#Rami Malek x fem! reader
could you please do a BoRhap request? Where she looks after the guys during recording since her family owns Rockfield Farm and they love her cooking? But the guys (minus Fred who has Mary) all fancy her too?
Pairings: John + Roger + Brian x Fem!reader Summary: ^^ Warnings: none, I don't think Note: I did my best guys, I'm sorry
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a knock came to your door as you finished up breakfast
you left the kitchen and went to the front door
you opened the door to see a blonde with long hair with sunglasses on
he was wearing dark, slightly flared jeans, a yellow v neck shirt underneath a greeny grey jacket with fur
behind him was a short haired brunette with a mustache
he pushed the blonde out of the way and held out his hand
"hi, I'm paul, this is Roger, From Queen" he introduced
of course you knew Queen was coming to your family's farm, it wasn't like you didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in, it's just that you felt Rogers gaze planted on you and it made you feel a little nervous
"you're not" Roger scoffed quietly
"yes, of course, come in, are the rest here too?" you asked, stepping out of the way to let them in
"they're sorting out their luggage" Roger answered, taking off his glasses
"well, I made breakfast..if you're hungry?" you smiled tightly
"depends what you're serving" Roger smirked and looked you up and down
"pancakes" you responded quickly
"yeah, I could eat"
he followed you to the kitchen and he took a seat, shovelling food onto the plate in front of him and started eating
a few minutes later Roger had finished his plate and went back for seconds
"ah there you are Freddie" Paul spoke up, noticing the other three band members by the door
"we're also here mate" the tall, long curly haired brunette said, seeming annoyed by Paul's presence
"should I show you boys to your rooms?" you wondered, breaking the silence that filled the room
The three boys standing at the door all turned to you
"didn't know the farm came with a pretty lady" the curly Brunette smiled
"oh I'm Y/n. this is my Family's Farm. I live in the building beside this one, I'm just here to show you around"
"are those pancakes for us?" the auburn haired one said
"oh, yes! you can have as many as you want" you pointed to the mountain of pancakes you had made on the counter
"they are delicious" Roger said with a mouthful of food
"well I'm Brian, This is Fred and John and I see you've already met Rog"
"it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"pleasure's all ours darling" Freddie beamed
"well I'll show you your rooms then" you said taking off your apron and leading them upstairs
"it's probably not what you're used to but your manager said it was perfect to get away from distractions so" you shrugged
you turned to face the boys and see Roger first
"you're in here. mister Taylor" you looked to the first door
"right" he grunted, walking into the room with his heavy luggage
"and that's yours, Mister Mercury" you pointed to the room in the corner to the left
"thank you darling"
"Mister May, yours is right here" pointing to the right side next to the bathroom
Brian walked into the room and you noticed John still standing on the top of the stairs
"oh, sorry. mister Deacon, you're downstairs" he walks back down the stairs and you lead him down to the room.
"I know it's small but it doesn't get nearly as cold as the other rooms" you informed him
"okay..." he frowns as he steps down
"well I'll let you get settled then, i'll show you and the band around when you're ready" you smiled, starting to go up the stairs
"are there still pancakes?" he asked, putting his luggage down on the bed
"oh yeah, they'd probably still be warm too" you answered
he soon started following you up the stairs to the kitchen to find all the other members of the band eating the pancakes
"Rog really didn't lie, these pancakes are delicious" Brian hummed
"we need more syrup" Roger lifted up the empty bottle of maple syrup
"oh..ok" you walked over to the fridge as John took a seat and started eating the food
"here you go" you grinned, putting the syrup on the table in front of them
it's been a few days since they've arrived and much to your surprise, you've seen more of them then you expected
you didn't think you would see much of them, you thought thy would be very busy and you didn't have a problem with that
but Roger, Brian and John all seemed to want you around them
Roger would casually flirt with you
Brian would always start up a conversation or make you help with with a lyric
and John would subtly make eye contact and smile before coming up to you to ask for suggestions
and they would all ask if you could cook them up something when they got hungry and said they liked your cooking, so much so that there would be barely any left for Freddie or you.
Roger was currently helping you make breakfast while Brian and John sat and ate while they discussed songs
"i put my heart and soul into this song" Roger spoke up as they talked about his new song he made
"no one is disputing that" John smiled, lifting up his fork
"and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album" Roger fought
"it's not that Roger" John denied
"then what is it?" the blonde raised his eyebrows as he stopped cutting bread
"I'm in love with my car?" Brian spoke up
you fought back a laugh at the thought of the song
Brian and John both made a questionable face as silence filled the air
"maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested
"what does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger frowned
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie came in and poured himself some tea
John straightened his back and looked at the singer "discussing Roger's car song"
"is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then i apologise" Brian put his hands up defensively
"how does your new song go, then, hm?" Roger walked over and grabbed Brians lyrics
"you call me sweet.. like I'm some kind of cheese" the drummer read out
you stifled a laugh as you cooked bacon
"it's good" Brian defended, looking at the John who was eating a sausage with a smile and Freddie who was stirring his tea
"wow" Roger sighed sarcastically
"is that-, is that you know- when my hand's on your grease gun..That's very subtle isn't it?" Brian read Rogers back
"it's a metaphor, Brian" Roger argued
"it's just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?" John spoke, waving his fork around
"what do you think, Y/n?" Roger turned to you, looking for backup
you put the now cooked bacon on a plate and turned to the boys
"don't turn to me, I'm not getting involved" you shook your head
"children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie butted in
"statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up" John stated mater-of-a-factly
"why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie frowned
John shrugged and Freddie turned back to the Blonde
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen" Freddie informed the drummer before walking out
"you know why you're angry, Roger?" Brian began again
"...why?" Roger breathed out
"'cause you know you're song isn't strong enough" the curly headed man repeated
"boys I really don't think you should be-" you started to say but cut off by Roger throwing bacon at Brian's face
"is that strong enough?" Roger questioned
"ok" you mumbled, looking at John, who smiled at you amusingly
Roger pushed off plates and glasses off the table angrily
"what about that?!" he asked before going over to find something else
"Hey!" you yelled at Roger, who grabbed a pot of Coffee
he turned and began to swing it at the two boys before he stopped as they put their hands up
"Not the coffee machine!?" they both yelled
Roger put the coffee machine down and you sighed looking at the mess
"I'll clean this up" he sighed after a moment of silence
"you sure are" you nodded sternly
you sat in the recording room on the couch with John and Roger as Brian got ready to record his guitar
Roger slung his arm around your shoulder as Brian got set up
"so..how about we go get dinner later" he suggested
"pardon?" you wondered
"you, me, i'll take you out to dinner" he repeated
"I highly doubt she'll want to go out with you, Roger, she's too good for you" John sighed
"and what? you're better?" the drummer scoffed, looking over you to the auburn headed bassist
John stared at Roger for a moment
"how's katie? last time we saw her was right before we left to come here" the Deacon wondered
"shut it mate" Roger groaned
your thoughts were cut short as Brian started playing
you focused on the music but felt John's gaze on you, you slowly turned your head to see him staring at you, smiling
"so, do you have a boyfriend?" Roger asked
"I don't see how that's any of your business" you crossed your arms, looking back at Brian, who's still playing his solo
"what if I want to ask you out?" he shrugged
"how come you're the one that gets to ask her out?" John leans forward to argue with Roger
"because I can" the Taylor boy smirked
"Roger, do you have to be such a man whore?" John questioned, his accent become more defined and thick
"I think you're just jealous you don't get women chasing after you" Roger huffed, leaning back on the couch, seeming to be not fazed
"ah yes, because all i need is women to make me feel better about myself, all i need and want is women around me to fill a void of unfulfillment" John rolled his eyes
"oh yeah? let's see who she wants more then" Roger raises his eyebrows as he took off his glasses to look at you
John frowned "you can't pressure her into choosing either of us...that's not how relationships work, Roger"
Roger stifled a laugh "who said I wanted a relationship"
"my point exactly"
"all i'm saying" is that she's probably looking for somebody to love and i'm right here" Roger raised his hands in defense
"what makes you think she wants someone?" John glared
"children, children. leave the poor girl alone, she doesn't want either of you" Freddie butted in
you found yourself wondering how it came to this, two members of the band Queen almost practically fighting for your, to be with you
it made sense about Roger, seeing all of those tabloids of him with new girls around his shoulder almost every week
but John? he didn't really seem the type
you tuned out of the argument and soon wondered when Brian came back into the room as you looked up to find him sitting with Freddie
"I think whatever happens, it's up to her, you shouldn't be trying to force something she does not want" John fought
"what are you guys fighting about?"
"who gets to take this beautiful lady out" Roger smirked, nodding towards you
"who says either of you get to?" Brian spoke in a confused manner
"oh don't tell me you want her too?" Roger groaned
"what's so wrong about that?" the guitarist questioned
"I'm gonna go" you sighed, getting up
"are you still going to make us pasta tonight?" John perked up
you chuckled "I think you all need a break from my cooking"
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Lyutsifer Safin X Fem!Reader Cute, angsty and fluffy prompt
!TW: Pregnancy, mention/use of the word ‘rapist’s’, hint of anxiety, mention of having nightmares, mention of being raped/use of word ‘raped’, mention of being beaten up, mention of bullying/harassment, mention of blood/presence of blood, mention of bleeding/use of word ‘bleeding’, mention of hospital, mention of miscarriage/use of word ‘miscarriage’, mention of feeling guilty, hint of suffering from depression, implied swearing (word ‘cursed’), mention of illness/suffering from an illness, mention of past suicidal intentions, waters breaking, mention of ambulance/use of word ‘ambulance’!
“I just want you to know that you don’t need to go with me, I don’t need you to protect me, if you have to stay here,” you assured, but Safin shook his head; he was set on going with you and protecting you; you had to go back home again because you were soon to be due to give birth to your new child who you still weren’t sure was Safin’s or the rapist’s, the only thing you’d found out about it is that it is a boy. “I just don’t want something to happen to you,” you expressed, and Safin shook his head again, holding your hand.
“Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise,” he tried to reassure you, “nobody is ever going to take me away from you. Do you believe me?”
You smiled softly up at him, nodding. “Of course I do,” you answered, before you connected your lips to his in a loving kiss. “Okay, you can come back home with me,” you decided, and Safin grinned, glad that you’d finally agreed to let him go with you.
Even when you’d gotten home and were away from his workers, you were anxious and were still having nightmares most nights about the times you had been raped, and beaten up by them when Safin wasn’t there to help you. You struggled when you awoke in someone’s hold behind you, but relaxed when you heard Safin’s voice. “You’re okay, Y/n,” he spoke gently, “you were just having a nightmare.” You turned around to hug him tightly, beginning to cry as you felt overwhelmed after having the nightmare. “I’ll never let them hurt you again, I promise,” he expressed, a pained expression on his face; he wished he had done more to help you. “Do you want me to get you a glass of water?” Safin inquired, and you shook your head, forcing a smile up at him.
“I - I can get myself one, don’t worry,” you reassured him, and he sat up as he watched you get up off of the bed, leaving a small blood stain.
“Y/n,” Safin spoke uneasily, worried about you. You looked back at him, humming to show that you were listening. “You’re bleeding,” he pointed out, and you faltered, your eyes widening. Safin wouldn’t know what to say, a pained expression on his face; he was assuming the worst.
“But.. That can’t mean,” you murmured, “n-no, I don’t feel anything out of the ordinary.. I’ll try and get an appointment at the hospital tomorrow, and they’ll tell me what’s going on.” Safin nodded gravely, and you frowned, guessing that he thought you were going to have a miscarriage. “It’s going to be okay,” you tried to reassure him, but he wouldn’t dare look up at you; he didn’t want you to see that his eyes were glistening. “S-Safin, stop, please,” you begged shakily; you couldn’t take it; you didn’t want to think that you were going to have a miscarriage, and didn’t want to think that you wouldn’t find out if he was Safin’s child or wouldn’t be able to raise him with him. You rushed out of the room because you hated to cry in front of him, and he felt guilty for not trying to comfort you or trying to say something to you that would make you feel better.
Safin had decided to wait until the morning to talk to you because he didn’t want to upset you any further, and he found himself not being able to sleep for the whole night; he was too worried about you. “Good morning, kitten,” Safin spoke gently when he entered the living room to find you sitting up on the sofa, hugging the blanket you had over you closer to you.
“Morning,” you mumbled, trying to hide your face from him because your eyes were sore; you had been crying again.
Safin sat beside you, and you wouldn’t dare look up at him. “Everything is going to be okay, I promise,” he assured; he wanted to cheer you up because he hated to see you like this, and he missed your smile.
