#Raid is sure doing a lot of flirting huh
mossygreenpath · 1 month
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The Shackled King P7 and P8 After 3+months I bring you more of Radi bullying PK and giving him what he so richly deserves :3 will there be more? Oh most defo. We're getting to the final parts of this beginning prologue comic!!! PREVIOUS NEXT:??? TOP: COMING SOON!
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
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"Don't worry- I'll take it real slow with you so you know I mean it."
Tags/Warnings: Punk!Jungkook, Wolf!Jungkook, Good girl!Reader, Dom!Jungkook, Sub!Reader, Corruption kink, strangers to crushes to lovers, Fluff, Adult themes
+ Additional Tags/Warnings: none, some flirting?
Length: who's counting anyways
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"Damn, who's pissed in your breakfast this morning?" Jimin laughs, trying to joke- but it's clear that Jungkook is genuinely angry with his packmate, heated glare sent his way.
"I told you, you were being too mean yesterday!" Hoseok scolds, smacking the younger wolf on the back of his head. "Now you ruined jungkookie's fun last night." He mumbles, looking at the youngest apologetically-
Though the wolf sits up almost proudly, a sly smile growing on his lips as he chews his food.
"Looks like he still got his dick wet." Jimin laughs, making Jungkook growl.
"I wasn't out to get my dick wet you dog!" He argues, before crossing his arms. "Was just.. driving around." He shrugs.
"You." Taehyung raises a brown before he sits down at the table as well. "Just driving around." He continues, making the youngest roll his eyes.
"You act like I'm always up to something." He accuses, before his phone buzzes on the table, quickly snatched away by Jimin who grins brightly while fighting against Jungkook's reaching hands.
"Movie sounds great, do you have one in mind?" He reads the message out loud. "Oooh, Jungkookie has an actual date?!" He exclaims, before the youngest wolf can snatch his phone back.
"Shut up." He growls, before he gets up to put on his jacket and boots, turning around once more. "Don't fuck this up for me. Next time you see us, just shut your mouth." He requests awfully.. nervously almost, before he leaves, door closing behind him.
"You think he's found someone he likes?" Taehyung wonders, pulling Jungkook's leftovers toward him.
"Looks like it." Hoseok shrugs.
"Huh." Jimin huffs, leaning bag with an almost proud smile. "Would you look at that."
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Your apartment is cozy, small but very inviting, and most of all- it smells like you and you only, something that Jungkook enjoys a lot.
"Do you want me to dry your jacket?" You wonder, looking at him carefully taking off his wet jacket, since it's been pouring outside. Only now do you notice that, once he pulls off his beanie, it's the first time you see him like that.
Damn. Those tattoos really paint a full sleeve and some.
Not to mention the fact that his black sleeveless top hugs his body so tightly that it leaves almost nothing to the imagination- and in a way, that makes you a bit self-conscious. He seems like someone who works out a lot and often- would he think of you as less attractive once he notices you hide no defined physique underneath your clothes, but small rolls and chubby thighs?
Maybe. Maybe this is a bad idea.
Interestingly enough, it seems like Jungkook notices your change in mood- posture changing to appear less threatening to you, tail waving a little behind him to add to the appearance. It helps- if just a little.
"I mean- sure? If it's not a bother.." He answers your question, making you nod before you take the heavy jacket from him, glad to have something to distract yourself with.
"You can.. sit down? Or, I don't know- raid my fridge." You joke a bit stiff, before you flee the scene, hanging his jacket up in your little laundry room where your dryer has already warmed up the air, everything smelling of your favorite fabric softener. You actually sometimes take a nap in here, especially during winter- you're not sure why, but the smells and warmth offers you the bestest naps, especially when you sleep on your thick feather filled quilt.
It's an odd habit. Will he think you're weird if he finds out about that?
Once you return to your living room and kitchen space, you find Jungkook already looking inside the fridge, scanning the different snacks and drinks in there, visibly curious as his tail stands high. You can't help it, in that moment-
sneakily tugging just a little on the very tip, causing him to snap around, startled.
"Sorry!" You apologize immediately, shrinking back a little. "I- that was rude-" You start, when he wags his tail so much it smacks against the open fridge door, his laughter ringing through the small space of the apartment.
"No worries, was just caught off guard-" He reassures with a grin. "-you're really quiet. And those ears work really well!" He jokes, pointing to his pierced ear.
"Should I be louder then?" You wonder, reaching past him for a bottle of water. "So you can hear me?" You ask, and he looks at you for a second, before he chuckles, throwing his head back.
"You're so cute!" He barks out, before he closes your fridge, following you back towards your couch. And there, you sit as if you're being scolded almost- hugging your legs in the very corner, too shy to really be comfortable around him, and of course- he notices.
"What's making you uncomfortable right now?" He wonders, zapping through the recommended shows on your TV.
"Huh?" You ask, looking at him. "Nothing. I'm fine!" You laugh, though even that sounds more like you're just trying to pacify him, and it reminds him of one of his packmates' mates, back when she first met the whole group.
You're acting very similar. Intimidated, unsure where your place is. Trying not to step out of line.
"Hm, you're not." He chuckles, sitting back a little more relaxed. "Is it the tattoos? They're off-putting to some, my mom doesn't like them either." He chuckles, trying to ease the tension- something he craves out of pure instinct, because, considering his interest in you, he can't have his possible future mate be this uneasy around him.
He's supposed to be your person of safety and protection, someone you can and want to rely on- not someone you're scared of, in any way.
"No- not really." You shake your head, looking at them from the distance, noticing the colors and intricate details in some parts. "Just.. I don't know." You mumble.
"Is it the muscle?" He wonders, head tilting to the side a bit, and when you look away and adjust your position a little, he clicks his tongue. "Ah, please don't worry. I know how to control my strength!" He jokes playfully, but you shake your head. "No?"
"It's not.. that, at least not really?" You wonder, deciding that you better rip off the bandaid right now so it'll hurt less later. "You're just.. you look really fit, and I'm not. I'm lazy." You explain, without any demeaning tone thrown at yourself. "I don't really do any.. working out." You say, and he shrugs.
"Fine by me. It's your body, not mine." He offers, and you're unsure what to think about that statement.
Growing up, you learned from both your family and past friendships and relationships even, that every sentence uttered by mankind has some sort of second meaning. It created some sort of imposter syndrome for you in a way, as if every praise and compliment had some sort of background to it. Like you didn't deserve it- and people were simply too nice to tell you that blunt and openly.
So maybe it's not him saying that it's your choice and he doesn't mind it- but him saying that he's simply aware of the fact that he can't force you to do anything, but that he's glad he's not in your place. It's a far reach, and you know this- but the petty demon inside your head just won't shut up, ever.
Luckily however, the wolf next to you on the couch seems to have telepathic powers or something- or maybe he can smell your feelings? Because he immediately adds something to his words to soften up his statement. "The most important thing for me is that you're healthy and happy. I don't need anything else, really." He smiles encouragingly, and you shrug, before nodding.
"I guess." You just mumble, letting the awkward silence wash over you both while Jungkook chooses a movie, logging into his own account on your streaming service- something you notice. "You can just buy it-" You say, but he chuckles.
"Nop. Let me do that- I'd feel bad otherwise." He explains, buying the movie with his own money. So his last name is Jeon? You really didn't mean to look at it, but it's hard not to. It's when the movie starts that he leans a bit more onto your little sofa, opening his arms. "Can we cuddle?" He wonders, and you look at him a bit like a deer in the headlights. "I promise my friend down there will behave. I just wanna have you close- is that okay?" He wonders, and you shrug, unsure how to approach it.
Considering how long you've been living by yourself, you feel like you forgot how to properly.. cuddle at all. And it's like you just realize that right now- when was the last time you hugged someone? Held someone's hand? Or just sat close to someone else?
"You don't have to. I just.. wanna make you feel more at ease." He softly says, pausing the movie on the TV. "If you're not ready to be this close to me yet that's fine, and understandable. We can try another time-" He starts, but you shake your head.
"I just.. I've been living alone for a while now." You say, opening up at least a little bit. "I'm.. I don't know, it feels awkward now." You admit, and he nods, soaking up the info you give him.
"Alright, I can work with that." He smiles. "We can take it slow and easy, no issues." He shrugs, setting down his hands again.
And that's where they stay, as you both simply watch the movie-
Jungkook quietly leaving after you fall asleep, but not before putting a blanket from the couch over your body.
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"I can't promise you they won't be weird-" Jungkook chuckles through the speaker in your helmet- a new one now, that you suspect he might've bought just for you, because it's a lot smaller and fits way better than the other one you've been given before. "-but I'll keep them in check." he reassures you.
"Are you like, the leader?" You wonder, unsure, and he chuckles again, stopping at a red light.
"No, I'll tell you who's who when we're there- I'm just a regular member, nothing more nothing less." He shrugs, one of his hands leaving the handle of his bike to rest on your thigh next to his leg, running up and down absentmindedly. "Is that okay? Or too much?" He asks, looking back for a second, though you can't see his face with the helmet covering his head entirely.
"That's fine." You say, genuinely meaning it- and you can't see it, but he's grinning brightly at this small step forwards, tail wagging. He's noticed you leaning against his back a lot more this time, slowly seeming to grow more comfortable on his bike, even so much so that you've begun to instinctively sit in the proper way to make driving easy for him.
And he also really enjoys you clinging onto him not in fear but comfort- but that's besides the main point.
