’m gonna’ take a shower and by the time i’m done, your mess is cleaned up and you are all out of here,” you huff as you turn away to your room, “thanks, david.”
“you’re welcome,” he replies, “let’s go, guys.”
you hear their whines to not leave until you shut your door and grab a towel. the shower you took definitely calmed your down a little more and refreshed you after your jog with david.
one of the reasons sam had visited you so often was also due to your injuries facing other vampires. your last wound, a deep scratch on the right side of your torso, was still yet to heal properly. you didn’t want to tell this to the others, though, that you weren’t fully healed. they would pry further and you weren’t fully ready to speak to them.
your shower finishes and you change into new clothes when you walk into your bedroom again, your phone ringing on your bedside table. walking over, you notice the three-lettered name.
“hey, sorry for the abrupt call,” sam’s voice comes through your device, making you stand up a little straighter, “i tried textin’, but i wasn’t gettin’ any answers. i’m outside your apartment, darlin’.”
“you’re what?” you jump into action, rushing out your bedroom into the kitchen and living room area. luckily, you’re met with silence and no sign of the boys. the sun had just gone down; did he come over as soon as he could?
“yeah, i’m outside. you didn’t hear me knock?” sam asks.
“i was in the shower, i’ll let you in.” you hang up immediately and, using your towel, try to shake out the rest of the water from your head. you prayed to whoever that the boys had left as soon as you got into the shower, and they didn’t bump into sam. taking a deep breath, you open the door with your towel around your neck. “hi.”
“hey, darlin’,” sam chimes with the same smile as always; you’d think he was trained for this, “sorry ‘bout all this.”
“oh, no it’s fine,” you wave it off and let him inside, “what were you here for?”
“to drop these off for ya’,” he says and he places a couple of medicine pills and supplies on the counter, “for the one on your side. hopefully it’ll help it heal better.”
you look at each of the items. “oh, um, thank you.” you sheepishly say.
“do you mind if i… take a quick look?” he worriedly mutters out.
no matter how many times he asks, you always get a bit heated up. you clear your throat and sit on the counter seats, gently lifting up the side of your loose shirt.
you hear sam inhale sharply at the sight. he warns you about his touch, to which you allow. “it’s still bad, but… it’s definitely gettin’ better.”
“you think so?” you mutter out.
“yep,” he says, tugging your shirt back down to cover it up, “still as strong as ever, ain’t ya’?”
you let out a small chuckle before sam begins to go through what each item does for your health. while only half listening, you can only stare at him and the crease of his brows as he explains everything. sure enough, he was in a flannel and some jeans. you begin to think about asher’s question from earlier. did you find him attractive?
“you listenin’, darlin’?” he speaks up, snapping you out of your trance.
“huh? oh yeah, i was,” you falsely state, “thank you.”
“mhm.” he huns with a knowing smile. it falters for a moment before he looks to the wall by the tv. “you hear that?”
“hear what?” you stand again and tilt your head. “i didn’t hear anything. it’s probably my neighbour’s cat rummaging around. i hear it sometimes at night.”
“huh. okay.” sam shrugs it off as what you said. his sense of hearing was impressive, as you’ve noted since that time he heard you let out a sharp gasp after trying to replace some bloodies bandages on your own while he was in the kitchen. “what did you get up to today?”
“went on a jog with david,” you say, to which sam immediately stands up straight, “got some paperwork to get through, like contracting and some stuff. that’s about it. you?”
“one of the newborns is still hesitant on feeding, as you’d expect. vincent and i are tryna’ ease ‘em through it, but it takes a toll, y’know?” he claims as he rubs his neck, “the thought if you came to mind when i passed the infirmary. just imagined that you’d need some more help with that one.”
you find his words to be like honey. sweetens your bitter taste, but in a different way to everyone else.
“that’s kind of you. oh that reminds me, you left your shirt here,” you claim as you walk to the couch to retrieve it, but you find nothing, “huh… i must’ve misplaced it.”
“it’s fine, i’ll get it another day.” he waves his hand dismissively.
“did you want a drink or something?” you offer with a small smile, “gotta’ warn you, though, no tennessee whiskey.”
“hardy har, that’s a good song and you know it,” he rolls his eyes at your joke and he shakes his head, “i’d love to stay, but vincent needs some help with surveillance at wonderworld. we’re hoping to not catch another shifter tryna’ get into trouble.”
“oh, so now you’re funny?” you laugh along with him as you escort him to the door, “see you on thursday, then.”
