#Rebellious journey
Yoshio Harada/原田芳雄/Ёсио Харада . Фильм " Мятёжное путешествие " 1976г в роли Хироси Какурая. Film "Rebellious journey " 1976 year in casting Hiroshi Kakurai. 映画 反逆の旅 1976年 加倉井浩 役
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"i'm teaching a monkey yao a forbidden method of immortality!!!" girl... what were YOU doing knowing a forbidden method of immortality
[ID: A three page comic done in white and shades of purple. Characters are uncolored, but have shading.
First panel has Patriarch Puti and Sun Wukong walking in an enclosed back garden, with Sun Wukong looking up at Patriarch Puti seriously as his sifu speaks. Patriarch Puti says, "These techniques, although effective, are dangerous. They are teachings outside of known doctrine. What you have done is stolen the creative powers of Heaven and Earth, intruded on the dark machinations of the moon and sun."
Second panel has Sun Wukong considering this somberly. He says, "Sifu... That's..." He processes for a moment, and says "Wait-"
In the third panel, Sun Wukong looks up at Patriarch Puti with a knowing mischievous grin, while Patriarch Puti looks very tired, as if he already knows what SWK is about to say. Sun Wukong asks, "If they're so unknown and forbidden, how do you know them then?"
Fourth panel has Patriarch Puti simply stating, "Wukong, as the next generation, your responsibility is to learn from the mistakes of your elders." Sun Wukong responds, "ha okay." In the background, with the caption "Several hundred years ago," there is a flashback of a young Patriarch Puti running away as a strike of lightning barely misses his feet.
End ID]
#journey to the west#jttw#xiyouji#sun wukong#monkey king#patriarch puti#puti shifu#had two concepts for patriarch puti in my head and was not sure which one im gonna go with#one ver is where he was just as reckless and a menace as swk in his youth but he either mellowed out as he grew older#or somethingTM happened to make him realize his actions have consequences#and thus he has a soft spot for swk because he sees a bit of himself in swk#second version is where he's always been serious and mellow but now that he's this old he kinda regrets not acting out more#and thus he respects swk's boldness and wishes to somewhat nurture that boldness#🤔 but now i think im going with an in-between ver#being a puti shifu who was very skilled and bold and gifted in his youth but all his rebelliousness was spent on more self-serving things#rather than fighting any injustices in the system like swk#nd now that he's older he regrets that and he's a teacher now wanting to pass his skills onto new generations to do some good now#<- btw re: the wording of swk 'fighting injustice in the system'-#-i am a swk apologist <3 yaoguai rights <3 but i also dont wanna give off the impression that i think he was 100% entirely in the right-#-villain swk rights <3#but yeah i think while he was at puti's school (constantly reminded he's not a human or immortal) he was moreso of the mind:#'fucking sucks that yaoguai are mistrusted and not treated the same'#and that remains his core motivating factor but as he grows more power and leaves puti's side he kinda kinda loses sight of that a bit ykno#as he gets more megalomaniac yaoguai warlord#anyways yea#swk was still right tho <3 <- correct
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moonscape · 15 days
people wonder why iris is so irritable when she's constantly being reminded of her own failures
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zmediaoutlet · 6 months
trying to articulate something here --
I dig the experience of reading meta that is coming from a well-reasoned place but I nevertheless fundamentally disagree with, and I think that comes down to a willingness to sift down and down and down until you come to an essential Thing about the text-genre-intent-characterization-whathaveyou. Like -- I can see how you got there, but wait, you didn't consider [xyz].
Top of mind example: Dean's masculine because he's trying to act like John. On the surface -- absolutely! He's trying very hard to mimic Dad because his universe centers around god Dad. He's also often operating in a world of trying to do what Dad would want, and making assumptions of his own about what those wants would be, which is a slightly different operating structure.
...But. What's actually driving that? Is it dad qua dad? Or is it -- Dean is essentially loyal-obedient-conformist? Is it that, in the cultural context of growing up in the '80s-'90s with a father who grew up in the '60s-'70s, this is what being a certain kind of man meant and so it is essential to lock into those tropes and characteristics?
We look to how Dean acted like a certain kind of boy when he was an 18 year old and then a 26 year old; we look to how that is updated by the time he's 40, and operating under what is the correct kind of man to be in 2020 vs 2005 (use of language, acceptable levels of nerdiness, fashion sense, etc). From there we can look to how he's not being John, he's being... a normie, more or less. And bless his heart for it. He just wants to Fit. If he were sticking with Acting Like Dad, he wouldn't cheerfully cosplay through a Panthro case, you know? So what's actually driving the behavior, when you look to the heart of it?
So then, if Dean were Deanna--
You can extrapolate. And this stuff is outside the text -- you have to decide What Dad Would Want from a girl-child (given cultural context and norms, given how the young version of John was characterized, given how John and Mary might have operated when they were 'safe' for those first 5 years, given how John might have then shifted his expectations and needs for his kids upon entering the hunting life), and then whether What Dad Would Want fits against a fairly normal conformist presentation (in the way that Dean is intensely normal, if a little wrong-side-of-the-tracks), or if John flips the script and for some reason decides that his kid should not fit in and have what's actually a much harder time, for a traditional gender presentation in the culture they live in, etc.
