#Ravenclaw Quotes
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incorrectharrypotterblog · 1 year ago
Hermione: why are threesomes only for sex
Hermione: why can’t I join in on a couples argument if I want to
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incorrectquotesharrypotterv · 9 months ago
Y/n: I don’t really like people, but you’re okay, I guess.
Theo: I'm your boyfriend.
Y/n: Huh, so that's why.
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itstheghostofmypast · 2 years ago
Y/N reading in peace.
Draco glaring at her
Y/N: *ignores*
Draco continues to glare
Y/N sighing: What?
Draco: what are you reading?
Y/N: shhh, I'm at a good part, he's talking about his crush.
Y/N: You mean your diary?
Draco: No, my journal.
Y/N: Right...also, it's best to tell your girlfriend how much you like the sound of her laugh instead of writing it in a secret diary.
Draco: I'll hex you, I swear.
Y/N: Aww~ Like how you wrote in this last entry about me being able to hex your heart-
Draco malfunctioning
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incorrect-slytherin-quotes · 7 months ago
Hufflepuff: what's your biggest fear
Slytherin: Being forgotten.
Hufflepuff: damn that's deep
Hufflepuff: mine is the kool aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now
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lavenderandturpentine · 7 months ago
Garreth: Would you fancy going on a date with me?
Seb: *passing by* Did I just hear you ask Ominis out on a date?
Ominis: He’s practicing so he can ask mc out tonight.
Seb: But I’m supposed to be asking mc out tonight…
Garreth & Seb: *both staring at each other in realization before taking off running towards the library*
Seb: I’m going to ask first!
Ominis: *sighs* You idiots are going to end up in detention tonight instead of on a date.
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darkacademiablues · 1 year ago
Everyone who is into dark academia now used to either have an obsession with Greek mythology, were really into poetry and philosophy, tried to be motivated for school, loved history or considered themselves either a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin.
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apparentlytheproblem · 2 years ago
s w e a t e r w e a t h e r
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- Draco Malfoy
a/n: so this one is based on a situation I've been in which had me bawling, crying and literally dying. I also saw something similar on Pinterest and I thought why not? requests are always open, love, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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You found yourself in the edge of the black lake sprawled on a fuzzy blanket with all sorts of delights, giggling and laughing with a blonde Slytherin over something absolutley preposterous, the idea or to be more specific, the rumors between you and a Malfoy.
The evening was crisp already, the last of sunset just a fading pale stripe in the sky. Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple. the wind was icy and withering, it sent chills down your back.
"c'mon, its almost time for bed luv"
love. love? did he just call me love? am I okay?
"yeah, let's head back" you assented.
a cold wind swept past the both of you, Draco's eyes bumped together in a scowl and his nystagmic eyes hadn't missed anything. All he was waiting for was an ask and maybe a pretty please too.
"would it be alright if i borrow your sweater?"
their eyes my god, as if I'd say no, fuckin damn
"it would be more than alright sweetheart"
fuck. sweetheart? is he tryna kill me? what does he want? oh god
His fingers gripped the ends of the sweater covering his abdomen and quickly pulled his sweater of green and silver and handed it to her.
it was loose to say the least, but you loved it almost as much as he loved seeing you in it. it smelt of mahogany apples which he loved so much.
Draco towered over, trying to roll the sleeves for you, and grabbed your palm and began to walk as if he wasn't absolutley panicking inside.
"it smells like you"
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severussnapemylove · 4 months ago
Some inspirational words from the Hogwarts Houses.
Gryffindor; "It's okay to ask for help."
Ravenclaw; "You're not a burden."
Slytherin; "Murder is okay."
Hufflepuff; "Your feelings matter."
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Barty: Is masturbating while smoking weed called masturblazing? Pandora: No, it’s called high jacking. Sybill: Weed whacking. Emmeline: It’s called disappointing your mothers.
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jmwdoesthings · 8 months ago
(Snape's first week as teacher) McGonagall: (trying to be welcoming) Have a cup of tea, Professor Snape. Snape: (only had contact with Death Eaters for the past 15 years) Why? Sprout: McGonagall: Pardon? Snape: You're giving me a cup of tea? As in, to drink? McGonagall: ... I believe so? Snape: And you haven't put anything beside tea into it? McGonagall: ... and why would I do that? (later, at Three Broomsticks) Sprout: Good grief, just where did Dumbledore find that one? McGonagall: Beats me.
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incorrectharrypotterblog · 1 year ago
Harry: “you’re so funny” thanks I was a child soldier
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Draco: I hear you like bad boys.
Y/n: Yeah, I suppose so.
Draco: (to Blaise) Tell her.
Blaise: He's literally the worst.
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itstheghostofmypast · 1 year ago
Related to His Honeybee
*Y/N having lunch and suddenly everyone goes quiet*
Draco *sits next to her*: So.
Y/N: So...
Draco: You wanna tell me something, bee?
Y/N: uhh...the mashed potatoes are a bit salty?
Draco *points at his cap then her* :THIS
Y/N: I...did tell you, you just left and-
Draco: No, where is YOURS?
Y/N *blushing*: O-oh..I'll wear it.
Draco: Good. *sits there at the Hufflepuff table glaring at everyone else*
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incorrect-slytherin-quotes · 8 months ago
Gryffindor : I give up. I am so tired.
Slytherin : Get the emergency supply!
Ravenclaw : *carries Hufflepuff and places them in front of Gryffindor *
Hufflepuff : *smiles*
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slyterinthings · 2 months ago
*In an argument*
Slytherin: Where do you usually find it?
Griffindor: What?
Slytherin: The audacity, you seem to have a lot of it.
Griffindor: ....I feel like I should be offended but I'm actually impressed.
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raphael-angele · 10 months ago
Hogwarts Houses
Percy: I am!
Thalia: You are not!
Percy: Prove it!
Thalia: Look, stereotipically speaking, Ravenclaws are smart, calculated, and very dark people. None of those things fit your description.
Percy: I can be dark!
Thalia: Percy, the closest thing you're definition of being dark is putting milk before the cereal.
Percy: It's sinister!
Annabeth, walking in:
Percy: Wise Girl! Lay in on this. Which Hogwarts house am I?
Annabeth: Hmm, Hufflepuff
Thalia: Ha!
Percy: What?! I'm a Ravenclaw!
Thalia: You're not even close! Annabeth is a perfect example of a Ravenclaw. Nico is an example of a Ravenclaw, even Leo is a Ravenclaw, you just underestimate him!
Annabeth: Actually, Nico is more of a Slytherin. I'm 50/50
Percy: Look, I'm good at choosing houses.
Thalia: Really? What's mine?
Percy: ...Hufflepuff?
Thalia: I'm clearly a Gryffindor.
Percy: You're not
Annabeth: She is
Percy: Whose side are you on?!
Annabeth: Seaweed Brain, be honest, is the only reason you wanna be Ravenclaw is cuz it's blue?
Percy: ...no?
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