#Realme 6 hidden features
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Imagine being the one who releases Morpheus. - Part 2
[Part 1] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [ENDING] [ALT. ENDING] || A/N: I spilt the beans regarding my blog's name/title || Sandman-inspired playlist
For him, it's been mere hours but for you long years had passed where you had to learn life anew, without the comforts of privilege that your surname once provided you. Ever since Morpheus returned to his domain, his unkempt thoughts would slip away and slither back to the memory of your kind words and gentle eyes. After all, you had no reason to work against your father and set him free. You knew there was a real probability that Morpheus would kill you - a judge, jury and executioner in a world he didn't belong to - and yet you took that chance, believing in his assumed mercy. It was fairly foolish, even you knew that but it was also very human and that was an affliction you couldn't simply reason your way out of. That curious complexity Morpheus wasn't entirely capable of comprehending occupied a portion of his mind while he was busy rebuilding his kingdom.
When his realm was stable enough for the king himself to leave its grounds and venture into the Waking World once more, Morpheus followed your dreams and found himself in a small town by the sea. Looking around in search of your familiar face, he noticed someone sitting at the end of a long pier. They looked ethereal in their loneliness as people walking by the boulevard were either oblivious to their existence or consciously ignored them; the world of humans kept spinning in its usual rhythm and yet there was someone, a hermit by the endless waters, who existed next to it as if they were part of this world but the world wasn't exactly part of them.
Morpheus followed the pier, old and rotting planks creaking underneath his feet. As the sound of cars, people and dogs grew silent with every step he took towards the forgotten individual, it seemed as if he was crossing some invisible threshold between two parallel but not equal worlds. He was entering their seclusion as they once entered his.
You listened to the rhythm of his steps until they abruptly stopped close behind you. Looking over your shoulder, you saw exactly the same brooding man you helped escape a few years ago. There was something unnerving and yet comforting in the way nothing about him seemed to have changed. In some poetic way, you freed him from your father's malice entire years ago but he left that cold basement no earlier than yesterday.
"You haven't aged a day," you spoke up.
Not a shadow of any emotion passed by his features. "You did."
"Come on, sit." You patted the planks next to you.
"This is not a social call," he warned in a cold tone.
"Maybe not but I sure could use one."
Morpheus did not answer. Reluctantly, he approached the edge of the pier where you sat and only then did he notice a raft of mallards swimming around you. In your hands, you were holding a bag with cracked corn, oats and nuts. With an experienced flick of your wrist, you threw a handful of the mixed dry food to the ducks in the cold water below you. Pushing one another, each of the birds tried to eat as much as they possibly could.
"Where are we?" he asked. It was somewhat surprising to you that he had found you and yet did not know where exactly he did so. Maybe instead of following roads and signs, like people do, the King of Dreams relied upon a sense he was created with but one you could never relate to.
"Southend-on-sea, England. Right outside of London."
"Why here?"
His question had an interesting hidden suggestion that you had willingly chosen this place specifically to meet with him again when in fact you were never sure you would see Morpheus even one more time.
"Shh," you whispered as you raised your finger in a meaningful manner. "Just listen."
Surprisingly enough, Morpheus complied. At the tip of his tongue, he had a reprimand, reminding you that he was in no way your equal and you should never treat him as such but something made him discard that expression of his ego. The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled his ears. It was a rhythmic sough, one that brought tranquillity into the hearts of those hearing it despite its loudness. Seagulls were flying over his head, screaming their frustrations and hopes into the aether. With each breath, he smelt salt and algal bloom. In the presence of an otherworldly monarch, Mother Nature remained unmoved in her might, unimpressed with the oniric thaumaturge.
Being the King of Dreams, he had seen things more breathtaking and wonderful in their strangeness that the sight before him. Maybe in this fascination with nature's simplicity, he could find the key to your exceptionalism that he so desired to understand.
Listening to nature, a soft smile entered your face as you let out a tired sigh. "It's so peaceful in here. When you've grown up in a burning house, you simply assume the whole world is on fire. But it's not... It's not." Morpheus noticed how your voice was dripping with hope.
Watching you feed the ducks with corn, oats and seeds, Dream noticed something about your skin: there was a long scar on the back of your hand as if a beast of malice once dared to raise its horrible hand against you. The blemish was white in colour, a sign that the wound it was before was caused quite a long time ago; surely it wasn't a recent hurt. It did cross his mind that he was the reason for that scar - that fateful day when he broke free he paid for your kindness with a deep wound. Truthfully, it wasn't very king-like of him but at the same time he refused to take the blame for it: after all, he never did ask you to break open his prison.
"I never assumed I'd see you again, dear stranger," you interrupted the reflective silence.
"I was busy rebuilding my kingdom."
"So, Dream of the Endless, to what do I owe the pleasure of our reunion?" It was clear to you that an entity of his class wasn't one for welfare checks or anything like that. Wherever he appears, he had business to tend to there.
"I admit that it is knowledge I desire." Morpheus made a pause. "Why did you do it?"
For a moment, you simply watched his expressionless face. It felt almost funny that you could provide knowledge to someone who was probably as old as humanity if not even older. Whether either of you knew it at the moment - it didn't matter, not quite but Morpheus in his mundane lack of understanding of your motives, seemed no less humane than the pedestrians walking along the boulevard far behind you. The cold sea breeze tugged at your coat.
"The school I attended had a beautiful relief of lions and vines over the entrance with inscribed Seneca's quote: Dum iter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem. As long as we are human, let us be humane. That fateful day I did only that: I was humane."
"You are Rodrick's child. I could have killed you." Morpheus seemed to not quite be ready to let go of the notion that you, possibly, had an ulterior motive that you had discarded only upon basking in the might and glory of the King of Dreams.
"And it would have been your responsibility." What caught Dream's attention was your seeming lack of fear in the face of even hypothetical death. In his experience, people both craved and dreaded that fated moment. "What is kindness if not bravery in the face of cowardice and cruelty?"
"Had you no fear of your father's anger?" he changed the course of the conversation.
To you, it seemed nearly as if Morpheus came to you with a list of questions he wished to ask - like he was conducting research more than checking up on a past partner in crime if you could be called so.
"Oh, I did," you answered in a sad voice. Absentmindedly you rubbed the left side of your chest where Magus had burned a sacrilegious mark. It stopped hurting after you moved to the seaside, something about the humidity and salt bringing relief to the acute pain. "That day he disowned and cursed me, although what hex lies on me I do not know. In a way, I doubt I wish to ever know. The responsibility of such knowledge I might not withstand."
He had no doubts that you were strikingly different from humanity as a whole. You asked for nothing, you desired no power nor riches; you were strangely content not knowing. But that observation did not satiate his curiosity for Morpheus still did not comprehend why it was that way. The secret of your exceptionalism was still elusive to him. But, perhaps, he already had been given the exact answer he'd been seeking for the past years but something about him, some expectation he wasn't entirely aware of, prevented him from seeing it. Maybe he refused to accept that behind such dilemma and complexity stood a simple, very mundane and human, explanation.
Morpheus's eyes met yours. By the soft, understanding stare you gave him, he knew you had realized exactly what piece of knowledge he was seeking - the reason why he found you in the first place. He neither asked nor begged for he was a king. And yet you decided to answer his silent plea:
"Sometimes I think that it could be a truly revolutionary thought in its simplicity." To his utmost surprise, you grabbed Dream's hand. Your skin felt hot against his cold palm as if he was a corpse brought back to life by your burning touch. Firmly and yet gently, you held his hand as you poured some of the birdfeed into his palm. "That all it takes to make the world a little better, a little warmer, is just a little bit of tenderness."
You let go of his hand and suddenly the sea breeze felt a lot more freezing than Morpheus previously thought. Had he not known the pleasant warmth of your skin, the cold weather wouldn't be so severe to him then. The same chilly air shook him awake and Dream raised his hand above the raft of mallards and opened his fingers to let the birdfeed freely fall into the murky water.
Only then, when the seeds, oats and corn spilt from his open hand and into the water to be gobbled by hungered mallards, did Morpheus experience a truly human enlightenment: those birds owed him nothing and neither did he to them. They had no means of feeling gratefulness or of rewarding his good deed. The secret of human morality and its inborn complexity was revealed to him in all of its simplicity. The King of Dreams finally understood that you helped because you could. Because you wanted to. No other reason was needed for the love you spread wherever life guided you.
He thought back to your warm touch and how it burned his cold skin. In its absence, everything felt unbearably cold to the point of undermining his peace of mind. Was that... tenderness?
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Tagging people who were interested in a follow-up: @rosaren2498 @jessiboobdbdb @chantzmar @lexi-anastasia @bisexualunicronrunningloose
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kittievampire · 1 year
Kin of the Demon Prince (pt. 9)
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Warnings: Cursing, Childhood Trauma, Mentions of Child Abuse, Mention of Alcohol Usage, Night Terrors, Diavolo x Fem! MC, MC is a fuckin unit
Link to part 1
Link to part 2
Link to part 3
Link to part 4
Link to part 5
Link to part 6
Link to part 7
Link to part 8
Link to part 10
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When did it get so dark?
You couldn't see anything. Couldn't feel anything. None of your senses were working properly.
Is this how it feels when nothing matters anymore? When you can't feel anything, not even pain?
None of the suffering you'd endured could reach you here.
There you were again, hidden away in the cabinet with the few pots and pans that were clean and unused. There was a loud crash and the sound of glass shattering that made you jump, heart dropping as you felt the sudden shifting of the pant beside you.
"Little bitch," You heard him growl out, a hiccup following soon after. "I won't hurt you badly if you come out now, yeah?" A loud thump was heard before he shouted your mother's name. You pushed your palms against your ears, tears streaming down your face and staining the wood of the cabinet.
Then, it was dark again.
The abyss that offered you a break from this nightmare. Your tired gaze shifted upward, and your facial features relaxed as you pulled your knees to your chest. If you could just stay here, that would be nice.
No worries. Not a care in the world.
You closed your eyes, letting out a sigh of bliss as you allowed all of your woes to drift away from you. You could even feel yourself drifting a little.
Something felt wrong.
"MC, wake up!"
"MC.... Selene, you have... wake up!"
"Diavolo... Realm... Solomon and Selene..."
The demon prince felt a chill run down his spine, gold eyes widening as he recognized the familiar feeling. However, this time it was more intense. An overwhelming feeling of dread washed over him, something icky pooled in his gut, and he felt like he might vomit from the discomfort alone. His mind began to ring, body shifting to accommodate the sudden change in emotion and the urgency of it. Barbatos was at his side immediately. "My Lord, are you alright?" He asked, Mammon letting out a yelp from the other side of the room.
