#Rating:Teen and Up
perchingowl · 2 years
Read it on ao3
And back to familiar territory (cql/mdzs) for the fourth day of @whumptober / @whumptober-archive
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Title: stand my ground at all costs
Rating: Teen
Warning: Choose not to warn
Relationships: 3zun
Chapters: 1/1
Niè Míngjué knows he has fucked up.
The beast's tail comes around, slams into him and he is sent flying.
Words: 2.005
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thefanficslayer · 3 months
Note:I have to remake this recommendation list on this account because I can’t remember the email to my other account 🥲. Yes, I know this fandom is pretty much dead. Do I care? No. As long as I’m alive then the fandom shall live. This list is not yet complete, and likely never will be because I’m a procrastinator.
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Title:Melodies Unheard, but Felt All The Same Chapters:39/39 Rating:Mature Summary:Yuuri wanted to make history as the first Deaf man to win the Grand Prix Final. Of course he's a little skeptical of Victor Nikiforov's presence, especially considering the reactions from others who have learned about his lack of hearing.But Victor proves to be different, and Yuuri appreciates that. Now all that's left is to tell the figure skating world about it.
Title:all the world’s a stage Chapters:10/10 Rating:Explicit Summary:Everyone has a guilty pleasure.For Yuuri, it just happens to be romance movies starring famous heartthrob Victor Nikiforov. (And, honestly, on the spectrum of guilty pleasures, he figures that his is on the far, far more innocent side.)
Title:Empty spaces between stars Chapters:21/21 Rating:Explicit Summary: Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids... but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals...
Title:My Name On Your Lips Chapters:13/13 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri Katsuki has been betrothed to the High King's son, Victor, since he was just a child; furthermore, as an omega, he's forbidden from practicing magic in combat. For years, he's been able to put off the former because the Prince was traveling abroad, and gotten around the latter by practicing with his mentor in secret.Now Victor Nikiforov has finally returned home, and Yuuri is being summoned to the capital for their wedding. He needs a plan to put off marriage long enough to find a way to break the betrothal, while keeping his practicing from being discovered. If only the Prince didn't have other ideas.
Title:Not gold like in your dreams Chapters:8/8 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:"Victor, you could have let some psychopath into your apartment." "Oh come on, he's not a psychopath," Victor chides. Christophe makes a gesture with his hand that says 'are you seriously this naïve or are you drunk at work again? "Victor, you don't know that. You don't know anything about him. Whose name am I going to give to the police or face l'm going to describe to the sketch artist when they find your body chopped up like Hannibal Lecter's side dish?"-- in which Victor and Yuuri are roommates and Yuuri has a secret
Title:Gunned Down Butterflies Chapters:24/24 Rating:Explicit Summary:Everyone's lives revolve around two names - the name of an enemy, and the name of a soulmate, both tattooed on their wrists.But for Yuuri, his fated soulmate and enemy are the same person. One name tattoed on his skin. After years of believing it meant only unhappiness and pain, he begins to bandage them up and hide them from the world. He even begins to forget about them - until he meets a new client in need of a guard against the Russian mafia.Nothing can hide him from fate - not bandaging the names, not forgetting about them, not even moving on without them. The owner of the name on his skin will find him eventually.
Title:Midnight Lover Chapters:23/23 Rating:Explicit Summary:Viktor Nikiforov, figure skating god and human trainwreck, flies halfway across the world from the only home he's ever known in a last-ditch attempt to salvage his life. His demons follow him faithfully. Katsuki Yuuri, reticent vampire and trouble magnet, pulls a drowning man out of the ocean on a whim and winds up with an unconscious human celebrity in his house. He knows it's a mistake to keep him. Viktor wakes, Yuuri stays, and they get too attached too fast.
Title:Winter Song Chapters:20/20 Rating:Explicit Summary:The set of Yuuri's mouth softened into a private smile as Victor squeezed his knee beneath the table. His hands were bare, free from the gloves he so often wore when they were together on the rink, and the heat of his palm burned straight through the denim of Yuuri's jeans. He slipped his own hand beneath the table and found Victor's. Hidden from sight, their fingers began to flirt and play. A secret conversation all their own that needed no words. Yuuri was aware that at some point-a moment in time he couldn't quite place-Victor had become his boyfriend. There wasn't a single instant when it happened. It was a slow awareness, as if Victor had silently been asking the question for months now, and Yuuri had been giving him the answer a little more with each passing day.
Title:Signs of Love Chapters:15/15 Rating:Explicit Summary:After being discovered by his peers as an omega, Yuuri runs from the world of figure skating. It's only to see his friend skate that he returns to the rink one more time. When he runs into skater and alpha Viktor Nikiforov, his body reacts in a way that neither he nor Viktor expect.
Title:You Know That I’m No Good Chapters:11/11 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri has it all.A great job that he loves, an amazing wife, and they're even contemplating having children.Until the day he finds out that it's all a lie.He doesn't confront his cheating spouse -- he needs to understand first. And while he could hire someone (probably should hire someone) he can't bear the idea of some stranger learning about his failings as a husband. So he does his own digging, and finds out that the Other Man has a partner of his own. A sweet, romantic, super hot partner. Who doesn't know what his fiance has been up to. Contacting this "Victor" person is probably a terrible idea.Agreeing to meet with Victor and form a friendship? Even worse.But falling in love? For real this time?Maybe it all will be worth it.
Title:November’s Secret Chapters:24/24 Rating:Explicit Summary:Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it's you, then it's less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona. But it works a little too well.Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he's been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
Title:Like a Fairytale Chapters:13/13 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:In which Prince Victor gets swept off his feet at a royal banquet and will go to any length to find his 'Cinderella' Yuuri. (And Phichit is the fairy godmother who has no idea what he's doing)."The crown prince of the Nikiforov kingdom, infatuated with a mystery pastry chef he's only just met. This is exactly the kind of scandalous love story my life has been missing... So, what's he look like? What exactly is Prince Victor's type?" "...Sweet." "Well, he does make pastries."
Title:Met by Accident Chapters:79/79 Rating:Explicit Summary:Viktor is having the worst day of his life, oversleeping and late for work. To make things even better, he rear ended the car in front of him. His attitude quickly changes when he lays eyes on the other driver."I'm so sorry!" the other driver said when he reached Viktor.He held a hand up to him, silently asking him to wait. The receptionist finally answered the phone and directed his call to his boss. Once he informed her he'd be late and no, he didn't know what time he'd be in, he hung up and turned his attention to the other driver. Well, well, what do we have here? The man was shorter than him by a few inches, jet black hair that was slicked back with a bit of gel. His glasses left something to be desired, but Viktor admired those large chocolate brown eyes. His lightly tanned skin was unblemished and looked so soft that Viktor wanted to run his hand along his cheek. His body looked enticing as well, but it was hard to tell from the overcoat he was wearing.Simply put, he was fucking gorgeous.
Title:Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches Chapters:14/14 Rating:Explicit Summary:A single event changes the course of Yuuri's life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn't seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Title:How The Mighty Fall(in love) Chapters:3/3 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:Every Victor Nikiforov fan has three things in common. 1 They have unrealistic expectations for romance.2 They mark their calendars with the dates of his newest book releases and the premieres of his latest movie adaptations.3 They either passionately hate or love his greatest rival, a mysterious author whose pseudonym is only two letters: "KY."
Title:You can have everything Chapters:2/2 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:Before the Grand Prix Final starts in Sochi, Yuuri finds Victor's phone. He returns it--and hijinks and heavy flirtation ensue.
Title:Talk to Me Chapters:1/1 Rating:Explicit Summary:There was a bouncing shift of weight, and suddenly a silky voice was at Yuuri's ear, "Hey Yuuri, is it possible you like when I speak Russian?"Yuuri groaned. Viktor's lips ghosted right beneath Yuuri's ear, gently sliding over the sensitive flesh of his neck, "I can speak Russian to you, if you like."
Title:All Eyes on Me Chapters:17/17 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri, under the username of Eros, is a size queen omega who most certainly does not have an obsession with fellow camboy and legendary silver-haired alpha Aria.Just like Phichit is not the most meddlesome roommate known to man.
Title:Like your french girls Chapters:7/7 Rating:Teen and Up Summary:"Victor," Yuri begins, lowering the eighteenth sketch of the figure skater Victor drew this week, "you have a fucking problem."--In which Victor is an artist, Yuuri is his figure skating muse, and Yuri is so done hearing about their stupid love story through Instagram.
Title:Please Have Mercy On Me Chapters:19/19 Rating:Explicit Summary:Viktor's been living with Yuuri for a month now, but Yuuri is still not used to him.But Viktor is a good teacher, and Yuuri is a good student.
Title:Centripetal Force Chapters:10/10 Rating:Explicit Summary:Victor speaks seven languages.(Physics isn't one of them.) Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
Title:Undiscovered Country Chapters:8/8 Rating:Explicit Summary:Yuuri wakes up in Victor's room the night after the Sochi Grand Prix Final banquet.Did they sleep together? No. Instead, last night, Drunk Yuuri taunted Victor that he hadn't earned the right to get in his pants...and spelled out exactly what Victor would have to do to get there.Now, Victor intends to do everything on that list...
Title:Maelstrom Chapters:5/5 Rating:Explicit Summary:Victor Nikiforov is poised to win gold in his fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final. He has the world at his feet, is unparalleled in the sport--right up until a snowstorm blows into Sochi, and he finds himself repeating the same day over and over and over. He stumbles over Yuuri Katsuki, and everything changes.
