#Rakghoul Legacy
rakghoul-legacy · 1 year
SIS File: Sisoz Purgi NPC (Good) Character Profile
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Name, Race, Origin Story, Class, and Allegiance
Name: Sisoz Purgi
Race: Cathar
Origin Story: Bounty Hunter
Class: Mercenary and Operative
Allegiance: Rakghoul Alliance
Family, Friends, and Enemies
Family: Carnagebounty's Mandolorian Clan (Her Clan) and Susan (Her Clan Leader's Wife)
Friends: Sentient Rakghoul Army (Main Force), Galactic Republic (Ally Of Main Forces), Sith Empire (Ally Of Main Forces), Sentient Rakghoul Council (The Rakghoul Council Of Sentience) and Justicars (From In-Game On Coruscant)
Enemies: Vitiate the Rakghoul Emperor (Master Of Enemies), Xodu Rha (Dark Sided Sith Sorcerer Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor),   Kenjoh Lifshyn  (Dark Sided Sniper Servant To Rakghoul Emperor), Brentren Paltur (Dark Sided Jedi Knight Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Wamau (Dark Sided Scoundrel Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Vuyi (Dark Sided Sniper Servant To   Kenjoh Lifshyn  And Love of   Kenjoh Lifshyn), Cedjess Weigavis (Dark Sided Cyborg SIS Agent [Gunslinger-Based] Servant to Brentren Paltur), Xutria (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Conqueror [Sorcerer-Based] Servant to Xodu Rha), Zragrur (Dark Sided Rattataki Mandolorian [Vanguard-Based] Servant to Wamau), Bubi (Dark Sided Zabrak Makeb Imperial Operative Servant To Xodu Rha), Jusuo (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood THORN Specialist [Sage-Based] Servant To Wamau), Ysixo (Dark Sided Rattataki Kilik Ally [Assassin-Based] Servant to   Kenjoh Lifshyn), Reejayl Pasktro (Dark Sided Human Constable [Powertech-Based] Servant To   Kenjoh Lifshyn), Gehli (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Ensign [Maurauder-Based] Servant To Kenjoh Lifshyn), Jaycanna (Dark Sided Cyborg Chosen Of Voss [Sorcerer-Based] Servant To Kenjoh Lifshyn), and Ajadar Sabacan (Dark Sided Human High Warlord [Sentinel-Based] Servant To Brentren Paltur)
Starting Server, Current Server, Title In-Fiction, Legacy Title In-Fiction, and Languages
Starting Server: Star Forge
Current Server: Star Forge
Title In-Fiction: The Forgemaster Of Carnagebounty's Mandolorian Clan
Legacy Title In-Fiction: Wanted In Seven Systems
Languages: Basic And Mando'a
Ally To In Class Stories, Her Soldiers, and Biography
Ally To In Main Stories: Carnagebounty Ragesoul In All Of Them
Her Soldiers: Mandolorians in her clan
Biography: Sisoz Purgi is a remaining Clan member of The Rakghoul Predecessor Of The Current Rakghoul Mandalore.  She later learned her clan mates who survived her clan being wiped Joined The Current Mandalore and They met Carnagebounty Ragesoul.  Together they made themselves a clan for the Rakghoul Alliance, the first Job was to Find Susan the Wife Of Their New Clan Leader.  She is now a forgemaster in Carnagebounty’s Pirate Roost.
Sisoz Purgi Looks
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Zi Sponch AKA Sisoz Purgi’s Mako
Reghe Gran AKA Sisoz Purgi’s Gault Rennow
Vradth Got AKA Sisoz Purgi’s Torian Cadera
Blesu Kreca AKA Sisoz Purgi’s Blizz
Bhoik AKA Sisoz Purgi’s Skadge
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voidendron · 2 years
15 and 22?
thank you! 💚💜
15. Show us your main(s)!
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Xaerez (Agent) is my Main main, and who I'm on probably 50-60% of the time I'm playing. He's a sniper/operative, and mostly used on virulence/engineering, though I'm trying to get the hang of concealment.
