#Rare Bruce W.
visionsofcarnality · 2 months
Ahhh thankyou for accepting the nightwing request, I'm so excited!! 💙💙
Dude the angst in this one spoke to me Im so excited.
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It Will Come Back. D. Grayson.
“Honey, don’t feed me. I will come back.”
Synopsis: In a fight with a Court of Owls’ Talon, Nightwing is exposed to the weaponized Alice Tetch Virus (Hugo Strange weaponized strain.) This preys on his fears of being unable to protect his partner… Who comes face to face with a darker version of her lover’s alter-ego…
Warnings: Hallucinations (Auditory, tactile, and visual.), kidnapping, restraints, blood contagions, needles, injuries. Mention of mild gore and violence. Toxic mindset, personality alteration. Established relationship, female partner/reader. No use of Y/N.
(mdni below the cut, i am beyond dead serious)
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Dick made it as far as three blocks from the Talon’s dead body before he started to hear things.
“You need to seriously consider what being in a committed relationship means for people like us.” Bruce slammed his hand down on the table tiredly, running the other through his inky hair, the strands showing a few hairs of grey amidst the darkness. “Every second you spend with her amplifies the danger she’s in.”
“You think I don’t know that…” He whispered, replaying the past week’s conversation as he leaned against an alley wall, clutching his head.
“She’s not safe. She never will be as long as she’s in your life.” The sound of the door slamming as he remembered he’d left the room after that particular remark.
He opened his eyes and tried to stand, blood rushing through his body at unnatural speeds. He looked down at his hands and ripped one glove off, breath stuttering as he noticed red veins climbing his skin.
“No…” He whispered. “No, no, no-“ He pulled his glove back on hastily, whipping around when he caught a glimpse of gold and green.
“Get the fuck away from me!” He hissed, glaring after the invisible attacker.
“Dick…” A soft, feminine voice. “That’s not what you really want.” A tall woman in a red, gold and green outfit appeared from the shadows, blood dripping down the side of her head just like the last time he’d seen her.
“Mom-“ He reached out a hand briefly before pulling it back. “What are- You’re dead.”
“Whose fault is that, Dick…” She laughed softly. “You think changing your uniform and your name makes you any less of my little flightless Robin.” Her soothing tone was so at odds with her words.
“Stop.” He begged, covering his ears, screaming aloud when blood suddenly spurted from her skull near her ear and a large, domed piece of bone fell from her head, pulling her scalp and some of her hair with it, leaving one side of her head cracked open like an acorn.
“Do you know what it feels like to fall, Dick?” She murmured dangerously, lifting her bloodied hand and touching his cheek, the contact hot, wet, and sticky. “To hit the ground with only your body to take the fall?”
“Stop it!” He shoved her back, her spin colliding with the opposite wall of the alley, her body splaying and cracking exactly how it had looked in the crime scene photos. How it had looked in his memories. The blood pooled on the wall as though she was lying flat, her body and the liquid defying gravity. Chunks of gray matter littered the wall.
Panting, eyes flitting about wildly, sprinting away from the alley and leaping to one of the lower rooftops, hauling himself above the streets.
“You think you can protect her, but you’re wrong!” That was Bruce now, standing in his path as he sprinted across the gravel rooftop. He skidded to a halt to avoid the collision, coming nose to nose with the taller man. “Everything you touch dies!” He hissed, and when Dick looked down he was clutching a familiar bloodied Robin uniform in his white knuckles.
“Your mother!” Bruce shouted, “Your father! Jason!” He lifted the blood stained uniform, dangling it in front of his face.
“It’s not my fault!” Dick cried desperately, closing his eyes only to open them and see that there was nobody there.
He had to get home. He had to get home. He had to make sure you were safe. His thoughts ran wild, preparing for any twisted and violent scene he’d come across when he entered your apartment.
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You screamed when a body tumbled through your bedroom window, scrambling from your bed and backing against the wall.
“Baby-“ The man called but you didn’t wait, spinning to sprint for the door before two wide hands caught you by the arm and the torso, tugging you back against a hard body before a hand covered your mouth and nose.
“Don’t worry. I’m gonna keep you safe.” The rough voice spoke hotly against your ear, your arms and legs thrashing violently as he cut off your oxygen. “You’re gonna be safe. Nothing will hurt you. Ever.” Your fight started to give and your eyes fluttered closed, your chest aching from the lack of oxygen… Then you were gone to sleep.
You woke next with your head on something hard, groaning at the headache. You were cold. And damp… Where the hell were you? Opening your eyes wider you looked around, spotting the steep, water-slick walls. The ceiling arching high above your head. A subway station. Abandoned by the looks of it.
“Don’t worry.” A dark voice called from the shadows, causing you to scramble to your feet and back away, tears pricking in your eyes. “You’re safe now.”
“You can’t keep me here.” You spoke shakily, hands rubbing your arms against the cold and dampness. “People will come looking for me.” Your voice shook with uncertainty, watching the stranger’s head tilt in the low light, the movement slow and unsettling. “They’ll arrest you.” You swallowed, hard. “My boyfriend is a detective he finds missing people every week.” You tried to force more bravado into your voice than you felt, especially as the stranger slowly unfolded to his feet, moving in a strange, unnatural way like some demon.
He stepped out of the shadows and as the light spilled across his face you cried out weakly, putting one hand to your face in shock.
“Nobody’s gonna come looking for you, baby.” He spoke, his voice stranger and darker than you’d ever heard it. “You’re safe here.”
“Dick-“ You broke off, noting the prominent red veins on the whites of his eyes and tracking up his neck to his cheek, splaying across his face like a bloodied cobweb. “What are you-“
“I’ve got to keep you safe.” He hissed, getting closer even as you tried to back away, fear poignant in your body language. “No one will be able to find you here.”
Tears fell down your cheeks as he backed you against the wall, turning your head as he dipped his to get into your space, his hot breath, once welcome and comforting, now feeling like a threat.
“I’m doing this for you.” He insisted, gripping your cheek to turn your face harshly, his hold on your jaw bruising. “Can’t you see that? Everything I do, it’s always for you!” He was shouting now, triggering a low cry of shock and fear, your knees buckling as you slid down the wall, sinking to the floor and clutching your legs fearfully.
“Don’t!” He screamed, gripping his hair with one hand and stepping back, reeling. “You don’t get it-“ He sighed heavily, shaking his head back and forth and lifting a hand erratically before he turned out of nowhere to scream at the wall.
“Shut the fuck up!” He screeched, pointing at the empty space. “All of you! I need to fucking think!” He gripped his head in both hands.”
You watched his outburst through your tears, your whole body trembling in fear, scared of what he was capable of… You’d never seen him like this. You thought you’d known him but… maybe he was this all along. Maybe it was all a front. You didn’t want to think like that, but the man in front of you was not the one you’d come to love.
There was something seriously wrong with him.
“Dick, just-“ You swallowed hard, trying to put on a gentle tone. “Let’s take a walk, let’s go up to the street, we can go talk about this.” You tried to think of a way to convince him. “It’s cold down here, Dick, I’ll get sick.”
“No!” He roared, whipping back to you and throwing a knife in your direction. You screamed in terror, arms coming up to protect your head. Bit the knife landed next to you, not hurting you, but discouraging you from moving. “It’s not fucking safe up there? Don’t you get it? Nowhere is safe! You’re not safe unless you’re here!” He ranted, arms flailing in large gestures as he spoke. “With me! I’m the only one you can trust!” He insisted, desperation lacing his dangerous tone. “Me! I’m the one who keeps you safe!”
“Nightwing.” Another voice joined the cacophony. Both your heads turning in the direction of the deep timbre of the newcomer. Like an oil spill out of the shadow a dark cowl appeared, a long, shadowy cape following. The flash of a black symbol on dark gray armor.
The Batman…
“Stop this.” He said flatly, casually strolling between you two, slowly, trying not to trigger any sudden movements. “You’re not yourself.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Dick- Nightwing; shouted. “I told you to go away already!” He surged forward, some kind of long baton appearing in his hand, crackling with electricity as he lifted his arm in a deadly swing. The Batman dodged him, ducking behind the lithe man and locking his arms below his armpits, effectively putting him in a full nelson with one, thick arm.
“I’m not a hallucination, Dick.” The Batman spoke lowly. “You have to stop this. This is the virus, not you.” He jerked Dick’s head towards your cowering form, still sobbing quietly, terrified to move. “Look at her. You’re scaring her.” The Batman took the moment of hesitation from Dick as he stared at you to shove a thick syringe into his exposed neck.
Dick howled in rage, twisting and fighting in the Batman’s hold before falling limp, head dropping forward. The Batman restrained him at his hands and ankles on the ground before approaching you. “He’s unconscious. Unharmed.” He soothed, crouching to lift you to your feet. “I’m sorry this happened to you.” He apologized, unhooking his cape from his armor and draping it over your shoulders against the cold. “He isn’t himself. He was infected with a virus that caused him to act like this.” When your gaze wandered past him to Dick’s slumped form. He tipped your head away from the sight, far gentler than Dick had been. You’d no doubt be sporting a bruise by the morning. “That wasn’t him.” He spoke softly.
“Will he be…” You swallowed hard. “Will he be… him again?” You asked, wiping hasty tears across your cheeks even as more joined them.
“Yes.” The Batman said solemnly, turning to look at Dick. “For him… This will all have been a cruel dream.” He turned towards you again, “For you… It will be harder to go back. I can keep him away for a few days. Give you some space.” You nodded fervently, whimpering softly as your tears began anew.
“Red Robin, an associate of mine, is coming to make sure you get home safe.”
“I need to get to a hotel…” You spoke absently. “I can’t… I can’t go back home tonight.”
The Batman nodded. “He’ll leave you at a Hyatt. The room will be paid for for a week. Your clothes and any belongings you need will be dropped at the address.” He turned away, strolling back to you Dick. “Tell my associate what you need. We will make sure you have it.”
You stood there, wrapped in the most notorious vigilante in Gotham’s cape, watching him haul your unconscious boyfriend over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. You didn’t remember telling Red Robin what you needed, or him finding a way to get you set up in a hotel for the week.
You only remembered collapsing on the hotel mattress, still wrapped in the borrowed cape.
And crying yourself to sleep.
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rocketqueen1989x · 8 days
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my girlfriend :3
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lazaruspiss · 3 months
characters that make sense to be living in wayne manor without much if any explanation: bruce, alfred, damian, tim, cass
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himejoshiangels · 1 year
I hate you sanitized batfamily. I hate you clean cut dynamics and quickly resolved conflict through honest and open communication. I hate you erasure of tragedy and complexity and toxicity.
insane ramblings below ⬇️⬇️
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weimitsu · 2 years
Love being an artist bc i can just draw silly little snippets of things without having to justify them as a detailed story w consequences or i would go insane
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nouearth · 8 months
nsfw alphabet w/ bruce wayne.
bruce wayne x male reader.
a/n: something new i've been meaning to try, so thank you for this request for finally pushing me to do so!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
we all know bruce is a busy man. it's an unfortunate norm to wake up in the morning to his side of the bed and see nothing but the wrinkles of the bed sheets that once warmed his body; to visit him at work because he forgot lunch (again) and wait in his office because he was currently in another meeting; to watch him with exhaustion and worry in the night while he scans through evidence files regarding a new criminal case.
in short, it's exhausting to even think about putting yourself in his shoes, and bruce wonders how you managed to stay with him for so long. it's not his fault, though, and you tell him that through sweet whispers in his ears when he's feeling down, through a simple doting embrace when he falls asleep during the rare occurrence you two could watch a movie together. and he's grateful to have someone like you.
whenever you two had sex, bruce would make sure he took his time with you. he doesn't stop until his body is spent, until your body is wrecked from the love and lust he has for you, and when you two finally finish after a series of rounds, he holds you close. breathing, panting—floating because he lost count in how many times he had come in your wrecked hole.
he spoons you, your back to his sweaty chest, refusing to pull himself out of your hole (at least until his cock goes limp), and he likes having his palm over your own chest to remind him that you're still here. your heart runs an electrifying marathon, then slowly comes to a calming jog because he adores your body, caressing and allowing his hands to roam free wherever he pleases. he loves feeling every tremor your body would retrieve as he dozed you off with a slurry of languid kisses across your nape, then the melt of your muscles the closer he holds you, and when you've fallen asleep and let slumber press your full weight into him, he does the same—because you're safe now.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
not to sound like a pervert, but bruce really loves your thighs. whether they were exposed in those shorts you like to wear inside the manor or deliciously full and contained in those dress pants he brought for you; he always had his hand on your lap. whenever he needed your attention and you were sitting next to him, he would squeeze your thigh because you were ticklish there. whenever you two went out to eat, he preferred sitting next to you because your thigh was the toastiest furnace for his hand. he just liked how... complex your thighs were. soft and malleable to touch yet toned and firm when he suckled on the flesh. not to mention, they were the perfect handles whenever bruce went down on your cock and sucked you off.
