#Raph x oc
ghostytoad · 10 months
hey so how do you think the rottmnt turtles would deal with the boys being busy and s/o comes up behind them and gives them a hug and then lets go and somehow they had snuck a xmas gift bag on their lap and s/o is gone from the room. Inside the gift bag is three things; Something they’ve been wanting for fun, something domestically useful and homemade cookies?
i'm gonna have to break this up into 4 parts again because it's a bit too long for tumblr's block limit agaiiin
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* Season of Surprises *
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ROTTMNT Boys receive an unexpected gift
Summary: The boys have been working themselves to the shell. Between patrols, kicking villanous butt, and general hero business, it leaves little time for their darling Reader. Fortunately, 'tis the season of gift-giving.
Oneshot for: Raphael
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff; Mild angst; Pre-established relationship || Words: 1k
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Donnie | Leo | Mikey
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His fun gift: A giant turtle plush
His useful gift: Phone big enough to fit in his big hands
His cookies: Chocolate chunk cookies
It had been an entire week since Raphael had gotten any sleep and the low, unintelligable mumbling that rumbled in his chest made it obvious that he could really use the rest. His body, mind, and very spirit were aching for a peaceful night's sleep and Raph was determined to will himself into bed despite the aches that riddled his body threatening to topple him over. He had barely reached past his room's doorway before he collapsed forward with a thud and a delayed groan, his face colliding with the cold, hard floor.
'Well, this isn't any better-' he thought to himself and struggled to wriggle and worm his body across with floor, the dragging of his spikes leaving scratches and cracks on the unmoving concrete. He'd worry about the scuff in the morning For now, his bed was far too inviting for his overworked body to ignore and by god was he going to get some sleep tonight. The week prior had been nothing but back to back patrols, the brutal rate of which started taking a major toll on the titan's massive form. The long-neglected bruises, scratches, and scrapes dotting his body made his quest for a good night's sleep all the more pressing. He was only inches away from the foot of his bed when his trek was interrupted by the pattering of soft footsteps beside him.
"Mikey, I'm not carrying you back to your room." he deadpanned, flattening his raised torso back onto the floor hoping to discourage his playful little brother from jumping onto his back and demanding a piggyback ride. As the footsteps stopped right next to his face, Raph turned his head and looked up through squinted eyes. Instead of olive green legs standing beside him, he was met with what he recognized as his significant other's kneeling form next to his face, a wrapped box being held out toward him. Raph blinked slowly up at Y/N and reached a tenative arm up to accept the gift.
"Babe, hey!" his voice was deeper and much slower than he'd wanted it to be, "What's with the-"
As soon as the parcel left their hands, Y/N wordlessly smiled down at the snapping turtle mutant and started back out the door in a haste.
"Uh… Th-Thanks! Love ya too!" he'd called out after them, the last part sounding uncertain considering they'd left in a hurry without so much as a greeting. Did they hate him all of a sudden? Were they mad at him? Did they mean to leave him a present sooner? Did they think he was unattractive lying on the floor like that? Okay, maybe the last one was a bit of a stretch, but nothing was off-limits in Raph's overthinking mind. But they'd left a gift, surely they must still at least LIKE him?
The turtle had glanced at the box that sat in his large palm, sitting himself up to examine his partner's handiwork. Chuckling to himself, he admired how delicately the red foil wrapping paper had been folded, edges neat and free of crinkles. The golden lace bow that sat so beautifully on top could only have come from their careful and precise hand; if there were ever someone with a knack for gift wrapping, it was his beloved Y/N.
In a thoughtless swish and tear, he unwrapped the plain medium sized box that hid underneath. His attention was caught by the little sticky note taped to the side of the box, reading:
Merry Christmas, my Red Angel!
I know you've been working extra hard and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you and everything you do! Let me know how you like your new gifts!
Love, Y/N
PS. I named him Raph Jr.