All of this boiling down to: what matters most in the meta consideration? What's key for characterization and universe structure? Does it actually matter? --no, not at all. But it's very fun to tease apart.
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thepettymachine · 2 years
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Osbourne Founder + Heirs
1. Barry (base)  ||  2. Riley (WA)
3. Russell Oliver (AMB) ||  4. Georgie (LN)
5. Jackson (GEN)  ||  6. Douglas (PETS)
7. Gretchen (ST) ||  8. Regina (SPN)
9. Isabel (SEA)  || 10. Neo (UL)
10 down, 2 to go
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octocharger · 10 months
probably gonna ramble about NiGHTS here a bit because idk where to put it anyway has the community just come to a mutual agreement that NiGHTS and Owl are found family or what
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bionic-penis · 5 months
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woe. college lisavaggio be upon ye
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
The only reason Doxa stopped wearing her signature dramatic eyeshadow in book 2 was because her summer job forbade it. This is true because I have decided it’s true.
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thatoneweirdo14 · 1 year
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plutosunshine · 1 month
Warning! Lilith in the houses.
Lilith represents our dark side and shows what we should be warned about. This article will warn you and help you be aware of your dark sides.
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Lilith in the 1st house
Of course, the 1st house is about the person and their self-expression. Therefore, Lilith in the 1st house often intensifies how a person expresses themselves. They might possess a magnetic or enigmatic presence that draws others in, often without them realizing why. The intensity of self-expression can be played out as unwanted attention and too much focus on one's appearance. One may think others perceive them as superficial or don't take them too seriously. Also, be careful with over-focusing on your appearance since it may lead to anxiety, eating disorders, etc. Of course, this is the extreme case, but there is a tendency to unhealthily be overly conscious about the body. 
This placement can signify a struggle with darker impulses or hidden desires. It can lead to inner conflicts since these impulses are often not considered good in society. Be careful with your dark thoughts and impulses, which can lead to trouble.
There is a strong desire for independence and a rejection of societal norms or expectations. This rebellious streak can manifest in various aspects of life, including appearance, behavior, and personal choices. The 1st house is a house of Aries, so we can't deny the rebellious side. Of course, it is not bad; just be sure you don't cross the line.
There may be an ongoing battle with your identity, as Lilith challenges you to constantly redefine yourself. This is a reminder to engage in self-reflection, knowing that you are on your personal journey and are fully supported.
Embracing your darker side can be a catalyst for significant personal growth. By acknowledging and integrating these hidden aspects, you can cultivate a more holistic and authentic sense of self, instilling a sense of hope and motivation.
Lilith in the 2nd house
Lilith in the 2nd house can manifest as a deep-seated fear or obsession with financial security. This placement might lead to a tumultuous relationship with money, characterized by periods of extreme wealth and sudden losses. 
Power struggles related to resources may exist, either within personal relationships or through external circumstances. This can create a sense of mistrust or betrayal regarding financial matters.
This obsession with money may even lead to taboo ways of earning money. Be careful with dangerous thoughts about that since it may lead you into trouble. 
Individuals with this placement might have issues of self-worth and personal values. They can tend to derive self-esteem from material possessions, leading to an unfulfilled or empty feeling despite external appearances of success.
This position can also reflect a rebellion against traditional value systems, causing internal conflict and feeling out of sync with societal norms. Be careful with this tendency. 
The most important thing here is to stabilize your self-esteem. Having a healthy one, this placement won't bring any trouble.
Lilith in the 2nd house can bring out possessive tendencies, not just towards material possessions but also in relationships. A fear of losing what one owns might lead to controlling behaviors. Be careful not to turn your relationships into obsessive and controlling.
Jealousy can be a significant issue, causing tension and conflict both in personal and professional relationships.
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Lilith in the 3rd house
Lilith in the 3rd house can manifest as some communication difficulties. This can include a tendency to speak harshly or bluntly, often leading to misunderstandings or conflicts. Your words may cause some trouble and gossip, so be careful.
Also, there might be a fear of expressing oneself fully, leading to repression of thoughts and feelings, which can later explode in destructive ways. Try to express your feelings more, especially through your words. Also, you need to choose your words carefully. Word is your weapon, so you can protect yourself and others. Be careful not to cause issues, gossip, and misunderstandings.
This placement can indicate intense and challenging relationships with siblings or within the immediate environment, including neighbors and classmates. There may be power struggles, jealousy, or betrayal involving brothers and sisters or others I mentioned. You need to learn how to handle these issues with grace and care, not to hurt others' feelings, and not to let others hurt you.
This may manifest as total distrust in any interactions. Don’t fall into these patterns, but try to understand the roots of the problem.
This placement often brings a restless mind, prone to anxiety and overthinking. There can be an obsession with seeking hidden truths or uncovering secrets, which can lead to mental exhaustion. 
The constant need for mental stimulation can result in a lack of focus, making it difficult to complete tasks or maintain long-term commitments. These are typical third-house issues.
Lilith in the 4th house
Deep, intense, and sometimes challenging relationships with family members might exist. You may feel misunderstood or suppressed by your family at times. Your family may be your weak point. You need to be aware of the dangerous influence of your family members (if it exists).
Individuals with this placement might struggle with suppressed emotions. They may find it challenging to express their true feelings, leading to internal conflict. Of course, your emotions and feelings don't go anywhere; they can kill you from the inside. So, find ways to express your internal self.