You tried to believe him, but couldn’t kick the doubt from your mind. “But - What if we do lose him?” You questioned, and Safin frowned. “If we lose him, I will never stop blaming myself,” you expressed, and Safin shook his head.
“It wouldn’t be your fault, Y/n,” he contradicted, and you scoffed. “It wouldn’t-”
“I just can’t help, but think - if we do, it’ll be the universe telling me that I’ve not been a good enough mother,” you admitted, and it was Safin’s turn to scoff and shake his head, before he placed his on top of your’s gently.
“You have no idea how amazing you are, do you?” Safin replied, and you glanced up at him for only a moment, before you lowered your head again. “You’ve been a great mother, Y/n, to both Sylvia and Emily, and you have been trying to do everything to protect our-” Safin faltered, feeling rather dejected when he remembered that he might not be the father, “s-son.”
You frowned when you realised that he must be thinking about the possibility of your son being the rapist’s, instead of his. Safin forced a weak smile up at you, and you tried to reflect it, but found yourself failing as you looked away from him again. Safin pulled you into a hug, and you rested against him, feeling comfortable, before you awkwardly turned around to wrap your arms around him. “Thank you, Safin,” you whispered, “I - I feel a little better now, when you hold me I’m in my happy place.”
“And when you hold me, I find myself in mine,” he remarked, and you smiled lovingly up at him, before you rested your head on his shoulder after he’d returned the smile.
“Those glasses are adorable on you,” Safin stated when he came across you reading in bed; you’d been starting to retire to bed much earlier because you tended to be exhausted more often, most likely because Sylvia was growing up into an older toddler, and being slightly more difficult, whilst you also tried to tend to your needs, avoiding Safin’s help because you wanted him to stop worrying about you all the time.
“Thank you,” you replied, smiling warmly up at him, before you got an idea, trying not to giggle as you pretended that you felt something out of the ordinary, sitting up with a perplexed expression on your face.
“What is it?” Safin inquired, rushing to your side so he could hold your hand, worried about you.
You looked up at him, your eyes wide. “I think my water just broke,” you answered, your voice close to a whisper. Safin would be shocked, before he attempted to pick you up, surprising you, and making you laugh; you couldn’t stop yourself. Safin appeared confused; he didn’t think you’d be laughing. Safin then grew suspicious of you, and you burst out laughing again when you noticed the skeptical look on his face. “I got you!” You exclaimed, and he grunted, before he lowered you back down on the bed.
Safin sat down on the edge of the bed, expressing relief. “Don’t scare me like that again, Y/n,” he whined, and you grinned, amused.
You shuffled closer to him, and he reluctantly looked over at you, anxious again. “Shut up, you big baby, and let me kiss you,” you teased, and he begrudgingly let you connect your lips to his.
On a lazy night for you both, you decided to find a horror movie for you both to watch, and were finding it hilarious because you could tell that Safin was trying to hide that he was startled by some of the scenes. “Is someone scared?” You teased him when you noticed that he was looking anywhere, but at the television screen, and he scoffed, glaring over at you.
“I’m not scared,” he claimed, “I just think horror movies are stupid, and boring.”
“Sure,” you replied, not believing him at all as he nervously returned his attention to the film. When another jump scare occurred shortly after he’d returned his attention to it, he cursed quietly, and you couldn’t help, but giggle again, prompting him to shoot a glare at you.
“Why do you make me watch these things?” He complained, making you laugh even more. “Sometimes I really hate you when you make me do these things,” he continued, and you tried to stop laughing to relieve him of the embarrassment. Safin relaxed a little bit after you’d managed to hold back the rest of your giggles, and you intertwined your fingers with his, before you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Safin, stop,” you whined; you were currently suffering from quite a bad cold, and were trying not to pass it on to him, but he was making it difficult for you to do that because he kept insisting on being near you.
“No,” he replied; he didn’t want to leave you alone whilst you were ill. “You’re sick, let me take care of you,” he practically pleaded, wanting to do all he could to restore your health, and all he could to make you feel comfortable.
“I don’t need you to take care of me,” you claimed, “and I don’t want you to get sick, too, so-”
“I don’t care if I get sick, Y/n,” he interrupted, certain of himself, “please just let me look after you until you’re better.” You sighed, before you nodded reluctantly. Safin smiled, glad that you were now allowing him to stay and take care of you.
Safin wrapped his arms around your waist, and you tried to ease him away, feeling as if he were getting dangerously close to the point he’d definitely receive the same cold from you. “Don’t get too close for now, okay?” You warned, and he frowned, nodding gravely.
“I’m sorry, your eyes are just really pretty and distracting,” he explained, and a smile played on your lips - you could also feel that your cheeks were heating up. “You’re blushing,” he pointed out, smirking. You winced, trying to hide your face from him. “You’re adorable,” he continued, and you whimpered, begging silently for him to stop teasing you, because you could feel that your face must be as red as a tomato by now. “It’s hard, trying not to kiss you,” he expressed, and you agreed; you wished the cold would just go away now.
“Hopefully this won’t last much longer,” you replied, and Safin nodded, forcing a smile over at you.
You would be surprised when you woke up to Safin panicking, and he expressed relief when he noticed that you were awake, rushing to your side, before he sat beside you, holding your right hand in his left one. “I thought I lost you,” he expressed dejectedly, his voice briefly trembling.
You appeared confused, and he frowned. “What happened?” You inquired, and he tilted his head partially.
“You’ve been asleep for hours, Y/n,” he answered, “I was worried; I thought something was wrong.”
“I must have been exhausted,” you mused, before you sat up, “well, I’m awake now, so you no longer need to worry about me.” Safin nodded, smiling weakly, before he leaned forward to wrap his arms around you. You returned the hug, thinking about how you’d never thought he’d be like this before. “I remember when I didn’t expect you to be so cuddly,” you stated, and Safin winced, burying his face into the crook of your neck to hide that he felt embarrassed.
“I didn’t think I would be, either,” he claimed, and you smiled softly, before you lifted your right hand to stroke his hair. “The older me would probably rather die than be how I am right now,” he remarked, and you shook your head, thinking he would be the same, just a little more awkward. “But I’m glad I’m different now,” he added, “and I’m extremely grateful for you, for making me so much happier than I used to be.”
“And I’m grateful for you, too,” you returned, holding him at arm’s length, “because if I hadn’t met you, I’d still be in the dark place I was before, and might have even have taken my life by now.”
Safin’s smile faded as he glanced up at you, and you looked away, feeling bad for mentioning it, and possibly ruining the moment. “I wish I had met you sooner,” he responded, “to take you out of the darkness you used to be in.”
“It’s okay,” you reassured, relocating your hand to his left cheek, “because I’m out of it now, as long as I’m with you.” The smile returned to both you and his face, before he lovingly and gently connected his lips to your’s.
You rushed into the living room when you heard Sylvia crying, and would be surprised when you saw pen markings on the opposite wall to you, and Safin trying to calm her down whilst appearing stressed out, himself. “What happened?” You inquired, and he expressed relief when he heard your voice, turning to face you.
“I found her drawing on the wall,” he answered, “and tried to stop her from doing anymore, but-”
Safin sighed, and you took her from him; you could see that he needed a break. “Why don’t you go and have a lie down?” You suggested, and he frowned, shaking his head; he wanted to help you with Sylvia, and the mess. “Are you sure-?” You pried, worried about him; he looked exhausted. He nodded, forcing a smile at you. “Okay, but you don’t have to help me clean this up,” you stated, to which Safin shook his head again; he wanted to help.
“I don’t want my princess to be doing all the work,” he replied, “please, let me help you.”
You sighed, before you gave in, nodding gravely. “Fine, I’ll let you help me,” you responded, looking over at the pen markings on the wall again, whilst trying not to feel overwhelmed about attempting to clean them off.
“Am I in trouble, mummy?” Sylvia asked, and you looked over at her, shaking your head, whilst forcing a smile.
“No,” you answered simply, “you’re lucky you’re cute - go and watch tv whilst we try and deal with - this.” Sylvia felt bad, and hesitated, before she climbed up onto the sofa to watch her favourite animated program that was just starting. Safin noticed that you seemed overwhelmed, and he held your hand to try and relax your nerves. You looked over at him, and couldn’t help, but giggle when you thought back to the time you recalled that you were developing feelings for him. Safin wore a puzzled expression on his face, tilting his head as he wondered what you were thinking about. “I’ve been in love with you for an embarrassingly long time,” you remarked, and Safin couldn’t help, but grin, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I have the same problem,” he returned, before he connected his lips to your’s lovingly. “Now,” he began again, holding you at arm’s length as he looked over the pen markings. You looked over at them, too, and winced. “I can hear you overthinking things from here, stop it,” he commanded gently, and you nodded, trying not to.
After you and Safin had had a late night, he lazily strolled into the kitchen in the morning, where you were making breakfast for you and him. You grinned as you watched him sink into one of the kitchen table chairs, and he lifted his hand to his forehead; he clearly must be suffering from a headache. “If I don’t get coffee soon, someone is going to die,” he stated, and you couldn’t help, but giggle, pouring him the rest of the coffee you’d made not too long ago.
“Here,” you set the mug down in front of him, and he smiled up at you warmly, replying with a soft ‘thank you, kitten.’
“You’re welcome,” you responded, before you returned your focus onto the breakfast you were starting to plate up now for him and you.
“Stop,” you whined whilst he tickled you, and he chuckled, amused.
“If you want me to stop tickling you, you need to stop being so cute,” he replied, and you whined, beginning to feel flustered as you tried to hide your face from him, feeling that your cheeks were heating up, which told you that you were blushing. “You’re being cute again,” he stated, before he began to tickle you again, prompting you to burst out laughing, and struggling against him to try and escape him tickling you. Safin stopped suddenly, and you wondered what had happened. “Did - Did our son just kick?” Safin inquired, and you would be surprised, hoping you’d not missed him kicking.
You then gasped, feeling it again. “He’s kicking again,” you whispered, “Safin, he’s - he’s okay!” Safin expressed relief, before he threw his arms around you, and you smiled widely, before you returned the hug, immensely relieved to feel that your son was still alive, after not being able to secure a hospital appointment to find out. “I told you he would be okay,” you reminded him, and he nodded gravely, wishing he’d listened to you before.
Safin expressed concern when you’d gone quiet, and he held your hand, his eyes searching your’s. “What’s wrong?” He inquired, and you winced, your eyes wide with fear.
“I think my water just broke,” you whispered shakily, and Safin faltered, trying not to panic as he tried to think. “I need to call an ambulance-”
“No, Y/n,” he interrupted, “save your energy, I will call one.”
“They won’t know,” he promised, “just let me help you, kitten.” You groaned, leaning heavily against him, before you begrudgingly nodded, though you were worried about him being caught. “Okay,” he spoke gently, “I’ll call them now, okay?” You nodded, and he rushed out of the room to the telephone, knowing he had to get he ambulance quickly for you.
I apologise for not posting my writing for a little while, I’ve just needed a bit of time to think about things, but feel as if I’ll hopefully be able to post a bit more now! I hope you enjoyed this prompt, and am hoping to post another soon! ❤️
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im-ovulating · 1 year
(A/n: Why did nobody tell me Rami Malek's back is this delicious?)
(First Ahk post go brr!!)
Word Count: 1,198
Summary- The morning after your first night as Ahkmenrah's wife
Warnings: Masturbation, Blowjob, Overall, just a soft yet horny morning
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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Morning After: First Life! Ahkmenrah x Fem! Reader
Sunlight filters through the thin fabric of the curtains, illuminating the room and with it, the dark of your closed eyes. It feels far too early to be this bright, though you know that's probably due to the lack of sleep you got during the night. The thought brings a smile to your face; remembering that just to your side is the love of your life. Your lover… Your soulmate… Your husband… Your Pharaoh.
The steady weight of him next to you paired with the heat radiating off of him and the memory of the night before has a different warmth curling in your core like a snake rearing its head back waiting for the right time to strike. It's believed that the Pharaohs of Egypt are living gods, half man, half god- direct connections to the Gods of the lands and skies. You already regarded Pharaohs as such, but last night only strengthened your belief in the ideology. There was no way a mere man should be able to move his hips in the way that the man next to you can.
The serpent coils hopelessly tighter as your mind wanders to how he coaxed you through orgasm after orgasm as though it were nothing. His hips, his fingers, even his tongue drawing you over the edge time after time until you could take it no more. Making you hold on just long enough for him to finish as well; his hot seed swarming your insides as if it didn't belong anywhere but deep inside of you. You clench at the memory of the possessiveness of his growl as he had stilled inside of you.