"Raph Jr, huh?" he'd hummed while a cheeky, lovesick grin stretched across the boy's face and a dark blush colored his green cheeks. What did he ever do to deserve someone so wonderful and thoughful? How could he ever hope to repay them for such a kind gesture? His dreamy eyes read over the love note again and again, drinking in every sweet little word. All he could do was flail his hands and giggle like a little girl, fangirling quietly on the floor of his room not wanting to bring his brothers' attention to his silly little display. If they knew what a lovesick mess their big brother was and how easily Y/N could fluster him, the teasing would be merciless.
Lovingly, he eagerly dug in, tugging and pulling at the stubborn object packed tightly into the little box. After a few gentle and ineffective yanks, he gave a strong pull and forced the soft gift free of its tight enclosure, causing him to stumble onto his back in the process. The plush gift decompressed mid-air with an audible POOF and in a bounce, landed on top of the unsuspecting ninja.
"Wh-What the-?!" it took him a minute to focus his eyes on the large, green turtle plush that continued fluffing itself up to its full huggable capacity.
"Raph Jr…?" he snickered and sat himself up once again with the oversized stuffie letting out a squeak as he rested his elbows on its fleece shell.
"You can't sneak up on people like that!" Raph cooed in his baby voice, "Must've been a rough ride being stuffed into that itty bitty box, poor lil' guy. Don't you worry, wittle one, Papa Raph's gotcha now~"
Giving the plush a tight squeeze in his large arms, Raph let himself fall back onto the floor, nuzzling into the cozy warmth of the stuffed animal and slowly started to drift off. Falling deep asleep in a matter of seconds, he hadn't realized the cookies and even smaller box that still sat in the gift box. By far, the plush was more than enough for him now.
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honeylief · 5 months
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Emmy's gonna do her best to be a great mom for Raph's kids. Their kids. Baby twins, Kimi and Tony. Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
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smol-bean-boi13 · 4 months
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im awake wha happen
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real-hot-grl-shi · 5 months
tryna make a animation but have one of my old animations of my oc x raph from rottmnt (it’s ass.)
I srsly need a therapist I don’t got anyone to talk to
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itz-me-brett-duh · 1 month
💔Raphael x 💔Reader 🐢
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“I love you.”
His voice was quiet.
The whole world was…
In that moment there was silence.
All she could hear were his words.
“I-I-I…I don’t.”
She refused to meet his gaze.
Too worried to see the sight of pain in his eyes.
But it didn’t matter.
She could already feel it all around them.
It surrounded them like a heavy cloud, threatening to storm at any possible moment.
“I can’t.”
“It’s because I’m a monster, a beast,…a freak of nature…”
The pain welled up in his throat. He tried to not let it show but his voice sounded shattered and cracked.
Like a mirror hitting a floor.
Cracking into a million peices.
Just like his heart.
“No…I’ve met monsters Raphael…and you…you are not one of them. They hide. Not under the bed…or in the closet…but in plain sight. You’re not a monster…you are perfect.”
“Then why.”
“I’ve said those words…those three damn words!…Too much…they don’t mean anything to me anymore…but I will say this…I trust you…I truly do…I care for us…and everything we are…and what we will become.”
It was if her words had been fingers, digging deep into is heart. Now they pulled away, his blood and flesh still under her nails.
She took a piece of him…and no matter how painful it was. How painful it was to be exposed.
To be completely open in her presence.
He knew that however many pieces of his heart she clutched. She would remold his broken soul and his broken heart…
No…they would mend each other…they would create something…
Something beautiful.
She wouldn’t fix him.
And he wouldn’t fix her.
They would take pieces of each others brokenness to build a new.
An unbroken mirror has only one perspective, a shattered one has multiple.
But two…two broken and shattered mirrors…if they choose to open up aboutge pieces of their past.
If they choose se to face each other.
They can reflect every piece of each other.
They can stare each other down with an open and intense infinity.
An image so hard to define, so hard to imagine…yet here they were.