All these Fanfics can be read here at https:// archiveofourown.org/users/
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jokeringcutio · 2 months
Joost Klein x (F) Reader – I kissed a girl (Rating:Teen and up)
Summary: After your best friend kisses you, Joost comes to your rescue by pretending to be your boyfriend.
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Words: 3469 Warnings: Homophobia/Lesbophobia (from friend's dad), cigarettes & smoking mentioned, a few curse words (mostly as thoughts), being kissed by your best friend, being kissed by a girl, Joost and his crew being cool about it, Joost and his crew to the rescue, not beta-read. AN: This came to me in a fever dream.
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The streets hummed with life, a blend of soft murmurs and boisterous laughter as groups of people weaved between buildings. Outside, old artifacts lay scattered on the cobblestones, decaying and rusting, remnants of a time when the factories still buzzed with activity. Now, these same factories were the home of all sorts of art projects.
You followed a small group into another narrow hall, your best friend walking close beside you. Colorful canvases and installations filled the room. The two of you paused to admire a towering abstract sculpture of twisted metal and blinking lights.
You and your best friend hadn’t wanted to be bored so you’d decided to walk the art route – hey, at least it was something to do! And you were in the area already. You were having a good day. The time had flown by, filled with laughter, shared admiration for the artworks, and deep contemplation amidst the artistic beauty. Just being in each other's company had transformed a potentially dull day into a delightful one.
The two of you came to stand in front of a piece of very modern art. The painting was a swirl of abstract shapes and vibrant colors, with two distinct male figures in the center. The figures were entwined in a passionate kiss, their forms blending seamlessly into one another amidst the chaotic background. The brushstrokes were bold and expressive, capturing a moment of intimacy with an almost palpable intensity.
You and your best friend giggled as you took in the artwork. "Well, they’re really going at it,” you said. “The artists hid no details.”
Your friend chuckled.
“What do you think was the underlying thought he had when he painted this?” You asked, tilting your head to the side.
She laughed softly, shaking her head. "I don’t even want to guess, but it’s definitely interesting."
You hummed.
“It’s nice to see more of this art though. Like… Men kissing,” she said after a moment, her voice more contemplative.
You turned to her, noting the thoughtful expression on her face. “Yeah.”
“I mean, makes me wonder. I’ve never kissed a girl before,” she lamented.
“You’ve kissed me,” you said, grinning.
“That was your cheek,” your friend exclaimed. “That doesn’t count.”
You both laughed, but then fell into a more serious silence. You glanced at her, noticing the curious glint in her eyes.
“Have you never wondered what it would be like to kiss a girl?” she looked at you, and you frowned slightly.
“Have you?” You asked in turn.
She bit her lip, clearly hesitant but also intrigued. "Yeah, I have. Especially after seeing this painting. It just makes me curious, you know?"
You nodded slowly, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness. "Yeah, I get that."
She hesitated, then looked at you with a shy smile. "Do you think it would be weird if we tried it? Just to see what it’s like?"
“Well,” you said, your heart pounding in your chest. "I mean, if you want, we could...give it a try? Just to see what it's like?"
Her eyes widened. "Really? You'd be okay with that?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I think so."
You’d placed kisses on each other's cheeks in the past. Would this really be so different? To be fair, you were curious too.
Tentatively, she took a step closer. You mirrored her movements until mere inches separated you.
“I’m sorry,” she said, hiding her lips behind her hands as she burst into giggles. “Nervous.”
You smiled and patiently waited till she recomposed herself and lowered her hands. She stood a little straighter. “All right,” she said, “I’m ready.”
Now it was your turn to giggle, but only shortly. Slowly, gently, you leaned in. Your eyes fluttered shut. And then her lips met yours, soft and warm and tasting faintly of cherry chapstick.
Your eyes opened, slowly, and you saw him.
Most of the group had dispersed and had already continued to the next building, leaving you only with an Asian-looking mum and her teenage son – both too busy looking at the art -, two elderly ladies – too busy gossiping – and a tall bald man wearing a Hawaiian shirt whose gaze snapped away from the sight of the two of you kissing.
Pulling away from your friend, you saw the tall bald man fumbling with his bag, trying to pull out his phone as quickly as possible, lens pointed directly at you. Panic seized your chest.
"Someone is trying to film us!" you whispered urgently. Or take photos, you had no idea. All you knew was that this wasn’t normal, and the man seemed oddly keen to get the two of you on camera. Luckily, he was so rushed with his movements that his camera dropped on top of his bag again. He picked it up with trembling hands.
Your best friend whirled around and the blood drained from her face. "Shit,” Her hand was instantly upon your wrist, tugging you along. “That's Peter, my dad's friend. We’re dead."
Raw fear shone in her eyes as she started to pull you towards the entrance of the building to make your escape. “We need to run!"
Feet pounding, hearts racing, you tore through the narrow streets hand-in-hand. Peter's heavy footfalls echoed behind you, too close, always too close.
"We can't let him catch us!" she panted, breathless, while she urged you to keep running. "My dad...he's so traditional. If he hears I kissed a girl... If Peter shows him proof."
Tears streaked her flushed cheeks. You squeezed her fingers, pulling her around a sharp corner. “He can’t get us on camera,” you needed a moment to gasp for air, “not kissing.”
So you'd be safe, right? You could stop running?
“But he can show Dad your face,” your friend said, and you realized that you usually hang out at your place because of her situation. Not your friend’s, because of her strict parents.
Did her dad even know what you looked like? The two of you spend a lot of time together. What if he thought that you weren't just friends but were dating? Would he forbid the two of you hanging out together after this?
"Just keep running," she urged you, and you did.
Winding alleys, cobblestone paths, your burning legs propelled you forward. Faster. You had to go faster. Lose him in the maze of backstreets and side lanes.
Your best friend’s palm was slick with sweat against yours. Ragged breaths tore from your lungs. Each gulp of air seared your throat.
Rounding another corner, you realized the two of you were trapped. A small alleyway was ahead, but you could already see the barbed-wired fence behind the rubbish bins. A dead end.
"There!" You veered to the left, tugging her with you. An old rundown building, tucked out of sight. Your only hope. Praying it was unlocked, you shouldered through the weathered door, your friend close behind you, following.
The door fell closed behind you as you stumbled right into the midst of the rundown factory shed. Then you looked up, only to find it wasn’t empty. Music pounded. A group of people stood all near the entrance of the building, talking, and smoking. All eyes turned to you and your friend.
Your best friend took an instinctive step backward, backing up against the now-closed doors.
But you weren’t focusing on her. Your eyes landed on the cameras that stood behind the group of people. You recognized that they had built some kind of set, with the way lamps were positioned to light the area. They were filming here.
And then your eyes slid past the people who looked at you with annoyance and you recognized him. A cigarette dangling from his lips, his piercing eyes locked onto you.
Your breath caught in your throat and your heart skipped a beat.
Joost Klein?
An artist you admired, someone you were a huge fan of. Here? In a rundown building? Filming a new video clip to one of his songs? Of course, you’d be making a fool of yourself in front of someone you admired. Fool, fool, foolish.
Dread knotted your stomach. Well, as they say: out of the frying pan, into the fire. Peter could be here any minute. And when you glanced at your friend, you could tell she still stood frozen and wasn’t going to say anything soon. The two of you needed help and it seemed to be up to you to get it.
“We need a place to hide, just for a moment. There’s this man chasing us, trying to-"
"Whoa, slow down." One of the crew members stepped forward, holding up his hands. "What's going on here? You can't just barge in like this."
Another girl in the crew, one with dark brown curls took a step toward you, her gaze never leaving you. "Start from the beginning. What's this about a man chasing you?"
You swallowed hard, trying to gather your scattered thoughts. Joost took a drag from his cigarette, eyeing you coolly. You tried not to look at him.
One of the blonde girls present cocked her head. All these gazes directed at you unnerved you. There were mostly young men here. You thought you recognized a face or two.
“This guy, he’s a friend of her dad,” you pointed at your best friend here, silently hoping she would take over, but seeing she was still shaken to the core. “He saw us kiss because we were curious and we were at this art thing and,” ah… you were rambling. Get to the point. “Never mind,” you shook your head.
“So you kissed?” The brown-haired girl asked, raising a brow skeptically. “So?”
“So?” Finally, your friend spoke up. It was as if the girl’s words had triggered her back into motion as she stepped away from the door. You could swear you saw the shadow of Peter pass by, probably heading to the dead end as you had hoped. It would buy you a little more time. But would it be enough?
Your best friend’s eyes were fiery as she stepped away from the door. “I kissed a girl,” she said, voice firmer now.
“So?” The brown-haired girl repeated herself. “So you kissed a girl. So what?”
“You don’t understand,” you piped in.
“My parents are very strict and if my dad hears I kissed a girl he’s going to kill us,” your best friend raised her voice, trying to convey the urgency of the matter.
“And this guy chasing us wants to take a picture of us to show to her dad so he knows who to kill,” you helpfully added.
This had the crew murmur, and you looked from one face to another, hoping they would understand. “So can you hide us for a minute, please?” You concluded.
Joost's crew exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and concern on their faces. The girl who had spoken earlier frowned. "That's messed up."
“He could be here any second now,” your friend squeaked. You could see that she was constantly casting glances at the door.
“Go stand with one of the men,” the brown-haired girl said while she folded her arms in front of her chest. “You said he can be here any second now. Let’s get rid of the problem.”
You blinked, not quite understanding what she said.
“I-I’m sorry? How does that-?”