There's also a strong drive for emotional independence and self-sufficiency. These individuals often seek to break free from familial expectations or traditions that feel restrictive, empowering them to take control of their emotional journey.
They might often feel like outsiders within their own family or home environment. This can create a lifelong quest to find a place they truly belong. Be cautious, as this quest can lead to places that are not good for you. Stay aware and cautious in your search for belonging.
These individuals often desire to create a home environment that reflects their unique identity and values, which may differ significantly from their upbringing.
A complex relationship with the mother or maternal figure could exist. This relationship can be a source of both deep connection and profound challenge. Be careful, and don't let this affect your emotional world too much.
People with Lilith in the 4th house have a unique approach to nurturing others. They are drawn to non-traditional forms of caregiving and family structures, which can be a source of empowerment and confidence in their ability to nurture.
There's a profound need to explore and understand one's inner life and emotional landscape. This journey can lead to significant personal growth and transformation. You may use any tool, whether psychology, astrology, etc.
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Lilith in the 5th house
Individuals with Lilith in the 5th house often possess a powerful and sometimes unconventional creative drive. They might be drawn to art forms that are provocative, dark, or that challenge societal norms. Also, there can be a strong need to express oneself authentically, even if it goes against the grain. This placement can inspire one to create works that reflect deep personal truths and inner turmoil.
There is often a magnetic, almost taboo allure to romantic relationships. Individuals with this placement might attract intense and passionate partners or find themselves drawn to forbidden or unconventional love affairs. However, be cautious since this can lead to some issues in your personal life. 
Also, romantic relationships can be a battleground for power dynamics. There might be control, secrecy, or manipulation issues that need to be addressed. Overall, the relationship area may be the area you should be warned about. Just be careful with the mentioned tendencies.
We can't skip one of the main areas of the 5th house—children. The relationship with one's children (of course, if you have them) can be profound and intense. There may be a strong desire to instill a sense of independence and self-awareness in one's children, but there are also potential conflicts around control and freedom.
There can be a desire for intense and sometimes risky pleasures. Activities that provide a sense of liberation and push boundaries can be particularly appealing. It is alright, but be careful since it can become too much.
Your hidden or repressed desires might emerge, leading to explorations of pleasure that are unconventional or socially frowned upon.
Lilith in the 5th house encourages you to integrate and embrace the shadow aspects of your personality. This is crucial to express yourself and not suppress your creativity and uniqueness. It involves acknowledging and expressing parts of yourself that are often hidden or denied.
Lilith in the 6th house
Individuals with Lilith in the 6th house often feel confined by traditional work environments and rigid routines. There can be a strong desire to break free from monotonous tasks and seek more meaningful or unconventional work. This can become a challenging experience if you have personal planets in Virgo or the 6th house. It can create inner conflict where you want to set up a routine but rebel against yourself. This never-ending circle is overwhelming.
Despite the rebellion against routine, there can be an obsession with efficiency and perfection in certain areas. This duality can create internal tension and stress.
Conflicts with authority figures or difficulty conforming to workplace norms may arise. This placement can lead to power struggles or a refusal to submit to others' control, which can go to extremes, so be careful.
Lilith in the 6th house can indicate repressed health issues or unconventional approaches to wellness. There might be a tendency to avoid traditional medical advice or seek alternative healing methods. Be careful with your health; don't skip checkups. Also, stress influences your health more than it does with others.
Emotional and psychological issues can manifest as physical ailments. Understanding the connection between mental and physical health is crucial for individuals with this placement.
Lilith in the 6th house may lead to a desire to serve others in unconventional ways. This could involve advocating for marginalized groups, engaging in taboo subjects, or working in fields challenging societal norms.
Setting boundaries when helping others might be difficult, leading to feelings of being exploited or unappreciated. It's important to find a balance between service and self-care. Learning to put yourself first would help.
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Lilith in the 7th house
Individuals with Lilith in the 7th house often attract or are drawn to intense, transformative relationships. These connections may be passionate and magnetic and usually involve a power struggle. A sense of raw, unfiltered emotion can make relationships both exhilarating and exhausting. Be aware of the tendency to have co-dependent relationships. Your connections may quickly become toxic if you are not careful.
Lilith's influence can bring to the surface deep-seated fears of betrayal, rejection, or abandonment. These fears may stem from past relationships or be unconsciously expected. This can lead to a fear of being fully vulnerable, resulting in trust issues or a tendency to keep partners at arm's length. 
The relationships in a person's life are often mirrors, reflecting the unresolved issues and shadow aspects of their personality. Lilith here forces the individual to confront their own fears, insecurities, and darker desires through their interactions with others. This can be painful (especially with trust issues) but ultimately transformative.
Individuals with Lilith in the 7th house may feel a rejection or discomfort with traditional relationship dynamics. This placement can indicate a need to challenge or subvert conventional expectations around marriage, partnership, and roles within these relationships. You may find yourself drawn to unconventional partnerships or struggle with societal norms in relationships.
Power struggles can be a prominent theme in relationships. Whether one feels overpowered by a partner or seeks to dominate, there's often tension around control. The individual may need to find balance and equality in their relationships.