Diavolo clenched his teeth together, brows furrowed, and pupils dilated as his eyes darkened. "Where are you?" He growled out, gold eyes flicking all over the map that was sprawled out on the table. "Damn sorcerer, where are you?!" He slammed his fist against the table, the friction of its legs against the floor making a sound just short of a screech.
He hunched over once more, the ringing in his head growing louder as his vision started to go blurry, and his hands started to feel numb from overwhelming nausea. Barbatos placed both hands on the demon prince, helping him stand upright and trying to get him to sit down. However, Diavolo would not sit. He would not rest for even a moment until he knew exactly where Selene was.
"Temple," He muttered, pulling the map closer to him for further inspection. "Thought it was destroyed years ago, yet it still stands... But where?" The butler at his side glanced at the map, motioning to one of the areas in the Middle East. "The sorcerer's temple was built in Jerusalem, which is now the capital of Israel, Lord." Diavolo swallowed a lump in his throat as the feeling slowly began to drift away.
Mammon was having a difficult time trying to find where he fits in this equation. He knew his role in regards to once they access the human world, but right now he wasn't doing anything. This made him restless.
Suddenly, the room door slammed open. Five of the Seven brothers were visible in the doorway, Lucifer in the back, guiding them all into the room before entering himself. "We want to help MC's child too, Diavolo!" Asmodeus declared, marching forward. "And if you think you can stop us, think again! We're coming to the human realm whether you like it or not! That sorcerer is going to pay for what he's doing to my adorable little niece, making me wait to go baby clothes shopping with MC!"
Lucifer let out a sigh, looking over at Diavolo. "It'd be in your best interest if we came along with you, Lord. He is a powerful wizard, and Belphegor will stay with MC for the time being." Satan nodded his head in agreement. "I've placed a temporary spell on Asmodeus, which I can do the same for Barbatos, to counter Solomon's summoning and control over them. Though it will last only a short while and can be broken easily if he catches wind of it," The blond stated. Mammon shot up. "Alright then! Let's get goin' yeah, Prince-Guy?"
Diavolo couldn't help but smile a little despite the lingering presence of the discomforting feeling. It felt nice knowing that his daughter would grow up so protected. It made him happy for the future.
However, if he wasted any more time daydreaming about a possible future with you and Selene, there was a slight chance that he may not get to see it.
"Take us to the human realm, Barb."
Belphegor sat at the side of your bed, trying desperately to wake you up. He was finding it difficult to get into your dreams, which was unusual. Perhaps Solomon's magic was rooted deep in your mind.
"Come on, MC, you've gotta wake up! They're going to find Selene, you can't be asleep when she gets here!"
The Avatar of Sloth let out a frustrated sigh, running his fingers through his messy hair. He'd already tried three more times to invade your dreams but to no avail. Something wasn't letting him in.
He rested his head on his folded arms, looking up at your sleeping face. "MC, please. Please wake up." Belphie's eyes slowly sealed shut.
He'd try one more time.
For you and for Selene.
Your eyes shot open, dried tears staining your cheeks, and ragged breath falling from your raspy throat. The wooden floors and the fireplace that were there made you aware that this wasn't the abyss, nor was it the nightmare you'd endured.
"Belphie?" You called out immediately, recognizing this place as the main living area of the House of Lamentation.
No answer.
You scrambled to your feet, wiping your face of any remaining salty tears. "Belphie?" You called out once more, hearing something shift behind you.
You spun around to see the white-haired sorcerer that had you under his spell. He smiled. "Not entirely correct, though Belphegor and Solomon do sound similar," He chuckled. "I must say, MC I'm impressed. Somehow you managed to escape the dreams I gave you, but I wouldn't expect anything less." Solomon grabbed a teacup that sat on the small table in front of him, taking a sip of his tea. "So I placed a cognitive version of myself here in your dream realm to keep you entertained until I'm ready for you to wake up."
You grabbed him by the collar, causing the teacup to shatter onto the floor, and pulled him close to you. "What did you do with her? Where is she?" You were met with a mere smile. "You should be proud, MC. Your daughter is going to be a part of something far greater than you'd ever imagine." That was the first time you'd seen him like this. The look in his eyes, the crookedness of his smile; Had he gone mad?
"What are you talking about?" You asked, voice lowering a bit. Solomon grasped your hand. "Rest assured, MC. I'll make good use of the child's sacrifice. Her power will not go to waste."
You froze, eyes widening. "Sacrifice?" You repeated softly, earning another chuckle from the man before you. Though, this time, you could practically taste the twistedness of his voice. "You seem troubled. Perhaps you should rest a while longer," He said, lifting a hand up to your face.
He was gone, and you were starting to feel drowsy.
You stumbled forward, hands resting on the couch before you as you struggled to stand. "You bastard! No!" Your legs gave out beneath you as your body became heavier.
Suddenly, you heard a loud crash. You glanced to the side, catching a glimpse of what appeared to be the Avatar of Sloth in the room. "MC!"
He disappeared.
"Wake up... Selene... Diavolo..."
You trembled, rubbing your eyes.
Yes, you had to think about them. Those two are the only people that matter right now, especially Selene.
You sure as hell were not going to give her up to that sorcerer willingly.
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Tag list; @lavynne , @jessiegerl , @romaissa , @krispsprite , @unlikelysublimekryptonite , @t-misaki , @zarakem , @darkflowerav , @lloydlovebot , @lovemidnighteclipse12 , @rose-ly , @quackimilktea , @traumamakesmefunnier , @buggaboorenegade , @simpinginthecorner , @thebixchyravenclaw , @pjsflowers , @basicgukk , @blue-rae18 , @mentallyunpresent
Likes, comments, and reblogs are welcome and appreciated!
Final part coming out next week!
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reticulating-splines · 10 months
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Chez Cromwell: Redux - Pt. 1
Magical Victorian Cat Mansion. Redone.
Part I: Exteriors | Part II
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So after the long-awaited addition of Infants and Ceilings to the game, I realized I should probably update my one furnished build (so far) for these features. Unfortunately I got carried away again and just ended up revamping the whole build from the exterior, to each individual room + some new ones! This version has also been more extensively play-tested over time with all age groups and pets, with some extra fire hazard and accessibility issues addressed.
It still has all the original Lot Features:
Victorian era historical build, fully playtested
Off-the-grid compatible
9 Bed / 6 bath
Library Greenhouse
Spellcaster's room
Outdoor smokehouse
Pleasure + kitchen gardens
Portal to the magic realm
Hidden cat room, litterroom, + catway system for Familiars
Staff/Servant's lounge w/ private stairs
Bedrooms for Butler, Nanny/Governess, and Maids
Lot size 30x40, fully landscaped
Cat Hangout, Peace and Quiet
Spooky lot challenge
As well as an extensive Changelog and list of New Features:
Revamped exteriors + interiors, roofs, and gardens
Ceilings for all rooms
Added even more windows somehow
Skylights for 3rd floor and wraparound verandah
Rooftop meditation-garden-yoga-summoning-circle
Portals! Small library located off the spell-room has been converted into the Portal Room with 3 portals leading throughout the house: one to the tower on the roof, one to the greenhouse in the back, and one to the third floor hall.
Moved Magic Realm Portal to rooftop garden
Put more cat doors everywhere, they enjoy using the catdoors and portals for zoomies
Sprinklers, alarms, and fire resistant flooring have been added around fireplaces.
Fireplace in the tower was removed for it's propensity to set the roof on fire and become unreachable and inextinguishable
Tower room has been converted into a Collections display room instead, a la sims 3
Portal in the tower/Collections room also makes potential burglaries more threatening, but if you’re an occult you’re expected to employ practical DADA techniques to avert this
Updated Nursery and Playroom for Infants
Redid terrain paint. Twice. Why tf does it just vanish randomly sometimes
NEW Magic Bean Hunt! Stump is located where the magic realm portal used to be and beans are strategically hidden around the lot. I'd love to see how long it takes for you to catch them all!
Washbasins for rooms without bathrooms now look like washbasins and are actually useable, both on and off grid
Added privacy hedges and lattices to backyard and fenced in chicken run
Potions Crafting Table added to Spell-room
Crafters Supply Cabinet added to Kitchen
Pocketed pocket doors
Secret Cat Room color scheme updated and cat-approved artwork added
Another Cat room added to 3rd floor
Magic Well has been shrunk
Rooftop area outside 3rd floor Study converted into rooftop Pavilion with chessboard and painting easel
Jack-and-Jill bathroom added for two of the third floor bedrooms
Toilet room removed and bath added for staff washrooms, for an equal 2-toilet/2-bath arrangement, which means the build now has a total of 7 full baths, and 8 toilets.
More crafting tables (fizz machine and candle maker) added to Staff Lounge
Yoga/Meditation Balcony for staff above greenhouse
Small telescope added to rooftop outside tower room’s new 2nd door
Garden lights around yard configured for power + off grid lighting
‘Bike racks’ added by front gate
New Library shelves seem to allow sims to retrieve books but not put them back. However this is actually a feature, not a bug, since now you can put the books back yourself on on the right shelves and keep things organized 🙃
Should now be consistently able to feed and be eaten by the Cowplant
Homey trait replaced by Gnome lot trait since there is a proliferation of gnomes
Lot: 40x30, $752,005, 9 bed 8 bath, Cat Hangout, Gnome, Peace and Quiet, Spooky Lot Challenge
Packs - packs in bold are essential:
EPs - Cottage Living, University, Island Living, Get Together, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats&Dogs, Eco Living, City Living, Get to Work
GPs - Realm Of Magic, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood, Vampires. Strangerville, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat
SPs - Paranormal, Laundry Day, Romantic Garden. Nifty Knitting, Vintage Glamour
Kits - Blooming Rooms, Desert Luxe
Patreon Download
Public: Available Dec 15th!
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months
★Korey 'Hathai' Adiel★
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New post to use as a ref yippeeee @aspenm00n
+the stats are inspired by @willowve01 old ref for Raine
Basics first~
Full name: Korey 'Hathai' Adiel.
Pronouns: She/They, but mostly goes by She/Her.
Realm: Al'terra
Home town: Aakhan
Ethnicity and race: Thai/Korean human.
Birthday: 28th of October
Age: 19 years old
Height: 5'4
Weight: 132 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Demigiri
Disorders: prosopagnosia and borderline personality disorder.