Your thighs tense and your breath hitches as your hand trails it's way to your heated core, lightly rubbing at the swollen bundle of nerves. The lingering sensitivity from the abuse it took just hours prior steers you closer to release quicker than normal. Your labored breaths are the only sound in the quiet of your bed chamber. Tighter and tighter the asp coils, in time with the meek whimpers that have started to escape you.
"Ra above... You are absolutely divine, my Queen." The serpent strikes, lashing out with such intensity your vision goes white and you have to slap your hand over your mouth as you cry out in pleasure. "Ahk~"
In your lust-induced state, you had failed to take note of your husband waking up just in time to watch you cream all over your hand. His voice pushing you into the euphoric arms of Hathor. Your release drips onto the pristine, white bedsheets as you catch your breath.
Ahkmenrah slides an arm under you to pull you to his chest. "What did I do to deserve waking up to such a spectacle?"
You finally open your eyes, unable to help the heat that spreads across your cheeks at his question. Mind still muddy with fading orgasmic haze, all you can muster is a hum as you wiggle deeper into his hold, your own arms wrapping around his waist. You can feel his arousal pressing against your naval, but he doesn't seem bothered enough to do anything about it. Instead, Ahkmen starts tracing seemingly random designs along your exposed skin, content to just lay with you; it takes you a second to realize that he's tracing the marks he left on your skin. Surely, beautiful shades of red and purple by now.
"Are you hurting?" His voice stays soft as he doubles around what you can only assume is a fairly sized mark.
The thought makes you proud; proud that he chose you to be the one to carry his marks, to rule by his side, to love, but also proud that you now have physical representation that you belong to him; no matter how temporary -they can always be replaced. You don't bother to try to hide how warm and fuzzy the notion of belonging to Ahkmenrah makes you as you place gentle kisses along his collarbone.
"I'm a little sore," you admit, nuzzling his neck, "but it's a welcomed ache, I assure you."
He physically deflates a little, his relief showing in the form of a reassured sigh.
"I'm glad," Ahkmen murmurs into your hair as he pulls you in tighter.
He shifts and you're made all too aware of his hard length resting against your stomach once more. He may be able to stifle his needs but you are not so patient. Wordlessly, you shift down, sliding between the silk sheets until you're face to face with his excitement.
"Love?" Ahkmenrah lifts the covers only to groan at the sight of you already looking up at him with big doe eyes.
He took such good care of you last night -this morning as well considering just the thought of him was enough to get yourself off to- so it's only fair that you take care of him now. Without breaking eye contact, you open your mouth to let your tongue slide against his already dripping slit. The noise that falls from his lips is absolutely sinful; shifting closer you take the dark tip of his member into your mouth, gently suckling on the head.
He sucks in a sharp breath as you start to take more and more of him into your mouth with each bob of your head. The corners of your lips turn up at the sight of your husband falling apart from just your mouth. His hands are fisting the sheets beneath him as ragged breaths puff from his slack jaw. His intense gaze is still locked on you.
Taking his still open eyes as a challenge, you double down on your efforts; hands bracing on his thighs, you take a deep breath and swallow down as much of his cock as you can before he hits the back of your throat.
All at once, his hand comes up to grip your hair as his head slams against his pillow. A guttural groan rips its way through his chest, deep and rough, that sends a shock of arousal through your core and has you slicking yet again. The sight of him has your eyes rolling back as you moan around his length.
The hand in your hair tries to pull you off as he warns you of his pending release but you push deeper, hollowing your cheeks and running your tongue along the underside of his phallus. There's a slight buck of his hips before his salty spend is filling your mouth and spilling out the corners. You pull off with a pop, opening your mouth to show him the fluid on your tongue before swallowing with a smirk.
"Gods, you're going to be the death of me, my love." Ahk pulls you up to press a searing kiss to your swollen lips.
"A death worthy for a Pharaoh," you tease when you separate for air, voice slightly hoarse.
His hearty laugh fills the silence of the room before he kisses you again. This time softer, taking his time to coax your mouth open as your bodies mold together, two puzzle pieces united at last.
"There's no other death I would prefer~"
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alessiathepirate · 11 months
Until Dawn
A SMALL JOY: Josh Washington x fem!reader
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Summary: Taking Dr Hill's advice, Josh and his lover go up to the lodge and look through all the things his sisters had left behind - after an interesting find she does her best to take his mind off the sadness he's experiencing.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I may have made while I wrote this short story.
To be honest, Until Dawn is still one of my favourite horror games. Thanks to the game I found my favourite YouTube channel, my English improved a lot because I wanted to understand every word, and I have a huge crush on Rami Malek to this very day. Me and my friends were obsessed with him the time the game came out, and soon started to watch more of his work together.
Josh Washington was one of my first fictional crushes, I could defend him for years without getting tired and I drew him so many times I actually learned how to draw portraits correctly.
There's a gameplay I like to rewatch every year, because of the great memories I have connected to it. I always fall in love with Josh Washington once again - and thanks to that tradition, I started to write for him as well.
Warnings: a bit of swearing, mentioned depression and loss, mentioning the Washington sisters' disappearance and/or death
° "(...) We would come up in the summer and we would have the best time. The whole family was there - mom, dad, my sisters. It was some serious competition out there on the big lawn... I don't know. Can't go back. New reality." °
She listens carefully, noticing every little pitch or drop in Josh's voice as he speaks - and as he puts down the baseball bat all she can think about is grabbing him and pulling him into a hug, a tight one, the kind that is both loving and comforting. She watches him, she examines his every little move and her heart aches every single time she finds a new sign of sadness.
She hates it.
She hates that look on his face. She hates that change in his voice. She hates that he feels alone. She hates that the whole case is making him go crazy. She hates that nothing is certain and he can't even grieve.
She hates that he had to change so much; that he had to become this depressed because of some stupid, messed up prank their friends had decided to pull on his sister.
He didn't deserve any of it. He doesn't deserve any of it. None of the Washington kids do.
Coming up here was already hard - back to the mountain where Hannah and Beth disappeared, where they played around like stupid teenagers do. Dr Hill said it's for the best - Josh needs some closure, some proof that he needs to slowly start to move on. She thinks it's bullshit - Josh thinks so too. It won't be easy to put yourself through something like this.
But regardless, they came. They are here now, looking through the rooms, the basement...
The memories are hurting her - and if she as a friend is hurting this badly than Josh must suffer a lot.
"Teach me." the words suddenly burst out before she can stop them, wanting to make Josh concentrate on something else - not wanting him to get lost in his own mind.
"What?" the question is loud in the basement.
"Teach me how to play." she continues on, feeling unsure like she tries to cross a very thin and sensitive line. "I've never played baseball before."
"It's been a while since I did so." Josh starts to explain, his gaze falling on the bat he put down. "You really- want to?"
She steps closer to him slowly, carefully, as if she tries to get close to a very scared and wounded animal. She touches his arm, her fingers hold him as her thumb brushes along his skin in an up and down motion. She leans towards him, her face touching his shoulder as she presses a kiss to the area what isn't covered by his t-shirt.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." she whispers. "I know it's not-" she holds that thought and says something else instead: "I just haven't seen you play yet and I want to join in."
Josh looks at her over his shoulder, he looks at her as she tries to smile even if her eyes stay sad. He watches her like she's the only thing he has left, like she's the only person who matters anymore. He looks at her and feels something break inside, realizing that she really is the only one who he has.
"All right." he says and when he sees her eyes change a tiny bit - showing a bit of happiness - he feels his heart flutter. It makes him feel better, it makes him want to touch her too, putting his hand over hers - over the one which is still clinging onto his arm. "As long as you promise me you won't accidentally hit yourself with the bat."
And there's what he wanted to see - her expression changes, playful offence takes the sadness' place and she gently hits his back.
"Hey! I wouldn't do that."
"You totally wouldn't." his sarcasm earns him another punch and despite the situation and the place, he feels like he got something back.
The last time they bickered like this was half a year ago, the night his sisters had disappeared. They drank and played around until they started to make out in the kitchen, only stopping when Chris stepped inside the room wanting some booze for himself.
As they climb the stairs hand in hand they both feel somewhat relieved. They found a kind of small joy, a bit of happiness - something what they had left here months ago. Josh chuckles when she trips and almost falls, she feels excited as he hands her the baseball bat outside.
"Since there're only the two of us here, I think it's best I teach you how to hit the ball and not yourself."
"I'm not that clumsy Mister!" she tries to sound offended, but it doesn't work.
"I know you too well, girl; and I don't trust you with that at all."
Josh stands behind her, keeping a gentle hold on both of her arms as he explains how to stand and how to hold the bat. She chuckles when he playfully tickles her and this time she doesn't feel guilty about laughing. Before he lets go of her to throw the ball, he gives her a short hug and presses a kiss into the crook of her neck.
She misses the first time...
and the second time; and the third time...
She misses and Josh laughs and she thinks it's the most beautiful sight she's ever seen.
They change positions after a while and no matter how she throws, Josh never misses - not even once. He hits the ball every single time and it flies and lands far away.
She has the feeling that in that very moment, doing that very thing they both feel somewhat complete. She feels like Josh's smiles are honest, his laughs are honest and she forgets about Dr Hill and his stupid advice.
"No shit you like to play it." she says after a while as the both of them are lying in the grass, her head resting on Josh's arm. "It is fun."
"Believe me darling, it is much more fun when you actually hit the ball." his voice has a teasing edge to it and for a moment she thinks about turning towards him and hitting him playfully once again - but she doesn't.
Instead - hoping to get something more, trying to get a kind of good change out of him, she says: "I will, after a bit more training. You'll teach me, I have no doubt about that."
Josh turns towards her, gently touching her face and playing with her hair. She tries to read his face and she realizes that he understands what she's playing at. She wonders if he'll get upset or sad... but she gets an answer pretty quickly.
"I will - of course I will. You'll be the best player in this damn country."
The muscles in her face twitch and she feels like she'll cry. It's been so long, so long since Josh smiled and laughed that now seeing it again feels like a whole new experience. She doesn't want to leave the place or the moment. It's too nice.
"Better than you?"
"Way better." he promises and lets go of the lock of hair he's been playing with. "I love you, you know that, right?"
She feels frozen at the question and starts to wonder where it's coming from. The doubt in his voice, the softness in his eyes... He deserves the world, he deserves everything in it and he deserves to know that he does enough for her - she feels his love and every single emotion and action it causes.
"Of course I do... I know." she promises. "I love you too. And I'm here for you, no matter what."
It's her turn to lean in and she kisses him, making sure the kiss is soft and calm. She wants to make him feel whole and safe. She wants him to be happy.
They lay back down and stay quiet for a bit, enjoying the sunlight and the light summer breeze. She feels like she could melt. Melt into the feeling and moment forever, without ever getting bored.
"You know," Josh starts suddenly, his voice soft and unsure. "it's been a while since I've taken you out on a date."
"It's fine, Josh. These past months weren't exactly the best."
"No... I know." for a few moments he stays silent, not knowing what to say. "All I want to say is I have a few movies here we can watch and we can have a nice time before we-"
"-go back to them." she finishes, understanding what he means.
Them. All the friends, all the family members and pals who show an annoying amount of pity. All of those people who try to comfort Josh when doesn't want to do anything with them. The people who make him feel worse than better.
"I'd love that." she smiles at him as he turns towards him and hugs him. "But no horror."
"No horror." Josh nods.
It wouldn't be good for either of them.
She kisses his shoulder as they get going, stretching their muscles, before climbing the stairs to go and find the movies Josh was talking about.
As they look over his DVDs while hugging, all she can think about is how unfair life is, because Josh doesn't deserve any of the problems life threw at him...
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
you're so golden 🫶
pairing : f1 grid x fem!russell!reader
summary : it's the golden globes and kailani russell, sister of f1 driver george russell, the actress who plays the secret daughter of freddie mercury, ophelia mercury, is not only nominated but maybe also wins the award she is nominated for?
warnings : none really
a/n : kailani russell, this original female character is the sister of george russell who is obviously, an f1 mercedes driver. in this version, there will be ophelia mercury who is freddie's secret daughter, hence why they asked a british actress to play her. but also because everyone has always said that kailani doesn't look like her family but like lucy boynton who plays mary austin in the movie. i will also maybe have her dating one of the drivers so it makes even more sense for some of the grid to be at the golden globes.