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brooch-and-tackle · 3 months
FIANLLY!!! IT TOOK A FREAKIN YEAR BUT CHAPTER 5 IS DONE! Just gotta edit and it should be up within the next week 🤞
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wd-ghosty · 3 months
Careful Consideration
2018Raph x Spike fic
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On a mission the turtle boys were in a back room about to bust some crooks when they realized they were surrounded by caged animals.
Mikey’s was the first to point it out, “Hey guys, they’re animals everywhere” he excitedly exclaimed, “And a bunch of them are colorful, or big, or pretty”
“Or illegal.” Donnie said, “Mikey I don’t know if you notice, but most of not all of these animals aren’t from the US, let alone New York.” He pointed out, while wandering around the room, “And considering our circumstances, I’d say they’re being smuggled. There’s a lot of things rich people will do to show off, including displacing animals for the sake of aesthetics.”
The mood instantly shifted Mikey went from excited to disappointed. “I guess you’re right Donnie, last time I checked having a pet jaguar isn’t legal. N-“
“Guys!” Raph interrupts Mikey in a somewhat irritated tone, “We are on a mission FOCUS… have you guys seen Leo?”
“He’s in the vents” Both Donnie and Raph look at Mikey in confusion
“He’s in the-“ they hear the sound of something falling followed by screaming,
Without missing a beat, they burst into the room full of foot goons, and Leo popping in and out of portals in effort to escape.
“Hey guys! You finally decided to stop waiting around.” He said while tumbling around.
“Leo what happened to discretion, what happened to being sneaky, what happened to the element of surprise!” He angrily shouts at his younger brother, while bashing and throwing goons.
“Hey hey, as leader I decided that I should scope out the area see what they’re doing, so I went in the vents right?”
“Why didn’t you just portal around!?” Donnie questioned
“Because I don’t wanna rely so much on my amazing mystical powers OKAY! But anyways while being an amazing ninja I fell through the roof, teehee.”
“Why didn’t you just stick to the plan!!!” Raph screams at the top of his lungs growing more and more irritated
“Hey buddy what happened happened, now let’s just beat some goons, get some pizza then go home” he tries to calm his brother down and it worked for now but it would ultimately end up futile.
After the fight they went back into the back room with all the animals inside, Mikey wandered around looking at all of them, while doing wonders on what to do with them.
“Well I guess we could just-“
“Guys!” Mikey brings as much attention to himself as possible while carrying a cage and running up to his brothers.
“Michael what the hell are you holding!?” Donnie shouted as he started to back up not know what his brother was brings up to them.
“Guys look it’s a mini Raph!” Inside the cage was a big Alligator snapping turtle, and Mikey looked at it with such awe and admiration. “Can I keep it?” He looks at Raph with a huge smile on his face
Raph, Leo, and Donnie all look at each other then start laughing
“Mikey no offense but even dad got you robot pets for your birthdays you stopped playing with them after a couple hours” Leo tried to hold in his laugh while saying that but it was far too hard for him
“Yeah, Mike love you, truly. But any animal would die in your care. Let’s not sentence the innocent turtle to death.”
Mikey annoyed by Leo alone Donnie’s disbelief in his capabilities he turns to Raph hoping for him to say yes
“Well… I don’t know Mikey, a pet is allot of a responsibility.” Mikey looked at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes he can muster, “but I trust you… you can keep it.”
“WHAAAAAT” the disaster twins screamed I unison.
“Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh!!! Thanks Raph, I’ll love him forever!”
The next week
Mikey was sitting in the projector room watching a movie and Raph walks in with the turtle in hand,
He turns to him, with a happy face, “Oh hey Raph! I found this really cool show an-“
“When was the last time you fed him!”
Mikey looks at Raph with the upmost confusion, “Who is the him in question???”
“The turtle! The one you begged me to keep!”
“Well I wouldn’t say i begged, I just asked a lot… oh yeah! Raph#2, hey little buddy” he waves to the turtle, but Raph pulls it away.
