#Rancid Life Won't Wait
iamtryingtobelieve · 13 days
California sun has sunk behind Anaheim hills Here comes the night I was high on junk And the warm winds of Santa Ana feel alright
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punkrockmixtapes · 8 months
Rancid - Crane Fist
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heyholmesletsgo · 1 year
Tagged by @galauvant, thank you :D
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
1) The Wrong Company by Flogging Molly
2) Love My Way by the Psychedelic Furs
3) Maybe or Maybe Not by the Adicts
4) Back In Your Head by Tegan and Sara
5) London Dungeon by the Misfits
6) Gossip Folks by Missy Elliott
7) Trust You by Mesh
8) Backslide by Rancid
9) Wild in the Streets by the Circle Jerks
10) Young & Beautiful by Lana del Rey
Tagging @alectoperdita, @apocrypha73, @snarkivistfic, @zaidnovi, @aoxue, @thesilversun, @peridot-tears and whoever else wants to share songs :)
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posletsvet · 9 months
Mushishi's second episode genuinely is so wild. It goes:
Do you know what happens when you close your eyes?
No, not your physical eyelids. When your very being shuts in and you travel too deep within yourself, stray too far away from the wordly light, kind and familiar, when you close your inner eyes, you may find a path to a place where the true darkness dwells. It's the darkest shade of night you've ever known, and ever darker than that, and terribly deep. Any absence of light in the outside world will pale in comparison to this great nothingness, and any unlit space will seem welcoming with illumination, and the tiniest speck of light will scorch and scar your retinas. And inside that void you will feel something beckoning, something almost eager to greet you back and make you stay. And inside of you, in response to its greeting, you might feel something willing to listen.
But if you're brave enough and curious enough and the darkness won't claim you, the eternal light will. Because there, at the bottom of pitch black emptiness, lies the river of light and it's the throbbing, quivering, shimmering heart of life itself, its beginning and its cradle. And it smells sweet like euphoria and wine and rancid like rotting flesh and humus, and it's the brightest shade of dawn you've ever known. Its ever-changing, undying beauty is entrancing and it will devour you whole if you don't find in you the strength to avert your eyes -- and you won't want to.
And swarming near that luminescent vein, the wondrous and bizarre creatures play. If you look hard enough, you might be able to discern them in the brightness flowing past you. They're simply life at its most basic, its most pure, and they're not like anything you've ever seen. And their shapeless, foreign otherness will take your breath away, but this otherwordly delight will be so profound you may mistake it for fear. Don't be afraid. Even when they feast on your flesh and enter your dreams and sap your eyes of the ability to see, they do not seek to harm you. Beauty tries to colonize you, as does decay, and so nature pulls itself back into balance, perpetuating life indefinitely. And there, at the spring of all things that lies in the thick of the world's putrescence, you cannot look away from it.
Oh, and there's also him. Some random dude wearing a polo shirt. Who apparently only has one eye and, wait— Is he smoking a blunt? Hello, Ginko.
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mirohtron · 2 years
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inspired by this post by @pain-after-dark hehe
the soft crackle of a lamp bulb coming to life lifted the spy up to consciousness. their eyes felt like lead balls, their shirt sticky and wet, the world not quite ready to abandon its murkiness and grow clear. sand was in their mouth and gallons of water filled their head.
"all right, lovely? can you hear me?"
cold fingers gently caught their chin, tipping their head up carefully. the sudden shock of temperature made them more alert. the ache in their body became more apparent. their wrists were sore and the wood of the chair they were tied to dug into their arms. the spy opened their eyes up.
the villain—their target—looked down hungrily at them, eyes raking down every inch of skin and muscle. they tugged the bloody part of their shirt that caught to their body up, and watched it fall back down with a wet sound. their lip curled. "ugh. you're too messy for your own good."
the spy said nothing.
the villain's palm dragged over the curve of their cheek, paying no mind to their bruises and cuts. "but blood looks good on you. it makes you look wild. uncontrollable." they wet their lips. grinned. "insatiable."
"speak for yourself."
the grin widened just a fraction and the villain leaned back. they looked immaculate as ever, pristine. untouchable. their fingers traced the spy's shirt collar. "i saw you, you know," they said. "long, long before you attempted to kill me. don't get me wrong--you're wonderful. i'm just too good."
the spy said nothing. the villain fixed their collar, set it straight, smoothed out the wrinkles. their fingers ghosted downward, over the blood, barely brushing their wounds. the spy clenched their teeth, bracing themselves for pain.
the villain's fingers gently traced the edges of their cuts. the spy breathed carefully through their mouth. "two years ago," the villain said, a little softly, "rome. you were wearing emerald green."
the spy choked.
the villain hushed them quickly, other hand taking their chin, thumb to bottom lip. "it's not your fault," they cooed. "you were a treasure. it would've been inevitable. the way you moved across the room..."
they couldn't help their shivering. the villain liked their pretty things to a sadistic degree—they liked the way they cried. the way they screamed. the way they begged.
delicately, the villain traced the tips of their fingers down to the knot of their tie. "you gorgeous thing," they whispered, awed. "you're amazing. it took me time, you know. to know you were spying. your work is flawless. perfect."
"i'm flattered." it did not come out strong.
their tie came undone in one pull. the spy swallowed down every rancid sensation clawing up their throat down. they needed to live. "wait."
the villain politely paused.
"why torture me? i'm good. i'm great. you said so yourself. you can—you can make me work. for you. it won't be good to render your favourite thing unworkable."
the villain tilted their head to one side, as if they were considering. they twirled the tie around their fingers. "haven't you figured that i thought about that?"
"you'd be an idiot not to consider it."
they laughed. they pursed their lips, humming. "honey, i think the blood loss is getting to you. i don't need your work." they moved to wrap the spy's tie around their mouth. the spy wheezed in a breath.
"there's better ways to do this—"
"hushhh," the villain whispered, dragging out the syllables, dissolving into a soft laugh at the spy's helpless look. "puppy-eyed. i think you might just be my favourite." they secured the gag with deft fingers and sauntered away to take out every little torture device they were going to use on the spy.
the spy pulled on their restraints until their wrists bled. every damn device glinted in the light, shined to perfection.
the villain laughed, taking in their expression with delight. "pretty thing," they said. "you'll look prettier when i'm done with you.
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ask-the-crimson-king · 9 months
The Erebus Short Story
And no, it's not Child of Chaos.
This is "Visage" by Rich McCormick, the advent short story that got released earlier this month.
Welcome to my lore post/review of it. Spoilers are under the Read More.
I will say I do think this is a worthwhile read. For the basic premise, it focuses on Erebus in the aftermath of his face being skinned off in Fear to Tread by Horus, a piece of lore I never thought would get any explanation other than "he's Erebus, how do you think he got his face back?". I won't give much detail other than that, so if you're interested in learning how it was done, give it a read.
I'm going to dig a bit deeper into the story itself, so as said before, spoilers under the cut. This post also became huge because of the quotes, so I apologize.
Hello and welcome everyone who has either read this or don't care to and would like to read my ramblings on the story.
This is not going to be super concise or may not even make a lot of sense; this is mainly going to be me going over the passages I found interesting and talking about them.