Job occupation: (formally) Dazinite recruit. (Current) Aakhan hunter
Affinities: lightning and fire
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Family members
Korey was born in Aakhan in a lavish yet unloving home. Spending most of her life trying to get her parents attention. The Adiel parents were very neglectful and emotionally abusive, to purposefully triggering Korey's episodes to guilt tripping Esra for leaving.
Korey has two brothers. The oldest is Esra, at 25 years old. The youngest is Noah, at 14 years old. They all get along greatly and have a very strong bond.
-Esra has already cut off his parents by now, and he absolutely refuses to see them again. He has a job and a loving wife and kid. He's not about to let them ruin it. He's always cool, calm, and collected, it's very difficult to really get under his skin. He graduated Thessla, the magic academy for mages, affinities being mind and water.
-Noah is kind of like a golden child, but also not really? He gets treated decently by their parents, unlike how his older siblings were treated, and he is very aware of it. He's very anxious and quiet, but can be brave. He has some big potential to use magic, but until he leaves the Adiel household, it's staying hidden.
Achara Hathai, the mother. She comes from a very strict family with a lot of traditions and rules to follow. She's the 5th of 6 daughters, she barely got any care from her parents, only by the maids. She was married off the day she turned 18 years old to Haneul Adiel. She's cold hearted, cruel, and is more than willing to manipulate others for her own advantage. She's a follower of Leo.
Haneul Adiel, the father. This man came from a very spoiled and entitled home. Raised by "loving" parents, who never once taught him punishment. His parents were the ones who watched over the kids. He was married to 18 year old Achara when he was 24 years old. He isn't a caring man, but a sadistic one. He's the one who'd torture Korey and Esra the most. Despite his spoiled unskilled appearance, he's a very talented mage, his affinities being lightning and mind. He's a follower of Daz.
-Their marriage was a loveless one, only conceiving children to keep the family line going. They both have no respect for each other, getting into arguments almost every day.
Little more about them here.
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Important backstory events.
I. At 3 years old, Korey was pushed fell and sustained a pretty hard hit to her head— but thankfully, was found by a munite, they called themselves "Amaal". She was quickly healed by them, but too late as the right fusiform gyrus (for those who don't know it's a fold in the brain that coordinates the neural system that controls facial perception and memory) had already been too damaged, developing prosopagnosia due to the head injury.
After the munite told her parents found out about this injury, they... didn't care. Which of course caused Amaal to be even more concerned, that they made up an excuse to keep Korey at the temple for a little longer, just to make sure she doesn't have any more injuries they don't know about.
From then on, Amaal would visit Korey and her brothers in disguise, making sure they were okay and still alive. Even giving Esra a few healing spells to practice, and teaching Korey to mentally note vocal mannerisms and physical build so she can be able to identify them without relying on facial features.
II. At 8 years old, Korey meets Jay. I wouldn't get into too much detail about their relationship here, since I already did it in a different post.
Jay's family is very, very close to the Adiels <- them and the Akeins have a long history together. They were visiting the Adiels with his family before seeing Korey in the yard, playing by herself. So he approached her. And his obsession started a year later from there. She actually did not like Jay at all when they were younger, but Korey was basically forced to be nice to him as kids by her parents, and it unfortunately grew into a habit that developed into whatever they have going on because it's definitely not a friendship.
More about Jay and Korey and some other important things here
III. At 9 years old, Korey of course still couldn't understand why she couldn't see her parents, and why they wouldn't look at her. So, she had tried to gouge out her eyes with a pair of scissors to give them to her parents so they'd use them to look at her. As in her mind at the time, they didn't have eyes to use, to see.
Don't worry though! Esra found her before she actually gouged out her eye. Though she can still see, some serious damage was done to her right eye, he tried to heal it with what spells Amaal taught him, but unfortunately made it worse since healing was not his speciality, like at all. He ended up using a different spell on accident, causing the blood to flow in it drastically faster, turning it red.
Like I said— she can still see, but in her right eye, it's all tinted red and it hurt like hell. When Amaal visited again, they tried to heal Korey's eye, but unfortunately the damage from Esra's spell was almost irreversible, all they can do is relieve the pain in it.
IV. At 12 years old, Korey accidentally killed two boys who were about 3 years older than her at the time. The boys were bullying and hitting her badly, saying some pretty fucked up stuff, it was until one of the boys reached for her clothes was when snapped. Punching the boy off of her, before starting to slam his head on a rock over and over.
The other boy, too scared to intervene, but before he could run away, she ended up throwing a pretty hefty rock at his head. Killing both of them, and severely mentally scarring her. Thankfully for Korey, the murder wasn't pointed at her, but a violent halfblood who was roaming the woods. But still, even to this day the guilt still eats her from the inside.
Korey only told Amaal about what she's done, and safe to say they were not happy. They put her on community service duty for the rest of the year, while a very lenient punishment to killing two kids, they understood it was in self defense...also she was 12—
V. At 14 years old, Jay was brutally killed by a violent tiger halfblood, getting their guts ripped out as Korey could only helplessly watch. After it was done with Jay, Korey was also attacked by it, slitting her neck with its claws. But thankfully, she was saved by a hunter nearby called...'Warren'. influencing her enough that she decided to join the hunters. But of course, she was still too young to join. So for now she can only train.
Oh boy, were her brothers and Amaal very worried when they found out what had happened to Korey and her "friend".
Amaal, as a way to get her to stop from getting into so many dangerous activities, suggested they become a Dazinite recruit. Her entire family are ones, excluding Esra and Achara. So, she did, and it worked quite well. She stopped getting into too many fights, but was still quite the menace– pretty fitting for a stormchaser. And Amaal didn't have to worry as much about Korey getting severely injured, so it's a win-win situation!
VI. At 16 years old, she was quite literally struck down by lightning. Out of pity, the divine of Weather, Daz. Helped and gifted her a bottle with thunder inside of it..catch is, it was in liquid state. Essentially making her a muse. So far, only Esra and Amaal know about this.
Esra was very worried at first, but he'll warm up to it, eventually. Amaal was a little proud? I mean, their daughter figure just got gifted by a divine. But they were a little concerned about the potential repercussions and consequences..oh and her getting hit by a damn lightning bolt.
Noah has some suspicions of Korey being.. different. But of course he trusts his siblings too much to let his suspicions get in the way of their bond.
VII. At 18 years old, Korey finally meets Cersei. She's old enough to go on hunts now, but of course the older authority figures need to make sure she's ready-ready. And that authority figure happened to be mistress Fain herself.
The conversation was... something. Definitely not a normal interaction you have with someone. Lady Fain seemed to have been a bit suspicious of her being different per-say. But in the end, she was surprisingly very thoughtful of her and others, or at least she acted like that.
Circei had that motherly affect on Korey, but it felt so wrong seeing her as one.
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Facts about her
—Korey's the type of person that would stab you as a warning.
—she is so ADHD and Autism coded it's not even funny.
—has a scrapbook with all the bugs and boys drawn in it so she won't forget what they look like and she will actually start sobbing if she ever lost it.
—she can speak Thai, English, and a lil bit of Korean.
— her episodes can either be violent (mainly to herself) or emotional. Her coping mechanism is finding an abandoned building and destroying it by taking her anger out on the things there. There are rare occasions where she talks about her feelings instead of bottling it up for so long it turns into an episode.
—she can barely remember what her parents faces look like, of course Korey pretty much relied on the person's voice to know who's who, but since her parents barely ever spoke to her, it takes her a while to recognise them.
—her grandparents, while mostly nice, were really possessive of her and her siblings. Never approving of her actions and choices, preferring for her to be more feminine and hide her scars. Korey kinda developed body dysmorphia from this, it was especially bad when she was younger
—she kinda had a grudge against halfbloods since she was attacked by one, but it was really only towards the more apex predators type of halfbloods. It was kinda resolved when she met the boys, but can be a bit suspicious if not paranoid meeting other halfbloods.
Of course she doesn't agree with the whole enslaving thing, but does agree that some halfbloods are too dangerous to be left alone, that some need to be put on a watch list by the hunters from how violent they can be. But, never drugged, enslaved and forced to fight.
—has very mixed feelings about Cersei. She understands where she's coming from. Her town got burned down, her family killed, and ended up having a miscarriage after trying to escape. All of that caused by a dragon halfblood.
Korey is an advocate for revenge, don't get me wrong! But she does think that Cersei's ideology went a little too far.
—she is very oblivious to more emotional feelings and weirdly observant to her opponents reactions. she was often mistaken as apathetic or heartless by the village people.
—best way to cheer her up? Cinnamon rolls. Or bibimbap! It's her favourite dish! Her grandparents used to make it for her before passing away
—don't let her anywhere near the kitchen though. She can help cut up the vegetables, but actually cooking? Yeah the place is getting burned down.
Her sense of direction is even worse than her cooking.
—she's both exciting and worrying to be around. Exciting because there will never be a dull moment with all the adventures and quests she comes up with. Worrying because she's a thrill seeker and will most likely purposefully put herself in danger just for the adrenaline.
—she's annoyingly good at fighting with insanely fast reflexes. One could argue because she's a muse, or because she's put herself in so many dangerous situations she learned it from experience. But either way, thanks to her risky endeavours, she's very agile and fast,
—but! While very reckless and careless of her self preservation. She always makes sure the others are okay, especially when they seem exhausted after a day out together. She knows not everyone can keep up with her energy.
—crimes include: arson, second degree murder, child endangerment, implied underage drinking, trespassing, vandalism, and–
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Korey's stats before Silverben +after becoming a muse
Strength: 6/5
Speed: 7/5
Attack: 5.5/5
Agility: 7/5
Reflex: 7/5
Combat intel: 5/5
Defense: 5.5/5
Durability: 6/5
Stamina: 7/5
Korey's stats after Silverben
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 4.5/5
Attack: 3.5/5
Agility: 4/5
Reflex: 6/5
Combat intel: 5/5
Defense: 4/5
Durability: 5/5
Stamina: 4/5
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Relationships family wise
Esra Adiel—ISFJ-A
Relationship: 9/10
he's her older brother, of course she has a good relationship with him! Even when he ran away to go live happily with his wife, Diana. He'd still come back on the weekends to check up on her and Noah, bringing all sorts of trinkets for them. He was the one who first encouraged her to join the academy when she reached 18 years old and not become a hunter instead.. but he understood her choices.
She did kinda hold the fact that he left them to marry a girl he just met against him. But he's made it up to her and Noah!
Esra is very quiet, always looking for ways to gain more knowledge, and stopping at nothing to protect his family.
Noah Adiel—ESFJ-T
Relationship: 10/10
Just like with Esra~ she has a very good relationship with him! Was very saddened when she couldn't be there for him as much. But she tries to visit him as much as possible! Taking every opportunity to go check up on him. She'd occasionally take him on her silly little adventures, just to spend time with him.