for bruce, he's quite proud of his shoulders. they've always been broad since he was younger, but with intense training, they've only gotten larger and broader since then. and he's glad that he isn't alone in this inclination. whenever bruce was stressed, you'd massage his shoulders until he snapped out of his migraine and turned to thank your presence with a kiss. and of course, bruce's shoulders weren't for purely aesthetics. they were also extremely useful, practically acting as your own bike handles, as you rode his cock. they provided you balance and leverage as you worked a sweat on riding out his orgasm inside of you, until your ass was thickly filled with his warm seed. and even that, that doesn't stop you from stopping and milking him out.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
god, when it came to you, he is obsessed with your cum. he's completely enthralled how much cum could come out of you simply from him fucking you, and it was why he preferred you riding him, or at least on his lap, so he could have the best view of your cock spitting out thick loads of cum and fuck, splash zone much? he loved how warm it was when you would spray across his face, even his face at times as he proceeded to fuck you harder. and knowing that it would make you blush and whine, he loved scooping your cum up off his body and tasting you. nowhere near sweet like fantasies have endorsed, but perfectly and deliciously edible on his tongue, to the point where he makes sure he'll be sucking you off clean before you doze off.
for bruce, he loves the sight of his cum anywhere on your body. in your ass, on your back, between your thighs, every place imaginable was a turn on. but if he had to pick, fuck... coming on your face was a true delight that would beckon him for another round simply from watching your features get layered and layered with his thick loads. it was dirty, erotic, and demeaning, especially as you waited for his loads on your knees, but fuck—he couldn't get enough of it. he couldn't get enough of decorating you in his own musk.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
it's all about taking control for bruce. whether it's him as the caped crusader or him in bed, bruce likes being treated as someone respectable, someone with honor, someone with authority. and when it came to you, he likes being called sir.
on some occasions, it would be your secret code for him if you were horny and needed to go somewhere private with him in public.
feeling a little famished, sir. hm? couldn't quite hear you. sir, i said i'm feeling famished. now get in the bathroom before someone takes— okay, okay! geez.
on many occasions, bruce would use it to his advantage and tease you in bed. the tip of his cock would barely graze your pucker, tracing and circling the tender flesh with a covet for your begging. c'mon, tell me what you want. use the right words. f-fuck, please. i n-need your cock, sir. louder. i need you to speak clearly. sir! please! sir! i need you cock!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
they weren't wrong when the media labelled him as a 'playboy'. although, he had definitely settled down by the time he met you; earlier on, it was nonstop hook-ups with majorly women. for men, he'd leave it at blowjobs and nothing more. but hey, despite his inexperience with men, a hole was a hole, right? as long as it took his cock without any pushback, there was no complaint! besides, there was little difference in pleasuring women and men. he even found it exciting to learn from you, to learn with you, in how to give each other the best pleasurable one could offer.
you could proudly boast that you were the first one to put a finger in bruce's ass. and perhaps, convince him to put something else inside of him.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
it's already been mentioned before, but bruce loves having you on his lap. not because of laziness or anything, but he truly loves your body and how incredibly vulnerable it had become as you fuck yourself on his cock. it was a culmination of your body putting on a performance for him and showing off his favorite parts about you, exposing it and further enticing bruce to do whatever he wanted to you, with every single bounce.
the bounce of your cock and pecs in rhythm with your hips, fucking yourself down on his cock; the droplets of sweat covering your skin in a greasy yet glorious sheen that could make him cream inside of you right then and there; the change in your expressions whenever bruce began fucking up into you instead, meeting your own hips in a steady and quick pace. his arms hurt from straining his own weight, but fuck was it worth it when you came all over him in thick, long spurts.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
bruce isn't usually humorous in bed. rather, he finds enjoyment in teasing you through a mixture of his demands and his actions. what always worked was pulling his cock out until only the plump tip was nearing its exit, and he always found amusement in how quick desperation came to possess your body and thoughts as you'd wiggle your ass back in attempt to shove him back inside.
mm-mm, what's the word? p-please, sir!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
since you've known bruce, he had always maintained a very tidy and orderly appearance, probably because he was constantly in the spotlight since he was a kid, and his groin completely mirrored that upbringing. rather than completely going bare, he likes leaving enough hair to provide you a preview of what's to come after the first few centimeters of trimmed hairs—an appetizer before the main course, he reckoned.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
with how much work and his second persona has taken over his life, that left little time with you, and he feels absolutely guilty about it. it depends on the mood, but whether you two were engaged in rough or vanilla sex, bruce made sure to stick close to you. lace his fingers into between yours, have his mouth on your body at all times, mark you and kiss you wherever he hadn't, remind you how much he missed you, how much he loved you, how you were only his. fuck, he was possessive, and you found that incredibly romantic as much as it was suffocating at times. he made sure you praise you, to remind you how beautiful you looked taking his cock like this.
and before he falls asleep, he'd always whisper in your ear that he loves you, even if slumber had already taken you as hostage and stripped you away from the comfort of his assurance.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
bruce tries his best from jacking off, especially since he knows how much more gratifying it is to have you clench around him; to have you on your knees and swallow his cock down. but fuck, you were a tease. you loved sending him thirst traps whenever you knew he would be swamped up in a day full of meetings, and you knew you'd successfully infiltrated his mind when he would dislike your message with a thumbs down.
though, thanks to bruce sending you countless videos of him rubbing himself through his pants, you were left with little imagination on how bruce was spending his short break.
bruce has never been so thankful for you in his life. it took some convincing to get bruce on board with filming himself fucking you. and ever since then, bruce no longer had to rely on the memories of your warm touch, of your sweaty scent, of your whimpers as he blue-balled himself in his office.
right then and there, he'd whip his cock out from the zipper of his pants, and jacked off to the most recent video between you and him on his phone. and not to toot his own horn, but fuck was bruce a great director. up-close shots of your body, glistening under a layer of your own hot sweat, followed by thick droplets from bruce's. the flash on his phone made it so much more erotic, like an amateur porno, as it would focus on his cock driving deep into your ass from his perspective, his groans rumbling intimately over the speakers. bruce's abdominal muscles would flex and his core would engage as he mustered another strength to power through exhaustion, fueled by your begs and whimpers for him to fuck you harder, and fuck, it was better than porn. to recount and watch how he wrecked you that night made him bust multiple thick loads, and unfortunately soil his pristine suit.
to which, you'd most definitely pay for, one way or another, when he gets home from work.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
remember when i mentioned bruce liked having control? well, that definitely comes into effect when he's rough-housing you. only if you're in the mood of course (and you were always in the mood), but there's something so gratifying to him when he has his hand around your neck, your skin blooming under the warmth, squeezing harder and harder as he's fucking you into the bed. being rough with you also goes hand-in-hand with his praise kink, singing you low and sweet affections in your ear while you're taking his cock like you've always meant to.
that's it, fuck. good boy. like that? you like that?fuck, your sweet hole loves that.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
he'd love to be more experimental, but unfortunately that has to account for his schedule and for the most part, you two mostly have sex in bed. if not, it was a little quickie in his office. which isn't bad, but the idea of his temptation wearing his patience thin and just absolutely ravishing you in his car, or in a bathroom some place, had run through his mind multiple times.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
as much as bruce knew that you dreaded it, there was a reason why he insisted on you coming to his charity galas. it was those god-damn suits he'd buy for you and it would be the only time he'd think to himself that the money was well-spent, if it even mattered to him.
bruce, i don't think i need another suit. what's wrong with the ones you got me two years ago?
out of style, out of season. see, i told you there's a reason why we don't follow trends.
it was distracting. it was the rare times where you'd look completely different from your normal self. your hair in a different style. your suit tailored according to your build. your confidence covertly reviving because you didn't want to admit that you actually really liked looking like this. your forearms breaching free when you rolled up your sleeves, and fuck, it was so seductive. if bruce hadn't dressed you and helped out with the styling, he'd assume you'd come from old money.
sometimes he'd regret it because all eyes were on you, on bruce's man, and it was a complete nuisance dealing with drunk patrons attempt to flirt with you as if you could even understand anything they were saying with their limp tongue in the way of their speech.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do)
listen, bruce is down for anything, but he doesn't exactly get wax play. maybe he's been almost set on fire too many times to count, but the idea of accidentally burning your skin because he poured too much or something makes him freak out. it was more about the discomfort regarding your safety, than his overall distaste for it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill,)
bruce doesn't admit it, but in your words, he's pretty selfish. not in a bad way because he always makes it up to you afterwards, but it was the control thing coming to play again. you suck him off first, and then he'll reward you with his own mouth if it was deemed worthy enough (you know it's a bluff, but it's always fun to play along).
he loves seeing you take his cock. it feels like almost every other day where you're down on your knees and sucking him off, and he hasn't gotten tired of it yet. you know where his cock like no one else, know where he was the most sensitive, how he liked it sloppy and dripping from your spit. it was a fucking turn on to see you so devoted to pleasuring him.
for giving, he's better at rimming than giving you blowjobs. for the most part, he hates that gagging feeling whenever he barely took his cock in your mouth, and you'd always tease him for it, making him blush profusely. he's never been bad at something, even if you don't say it, so he makes it up in devouring your ass like it's been a week since he's had proper food. like your blowjobs, he likes having you dripping in spit, your musky hole wet and tender from the amount of turns he's had licking and fucking you with his tongue. and the way you pushed your ass out and arched into the back as he buried his nose in between your cheeks discovered a new kink of his: asphyxiation.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
for the most part, it depends on his mood and energy. if it was a stressful day, he expects you to let him wreck your body until it was spent and pliant beneath him. to properly get him off, he needed the most lewd sounds to come out of your mouth; the writhe in your body because he got a little carried away at first but you then slowly adjusted yourself to; the friction of the sheets burning at his knees; he needed you hard and your body was going to feel the consequences the next morning. and then there are days where bruce wants to take his time with you, worship your body with the hands you would always hold onto whenever you felt at unease; with the mouth you would always latch onto with your own whenever you needed to renew vitality; with his body you would always safeguarded yourself in no matter how you were feeling because you knew bruce never failed to protect you. his thrusts would slow, languid but never lazy as he liked keeping you on your toes and hitting you at the deepest spot with a sudden rut, and then measured again as he pulled himself out, watching his cock throb and watching your hole take all of his love in with no objection.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often)
quickies were never as satisfying as the time fully spent with you, but it got the job done. usually on days where he was the most stressed and needed to let something out, he'd call you over to the office for lunch and where you were expecting to eat your steamy leftovers with him, you ended up bent over his office desk, naked from the waist below, taking bruce's frustration up for the day. not that you were complaining, though. he always extended his lunch to properly eat with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks)
bruce is pretty content with his sex life with you. if you mentioned something about a new kink or wanting to experiment, he'd take up the entire night or two researching up about it, studying it methodically to ensure nothing wrong can happen and how to handle the situation if it does.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
the man can go all night, have you seen his training regime? and the best part is? you let him have his way with you with multiple rounds despite usually being the one to cum first, and it would be a norm to have you coming again in the same night.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them?)
he owns very little toys, no other reason being than bruce wanting you to rely on his dick for pleasure only. he wants you dependent on it, so there's a pretty big chance you might offend him if you suggest a phallic-type toy.
why the hell do you want a dragon dildo?! fifteen inches?!?! jesus christ—am i not big enough or something?!
what—no! didn't you say you liked seeing me struggle?! if anything, it's for YOUR own pleasure, bud. geez...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
bruce loves teasing you. to be honest, who in the world doesn't love teasing their partner? it's adorable to see you try to squirm away from him when he's hugging you from behind while you're doing whatever and kissing the shell of your ear, then slipping his hand down your pants to feel how hard your dick had gotten from the most minuscule action. and fuck, when he throws in a little verbal play to remind you about how your dick is his and no one else's; you'd be thinking about it for the rest of the day, at least until bruce left for work and you were back onto his bed, sprawled out and whimpering as you spilled multiple loads over your tummy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
there's something extremely sexy in a way that bruce tries to contain his volume through gritted teeth. it was intimate the way lust unveiled himself. hushed groans in your ear, biting into your earlobe then neck to keep himself from moaning out loud, and fuck, he'd tremble from how much pleasure you were giving him. it would be reflected through his breaths, ruptured as he panted in your mouth during a kiss.
and you were so fucking proud when the moment he disposed a load inside of you, he couldn't help but gush out a deep, guttural moan from within, one that would shake you to your core, and possessed you to spill your own load simply from the sound of his relief.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
if bruce had all day with you, he'd want to spend it dry-humping you, specifically in suits. he saw it in a movie once, two men gyrating each other while one was on the other's lap, and it was even hotter than two nude men blowing each other off. and fuck, was he right. there was nothing more infuriating than seeking for pleasure that could be more gratifying. he'd angle his hips, you'd angle yours, and you two would rub, hump into each other's cocks, grind against one another with a steady rhythm while he stilled your head for an equally heavy make-out session. you'd beg for him to just take you right then and there, rip your clothes off and everything, but no. bruce doesn't and never does, and he persists, relieving your aching cock with his own until you two stain the inside of your dress pants, a deep and thick wet spot forming at the center of the trousers afterwards.