First off, this scene;
‘My… lord…’ the chirurgeon managed through a constricted windpipe. ‘I am pleased… to see you have stabilised.’ He squawked – an attempt at a breath – as his face reddened to the colour of the XVII Legion’s armour. ‘Please… rest… that we may begin the process of repairing your wounds.’
Erebus’ lipless mouth was locked in a rictus grin, as if he found the situation perversely amusing.
‘No time,’ the Dark Apostle said, tendons in his cheeks visible as they worked his mouth and tongue. ‘The athame leaves its mark on those it touches.’ He raised the dagger, still clutched in his left hand, its edge hissing gently even now with its master’s own blood. ‘It is simple, chirurgeon. I need a new face,’ Erebus said, as he pulled the man closer to the ruined mask of his own. The chirurgeon could smell the Dark Apostle’s breath, hot and rancid, even over the metallic stench of blood. ‘I will take yours,’ Erebus growled.
‘But, my lord,’ the chirurgeon stammered, falling backwards as Erebus loosened his grip on his neck. He rubbed at his throat, his voice still hoarse. ‘I fear such a procedure would kill me.’
‘Then you must give thanks to the gods directly,’ Erebus said conversationally to the cowering man as he sat up on the stone slab. ‘That your sacrifice may be in my name.’
This initially caught me a bit off guard. My gut reaction was "uh. Hey, Erebus? Don't you have sorcery or something to put your face back on? Also, this is just a human. Isn't this face, y'know, not going to fit your skull??"
And luckily for me, all of these questions get answered.
Erebus examined it. It lacked the full range of intricate tattoos that had decorated his own face, but he could address that later. He could feel the athame’s effects coursing through his body: a grave-cold touch flash-freezing nerve endings as it slowly severed his physical connection to reality.
The mutilation was symbolic, as well as agonising. Stripped of his face, he was stripped also of its web of warding tattoos. Between the athame’s wounds and the constant attention of the Neverborn that he attracted, Erebus knew enough of the diabolic to understand that waiting much longer without those wards would put his life in jeopardy.
This solution would not last – a mortal’s face was not only physically smaller than a Space Marine’s, but also lacked the dense web of blood vessels – but Erebus had ensured that his acolytes were all marked with the same basic warding tattoos as he had been. The face would buy him the time to craft a more fitting solution. Perhaps he could even coerce Fabius to help him, he thought; the Chief Apothecary of the III was a skilled fleshcrafter.
First off, warding tattoos. That's cool. Also gives a bit more purpose than "this is done when one is devoted to the gods/their faith", which I also enjoy, especially because it's just more practicality. I'll definitely be incorporating that into my own lore with my Word Bearers lads moving forward.
Also, what better wards than ones literally etched into your flesh? That's metal as fuck.
Second off, hey, even Erebus acknowledges the face is too small and probably incompatible! And also he thinks about approaching Fabius again which probably would never go well for him. I don't know if he still has the leverage he thought he had now that Horus openly disgraced him. If I remember correctly, the leverage he used against Fabius in Fear to Tread was basically "I'll tell the other Legions you've been experimenting with them, too" and genuinely I don't think Erebus will be listened to by anyone at this point. Lorgar was basically done with him from the first minute he shows up in Betrayer, Horus literally flayed his face off, I think he's fallen from grace here.
And also Fabius is Fabius. I don't think he'd put Erebus's face back on unless there was a really good deal for him or truly at all as a means of
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But then we get this, which is both comedic and a bit ridiculous:
For a moment, as the last needle left his body, there was no pain. Erebus allowed his hand to move to his new face, and touched its skin. It was too tight, already splitting along lines of pressure, the capillaries and blood vessels strained to bursting. Erebus smiled, or tried to; his new lips could not move.
‘Behold,’ he said. ‘The new face of your–’
Erebus screamed as his face caught fire. Black flame sparked under the new skin, turning fat and flesh to ash in an instant, a total rejection of the unwilling donor’s gift. The Dark Apostle clawed at his skull, tearing stitches and skin alike as he fought to free himself from the torture.
‘Too late!’ Erebus howled, and he ran from the agony, springing from the stone slab and staggering out of the apothecarion, still scraping with wild fingers at his flaming skull.
It's just funny. The flayed face literally bursts into flames. I don't have much other commentary other than this is ridiculous and hilarious and feels completely on-brand for Erebus. I cannot explain why. This genuinely made me laugh out loud when I read it.
He cannot smile. He can barely speak. He tries to say "behold the new face of your master" or something along those lines and it immediately catches on fire. That's hilarious. Amazing.
Afterwards, he plunges his face into a vat of old and congealed blood from Legionnaires at Isstvan [because of course it's taken from Isstvan, everything will be taken from Isstvan because Isstvan is important. Remember that from now into infinity. Black Library certainly wants you to] and then we get the Blessings of the Gods Any% Speedrun WR attempt as set by Erebus.
Now, I will say before I start yoinking a few more passages, I do not know how to fully feel about this entire thing. On the one hand, I do very much enjoy some of the descriptions used, as I will highlight, but on the other...
The first portion with him dealing with the Lord of Change [assumedly] was something that I liked. Not just because I do very much enjoy Tzeentch, but mainly due to a few key descriptions:
‘Then lend me your eyes,’ Erebus asked.
No, a million voices said. They screamed it and shouted it, bellowed it and whispered it, laughed it and sneered it and spat it.
All except one. Small, quiet, almost imperceptible in the cacophony of its peers, it spoke a different word.
Yes, it said.
If he had a face, Erebus’ mouth would have slid into a predator’s smile.
‘See, daemon? There is always another path,’ he said.
[. . .]
A bird, flying impossibly through the void, so small, so fragile against the infinite black. It beat its wings to escape, but Erebus knew the realm of daemons better than any other alive, and he caught it easily. He cradled it in his tattooed hands. It was tiny in his grasp, like a child’s toy, and he could feel its heartbeat: an irregular rhythm that was never the same twice. The bird looked at him with eyes like gemstones, one the purest blue, the other topaz yellow.
A name.
‘Your kind cannot resist sharing your knowledge,’ Erebus said. ‘So you hide it, somewhere small, somewhere hard to find.’ He stroked the bird’s plumage with his thumb. ‘But I am very good at finding things that others cannot, and I am very patient. I also know the most important question to ask.’
He asked that question now, and held the bird to his ear, to hear its answer. It spoke a single word with a single voice, as quiet as a wish.
Erebus would have smiled, had he possessed lips. Instead, with a skull’s rictus grin, he snapped the bird’s neck with two fingers, and spoke the word it had told him.
I love this description. I love the frailty of the tiny bird, I love the instance of "quiet as a wish", I love how Erebus calls out the daemon for wanting to spread information, it's wonderful. I love all of the above.
What I don't really like is that the majority of this Tzeentchian venturing has been done before. Winged Astartes through a daemon realm? Mephiston did that on Sortiarius in City of Light. The many paths thing? I think there's been at least five or six different instances of that happening. And while I do like how Erebus is presented as being a bit more savvy than others would be -- actively saying "No, I'm not choosing a path cause that damns me" -- he then kinda goes back on this?
‘You seek to contain me in a trap of my own making. I know this trick, daemon. I have walked such paths many times before, with others of your kind,’ Erebus said.
