#Rebelcaptain hunger games au!?!?!?!?
dilf-din · 10 months
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astromechs · 10 months
For the au question: rebelcaptain in the hunger games
jyn was originally from district 2; her family lived inside the military complex known as the nut, and her father developed weapons for the capitol. somewhere along the way (or maybe it was true all along, no one knows!), both galen and lyra became connected to an interdistrict underground network of rebels, and were killed when their involvement came to light. jyn was taken in by family friend saw, and taken out of district 2 into district 5. they thought that's what would keep her safe — but of course, the capitol has spies everywhere, and so jyn's name was a target to be pulled in the reaping.
cassian is from district 3 — at least, that's what he's told everyone all his life, where the family he lives with is from, and where he's reaped as tribute from. this, of course, is not the whole truth; cassian was the (apparent) sole survivor out of what was once district 13 before the district was (apparently) wiped off the map. and the capitol knows; again, they have spies everywhere. his name was also a target for the reaping to keep district 13 covered up once and for all.
so how do two tributes from two different districts that don't have communication with each other because the capitol keeps them deliberately apart, who are supposed to kill the other in the arena to save their own lives, come to work together? not easily. there's a great deal of animosity in training between them and in some of the pre-games events where the tributes have contact, but when they get into the arena — they make an alliance, because they each have skills and knowledge that are useful; jyn with combat training from when she lived in district 2 and with saw, cassian with extensive knowledge of electrical systems courtesy of living in district 3, as well as scarily good aim. and they come to find that they have a lot in common. they come to like each other — really connect with someone for the first time.
and here's the thing, everyone knows that alliances are going to be temporary; there will be a point where they'll end, because the games only have one victor, right? wrong. they point blank refuse to end that alliance, refuse to turn anything on one another when they're the last two left. they, instead, rig an insane plan to blow up the arena together, even if it means taking themselves out with it. no more fucking hunger games. so they do. and —
in the chaos that ensues, saw and some band of people working with him as rebels get them out of the arena before the whole thing blows up. was this planned ahead of time? not that jyn knew; saw was just counting on his baby girl. anyway, hoo boy is the capitol pissed now, everyone involved is now very explicitly a fugitive, and welcome, in earnest, to the rebellion. and other stuff happens but this was dangerous enough getting me thinking about a hunger games au and i'm not going any further right now ghfjdks
send me a potential au, and i'll tell you five facts that would happen in a story!
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imgoingtocrash · 2 years
weird vibes for the dash tonight but I'm rewatching the Hunger Games movies because I read a really good Hunger Games AU (yes it's from my continued post-Andor trek back down the rebelcaptain tag on ao3)/because they put them all on Netflix and I just had this moment of intensely missing my grandmother and I need to write it out i guess???
I have this vivid memory of getting into my grandmother's car after high school bc she drove me until I started driving, and I had The Hunger Games in hand and she asked what it was about and I said something to the gist of "it's about a bunch of kids killing each other"
now I THINK i was just trying being funny, but i was also anxious/depressed and a smartass, so i also definitely could have purposefully put it plainly like that because I knew it would make her React and all teenagers live for that crap.
but she was SO upset by the idea, like, it stuck with me because I remember how genuinely disgusted she was! "that's HORRIBLE why are you reading something like that why would someone write something like that" etc. and she wasn't a super conservative person either? Just like a Pure Soul who wasn't the type to read those kind of stories.
(Now smutty romance novels? I found the box of those when we sold her house and was absolutely DELIGHTED to find out that the women in my family were reading romance trash alllll the way back. We have taste!)
Now this was 2012-2013, the height of the movie's popularity and as a result the time adults started shoving it into school curriculums. Or maybe just my school?? Being an honors english kid, I actually was assigned to read it TWICE--once for summer homework and once for regular classwork--and this was on my second readthrough, hence why I'd brought it to school. And then after reading the first one I obviously devoured the rest.
ANYWAY, the point of the story is a Classic Grief Moment...I really, really wish I could talk to her about it now, as an adult.
Because the movies hold up! The books were a good read! They had so much to say behind the YA genre labelling and the media press that got obsessed with the love triangle of it all! (Feels like SUCH a 2016 Tumblr-era post to say that, but like...yeah! That did happen!)
Like she would NEVER have watched them with me, ever, but it's a conversation we can never have, and it sucks. I miss talking to her a lot in general, but one of my biggest regrets is how much time I spent with her after school, in the car on the way home or doing errands or whatever and I was a teenager, so of course I didn't value it at all! I thought she'd always be there. Now I'd give anything to tell her all about my day and what's upsetting me and have her fuss at me for cursing so much, you know?
She's been gone for like 3 years now but since she got Alzheimers/Dementia it's FELT more like 6 and I just miss having her around for even the small stuff as much as the big stuff.
Vent over, back to screaming about TLOU all the time because apparently I'm just REALLY in an angst-heavy genre mood or something...sorry not sorry lol.
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tipitin · 3 years
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rebelcaptain / the hunger games AU
Jyn and Cassian are the candidates of the hunger game. Chirrut is Jyn's mentor, as a former champion of the game.
Okay... I know Cassian doesn't quite look like a 18 years old, but I can't even draw Cassian which looks like Cassian without goatee and beard. The game can have some tolerance.
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20 questions, writer’s edition:
I was tagged by my favorite child @flythesail ! ;) Thank you!! ❤️
How many works do you have on AO3?