Lilith in the 8th house
Lilith in the 8th house is often associated with a powerful, magnetic sexuality. This placement can indicate an individual who experiences deep, primal desires that might sometimes feel overwhelming. There’s a strong connection to the raw, instinctual side of sexuality, which can be both liberating and challenging. This person may seek out intense, transformative sexual experiences that push boundaries or explore taboos. Be careful, and don’t go to extremes since this side of you may cause trouble.
The 8th house is the area of transformation, and Lilith here often indicates a need for deep shadow work. The individual is called to confront the darker aspects of their psyche, including fears, obsessions, and repressed emotions. This process, though difficult, is essential for personal growth and empowerment. Through facing these shadows, the person can undergo profound transformation and healing. If you ignore this deep desire to transform and heal, the universe will remind you, but in a challenging manner.
Power dynamics are a significant theme with Lilith in the 8th house. The individual may experience power struggles in intimate relationships, particularly around control, dominance, and submission. This can manifest in a fear of being controlled by others or an intense desire to control situations and people, especially in shared resources or deep emotional bonds. These tendencies can make a relationship toxic and co-dependent, so be careful with them.
The 8th house also rules themes of loss and betrayal. With Lilith here, there may be a deep-seated fear of betrayal, particularly in intimate relationships. This fear can lead to issues with trust, and the individual may either avoid deep connections or become overly possessive and protective of those they care about.
The 8th house rules shared resources, and Lilith’s influence can bring financial power and control issues. Challenges around inheritance shared finances, or debts may often involve intense emotions or power struggles. The individual might need to learn to navigate these situations with integrity and self-awareness.
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Lilith in the 9th house
Lilith in the 9th house often leads to an innate distrust or outright rejection of traditional belief systems, whether religious, cultural, or philosophical. This can cause friction with family, community, or society, particularly if the individual was raised in a strict or dogmatic environment. Your challenge lies in navigating these conflicts without alienating yourself or others completely. 
Individuals with this placement demonstrate remarkable courage in their resistance to authority figures, particularly those in educational, religious, or philosophical contexts. They bravely challenge teachers, mentors, or spiritual leaders, which can lead to isolation or conflict. Your challenge here is learning how to express dissent in a way that is constructive rather than destructive, harnessing your courage to bring about positive change.
Because Lilith in the 9th house pushes the individual towards unconventional or alternative beliefs, there can be a sense of not fitting in anywhere. However, it's important to remember that your unique perspective is valuable and can contribute to the diversity of thought. Your challenge is finding or creating a space where your unique perspective is not just accepted, but celebrated, and where you can connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate your individuality.
The constant questioning of beliefs and philosophies can lead to an ongoing identity crisis, where the individual struggles to define who they are and what they believe in. This struggle with commitment is a common experience for those with Lilith in the 9th house, and it's important to remember that it's okay to have fluid and ever-evolving beliefs. Your challenge is in accepting this and finding peace in the journey of self-discovery.
Lilith in the 9th house often leads to deep questioning of societal moral codes and ethics. The individual may struggle with the relative nature of morality, feeling conflicted about what is right or wrong, especially when traditional ethics seem hypocritical or arbitrary. Your challenge is developing a personal moral compass that feels authentic while navigating the complexities of ethical dilemmas.
Lilith in the 9th house often drives a person to search constantly for a deeper meaning in life. This can result in failing to fully arrive at a satisfactory understanding of one's purpose. Your challenge here is to embrace the journey itself as the purpose, finding meaning in the exploration rather than in a fixed destination.
Lilith in the 10th house
Since the 10th house is about public image, individuals with Lilith in the 10th house often feel a strong tension between who they truly are and what society expects them to be. They might resist conforming to traditional career paths or societal roles, feeling that these expectations suppress their true nature. The challenge lies in balancing your desire to be authentic with navigating societal norms and expectations, especially in your professional life.
Lilith’s presence in the 10th house can lead to situations where your reputation is questioned, misunderstood, or even maligned. You might be judged or criticized for not fitting into conventional molds, leading to potential conflicts with authority figures or the public. The challenge is learning to manage and protect your reputation without compromising your authenticity.
Lilith in the 10th house often strongly resists authority figures, particularly in the workplace. These individuals may need help accepting hierarchical structures or traditional career advancement paths, leading to conflicts with bosses, managers, or other authority figures. The challenge is finding a way to work within or around these structures without sacrificing your need for independence and self-expression.
Individuals with this placement may need help finding a truly fulfilling career, as they might resist conventional roles or be drawn to professions that are off the beaten path. There can be a constant tension between the desire for success and the need to do work that aligns with their values and passions. The challenge is to carve out a career path that allows them to express their unique talents and perspectives while still achieving their goals. It’s crucial to do so. Otherwise, you will feel unsatisfied and unhappy.
Lilith’s energy can sometimes attract controversy, particularly in the public sphere. People with this placement might be embroiled in scandals or situations where their integrity or character is questioned. This can be particularly challenging if they feel unfairly targeted or misrepresented. The challenge here is to remain steadfast in their truth and manage such situations with grace and resilience. I know it can be challenging, considering that most cases can be unfair. Still, it would help if you found this force in yourself that will allow you to go ahead without any hesitation.
The 10th house is often associated with achievement and success. Lilith’s presence here can amplify fears of failure or not living up to one’s potential. This fear may be one of the most significant for people with this placement. These individuals might feel intense pressure to succeed, leading to perfectionism or a fear of taking risks. The challenge is to redefine success on your own terms and to embrace the possibility of failure as a natural part of growth and learning.