No trick, the voices chorused in return. A path to what might be – a path to what has come. We can show you the possibilities, but you must make the choice. You are the instrument.
‘Entertain me, then. How will I play your game?’ Erebus asked.
This is just weird. Why include this if he's immediately going to just... go along with what the daemon wants anyway?? To show the reader "oh he's done this before"? Maybe I'm nit-picking here, but I do consider myself a Tzeentchian connoisseur when it comes to 40k lore, and I would've liked to see something a bit different to just "walk the paths of fate, ooOoOOo" yet again. It feels a bit one-trick and, ironically enough, pigeon-holed.
I think what I would've liked to see would maybe be Erebus thrown into a facsimile of a library on Colchis, probably one of Vharadesh's archives if we want to keep the whole "your first choices were here" thing going on. Have him peruse the volumes and dig for the answers he seeks that way. It's something more associated with the Thousand Sons, but I think it could work as a better motif than the exhaustively used "walk the paths of fate and see how you failed ooga booga".
Again, might be nit-pickish, but I like Tzeentch content. And I don't hate all of this section, I do enjoy the descriptions as mentioned before. I also think the library or archive would work better since Erebus is calling out the daemon for some part of itself always wanting to share that secretive knowledge.
SOMETHING. I like playing to the knowledge aspect of Tzeentch, and I'd like to see it used outside the Thousand Sons for once.
I've gone on long enough about this, so I'm going to move on.
From Tzeentch to Khorne as Erebus comes face-to-face with a massive Bloodthirster guarding countless skulls on Terra. I don't have a lot of notes on this other than the Bloodthirster reads a lot like one of my player's character from a Black Crusade game I ran and that felt funny to me.
Also, brief aside, from basically here-on Erebus is constantly referred to as "the instrument" and due to me being strange and having internet brainrot at times, I keep associating it with the TOOL from Petscop. If you know you know.
Another aside, Erebus is completely naked in the scene for reasons that I don't really get. Maybe to show he is vulnerable? Is this a subversion of the armored warrior thing? Is it to get Erebus to admit he is vulnerable in the face of this massive daemon? It's probably something along those lines. I found it an interesting enough detail to log in my mind as he talks with the beast and eventually gets its name. I don't have much else to really say, Khorne stuff isn't my forte.
Now, I will comment before continuing; on my first read through, I thought this was not only filling in the gap of "how did Erebus get his face back?", but also filling the gap of "who are the four princes/greater daemons he summons to use against Erda in Warhawk?". I'm still 30/70 on whether these daemons are the very same, but leaning more on the "probably not, it's just a coincidence" side.
Still an interesting thought.
Okay. To preface what is next, it's time for Slaanesh. From the heavy handed, "I know many secrets", it's probably a Keeper of Secrets in the form of a snake. Hurray for fellow snake enthusiasts everywhere.
I have a lot of thoughts over the following scene, which I will try to articulate as well as I can. Due to the length of it, I'm going to showcase it in screenshots instead, with appropriate image descriptions attached.
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There's a lot to go through. First of all, Erebus is told all men desire and then gets shown Horus.
That is simply funny. Erebus does like the Warmaster. But I don't buy his "he's chosen by the Pantheon so I trust him as their champion" thing. I don't think that's the true reason why he doesn't strike here. For one, he knows this is an obvious test of wills and limits, and he knows that he can't fail it or else he's probably done for. For two, if we take all that he is into account, Erebus isn't really... super into power grabs for himself. He likes to play the role of manipulator, he likes to pluck off the limbs of scorpions until he gets stung. That's how I've been reading him, anyway. He still absolutely wants power, but he knows how to get it without necessarily centering everything on him, if that makes any sense.
He says it in "Child of Chaos", how everyone will eventually turn back to him again. He KNOWS people will still need him and his abilities and expertise and that they'll always come back eventually. He'll always have a seat of power that is greater and grander than many others, they just won't know it because he knows how to veil it in the glories of another.
No idea if that made any sense, but there's more to this scene I want to unpack.
I do like the detail of Erebus's new eyes also assisting him in clearing his head. The athame -- or really the daemon -- is trying to push him to get vengeance for all the humiliation Erebus has suffered, but the eyes he received from his time with the Tzeentchian daemon helps him to see things more clearly. I like that a lot. Using the gifts of the others to better survive the next trial ahead.
I also like how Horus just completely goes for the throat with Erebus. It speaks to all his assumed insecurities, that Horus never needed him, that he's so far beneath the true chosen of the Pantheon, etc. etc. I can't really tell if these are genuine insecurities for Erebus or whether this is just the daemon assuming they are, much like we the reader may. I think Erebus is a bit more assured than this, but we don't really get much of a peak behind the curtain to how he's really thinking or feeling. I do think this is a deliberate writing choice, however, so I won't knock on it too much. Would I have liked to see a bit more of what he was feeling in this moment? Sure, but Erebus as a character would never show that. Leaving one guessing is the best outcome for him.
Afterwards, Erebus shuns a gift of some weird... blood? in a cup, grabs the serpent, gets the name and obtains a tongue. We also are given this description:
‘I grant you my tongue, that you may savour this gift,’ the serpent whispered, euphoria in its voice. Erebus felt the organ flick against his ear, the softest touch of breath on skin.
And the mental image of a pink snake going blelele against Erebus's cheek is adorable. Also, "the organ". I don't know why but that made this all the more funny.
Moving past the snake, we come to the last of the Big Four, Nurgle. And this is the one place that surprisingly almost overwhelms the Hand of Destiny.
But how? You may be asking. Well, dear reader, it is through a most enticing luxury few others can afford:
‘Lost, are you?’ the helmswoman asked. ‘It’s easy to get lost out here, traveller. Come with me, I can give you a place to rest.’
Her voice was warm and comforting, at odds with her appearance, and he found himself drawn to it.
‘This place is my test,’ Erebus said.
‘Hush now, traveller. You must be tired. You have come such a long way.’
[. . .]
 a cabin that rose from the swamp on teetering wooden stilts. Its interior was damp, and clumps of quivering moss could be found clinging to several surfaces, but Erebus found it strangely comfortable. He decided he would heed the woman, and rest a while before continuing his travels, and he took residence in a spare room with a cot that seemed uniquely designed for his proportions. He fell asleep quickly.
When he awoke, the woman was in his room. Her skin was pockmarked with sores that wept a thin yellow liquid.
‘Did you rest well?’ she asked in her warm voice.
‘I did,’ Erebus said, and he meant it. His sleep had been so deep, so pure, that it had cleansed his mind of his previous trials, wiping it clean of pain, of anger, of impetus. So deep that he found it difficult to recall how he had arrived in this place. ‘I came here for a purpose,’ he said slowly.
‘It cannot have been important, if you have forgotten it,’ the woman said, a wide smile spreading across her bleeding lips. ‘Come, drink,’ she said, and offered a wooden bowl of viscous liquid. Erebus accepted the bowl without question, and tipped its contents down his throat. The liquid was as warming as the woman’s voice, and he felt his concerns slide away as its effects reached his limbs.
It's the power of a very good nap and a homemade meal. And he stays here for a very long time. He just naps and rests and is given good hearty Nurgly stew.