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
bruce would be above average, but definitely not hung like most people assume, and you liked that. it was perfectly fit for your body and most importantly, bruce knew how to utilize that thing. he dug deep, made sure you feel every inch, and fuck, his heavy balls holding his thick cum-loads were the cherry on top of your desires for him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
sex would be the first thing on his mind whenever bruce is stressed. maybe not so much when he's pummeling down criminals, but more so in his daily life where he's swamped in meetings and talking with shareholders. i mean, is it his fault that you looked so good frying up eggs this morning? you had absolutely no reason to, especially when sleep was still laced in your face.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
bruce has always been a nocturnal animal. even when you've fallen asleep first and nothing but the sounds around him were a droning brown noise specifically curated to lull him to sleep, he'd still remain awake for a while before falling asleep. there was too much on his mind, even if he had emptied it out inside of you. overwhelming thoughts came in as quick as they came out, and luckily, you were there to be the support he needed.
the soft snores of your slumber were evidence that you felt safe with him, a reminder that you were able to sleep like this because he did a fucking great job in keeping you away from danger, and he hoped it would remain that way as he snuggled into you, holding you close to his chest as if tomorrow could change the trajectory of fate.
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. andif you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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Day 9: Cock Rings w/ Clark Kent
gonna be honest, researching cock ring porn made me question even more than usual if I am a lesbian but I do it for u all so here u go
Kinktober Masterlist
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“I don’t want to know how you got this made,” Clark said once he saw it. You shrugged and then, reconsidering, nodded.
“Yeah, you won’t be able to look Bruce in the eye for a while.”
“I just…” He took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “How did you even approach him with the idea? No wait, I said I didn’t want to know.”
“Hey Bruce,” you mocked. “Can I borrow some Kryptonian to make a sex toy for my really hot, really submissive alien husband?”
“Please stop talking.” You giggled at his distress and shrugged.
“Who knows? Maybe this will come in handy sooner than you think.”
You and your big mouth.
It was common for enemies to use kryptonite against Clark. Hell, it was their main go-to. But no one had ever used pink kryptonite until today. Bruce struggled to get Clark into the Watchtower medical bay, a place that rarely saw Clark in there unless he was visiting a teammate, and promptly fled before you could ask him anything other than what had knocked Superman out of the battle.
“Okay, baby,” you whispered as you pushed his hands away from your hips. Clark’s heavy, ragged breathing assured you that he was alive but the raspy undertone made your heart race in a way that was entirely different from his. He whined at your denial and you cursed under your breath. If you let him fuck you right now, he’d destroy you. Clark was good at maintaining his strength in his everyday life, including the bed, but with pink kryptonite involved, he had no inhibitions right now.
“Okay. Okay.” Your mind went back to the gag gift that was currently sitting in a lead box in your bag. Fuck. Maybe you were clairvoyant. How did you come up with this shit?
“I’m going to grab something, okay? And when I come back you better be out of that suit and on your knees like the good boy I know you can be. Right?”
Clark whined, his erection straining against his skin tight suit. You brushed your hand over it and grinned as he moaned. He reached for the collar of his suit and you left him to it. Your bag was close by, luckily, and you fished through it until you found the little box.
Turning around, you found Clark kneeling on the ground completely naked with his heavy, long cock hanging between his legs. Big, blue eyes blinked up at you and he had to be painfully hard based on the tears lining his lashes.
“This should help, baby. It’s gonna make you feel better and then I will make you feel so good.”
He whined again, a pathetic sound that made your traitorous cunt throb. Now was not the time to get horny. Not when he needed you to focus.
The kryptonite infused cock ring had been a joke. Clark and you had poked fun at the idea of using sex toys on him, but nothing could faze or restrain the Man of Steel. Until you had gotten drunk with Dinah one night and came up with a brilliant idea that Bruce reluctantly agreed to help make, solely so you could stop saying he owes you for saving his life that one time.
It came in handy now. Despite Clark being hard as hell, you were able to fit the cock ring snugly around the base of his cock. His balls hung heavy over the edge of the metal, but he shuddered in relief at the feeling.
“Does that feel better?” you cooed, stroking your hand through his soft hair. He pushed his head closer to your hand and sighed at your gentle touch. The pink kryptonite effects would wear off in about two to three hours, but the green kryptonite ensured that he wouldn’t hurt you as you helped him out.
You settled yourself onto the ground in front of him, your knees pressed against his, and reached out to grasp his veiny, thick cock in your hand. He was so big that it made your hands look tiny and you always marveled at the fact that you somehow fit him in your mouth, cunt, and ass.
His hips jerked at your touch and then he let his head fall until his forehead pressed against your shoulder. You pressed a delicate kiss to his temple and started a slow, even stroke along his dick as his hips rolled along with the drag of your touch.
“So beautiful, Clark. Once you’re not affected by the kryptonite, I’ll make sure to put this cock ring on you and tease you until you’re begging me. I could probably even spank you and leave a mark for once. Wouldn’t that be nice, right? Seeing you covered in pretty little red marks?”
Clark moaned, wonton and broken and perfect. With one hand cradling his head and the other jerking him off, you kept talking him through it.
“You’re so strong that this ring won’t stop you, but I love knowing I have more power than you right now. I love knowing you trust me to treat you well. You know that I will always take care of you, right?”
He nodded and you kissed his cheek. “That’s my good boy. Let’s see how many times we can get you to come until it wears off.”
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hana-no-seiiki · 7 months
Omg the dog shapeshifter ask is amazing but like- cat. i can already imagine Tim being all over you and being one of those guys where half his personality is just that he has a cat. Dick would 120% invest in those hoodies with the pouch to carry their cats, and Jason just carries you everywhere (wiggles be danmed).
The only person who has any qualms about it is Alfred because everything is covered in cat hair lmao.
meow. more pawtastic cat villain! reader w/ batfam
@sophiethewitch1 👅
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You tended to take the lead when it came to your relationships with the Robins
They were just too busy with duty and heroism that they rarely ever took the time to be or get into relationships. So you would help them, cover them in that area per se.
Though there were times, like an actual cat, that you suddenly hate their asses or be indifferent. You didn’t notice it yourself really. Sometimes you were just stressed from real life problems and whatnot
or dealing with Bruce’s constant sermons about how you were a bad influence on Jason. Blaming you for all these strung up bodies across the streets of Gotham that had been tied up with yarn and catnip.
sometimes you just wanted to reel back the persona you’ve built up as a villain and just chill out
but you see, if there’s anyone who would notice the slightest change in your demeanor it would be the batboys
Tim and Jason would be the first. They spend the most time with you.
Instead of giving them a kiss or a quick fuck after a job well done, you’d just say goodbye and leave.
Not even in your signature cat joke filled way of saying goodbye
Hell you would even just teleport out of there without a word
Tim would have most likely observed you more, but Jason? Jason would be on your ass in seconds
“Hey, kitty? We need to talk.“
Did I mention that the boys love to use various cat related nicknames for you? The cringier the better.
(Damian just calls you pussy at times)
In anycase, Jason knocks on your door. But you do not respond. Like, for a long fucken time.
Ofc, he smashed the door open.
And what does he see?
Well first it was nothing. I mean his eyes weren’t directly on the floor immediately . But then he move his gaze down,
You, in your cat form.
He just about screams. Shrieks. Like I could maintain his sense of dignity for you dear reader but nah. It started as a shout of surprise before it turned into a high pitched cry, and lastly cooing.
He’s confused at first and is worried about your sudden disappearance til you cleared things up.
Something about a curse that turns you into an actual cat at random moments.
You said it interrupted a lot of your civilian business (school, work, etc.) and so your mental health and well being took a decline.
And boy did Jason go mom mode.
He’s more on the practical side. He makes sure you’re comfortable and guarded especially when in dangerous situations.
Will never let you go on a heist with this curse on going. What if you get shot by a guard? What if you get kidnapped by those horrid animal pounds? Not to mention those perverts that would… no he shook his head.
Definitely keeps you within arms reach at all if not most times.
Tim finds out soon after. You tried to ask him to respect your privacy, but he couldn’t help himself. He was scared to death that he did something wrong or exposed something he did that breached your trust.
He immediately buys a ton of cat related products for you.
Not only that he does an extensive amount of research on cat health and diets.
His rooms gets covered by different studies on cat cellular makeup before he realizes that
Oh crap, he kinda enjoyed this.
And he hasn’t looked up how to actually cure this curse of yours.
Damian soon follows. He’s got it the worst out of all members.
Prides himself with his wide experience and knowledge with animals.
He uses visits to the vet as a threat when you misbehave.
But you’re a villain, you don’t get scared easily right? What’s the worse that could happen at the vet’s?
… yeah he almost got you neutered/spayed.
Safe to say that you were much more obedient after that.
Bruce isn’t that available or good with pets, so he mostly just funds whatever the boys do hoping that it’d lead to them not destroying stuff or killing people for you any more than before the curse.
Dick is the last to find out, and that was because Tim dropped a whole thesis about why the latter should definitely have more [Y/N]-cat-duty hours!
I mean just look at those charts! Your happiness is definitely at its highest when you’re with him
(ignoring the fact that he showers you with catnip)
Dick is definitely the
Cuteness aggression that borders on abuse type of cat owner
Very touchy with you.
And yes he invests a lot of money to get have pouches on his suits for you to be in. If not you’d be like that one cat from Spiderman Miles Morales just hanging out from a backpack of sorts, designed so you’ll never fall out.
These men have collectively spent around hundreds of thousands of dollars on cat related shit
And you’re still wondering how tf this curse came to be
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lovelytsunoda · 13 days
dancing in the dark | mick schumacher
summary: after her team gets totally ripped apart in court, yn returns home and changes into some comfy clothes, content to lounge on the couch for the rest of the evening. however, that flannel shirt drives mick crazy, and he has other plans
pairing: mick schumacher x law clerk!girlfriend! reader
warnings: 18+ content, cutesy smut, (seriously this smut should feel horny and like a warm hug at the same time), mick says some funny things. the lawyer referenced is mickey haller from 'the lincoln lawyer' because i fucking said so. (i literally just realized what i've done giving her boss and her lover the same name lmao i dont know any other tv lawyers so this stands and im making it part of the plot) it’s actually shorter and a lil less graphic than originally intended dont shot the messenger
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court was rarely ever pretty, but usually yn could leave a courtroom feeling like she did the best she could.
not today. she was shaky as she left the courtroom, even after mickey haller, the lawyer that she worked for, assured her that she'd done nothing wrong.
"that was my mistake, not yours." he had insisted. "everything you put in that document i told you to. lorna and i checked it three times before i filed it."
of course, that did nothing to make her feel better as she drove back home, taking the rest of the afternoon off. mickey had insisted, which usually meant he had something to work on that he didn't want any help on.
when she pulled into her driveway, she dragged herself out of the small car, and into her empty house. mick was still out, presumably with the dog. he had training this morning, and then a meeting in the afternoon, so he had likely taken angie to his mothers.
still feeling off, she stripped out of her court clothes, donning her fuzzy socks and a plaid flannel top. she let her hair down from its tight bun, gently massaging her scalp before heading to the kitchen to make a mug of hot chocolate.
the file was still in her bag, along with a red-marked copy of the form that had been misfiled. the entire trial had to be postponed, so the haller camp was likely the most hated set of people in that courtroom.
she turned the kitchen radio on, a habit she had picked up from her grandparents. her grandfather loved seventies music, so there was always some don mclean or dolly parton playing in his house when she grew up. she herself preferred the eighties: inxs, springsteen, blondie, benatar.
she heard the front door open, followed by the sound of mick's duffel bag hitting the floor. she listened to his footsteps, and it was soon enough that she felt his arms wrapping around her waist.