Noah is quite the anxious kid, preferring to stay silent then speak up his thoughts. But is brave when the situation calls for it, especially if it's to protect his siblings.
Diana Clair—ISFJ-A
Relationship: 8/10 only because she doesn't know her a lot
She never got to see her a lot, but she treasures her dearly! Along with her daughter, Ayla! Especially since she's her brother's wife. Was wary of her at first, but warmed up quickly!
Miss Clair is a very kind woman, eager to help anyone in need. Even if she's mute, she's more than willing to defend others!
Jay Akein—ENTP-T
Relationship: 0/10
...yeah I'm not getting into this one.
Achara and Haneul—ENTJ-A/T
Relationship: 0/10
Also no.
Relationships canon characters wise, also before Timmy was taken
Bodie Willowroot.
Relationship: 9/10
She was very, very suspicious of him when they first met. But warmed up to him quite quickly. She first started considering trusting him at the end of episode 1...and fully trusted him at the end of episode 3.
The reason why she even told him the truth about why she came here was because the guilt was eating her alive. Especially after the third episode-
Thinks he's pretty cool, gator halfbloods are quite rare these days. She tries to help him with the cooking but stays at the cutting duty– it's for the best. Likes how understanding and caring he is, he's almost like a father figure to her.
He reminds her a lot of Amaal and Esra combined.
Timothy Wheat.
Relationship: 10/10
Wasn't that suspicious of him tbh, she just assumed since he was also a gator, he'd know and be close to Bodie, and she was right!
She thinks he's... unique. Was suspicious of the white scales constantly growing on him, but let it go after the albino excuse before finding out he was half an ice dragon— but either way she really likes him!
Thinks his little obsession with crystals and cool rocks is pretty cute, she likes shiny things too, so that's one thing they can bond over! They'll even sometimes go search for some pretty rocks and ingredients for Bodie together. Most likely teasing each other on the way, Korey is often the winner of these silly fights.
Honestly, she really only prefers his company over the others because he's closer to her age. And because she thinks he's pretty and cool.
Marco Palustris Cydarki.
Relationship: 7.5/10
Was pretty salty on the fact he almost crushed her when they first met– but the sketch he gave definitely made it up. She thinks he's also very unique, probably more than Timmy. Is very curious on where he keeps disappearing and travelling off to.
Definitely won her trust by the end of their first meeting. But, her trust did kinda get rocky when she saw him at the arena, but it was resolved after he explained himself.
She still doesn't have much of an opinion on him, but she likes him.
Rolden Willowroot bonus tehe
Relationship: 5(?)/10 cuz she barely knows the guy
Boy was she terrified—
Okay not terrified per say, just very intimidated by him. But she does think his appearance is pretty cool.
And..uh..she uh...likes his determination to get his family out? My way of saying she doesn't have much of an opinion on him
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And I think that's all!~ will be updating this post as the series progresses.
Headers are by @saradika btw, full credit to them!
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Fill the void
!!Contains mild spoilers from TGCF Book 6!!
Warnings: some gory descriptions as metaphors, yearning, pining and suffering
Summary: Xie Lian's sad evil girl arc ft Wu Ming and stargazing
Let me know what you think! <3
It’s strange – everything is, of course, the world turned upside down, tilted wrong on its axis like it has fallen off its rhythm, spinning aimlessly into a dark abyss – but this is a different kind of strange, darker, desperate and demanding. Xie Lian feels it like a restless, hungry snake coiling angrily against the walls of the too small enclosure of his ribcage, attacking aimlessly with the purpose of tearing its cage apart.
He doesn’t know what to make of it, how to quench it enough so it’s bearable – so he tries to suppress it, to starve it for attention enough for it to wither away, to cram it into the darkest corners of his heart and seal it away like an unwanted creature.
He cannot. Not when the feeling electrifies inside him like lightning every time he lays his eyes upon this impossibly devoted, loyal man that’s attached himself to Xie Lian for reasons only he knows the depth of.
Xie Lian hates this, the feeling in his chest, writhing around his heart like it’s trying to squeeze it until it breaks into a mess of blood and pulsing veins – he hates it, he doesn’t want it, doesn’t understand it, doesn’t need it, not right now, not like this, not ever-
He’s become angrier, it’s made him more irritable, quicker to bloodshed and yet less satisfied with it. No matter what he does, the feeling inside of him will not accept it. There is no loophole this time, nothing that will work except the one thing Xie Lian has decided he will always deny himself.
The night sky glitters impassively above them, endless, an expanse of darkness dotted with flickering lights, the faded image of the Milky Way stretching like a band of jewels against black velvet.
Xie Lian stares up at it, as if trying to peer behind it, into the heavens, past the glamor that hides the heavenly capital from the mortal realm. He knows they’re there, all of them impassive to the happenings of the world below, gathering merits for the lowest of favors granted in return, unwilling to leave their glittering palaces and expensive layers of silk to walk the cursed earth that rose them to the skies.
Not that Xie Lian has much mercy left for this plane either. He can still feel the phantom of a sword – of a hundred swords – digging into his innards sometimes, cruel, relentless, unforgiving, tearing into soft tissue and a loving heart.
His body has healed, as it has always done. But nothing was left of the kindness, the paroxysmal selflessness and need to help the powerless. All Xie Lian feels instead is at best apathy, at worst rage. Most days, he’s consumed with the need for revenge and most nights he fights that unnamed feeling gnawing at his chest.
He doesn’t remember the last time he slept, or ate, or drank anything – yet he doesn’t feel tired, famished or thirsty, walking the planes of existence much like a restless ghost, haunting and wrathful.
He rests against the large trunk of an old tree, time and the beasts of the forest having dug a sizeable caving in the wood. It feels almost like a little nest, tucked away from the world, with only moonlight to shroud it in a delicate veil of light.
His fingers grasp at his mask and he finally removes  it, the cool night air a benediction to his sunken features. Lately, he has not been able to be without his mask, as if ashamed to show himself, warring with his past and the present, his features reminding him too much of how he used to be for it not to feel revulsive.
But now, here, in this hidden abode, with only the moon and the dark silhouettes of olden trees, he allows himself some freedom. It feels more stifling than freeing, and he nearly reaches for the mask again when he hears the rustle of leaves and footsteps.
But he knows who it is – and for some reason, he decides he won’t hide right now.
Wu Ming stands a little a-ways, as he always does, close enough to be at Xie Lians disposal but not to the point he’s intrusive. Keeping a respectful distance, a guard standing watch for his prince, a servant ready to attend to his master’s orders.
Somehow, this is not what Xie Lian wants tonight.
“Come here.” He says, not bothering to look towards the other or to check whether he heard those two words, spoken in a quiet, monotone voice against the low hum of the forest. He always does what he’s told, loyal to a fault, and Xie Lian does not need confirmation for anything he asks Wu Ming to do. It is comforting as much as it unsettles the nameless thing curling insistently in Xie Lian’s chest.
 It is moments later that Wu Ming sits next to him, the opening in the tree trunk enough for both of them. Neither say anything for a while, staring up at the sky, eyes fighting against the brightness of moonlight to look at the distant stars in the background.
Xie Lian feels strangely…comfortable is too much to say, but the feeling is similar to that, a placid, uncharged atmosphere. If he were to compare it to something, it would have to be the undisturbed surface of a lake reflecting the sky like a mirror.
The dark canvas of the night moves imperceptibly with the rotation of the planet as both Xie Lian and Wu Ming stare at it. Like the blade of a precise spiritual sword, a shooting star draws a momentary linbe of bright white against the muted colors of the distant stars.
Something soft, mournful almost, passes over Xie Lian’s features, the mask of neutral indifference giving way to melancholy.
“Have you ever looked up at the expanse of the stars and wondered how many of them are dead?”
The words hang heavily into the air, the soft tone in Xie Lian’s voice almost foreign to his own ears. He sounds… vulnerable, almost. It grates his ears, that raw, unfiltered emotion etched into every syllable – but he’s said it already and so he can now do nothing but await an answer. Though he would be strangely alright with none at all as well. Companionship is enough for him right now, even if it is silent.
“Most of them probably are.” Wu Ming replies at last, “By the time their light reaches us, so far away into the distance, perhaps their source has already extinguished.”
It is a heavy piece of knowledge to the unexpectedly fragile state Xie Lian finds himself in this night. To think even the stars above are little more than ghosts, impressions of themselves trapped onto a canvas like a child’s fingerprints in ink on a funerary portrait.
“You’re right…” he murmurs quietly, a long pause following. “But there is a part of me that wants to think that some of them are still alive. I want to be selfish and hope that a few – even one, hasn’t died yet. Just one.”
Though Xie Lian cannot properly see it, he could swear he saw a smile pull at his face, the visible side of it rippling slightly where his mouth is.
“Which one should it be?” he asks, his voice just a tiny bit lighter, almost playful as he points towards a bright, shining star above their heads. “That one?”
Xie Lian looks at it, a brightly visible dot that stands out almost too much against the night sky. He frowns slightly – no, that one cannot be alive, not with how powerfully it shines, it must have burnt out by now. The most beautiful, the brightest of stars fade the quickest, leaving behind dying embers. Xie Lian knows best.
“No, not that one.” He replies, with a hint of sadness in his voice despite the small smile on his lips.
Wu Ming nods imperceptibly and points towards another star, smaller than the first but nonetheless bright, surrounded by a cluster of other little ones, like followers swarming to their favorite god.
“No, not that one either.”
Wu Ming stares up at the night sky for a longer time after that, searching. Xie Lian finds his little game rather cute, the way he’s taking it so seriously though it is so silly. He knows this is just Wu Ming trying to give him some hope, the way he does with every one of those white flowers Xie Lian always refuses.
Eventually, Wu Ming points to another star, so small and faded Xie Lian must narrow his eyes in concentration to see it. Its light flickers like a candle fighting against a powerful wind, surrounded by darkness – but it appears to be fighting against the void, refusing to be swallowed, wanting to be seen with every pulse of light it emits. It has not been granted brightness like the others, instead it must work hard to be noticed, to fulfill its purpose.
“How about that one?”
A small, soft smile pulls at Xie Lian’s lips, this time not shadowed by sorrow or bitterness – instead, it seems nearly hopeful.
“Yes, that one… that one’s perfect.”
“Then may that one be alive, wherever it may be in the heavens.”
He sighs wistfully, looking at the small, struggling dot in the sky. Hope feels strange as well, most of everything does these days, but this is not the kind of discomfort that Xie Lian finds unpleasant.