I very much enjoy this depiction of Nurgle. This could've easily been a "walk through the Gardens, become wracked with pain that the Grandfather can alleviate" or something, but instead it takes the comforting aspect of the Grandfather's influence and really goes a very good job portraying it.
And yet Tzeentch got the cliche "walk through the paths of your failures past and future" no I am not going to be spiteful and petty I am NOT biased I promise [lies].
What eventually breaks him out of this state is his hunting trips -- he goes out to find food for him to eat, having forgotten what else he needed to do. He gets told to stop his hunting and to just let go, and after he awakens from sleep yet again, his companion is missing. So he decides to go through the kitchen, and eventually finds his face:
He was prepared to return to his cot, when he caught sight of a red mess of a shape in the reflective copper surface of a saucepan hung from a hook on the wall. As he moved, it moved, and he realised that it was his own face. His face, mauled and mutilated, maimed and disfigured.
He saw the Warmaster, his talons red with transhuman blood, and the contentment that filled his soul dissipated. It was replaced by a cold fury.
The woman returned a moment later, a crop of mushrooms clutched between her fingers. Erebus manoeuvred his bulk to bar her way.
‘You cannot hold me here, daemon,’ he thundered, staring into her milky eyes.
‘I do not hold you here,’ she said, her voice as clear as ever. ‘You may leave, if you have somewhere else to go.’
‘You think that I will forget my calling? I am Erebus – the Dark Apostle, the instrument of the gods.’
‘Names are meaningless,’ the woman said. ‘Death carries names beyond remembrance, and death conquers all.’
Erebus then makes an attempt to kill her, but this being the realm of Nurgle [and also the warp], such thing is meaningless. But he's gotten his clarity back. He's not a nameless traveller staying with a decaying granny in a swamp, he's Erebus again.
Mostly. He does offer to try and help her, if he is here for all eternity, and she tells him of a rare plant on the edge of the swamp. Of course, Erebus has trouble finding it without a nose, so he asks for one and is granted it.
Which then leads to a scene that I found funny for all the wrong reasons:
Under moss and dirt, beneath dead leaves and dying wood, Erebus uncovered a well.
It was built from bricks, their edges rounded with age, and he wasn’t sure if it was still functional, but as he slid the metal covering back, he saw the reflection of his mutilated face staring back at him in clear water. He reached in and cupped a hand of that water to his mouth. It was fresh, cold and sweet – a sliver of purity in a tainted land.
He filled a canteen with the water, and returned to the cabin. When the woman appeared with her own liquid, Erebus rejected it, drinking deep from the well water instead. The sight of it made the woman screech in fear.
‘What is it?’ she howled.
‘Water,’ Erebus said.
‘No!’ she screamed. ‘It is poison!’
He turned the canteen over in his hands, watching as the woman recoiled in fear. He allowed a drop of the water to fall from the canteen’s cap, watching intently as it fizzed and popped against the slime-green floor. As the smoke cleared, Erebus saw a tiny circle of brown amongst the green: the rotten wood returned to health.
The woman cowered in the corner of her hovel, a shivering corpse of a creature made somehow more pitiful. Erebus laughed.
‘Now, daemon, it is your turn to drink.’
Water is poison. Clean water is poison. In a Warhammer short story.
This is just hilarious. Completely unintentionally so, probably, but it is very, very funny that water is being used as a way to defeat a daemon in Warhammer. Something something the rule for showering in Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments.
I do like that the well even exists, and that it took getting the gift to use it against the very daemon who was trapping him there. After days of bathing her with well-water from the canteen, eventually he gets the name from her, and he's finally out and free.
And he's got a new face:
He brought his hand upwards, feeling at the meat of his face, and found a shifting, squirming mass of flesh. He rose, and called to his acolytes.
A hooded figure returned with a jewel-embedded mirror, its silver handle carved with runes. Erebus looked into its depths, and saw the reward of his trials: not just the services of powerful allies, but the power of the Four, represented in the visage of one.
He had seen this before – as a child, in the deserts of Colchis. Now that prophecy had come true.
Eyes that could see futures yet to pass. Ears that rang with the beat of the Blood God’s war drums. A mouth that ached for the rarest tastes. A nose for death in all its forms. With his new face, Erebus smiled.
And that ends the short story. I like it, overall. I do have my gripes with it, but I think one of the things that really stands out for me is the use of description here. I really enjoyed the word choices used.
I think this story could have handled a couple of the god-things a bit better, but I'm also a bit nitpicky when it comes to Chaos aspects. I would like to see some more diversity in the representation of Chaos as a whole, because a LOT of it does feel a bit one-trick-y, and we saw a bit of that, which I will take.
I would have liked to see a bit more into Erebus's head. I know this is third limited, but even through that lens we can see a lot about someone. Here it felt a bit more like physical reactions than mental ones. It felt like we were barred off from seeing more, but I also think this is probably by design, as I mentioned before. Erebus, as a character, wouldn't want anyone seeing more than just surface level. We see what we want him to see. He doesn't want us to know how he really felt during his trials and tribulations, we have to make those assumptions ourselves and live with them. Same with all the decisions he makes through the story.
Overall, not bad. I liked it well enough, and I think this is some competent writing and a good enough answer to a question I think most people shrugged off.
I hope you enjoyed my various ramblings and nit-pickings, I'm terribly sorry this post got so long. There was a lot I wanted to talk about and I'm curious to see if others agree or disagree or what their thoughts were about it.
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ghostwise · 10 months
mors omnibus communis :: 1,088 words tags: act 1, cleric of shar, cleric of kelemvor, discussions of death and mortality and also how hot women are, shadowheart x tav
Zirahuén can feel it, if she focuses: a pressure, a tiny heartbeat like a faint twitch of a muscle. The presence of the parasite invites dizzy spells, flashes of light, mood swings… It's something she can ignore, most of the time.
But at night, when it's her and the glow of the campfire, and the smoke stretching up to the heavens in a serene column, it's more difficult. A lot more.
Ceremorphosis. It's not only her life, but her very soul which is at stake. So, if she's crying it is only proof of its stubborn persistence. A display of weakness, sure, but it is hers.
(Oh, let her indulge a while longer. Existence is bittersweet. Let her feel it, while it lasts.)
She doesn't let up crying—won't do anything to stem any genuine expression her heart comes up with, no, not while she can still feel it—not even when footsteps sound nearby.
They are light and even in their stride. Zirahuén listens. The footsteps skirt the edge of her camp, and then come to a halting stop. Whoever it is does not speak. Who is it, lurking in the shadows?
With a shiver of her shoulders, she sits up.
But already the figure is gone, leaving her alone in the night.
The following day is better. There is a funeral.
Gale discovers the murdered man in a thicket of trees. He has been hastily concealed; perhaps a victim of some highway robbery, as they are far from the nearest settlement. The perfect place for a crime.
Zirahuén crouches near the body. She sniffs the air gently. She runs her gloved hand through the dirt; little insects teem through the soil, already well on their way to consuming the corpse. She can spot the discoloration of the hands, and the eyes.
"A day," she says. "Perhaps two."
"Seems about right. How unfortunate," Astarion sighs. "They've a rancid taste at this stage. Although… eugh, no, nevermind."
"Poor man," Gale hums. "I propose we move on quickly. I would hate for us to meet a similar fate. After all, whatever factors precipitated his death could very well remain in the area."
