#twilight benjamin x female reader
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Benjamin X Fem!Vampire Reader Angsty prompt with a cute ending
!TW: Jealousy, implied mention of suicide (as a worry), nightmare (not particularly detailed)!
“Are you sure you wanna stay here with me tonight?” You asked Benjamin, and he nodded quickly, turning you to face him, before he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Of course I do!” Benjamin exclaimed, connecting his forehead to your’s gently. “You’re the only one I want to wake up next to,” he added, and you smiled weakly up at him. “Why would you think I wouldn’t want to stay with you?” Benjamin asked, and your smile faded as you pried your eyes from his.
“I just thought you wouldn’t want to because of all the fighting, and because of - Tia,” you answered, and he shook his head, a pained expression on his face.
“N-Neither of them would stop me from staying with you,” he responded, and you found yourself not believing him, lowering his arms so you could escape his hold and step back.
Benjamin would wear a hurt look on his face, stepping closer to you, but you stepped back again before he could touch you. “But Tia could, couldn’t she?” You contradicted, and Benjamin groaned, not wanting to fight again. “She could tell her father, or Amun, and we would never be able to see each other again,” you mused, your voice quivering, but you tried not to break down in front of him again as you already had half an hour ago.
“Y/n, stop,” Benjamin snapped, and you fell quiet, glancing up at him. “I’ve had enough of this-”
“I’ve had enough of it, too, Benjamin!” You interrupted, raising your voice. “I’ve had enough of constantly being in pain!” You cried, and he nodded gravely, guilt washing over him. “And I’ve had enough of feeling like I have to ask you if you love me all the time-”
“You don’t have to,” he interjected, “because I’ve always loved you, and I always will-”
“Don’t lie to me!” You shouted, and he shook his head quickly, desperate for you to believe him.
“I’m not lying,” Benjamin stated, his voice cracking. “P-Please stop doing this,” he begged shakily, “I - I can’t take it anymore.”
You sank on your bed, staring down at your hands. “You may as well just go home, B,” you murmured, “I’m only making you feel worse.”
Benjamin shook his head again; he couldn’t leave you like this; he was afraid he’d lose you; that you would disappear come the morning. “N-No, Y/n, you aren’t,” he claimed, sitting beside you, “because when I’m with you, I’m happy. You make me happy.”
You glanced up at him, surprised. “But - We had another fight-”
“That’s in the past now,” he stated, placing his hand on your’s. “Just forget about it, okay?” Benjamin instructed, and you nodded slowly, smiling weakly at him. Benjamin then wrapped his arms around you, and you returned the hug, burying your face into his shoulder.
You had woken up during the night due to a realistic nightmare, and Benjamin noticed that you seemed disturbed, and anxious as you looked around the room. “Hey,” he broke the silence, startling you, but he caught you before you could fall off of the bed. “Don’t be scared,” he spoke gently, and you relaxed, focussing on his soothing voice, “I’m right here, Y/n. Just breathe, okay?” You turned around, hugging him tightly, and he smiled softly, glad that you felt calmer as you were no longer trembling or whimpering.
When you woke up in the morning, it was to Benjamin no longer beside you; he was getting dressed in the bathroom. You stretched, before you turned to face the bathroom door, waiting for Benjamin to exit through it, and when he did, you sat up. “C-Can’t you stay a little longer?” You asked, and Benjamin frowned, feeling bad; he wished he could stay with you as he hated having to leave you.
“I can’t,” he answered simply, a pained expression on his face, “if I stay for too long, Tia will become suspicious, and tell her father-”
“Can’t you just tell someone to tell Tia that you’ll be late back home?” You interrupted, desperate for him to stay; you hated being alone.
Benjamin grunted, shaking his head gravely. “It’s not that easy, Y/n,” he responded, and you gave in, hiding your face from him as you wore a dejected expression on your face. “I’m sorry,” he stated, but you shook your head, forcing a smile up at him to try and reassure him that it was fine; that you were fine. Benjamin made for the door, looking over his shoulder at you. “I - I’ll see you around,” he concluded, and you nodded again, murmuring the phrase back to him, before he left the room.
You were sitting on top of your favourite rock, sketching Benjamin like you normally did, and you would be startled when you heard voices approaching, dropping your pencil. You quickly slid off of the rock, hiding behind it, and occasionally peeking over the top. “B,” you whispered when you heard his voice, and you frowned automatically when you noticed Tia and her father either side of him.
“I wanted to ask you,” Tia’s father began, “about your friend that Tia told me about - the one you hang out with sometimes.” Benjamin winced, lowering his head slightly. “What’s her name?” Her father questioned, and Benjamin tried not to show that he was worried about you.
“Y/n,” he murmured, not daring to look up at him.
Tia and her father shared a look briefly, before her father returned his focus onto Benjamin. “What is Y/n to you?” Her father pried, and Benjamin grunted, trying not to shoot a glare in Tia’s direction. “Because Tia’s been coming to me telling me that you and - Y/n - seem too close-”
“She’s just my friend,” he interrupted, impatient, and you tried not to feel disheartened as you watched them walking away, before you sank back against the rock.
You felt pathetic as you dragged yourself back to the Cullen’s and Hayes’ home with tears streaming down your cheeks, and you hated yourself for worrying about what you’d heard as you knew that Benjamin had to say that you were just his friend to Tia’s father. “You’re more than that to him,” a quiet voice broke the silence, surprising you as you stopped in your tracks, looking up - Edward and Bella had been waiting for you as they knew you were on your way back, and Alice had told them about what she’d seen happen before it happened.
You then stopped thinking, scoffing in response as you shook your head, truly believing what you said to them next. “No,” you uttered, “I’m not.”
You forced yourself to keep walking, but you no longer intended to go into the house as you turned sharpIy, trudging toward the forest beside the house. “Y/n-” You tried to ignore Bella’s voice as she called after you, and you heard Edward tell her that ‘she just needs time’. You stopped under a small willow tree, curling up beneath it; you vowed that you wouldn’t let yourself return to the Hayes’ and Cullen’s home as you felt as if you didn’t belong there with them.
When Benjamin heard what had happened, he immediately set to the task of searching for you. Benjamin immediately started with the willow tree, as you’d shown him it before, and you both occasionally sat under it talking or playing a game. Benjamin expressed relief when he found you curled up beneath the willow tree, and he carefully picked you up. You stirred briefly, but were half-asleep. “B,” you whispered, and he smiled softly down at you.
“You’re so adorable,” he remarked softly, and you reflected his smile, forgetting about what had happened briefly, before you began to fall asleep again, and he carried you back to the Hayes’ and Cullen’s home.
You would express confusion when you woke up in your bed, and you frowned when you noticed Benjamin sitting beside you. “B?” You murmured in a small, broken voice. “W-What are you doing here?” You asked, and he would feel the pain on his face. “Shouldn’t you be with-”
“Don’t,” he interrupted; he couldn’t take it. “The only person I should be with is you,” he stated, intertwining his fingers with your’s, “I fell in love with you, not Tia. C-Can I get you anything?”
You shook your head, forcing a smile up at him. “Can you - Come here and cuddle with me?” You requested, and he nodded, laying down on the bed beside you, before he wrapped his arms around you. You snuggled closer to him, before you returned the hug, burying your face against his brown jacket.
You and Benjamin had made plans to hang out in the park, but when he was late, you began to think that he wasn’t coming, and you dragged yourself up to bed as it was quite late, but you stopped when you heard a knock on the door. You rushed down the stairs, and hurriedly opened the door, smiling when you noticed Benjamin. “I’m sorry I’m late-”
“I thought you forgot about me,” you admitted, and Benjamin frowned, shaking his head as he held you at arm’s length.
“I could never forget about you,” he stated, and you smiled shyly when he placed his hand on your cheek.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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safin-supremacy · 2 years
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Benjamin X Reader Fluffy, first kiss prompt
“Your lips are so soft,” Benjamin mused as he drew his thumb across them, and you smiled softly, lowering your gaze as you began to blush. “Can I really do this?” Benjamin asked, and you nodded. “Are you sure?” Benjamin pried, and you nodded again. Benjamin leaned forward slightly, his face inches from your’s. “I simply can’t believe that I’ve waited this long to kiss you,” he stated, and you agreed, surprised, yourself. “I - I’ve never done this before,” he informed, “I hope that’s not an issue.”
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, “I - I haven’t, either.”
Benjamin still wasn’t sure if he should, a pained expression on his face; he didn’t want to trap you in a life you might not want to live. “You know there’s no going back from this, don’t you?” Benjamin reminded you, and you nodded, smiling widely to try to make him feel better and more confident. Benjamin then shyly brushed his lips against your’s, and you tried not to get too excited, relaxing into the kiss once Benjamin connected his lips to your’s properly. You both pulled away quickly, overwhelmed by the feeling you received during the kiss. Once Benjamin had recovered, he stammered as he broke the awkward silence. “We should really never do this again, unless you want me to be completely head over heels for you,” he remarked, and you stepped closer, rubbing your arm.
“I - I think I’d like that,” you responded, before you initiated another kiss, trying to prolong it more this time. You giggled when you noticed the dazed expression on Benjamin’s face, and his cheeks appeared to be a faint red. “I think this is as close to heaven as I’ll ever get,” you mused, and Benjamin smiled lovingly at you.
“I have to say,” Benjamin began, “you don’t taste anything like what I had imagined.”
You winced, thinking that was possibly a bad thing. “Was it worse than what you imagined?” You asked, your voice quiet as you looked away.
“No!” Benjamin exclaimed, gently guiding your face back to his. “It was so, so much better,” he claimed, before he pressed his lips against your’s once more.
I loved writing this one because it’s adorable 🥺 Hope you all like it! ❤️
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After a few years, I’ve forgotten how much I love this fandom!
I see a lot of related blogs and I wanted to give it a try myself! Requests are always open, but please read some ground rules that are listed down below as well as the characters from the movie I will write for!
What I don’t write:
• Smut
• Pregnancy scenes
• Toxic relationships
• Nothing domestic whatsoever
• Rape scenes/incest
• Past/present abuse
• Male x male
• Character x character
• Character x character shipping
• Anything explicit or gruesome
• Animal abuse
• Non-binary
• Trans
• Polygyny
What I do write:
• Fluff
• Angst
• Shy readers
• Just a hint of romance
• Character x reader only!