Lilith in the 11th house
One of the primary challenges is a persistent sense of alienation or needing to fit in with social groups or communities. These individuals often feel different from those around them, leading to a sense of being an outsider, even in groups where they would otherwise share common interests or goals.
This placement can bring a deep fear of rejection or exclusion from social circles. The individual might be hypersensitive to being judged by others, leading to a reluctance to fully engage in group activities or to open up to new friendships. The challenge is learning to navigate these fears while still seeking meaningful connections. Be careful not to reject and push away people around you who are ready to be with you.
Lilith in the 11th house can also manifest as power struggles within friendships or social groups. The individual might find themselves in situations of competition, jealousy, or manipulation among friends. Alternatively, they may need to exert control or influence within their social circles, which can create tension. The challenge is to develop healthier dynamics where mutual respect and equality prevail.
Lilith in the 11th house often challenges collective ideals or societal norms. These individuals might feel disconnected from mainstream values or ideologies, leading them to reject or rebel against the prevailing social order. While this can be empowering, it can also create isolation if they struggle to find like-minded individuals or groups that share their alternative views. However, this rejection can also be a source of empowerment, allowing you to forge your own path and stand by your beliefs. It's a delicate balance, but one that can lead to a strong sense of self and purpose.
Individuals with Lilith in the 11th house may face challenges in pursuing their personal aspirations, particularly when those goals conflict with social expectations or the goals of the groups they belong to. They might feel torn between following their own path and meeting the expectations of others, leading to frustration or a sense of being held back. The challenge is to pursue your dreams while navigating the social dynamics that come with collective endeavors.
This placement can bring a fear of social failure, where the individual worries that their dreams or aspirations will not be accepted or supported by their social circles. However, it's important to remember that there are always people who will support and encourage you, even if they don't share your exact vision. This fear can lead to hesitation in sharing their goals with others or in seeking support for their ambitions. The challenge is to overcome this fear and to find the courage to pursue their goals, even if it means going against the grain. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.
Lilith in the 12th house
Lilith in the 12th house often indicates unresolved trauma or emotional wounds that have been buried deep within the unconscious. These wounds can stem from early childhood experiences, past lives, or inherited family karma. The challenge is that repressed emotions can manifest in subtle, insidious ways, leading to self-sabotage, irrational fears, or unexplained anxiety. However, this also presents an opportunity for growth and healing as you work to identify and address the source of your discomfort.
The 12th house is associated with the unknown. Lilith's presence here can amplify fears about life's mysterious and unseen aspects. This could manifest as a fear of losing control, fear of the spiritual or mystical realms, or even fear of one's own hidden desires and impulses. The key to overcoming these fears is self-awareness, as it allows you to confront these fears rather than allow them to fester in the background of the psyche, influencing thoughts and behaviors in unconscious ways.
The 12th house is associated with solitude and confinement, and Lilith in this position can lead to a tendency toward isolation, either self-imposed or circumstantial. The individual may withdraw from the world, feeling misunderstood, or overwhelmed by their inner turmoil. This isolation can be both a source of suffering and a necessary step for deep introspection and healing. However, the challenge lies in finding a balance between necessary solitude and unhealthy isolation that leads to feelings of loneliness and disconnect. By maintaining a balance, you can avoid unnecessary isolation that only makes you feel worse.
People with Lilith in the 12th house may struggle to form deep, meaningful connections with others. Their inner world can be so intense and private that they find it hard to open up or trust. You need to look at the whole chart, but with this placement, trust issues may exist.
Lilith in the 12th house can indicate a tendency to repress specific desires, needs, or aspects of the personality that the individual finds difficult to accept. These could be sexual desires, ambitions, or any part of the self that feels too threatening to acknowledge consciously. The 12th house is always about hidden deep traumas, so you can feel overwhelmed trying to process them. This repression can lead to inner conflict, guilt, or internal fragmentation. Your challenge is to bring these shadow aspects into the light, integrating them healthily and consciously.
The 12th house is often associated with self-undoing, and Lilith's influence here can manifest as self-sabotage or the presence of hidden enemies, both internal and external. These enemies might be negative thought patterns, addictions, or destructive behaviors undermining the individual's success or happiness. Your challenge here is to become aware of these sabotaging influences, whether they originate within or are projected onto others, and to develop strategies for overcoming them.
Lilith in the 12th house can heighten psychic sensitivity, making the individual more attuned to subtle energies and more susceptible to being overwhelmed. They may experience vivid dreams, premonitions, or strong intuition, but they might struggle to make sense of these experiences or feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their perceptions. This returns us to the fear of the spiritual world mentioned above. The challenge is to ground yourself and develop practices that help you manage and harness your psychic abilities in a healthy way.
The 12th house is connected to the process of release and forgiveness. Still, Lilith's influence here can make it challenging for the individual to let go of past hurts, grudges, or unresolved emotions. They may hold onto pain, either consciously or unconsciously, which can prevent them from moving forward in life. The challenge is to work through these feelings, whether through therapy, spiritual practices, or self-reflection, to achieve a sense of peace.