39 stories. That’s...a lot. Especially as I used to have around 20 other fics on ffnet that I never crossposted. Maybe I need to sleep more.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
528,088 words.I KNOW. I’m talkative, okay??? It’s crazy to think about the fact that almost a half of this word count is my kevison fic tho. 👀 👀
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
The 100 / Bellarke
The Hunger Games / Everlark
Star Wars / Rebelcaptain + Han/Leia
Marvel / Clintasha
Still Star-Crossed / Rosvolio
Arrow / Olicity
Marvel’s Runaways / Gertchase
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries / Phryne x Jack
Shades of magic / Kell x Lila
Six of Crows / Kanej
This is us / Kevison
NCIS:LA / Densi (so many moons ago, all deleted)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Friends (I’ve watched us as we changed) / Bellarke modern-AU / The 100
it’s not easy for me to belong here (I’m learning) / Kanej / SoC
Girl, ya can’t conceal it / Bellarke
no remedy for love (but to love more) / Rosvolio / Still Star-Crossed
Things just don’t grow (if you don’t bless them with your patience) / Bellarke
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! Feedback from readers is so important, so I do my best to reply to all meaningful, encouraging feedback. It shows both my appreciation, but also starts nice, interesting conversations sometimes. :)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I think that would definitely be a Bellarke fic, I have been known to be mean in that fandom... 😛 I’d say, if we go with angstiest ending, I’ll have to pick I came here to get some peace. I have another story that’s far angstier as a whole, but the ending was more hopeful.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Mmh, I think I’ll go with Rosvolio on that one, and the series starting with no remedy for love and ending with for love is such a daily good thing. The sequel, epilogue of sorts, was almost as long as the original fic itself, and it was all about giving these two the agency they deserve in their finding each other and growing into love.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I did once, but never completed the fic. It was a Dark Matter/The 100 crossover. Though was it really one? I don’t think so. I used the main characters from the 100 in the context of Dark Matter? Anyway. As evidenced by the fact that I never did finish the thing past the first chapter - no, I don’t write crossovers.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Are there really writers who don’t? Bless your hearts. I’ve been active in writing for various fandoms since 2011 and I’ve had the usual cocktail of anon hate, death threats, insults, etc.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yep. Sex is a conversation, and writing dialogue is one of my favorite things, and they’re basically the same. Sex is a form of communication like any other - be it awkward, passionate, peaceful and quiet, a routine, a habit, a bad habit you can’t kick, sorta meh, or bad. So I guess I write all kinds of smut? Smut with feels is obviously a favorite, but it’s nice to write smut that is just about two people who can’t be apart from each other, passionate and hungry for one another.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yup - and not subtly at all. But at the time ffnet did nothing about it, and neither did the fandom. Even though people knew that this person had stolen my story and only changed the characters’ names to fit another ship, people still read it and commented it. Insert #lesigh.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I was asked, once, but I said no. This just feels weird to me.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. My head and my writing process are messy enough as they are, they don’t need the intrusion.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
It’s like asking someone to pick a favorite child. Which everyone could do, really, we all know it. Still, it’s not proper to ask. But I’ll go with my childhood and ultimate otp, Piper and Leo from Charmed. They taught me what love was.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Mmmh, I don’t think I have one atm? I gave up on some wips back when I was writing for The 100, but I know I’ll never pick them up. My only current wip is for Kevison, and I do intend to see this through.
What are your writing strengths?
Clearly my style? I’ve been told it’s kinda poetic, and I do like my prose and my flow - a stream of consciousness, a line that’ll go straight to your heart, long sentences of uninterrupted thoughts, a window into the character’s soul. I also have a very good grasp on the characters I choose to write about - I only write when I feel like I know them like the back of my hand, so characterization and being true to who they are is my number one priority.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have no discipline. I’ll write for days on end, get one, two, three chapters ready...and sometimes a month passes by and I have nothing, my brain is completely empty, and I feel all squeezed out. I could never wait until I’ve completed a work before posting it, for instance - and I mean, I’ve been working on my Kevison fic for 17 months now, so, in a way, lucky thing I didn’t wait, right?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it fits the character and the context, why not.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter! It was a lifetime ago, I was 12 and I wrote what I expected the fifth book to be before it came out. Needless to say, it was bad.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Once again, asking someone to pick a favorite child isn’t proper. I have a sort of very unique love for something always brings me back to you, one of my rebelcaptain fics. First of all, it’s the only work who’s ever gotten a fan edit made about (thanks again to the lovely person who did!). I also think the writing is solid, the dialogue and the chemistry between Jyn and Cassian on point. And I loved working on that AU of their first meeting(s) through the galaxy.
Tagging: @queenofchildren , @lullabiesandgoodbyes , @alienor-woods and whoever else wants to do it!
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miaouerie · 4 years
whumptober 2020 ----- day 1. hanging
@whumptober2020 Rebelcaptain Hunger Games AU: After winning his Hunger Games eight years ago, Cassian Andor has lived a miserable life under the unrelenting limelight of the Capitol. Between losing his father—who had been his mentor as a previous District 5 victor—to suicide, mentoring new tributes every year only to lose them to the viciousness of the Games, and the Capitol’s ceaseless attentions he is forced to exist as a cog in the Capitol’s entertainment machine.  