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you're so golden, you're so golden, la la, la la
kailani smiled and cheered as she sat in her seat at the annual golden globe awards 2019 alongside her brother, f1 driver george russell and fellow bohemian rhapsody cast, crew and queen members roger taylor and sir brian may. kailani had been nominated for best actress - motion picture for her portrayal as freddie mercury's secret daughter, ophelia mercury. in the biopic "bohemian rhapsody" that follows the highs and lows of queen and their exuerbrant lead singer, freddie mercury. sat next to her brother, george, was lucy boynton who played mary austin in the movie, the siblings held hands whilst allen leech, another cast member of the movie (paul prenter), sat on the other side of kailani whilst rami malek (freddie mercury) sat in the row in front of them alongside gwilym lee (sir brian may) and joseph mazzello (john deacon). 
throughout the entire night, she was constantly being complimented on the outfit that she was wearing. in all honesty, she did somewhat enjoy the compliments but, it was only because of one thing. she felt ethereal in the dress and it truly distracted her from the anxieties that award shows normally gave her before recieving all of the crazy nominations ever since award season started. otherwise, if it didn't distract her, kailani would be a lot less accepting of the compliments and would try either straight ignoring them or swerving around them and throwing it back to the giver of the compliment. onto the dress, kailani was wearing a gold dress which was a sequined bandage bandeau, fitting her in tight like a corset. truthfully, kailani felt like a goddess and it only made sense that her stylists put her in a gold dress for the golden globes. 
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when it came to actually paying attention to the award show that was happening in front of her, kailani genuinely found it difficult because it was getting closer and closer to her category and it just made her zone out. because every time during this award season, she's wanted to protect her mind and her soul since this was the first time that she was ever being acknowledged because just like a couple others in her bohemian rhapsody cast, she had been doing this job since she was a kid. exactly like how her brother, george, had been in motorsport his whole life. however never once was she acknowledged or given her rightful praise for her wonderful talent until now after portraying the role of ophelia mercury, a women who was rumoured for many years to be freddie mercury's secret child. 
so, as she sat next to her brother, george and her other costar, allen leech who played the horrid paul prenter with her onscreen parents lucy and rami in the row in front of them, they all sat in wait. applause and awards were coming and going when gary oldman took the microphone to present kailani's category. instantly, she tensed up in fear, zoning out but keeping a soft smile look on her face as the overhead commentator announced the nominations as scenes of the movies played as well. george wrapping his arms around kailani whilst allen held her free hand and lucy and rami became contortionists as they twisted their arms behind them just so they could also comfort kailani as well. the other f1 racers that kailani had invited scattered elsewhere around the room.
"...the nominations are..." 
"...for bohemian rhapsody, kailani russell," everyone cheers as a small smile and chuckle leaves the zoned out kailani's mouth as she notices the camera really relising in her disassociation but doesn't acknowledge it as she applauds when she hears the scene in which her character, ophelia mercury accidentally finds out about her father freddie's aids diagnosis 
ophelia halts to a stop, this wasn't a conversation she wasn't supposed to run into, it was obvious, but, she couldn't help but feel curious. even then, it wasn't her fault, she was returning to the recording studio with some lunch for her dad freddie and her uncles, roger, john and brian when she heard the news. and before she could get herself out of the room or stop, she heard the very words that did it for her whilst she reached the middle of the room...
"...aids...i wanted you to hear it from me..."
ophelia only heard the "aids" part and everything else just became white noise as she dropped everything she had in her hands and slowly dropped to the floor. her legs going first as they folded underneath her and then her hands as they only just grazed the floor underneath her as tears streamed down her cheeks as her body hunched over itself. that was when freddie, john, roger and brian along with miami turned around, noticing that ophelia, seventeen-year-old ophelia mercury had accidentally walked into a conversation about her father's health that she shouldn't have. but did and now was traumatised over the fact that her father, who she had just found out about, was now getting a death sentence when he was still so young. 
"...dad, please don't say it's true! you...you never get sick...you...you..." ophelia tried to talk but she couldn't, her body rocked with sobs as immediately, roger, her favourite uncle, raced down to her and held her as she wailed as though she was a dying animal 
freddie sighed, kneeling in front of his daughter, he smiled softly, "...i'm sorry bunny but, it's true. but, i don't want you to be crying okay? i want to do what i was born to do with the time i have left. i'm freddie fucking mercury!" freddie smiled as ophelia chuckled wetly, her hand coming under her nose and wiping it as she lifted her head and nodded 
however, what came out of her mouth after was the most gut-wrenching, stomach-ripping thing as she sobbed softly, roger, john and brian huddling around her to comfort her. 
"but you're my dad..." 
everyong erupted into roars of applause as kailani's scene finished playing before gary stepped up to the microphone to announce the winner of the category's golden globe. but, one thing everyone seemed to be set on and shocked by was that scene that they had just watched. it was acted with pure brillance yet it was so nuanced at the same time and so understated that kailani played grief so well. and, it was that moment that everyone knew that the name that gary was about to read out was for sure kailani's, it had to be at this point. 
gary smiled brightly, nodding his head before speaking up into the microphone, "...and the golden globe goes to..." 
"...kailani russell, bohemian rhapsody..." gary oldman cheers, the older actor previously acting with the girl in a previous project when she was much younger, her brother and the rest of her bo-rhap cast doing the same thing whilst the room filled with loud applause as george and allen violently shook the girl out of her disassociation 
for a split moment, the poor girl seemed so confused as to why she was being pulled from side to side by her brother and co-star. but, once she saw gary motioning her to come to the stage since she, george and the bo-rhap cast were basically two rows from the front, she noticed the camera was on her and her cast mates hysterically celebrating up on the screen behind them and she realised. she had just won the golden globe for best actress - motion picture and she had to quickly think up of something to say as she scrambled to get up from her seat. 
after all the hugs from her brother, co-stars and an almost makeout session with lando norris? george was for sure going to question that later but not now, kailani finally made it to the stage. shaking her head at her former movie dad, she was pulled into a hug by gary as he congratulated her. grabbing the award from him and then another set of cheek and forehead kisses, she attempted to start her speech. 
"wooow. i mean, lord have mercy! i am honestly so grateful for this!" she struggled to find her footing let alone her proper breathing pattern as she giggled - proud that she didn't blurt out a swear word like she genuinely thought she would have in this situation 
she giggled before she stared at the award in her hand and continued, "this award is something special. when i was a kid, i was always winning things, have no idea why because i was doing so much that i couldn't just focus on one thing. but, i was always winning first in dance, gymnastics, netball, athletics, i was always getting gold, even in the odd karting competitions alongside george *giggles*. and every time i had to say something, kind of like i am right now, i'd be so overwhelmed and confused that i'd just start to hysterically laugh because i never knew what to say. and that...that's kind of how i feel right now that i'm truthfully surprised i didn't swear or that i'm not hysterically laughing right now..." kailani trailed off as she became emotional as she smiled softly, biting her lip 
"...i've been in this business since i was maybe around eight or nine. my first movie was with this man right next to me, mr gary oldman, and i remember feeling so excited when i was told that if our movie did well enough and if i did a good enough job, i'd be able to dress up and go do the award circut. however, by the time award season came around, we didn't even get one single nomination except for a golden globe nomination and it was for the movie as a whole but we didn't end up winning. and all of a sudden, there was no more award shows for us to attend since that was the only one we got nominated for. our cast not getting invited to any other award ceremony. but, i didn't want to be sad because i still got to go to my first ever award show and i still got to be sitting in a room with so many of my favourite actors and actresses and directors that i didn't want to be sad. because in some small way, our movie, our little indie movie was still good enough even if i specifically wasn't..." everyone watched as kailani told her story as tears welled in everyone's eyes as they listened intently at the girls heartbreaking story 
"...and now, all these years later, at twenty-five-years-old and finally, i'm in a movie that was more than good enough in a role that i was good enough in. and that role just happened to be the beautiful, wonderful, strong-willed ophelia mercury, the daughter of the masterful, exuberant, prowess freddie mercury *cheers*. working on bohemian rhapsody was a blessing that i never knew i was going to be blessed with. and it was something that at the time i didn't know i would need as bad as i did. this movie made me realise that i actually am good enough and that i am someone in this industry *applause*. now it's time i thank my brother, george who took time out of his busy formula one schedule along with some other races to even be here tonight as well as throughout the filming process, i love you guys! and now my beautiful and talented cast, thank you, because it's all down to them, rami, ben, gwilym, joseph, lucy, allen as the main ones but there were so many people that i don't have the time to individually thank them. i also want to extend my gratitude to dr brian may and roger taylor, thank you for trusting us with this beautiful and gorgeous story of freddie! you two were dreams to work with everyday on set and i can't thank you enough for the way you made everyone on our set feel welcomed, included but above all loved and safe. there has never been a set that i've felt as safe as i felt on the first day i walked onto the set of bohemian rhapsody and that feeling of safety has never left and it's been basically a year since filming ended *giggles*. so sorry i've said so much but, just, thank you so much to everyone that made this gorgeous movie possible and allowing me the opportunity to be acknowledged for it, thank you, i love you all, mwah! this is for you freddie and ophelia!" kailani finished as she hoisted her globe high as everyone (but mostly her bo-rhap family) screamed, applauded and cried for joy at their costar's success as gary and kailani walked off stage together so rami's category could be called out 
after rami's category was announced and won by himself which made kailani cry even more backstage, only to find out that the movie won in the very next and last award after that, the after-party roared in jubilation for all the nominees and winners. 
the golden globes were over and now there was only a couple of award shows left of the season and circut, kailani decided to post some photos from the night as she cuddled up against lando in the hotel room since the next one was a few weeks away and there was no use on flying back to the united kingdom just yet. 
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liked by landonorris, joe_mazzello, mrgwilymlee, lucyboynton1, georgerussell63 and 998,12,45k others
kailanirussell golden globes 2019 baby! 
thank you so much to every single person who helped me get to this point. i have dreamt of this day ever since my first movie with gary oldman. i know i mentioned it in my speech but, because of my very first golden globes, i thought the movies i was in and my acting in those movies was only good because of how many awards they were nominated for/won. which clearly blew my self esteem when for half of my child acting life, i was never nominated for anything in the solo categories and only nominated with the rest of my ensemble cast for the movies - not they ever won their nominated awards though. so, finally getting to have that moment where i got to get up and say "i am good enough" and "our movie is good enough" felt right and i'm beyond thankful that it was this beautiful movie, bohemian rhapsody, that got me that recognition little kailani used to obsessively pray for every time she did a new movie. working on bohemian rhapsody was an honour and it's something that i'll never be able to replicate ever again in any new movie i do and i'm glad because this movie will never be able to be replicated by anyone or another group of actors and actresses. rami, my darling, you were the perfect freddie, it didn't matter that you weren't the first choice because you were the choice that has got our beautiful little movie all these awards! ben, our beautiful benny, you were the perfect roger and joseph and gwil, you were the perfect disco deaky and astrophysicist brian. and lucy lu, my gorgeous luce, you were the perfect mary and i am so glad i got to do this movie alongside my (non-biological) twin sister even though i ended up playing the secret daughter of freddie. along with my beautiful allen who played the evilest man in the universe of queen, you were perfect and it truly was scary good at how well you encapsulated such a master manipulator because of how kind-natured and gentle you are. 
whilst i'm genuinly devastated that it's coming to the end of celebrating our special little thing, i wouldn't have wanted to celebrate it with anyone else. bohemian rhapsody has been an honour and a project that i'm never going to forget. and like freddie mercury once said, "you can be anything you want to be, just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be" 
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landonorris i am beyond proud of you my darling angel! seeing you up on that stage sent me to tears, you did amazing 🤍
joe_mazzello still crying! you did so well kiki! you were the perfect ophelia, no one could have done it better than you! i truly believe freddie and ophelia gave you this golden globe! 
mrgwilymlee the best ophelia mercury in the world! 
lucyboynton1 proudest (non-biological) twin sister in the world! 
georgerussell63 proudest brother in the world! you were fantastic munchkin
garyoldman so proud of you my love. you're not that little eight-year-old anymore 🤍
ramimalek what a fucking queen you are, kiki! congratulations my sweet 🤍
allenleech ok, yeah, i'm crying! i'm so proud of you, kiki!
brianmayforreal you deserved this more than ever, kiki! well done - bri xx
rogertaylorofficial the best ophelia mercury in the world! congratulations kiki bee xx
rewriting this but with the f1 grid (kind of) involved was really cool! bohemian rhapsody is truly one of my fave biopics since i love queen so much. every single time i rewatch it, i find so many new details that i'd never noticed before! i also apologise though for how short it was!