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harmoonix · 2 months
Short Astrology Observations
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Gemini placements, especially Moon/Mercury and Mars, love to make eye contact with the people they find attractive, but I can tell their eye contacts last so long
An Aquarius Lilith can talk about a rebellious nature in your community/social group, your friends can tell that you're a fiery person
Aries Saturn/Saturn in the 1H can end up overthinking over tense situations that already happened, is a like a flashback coming in your life
When Mercury transits your 7H, you can find yourself talking randomly about your past relationships or even current ones
The eyes of a sun - lilith h12 native are GORGEOUS!! These natives are widely known for having strong personalities and charisma
Neptune in the 6H/8H/12H can be drained by people mentally or even you can find your energy 'being stolen' by others in spirituality we call these people 'energetic vampires' people who are known to steal energy/mood
Neptune/Pisces in the 2H can indeed spend their finances on things they find spiritual or ancient. Also, it is very important to value your personal traits
If someone has a mix of Sag + Aries in their chart! BE SURE that person can be harsh at times even without realizing that they're being harsh on others
If you're born with Aqua placements, it is a big indicator that you have a humanitarian and peaceful energy, you love to help people in your community
Mars in the 11H or in Aqua can engage in conflicts about their friends or even with them, there is always some sort of issues, though this placement is very useful for manifesting fast
If Saturn is finding himself in the enemies like Leo or Cancer/Aries it can be a big indicator that you're meant to change something in this life time
Lilith in the 10H/Capricorn can have a provocative, sometimes problematic image, the society can find you powerful
You can always count on people with Moons in the 9H/11H/Sag Moon/Aquarius Moon to be loyal to you!! They will be so devoted to you
Moon transit in the 12H can talk about dreaming about your past or certain events that happened in the past
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♦️Is very easy to tell the degrees between the tropical and sidereal charts if you learn them, the sidereal degrees will always be within 6° more in the sidereal chart than tropical for example
Having a planet at 24° in the tropical chart will result in a planet with 0° in the sidereal chart (24+6=0° in astrology because we don't have the 30°)
If you have a planet at 21° in the tropical chart will result a planet with 27° in sidereal chart
(21° + 6° = 27°)
If you have a planet at 2° in the tropical chart, it will result in 8° degrees in the sidereal chart
(2° + 6° = 8°)
And so on 🤩👏 just calculate them!♦️
Taurus Placements especially Venus/Lilith/Moon love to get spoiled!! They love luxury but won't tell and instead they will want you to observe that
Pluto in the 10H/11H in a natives chart can make energy of the chart so influential if you have aspects to pluto it will play a big role in your life
Prominent and Dominant planets are not the same!!
Prominent: lots of aspects to one planet
Dominant: lot of planets in the same sign (someone with 4 planets in Cancer is a Moon dominant)
I don't know if you guys observed, but most ppl with cap placements in a way feel restricted to tell their feelings, and it can be because people may not pay attention to those
2H/3H in Scorpio/Aquarius/Gemini/Aries can make the native talk in a more dirty way, for example, telling a curse word in each one of their questions/sentences
Venus in Aqua/Venus at 11° 23° degrees can have a chance to meet their partners online! That doesn't mean accepting all the requests on Tinder!!
The moon sign in your moon persona chart will tell more about your soul! Is a very emotional journey discovering as well! Make a combo of your tropical moon sign and moon persona's moon sign
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Having 5H planets in your SR (solar return) can indicate getting into romantic relationships, especially Mars/Venus
Mercury aspecting Pluto natives may love to speak possessive words out of their mouths like 'You're mine' and things like that
Pluto in the 7H/Lilith in the 7H can talk about a dating history involving toxic partners and attracting them
When Aquarius Venus/Mercury/Moon/Rising will find love, they will mostly look for natives with a good mindset and a stable communication skill.
People who tend to be people pleasers can indicate deep father issues, especially parental trauma watch out for the sun/Saturn sign and the sign over your 4H
Capricorn/Aries in your 3H can indicate being the oldest/first kid or sibling in your family
People who have Saturn - Mercury harsh aspects find it hard to concentrate, hard to be focusing on things. Those people who have a lot on their mind
I feel like people with a water moon can be romantic, only if their partner shows romantism as well. Otherwise, it can be hard to be with one-sided romantic person
Cancer/Moon in the 9H ppl can have parents or family members who work in educational institutions, schools, high-schools etc
People with 4H like Libra, Taurus, Leo, and Pisces could've been raised by a single parent only or divorced parents later in life
In some cases, Leo/Cancer/Gemini/Aquarius/Sagittarius Lilith can talk about being the black sheep of the family and also the family with a favorite child, so favorkids in the family
Scorpio/Capricorn/Taurus Venus would rather wait for that one person to arrive in their lives than waste times with relationships
The definition of a Libra is co - relationships, so people with Libra Placements will feel like they need to have someone with them or the feeling to depend on someone
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~ Have a little fun. It's the only way we know ~
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annoyingfiredeangiant · 7 months
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Japanese actor Yoshio Harada with Japanese actress Reiko Asoo from Rebellious journey 1976 . Японский актёр Ёсио Харада с Японской Актрисой Рейко Асо из Мятежное путешествие 1976.日本の俳優原田芳雄と日本の女優麻生れい子 「反逆の旅」 1976年。
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fefairys · 10 months
this is one is important as fuck i see so many people not understand this and it drives me crazy
"Sburb ruins, mythic challenges, and personal quests generally tend to come off as shallow busywork, stage props, or set pieces in a spurious Hero's Journey. Rose either faintly glimpses this truth at this early stage, or she's just hitting her rebellious teen stride. Either way, she doesn't take the surface value of the quest seriously at all, and only wants to smash it apart and loot the secrets. My sense is that the average reader reacts to this impulse unfavorably. Because readers watch the formula play out so often, they are trained heavily to respect the journey of the hero, to anticipate and crave its fulfillment, to see it as something verging on contractual in their relationship with a story. So a gut-response to this recklessness is like, "ROSE, NO! STOP THAT! You simply must complete your quest and play the rain!" What comes with this view is the feeling that her evolution as a character is only being delayed for a bit while she gets some anti-narrative foolishness out of her system, and then we'll get down to business and watch her do her quest, play a whole BUNCH of rain, and reap the narrative satisfaction. There's just one problem: she never does that. This candy-coated Kiddie Kwest is at no point ever taken seriously by Rose or the narrative itself, nor should it be.