Until this year’s Hunger Games, when District 5’s reaping yields a female tribute named Jyn Erso. Though his hope to escape the Capitol’s inexorable influence has long been extinguished, there is something about her that may change that…
→ read the rest on AO3!
“Your lives are hanging in the balance of your mentor. It is imperative that you listen to their direction.”
It’s the same boilerplate speech District 5’s escort, Davits Draven, has given to every one of District 5’s tributes for the past decade or so. When it came to the Capitol’s needlessly exorbitant populace, at least Draven was tolerable; he was one of few escorts who attended each reaping with the appropriate gravitas for taking away two children to die in the Capitol every year. Cassian much preferred him over the others who insisted on more silly or celebratory personas for the job. He was more moderate, with his preference of muted colors and fabrics with understated sheen; the only real suggestion of Capitolite fashion was the man’s penchant for cravats and near-elbow length gloves. No-nonsense, a stern expression that stopped just shy of completely unfriendly. He’d been that way for as long as Cassian could remember him, all the way back to Cassian's own Games. He was a constant in Cassian’s life in a way that very few others had stayed.
Still, Cassian barely looks up until Draven acknowledges him; until then, his gaze is trained on this year’s female tribute and the way her hands are balled tightly into fists at her sides.  
“As Cassian here is the only living victor of District 5, he will be mentoring both of you. Mealtime is in an hour; until then you are free to do as you wish, but I suggest thinking of strategy to discuss once we reconvene.” With that, Draven exits through a sliding door to an adjacent car, the sound of the door sliding shut leaving them to the rhythmic silence of the train rumbling on its tracks.  
The male tribute—a tall, stocky 16-year-old named Joule Stratton—was clearly stricken with fear. He had needed more than a nudge from a Peacekeeper to board the train, and as the train speeds through the deserts around District 5 he's as still as a rabbit in a trap. His wide eyes take everything in, but Cassian knows he isn't really seeing anything; the shock will wear off later, maybe before they reach the Capitol or maybe not, and Cassian makes a mental note to check in on him again before then. But the female tribute—an 18-year-old named Jyn Erso—catches his attention more.
After Draven leaves, she immediately stands up. She’s hardly taller than Joule sitting down but her eyes flash a warning when Cassian looks up at her. There’s something simmering there, something behind the animosity barely held in check as he watched her walk up to the stage after her name was called at the reaping. Through his past few years of mentoring Cassian’s come to expect the trickles and torrents of anger, fear, resignation, hysteria from all-too-unwilling tributes. But in Jyn’s bright green eyes there’s a flash of flinty determination. She turns and exits the same way Draven left, but with hardly concealed fury: she slams the sliding door shut behind her.  
The loud crash and rattle of broken glass falling from their panes is enough to startle both Cassian and Joule, but while it doesn’t take Joule long to sink back to his silent stupor, Cassian’s struck by a notion that he tries hard to dismiss. It’s too early. Wait until you speak to her first. Fury doesn’t always equal fight in the Arena. Don’t get your hopes up.
And yet: She could be the one I bring home.  
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dracosollicitus · 5 years
I love love loooove your Hunger Games AU update today! tbh I love everything you post but that’s beside the point. I was a little surprised when I saw it in the tag just because it seems like you’ve been in a Stucky mood lately lol. Out of curiosity, have their been any other ships (from any other shows/movies) that you’ve considered writing about?
So, thank you first of all! Now, this is going to be long winded: 
I do love writing Damerey because Damerey as a ship makes me happy. Regretfully, Damerey as a fandom space has not been making me happy the last few months. Some strangeness has been happening in the fandom, and I really don’t feel welcome there anymore; there are, of course, about fifteen/twenty people in it who are just absolutely the loveliest, sweetest people who are beyond supportive, and I could never thank any of them enough. My update yesterday was for them, as well as for myself because I do like writing Damerey, I just feel like it’s shouting into a void at this point, as I said in the end notes. 
I got a load of unpleasant anonymous messages about two months back, right when the strangeness in the fandom started, and I’m not a stupid person, so I can put two and two together/read the writing on the wall, and I know that I’m not necessarily what the fandom wants right now, outside of those (again) lovely and wonderful people who have been so kind since day one of my Damerey writing.
Stucky is - admittedly - a much larger fandom. The hits are roughly equal, though, as I am but a small fish in that massive pond, and in a lot of ways, that takes some stress off of the writing because I don’t quite notice as much when the ‘hits’ don’t go up the way they ‘should’ or the kudos don’t rack up the way they ‘should.’ Also, given that there’s a wider variety of writers, I don’t think people are as negative when they don’t like what I write, as it’s that much easier to hit the back button and find something they do like. 
This far too long response has been a long way of saying that I haven’t been out of a Damerey writing mood, more heavily discouraged and tired. I have plenty of Damerey written, things that haven’t been published or posted – for instance, I finished the next chapter of the Hogwarts AU over the weekend – but now at this point I have pretty high anxiety about posting to Damerey, which is very sad.
I love Stucky, it’s honestly my biggest OTP, and it has been since I was a teenager reading Brubaker’s series. 