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The Present Race
Fandom: RPF, American Actor RPF, British Actor RPF, Bohemian Rhapsody Cast
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Female Reader
Characters: Joe Mazzello, Female Reader, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Original Female Character, Original Child Character, Rami Malek,
Word Count: 1100// Rating: Gen
Summary: It's time for a birthday but who will win first place in the present race?
Tags/ Warnings: Tooth Rotting Fluff, Kids, Babies, Birthday Parties, Borhap Cast, Friends, Established Relationship, Requested Fic, Request
Notes: working my way through requests. They're now closed till after halloween challenge
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REQUEST - @borhapgirlforlife19
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello × fem. reader oneshot where it's their daughter's first Birthday and they have a party at their house with Joe's family, reader's family, and the Borhap cast there? Also, Joe sits on the floor opening her gifts with his daughter beside him and she helps Joe tear off the wrapping paper and she lights up when he shows her the gifts and everybody takes pictures and gushes over how adorable she is?
‘Oh open mine first,’ Rami said grabbing a sleek square parcel off of the floor and handing it to Joe. He was sitting on the floor of the lounge, piles of presents around him and his daughter, Ellie, in between his legs. She was watching everyone excitedly though she didn’t quite understand the reason they were all gathered around was for her. It was her first birthday and though Joe and Y/N hadn’t gone all out with a massive birthday party they had invited their close friends around for dinner and cake to celebrate. 
‘Oh yeah put us all to shame,’ Ben chuckled as Joe took it off his friend. 
‘Yeah, get in first and hope we can’t outdo right Rami?’ Gwilym said with a smile. 
‘What can I say,’ he shrugged, ‘there’s a reason he picked me to be godfather.’ 
‘We picked,’ Y/N said coming to sit down beside Rami on the couch. 
‘Shall we just get our coat, Ben?’ Gwilym said with a chuckle. 
‘Think we better had mate,’ Ben chuckled. 
Before anyone could say anything else Ellie made a frustrated noise. She had been sitting looking up at Joe who was unknowingly holding the present just out of her grasp. Joe noticed her and said, ‘oh sorry honey.’
He placed the package on the floor where she immediately started to paw at it grasping the neat wrapping in her chubby grip. With a giggle of excitement, she yanked at it squealing as chunks of it started to come off in her hand. 
‘Be careful mate,’ Ben said, ‘she might have your hand off.’
‘She’s got good taste,’ Rami said. Soon enough Joe started helping her and they pulled off all the wrapping paper until it was completely unwrapped. It was a small shoe box which once Joe opened revealed a tiny pair of trainers. 
‘Are those trainers?’ Ben asked.
‘Not just any they’re bloody Gucci,’ Gwilym said with a whistle. 
‘Nice,’ Joe said, ‘I mean she will one hundred per cent kick them off after five minutes but they’re pretty neat.’ 
‘Oh they’ll be on the floor of any store we go to within seconds but they’re pretty cute I must say,’ Y/N said.
As if to prove her parent’s point Ellie took that opportune moment to grab one of the shoes in her scrunched-up fist and launch it out towards where the boys were sitting though it somehow went backwards clunking Joe on the head. 
‘Ouch,’ Joe said which only made her giggle. 
‘Well that was worth it even if she won’t wear them,’ Rami laughed. 
‘Yeah very funny,’ Joe grumbled. His moaning wasn’t taken notice of for long though as Ellie was up off her bottom and crawling towards the neat pile of presents a little way out of her reach. She grabbed out for one but Joe merely leaned forward and took it out of her reach. 
‘Dada,’ she grumbled though her pout seemed to retreat as he placed it in front of her. She immediately started tugging the paper off. 
‘I guess we’re not allowed to know who this one is off are we El,’ Y/N chuckled. 
‘It’s me,’ Gwilym said as Ellie continued to ravage what was now showing to be a big box. The box was brightly coloured something that seemed to get the baby’s attention immediately. 
‘What is it?’ Rami asked peering over Ellie’s head which was blocking his view. 
‘This pull-along toy thing,’ Gwilym said, ‘it’s a caterpillar you pull along. Meant to help with walking and stuff. And it’s good for motor skills and-’
‘And you did pages of research right Gwil?’ Joe chuckled. 
‘Well you gotta get it right, right?’ he asked, a little tinge of pink now across his cheeks and nose.
‘Well if not just throw cash at it right?’ Ben said. 
‘Hey just because that’s what you do with all the girls in your life,’ Rami said holding his hands up and making a laugh ring out around the room. Even Ellie giggled along oblivious to the joke she’d missed. 
‘It’s lovely Gwil,’ Y/N said looking at the ornate wooden toy her daughter had seemingly lost all interest in as it was discarded with the shoes as she headed back to the other present that was laying just out of her reach. 
‘Looks like she’s not too fussed,’ Rami said. 
‘That’s because our girl has taste,’ Ben said sliding off of the couch until he was sitting in a similar position to Joe, legs splayed around the present that was in front of him. Ellie crawled to it, pulling herself up on the large box as she got there. She stood wobbling slightly. 
‘What do you think El?’ Ben said, ‘should we open it?’ 
‘Open,’ she giggled banging on the box with her chubby fist. 
‘You don’t have to tell me twice,’ Ben said pulling wrapping paper off the box with little help from Ellie. 
‘What is it?’ Gwilym said. 
‘A baby drumkit,’ Rami said.
‘Oh great,’ Y/N said. 
‘Yeah thanks man,’ Joe said as Ben opened the box and pulled it out. It was a plastic stand with individual sections that could be played. Buttons and knobs for turning. Bright lights and things to fiddle with littered the small console. 
‘Hey,’ Ben said, ‘it’s our job to make sure she drives you up the wall. Besides, it’s not just a drumkit. It’s a complete set of musical instruments in one handy console.’ 
As if that was her cue Ellie started banging on some of the buttons making it whizz to life. A sickly-sweet voice rang out saying, ‘dog!’ which was then followed by a woof. Ben moved around, his hand on Ellie’s side keeping her upright as she started to smash the buttons under her fingers. A cacophony of animal noises rang out around the room not waiting for the machine to finish speaking before it was announcing the next one. 
‘Am I back in the running for best present then?’ Rami said looking between his friends. 
‘Let’s see how long it takes the batteries to run out before we make a decision huh?’ Joe chuckled. 
‘You like it El?’ Ben said looking into the baby’s round hazel eyes. She nodded, ‘gizza kiss then,’  Ben said placing his cheek in front of her as two chunky fists slapped him roughly in the face before drool-covered lips placed a kiss on his cheek. 
‘Now there’s a review we can’t compete with,’ Gwilym said. 
‘What did you expect?’ Y/N laughed, ‘Ben’s got a way with women.’ 
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Oh Lordy... I hope this is okay - Queen boys and BoRhap boys with a female reader after a one night stand (something fluffy hopefully?) thanks love xx
Oh, you bet! And it’s perfectly okay!!! (I am not 100 percent of the smut rules on Tumblr but I don’t wanna risk nothin’)
You know he would be all smirks and smiles the next day! He keeps wanting to sleep in and you aren’t sure what to do. So when you turn around and he flutters his eyes open, he places a hand on your face and smiles. But once you walk out, the wobble in your step is impossible not to notice.
“I’m that good, eh?” he would say.
“Shut up, where’s the bathroom?” you ask.
“It’s to the right, angel.”
He would be a lot more lovey. He would also want to sleep in. But as soon as his eyes open, he groans and gets up to see you with a blanket wrapped around you, looking out the window.
“Hello Y/N,” he would mumble.
Turning around, you whisper a “hello.”
“Are you alright, darling?”
“I’m...uh, yeah, I’m alright.”
And you settle into each others arms and stay there until noon, smiling and content, peppering kisses all over each other.
He would be such a shy bean. He is shocked this has even happened. He would wake up before and see you naked or with his shirt in his bed and jump a little.
“Oh god...oh god...I can’t make it seem awkward” he would think.
When you turn around and wish him good morning, he would blush red as a beet.
“Are you alright, John?” you ask. 
“It’s just...uhm...are you okay? I just...I don’t think I hurt you last night, did I?”
You would kiss his cheek, “better than okay.”
Grinning, he would return it. But soon enough you both are kissing so hard he already wants another round before you have to go.
And with whichever one, Freddie would peek in once you two were asleep and go peek at you guys together, toss some flower petals (like that one gif I can’t find) over you both, and then quietly leave.
Now for BohRap boys...
He is a total sweetheart and a hopeless romantic. He would gaze thoughtfully at you while you slept.
But he is also surprised this happened. He loves commitment and he knows he could fall for you- fast.
But once you wake up and see him, he knows he has to get your number or something. So he will settle you in his arms and talk about how amazing last night was in his buttery voice.
“Was I...was I alright?” you ask shyly.
“You were perfect.”
Like Rami, he would also be kind of surprised. He wonders what on earth he would say to you, but also how beautiful and peaceful you look in your sleep (esp. with his hickeys on your neck still).
Once your eyes open and you see each other, you smile. The awkwardness withstanding.
“Hey Y/N...would you like some eggs?”
“Yes. Medium, please.”
Once he brings over the plates and you both eat in bed, you wind up laughing and talking, reliving all that excitement and magic that made you both jump into the sheets last night.
He’s like Roger bc they are long lost father and son so he would be another smug ass bastard when he first wakes up and takes you in.
He would stare at the ceiling for a bit, this is off his routine and he wants security, but he would smile at the thought of last night, replaying everything in his head.
Once you wake up and turn to him, you jump a little.
“Morning, get enough rest? We were up late...”
“I...I did,” you say. 
He would look at the floor, something about you was just...just getting to him. And he knew he just met you, but he couldn’t just let you go. And you weren’t showing signs you wanted to go yet.
“I could make you some coffee, if you like,” he offers.
“That would be great,” you would croak.
He goes to the kitchen trying to keep from smiling, secretly he’s already in love.
He would wake up seeming serious, a light hangover on his brain. But he smiles like a melted pumpkin, especially at the sight of you. But then fall asleep again.
Then you start to wake up, unsure what to do or where to go. And you turn, looking at him softly. 
He would then wake up and smile at you. You would pull up the sheets over your mouth and gaze wide-eyed at him. Timidity overtook you.
But he would dreamily grin and pull you up close, kissing your forehead.
“Last night was amazing...but I got a damn headache...”
“Your poor head...” you would say, pecking it.
“That seems to cure it already,’ he would chuckle “by the way...can I have your number?”
Taglist: @queenlover05 @stardust-killer-queen
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Tangled Hearts - A Tangled A.U. ~ Moodboard
Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
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taglist : @mazzell-ro // @somarsword // @mistiermistshazierdays // @speciallyred // @lizgarxo //
taglist is open!
series masterlist || main masterlist
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Which trope irritates you the most or you think is just plain ridiculous?
I’ll start
It’s when rude!guy is getting physically aggresive with female!protagonist at her place of work or somewhere public and male!protagonist gets into fisticuffs with rude!guy (for being rude duh!) yet somehow female!protagonist gets mad at male!protagonist (??????) for making a scene because she apparently had it “under control” even though rude!guy almost practically had her in a chokehold or something
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80s-roger · 5 years
affair pt4 - Dad!Roger x Fem!Reader
click one of those if you wanna check:
masterlist ~ part one ~ part two ~ part three
warnings: bring tissues if you easily cry (abortion)
words: 1,417
note: there won’t be any other part of these series! I have a new idea coming soon x
Roger left you at the hospital, fed up with your situation. You attack him all the time, you don't give him space to apologise. All you always do is remind him how much of a terrible husband he is. However, he did love you. That's for sure. But now? Does he? You? Of course, you still love him after the constant affairs and fights, that's why you're the one who hurts the most. You hurt for both. And now? He impregnated you when the last thing you wanted, was a child.
Today he has an interview on tv and you were curious to hear it. You opened the TV waiting for him to appear at the panel. Roger trolled the paps and the interviewers since day one and he still does. But now, from the second the camera was on him, you could tell he was moody, bored, pissed off or thoughtful. You don't even know what's happening in his mind.
"So Roger will we expect your upcoming tour dates?" the interviewer asked your husband.
"Of course. This album has so many songs we loved making in the process and we can't wait for you all to hear them live." he wasn't really excited when giving answers.
"Do you have any favourite?" she asked.
"Oh yes, totally, I really love The Invisible Man, maybe because I wrote it and John's bass riff was in my mind while reading the book I was inspired by. Even the music video is so much fun. We enjoyed making it." he smiled as he remembered the making of the video.
"Do you hang out with your bandmates?"