The moment you arrive, everyone already standing around with their own bikes or by themselves, it's very clear that Jungkook's whole.. adventures with you has made the round. People are whistling and laughing, but it's also clear that it's just to tease him, and not in bad nature. You can even hear someone cooing when Jungkook reaches out to help you take your helmet off, bike standing secure on the kickstand, his own helmet already having been taken off. "Don't mind them. I'm the youngest of the pack." He admits, and you nod, smiling.
"You'll handle it, I'm sure." You agree, and he grins proudly, before he helps you get off the bike.
"Oh look at them, this is so cute!" Someone laughs, commenting probably on the fact that Jungkook had taken your hand in his to maybe offer you some extra security- something you appreciate.
"Please stop, you're scaring her off." He whines, as someone walks up beside you.
"Jungkook's right. Leave him be." A tall guy says, before he looks at you kindly. "I'm namjoon- not sure if he's told you already, but I'm the pack leader here " he offers, and you nod in greeting, smiling back. "I hope he treats you well- if not I'm gonna have to have a word with him." He jokingly threatens, making Jungkook roll his eyes.
"I'm treating her very well, thanks for asking." He snaps back, and you can't help but giggle a little at the banter they're both participating in.
Up close and personal like this, the whole pack of wolves doesn't actually feel all that threatening.
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They're clearly playing around with him, teasing whenever he does anything considered affectionate towards you, and it's almost cute to see him glare at his friends for it. What makes you even happier is the fact that he doesn't mind being seen- he still makes sure you're always comfortable, checks in if you want to leave or if you're cold or if you're tired.
Right now, he's got you sat on his thigh, as he's sitting on the sidewalk- when there seems to be some tension rising, multiple wolves now moving to stand almost protectively in front of the rest. "Hey- stay here for a second yeah? I'll just check what's up." He says, helping you stand near his bike, before he leaves to do just what he said.
The way his tail suddenly rises, standing straight back, shows you that he's in an aggressive-defensive stance.
Somethings going on.
But it's resolved with simple glares from the pack, as Jungkook returns later to offer you your helmet. "Let's get you home, okay?" He says, and you nod, letting him help you with the helmet itself. "Don't worry, by the way. There's just some tension- and I'd like to.. not have you in the crossfire." He chuckles.
That's a nice thing to do, actually. He seems very much interested in your well-being, and that's new to you. But it's nice. Feeling like you're special.
Back at your home, he's helping you off his bike, taking the helmet from you- and you can't help yourself, as you unhook his own helmet with a click, before you slip it off his head, and lean in to kiss him.
It's a quick one, his helmet pushed into his hands as you run off into your home-
One look back making you laugh, as you see him frozen it appears like, tail wildly wagging behind him.
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He's awfully cocky next time he visits you, instantly leaning down as you open the door to let him in. "What? Do I only get goodbye-kisses?" He complains, and you giggle, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
And he growls at that, though his wagging tail reassures you there's no anger behind it.
"You have to earn it." You say, and he glares at you.
"Isn't my giant crush on you enough?" He wonders, and you laugh.
"Maybe?" You shrug, putting on your jacket. "Well.. I'll think about it after the date." You tease and he grins.
"Well in that case, I'll be getting a ton of kisses after tonight." He beams at you, proudly so.
And you're sure of it.
He already earned himself quite a few.
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shininglamp · 1 year
What he couldn’t remember.
While Beacon Hills was dealing with Ghost Riders
Derek was unsuccessfully hunting Kate Argent. He knew a lot was happening in Beacon Hills, and he vaguely remembered stopping by once or twice in the last few months, but he couldn’t remember why.
Derek knew there was something important, it kept nagging at his mind and tugging at his heart, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.  He had been working alone for months now. It never really bothered him, except in the last few weeks.
Needing a night off, he stops into a bar. The bartender there has light brown hair, subtly curving lips, mischievous eyes. Shamelessly he starts to flirt with her.  “Are you sure we’ve never met? You seem so familiar.” Derek wasn’t lying about this. He just couldn’t remember who she reminded him of. 
“Believe me, hot stuff, I’d remember an ass that cute.” Clearly she is into the flirting.
“Stella.” The name also feels close to something, an important something that he wants to remember.  The frustration of it and the loneliness drives him to get closer to Stella. It very easily leads to a one night stand. 
Weeks later Derek bolts awake. “Stiles!!” He gasps. Scrambling for his phone he looks for Stiles’ number but it’s not there. He calls Scott. “What. The. Hell! What happened to Stiles?”
“Oh, we were dealing with Ghost Riders. But everything is okay now. Stiles is back, Peter is back…”
“I don’t give a rats ass about Peter!” He hears Peter grumble ‘I heard that’ in the background. “Is Stiles there?” He asked.
“Well, yeah… He’s a little busy.”
Peter takes the phone from Scott. “First of all, I can’t believe you forgot your own family! Secondly, while Stiles and Lydia may have saved the day with their undying love for each other, I want it noted that I put my skin on the line, literally. Without me…”
Derek hangs up on his uncle, the words undying love echoing in his head.
Days go by. Derek attends their graduation, politely congratulating all of them, pretending he wasn’t there just for Stiles.
“Derek! I got in. The FBI internship!”
“What? You?”
“Yes, me.”
“That’s… really amazing!” Derek uses this as an excuse to hug Stiles. He loves the responding smile. Stiles runs over to Lydia, and Derek leaves Beacon Hills.
Derek decides to double down on his hunt for Kate. This leads him to the scenes of mass murders of entire packs. Misunderstood as being a suspect, he continues to investigate on his own.
Stiles calls. “Derek. What’s going on?”
“Wish I knew.”
“You’re our prime suspect!”
“Well I didn’t do it. I’m hunting the thing that did.”
“You mean Kate?”
“It’s different. Bigger. Like She’s working with others. The killing, it’s not random anymore. It’s strategic.”
“I need you to keep your head down.”
“I can’t. It’s all pointing back to Beacon Hills.”
“Derek…!” Stiles is frustrated, but he sighs and calms his tone. “What do you want to bet that Scott is still there? Damn it! I told him to get out.”
“I’ll stay in the shadows, but unless we can prove who’s really behind these massacres you can’t prove my innocence.”
“I’ll do what I can.” Stiles hangs up.
Lay low. Huh. Loping back into his wolf form, Derek continues his hunt.
Eventually Stiles coordinates with him on an FBI raid, making sure to showcase the true conspirators behind the string of deaths.
During which one of the hunters aims his gun at Derek and Stiles kicks the gun out of the man’s hands in his naturally uncoordinated reckless way, causing the gun to go off and him to lose a toe.
“Idiot, I can heal, you can’t! What were you thinking?” Derek scolds him as he picks up Stiles in his arms.
“They shot my toe!” He yells, then passes out at the sight of his bloody shoe. “Idiot.” Derek stays with him in the ambulance.
Derek waits for Stiles in the hospital. Peter calls. “What is it?” As he gets the run down, Stiles is signing release forms. Surprisingly he’s not limping. “I’m heading to you now.”
“Ready for more?” Derek asks. They swing by Styles’ house for a change of clothes. “You… have my size here?”
“Yeah. You know, last time you wore that striped thing and you looked ridiculous, so…”
Derek quietly growls at the humiliating memory, but pulls on the black shirt, happy that Stiles thought of him.
They take the jeep and meet up with the pack. The battle against the Annuk’Ite doesn’t last long. In the ensuing days, everyone leaves town, Scott heading up the fight against Monroe.
Autumn was quickly turning to winter.
Kate was gone, so Derek made himself available to be called into help Scott. In the meantime, he tried to content himself that Stiles cared enough to take a bullet for him. He needed to let his feelings go so he could be happy for Stiles and Lydia. It wasn’t easy.
That’s when he came across the old bar. He was going to just drive by, then remembered the cute bartender Stella. Her features, down to the freckles, were quite similar to Stiles. Her comments and jokes were just as quirky as Stiles. Even though Derek didn’t remember Stiles at the time, his heart was looking for him. Derek quickly parks the car and goes in.
Stella turns around, her belly big. “Wondered when you’d be back, hot stuff.”
That night Derek calls Stiles. “I’m going to have a son.”
“Whoa! When did this happen? I mean, congratulations!”
Derek, wanting to explain how he couldn’t remember Stiles and inadvertently looked for a replacement, wanting Stiles to get jealous maybe, not able to deny his own excitement about becoming a father, could only answer “Thanks.”
Stella was sweet, but she didn’t want Derek or Eli. She wanted her freedom, and so was happy to let Derek be the sole parent.
Stiles and the pack come over to see the new baby. “Oh my gosh! He’s so cute!” Lydia gushes.
“He looks so much like you.” Scott says, not knowing what to say.
“Huh.” Stiles glances back at Derek then at Eli. He narrows his eyes.
Sheriff Stalinski looks over his son’s shoulder. “Huh.” The Sheriff looks between his son and Derek then back at Eli. “You’ll have your hands full with this one.”
Derek smiles knowingly and picks up his son adoringly.