• Character x reader ships!
• Female x female
Characters list:
• Carlisle
• Edward
• Jasper
• Emmett
• Rosalie
• Alice
• Bella
• Jane Volturi
• Aro
• Caius
• Felix
• Jacob
• Benjamin
Additional information:
• I will try my hardest to meet everyone’s request that you have entrusted me with, hopefully will do it justice
• If you’re not sure about what I’m comfortable writing about, or if you need any more clarification on my rules or not, feel free to dm me privately about it and I’ll let you know about it
• If it’s declined, it’s because I’m not comfortable with the idea, but you are more than welcome to send in a different idea
• Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!
• My writing may be a little rusty, as I’m a beginner for writing my own ideas or any that you may have sent me, so I apologize beforehand!
• If you like my work and want to share it, please ask before you do so and I will be more than happy to give you my permission
• Please don’t plagiarize my work on any other social media platforms
• I will follow you back if you’re one of my followers!
• This blog is also all about positivity, a safe zone for all you wonderful readers out there!
• You guys are my biggest supporters yet!
• If you have a prompt idea you’d like to send in, please feel free to do so!
• I’m writing a prompt list for my blog here, and it should be released soon!
• I’m also open to collaborating!
• This is all for now! Thanks again, and be sure to send in an idea!
Happy reading!! 📖 🍎 🍏
Requests: open
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
Benjamin #5 (smut list)
5. restraining the other
In my Twilight days, I came across a thread that talked about how Meyer originally wanted her story to be a human/faerie romance. Her publisher said, NAY, beetch! Vampires sell! and as it turned out, Meyer didn’t know much about vampire lore and violated many of the core concepts that make vampires interesting. Sparkling, vegetarian vamps without fangs, with venom in their saliva, that are seemingly indestructible aren’t nearly as fun, in my opinion.
What I love about the True Blood vamps is that Charlaine Harris honors much of the canonical lore. My biggest complaint with Meyers is that I just can’t fuck with a vampire that doesn’t have fangs that go … *snick*
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So, the version of Benjamin in this fic will be more in canon with vampire lore. 
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Warnings: Blood sucking, wrist restraints, jealousy, and copious smut
“Benjamin! You’re not playing fair,” you pouted as you struggled against your restraints.
“You wish to talk to me about fair? Let’s start from the beginning.”
You narrowed your eyes and waited, knowing it was useless to interrupt.
“First, you come into our home smelling like … like him.”
“Second, you spend all day with … him … and then lie about it to me.”
“How many points do you need to make? I am human and will eventually need to use the bathroom.”
Benjamin appeared beside you, moving too quickly for your eyes. You turned your head from where he had been standing and looked up to meet his gaze. His eyes weren’t wholly black. Little starbursts of crimson remained around his pupils to indicate that while he may not yet be starving, he was definitely hungry.  
Waving his hands, the wooden slats on the headboard tightened around your wrists. You were sure that if he could breathe, he’d be taking short, shallow breaths as he wrestled with his jealousy. Instead, you concentrated on his eyes, watching the way they narrowed as he manipulated the earthen molecules that moved through the wood.
“Too tight?” he asked with a casual raise of his eyebrow.
“Nope,” you lied.
“You’re lying.”
Benjamin flexed his fingers and the slats loosened their hold, not enough for you to escape, but enough for you to wiggle your wrists if they grew uncomfortable.
As soon as night fell, Benjamin had been on you, running his hands over your body, inhaling along your pulse points, and with a growl, he had stripped you down to your bra and panties then restrained you in the bed.
He could sense your emotions, but watching your body gave him an even keener insight into what you were feeling. He could smell your arousal, then watch as your panties darkened at the juncture of your thighs; he could observe the blush that crept across your chest when he began to shed layers of his own clothing; and he could uninhibitedly listen as your pulse quickened or steadied.
With a frustrated sigh, your eyes ran over his torso. The lithe muscles covered by his olive skin, his dark nipples hard as he continued to look at you, clearly torn between wanting to ravish and wanting to punish.
Belonging to the undead had its perks, and its detriments. Benjamin loved you, needed you to sustain his own existence and you let him take that from you, delighting in the power you felt when his teeth slipped into your neck, or better yet, into the femoral artery of your thigh. He wanted to make you his, sire you so you would be bonded for eternity, but you weren’t ready yet.
The daytime still offered so many things, namely, the sun. Your current predicament began two weeks ago when you went to the beach with a few friends. As it turned out, your best friend wanted to set you up with one of her brother’s friends: a sweet, good-looking, pre-med student. Because Benjamin was a secret, you couldn’t say no without hurting a slew of feelings, so you figured you could go out on a couple of dates, then discreetly break it off with the whole “it’s not you, it’s me” thing.
None of this you felt was pertinent information for Benjamin to know—that is until he saw you with him.  
“Third,” sounded Benjamin’s voice from a shadowy part of the room. You blinked and looked for the movement of his form. “He can give you everything I can’t.”
Your heart ached at the sadness in his voice.
“Benjamin—no. I don’t want anything you can’t give.”
“Children. Safety. A life in the sun and not in the shadows.” His accent was thicker, his tone less controlled, as he shared his deepest fear.
“But you can give me forever.”
Benjamin slowly stepped back into the light, his muscles flexing beneath his torso as he walked. His face was a mask, a perfectly carved Adonis that conveyed nothing its owner didn’t wish to share.
“So, you will not see him any longer?”
“I’ll break it off tomorrow morning.”
“And you will never do this again?” Benjamin asked, but underneath the question was a warning.
“Never again.”
“Then I’ll release you.”
Before he could loosen the slats, you cleared your throat and shifted on the bed. “Or . . . you could fuck me like this? Restrained and at your mercy.”
Benjamin shivered, like the visual equivalent of a cat’s purr as he circled the bed, waiting for any sign you weren’t being honest.
“Please,” you begged, flexing against the wood. “Teach me a lesson.”
Benjamin’s mouth popped open as his fangs snicked out, his tongue poking between them to wet his lower lip. A quick glance at his trouser fronts told you he was very excited to have you at his mercy—not that you weren’t naturally a creature of lesser power, but this game . . . this was new.
“You,” he began, his accent once again thick, sultry, “belong to me.”
He removed the rest of his clothes, once again too quick for your mortal eye. Your breathing quickened with excitement as your eyes roved over his body, travelling from his face, down his chest to the dark patch of hair at the base of his fantastically hard cock.
You watched the muscles of his thighs flex as he stepped toward the bed, and in another blur of movement, you were naked, too, another set of underwear torn to shreds.
“Look at you,” he whispered. “Exposed. Vulnerable. Your body begging for my touch.”
He ran his tongue along the front of his teeth, and you watched, wanting to do the same, to curl your tongue around those deadly points.
“Please, Benjamin,” you whined as your wrists twisted in your restraints, your fingers flexing.
“Tell me,” he said, crawling onto the bed and straddling your thigh. “Did you kiss him?”
“Of course not!”
“Why?” Benjamin’s hands ran up your body, feather light and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“Because I’m yours.”
Benjamin grasped your breasts, gently squeezing before he took your nipples between his forefingers and thumbs, rubbing and pulling lightly.
You gasped, your hips bucking up, but restrained by the weight of his body on your thigh. Your wrists were caught in the slats as you unconsciously moved your arms, wanting to touch him.
Benjamin’s eyes flickered to this movement and his face broke into a smirk.
“Did you want him to kiss you? To press his lips to yours as his tongue slid along them, seeking permission to claim you?
“No,” you shook your head, your eyes locked on his. “No.”
“Because I’m yours.”
Benjamin’s fangs retracted with a hollow snick and he descended on your mouth, claiming you with a bruising kiss. He sucked and nipped at your lips, his cock grinding into your abdomen while his tongue explored every inch of your mouth until you were struggling to breathe. He pushed, kissing you to your limit, and when he pulled back, your chest was heaving, your body tight with an ache that only he could soothe.
He looked down at you, his eyes predatory, and he opened his mouth, his fangs popping out.
“You are mine,” Benjamin stated with finality and when his fangs slid into your neck your body arched, rolling against his as your eyes rolled back from the sting of pain that was quickly followed by a surge of pleasure as he sucked, drawing your blood into his mouth and swallowing before he licked at the wound. He pierced the tip of his tongue with his fang and used his blood to heal the puncture marks, leaving nothing but your smooth skin looking as if it had never been touched.
“Please, Benjamin. I need you. Please,” you begged, tugging again at the headboard, your fingers tapping into the wood, pressing with the desire to angle yourself so he could slide into your soaking pussy.
Benjamin ignored your plea in favor of kissing down your body at an agonizingly slow pace. There wasn’t a patch of skin left on your torso that he didn’t press his lips against, that he didn’t taste. Tears stood in your eyes as you wriggled under his weight, your clit swollen with need.
You’d given up begging, and instead were reduced to whimpers as he teased you, and when he finally moved his weight to spread your thighs open two fat tears leaked from your eyes. Benjamin chuckled and caught them on his tongue, licking along your jaw and up your cheeks before he returned to his spot between your legs.
His mouth was sinful considering his tongue could flick across your clit at a rate no human man could match, but your pleasure wasn’t a part of this game, not yet.
Benjamin asked you to watch him, drawing your eyes open so you could look down your body at him, his curly head moving across your abdomen, drifting over your upper thighs, and when he kissed your mound, he looked up at you, his eyes more red than black now.
“Who do you belong to?”
“You—I be-be-belong to you,” you stuttered as his tongue touched your clit.
He smirked and licked you again, unbearably slow.
You groaned, desperation making the muscles in your abdomen and your thighs tremor.
He flicked his tongue across your clit in earnest, building you up to a climax, but before you could tumble over the edge, he stopped and moved up your body so quickly that he seemed to just disappear and reappear. He clutched your jaw and your eyes opened wide as he spoke, his lips just close enough to yours to touch, for you to feel as he said, “You. Are. Mine.”
And in another blink, he was back between your thighs, sucking on your clit and sending you over the edge, and just when you thought your orgasm was ebbing, Benjamin’s fingers slid inside of your pussy and stroked your g-spot as his fangs slid into your thigh. The pinprick of pain was mixed with the pleasure of another orgasm, this one full-bodied and so intense that it coated Benjamin’s fingers and hand in spurts of your arousal.