But she cut you short. “He’s got nothing against you if he comes in and sees one of you with your boyfriend.”
Wait a minute.
"Who..." You licked your dry lips, glancing around at the crew. "Who would be willing to pretend to be my boyfriend?"
As your gaze swept over the group, you were shocked to see every man raise their hands in a united show of support. Your dry mouth instantly turned parched as you dared to hope that they would all stand with you and your friend.
But before you could respond, Joost broke free from the crowd. His hand yanked the cigarette from his lips, leaving a trail of smoke behind as he strode towards you with determined purpose. His fingers clasped tightly around your wrist, pulling you forcefully against his chest.
Your eyes widened in alarm, and your heart nearly stopped at the proximity between you. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up into his intense gaze, seeing flecks of gold in his eyes. This close, you could smell a scent that was uniquely Joost – hidden away underneath the smoke. He held his cigarette to the side, mindful not to have it graze past your skin.
Then, without warning, he dipped his head. Smoke rolled from his parting lips and tumbled over yours. You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped you, or how weak your knees suddenly felt. Grateful that Joost was still holding you, your eyes flicked to his lips as they moved, brushing ever so lightly past your own.
The ghost of a kiss.
Then suddenly, he moved his head away, tilting it as he looked behind you. “Do you mind?”
His voice was sharp all of a sudden, as if he wasn’t happy to be interrupted. And only then did you notice that the doors had been opened. The man who had chased you stood in the doorway, looking bashful and caught. Your friend was off to the side, some of the members of the filming crew standing protectively in front of her, shielding her just in case. Neither of you knew if Peter had actually seen her, but he appeared to be too shocked by what he did find.  
You didn't dare to fully turn around, but you heard the hasty retreat of footsteps, and the slam of the door. No apologize, no nothing. But at least, Peter was gone.
Joost released you, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "Guess that takes care of that problem."
Your legs threatened to give out, your heart still racing. "I... Thank you. For saving us. I don't know how to repay you."
He waved a dismissive hand and brought his cigarette back to his lips.
Those lips… You had to tear your eyes away from them, having unintentionally followed the movement of his hands.
Your friend emerged from behind the crew, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and disbelief. "I can't believe that just happened. Joost Klein, of all people..."
You couldn't quite believe it either. But as you stood there, surrounded by the understanding faces of Joost's crew, you had no way to deny this wasn’t real.
Your breath caught in your throat, your pulse quickening at the sight of him. You'd admired him from afar for so long, never dreaming that you'd find yourself in a situation like this. But here he was, ready to step in and play the role of your savior.
You wanted to say something, to tell him how much you appreciated what he'd done, but the words stuck in your throat. He’d already turned his back to you, though he was still lingering a few steps away from you. All you needed to do was speak up. But…He probably had groupies throwing themselves at him all the time. He didn't need another needy fan.
One of his crew members noticed your hesitation, elbowing you gently in the ribs. "Go on," she whispered, nodding towards Joost.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "Joost, I..." you started, your voice shaking slightly.
He looked at you, a cigarette dangling from his lips, his head cocked to the side. He tapped the cap of his head, waiting for you to continue.
But you couldn't do it. Couldn't ask for what you really wanted. Damnit. Around you, you heard the voices of the other crew members. The voice of your best friend was among them as she explained in greater detail how life at her home was and how she’d been afraid to lose your friendship. But you didn’t take it all in. To you, these were just voices that were drowned out by the rhythmic beating of your own heart.
"I just wanted to say that I'm a big fan," you said instead, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I'll make sure to show you extra support online."
Joost's eyebrows shot up, a look of surprise flashing across his face. Then he grinned, shaking his head slightly. "Here," he said, with his hand outstretched. “Give me your phone.”
You instantly reached for your phone, fingers fumbling, and stood frozen as Joost – the one and only Joost Klein – stood in front of you with your phone in his hand, typing away as he added his details to your contacts. You must be dreaming… The way he leaned a little forward, the cigarette held between his lips, his blonde bangs brushing the edge of his black-rimmed glasses. Then, all too quickly, he pushed your phone back into your hands.
"In case you ever want to chat."
Your jaw dropped, your fingers trembling around your own phone. "T-thank you," you stuttered. This wasn’t real. Couldn’t be.
Joost just grinned and winked at you before turning away, sauntering back towards his crew. You watched him go, your heart pounding in your ears. You couldn't believe what had just happened. Joost Klein had given you his private contact information.
The brown-haired girl from Joost's crew sauntered over, peering at your phone in your hand.
“Well, that happened,” she said, her eyes sliding from your screen up to meet yours. “Don’t look so shocked. Just don’t share that with anyone else, will ya?”
“I wasn’t planning to,” you stammered. You glanced at your friend, who was watching the exchange with wide eyes. You couldn't help but smile.
This day had taken such an unexpected turn.
For the next couple of minutes, you talked to the girl by your side and slowly got down from your adrenaline high. The crew around you started to bustle, preparing for the next take. Cigarettes were stubbed and you understood it was the end of their break – you were just grateful you’d not interrupted them while actually recording.
Your friend joined you. And although you listened and talked to Joost’s crew and friends, your eyes would at times drift over to where he was, observing him as he talked to others and laughed, swung his arm around one of their shoulders, and smoked the last of his cigarette.
You wished he would turn and look at you, but he never did. Not wanting to be caught watching him, you focused on the conversations around you as best you could. Calls for quiet on the set sounded and the music was turned louder. “It’s time to continue recording,” one of the crew told the two of you. “You can stay and watch if you’re very, very quiet.”
But your friend shook her head, smiling shyly. “Thank you, but I really need to be home in time.”
Ah right, curfew. Her strict parents’ schedule. You forced a smile and joined your friend on the way out. As the two of you prepared to leave, you waved shyly at the crew members who weren’t already back at work and happened to glance your way. They waved back, much to your relief. You ducked your head and pushed against the heavy doors until a sliver of light from outside appeared. You intended to slip out as quickly and quietly as possible, but suddenly, a voice rang out above the music.
"Message me when you get home safe, okay?"
You looked back at him, your heart skipping a beat. He was watching you, his expression serious for once, as he stood amidst the others on set. The dancers or extras – you weren’t quite sure – who stood around him looked up and halted their moves. The cameras were already rolling and Joost just stopped midperformance to call after you.
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
Then you slipped out the door, your friend at your side. As soon as it closed behind you, you both broke into giggles, giddy with excitement and disbelief.
"I can't believe that just happened," your friend gasped, clutching at your arm.
You grinned at her, feeling warm and happy and safe. "Me neither. But I'm glad it did."
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steviewashere · 21 days
Want to Go Home With You (Bring Me a Home) Chp. 5
Rating:Teen and Up(May Change With Future Chapters) CW: Implied/Referenced Murder, Implied/Referenced Minor Character Death Tags: Alternate Universe - Mermaids, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down, Hurt/Comfort, Dialogue Heavy, Took Canon Out Back And Pulled an Old Yeller, Mer!Steve Harrington, Fisherman!Eddie Munson, Packless Steve Harrington (kind of?), Soft Steve Harrington, Confused Steve Harrington, Lonely Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Wants to be Loved, Mermaids with Animal Like Instincts, Future Propositioning, Lowkey Might Involve Some Omegaverse Aspects in the Future (Not Sorry), Steve Harrington Has Powers (Like Starfire in Teen Titans), Good Parent Wayne Munson, Mer!Eddie Munson
Read the first part here
Also on Ao3
🧜‍♂️——————🧜‍♂️ He closes the bedroom door with a soft thud. Steve’s snuffles are still heard, even through the wall, so Eddie knows that he slipped away successfully. But the almost complete silence that surrounds him throughout the rest of the cabin leaves him uneasy, making him wish that he just stayed in the bed with Steve. He promised to not leave, but there’s something burbling inside of him—a deep seeded pocket of curiosity and unruly untrusting that he still needs to work though.
Wayne was lying about something. And, usually, Eddie would just leave it be. Usually, there’s nobody to call out when or how or if Wayne is lying, but having somebody there—this third party with an oddly calibrated sense of knowing, he makes Eddie blink and consider what’s truly existing in front of him.
There was something off. He can’t help but reiterate to himself that Wayne knew something—knew of something wrong, knew of something that went directly against what he had promised. Has Wayne killed, Eddie asked himself, was he lying about that? There was no way, though. Wayne wouldn’t hurt a damn fly. He didn’t even fight in Vietnam, he busied with taking care of the wounded—he was a bandage on a sore, not the blade in the flesh.
Eddie couldn’t just leave it alone. He wants to lay down with Steve. Wants to hold him close. Give him all the warm things in the world. Show him photographs and human things he’s probably never experienced. Take him to a movie or put him in a car. Let him taste something new—the tartness of cherries or sweetness of freshly squeezed oranges or hot dogs with ketchup. He wants to live simply and show Steve the world, smaller in comparison to the vastness of the ocean, but blinding and awe-inspiring all the same.
Instead, however, Eddie sits on the couch and waits for Wayne to come back through the door. He settles in the middle cushion. Blinks at the blank screen of the television set. Listens to Steve’s snores, as they grow in intensity and deepness. Eddie twiddles his thumbs and counts the spots in the hardwood floor. Counts down from one hundred, thinks of his mother, counts back to one hundred, thinks of his mom some more. Wonders what the catch of the day will be tomorrow morning, how heavy the winds will be so early in the day, if the saltwater will stick tacky to his loose curls. Windswept and free, that’s what he wants to be.
He waits and he waits and he waits.