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vancilocs · 2 years
35 to 50 for goose and elk aaand ruhn and neela?
im downloading andromeda again and now i have to update it which takes like four times longer
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
I'd like to imagine them being on a date/walk and finding the spot they will build their lil house on and being like huh, that looks like a nice spot for a house
Neela swears it was right when she saw him, for Ruhn just a chill morning together
36. How long have they been friends? Would they consider each other best friends?
They've been friends for a long while, they're best friends too
Not for that long before going on dates and making it romantic, but they do consider each other one of their best friends
37. How did they become friends?
Most likely Elk found Goose doing something stupid and either stopped him or then helped him out like a good public servant
Ran to each other on a balcony while raiding leftover snacks
38. Who’s more ticklish?
Neela, but her tail feathers make Ruhn squirm too
39. If your OCs has/had a child, who would be the stricter parent?
Elk, Goose doesn't really put boundaries
Ruhn, he was raised somewhat strictly and looked after his brother too, Neela's a youngest child so she couldn't deny their kid anything
40. What do they do when they miss one another? Is one more needy than the other/s?
Goose is good at hiding how much Elks travels do bother him, he just walks up and down the beach and throws rocks in the ocean and looks for seashells and cool things when alone
They go through the motions, Neela practices singing or makes sure her outfits and feathers are in ship shape, that tail upkeep is a chore sometimes. She does miss Ruhn a lot, lots of wistful sighing. Ruhn is usually busy sneaking around, eavesdropping and following Nepheli around so she doesn't try to go up and down stairs by herself. He's less needy but does miss her.
41. What green flags do they have for one another?
Elk is patient and actually understands Goose's weird reasonings for doing things that actually make sense for him, Goose is loyal and loving and always very interested in hearing what Elk's been up to on his travels
Neela is kind and considerate and makes Ruhn feel loved and comfortable, Ruhn is genuine and straightforward which makes Neela feel reassured and not just seen but also heard
42. Have they ever been jealous?
Goose, not really about any other men but about Elk's time in general
Ruhn doesn't hang out with other women enough for Neela to feel too jealous, and if a visiting dignitary lady would try to flirt he shuts it down. He's not jealous about her, if anything just proud of the audiences she gets
43. Is one more introverted/extroverted than the other?
Don't know if Elk is an extrovert but he's at least more extroverted than Goose
Neela is fairly extroverted, she's just shy. She likes hanging out and talking with others. Ruhn can do without, just chasing his brother across the halls and walls and ceilings with a knife sometimes
44. Who’s the better cook?
I think Elk
Ruhn, Neela doesn't have to cook for herself
45. Are they good at comforting one another? Does someone hide their feelings usually?
They are good at it, but Goose tends to hide any negative feelings so you don't really know when he needs comforting
Ruhn doesn't have to do much else than catch Neela when she throws herself down dramatically because she did something awkward that morning, it's all she needs. He doesn't really show negative feelings, but then again he doesn't have much of those. Let him be a grump in the rafters for a while, she can try to coax it out of him but he will claim he's fine
46. Would they have been friends with each other in school?
Yeah, popular kid adopts weird but kindhearted loner
Unlikely, they would be in very different cliques
47. Who made the first move?
Elk would have to
Ruhn had to because Neela was almost petrified with anxiety
48. Do they get on well with each other’s family? Is family important to them?
Goose's family likes Elk a lot, finally a sensible guy to (hopefully) keep him from trouble. Goose wants to be liked by Elk's family and paladin friends.
Rawk likes Neela, teased Ruhn endlessly when they started dating, but now it's chill. She likes him too. His mom likes Neela so much, can't really believe her son got with her. Neela's family was very surprised to hear who she started dating, are you sure there's nobody else? There's a whole prince to marry in there??
49. Do they tease each other? What about?
Jokes about height are free game, Elk is too big and Goose is too small
Neela gently ribs Ruhn about the amount of knives he has on himself at all times, he gently teases her when she can't decide between two dresses that are identical to him (that one's candlelight orange, this one's sunrise orange, god!)
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
Goose is a bit scared Elk will get fed up with him sometimes, Elk is concerned Goose will end up in a pickle he can't get himself out of when he's not around
Neela wants to be wifed up and to have a child or three, year by year she starts worrying more that he doesn't want that at all, meanwhile he's perfectly happy just dating and has no idea. Neela mentions her wishes to his mom and she asks if he's gonna propose and he's just like eh at some point sure what's the hurry
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ptergwen · 3 years
hi uhm could you maybe write a blurb based on this tiktok? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeUVgjaS/
i love your writing!! 🤍
thank you lovely <3 i watched this and then i just stared at my phone and then i had to come here and write it because WOW? we’re going with peter
this is like very suggestive but i changed it a bit
prompt: you’re playing video games with your crush and his friends. you’re sitting on his lap and you lost. you’re bouncing and... you’ll see
“fuck!” mj yells at you, fingers digging into her controller. “i said go left!” “i did go left!” you insist and try to run from the explosion coming your way. “oh my god, no! not your left, my left!” she leads your characters out of the building with her lip between her teeth.
you’re playing one of peter’s and ned’s video games, but you’re not sure which. call of duty or something. all you know is, there’s lots of guns and yelling. also, that you suck at it. mj hasn’t been shy about telling you. she’s on your team, peter and ned versing you two. they’re worlds better because they play literally all the time.
tonight was supposed to be boy’s night until you crashed and brought mj along. ned was slightly annoyed at first. peter didn’t mind one bit, welcoming you in with a big cheesy grin. after talking it over, ned agreed to let you stay on the condition that you joined their game. it’s better with more players, anyway.
“oh, yeah. go a little slower,” mj huffs and continues running to the exit. you’re way behind her. “there’s an option to run, by the way.” “you think i know how to use that?” you retort, shifting on peter’s lap to get a better view of the tv. there wasn’t enough room on the couch, so this was the solution. your idea, for the record.
“peter, can you help me? i have no idea what i’m doing,” you nearly whine. his eyebrows furrowed, he looks from his controller to yours. “uh, yeah. you see those buttons at the top? you just-“ “dude!” ned scolds him. “you’re supposed to help me, not her!” they’re the ones who are trying to blow up you and mj. he sets off a few gunshots for emphasis.
“ok, ok. sorry. i’m on it.” peter starts to chase after you and mj again. he drops his voice to a whisper. “press the triangle, you’ll speed up,” he tells you so ned doesn’t hear. “thanks, pete. you’re really good with your fingers, huh?” you shoot him a small smirk, catching up to mj. he gulps and keeps his eyes glued to the screen.
there’s always been some... tension between you and peter. the truth is, you like him a lot. you want to do more on his lap than just play video games. he likes you times ten, though he’s not thrilled you chose right now to act on it. your constant flirting and moving around is becoming hard to handle. that’s not the only thing becoming hard to handle.
peter must have zoned out because he tunes back in to see game over on the tv. “no, no, no!” mj cries out and slams down her controller. “fuck you guys for real.” it sounds like him and ned won. “good one, dude!” ned reaches over mj to give peter a high five, who halfheartedly reciprocates. “i’m being player one from now on, look what happens!”
you glance at peter over your shoulder through dangerous eyes. “nice job,” you hum, leaning back ever so slightly. “thank you... thanks,” he simply replies. his mind is getting foggy with your body pressed into his like this. “is there a rematch? how does this shit work?” mj demands, scowling at the title card that displays your loss.
“we can go again, if you really want to.” ned beams and stands up from the couch. “let me get a victory snack first, though.” he ventures into the kitchen, mj side eyeing you and peter. “fine, but we’re switching partners. the lovebirds against you and me.” you turn to face her, your hips rutting against peter’s... oh. he prays to every god you don’t feel that.
“don’t call us that. we prefer lovers,” you joke back. “we do?” peter squeaks, earning a curious look from ned in the kitchen. he clears his throat promptly. “i mean, we do. totally. yeah. that was... funny, y/n.” “ok, it’s getting weird,” mj announces, hopping to her feet. “i’m gonna go raid your fridge, thanks. bye.”
once she’s gone, you spin around so you’re face to face with peter. all that freed up space on the couch, yet you’re still in his lap.
“so... that was odd. are you okay?” you wonder, moving so your legs are on either side of him. it’s more comfortable that way. for you, at least.“um, i’m fine. could you maybe just stop doing that?” peter winces and sets his hands on your hips. “doing what? i’m only sitting here.” you tilt your head to the side. you’re either playing dumb or actually oblivious.
“if you mean the flirting, i thought you liked it. i didn’t know i-“ that’s when you finally feel it. or rather, you feel peter. “shit,” you mumble to yourself. peter eases you back a bit with a pained smile. “i’m so sorry. i didn’t even realize i was...” you trail off, putting a hand on his chest to steady yourself. his cheeks burn bright pink.
“no, you’re fine. i’m the one who should be sorry,” peter nervously chuckles and squeezes your hips. “this is probably creepy... and gross. am i freaking you out?” “it’s normal, and you’re not,” you assure him with a smile. your free hand cups one of his warm cheeks, cool in contrast. “you do like the flirting, then?”
“love the flirting,” peter practically purrs at your touch. his grip on you becomes rougher as he’s reminded of his little friend. well, not little. “listen... i’m cool with playing another game,” he starts, eyes locking with your dazzling ones. “unless you wanna help me out. could be fun.” you lick across your lips, ready to go.
“which one’s your room again?”
when ned and mj come back to an empty couch riddled with the smell of musk, they can’t say they’re surprised.
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celestialarchon · 4 years
400+ Followers Celebration!
various genshin impact x f!reader
warnings: fluff/crack/NSFW implications, jokes and innuendos. reverse Isekai storyline and a LOT of attention on reader. SPOILERS FOR IN GAME. Archon spoilers!