“yes, til then.” he hums out sweetly to you. as he stands in the door way, he reaches out to grab the towel and wipe some water droplets off your cheek. “rest easy, darlin’. wanna’ see your face on thursday.”
his smile is the last thing you see as he walks off into the elevator, waving at you, and you close the door. leaning your head against the wood, you groan quietly to yourself.
and after a few seconds, you sigh, “shit…”
then, out bursts asher and milo from the coats closet beside you.
“I KNEW IT!” asher screams so loud that you nearly sock him in the face before realising it was him, “YOU HAVE A THING FOR ERRON BLACK!”
“don’t call him that, ash, he’s not a game character,” david groans from around the corner, the hallway to your room, “can’t believe you can stand to not talk for that long.”
“i can’t believe they were so obviously swoonin’ over the southerner but won’t admit it,” milo chimes in with his hands on his hips, “so that’s the vamp that’s got ya’ in a headlock, huh? could probably smell the desperation on ya’.”
he waves the flannel in your face, to which you snatch out of his hands and put on the couch again. “i thought i told you guys to get out.”
“milo’s right, who knew the guy had charms like that? got ol’ tank leaning against the door like ‘oh my goodness, he’s so handsome and sexy and his accent, ah!’.” asher over exaggerates your vocal tone. you have to hold yourself back from shifting and tearing his head off. “so dramatic.”
“you’re dramatic.” you scowl in embarrassment.
“alright, that’s enough,” david waves his hands between the both of you, “let’s leave tank alone. they have their own feelings to sort out.”
“there’s nothin’ to ‘sort out’, they definitely like him!” milo claims as he’s getting ushered out the door with asher not too far behind, complaining the same, “this ain’t over, tank! i wanna’ know this guy’s wardrobe!”
“tell us all the hot details, ha!” asher’s last words makes you cover your face in your hands. so annoying!
“hey,” david’s calm demeanour pulls through, “take your time with it. you know you’re allowed to do these kinda’ things.”
he gives you a short ruffle on the head before he leaves and shuts the door behind him.
you’re left with your own thoughts again. and the overwhelming feeling of asher finally being right about something first.
you were most definitely into that cowboy vampire.
#redacted audio#redacted audio x listener#redacted asmr#redacted asmr x listener#redacted fandom#redacted audio darlin#redacted audio sam#redacted audio asher#redacted audio david#redacted audio milo#redactedverse#redacted audio x reader#redacted asmr x reader#kiwii // redacted audio
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i've been hyperfixating on sam for only a week after my friend introduced me to him but rahdfjksgsjdifgkfjgh kjfgsdfgh im so obsessed
i hope the fanbase on tumblr accepts these sam doodles

(the dentist one is what i made right after listening to sam's imperium audio ASHDAJHDF i have not watched the rest of imperium besides his video oml)
#sam collins#redacted sam#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redactedverse#redacted audio sam#redacted asmr sam#drawing#HELPPP OH MY GOD ITS SO BAD#I THINK I GOT THE DEVOTED PATREON RANK LIKE 2 DAYS AFTER I HEARD SAM'S AUDIO FOR THE FIRST TIME#its so bad you have no idea#im slowly getting more and more into the redactedverse please bear with me if i dont understand or mischaracterise#also does this look like jacob yes it does shhhh they're the same theyre cousins#shhhhhhh#shhhhhhhhhhh sam is just vamp jacob but not obsessed and not a loser#my art
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Sam / Darlin Headcanons
[In no particular order]
✩ Sam has stretch marks on his hips and across his back from growing so fast after leaving Mont Blanc
✩ Darlin has a high pain tolerance so they literally don’t realize when they’re seriously injured sometimes
✩ Sam has a lot of faded scars on his hands
✩ Sam is the oldest brother, Darlin is a middle child - they both had to leave their younger siblings behind and still feel bad about it
✩ The younger pack members think Sam is the absolute coolest even though they don’t get to see him very often
✩ Sam still has David’s name saved as Mr. Shaw in his phone
✩ Since Sam convinced Darlin to start eating actual food they are BUILT - their muscles aren’t super lean and defined anymore, but they’re noticeably stronger
✩ Occasionally when they’re stressed Darlin will shift and lay directly on top of Sam like a wolf-shaped weighted blanket
✩ Sam hates the question “are you a tea or coffee person?” because people rarely accept his answer of “both”
✩ Darlin was very uneasy about any kind of physical touch after Quinn, especially skin-to-skin, so they almost exclusively wore clothes that covered their entire body for about a year - they feel safe enough to wear tank tops and shorts now
✩ Darlin likes holding both sides of Sam’s face when they kiss
✩ Sam pretends to be more oblivious to modern media than he really is
✩ Before turning, Sam needed glasses - for a while afterwards he would still wear them out of habit
✩When shifted, Darlin is one of the biggest wolves in the pack
✩ When he was younger, Sam used to fight in shady arenas for some quick cash
✩ Darlin knows how to play bass
✩ Sam shaved his head after leaving Mont Blanc and after turning as his way of “starting his new life” - he keeps it fairly long now but makes an effort to keep it trimmed and maintained
✩ Darlin has convinced Sam to paint his nails with them at least once
✩ Sam looks like his dad but he has his mom’s eyes and her smile
✩ Sam dances like a tipsy suburban dad at a backyard barbecue
✩ Darlin has a habit of glaring like they’re about to murder the next person who enters their line of sight when they’re actually just thinking about what they want for dinner
✩ Sam was raised on a ranch so he knows how to ride horses, herd cattle, etc.