Until, finally, there are heavy thudding boots on the front steps. A key in the lock. And the door widens in one sweep.
Wayne startles as soon as he enters the living room. “Thought you’d be laying with the boy,” he says, forgoing greeting.
“What do you know?” Eddie asks. There’s a bitterness to his tone, one that would never be there for somebody like Wayne. “And don’t lie to me again, I know something’s up. Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll drop it.”
A heavy, sour sigh leaves Wayne’s mouth. He trudges the rest of the way to the couch and plops down unceremoniously next to Eddie. There’s a cap on his head—camouflage and plain—that he pulls down and rests on his right knee. And in his hand, fisted tight and white knuckled, he’s holding something. “I don’t…I don’t know if it’s necessary for you to know, Ed. I don’t”—
“Bullshit,” Eddie lowly growls. He sits sideways on his cushion, facing his uncle completely. Points his finger in Wayne’s direction, leaving space so he’s not touching. “Where’d you go? What do you know? Why won’t you just tell me?” He eyes Wayne for a beat. Adds, “Steve doesn’t act like that. He’s kind and he’s curious and he’s scared. But he isn’t mean. He doesn’t hiss like that unless something is wrong—like when he got caught in the net. But instead, you’re the reason he did. What. Do. You. Know?”
Down his face, Wayne drags his left hand. Mutters, “Damnit,” and blows out a tight breath. He shoves his right fist forward, unfurls his fingers, and drops something into Eddie’s palm.
When Eddie looks down, it’s his mom’s necklace. A pendant she wore for years until she up and left, when she went missing. It’s a simple thing—just a silver locket on a silver chain. He flips the locket open and there’s a photo of him in it—baby Eddie, big brown eyes squinted, giggling most likely, a gummy smile. The same photo he’s seen before when she showed him growing up. He thought she’d take it with her, wherever she went.
“Where’d you get this?” Eddie breathes. Swipes his thumb over that picture of himself. “Shouldn’t Mom have this? Why do you have it?”
“Ed,” Wayne sighs. Softly, “Ed, you’re gonna need to look at me.”
So, he does. Met with Wayne’s blue eyes, heavy lidded and impossibly sad. Sad in a way Eddie hasn’t seen in a long time. Something’s wrong here.
“Your mom didn’t leave you,” Wayne admits, whispering. “She…she wasn’t like anybody around here. Was sorta wild. Kind and caring, gentle, nurturing. She loved you, loved the world, wanted to see so much of it with you.”
Eddie sniffs. “What are you getting at?”
Wayne looks away for a brief moment. Swallows heavy and loud, like he’s digesting the world down his dry throat. He takes a deep breath and looks back, sadder. “What do you remember about your dad, Ed?” He asks softly.
He scoffs. “What don’t I remember about him? My dad was a huge piece of shit, Wayne. No offense, I guess. But he…he was mean and he was nasty. He didn’t really love my mom, I could always tell. Pushed her around, said shit to her, turned it around on me, too. I just remember he wasn’t a good person and for some reason, he went away to jail.” He looks down at the locket again and then back up at Wayne. “Did you get this from him?” He asks, holding up the pendant.
“No,” Wayne answers, shaking his head. “I…I got that from my safe deposit box at the post office. It’s something I put away years and years ago. So that I could give it back to you, eventually.” He grinds his teeth together, jaw working, mulling words. “This was something I got to keep after the police found her,” he whispers, a confession, something deeply ashamed.
“After the police,” Eddie echoes slowly. “The police?”
“Your dad…he”—Wayne stops himself with a half-formed sob. His eyes noticeably teary and miserable, now that Eddie’s focused. His lower lip trembles, his whole body shaking with the force of his emotion. Eddie isn’t sure what to make of any of this yet.—“Your dad murdered your mom, Ed. He confessed to it, yet pleaded not guilty. Life in prison. This is all I have left of your mother.”
Eddie can only stare at Wayne in stunned silence. It’s like everything in him freezes over, locks up. Like his body forgot how to function. He can see Wayne crying quietly in front of him, can see Wayne waiting for some sort of response. There’s a thousand and one emotions flooding through him. Anger and guilt and sadness, a bitterness he’s never known, an aching he’s barely felt now pulsing through him in harsh waves.
“I don’t…he? He did—What does this have to”—
“Your mom was like that boy,” Wayne interrupts, voice snotty and wet. “She came from out there, out in the ocean. And…your dad, he was a fisherman, too. They had that sweet summer romance, they were in love for some years. Then, she had you.” He takes a moment to collect himself, to breathe through his nose and out through his mouth, doesn’t look at Eddie anymore. Like what he’s going to say next will hurt worse.
Wayne continues, “She had you when she was young. She was scared, y’know. Had a baby with human legs, even though she had ‘em, too. Your dad thought that you’d never be like her, the whole…merfolk thing.
“But you’ve always been different than what people expect of you. Except for your mom. She was bathing you one day and it just…happened. You had your gummy smile with a couple baby human teeth coming in, human ears, regular nails. But she went to scrub behind your knees, lo and behold, she was met with a short, teal tail like that Ariel girl has in that mermaid movie.
“Your mom”—Wayne breathes out something like a chuckle—“she came rushing from that bedroom, the one that’s yours now. She came rushing out to me with you in your mer form. Dangling you in the air, purring like a damn motor boat, trilling between words like she couldn’t contain herself. She was so proud of you, so proud that that part of you was beginning to show. I remember her telling me about the days you two were going to spend in the water. That she was going to teach you how to collect those pretty little pearls. She wanted to show you how to swim. She was so excited to have somebody like you.”
Eddie shuffles closer on the couch. Close enough, now, that Wayne hesitantly tucks them together. Brushes fingers through Eddie’s curls. “Dad found out, didn’t he?” He asks in a voice that’s too small to be him.
Wayne answers anyway. “He did,” he sighs. “It was ugly. They screamed at each other while I took care of you that night. Wouldn’t stop until she slammed the front door behind her. He must’ve…I think he followed her. Only he returned.” His heavy hands rub down Eddie’s shoulders, over his back, holding him close and together. “I think he scared you,” Wayne states quietly, “you were so standoff-ish from him. You closed yourself up. You didn’t like talking to him. It’s like something in you knew that a bad thing had happened. An instinct in your gut was screaming at you. It’s a good thing, too, because he was found out pretty fast after that night.”
He doesn’t think he’s breathing while Wayne holds him. There’s a lot to take in. A lot of new things to know. But one thing he doesn’t—
“Why aren’t I a merman now? How come I’m just a human, Wayne?”
“Cause your dad wanted you to be. He made sure you knew to not show that part of yourself. So you hid.” Wayne pauses for a moment. Slows his comforting movements. Looks ahead of himself. “I was scared for you,” he admits quietly, “because people don’t think of mer all that kindly, I’m sure you know now. I made sure you hid, too, but only for your own safety. Your dad made you hide because of prejudice.
“If you want to be a merman, I have no qualms with it. But you need to be safe and vigilant. There’s a reason that boy sought you out.”
“So that I can keep him safe?”
Wayne shakes his head. “I think he wants more from you than that. I think he can sense that part of you.” He looks back to Eddie, then. Brushes his hair back. Sits them back upright on the couch. And curls Eddie’s fingers around the heart shaped locket. “He wants to be safe, yes. But I think he wants someone who will understand him, make him feel less alone. Make him feel…loved.”
Eddie nods slowly, understanding. “And if I wanted to give him that? If I…if I wanted to let that part of me out so that we can be like a pact or something?”
“Then I’d tell you to just stay aware, Ed. But I want to get to know this boy first. I want to know that you’ll be safe with him.”
“Right,” Eddie whispers. Thumbs over the locket one more time. “I don’t think you’ll need to worry. We take care of each other, I promise.”
🧜‍♂️——————🧜‍♂️ Taglist (open for this work):
@scoops-aboy86 @spectrum-spectre @loveryanax @emmabubbles
@swimmingbirdrunningrock @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @azryl90
@starryeyedpoet17 @artofabookworm
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niafromheaven · 6 months
Best of Wives, Best of Women
Paring:AngelicSword (Emilute), past GuitarAngelicSword (Adam x Emily x Lute)
Rating:Teen and up
Themes:Major character death
Plot:Lute knows she's going to die soon. She knows she will be gone before Emily gets up in the morning.
Lute woke up to her alarm. As the commander of the Heavenly Host, she was now in charge of the exterminations. They had an early extermination scheduled for this morning, at 5 AM. She didn't know why, but something about today gave her an off feeling.
She couldn't place it, but she had a feeling that she should cuddle the woman laying next to her before she left.
“Emily...” She shook her wife. “Emy, wake up love...” Lute smiled as the older woman slowly stired. “Lute?” she yawned, stretching out. “What time is it?”
“Almost time for me to leave, hon. I thought I would wake you up to cuddle a little before I left..” Lute scooted closer toward her, and Emily scooted into her embrace, throwing her leg across Lute's thigh. Lute wrapped her wings around the shorter woman, her wings acting as a blanket for the both of them. Before Adam had perished in the extermination 6 months ago today, he used to cover them both up like this as they all three snuggled together.
Now, since he was gone, they had cuddled the same way together. They missed him dearly, that is why, against Emily's worry and wishes, Lute had continued the exterminations. Those demons had taken their lover from them, but no matter what, Emily couldn't bring herself to hate them. Lute, however, could. Lute didn't forgive easily. Lute held grudges.
Her forgiveness didn't stop Emily from being worried, by no means. She had dreaded this day for months.