“I trusted you to take care of him, but it doesn’t even look like you’ve taken him out of his cage”
“Well I just forgot, I’m gonna play with him.”
“No, it’s obvious that you’re not ready for a pet. We should get rid of him.”
“Nooo! Raph he’s my turtle!” Mikey protests Ralph’s thought, “I can take care of him!” He pulls out his puppy dog eyes once more trying to get something out of his brother,
“… we don’t have to get rid of him, but we can’t leave him in your care either. He’ll be in my room, you can play with him whenever you feel like.” Raph lets Mikey win, and he walks away dejectedly and with the feeling he’s gonna regret it.
“Thanks Raph! Mwa!”
“Don’t! If I don’t see you trying to form a friendship with this turtle we’re getting rid of him.”
“I will! Don’t worry!”
The next week
Raph talking to himself in his room about Mikey and his new pet. “It’s been a whole week since Mikey convinced me to keep the turtle, and he hasn’t seen it since. He’ll he didn’t even give it a name, he calls it Raph number 2.” He turns to the turtle cage,
“but I kinda feel bad for the little guy, he was taken away from his home, point in a cage, then transporting him must have been long, and now he’s here and he’s probably so scared.”
He walks over to his cage and opens it up, and picks up the turtle. Looking at it a little closer he has really big eyes, and a murky green color.
“Well aren’t you a cutie?” Raph runs his hand along his shell and pricks his finger, “Hey!” The turtle locks eyes with Raph, staring into his soul. “Well it isn’t your fault, I touched your spike… That’s what I’m gonna name you, Spike!” He lets out a chuckle, “Little Spike,” he rubs Spikes head and gets a chirp out of the tiny one. “I guess it’s settled, common spike let’s go for a walk.”
And that’s how the beautiful friendship between Raph and Spike began.
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kristkx · 4 months
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If my OCs in rottmnt.
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sharkbait-tmnt · 5 months
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I haven't posted anything in a while and have a few golden items in my gallery ;)
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Finally saw the movie!! I never drew post-movie Raph before because I didn't want to until I saw the movie. Now that I've seen it, I can't stop
I attempted to draw our girl Cassandra. I just get the feel that she would grow her hair out into a short pixie cut rather than the buzz cut so I drew a little of that
And of course I had to finish off the post with a little bit of a sweater messup from the lack of coffee. Donnie won't be too please... or maybe he won't mind? Who knows
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
Our first ever commission 🥰
Well, first paid commission 😅 I still have that Valentine's portrait you drew for me way back when ♥️
The red-banded terrapin paused to side-eye Val, who was grinning slyly at him from behind her lashes. Her eyes bugged out when he suddenly snapped toward her, arms outstretched. “I’ll take that hug now-”
"Don’t you dare!” She immediately fled around the dining table, desperate to put some distance between herself and the incoming terrapin. “Get away! Stop! Raph, no... I mean it- ah!”
Donnie and Mikey leapt back, cackling as their brother proceeded chasing the squealing woman around the kitchen. He cornered her almost immediately, leaning into her palm pressed against his plastron.
“I’m dead serious.” Val warned, playfully staring him down. “Come any closer and I’ll smack you.”
~ TBaH, Chapter 11: Into The Light
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Thank you so much @android-cap-007 for bringing my story to life 🫂♥️
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ghostytoad · 11 months
Omg I loved the raph req you just did!! Could I req basically the same thing but with a reader that’s similar to Leo instead? Thanks a ton<3
jfksdjhgklsh i've had to break this into multiple parts bc they turned out a little long, but hopefully they're just as good TwT
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* Fun n' Games *
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ROTTMNT Boys x GN! Leo-esque reader who enjoys drama, making jokes, and being overall awesome
Summary: The Hamato brothers unexpectedly fall for the smug, but genuine, fun-loving reader despite their egocentric habits
Headcanons for: Raphael
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff || Words: 1.3k
Donnie | Leo | Mikey | Bonus!!