The silence returns between the wo figures sat in the hollow of that tree trunk as their gazes return to the infinite canvas of the night sky.
Xie Lian finds himself drawn to that star no matter how far his gaze wanders.
“Do you believe in wishes, Wu Ming?”
The reply comes after a few beats of silence. “I do, yes.”
Xie Lian looks at him, for a moment wishes he could see him, without the mask, without any barriers. It is an invasive, selfish thought and Xie Lian is quick to admonish himself for it. It is not his place, nor is it his business.
He yearns for it still, though.
He’s quiet for a moment more, before he asks, “If you cold have any wish granted to you right now, what would you ask for?”
This time, he is quite sure Wu Ming is smiling beneath his mask as he talks, his voice so much softer than usual. “I would wish to be allowed to always be by my beloved’s side.”
The answer is simple and straightforward in the same way that it is both complex and elusive. For a split second, Xie Lian feels that unnamed thing inside his chest tighten unpleasantly, like it has been angered. The thought of Wu Ming standing by another’s side makes that feeling swirl like poison in Xie Lian’s mouth.
He doesn’t want to confront that feeling, not even acknowledge, let alone understand what it is.
“A good wish…” he replies distantly, his voice again monotone.
“What about you, your highness? What would you wish for if you knew it would not be denied?”
Xie Lian pauses at that, as he has always done whenever asked about what he wanted. What did he want? He used to think he knew. The first thing that pops into his brain is revenge. For himself, for his family, for his people, for his kingdom. For all the pain endured, for all the losses and the despair, for the lost grace and the rotting carcass of the person he used to be.
The second thing, he cannot say it. His body fills with a sense of shame so great it is nearly overwhelming, so he refuses to so much as think it a second time.
“I do not believe in wishes.” Xie Lian replies instead. “There is nobody to grant them.”
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chandapai · 3 months
Apply These 7 Secret Techniques to Improve Your Jug
Bubble Bratz In the realm of beverage containers, the humble jug often goes unnoticed. However, it plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, from serving drinks at gatherings to storing liquids in the kitchen. Improving the functionality and aesthetics of your jug can enhance its usability and appeal. Here are seven secret techniques to elevate your jug to new heights.
1. Choose the Right Material
The material of your jug significantly impacts its performance and longevity. Traditional materials like glass, ceramic, and stainless steel each have unique advantages:
Glass: A classic choice, glass jugs are non-reactive, making them ideal for storing acidic beverages like juices and wine. They also allow you to see the contents, adding a visual appeal. However, they can be fragile and heavy.
Ceramic: Ceramic jugs are aesthetically pleasing and can keep liquids cool for longer periods. They are also non-reactive but can be prone to chipping.
Stainless Steel: Known for its durability and lightweight nature, stainless steel jugs are excellent for both hot and cold beverages. They are also easy to clean and maintain.
2. Ergonomic Design
An ergonomic design ensures that your jug is comfortable to use, reducing strain on your hand and wrist. Look for jugs with handles that fit your grip naturally and spouts that pour smoothly without dripping. A well-designed jug should have a balanced weight distribution to prevent spills and make pouring easier.
3. Innovative Spout Technology
The spout is a crucial component of any jug, determining how smoothly and accurately you can pour liquids. Some advanced spout technologies to consider include:
Drip-Free Spouts: Designed to prevent drips and spills, these spouts ensure a clean pour every time.
Filtered Spouts: Ideal for jugs used to serve beverages like iced tea or fruit-infused water, filtered spouts keep unwanted particles from entering your glass.
Adjustable Flow Spouts: These spouts allow you to control the flow rate, making it easier to pour without splashing.
4. Insulation for Temperature Control
Insulated jugs are essential for maintaining the temperature of your beverages. Double-walled insulation keeps cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot for extended periods. This feature is especially beneficial for outdoor events or long gatherings where you want to ensure your drinks stay at the desired temperature.
5. Aesthetic Appeal
A visually appealing jug can enhance the overall dining experience. Consider the following elements to improve the aesthetic appeal of your jug:
Color and Finish: Choose a color and finish that complements your kitchen or dining decor. Matte finishes offer a contemporary look, while glossy finishes provide a classic appeal.
Patterns and Designs: Unique patterns and designs can make your jug a focal point. Hand-painted ceramics or etched glass can add an artistic touch.
Custom Labels: Personalizing your jug with custom labels or engravings can make it a special item, perfect for gifts or special occasions.
6. Ease of Cleaning
A jug that is easy to clean will ensure hygiene and longevity. Here are some tips to enhance the cleanliness of your jug:
Wide Mouth Openings: Jugs with wide mouth openings are easier to clean, allowing you to reach all corners and remove any residue.
Dishwasher Safe: Ensure your jug is dishwasher safe for convenient and thorough cleaning.
Removable Parts: Jugs with removable spouts or handles are easier to disassemble and clean, ensuring no hidden spots for bacteria to grow.
7. Multi-Functional Use
A versatile jug can serve multiple purposes, making it a valuable addition to your kitchen. Consider these multi-functional features:
Infuser Insert: An infuser insert allows you to add fruits, herbs, or tea bags to your jug, creating flavored beverages with ease.
Measurement Markings: Jugs with measurement markings are useful for cooking and baking, allowing you to measure liquids accurately.
Stackable Design: Stackable jugs save space in your kitchen and are convenient for storage.
Improving your jug with these seven secret techniques can enhance its functionality, aesthetic appeal, and overall user experience. Whether you're hosting a party, preparing a family meal, or simply enjoying a refreshing drink, a well-designed jug can make a significant difference. By choosing the right material, focusing on ergonomic design, incorporating innovative spout technology, ensuring proper insulation, enhancing aesthetic appeal, making cleaning easier, and adding multi-functional features, you can transform your jug into a versatile and indispensable kitchen tool.
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active-mind-15 · 5 months
I had so much fun with the KNB × Sky COTL headcanons I made the other day that I had to come back for some more!
One of my headcanons for Momoi in that post was that she likes to make shared spaces in secluded areas of the map for the whole squad to hang out in. So, while I was playing Sky today, I took screenshots of the secluded areas I think she would make shared spaces in (ft. my Sky kid because I can't take a screenshot without them being in it). The realms these areas are located in will be in brackets. Enjoy! 🫶🏾
1. The Wind Path entrance above the Cave of Prophesies (Isle of Dawn)
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2. The secret grassy area above Prarie Caves (Daylight Prarie)
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3. The floating island with a triple waterfall in Sanctuary Islands (Daylight Prarie)
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4. The underground cave in the Sunny Forest (Hidden Forest)
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5. The rocky ledge in the far corner of Hermit Valley (Valley of Triumph)
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6. The beach area in Treasure Reef (Golden Wasteland)
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7. The golden spirit tree in the Hidden Glade (Vault of Knowledge)
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8. The campfire site near the base of Eden in Starlit Desert (Vault of Knowledge)
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I would think after a long day of doing quests and forging candles, everyone would just come to one of these spots, open her shared space, and just decompress and talk with each other using the in-game chat feature. It's very relaxing, and since the areas are normally secluded, not many people bother them.
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
This'll sound wild, but I kinda want Disney Animation to make their own Kingdom Hearts movie. HEAR ME OUT.
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It definitely felt like a good film to make to celebrate 100 years, but I've got several stipulations:
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Rather than relying on fanservice, I'd want to focus completely on the original aspects of this. I know it's ironic for Disney to make a film based on a video game series featuring many Disney movies and remove all of them, but it's better to focus on the original characters here, given that they already have A LOT going on. I don't mind Disney references, though! (Honestly, after KH2, the series relied mostly on it's own story while the Disney worlds felt like pit stops in the main plot, so in retrospect, it'd be better to stick to original content.)
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2. Sora, Riku, and Kairi would be the main characters in lieu of Sora with Donald and Goofy, while the villains would be Xehanort (who can change shape, allowing us to see him as younger versions of himself, and shapeshifting as other characters to mess with the group's minds), Marluxia, Terra, Vanitas, Xigbar, Larxene, Axel, Saix, Demyx and Luxord. The rest would simply be assistants/guards for Ansem the wise, as they were in the games before becoming nobodies. Regular monsters would not exist here, except for the Unversed, since Vanitas summons them himself, and the fact that most of O10 are nobodies. Xehanort would manipulate darkness, while the other O10 members would use their magical weapons as usual. The villain backgrounds outside of Xehanort's are explored, albeit briefly. This shouldn't be a problem; Axel/Saix, Larxene/Marluxia, Vanitas, and Terra's don't have an immense amount of details in their backstories that have to be explained. Xigbar, Demyx, and Luxord may need some extra time to explain, though. I'd also remove Namine and give Kairi her powers over memory; I'm kinda mixed about this since we have so many characters, but I did want to improve the female-to-male ratio.
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3. Have Terra join Ansem of his own volition after Xehanort sends Aqua into the realm of darkness and Vanitas "kills" Ventus (he's actually been hidden away by Aqua beforehand, but Terra doesn't know this). He joins Ansem the Wise as an apprentice, furthering his research into the nature of hearts without the latter realizing his malicious intentions.
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4. Give Ansem the Wise the role of Yen Sid, making him much more altruistic (and magical) than in the games. His investigation is tied with creating life and controlling others--moreso curiosity rather than actual plans to utilize it, largely encouraged by Terra in order for Xehanort to learn better how to control the hearts of others.
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5. Terra serves as a cautionary tale for Riku, but Xehanort manages to break his mind and enlist him into the ranks. Unlike Terra, who sadly obeys, Riku is much controlled, becoming cruel and condescending, similar to his arc in KH1 and Sasuke Uchiha.
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6. Flashbacks are given to the Wayfinder Trio, but nothing to take up too much time. Just give us the idea: they fought Xehanort, and they lost. I do like the idea that Ventus and Vanitas are his sons--well, Ventus is his son while Vanitas is the darkness taken from him and raised alongside him, until Xehanort abuses him once Xehanort kidnaps Ventus to get him away from Xehanort. It's better than expanding on the lore with the Foretellers (though I'd probably have them mentioned as the founders of the kingdom the film is set in without involving them too much), and we can still keep the reason why Vanitas looks like Sora. I'd also like their colors to be more apparent in their outfits (Ventus in green, Terra in red, and Aqua in a more vibrant blue). Plus explaining how Eraqus was Xehanort's childhood best friend until Xehanort was forced to kill him is a good way to explain how far our villain has fallen--I do want to nix Eraqus trying to kill Ven, though; instead he's the one trying to hide Ventus, before Vanitas and Xehanort intercept him. Xehanort kills Eraqus, and Aqua fends off Vanitas while she hides Ventus.