"You all may move on," Zirahuén says, unclasping a pouch from her belt. With a smooth flick she unrolls it, displaying her funerary tools: Incense and sweet oils, prayer scrolls, and more, the sight of which make Lae'zel groan and roll her eyes.
"Again! What is the purpose of adorning a stranger's death in this manner?" she asks.
"All deaths are holy," Zirahuén replies.
"So you have said," Lae'zel states in a tone which is perhaps less derisive than usual. "But we know not of this man's identity, his merits nor his achievements. We cannot judge his life aptly, so-"
"You all may move on if you wish," Zirahuén interjects. "I'll catch up."
The breath leaves Lae'zel in a hiss. She shoulders her bag and starts down the path without another word, while the others follow suit.
"You sure?" Wyll calls out.
"I am," Zirahuén assures him.
"I'll stay with you," Shadowheart says.
This earns a sidelong glance from Astarion as Lae'zel picks up her pace, aiming to be out of earshot as quickly as possible. But Shadowheart comes to kneel beside Zirahuén, and gestures to the funeral supplies. "I can ensure your safety while you tend to him."
Zirahuén meets her gaze, dark brown eyes framed by thick lashes. Dark brown, nearly black. She nods.
Then, without waiting a moment longer, and as the retreating figures of their companions disappear into the distance, she lulls her mind into that magic sliver of space between Here and There. Where the dead can converse with the living. Where the gulf between them is not very wide at all.
The sunlight casts sharp shadows on Zirahuén's face when she finishes. It's nearing dusk.
The man is washed and buried. His spirit can rest, having been given the chance to rage, to question, to weep, to share all about his life and about the villains who brought it to its (in his view) premature end. But the epitaph on his makeshift headstone simply reads his name.
Shadowheart, in all this time, has spoken not a word. Giving the deceased his privacy seems only right to her; she pictures the roles reversed, and understands it is not her business to know a thing about him. In fact, she has no interest. But she has watched Zirahuén with an utterly unreadable expression all the while.
There is so much certainty in what she does. There's not even a hint of a flinch or a tremor. Not when the man first seethed his angry words at her, accusing her of pilfering his things. Not when a grub slid from the wound at his side, when she buried him. In fact, she'd moved it out of the way kindly. It hadn't done anything wrong. It was fulfilling its natural role.
Zirahuén is utter calm, utter quiet. At least, when it comes to death.
The tiefling seems renewed when she comes to sit beside her. The funeral has stirred something within her. Is it catharsis? Is it love? There is an energy about her that Shadowheart finds—surely Shar understands—compelling.
(She will not call it enticing. Compelling is the proper word.)
But she cannot rightly say, So what is your relationship with Death? You seem very at ease. One could say you are all aglow. One could even say it suits you. Death. And dying.
She cannot say what she thinks, or Zirahuén will surely take it the wrong way.
So she doesn't say anything.
For a while they sit in silence. The breeze picks up, bringing the scent of flowers from far away. It tousles Zirahuén's hair in dark curls, like a nighttime river. She shuts her dark eyes—
"I hope," Shadowheart speaks, her heart doing an odd sort of skip in her chest, "I hope you are the one to do my funeral."
Zirahuén slowly opens her eyes and turns to look at her, a tiredness to her gaze, yet also something curious and inquiring.
(Orchids. New moons. Forgotten pantheons. Shadowheart swallows the feeling down.)
"You are marvelous at it. People so often fight against the end, yet you… embrace it." Shadowheart hopes her explanation makes sense. It is quite out of her comfort zone, but she finds the words leaving her all the same, in a breathless rush: "I admire that."
Zirahuén smiles.
It seals Shadowheart's fate, but neither know it yet.
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traegorn · 1 year
Rancid is an American punk rock band formed in Berkeley, California in 1991. Founded by Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman, former members of the band Operation Ivy, Rancid is often credited (along with Green Day and The Offspring) as being among the wave of bands that revived mainstream interest in punk rock in the United States during the mid-1990s.[7] Over its 32-year career, Rancid has retained much of its original fan-base, most of which was connected to its underground musical roots.[8]
Rancid has had two lineup changes since its inception, with Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman being continuous members. Their current lineup consists of Armstrong on guitar and vocals, Freeman on bass and vocals, Lars Frederiksen on guitar and vocals, and Branden Steineckert on drums. The band was formed by Armstrong, Freeman, and former drummer Brett Reed, who left the band in 2006 and was replaced by Steineckert. This lineup recorded their first album, with Frederiksen joining the band on their subsequent tour.
To date, Rancid has released ten studio albums, one split album, one compilation, two extended plays, and a series of live online-only albums, and has been featured on a number of compilation albums.[9] The band has sold over four million records worldwide,[10] making it one of the most successful punk rock groups of all time. The band rose to fame in 1994 with its second studio album, Let's Go, featuring the single "Salvation". In the following year, Rancid released its highly successful album …And Out Come the Wolves, which produced its best-known songs "Roots Radicals", "Ruby Soho", and "Time Bomb", and was certified gold and platinum by the RIAA,[11] selling over one million copies in the United States alone. Its next six albums – Life Won't Wait (1998), Rancid (2000), Indestructible (2003), Let the Dominoes Fall (2009), …Honor Is All We Know (2014) and Trouble Maker (2017) – were also critically acclaimed, though not as commercially successful as …And Out Come the Wolves. The band released their tenth album, Tomorrow Never Comes, in June 2023.
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seeminglydark · 1 year
hey, just thought I'd drop by and let you know that I love your art and comics, they're very cool :)
like many people I suspect, I found your work through the detention fanart (love the detail on the docs and john's patch pants). I don't know if I want to be john or date john (the answer is both). loved the detail of john's killer klowns poster too!
presumably since so many of your characters are punk, you are too. if so do you have any music recommendations?
thanks for reading :)
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Hello! I'm so glad to hear that!
ahah yeah i never expected that piece to blow up like it did, im super grateful about it, it was definitely an experiment in style so im glad people like it so much and found my comics and stuff through it. (its not technically fanart though, i am raptorjules, the artist of the detention piece and creator of the comics and characters in it, though its so different than my usual and ofc i posted under this tumblr handle so i know a lot of people don't realize we are the same person!) also re: john, SAME friend. john is kind of a self portrait of a person i could have been when i was younger, if that makes sense, had i decided back then to fully transition. im really happy that people like him so much, he means so so much to me!
hahaha you got me, I was a teenager in the early to mid 90's, i listen to all things these days and punk is SUCH A BROAD GENRE and i tend to lean toward ska punk or folk punk more than crust or hardcore these days, but lets see, i'll give you some rec's of bands that inspire my art and ofc john in general. also you can head over to youtube, under raptorjules, and there should be a playlist called Johnny's Music that goes along with the song rec's on the Creaky arc in my comic Seemingly Dark, if you liked those songs!
So for more modern punk music, i love anything by The Interrupters (ska punk forever plz,) and Dog Park Dissidents for some queer punk (especially their toxic cover, fight me.) And Skatune Network for more wonderfully queer ska/skapunk.