Minutes passed by, and Lute unwrapped them from her wings. Emily clung onto her, now suddenly full of anxiety.
“Lute... don't go...” Emily whined, bringing herself to look up at her. “Please..”
“Shhh...” Lute shushed her, wiping the forming tears away from her eyes. “It'll be alright, darling.. you'll see me in a couple hours..”
Emily shook her head. “Lute... I'm scared... what if you don't-” She started shaking, burying her face in Lute's chest. “I can't lose-”
Lute put a finger to her chin and lifted her head up. “Hey... You won't. I'll be back in 4 hours, sweetie.” She reassured her, smiling. “You're not going to lose me.”
“You promise?” Emily held her pinky finger out.
“I promise.” Lute intertwined their pinkies together, then they brought their fists to their mouths, kissing on it.
Emily let her go, and Lute got off the bed. “So long as you come home at the end of the day... that would be enough...”
Lute smiled at Emily's words, putting on her uniform and helmet. She started to walk toward the door, before a pair of arms wrapped around her torso, pulling her back flush against the woman behind her.
“I love you..” Emily said.
“I love you more.” She turned to face Emily, “Hey, cheer up...” She took Emily's left hand and kissed it, eyeing the wedding ring on her finger. “Best of wives, best of women...”
Emily giggled, as Lute placed a kiss to her lips.
And before Emily could say anymore, she was gone.
But that's okay. She'd be back in 4 hours.
4 hours passed.
Then 6.
Then 10.
Lute should have been home so many hours ago. Where was she?
Emily sat in their living room. 5 more hours passed. Then a day. She had tried calling Lute's phone, it always went to voicemail.
Maybe if she texted?
[Hey Lulu? It's been a day, is everything okay?] sent at 11AM
[Lulu, when are you coming home? I miss you..] sent at 1230AM
[Lute,please come home...] sent at 1023PM
None of her texts were ever read. Reality slowly set in for Emily as she realized...
She was gone.
Lute was never coming home.
Adam was gone. They had lost him. Now Lute was gone... Emily was completely alone now, without her wife and husband.
Emily buried her head in her hands, falling back and curling up in a ball. Why? Why her? Why them? Why did this have to happen?
She grabbed a pillow, hugging it to her chest. She then wrapped her wings around herself in a protective blanket. In her mind, she was cuddling Lute while Adam wrapped his wings around both of his best girls. They were happy. They were together.
They were alive.
Now, Emily had another halo to add to the one sitting in the drawer in the bedroom... if it had even made it back to Heaven.
Adam was gone. Lute was gone.
All Emily had left now were memories.
Memories of what once was, and what could have been.
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ANNIE!!! klaine + 34? 🤭
Hey lovely Aurora. Your wish is my command
Prompt 34: to pretend
Emergency Husband
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee (TV 2009) glee-klaine,klaine fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,Original Characters
Kurt Hummel has an emergency situation and Blaine Anderson comes in to save Kurt's day and his bladder.
Inspired by a youtube short from a series/movie. I watched it a long time ago, so I don't remember.
I'll try writing for other prompts too. Soon.
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a-pen-in-the-paw · 8 months
Jesper touched the jutting, paper-mâché chin of the Grey Imp mask. "I can’t help it, I’m intrigued to know what lovely face you’re hiding under this." 
"I’m sorry," Wylan apologized again, shaking his head. "I can’t. I won’t take it off."
"House policy?" 
"No. It's more complicated than that." 
(An alternate explanation for why show!Jesper doesn’t remember spending a night with Wylan.)
Rating:Teen And Up
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings
Fandoms:Six of Crows Series - Leigh BardugoShadow and Bone (TV)
Relationships:Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck ; Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa
Characters:Wylan Van Eck Jesper Fahey Kaz Brekker Inej Ghafa Nina Zenik
Additional Tags: One Night Stands; Fluff ; wesper; Touched-starved Wylan; Flirty Flirty Jesper Fahey ; Sexual Content but nothing explicit; sensual content if you may; Emotional Hurt/Comfort ; past parental abuse; hidden identity; Kanej ; Mostly wesper but with a side of kanej
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starry-nights12 · 1 year
Visions of You
Read on AO3
Rating:Teen and Up Audiences
Tags:Mutual Pining, Angst, Slight Fluff, Bittersweet
Word count:2,065
Summary:Ekko has never been so happy! His former childhood best friend is back in his life and they finally reunited! Jinx is happy too! She has something to show her appreciation to him.
Authors Note: Big thanks to my friend @a-hams-art for beta-reading! Go check out their art! It's fucking adorable and amazing!🥺💖
Ekko was in his private study; his desk sat behind a window, and the afternoon sunlight shone in the room. 
He could hear the usual commotion of his base: People chatting, and kids were laughing as they played together. Others were hollering as they rode their hoverboards. 
Him and his group were going to be headed out to the markets today. 
He was writing down supplies everyone needed when the door swung open and banged against the wall.
"Hey-o, Ekko!" Jinx exclaimed. 
Ekko flinched and accidentally scribbled on the list, "Jinx! Why didn't you knock?" 
She shrugged, "Because I didn't want to." She kicked the door closed. 
"You're supposed to knock before you enter."He chided lightly. 
She scoffed, "You may be the leader of The Firelights but you don't tell me what to do." 
Ekko rolled his eyes while shaking his head, "What did you come in here for, anyway?" 
"To annoy and bother." 
Ekko huffed, "You definitely got those two parts down." 
She giggled happily. "Thanks. I'll make sure to come by more often.” She smirked. 
Ekko rolled his eyes again with a small smile. 
It's been nearly a week since Jinx joined the Firelight Base. 
His announcement to keep her in their base camp was met with resounding pushback. 
His best friend, Scar, was hesitant to vote for her to stay but he eventually-maybe begrudgingly- agreed. 
Ultimately, they trusted their leader. If anything did happen, they knew he and Scar wouldn't hesitate to protect their community. 
He didn't miss the glares Scar gave the woman whenever he spotted her; Jinx would return the look with just as much malice. 
Most of his people kept their distance away from her. He understood their wariness and expected it. 
To Heimerdinger's credit, he was polite to her when she arrived. He would try to start a friendly conversation with her but his efforts were met with blank stares. 
Even if nobody wanted to involve themselves with her, he wanted her. He was happy to finally be able to reunite with his childhood friend. 
He noticed that she was holding two sheets of paper. "What you got there?" 
She followed to where his gaze was, and her eyes momentarily widened. "Oh! It's-" She held the papers behind her.  
She cleared her throat, "I need to ask you something first before I do." 
"Okay," He shrugged nonchalantly. "What is it?" 
"You said you would be happy that I stayed," She stroked her braid. "And you like me for me. Right?" 
"Of course, you're my friend." He answered. 
She raised an eyebrow, she slightly narrowed her eyes at him, "And you still wanna be my friend?" 
"Of course, I do. I'll always be."He assured. 
She dimly nodded with a small smile. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I made you something," she said softly. 
A smile peeked from his mouth, "Really?" 
"Yeah, you know. Since we're friends now or whatever." She muttered, she placed the two sheets on his desk.
It was a crayon drawing. The tree in their base stood in the background and Firelights surrounded the base in the night. 
Ekko was drawn as a stick figure. He was on his hoverboard and holding his stopwatch with his signature smug grin. 
What else could he do but show her a wide grin? She made something just for him and it happened to be a cute little drawing of himself. 
"This is great, I really like it! Thank you!" He chirped. 
Jinx hummed quietly, "It's a picture of you. I knew you would." She smiled weakly in return. 
His features contorted into a frown and his eyebrows furrowed. 
Something didn't feel right. 
Why is she acting so sullen?
He moved the drawing behind the second sheet of paper. 
Dead enforcers and Sevika lay in a pool of their blood. They all had Xs drawn over their eyes. Their heads were bashed in,had crooked necks, or were filled with bullet holes. 
The drawing that caught his attention the most was Caitlyn's dead body lying in front of them. 
There was blood splattered across them. 
Jinx and Ekko smiling and high-fiving each other with Pow-Pow strapped to her chest and Ekko holding his bloody bat. 
Horns were sticking out from Caitlyn's head, fangs and a forked tongue stuck out of her mouth. Jinx was holding her hair, it was raised proudly like a trophy she won. 
He didn't care about the enforcers of Sevika being depicted in the pile of corpses. It was Caitlyn that surprised him. 
He didn't know her that well. She was a Piltie and an Enforcer. 
Of course, she was stupid to believe that Enforcers were benevolent beings that uphold the law and treated everyone fairly. 
They already harassed or killed Zaunites.The money Silco paid them simply gave them more incentive to do so. 
But she seemed nice enough and she was Vi's friend. He wouldn't have wanted her killed. 
A chill had settled into the room. The hairs on his neck raised and goosebumps appeared on his arms. 
She was sitting on top of his desk. Her searing pink eyes observed his, gauging and calculating, she was cornering him without even needing to touch him. 
She tilted her head to the side. She spoke to him low and slowly, "I thought you would like it," 
She placed her boots on the side of his armrest and the wheels on his chair brought him closer to her. 
"Or, you can give me that one," She held out her hand for the second drawing. "That's your choice, really." 
In other circumstances, he would have found this amusing. But Jinx was being very strange. 
There were no hints of playfulness, her cold stare was dead set on him. She was being entirely serious. 
What the hell?
This is ridiculous. She wants me to make a decision. Over drawings of all things. 
So, I have to choose. One or the other. 
Which one did I like more? 
Which one do I favor?
Recognition flashed in his eyes. 