When trying to parse character arcs, we look out for certain beacons. So when we hear "play the rain," we're like, ah, GOT IT. That's Rose's arc. Once she finally gets over this destructive teen bullshit, she can wise up, play the rain, and her arc will be finished. Wrong. This is almost a red herring arc. Her quest on this planet, its patronizing presentation, its intrinsic shallowness, is a mirage surrounding her that represents a fully regimented series of milestones for achievement and personal growth, much as society dubiously presents to young people in many forms. The true arc-within-the-arc is actually an upside-down version of what it appears to be. What Rose is doing now, which seems to be misguided recklessness taking her further away from the truth of herself, is actually better seen as a good start to her real journey: breaching the mirage of regimented growth, exposing it for the charade it is, and pulling the truth out of it. The real conflict in her arc comes not from the fact that she refuses to take it seriously, by destroying it and taking shortcuts. It's the opposite. It's that, upon trashing her planet, she continues to have this nagging sense that she should be taking this quest seriously, much like how a young adult may have a nagging sense of guilt that they aren't "being an adult right" by the time they approach adulthood. And this nagging, unanswerable guilt arises from the truth that the regimentation of adulthood is completely fake. It was always a mirage. Learning this, making peace with it, is part of the growing process for many, and it is for her too." -Andrew Hussie
intrinsically queer as fuck, too, btw
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cyberstrangerballoon · 3 months
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I'm not a professional astrologer, just based on my personal experiences.
☀️ People with moon in the 8th house tend to have a mystical side, they like tarot readings and love spells.
They may also have dreams that reveal the truth, if you are being cheated on, your dreams will guide you to the truth.
☀️ Mars in the second house are the people with imposing and strong voices, they can lead groups, masses and can even be great singers.
An example of this is Martin Luther King, with a Gemini Mars in the second house. a voice that inspires.
There's also Cher with a Leo Mars in the 2nd house. Powerful and influential voice for decades.
If you have this aspect, I would say that you should invest in your communication, your voice here is your greatest weapon. Politics, Showbiz or even social media can lead you to success.
☀️ Neptune and Uranus in the 5th house tend not to want children, but if they have them they will be rebellious, artistic and intelligent. A very strong energy of Aquarius and Pisces.
Put your children in theater or dance school.
☀️ Venus in the third house makes a person love reading, writing and watching romance films. They tend to be a little out of the ordinary, with a lot of imagination.
Writers of fanfiction, music and poetry probably have this aspect.
☀️ Speaking as someone who has gone through the 8th house synastry, getting involved with someone other than this aspect is very challenging. In the sense that we wait for the hurricane to arrive, the house to burn and the obsession hits, but it never comes.
It is very difficult to overcome these feelings, but don't blame yourself for not having overcome them yet, time heals, I have faith.
☀️ Saturn in the 9th house tends to feel uncomfortable on long journeys and on planes. They may miss the comforts of home and tend to get into a bad mood when the trip is almost over.
That's all for today.
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brujaluas · 5 months
moodboard of you in the future
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pile 1
you are a tough person, I see you in the future in a great introspection, enjoying your own company, many here could be codependents of someone but they learned their lesson, you are enough for each other, you can avoid relationships, you become masters of your destinies, many can having your own business, you will work very, very, very hard. They might get tattoos or something like that in the future, it's as if you wanted to show that you don't care about anything anymore, you have a rebellious heart and what used to affect you doesn't affect you anymore.
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pile 2
you are innovating, working on something or several things, getting to know yourself, having new hobbies, you may be traveling from continent to continent, on a great journey of self-knowledge leaving your comfort zone and creating courage for something, having justice in something that you thought you needed to be able to free yourself.
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pile 3
wow, you can become a really successful person, having everything you want in your hands, a balanced person who knows what he wants, can relate to someone younger than you, will become more intelligent and wise in his choices , you can become famous at whatever you want.
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kquil · 1 year
request : Hi, this is my first time requesting so I don't really know how 😅, but can you write something with Sirius being in love with reader and basically just like jily type of love where he always follows her and calls his future wife — @moonlightwonderland
length : 1.1k
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“There’s my girl,” Sirius grins, walking up to you with his arms open as if he was expecting a hug. 