In high school at the height of my Outwardly Studded and Spiked Punk Days i listened to a lot of Rancid (specifically the Life Won't Wait album) Descendants, Social Distortion, the Violent Femmes (the live Add it Up album if you can find it is the best one imo) Jugheads Revenge (Image is Everything album), Wizo (german queercore punk, i like the Herrenhandtasche album.) pretty much anything by The Mountain Goats, and finally, The Bouncing Souls are my all time favorite band, punk or not, any album, but the Hopeless Romantic album inspired so many of my stories and pieces plus its great driving music!
and ofc Johns theme song is Social Distortions Story of My Life. idk if this helps, ive never thought my music taste was terribly interesting or good, but i listen to what i like and what inspires me.
thanks for reading and reaching out! and id love some music recs from anyone who would like to leave them in the comments or hashtags, especially music that reminds you of my art or stories, punk or not!
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chussyracing · 1 year
F1 drivers as some of 1d's most questionable song lyrics
(doing my part for the f1/1d community, disclaimer: none of it is to be taken seriously)
1. Charles as Steal My Girl: "Her mom calls me love, her dad calls son" but also "Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody wanna take her heart away, couple billion in the whole wide world" (my grandparets love him)
2. Lewis as Don't Forget Where You Belong: "If you ever feel alone... don't" (he loves a good inspirational quote)
3. Pierre as More Than This / Gotta Be You: "My body falls, I'm on my knees... praying" / "What a mess I made upon your innocence" (self explanatory)
4. George as Over Again: "I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British" (because he is bri'ish)
5. Fernando as Act My Age: "When I'm fat and old and my kids think I'm a joke" (this is also a joke, or is it?)
6. Lando as Heart Attack: "Baby, you have got me sick, I don't know what I did" (sick = derogatory)
7. Max as Save You Tonight: "It's quater to three, can't sleep at all, you're so overrated" (i'm not even sorry)
8. Logan as Stockholm Syndrome: "Used to sing about being free, but now he's changed his mind" (rahhhh)
9. Carlos as Little White Lies: "But you, you don't tell the truth. No you, you like playing games." (santander for me terrible bank)
10. Este as Stand Up: "I know your heart's been broken, but you don't give up" (and he didn't give up)
11. Lance as End of the Day: "If there's something I've learned from a million mistakes, you're the one that I want" (sometimes what we want the most might not be right for us though and that's ok)
12. Yuki as Little Things: "I know you've never loved, the crinkles by your eyes when you smile" (because he is little like me and he smiles a lot 🥺)
13. Kevin as Up All Night: "Don't even care about the table breaking, we only wanna have a laugh" (*door breaking)
14. Checo as I Want: "You could be preoccupied, different date every night, you just gotta say the word" (monaco 2022)
15. Nyck as Summer Love: "Can't believe you're packing your bags, trying so hard not to cry, had the best time and now it's the worst time, but we have to say goodbye" (red bull is rancid and there's a special place in hell for helmut marko)
16. Alex as What a Feeling: "what a feeling to be a king beside you" (we all know that lily is a queen, which makes alex the king)
17. Oscar as Story of My Life: "And I've been waiting for this time to come around" (he didn't wait THAT long for that seat but you get it)
18. Guanyu as Little Black Dress: "Little black dress just walked into the room, making heads turn can't stop looking at you" (he's a model first and person second)
19. Val as Live While We're Young: "Don't let the pictures leave your phone" (no seriously val, some stuff is not meant to be seen publicly, i see your ass more often than my own)
20. Nico as Kiss You: "I just wanna show you off to all of my friends, making them drool down their chinny-chin-chins" (i won't lie he score way out of his league and likes to show it off)
1. Daniel as I Would: "I can't complete with your boyfriend, he's got 27 tattoos" (except i think daniel might have more than that)
2. Ferrari as Midnight Memories: "Straight off the plane to a new hotel (...) same old shit but a different day" (🙃)
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yesyourstalker · 11 months
Mahi: Yeah I just got back from closing the store by myself.......again....*sigh*.... Like I get that he has a life outside of work and all. But why is he always absent. He always has some shit to do that doesn't involve going to work. He's either going cross country or traveling outside of the country!......*sigh*..... I'm broke. You need to take me to more places....... Yes, you do! ........nu-uh ........ He doesn't have that kind of money to do things by himself.... I sent pictures of his apartment. He's clearly using ikkan's money....... Come on! It'll be nice. We can plan a nice little vacay........... Yeah I already made it home. I just need to change my clothes and I'll head over to your place. Just give me one 1 second................... Warabi!! I'm home I bought you a mango smoothie from coral's- WHO THE FUCK ARE- WHO ARE YOU?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY APARTMENT!................ Is that my towel!?..... Dude who the fuck- uh..uhhh
Warabi: He's with me! He's with me! I let him in! I'm sorry he's not a stranger.... To me
Warabi: this is Baja. The guy I was talking about.. uhehehe..
Baja: hey. You must be Mahi.........
Mahi:.............. Yeah I'm still on the phone........ No, I'm fine.....*sigh*... I'm gonna have to call you back... No, I don't want to cancel plans. Just give me one second...... Okay bye........... Warabi can I talk to you for a sec.... Hi, hello.... Baja...
Mahi: Warabi what the fuck?!
Warabi what?
Mahi: you could have told me you were going to bring someone over, he scared the shit out of me!
Warabi: I'm sorry you told me you were going over to mizole's after work so I didn't really think about it. I would have told you If I knew you were going to stop here first.
Mahi:.Ok that's fair I guess...... So that's him. That's Baja? He looks.................................hm
Warabi: yeah He's pretty cool and hehehehehe. nice.. hehehe he's visiting for a while and he wanted to come over.
Mahi: ok........ Why is he in my towel?
Warabi: He Just took a shower. I told him to use the green towel, I think he might be colorblind....so cute
Mahi: ok........... .......
Warabi: what?
Mahi: nothing......... So.... What is this? What are you two?
Warabi: I don't know.... I-I like him,I think. We're just friends at the moment........ Could be more later...... when I get to know him... Hehehehehe He's cute, right? Tell me he's cute.
Mahi:.................. Yeah he's alright.
Warabi:............ ha. Ha. Go to your rancid boyfriend's house.
Mahi: Don't call him that! Fuck you. I'm going. oh uh.. sorry
Baja: You're good. Sorry for....... All of this. Hehe.... Maybe our next meeting won't be as...... Awkward..... I'm sorry I didn't know it was your towel. I just need to take a quick shower. I got off of a 12-hour flight, I rushed all the way to the airport, I forgot to freshen up and I'm still waiting to check in to my hotel. I texted Warabi and he-
Mahi: it's fine really it's fine. Sorry I freaked out. hahah .... You seem pretty cool.............
Baja: Yeah I'll be here for a while. Maybe you guys can show me around if you're free. I haven't been here in a long while............ This is kind of weird but like you're the first tetra I've seen that's not one of my 20 something siblings in a long while.... It's kinda weird..hahahaha.
Mahi: hahaha...... I felt the same way when I moved here. You're going to see a lot of different species living here..... Hehe... Nice to seeing you....
Mizole: so I went to the recording booth today and that little shit Paul flipped me off..... Unwarranted. I swear the minute kids start developing fingers. They become menaces to society......*eating* .... That reminds me, winterfest is coming up. Is Neta going to have a Christmas party downstairs like you did last year because Yoko wants to know cuz they want The Golden bazookas to play a gig-
Mahi: Am I small?