As much as you tried, connecting and staying in reality was too hard. It was always the same outcome, finding yourself whisked away to another fantasy land through media. Normally your obsessions didn’t last long, but one game had completely sucked you in. Maybe it was the stress of the nightmare year 2020 or maybe it was the fact that Genshin Impact was everything you loved and more, but you couldn’t get enough. It was getting out of hand as even your roommates had began to play because of the way you romanticized the game. Acquiring most of the five star characters, building several strong teams, and finishing almost all the quests in roughly 5 months.
As an insomniac, it was easy to grind through the game until the sun came up. Sometimes you wondered if it was strange that an adult would be so enamored with a game but shrugged it off. It’d been a hellish year, you deserved to treat yourself.
Yet another night spent entirely on the dreamy land of Teyvat. You yawned and stretched as the sun peaked through the blinds and cursed yourself for not noticing the passing time. Removing your head set, you yawned again, feeling a wave of drowsiness wash over you. It was strange, you’d only been up one night and you were already so tired. Your home was quiet, all the roommates sound asleep as you crept into your bed under the covers. The stuffie you adored so much was soon in your arms as you drifted off, wishing to dream of traveling the world of Teyvat.
An extremely loud crashing sound woke you from your deep sleep. Instinctively you shot up, your arm moved on its own aiming for the space around you and swinging quickly and forcefully. Your fist made contact with something and you shrieked as the strange shadow crumpled. You flew out of your bed and away from the safety of your covers, grasping for the light switch.
Your panicked screeches only grew louder as the figure on the floor groaned and stood upright, still fumbling for the lights. Fingertips finally brushed the switch on the wall and you flipped the lights on. The sudden brightness blinded you for a minute and the mystery person as well. It hit you how stupid it was to turn on the lights in your room as soon as your eyes adjusted. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins as you rushed to the door. You could hear heavy footsteps from the other room. Other people were home you needed to get to them.
“Shiiiiit,” The strange person groaned again, “I drank too much.”
The voice was familiar and made you freeze for a moment. Mentally slapping yourself you darted out of your room but ran straight into a wall. Well, that’s what it felt like, but there wasn’t a wall outside your door. The force of the collision knocked you on your ass and you yelped as you hit the floor.
“Oh? What’s this?” The supposed wall turned to look at you, eyebrows arched as he stared down at you.
Your jaw nearly hit the floor as you looked up at the familiar man. That smooth voice, the long hair, the eyepatch. This had to be some sort of weird dream. No matter how hard you tried to move, your body wouldn’t obey. You heard steps from behind you and glanced back to see another Mondstadt troublemaker. A disgruntled anemo archon was slowly approaching you.
“Ehe, fuck, she hit me hard.” Venti giggled nervously.
“Poor thing,” Kaeya held his hand out to you, “Did the mean little twink scare you?”
The room was spinning, so you took the cryo pirate’s hand. Your jaw was probably still on the floor. His grip was strong and cool, it was bringing you back down to the reality of the situation you were in. Oh, the irony. You were not dreaming. Awestruck, you peered behind Kaeya into your living room to see even more Genshin characters just vibing. The esteemed geo archon was drinking from your favorite mug, two troublesome harbingers bickered in the corner of the room, a certain librarian was flipping through your books, both travelers were attempting to learn how to play uno. It was unreal. A pirate was flirting with a silver haired beauty.There was an astrologist examining your fish tank, an alchemist and a child terrorist asleep on your floor, and a fucking adeptus perched on your couch like a gargoyle.
Your roommates were nowhere in sight and your home was crowded by your fictional lovers. The absolute chaos of it all sent you over the edge. High pitched, clearly unstable laughter erupted from you. What else could you do? Cry? That wouldn’t change anything. All eyes shifted to you as you leaned on the wall, clutching your abdomen and giggling like a madwoman. Kaeya shifted away from you, allowing the others to get a good look at you.
Finally composing yourself, you stood up straight and introduced yourself, “Hello, why are you invading my home?”
“Hey girlie! I’m Childe,” The cheery harbinger nearly skipped up to you shaking your hand, “but you can call me daddy.”
Your face reddened at his bold introduction but you clicked your tongue avoiding his eyes.
“Hello, cutie. I’m Lisa.”
“Albedo, and this is Klee.”
“I tend to go by Zhongli.”
“Beidou! The lovely lady by my side is Ningguang.”
“Adeptus Xiao.”
They all introduced themselves so politely, you almost felt bad for acting a bit crazy. However, that feeling was quickly swept away by Kaeya and his sharp tongue.
“Kaeya, but I believe you already know that,” he smirked at you, “May I ask why you aren’t wearing any pants?”
“Oi, what?” You looked down and gasped.
Venti’s drunk ass had sent you into fight and flight mode so you had forgotten all about your night time attire. You were in an oversized Genshin Impact shirt without any pants on. Shoving Venti out of your way, you rushed to your room to dig for pants. Oh, how you wished you hadn’t forgotten about laundry. You hastily grabbed a pair of shorts that really didn’t do much except cover your underwear.
“I have shorts on now. You just can’t tell because of my shirt.” You declared entering the living room.
Some of the more promiscuous characters giggled at your embarrassment while Zhongli facepalmed and the most serious of them all, Scaramouche and Xiao, simply scowled. You sat on the end of your couch furthest from everybody else, nervous. Nobody had answered your earlier question. Apparently your discomfort was lost on the Adeptus Xiao, or he just didn’t care. He was in front of you in a flash, pinching your face and glaring at you.
“Why did you call us here you foolish mortal?” His tone was more annoyed than murderous.
Zhongli slapped Xiao’s hands away from your face and sat down next to you, “Be nice. She doesn’t know either.”
You nodded at this, and the room erupted in murmurs. Zhongli slipped his arm around you, patting your shoulder sympathetically. Lumine tossed the Uno cards down and glided to you, taking strands of your hair into her hands and beginning to play with it. Perhaps it’s because you played as both the travelers but the three of you seemed to silently click. Scaramouche and Childe began to argue again about something silly. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a certain bard and the charming Sir Kaeya raiding your liquor cabinet.
It was too overwhelming to argue. Lumine took her time playing with your hair while the others attempted to figure out how to go back to their own world. Xiao crept closer to you, truly like a cat. Beidou and Ningguang fawned over you and invited you into their relationship several times. You politely declined, knowing they’d have to go back to their world. It was disappointing and a bit frustrating.
Your wish came true but it was too good to be true. Albedo seemed to notice your silence. He gently maneuvered his adorable little sister off of him and approached you. His eyes were filled with curiosity, your silence only made his thoughts wander further.
“Can I experiment on you?” Albedo was blunt.
“Huh?” You blinked, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“I’m not sure if that was brave or stupid,” Childe snickered, “Has he always been this bold?”
“Tch,” Scaramouche rolled his eyes, “Thats a terrible pick up line, mad scientist.”
“Leave my cutie alone!” Lisa yanked Albedo away from you defensively.
The room was filled with protest at Lisa’s words. Zhongli merely sighed and pulled you closer. Venti’s dumb ass was floating around your living room hiccuping. Xiao was wedging himself between you and the arm of the couch. It was insane. Beidou and Ningguang noticed the two Liyue men snuggling up to you and marched over to the three of you.
Ningguang tried to pull you away from them while Beidou aggressively smacked at Xiao. Xiao was hissing at the beautiful captain and Zhongli was attempting to intervene. You shoved them out of your way and stood up, panicked by the attention. Lisa caught you as you tripped over your own feet but landed face first into her chest. She stroked your hair but was interrupted by Albedo grabbing your wrist and mumbling about experiments. The single moment Childe and Scaramouche got along was to pull you from Albedo but it became a quick tug of war over you.
Somehow, Klee was still asleep and Kaeya was just watching all of it go down.
“Cheeeeeeeeers, bitch bitches,” The Knight slurred.
“Enough.” Lumine and Aether both intervened.
Aether held his hand out to you, “You don’t have to pick now, but please say you’ll come with us?”
“You belong in Teyvat,” Lumine smiled at you warmly.
“So,” Aether continued “What do you say, outlander?”
All eyes were on you as the words left Aether’s lips. What would you do?
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stiltonbasket · 4 years
Please write a follow up for the laughing soulmates au! WWX growing up thinking his true chance at love was gone before he knew what he lost, oh man oh man.
Wei Wuxian was ten years old when he first began wearing mourning.
“Jiang Fengmian,” Madam Yu hissed, when she returned to Lotus Pier after a brief vacation in Meishan to find her adopted ward practicing his sword forms wearing robe of the palest, most dirt-resistant white linen that money could buy. “What is Wei Ying doing in white? Where are his red robes? Or his purple ones?”
“It has been more than four years since he felt his soulmate laugh,” Jiang-shushu replied--calmly, but with a low, challenging hum to his voice that meant his mind was firmly made up. “He has decided to wear mourning for them.”
“He is a child,” Yu-furen retorted. “He never met his soulmate, and if you are encouraging melancholy in the boy before he even comes of age, then--”
“His manner has not changed, San-niang. He laughs as much as he always does, and attends to his studies with diligence. Surely allowing him to honor his mingding zhiren’s passing would be no trouble to you?”
“Me? What trouble is it to me? As long as he does his duties and doesn’t disgrace our family, what should I have to say about it?”
