#Rambling about Riverdale
Anything Goes - A Riverdale Thesis Statement
So, I was listening to "Anything Goes" of the Riverdale album recently to luxuriate in the majesty that is Ashleigh Murray. (She is so sorely missed.)
I find this song to be so deeply important to Riverdale as a way of understanding where it's coming from on all levels.
There are a few songs they've done over the years that I consider to be "thesis statements" for the show. Seventeen is another big one, but let's focus on this one for now. I'll talk about that song another day.
In-depth rambling beneath the cut. <3
I think Anything Goes is appropriately positioned in Season 3 because this is the season where the style of the show starts to reveal itself as more heightened and abstract.
Riverdale, if anything, is a burlesque number. Slowly peeling back its more accessible layers into something entirely unique and strange.
Season 3 is when the show starts to reveal that it's not your typical teen drama and it never was. (This is why a lot of people struggle with this season and drop off. It really is the culling blade. I will release my essay on this in due time.)
For those that might not be aware, "Anything Goes" is the title song of the musical "Anything Goes" by Cole Porter.
Here's the original version in one of my favorite performances of the song by Sutton Foster in a rehearsal. Seriously, she's incredible. (Maybe I just love giant tap numbers, but this fills me with delight every time I see it.)
In any case, the song's lyrics are about how the times have changed. Standards of morality are lower than ever before. I think that, in its original meaning, it does apply to Riverdale, but there's a bit more to it than that. Let's unpack.
As Cole Porter puts it:
"In olden days a glimpse of stocking was Looked on as something shocking now Heaven knows Anything goes"
This easily applies to the salacious nature of Riverdale, especially in the earlier seasons. I mean, could Cole Porter have even conceived of a kinky lesbian sex scene intercut with violent boxing? Anything goes, indeed.
And sexual stories have a heavy stigma attached to them. Eroticism, though one of the most popular topics and genres since the beginning of time, is often treated as a lesser form of art. Too much sex in your story and it becomes "pornography", a word often spit rather than said.
Moving on.
The second verse says:
"Good authors too who once knew better words Now only use four letter words Writing prose Anything goes"
Though Riverdale doesn't really use a ton of "four letter words", this verse can easily apply to Riverdale's low-brow plots and ideas. Bloody serial killers. Secret siblings. Murder. Mothmen. Etc. Etc.
Horror and melodrama, two of Riverdale's most beloved genres, have also been treated as second-class citizens in the art world for ages. This is especially true nowadays even with the rise of prestige, high-concept horror. The genre, on the whole with notable exceptions, is still treated as a lesser art form.
"The world's gone mad today And good's bad today Black's white today And day's night today And all the guys today That women prize today Are just silly gigolos Anything goes Anything goes"
"Everything is wrong," the song declares. The world is upside down.
A couple of things about this section.
1: It sounds to me like the haters lamenting the state of art and the world today. "I can't believe that show has seven seasons." "It got too weird." Etc. Etc.
2: I feel like the first two lines are a tongue in cheek praise of Camp.
3: The line about the guys of today that women prize makes me think back to my first point about the thirsty nature of this show.
Do I sound insane yet?
Regardless, the lyrics can be taken either sarcastically or sincerely. So, in one version the singer is lamenting the state of affairs and in another, they're delighted with how much freedom there is.
Riverdale obviously falls in the latter interpretation, but I can't help but hear the first one as well because it echoes criticism of the show.
Two more bits I want to mention.
"So though I'm not a great romancer, I Know you're bound to answer when I propose Anything goes"
If I had a criticism of Riverdale, it would be its lack of polish. It might not be the best "romancer" as it were, but oh, how can I reply with anything but an enthusiastic "YES. <3" when it proposes, through its unrelenting, feverish madness that truly, anything goes?
Riverdale hops from genre to genre and style to style with such reckless avarice that I genuinely swoon. It embraces a hedonism and indulgence that "high art" scoffs at. Highly technical works of art, though beautiful and thought-provoking are often quite restrained. They're often very focused on one topic or style. Their limited scope allows for a cleaner execution.
Riverdale pours all of American culture into one giant bowl and hands you a spoon. It's messy and unrefined. It's hard to swallow, at times. It's unbalanced, but god, does it burst with charm and flavor. Maybe my palette, cut on technique and training, was just longing for something that tasted of heart. Either way, I think this is Riverdale's greatest strength.
"And all the pains you've got If any brains you've got From those little radios Anything goes Anything goes Anything"
I think this is a cheeky dare to look more deeply at this show. It's daring the listener to meet Riverdale with their heart (their pains) and with whatever brains they might have left after being glued to their "little radios" for so long.
That's definitely not what the original song was saying, but I'm only looking at it in the context of Riverdale.