Noises of pleasure thrummed from your throat and your body chased after his fingers, needing more.
With a groan as he licked off his fingers, he released you from your restraints. You shook your wrists, but in a flash your legs were hooked under his arms and pushed nearly up to your chest as he thrust inside of you, and for the first time, he moaned, a low, deep rumble.
“Mine,” he growled against your lips before he kissed you, the taste of yourself, your blood and your arousal, mixed bittersweet on his tongue.
“Yours,” you panted. “Yours. Yours. Yours.”
Benjamin fucked you, alternating between deep and hard and shallow and sweet until you were on the brink again, wanting nothing more than to come with him, another advantage of the control Benjamin possessed over his body and yours.
He had you on your hands and knees now, his cock pistoning into you at a fast pace, your breath coming in pants, and this time it was Benjamin who begged in a display of humbling reciprocity.
“Can I come inside of you now, my love? Please—can I come?”
“Oh, fuck, Benjamin! Yes, yes!”
You tumbled over the edge together, Benjamin’s hips never faltering as the cool sensation of his cum filling you up made you shiver, then shiver again as he pulled out and pumped himself dry, more ropes of cool cum splashing onto the cheeks of your ass.
You collapsed, out of breath and strength. Benjamin was gone and back in a flash, a warm washcloth rubbing between your legs and over your backside to clean you up.
You felt Benjamin’s body hover over yours as he pressed soft kisses up your spine.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked with genuine concern.
“God no,” you mumbled into the mattress, your breathing still erratic.
He continued to pepper you with sweet kisses until you rolled over, pushing your tangled hair out of your eyes.
His eyes had become that beautiful, deep red and his features seemed softer, even younger than they had an hour or so ago. Reaching up to trace his cheekbones and his nose, you watched him as he watched you, love radiating from his gaze.  
“I want it to be like this, always.”
Benjamin smiled, a full grin of joy, as he answered, “My love. When you are ready, it will be better than this. For always.”
“Why? Because you’ll have no one to be jealous over again?” you teased.
He narrowed his eyes and his grin faltered to a thin-lipped smile. “I will make sure to remind you, often, who you belong to.”
“Can I get that in writing?”
Benjamin laughed, the carelessness returning to his features that made him so boyishly handsome.
“Haven’t you yet learned that I will give you anything you want?”
“Anything?” you asked, reaching between his legs and pumping his cock, once, twice, before he grew hard in your hand.
“Anything,” he growled, his fangs flashing.
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lacontroller1992 · 3 years
Twilight Master List
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Imagine Alec and Jane Finding Their Friend After A Thousand Years
So Long
Imagine Meeting Demetri on the Battlefield
Imagine You are the Adopted Daughter of Caius
Imagine Are Being a Slave as a Human
Imagine If Felix and Demetri Were Together
Imagine Alec Finding You After a While
Imagine Reader is an Assassin (Demetri x Reader)
Aro x (Daughter!Reader) x Alec
Alec Volturi x Reader
Alec x (Anorexic!Reader)   TW
Alec Volturi x Reader (Possessive Alec)
Homework (Alec x Reader)
Love Bites (Felix x Reader)
Ice Ice Baby (Demetri x Reader)
Imagine Comforting Demetri
Just Close Your Eyes (Jane x Reader)
You’re Safe (Jane Volturi x Reader)
Who Are You Again? (Caius x Reader)
NSFW Alphabet (Demetri Volturi)
NSFW Alphabet (Felix Volturi)
Volturi Guards if their Human S/O was Sick
How the Volturi Guard Kiss their S/O After a Mission
How You Sleep with the Volturi Guards
Guards’ Reaction to their S/O in Lingerie
What Turns the Guards On
How the Volturi Guards Spend Their Halloween with their S/O
Volturi Guard x Reader Preferences
Imagine You’re Renesmee’s Older, Hated Twin Sister (Pt 1)
Imagine You’re Renesmee’s Older, Hated Twin Sister (Pt 2)
Imagine You’re Renesmee’s Older, Hated Twin Sister (Pt 3)
Jasper x Reader
Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Carlisle Cullen x Reader Vol 2
Carlisle Cullen x Reader Vol 3
Carlisle Cullen x Reader Vol 4
Carlisle Cullen x Reader Vol 5
Tourism Sucks (Benjamin x Reader)
Pixie Dust (Leah Clearwater x Reader)
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domxmarvel · 5 years
Guidelines & who i write for
(Updated: August 14 2023)
All characters will be aged up for smut
Please send all request as asks
I will turn down requests i’m not comfortable with or that I don't want to write
Please include a plot (Especially for smut)
Most of my fics (Smut) will be Dom/Top!Reader because that’s what I prefer to write
No ships,OC’s or gender-bent characters (That aren’t on the list)
Only x reader including Poly ( Characters have to be from the same fandom)
Fluff,angst, smut & Preferences
Oneshots,Drabbles,Blurbs & preferences/Multi character
Female!Reader,Male!Reader,Gender Neutral,FTM and MTF
If you don’t specify the readers gender I’ll pick whatever I think suits best
No pregnant reader No babies
No daddy kink
Light yandere only
Headcanons and Song fics aren’t really my strong suit,but I'll try my best to write them
Please don’t be vague,more details are better than less
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Lady Loki
Peter parker/Spider-man
Tony Stark/Iron man
Michelle jones (MJ)
Nick fury 
Natasha romanoff/Black widow
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet witch
Pietro(Wandavision)/Peter maximoff/Quicksilver
Alec Lightwood (male reader only)
Isabelle lightwood 
Magnus Bane
Raphael santiago
Sweet Pea
Jughead Jones
joaquin desantos  (male reader only)  
Toni Topaz
FP Jones
Betty cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom  (Female reader only)   
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Young royals  (No smut!)
Prince Wilhelm (male reader only)  
Simon Eriksson (male reader only)  
Felice Ehrencrona
Never have I ever
Devi Vishwakumar
Aneesa Qureshi
Kamala Nandiwadal
Benjamin "Ben" Gross  
Nalini Vishwakumar
Fabiola Torres (Female Reader only)
Eleanor Wong  
Trent Harrison  
Ethan Morales
Stranger things (Coming soon)
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (Female Reader only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Jim hopper
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Miraculous Ladybug 
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette dupain cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste /Chat noir
Alya Cesaire/Rena rouge
Chloe bourgeois/Queen bee
Zoe /Vesperia
Felix Graham de vanily
Juleka couffaine/Purple tigress
Marc anciel  
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Carmen sandiego
Carmen sandiego
Graham Calloway/crackle
Julia argent
She ra
Adora/she ra (Female reader only)    
Catra (Female reader only)    
Scorpia (Female reader only)    
Double trouble
Queen Glimmer
Sea hawk 
How to train your dragon  
The dragon prince
Amaya (Female reader only)    
Terrestrius ‘Terry’
Runaan  (male reader only)  
Ethari  (male reader only)  
Janai (Female reader only)
Camilo (No smut!)
Mirabel (No smut!)
Across/Into the spider-verse
Miles morales/E1610 (No smut)
Gwen Stacy  (No smut) 
pavitr prabhakar   (No smut) 
Hobie brown
Prowler!Miles/E42 (no smut)
Rio Morales
Peter b parker
Dr. Olivia Octavius
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Corpse husband (No smut!)
Multiverse Monarch/leeandlie
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Detroit become human
Connor (RK 800)
Kara (No smut!)
Gavin reed
Hank anderson
Nines (RK 900)
Yandere simulator
Ayano/Ayato Aishi
Osana /  Osano  Najimi
Amai /  Amao   Odayaka
Kizana /  Kizano   Sunobu
Oka / Oko Ruto
Mido rana
Osoro /  Osorō   Shidesu
Megami / Megamo Saikou
Budo Masuta
Shoku Tsuburaya
Umeji Kizuguchi
Ryoba Aishi
Reiichi Tanaami
José Silva
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
The legend of Zelda
Please specify which version (Game)
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Hyrule Warriors
Ocarina of Time
Agent 47
Diana burnwood
Twisted wonderland
Riddle rosehearts
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Leona Kingscholar
Jack howl
Vil Schoenheit
Rook hunt 
Idia Shroud
Divus Crewel
Mario characters
Princess peach
Princess Daisy
Just dance
Jack rose
Louise Dials
Leda nox/Nightswan
Resident evil 4 (Remake)
Leon kennedy
Ashley graham
Luis Serra
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Fruits baskets
My hero academia
Shoto todoroki
Izuku midoriya/Deku
Mina ashido
Tsuyu asui  (No smut!)
Tenya Iida
Denki kaminari
Eijiro kirishima
Mezou shoji
Kyouka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tamaki Amajiki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Hitoshi Shinso  
Mei Hatsume    
Dabi/Toya todoroki
Himiko Toga
Tomura Shigaraki
Pro heros
Hawks/Keigo takami
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
All might/ Toshinori Yagi
President mic/ Hizashi Yamada
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu
Gang orca/Kugo Sakamata  
Mirko/rumi Usagiyama  
Vlad king/Sekijiro Kan  
Spy x family
Yor Forger/briar
Loid Forger/Twilight
Demon slayer
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Giyuu Tomioka
Mitsuri Kanroji
Inosuke Hashibira
Shinobu Kocho
Tengen uzui + Makio,Suma & Hina
Nezuko (No smut!)
Muzan kibutsuji (+ Lady Muzan)
Kokushibo/upper moon 1
SK8 the infinity
Cherry blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki
Joe/Kojiro Nanjo
Reki kyan
Langa hasegawa  (male reader only)    
Miya chinen (No smut!) 
The way of the house husband
Tatsu/the immortal dragon
Buddy daddies
Rei suwa 
Kazuki Kurusu 
Kyutarou Kugi
*Not writing anymore*
Tom holland
Tom hiddleston
361 notes · View notes
littledreamybeth · 8 years
First time in Paris (Rami Malek x Reader)
Warnings: Slight sexual content
Summary:  Rami and Reader are invited to the Dior Homme show in Paris. After dinner they go back to their hotel where they share their first time of love.
A/N: Listen to “Touch” or “Your Love” by Little Mix while you’re reading this! That’s what I did during my writing process. Enjoy!
