#Randy Fine
thoughtportal · 5 months
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A Florida lawmaker made alarming comments on Wednesday that appeared to endorse the eradication of LGBTQ+ people.
During a state legislative committee hearing, Rep. Randy Fine, a Republican, made disturbing comments in a speech where he attempted to rebuke anyone not on board with his legislation, HB 1423.
The bill seeks to ban drag performances in public, similar to a law passed in Tennessee recently. That law was enjoined by a state judge who halted its implementation.
“If it means ‘erasing a community’ because you have to target children - then, damn right, we ought to do it!” Fine said during a vigorous defense of his measure.
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The bill expands the “adult live performances” definition under the government’s regulatory authority. “Adult live performance” refers to any show, exhibition, or other presentation that depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, or sexual excitement, to include specific sexual activities, or to include the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.
The legislation increases penalties for allowing children to attend performances depicting broadly defined sexual conduct or lewd behavior.
In particular, it specifies that such behavior is that which is considered “patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community of this state as a whole with respect to what is suitable material or conduct for the age of the child present” and “taken as a whole, is without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for the age of the child present.”
It will give Florida the authority to fine, suspend, or revoke a license for a public place that is found to be in violation.
A person may also be charged with a third-degree felony if they knowingly allow a child into a live performance that depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, or indecent exposure.
“The question is not why do I want to run this bill. The question is, why are there people in this world so determined to push this on children? Because, if you weren’t doing that, this bill wouldn’t exist,” Fine exclaimed during a speech.
In December 2022, officials with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration revoked the liquor licenses of several venues in Miami and Orlando over potential minors in the audience.
In response to a Democrat’s question regarding whether the bill would affect Hamburger Mary’s, an LGBTQ-friendly establishment that features drag performers, the Republican said he did not know about it and did not plan to visit it. Hooters establishments would not be affected, he said.
“This is a disgusting bill and is designed to target parents like me. It will – like everything – be selectively enforced by the state to target members of the LGBTQ community, as we’ve already seen, with DPBR taking away licenses of venues that host drag shows – that were not lewd and that were very family-friendly,” Democratic Rep. Angela Nixon said, Florida’s Voice reports.
The bill passed the State Administration and Technology Appropriations Subcommittee with a 10-5 vote.
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zinniajones · 1 year
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Florida House of Representatives Office of the Speaker 
Paul Renner  Speaker 
To: The Honorable Randy Fine, Chair, Health & Human Services Committee From: Paul Renner, Speaker Date: April 23, 2023  RE: Authorization to Commence Investigation 
Dear Chair Fine, 
According to correspondence from the Florida Chapter of the American Academy Of Pediatrics (FCAAP) to the Florida Board of Medicine, “gender-affirming care is the widely accepted standard of care for treating transgender adolescents with gender dysphoria.” Many medical organizations are said to endorse “gender-affirming care,” although FCAAP’s statement indicates that the standards of care are actually developed by just two organizations — the Endocrine Society and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). 
Last year, Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) adopted a rule excluding from Medicaid coverage certain treatments for gender dysphoria. That rule is the subject of ongoing litigation in federal court, where the plaintiffs rely extensively on WPATH’s and the Endocrine Society’s standards of care and guidelines and describe them as “widely accepted best practices.” AHCA sought to probe that assertion by serving subpoenas on those entities and others that endorse “gender-affirming care” for minors in order to determine whether this purported medical consensus was truly the result of an intellectually rigorous and open process — as any medical consensus should be. Those entities — including WPATH, the Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Psychiatric Association — responded by fighting vigorously to avoid any meaningful inquiry or disclosure. And they did so notwithstanding their knowledge (and likely, their intent) that their own standards and endorsements are being cited in litigation as a basis to effectively veto state law.
Similarly, in an ongoing legal challenge to Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, which prohibits the use of puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and surgical interventions as “gender-affirming care” for minors, the plaintiffs have likewise relied extensively on WPATH’s guidelines. But when the State of Alabama sought discovery regarding WPATH’s development of those guidelines, WPATH’s response once again was to seek judicial protection from any disclosure. When the federal court ordered WPATH last month to respond to Alabama's subpoena, WPATH’s reaction was to seek extraordinary appellate review rather than comply. 
Dr. Laura Edwards-Leeper, the first psychologist at what has been described as the first major gender clinic in the U.S. (at Boston Children’s Hospital), has publicly expressed concern about the “irresponsible” treatment being administered to minors with gender dysphoria. Referring to her fellow practitioners, she stated that “everyone is very scared to speak up because we’re afraid of not being seen as being ‘affirming.’” And Dr. Marci Bowers, a transgender gynecologic surgeon who has performed more than 2,000 “sex-change” operations and who served as president of WPATH, has commented regarding the state of open discourse and debate: “There are definitely people who are trying to keep out anyone who doesn't absolutely buy the party line that everything should be affirming and that there's no room for dissent.”
Although these leading practitioners (and others) have sounded alarm bells regarding contemporary treatment of minors with gender dysphoria, organizations including FCAAP apparently maintain that there is medical consensus that “gender-affirming care” is the appropriate treatment. The foregoing (and other) indicia of widespread self-censorship in the medical profession suggest that the purported consensus may be little more than a mirage. 
WPATH's own published standards of care at least acknowledge what we all know through common experience to be true: that the human brain continues to develop well into early adulthood, that “adolescence is often associated with increased risk-taking behaviors,” and that adolescence is commonly characterized by “a heightened focus on peer relationships, which can be both positive and detrimental.” Dr. Erica Anderson — a transgender psychologist, a former president of WPATH’s United States chapter (USPATH), and a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) task force that writes the APA guidelines for transgender care — has publicly acknowledged that “teenagers influence each other” and that “to flatly say there couldn't be any social influence in formation of gender identity flies in the face of reality.” Concluding that “it's gone too far,” Dr. Anderson asked rhetorically, “What happens when the perfect storm — of social isolation, exponentially increased consumption of social media, the popularity of alternative identities — affects the actual development of individual kids?” It appears that those responsible for developing and endorsing the purported consensus of gender-affirming care for minors may not have engaged with that question in any serious way. And it appears that they wish to avoid any inquiry into their possible failures to do so. 
As our courts and the Supreme Court have long recognized, “sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” Yet it appears that the medical organizations who create and endorse guidelines on a contentious issue fraught with scientific uncertainty have gone to great lengths to avoid scrutiny and to keep the public (and their duly elected representatives) in the dark regarding the process by which these "consensus" guidelines were developed.
Therefore, I now authorize and direct the Health and Human Services Committee to investigate whether the adoption and endorsement of “gender-affirming care” as the standard of care for minors have been the result of rigorous medical and scientific analysis and consideration, or whether the integrity of the medical profession has been compromised by a radical gender ideology that stands to cause permanent physical and mental harm to children and adolescents. As part of this investigation, the Committee may look into any relevant matter within the scope of the House's constitutional investigative powers. The Committee may also issue any necessary subpoenas for documents and testimony, including from Florida-based organizations that recommend, endorse, or otherwise promote the standard of care described herein. 
Paul M. Renner, Speaker of the House 
cc: Kathleen Passidomo, Senate President  Ron DeSantis, Governor
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