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Varrich (Trooper) and Leo (Knight) are my tank mains, depending on the content. Varrich is vanguard/operative, usually on shield specialist. Leo is guardian/shadow, solely used for defense/kinetic combat - though I need to relearn jugg/guardian tanking, it's been a while, so she's mostly been on shadow lately.
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And Chakem (Bounty Hunter) is my main healer. He's mercenary/scoundrel, usually bodyguard/sawbones. He's the only one of my mains who isn't my legacy's Main Eight, though he's on my main Hunter's crew as her medic.
22. Of all the in-game events (Relics of the Gree, Rakghoul, Life Day, so on) which do you like the most, and which do you dislike?
Hmmm.... I think I like the Gree event the most. It's a nice excuse to go to Ilum, which is one of my favorite planets scenery-wise, and the dailies are pretty easy to fulfil, plus I find them kinda fun! That, or Feast of Prosperity. I like world boss hunting, and don't get to do it very often, so it's a nice change from what I normally do. I like the some of the rewards you can get from both of them, too.
Runner-up is the Rakghoul event. I love the design for the tunnels, and it provides my favorite crystal in the game (black/green).
Least favorite is the swoop event. It's always so buggy and it's just. Kinda boring. I enjoying it the first time it released, but now I don't care about it. Most of the rewards are pretty sub-par, too. I only do it now to progress my achievements, and once it's to 100% I probably won't touch it again.
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shynmighty · 2 years
Oh boy! You really didn't hold back, and I love it!!! Here we go...
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite
My logic is kinda all over the place for this one. In terms of the most characters I've made of a class, it would be Consular. If it was the one I chose for the main story of my Legacy, it would be Jedi Knight. If it were for the quality of the writing, I'd go with Imperial Agent.
So my rating is going to be based purely on "Which did I have the most fun playing and how excited would I be if I had to play it again right now"...
BH, SW, JK, SI, Smuggler, IA, Trooper, JC
I could go further into this topic, but we've still got quite a bit of ground to cover...
5. Favorite advanced class and discipline?
I think this one is probably a huge part of the reason why my Vigilance Jedi Guardian is my main. It's tough and badass and lightsaber-y.
6. Do you primarily play Republic, Empire, or a mix of both sides? Is there a specific reason for this preference?
Answered here
9. How about your least favorite companions?
Answered here
13. Which planet’s aesthetic/atmosphere do you enjoy the most?
Answered here
15. Show us your main(s)!
YES!!!!!!!!!! I love my main. I hope y'all love her, too!
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There she is!!! That's her!!! My widdle Jedi Princess. Well, she's not really a princess. But she's a princess to me. 🥰🥰🥰
19. Where can other players most commonly find you in game?
I'm on the Star Forge server! Usually I'm just tootling through the story on any given character. Do say hi if we run into each other! 😁
22. Of all the in-game events (Relics of the Gree, Rakghoul, Life Day, so on) which do you like the most, and which do you dislike?
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I enjoyed the recent gambling one a liiiiiittle too much. I also like the Life Day one because I like the snowball fights. The bounty hunting one is fun. I usually only participate in the events if they happen to coincide with whatever I'm doing in-game (like if I need Lokin on a particular character I'll go do Rakghouls). So far I think I've been least enthused by the racing. I dunno, I just find racing stressful in general.
27. If you could make any current NPC a player companion, who would you pick?
Answered here
Thanks so much!!! This was a ton of fun!!!
I hope I got all those links right...
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"She turns herself into a rakghoul, Lana. Funniest shit I've ever seen."
Apparently you can cosplay doctor Lokin when doing Trial and Error uprising by turning yourself into a rakghoul (kinda, it's a bit different, but still fun). And even choose to be a tank, healer or damage. Whoever came up with this, thank you very much, I had a good laugh.
(now, how do I find people to clown and do the uprising with 4 rakghouls?)
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"Raen, let me see what you have"
"A flamethrower!"
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
How about pages 66, 115 and 201 for the Bad Ideas memorial?
‘Bad Ideas’ - My Writing Journal - Is Dead Thanks for the asks, @the-raven-of-highever / @raven-of-domain-kwaadkwaad !