"i thought you were in court today?" he mumbled, kissing her shoulder softly. she could smell his cologne, a musky and earthy scent. something inexpensive, for he saved the dior for special occasions.
"we got absolutely destroyed this morning over a misfield document with the courts, so mickey sent us all home to regroup."
truth be told, it was days like this one that had yn questioning why she'd even started this job in the first place. lately she'd had more bad days than good ones, but lorna had assured her that it would pass.
"you know what the great thing about being alive is?" mick said softly, taking her by the hand and gently spinning her to face him. "you can always try again tomorrow. nine times out of ten, there is always a second chance."
"i know you're right. i just feel guilty since i was the one who drafted the document." it didn't matter that mickey checked it and lorna filed it. she was the one who drafted it, so the error was hers.
"your lawyer checked it over, right? and he didn't see anything wrong with it?"
"yeah but-"
'no buts. i refuse to see my brilliant girlfriend be down on herself for something that isn't her fault."
she was about to protest again when mick swayed their bodies into a dance, slightly out of tune with the springsteen song that was playing from the corner. 'dancing in the dark'. it was their song. she smiled despite herself, laughing along and joining in with the dance. mick twirled her around the kitchen twice before hooking his hands under her thighs and lifting her into the air. she laughed in surprise, gripping his shoulder as he carried her over to the couch.
she giggled as he dropped her onto the couch, climbing over her and planting himself between her thighs. mick leaned in to kiss her, his lips soft against hers. she smiled into the kiss, exhaling softly as she unconsciously bucked against his crotch.
“you know this shirt drives me crazy, right?”
“this one?” she pursed her lips. “it’s almost a decade old. it’s the oldest shirt in my closet.”
mick grinned, strands of blonde hair falling into his eyes as he nuzzled his cold nose into the skin between her boobs. “you’re like a sexy lumberjack.”
she laughed as mick kissed over the flannel on her shirt, slowly making his way down to her exposed hip where the shirt had ridden up when he placed her on the couch. "what does that even mean?"
he pressed his nose against hers, her slender legs wrapping around his toned body. "hey, pretty girl. what can i do? how can i make you feel better?"
"mhm, i think i have an idea." she smiled shyly, running a finger down his chest.
"does it involve you screaming my name in pleasure?"
"why yes, i think it does."
laughing, mick kissed her again, gently nipping at her lip before he pulled her into his arms, her legs securely wrapped around his torso. he carried her to their shared bedroom, placing her at the edge of the bed before sinking to his knees on the plush carpet.
he pulled his white t-shirt over his head, discarding it somewhere across the room as he lifted her legs over his shoulders, gently kissing up and down the expanse of her leg.
the sight of mick between her legs never failed to give her butterflies. he never hesitated to get on his knees for her, no matter how sore they may be in the morning. she never even had to ask. mick always seemed to know just what she needed.
her chest was filled with love as mick kissed, licked and sucked his way across her inner thigh. he was her sweet boy, her love. mick thought that she was an angel on earth, and had even made the cheesy 'did it hurt when you fell from heaven' joke the first night that they spent together.
he tongued at her wet core through the black cotton of her panties, eliciting a gentle gasp from the woman above him.
"you liked that, sweet girl? did that feel good?"
"yeah." she breathed, shifting on the bed, arousal jolting through her body. "i want you, mickie."
"it's so weird that you call me that when the guy you work for is also named mickey."
"it's spelt different."
"same difference." he laughed, pinching her thigh gently.
"i guarantee you that i'm not thinking about my boss right now, mick."
mick laughed, his warm hands traversing her thighs, up to her ass, and pulling her closer to his face. "raise your hips, honey pie. let's get those pesky panties off of you."
across from her, a large round mirror sat on top of the white ikea dresser, and she couldn't decide what was more erotic: the reflection of her blushing, panting face and the back of mick's head between her thighs, or looking down and seeing the look of lust and adoration in mick's eyes as he slid her calvins down her legs.
making eye contact with her lover, she teasingly began to undo the buttons on her flannel, letting the fabric fall away and expose her naked curved body to the man on his knees in front of her.
“you fucking undo me, baby.” mick said, voice husky as he visibly held back a moan. “so pretty just for me. I don’t deserve it.”
he gently ran a hand up and down her thigh as she used her legs to draw him closer to her core, the heat radiating off her skin and warming his.
he kissed her core gently, smiling at the soft sigh he drew from his lover before he began to lick at her slit, juices running down his tongue and around his lips.
“holy fuck.” she exhaled, throwing her head back.
if she looked in the mirror, she’d be able to see micks shoulder blades rippling under his skin every time he pushed himself closer to where she needed him most.
“yeah, you needed this, didn’t you? needed me to help you feel better? that’s what I’m here for baby, you don’t even gotta ask.”
there was reverence contained in every lick, every nuzzle. every time his nose bumped her clit. every gasp and moan she let out spurred him on, encouraging him further as he continued to make out with her pussy.
“fucking hell, mick. that feels so good.” she moaned, rutting against his lips. “oh, god!”
“atta girl.” mick encouraged, snaking his arms around her waist. “just use me to feel good, baby.”
she was flush against his face now, practically grinding herself against his tongue. she chanced a look down, moaning at the look of sheer lust in micks eyes as he met hers, his long pink tongue licking at her opening, face practically covered in her juices.
“mick, oh my god!” she squealed, thighs closing in around his face, fingers twisted up in the duvet as she tried to stay upright.
she came with a scream, arms threatening to give out beneath her as mick continued to work her to the edge, never giving up his relentless pace
“that’s my girl. come on, give it to me. I know you can, pretty girl. I know you can do it.”
she slumped backwards, allowing the duvet to pillow around her as she felt her legs go week. her hands moved to ruffle micks hair, a lazy smile on her face. he continued to kiss her thighs as she lay there to recover, listening for every breath, every soft sigh.
“how’re you feeling?” his voice was soft as he crept up the bed, gently hovering over her body. he laced one hand with hers, his nose running along her cheek.
“absolutely fantastic. you always know how to make me feel good.”
when he kissed her, she could taste traces of herself on his lips. in the beginning, she’d felt so awkward about tasting it. now? now it just served as another reminder of how much mick loved her. a reminder that he enjoyed pleasuring her.
“can you taste how sweet you are?” he hummed, kissing her softly again. “just like heaven, princess.”
“oh yeah?”
“yeah, pretty girl. I’m pretty sure heaven is right between those thighs of yours.” there was a sparkle in his blue eyes, and a cheeky grin on his lips. “you know, you’re more than just pretty. you’re fucking smart too. I wish I could be half as smart as you are. do you think that if I slipped my cock into you right now, I could absorb some of that knowledge like through osmosis or whatever?”
she grinned stupidly at the sheer absurdity of the question. once you got him in the bedroom, mick schumacher had no filter whatsoever.
“wanna try it and find out?”
mick drew back, undoing the top button on his levis while she sat up just enough to toss her flannel aside and move up the bed. she slipped a small throw pillow underneath her hips when the lay back down, sweaty hair brushed behind her ears. mick clambered up the bed to join her, large hands reaching to the knob on the bedside drawer for a condom.
he slid inside her with ease, buried to the hilt as he kissed her forehead gently. she squirmed underneath him, gently rutting her hips into his.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
his thrusts were gentle, yet still deep as he drew one of her legs up and around his waist, her arms coming to link around his neck as she pulled him close. he was a gentle lover, a passionate one. he believed in taking his time to make his partner feel good.
“my god, babe, you feel so fucking good. so good for me.” he groaned down her ear, teeth nipping at her earlobe. “taking my cock so well.”
hands on his shoulders, she could feel his muscles rippling and undulating under her dainty hands, french nails leaving small scratches along his tanned skin.
“oh, just like that.”
the pace was slow and comforting, sensual and erotic as mick somehow managed to make every thrust feel like his cock was going deeper, deeper, deeper.
“eyes on me, honey pie. I wanna see that pretty face of yours.” mick encouraged, seeing her eyes screwed shut in pleasure, cheek resting against the pillow. “where’s my sexy model girlfriend?”
a smile crossed her features, a moan escaping her throat as mick brushed against her spongy walls. she turned her head slightly, staring right up at his goofy smile and sweaty face.
he leaned down to kiss her, moaning into her mouth before slipping his tongue in and touching it against hers.
his hands travelled up and down her body, over all of her curves. over her breasts and rolling her nipples between his fingers.
“you’re so pretty.” he whispered, kissing her softly. “I love you.”
“mick,” she moaned softly. “faster.”
he smirked, snapping his hips quickly against hers. “how’s this, baby? you close?”
“yeah.” she whined. “think so.”
she curled her legs tighter around him, trying to pull mick closer and closer to her, trying to take him deeper and deeper. his breath was heavy on her neck as he left open mouthed kisses in his wake. one of his hands came down and over her waist, thumb rubbing gently at her sensitive clit. she moaned out a small curse, nails digging into his back.
“please.” she panted “don’t stop.”
his free hand desperately clenched around the sage green duvet, his grip white-knuckled. her walls contracted around his cock, causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head. he swore in german, his hips faltering as he tried to keep his composure.
“give it to me baby, come on, I know you can. keep taking my cock. fucking shit, baby, I’m not gonna last.”
“mick!” she screamed, back arching, skin pressing against his, walls contracting around his thick dick.
her nails were digging into his back, her face flushed and facing away from him as she came. at this angle, he was happy to lean over and press gentle kisses to her face, softly whispering praise and encouragement as he continued to work himself to the edge.
his hips stuttered, cock twitching as he spilled into the condom, body shaking as he lowered himself to rest beside his lover. he had yet to pull out, their legs still locked together. her skin was warm as he pulled her into his arms, swollen lips leaving kisses against her sweaty hair and her fingertips drew shapes against the bare skin of his chest.
out in the kitchen, he could faintly hear the radio. it had long since changed from springsteen, now playing the dulcet tones of paul hewson and u2.
he knew he should get up. he at least needed to take the condom off. maybe pull a blanket over their bodies.
but having her in his arms was a type of heaven within itself. her scent overwhelming his senses, her touch comforting over his flushed skin.
he needed her beside him like he needed oxygen to breathe.
“mick,” she mumbled, head still resting against his chest. “I need to go to the bathroom, and you’ve still got most of your lower body weight on me.”
he grinned sheepishly as he disentangled himself from her, watching from the bed as she strode to the closet, pulling a silken robe around her lithe frame.
he was so in love. he hoped this would be his forever.
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stararch4ngelqueen · 10 months
Self indulgent but … thanksgiving w a gf who loves the holidays but doesn’t have family or friends to spend them with ?
This is really small and super quick, I hope you enjoy it! I do hope you have a wonderful day! (Also went ahead and incorporated two things I made today just because my mind is too lazy to think of anything else. If you don’t like them, womp womp/jk Pretend Gotham War dosent exist)
Time written - 8:09 p.m
“You sure I’m not invading in on their celebration?” You vocalize your concern for about the fiftieth time after smoothing out your final layer of fluffy, whipped concoction for your dessert dish.
“If anything, Alfred will appreciate one less dessert to make.” Jason responds, casually leaning across the countertop across from you, watching you work your magic on making one of your miracle dishes. While you didn’t necessarily have to bring a dessert, you insisted as a show of good faith.
“It’ll give the old man a reason to sit down for once,” Jason adds, referring to Alfred’s insistence upon waiting by everyone until they got full plates and thoroughly enjoyed a majority of their meals.
You kept asking the same question, just with different rephrasing of words. You were nervous, Jason could see that by the way you smoothed the silicone spatula over the top of your dessert for the tenth time, insisting perfection on something that already tasted heavenly.
Jason would know. He’s always your designated taste tester.
You went above and beyond with everything you did; Making your own whipped cream, using Madagascar vanilla beans, making your own pudding base from scratch.
“Hm?” You respond with a concentrated stare on your dish.
“Look at me real quick.”
You spare a short glance up at him, putting up a sweet front of a smile. “What? I’m almost done, Jay.”
“I know,” Jason curts. “I’m sure they’ll love it.”