"Ehm, not really these last years, you know, family, kids... It's our job making music to you all but we do love it." He shook his head trying to explain and the interviewer seemed to understand.
"As one of the family guys in Queen, with the fewer kids," she stopped for a second to laugh and so did Roger when he awkwardly changed position and began teasing his wedding ring nervously. You know he's doing it when he's nervous. He's obviously nervous about the rest of the question. "Do you consider expanding your family?" she asked and waited for a positive answer. You were dying for his answer.
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"Well, after getting back with my wife... We um... We will just let it happen and not force it." He nodded.
"You seem like you're hiding us something!" she teased him but obviously, she had no idea what's going on in your family life.
"You don't know what's happening behind closed doors, don't you?" he sarcastically said, trying not to sound as cynic as he was.
"Oh you're right but, a baby, is always good news!" she laughed and he stared at the ground, his wedding ring still on nervous circles with his finger.
"Oh, you telling me?" He awkwardly laughed but you believed that was a hint towards you. You were heartbroken from his attitude towards you. It's obvious he dislikes staying with you, under the same roof, just for your kid's sake and now the upcoming's but what about your sake? You're both humans and all you do is destroying each other's lives. He indeed, made tries to show you he has changed but then he started it again. Cheating. Sleeping with other women, not staying with you and Audrey most of the nights. Ain't he even tired of this? Your silence was just blindness to him. No. It was you, being sick of his actions. You couldn't talk. Your kid, remember?
"Papa, why did you pick me up from school?" Audrey asked Roger as he placed her inside his car.
"Don't you want me to pick you up?" He asked her while wearing the seatbelt around her.
"Sure! But mama is picking me up. Where is she?" She asked concerned.
"She wasn't feeling well so I came to pick you up!" he smiled at her and got to his seat, ready to start the engine. "So, what are you doing with your mum when I'm working?" He asked her, ready to give her a good time.
"Um, s-she is just taking me back home and she helps with my homework. Our teacher says I am a great student!" He could tell how excited she was with her new life in primary school.
"Don't you go anywhere besides home, baby?" He asked.
"Twice a month we go to the cinema in the afternoon. But you never came with us..." That sounded like a complaint. She wasn't wrong. Roger didn't say a word. He knew exactly what he was doing after seven pm.
"You know how much I wanted to join you, but being a musician isn't an easy task, baby." He looked at her as the traffic light was red.
"So will you take me somewhere now?"
"Of course! Have you ever been to the zoo?" He excitedly asked his precious daughter.
"No!" She was so thrilled by his suggestion.
"t ready and I'll also get you some peanuts to feed the elephants!" He laughed and so did she.
Their visit to the zoo was something remarkable for the Taylor members of your family. You really wished you could have a family moment, all three, but Roger liked manipulating you emotionally. And now you were at the hospital, asking if you could interrupt your pregnancy. As long as he's not present you can do whatever you want.
"But the fetus, is alright, you do know the possible consequences of interrupting your pregnancy, right?" The doctor asked.
"Ι do know them and I want to continue." You said with terror covering your soul. You knew that: You would possibly be barren, you would feel guilty which will bear down on your mental health, you would have suicidal acts for real this time, even issues to your sexual life. You don't really care about yourself anymore.
The doctor examined you again, gave you the appropriate pills and all stuff. You were ready to undergo an abortion. You didn't want this kid. It was Roger who did but he would be the last member of this family who would take care of it. He isn't even around Audrey most of the times.
"Are you ready Mrs. Taylor?" The doctor said and you were almost ready to feel the cold tools, touching your entrance.
You were at the room again, feeling worse than ever in your entire existence. You could feel that something was wrong inside you. Of course, they took a baby out of you. A part from you was taken and it happened after your permission. Now you want to die. You are dead inside.
"Y/n?" You heard Roger's smooth voice echoing the room. He didn't know yet. He thought you would feel better as the time passed by. But now you're like shit, worse than before. You were just looking at him. "Hey, I got Audrey to the zoo after school, now she's at my sister's." He sat next to you, acting like nothing has ever happened between you two. "Why don't you say anything?" He asked concerned.
The nurse came a few seconds later, fixing the block diagram below the bed. Roger looked at the red double arrow, looking at you shocked (note: red double arrow means surgeon in nursery).
"Wh-what did y-you do?" His voice was trembling. He was staring at you shocked, disappointed, and frightened. "We said you'd keep it." he came closer to you.
"You said..." you whispered, with your remaining strength. "I'm sorry." Guiltiness took over you and started crying but he didn't say anything. He just noticed the damage he did to you. He noticed how damaged you were. How fragile.
"Don't be... I am sorry..." He kissed you and you felt him crying too as he hugged you tight. "Sorry, I hadn't noticed so long. I-I'll take good care of you now, I promise." He apologised.
"Don't make any more promises, I've had enough of them." You said as he looked at you again.
"No, I'm gonna keep this promise. I won't let you do any harm to yourself. Nothing. It's just you, me and Audrey." He kissed you again.
He was about to fix you. He did try to make you feel better. From that day he never left your side. Never cheated on you again, considering your devastating mental health and abortion. Audrey, would learn about it many years later. Roger brought out the husband you wanted him to be like since the day your life took its downhill but somehow he lifted you up.
taglist: @bohemiansweede​ @funitrog​
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bo-queen-rhap · 5 years
Rainy Days
Thank you @lablanchett for the request! Request: Something cheesy and smutty at the same time (Rami)
Rami Malek x fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY
1k words
enjoy ;)
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The rain just wouldn’t let up. You continued to woefully stare out the window of your fourth floor apartment, the sound of rain hitting the pavement below ringing in your ears. You feel the new presence of a body standing behind you, and warm air hits your neck as he sighs. Turning to look at your boyfriend, you stick your bottom lip out into a pout and watch as high eyes turn sad.
“It’s okay babe,” his hands come to rest on your waist and he places a light kiss on your hairline. “We can go to the beach another day.”
An almost-smile forms on your lips and you nod. “So what are we supposed to do today?” You had really been looking forward to a relaxing day at the beach with Rami; it was rare that you both had a full day off together.
“We can do whatever we want! Watch movies, play board games, listen to music…” his sudden excitement made you smile, which then only made him become more enthusiastic about your impending lazy, rainy day at home. “Maybe we can do some… other stuff” he winked and wiggled his eyebrows sending you into a small fit of giggles. You playfully nudged his chest and he attacked you into a hug, rubbing your cheek into his soft green sweater. “It will be a great day, I promise” his voice returning to a serious and reassuring tone.
A couple of hours later you were sitting cross-legged on the sofa, munching on Chinese take-out, fully immersed in the 90s rom-com you’ve already seen a thousand times. As Heath Ledger slides down a speaker pole while singing “Can’t Take My Eyes off You”, you can actually feel a pair of eyes intensely staring at you. With a piece of lo mein hanging out of your mouth, you turn your head to stare back at Rami questioningly. “I love watching you eat” he blurts out and you swallow your food raising an eyebrow at him.
“Oh my god you’re such a weirdo” “But I’m your weirdo” You can’t help but grin at his cuteness and you’re about to resume your meal when he takes the food from your hands and places it on the coffee table. You don’t even get the chance to yell at him before he’s got his hands under your thighs, pulling you onto his lap. “Oh now?” you ask playfully.
“Yes now.” He responds matter-of-fact and crushes his lips into yours. You immediately begin kissing him back, the two of you falling into a very familiar rhythm. His left hand comes up to tangle itself in your hair as he pulls your head even closer into him. His right is planted firmly on your ass and you push yourself into it, causing him to squeeze your left cheek. He lets out a small moan and you laugh into his mouth, loving how much you turn him on. He takes this opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, and you lightly nip on it with your teeth.
Your hands find their way to his hair, and his slip under your shirt going straight for your bra clasp. After fiddling with it for a few seconds, it comes undone and he lets it hang off of your shoulders while his hands cup your breasts, lightly massaging them. He squeezes your nipples, loving how hard they get under his touch, and you pull your mouth away from his to sigh in pleasure.
He dips his head down to suck on the skin above your collarbone, and you start rocking your hips forward feeling your wetness between your skin and clothing. He continues to kiss and suck on your neck but when he gently bites, you moan loudly and can immediately feel his half-hard cock pulse beneath you.
You pull apart and fumble around, trying to take off each other’s shirts while staying as connected as possible. With half your clothes thrown on the floor, he takes your nipple into his mouth, lightly sucking before laying you down beneath him on the sofa. He smiles at you as he pulls your pants and underwear down from your hips and you lift your legs to help him. Once he gets his off as well, he begins placing light kisses on your hips, then makes his way up your stomach to your chest. You dig your nails into his back as he sucks on one nipple while working the other one with his hand.
You feel yourself getting more wet and your moans grow loader until you can’t take anymore and longingly scream out “Fuck me Rami”
Without a word he quickly lines himself up with your entrance and slides into you causing your toes to curl. You wrap your legs around his waist to give him a better angle and feel him pushing even deeper. Your eyes roll back as he speeds up his thrusting. He’s staring at you with lust in his eyes which are darker than usual and you whimper each time that he hits your spot. He places his lips onto yours and you take turns pushing tongues together and biting lips. With one hand holding himself above you the other is frantically exploring your body, rubbing all over your breasts and down your torso. You’re gripping his shoulders, nails leaving small dents in his skin.
You feel your legs start to shake and his thrusting starts to slow. “I’m gonna cum” you both say at the same time and like clockwork you release into each other. Suddenly you’re aware of how heavy you’re both panting and he lays his head in your neck as he tries to catch his breath. You purse your lips and place them on his forehead, keeping them there for a few moments. After a while of just laying completely still except for the rising and falling of your chests, you break the silence.
“Hey babe?”
He glances up to meet your eyes, “Yeah?”
“You can pull out of me now.”
“Oh shit, sorry” you both laugh as he separates his body from yours. He stands up to begin sorting through the clothing on the floor and turns around to catch you staring at his ass. “I don’t think we’d be able to do that at the beach” he laughs and you just fling a throw pillow at him.
Permanent taglist: @godknowsimtaylored @blxxdy-hell @getdownmakeluv @mazzellocheese @littledarlingwellaway @thekillercoolcat @39hystericalqueens @drummerqueenrmt @jiswoogannon
Let me know if you want to be added to the permanent taglist!
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Lyutsifer Safin X Fem!Reader Cute Prompt with brief angst
!TW: Jealousy and anxiety!
“Tell me the truth, Y/n,” Safin demanded after he’d heard you talking to Mike at the door, “who is he?”
You groaned, looking away from him. “He-” You sighed, rubbing your arm; you were nervous for his reaction to your answer. “We used to - go out together, in High School,” you admitted, and Safin grimaced, “but - but he’s nothing to me, now, Safin.” You stepped closer to him, and he glanced down at you, trying desperately to believe you. “I love you, Safin,” you expressed, “and that will never change, I promise.”
Safin tilted his head partially, lifting an eyebrow as he did. “Why do you love me, Y/n?” Safin questioned, and you tried to think of a single answer to his question, but struggled because there were many reasons why you loved him.
“Just - Because,” you answered, embarrassed at yourself as you stammered, looking away from him. Safin took your hesitation the wrong way, and he turned to walk away from you, panicking you as you caught his arm, a pained expression on your face. “Safin, wait, d-don’t-”
“It’s fine, Y/n,” Safin interrupted, grimacing, “don’t worry about me.”
“Don’t do this,” you pleaded, “I just - There are so many reasons why I love you, Safin, I - I just wasn’t sure about which one I should use to answer your question.”
Safin glanced back at you, reluctantly letting his eyes meet your’s. “Then kiss me, instead,” Safin requested, and you nodded, smiling weakly, before you connected your lips to his soft ones.
“Sylvia-!” You exclaimed after she’d bit your hand suddenly; you had been trying to get her to eat the vegetables she’d left on her plate by offering them to her on a spoon, but she was being incredibly stubborn, and consistently rejecting them. Sylvia responded with what sounded like a hissing noise, and you acted shocked, not expecting it from her. “Did you just hiss at me?” You questioned, and Sylvia sounded out the noise again, before she climbed down from the chair and ran out of the room.
Shortly after, Safin carried her back into the room; he’d been trying to catch her whilst she ran around the house; you’d both decided to return to your house as you were worried about Safin being found by James, the MI6 or the CIA. “What happened, Y/n?” Safin inquired, before he sat down on the chair next to you with Sylvia still in his arms.
“She was refusing to eat her vegetables, and then she bit my hand and hissed at me,” you relayed, and Safin frowned, disappointed by his daughter’s behaviour.