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7. Neither Roxas nor Xion exist. Axel just befriends Ventus and Kairi instead. I feel like it creates more confusion (Sora has to become a nobody for Roxas to exist, and Xemnas to capture Sora in order to get his memories of Kairi to make Xion) to include them. These friendships make him question working for the Organization, hurting Saix. In fact, Vanitas and Kairi's pure hearts of light is what makes them uniquely strong against Xehanort, which is why Xehanort wants to capture them (plus to prevent Axel's swaying allegiance). Ventus is also of pivotal importance once Xehanort corrupts Aqua, as he becomes concerned that seeing him will break his control/influence over them.
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8. Xehanort's goal is clear. I'm super confused in the game what he wants, and something that I'd love is his quest for equality with light and darkness; as Fairy Godmother said, "strong rays of light create long shadows." Perhaps his world is consumed in darkness, or his home was filled with light, creating disproportionate corruption in other parts of the world. Plus this is reflected in his sons, Ventus and Vanitas: Vanitas is the embodiment of darkness, while Vanitas is pure light. Plus he'd keep his ability to see into the hearts of others, explaining his interest in Ansem. I'd nix the time travel abilities, though.
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9. Make it a musical. No, I'm not kidding. I love Disney musicals, and I'd love for it to have amazing original songs to go with the score. Hikaru Utada co-writing the songs would be nice.
I know a lot of people will bash this, but I hope you at least indulge me! Lemme know if you have any questions. I may tweak this later.
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librathefangirl · 2 years
There All Along
ao3 (800+; One-Shot)
King sighed, slumping over Chastiefol. It wasn’t like it was really a surprise. Sure, King had been shocked – he’d never seen Meliodas demon form before – but he can’t say he was surprised. Of course, he hadn’t known Meliodas was a demon. Though he had suspected it. There were some things about Meliodas that didn’t make sense. Now they did. “You’re upset.” King buried his face in Chastiefol at the sudden voice. “I’m not really in the mood to talk, Gowther.” Febuwhump Day 6: Secrets Revealed.
Canon timeline, who’s that? 😂 Also, despite the similarities with Meliodas’ demonic features, this has nothing to do with my Monsters Sins AU. I just like making him look more demon.
Read on ao3 or under the cut!
The mage lifter her hand, speaking unfamiliar words, and the image broke. It didn’t happen gradually. It wasn’t a fog clearing. It was a mirror shattering. Like someone pulling the curtain, finally revealing what was behind all along.
What had always been there.
King pressed Chastiefol closer to his chest, staring up at the sky. His brow pulled together as the memory played in his mind.
Meliodas didn’t move as his appearance changed. As his façade fell. Black dragon-like wings, horns, a mark of darkness. True demonic features.
King sighed, slumping over Chastiefol. It wasn’t like it was really a surprise. Sure, King had been shocked – he’d never seen Meliodas demon form before – but he can’t say he was surprised. Of course, he hadn’t known Meliodas was a demon. Though he had suspected it. There were some things about Meliodas that didn’t make sense. Now they did.
“You’re upset.”
King buried his face in Chastiefol at the sudden voice.
“I’m not really in the mood to talk, Gowther.”
The Sin of Lust didn’t listen. He simply sat down beside him. King glanced at him, watching him look up at the same sky King had just been glaring at. They sat like that for a few minutes before King’s frustration got the better of him.
“You’re not going to say anything?”
“You said you didn’t want to talk,” Gowther pointed out, turning to face him.
“I don’t,” King grit out. “So you’re just going to say I’m upset and then not talk?”
“It was an observation. We don’t have to talk about it.” Gowther tilted his head, thinking for a moment. King knew he wasn’t going to like what he said next. “But talking about it can help.”
Yep, not liking it. He almost wished Gowther hadn’t regained his memories and emotions, just so he’d leave him alone. Then again, he probably wouldn’t have anyway.
King sighed, “Of course I’m upset. I don’t know how you’re not.”
He might have suspected it, but it didn’t mean he wanted it proven that not only was his captain a demon, but he’d hidden it from them for years.
“Why would I be upset?”
“Why wouldn’t you be?!” King exclaimed, feeling his frustration rise yet again. “How can you act as if nothing’s changed. He’s been lying to us!”
“The captain has never said he wasn’t a demon,” Gowther reminded. And, yeah, he had a point.
“Wait a second.” Another thought suddenly hit King. He regarded Gowther for a moment. Gowther, another sin from the Demon Realm.
“You knew, didn’t you?” King finally asked. His shoulders slumped as Gowther looked at him confused. King clarified, "That Meliodas is a demon. You’ve known all along, haven’t you?”
“Of course I know,” Gowther acknowledged. “The original Gowther was Captain’s close friend.”
“But nothing has changed,” Gowther continued. He shifted slightly so he could look back down the hill they were sitting on. Reluctantly King did the same. He followed Gowther’s gaze, watching the same scene he did, wondering how they could see so different things.
The scene itself wasn’t anything new. A tale as old as their group. The rest of the sins, gathered together, talking, drinking, enjoying each other’s company. Meliodas and Ban looked like they were caught up in another ridiculous game. Ban had his arm casually thrown over Meliodas shoulders.
Nothing new, but at the same time, completely new. With only the sins around, Meliodas hadn’t bothered concealing his demonic features again. When King watched them all he really saw was the horn that Ban playfully tugged in his drunken stupor, and they way Meliodas’ wings unfolded for a split second to keep him from falling over.
“How can you say that?” King asked, looking back at Gowther. “That nothing has changed?”
Gowther seemed to think his words over before he answered, “When you say nothing, you refer strictly to the captain, correct?”
“Well, then nothing has changed,” Gowther stated simply, causing King to let out a frustrated sound. Gowther turned towards, his gaze serious as he met King’s.
“The captain hasn’t changed,” he repeated. “He has always been a demon. The only thing that has changed is your knowledge and perception of him.”
King glanced back at the others. Meliodas shoved Ban off him with a punch, in the same way he always did. The same spark in his eyes, the same laugh on his lips.
“Maybe I’m the one who’s changed,” King mumbled as Gowther stood up beside him. The doll paused for a moment.
“You know, you’re not the only one who is upset tonight. The captain is just better at hiding it. Perhaps the reason he hasn’t been honest about himself is because he’s been afraid of how you’d react.”
King looked down at his hands, fiddling with Chastiefol.
“But talking about it helps?” he commented, reusing Gowther’s earlier words.
“It can.”
“Yeah…” King looked down at Meliodas once more. “Maybe you’re right.”
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tnc-n3cl · 2 years
Zonai-Rito Connections?
As part of my LoZ fanfic, “The Realm Walker,” there’s (eventually) trips to lands outside of Hyrule.  I was doing research in BotW to try and get an idea of what’s beyond the edges of the map to draw my own simple map of the world (which I won’t post as is here, as it’s WAY too big, you can check it out on my DA gallery if you’re interested).  You can’t get much of an idea of what’s to the southeast of Hyrule, but by standing on top of the Lomei Labyrinth Island you can get see that the bottomless pit at the north and west of the map (I call it the Great Scar Canyon BTW) ends with the little rock spires looping into the tall mountains at the edge of the map.
So, after doing that, I decided to go down into the secret room in the basement and murder all the Guardians there for the LOLs and saw this…
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…And thought to myself, “Wait that looks kinda like the symbol in the trailer for TotK…”
Specifically, one of the “tear” symbols that appears on the wall carving at 0:24, just you know, rounder.  Then I was playing HWAOC to get some screenshots of its map to base my map on and lo and behold I notice this…
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…There’s a swirl pattern on Revali’s armor!  It’s a bit different, looking like a “6” on his back but a “9” on his chest.  It’s hard to see cause of the scarf, but it looks like the “9’s” are connected.  Is this evidence that the Rito were influenced by the Zonai?  Maybe it’s a coincidence, but then there’s this…
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…Right there on Teba’s armor, flanking the Rito crest, are symbols that look even more like the “tear” than the little swirls on Revali’s armor!  Could some of the Sky Islands have been present above the clouds of Hyrule before the events of TotK and the Rito saw them?  Or perhaps the Rito found other ruins of the Zonai people and copied this symbol?  Could the Zonai have shared this symbol with them in the distant past?
Of course, that’s assuming that the Zonai are the ones that built the labyrinths, they are called “Lomei” after all… Is Lomei a Zonai word, or could there have been another lost tribe in Hyrule?  Perhaps the Barbarian Set isn’t Zonai and this “warlike tribe that once inhabited the Faron region” was the Lomei instead?  Or maybe the Lomei were an offshoot of the Zonai and the ruins outside of Faron are what's left of little outposts they made as they fled Hyrule?
Of course, it’s possible there’s a real-world explanation for this symbol on Revali’s armor.  On page 307 of the Creating a Champion book there’s a quote from BotW’s Lead Structural Artist, Manabu Takehara, that states that Rito Village at least has Andean influences.  Which leads me to this…
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…That same “9” symbol in Shadow of the Tomb Raider!  Now for some context… Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s plot revolves around Lara Croft trying to retrieve a powerful artifact that was created by the Mayan Gods before it can be used to “remake the world” by an Illuminati styled group called Trinity.  A group of Mayans fled Mexico (presumably during the fall of the Mayan civilization) with this artifact and made their way to what is now Peru, where they built a hidden city in a mountain valley.  Eventually they intermingled with Incan populations and later some Aztec people arrived and the result was the merging of these civilizations in the city of Paititi, which is still inhabited in the modern day.  While in Paititi you get two outfits to blend in with the locals, and this is one of them, the Serpent Guard Uniform worn by high-ranking members of the Cult of Kukulkan. 
The screenshot I took focuses on the side of the uniform, but this symbol can be seen at the edges of the skirt from all sides (though from the front it’s partially blocked by tassels).  There are two other uniforms, worn by Jaguar Warriors and Eagle Archers respectively, that don’t feature this symbol, so perhaps it signifies the wearer's rank (which could explain a similar symbol being on Revali and Teba’s armor) or it could have some religious significance because several people refer to you as “priest” while wearing it.
I did a quick Google search for Aztec, Incan, and Mayan symbols and couldn’t find this exact symbol, and Paititi has seen limited exposure to the outside world, so who knows if this is an actual Mesoamerican symbol or not.  (Although there are a lot of blocky geometric shapes much like you find on Rito rugs, clothing, and pottery and such.)  It’s a fun coincidence if not though.  Either way, since Zonai architecture has such a heavy Mesoamerican vibe it could be reasonable to assume that in-universe those same vibes in the Rito could have been influenced by the Zonai originally (maybe).