Where should she sit?
He re-examined the drawings. 
'-JINX' was written in the bottom corner of the second drawing. 
'Powder' was written in the same place on the other one. 
She's really doing this.This is a test.
Her expression had remained neutral throughout the ordeal but her eye and mouth twitched. Her pink eyes blazed as an indication of her growing anger. 
Ekko was the one to unleash this prolonged silence. It was ripping her flesh with its claws and teeth yet he was doing nothing about it. 
It shouldn't have to take this long. If he meant what he said then the decision should have been obvious. 
"Well," She snarled. "What's it going to be,sunny?" She flicked his forehead as hard as she can. 
Ekko clenched his jaw and shot her a glare. 
She thought she was intimidating him but really? He already knew his answer. He was trying to come up with the right way to phrase his words.  
He momentarily closed his eyes and breathed evenly to temper his irritation before he talked. 
He didn't want to lose her again. He couldn't. 
He couldn't bare having her return only for him to fuck everything up with her. 
He was sure that would have made him snapped; punching a wall until his knuckles were bloody and broken and screaming until he lost his voice. 
He was fucking sick and tired of repeatedly failing her. 
He regained his patience and quickly licked his lips. 
"So you think that I have a favorite? That I'm just going to throw it away?" He was able to speak to her calmly. "But honestly? They're both amazing and unique. I love both." 
The sincerity and conviction in his voice rattled her entire body. 
What did he say? He didn't just- no. He did though. I heard him. He said it.
"You-" She swallowed an enormous lump in her throat. "You seriously mean that?" She asked softly. 
He nodded firmly, "You thought about me and took time and effort to make me something. I really appreciate it. One isn't better than the other, you know? 
Sure, they're different but they were made by the same person. And I happen to like that person very much. " His smile was genuinely happy. 
"But there's one thing you did wrong." 
Her hold on his chair slackened with her shoulders easing from their tension. "And what's that?" 
He grabbed his pen and made a quick correction. He held it up to show her.  
She gingerly took the drawing and stared in disbelief at the bottom corner. He crossed out Powder and had written Jinx instead. 
She met Ekko's kind and gentle smile when she looked at him. "It's Jinx. J-I-N-X." 
He stood up. His warm gaze fixed on her. He placed his hand on top of her head and then cradled the back of it. 
The soft rays of sunlight through the window seemed to glow brightly around him. The dust particles in the air looked like glitter at that moment. 
It was nearly angelic. All Jinx could do was marvel in awe at the sight she was beholding. 
The words he wanted to directly say were transferred into how tenderly he held her. 
He used to just want Powder back. 
That night on the bridge, he finally realized that Jinx was Powder. Powder was Jinx. They were both one in the same. 
It was sad that she hated her old self so much that she disassociated with being Powder. She was one of his best friends and they had so much fun together. 
But he didn't bring her to the Firelight base in hopes of changing or fixing her. 
He just missed her. He'll take the good and the bad all in stride. He wanted every last bit of her. They had all the time in the world to create new memories together. 
His words put a strange spell on her that left her transfixed in a trance. Her hands dangled uselessly at her sides as she processed everything. 
She didn't know how she was able to breathe with the number of Cupid's arrows Ekko impaled into her heart. 
Her eyes sparkled with the emotion she didn't dare to speak of aloud. 
He reignited a fuse in her. It electrocuted her like being struck by lightning. She was surprised she didn't die from her injuries. 
She felt it. She felt it so fucking much.
After they finished, she was going to write his name in her diary and write so many Xs and Os and hearts. 
That's a strong word. 
What's he trying to say to me? 
Does that mean something? Should I say something back? What would I even say? 
He says he loves both. 
Did he just say he-
She minutely shook her head and rapidly blinked out of her stupor. 
She needed to get in touch with reality again. She was eighteen. She knew better than to believe such childish things. 
No. Don't be fucking stupid. Ekko is just a genuinely good guy. 
You're thinking too deeply about this. Gods, you're so desperate. It's disgusting how pathetic you are. 
He's not talking about you, you fucking idiot. He's talking about the drawings.
Tears pooled in her eyes and slid down her face. 
She was incredibly selfish. 
She knew her presence will inevitably cause him more problems yet she came back to him to stay. 
But she missed him. And he told her he missed her too. 
She wanted him more than anything. She wanted to be happy with him. 
He still liked her. 
He valued her as his friend who still cared for her after everything she's done. But that was good enough for her. 
She threw her arms around him and clutched him tightly. He leaned into the hug, his strength matching hers. 
Jinx leaned forward, her hand rubbing his back. His thumb stroked the back of her hair. 
Even though I'm not worthy of his love, Ekko is still perfect. He is absolutely and utterly perfect.
If hugs healed, she’d clasped onto him until their bodies withered and their rotting corpses remained. 
He was too good for her. She'll never be good enough for him. 
She'll only taint him. She'll ruin this one good thing just like everything else in her life.
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A Closer Look
by jokermans
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom:Miraculous Ladybug
Relationships:Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Characters:Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Rose Lavillant, Alix Kubdel
Additional Tags:Romance, Teen Romance, Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Fluff, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Truth or Dare, Identity Reveal, Fluff and Humor, Post-Episode: s04 Le Gang des Secrets | Gang of Secrets, Season 4 Spoilers
Language: English
Published: 2021-05-29
Completed: 2021-06-12
Words: 11,915
Chapters: 4/4
“So what’s your type, Adrien?” Adrien began to describe his ideal girl. It was pretty simple. All he had to do was describe Ladybug. Dark silky hair. Deep bluebell eyes… and so on. As he finished, Alya and the rest of the group looked excited. “We all know who it is!” They said. Adrien was ready for them to tell him they know his type is Ladybug only for all of them to say: “It’s Marinette!” “Wait, what?!” He exclaimed. Adrien was stunned by their answer. As he thought about the similarities… maybe his lady really was that close to him after all.
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star-ar512 · 9 months
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:Major Character Death
Fandom: Little Goody Two Shoes (Video Game)
Relationships: Elise Liedl/Lebkuchen (Little Goody Two Shoes)
Characters: Lebkuchen (Little Goody Two Shoes), Elise Liedl (Little Goody Two Shoes)
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Spoilers for ending #3; One Shot; Regret and anguish; Post Judas' Kiss (ending #3); Golden Maidens
Elise looked up with her glistening, disconsolate eyes, pleading forgiveness to the other maiden once again.
Attempting not to choke on her own words, she managed to utter her appellation, acknowledging how it could strangle her then and there.
Elise has to bear the consequences of her choice once more. This time, Lebkuchen is there to help.
it is time, lassies. some leblise angst (hurt/comfort) to make up for the cuteness last time.
the comfort is worth the hurt i promise.
(spoilers for ending #3, judas' kiss)
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hdowlpost · 9 months
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OWL GIFTS for Smirkingcat!
LISTEN TO on AO3: [podfic of] Lovesick Gift from: @wilfriede* Link to Story: Lovesick by @corvuscrowned Summary: People keep spiking Auror Harry Potter with love potions. Healer Draco Malfoy keeps having to pick up the pieces. But it's getting harder and harder for Draco to watch Harry fall in love with everyone except for him. A podfic of corvuscrowned's story. Podfic Length: 51:56 (with music), 50:25 (without music) Rating:Teen and Up Audiences Podfic Cover: made by Liv (@priestlyvance on Twitter) Contains: fluff and humour, amortentia, friends to lovers, getting together Notes: Dear Smirkingcat, I hope you enjoy this podfic. I found the story by looking for Auror!Harry and Healer!Draco stories (thanks for mentioning your about-me LJ post, hehe) and it has lots of pining :D * Podfic creators are not anon.
READ POEM on AO3: Owl 2 Summary: In a world that had gone mad they both knew that they only had each other to rely on. Word Count: 697 Rating: general audiences Contains: poetry Notes: For Smirkingcat!
ENJOY on AO3: Materials Provided Summary: Another headline decrying Draco for what he is, and he can't stop wondering if Harry would be better off without him. Word Count: 1083 Rating: Teen and up Contains: Veela Draco, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship Notes: Huge huge thanks to @sleepstxtic for the incredible beta, and to the mods for running this fest. For Smirkingcat, I hope you have a wonderful festive season.
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Sapphic Saturday
It's been a busy one for soulmate fics on the popular Sapphic Saturday!
Title: Chromatic Aberrations Author: apricitydays
Ship: Astoria Greengrass/Ginny Weasley
Wordcount: 8195 Rating: Mature
Warnings: N/A
Astoria Greengrass, an up-and-coming painter with congenital monochromia, records her days as the official portrait artist for the 2006 Quidditch World Cup Team. When she forms an unexpected connection with the star player, Ginny Weasley, her relationship to her art is changed forever.
Read on AO3
Title: You're the Dirt Under My Shoes Author: DrPansyParkinson, meriyart
Wordcount: 4301 Rating: Teen
Warnings: N/A
Everyone else might be content to let Pansy Parkinson's crime of suggesting they give up Harry Potter to Voldemort slide (even Harry) but Ginny Weasley intended to hold her grudge. Well, that is until Ginny's injured at a Quidditch match and only volunteer Field Healer Parkinson can help.
Read on AO3
Title: A Destiny Written in Ink Author: MidnightStargazer
Ship: Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson
Wordcount: 7788 Rating:Teen
Warnings: N/A
Whatever you write or draw on your skin appears in the same place on your soulmate's body. Luna and Pansy discovered their connection as young children, but their secret friendship fell apart during their early years at Hogwarts. Now, trapped in the cellar of Malfoy Manor, Luna finds a question written on her arm in Pansy's handwriting:
Are you okay?