And with that, she swung her long purple train behind her and stalked off to her private pavilion, leaving Wei Wuxian to finish his drills on the training field and pretend he had not heard. 
There was nothing out of the ordinary about how quickly his adoptive parents settled the argument about his mourning clothes, even if such a thing would never have happened during his first few years in Yunmeng. The whole world changed when he realized his soulmate was dead, and Madam Yu’s refusal to punish him or scold him in any way (she only ever took out her frustrations with him on Jiang-shushu, and even that never lasted longer than a few minutes) was hardly the strangest alteration Wei Wuxian had to come to terms with. His tutors tried to go more easily on him, Jiang Cheng was always gentle with him, and Yu-furen never protested when he got the same treats and privileges that her own children did--and of course, Shijie doted on him more than ever, though that was more out of love than pity. Even the vendors on the streets of Lufeng plied him down with sweets and snacks before he had a chance to steal them, to the point where he had to stay home when his shidis went to raid the market because all their ill-gotten spoils would be free of charge if he went along with them. 
“You’d better stay back and help Jiang-shijie with the kites,” one of his junior brothers told him once, while Jiang Cheng promised to bring back his favorite strawberry tanghulu from the candy-seller near the blacksmith’s workshop. “It takes all the fun out of it if you go, Wei-shixiong! We don’t even get to steal anything!”
And now, even Lan Zhan treats him like something made of glass, something that could break if spoken to harshly, and Wei Wuxian is sick of it. It’s different when Jiang-shushu does it, because Jiang-shushu’s soulmate is dead too, and it’s different when Madam Yu does it because she thought she would never have one until Yanli-shijie was born--but Lan Zhan has a soulmate who makes him happy, and he treats Wei Wuxian with the deference due a widow whose husband was barely cooling in the grave. 
Lan Qiren just treats him like a loud, unpleasant slug, though, so at least that’s some comfort. 
“You know, you could stop wearing mourning,” his brother says, when Wei Wuxian pours out his woes in their shared guest quarters that evening. “You’ve been wearing it for the past eight years, Wei Wuxian. Even widows don’t do that. Of course Lan Wangji treats you like a trembling flower, he thinks your heart is broken.”
“It’s not broken,” Wei Wuxian protests, more than a little offended. “I miss my soulmate, but I’m not pining into the grave like some bereaved maiden!”
“How’s Lan Wangji supposed to know that?” Jiang Cheng returns. “You look all tragic every time we pass those girls in the Caiyi river market to make them give you free food! Lan Wangji saw you do it, twice! He didn’t even scold you for flirting because you looked so sad!”
Wei Wuxian scratches at his nose and pouts; because Jiang Cheng is right about that last one, but Wei Wuxian isn’t going to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.“But what am I supposed to do to make him treat me normally?” he wails, screaming into his pillow. “He’s already seen me wearing white before the rules made me do it, and he’s already seen me tear up at one of the loquat vendors because it was evening and the evening was my fated one’s favorite time of day--”
“Was it?”
“Was evening their favorite time of day?”
“They used to laugh a lot in the evenings, so I guess it must have been,” Wei Wuxian shrugs. “Or maybe they just got really excited about dinner. But forget about that--how am I going to convince Lan Zhan that I’m fine, and show him that he doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around me?”
“Break more rules,” his brother suggests. “Then he’ll punish you, and he’ll have such a good time doing it that he’ll forget why he ever tried to ignore your nonsense.”
“Tried that already,” Wei Wuxian says dismally. “All he did was ask Shijie to make me soup, because I had to be in distress if I couldn’t see the merit of obeying the sect edicts for the sake of my own betterment.”
Jiang Cheng winces. “Barge in on him in the cold springs?”
“I did that too! All he did was turn his back and tell me that I shouldn’t expose myself in public, even if I was so honorable in my grief for my fated one that I would never do anything untoward, or entertain the forwardness of others.”
“Entertain the forwardness of others?” His brother frowns. “What does that even mean?”
“Beats me. Hey, do you think I should ask Nie-xiong for help?”
Jiang Cheng yawns. “Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I don’t see why this is supposed to work,” Jiang Cheng mutters, about a week later. He and Nie Huaisang are hiding in the bushes near the library pavilion, keeping an eye on the open door--and Wei Wuxian is sitting inside, writing out all the lines Lan-xiansheng assigned him under Lan Wangji’s supervision. “Lan Wangji didn’t even react to Wei Wuxian stripping in public.”
“The cold springs are hardly public, Jiang-xiong,” Huaisang says vaguely. “And I swore it would work! You should trust me!”
And indeed, scarcely five minutes later, they hear the loud, splintering crash of a table being overturned, and Wei Wuxian comes pelting out of the library with ink splashed all over his robes and torn paper stuck in his hair--and Lan Wangji is hot on his heels with his hand on Bichen’s hilt, roaring Wei Wuxian’s name like a younger version of his uncle as they speed towards the lanshi.
“Wei Ying!” Lan Wangji screeches. “How can you--I trusted--shameless!”
“I warned you, Lan Zhan! Should I lend you another one?”
“What have we done?” Jiang Cheng moans, when the two boys finally move out of earshot and vanish down the stony path. “This is all your fault, Nie Huaisang.”
“I know,” Nie Huaisang laughs, sweeping his fan across his lips. “Don’t worry, Jiang Cheng. I’ll take full responsibility.”
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It’s A Secret (Sapnap x Reader)
first fic first fic!
summary: Dream convinces you and Sap to join a competition where the loser gets exposed, but nothing ever goes as planned when your favorite boy is involved : )
“That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard in my life.” you laughed, rolling your eyes at Sapnap and Dream’s antics. “C’monnn it’ll be so funny the viewers will eat it up!” Dream cooed while you groaned “you say that cuz you always get like more views than Sap and I combined!” To which Dream choked out laughter through his familiar wheeze. “Oh come on, how much money for you to do it?” you heard Sapnap die from laughter over the call at Dream’s bribe before he piped up, “whoever gets exposed you’re buying dinner Dream,” and Dream immediately agreed. “Absolutely worth it, you in y/n?” and you shook your head, “why the hell not I guess.”
You started up your stream, adjusting your headset nervously as you watched chat speed up at the title “Least viewers gets exposed vs Dream and Sap” all confused as to what was going on as their three favorite streamers all went live simultaneously. “Gooooood day chat what’s up!” you grinned, thanking a couple gifters and waiting to see Dream pop up in team speak to give the challenge information. “You guys better stick with me today, I don’t wanna lose the secret challenge,” you laughed, noticing Sap and Dream joined the channel.
“Ready to learn the rules dear viewers?” Dream laughed maniacally. You watched your chat going absolutely crazy. 
“Here’s how it works, we are gonna stream for thirty minutes doing everything we can to get the most viewers, then the person with the least at the end has to tell a secret they wrote down on stream, and trust me guys they’re all sooo good.” Dream wheezed while Sapnap chuckled before continuing. “We all told our secrets to George who didn’t want to stream with us cuz he’s lazy but it works cuz now he’s our keeper, so it’ll be fair and George can confirm all the secrets are crazy,” Your chat was losing it’s mind asking you what your secret was. 
“So let the view-competition begin” and with that, Dream left the call. “Sap you gonna stay and hang or leave?” you asked, racking your brain to find a way to get hella viewers as soon as possible. “I’ll hang” Sapnap answered to your relief. “Good I can farm your viewers then,” you teased with a giggle. Then your phone started to buzz, and you saw Dream was tweeting out the information and begging for people to come to his stream. “Oh hell no, chat help me out!” you laughed, going to tweet on your own account. 
10 minutes in: Dream 68k, You 43k, Sapnap 39k.
“Sapnapppp I’m so excited to learn your deepest darkest secret” you cooed with an evil laugh while Sapnap punched your minecraft character. “Whatever I’ll clutch up, work smarter not harder dear y/n,” you could hear the playful tone in his voice, swallowing the butterflies that kept trying to surface. “How can you work smarter if you barely have a braincell dork!” you teased, beginning to crit out his character when he realized, pearling away with a screech. “You do NOT want to play this game with me I’ll destroy you,” he ate a golden apple then began running towards you axe in hand while you screeched, running away. 
15 minutes in: Dream 65k, Sapnap 45k, You 44kk.
“Sapnap how the hell did you convince four different channels to raid you in the past five minutes WHAT” you pouted with a laugh, knowing you could beat him in viewers if you just got one or two more raids. “Mhm a magician never reveals his tricks,” you rolled your eyes though your chat kept spamming “why is y/n blushing so much?” and “SIMPNAP SIMPNAP” because Sapnap was helping you decorate and finish the design of your house. You had to agree with chat, he was adorable, bringing you flowers, collecting the exact type of wood you needed, helping to fill your chests, you were beginning to forget about the competition and just enjoy his presence. 
20 minutes in: Dream 68k, Sapnap 46k, You 45k.