You nod, swallowing before focusing again on the top of your dish. You picked up the recipe from an online blog article about three years ago; an upgrade on a traditional banana pudding using heavy cream and expensive flavoring, the dessert reeking of pure holiday that had to be shared with the rest of the world.
“Are you sure this looks okay?” You ask, feeling like the top of the dessert needed a lot more than wafer cookies and bananas. Nuts? Caramel drizzle?
“It looks great,” Jason insists, approaching your side of the counter, settling his hand along your hip. “Scratch that. It looks delicious, incredible, mouthwatering. All the good words, sweetheart.”
You can’t help but smile, your cheeks warming with his compliments. Raising your whipped cream spoon to his mouth, you tap his bottom lip before giving him a kiss, hearing his muffled chuckle shortly after.
“Decadent,” He adds, licking his bottom lip of any remaining, perfectly sweet cream. “Perfect. Believe me, Dick and Alfred will never see any banana pudding the same way again.”
You could only hope so, giving him another smile. You liked making this dish, bringing it to your work during little dinner parties. The loudest compliment was a dish scraped empty, yet no one ever asked for the recipe. No one wondered who made it, no one really asked.
“You sure it looks perfect?” Again, your doubts can’t help but have you repeat your broken vinyl record. “I want it to be perfect.”
“It is perfect,” Jason gently reassures with firm sentiment, giving your cheek a soft squeeze. You set your mind to something, you keep at it until you’re perfectly satisfied. As stubborn as it makes you, you always try above your best.
This was your first official gathering with the entirety of Jason’s family. It wasn’t your first, as you’ve been over a few times before for pizza and burgers for movie nights, but never with every single Bat related member at a large, ornately decorated table in an extravagant dining room.
Especially, never with Bruce. Not until tonight, where they’d have a little private event to themselves at the manor. A rare occasion where masks and secret identities weren’t needed. Sometimes, criminal behaviors didn’t allow them a break, so this was truly a treat.
Dick could be himself, fussing over preferences of pumpkin and sweet potato to an annoyed Tim. Babs would scoff her amusement while recording them to show off during Christmas, and the rest would gawk or scoff, chatting amongst themselves or listening in on such a boisterous conversation.
This time, the special guest would be you; the girl Red Hood was sweet on long before you knew his name, becoming the sole guardian of every important identity of the Wayne family.
“Trust me. They invited you, it’ll just be us. It was a big vote with no one opposing.”
Those words brought a more comforting, genuine smile to your face, one Jason could tell was more truthful. Holidays were joyfully dreadful to spend alone in an empty home, the promise of a manor full of friendly faces happy to see you, happy to spend time with you and incorporate you into a tradition you desperately craved was a godsend. It felt too good to be true.
The best part of it all was how much Jason understood. He didn’t celebrate these kinds of holidays when he was a child. No foster family, or even his own mother, could spare enough money to provide grand meals and hours of spending time with people you care for.
It took him a long time to get used to it, he wanted that for you as well. You deserved it after all, they all liked you in their own unique way.
“I’m sure a solid nine out of ten attendants will enjoy those sugar cookie martinis,” Jason murmurs while adjusting a few strands of your hair, reminding you of the one underage family member that ‘tolerated’ your presence.
“Do they got a full stock of vanilla vodka?”
“Course they do. Personally know Bruce has a ton of amaretto.”
“All those bottles for our dates, babe. Grabbed them all from somewhere.”
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envysparkler · 5 months
It’s not that nobody else’s hugs are good.  Dick is the master of cuddling, Cass always knows when to go for a hug and when to back off, and Damian’s hugs are the most adorable thing in the world.  Tim does hugs like he thinks they’ll disappear if he doesn’t grip tight enough, Steph hugs like she’s trying to break ribs, and Bruce, as always, is warmth and love and home.
But.  But a Jason Todd Hug is special.
Jason is still prickly, still determinedly straddling the line between outsider and family no matter how many people want to pull him back, and he rarely ever attends the family dinners or parties or any get-together when he’s not in the mask.
But sometimes he forgets, forgets that he’s pretending not to be their brother, forgets that he’s keeping them at arm’s length.  Sometimes he wraps his arms around them – easily, because he grew up to be the tallest, grew up the most like Bruce – and envelops them in warmth and leather and gun oil and protection.
A Jason Todd Hug is special because it means he cares.  Because it feels like a victory.  Because it feels like family, like returning home after a long vacation, like sleeping in their own bed and knowing that nothing will ever get them.
Nobody makes the colossal mistake of daring to say this out loud, lest they get cut off forever.
Until Damian squirms out of Dick’s grasp and snaps, “You’re not Todd, you can’t hug me.”
Dick’s mind goes blank.  Tim, on the Batcomputer, stops typing.  Steph pokes her head out of the medbay, eyes wide.
Dick recovers and then immediately scans the Cave.  No Jason in sight, thank god.
“You can’t just say things like that, Dami,” Dick hisses, “Do you want him to sulk and never come back here again?”
“You’ve gotten a Jason Todd Hug?” Steph asks, eyes wide and betrayed, “How?  How did the baby assassin get a hug?  I’ve been trying for months!”
“You’ve been trying to get a hug from Jason?” Tim blinks at her, while Dick mouths ‘months?’.
“Sure, after I saw you practically melt into it,” Steph says, pouting, “You never do that with Dick’s hugs.  I thought it must be something special.”
“That’s because you never encourage Dick, he will hold on and never let go,” Tim says, eyes dark as he grumbles over his coffee.  Dick magnanimously chooses to ignore that statement.
“It isn’t that difficult,” Dick smiles at her, “Either you go for the ‘looking pathetic’ route, or you ambush him.”
Steph looks like she wants to take notes.  Damian huffs, “Who made you the expert on Todd’s hugs?”
“Well, I get the most hugs, so I should be the expert,” Dick explains reasonably.
Damian and Tim eye him speculatively.  Oops.
“Care for a friendly wager?” Tim asks with a shark smile.
That’s when the whiteboard goes up.
Steph’s in favor of writing ‘Jason Todd Hugs’ on it, but Dick convinces her to keep it to initials because if Jason ever finds out, the competition will be over permanently.  They all add their names to the list.
“Alright, any time anyone gets a hug, we add a tally mark,” Dick says, “No maiming, bribery, or blackmail allowed.”  Standard rules.
“When do we end the competition?” Tim asks.
Dick frowns.  If Jason’s in a Mood then it might be weeks before anyone gets a hug from him, and he wants this to be fair.  To give the munchkins a chance.
“First to ten?” Steph suggests.
“Sounds good,” Dick agrees, “Though if we’re getting Jason’s hugs, we’re already winners.”
They all shake on it, and the whiteboard goes up near a board of other miscellaneous stuff, not hidden but definitely out of visible line of sight for anyone who enters the Cave through the garage entrance and spends only five minutes before leaving again.
C is added to the list of participants the next day, without any notice or explanation.
There is a little scribble of a bat on the whiteboard by the end of the week.  There is also a W squeezed in between the T and H in the title.
The competitors look at each other across the Cave and nod.  The battle is on.
Cass is the first one who gets on the scoreboard, mainly because she drops in on top of Jason on one of his rare visits to the Cave.
Jason was arguing with Bruce, his jaw tightening, his expression shifting from irritation to frustration when the Black Bat drops from the rigging and knocks him flat against the mats.
Jason stares up at her, bewildered.  “Did you fall?” he asks.  Cass widens her eyes in lieu of outright lying, and flops on top of him.  Jason automatically wraps his arms around her and she relaxes into the hug.
“You should be more careful,” he says quietly.
Cass hums, and lets her head rest against the thump-thump of his heartbeat.
When Jason has left, motorcycle roaring away, she takes the marker and draws a single line below the C.
Tim shoots her a dirty look.
“It’s not fair,” Tim glowers at Dick, hair half-sticking up on one side, as Dick dramatically and pointedly adds another tally to his score, bringing it up to four.
Jason nearly stabbed him, but it’s worth it.
“I gave you my secrets, baby bird,” Dick laughs, “What more do you want?”
“You and Cass just.  Attack him with hugs,” Tim waves his hands to make his point, “That’s not fair!”
“You could attack him with hugs too,” Dick points out.
Tim gives him a flat look.  “Somehow I have a feeling that won’t go over well.”
Dick shrugs, hiding his smirk.  “That sounds like a you problem.”
He notices it on a visit to the Cave, a whiteboard that’s clearly a new addition, emblazoned with JTWH in Dick’s handwriting.  The W is smaller than the rest, like it was squeezed in after.
Underneath it is a long line of initials with tally marks underneath.  D, T, DW, S, C, and a little stylized bat.  The whole gang.  (Except him.)
Dick is clearly winning, with five tallies under his name, though someone seems to have scrawled in ‘cheater’ underneath those.  Cass is in second place with three, Replacement and Batgirl have tied for third with two, Babs has one, and Damian has a half for some reason.  Bruce, he’s happy to see, is losing.
He doesn’t mention it.  He’s distracted by the case they’re working on, and then by patrol, and by the time he remembers it, he’s irritable and sleep-deprived and bitter enough that the idea that they left him out of their competition fits right at home with his aching heart.
“What’s JTWH?” he asks, because the whiteboard is in his line of sight and it never stopped bothering him.  Jason tries to keep his voice casual, tries to not ruin the pleasant mood in the Cave, but his next words are a little too sharp.  “And why am I not on the scoreboard?”
Everyone goes silent in a way that’d be freaky if they weren’t all piled on top of him.  He can practically hear the looks being exchanged around him.
“What, afraid I was going to smoke all of you at your competition?” Jason asks.  More looks.  Jason tenses, waiting for it – the ‘you said you’re not part of this family’ and ‘you never asked’ and ‘we forgot’.
“You are,” Cass says simply, patting his head.
“I am what?”
“On board.”
Jason squints at the whiteboard.  Nope, he can’t see his name on it.  “No, I’m not.  And no one told me about any competition either.”
“Silly goose,” Cass says, which has become her favorite phrase ever since Bruce used it once, “You are.  Top.”
Jason frowns, because he still doesn’t – JTWH.  Oh.
“And what do the rest of the letters stand for?” Jason grumbles, wondering what they’re tracking.  How many days since he killed someone.  How many days since he’s threatened them.  How many times he’s yelled at them.  “Jason Todd Was Here?  Jason Todd Water Hose?  Jason Todd –”
“Wayne,” Bruce says quietly from next to him.  “Jason Todd-Wayne.”
Jason swallows.  He can’t quite look at Bruce.  “What does the H stand for?”
Everyone gives each other shifty looks.
“Oh, wow, that bad, huh.”
“Hugs,” Steph rolls her eyes, “Jason Todd-Wayne Hugs.  So, no, actually, you can’t win, because you can’t give yourself a hug.”
Jason blinks at her.
“Steph,” Tim whines from somewhere near his elbow.
“I said that no one was allowed to tell,” Dick sighs, “I said it explicitly.  I warned you all.”
“Tt.  If the competition ends because of you, Brown, I will take my vengeance.”  Damian’s grip tightens on Jason’s leg.
“Well, it was either the truth or whatever his imagination was coming up with,” Steph shrugs.  She’s looking at him like he’s going to disappear.
“Wait,” Jason croaks, because he lost the thread of this conversation somewhere, “You’ve been having a competition…over hugs?”
“Over your hugs.”
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robinsegghead · 3 months
Danny's Daycare Part 14
[Master List]
TW for implied/referenced sexual assault of a minor!!! as well as descriptions of a panic attack
So, maybe he’d been wrong- it wasn’t an impossibility! Duke had really thought Danny seemed like a nice, normal, completely not crazy guy who just wanted to do a good thing for people in need and- okay that last part still seemed true- but there was no way Danny didn’t have some screws loose. Duke had noticed the moment he met the guy that he was brighter than most people. Hell, Danny was brighter than most metas Duke had met, but he’d pushed that fact aside (with a few excedrin to help) and focused on his job.
The job part of his job, not the spying part Tim had assigned him. Duke really enjoyed helping out with the kids and spending more time with Mia and getting to know Danny was a plus. He was a really cool guy and knew a lot about space, science, and strangely enough- the politics behind a monarchy… Duke still couldn’t figure that one out really.
But all-in-all, Daniel Nightingale was a nice guy, an even nicer boss, and was just doing his best to use his astounding wealth in a way that benefitted everybody except himself. Seriously, Duke had seen the pictures Tim had taken of the guy's apartment when he broke-in he could stand to upgrade his stuff a bit. 