Other ships that I’d write for/have written for:
Other Star Wars:
RebelCaptain (Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor)
Harry Potter:
 Jilly (James Potter/Lily Evans)
Romione (Ron/Hermione)
The Hunger Games
Finnick/Annie (I mean….eyes THG/Star Wars Crossover)
Other Marvel
Frank Castle/Karen Page
(Also, if it’s possible to negative ship someone with anything, I negative ship Matt Murdock with any of the lovely women he’s encountered in his life. I ship Matt Murdock with a long, healthy round of therapy and then potentially he can become a priest and help people without hurting them)
TV Ships
Sawyer/Kate (Lost)
Emma Swan/Captain Hook (OUAT)
Jake/Amy (B99)
Ben/Leslie (P&R)
Chidi/Eleanor (TGP)
Bellamy/Clarke (The 100)
Korrasami (Best ‘called it’ moment ever)
Ed/Winry (FMA)
Not a full list, but probably a solid idea of ships. 
Thanks again for the ask, and sorry for the overload of information! I hope you have a great Sunday.
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kotaface · 6 years
Bagel writing meme?
Getting to this late, of course, but tagged by @thestarbirdfromtheashes because apparently she gets hangry.
1. What was the first fandom you ever wrote fic for? I dunno if it was really a fandom but Peter Pan
2. What was your very first ship? RON AND HERMIONE 5EVR
3. What fandoms have you written for, and what were your ships in the fics? Lets see... Peter Pan (Peter x Wendy, and then Peter/OFC), Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles (John/Cameron and Sarah/Derek), a brief dip into Harry Potter just the once (Ron/Hermione AND I WILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE), Hunger Games (Peeta/Katniss because PEETA IS A GIFT AND ITS CANON GET OVER IT). Doctor Who for a hot second (Rose x Ten/Tentoo), and then Rogue One (REBELCAPTAIN FOR LIFE)
4. What ships do you tend to gravitate to? if I stop to actually think about it, they tend to go “small fiery female character x tall still-waters-run-deep male character”
5. Current OTP(s)? Rebelcaptain is about it
6. Former OTP(s)? Um... i dunno? Like I still ship all of the stuff mentioned above?
7. What are the ships you will always love? Rebelcaptain definitely, Ron/Hermione until I die, and Peeta/Katniss always.
8. What do you think have been some of your best fic ideas? backpacking fic definitely. Also the plot of “Home.”
9. Your worst? I like all of my rebelcaptain fics for the most part.
10. What kind of fic do you most love to write? ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP oh gosh i love writing stupid day-to-day domestic shit. Mainly because everything else seems to be about the “getting together” -- I think its more fun to write the “after” stuff. It’s more interesting.
11. What do you dread writing? The usual: action, plot, multi-chapters...
12. What is a fic you would love to write one day? Well the backpacking AU is the one I always wanted to write, and I’ve at least gotten started on it. As to whether or not I’ll finish it...
13. What’s a fic you wish someone else would write? I came up with the idea ages ago but I wish someone else would do it so i don’t have to -- A Rogue One / Shakespeare Rom-Com Mash Up Modern AU a la “she’s the man” or “10 things I hate about you” featuring all of the best and most obnoxious tropes from the Bard’s romantic comedies. Please. Someone else do this. Take this crackfic from my shoulders.
I dunno who all has already been tagged but consider yourself tagged if you weren’t before. 
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ignitesthestxrs · 6 years
For the ask me my top six anythig: the top six of your own fanfics? : )
cries softly there are
there are so many i will do my very best. limiting this to complete fics on ao3 so i don’t fucking die.
a finer chain, the grisha trilogy (multiple ships)
Parem falls to the hands of those who have no qualms about mass producing it, and Ravka must decide how to face this new threat. Do they force their own Grisha to take it in order to defend themselves? Or do they find another way?
this was such an exercise in different perspectives and telling a single story through the events happening in like 12 different people’s lives and it just. was very satisfying and emotional to write. i got a lot out of it, i think, and is probably one of the best multichapter pieces i’ve ever done.
the call her the nothing, star wars (reylo)
She remembers the old name. The thing she had gone by once, before she became something greater. She has no use for Rey, and yet she tucks it into the hollow place inside her anyway, to rattle around with her hunger and her power.
There’s a strength, she thinks, in keeping something thought stolen from you. Even if you don’t want it anymore.
this was written for a prompt that i made no bones about finding quite difficult to fill, but resulted in me producing a piece i’m hideously proud of. i love where i took the idea of a dark rey - i’m all about hungry girls and girls with too much power and marrying the concepts worked really well here in the established star wars universe. i’m also just very into the idea of two desolate wrecks recognising that in wach other, and managing to find some kind of comfort in it.
and i l o v e writing people fall to the dark side, it’s always very satisfying.
problem solving, the hunger games (haymitch/katniss)
Haymitch has hated himself for so long now that when he figures out the extent of his feelings for Katniss Everdeen, it’s just sort of another day. 
i love this ship, i love writing messy and self loathing male characters and messy ships in general. i think this ship in particular provides a really interesting lens to look at both the hunger games world and haymitch and katniss’ characters in particular.
i also really enjoy dudes being in love with ladies and not...really doing anything about it, like ‘oh i guess this is my life now lol’
also i managed to unfold the whole au in less than 3000 words which is a fucking victory if you ask me.
religion, star wars (bodhi/luke)
He’s never been all that religious, but Jedha’s weak sun threads light through this stranger’s sandy hair, catches on the corner of an open-mouthed grin, and he starts to reconsider. His eyes are bright blue, and seem to slice through Bodhi when he straightens. 
honestly this is just a fucking gorgeous piece. i did some real pretty writing here. i don’t know where i pulled it out of but im love it. Effort Was Made for this fic.
you always make mistakes like this, star wars (rebelcaptain)
Jyn Erso’s body is a latticework of scars, and she’s only earned half of them.