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rainbowangel110 · 9 months
prompt for explanation of what ur tags means
(done in an ask so it’s not all like in tags and I can save it)
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Post in question for context!
And also the tags that prompted the ask
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So Sky Children of the Light is a very fun game where you just run around the 6 realms (Isle of Dawn, Daylight Prairie, Hidden Forest, Valley of Triumph, Golden Wastelands, Vault of Knowledge) reliving spirits memories, getting Winged Light, making friends with other players, and so on! The main feature is the Seasons of the game which give you quests to do around the realms. There's really only one main objective.
Bring Light to the Fallen in Eden.
Now Eden is the 7th realm of Sky, but it's not a main one. No spirits. Very deadly. It's basically the end of the game. What was in the OG post is actually the second area of Eden, OP didn't put Pomni in Point of No Return which I would argue is the actual Eye of Eden, but I digress.
The character you play as is called a Sky Child, and there's a couple lines in the game (very few lines overall in game but yeah) that indicate that you are the last remains of the kingdom. Your purpose is to ascend the spirits back to the stars.
So, Winged Light. Your character, first thing the game after lighting the first murals in Isles, will get a cape. And cuz we're made of light, we need light to gain energy to fly. This is where Winged Light comes in. You collect this, and the more you collect, the more energy you have in you to fly. There's around 116 WL in the realms, and ascending spirits give you more light called Wing Buffs, these are permanent light, which I'll explain. Realm spirits have 49, Seasonals have 59. The WL will give you stars, the more WL the more stars. The max is 12 stars as of typing. The more stars the more experienced you are (it's a good way to indicate how far along a player is along with their cosmetics)
You need at least 20 WL total in order to enter Eden. This is a massive challenge in the game, with high winds so we can't fly, rocks that will knock you out and your WL. Then the second area which we see in the OG post. This is tougher than the first area. Dark Crystals that'll drain your light, one star at a time. The rocks are more abundant here, you have to hide otherwise you're very screwed. And not to mention the FUCKING KRILLS-
Oh, Krills? They're in game name is Dark Dragon but the community decided otherwise. Basically one direct hit from these guys and you are dead. WL knocked out and all your flame extinguished (that's what our inner light is called)
Anyways, once you get past the last Krill (absolute bastard) and down the WL hall. This long hallway full of WL, the game's way of telling you, "You'll need this." You will hit a point where the game asks you if you want to go further. This is The Point of No Return.
This is where you die.
Now, there's two parts to PNR. The first part, there's a load of Fallen Statues. Your job is to give all your winged light to them. All of it. One WL equals one statue. There's obviously challenges in the form of wind, dark water that'll drain your light, and periodic rock rains. There's a couple sconces you can light in order to heal yourself and continue forward, and some cover from the rock rain.
But the second area. Oh boy. Very few statues, even fewer sconces, and no cover what so ever. Constant rock rain, you cannot heal unless you have a Instant Recharge Potion on you. But once you die, you get to ascend to Orbit. This is basically the final final area. All the statues you saves return to give you Ascended Candles, which can buy you Wing Buffs.
Oh right I need to explain those! They're basically free WL you earn walking to the edge of Orbit. Every spirit you buy a Wing Buff from will give you one WL, and when you're reborn, you have extra Wings on you. This helps immensely. You can still lose it, and you definitely won't find it on the map but it's still a good thing to have.
Alright, now we're past the first part, onto the second, aka Seasons!
Seasons are basically storylines in the game. Right now is the Season of Revival, in which we revive an old village with the help of a spirit. It actually opened a new portal for us, and I found out it's actually an introductory quest for new players (as the game recently launched on Steam so it makes sense) and you can swap Homespace for it instead. Homespace being where you spawn when you log in, and has all the portals and closets right there. Also the occasional Spells Boat and Returning Spirit. These guys are spirits from old Seasons who come back and give everyone a chance to buy their cosmetics (as once a season is over you can't) and a chance to get their Wing Buff (as you can't even when playing the season)
One of the quests was to bring spirits back to the village, and in order to do that.... you had to go to Eden.
There's been a lot of Seasons, I started just before Season of Abyss which happened last year (a story about a group of sailors who were collecting crystals the Kingdom used to generate power, shit ensues, underwater Krills, a massive Leviathan, really fun Season)
There's typically 4 seasons per year, this year being Remembrance, Passage, Moments, and Revival. I've played through just Remembrance to 100%, wasn't there for Passage (it was apparently buggy af) , Moments I was there but didn't do the quests, and I've played through a bit of this season but not a lot if I can be honest
And that's all!
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Chez Cromwell
"Well, here we are! Chez Cromwell."- Benny the Taxi Driver
Based very loosely on the real victorian used as Aggie Cromwell's house in Halloweentown, this was my first CC-free build in Sims 4, the first build I started on stream, and, after working on it for an entire year, I'm fed up with it and I want it out of my game and into yours!
Lot Features:
Victorian era historical build, fully playtested
Off-the-grid compatible
9 Bed / 6 bath
Library Greenhouse
Spellcaster's room
Outdoor smokehouse
Pleasure + kitchen gardens
Portal to the magic realm
Hidden cat room, bathroom, + catway system for Familiars
Staff/Servant's lounge w/ private stairs
Bedrooms for Butler, Nanny/Governess, and Maids
Lot size 30x40, fully landscaped
Cat Hangout, Homey, Peace and Quiet
Spooky lot challenge
Packs Used- packs in bold are essential:
EPs: Cottage Living, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats + Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle
GPs: Realm Of Magic, Strangerville, Jungle Adventure, Vampires, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat, Parenthood
SPs: Blooming Rooms, Paranormal, Nifty Knitting, Tiny Living, Vintage Glamour, Romantic Garden, Laundry Day
Gallery ID (remember to check custom content box): ReticulateSpleen
Free download on Patreon
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cagemasterfantasy · 7 months
Druid (Circle of Dreams)
Druids who are members of the Circle of Dreams hail from regions that have strong ties to the Feywild and its dreamlike realms. The druids’ guardianship of the natural world makes for a natural alliance between them and good-aligned fey. These druids seek to fill the world with dreamy wonder. Their magic mends wounds and brings joy to downcast hearts, and the realms they protect are gleaming, fruitful places, where dream and reality blur together and where the weary can find rest.
Balm of the Summer Court: At level 2, you become imbued with the blessings of the Summer Court. You are a font of energy that offers respite from injuries. You have a pool of fey energy represented by a number of d6s equal to your druid level.
As a bonus action, you can choose an ally you can see within 120 feet of you and spend a number of those dice equal to half your druid level or less. Roll the spent dice and add them together. The target regains a number of hit points equal to the total. The target also gains 1 temporary hit point per die spent.
You regain the expended dice when you finish a long rest.
Hearth of Moonlight and Shadow: At level 6, home can be wherever you are. During a short or long rest, you can invoke the shadowy power of the Gloaming Court to help guard your respite. At the start of the rest, you touch a point in space, and an invisible, 30-foot-radius sphere of magic appears, centered on that point. Total cover blocks the sphere.
While within the sphere, you and your allies gain a +5 bonus to Stealth and Perception checks, and any light from open flames in the sphere (a campfire, torches, or the like) isn't visible outside it.
The sphere vanishes at the end of the rest or when you leave the sphere.
Hidden Paths: Starting at level 10, you can use the hidden, magical pathways that some fey use to traverse space in a blink of an eye. As a bonus action on your turn, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Alternatively, you can use your action to teleport one willing creature you touch up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
At 14th level, the magic of the Feywild grants you the ability to travel mentally or physically through dreamlands.
Walker in Dreams: When you finish a short rest, you can cast one of the following spells, without expending a spell slot or requiring material components: Dream(with you as the messenger), Scrying, or Teleportation Circle.
This use of Teleportation Circle is special. Rather than opening a portal to a permanent teleportation circle, it opens a portal to the last location where you finished a long rest on your current plane of existence. If you haven't taken a long rest on your current plane, the spell fails but isn't wasted.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything
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vivekavicky12 · 10 months
From Exploration to Enchantment: Unveiling the Artistry of Data Science
In the dynamic realm of technology, where data has become the lifeblood of decision-making, data scientists emerge as the modern-day wizards wielding statistical prowess, machine learning magic, and programming spells. Choosing the  Best Data Science Institute can further accelerate your journey into this thriving industry.  But what exactly does a data scientist do, and how do they weave their spells to extract meaningful insights from the vast tapestry of data? Let's embark on a journey to demystify the role and responsibilities of a data scientist.
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1. Data Exploration and Cleaning: Navigating the Data Seas
The odyssey begins with a deep dive into the vast data seas. Data scientists embark on a voyage of exploration, understanding the intricacies of datasets, identifying patterns, and cleansing the data to ensure its accuracy and relevance. This phase lays the foundation for the subsequent stages of analysis.
2. Statistical Analysis: Illuminating Patterns in the Darkness
Armed with statistical techniques, data scientists illuminate the darkness within the data. They apply statistical analysis to unveil trends, patterns, and relationships, transforming raw data into actionable insights. This statistical alchemy provides the groundwork for making informed decisions.
3. Machine Learning: Casting Predictive Spells
The heart of the data scientist's craft lies in machine learning—the art of teaching machines to learn from data. They develop and implement machine learning models, predicting outcomes, classifying data, or uncovering hidden patterns. It's a realm where algorithms become the guiding stars.
4. Data Visualization: Painting a Picture for All
To communicate the magic discovered within the data, data scientists harness the power of data visualization. Through charts, graphs, and dashboards, they paint a vivid picture, making complex insights accessible and compelling for both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
5. Feature Engineering: Crafting the Building Blocks
Much like a skilled architect, a data scientist engages in feature engineering. They carefully select and transform relevant features within the data, enhancing the performance and predictive power of machine learning models.
6. Predictive Modeling: Foretelling the Future
The crystal ball of a data scientist is the predictive model. Building upon historical data, they create models to forecast future trends, behaviors, or outcomes, guiding organizations towards proactive decision-making.
7. Algorithm Development: Coding the Spells
In the enchanting world of data science, programming becomes the language of spellcasting. Data scientists design and implement algorithms, utilizing languages such as Python or R to extract valuable information from the data tapestry.
8. Collaboration: Bridging Realms
No sorcerer works in isolation. Data scientists collaborate with cross-functional teams, translating data-driven insights into tangible business objectives. This collaboration ensures that the magic woven from data aligns seamlessly with the broader goals of the organization.