Page 66… Ah! This WIP is currently titled "Fear". (Can't show it!) It involves a pair of before-and-after scenes featuring Corellan and Ulannium Kaarz. In the first part, they are children on Uphrades. Ulannium is 14 and Corellan is 12. I loved the idea of these two future paragons of the Jedi order … just being boys. (This translates to mean they are doing something stupid, reckless and dangerous.) In the second part, the two meet again a decade later after the class stories and reflect on the twists and turns their lives have taken. I hope to write it someday.
Page 115… Ah! I'll post this one! These are my character notes for Nasashdia and Ozibaumnu. (Beware! There are spoilers below!)
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Page 201… can't show this page, but its two halves: The first half is some world-building notes on the Alliance's Anti-Rakghoul Task Force in the Halcyon Legacy. (No one can claim Corellan is playing favorites with Kira when he sends her off to fight Rakghouls.) It talks a little about liasion officers from THORN, the Republic, the Empire and even the Hutt Cartel The second half is a piece I'm probably never going to write involve Teeanah Malvern and the Adas Legacy. Its… well, its smut. I'm not gonna sugar coat it. I was writing it for @thelesbianlegacy-swtor and I'm not even sure it would be something they'd like. So probably cancelled.
Thanks for the asks!
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baraste-legacy · 2 years
Star Wars/SWTOR Creatures Fan Art Collection Masterlist
A collection of Star Wars (SWTOR, mainly) Fanart exclusively related to the non-sentient creatures in the franchise, all of them Tumblr reblogs and a few fully attributed reposts. Entries might tangentially contain adult themes (the creatures might be one among other more charged subjects in a post, or be involved in graphically quite violent scenarios).
Each reblog or post’s last tags show the artist or author of the original work. More of their art in this blog can be found by clicking on those.
These masterlists are a work in progress. If you can't find some XYZ term or item in them, try a tagged search (preceding the search term with a "#" hashtag symbol) such as "#XYZ art" (or without the "art", too).
Remember that, while in a custom themed blog (baraste-legacy.tumblr.com instead of tumblr.com/baraste-legacy), you can show the results of those links or any tag search in chronological order by adding "/chrono" to the end of the URL.
(This is a Masterlist secondary to my main Star Wars/SWTOR Fan Art Collection Masterlist. I was reaching the links limit there, so, I'm having to divide it into new per theme-posts)
Acklay · Akk Dog · Anooba · Asharl · Balosar · Bantha · Blurrg · Convor · Corellian Banshee · Corellian Hound · Dewback · Ginx · Gizka · Howlrunner · Kowakian Monkey-Lizard · Krayt Dragon · Loth Cat Tooka · Loth Wolf · Manka Cat · Massiff · Mawvorr · Mewvorr · Narglatch · Nerf · Nexu · Purrgil · Rakghoul · Rancor · Raptor · Sleen · Strill · Tauntaun · Tuk'ata · Varactyl · Vornskr · Wampa · Whitefang · Wrat · Wriggler · Ysalamir
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
Rain Plays SWTOR: Solo Galactic Seasons Help
With 6.3, the Galactic Seasons program was launched. This sets objectives for players and rewards them with companions, mounts, armor and tokens that can be used for additional goodies, including strongholds and previous subscriber award and DvL companions. 
I think others have voiced the same concerns I have about Galactic Seasons. If you are a solo player - or even a group player who prefers to be with friends or guildmates - the objectives may not be to your liking. They are very clearly trying to push specific play styles which are not to everyone's taste, specifically PvP and GSF matches. Moreover they seem to specifically be pushing players to group with strangers. For example, veteran flashpoints show up as a weekly objective - but they don't count unless you use group finder. 
There are some solo objectives, which closely resemble those available for conquest - kill 75 NPCs on a certain planet/category, do some heroics, etc. Some of these rampage objectives are for the starter and home worlds, which I personally think is a bad idea to extend to all players. I would not want to be playing a new toon and trying to complete quests on Korriban, Ord Mantell or any of the other starter planets right now. These objectives appear as dailies, but not the weeklies that award more points toward tokens and GS levels. 
If, like me, you're only going to be doing the solo objectives you can, it's going to be slow going. If you really have an interest in one of the rewards that requires a lot of tokens, like the apartment stronghold or Master Ranos, it may be worth it to subscribe for a month or two. 