Apparently this was one of those (very rare) times Duke was wrong. Because who in their RIGHT MIND catapults themselves onto a Gotham rogue (any rogue really, but Scarecrow was one of the worse to do this to) and starts beating the shit out of them? Not only that, but he’d spoken nonchalantly to the villain and hadn’t appeared even a bit concerned.
If all of that hadn’t convinced Duke that Danny was off his fucking rocker, the fact that a flying vigilante who glowed EXACTLY the same as Danny appeared out of no where, catching the fear toxin, and taking over on the Scarecrow beatdown would have. Duke had yet to mention to anyone that the vigilante and Danny glowed the same because what the actual hell could that mean? Maybe, if Duke had seen them separately, he might have thought they were the same person, but they were in the same room! At the same time! Everyone saw them simultaneously! 
Except apparently they hadn’t caught it on camera because Duke’s video feed had been conveniently cut off the moment the vigilante- who called himself Phantom- appeared.
Oh yeah- how could Duke forget that the vigilante had also admitted to being the Ghost King which (after sending an inquiry to John Constantine) had been confirmed. And Constantine had been pissed. Duke didn’t spend a lot of time around the JL let alone the JLD but even he knew Constantine being angry and frantic and worried all at once was a terrible sign. The (usually unreachable) man had demanded a meeting as soon as possible to go over their interaction with the ghost king and plan out next steps.
B didn’t take that too well.
After all of the kids had been sent home with their parents (who were notified that the daycare would be closed the next day), Danny had told Duke to take the following week off and not argue about it. Duke took his bike back to the manor and waited for the others to get back so they could debrief. 
Now Duke, Duke was known as the ‘easy’ kid. The kid that followed Bruce’s rules, in and out of costume, reported all injuries, gave detailed reports of every altercation, all around, a rule follower. This was not true. Sure, Duke reported his injuries- the small ones- and gave detailed reports- on things that didn’t matter- but Duke, like any other bird or bat, wasn’t a big fan of some of B’s rules. And something in him was telling him not to mention Danny and Phantom’s matching aura’s.
So he didn’t. He reported everything else, Tim grilled him about Phantom and Danny and their relation to each other which Duke insisted was non-existent, and eventually, they let him go to bed. But one of them wasn’t so easily convinced and it was the one who’d disappeared without a word after the altercation at the daycare and returned covered in blood.
Well- covered might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but Hood definitely had more blood on him than he’d had on him at the daycare. B had questioned him about that too, but Jason just mumbled something about a couple of muggers in his territory and refused to mention it further. Now, changed out of his bloody suit, Jason was leaning in Duke’s doorway with a question on his face.
“What is it?” Duke sighed, crawling under his covers and collapsing back into the bed. He’d been up early to do a quick patrol before work and was now regretting that decision.
Instead of responding, Duke heard the click and lock of the door and looked up to see what was happening. He and Jason were cool, Jason was a cool guy and Duke really looked up to him, but they didn’t hang out that much. They were on completely different schedules, with entirely opposite interests, and very little time. So Jason coming to see him was strange in his books.
Jason was standing in front of the now locked door and running a hand through his hair. “I need you to be one-hundred percent honest with me, Duke.” His voice was serious in a way that Duke hadn’t heard often, especially not directed at him.
“Okay..?” He straightened up, hoping Jason took that as him giving his full attention. “What’s up?”
“Did you… notice anything… about- about Phantom?” He asked nervously.
And damn wasn’t that a wild thought. He didn’t remember seeing Jason nervous before. “Notice anything like what?” Duke asked carefully. He still wasn’t sure he should admit to anyone that he thought Danny and Phantom were related somehow.
“You see like… auras or whatever, yeah?” Shit. Duke nodded. “You said before that mine reminds you of the pits. Neon green and kinda toxic, right?” He nodded again, slower this time. “What did you notice about Danny and Phantom?”
Duke opened his mouth to argue that their auras were nothing alike, but that wasn’t true now that he thought about it. Danny’s aura was bright like, brighter than looking into the sun, he was pretty sure his boss had noticed how often Duke avoided looking directly at him. But underneath how bright it was, there was a distinct green color and the feeling of electricity- which was different to Jason whose aura felt like heat and poison. 
“Duke?” Jason raised an eyebrow.
Shrugging, Duke went for a half truth. “They were both kinda green like yours if that’s what you mean.”
Jason pursed his lips in a way that told Duke he had expected that answer but didn’t like it. He sighed loudly, placing his hands on his hips. “Okay. Thanks.” He turned to leave, unlocking and opening the door.
“Why?” Duke questioned back.
His brother paused, halfway out of the room. “Just a hunch. Thanks again, kid, I’m glad you’re okay.”
Only after Jason left did Duke really question what all of that was about. What kind of hunch could Jason have had about Danny and Phantom’s auras? Was he using his own as an example or a comparison? Because, yeah, now that he thought about it, they were similar to Jason’s in color, and he hadn’t seen many people with that exact shade of green in their aura before, but it could have just been a coincidence, right?
Except, in what world would Jason come to Duke to inquire about something that specific and just happen to bump into a crazy coincidence like that? And thinking back on it, hadn’t Hood been trying to get the chance to speak to Danny for a bit after the attack? Duke didn’t count himself as one of the best detectives in the family, there were many people he thought were better than him by a long shot, but everything about this smelled fishy.
What could Jason possibly want with Danny and/or Phantom? Hadn’t B demanded that Jason hand over some card Phantom had given him only for Jason to refuse point blank? Damn, maybe if he wasn’t so tired he’d be able to think better. He’d read the reports tomorrow, now he just wanted to sleep.
Danny woke up to a weight on him. Actually, he woke up to three weights on him. One was pressed between him and the couch, partially draped over his chest and crushing his arm- it was completely numb at this point. The second was fully on his chest, splayed out across his body and jabbing a sharp elbow into his neck. The last weight was much lighter and almost comfortable, keeping his feet warm.
Opening his eyes, Danny found Miguel, Santi, and Curiosity all sleeping on him. Frowning, he tried to remember how they’d ended up curled up on- he looked around- Miguel and Santi’s couch. Miguel had made it pretty clear early on that he didn’t like much physical contact and even though Santi wasn’t as uncomfortable with it, Danny had mostly avoided it unless they initiated it.
Everything came back to him as he finally registered the crusty feeling in the corners of his eyes and remembered quietly crying while holding the boys and assuring them that they were safe in his arms. He’d expected them to eventually pull away, demand to know what he’d done to their dad, maybe get upset with him now that the threat had passed, something. 
He hadn’t expected them to curl up in his arms, cry their hearts out, and all fall asleep together. He was pretty sure they’d slept through the night which, for him, was a feat in and of itself, but to do so with two other people and a cat all crowded onto one small couch was impressive. (He was still most impressed by sleeping through the night, he felt more refreshed than he’d felt in a long time- since the night the boys had first moved in.)
Miguel stirred, rubbing the heel of his hand across his eyes to deal with the crustiness. His movement jostled Santi who groaned quietly and shifted to get away only to find the was no room to adjust, only open air. The younger boy would have fallen off the couch and landed on the floor if not for Danny’s strong arm wrapped around him which pulled him closer.
“Whu- ‘m awake.” Santi mumbled, burrowing his face into Danny’s chest in an attempt to change that fact.
“Move dumbass,” Miguel hissed. “Gotta pee.” He explained, pulling out of Danny’s arms and forcing his way past the two bodies that held him down. 
Santi didn’t move again, continuing to press his face into Danny to block out the light shining through the window. Danny gently rubbed his hand up and down the boys back in an attempt to stir him awake. The boy grumbled.
Chuckling, Danny shifted his own body. “C’mon kiddo, let me get up so I can make you guys breakfast.” Santi huffed, ignoring Danny’s pleas. “If you don’t get up I’ll halfta pick you up and take you with me.”
The boy ignored him, or maybe didn’t believe him, and Danny adjusted his body to scoop the boy into his arms and hoist him upwards. “Fine, here we go!” He laughed, feeling the boy jolt and wrap his arms around Danny’s neck tightly.
“What the fuck, Danny!” Santi shouted.
Danny kept laughing, carrying the boy to the kitchen. Depositing Santi on his usual kitchen stool, Danny opened the fridge in search of eggs. His eyes landed on an egg casserole with a note and felt himself grinning before he realized it.
Take care of yourself. -RH
Whether the ‘take care of yourself’ was aimed at him or the boys (probably the boys- and wasn’t that a sweet thought?), Danny didn’t care, Red Hood had brought them food after the horrible night they’d had and left a note of care. 
Someone cleared their throat and Danny pulled the casserole out of the fridge, placing the note on the counter where the boys could see it, and popping it into the oven. Miguel stood next to where Santi sat, eyeing the note and Danny.
“You’re in a good mood.” Miguel commented, taking the stool beside his brother and adding the sticky note to what seemed to be a small pile of other sticky notes.
Danny shrugged, pulling out a few plates and cups. “I slept well and don’t have to cook, what’s not to be in a good mood about?”
There was a long pause that Danny only realized was an awkward one when Santi spoke.
“What happened?”
And- okay, that was not how Danny thought they’d bring up what happened the night before. He honestly wasn’t sure how he thought they’d bring it up, but maybe after breakfast? Maybe when they left the apartment and noticed the blood staining the hallway carpets (he’d have to have that cleaned. He was lucky the neighbors had been out of town for the past week.). Not first thing in the morning!
Leaning against the counter opposite them, he exhaled. “How about you boys tell me what happened… and then I’ll tell you what happened when I got here? Is that okay?”
The boys shared looks before hesitantly nodding. Miguel spoke first. 
“A few days ago some… friendsa mine told me our… dad’d been released from jail and- and he’d come askin’ bout me an’ Santi. They didn’ tell ‘im nothin’ but he musta seen me somewhere an’ followed me home. That’s… tha’s why I been so…” He struggled with his words so Danny just nodded understandingly. It could be difficult to admit that you’d been angry or moody- he knew. “Yesterday I went ta get me and Santi some snacks from the convenience store down the street.”
He knew that the boys left the apartment when he was gone, it’d be cruel to tell them they couldn’t, but he was still slightly surprised to realize Miguel had gone out for something as simple as snacks and had been followed home by- by him.
“I got home an’ locked the door an’ gave Santi his snacks but… someone started bangin’ on the door. When I heard who it was I-” he looked at his hands in shame. “I pushed Santi in a closet and barricaded the door.”
Santi wrapped his arms around himself. “I didn’t like that.” He muttered. “He… he used ta do that a lot back… back home.”
Danny had to remind himself not to go all feral monster and hunt their so-called father down to rip his dick off and shove it down his throat. He should have done that last night but Hood had pulled him off.
(Hood had stopped him from murdering someone again- something he knew had bothered Danny more than he was willing to admit- and held him back until he’d come back to his senses. He wants to imagine he’d have stopped himself before it went to far but… let’s be honest, the man was going to be hospitalized for a long time. It should never have gotten that far. Even if he still wished he’d killed the monster.)
“If he-” Miguel shuddered. “If he got in I wasn’t gonna let ‘im get ta ya.” His voice was firm and reminded Danny that Miguel had been doing that for a long time. How long he wasn’t sure, but too long. “He started bangin’ on tha door, shoutin’ and trynna get in. I sat in fronta the door an’ made sure he couldn’t.”
Taking a deep breath again because Danny really wasn’t all that good at containing his rage, Danny offered Miguel a reassuring smile. “You did the best you could to protect your brother, Miguel, I’m proud of you. And you asked me for help, Santi, I’m proud of you.” Both boys looked at each other before looking away, eyes clearly confused and misty. 
“I was on my way home from work when I got Santi’s texts. I got upstairs as fast as I could and tried to get him to leave.” Danny started, recounting exactly what had happened as best he could. He’d been seeing a lot of red. “I threatened to call the cops but he… Well, he said some things that were unacceptable and I got angry. I… attacked him. Hood had to pull me off of him.”
Miguel’s eyes were wide. “I thought…” His voice was low, hesitant, scared. “I thought ‘e was hurtin’ you.”
Stepping forward, immediately regretting not clearing up any misunderstandings the night before, Danny looked both boys in the eyes to see fear. Not OF him, but FOR him. Fear that he’d been hurt by the man who’d hurt them.
“He didn’t touch me.” Danny breathed. “Didn’t get a single punch in. I thought… I- I was worried you’d be mad.” He admitted. “I-” He sucked in a breath. “I made a lot of excuses for my parents.” Avoiding their eyes, Danny pushed on. “For years, I told people things were fine at home, that my parents would…. That they’d never hurt me if they knew it was me they were hurting.