9. Continuous Learning: Evolving with the Arcane
In a landscape where technological evolutions are constant, data scientists embrace continuous learning. They stay abreast of the latest developments in data science, machine learning, and relevant technologies to refine their craft and adapt to the ever-changing tides of industry trends.
10. Ethical Considerations: Guardians of Data Integrity
As stewards of data, data scientists bear the responsibility of ethical considerations. They navigate the ethical landscape, ensuring the privacy and security of data while wielding their analytical powers for the greater good.
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In conclusion, a data scientist's journey is one of constant exploration, analysis, and collaboration—a symphony of skills and knowledge harmonized to reveal the hidden melodies within data. In a world where data has become a strategic asset, data scientists are the custodians of its magic, turning raw information into insights that shape the destiny of organizations. Choosing the best Data Science Courses in Chennai is a crucial step in acquiring the necessary expertise for a successful career in the evolving landscape of data science.
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toptenthing · 1 year
The Top Ten Strangest Animals You've Never Heard Of
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The Top Ten Strangest Animals You've Never Heard Of   In a world brimming with charismatic megafauna and familiar creatures, there exists a realm of animals that defy convention and expectations. These oddities, often tucked away in remote corners of the globe, offer a glimpse into the incredible diversity of life on Earth. Get ready to embark on a journey through the lesser-known, the peculiar, and the downright strange as we uncover the top ten strangest animals you've probably never heard of. 1. The Aye-Aye: Madagascar's Enigmatic Nocturnal Creature
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The Aye-Aye: Madagascar's Enigmatic Nocturnal Creature Our exploration begins in Madagascar, where the mysterious aye-aye lurks in the darkness. This rare primate sports a unique feature that sets it apart: an elongated skeletal finger. This finger acts as a specialized tool for extracting insects from tree bark. Imagine a creature that taps on wood, listens for echoes, and then employs its extraordinary finger to snag a hidden meal. The aye-aye's unusual appearance and nocturnal behavior make it a true enigma of the animal kingdom. 2. The Star-Nosed Mole: A Master of Sensory Perception
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The Star-Nosed Mole Venturing closer to home, we encounter the star-nosed mole, a small mammal that showcases the marvels of sensory adaptation. With its peculiar nose resembling a star-shaped appendage, this mole has an exceptional sense of touch. Its sensitive nasal tentacles are covered in thousands of tiny touch receptors, allowing it to navigate in the dark and locate prey beneath the soil. But what truly baffles scientists is its underwater hunting prowess, using these unique adaptations to sense and catch prey in a flash. 3. The Pink Fairy Armadillo: A Tiny Desert Digger
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The Pink Fairy Armadillo From the deserts of Argentina emerges the pink fairy armadillo, a creature as adorable as it is bizarre. Its pale pink armor and small size make it look more like a fairy tale character than a real animal. This tiny armadillo possesses an uncanny ability to dig through sand with remarkable efficiency, disappearing into the ground as if by magic. Its specialized adaptations to the desert environment reflect the wonders of evolution in even the most challenging habitats. 4. The Yeti Crab: Deep-Sea Oddity with Furry Arms
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The Yeti Crab Journeying to the depths of the ocean, we encounter the yeti crab, an otherworldly crustacean found near hydrothermal vents. Named after the mythical Yeti due to its furry appearance, this crab's arms are covered in hair-like structures that host symbiotic bacteria. These bacteria are believed to play a vital role in the crab's nutrition by converting chemicals from the vents into usable energy. The yeti crab's unique adaptation to its extreme habitat highlights the diversity of life thriving in the darkness of the deep sea. 5. The Saiga Antelope: Ancient Nosed Wanderer
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The Saiga Antelope Hailing from the vast grasslands of Central Asia, the saiga antelope roams with an unmistakable feature: an elongated, trunk-like nose. This nose, which resembles an ancient relic from another era, is thought to aid in filtering dust and cooling in the scorching summers. Unfortunately, this charismatic creature faces challenges due to habitat loss and poaching for its valuable horns. The saiga antelope's distinctive appearance and plight underscore the delicate balance between human impact and wildlife conservation. 6. The Shoebill: The Prehistoric Bird of the Swamps
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The Shoebill Africa's swamps harbor a creature that seems to have stepped out of a prehistoric landscape—the shoebill. With its massive, shoe-shaped bill, this bird commands attention and intrigue. It patiently waits in the marshes, ready to strike at prey with lightning speed. The shoebill's ancient appearance and unique hunting behavior have earned it a place of reverence in local African folklore, solidifying its status as a captivating avian oddity. 7. The Axolotl: The Eternal Larva of Mexican Waters
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The Axolotl In the aquatic realm of Mexico's Xochimilco canals, the axolotl reigns supreme. This critically endangered amphibian is unlike any other, retaining its juvenile features throughout its life—a phenomenon known as neoteny. What truly makes the axolotl remarkable is its regenerative abilities. It can regrow entire limbs, spinal cord, and even parts of its heart. Scientists are investigating these abilities for potential medical applications, highlighting the intersection between biology and human health. 8. The Okapi: The Elusive Forest Giraffe
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The Okapi Venturing into the depths of the Congo rainforest, we encounter the okapi, a creature that defies classification. With the body of a horse, legs of a zebra, and a head resembling a giraffe, the okapi is a unique mosaic of features. Its elusive nature, reclusive behavior, and distinct appearance have earned it the nickname "forest giraffe." Despite its rarity, the okapi holds cultural significance for the indigenous people of its habitat, adding layers of mystery to its already intriguing persona. 9. The Naked Mole Rat: Underground Social Oddity
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The Naked Mole Rat Beneath the surface of East Africa's arid landscapes, the naked mole rat constructs a subterranean kingdom. These rodents exhibit an astonishing level of social organization, with a single reproductive queen and a cooperative colony structure. Moreover, they display remarkable resistance to cancer—a trait that continues to intrigue scientists. The naked mole rat's unique biology and social dynamics provide valuable insights into the complexity of animal societies and the mysteries of aging. 10. The Blobfish: Deep-Sea Enigma
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The Blobfish Our journey takes us to the abyssal depths, where the blobfish resides—a gelatinous creature that appears quite different out of its natural habitat. Its formless, gelatinous appearance is a result of adaptations to the extreme pressures of the deep sea. Despite its less-than-flattering appearance, the blobfish's peculiar adaptation to its environment serves as a reminder of the astonishing variety of life that thrives in Earth's most extreme ecosystems. Conclusion In a world brimming with diversity, these ten animals stand out as reminders of the boundless creativity of nature. Their strange appearances, unique adaptations, and captivating behaviors shed light on the wonders that remain hidden within the natural world. As we uncover the mysteries of these lesser-known creatures, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and beauty of life on our planet, reminding us that there are always more surprises waiting to be discovered. #StrangeAnimalDiscoveries, #UnheardOfCreatures, #BizarreBeasties, #MysticalCritters, #HiddenOddities The Ten Best Camping Sites for Families and Their Pets 2023 #UnusualAnimals, #HiddenWonders, #Nature'sOddities, #CuriousCreatures, #BizarreBeauties Read the full article
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hackfuel · 1 year
Empowering Insights and Intelligence: Navigating the Cutting-Edge of Data Analytics and AI
Leave a Comment / Blog / By Hack Fuel Team
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In a world where data reigns supreme, the fusion of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is forging a path towards unprecedented insights and transformative intelligence. The dynamic interplay of these two technologies is reshaping industries and propelling businesses into a realm of unparalleled efficiency, innovation, and strategic decision-making. Join us on an exploratory journey through the latest frontiers of data analytics and AI, as we delve into the remarkable features that are reshaping the landscape and driving a new era of progress.
1. Illuminating Complexity: The Rise of Cognitive Analytics
Experience the evolution of data interpretation through Cognitive Analytics – a groundbreaking approach that marries AI with advanced analytics. This synergy unlocks the hidden value within both structured and unstructured data, providing profound insights into customer behavior, market trends, and predictive modeling. To further delve into the advantages and best practices of Cognitive Analytics, check out the comprehensive guide provided by Digital Transformation and Platform Engineering on Medium: Cognitive Analytics: Advantages and Best Practices.
2. AI Unveiled: The Era of Explainable Intelligence
Lift the veil on AI decision-making with Explainable AI, a revolutionary advancement that empowers businesses to comprehend and trust AI-generated insights. Dive deep into the inner workings of AI models, unraveling their decision rationale and enhancing transparency. With Explainable AI, you’re equipped to navigate complex AI outputs, ensure compliance, and make informed choices with confidence.
3. AutoML: Data Science for All
Democratize data science with AutoML, a game-changing feature that empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds to engage in machine learning. Witness the fusion of automation and data analysis as AutoML streamlines the model-building process, enabling you to harness predictive analytics, uncover hidden patterns, and drive innovation – regardless of your technical prowess. For a practical illustration of this optimization, you can visit HackFuel.cloud, a prime example of a platform that has seamlessly integrated dark mode to enhance user experience and engagement: HackFuel.cloud.
4. Edge AI: Data Power at Your Fingertips
Embark on a journey to the edge of innovation with Edge AI – where real-time analytics and AI converge at the source. Witness the birth of instant decision-making, revolutionizing industries like IoT, and more. Experience heightened data security, reduced latency, and a world where intelligence is available exactly when and where you need it. Discover how Edge AI is reshaping the landscape of machine learning and operational efficiency: Machine Learning Operations: Edge AI.
5. Quantum Computing: Redefining the Frontiers of Possibility
Peer into the future of data analytics and AI with Quantum Computing – a technology that promises exponential leaps in computational power. Uncover how quantum supremacy is poised to reshape data-intensive tasks, transform AI model training, and usher in a new era of optimization, simulation, and discovery.
6. Precision in Prediction: AI-Powered Predictive Maintenance
Experience a paradigm shift in industrial operations with AI-driven Predictive Maintenance. Witness the power of data analytics in foreseeing equipment failures, optimizing maintenance schedules, and revolutionizing efficiency. Discover how AI is minimizing downtime, maximizing resources, and paving the way for a new era of operational excellence.
Conclusion: Forging Ahead into the Data-Driven Frontier
With each feature – Cognitive Analytics, Explainable AI, AutoML, Federated Learning, Edge AI, Quantum Computing, NLP Advancements, and Predictive Maintenance – we journey into uncharted territories, where the synergy of data and AI transforms industries, amplifies decision-making, and opens doors to boundless possibilities. Welcome to the future where insights and intelligence converge, and where the power of data shapes a world of limitless opportunities.
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