#Recycled Materials
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deanandcastrash · 27 days ago
enjoy this textile piece i made for the background of my upcoming website :))
happy scrolling :))
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keepingitneutral · 2 years ago
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Tree House by the Lake, Da Bang Lake, Chau Duc District, Vietnam,
H2 Architects
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arc-hus · 8 months ago
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Floating Bamboo House, Hồng Thái, Vietnam - H&P Architects
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aworldofpattern · 10 months ago
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Lily Gladstone at the Met Gala 2024, wearing gown by Gabriela Hearst, and jewellery by Kiowa jeweler Keri Ataumbi.
At first, it seems a rather muted look for the Met Gala, but every detail has significance. Read the story in Vogue.
The gown and cape are embroidered with constellations of recycled silver stars.
“Our ancestors are in the constellations - we're star people.” Keri Ataumbi.
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tilbageidanmark · 5 months ago
Guillermo Galetti, an Argentine Artist, Transforms Scrap Metal Into Unique Sculpture
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sugarchimera · 1 month ago
Hace un par de días encontré este vídeo:
A couple of days ago I found this video:
Aunque no lo seguí al pie de la letra (utilicé una cinta de satin, doblada por la mitad y una puntada diferente), fue este tutorial el que me dio la idea para hacer este pin.
Although I didn't follow it exactly (I used a satin ribbon, folded in half and a different stitch), it was this tutorial that gave me the idea to make this pin.
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(Casi todo lo que use son materiales que encontre tirados en las calles a lo largo de los años, tengo tendencia a juntar todo lo que encuentro en la calle y se ve mínimamente interesante.
Bueno, diria que todo lo encontre en la calle, pero sinceramente no recuerdo de donde vino la flor pequeña rosada, ni cuanto tiempo lleva dando vueltas por mi casa.)
(Most of what I used were materials I found lying around on the streets over the years, I tend to collect everything I find on the street and that looks even remotely interesting.
Well, I would say that I found everything on the street, but I honestly don't remember where the little pink flower came from, or how long it's been hanging around my house.)
Creo que en algun momento tal vez le agregue algo mas al alfiler de gancho, porque la cinta le queda un poco angosta, tal vez.
En fin, hice uno y tal vez haga un par mas, creo que uno inspirado en Hannibal y uno en Percy Jackson, no estoy segura.
I think at some point I might add something else to the safety pin, because the ribbon is a little narrow on it, maybe.
Anyway, I made one and I might make a couple more, I think one inspired by Hannibal and one by Percy Jackson, I'm not sure.
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monikahmakes · 11 months ago
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24-3. Mixed media, with recycled/repurposed materials including scrap paper, cedar remnants, and acrylic paint peeled off a discarded painting.
I changed my mind and decided to use a numbered format for this series after all. Giving the series a thematic name (Metamorphs) felt too confining, and I spent too much time agonizing over whether a new piece really fit the name. I'm still focusing on transforming and honoring the beauty of recycled, repurposed, and rescued materials, but the numbered system gives me a bit more freedom to evolve and explore.
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ashmouthbooks · 2 years ago
this spring I entered the Elizabeth Soutar Bookbinding Competition held by the National Library of Scotland. The theme this year was climate change. I didn't win any of the categories (I certainly didn't think I'd win any of the Craft categories, but I thought I had a decent shot at the Creative categories) but I am very happy with how my binding came out anyway!
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under the cut is the details of the binding and the process that went into it, plus a full list of the texts included.
this is a modified 3 piece bradel binding - a 3 piece bradel is usually made with leather spine with the spine attached to the textblock and the front and back covers added on after. there's another variety of a 3 piece bradel case where the spine and boards are assembled with a thin piece of paper to later be covered with a bookcloth. I wanted to use some leftover misprint cardstock I had (the same stuff I'd previously used to make paperbacks) and I wanted to print the titles directly onto the covers and spine (specifically I wanted to overprint the titles to imitate the existing misprint), and in order to fit it through my printer I had to have it in three pieces. so I assembled a bradel case as if it were to be covered with a cloth, only the cardstock I was using to assemble the case would also be the cover material.