EDIT**: OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT TO INCLUDE THIS. It's like, half the reason I wrote the post.
So, one more thing about this particular version of the song that makes it fit Riverdale so perfectly.
The style is dark, sexy, and almost angry. It's almost accusatory. This fits in with my statments about how the song dares you into thinking more deeply about it.
It teases you for liking its thirst traps and slasher gore and this tone is not nearly as "Golly!" as the original. No. It's almost somber. It's a dark cabaret number rather than an upbeat tap song.
And this shift in tone is significant.
It mirrors the shift from pie in the sky Americana in the original comics to the dark, gothic vibe of the modern Archieverse and Riverdale itself.
It embraces a smoldering darkness that relishes itself. It's hedonistic and sultry in a way the original was not.
So, yeah. This song feels like a thesis statement of the show to me. When it comes to Riverdale's genre, style, subject matter, ideas, characters, and everything else...
Anything goes.
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buggybambi · 8 months
you guys know that one scene from riverdale where jughead sees toni in his shirt, but he knows betty belongs in that shirt?
okay yeah imagine that with carmen berzatto. you and him broke up, maybe prematurely, and he moved on way too quickly to even think about what he was doing. he finds the girl in his shirt, in your shirt.
he told you before that you look better in it then he does. he adores seeing you in it. he's forced to now stare at someone else in it, instead of you. everytime he's seen you wearing it is flooding his mind. early mornings in each other's arms, watching you in his clothes.
but now? now it's on someone else. now his shirt, your shirt, is on another girl. and it's his fault that you aren't in it, that you arent there.
anyway this idea sat in my mind figured i'd share lmfao
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scorndotexe · 8 months
"i'm so glad ari aster didn't go to therapy and wrote midsommar instead." "emerald fennell is a sick woman i dont know what's in her mind but i never want to go there. watching saltburn is enough." not one of these kinds of people would survive five minutes with me
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acediscowlng · 21 days
you ever think about how tentpole fandoms from 00s-2010s shows with huge followings that are going strong even now would just not exist if they were made in this day and age
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opheliaintherushes · 1 year
Also, not to draw comparisons between a masterpiece and a crack show, but the dreamlike scene of Nucky being shown the television in "Eldorado" by a Gillian-coded woman as a sign of a future-of-out-reach is how you properly draw a story to a close and comment on its medium.
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lhoandbehold · 1 year
I watch Riverdale with my flatmate and then recap the most important developments to my partner and recapping this show is getting increasingly challenging, what is even going on
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starfruit-baby · 1 year
im not sure why choni shippers keep quaking in their boots and asking and begging for confirmation and reassurance on choni being endgame like. i know the scene is grim for sapphic ships in media lately but riverdale literally did the whole "theyre actual, literal soulmates, and theyll be doomed to misery with anyone else" canonically. the fangs stuff was just to add tension cause what show would riverdale be without conflict at any point, much less making cheryl miserable. they did almost every cliche in the book possible for them. no one is competing with you! its just not gonna be a walk in the park for them cause youre watching the show where insane shit has to keep happening all the time or else it wouldve been cancelled on the first season
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you know, i appreciate the work Susan Sontag has done for people appreciating Camp and stuff but i feel like if you are still using Susan Sontag as the authority on Camp in the year of your lord 2023, using notes that were written in 1964, as if the landscape of art and our relationship to art hasn't fundamentally changed since then,,, it's like, you need to catch up babes, a lot of those points are still really relevant, i'm not saying throw it out, but like update your understandings of Camp beyond that one authoritative text that's at this point almost 60 fucking years old. Susan Sontag is not the fundamental authority on what art today is or would be considered Campy, build off of those basics, please dear gods, evolve your understanding of what Campy art today actually looks like rather than trying to apply a prescriptive label from a text that can kinda boil down to 'Camp is whatever you feel like, and you'll know it when you see it because it won't be like traditional art' because the attempt to define it is so wide, calling every non-traditional piece of art campy is fucking pointless and not how anyone is obviously using the fucking label, people are very deliberately talking about one specific feeling they get from the piece of art, and it's got very little to do with aesthetics, at least as far as TV shows are concerned (movies are a different conversation), and much more about presentation and tone and intended effects and what the whole fucking point of the piece of art actually is, which is a lot more than what is afforded to most things considered Campy, like 90% of the shit people call campy at this point is just called campy and then it's left there, because it's a "oh you can't say anything about it because it's campy" like at this point it almost functions as a conversation ender because anyone you're talking to about any aspect can just go "yeah that's meant to be that way, it's campy" and it's like. okay, where do we go from here? should the piece of art not be analyzed as a work of art? does it not deserve to be evaluated in good faith and treated like any other piece of art? i understand the urge to defend the use of the term, as like "oh we're using it because people are misunderstanding art and what it's trying to be", and as a Riverdale-truther (as in genuinely love it as a piece of art and what it says and does, it's not fucking campy i swear to god, none of you fucking know what pulp art is!), and as a TASM2 truther (best Spidey movie after ITSV, and definitely best general movie after ITSV, and i don't care what your opinion is) i understand the urge to want to defend it as camp, but like, what's the piece of art actually doing and trying to say, what are the deeper layers at play? or are you really just satisfied saying something is Campy and stopping your analysis of the piece of art there? is your soul really okay correcting someone's interpretation of a show and saying it's campy and not doing anything beyond that? what does it being campy actually change? what the fuck does it actually do for the piece of art, if the piece of art is even campy at all?