To complete solo objectives, I'd urge you to remember instanced content. That way you're not fighting with other players and you're not interfering with anyone who needs those mobs to progress their story quests. Additionally: 
1. You do not appear to need to complete the entire objective on one character. This is exactly how Conquest works - your kill count is shared across your legacy. For example, I needed to kill 75 specific NPCs on Balmorra. Project Hexapod has 33 (yes, I counted LOL). So I sent three characters through that heroic to get to 75. The Black Hole required six completed missions. I did the three instanced ones on a character, then did three more on another toon. 
2. There have been numerous bugs. There is a running list of them on SWTOR's official forum under bug reports. To avoid getting smacked by the bugs I've been doing the kill and heroic achievements on the same planet. 
This is a list of instanced quest areas that you may be able to use to fulfill some of the daily priority objectives. There's a list of instanced heroics here, too.
Instanced missions: 
Black Hole: Glow; Hypermatter Directive
Dantooine: Beneath Suspicion 
Ossus: Know Your Enemy (not instanced, but this involves scanning landmarks, so there is no competition for mobs or objectives)
Black Hole: Eyes and Ears
Dantooine: Pirates. Again; An Enemy Among Friends
Ossus: Remembering the Past  (not instanced, but this involves scanning landmarks, so there is no competition for mobs or objectives) Section X: Priority Containment
BOTH FACTIONS CZ-198: Anti-Toxin Acquisition/Anti-Toxin Recovery
Oricon: Hand that Sees/Eye of Terror
Rishi: She Who Devours; A Crew of Your Own (literally all you have to do for this is speak to Harlow Ricks twice)
Mek-Sha: We're Wanted Men 
There is also a list of instanced heroics for both factions here. Dantooine's heroics are instanced, but are considered extremely hard for solo players to complete. 
Instanced, AND lots and lots of mobs: 
Balmorra: Project Hexapod (HAS COLLICOIDS for that 'kill bugs' objective); Resistance Sympathizers;  Settling Debts (careful - don't pull more than one mob at once in here). Thank you @tishinada for the heads up on the additional Balmorra heroics!)
Belsavis: Old Enemies (careful; the mobs in here hit hard) 
Corellia: Prison Busting; Wookiee Revolt 
Hoth: Static; A Traitor’s Punishment 
Korriban: Armed and Dangerous 
Nar Shaddaa: Botched Interrogation; Terminal Injuries 
Tatooine: Blood and Sand 
Taris: Last of the Tarisian Pirates 
Voss: First Commando’s Call  
Corellia: Under New Management (the end requires you to click an objective outside the instance but there seemed to be multiple objectives, and the mobs and 99% of the heroic are all instanced)
Coruscant: Enemies of the Republic (they’ve recently added 10+ new NPCs to this, too) ; Trouble In Deed 
Nar Shaddaa: Breaking Down Shadow Town ; Lab Animals; The Morgukai (careful - all the mobs in here are golds and silvers hanging out in pairs or trios, with a couple of champions thrown in.); Shadow Extraction 
Taris: Rakghoul Release; Total Elimination   
Tatooine: Reap the Wind 
Voss: Trial of the First (exact same thing as the Imperial mission) 
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sullustangin · 4 years
The SWTOR weekly login reward this week for subscribers is a 50k conquest token -- basically an instant completion for the week for anyone who isn’t into hugging Wookiees, throwing snowballs, or killing rakghouls.  You can send this to different toons on your legacy.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
I had most of my impside toons parked on Mek-Sha for Wookiee hugs, because I prefer the straight-shot line-up of the Wookiees so that I can easily count all 12 of them and make sure I didn’t miss any, and there’s a vendor there too, so I can grab some of the event decos as I gather parcels if I like (since I had 70 parcels left over from last year that it took a hot minute to figure out how to convert to legacy currency—pro tip: you have to move them all to one toon’s personal inventory, then mail them to a different toon, then when you pick it up from the mail, the stack will go into legacy event currency). I hate Mek-Sha’s drain on my graphics card, and the fact that if I want to instance-hop to double my hugs, the other choice for an instance is usually pvp, but w/e, usually worth it.