“But they did. And… and even after they’d hurt me beyond repair- almost killed me,” His eyes blurred and he blinked back the emotions. This wasn’t about him, he was just trying to show the boys he understood. “After everything they did, I made excuses. It took a long time to give up on them. So I was worried you’d be mad at me for hurting him. And I wouldn’t hold it against you if you were, I know what it’s like to have confusing feelings about your parents.” He finished, meeting their eyes.
Santi was the first to react, reaching his hand out and placing it on top of Danny’s. “I… I don’t know how I feel. But I know I’m glad you weren’t hurt.”
Following suit, Miguel hesitantly placed a hand on Danny’s and Santi’s. “I know how I feel.” His eyes were filled with anger and sadness and they perfectly mirrored Danny’s when he was seventeen. “‘M glad you were there. I- I don’t know what woulda happened if you’d been too late.”
“Well,” Danny let out a sigh of relief. “Luckily, we don’t have to think about that. I wasn’t too late,” (Yes you were.) “and Hood took care of it. Now we have to focus on moving forward and taking care of each other.”
“You don’t have to do that, Miguel.” Miguel heard Danny say from across the kitchen. Miguel shrugged, continuing to wash the breakfast dishes and lay them out to dry. “Aren’t boys your age supposed to avoid chores like the plague?” Danny muttered under his breath.
Snorting, Miguel dried his hands and faced him. Santi had been convinced to go take a nap shortly after finishing his food but even though Danny attempted to convince him to do the same, he refused. He was too jittery to even consider lying still and he saw things he didn’t want to every time he closed his eyes. So he’d stayed.
Being alone with Danny had stopped being scary a while back, after the first time he had been in a closed room alone with the man and he hadn’t attempted anything. But sometimes he still grew nervous. Not nervous because he was worried Danny would do something bad to him, but nervous because… it had been so long since he’d been around someone he… he genuinely admired. Someone he wanted to impress.
“What do you mean?” He asked, twisting the towel in his damp hands. Danny looked up inquisitively so Miguel clarified. “Whatdya mean ‘Hood took care of it’?” He knew his voice betrayed some of his feelings, but he hoped Danny wasn’t worrying that Miguel was mad about how things had turned out again.
Swallowing, Danny cleared his throat. “I uh… I don’t know.” Miguel tilted his head and furrowed his brow in question. “That’s just what he said. He…” The man let out a shuddery breath. “He pulled me off- off of your… dad, and when I finally calmed down he was… in bad shape. He told me not to come into the apartment until I’d… uh- until I’d cleaned up-”
Miguel had been around fights long enough to know Danny was trying not to mention he’d been covered in blood. His dad’s blood.
“When I came back his body was gone and Hood said he’d taken care of things. He wasn’t- I don’t think I-” Danny pursed his lips and stopped talking.
Miguel had had a long time to think about his dad- three years to be exact, and he’d come to a conclusion a long time ago. He came to it after the first time he’d mugged someone for a few bucks in their wallet. He came to it again when he’d gone hungry for the third day in a row so Santi wouldn’t have to. The conclusion had been tattooed across his brain after his first John had left him unconscious and bleeding in an alley after going too far.
It was a conclusion he hadn’t told Santi he’d come to- his baby brother hadn’t experienced things like he had, he couldn’t be sure they would agree but- “Good riddance.” Miguel choked out.
Whipping his head up, Danny met his eyes, like he couldn’t believe what Miguel had said. So he said it again. If not to convince Danny he’d said it then to convince himself. “Good riddance. Dead or a hospitalized vegetable; good fucking riddance.”
“I didn’t understand why he let you call ‘im that.” Miguel continued, needing to get everything out in the open. Unable to stop speaking now that he’d started. “Santi. That’s what- tha’s what he called ‘im when beggin’ for forgiveness. When ‘e went ta jail, no one was allowed ta call ‘im that- nobody but me. An’ no one is allowed ta call me Mick- nobody but Santi. He used  ta call me that when ‘e- when…” He took a breath. 
Danny opened his mouth, likely to comfort Miguel, but he couldn't handle it right now. He needed to say this he needed to-
“I get it now.” He met Danny’s eyes. “Santi saw it immediately, maybe even from the moment you first found ‘im but I told ‘im he was- was wrong. I was the one who told ‘im to- to keep a distance, to never be alone with you. I didn’t trust you. I wanted to but- but I didn’t- couldn’t-” Miguel could tell he was rambling at this point, Danny had stood up and seemed to be getting closer, but he had to say what he had to say-
“You’re dad-shaped.”
Danny’s eyes went wide, his arms froze outstretched to meet Miguel’s shaking frame. There was surprise on his face and Miguel wondered if he’d read it all wrong but he needed to- he couldn’t remember the last time he’d said what he wanted to and he didn’t think he’d ever say it again if he didn’t now.
“Santi keeps sayin’ you’re dad-shaped but I was afraid you- you were dad-shaped and I liked you and I din’t wanna find out you were like him and I couldn’t- I needed someone to-'' Apparently, when saying all of the things you needed to say, breathing was really difficult. He hadn’t expected that, but he couldn’t seem to get air into his lungs. “I jus’ wanted- I- I jus’- please don’ make me a idiot-” Miguel begged, feeling two hands gently but firmly grab his upper arms.
Danny was saying something but he couldn’t hear- why couldn’t he hear anything? His chest kept jerking and his face was wet and he hadn’t felt emotions this strongly in so long why did he let them out they always resulted in beatings and things so much worse and why was his chest jerking? The ringing in his ears was so loud and he couldn’t take it anymore and when did he end up on the floor- who was holding him? He should be afraid- why wasn’t he afraid of whoever was holding him-
“-guel, you’re safe. I’m not going anywhere, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe Miguel. You’re safe with me. I’d never hurt you.” 
Hiccuping, Miguel buried his face in Danny’s oversized sweatshirt. It doubled as a way to dry his face which Miguel counted as a win and he tried to listen to Danny’s words.
“You’re doing so well, Miguel. Thank you for telling me- you’re so-” The man inhaled quickly. “Ancients, you’re so brave, Miguel.” He scoffed and Danny stilled momentarily before resuming his rocking. “I mean it kid. You’ve been through so much and your first instinct is still to always protect your brother. And that’s so brave. But I’m here to help with that now. I want you to feel safe enough with me to not only leave your brother with me, but to tell me how you’re feeling.
“Expressing your feelings is hard- I- I’m still really shit at it. But you? You just told me how you’re feeling and why and what you want and you trusted me with that and that’s-” he whistled. “You never fail to impress me, Miguel.”
Part of him wanted to repress the tears he felt threatening to pour over, he’d just started to calm down and dry his face, but God if he hadn’t been waiting for someone to say that to him. Sobs wracked his body and Miguel… he just let it happen. He- he was safe here. He was okay to show how scared he was- how scared he’d been, there was no one here who’d use his feelings against him. No one who would manipulate him into doing things he didn’t want or risk them doing those things to his brother. He was in the arms of someone who would protect him and his brother- someone who had. 
He’d sat on the floor just like this last night, crying for an entirely different reason, thinking the man who’d given them so much was being beaten the way he’d grown up being beaten by the very same man. He didn’t know if that man was dead or alive or if he’d ever wake up or walk again and he didn’t care- he didn’t- that man would never lay another finger on him or his brother and that was all thanks to Danny and Hood.
The man who’d taken them in and given them everything they could want or need and the man who’d dropped by every other night for the last two weeks to check in and leave food. Safe. He and Santiago, they were safe. And for the first time in as long as he could remember, they were safe- not because of Miguel, but because of two random adults who’d decided to protect them even at risk of their own safety. 
It was a new feeling.
He liked it.
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cooketimm · 11 months
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Hardboiled #10-25 (1990-98) cover artwork by Bruce Timm
Interview from Cool Stuff Magazine #1 (1995):
Gary Lovisi: Much of your work is characterized by raw, intense energy and action, or beautiful women in stylish, dangerous settings. Some is obviously influenced by the pulps.
Bruce Timm: I’m big pulp fan, have been since the early 70s, when I started reading Doc Savage and Avenger reprints. I can’t really say how they’ve influenced my artwork much, except when doing pulp-homage stuff like the Bob Price books. But I do sometimes wish I was born decades earlier so I could have worked for some of the old pulps, which was why it was so much fun doing the Price stuff, and the «mock 50s» paperback covers for your Gryphon Books.
The hero pulps — Doc Savage, The Spider, The Shadow, etc — did have a big impact on my approach to the Batman cartoons. It’s something I tried to inject into the show from early on, the atmosphere, danger and illicit excitement, and especially that Norvell Page-type feeling of impending doom — the «doomed city» mood. It’s also why I set the sense in a timeless, 40s-styled world of big cars, padded shoulders, gangsters, shadowy streets, etc. I only wish we’d gone farther with it.  
For instance, my original version of Batman himself was actually close to the Shadow: rarely seen close-up, speaking in short, clipped phrases, more mysterious, literally. I wanted to play him cold and remote, almost unhuman. But the network and our various story editors would have none of that!  «We need to humanize him», «He needs to have a sense of humor», «We need to more about Bruce Wayne, the person», etc! Whereas I could care less about Bruce Wayne! He’s much more fascinating if you don’t know what he’s thinking, or what drives him.
A few «Shadowy» touches did survive. Batman is rarely seen be the public, almost never on TV. Even when dealing with the police, he’s usually off in shadows conferring with Commissioner Gordon only. And when he’s in the Batcave, he’s almost always in costume. My way of saying he’s Batman, not the other guy, not Bruce Wayne. Like Lamon Cranston, his true, «legal» identity is a facade.
I’ d love to do straight-ahead pulp hero adaptation someday. Doc or The Shadow or The Spider, either in comics or animation, without the senseless updating and over-explaining «character development» like in the Alec Baldwin-Shadow-fiasco-film.  
Gary Lovisi: Your stunning covers for my Hardboiled mag are very popular with everyone who sees them. What are your feelings on hardboiled crime-related art?
Bruce Timm: It’s hard, actually, to define «crime-fiction» art. There’s pulp crime-fiction art, and digest crime-fiction art, both of which cross over with paperback crime-fiction art. Basically, I’m a fan of good illustration. Period. Regardless of subject matter. Composition, emotionally intensity, color and lighting effects are what I look for. And pretty girls, of course!   
My favorite pulp crime artist is H. J. Ward, hands down. Gorgeous gals in twisty curvy poses, painted in luscious, creamy, wet-on-wet oil technique. My favorite paperback artists include Robert McGinnis, Robert Maguire, and Mitchell Hooks, the usual suspects.
My approach to the Hardboiled covers is different from my earlier «homage» work. When the covers were black and white, I used to experiment with different b&w textures, coquille board, zip-a-tone, xeroxed newsprint, whatever worked. Now that I’m doing them in color, I’m trying to make them as exciting and eye-catching as possible, with loud color, sexy gals, exaggerated action, and simple, graphic, almost cartoony styling.
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ladytauria · 1 month
actually, I'll give you something cute
Jason and Tim gotta pretend to be a married couple in a suburb or smth, specifically thinking they adopt like a dog/or cat while there (and then keep them obv)
but yeah playing happy married couple while totally not pining after each other
this is so messy i’m sorry lmao
mutual pining is one of my absolute favorite tropes <3 & you know i love a good undercover + identity shenanigans fic
I don’t have a lot of clear, defined ideas for the set up (I find casefics so hard to conceptualize for some reason???? Sigh.) But. I have a few thoughts— first, I don’t want them going undercover together to have been the original plan. Second, I kind of want to have originally been Jason’s case? Bc I kind of want there to be an opening thread of like. Jason’s such a planner that having his plans over turned is always upsetting for him—he’s adaptable, it rarely ever affects his actual work, but he still gets grumpy about it :/ So him reaching out for Tim’s help isn’t like. A Big Deal but it isn’t Not a Deal at all, you know? Like it means something that he’s asking Tim to come in for… SO many reasons.
Alternatively I suppose it could be something they were assigned to do by Bruce or Babs or asked to do by Steph, even, ‘cause it’s someone else’s case & they need intel but also more freedom to do stuff?? I dunnoooo. ALSO thinking that maybe Tim & Jason are the obv choice for such an assignment bc Jason is still legally dead & doesn’t have much of a civilian life that anyone knows about, and Tim is no longer involved with WE or doesn’t have to do much with the company so his free time is also… very open.