“You can’t treat your mother like that, Sylvie,” Safin stated, scolding her gently, “she wants the best for you; we both want the best for you, so you need to treat us with respect.” Sylvia whined, before she hid her face in Safin’s blue coat, beginning to cry as she felt guilty for how she’d been acting, and she also didn’t like to be scolded. “Apologise to your mother, Sylvie,” Safin commanded in a soft voice, and Sylvia looked back at you, before she reached for you, wanting you to hold her.
Safin searched for your approval, before he carefully passed her to you. “I’m sorry, mummy,” Sylvia expressed, before she hugged you tightly, clinging to your shoulders.
“It’s okay, Sylvie,” you reassured her, before you returned the hug, stroking her black hair to comfort her. Sylvia began to calm down; you couldn’t hear her crying anymore, or sniffling - she might have even fallen asleep in your arms. When you were convinced that she had, you returned your attention to Safin who was still beside you, smiling warmly when he noticed you looking at him. “Thank you,” you broke the silence, and Safin nodded.
“You’re welcome,” Safin returned, “I’d do anything for you, Y/n.”
You giggled quietly, unable to stop yourself. “I know,” you replied, “you’d even defend me from a toddler.” Safin grinned, amused, before he nodded again.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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rami-writes-blog · 6 years
Highschool Sweethearts- Chapter 1 (Reader x Rami Malek)
~ it has been a while. But here I am with another story. For all the people reading ‘Someone like... Me?’. The story is as per yesterday finished with in total 19 chapters. It’s in full on Wattpad: @Rami-Writes. Let me know what your thoughs are about my stories. love to hear them <3′
A/N: Please be advised that this is not a true story and is purely fictional. The pictures, quotes and GIF's used - are not mine.  Warnings: 18+, (self)harming, drugs, alcohol.
'’Ugh. Today will be a long day''. I whine and sigh out loud as Mel and I walk into school together. It's already super crowded and I immediately regret that I got out of bed for this this morning.
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''You know I'll be to the dentist in 1,5 hours.. Right Lo?''  Fuck, I completely forgot that it was today. That means it'll just me for lunch today. Damn, I really hate sitting alone with lunch. I always feel so watched by other people. So awkward. ''Yea I know'' I pretend that I remember. She gives me a kiss on my cheek and walks away. '''I have class. See you later!'' she waves at me. Quickly put in my earbuds and listen to some music.
After I grabbing my stuff out of my locker, I walk off to class. I have English for two hours. It's a good thing that the teacher usually lets us work for ourselves so at least I won't have to engage with other people.
When I walk into the classroom, I'm happy to see that the desk way in the back, is still free. I always sit there since nobody really pays attention to anyone back there. I put my English book upright on my desk, hide behind it and grab my notebook and pen. I've had writers block for days now and I sure hope today will be the day I'll be putting some words on paper again.
I love writing lyrics. Well since I actually never sing, unless I'm alone in my room, I'm guessing 'poems' is a better word. I'm lost deep in my thoughts and music, when suddenly I get this feeling  that I'm being watched. When I peek over the book, I can see the teacher looking at me. Just as the rest of the class is. All my blood rushes towards my cheeks immediately. Fuck. I quickly put down the book and remove the earbuds from my ear. ''I- I'm sorry'' I apologize as I clear my throat. I'm too ashamed to look at anyone now so in stead I just look at my desk and nervously draw circles on it with my finger.
''Alright. Now that Mrs. Taylor has finally decided to join us again''.. Mr. Wilde clears his throat, stops for a second and looks at me again .. Thanks a lot, shithead. I think to myself.  Now everyone will be talking about me for the rest of the day. Or maybe even the entire week. Fuck... My life.
Ashamed I'm slouching in my chair. Luckily he goes on pretty quickly after that. ''Class. As of today we have a new student in our middle, to graduate with the rest of you'' Hmm.. A new student? When I finally dare to look around from underneath my lashes to find out  that all the attention has been drawn from me, I dare to look up again.
My eyes immediately fall on the tallish, handsome boy next to him ''Hi, I'm Rami'', he says with a deep and sensual voice. Rami... What a beautiful name. He puts up his hands to kind of make this wave-gesture and I can tell he's kind of uncomfortable. As he smiles friendly, he exposes his white teeth a bit and the way he smiles makes my knees kind of tremble.
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''And since he's new here. Please be nice to him. Or I WILL find out. And you WILL be in trouble.'' Mr. Wilde warns with holding his index finger up, before he lets Rami take a seat. He's is such an uptight douchebag.
In the middle of the room, one of the popular and also prettiest girls, Jacky, pushes away her friend next to her to clear the seat.. Clearly hoping Rami will go and sit there. She's just making eyes at him, throwing her hair flirtatious over her shoulder. She's so dumb, I roll my eyes at her.
Suddenly I see he's looking my way. Shit, the seat next to me and Jacky are the only ones that are free. I nervously sit up straight again, pretending to being busy with my book. PLEASE. Come sit here, I think to myself.. I try not to be too obvious, because that's lame. Besides, I know beforehand he'll choose Jacky. They always do.
''Now – please continue working on your assignment. IN PEACE.'' The tacher adds strictly. He's gesturing Rami to take a seat. I actually don't dare to look at him, but I need to take a quick peek. To my amazement Rami's gaze continues to linger on me and the seat next to me, not even giving Jacky any attention. She's definitely not happy with that. Fuck. Fuck Fuck.. What am I gonna say? He comes walking towards me. Act cool Lo. ACT. COOL.
''Hey'' he says with a friendly smile, as he sits down at the desk next to mine. ''uh no problem'' I immediately blur out. NO! What was that? For so far the ''act cool''.. I actually facepalm myself and he laughs at that. I was actually expecting him to ask if he could sit next to me. I clear my throat silently and shift lightly in my seat.
I take a deep breath. ''Ok. I'm going to do that again. Hey. I'm Loren'' I laugh nervously as I turn to him and stick out my hand for him to shake it. ''But people call me Lo''. I see some girls giggling at me so my cheeks turn even more red. Why me, God? Why me? He takes my hand softly. ''Well my name you know already'' he says sweetly. Holding my hand just a second longer than actually neccesary. Setting my skin on fire.
I put one earbud again to avoid being awkward and turn back to my 'work'. Secretly I try to steal another glance of him, from underneath my laches. My cheeks turn red when I see he's looking at me. I feel like a kid that's been caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar. He smiles at me and moves a few inches closer, moving with his entire desk my way. ''So...'' he says in a low volume. With his desk now shoved against mine he's dangerously close to me.. And as if that's not enough he even bends a bit towards me.
With only a few inches between my ear and his mouth he whispers ''what are you listening to?''. His voice so deep and his warm breath caressing my skin, giving me goosebumps all over. ''Uhm..'' When I turn my head a bit to face him, his big green eyes are still watching my every move, waiting for my response. ''Uhm. Just my playlist from Spotify?''. I eventually respond in a kind of questioning tone.
He looks at me with an expecting look in his eyes. There's something about him. He smiles brightly and is sweet. He acts outgoing but something tells me he's really insecure.. I don't know, it's something in his eyes. Or maybe it's just a vibe he sends.. Something tells me he puts up walls, a mask.. a happy face. To anyone around him. Who's the sweet and funny guy who'll do anything for anyone, anytime. Who looks so carefree. But as soon as he comes home and takes of he's just the lonely one.. just like me.
''You want to listen?'' I ask him politely as I offer him the other earbud. He nods and gratefully accepts the earbud. ''Just hit next if you don't like the song'' I let him know as I lay my phone in between us.
My heart races like crazy at this moment and I feel quite nervous. Both in a good way and a not-so-good way. I pick up my pen and paper again and start to write. I feel kind of.. guilty? But also so good too. In matter of seconds he made happen what I couldn't for days, give me inspiration. I mean how is it that this guy, who's a complete stranger to me, makes me feel things that I've never even felt with Ty? In literally, only MINUTES.
I can tell Rami is glancing my way every once in a while. When I secretly peek his way, I notice he's also busy with a notebook in front of him. Every now and then our eyes lock for a second and we smile politely or make some small talk and before I know it the two hours fly by really fast. As the bel rings loudly, I quickly put everything in my backpack and swing it over my shoulder. I give Rami a polite smile as a flush strikes my cheeks once again and walk past him.
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader onshot where Joe surprises reader with a trip to the beach and while there, Joe has another surprise for reader? He proposes in a sweet and romantic way! ❤️
A/N Omg yes! Once again, I’m so sorry about the wait😭. I have the attention span of a goldfish istg. Here we go!
Love Of My Life
Joe Mazzello x fem! reader.
Warnings: FLUFFF. Marriage proposal.
"I'm not complaining in any way but what gave you the idea to wake me up at 6'oclock in the morning to take me down to the beach?"
You stared at your boyfriend as he focused on the road. You'd been driving for 2 hours and it was coming up 8:30am. Joe had gently shaken you awake three hours before your alarm would've and told you to get ready for a road trip.
You'd sat up with bleary eyes to ask him where you were going and nearly pounced him when he replied with, "the beach." You loved the beach and he knew it, this knowledge allowing him to be able to pack your bags for you while you slept. After showering together, you'd eaten breakfast and then loaded your luggage into the car before taking off.
You currently sat shotgun with Master of Puppets blaring from the radio as you speed down the highway, awaiting the answer to your question. Joe shrugged before replying.
"I know you've been stressed out with work lately and we haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time together cause I've been away filming so I thought it might be nice for us to have a little getaway."
You were very satisfied with that answer and proceeded to play air guitar to yourself while Joe was inwardly much more panicked. While that was true, there was one crucial part he'd left out. A velvet ring box was currently tucked away in a hidden pocket and burning a hole through the bottom of his suitcase. As you continued to dance in your seat, oblivious to your boyfriend's internal crisis, you were also unaware of a certain Malek's car trailing a couple behind your own.
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You laughed and pulled Joe yelling down onto the sand with you. He braced his arms by your head to stop himself before he fell on top of you. His big, brown eyes zeroed in adoringly on yours and all you could see in them was endless, genuine love and... a hint of nervousness? You sat up and cradled his face in your hands.
"Joe, baby, you look worried. Is everything okay?"
He stood up and held out a hand for you. You followed him as he moved the two of you to a picnic blanket covered in rose petals and a bottle of champagne in the corner. The sun was beginning to set, shrouding the world in a pink and gold haze. Joe stared into the distance off to the side of your head. He nodded, seemingly to himself and turned his attention back to you.
"I'm okay babe."
He took a deep breath and held your hands in his.
"Y/n. I have known you for 20 incredible years but it feels like I've known you my whole life. You're my other half, my best friend, my soulmate, although you'll have to fight Rami and Ben for those titles."
You giggled, eyes shining with anticipation. Joe continued.
"The day I met you would turn out to be the greatest day of my life, until the day I finally asked you to be mine. But now I'm hoping today will become the new greatest day of my life when I ask you to be mine forever. You make my life worth living and I don't want to live it without you. So, Y/n M/n L/n."
He got down on one knee and you gasped as he pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring you'd seen in your life.
"My beautiful, darling girl, will you do me the greatest honor of my life, and marry me?"
You nodded fiercely, too overwhelmed with love and emotion to speak.
"Yes? Really?"
"Yes! A million time over, yes! Yes I will marry you Joseph Francis Mazzello III."
Joe slid the ring on your finger and spun you around, laughing at the use of his full name and crying tears of pure, unadulterated joy. Through your tears you had failed to notice the slight flashing of a camera to your far left. Rami was crouched in the bushes with a Nikon and had been taking pictures the whole time.
What you thought had been a distracted gaze and self-assuring nod from your fiancé was actually a signal to his best friend to channel his inner paparazzi. You grinned at Rami and gave him a wave, still crying but the happiest you'd ever been. You would be marrying the love of your life soon. He kissed you once again and whispered his I love you's over and over like a mantra in your ear.
Best beach trip ever.
- Sarah💛
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warriorteam1924 · 3 years
In the quiet of the night
Ben Hardy x (fem?)Reader
Author’s note : Hi my beauties. The end of October is here already and I wanted a special piece for halloween. Although it seems I’m completely empty, I came up with this lil writing. This is dedicated to a very special person, someone who never ever let me down, no matter what I’m going through. The kind of person I’m truly thankful to have in my life. Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Also, I remind you English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes….Last but not least, this is fiction, so the dates and events are not exactly the same as reality....
Warnings : Here i am, threatening and frightening you for halloween. not because it’s scary but because of my writing style. 
Summary : A special Halloween with Ben Hardy....