“Oh my god it’s so close between you guys” Dream wheezed as he joined your voice channel. “Hey Dreammm wanna send me some stray viewers?” you giggled while Dream denied you. “Mhm no but maybe you can ask Mr. Simpnap to send you some of his? Heard it’s not the only thing he’s been giving you and I figured I’d crash the date.” Dream teased, his tone dangerous while Sapnap exclaimed, “hell no I’m not losing this competition and I am not a simp, especially not for y/n” Sapnap drew out your name, you could hear the smile you adored dancing on his lips. Chat was going crazy, though it was pretty well known how close you and Sapnap were due to the two of you always being on call together and just being found on the SMP hanging out, it was rare the two of you gave the fans this much flirting in one stream. Not that there weren’t hundreds of Y/N x Sapnap compilations on youtube of people pointing out how you and Sap had been in a TeamSpeak room together alone for five hours straight, or him getting defensive of you on the SMP, or him constantly complimenting your skill during MCC’s. Not to mention you always asking where Sapnap was, or someone else asking and you answering quickly, showing how frequently the two of you talked. Needless to say, he was one of your best friends, but that wasn’t gonna stop you from destroying him in this competition. 
25 minutes in: Dream 78k, Sapnap 54k, You 51k.
“Hello to my new viewers! Glad you came back to support! Huge shoutout to Niki for the raid and all the raiders who stayed I love y’all!” Your palms were getting sweaty, you needed to get 3k viewers in five minutes or George was gonna drop one of your most embarrassing secrets to the world. “How are you feeling Miss Y/n?” Dream teased, he knew he was safe. “Shut up Dream if I lose I’m ordering some expensive ass food for you to pay for,” you shot back, making him die of laughter. “At least I’m not the one who’s gonna get exposed in front of like 180 thousand views,” you flipped off the camera with a grin, hoping he was looking at your stream. 
28 Minutes in: Dream 78k Sapnap 55k, You 51k.
“Man I think it’s over what do you think Sap?” Dream teased while you laughed, still hopeful that something could happen in two minutes. “Eh I say give it another minute then we call it. You never know” Sap replied cooly. “Shut up you’re like 4 thousand people ahead it’s over for me” you pretended to cry, making Sapnap and Dream break into laughter. “You really don’t wanna lose huh.” Sapnap said, “um duh, this sucks,” you answered, quickly refreshing your view count. 
Then something crazy happened. 
~Sapnap is raiding with a party of 55k~
30 minutes, time up: You 110k, Dream 78k, Sapnap 0.
“WHAT” Dream was the first to scream. You did a triple take before screeching into the mic “SAPNAP WHAT ARE YOU DOING” to which he quietly replied, “I didn’t want you to be sad.” making your cheeks flush to an ungodly warmth. “Oh- uh does this still count? What’s happening?” you reached for your water bottle when George joined the call. 
“Interesting ending, but I know the secret so I guess I’d say it makes sense” You froze. “What the hell does that mean?” You said, noticing Sapnap had turned on his camera function in the call. “O-ok, George you gonna announce his secret?” Dream tried to take control, noticing his chat was spinning out of control. George piped up, "I think it’s better Sapnap says it. I’m just here to make sure he doesn’t chicken out,” Then Sapnap cleared his throat. “Well so uh, I guess my secret is...” You saw him look straight into the camera, his eyes felt like they were meeting yours.
“I like you y/n. Like a lot.”
Your jaw fell open, George and Dream began screaming and whooping, and your chat absolutely lost it’s mind, going so fast your chat function crashed. Your immediate reaction was to mute yourself on stream. “I’m muted now- Sap- Nick, are you serious?” you gulped, staring at Sapnap’s video while he couldn’t stop grinning. “You really think I’d do all this just to lie? No chance in hell. We can talk about it after stream but I thought it’d be fun to do it live. I can help you end stream if you want?” Your brain was flying high, your heart beating out of your chest, and your mods were begging for help. 
“O-okay. Uh hey chat! Nice stream today, record high viewer ship thanks to uh- Nick- Sapnap, thanks to Sapnap um, I’m gonna get off now,” You took a few deep breaths, gaining your traction before continuing. You hovered your mouse over the end stream button but decided you had one more thing to say. Leaning close into the mic with a smile you whispered, 
“Oh and Sapnap, I like you too” 
~live ended~
checkout my other sapnap fic!
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: can i request a wally and batsis!reader trying to make out in peace but keep getting interrupted by her brothers?
Warning: fluff, kissing, implied smut
A/N: I love Wally West with my whole heart okay. He deserves better and I hope he comes back in season four of YJ 😩
Word count: 2.2k
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It was great that your boyfriend and your brothers got a long. Wally and Dick were best friends long before you even met him. Jason liked the speedster too - you were sure it was because he reminded him of Roy a little bit. Even Tim liked Wally - mostly because Bart was one of his best friends.
Least to say, they were all happy that it was Wally that you were dating, not some asshole. You were glad that you didn't have to go through that awkward stage of your brothers intimidatingly asking your boyfriend what he wanted with you. Wally already knew them all, they knew exactly what kind of person he was.
Dick the most. Their time together on the Young Justice team proved a friendship that would never end. Having him basically be part of the family with dating you was even better.
You and Wally started dating after his endless flirting with you. At first, it had just been a joke to piss Dick off, before he realized that he genuinely had feelings for you. He was trying to spend as much time with you as he could get - and as a speedster it seemed that he had all the time in the world.
It took you a long time to cave to his pleads of asking you on a date. The second you did, it was like your whole world changed. Your brothers got closer to you, Wally was more loving than ever, you were happier. Dating Wally made you a better sister, and a better person.
The downside of them all being friends, was that you were often interrupted by them. Dick was always stopping by your apartment to hang out with Wally or you. It was nice to see him, but there were times that you wanted to get into a classic sibling throw-down with him as well.
Today, was one of those days.
For the first time in a long time, you and Wally both were free of university classes and missions. You got the chance to laze around in your apartment and just enjoy the presence of one another. Wally always complained about how slowly the days passed, but you knew that these were his guilty pleasure days.
The smell of fresh cookies filled your apartment, upon Wally's request. Rain pattered against the window, filling the empty noise. Wally sat in the arm chair in your small living room with you on his lap. His hand grasped your thigh as he met your lips. His favourite part about days like these? Getting to kiss you as much as he wanted.
Wally dragged out his kisses for as long as he possible could. It was one of the few times he despised speed. You smiled into the kiss, wishing that you could spend every day like this. Hands tugging through Wally's messy hair, the heat of his body radiating to yours. Nothing could ruin this moment.
Except for Dick Grayson.
You regretted giving your brother a key to your apartment. Especially right now, when he barged in without knocking. You nearly jumped off of Wally's lap, startled from his sudden entrance. Your fear turned to disappointment very quickly, and it seemed like Wally's did too.
"Cookies," Dick grinned, grabbing one off the plate and shoving nearly the entire thing into his mouth. He finally noticed that you and Wally were sitting on the chair, and awkwardly smiled at your angered look. "Bad timing?" It didn't take being a detective to realize what you were previously doing.
"When do you ever have good timing?" You glared. Wally tapped your leg, gesturing for you to get off of his lap, to which you complied to. Your arms were crossed over your chest as the two friends dabbed it up. In all your time together, it seemed like Wally was never mad at Dick for something like this, always you.
"What're you doing here, Rob?" Wally asked, using Dick's old nickname. His mouth was full of a half eaten cookie and you were sure the plate was going to be gone within the hour. As much as you loved Wally, he was a lot to cook for.
"Was in the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by," Dick shrugged. He swung his arm over your shoulder and when you didn't return his hug, he tightened his grip and completely messed up your hair. Of course, both boys thought it was hilarious to see you so frustrated about a simple fix.
Your peaceful day had come to an end as Wally and Dick settled on the couch and chatted about everything and anything. Their friendship had come first for longer than you were dating Wally and longer than you were siblings with Dick. It was often times hard to compete with that and over the years, you had just accepted it.
It was hours that Dick had stayed over, him and Wally laughing and having fun like the good old days. You loved seeing them happy like this, but you also just wanted your alone time with Wally again. Finally, Dick had decided that he used up his time and that it was time to head back to his own home.
The second that Dick left, Wally sped over to you and latched onto your waist. His lips crashed onto yours, missing your taste just as much as you had missed his. At that moment, your bed - even the couch - seemed too far away. Wally settled with setting you up on the kitchen counter, standing between your legs.
You trapped him in his place, legs wrapped around his waist. Wally's hands rested below your shirt, gently rubbing the pads of his fingers on your skin. He pulled his lips away, just long enough to utter, "I love you."
"As much as you love my brother?" You teased. Wally playfully glared at you, you always teased him about how close he and Dick were. He grabbed the bottom of your thighs, carrying you to your bedroom. You laughed the whole way there, even more so as he literally threw you on the bed.
Wally didn't hesitate to join you. He hovered over you, legs entangled as he kissed you again. His hair tickled the underside of your chin as he trailed down your neck. Hands grasping at your shirt, but not wanting to pull away long enough to tug it off of you. Finally, he pulled away the material.
"Babe, I don't think I'll ever stop admiring you," Wally grinned. He took every chance he got to flirt with you, and you had to admit that you loved it. This time, you rolled your eyes at him, and pulled him back down to meet your lips. He didn't seem to complain about that either.
A sudden, familiar gush of wind made you freeze. You were well accustomed to Wally speeding in and out of a room, along with the mess of loose items that followed. However, with Wally hovering over you, there was only one other person that would be speeding in and out of your room at that speed.
"Please don't tell me..." You trailed off, already knowing the answer. Wally sighed, handing you back your shirt that he had just removed. The two of you straightened up your clothes before leaving your room and back into the kitchen.
Bart was raiding your fridge, food already shoved in his mouth while none other than Tim was sitting in your favourite chair.