Soft breaths on your neck woke you up early in the morning in Paris. You slowly opened your eyes and were greeted with bright sunrays that shone through the curtains of your hotel suite and illuminated the whole room with light. You wanted to sit up however two strong arms held you back from your intention. A smile crept its way on your lips as you turned your head towards the man who lied under the white sheets right next to you. Turning your body completely to his direction, you placed one hand on Rami’s cheek and caressed it gently.
He still slept peacefully with his lips slightly open. A wave of happiness rushed through your body as you remembered the actions from last night. Even though you felt a slight discomfort in your lower area now, it was still worth your decision. Not only did he experience you in your most vulnerable state but you also him. Last night, you have been so close to each other like you’ve never been before. Your bodies were connected for the first time and it was a very special moment that you two shared.
‘I had my first time in Paris’ You thought smiling. The city of love.
The reason why you were in France was because Rami had been invited to the Dior Homme show in Paris. He was the new face of Dior Homme S/S 2017 campaign. The show took place at Grande Palais and it was a big honor for you attending the show with him. Rami introduced to several famous celebrities who were also there.
The whole event was very successful and you had lots of fun watching at those new designs and new clothes. After the show, you went to the party that was hosted by Dior including dinner and stuff. You wore a knee-high tight red dress that outlined your curves perfectly with black high heels.
“You’re gonna catch every man’s attention like this.” Rami mumbled into your ear with a low voice. You shrugged your shoulders and told him that you wouldn’t care a bit about them.
“You’re gonna catch all those women’s attention by the way you look.” You told him laughing. He looked absolutely handsome in his black suit. He always looked good in suits. Suits fit to him perfectly.
The dinner was awesome and the party was legendary. You and Rami were not separated from each other for a second. Rami made sure that others had not the intention to hit on you and kept you very close to him. That cute and protective boyfriend of yours. You danced, laughed and talked with other people and even made new friendships. You had a good time and would be sad about that day coming to an end.
Rami took your hand after a while. “C’mon, let’s head back to the hotel.” He knew you were becoming kind of tired and he also wanted to spend some alone time with you.
You made your way to the limo and Rami told the driver to drop you off at the hotel, giving him the address.  “How are you feeling?” Rami asked you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I’m fine.” You said truthfully. “I had so much fun. Can you take me to more events in the future?”
Rami chuckled and gave you a peck on your forehead. “Everything for my girl.”
When you arrived at the hotel, Rami asked you to go ahead and that he would come after he had to deal with some things. You were wondering what he had to do but listened to him. He gave you the key card for the suite and you left.
The first thing you did after unlocking the door and entering the big room was to take off your heels. You took place on the giant couch, massaging your aching feet and making yourself comfortable.
A knock on the door disturbed your relaxation and you stood up to open it. You were greeted by Rami with a bunch of roses and a big bottle of champagne in his hands. A cheeky smile appeared on his lips and he gave you the roses, the entered the suite.
With slight rosy cheeks, you turned over to him. “What’s that for, Rami?” You laughed. Meanwhile, Rami opened the bottle and poured some champagne into two glasses.
 “Why? Can’t I just buy roses for my beautiful girlfriend and drink some champagne with her?” He took off his jacket and you placed the bouquet onto the living room table.
“I was just wondering.” You answered. Rami took the two glasses and came over to you. He gave you a kiss on your lips before he handed you over one glass.
“I had a wonderful day, baby. Thanks for joining me.”
“Thanks for inviting me. “You said, then clinking glasses.  
You didn’t know clearly what happened after but suddenly you found yourself on the huge bed with Rami’s hands all over your body. He kissed your neck roughly while his hands traced down your belly to your legs.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked softly. It was the first time for both of you and he wanted it to be perfect. He didn’t want to push you into something you would regret after. He would wait no matter how long it would take. But you nodded your head in agreement, totally lost for words because pleasure took control over your entire body. You craved for his love, for his closeness. You wanted to feel him completely. You were ready for this, for him and trusted him enough to let it happen.
“Please, Rami,” You sighed. “Make love to me.”
Your heartbeat increased as he began to take off your clothes and you felt like it was going to burst in your chest. You felt so many mixed emotions in that moment. Happiness, love, excitement, nervousness. Everything at once.  
Rami took off his clothes as well but kept his boxers on. He didn’t want to scare you off and wanted to make sure that you decision was clear. He asked you again and your answer would be the same. Then, you two were completely exposed to each other and explored your bodies by caressing and touching.
“I love you.” Rami mumbled against your lips, as he slowly and carefully slid into you and began to make sweet and passionate love to you. Your body fit perfectly as if they were made for each other like puzzles. Hands intertwined and sweet sounds of pleasure escaping your lips, you let him take your virginity. Rami always asked if you were okay and if he hurt you but you shook your head, assuring him that you were fine.
When you reached your highs, you ended up cuddling together and you felt your eyes becoming heavier. Sleep washed over you and you closed your eyes, drifting to a peaceful slumber.
“Hey.” A raspy morning voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Good morning.” You replied, giving him a kiss on his lips. He pressed himself closer to your body.
“How are you feeling?”  He asked.
“I’m good.” You laughed. “Very very good.” Rami offered you a laugh.
“I’m glad to hear that.” You two lied a little more in your bed, talking about last night and how you enjoyed your first time. You didn’t feel embarrassed at all talking about it. Rami asked you what you wanted to do, because you had the whole day to explore Paris until you would catch the plane the next day.
“What about visiting the Eiffel Tower?” You suggested.
“I’m absolutely fine with that.”
505 notes · View notes
shelby-love · 5 years
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One-shots (1k words or more)
Drabbles  (below 1k words)
Headcanons (bullet point fics)
Blurbs (below 500 words)
Imagines (gif + a little blurb, around 500 words)
1.0 RULES:
Request via ask.
Always include what type of request you want me to write.
Specify because specification is very important as it helps me make your request as pleasing as possible, but try not to be too specific as I like the element of surprise.
If you want me to write something from my prompt list (click here): include the name of said character, category of the prompt and the prompt’s respective number (e.g. Jay Halstead, fluff 7). 
1.1 Note: If you don't include what type of request it is that you want me to cook up, I will choose the type myself so don't come at me if you wanted a 2K worded piece of work and instead got an imagine with 200 words!
1.2 Note: Mixing the prompt with a plot line of your own is allowed, just make sure to follow the rules (1-3). 
Unless asked for, I will be writing with the Female!reader in mind (I like to exclude any gender relation and make it so that both genders could read and enjoy).
I respond to asks when the request has been qued to post and released on Ao3.
The maximum number of request you can send is 2. I know there is an option to send them in anonymously, but I really hope you will stick to this rule. Give others a chance to submit their wishes, and don’t make the line too big with by mass requesting (I close requests after I get around 30 requests).
Requests sent during seasons I have not watched or for characters that have yet to make an appearance in the show will not be written (exceptions exist).
I write one-shots but not a whole series unless I can see/want a continuation.
Themed requests (Christmas, Valentine's Day, New Year etc.) can be only sent during that time. I don’t accept Christmas requests during the month of May. The same goes for the rest.
I have every right to delete every request that does not fit within the rules stated above, or I feel uncomfortable writing. Also, it’s important to note that I don’t have inspiration to write every request that’s sent. It’s normal to not have inspiration, and because I prefer quality to quantity, if I see that I don’t have inspiration for a request then I will not write it.
Requests will be deleted if sent while my request box is closed. I won’t answer them as I feel like there is no need. On almost every informative post (+my bio, and if you’re on PC my theme under ‘blog status’) it will say whether the request box is closed or not.
English is not my first language but without digging myself my own grave this early on I want to say that I'm proud of how much I know, given that I never speak English unless in school.
Be nice because only constructive criticism is allowed. If you spot a grammatical error or a paragraph/sentence/word etc. that doesn't make sense, let me know. But be nice!
LGBTQ+  topics/relationships (because I feel like I wouldn’t do a good job) 
Real people, send only requests for characters in my writing list
Ships or OC, send only reader inserts
NSFW (mature content stories)
Romanticized mental illnesses
S*icide scenes
R*pe scenes
2.1 Note: P*dophilia, r*pe, s*icide might be mentioned in my Chicago P.D, Fire, Med shots (or other), but I will never explicitly write about those subjects or write about anything that is about/centered around them.
2.2 Note: Explicitly written smut is a no, I will not write that. Try to refrain from requesting steamy scenes too, as I will only put them in myself were I to deem it necessary for the WIP.
Fluff/ WAFF
Fusion/ Crossover
Here is me trying to explain what kind of requests I also take [x]
2.6 Note: It’s hard to list but to make it easier for you guys, I will write about almost anything as long as it’s not on my 2.0 bullet.
Posts are usually posted between 01:00 A.M. and 05:00 A.M. CET (Central European Time).
Check schedule to see what's been qued to post.
3.1 Note: This account is NOT my work place. Everything here is written when I have time and I feel like writing. Requests that I find more interesting will most likely be written and qued to post sooner. I advise you to follow my blog, check regularly and sit tight until you see that it's qued. You can always check my navigation page and click on 'schedule'. Or simply click here.
3.2 Note: I am not a doctor nor a firefighter nor a policeman. I research whatever I can before I start writing and sometimes that takes hours. Nothing is 100% accurate (especially for events set in Chicago Med) although I hope it is.
3.6 Note: Requests are currently OPEN for all fandoms!!!
3.7 Note: Your requests do not have to be strictly romantic (Sibling!Reader or other are also (obviously) allowed).
---More shows and characters will be added through time
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✏ TV SHOWS (alphabetical order)
9-1-1 (✓)
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Howard "Chimney" Han
Simon Basset
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Prince Friedrich
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Peter Mills
Jimmy Borelli
Christopher Herrmann
Brian “Otis” Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Jay Halstead
Hank Voight
Alvin Olinsky
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
Ethan Choi
Noah Sexton
Crockett Marcel
James Lanik
Blake Carrington
Jeff Colby
Liam Ridley
Michael Culhane
Guzmán Nunier Osuna
Samuel García Domínguez
Christian Varela Expósito
Leopoldo Benavent Villada (Polo)
Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Ada Shelby
Polly Gray
Alfie Solomons
Michael Gray (I currently cannot stand this dude)
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Derek Hale
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Rebekah Mikaelson
Number Five
Diego Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore (hate him)
Alaric Saltzman
Lorenzo St. John
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert (hate her even more)
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Benny Watts
Harry Beltik
Geralt of Rivia
See under ‘Marvel Universe’.