Mystics and beggars whisper about the Force, how it hasn't left them yet. Jyn grits her teeth as one of Saw’s medics sees to a blaster shot in her shoulder, and thinks that the Force is a kriffing load of--
(Cassian and Jyn are tied together by more than chance. A shared injury soulmate AU)
VERY PLEASED WITH WHERE I ENDED UP TAKING A SOULMATE AU. i had a lot of fun trying to figure out both what would change with this au, and how things stayed the same. i felt (still feel!) that rogue one presented a pretty powerful argument for jyn and cassian falling in love in canon ANYWAY, so a part of the challenge i set myself was in not....actually shifting too much of what happens in the movie. which is difficult to get through in fic, because no one reads fic to see the same thing happen as what did in canon!
obviously shit did change and i also wanted them to live, but i’m really pleased with how this turned out, and also the fact that it’s another one of those short chapter fics that i managed to finish. i’m bad at finishing fics that aren’t one shots so it’s always a victory when i get through one!
schism, percy jackson and the olympians (percabeth)
“He’s - not the same, Annabeth.”
Of course he’s not, she wants to snap. A man didn’t diminish the gods without experiencing a few changes in personality, but it’s more than that. Before the schism, before this latest round of death and dying, he hadn’t been the same. Tartarus had changed him.
It had changed them both.
dark!percabeth! this fic is design to rip your heart out and i think it succeeds! i am very into the concept of...percy and annabeth ultimately coming to the conclusion that Luke Was Right, and also feel that rick did not...spend the time he could have on exploring the after effects of Taertarus and Percy going dark as he could have. this fic is not so much of a fix it fic as a break it fic.
also i did some pretty interesting shit with extended metaphors and Making You Think One Thing But Really It’s The Other that i was real pleased with. i like getting into the heads of characters who feel guilty, regardless of the extent they SHOULD feel guilty, and. i like this! i think i Did Good
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dailyrebelcaptain · 7 years
Hello there, if any of my fellow shippers are interested I just posted my Rebelcaptain Hunger Games AU fic on FF and AO3
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dasakuryo · 7 years
Hello, I just posted a link to my rebelcaptain hunger games AU fic on my blog if you or any other fellow shippers want to read.
Hi there! Thanks for your message. I must confess books au aren't my cup of tea when it comes to star wars but I am curious to see how the Hunger Games themes and universe fit them so I will give it a go :) and I am publishing jic any of my followers/mutuals who also ship it may be interested as well.
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starforged · 7 years
top 5 and bottom 5 kudos fic
rules: tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date! i was tagged by my saltmate @gizkasparadise​
top 5
Stay In Motion. Kudos: 1057. Date: 12/25/17. (Rogue One/Star Wars)
Jyn’s eyes dart to the exit. A man in long-sleeved blue shirt and a brown vest speeds by. Stops. Doubles back. He grips the frame of her white door like something is about to blow him away.“We did it!” He cries, eyes wide and teeth bared in a smile.
“WE DID IT!”Cheers, she realizes. They weren't screams. They were cheers.
Short stories set in a universe where the Rogue One crew members survive
 A Million More Deaths. Kudos: 999. Date: 12/24/16. (RebelCaptain, nsfw, Rogue One)
A knock at the door.
Her knees slam shut, trapping his hand in the apex of her thighs. Her eyes go wide, and the dark, murderous look that crosses his face should not be the thing that turns her on even more.
Another knock.
Monstrous Appetites. Kudos: 374. Date: 1/11/16. (Reylo, Hunger Games AU, The Force Awakens)
Rey has always been invisible, until she's Reaped. Until she gets noticed by the one person she doesn't want to be noticed by. Kylo Ren of District 1 is a threat. He's dangerous, powerful, and the one person standing in the way of her life, unless his offer for an alliance and a way for them to both win the Games isn't a lie.
But she can trust someone as volatile as he is?
Trust in the Force. Kudos: 373. Date: 12/19/16. (RebelCaptain, Reincarnation AU, Rogue One)
If she can turn a kidnapped cargo pilot into a Resistance fighter, who is to say she can’t also turn an unknown prisoner hidden away on Moraband into one either?
Have You Met My Wife? Kudos: 366. Date: 12/05/14. (Cousistair, Dragon Age)
They've been married for ten years now, and there isn't a day that goes by that they don't think about each other.
bottom 5 
Not Jedi. Kudos: 1. Date: 12/26/16. (Mira-centric, KOTOR)
She's not a Jedi, like her master before her.
Fire. Kudos: 2. Date: 10/1/14. (Vanessa/Stanton, DOTM)
When you play with fire, be aware that you'll always get burned, no matter how pretty it looks.
Warm. Kudos: 2. Date: 7/9/14. (Regina Mills, OUAT)
Her life has been a series of more downs than ups, but every little victory counts. Five times things went right for Regina Mills. Drabble set.
Soft Spot. Kudos: 3. Date: 9/25/14. (Vanessa Cleveland, DOTM)
Fifteen years later, Vanessa Cleveland still has a soft spot for girls in trouble.