#I have so many angsty thoughts about them#but I tried keeping it mostly balanced#because my beloved cowboy deserves the best#I love him <3#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redacted sam#redacted audio sam#redacted asmr sam#redacted darlin#redacted tank#redacted asmr darlin#redacted audio darlin#redacted asmr tank#redacted audio tank#redacted headcanons#shea writes
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Fun fact!
Darlin and Sam’s anniversary is technically January 9th.
In the timeline it says nine days after the inversion (New Year’s Eve) is when Sam and Darlin made their relationship official and said they loved each other and Darlin called Sam their Mate.
You all have fun with the information :)
#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redactedverse#redacted darlin#redacted sam#redacted tank#redacted asmr darlin#redacted asmr sam#redacted asmr tank#redacted audio darlin#redacted audio sam#redacted audio tank#i love them so much
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I miss my girlfriend samuel collins
#redacted fandom#ajaxs stuff#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redactedverse#redacted asmr sam#redacted audio sam#redacted sam
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#redacted audio#redactedasmr#redactedverse#redacted asmr#redacted verse#redacted summit#redacted fandom#redacted asmr porter#redacted porter#redacted vincent#redacted audio vincent#redacted vampires#redacted audio sam#redacted sam#redacted alexis#redacted lovely
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Post-turning Sam!
#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redactedverse#redacted audios#redacted Sam#redacted asmr Sam#redacted audio art#redacted asmr fanart#redacted audio sam
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id be so embarrassed if i was quinn like actually
like he fumbled, then sent his lil friends after them on vday AND DARLIN WON, and then he was literally losing his mind when darlin walked away from him in the interrogation room
#redacted asmr#redacted darlin#redacted audio#redacted audio darlin#redacted audio tank#redacted sam#redacted asmr darlin#redacted audio sam#redacted asmr sam#redacted quinn#redacted wolf pack#redacted vampires
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this is just sam.
#artists rendition goes hard ngl look at his fangs.....#his stupid silly hat#i love samuel collins so much#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redactedverse#jo speaks#redacted audio sam#redacted asmr sam#samuel collins#redacted sam
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Serving up a Sam based on little red riding hood and his Darlin, Deacon based on the big bad wolf! Peep Deacon wearing a moon pin like Milo and Sam owning blood drop jewellery like Vincent!
#I love these designs for them#they play so well together and with the rest of their peers#I'm looking forward to tackling the next set soon enough#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redactedverse#redacted fandom#audio rp#mr. laveau's art gallery#redacted fanart#mr. laveau#asmr rp#character art#character design#character illustration#fan art#digital art#artwork#art#artists on tumblr#artist of tumblr#redacted wolf pack#samuel collins#redacted sam#redacted audio sam#redacted audio darlin#redacted darlin#redacted tank#redacted shaw pack#redacted audio tank
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cowboy summers
check out my kofi for comm slots !!
.+ a bonus of darlin freaking out over their man
do u ever think abt how sam will never feel that beating sun on his skin for any significant amount of time again
#sam collins redacted asmr#sam redacted asmr#redacted asmr sam#redacted sam#redacted sam collins#redacted audio sam#redacted audio sam collins#redacted audio samuel collins#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redactedverse#redacted fandom#redacted fanart#redacted audio fanart#solaire clan#redacted solaire clan#darlin redacted audio#redacted audio darlin#redacted darlin#redacted asmr darlin#redactedaudio#redactedasmr#redacted asmr samuel collins#sam collins fanart#samuel collins fanart#redacted audio tank#redacted tank#redacted asmr tank#shaw pack fanart#shaw pack
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talking about shifted! shaw pack tails . . .