However, tonight, there was a Guardian camping on the pvp instance and stunning or pushing imp players right before the cast finished for their hug and then running away. After they attacked Mena three times in a row without getting a response from me, like seven other imp players just fucking descended on them and beat their ass, because impside solidarity sometimes, and because every so often other players surprise me by looking out for each other. Yes, I know, we were on the pvp instance, and the point of the pvp instance is that you’re able to attack other players. But maybe do it literally anywhere else on the planet? Everyone else from both factions was still politely waiting their turn for hugs and throwing snowballs at each other, and there’s this asshole keeping people from finishing their hugs and pushing them off the boardwalk. And then running to safety behind npcs that it takes a group to kill. So not even actually engaging in actual pvp, just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.
I did end up moving everyone over to Narsh, since there is one more Wookiee there than on Mek-Sha anyway, there’s free solo travel there if I decide I want to leave, and there are more of the droids so more of a chance to get the holo trees (and there’s usually more instances to choose from, and even if one of them is pvp, I’m pretty sure the Promenade is “safe” from random aggro, and you can’t just freely attack even if it is a pvp instance). I do know where all of the Wookiees are on Narsh, but it’s more annoying if I think I’ve missed one to have to backtrack.
But I got caught up on the Wookiee Hugging Champion title from last year (I slacked off and barely hugged any Wookiees last year). I’m probably in a pretty good place to be able to get this year’s title without having to stress too much about it. So I should also be able to get in some Rakghoul Tunnel time too. I’ve already maxed out my THORN rep for the week just by sending three toons through a couple times, but I can keep picking up rep items to cash in once conquest resets (and I do kind of like Rakghoul stuff; and maybe I’ll just send Zhorrid down there to repeat the quests now that she’s effectively permanently immune to the Rakghoul plague because I got her a broken level 1 infection last Rakghoul Week, that way I don’t have to spend money on vaccines). (Though Rakghoul Week with Moxie is really fun.)
Fun story about someone who was probably trying to build up their infection so they could go to Fleet or Narsh and spread it: I joined a group for Eyeless on the first night, and we only had one healer (not a terribly big deal, I solo healed Eyeless without knowing I was going to be solo healing it), and one of the dps was infected. Literally every other member of the raid offered them a vaccine, and they turned down the trades, saying “no, I’m fine, just pull.” Raid lead said “dude, we’ve only got one healer, don’t be stupid.” Dude still refused. Healer said, “please kick him.” Dude said “it’s not a big deal, if I die, I die.” Leader initiated a vote to kick him on the basis of being a moron, but he left before we could vote. So we just 7-manned it, which we probably would have ended up basically doing anyway when Eyeless probably immediately killed the dude’s compromised ass at the beginning of the fight, and it went great.
Moral of the story: don’t be a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk. It’s not a good look.
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diazuk-legacy · 4 years
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Diazuk Legacy Diary: Day 237: Le'vine
While hunting down the Rogue Jedi, Le'vine convince some of Ki's followers to give up information about the Ultraware Transmitter that will be used to control the Rakghouls. He also rescued a scientist from Ki Sazen and Doctor Lokin suggest that he should take her place and let himself be captured. However Chance was injury during the mission and out of the goodness of his heart Le'vine wanted to help, but Chance force him anyways. 