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oh god, he's gotten his fill of worry-fueled headaches dealing with his little brother's shenanigans; why, WHY great pizza supreme in the sky did there have to be another one??
y/n's reckless antics has him worrying himself into an early grave, especially when they're so keen on proving themselves to everyone with dangerous stunts and high-action battles
it's not that he doesn't enjoy the odd adventure or two with them, but y/n's a HUMAN and he's a WAR MACHINE. he has to be extra cautious around them!
he's taken it upon himself to keep an eye on y/n at (almost) all times bc of their more impulsive actions; he is the oldest and biggest hamato after all, so who better to protect y/n?
if they're out and about with leo or mikey, he will DEFINITELY be there to intervene bc he knows those two are just askin' for trouble; he's their only braincell and they're NOT leaving him behind
it's through his constant surveillance (with some help from donnie), that he slowly starts to realize his feelings for them runs deeper than just wanting to keep them safe
god forbid y/n tries to hide their latest blunder or misadventure, raph will have an absolute FIT (nothing physical obviously, he'll probably get all pouty and insecure)
"look, i know i might not look it but inside, raph is just as scared as anyone else that the people i love could get hurt. i'm not mad, i'm just… tryna look out for you, y'know?"
mikey likes to tease raph for "babying y/n", which says a lot when it comes from the literal baby of the family; kinda forces raph to rethink his overbearing behavior
once he realizes just how overbearing and borderline scary he's being, he will do his best to back off and cut back on all the 'stalking' and 'babying'
will genuinely laugh at y/n's jokes, no matter how bad they are; even if leo literally made the same exact joke 10 minutes ago, raph can't help but double over wheezing with laughter when they say it
he finds y/n's delivery a lot better than leo's; genuinely thinks they are the funniest person alive
he will sometimes join in on y/n's teasing whenever it's directed at his brothers or at an enemy while they're fighting; if he manages to make y/n laugh at one of his jokes, he'll be over the moon with joy
has the habit of accidentally referring to y/n as 'leo' when he's scolding them or going into a long rant about staying safe or something; it's not that he sees y/n as a "human leo", he's just used to getting onto the red slider turtle for the same exact shenanigans so it's like an auto-response
immediately catches himself the moment he does misname them and profusely apologizes through his flustering tears; forgets what he was even mad about every time it happens
for a while, raph considered getting y/n a guard dog or something to watch over them but would they even want a dog? what if they're allergic or they have a terrible fear of dogs or something!
on top of that, despite claiming to be "good with animals", he basically scares off any small animal that comes within 10 ft of his towering stature
but aha, an idea! what if instead of a pet, he gave y/n something special of his? something he can trust to take care of them
as long as y/n PROMISES to keep it safe and clean, raph will gift them one of his special teddy bears to watch over them when he's not around
won't admit it, but he finds y/n's big ego and constant bragging to be incredibly endearing and will add to it whenever he can
like yeah, what isn't to like? they're cool, funny, they know where all the action's at, they have the prettiest eyes; it's no wonder y/n is as confident as they are - to be honest, raph's not sure why EVERYONE doesn't feel the same way about y/n
likes to use his special raph-exclusive catchphrase 'like a boss' to describe everything y/n does (a high honor in his culture)
"did you guys catch how y/n totally shut those clowns down like a boss?? i betcha they could take you three down no sweat!"
gaming buddies!! it's one of his favorite pasttimes and what better way to channel y/n's competitive energy than with some good ol' beat 'em ups
1v1 video game marathons are GUARANTEED to last days for the two of them; they've both managed to lose major sleep bc of how invested they get into the competition
but sleep deprivation has a habit of making fools of us all, even headstrong turtle mutants. and y/n just happens to be the subject of raph's sleepy rambles
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"I swear, I can't feel my eyes…" Y/N's croaky, tired voice muttered as they fought sleep against the now-deflated beanbag, the dim glow of the television screen highlighting the dark circles of exhaustion, "How long have we been playing?"