Mizole: Yes. She has a new song for the holidays and she wants to debut at the party before she records it. A lot of musicians are going to be there and they might invite their agents as well. They want to see if they can get a record deal.
Mahi: do you think it'll be better if I go to the gym at my apartment or your apartment
Mizole: My gym is bigger. Honestly Yoko is fucking stupid. I told her years ago that 'agua studios' fucking sucked. She should have gone to 'ink towers' when they started ink theory......they have better advertising, better marketing...... I'm-
Mahi: do you think I'm short
Mizole: we're the same height. I'm trying to convince chirpy chips to get a contract but nooooooo they want to be independent.... They want to be their own boss....*Pffth* they just want to be different sooo bad.. can I have some real linguine?
Mahi: yeah.... Don't take all the crab meat asshole!
Mizole: I'm just taking a little bit!..... Also you look fine how you are babe you don't need to change anything. Except for those green fins
Mahi: I know....I just.....*huff*.... Warabi has a new friend....... he looks a little bit like me but........broader and........taller...really fit.....Hm
Mizole: let me see a picture.................... Ugliest fuck I've ever seen in my life. can't compare to you babe.
Mahi: (wheeze) what!..... No he's not. He looks just like me..... He's- he's...... We could be related! Cod I hope we're not related
Mizole: no I don't see it... You're a lot better looking than him... You don't have eye bags and ragged fins...... You're clearly the better looking person
Mahi: ....... You're fucking stupid and not eating all my linguine......... thanks babe... You Sap
Mizole: No problem
Mahi:......*sleeping*.......ummm...fuck.... Hello... Hey Neta....
Neta: hey Mahi. I'm heading home now I should be back in the morning... I might open the store and then go back home to get some sleep... I already scheduled Candi to help you with the shift
Mahi: ok..... How was your trip home?..
Neta: it was nice... I just visited some family, doing wedding plans..........oh I called you because I have a meeting with construction workers and an interior designer later in the week. I'm going to need you to be on your best behavior and if they show up when I'm not there, there's some paperwork in a lock box the code is 814- (beep)
Mahi: Why did you do that?
Mizole: he could have called you in the morning or have told you in person. It's in the middle of the night and he's voice is annoying me.......*yawn*.....Good night [kiss]
Neta: did you hang up on me? That hurt my feelings >:(
the code 81420
Mahi: everything hurts your feelings baby
I got the code
mizole hung up on you sorry boss gn
Neta: stfu gn
Mahi almost drowned at mahi-mahi resort but was rescued by @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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scramble-crossing · 1 year
ship bingo. Ken Doi and Aadiv. plus commentary from Doi's adopted son, Sho
For those of you who, like me, have absolutely NO memory of Aadiv, it's him!
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The guy who runs Crowned Curry!! So OBVIOUSLY I looked at this and said "Hey wait a second...his curry place sure is close to Ken Doi's....am I sensing a rivalry here? 👀" AND THEN THE WIKI DELIVERED
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I love this concept so much actually. Slow burn rivals to friends to lovers. Curry dads. On their days off they take Sho out to eat and Aadiv tries to win his affections by plying him with dessert. In the evenings Ken Doi teaches him how to play Tin Pin. They're a family your honor.....
I think Sho would be super resistant to this at first. Aadiv’s a rogue integer in his happy, comfortable home life, and until he can calculate the outcome he ignores him at best and is actively hostile at worst. Literally just going through the motions of the "I don't like the new person my parent is dating because I'm jealous of the attention they get/don't trust that they won't leave and hurt us" cliché but as an 18 year old basically independent adult man. Tragic.
Eventually he grows out of it. He lives at Ken Doi's, but kind of comes and goes and does his own thing, and like a stray cat, every time he comes back, Aadiv senses him warming up to him just a little bit more. Then one day, he starts calling him Pops, too.
Sometimes a family can be the inventor of beyblade, a curry chef, and their rancid little catboy son <3
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punkrockmixtapes · 9 months
For Anon : Ten Albums
So actually putting together 10 albums that I'd consider my favorite of all time is super tough but here are 10 that I still go back to a lot or were influential to me.
The Clash - The Clash Song: Police and Thieves
Rancid - Life Won't Wait Song: Leicester Square
Refused - The Shape of Punk To Come Song: New Noise
Chixdiggit! - Chixdiggit! - Song: Shadowy Bangers From a Shadowy Duplex
The Postal Service - Give Up Song: Such Great Heights
The Murder City Devils - In Name and Blood Song : Press Gang
Samiam - You Are Freaking Me Out - Song : She Found You
Jimmy Eat World - Clarity - Song: For Me This is Heaven
Dear Landlord - Dream Homes - Song : Whiskey and Records
The Menzingers - After the Party - Song: After The Party
I could really go on for a long time and this feels like a kind of bland list but these were the first 10 that popped into my head. It feels odd to put anything by the Misfits or KISS or more emo... I don't know... I hope this answered your question....
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incyray · 8 months
Old anxiety ridden note about current events and my inability to keep up with them AND stay sane what with my own hellish life going on
I'm going to try to figure out how I can help people in the world later, but right now, I think I need to put things down for a bit. I am hearing all kinds of conflicting horrors from sources I understand to be reputable. I have enough insano amounts of stress in my life as it is (you do not know what goes in my IRL life, because I do not like to talk about it). I am getting so stressed it is becoming a perpetual state of 'I want to throw up on the floor and bite something and scream and cry' all at once all the time. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm watching an acquaintance's friend and a random passerby suddenly start beating the shit out of each other in the street and I just want them to stop it,,, but unfortunately I am in a car driving by and I only see it happen for a glimpse, from a distance. Just enough to be concerned about it but not close or long enough to know who started the fight, or what I should do about it.
Much as I hate it, I'm an american. I live in that place, I was born in that place, and I am the descendant of rancid imperialist colonizers. The media around me is not always trustworthy and I have to be careful to make sure I don't follow in the footsteps of my forebears and superficial peers. I don't want to hurt anyone, or take part in any flavor of prejudice. I want to break that cycle. But unfortunately, america is the country of misinformation, prejudice, and walmart guns. So I have to tread carefully, to avoid hurting others. But doing that correctly takes time, effort, and anxiety, and right now, all my meters are dwindling pretty low. They say to check your sources, and I agree with that. But I'm going to need to have a bit more HP before I can go do that. So retreat for the time being is what I'm going to do. I would rather stop, wait, and think for a moment, than discover months later, hey, you made the wrong decision and the stakes are literal death.
I think, also, as an american, it is my duty to NOT meddle in other country's business, because the american government already does enough of that to violent, disastrous effect. If the higher ups won't fix their mistakes, and avoid repeating them, then unfortunately it's up to us regular ass people to try to do that for them. I don't know as much as I thought I knew about current events, and frankly I am too fucking tired to do the deep dive needed to correct that. I do think I'm going to stay off the 'hype train' aspect of all this, and focus just on identifying reputable humanitarian aid. I think if you are just some rando living on a whole ass other continent, it's best not to get worked up emotionally, and to instead focus on what you can do in terms of funding things like medicine, food, shelter, and water for all civilians affected. I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere as far as someone on another continent might be concerned, so my understanding of happenings in such a far away place are always going to imperfect and patchy. I don't know if I can trust myself to actually know enough. I'm horrified, I'm scared, I hate war and I hate it when people hate each other, I'm hearing too many horror stories and I'm scared I don't know which ones are being told truthfully. I wish everything would just, stop. Stop, everybody sit down, take a fucking breather to calm down, and then talk things out to figure out how they can coexist.