#yes i am in fact Riverdale-posting bc i saw a video essay calling Riverdale campy and talking about Susan.#james talks#anyone that tries to say 'Riverdale is good because it's bad' or 'Riverdale is supposed to be bad' is my mortal enemy actually#james rambles#DON'T READ THIS I JUST NEEDED TO GET THE THOUGHTS OUT#yes i am in fact aware i am using camp as a prescriptive label when i say don't call Riverdale campy. you're so smart. thanks for noticing!#if the implication wasn't fucking clear my point is that saying it's campy and meant to just be entertaining is doing a huge disservice—#to the actual piece of art and treating it like it's not actually trying to say and be something.#you don't have to drag people over to your side inch by inch to open their eyes! just spill your perspectives onto the floor!#the world will catch up with you someday!#you don't have to do the work of getting people to see something as campy to try to get them to see the show through a different light!#it's not even efficient bc like i said it just becomes a conversation ender bc the implication is that the analysis is inherently wrong—#because it's misunderstanding the intent in why some part of something is the way it is but like! you don't have to waste your energy—#trying to correct people (don't even try it. i am in fact deeply self aware.)!#spend more of your time trying to explain why you think it's good instead of complaining about how nobody else fucking gets it.#i get that you want more people to see what you see but that doesn't come from trying to inch them over the line bit by bit!#it comes from explaining your view and understanding of the show!#you don't have to try to convince them it's campy! just actually analyze the fucking piece of art & the people interested will flock to it!#also it's been years since i've actually read notes on camp so it's likely i've got some shit wrong bc i'm not fact-checking this rant.#but like the point isn't even really about the text but how other people use it.#and yes i'm aware this sounds inherently contradictory and incoherent. thank you for noticing. welcome to human existence.#to quote (paraphrase) Vivian Strange tho: if it exists it deserves to be analyzed.#treat every piece of art like it's worthy of analysis and respect and this goes from your fucking godfathers to your sharknados.#it goes from your fucking shawshanks to your mamma mia! to your Riverdale to your PLL to your euphoria to your whatever#anyway just really exhausting to hear people say something is Campy or meant to be bad or whatever and just stopping the convo there.#like what now girlie? where do we fucking go from here? do you have anything meaningful to contribute?
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anarchoarchie · 2 years
riverdale core four is like. they are codependent, they are toxic, they are best friends, they are starved horny teenagers searching for a feeling they can’t describe, they are kids playing house, mirroring the adults around them. they are tied together by fate, they are chemically bonded for life by the trauma they’ve been through, they are the only constant force in each other’s lives through the ever-unfolding darkness in their town. they are trapped in a powder keg, holding onto each other, waiting to explode. and most importantly: they love each other more than anyone else in the whole entire world.
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wazzuppy · 2 years
its less that i think old kids properties shouldnt have darker, adult reboots and that they're inherently bad, and more that i think that most of them lack an understanding of why those original works were special and enjoyable in the first place and attempt to overcompensate for it by falling back onto tropes the cw popularized in order to seem more "mature"
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jeannedarcgerard · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
riverdale chapter 13: the sweet hereafter // bury me in black - my chemical romance
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summershouto · 2 years
inarguably the two most important riverdale couples:
1. tabitha and judghead 
2. chicles for the sheer comedy 
honorable mention to reggie and veronica dating in between their various schemes 
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magdaclaire · 1 year
sometimes i think being in the riverdale cast is like going to the charter school in my hometown. you have a senior class of twenty two people and by senior year they're all bisexual and openly horny on main and there are only two people in the senior class who haven't kissed every other member of the senior class and it's because they've been in a weird exclusive relationship since they were seven years old and never backed off that shit
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dragon-spaghetti · 1 year
Oh btw so sorry for the recent riverdale fixation idk how long it'll last so yous are just gonna have to bear with me-
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cooper--jones · 1 year
Sincere question: can I watch the Riverdale finale without having watched a single episode since S3 or S4?
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book-tease · 1 year
wait the series finale of riverdale was last night??? might watch it with no context because like. that show started this blog. there’s such a soft spot in my heart for it
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