New Athens. Kudos: 4. Date: 7/30/14. (Annabeth Chase, PJO/HOO)
She was a statue. She was a Greek tragedy. She had lost her best friend and the love of her life, and she had no idea how to cope with it.
tagging whoever!!
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callioope · 7 years
Top Ten Fic Recs
Thank you @rxbxlcaptain for the tag!
It took me entirely too long to post this because until recently (rebelcaptain), I was very, very bad at bookmarking fics that I like and I had to track things down (seriously 71% of my bookmarks are rebelcaptain). (Also I may have reread parts of these oops.)
So (A) I’m probably missing a Harry/Ginny fic or two—but I included two Fantastic Beasts fics plus a rebelcaptain Hogwarts AU, so Harry Potter is still appropriately represented on this list; (B) I’m most definitely missing a Gendrya fic—turns out a bunch of those that I did bookmark don’t exist any more, so, yea, Gendrya is really the main reason this is late; and ( C) taking up half the list, rebelcaptain is possibly over-represented here, but you know what I don’t care because these fics are amazing and there are so many more that are amazing that should be on here too and 5 is a small number.
Without further ado...
After the End by Arabella and Zsenya (Sugar Quill, Harry Potter, Harry/Ginny)
The Unrecorded Hours by hollycomb (Live Journal, The Hunger Games, Everlark)
A Certain Sort of Magic by redcherrychocolate (AO3, Howl’s Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie)
The Most Fantastic Beast by chasingblue57 (AO3, Fantastic Beasts, Newt/Tina)
Everybody Loves Newt Scamander by Aethelar (AO3, Fantastic Beasts, Gen)
And The Next by ienablu (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
Kindred by simplyprologue (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
this is the fate you’ve carved on me by Selkit (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
You Must Remember This by theputterer (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
Good Game by rxbxlcaptain (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain) 
More details under the cut
(If anyone is wondering, these are organized based on date read.)
 After The End
Summary: It's the summer after seventh year, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the rest of the wizarding world must learn to live without fear. This story was written prior to the release of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."
This was THE fic for me, like the end-all, be-all of Harry/Ginny fics. It was the first fic that came to mind and pretty much if I could only recommend one fic, I’d rec this one. One of my all-time favorite moments in anything is when Ginny and Harry are talking about Seamus & Lavender’s wedding vows and Ginny accidentally says she would promise to outlive Harry. UGHHH I have wanted to reread this fic for years, but it is so so long. Ah screw it I just looked up that scene and *dies*
The Unrecorded Hours
Summary: Katniss and Peeta in the weeks and months after the war.
Simply amazing. Perfect fleshing out of how Peeta and Katniss “grow back together.” I just reread the whole thing oops. Reading this gave me such closure on The Hunger Games that I didn’t end up reading much fic after this. Yep this is pretty much canon for me. Also so much angst in this, which is not typical for me, but this is just spot on. Trigger Warning: thoughts of suicide, PTSD.
A Certain Sort of Magic
Summary: In which Howl suffers a unique malady, Sophie feels perfectly invisible, Michael is thwarted, everyone is thoroughly dramatic, and there may or may not be a wedding. 
I went through a brief Howl’s Moving Castle phase after I read the books and this fic just stuck with me. Funny, emotional, perfect characterization. A good fluff fic to follow up the angst from the previous fic in this list. I wouldn’t call myself a huge Howl’s Moving Castle fan, but apparently I had a bunch bookmarked (more than Gendrya; I don’t understand, I really don’t) and this one always stood out to me.
The Most Fantastic Beast
Summary: Only a few days old, Newt and Tina's daughter wakes in the night. Newt is there to soothe her. 
What pure adorableness this is. Like yes I am a sucker for kidfic and oh this is just so sweet.
Everybody Loves Newt Scamander
Summary: Newt Scamander and the people (creatures, beasts, I'm pretty sure I can put anything sentient here) that get drawn into his life. A series of ficlets from different character's point of view that may, at some point, be connected or have a plot but as yet do not. Also Pickett. Quite a bit of Pickett.
Um, hilarious, amazingly well written character study of Newt through everyone else’s eyes. And yes “quite a bit of Pickett” is accurate—Pickett is amazing and what a way to look at Newt as a character. I mean I’d rec this just for the Pickett chapters alone.
And The Next
Summary: Jyn looks to the disappearing horizon and thinks, ‘The Force is with me, I am one with the Force. The Force is with me, I am one with the Force. The Force is strong with me, I am –’ Jyn wakes up in her Wobani prison cell, panting and a scream dying in her throat.
Where do I even begin, I love this, this is my favorite rebelcaptain fic of all time, one of the first I read and I was blown away. The characterization, the writing, the plot, the agony of having to live that day over and over… ahh it gets me. Like it had me at Groundhog Day AU, really, but then just the execution, A++++. Love. This. Fic.
Summary: “I left the next-of-kin space blank on my enlistment form,” she whispers, taking the datapad from his loose grip, logging in with her own restricted access codes. Draws up her contact forms, and gives it to him to place his name. “I’d like that.” He brings up his own next. 
Love the next-of-kin bit, and like I said, I’m a sucker for kidfic and this one gets there eventually. This remains one of my rebelcaptain faves. So sweet, so beautifully written.
this is the fate you’ve carved on me
Summary: Jyn is four years old when it appears on the inside of her left arm: a long, twisting tangle of flowing lines and blocky symbols... (Soulmate AU)
Wonderful, wonderful soulmate AU, follows the events of Rogue One with the twist of them being soulmates. I love it.