Slumped over next to Y/N was the large turtle, struggling to muster a coherent sentence as total nonsense tumbled from his lips. As he lay facedown across his own plush beanbag, controller lazily dangling from his large hand, he continued to mutter unintelligably.
"Alright, big guy, let's get you to bed." Y/N groaned as they sat up to stretch. They couldn't help but smile as they watched Raph's sleepy form slump further forward in protest, his knuckles brushing against the floor from how far he'd shifted. He was stubborn to be sure, and all of this just to win a single round. It's not like Y/N didn't warn him ahead of time just how epic their combat gaming skills were! He really should've heeded their warning, it would've saved him hours of humiliating losses and subsequent insomnia.
"L'go one more roun'…" Raph finally managed to grumble, his voice tapering off as the drowsiness overcame him once again. He refused to let the night end until he'd bested his opponent at least once.
"Nuh uh, we're getting you to bed and that's final." the amusement in Y/N's tone stirred the mutant back awake.
"Fine, but I'll getcha next time." Raph finally relented with a sluggish grin and heavy-lidded eyes. With a grunt, he pushed himself up off the sack and was sent stumbling into Y/N's awaiting arms. They struggled to keep a grip on his large form, nearly losing their balance once his full weight shifted onto them. In an impressive show of determination, Y/N had managed to carry Raph into his room, opting to (not so gracefully) toss the massive turtle back onto his bed. Raphael didn't anticipate such a toss and with a hand still tightly gripped onto Y/N's waist, he managed to yank the human down with a light thud against his chest. If it had been anyone else, Raph would've been embarrassed enough, but this particular situation was one he'd keep himself awake at night thinking about. And yet here Y/N was, eyes wide with surprise and body held snug against his, completely unaware of Raph's affection for them. Would they leave? Would they scold him for being too clumsy? Did they think he was a creep?
"Uh… s-sorry. Did I hurt ya?" he managed to stutter, his expression flustered and suddenly alert. Despite the internal conflict, his hand held firm on their waist as if it was urging them to stay.
"No, no, I'm fine. We can chalk this up to you being a sore loser though~" Y/N teased with a light smirk, the dark blush that dusted across their face very evident, only rivaled by the even darker shade that burned at Raph's.
A soft silence fell over the both of them as they timidly avoided each other's gazes, neither willing to yield.
"Um… Good night, Raph-a-doodle. Love ya…" Y/N hummed, nuzzling deeper into his chest while they tried to settle into their new sleeping position. Raph couldn't stop the sigh of relief that escaped him, but the way Y/N looked so peaceful and snug on top of him brought him back into the quiet lull of slumber. They were actually going to stay. Did that mean that they…?
He'd leave that question for another night.
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honeylief · 6 months
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Raph's kids go 'mew mew mew' like he did at their age! (Babies left to right: Kimberly, Atsuko and Antonio)
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smol-bean-boi13 · 4 months
Tw/cw kissing *consensual!* (one picture is kind of suggestive?)
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Kiss the homies :D
Featuring the bright pink highlighter I found on the ground (new too)
Not Tcest >:[
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egomanicplanet · 2 months
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Making a au!!!
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monotonesmile · 1 month
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The Maph fam seems to have an incident with brownie batter…and Max has only just got home from her afternoon run…
Meet the Maph family! Mama Max and Papa Raph have four kiddos! The little green cat is Santino, his twin next to him is Marcello! Next to him is their adoptive son, Soup (or Lee)! And their baby girl, Valentina! They’re a bundle of chaos but everyone is happy.
(All of this takes place years after the movie, Max is 27 and Raph is 28)
I feel like I only post transformers stuff so here’s one of my other fandoms. Please enjoy! Feel free to ask about them if you want!
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hahawasabi · 3 months
i let the demons win and made a rottmnt self-insert
meet Auburn
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have the messy ref
+ other doodles
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drops this and RUNS AWAY
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