“I’m not your girl, Sirius,” you huff, clutching your books closer to your chest and side stepping, avoiding his arms entirely. It’s been a year since Sirius Black has decided to pursue only you and abandoned his playboy persona. Now he was a committed man. His entire focus has zeroed in on you and you hate it. You hardly used to draw any attention but now, most of the female population at Hogwarts was glaring you down. It’s not your fault Sirius Black decided to turn over a new leaf and made you his primary objective; these girls need to stop making it seem like you forced Sirius to take amortentia. 
But, from the circumstances, you might as well have given him the love potion. He follows you around and does whatever he can to get your attention, even if he makes a fool of himself. He goes out of his way to buy and give you your favourite treats from Honeydukes and helpfully does your bidding wherever, whenever. It would have been a nice gesture when he brought down books from higher shelves for you that one time…if only he didn’t immediately demand a kiss as ‘thanks’ right after. He deserved being hit upside the head for that.   
You just want to be left alone so you wouldn’t have to worry about constantly being stared at by envious girls or gossiping teens who had nothing better to do with their time. 
“My future wife then,” Sirius’s boyish grin grows wider the instant you roll your eyes at him and stomp away, figuring a different route for your journey to class would help you avoid the rebellious teen. But Sirius is unrelenting, following after you with a skip in his step. 
“Stop following me, Sirius,” you groaned and quickened your pace but it was no use. His persistence is challenging and you eventually succumb to his irritable company. 
“But I don’t want to, wifey,” he protests. 
“Don’t call me that, and it doesn’t matter; I want you to leave me alone,‘ you counter. 
Your bickering is commonplace in the hallways and within classes now, although it’s more a legitimate argument for you and Sirius is just playing along. It truly was a mystery to everyone why the Sirius Black, notorious fuckboy and ladies man was suddenly abandoning all that for one girl. Only he knew the real reason. And it was frustrating, especially to you. He can’t just change everything about his mannerisms and force all that attention on you, his good looks, fun personality and enchanting eyes could only absolve him so much. You’d rather be dead before you ever confess that to him, though, it’ll only worsen your situation. 
You did have one saving grace, however. When classes were over, you could find peace and quiet down by the black lake, teetering on the borders of the forbidden forest. This was where you had met your year-long dearest friend, Snuffles. Injured and quivering from the cold, you nursed him back to health a year ago, abandoning your classes for the day so that you could make sure he got better. You knew that dogs weren’t allowed at Hogwarts so you didn’t want to risk anything by taking him to madam Pomfrey. Thankfully, his injuries weren’t too bad at the time and he just needed some company to care for him lovingly. 
“Hello handsome,” you smile upon seeing the familiar black dog through the trees of the forest. As soon as he makes eye contact with you, he bounds over with enthusiastic barks and happy tail wags, “I’m happy to see you too boy!” kneeling down, you hug him around his neck and press kisses into his soft fur, “How are we today, hm?” as if he could understand you, Snuffles barks and sits before laying down to rest his head in your lap. 
Cooing at the large beast, you begin your usual pets as you delve into how your day was going, making small jokes and giving the occasional complaint over workload and stress build up. Snuffles gives a gentle whine as he paws at your thigh as if distressed over your worries and you smile warmly. He seems so human, someone that really cares about you and your wellbeing, it was nice to have. 
“Thank you for worrying about me Snuffles,” you muse softly, “but I’m really okay…so long as Sirius Black stays the hell away from me,” you huff in annoyance. It’s only natural that the conversation directs itself to the man in question as he’s made himself a prominent part of your days for the last year, “ugh! He’s so infuriating,” you frown down at the black dog still resting in your lap, “he won’t leave me alone no matter how much I tell him to. He’s been doing it for a year now and I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Today, he actually called me his future wife! What’s that about?!” you groan and push your head back. 
The sky is a pretty blue and you stare at it for a while before you continue, looking down when you feel a significant shift in Snuffles’s postion. The large black dog sits up and leans over to prop his head up on your shoulder and press his muzzle into your neck. He finds a sensitive spot and elicits a dulcet giggle from you, “if only he was as sweet and gentle as you, Snuffles,” you sigh, a small heat climbing up your neck and settling into your cheeks, “maybe then he could finally get me, just like he wants,” Snuffles pulls away and huffs, his version of a subtle sneeze. 
“Excuse you,” you tease, reaching up to scratch at the fur on his neck before you cup his face and bring his nose close so you could boop it with your own. 
“It’s a real shame, though,” you sigh, wrapping your arms around Snuffles’s neck once more and tucking your face into his fur, “his looks are exactly my type…”  Snuffles stiffens under your embrace but you don’t notice, “and he has some good personality traits too…if only he wasn’t so irritating,” there was a stutter in Snuffles’s movement when you lean back and pet his head softly, “you know, he started acting strange like this after I met you, Snuffles…I-” it was just a passing thought but there was a sudden realisation that slowly consumes your features, reflecting primarily in your eyes. It doesn’t help that the large dog before you slowly morphs into the man you were just complaining about. 
“Clever girl,” Sirius grins as he takes your chin in his fingers and pulls you in close, his breath ticking your lips as he continues to whisper, “I expect nothing less from my future wife,”
When he kisses you, sweet but amorously, you kiss back.
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a/n : my first request! lets go! i hope i did it justice darling, and i hope everybody enjoyed the read!
navi. | more oneshots
taglist : @melinajenkins @astonishment @until-i-found-you @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @tiensmamains @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @rosaleenablack
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