I’m also torn on like. WHERE I would want them to be. In a Gotham suburb? Or outside of Gotham completely? Like, say, Metropolis? There’s something appealing about the latter bc like. They’re already undercover, posing as different people, but NOW they’re also someWHERE else so it feels even more like this is a distant dream they can never have. However, if it’s in Gotham you could have that underlying “we could have been this if life had been different.” (You can kind of get that with the former too, but.)
Also thinking that as much as I love the gendefuckery of crossdressing / going undercover as a woman, AND as much as I love the idea of genderqueer/fluid/trans Tim, I want them to be going undercover as an MM couple? (Although, now I’m thinking about a similar situation where Tim, who doesn’t oft explore the femme side of himself in depth, actually would get to… hm.) ANYWAY. But yeah for this one, they’re going undercover as husband & husband.
Tim’s undercover persona… I’m split between something with tech or working as a mechanic. (Hush.) Jason… hmm. College TA or going for a college degree, so he’s mostly the stay at home/house husband type. Or maybe one or both of them should have a career that calls for traveling a lot?? Hm.
Both of them expect themselves and/or the other to kind of struggle with it. For multiple reasons! The first being that they have feelings for the other—there’s a part of me that actually wants to make one of them (probably Tim) oblivious to their own feelings until a week or so into the charade & have a sudden realization? But also I like the idea of both of them going into it knowing that they like each other and resolving not to let it affect things. They both also expect to miss vigilante work, because while they’re able to go out occasionally it’s not like either of them are used to.
And while it’s definitely difficult to find things to occupy their time with at first… it’s not as hard as they expect.
Thinking they adopt an animal fairly early on (thinking it should be a stray they start feeding & fall in love w). I’m leaning hard on the idea of a cat but a dog could be fun too lmao. There’s a lot of joking arguments about post-case custody but then those peter off as they start letting their roles bleed over into their lives.
And then. The case ends. They get the intel they needed, bust the operation, and it’s time for Tim & Jason to quietly pack up and leave.
Thinking the last couple of days they spend as their fake identities are awkward. They can’t find the ease they had before because they know they’re about to leave, so when they’re not actively performing for their neighbors… they’re more withdrawn.
And then they both go to their separate homes. Thinking Jason got primary custody of their dog or cat? But I could be convinced for Tim as well. Anyway. Both of them feel a little hollow; like they’re missing something. They cant stop thinking about their life together, how *real* it felt & how much they miss waking up to the other. How much they miss even the idiosyncrasies they used to argue over. (Even if at least half of those idiosyncrasies were made up for the persona. They still know each other well enough to know which ones were real and which were fake… & they find themselves wondering which parts of their private lives they left out, good and bad, what living together would *really* be like.)
Eventually one of them makes an excuse to go see the other—to check in on the cat/dog, obviously. And maybe there’s an awkward invitation to keep visiting, and a sort of. Ambiguous/open ending with an obvious/hopeful slant for them to be a couple in the future.
And then maybe an epilogue / one shot sequel set a few months in the future with a look at their established life <3333
[ send me an AU & i’ll give you at least 5 things i would include in it ]
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
yandere Natasha vs yandere Wanda for Marvel :>
I'll try, sure! @universallyweaselwobblermuffin gave me motivation and the Wandavision idea. I'm excited to talk about this because I love them ^^
AU where they aren't in a relationship with Bruce or Vision.
Yandere! Natasha Romanoff vs Wanda Maximoff
(General Thoughts)
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Overprotective, Jealousy, Implied mind control, Kidnapping, Violence, Forced relationship.
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I feel this rivalry is a bit unfair due to the power difference.
Yet I still like this idea.
Natasha is like a mentor to Wanda so that may also affect the rivalry.
In fact they see each other as family.
I'm going to keep this as just me spilling general thoughts due to the circumstances of Natasha's fate before Wandavision.
Natasha is a skilled spy and assassin, she would be great with stalking/gathering info while keeping and eye on you.
Wanda has magic, having access to hallucinations/mind control, telekinesis, and creating false realities. She's certainly the worse yandere of the two and the most delusional.
Their obsessions most likely start after Age of Ultron.
It would make sense if you were part of the Avengers but you could also be a civilian friend of them.
Both of their obsessions would start platonic.
They see you as family like they do the rest of The Avengers.
They both grow close to you because both of them have been deprived of families in their past.
Wanda lost her parents and lost her brother.
Natasha grew up as an assassin/spy and was made infertile so she can't make a family.
So the two see you as a close friend and part of family.
Wanda likes to watch Sitcom shows with you.
Meanwhile Natasha likes to train you for self-defense incase she can't always watch over you.
When they both see you as platonic they are fine with sharing.
It's when one of them sees you in a more romantic sense that things are an issue.
To make the rivalry last the longest I'd say Natasha's obsession would have to start first.
As said before the rivalry is rather... unbalanced.
If Natasha fell for you first her original obsession increases.
She begins to see you in a new light and realizes you're important to her.
She wants to be closer, maybe she excuses her feelings as wanting to protect you.
As a result she sticks around you more.
She watches over you way more than she used to and rarely leaves your side unless she has to.
This sudden behavior change doesn't go unnoticed by Wanda.
She feels upset that Natasha keeps dragging you off.
Whenever Wanda invites you to relax with her Natasha makes up an excuse to have your attention.
Wanda may not even realize her own romantic feelings for you until she sees Natasha's motives.
Wanda would still see you as a friend until she sees Natasha flirting with you.
Her heart tightens at this betrayal... she recognizes this emotion as jealousy.
It's then Wanda realizes she loves you... more than a friend.
This even is what would fling this into rivalry.
The two could platonically share you as a friend.
Yet the moment one of them wants you as their romantic partner and tries to take you from the other one?
That's when things get bad.
Cue manipulation on both sides.
Wanda wouldn't want to use her powers at first as she still cares for Natasha.
Yet she still begins fights with her, accusing Natasha of stealing you.
The reason I feel this rivalry would be short lived is Wanda would soon realize she can just... take you.
Natasha can try to fight her but Wanda will try to push her back.
Wanda feels the perfect form of revenge is to simply take you back from Natasha.
After all, in her eyes, Natasha's stolen you.
Would not be surprised if Wanda did another Wandavision to keep you to herself.
She's erase Natasha from your mind and make you her spouse in her perfect family.
Unhappy? She can fix that.
Natasha could try to break you out of that false reality.
It most likely won't work without help.
This is why the rivalry is short lived.
Once Wanda feels she's fighting for your affection... even if she cares for Natasha...
Wanda probably won't hesitate to hurt her and take what she wants.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
Can we take a moment and talk about
Miguel, Hobie, and the Black!Reader
a.k.a Black Men aren't the only one who date black women so why are there only Black!Readers for black characters????
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Don't think anyone has said it but I would like to see Miguel with some Black readers/Black OCs.
Like, I wanna see Miguel with a Boujee black woman, a loud one, a meek one, a stallion, a petite one-
I just wanna see Miguel x Black!Readers and Miguel x Black!OCs.
Black people are everywhere, in every fandom.
So black readers should be giving rep everywhere - not just with radical black characters like Hobie
Black women and black people in general IRL have our features demonized or looked down upon. In media, in the beauty industry, the fashion industry, hair industry, you name it. Our skin tones are 'too dark' to match well with makeup, our bodies too curvy or different, or hair too thick and hard to manage.
I think having characters openly express interest in them is radical - whether the character themselves are black or not.
The reason the Black Representation within Hobie romance fics stands out so much because every other character LACKS that.
In almost every other x reader fandom, black people and our features are ignored and erased for 'sweeter' things like blushing or 'running their fingers through your hair'
Like... Why can't there be a fic where Miguel compliments his Black partners hair. Or tries soul food?
You don't have to be a radical leftist like Hobie to find black people attractive.
So there's no reason for black!Reader to be confined to Hobie - or black characters at all.
You can write Dean Winchester with a Black!Reader. Or Sherlock Holmes, or Hobie Brown, or Miguel O'Hara.
Attraction to black people is so often seen as a fetish - that most white people and white characters never openly exhibit admiration or love towards black features and culture. They'd rather push us and our differences aside because acknowledging them and their beauty makes people uncomfortable. But those same characters will always 100% be implied to find white women attractive.
And in the Superhero Movie Sphere it's even worse.
ie. It's VERY VERY rare you will find Tony Stark with a Black woman.
The large majority of the women you see with Tony Stark early in the movies are WHITE. The ones he's taking to at galas and playing roulette in front of and kicking out after one night stands - White and blonde. If he sleeps with them - white and blonde.
And that's fine in the general population - a nonblack man who 'loves women' and loves sex just... not being seen with black women at all.
But if Tony Stark went two movies sleeping with only women that aren't white - uh-oh!! That draws attention!!
It's completely okay and not a fetish to be super attracted to white features in isolation, but if you take interest in non-white features without validating white women in the same breath then you're nasty and a fetishist and a racist.
Another example - Batman.
Zoe Kravitz was the first time we've seen Batman openly go after a black woman since maybe Eartha Kitt in 1967 - OVER 50 years apart
In the Christian Bale movies - he never flirts with black women. This classy, smooth Bruce Wayne isn't seen interacting with them. I mean... Why? Does he not like them? Or are the all the black people in Gotham just too poor to be around him to begin with?
????????? That don't add up. But that's how most characters are.
If a nonblack male character is shown in a relationship with a woman - the chances of that woman being cast as a black woman hits the FLOOR.
Their first choice is almost always white.
And the saddest thing is
Spider-Man is the biggest example of black erasure in romance and the effects it causes.
That's why when Zendaya got cast as MJ - it was a problem.
Because before then, during the 70 semi years of Peter Parker's existence - he was never shown on screen being attracted to black women in any capacity.
Betty, Gwen, Felicia, MJ - all white. In the cartoons, white. In the remake, white. Silk is probably one of - if not the - first POC we see Peter with. And they don't date, they've never been shown on screen, and over the past years Cindy has had a better written relationship with Felicia than she ever had with Peter.
For half a century we were conditioned to believe that Peter Parker dated white women with no representation or deviation.
Back in 2016 when TASM series was coming out, if you were a black reader who wanted to see yourself represented in any way or capacity on screen or in Fandom - good luck.
We're use to seeing these very romantically forward guys never flirting or fucking or dating black women. We're conditioned to accept this as normal.
It takes a genuine toll.
That's why when I was younger, I use to feel so insecure. Wondering if my favorite characters or celebrities would even find me slightly attractive. The idea that my favorite character wouldn't find me attractive because they've never been seen with a Black partner or interest ever not even once in passing hurts.
As a teen I just accepted that these characters 'Don't like black people' and can't find them attractive in that capacity. Because I mean, I have no reason to think they do - when most nonblack characters won't even look at a black female character for longer than 5 seconds.
Growing up I just accepted that these characters and the fandom as a whole did not see anything beautiful about me because of my race.
That's why Black readers should be more widespread.
We should be telling people that non-black men finding black women attractive is NORMAL.
I read SO many fics of black characters and go 'okay but they wrote reader as white.'
I have NEVER read a fic of a non-black character and gone 'okay they wrote the reader as Black'
Y'all.... You can write interracial relationships with characters that aren't black.
Interracial Relationships are not a special magic tool you can use to pair black characters up with non-black readers. Interracial Relationships go both ways.
If you're down for writing Hobie x NonBlack!Reader and writing an interracial relationship there - why are y'all not down for Miguel x Black!Reader?
Why are interracial relationships good when the black man experiences attraction outside his race towards nonblack people - but bad/unlikely when the nonblack man experiences attraction outside his race towards black people?
'Hobie loves everyone' Okay, Miguel would too. But I don't see the 'Hobie Loves' people rushing and pushing for inclusion in the Miguel tag. They don't care if fanwriters show Miguel 'loving everyone'.
They don't go -
'Miguel loves latinas, Miguel loves black women' in Miguel's tag.
Even though nonblack men experience attraction towards black people and black women everyday across the world.
Some are even married to us - can you believe it??
In conclusion - More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel x Black!OC.
Give Miguel AfroLatino Babies!!!!
Give Miguel O'Hara a Nigerian Wife so help me God
Anyway - Big up @hrhmimieucliffe and their AMAZING Black OC Giselle, who has a ~thing~ ;) with Miguel (they are v cute!!)
More Miguel x Black!Reader. More Miguel with Black! OCs. I want a Miguel that likes his women like he likes his milkshakes - tall, sweet, thicc as fuck, and FULL OF CHOCOLATE
And once again, that's on WHAT!!!!
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