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rakghoul-legacy · 1 year
Sohis Lilu Rakghoul Legacy Character Profile
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Name, Race, Class, and Allegiance
Name: Sohis Lilu
Race: Rakghoul Cathar (Cathar In-Game)
Class: Powertech
Allegiance: Rakghoul Alliance
Family, Friends, and Enemies
Family: Raccar (Future Wife)
Friends: Sentient Rakghoul Army (Main Force), Galactic Republic (Ally Of Main Forces), Sith Empire (Ally Of Main Forces), Sentient Rakghoul Council (The Rakghoul Council Of Sentience) and Justicars (From In-Game On Coruscant)
Enemies: Vitiate the Rakghoul Emperor (Master Of Enemies), Xodu Rha (Dark Sided Sith Maurauder Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Kenjon Lifshyn (Dark Sided Sniper Servant To Rakghoul Emperor), Brentren Paltur (Dark Sided Jedi Knight Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Wamau (Dark Sided Scoundrel Servant to The Rakghoul Emperor), Vuyi (Dark Sided Anarchist [sniper-based] Servant To Kenjoh Lifshyn And Love of Kenjoh Lifshyn), Cedjess Weigavis (Dark Sided Cyborg SIS Agent [gunslinger-based] Servant to Brentren Paltur), Xutria (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Conqueror [sorcerer-based] Servant to Xodu Rha), Zragrur (Dark Sided Rattataki Mandolorian [vanguard-based] Servant to Wamau), Bubi (Dark Sided Zabrak Makeb Imperial Operative Servant To Xodu Rha), Jusuo (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood THORN Specialist [sage-based] Servant To Wamau), Ysixo (Dark Sided Rattataki Kilik Ally [assassin-based] Servant to Kenjoh Lifshyn), Reejayl Pasktro (Dark Sided Human Constable [powertech-based] Servant To Starkstar), Gehli (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Ensign [maurauder-based] Servant To Kenjoh Lifshyn), Jaycanna (Dark Sided Cyborg Chosen Of Voss [sorcerer-based] Servant To Kenjoh Lifshyn), Ajadar Sabacan (Dark Sided Human High Warlord [sentinel-based] Servant To Brentren Paltur), Roejo Luat (Dark Sided Human Homewrecker (Mercenary-Based) Servant to Xodu Rha), Brastir (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Darth [assassin-based] servant to Xodu Rha), Rka Klehs (Dark Sided Jawa Shooter Servant to Xodu Rha), Taissc Gabral (Dark Sided Transdoshan Hunter [commando-based] servant to Wamau), Vef Rag (Dark Sided Gamorrean Captain [Hutt-captain-based] servant to Wamau), S9-3S (Dark Sided Liberated Gree Robot [incinerator-based] servant to Wamau), Pus Rostoohu (Dark Sided Selonian Patriarch [staff-master-based] servant to Brentren Paltur), Ota Vijes (Dark Sided Ortolan Smuggler [scoundrel-based] servant to Brentren Paltur), Gascok Snil (Dark Sided Ugnaught Engineer Commander [engineer-based], and Breklema (Dark Sided Sith Pureblood Korite [sorcerer-based] servant to Vitiate)
Starting Server, Current Server, Title 1-3 In-Game, Title In-Fiction, and Video Game Story #
Starting Server: Star Forge
Current Server: Star Forge
Title 1 In-Game: The Deprogrammer
Title 2 In-Game: The Pure
Title 3 In-Game: Unlucky
Legacy Title In-Game: Contraband Connoisseur
Title In My Original Fiction: 2nd Rakghoul Bounty Hunter
Video Game Story #: Rakghoul 17
Languages: Basic and Cathar
Raccar = Mako
Grolt Rikt = Gault Rennow
Thrat Strovo = Torian Careda
Nejeet M'idum = Blizz
Sqaurc = Skudge
HK 51 = RG 50
Sohis Lilu Looks 1
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Sohis Lilu Looks 2
Sohis Lilu Looks 3
Sohis Lilu Signature
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Sohis Lilu X Raccar According To Dr. Love
Sohis Lilu ??