"You look great in red (Y/N)!" Bart complimented while still chewing. You could feel Wally's glare, and before he could do anything to his relative, you grasped his hand. You hoped that he hadn't noticed you shirtless, but of course being a speedster he easily noticed everything in a room before you could blink.
"What do you want, Tim?" You asked, looking over at your younger brother. "Bart if you take that last slice of pizza I'll personally send you back to your timeline myself," you snapped. Bart wearily looked between the pizza in his hand and you before setting it back in the fridge and closing the door.
"Haven't seen Kon in a while, thought he might have come here," Tim explained. It wouldn't have been the first time one of your super friends came and crashed at your apartment for a couple nights. Tim looked up at Wally's ruffled hair and your shirt that was on inside-out. "Sorry for the bad timing." Just like Dick. 
"Kon isn't here," Wally answered the obvious.
"A simple text would have sufficed instead of showing up," You snapped. It seemed like everyone was making the effort to ruin your day with Wally. However, family was family and as much as you hated them you couldn't be annoyed for long. They all meant their best, even if it wasn't valuing you in the moment.
"Am I not allowed to come visit?" Tim asked. Of course he was. Just like Dick, you did enjoy Tim's visits to your home as well. Also like Dick, you weren't in the mood for anyone else to come by your home. The hours of the day were ticking down and you knew that by the next day, you weren't going to get the option of peace again for a while.
"Hi, Tim. Thanks for stopping by, great catching up. You too, Bart. Really great visit, missed you both, bye!" You sarcastically vote as you ushered both the men towards your front door. They tried to complain as you did so, but you had slammed the door right in their faces, followed by an obvious click of your lock.
"Really, babe?" Wally chuckled at you. "Just can't get enough of me today, huh?"
"Do you want me to invite them back in? Stay for dinner? Less time that you get to see me nak-"
"Nope!" Wally changed his attitude very quickly. He sped over to you, hoisting you up in his arms and raced back into your bedroom, this time closing and locking the door in case you had any more visitors. The tension between the two of you escalated dramatically throughout the day and it was killing you not to break it.
Wally's finger's danced along your skin. They roamed up your thighs, under your shirt, anywhere that he could reach. All day he had been waiting for his and all day he had been denied. It wasn't just you who was craving his kisses, he was craving yours as well. He needed this moment with you, otherwise he was sure he was going to explode.
Your kisses were no longer slow and tender, they were rushed, needy. Both of you were petrified that someone else was going to come along and ruin your moment. The perfect day that you had envisioned was no more, the last few hours of the night were fading just as you had dreaded.
You were right to fear as well. Wally barely had his belt undone when yet another knock came from your front door. His eyes filled with dread at the sound. "Think we can ignore them?" Wally asked, still kissing along your jaw. You didn't answer, just tilted his chin so you could kiss his lips.
However, the knock didn't stop. It got louder, and louder until you couldn't bare the sound of it anymore. Whoever it was, they had no patience in the slightest. "Fuck," You muttered. You grabbed the closest shirt on the floor and shoved it over your half naked body. Wally flopped against the bed, rubbing his eyes in frustration.
You whipped open your front door, fire in your eyes at getting interrupted once more. Just as you had dreaded - and expected - it was Jason at your door. His arms were crossed and he had a duffel bag over his shoulder, one that held his Red Hood suit.
"Patrol?" Jason asked. There were several times that he came to you asking if you wanted to scour the city with him. Most times, you wanted to. This time, you barely gave him notice.
"No," you deadpanned. The door was maybe a little too harshly slammed in his face. There was no way that you were going to waste the last bit of time with Wally to go out in this city to fight criminals. You wanted this night to yourself and you had even gone out of your way to tell Jason that you were taking the night off. He must have forgotten.
"Babe, I know I've said it before but you look so good in my clothes," Wally complimented as you walked back into your room. You hadn't noticed that it was his shirt that you picked up rather than your own. "Another one of your brothers?"
"Jason," you scowled.
"I thought I had a big family," Wally joked. He pulled you back into your bed so your legs straddled his thighs. Both hands were intertwined as he stared up at you. "How many more interruptions can we expect? My body can only handle so much more."
"Well, if you include Bruce, there's still a chance of five more," You shuddered at the thought. "I don't care what's happening out there. I'm not leaving this bed again. Even if it's Beyonce that comes at my door."
"Babe, I like the way you think."
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acecorvid · 3 years
Hurts Me To Watch You Fading [Spideypool Fic]
Was going through the prompts that have been in my inbox for AGES when I got a sudden burst of inspiration to write my boys again. So even though it’s been *looks at watch* nearly two years fuck since I’ve written fanfic... here’s some hurt/comfort for y’all (or if you’d rather read on ao3)
Anon asks: Hi! I just read your fic with peter being super adorable in his deadpool hoodie and saw you're taking prompts. Seeing as you're asexual (like me!) I was wondering if you would write asexual peter having to explain to wade that he doesn't initiate sex because it's just not something he really thinks about much and not because of how wade looks
(Content warning for Wade being self-conscious about his body/scars)
Somehow Wade always found his way to Peter’s dorm room at the end of a long hard day of work. Which for Wade meant an early morning raid ending with several dead bodies, including his own a few times, but by the end Wade was in one piece and his suit was in less pieces and all the bad guys were dead. Next he needed to get all the blood out of his suit earning him another blank look of disappointment from his local definitely-not-a-front dry cleaners. They never questioned his circumstances and he didn’t much care what they got up to as long as people weren’t dying, leaving them with a silent, mutually beneficial relationship. 
Now he was in Parker’s dorm wearing comfy jeans and a hoodie that mostly covered his face if he lowered his head, something he did quite often. He didn’t entirely mind his appearance anymore, having gotten used to freaking himself out in mirrors the past few years. But it was other people’s reactions that made him feel like crap. The looks of disgust strangers gave him as he passed, the people who grabbed their kids and moved to the other side of the street, the ones who laughed at and mocked him hit a little too close to his time being experimented on. Sure he could easily use humor more efficiently than the assholes who mocked him to put them in their place but humor as a defense mechanism only went so far and the hurt still went deep. 
What was getting to him lately was his relationship with Peter. They had officially started dating several months ago, even if they had been flirting heavily on the random patrols as Spider-Man and Deadpool. But then Peter told him his secret identity and kissed him through his mask so tenderly and Wade didn’t think he could be more in love. Except they hadn’t gotten much further than tender kisses or cuddles. Not that Wade minded, it was comforting to be held the way Peter held him. He’d never had someone who he could truly let his guard down around, who was okay with him being soft and quiet. 
But every time they started to makeout, to get to the hot and heavy stuff, Peter would carefully untangle them, change the subject, shy away from any skin being shown, and they would watch cartoons or get food or anything other than being that kind of intimate with Wade. 
Not that he minded at first, Peter was a shy dude. He wasn’t like so many college guys who partied all the time and hooked up with whoever. He was a shy nerd and he was a superhero on the downlow, of course he wouldn’t have time for that but he also didn’t have any interest in it either. But Wade was starting to feel like Peter didn’t have any interest in him. 
Staring at himself in Peter’s mirror sans mask told him exactly why someone would have no interest in getting hot and heavy and naked with him. He’s had that many times. Flirting with a girl at the supermarket only for her to freakout once he peeled his mask up, hitting on a guy in a dark bar only for him to be disgusted once they moved into the light. It was a common occurrence for him. He thought Peter would be different. He was different. He didn’t shy away when Wade took his mask off and kissed him, but maybe he was good at faking it? Maybe he could deal with his face but the rest of his body was too much. His skin was rough and patchy, awful to look at and even less appealing to touch. 
He rubbed his hand over his face and head, shaking off his hood to get a good look at the mess he usually hid from most people. Everyone had their limits. Perhaps this was Parker’s. 
The key in the door alerted Wade to Peter’s return. Quickly he pulled his hood back up and retreated to the bed, ducking his head just as Peter walked in through the door. He looked somewhat surprised, but he relaxed immediately. 
“Hey,” Peter said softly. A smile tugged at his lips as he closed the door gently behind him. 
He seemed pleased to see Wade. Genuinely content with having him in his room. Nothing was matching up in Wade’s mind. 
“Hey Peter…” Wade started but trailed off before he could ask the question. He hated being in this position. He wished he could know the truth. For Peter to tell him he was disgusted by his wrecked body without prompting so he could crawl back to his old life and forget about this magical interlude. 
But Peter being Peter, he noticed something was off immediately. “What’s wrong? You almost never call me Peter, did something happen?”
He was closer now, trying to get a good look at Wade’s face but Wade angled his face away. That got him a sigh but Peter respected his boundaries and stepped away, leaning against the wall instead. 
“Do you want to talk to me about it?”
Wade shook his head, nodded, and then shook his head again. Screw Peter for being such a good guy, a respectful person, such a sweetheart. It was ruining what his brain was hooked on as the clear truth. Maybe Peter wasn’t disgusted with him but what else could it be?
“I’m not really pleasant to look at, huh?” Wade said instead, unable to confront Peter directly.
Peter pushed off the wall but stopped himself from coming closer. “Did someone say that to you?”
He sounded angry, on Wade’s behalf. Once again messing with Wade’s doubts. 
“All the time, but that’s not-” Wade chewed his lip, took a deep breath, and took the plunge. 