cw . . . gn reader, they/them pronouns, david x angel, asher x babe, milo x sweetheart, darlin’ x sam
david is stoic when he’s in his wolf form. angel can’t really tell what he’s thinking since he has no tells, even in his human form. david’s an observer, he won’t make a move unless necessary. angel’s got big scary dog privileges, you could say.
however, one of the only times anyone has ever seen the alpha break his facade, was during the first solstice that angel attended. while they were nervous about not embarrassing david, he was just touched that they came to it at all. after the pack run, he trotted up to them in his wolf form and nudged their palm with his snout. angel likes to scratch behind his ear, and david enjoys that a lot.
angel didn’t even notice how ferociously his tail was wagging behind him as he sat in front of them. sweetheart is now sworn to secrecy due to being the only one who witnessed the alpha’s burst of happiness.
asher, unsurprisingly, isn’t as calculated as his alpha. he uses his wolf form as if it was nothing, shifting every moment he deemed necessary (often). babe sees him in that form more than enough times to know how his footsteps sound when he’s shifted. asher also likes leaving his shedding fur on the couch, much to babe’s chagrin.
his tail wags the most of out all the four main shaw pack members. he’s always upbeat and the smile he has on his face is infectious. babe often finds asher’s tail wagging when they’re on the couch cuddling. he likes being in his wolf form so he can curl up on top of them and lay his head on their chest, or on their lap for head scratches.
he’s just always happy to be around babe, and his wolf form expresses that enough. they can feel asher’s tail hitting their leg, or hear it swatting against the couch cushion. he also gives his mate the most kisses too; babe has to hold him at arms length to make his stop.
milo learns to love his wolf form and attempts to be in it more often so he can grow more confident. sweetheart encourages this and thinks his wolf form is really cool because they like his coat. milo prides himself on always maintaining good hygiene in both his forms, too.
he gets a bit embarrassed, but his tail tends to move back and forth a lot when sweetheart is sat in front of him picking out the small twigs and other pieces of nature from his fur. they know that milo can do it himself, but they like to take the time to tend to milo. he tries to stand still, but he can feel his tail moving at the speed of light behind him. when sweetheart noticed, they tease him a little, to which he lets out a small huff at.
he just enjoys having sweetheart close, in general, and to see them show such care for him in his wolf form as well makes his heartbeat quicken. if sweetheart ever offers to brush him, he’ll accidentally let out a bark of happiness.
sam has seen darlin’ in their wolf form a handful of times now. he thinks that it’s utterly impressive the way that they can use their form to their advantage in every fight. however, he doesn’t enjoy the aftermath where darlin’ is bleeding and scratched up. they claim they can feel their injuries ‘more’ when they aren’t shifted, so sam knows something is up when they don’t immediately return to their human form after a fight.
he noticed their tail wag when he’s got their head on his lap and he’s cleaning them up. his healing magic worked just as well in this form, and darlin’ was able to sit still like that. sam will never let them know it’s because their tail is doing all the moving for them; he’s just glad that they’re letting him heal them at all.
darlin’ likes being in touch with sam, it calms them down and makes them happy, as obvious as it was. they’ll lay on his lap for hours whilst he heals them, their tail waving against the couch or the bed. they’re so comfortable that they don’t even notice. sam never mentions it at all in hopes that darlin’ will let him see this form again. he just wants them to feel safe around him.
#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redacted audio david#redacted audio angel#redacted audio david x angel#redacted audio asher#redacted audio babe#redacted audio asher x babe#redacted audio milo#redacted audio sweetheart#redacted audio milo x sweetheart#redacted audio sam#redacted audio darlin#redacted audio sam x darlin#david shaw#asher talbot#milo greer#sam collins#redacted audio x listener#redacted audio x reader#kiwii // redacted audio
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"The world is cruel, therefore I won't be."
#I'm telling my grandkids this is jesus christ.#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redacted sam#redacted asmr sam#redacted audio sam#sam collins
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Watching Sam win the poll over David is more devastating than watching the presidential election
#redacted asmr#redactedverse#redacted audio#redacted audio sam#redacted sam#redacted david#redacted audio david
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Just imagining Sam having a conversation with Darlin and ends up mocking something Vincent said to him and his accent completely goes away
Darlin immediately has a mini panic attack and starts laughing while breathing heavy
Sam is shocked and ask what the hell happened and Darlin is just like,
“PLEASE never do that again!”
#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redactedverse#redacted sam#redacted darlin#redacted audio sam#redacted audio darlin#ShadowsJustRambling
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