Words count : 1,876 words
Permanent tag list : @reavenedges-lies @thosequeenboys @born-to-lose @orionis8689 @queenlover05​
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October had literally been hectic for you and for your boyfriend Ben. It was as if everything and everyone had agreed to make sure the two of you would spend less and less time together. But of course, nor you or Ben would blame the other for this over busy period.
 As far as you were concerned, you had had a promotion and it was crazy at work. You were truly proud because you had worked really hard to get this opportunity to get this higher position in your office, and so was Ben. Yet, while you were doing your best to make sure everything was going alright at work, it seems it wasn’t the other employees’ first priority. Of course, as you were now manager, it was your responsibility to make sure everything was okay, but it appeared you couldn’t rely at all on your co-workers. They were making so many mistakes you were starting to wonder if they were doing it on purpose, just to get on your nerves. Hopefully, it was never too serious matter, but it was making you waste a precious time regarding your own work. As a result, you had endless day at work it seemed. And even if you knew it was part of you new responsibilities, it was hard to deal with it.
 On the other hand, Ben had been promoting a lot those last couple of months and also attending Rami Malek’s London Premiere for No Time To Die. The reunion with the former cast of the movie Bohemian Rhapsody had been epic and you had given up on trying figuring out whom from Ben or Joe was the happiest, since the two of them were literally beaming. Even if you were really tired, it was always a pleasure to see your boyfriend widely smiling because he was with his best buddy. Also, Joe was never the last to have a good joke and it really warmed your heart to have him around as well.
 During the month of October, Ben also had a special event. He had agreed to attend a race to rise found for charity. It was of course something important to him, something you would have joined as well, but given your work schedule, it was impossible to train with him. As a result, you only could support him the best you could.
 Ben was a very sporty man but he started to train again for this run. He was out with you in the early morning to run in the cold British weather, his tracksuit perfectly shaping his contour. What a vision. It was hard for you to keep your eyes on the road as he was running towards the opposite direction, your glance stuck on your rear view mirror.
 You could tell it was hard for him. Ben had always been more or less in shape, but he also enjoyed good food with a nice beer. Yet, since he was seriously training, he tried to eat as healthy as possible, not drinking much alcohol. Since you were living with him, you could totally see the results on his body, for your viewing pleasure. Sometimes he came later in the evening after his afternoon run, finding you in the kitchen with the dogs, as you were preparing diner. He was sweaty and smelly, but you never refuse to give him a kiss. You were truly proud of his efforts to be ready for this charity race. From time to time, he made sure to hug you really tightly to make sure you’d be covered with dirt and sweat, so that you had to shower with him. It was more efficient and ecologic to shower together, also you never refused such a proposal.
 The race was supposed to happen on the 31st of October, which was a bit awkward but it seemed it didn’t stop any of the participants, since the starting line was crowded. Hopefully everyone was focused on their own run and no one bothered Ben for an autograph or something. It was a half marathon and you hope Ben wouldn’t be too tired and could finish the race. You were confident, he had been training a lot.
 The weather was surprisingly not too cold, even if the sun wasn’t really shining. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the day, including the runners, who were happily waving at the crowd encouraging them. You were of course part of the motivation team, joined by a cute beagle and a lovely Labrador.
 The race was quite long, but you made sure you’d be waving at Ben at several points during his run. Thankfully, the dogs behaved very well and were not impressed by the crowd that was gathered behind the railings. Once Ben had waved at you and you had taken pictures of him, the three of you, you on two legs and the dogs on four paws, hastily crossed the streets or the parks to make sure you wouldn’t miss the blonde haired charity runner. You had a bag back with all the dogs’ stuff, making sure they wouldn’t lack anything and in the end, it seemed you were participating to the race as well.
 Eventually, you reached Hackney Marshes again, loudly applauding Ben as he was crossing the finish line. He truly looked exhausted but definitely happy he had made it. He had a few words with the organization team and then came to you and the dogs. He tragically collapsed on the fresh grass and the dogs jumped on him, trying to rescue him from his fake death. They licked him all over again and again and all you could do was laugh at this cute scene while taking more pictures.
 Ben finally stood up and came to you. You took him in your arms, the leashes of the dogs starting to tie both your legs. The kiss you shared soon became a loud laugh as you were slowly getting dragged by the dogs who were now playing together. You hardly got rid of all the knots they had formed and headed to another organization team to make sure everything was fine regarding the half marathon.
 It was almost lunch time and most of the participant had now completed their run. The sun finally woke up it seemed and the park became an even more agreeable place. Spontaneously, people started to gather and improved a massive picnic on the grass.  It was a very friendly atmosphere. The participants feeling highly proud of their accomplishment and the support crowd cheering them after the effort they had made.
 In the middle of the afternoon, it was time to head back home. You had driven there and the return journey when smoothly on this fine Sunday afternoon. Once you arrived at home, the dogs raced to the sofa, making sure to take a well deserved nap after this big adventure in the borough of Hackney.
 Ben went to take a shower while you were tidying up the bags and the dirty clothes, widely yawning. You tried not to show you were tired but the dogs heavily snoring were not helping. Your freshly showered boyfriend appeared next to you, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, making you heavily blush.
 “You okay, love?”, he gently asked.
 “Good, yeah, thanks. You?”, you replied.
 “Well, I received yet another message to ask if we were going to this Halloween party tonight.”, he sighed.
 “Do you want to go? I can be ready on time.”, you said, checking the clock. “Let me finish this and I get ready.”
 “Love. I….”, Ben hesitated.
 “Yes?”, you asked.
 “I don’t want to go.”, he said almost in a whisper.
 Ben deeply sighed and sat down on a kitchen chair. You sat as well, looking at him in his gorgeous emerald eyes.
 “What’s going on, honey?”, you sweetly asked.
 “It’s just. I’m tired and I don’t want to go. Like do they realized I’ve just ran a half marathon? Fuck, I’m not 20 anymore. They just can’t expect me to be totally available all the time. Like fresh and ready to party. Damn.”, he confessed.
 “Well, then we don’t go. You know I’ll be on your side no matter what.”, you said. “You know what? You can even use me as an excuse. Tell them I’m the one who doesn’t want to go. This way they’re not mad at you.”, you explained, shrugging.
Ben looked at you, remaining silent for a few seconds. You sweetly smiled at him, wondering if he was fine.
 “You know I love you more and more every single day I’m by your sides?”, he said, very seriously.
 You giggled, not knowing what to reply.
 “Eh, don’t laugh, I mean it. Like there is no other place in this world I’d rather be. There is no one else I’d rather be with right now. You have a normal job and you’re just amazing and you keep me down to earth. I’m not 20 anymore and I don’t know what the future will be, what kind of a family I would like to have, but right now, I know I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”, he said taking your hand.
 “I love you too, Ben. I’m sorry I’ve really been busy at work lately.”, you replied, lowering your head.
 “Hey, I didn’t say this for you to apologize or anything. You’ve worked out for this promotion and I’m proud of you. And yes, I don’t want to go to this lame party cause I want to spend more time with you.”, he affirmed.
 “I’d be delighted to spend more time with you too.”, you widely smiled at him.
 “That’s it. We’re not going.”, he said as he suddenly stood up.
 His muscles were getting cold and he briskly shivered.
 “And besides, I had nothing to wear for this party. Now, I exactly know what I’m gonna put on.”, he said as he theatrically exited the kitchen.
 You smiled as you shook your head. He came back in his house comfy clothes : large pants and sweat shirt, with soft socks as well.
 “Miss Jones, may I invite you?”, he said, offering you his hand.
 You nodded and gladly took his hand. He led you to the sofa, where the dogs were still sleeping.
 “Ah.”, he said as saw them peacefully sleeping. “Just a minute please.”
 Ben quickly gathered some cushions and some blankets and placed them on the floor in front of the sofa.
 “Tada?”, he laughed.
You sat down with him on his improvised comfy place and he covered the two of you with another blanket.
 You randomly chose a Halloween anime movie program and cuddled for most of the evening, only interrupting your embrace to open give trick-or-treakers some candies or to bring snacks.
 Ben slowly fell asleep, joining the dogs in a not so harmonious snoring symphony. You leaned your head on him, smiling.  
 It was hard sometimes, between work, responsibilities and all the rest. But you were rewarded by such peaceful moments, surrounded by the ones you loved the most. If this wasn’t the life you meant to live, you didn’t know what it was.
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omgsquee2001 · 3 years
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where Joe proposes and it’s all sweet and romantic?
Oh my gosh yes!!!! I have an amazing idea for this one!
Will you be the Veronica to my John? Joe Mazzello x Fem! Reader
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You and Joe met on the set of the Pacific along with your childhood best friend, Rami Malek. You were the head costumer for the Pacific series. One of the things you really liked about working with the 1920's was the outfits. People in the 1920's dressed a lot more modestly than people did now with crop tops and short shorts. You also loved the colors of the costumes. The colors ranged from dull and not very bright to bright colors.
When you first met Joe, the two of you clicked. You both had the same sense of humor and the Jurassic Park was your favorite movie of all time. The two of you started dating halfway through the series, courtesy of Rami which he would never let the two of you forget, and while the both of you often had your struggles, mostly about if Joe was even cuter as a child than he was now, you still loved each other with every fiber of your beings. 
“Holy shit! Babe! I got the part!” Joe shouted excitedly after getting off of the phone. Your eyes widened. 
“Seriously?!” You shouted. Joe nodded enthusiastically. 
“Yeah! All they wanted to hear was my accent. I got the fucking part of John Richard Fucking Deacon!” Joe shouted. He picked you up around the waist and lifted you up, making you squeal and laugh. He set you down and cupped your cheeks with his hands, bringing you into a kiss. 
“I have some news for you to, babe.” You said. Joe playfully narrowed his eyes at you. 
“Are you pregnant?” He asked. You laughed and shook your head. 
“No! I got the spot of head costumer for Bohemian Rhapsody!” You shouted. Joe laughed. It seemed like fate had brought you two together again. 
It had been a few months since Joe had gotten the news about getting the part of John Deacon for the new Bio Pic, Bohemian Rhapsody. The Bio Pic was the story of Queen, specifically Freddie Mercury, the man who made history with his song, Bohemian Rhapsody. You were currently going through some clothing options with Brian and Roger, trying to see what was most accurate to what the band wore back in 1970 when they first started performing as a band together. Ben, one of Joe’s now best friends, ran into the costuming department, breathing hard.
“[Y/N]! Something happened to Joe’s costume and Dexter needs you to fix it now.” Ben said urgently. You turned to the two rock legends. 
“Excuse me for a moment, gentlemen.” You said. Brian nodded his head. 
“Go on, my dear.” He said. You rushed off with Ben. Unbeknownst to you, Brian and Roger both shared a smile before following after you and Ben. 
Ben slowed down as you walked at lightening speed to where Joe was. 
“Okay, what happened this time? I’m a very busy costumer, Mazzello. For your sake, I really hope that you didn’t rip a leg seam that I have to sew. You might be my boyfriend, however that doesn’t mean I won’t hurt you if you did something to my beloved costumes.” You ranted. The only people you saw there were Rami, Gwil, Brian Singer(one of the directors) and Dexter(another director). They were all smiling. You sighed. “Okay, where’s the helpless man.” You asked. Rami chuckled. 
“Turn around and you’ll find out.” Rami said. You narrowed your eyes in confusion and turned around. 
“Oh fuck me!” You shouted, covering your mouth with your hands, a happy smile spreading across your face. There, behind you, was Joe Mazzello, knelt on one knee. He was out of costume, wearing one of the suits he normally wore for red carpet occasions. He held a red, velvet box in one hand. Tears filled your eyes. 
“[Y/N] [L/N],” Joe started. Ben, Gwil, Rami, Lucy, Brian and Roger all pulled out their phones, wanting to record this momentous occasion. “You are the most amazing, most beautiful and the strongest woman I have every met. You have been there for me through thick and thin, especially this year, when I went through the most difficult situation in my life. You are the light of my life. And, you would make me the happiest man on the face of this planet, if you would say yes,” tears were streaming down your face. “[Y/N] [L/N], will you be the Veronica to my John and marry me?” Joe asked. You didn’t trust your words, so you just nodded your head vigorously. 
“Yes,” you choked out. Visible relief was on Joe’s face. “Yes. I’ll marry you, Joseph Francis Mazzello.” 
I absolutely love this concept. I know it might not be as good as some others, but I love it all the same. I hope you do to! Please, don’t be afraid to request for actors to! This goes out to everyone. My request box is back in action! The cobwebs are being swept away and the inspiration is running! 
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