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counterspelling · 4 years
2, 8 and 20 :)
2. pairing Fave: Han/Leia!!! The original otp!!!! I just... god, i love them SO MUCH. The idea of Leia who's just gone through the worst experience of her life, been physically and mentally tortured by a droid while the most visibly evil person in the galaxy watches (with bonus later realization it was her dad), only to watch her parents and culture and future and history (and presumably her sister until they're reunited later) meeting up with these two idiots who rescue her but have no idea what they're doing and then forming a bond with them over the next three years until they (and Winter) are the most important people in her life. And Han, who's been burned so many times and has learned not to trust anyone or anything other than Chewie, opening himself up to these idiot teenagers who obviously need SOMEONE with more experience to watch out for them and dammit how did he start to care about this doomed rebellion? And imo they fall in love pretty quickly over that first year but neither are in a place to admit it, even if they and everyone else know it. And just watching how soft they get!! Once they're finally together!! How open and affectionate they are!! How much they value the other person and listen to them and protect them, and facing their future together and raising their kids together... they're perfect Least fave: Kyle ron/rey is so indescribably fucking stupid. Rey has only ever been tortured and abused by this literal fucking nazi, she's watched him murder millions, his own dad and one of the first people she learned to truly trust, watched him send her first friend into a coma, torture other rebellion members... there was literally zero buildup or expectation they would ever get together! We are given NO fucking reason why she would give a shit about him all of a sudden, why the NEXT DAY after she watches him commit patricide she would turn on living legend Luke Skywalker for him.... only a man would write that bullshit. It's so stupid! The only way that trilogy should have resolved itself was with Luke finding out the daughter he'd given up for dead after finding some evidence she'd been murdered and thus sending him into isolation, was actually alive, and then Rey having to own up to the Skywalker legacy and come to terms with murdering her shitty, evil cousin and feeling guilt over it only bc of who he could have been if he hadn't spent his entire life as an unrepentant murderous nazi and her own sorrow over having to take a life! That's it! The only way disney should have done it! And it STILL wouldn't have matched seeing jaina and jacen torn apart and becoming enemies when they have a fucking twinbond and spent their entire lives together and were knighted together and mourned family members together and knew each other better than anybody else having to face each other in that final fight. The inherent emotion in watching two characters we KNOW loved each other truly and completely for year after year after year and protected each other and watched each others’ back and grew up together every step of the way now fighting to the death... you can’t top that, disney
8. concept Fave: stealth x-wings and the jedi mind meld??? xwings designed to run without detection that could exclusively be used by jedi since they were the only ones who could pilot it without the need for technological communication and instead just feeling each other as a squadron through the force?? how incredibly fucking cool is that?????????? Least fave: Uuuuh pretty fucked up that Shmi just... turned up pregnant one day with NO fucking explanation for how she got that way and had to fucking deal with the emotional and physical consequences of that??
20. creature Fave: nexu, akk dog, nekarr, manka, thranta... disney has TWO rights for giving us those ice foxes and porgs, but that's it Least fave: rakghoul.......... bad
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eabevella · 4 years
Running the copy of my main Agent through his class story and trying new companions for Agent. I found Lokin a great companion when playing as a pragmatic spy. Lokin being a were-rakghoul and turns into a rakghoul when attacking is amazing.
The only downside is playing on a new server with a new legacy. Even though I’ve cleared all 8 class stories during the double xp event, my copy agent is still quite poor because I haven’t got the time and resources to craft and make credits... I miss my rocketboost and mount while moving...
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Post with tags, links to ocs profiles and all that
About me and OC profile pages are in blog's description, but they don't exactly work on mobile, so here's a link to a post with about me info.
Links to posts with basic info on OCs (yes, multiple posts bc it's too much to fit in one post). Some of info isn't full bc I'm still figuring it out, will update once I do.
Lette legacy (Jett as the Outlander)
Seinna legacy (Airistan as the Outlander)
Crustulum legacy (Vintu as the Outlander)
Sinnomin legacy (Imely as the Outlander)
(UPD: now should work on mobile, tumblr pls do the thing properly)
Regarding older posts that are not tagged, I’ll try to tag them whenever I find time and energy for it, but can’t really promise, sorry.
Class stories spoiler tags:
#jedi knight spoilers
#jedi consular spoilers
#smuggler spoilers
#trooper spoilers
#sith warrior spoilers
#sith inquisitor spoilers
#bounty hunter spoilers
#imperial agent spoilers
Expansions spoilers:
#ilum spoilers
#makeb spoilers or #rise of the hutt cartel spoilers or #rothc spoilers (preferably the last one)
#oricon spoilers or (related) #dread masters storyline spoilers (don’t post often but just in case)
#shadows of revan spoilers or #sor spoilers
#kotfe spoilers
#kotet spoilers
#iokath spoilers (particularly for this planet) and #traitor arc spoilers for the rest of the storyline
#jedi under siege spoilers or #jus spoilers (preferably the last one)
#onslaught spoilers or #swtor 6.0 spoilers
For the new story updates I prefer to go with #swtor (number of expansions) spoilers, but may add names as well. So #swtor 7.0 spoilers and #swtor legacy of the sith spoilers for the upcoming expansion (usually the first one).