everything I used to make this book was recycled or reused, with the exception of the greybeards which were new (I didn't have any rescued book boards from secondhand books at the time). the text paper is recycled eco-craft paper, the endbands are re-used macramé cords wrapped in green wrapping paper that came from a gift bag, and as mentioned, the cover material comes from a misprinted running sheet.
a few process photos of getting the case together:
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in terms of content, I took care that not only should the binding fit the theme of climate change - by using recycled and reused materials - but the text inside should also fit the theme. there were a lot of considerations there because I could easily have just bought a copy of something like Greta Thunberg's speeches and rebound them, but I wanted the texts to be something that made sense to me. so I went and looked at the SFF magazines I read for climate fiction and essays, I looked for academic papers, and I looked on Gutenberg for older pulp fiction relating to climate change. once I had a selection of texts I pared them down to two categories, fiction and non-fiction, and decided the most fun way to bind them would be as a tête-bêche with fiction on one side and non-fiction on the other, and this then informed how the binding would physically turn out - the modified 3 piece bradel.
here is the full table of contents for each side of the book:
A Climate of Competition: Climate Change as Political Economy in Speculative Fiction, 1889–1915 by Steve Asselin Published in Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 45, No. 3, SF and the Climate Crisis (November 2018), pp. 440-453
A Century of Science Fiction That Changed How We Think About the Environment by Sherryl Vint Published in the MIT Press Reader, 20th July 2021
The climate is changing. Science fiction is too. by Eliza Levinson Published in The Story, 30th June 2022
’Not to escape the world but to join it’: responding to climate change with imagination not fantasy by Andrew Davison Published in Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 375, No. 2095, Theme issue: Material demand reduction (13 June 2017), pp. 1-13
Science in Fiction: A Brief Look at Communicating Climate Change through the Novel by Eline D. Tabak Published in RCC Perspectives, No. 4, COMMUNICATING THE CLIMATE: From Knowing Change to Changing Knowledge (2019), pp. 97-104
Everyone’s World Is Ending All the Time: notes on becoming a climate resilience planner at the edge of the anthropocene by Arkady Martine Published in Uncanny Magazine issue 28, May 7, 2019
EARTH IS MISSING! and other stories
Earth Is Missing! by Carl Selwyn in Planet Stories (1947)
Climate—Disordered by Carter Sprague in Startling Stories (1948)
Climate—Incorporated by Wesley Long in Thrilling Wonder Stories (1948)
A Being Together Amongst Strangers by Arkady Martine in Uncanny Magazine (2020)
You’re Not The Only One by Octavia Cade in Clarkesworld Magazine (2022)
Why We Bury Our Dead At Sea by Tehnuka in Reckoning Magazine (2023)
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yearzerosurvival · 3 days ago
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de-mykel · 1 year ago
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Joan Snyder. Burlap Bars, 2022
oil, acrylic, rosebuds, twigs, burlap on linen
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cruelseraph-art · 3 months ago
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first print/wip test print turned out terrible due to pressure being off in the rolling press, so I used it as a guide for that drawing :). This is an acrylic intaglio matrix, carved on a cut up and filed tictac box.
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melkors-big-tits · 2 years ago
It's time to finally reveal...
Click the pictures for better quality~😘
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He came out looking So GOOD~💖
I'm also happy to announce that my teacher finally graded my work
AND I GOT A 5/5!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I really wouldn't have cared what number I got cuz
Also, also; If anyone's interested, here's the library's official website with the lil' info about Morgoth that I wrote (I messed it up but oh well~ that's what happens when you have learning disabilities/dyslexia😌)
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arc-hus · 1 year ago
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Zen Houses, Liberec, Czechia - Petr Stolín Architekt
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tarastaubs1979blog · 9 months ago
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jadynwaymire1997blog · 9 months ago
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monikahmakes · 6 months ago
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On the work table: 6 small square studies in progress. Inspired by, celebrating, and iterating upon the idea of the complex beauty of the forest floor, expressed through different ways of combining diverse, precious, and unexpected materials. (And also a good way of practicing giving myself deadlines, sticking to a limited scope, and finding ways to produce work at a more accessible price point without either devaluing my labor or completely compromising my vision.)
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