Luna no longer believes in destined soulmates and decided long ago that she would rather choose for herself. But maybe whatever strange magic chose to link them together knew what it was doing after all.
Read on AO3
Title: oh, I know I had the best time falling into love Author: Indigo_Dewdrops
Ship: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley
Wordcount: 1000 Rating: General
Warnings: N/A
Summary: ‘I love you,’ Ginny wants to say. Instead, she spends her summers sleeping away the hours she missed over the school term and dreaming of blonde hair and flowers.
Read on AO3
Title: The Rejected Bond Author: ayanadailey
Ship: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Pandora Lovegood
Wordcount: 992 Rating: Teen
Warnings: N/A
Bellatrix has been searching for her soulmate since she was ten and her little sister found hers. But when she finds her soulmate, she has a hard decision to make.
Read on AO3
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prettygirl-gabi · 1 year
I never stopped loving you
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences Warning:teeth rotting fluff, high school lovers, some what of Mingi's pov but it's not in his pov
Fandom:ATEEZ (Band)
Relationships: !non-idol Mingi x !f reader
Summary: Maybe it's good to give second chances
Love is a powerful emotion that can bring people together, but it can also tear them apart. For Song Mingi, love had been both a blessing and a curse.
He had fallen in love with you, his high school sweetheart, but soon the relationship had ended in heartbreak. Heartbreak that the both of you kinda knew whould happen. However, fate had other plans for him when he met you again years later.
Mingi was walking down the street when he saw you. He saw how you were standing outside the coffee shop, the first date coffee shop. You were looking as beautiful as ever. He couldn't believe his eyes; it was you, his ex-girlfriend. The both of you hadn't seen each other in over 5 plus years.
As you were walking in the other direction he chose to follow you like a lost puppy chasing his owner. "Hey! Hey y/n!" he said tentatively.
This caused you to stop and turn around and looked at him with surprise on your face.
"Mingi?" You asked incredulously. He nodded, feeling nervous and excited all at once. As you both started talking and catching up on old times. You exchanged phone numbers and made plans to meet up again soon.
As you sat across from each other at a restaurant, Mingi couldn't help but feel like he was getting a second chance at love, butyou were feeling that exact same way. He had always regretted how things ended between you in high school, but now he felt like they could start over again.
"I'm sorry about how things ended between us," he said earnestly. "It's okay," you replied softly. "We were young then. We didn't know any better and we were learning."
Mingi smiled gratefully at you understanding words. He knew that the both of you had grown since then and that you could make things work this time around if given the chance.
Over the next few weeks, you two spent more time together and got to know each other better than before all over again. You went on dates to museums, parks and even took dance lessons together which brought back memories of the prom night where you two danced all night long under the stars while holding hands tightly not wanting to let go of each other's embrace until dawn broke out.
One day, Mingi decided to take you to a karaoke bar. He knew that you loved to sing and he wanted to hear your soft voice again. As you both sang together, Mingi felt like he was in high school again, carefree and happy.
After the duet, Mingi took the microphone and dedicated a song to you. He sang with all his heart, pouring out his feelings.
"I never stopped loving you," he sang. "I want to make things right this time." You looked at him with tears in you eyes as he finished singing. You knew  and felt that he meant every word of it.
"I love you too," you said softly. This caused Mingi to smile widely as he took your hand in his. He knew that this was the beginning of their second chance at love and so did you.
Second chances are rare but when given can be life-changing especially when it comes to love. You and Mingi had been given a second chance at love with each other since being high school sweetheart, and made sure not to let go of it this time around.
With expressing his feelings through music, which never failed to make you feel like you are in the safest place ever, which brought the two of you closer than ever before. The both of you can say that love is a powerful emotion and that can bring people together even after years apart and give them hope for a better future together.
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steviewashere · 3 months
Want to Go Home With You (Bring Me a Home)  Chp. 4
Rating:Teen and Up (May Change With Future Chapters)  CW: None, at least for now  Tags: Alternate Universe - Mermaids, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down, Hurt/Comfort, Dialogue Heavy, Took Canon Out Back And Pulled an Old Yeller, Mer!Steve Harrington, Fisherman!Eddie Munson, Packless Steve Harrington (kind of?), Soft Steve Harrington, Confused Steve Harrington, Lonely Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Wants to be Loved, Mermaids with Animal Like Instincts, Future Propositioning, Lowkey Might Involve Some Omegaverse Aspects in the Future (Not Sorry), Steve Harrington Has Powers (Like Starfire in Teen Titans), Good Parent Wayne Munson
Read the first part over here
Read the fifth part over here
Can also be read on AO3
🧜‍♂️—————🧜‍♂️ When they make it back to shore, Steve’s trembling. His sharp baby teeth chattering together. Arms wrapped firmly around his naked torso.
“It is so cold,” he bemoans. His curled nails dig softly into the fatty flesh of his biceps. Legs bouncing where they’re hooked over the side of one of the benches. There’s rows and rows of goosebumps riddling his skin. And his hair keeps whipping around him every single time they’re hit with a gust of wind.
Eddie clicks his tongue on the back of his teeth. “Yeah,” he sighs. “Guess I did forget to mention that. Sorry, Steve. But good news is that we only have to walk some five minutes and we’ll be back at my cabin, how’s that sound?”
“Good, Eddie. I want warm.”
He comes to a slow stop at the dock. Throws the rope over the side and hops out onto the hardwood, wrangling the rope to tie against one of the support beams. Gently, he takes Steve’s hands and helps him step down with him, his legs wobbling with the effort. He swipes his thumbs over the backs of Steve’s freezing hands. “You’re gonna hate me,” Eddie murmurs, “but when we get there, you’ll need to wait outside for just a couple minutes, alright? I have to see if my uncle is home. And if he is, then I’ll need to figure out a way to sneak you inside.”
Taking Steve over the sand is an arduous journey, Eddie sorely notices. He should’ve guessed, he supposes, having to keep Steve upright and moving. It’s hard to lug him back to the cabin. Every single step is a new moment for them both to end up face down in the sand pits, cushioned by shards of shells and possible broken glass beer bottles. But, somehow, they make it. And Eddie hates having to leave Steve out here on his own, shivering and almost naked on his doorstep.
Hates everything a little more when he steps into the main living space of the cabin, only to find his uncle sitting on the sofa with a hot mug of coffee. He looks up from the Sears catalog he’d been browsing, eyebrows raised and mouth pinched. “Thought you were out there fishing today,” his uncle gruffly remarks.
“I tried, Wayne,��� Eddie states, which is true. Even if he didn’t try quite as hard as he should’ve. “Wouldn’t give me a good bite.”
Wayne hums. “So if I asked about that figure I saw you walking up with, you’d tell me…”
Eddie’s eyes widen. Of course Wayne would see through the fucking windows, you absolute moron, he can’t help but chastise. “What figure? I walked up here all by myself,” he nervously garbles out.
“Just bring the guy in,” Wayne sighs. “It’s forty degrees out right now and he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Might as well take a stray in for a few hours.” He flicks the catalog between his hands, readjusting on the sofa. When Eddie makes no show of movement, though, Wayne simply looks up again and raises an eyebrow. “If you were going to sneak him in, I was going to find out eventually. You’re a terrible liar, Eddie. Now, bring him in, fetch him some warm clothes, and you can introduce me, yeah?”
Hesitantly, Eddie gives a slow nod. “Uh…Yeah, fine. Sure. Just—Wayne, promise me something.”
“What kind of hogwash shit have you gotten yourself into, boy?”
The question is neutral, but Eddie still minutely flinches anyway. Wayne doesn’t get mad, not really. But he definitely makes it known when Eddie’s being a dumbass. Hopefully, though, he doesn’t actually get pissed. “The guy I found,” Eddie starts slowly. “He’s—Well, the guy’s not from around here.”
“So he’s an immigrant? A tourist? Why’s that supposed to matter to me, Ed?”
Eddie sighs. Bites his bottom lip. “Yeah. Fine. Let me just bring him in. Just don’t freak out.” 
Hastily, Eddie makes a quick exit to the front porch. Steve’s still sitting on the first step, hunched over his new knees, looking down at his toes. Watching them cautiously as they flex in the sand. He looks up when Eddie steps in front of him, wide eyes and curious brows. “He is home?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, unfortunately he is,” Eddie answers. “I don’t know how he’s going to actually react, Stevie. But he found out that I was bringing somebody with me. I was being kind of stupid and didn’t remember the windows and he saw you and now he wants to meet you and I just—“ He stops at the softness of a palm on his forearm. Eddie nods, swallows. “Don’t be disappointed if we have to find somewhere else for you to stay, okay?”
“Will not like me?”
“I think he’ll like you,” Eddie says, half-unsure, half-hopeful. “But I can’t promise anything.”
“I am cold.”
“Let’s get you warm, Stevie,” he says softly, reaching out his hand. “He can be mad later.”
Eddie walks through the door first, gently dragging Steve behind him. Then, when Wayne’s focus is back and the Sears catalog has been set aside, he finally ushers Steve forward. Standing just off his shoulder. A hand placed on his upper back. “This is the guy, Wayne. His name is…Well, his real name is Steven, but I’ve been calling him Steve.”
With a wary stare, Wayne takes Steve in. His eyebrows raising in slow increments with every feature he catalogs. At the claws wrapped on his elbows, the baby teeth that shine through his attempt at an inviting smile, the ripple of gills on his ribs, and the trembling legs. He swallows thickly, eyes wide. “Where,” Wayne asks slowly, “where did you find this so called ‘Steve’?”