Oliver Wood
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
The Marauders era
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Bruce Banner / Hulk
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Nick Fury
James Rhodes / War Machine / Iron Patriot
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
T'Challa / Black Panther
Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Stephen Strange
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Pietro Maximoff
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Embry Call
Lee Christmas
Barney Ross
Billy The Kid
Hale Caesar
Yin Yang
Toll Road
Gunnar Jensen
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66 notes · View notes
malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2008 Movie Awards
Best Picture: The Dark Knight Milk Rachel Getting Married WALL-E The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Doubt, The Class, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, Burn After Reading, Wendy and Lucy, Man on Wire, Hunger, Ballast, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Happy-Go-Lucky, Synecdoche New York Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, The Wrestler Jonathan Demme, Rachel Getting Married Christopher Nolan, The Dark Knight Andrew Stanton, WALL-E Gus Van Sant, Milk HONORABLE MENTION: Laurent Cantet, The Class; Ethan Coen & Joel Coen, Burn After Reading; David Fincher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Lance Hammer, Ballast; Charlie Kaufman, Synecdoche, New York; Kurt Kuenne, Dear Zachary; Mike Leigh, Happy-Go-Lucky; James Marsh, Man on Wire; Steve McQueen, Hunger; Kelly Reichardt, Wendy and Lucy; John Patrick Shanley, Doubt Best Actor: Michael Fassbender, Hunger Richard Jenkins, The Visitor Ben Kingsley, Elegy Sean Penn, Milk Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Francois Begeaudeau, The Class; Michael Cera, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Robert Downey Jr., Iron Man; Colin Farrell, In Bruges; James Franco, Pineapple Express; Brendan Gleeson, In Bruges; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt; Philip Seymour Hoffman, Synecdoche New York; Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon; Brad Pitt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Michael Pitt, Funny Games; Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop; Jason Segel, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast; Anton Yelchin, Charlie Barlett Best Actress: Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married Sally Hawkins, Happy-Go-Lucky Kristin Scott Thomas, I've Loved You So Long Meryl Streep, Doubt Michelle Williams, Wendy and Lucy HONORABLE MENTION: Amy Adams, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Kate Beckinsale, Nothing But the Truth; Cate Blanchett, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Rebecca Hall, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Scarlett Johansson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Nicole Kidman, Australia; Melissa Leo, Frozen River; Frances McDormand, Burn After Reading; Frances McDormand, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day; Tarra Riggs, Ballast; Jess Weixler, Teeth; Kate Winslet, Revolutionary Road Best Supporting Actor: James Franco, Milk Bill Irwin, Rachel Getting Married Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight Eddie Marsan, Happy-Go-Lucky Brad Pitt, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Russell Brand, Forgetting Sarah Marshall; Josh Brolin, Milk; Brady Corbet, Funny Games; Liam Cunningham, Hunger; Aaron Eckhart, The Dark Knight; Ralph Fiennes, In Bruges; Danny McBride, Pineapple Express; Liam McMahon, Hunger; Mos Def, Cadillac Records; Gary Oldman, The Dark Knight; Dev Patel, Slumdog Millionaire; Haaz Sleiman, The Visitor Best Supporting Actress: Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Viola Davis, Doubt Rosemarie DeWitt, Rachel Getting Married Samantha Morton, Synecdoche, New York Evan Rachel Wood, The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Hiam Abbass, The Visitor; Amy Adams, Doubt; Patricia Clarkson, Elegy; Vera Farmiga, Nothing But the Truth; Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist; Taraji P. Henson, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Anjelica Huston, Choke; Beyonce Knowles, Cadillac Records; Sophie Okonedo, The Secret Life of Bees; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Tilda Swinton, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button; Marisa Tomei, The Wrestler; Debra Winger, Rachel Getting Married; Elysa Zylberstein, I’ve Loved You So Long Best Original Screenplay: Burn After Reading - Ethan Coen & Joel Coen Hunger - Steve McQueen & Enda Walsh Milk - Dustin Lance Black Rachel Getting Married - Jenny Lumet WALL-E - Pete Docter, Jim Reardon & Andrew Stanton HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Charlie Barlett, Chop Shop, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Happy-Go-Lucky, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Pineapple Express, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, The Visitor, The Wrestler, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Adapted Screenplay: The Class - Francois Begaudeau, Robin Campillo & Laurent Cantet The Dark Knight - David S. Goyer, Christopher Nolan & Jonathan Nolan Doubt - John Patrick Shanley Elegy - Nicholas Meyer Slumdog Millionaire - Simon Beaufoy HONORABLE MENTION: The Counterfeiters, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Speed Racer, Wendy and Lucy Best Ensemble: Burn After Reading The Class The Dark Knight Milk Slumdog Millionaire HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Doubt, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Funny Games, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Rachel Getting Married, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Best Limited Performance - Male: Andre Blake, Rachel Getting Married Justin Long, Zack and Miri Make a Porno Denis O'Hare, Milk Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road J.K. Simmons, Burn After Reading HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Alda, Flash of Genius; Michael Caine, The Dark Knight; Tom Cruise, Tropic Thunder; Bill Hader, Pineapple Express; David Rasche, Burn After Reading; Victor Rasuk, Stop-Loss; Mark Rendall, Charlie Barlett Best Limited Performance - Female: Patricia Clarkson, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Hope Davis, Synecdoche, New York Karina Fernandez, Happy-Go-Lucky Amy Ryan, Changeling Robin Weigert, Synecdoche, New York HONORABLE MENTION: Heather Burns, Choke; Zoe Kazan, Revolutionary Road; Jennifer Jason Leigh, Synecdoche New York; Lena Olin, The Reader; Amy Sedaris, Snow Angels; Sigourney Weaver, Vantage Point; Dianne Wiest, Synecdoche New York; Kristen Wiig, Ghost Town Breakthrough Performance: Ari Graynor, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist Alejandro Polanco, Chop Shop Tarra Riggs, Ballast Micheal J. Smith Sr., Ballast Jess Weixler, Teeth HONORABLE MENTION: David Kross, The Reader; Lina Leandersson, Let the Right One In; Charlie McDermott, Frozen River; Gabe Nevins, Paranoid Park; Esmeralda Ouertani, The Class; Freida Pinto, Slumdog Millionaire; Rachel Regulier, The Class; Brandon Walters, Australia Best Film Editing: The Dark Knight - Lee Smith Hunger - Joe Walker Rachel Getting Married - Tim Squyres Slumdog Millionaire - Chris Dickens The Wrestler - Andrew Weisblum HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Ballast, Burn After Reading, Chop Shop, The Class, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Dear Zachary, Doubt. Funny Games, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Man on Wire, Milk, Paranoid Park, Pineapple Express, Speed Racer Best Cinematography: Australia - Mandy Walker Ballast - Lol Crawley The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Claudio Miranda The Dark Knight - Wally Pfister The Wrestler - Maryse Alberti HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Changeling, Chop Shop, Doubt, Elegy, Funny Games, Hunger, Let the Right One In, Milk, Paranoid Park, Rachel Getting Married, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Synecdoche New York, Wendy and Lucy Best Original Score: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Alexandre Desplat The Dark Knight - James Newton Howard & Hans Zimmer Milk - Danny Elfman Slumdog Millionaire - A.R. Rahman WALL-E - Thomas Newman HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Burn After Reading, Changeling, In Bruges, I’ve Loved You So Long, Kung Fu Panda, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Revolutionary Road, Speed Racer, The Visitor, Waltz with Bashir, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Original Song: High School Musical 3: Senior Year - "I Want It All" - Matthew Gerrard & Robbie Nevil Slumdog Millionaire - "Jai Ho" - Gulzar & A.R. Rahman Synecdoche, New York - "Little Person" - Jon Brion & Charlie Kaufman WALL-E - "Down to Earth" - Peter Gabriel & Thomas Newman The Wrestler - "The Wrestler" - Bruce Springsteen HONORABLE MENTION: Australia - “By the Boab Tree”; Bolt - “Barking at the Moon”; Cadillac Records - “Once in a Lifetime”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “High School Musical”; High School Musical 3: Senior Year - “A Night to Remember”; My Blueberry Nights - “The Story”; Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist - “Ottoman”; Sex and the City - “All Dressed in Love”; Slumdog Millionaire - “O Saya”; Trouble the Water - “Trouble the Water”; Twilight - “I Caught Myself” Best Art Direction: Australia - Beverly Dunn & Catherine Martin Changeling - Gary Fettis & James J. Murakami The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Donald Graham Burt & Victor J. Zolfo Revolutionary Road - Debra Schutt & Kristi Zea Synecdoche, New York - Mark Friedberg & Lydia Marks HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Frost/Nixon, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, Iron Man, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Pineapple Express, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Vicky Cristina Barcelona Best Costume Design: Australia - Catherine Martin The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Jacqueline West Milk - Danny Glicker Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - Michael O'Connor Sex and the City - Patricia Field HONORABLE MENTION: Burn After Reading, Cadillac Records, Changeling, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, Doubt, Frost/Nixon, Happy-Go-Lucky, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, W., The Wrestler Best Makeup: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Frost/Nixon Hunger The Wrestler HONORABLE MENTION: Cadillac Records, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Iron Man, Let the Right One In, Milk, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Saw V, Sex and the City, Slumdog Millionaire, Speed Racer, Synecdoche New York, Tropic Thunder, Twilight, W. Best Sound Mixing: The Dark Knight Iron Man Pineapple Express Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cadillac Records, Cloverfield, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, High School Musical 3: Senior Year, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Let the Right One In, Mamma Mia!, Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler Best Sound Editing: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Iron Man Speed Racer WALL-E HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Get Smart, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, Pineapple Express, Saw V, Slumdog Millionaire, Tropic Thunder, The Wrestler, The X-Files: I Want to Believe Best Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Hellboy II: The Golden Army Iron Man Speed Racer HONORABLE MENTION: Australia, Cloverfield, Eagle Eye, Get Smart, The Incredible Hulk, Tropic Thunder Best Foreign-Language Film: The Class - Laurent Cantet The Counterfeiters - Stefan Ruzowitzky I've Loved You So Long - Philippe Claudel Let the Right One In - Tomas Alfredson Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman HONORABLE MENTION: JCVD Best Documentary: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father - Kurt Kuenne Man on Wire - James Marsh Taxi to the Dark Side - Alex Gibney Trouble the Water - Carl Deal & Tia Lessin Young@Heart - Stephen Walker Honorable Mention: HONORABLE MENTION: Bigger Stronger Fast, Encounters at the End of the World, Religulous, Standard Operating Procedure, Waltz with Bashir Best Animated Film: Bolt - Byron Howard & Chris Williams Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who - Jimmy Hayward & Steve Martino Kung Fu Panda - Mark Osborne & John Stevenson WALL-E - Andrew Stanton Waltz with Bashir - Ari Folman Every 2008 Film I've Seen: Ranked
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Benjamin X FemVampire!Reader Angsty Prompt with cute moments and a fluffy moment
!TW: Implied suffering from depression, implied swearing (‘cursed’), break-up, anxiety, word ‘wounded’, mention of being previously wounded, words ‘attacked’, ‘threatened’ and ‘attack’, threat/presence of threat, being chased (by said threat), elements of horror, mild violence/violence, injury detail (scratches)!