You Must Remember This
Summary: Six months [since Scarif], and Jyn and Cassian are at an impasse. She thinks he knows everything about her, and she doesn't know anything about him. 
Great characterization in this, both Cassian and Jyn. It’s got fluff and angst and just like, I love love the main point, like what does it mean to really know someone? And it’s just Jyn getting to know Cassian’s background and falling in love with him and also learning things about herself and it’s beautiful.
  Good Game
Summary: Last spring, Jyn Erso and the Gryffindor Quidditch team lost the final to Cassian Andor and his Hufflepuffs. Today, Jyn is getting her rematch, and she is determined to win.
*incoherent fangirling/ranting about the perfection of this fic* *starts over* OKAY SO this fic is such a perfect blending of the two loves of my life, Star Wars and Harry Potter. From the characterization (and House choices, A+), to the rivalry/tension between Jyn and Cassian, to the excitement of the Quidditch match, to Seeker!Bodhi, I was consumed with pure happiness the entire time I read this. I’m also going to cheat and sneak one more fic in and rec Luctor et Emergo, which is sorta like an expanded version of this and equal perfection of Harry Potter/Star Wars mash up.
Okay so I’m not really sure who hasn’t done this yet and who wants to do it but I’m going to tag @magalis, @latinaspitfire @lustfulpasiphae @yavemiel and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it bc I think we all love fic recs and I know I’d love to see everyone’s :) 
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valcain · 8 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
rebelcaptain au’s - the hunger games
She visits her mother’s grave the day before the reaping and perches on the hard earth in front of it.
‘I’m going back,’ she says quietly. The air smells of dirt and mildew. 
(and a big thank you to my beta’s @rxbxlcaptain , @the-graceful-one and @rinskiroo)
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carterhaughs · 8 years
Alrighty then! 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 20, 24 and 28 please! :D
2. Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
There are lots that sort of creeped up on me but I didn’t really hate them at first per se. While I was reading Pride & Prejudice for the first time as a 14 year-old, though, I thought Darcy was a snot and then I was like…oh. Elizabeth and I were of one mind, lol, we’re very similar!
3. What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
For a long time it was Bruce/Natasha in the MCU - they had this VIBE in the first Avengers movie and I felt so alone in recognizing it, but then it panned out largely to my satisfaction actually, in terms of the movie itself and controversially in terms of Nat’s character’s arc. 
6. What is your most angsty ship? 
Oh man, this is tough. I like a lot of angsty ships! I guess the most angsty in terms of the narrative continually breaking down both people and separating them and throwing obstacles into their path to a frankly ridiculous extent is Carol and Daryl in the Walking Dead - they’ve been separated by fate and choice so many times and both of their histories of past abuse have kept them from acting on their emotions even when they’re actually in each other’s physical presence. But part of the beauty and uniqueness of their relationship is that they had this completely non-sexual relationship that grew by degrees of verbal and emotional intimacy and it made so much sense for them given their past trauma. And now they’re finally(???) going to act on their feelings and really no one deserves happiness in the form of another person more than they do
11.  What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Hmmmm…for me, I usually invest most of my interest in one ship per character and just focus on my preference. I’ve got nothing against multi-shipping but it’s actually really rare for me to be extremely invested in more than one romantic relationship for a character. I might be interested in the dynamics and significance of others, but I almost always end up with one favorite in the end. But I guess in terms of situations where I’d be very disappointed if the characters ended up with anyone else - Carol and Daryl in The Walking Dead, and any such similar situation in which the characters are huge parts of each other’s arcs and it would be narratively underwhelming for their story to go a different direction. It’s not so much that I can’t IMAGINE them with other characters, it’s just like…why would you write that lol
12. What is your favourite canon ship? 
Let’s see…that’s probably a tie between Odesta (Finnick and Annie in the Hunger Games - honestly what beats this kiss scene that had me in tears? nothing) and Rebelcaptain in Rogue One, just in terms of the “completeness” of their arcs - the way in which great love, life, and death are encapsulated in them - there are SO MANY OTHER SHIPS I might love more for other reasons, but I really like the particular formation of these two ships’ canon arcs. lol wow I’m so morbid I’m sorry
13. Name a ship that deserved more content. 
Finnick/Annie (Odesta)!!! Still waiting for Suzanne Collins to give me their lengthy backstory but for the time being, this fic will do 
20. Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
Have I? Oodles. If you count analysis, there’s a lot of that written by me here. And I’ve written my fair share of fic here - I think the Preacher and Poldark stuff is my best. I’ve dabbled in moodboards and aesthetics too, but I’m no deft hand. 
24. What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
They need to hold each other at some point, at a bare minimum. And please, let them touch each other’s faces. Physical protection/comfort and adoration and looking into each other’s eyes while combining the two and thinking “this person is mine and I am theirs” is VERY important.
28. Is there a character you have several ships for?
Hawke from the Dragon Age games. Even though Hawke/Anders is my endgame ship, I can’t help but throw in some Hawke/Fenris and would have that as endgame under particular AU circumstances. This is one of the few instances where I am truly invested in more than one ship for a character that isn’t one-sided.