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see-arcane · 2 years
👀 I'm Intrigued by the whole "I would sell my soul to do it" declaration coming into fruition due to doubt and desperation. However, I keep associating Mephisto with Faustus (I believe he's not a biblical demon and was created for that story?) so now I'm thinking of an 'existing' demon associated with Jonathan's, er, vices, that would be 'summoned' by these dark thoughts. In addition, I had that idea he'd ask to trade a life for a life, Jonathan offers his own but the demon takes Quincey instead.
First, while I know a demon would LOVE to pull a switcheroo with Mr. Willing Sacrifice Harker and take an innocent life to add to the guilt, I think if that were really the case, said demon would go for Maximum Bastard points and kill Mina immediately after she was cured of the unlife-saving vampirism. Since that didn't happen, I'll say Quincey was still chalked up to random rotten luck*.
(*And maybe some proof-positive to my genius loci theory about Dracula and him turning his chunk of Transylvania into a metaphysical place of his power and will. The heroes were never going to get out of there without shedding their own blood. Anyway.)
Yeah, I just used Mephistopheles as a placeholder demon name. Maybe there's a devil more closely associated with the Scholomance lore--you know, besides Capital S Satan himself~! (The guy is busy, I don't see him leaving Hell just to play tutor. He probably has a stand-in for him the way Santa does.)
Branching out to wider demonology or making our own homemade demon, ala Mephistopheles, would work too. Just so long as this tricky bastard turned up between journal entries, struck the deal with desperate Mr. Harker, and turned up sometime after the epilogue. Right after the book was finished? Or maybe after wife, son, and friends are all in the ground...with young-ancient Jonathan Harker still standing, haunted, beside their headstones.
"Well, I thought I was quite clear on my terms, Mr. Harker. A life for a life. I assume you were imagining your soul flying down to my coffers the moment the Count gave up his own rancid spirit and dear Mina was cleared of the wafer's stain. But the thing is, a soul is about as useful as your average paperweight down there. Pretty, fun to have screaming for eternity on your desk, but ultimately useless. But you! Here, in your oh-so-impressive flesh! That can get some work done.
"Oh, and don't fret over the cost of my little additions. The dye job and the internal anatomical renovations are all on me. Can't be said I don't take my fixer uppers seriously. That said, you are now clear of all the requisite happily ever after niceties. My sincerest sympathies on little Quincey, by the way. Terrible shame about that war. At least he won't live to see the second and dear Mrs. Harker will finally get to keep him company.
"I do hope that's some comfort going forward. Truly. You'll need such comforts while we buff out the last of your scruples in the centuries going forward. We have so much work ahead of us. I can't wait."
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artisticmenace · 1 year
Other DNIs below.
im approachable and you should talk to me. cue hypnosis.
Hello, dear friends and accociates. Welcome to the normal info section.
hiii. I'm tabs. I'm suuuper gay(asexual panromantic). I'm also an artist. Any scorn or prejudice will be promptly ignored. Criticism will be looked over as long as its constructive.
dude i AM the stress ball
About me:
I have a bunch of OCs, and I'm writing so many (unfinished)books... Yeah, that's right. I like to suffer and die creatively TWICE!! I can not be helped. I'm just goofy like that sometimes. I hate most non canon ships for fandoms im in, but I'll probably just go "ew" and leave you alone(depends on the ship, really). I haven't been tested for autism or ADHD but enough things line up, so I'm like 80% sure. The 20% is self-doubt. I like to dress fancy, and my general look is deep woods cottagecore that has recently drank from the lake of maximalism. You won't see pictures of me, probably, because my room is NOT clean. Sometimes, I vent on here, but that's because I am the only demographic this blog needs. I love you, too, but your feelings are only being considered a little bit. I use tone tags every now and then if I feel I would be misunderstood. On that note, I am more likely to ignore or ask for clarification if you say something rancid or silly than get on your ass about it.
Those Days:
I'm gonna be making a comic called Those Days about a small town old gay couple, Scott and Rodney, telling their life's story. They've been friends since their sophomore year in high school, and they've seen a lot. Scott was a punk, to say the least.
For the actual comic, you'll need to thosedayscomic, the blog I made for the comic.
^^ I'm currently working on the first issue. I do have lots of art of them though.
Tags for my comic:
those days, those days comic. also any character names first and last.
Current Fixations:
Camp Here and There (Waiting for S2)
Welcome to Night Vale (all caught up)
The Magnus Archives (help)
The Magnus Protocol (screaming)
Gravity Falls (fan for a while and now ive read through the book of bill. cryifn)
What's Currently Crippling:
good omens is going to kill me. i will never be able to think of anything else what the hell
I love interaction! I will always discuss my interests, and l o r e when asked. In other words, PLEASE TALK TO ME !!!
If you want to use my art for your pfp go ahead, just credit me.
Don't repost my art. Please and thankies.
i use ibispaintx btw and i watch the ads for my brushes
Art Requests/Asks: Open!!
Art Trades: Open!!
DMs: Open(as long as you arent a creep or an asshole obviously)
(cant do commissions because the world hates me but dont be shy to trade me. not particular on what i get back as long as i made someone happy. cause it feels amazing to see something i did made someone happy)
DNI LIST because I'm a little hater:
proshippers (what the fuck. what the actual fuck. fictional or not.)
active members of the hazbin/helluva fandom(if i am reminded of that shitshow when you interact with my page UTAFSHBDBDBDJNSJAGAHAOSHHAGA)
racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, etc
18+ blogs (a whole minor)
those problematic "sexualities" (ex. super straight, MAP, zoosexual)(also RCTA what the fuck)
people who fake disabilities/mental illness
people who actively misuse words that describe mental illnesses even though they are well informed about that sort of thing
those fucking people who ruin pretty houses and antique furniture and old clothing. fuck you.
people who write smut about canonically sex repulsed asexual characters(jonathan sims) and just people who decide they dgaf about anything like that. bi-erasure, aro-erasure. anything erasure. i hope youre having a terrible day.
sydelijah shippers get out.
(this one is unserious) people who dont deadname twitter
people who are mean to me. i havent had any yet but just in case. if you disagree with my take, thats ok bc you arent the demographic for my blog. I AM!!!! /silly srs
Here's my sick tags:
artisticmenace - anything that is a post by me
menaceartisticity - art and art related things
themenaceuseswords- text posts. i say shit sometimes.
themenacerants - my new tag for when i lose my shit
menaceencouragement - words of solace and encouragement from me
menacepoetry - poetry/songs yeah. probably sad stuff cause im miserable sometimes
menacescrawling - writing. oh buddy boy.
menacemusicality - im a choir kid what do you want from me
Thank you, I love you.
going to collect these things because why not
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credits, top to bottom:
cowboyinternist (2)
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