“What is all this!?” Alice exclaimed when she found cake batter all over the floor; Benjamin had been trying to bake your favourite cake for your birthday, but the bowl had slipped through his fingers because he’d gotten distracted whilst reading through the recipe.
Benjamin winced, before he warily looked over at Alice. “I was just-” Benjamin sighed, feeling ashamed of himself. “I wanted to bake a cake for Y/n’s birthday,” Benjamin explained, “but-.. I’m sorry.”
Alice shook her head, before she helped him clean up the batter on the floor. “It’s okay,” Alice reassured him, before she picked out a new bowl for him and her to use. “Let me help you, this time,” Alice requested, and Benjamin’s reddish brown eyes glinted, before he nodded quickly, immensely relieved.
“Thank you so much,” Benjamin expressed, and Alice returned the two words ‘you’re welcome’ with a sweet smile.
“B, you - you shouldn’t have,” you murmured, a pained expression on your face; you felt as if you didn’t deserve him; he’d set up decorations around the Cullens’ and Hayes’ home for your birthday.
Benjamin frowned, intertwining his fingers with your’s. “I wanted to,” Benjamin responded, and you forced a weak smile up at him, but found that you couldn’t keep it in place, resulting in it fading away as you bowed your head. “H-Hey,” Benjamin cooed, turning you to face him gently, “talk to me.”
You couldn’t stop yourself as you sobbed, turning your face away from him again. “I can’t do this anymore, B,” you whispered shakily, “I - I’m sorry.”
Benjamin faltered, subconsciously shaking his head. “W-What do you mean?” Benjamin questioned, stammering as he did. “Y/n-.. N-No,” Benjamin uttered, “I can’t lose you; I loved you with every single part of me-”
“‘Loved’?” You interrupted, a hurt look on your face. “You - You don’t love me anymore?” You assumed, and Benjamin cursed himself when he registered what he’d just said to you.
“That’s - That’s not what I said!” Benjamin cried, desperate to keep you; he couldn’t imagine having to live without you. “Don’t put words into my mouth, Y/n. Is this really how you want to end this? After everything we’ve been through, and overcome?” Benjamin retorted, and you grimaced, prying your arms from his grasp. “Y/n, please, d-don’t do this,” Benjamin begged, but you walked away before he could stop you. Benjamin then broke down, running out of the Cullens’ and Hayes’ home as he’d begun to cry, and he didn’t want anyone to see him crying.
Benjamin went to find Alice after he’d stopped crying, and she would wonder why he looked so down after he’d shown you the birthday decorations and cake. “What’s going on?” Alice inquired, and Benjamin tried not to break down again in front of her, his hands trembling.
“She left me,” Benjamin answered, his broken voice close to a whisper.
Alice scoffed, not believing him as she began to laugh, thinking he was joking; she couldn’t bring herself to believe that you’d leave him after he’d shown you the setup for your birthday party. “That was so funny I think I just peed a little,” Alice remarked, shaking her head, until she noticed the hurt and furious expression on Benjamin’s face.
“I was being serious,” Benjamin hissed, and Alice faltered, shaking her head as her face began to drop.
“No,” Alice murmured, “she can’t have-”
“Well she did,” Benjamin interrupted, his voice briefly cracking, “a-and I don’t know what to do, now.” Alice then smiled softly when she got an idea, guiding Benjamin into the house to talk him through her plan.
Alice had convinced everyone, including Carlisle, Esme and Jacob to leave the house briefly, so she could execute her plan with Benjamin, who was anxiously pacing; he was worried that you wouldn’t turn up. Alice had called you, saying that she needed your help with something, and requested for you to come home and help her. When you walked through the front door, you regretted believing Alice, and cursed yourself for being so gullible when you noticed Benjamin waiting for you in the front room. “H-Hey,” Benjamin greeted, smiling sheepishly in your direction; he was wearing the suit you recognised to be the one he’d worn with you to go to the nice theatre near his old home. “I - I was hoping that maybe we could-”
“N-No,” you uttered, and Benjamin began to lose hope, his eyes dimming, “I’m not doing this with you, Benjamin. N-Not again..”
“Why not?” Benjamin questioned, stepping closer to you.
“I.. Don’t think I could take it,” you admitted, a pained expression on your face; you knew that you’d only break down further if you saw the theatre, and park that you met Benjamin in, and grew up with him in.
Benjamin nodded gravely, understanding that it would be hard for the both of you to see it again after what had happened with his arranged marriage to Tia. “So,” Benjamin began, his eyes glinting with hope again that he’d clung on to, “let’s - go somewhere else, then! W-Where would you like to go?”
You thought about the question for a moment, before you smirked, getting an idea. “We could go and see that new dinosaur film at the cinema?” You suggested, and Benjamin couldn’t help, but chuckle, amused.
“You seriously want to go to that?” Benjamin responded, and you nodded, a serious expression on your face. “Are you twelve?” Benjamin pried playfully, and you shot him a glare, before you turned your face away from him. Benjamin chuckled again, before he lifted his hand to place it on your shoulder. “Okay,” Benjamin gave in, “we can go and see that dinosaur movie.” You beamed victoriously, and Benjamin couldn’t help, but smile, happy to see you smiling again.
Benjamin noticed that you seemed disgruntled when you’d both arrived back home - It had started raining when you both left the cinema. “Are you okay?” Benjamin inquired, also noticing you fiddling with the bandage patch over your eye that had been wounded by one of the vampires in the Volturi.
“The patch is wet and it’s irritating my eye,” you whined, and Benjamin frowned, rushing you into the house so he could change the patch for you.
Once the patch had been changed, you felt a lot better, and your eye wasn’t bothering you as much as it had been before. “There you go, good as new,” Benjamin announced, beaming proudly, and you smiled your thanks to him, before you shyly looked away from him.
“I - Had a great time with you, B,” you expressed, and Benjamin smiled warmly, glad that you’d had a good time. “T-Thank you,” you added, and Benjamin shuffled closer to you shyly, before he hesitantly connected his lips to your’s.
“I love you so much,” Benjamin whispered, placing his hand on your cheek. “And that will never change, okay?” Benjamin promised, and you nodded, smiling weakly, before you pressed your lips against his to kiss him again.
After you’d been threatened and almost attacked again by a mysterious, dark figure, you ran in the direction of the house Benjamin and Tia were staying in, needing Benjamin to comfort you and make you feel safe. You warily looked over your shoulder, sobbing in a strained manner, before you rapped on the door, desperate to get into the safety of a shelter, preferably with Benjamin within it with you. You felt your face drop when it was Tia’s father who opened the door, and he scowled when he noticed you. “I - I’m sorry to disturb you, b-but-.. Is Benjamin here?” You inquired, hoping he wouldn’t react too badly to the question after he’d recently, and practically banned you both from seeing each other.
Tia’s father grimaced, before he shook his head. “He isn’t here,” he answered, “and even if he was, I wouldn’t let you come in and see him.”
“I - I know, I just-..” You whined, looking around as you were worried that the figure would find you. “I really need some help - someone - someone was following me, and-.. and they tried to attack me!” You cried, and Tia’s father grunted, deciding that he wouldn’t tell Amun about your looking for Benjamin since there was supposedly someone following you. “C-Can I please stay here, j-just for a little while-”
“No,” he hissed, and you groaned, feeling dread building in the depths of your stomach. “I’ve already told you, Benjamin isn’t here-”
“I know, but-”
Tia’s father threateningly backed you away from the door, scaring you as you whimpered, silently begging for Benjamin to come back and help you. “Then why are you still here!? Go!” He demanded, and you nodded quickly, before you began to run away, tears streaming down your cheeks. You would be startled when thunder began to rumble above you, and you tried to run faster, almost tripping up, and bumping into trees you passed on the way to the Cullen’s and Hayes’ home you stayed in. You then heard someone laughing, and you began to panic, looking around you to see where the laughing was coming from, but you didn’t see anything before you were knocked to the ground painfully. In your moment of panic, you managed to get back up, running away from the figure chasing you again.
You expressed relief when you noticed the door open for you - Alice had had a vision about the figure chasing you, and about you running toward the house in a manner which gave the impression that you were in grave peril. “C’mon, Y/n!” Alice encouraged, and you pushed yourself to run faster toward the open door.
You staggered when your foot caught a stick which was sticking out of the ground, and the figure managed to grab your arm, making you cry out in pain when you felt their nails digging into your skin. “Let her go!” A familiar voice yelled, and the figure loosened their grip on your arm, giving you the opportunity to pry it from them and rush through the open door of the Cullen’s and Hayes’ petite white house. Alice quickly shut the door, before she locked it, rushing you up the stairs.
When it finally went quiet outside, you expressed relief, until you remembered that Benjamin had been fighting with the figure who had been chasing you. You looked out the window when you heard something tap it, and smiled subconsciously when you noticed Benjamin standing beneath it. Benjamin smiled, and waved when he noticed you. “He’s okay,” you whispered, and Alice looked out of the window next to you. Benjamin then reluctantly began to walk back in the direction of the house he had to stay in with Tia; he didn’t want to be caught because he couldn’t face the pain of losing you, reminding himself of Tia’s father’s threat to speak to Amun, and get him to send you away if he or Tia caught him with you.