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inspo-blogge · 4 years
whumptober 2020 —— day 3. manhandled/held at gunpoint
@whumptober2020​ Rebelcaptain Hunger Games AU: Cassian is Jyn’s mentor in the 70th Hunger Games.
content warnings: none
previous: day 1 / 2  
The tribute train pulls into a depot for refueling. They’re not to disembark until they reach the Capitol, so Cassian’s sitting in the dining car when he hears a loud commotion outside.
He moves quickly to the window. To his surprise, he sees Jyn wrestling with two Peacekeepers on the train platform, with another squad of Peacekeepers quickly joining the fracas. They swarm around the struggling 18-year old until she’s obscured from view; it’s only when Draven appears that they separate into orderly lines. Jyn is still fighting with three Peacekeepers who have their hands on her, but it’s not until a fourth Peacekeeper forces her to her knees and holds a gun to her head that she stops struggling.
Draven’s saying something to her. Cassian can’t hear his words this far away separated by glass, but he can see Jyn’s fierce expression simmer down to a glower that he can feel the burn of even from where he watches them in the car.
Then they manhandle her back onto the train.
Cassian slips into the adjacent cabin just as the Peacekeepers bang into the dining car with their quarry. Draven keeps his distance behind them, looking unreadable as ever. They force Jyn into a chair at the table, where her wrists are cuffed behind her back; she cranes her neck to glare at their Capitol escort, who remains standing by the door. The sounds of the air circulation system drown out what sounds Cassian can hear through the door, but Draven only says a sentence or two before he turns to leave. Cassian waits for the man to exit before entering the car himself.
One of the Peacekeepers approaches him, clearly intending to stand guard at this end of the car. Before they can say something to him Cassian holds up his hands placatingly. “Don’t mind me, just needed to stretch my legs.”
“Sir, this car is restricted. No access until suppertime.”
He tries a different track. “That’s my tribute in there, I want to talk—”
“Sorry.” The Peacekeeper doesn’t sound sorry at all, and adjusts the rifle they still have in their arms. “Suppertime only.”
Just before suppertime, they reconvene in a separate car to watch the recap of the reapings across Panem. Jyn is the last to join them, escorted by two Peacekeepers. Her wrists are still cuffed.
It’s not until the recap is finished and they head into the dining cabin that Draven addresses Jyn. “I will allow your cuffs to be removed, provided that you don’t attempt escape again. If you do, you can expect to be put back in restraints until we reach the Capitol. Clear?”
He stares her down until Jyn grumbles her assent. But she doesn’t try anything once the cuffs are removed. At least, Cassian observes, she’s not as reckless as her earlier escape attempt seemed. Knowing how to pick and choose battles was a necessary survival tactic.
The multiple dinner courses arrive and are cleared in silence. At the conclusion of their meal, when one of the Peacekeepers moves towards Jyn Cassian holds up a hand. “I’ll escort her back to her quarters.”
They’re permitted to pass without accompaniment. As the door to the next compartment slides shut behind them, Jyn stops Cassian with a growl. “What do you want from me?”
“Nothing.” At Jyn’s silent doubt he adds, “I saw your escape attempt on the train platform.”
Jyn’s eyes widen, before she looks down and away. “I’m not going to go to my death without a fight. I know they can’t kill me when they need me for their entertainment.”
Cassian sighs. “You’re not wrong.”
Jyn narrows her eyes in suspicion. “Then what are you really asking here?”
“I want to know what your angle is.” When Jyn doesn’t offer a reply he says, “I need to know that if I’m to help you.”
“Help me? None of your tributes have won yet. They’ve all died,” Jyn points out. Then immediately after, “I shouldn’t have said that. But I don’t know if I can trust you like that.”
Cassian goes for a different tactic. “You seem like you’re trained. Are you fighting for yourself or—”
Jyn cuts his words off with a kiss, standing up on her tiptoes to press him backwards until he’s pressed up against the wall of the cabin. A perfunctory kiss; she pulls back slightly to hiss in his ear, “What are you doing? There’s no way this cabin isn’t bugged.”
Over her head, Cassian can see the shadow of a Peacekeeper through the glass panes of the door a second before the door itself slides open. Thinking quickly, he settles his hands on her waist, pulls her closer to him. Jyn startles at the sound of the door but Cassian drops his head to her ear, his tongue moving in a trace of its curve. Her left hand flies up to grip his forearm tight, digging in with her nails.
“Oi. None of that,” the Peacekeeper says, irritated. Cassian makes a show of exasperation at being interrupted, lifting his head to level a glare.
It works. The Peacekeeper looks a little uncomfortable. “Well. There’s more of that in the Capitol for you, Cassian. Get the girl to bed before I put cuffs back on her.” Still, they turn around and exit, leaving mentor and tribute alone in the gently swaying car.
Cassian immediately drops his hands at the same time Jyn takes a step back. “Sor—”
They both stop, try apologizing again, before Jyn ends up just reaching for Cassian’s hand and tugs him in the direction of her sleeping compartment. His heart is hammering in his chest when Jyn pulls him down again, gentler this time, her voice a whisper in his ear. “Sorry for that. I just needed you to stop talking, the Capitol has ears everywhere—”
This time it’s Cassian who quiets her words with a kiss. He leans into the dark curtain of her hair, tucking some strands behind the same ear. “Please. Tell me. Believe me, I want to help you in any way possible. But I’ll ask again in private. There’s a place in the Tributes’ Tower for that.”
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