#Random walk
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lecialucille · 8 months ago
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⭐️🎀🍮★ ₊ . ° .𝓡𝓘𝓚𝓐★ ₊ . ° .⭐️🎀🍮
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amarantine-amirite · 2 months ago
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piece of work
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permanentstyle · 1 year ago
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Seoul: A menswear shopping guide
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dayinanimanga · 2 years ago
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Today in Manga History
June 3rd, 2000
Random Walk begins serialization in Ribon Magazine
Written and illustrated by Wataru Yoshizumi
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jumalrebane · 2 years ago
I went on a long walk yesterday and saw a raven who didnt fly away when I got near it. I followed it a bit and took a few pictures. There was a second raven who flew away. Was talking with mom on the phone and she told me to leave the bird alone. Later at home I looked through the photos and one came out very eerie. My sister said, that it looks like one of Odins ravens and that the old gods are still here.
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inkskinned · 2 months ago
it's extremely critical that you see the photo of the perp walk for luigi mangione as being propaganda. i've seen so many people wave it off and instead fawn over his looks. and trust me, i know it ended up being kind of pathetic and weird - but please don't brush it off as a "modelling opportunity" for him. it's a fucking terrifying message the police are sending.
i want to make a few comparisons here, in case you're not from the US or familiar with why the perp walk thing is something to pay attention to. just to set the groundwork for why this is a purposeful, unusual, and cruel act by the nyc police - for why this is not a common occurrence and for why that matters.
the prosecution alleges the show of force is due to the charge of "terrorism." for comparison, in june 2015, tsarnaev was found guilty for the boston marathon bombing, which killed 3 people and injured hundreds. his actions are considered to be an act of domestic terrorism. i have spent the last hour looking through google for pictures of similar to mangione's perp walk - and so far, i have found zero. i also just do not personally remember a moment like that, despite living in boston at the time.
they allege that luigi is a stone-cold killer who carried out a longterm plan, making him particularly dangerous. again for comparison: in nyc, recently cory martin was found guilty of the killing of brandy odom. the murder was planned and premeditated to steal insurance money. and yet no staged perp walk. why didn't her life matter enough for a "show of force"?
but mangione gets paraded by a veritable army of police officers as if he is a rabid animal. for a single citizen who allegedly killed one other single citizen, the "largest perp walk ever" occurs.
so what is the "strong message" that the mayor and the police were trying to send here? the mayor speaks as if mangione is already convicted of terrorism. there is a very thin number of people who feel threatened by the CEO's death. none of us felt like mangione needs to be under massive armed guard.
the message is that you shouldn't resist. they are trying to "make an example" of him - that if you behave badly and kill a single rich person, you'll be treated as if you killed hundreds of people. you will be treated worse than a man who was found guilty of terrorism. you will be considered guilty without trial. the message is that the rich are a protected class, and you cannot touch them without massive punishment. they are trying to prevent a revolution by showing dominance and force against you.
the message is that the police are a puppet of the wealthy and that the law is not equally applied across class disparity. it is "some are more equal than others." it is "one life is more precious than another."
the show of force wasn't for luigi. it was for us. it was a warning. they are trying to remind us who is really in control.
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purpleminte · 1 year ago
God sending his silliest soldier:
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cd-rick · 2 months ago
Teoria mersului aleatoriu - Episod 105 (FINANȚE)
Videoclipul de astăzi este despre conceptul random walk – adică mersul aleatoriu ce stă la baza prognozei și analizei bursiere. Ipoteza „random walk” nu este universal acceptată și există numeroase dezbateri și critici la adresa ei. Unii cercetători susțin că există anumite anomalii pe piață și că prețurile pot fi parțial previzibile. De asemenea, factori precum psihologia investitorilor și…
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stockstarsblog · 5 months ago
Das Random-Walk-Modell: Zufall im Aktienmarkt?
Die Finanzmärkte erscheinen auf den ersten Blick geordnet, geprägt von Analysen und Vorhersagen, die den Akteuren Orientierung bieten. Doch hinter dieser scheinbaren Struktur steht eine Hypothese, die viele Anleger und Analysten ins Wanken bringt: das Random-Walk-Modell. Diese Theorie besagt, dass die Bewegungen von Aktienkursen rein zufällig sind und keinem vorhersehbaren Muster folgen. Damit…
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erabu-san · 11 months ago
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I am a shoujo manga lover and my dose of romance is being feed by a fantasy action gacha game.
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lecialucille · 8 months ago
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⭐️🎀🍮★ ₊ . ° .𝓡𝓘𝓚𝓐★ ₊ . ° .⭐️🎀🍮
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amarantine-amirite · 1 year ago
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Warmer than winds of June
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speckled-jim · 7 months ago
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s3 armand tryna sneak
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menelaiad · 2 years ago
the infamous 'last sighting of a barbary lion in the wild' photo taken by marcelin flandrin (1925) haunts me to my core. there's something so achingly poetic about it.
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onii-pamn · 5 days ago
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Sleeping on that damn mattress all those fics are talking about
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lilislegacy · 11 months ago
random camper: i- i think i might be in love with percy jackson
random camper: any thoughts?
nico: and prayers. you’re going to need them
rachel, calypso, and reyna: *solemnly nodding*
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