You would be startled when someone touched your arm, and so quickly turned around, but you would relax when you realised it was only Carlisle. “Well, those are new,” Carlisle observed, gesticulating to the scratches on your arm from the figure’s nails. “But they shouldn’t hurt for very long,” Carlisle stated, “I’ll still need to cover them for you so they don’t get infected, but they’ll only be covering them for a couple of weeks, at least, maybe even less.”
“Thank you, Carlisle,” you responded, smiling weakly up at him. Carlisle smiled back, before he left the room to retrieve the bandage roll for your arm.
“Where were you?” Tia questioned as she rushed up to him when he walked through the door, grimacing at her. “I was worried about you,” she whined, attempting to kiss him, but he moved away before she could, subconsciously looking around for her father, but he wasn’t in the room.
“You’re getting way too comfortable around me,” Benjamin uttered, and Tia frowned, a hurt look on her face. “I’m going to bed,” he muttered, storming up the stairs.
Benjamin sneakily met up with you in the woods when Tia’s father was away, and you were both challenging each other playfully like you used to when you were both kids. “I was thinking maybe we could go to that nice café near here,” Benjamin mused, and you nodded in agreement, grinning over at him, “and also that we should race to see whose treat it is. So - You up for it?”
“Hell yeah,” you answered, and Benjamin smirked, excited; he loved to race you.
“Let’s start here,” he decided, gesticulating to the clear space next to the wooden bench. You nodded, positioning yourself beside him, and mentally as well as physically preparing yourself for the race ahead of you. “The finish line will be where the forest ends, okay?” Benjamin informed, and you nodded to show that you were prepared and had acknowledged the information. “On the count of three, and loser buys - Ready?” Benjamin pried for the last time, and you nodded, returning the word ‘ready’ with determination. “One, two, three,” Benjamin counted slowly and dramatically, “go!”
“What is this?” Tia’s father’s voice boomed throughout the house, and Benjamin grunted, looking over at him when he heard him enter the room swiftly with a teddy bear in his hand.
Benjamin tried not to show that he was worried about the teddy, knowing that he might get rid of it, when Benjamin didn’t want to lose it because you’d given it to him when you were both children; you’d managed to find some money to buy it for his birthday. “Y-Y/n gave it to me as a present,” Benjamin answered, a pained expression on his face.
“We are not displaying this in our home,” he spat, “it’s a human’s item, and doesn’t belong here.” Benjamin rushed outside to retrieve it after Tia’s father had thrown it out; he couldn’t allow himself to lose it; it meant too much to him, and he despised Tia’s father even more for trying to dispose of it.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Benjamin X Fem!Vampire Reader Angsty Forbidden Love prompt (Part two of the last prompt I posted)
!TW: Jealousy, implied depression, mention of plan to commit suicide, suicidal intentions, mention of planned self-immolation!
“Tia just-.. Held me up,” he explained, and you grunted. “But I’m here now,” he changed the subject, lowering his hand as he smiled sweetly at you, “you ready to go to the park?”
You nodded, excited as you rushed out of the house with him, but you both faltered when you noticed Tia and her father waiting outside. “Going somewhere?” Tia’s father spoke up, scowling as he stepped closer to the both of you.
You felt your still heart sink as Benjamin released your hand, but you hid your face from them. “Just to the park,” Benjamin answered, and her father looked back at Tia, before he returned his gaze to Benjamin.
“I’m afraid you can’t go tonight,” her father responded, and you began to despair, looking up at Benjamin.
Benjamin held back a scowl, tilting his head partially. “Why can’t we go?” Benjamin questioned, his reddish brown eyes flickering between Tia and her father.
“You need to spend some time with your wife,” he answered simply, and Benjamin looked over at you, frowning when he heard a barely audible sniffle beside him.
“Y/n-” Benjamin watched as you rushed back into the house, and he sighed heavily, forcing himself to look back at Tia’s father.
“You need to stop whatever it is that you’re doing with that girl,” Tia’s father demanded, “and you need to stop sneaking off to see her. If either I or Tia catch you with her again, we’ll speak to Amun, and she will be sent away - Do you understand me?” Benjamin nodded gravely, and Tia’s father dragged him over to Tia by his arm. “Now go home,” he commanded, and Benjamin dragged himself behind Tia, feeling guilty and worried about you.
When Benjamin had gotten a bad feeling, he snuck out again, hoping that Tia wouldn’t notice; he just wanted to check up on you. Benjamin practically flew as he ran to the Hayes’ and the Cullen’s home, and he knew he probably shouldn’t go in through the front door, so he jumped up to your window, startling you as you dropped the carton of gasoline on the floor; you’d been planning on trying to take your life by setting yourself on fire. Benjamin hadn’t noticed the gasoline, at first, as he was focussed on opening the window. Once he’d managed to get it open, he climbed into the room. “W-What are you doing here, B? Tia’s father said that we can’t-”
“I was worried about you,” he interrupted, looking around the room as he smelt something horrible and strong. “What is that?” Benjamin uttered, and you winced, watching as he followed the smell to the carton by the bed. Benjamin looked back at you, before he picked up the carton to examine it, and he felt his still heart sink as he began to realise that you’d been planning on taking your life, and this was why he’d gotten that bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. “Y/n,” Benjamin murmured, his voice cracking as he lifted his head to look at you. You bowed your head, tears invading your eyes as you began to feel ashamed of yourself.
Benjamin stormed up to the window, before he threw the carton of gasoline out of it. “I’m sorry, B, I just-”
Benjamin threw his arms around you, and you heard that he was crying as he was breathing shakily. “I won’t lose you,” he whispered, his voice trembling. “I - I can’t live without you,” he added, his voice faltering as a sob escaped his lips. Benjamin held you at arm’s length, his expression firm, though he was in the middle of breaking down in front of you. “Don’t ever do that again,” he demanded, and you nodded, whispering ‘okay’, before you buried your face into his shoulder, and he pressed his face into the crook of your neck as he cried quietly. You let yourself break down with him, hugging him tightly as you did. Once you’d both begun to calm down, Benjamin held you at arm’s length again. “Are you okay?” Benjamin asked, and you nodded, reassuring him.
“I’m better, now that you’re here,” you answered, and he smiled weakly at you, before he lifted his hand to stroke your hair; he knew it helped to comfort and relax you.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Benjamin X FemHuman!Reader Angsty Prompt with comfort and a brief cute and fluffy moment
!TW: Mention of pregnancy, mention of blood/presence of blood, mention of wound, mention of stitches (the stitched up wound), implied self harm, implied suffering from depression!
Benjamin noticed that you looked down when he entered the bedroom, and he tried to cheer you up; he hated to see you upset. “Hey,” Benjamin broke the silence, dragging you out of the memory of your childhood as you looked up at him, forcing a weak smile as you did. “Are you okay?” Benjamin inquired, and you nodded, before you lowered your head again; you didn’t want him to see that you had small tear stains on your cheeks. “Do you wanna play cards, or something? Would that cheer you up?” Benjamin pried, and you hesitantly nodded, smiling weakly over at him.
Whilst you both were playing cards, Benjamin got an idea, and planned on putting down the Queen of Hearts, but before he did, he looked up at you, smirking. “You’re my Queen of Hearts,” Benjamin remarked, and you couldn’t help, but giggle, looking away from him as you could feel that your cheeks were beginning to heat up.
“You always manage to make me laugh, B,” you mused, still grinning as you forgot all about you being upset before you both began to play. Benjamin smiled warmly back at you, glad that he’d succeeded in making you happy again.
The next time Benjamin found you upset was when you were sat under your favourite willow tree, crying openly. “Y/n?” Benjamin spoke gently, and you turned away from him as you didn’t like to be caught crying. “H-Hey,” Benjamin cooed as he sat beside you, leaning against the trunk of the willow tree, until he turned his body to face you more.
“Can - Can I have a hug?” You requested shakily, and Benjamin nodded, before he wrapped his arms around you, easing you closer to him. You then found yourself breaking down even more, and you weren’t exactly sure why, so you threw your arms around him for more comfort. As you began to calm down, you found that you couldn’t think as you uttered the words: ‘you smell nice’ to him, making him chuckle, flattered.
“Thank you,” Benjamin responded, and you winced, realising you’d said it out loud.
“I’m sorry,” you whined, hiding your face in his jacket.
“Don’t apologise,” Benjamin instructed, his voice soft; he didn’t like how you felt the need to apologise to him or anyone for small things like that. “I’m happy to hear that I smell good,” Benjamin stated, and you whimpered, still embarrassed.
“I’m fine,” you muttered; you and Benjamin had been arguing ever since you both found out that Benjamin would have to marry Tia, a girl from another coven, because you hadn’t felt ready to get married before when you were offered the chance to marry him. If you knew before that Amun would decide to marry him and Tia together if you refused, you would have chosen to marry him, because you didn’t want to lose him, and now you felt as if you were losing him forever, and the feeling seemed to be breaking your heart as you swore you could feel it aching whilst it was being torn apart.
“You’re not fine,” Benjamin contradicted, wishing you’d tell him the truth; he hated to think that you were suffering in silence.
“Why do you care, anyway?” You questioned, adding emphasis on the word ‘you’.
Benjamin wore a hurt look on his face; he couldn’t believe that you thought he shouldn’t care about you, after everything you’d both been through together. “I care because I love you, Y/n,” Benjamin answered, his voice cracking briefly, “and I don’t want to lose you.”
You sighed heavily, before you turned away from him. “Well - Thank you for always being there for me, Benjamin,” you murmured, “but I don’t see how this is going to work anymore.. Not now that you’re - getting married.” Benjamin shook his head quickly; he didn’t want things to end between him and you; he wanted to keep trying, until you both could finally get married, yourselves, and have a child, before you both became official eternal mates. Before he could respond, you got up and walked out of the room, not wanting to face the pain of being in the same room as him anymore.
Benjamin would be worried about you when he got a bad feeling, so he decided to try and find you, but you weren’t currently home with the Cullens’ and the Hayes’, which panicked him even more as he began to run toward the forest, wanting to check if you were beneath your favourite willow tree. Benjamin faltered when he picked up the scent of blood, but he tried not to be enticed by it, grimacing when he found you unconscious beneath the willow tree, your grey top and hands partly blood-stained. “Y/n,” Benjamin whispered shakily, before he crouched down to pick you up, his reddish brown eyes glistening. “Y-You’re gonna be okay,” he promised, silently begging for you to wake up and respond to him. Benjamin sped back toward the Cullens’ and Hayes’ white house, knowing he needed to bring you back to Carlisle so he could treat you.