His thumb, nestled between Steve’s shoulder blades, rubs soothingly when he senses the spark of anxiety. “The ocean,” Eddie quietly answers, “I caught him in the net. And he was sweet and lonely and cold. I’ve uh…I’ve been going down to see him everyday.”
“Caught him?” Wayne asks, “Like a fish?”
“He’s a merman,” Eddie states simply. He calculates the reaction, though.
Wayne’s impossibly wider eyes and his high-arched eyebrows. The small gasp and the drop of his jaw. He stands from the couch and shuffles over, standing right in front of Steve. “And he’s a person,” he points out.
Eddie nods once, firm, but anxious. “He—uh—has this ability to take on things that he…kisses?”
“And you kissed him?”
“He kissed me, Wayne,” he states. “But I liked it. I didn’t mind.”
“And…And now he’s in our home.”
“Listen, Wayne,” Eddie rushes to say, “if it’s a problem, I can use my salary to get him a motel room for a few nights. He just—I don’t want him to go back down there. He’s alone with no family; they’re all dead, Wayne. Dead. All he wants is somewhere warm. We have…There’s a space heater in my room and I know how to make soup and I’ve got extra clothes. I’ll figure this out, just please don’t turn him away.”
Steve’s smile wavers as Wayne reaches out and gently grasps him by the shoulders. “Can you turn back?” Wayne asks, though not unkindly.
Over his shoulder, Steve shoots Eddie an apologetic, nervous look. But he glances back at Wayne. Answers softly, “No. I am human now.” He inhales sharply, trembling fiercely. “Please no hurt,” he quietly pleads, “no hurt me, please. Not like my mer.”
“Ed, what does he mean by that?”
Eddie swipes his hand down Steve’s back and hooks it around his waist. Holding him firmly, yet as gently as he’s able. “Fishermen killed them,” he states lowly, “but we don’t do that.” He raises an eyebrow at Wayne. “Right? We don’t do that.”
For a moment, they all just stare at each other. Steve at Wayne. Wayne at the both of them. But he doesn’t speak. And in that lull, Eddie notices something odd. There’s a glint to Wayne’s stare. Something that sparks and blazes. The way a fire trying to consume a house does, trying to devour secrets and memories, attempting to not let any of it get out and away. As if it’s trying to hide a previous destruction. But Wayne looks to Eddie like that, not Steve.
It’s like he’s remembering something that Eddie wasn’t privy to. And even if he was, he’s not sure he quite realizes what it is. A thing locked behind a chest in the back of his brain.
Then, Wayne smiles. It’s plastic, but there. And Eddie’s afraid to question it.
“Of course we don’t do that,” Wayne says easily as looks back at Steve. But then his eyes do that thing again. Blazing. Creating uneasy storms. “Us Munsons don’t do that,” he states, steadfastly avoiding Eddie’s gaze.
Eddie furrows his brows when Steve stumbles into him a bit. Falling back against his chest, out of Wayne’s grip. His eyes flicker between the two Munsons. And he hisses quietly under his breath.
“Lying,” is all Steve mutters.
He catches Steve’s side profile. The snarl to his lips. Aggressive scrunch of his eyebrows. The flare to his nostrils. His fingers are bent in sharp angles at his sides, claws shiny and ready to strike. He chuffs at Wayne when he tries to reach out.
“What?” Eddie quietly asks, “Wayne, what’s he talking—“
“Go get him in something warm,” Wayne demands not all that kindly. “Keep him out of sight for now. I have some errands to run.” And then he sidesteps the both of them, grabs his coat and keys by the door, and slams the cabin’s door behind him.
Eddie gently ushers Steve towards his room, ignoring the way he poises at the door, waiting. Like he’s expecting Wayne to come back. Like Wayne’s something dangerous. But that can’t be, Eddie tries to reason, Uncle Wayne wouldn’t hurt a fly.
He knows his uncle. Wayne’s too soft for that sort of violence.
Whatever Steve knows, though, makes something in Eddie swoop uneasily.
But he keeps a level head. Throws a pair of sweatpants and a worn-in sweatshirt at Steve. Makes his bed as the other changes. And lets him get safe under the covers.
“He is lying,” Steve quietly, viciously states, “he is a liar.”
Eddie sits beside Steve on the bed, criss-cross, vacant. Wondering what the hell his day has turned into. But his hackles raise and he snaps, “He’s not, Steve. Quit saying that.”
For all the ferocity that Steve previously wore, he now softens. Hurt. His eyes grow big and shiny. He whimpers as quiet as he could possibly manage. And he scoots away from Eddie, which burns him to his core. “Don’t hurt me,” Steve whispers, “I trust you.”
“Never,” Eddie adamantly promises. Or at least, he thinks he can promise that. A part of him trembles though. An area in him unexplored, suddenly awake and searching. Looking for a danger that isn’t there. “I’d never do that, Steve. Believe me. Believe Wayne. He’s right. The Munsons don’t do that.”
Steve watches him warily. Then, he murmurs, “You don’t know.”
Eddie scoffs. “Know what? I don’t know what you’re talking about, sweetheart. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve got nothing to worry about. We’ll be fine.”
With that, Steve seems to make a decision. There’s words on the tip of his tongue, Eddie can notice that. But whatever he wanted to say dies immediately. Instead, he smiles something soft, yet not all there. His eyes a little more vacant. Sort of desolate. He whispers, “Right.” Reaches out a shaking hand, pats the back of Eddie’s left. His skin finally a little warm.
He turns his hand over and grips firmly to Steve’s. Interlocks their fingers. “I wouldn’t let anybody hurt you, Steve. You’re my friend. And I love you.”
“Love you,” Steve mutters. “I sleep now?”
Gently, Eddie nods. “Go ahead and sleep a while. I’ll make soup when you get up, okay?”
“M’kay. No leave, okay? No leave.”
“Okay, Steve,” Eddie murmurs as Steve’s eyes drop closed, “okay.”
As Steve lays there, snuffling against the old, flat pillows, Eddie couldn’t stop his mind from wandering. Why was Steve so determined that Wayne was lying, he has to wonder, Have they met before? 
It seemed likely, but Wayne put on a good mask if so. There was no way they recognized each other. Eddie couldn’t put his finger on the blazing look in Wayne’s eyes, though. Why, rung out in his head. There was sharpness in Wayne’s stare. A deep remembrance. The way he gets when reminded of war. Of Vietnam. Of honorable discharge and losing some of his buddies, of making acquaintances that’ll never be seen again.
A trauma, that’s what it was. A deep, unrelenting, resurfaced something in Wayne’s brain. And all of it was solely focused on Eddie’s face. On his adamant promise that Munsons didn’t kill. At least, the Munsons that mattered.
He knew something. Wayne knew something.
And even if Steve is a new friend, a person Eddie was still trying to figure out, he was able to call Wayne’s bluff immediately. He knew something, too.
Eddie was never one to enjoy sitting out. So he’ll prod. He’ll meddle.
He sits criss-crossed on the mattress, arms over his chest. Waiting.
He’ll wait however patient he needs to be for Wayne to come through the door again.
Who was the man that Eddie ran into in the living room of his cabin? And why was he lying?
🧜‍♂️—————🧜‍♂️ Taglist (open for this work): @scoops-aboy86 @spectrum-spectre
@loveryanax @emmabubbles @swimmingbirdrunningrock @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @azryl90
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brevityisnotmywit · 6 months
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom:Red vs. Blue
Relationship:The Meta | Agent Maine/Agent Washington
Characters:Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue), Michael J. Caboose, Lavernius Tucker
Additional Tags:Past Relationship(s), Vomiting, Guilt, Self-Hatred, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon Compliant, Angst
Language:English Stats:
Published:2024-03-15 Words:1,107
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Hello everyone! I am back with a little gift ,written as I was inspired by the magic of the fanart made by @esilher
Dear, I hope you like this little token of appreciation. I hope you continue finding joy in creating wonderful art to the fandom. I loved writing this. I hope you like my gift too.
Also thank you for betaing @1908jmd
Based on this post
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Art by @esilher (I did get permission from her to use her art. Thank you!)
The Autumn Carnival Memory (read on ao3) by ANNA_TIMBERLAKE
Rating:Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee,glee-klaine,klaine fandom
Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Blaine Anderson,Kurt Hummel ,Nick the Warbler (Glee),Jeff (Glee)
Kurt and Blaine- Anderson Hummel receives a mysterious package and a letter, containing a blast from the past. Can they be able to contain the joy and memory it brings?
Inspired by a gorgeous fanart from @esilher on tumblr
Oh! Nick and Jeff have sent you a letter
Dear Blaine Anderson-Hummel and Kurt Anderson-Hummel
It's Jeff and Nick writing to you. How are you, guys? We are good here. We are so sorry for this sudden letter. My phone has some technical issues and Nick's phone got mugged. Don't worry about the phones. We'll get them fixed soon.
Also we owe an apology for not attending your Wedding Anniversary celebration cum Halloween party. We appreciate you inviting us and we know you guys are disappointed in us but things got in our ways.
Nick got a last minute order for a wedding capture art and I was running errands.
So a token of apology, we have sent you a gift that we made by ourselves. Well, Nick did the biggest part. Careful, the thing is fragile. And hope we will be meeting you both soon.
Yours lovingly
Nick and Jeff
Hope you guys enjoy reading. Kuddos and Comments are much appreciated ❤️
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