Not sure if I should tag any planetary story arcs, but if I feel like I should (maybe there a big plot twist), it’ll be #(planet’s name) arc spoilers (#belsavis arc spoilers for example).
Other tags:
character tags are #oc:(character's name), though it's not set in stone which names are full and which are shortened;
#art with my ocs - as it says
#space barbie is the real endgame - posting about space barbie (we all do that)
#decorations hunting - what it says, me trying to get decos that are either from crafting or reputation or flashpoints
#swtor gone wrong - bugs and other funny stuff (there is a blog with this name, check them out)
#swtor headcanons - as it says
#swtor unpopular opinion (might change to #my unpopular opinions) - as it says
#ask game - posts with ask games and replies
#tagged - if I was tagged for something
#(class name) playthrough - what it says, without spoilers
#swtor pts - if I decide to go through pain of installing PTS yet again (i installed and deleted like like 3 or 4 times)
Event tags (yeah, they all are different):
#double xp event is our lord and savior;
#pirate incursion event;
#rakghoul event;
#gree event;
#swoop rally event;
#swtor life day or #life day shenanigans;
#feast of prosperity;
#bounty week event;
#nightlife shenanigans.
#swtor text posts - screenshots of characters with text posts i them (character memes, in other words)
#swtor meme - as it says
#swtor refs - useful lore and stuff for SWTOR era (though I have like 1 post with this tag)
#other people's good stuff (gonna change to #mutuals' lovely stuff) - reblogs of amazing works of amazing people (though my circle of mutuals is kinda limited), be that writing, art or other stuff.
#xD - a reblog i found funny
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
If you want, tell us about the original Havoc Squad members (the ones who defected)?
Ask Me About SWTOR NPCs Thanks for the ask @jedimasterjaina !
Oh - I've got some stuff here, post KOTET.
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For the record, Illaynah Antilles is my trooper in the Halcyon Legacy, so much of these head-canons involve her choices.
Harron Tavus status in the Republic is… complicated. He cooperated after his surrender, but its not like anyone will trust him. Saresh certainly didn't feel like bringing him back into the fold, especially not after Garza retired. He likes quietly on Coruscant in an apartment, closely monitored by the SIS.
Ryler Dorant - aka Needles - was killed by Illaynah and Jorgan on Taris. Eckard Lokin later retrieved most of his rakghoul research, which doesn't make anyone nervous.
Vanto Bazren - aka Fuse - helped Illaynah on Tatooine, saving lives. After his surrender, he became a trainer and analyst on demolitions, though his security clearance and field certification aren't restored. He doesn't regret returning to the Republic, but his life was rather boring. Years later, the Alliance - at Illaynah's request - would negotiate for him to be allowed to transfer to the Alliance. Fuse ultimately joins the new Havoc Squad, effectively taking Tanno Vik's place. The latest iteration of the Squad usually only takes special missions.
Bex Kolos - aka Gearbox - was killed on Alderaan. The Empire (and the Republic) would both eventually conclude that his Plan B walker was impractical for mass production.
Zora - aka Wraith - … actually survived the confrontation with Illaynah on the Justice. (This is canon-divergent.) What Garza did to her afterwards… well. That may be a story for another day.
Thanks again for the asks!
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rainplaysswtor · 5 years
Rain Plays SWTOR: More Spy Games locations
Thank you very much @vespertine-legacy​ for your help in finding these locations and providing screenshots and advice! Ilum - Republic Saboteur The field for spy droids here is huge, and covers the area from the Republic Base Camp all the way down to the heroic area. Be careful around the latter; the mobs hit hard. As you can see, the open fields make it possible to spot several droids at once, which is great. Thank you @vespertine-legacy​ for these screenshots and field trip to Ilum!
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Corellia - Republic Saboteur The long street from the spaceport down to the arrow marker on the map is your field. From @vespertine-legacy​: Plenty of enemies to take out if rampage is on, mostly droids. Watch out if rakghoul week is on Corellia at the same time, because they get annoying.
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