Carlisle allowed Benjamin back into his makeshift operation room once he’d finished treating you, and he carefully sat on the edge of the bed that Carlisle had laid you on, before he managed to fit his whole body onto the narrow free space next to you. Benjamin cradled you, holding you close to him carefully, and trying to avoid touching where Carlisle had stitched your wound up. “Please wake up,” Benjamin whispered; he wanted to hear your voice; he was desperate to hear it.
Benjamin then heard a whimper, and he looked down at you, breathing a sigh of relief when he noticed that your eyes were slowly opening. “B,” you managed in a weak murmur, and he nodded, lifting his hand to place it on your cheek. “I’ve missed you so much,” you mused, and he frowned, a pained expression on his face; he wished he had made more of an effort to spend time with you, especially after everything that had happened recently.
“Who did this to you?” Benjamin inquired, and you winced, turning your head away to hide your face from him. Benjamin realised that you had probably done this to yourself, and he wore a hurt look on his face, trying to fight back the tears which had invaded his eyes again. “Why-?” Benjamin asked, his voice close to a shaky whisper.
“Do you really think of me as just a friend, B? Do - Do I really mean nothing to you?” You questioned, and Benjamin shook his head quickly, before he lifted his hand again to stroke your hair.
“You mean everything to me,” Benjamin answered, “you’re my World. And you aren’t just a friend to me, I just - I can’t say that you’re more than that in front of Tia and her father, or Amun, even, no matter how much I want to. I love you, Y/n, can you please just - just remember that?” You glanced up at him, before you nodded gravely, forcing a smile up at him. “Good,” he responded to your action, before he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I told you not to fall in love with me,” Benjamin hissed, and Tia winced, nervous as she stepped back.
“I’ve tried to forbid myself from falling in love with you, Benjamin, but,” Tia began slowly, “now I can’t help it - I-.. I’m sorry.” Benjamin scowled, before he stormed out to go and see you.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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Benjamin X Fem!Reader Cute and Angsty Prompt
!TW: Fire, mention of explosion, collapsing building, mild violence, kidnapping(?)!
“If I fall, you - you’ll catch me, right?” You asked, worried.
Benjamin held your hand, smiling softly. “Always,” he responded, before he pulled you closer to him so he could hug you and comfort you.
“O-One more thing,” you spoke quietly, “please don’t let me fall.”
“Never,” he assured, and you felt better. “I will protect you with my life, I promise,” he added gently, his voice soothing you, and you believed his every word.
You woke up during the night, finding him sitting up next to you, staring ahead of him. You frowned, yawning and propping yourself up on your elbows. “You should sleep,” you advised him, and he glanced down at you.
“I’m not human, remember? I’m a vampire, therefore I do not require sleep,” he reminded you, but he was flattered by the care and concern you held for him. “You must be tired, don’t worry about me,” he whispered, leaning down to place a kiss to your forehead.
“I-If I fall asleep, will you leave me?” You asked, worried that you’d wake up and find him gone.
Benjamin shook his head, surprised that you’d even think he would disappear. “I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured you, and you smiled sheepishly. “I couldn’t risk losing you, so I must stay, but also - I like to watch you sleeping,” he added quietly, “you always look so peaceful. After this - I promise you will have me all weekend, but I must protect the others and protect you tonight, and that is what I am doing now.” You nodded, before you snuggled closer to him, closing your eyes as you did.
You bowed your head, trying to hide the hurt conveyed in your eyes. “You said that I would have you all weekend. Why can’t you tell the others that you can’t go?” You asked, but you could see on his face that he didn’t want to let them down.
Benjamin had promised the others that he would keep the Volturi at bay, and he didn’t want to break his promise to them, and to his coven and leader, Amun. “It’s my job, Y/N, and it’s important-”
“And I’m not?” You responded shakily, and fell quiet for a moment. “Sorry, I -.. I know it’s important, I just-..” You sighed, feeling pathetic as tears began to run down your cheeks. You rushed out of the room, before he could say anything to you.
You were walking in the forest, wary of the possible dangers lurking within it. You heard something close by, and stopped in your tracks immediately. Suddenly someone held you back tightly, and you recognised his calm voice instantly - Luckily for you, it was only Benjamin. “Stay here and don’t move. I’ll be right back,” he murmured from beside you, and you obeyed him, waiting for him to return.
After a few tense moments of silence, you heard a sharp crack within the forest, and you wondered what was going on. “B-Benji?” You uttered in a hushed, yet timid voice as you suddenly made yourself more aware that you were alone.
You would be relieved when he had emerged from the bushes, hugging you tightly, as if he’d thought that he would lose you. “It’s not safe out here, Y/N, you can’t be here,” he deemed, leading you away from the looming trees. “They could have gotten to you if I didn’t get to them, first,” he muttered, and you would be confused, looking over at him, and noticing the anxious expression on his face.
You would be shocked as you rushed out of the blazing building, hearing it explode and crumble behind you. “Y/N, wait-!” Benjamin rushed up to you, trying to help you, but you moved away from him. “Please, I didn’t mean it! They - They were controlling me!” Benjamin tried to explain himself, but you didn’t know if you could believe him, or not, after what had happened.
You eased him away from you when he tried to hug you, meandering around the fallen tree beside you. “I’m leaving, Benjamin. I - I can’t stay here,” you uttered, and he shook his head quickly, shocked.
“N-No-.. Y/N, you can’t leave. We need you; I need you-”
“You broke me and now you expect me to follow you out onto the battlefield? No, Benjamin. The answer is no,” you snapped, and he bowed his head.
Benjamin managed to stop you from leaving by grabbing your arm. “I love you, Y/N - I don’t want to lose you,” he begged, his voice weak.
You winced, doubling over. “S-Something doesn’t feel right-”
Suddenly you were grabbed, and dragged away, and before Benjamin could get to you, the door was shut in his face. Benjamin banged on it, desperate to get to you. “Bring her back, and take me instead!” Benjamin pleaded, his voice trembling.
“Did you hear that?” Alice asked, hearing Benjamin nearby. Carlisle looked at her, a worried expression on his face. “Y/N is in trouble,” she whispered, and they immediately separated and looked around the establishment.
Alice managed to get to the other side of the door, and she opened it, finding Benjamin sitting against the wall with his face buried into his hands. “She - She wants to leave me, Alice,” he spoke quietly, his voice trembling.
Alice frowned, crouching down in front of the shaking Benjamin. “Where is she, B?” Alice asked, worried as she removed his hands from his face. She would be surprised to see that he was crying, something he’d rarely do.
Benjamin wiped his eyes, feeling weak as his emotions were draining his energy. “They took her, I - I don’t know where or what they’ll do to her, but - It’s my fault,” he whispered, sobbing uncontrollably. “If they kill her I’ll never forgive myself,” he affirmed, not knowing what to do with himself as he was panic-stricken. Alice tried to calm him, but he was inconsolable.
“Alice, B-Benji?” You spoke weakly; you had been changed into a vampire, and they knew something was different, but it was strange that the Volturi had let you go so soon.
Benjamin, shocked, stood up. He then approached you, placing his hand on your cheek to make sure you were really there. Benjamin noticed the marks on your neck, and he scowled, his eyes darkening. “Who did this to you?” Benjamin asked, his voice suddenly cold, and shaking with anger.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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safin-supremacy · 2 years
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Benjamin X Reader Fluff and Angst Prompt
You’d just woken up after giving birth to you and Benjamin’s daughter, and you noticed that everything seemed different. You could see the specks of dust in the air so clearly, and hear more things than you used to be able to hear. For example, you could never hear the river flowing before near the Quileotes territory, and you could hear cheering outside; the others must be playing a game. You smiled softly when you noticed Benjamin sat beside you, and he would express relief, smiling back. “Where’s-” You whispered, surprised at your voice for a moment, it sounded completely different to you.
Benjamin shook his head, smiling sympathetically when he placed his hand on your’s; you would be surprised by the softness of his skin. “You need to hunt, first,” Benjamin advised, and you would be made aware of the stabbing pains in your throat. “Come with me, I’ll teach you,” he stated, and you followed him out of the house secretly.
You would be amazed when you held your daughter for the first time; you were still trying to think of the perfect name for her. “Isn’t she amazing?” You asked, and Benjamin nodded.
“She’s beautiful, like you,” he stated, and you smiled softly up at him, your cheeks heating up.
Your heart sank when you remembered the situation, and Benjamin frowned, guessing what was on your mind. “I wish we could stay like this forever,” you expressed, and he agreed, a pained expression on his face. “I - I missed you yesterday,” you admitted, and he glanced up at you, feeling guilty. “It’s - It’s lonely here, without you,” you claimed, and Benjamin tried to comfort you by stroking your hair gently. “Can we cuddle?” You requested, before slowly returning your yet to be named daughter to her crib.
“Of course we can,” he answered, before he delicately turned you to face him, wrapping his arms around you. You smiled weakly; you’d missed being in his arms; you always felt safe. You returned the hug, burying your face against his shoulder. Benjamin then held you at arm’s length, and you found yourself getting lost in his stunning reddish brown eyes. “Can I kiss you, right now?” Benjamin requested, and you nodded, prompting him to lean forward, and kiss you softly, as if it were a kiss from a butterfly.
You felt fluttering in the depths of your stomach, and you tried to prolong the kiss as much as you could, feeling empty as soon as it was over. Benjamin lifted his hand to brush away a tear rolling down your cheek with his thumb; he hated to see you crying. “I really can’t stand the thought of losing you,” you expressed, and Benjamin nodded gravely; he didn’t want to lose you, either, but he vowed to try and stop anything from separating you both.
“You won’t lose me, I promise,” he assured, his voice soothing you, and you melted into his touch when he placed his hand on your cheek. “I love you, Y/n,” he whispered softly, before he connected his lips to your’s again, trying to prove it to you.
A mixture of angst, but mostly fluff to end the day! Enjoy everyone and I’ll post more soon! ❤️
I’ll try and post sooner tomorrow, as long as I’m not stuck doing work or have a stressful day 🙄
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