He took his mask off, revealing his unmasked face and head. Peter didn’t flinch, didn’t look away. He was frowning a bit but not at Wade’s appearance it seemed. It wasn’t as though this was the first time Peter saw his face but it wasn’t a common thing between them. Wade preferred to simply roll up his mask most of the time for their kisses, not wanting to feel too self-conscious. 
“Do you- are you-” Wade hated this feeling, wishing he could go back to witty one-liners and existential statements that bewildered those around him. Feelings did terrible things to his dialogue. “I know I look like ground up hamburger meat, Petey. I’m a big boy, you can tell me the truth if you think I’m too gross.”
Wade was aiming for humor, swerved into something a little more bitter, and he cursed himself for putting that hurt look on Peter’s face. 
“Wade I don’t think-” Peter started, he furrowed his brows and moved closer but slowly, as though Wade would run away if he was startled. Not a bad call. Wade was pretty close to bolting actually. But Peter crept close, slowly, and stopped a few paces away. Wade wanted him to come closer, stand right between his legs on the bed so Wade could pull him in close and hold him until he wasn’t upset. But he ruined that. 
“We don’t do anything more than kissing. You never want to- I get it,” Wade laughed, tugging on his hoodie. “It’s not pretty under here Pete, no one ever wants to look at it. It won’t kill me if you tell me you don’t want to see it or touch me.” He wasn’t lying. It would hurt like hell but nothing could kill him. Unpleasant side-effects of looking the way he did.
Peter surprised him by doing exactly what Wade wanted. He moved closer, slotting himself between Wade’s legs and putting his hands on Wade’s shoulders to get him to look up. 
“I’m such an idiot,” Peter mumbled, sounding mad at himself. Probably for not being able to hide his disgust, for making Wade realize exactly what was going on. Now he’d have to let Wade down. That’s simply the way the world worked for guys like him. 
“I should have told you a while ago but, I dunno, I was scared I guess?”
Here it comes, Wade closed his eyes to brace himself for the impact. 
“I don’t initiate anything more because I’m asexual. I don’t really, I dunno, have a lot of interest in sex? I mean maybe I could be if we talked about it but it’s never really on my mind. It’s got nothing to do with how you look, Wade. I like how you look just fine. I think you’re pretty cute, that’s part of why I’m dating you. Also your muscles are amazing, the general aesthetic of your body and you lifting me up? That’s about as close to sexual attraction as I’ve ever come.”
Wade felt his world tilt and it was entirely unexpected. “Wait you’re-” All of Wade’s otherworldly knowledge hadn’t prepared him for that possibility. That almost never happened. 
Peter leaned down, bringing both his hands to cup Wade’s cheeks. “You’re not disgusting, Wade. And anyone who says that will get their mouth webbed shut.”
Wade nuzzled into Peter’s hand, “That’s not the best use of superhero powers.”
“I’m defending the innocent, hush it’s the perfect use of my powers.”
“Innocent?” Wade arched his brow, staring up at his boyfriend who actually wanted him.
“Okay, well… maybe not innocent in the traditional sense but you look the way you do because you survived, you fought through hell and you got out, and that’s pretty damn attractive.”
Wade wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist, pulling him in closer. Peter laughed, leaning in to kiss him soundly on the lips. “So, opening to talking about it?”
“Should have known you’d have a one track mind,” Peter huffed into the kiss. “Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I never wanted to make you feel like I wasn’t interested in you.”
Peter straddled Wade’s lap so they could cuddle more properly. His arms were around Wade’s back, holding him close like he always did then they were together. Holding him like something precious, like Peter was as surprised as Wade was that he could have something this tender. 
“It’s okay. I did it to myself mostly. One track mind remember?”
“Are you um- are you okay with me being-?”
“Huh? Yeah of course I am. If you never want to have sex, also fine. I love you for more than how you look in spandex, Petey.” Wade pressed soft kisses along Peter’s shoulder to reassure him. He didn’t want to let this go, not when he thought it was going to be pulled out from under him just moments ago. 
“I love you, too.” Peter whispered into Wade’s ear, his hands gripping his hoodie tighter. 
It wasn’t exactly how Wade meant to tell him that, but with Peter whispering it back, not giving him a second to doubt himself, he was content with his slip up. 
"You do look incredible in spandex, though." Wade grinned against Peter's neck.
Peter leaned into the touch, his voice taking on a more mischievous quality. "Oh I know, Wade. I know."
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willowbird · 3 years
for the prompt thing andreil, 16(Au with vampire! Neil), Trope 4, dialogue 15 + if possible 39
Anonymous asked:
Vampire! Neil Au requester I meant 25 and not 15
Supernatural AU with a Vampire Neil, meet messy, “i know this looks bad, but i swear, it’s not" & “you confuse me.”
I'm not sure if this was what you were hoping for when you send me these prompts, but I rather had fun writing it so I hope you enjoy, Anon!
If Andrew was being completely honest, he really didn't mind his job. Sure, it wasn't all that impressive, but it also wasn't like he had someone around that he wanted to impress. It was easy, too, and no one bothered him. Well, no one bothered him because he had third shift, and the only people grocery shopping at three-am were literal vampires; and in a tiny town like Palmetto, there were really only a handful of those, none of which would ever have any reason to bother the short, scowly human stocking shelves over in the candy aisle.
Which was exactly what Andrew was doing when he heard the crash over in the refrigerated section.
Shifting the headphones off one ear, Andrew tilted his head and listened. There were a few more minor crashes, then a bumbling, scrabbling sound of things being kicked and jostled around. No screaming, though, so Andrew reaffixed the cup over his ear and got back to what he was doing.
"Cleanup by the refrigerators. Cleanup by the refrigerators."
Andrew lips moved soundlessly to Fall Out Boy, willfully ignoring the fact that refrigerators was in his section of the store and thus his responsibility should there be a call made to it.
"Cleanup by the refrigerators. Cleanup by the refrigerators."
Andrew juggled three snickers bars to the beat, tossing them onto the shelf just as the guitar solo started.
"Cleanup by the refrigerators. Cleanup -- Goddamnit Minyard get your ass over to refrigerators and clean the mess up."
Welp, he tried. With a heavy sigh, Andrew dropped the candy in his hands back into the box he'd been unloading, then gave two middle-fingers to the nearest camera.
The gruff voice over the intercom said, "Don't be a cheeky bastard, you little ingrate. Just do your damn job."
"Yeah, yeah," Andrew muttered to himself, rolling his eyes as he turned to head down the aisle. From all those crashes it was sure to be an epic mess. Maybe he wasn't as okay with this job as he thought he was.
Whatever Andrew thought he was expecting to see when he rounded the corner, it was not what he actually saw.
Because there, sitting in the middle of fallen displays and drenched in both blood and pink lemonade with an unconscious (dead?) human sprawled across his lap, was an annoyingly pretty disaster of a vampire.
Andrew stared at the tableau for a long moment, the tugged his headphones down around his neck and moved forward, surveying more of the damage as he got closer. Two of the displays near the fridges had been completely toppled, sending s'mores supplies and snack cakes as far out as lunchmeat on one side and paper goods on the other. There wasn't as much liquid on the floor as Andrew suspected there might be, the blood confined only to the vampire's actual person and only a small pool of pink lemonade leaking out of the nearest container. Upon closer inspection, the human appeared mostly unharmed and definitely alive, as he was breathing. He didn't have a drop of blood on him.
The vampire flashed fang as he gave a weak sort of smile. "I know this looks bad, but I swear, it's not."
"Uh-huh. Right." Andrew crouched down and picked up the carton of pink lemonade. It wasn't even opened properly. There were punctures in the side exactly the right size and distance to have been caused by pretty-vamp's fangs.
Andrew turned the carton to show the leaky punctures to the guilty vampire.
"I was thirsty?"
"Mm. What about the snack draped over your lap?" Andrew gestured at the guy, who was, admittedly, definitely a snack. He was significantly bigger than either himself or the vampire, with black hair and a small tattoo of a chess piece on the crest of one cheek.
The vampire did not seem to share Andrew's opinion. His pretty face screwed up in distaste, those damn-near cerulean eyes flashing with ire. "Ugh. No way. I only drink from Kevin when I'm on my deathbed."
"Is that your way of telling me that he's your boyfriend and you nip him every night, then?"
"What? No?" The blatant confusion on the vampires face had Andrew sighing. The vampire shook his head. "Look, I'm sorry about the lemonade. I was going to pay for it, but it couldn't wait." The skepticism must have been visible enough on Andrew's face for even this idiot to be able to read it because the vampire sighed and continued after just a short judgmental pause.
"I don't drink human blood. That brand of lemonade in addition to regular food can keep me going for weeks at a time without me having to go after animals either."
A vegan vampire, now Andrew had seen everything.
"Right, so why is your boyfriend passed out?"
"Not my boyfriend. The dumbass decided to go out while sick with moon-fatigue. He fainted."
Moon fatigue? Andrew looked back down at the man in the vampire's lap. That meant that 'Kevin' wasn't a human at all, but a were-something.
Instead of commenting on this, Andrew refocused on the vampire's face and said, "You sure you aren't dating?" Because it seemed pretty fated, a dumbass vampire who starves himself to the point where he has to raid the local grocery store for magical lemonade, hooking up with a dumbass were-somethingorother that resisted the change to the point where he got sick and then went out like that, thus necessitating the aforementioned situation where stupid starved vampire has to come rescue him. Speaking of... Andrew took another look at the carton in his hand and memorized the brand. There was no way he was ingesting anything that was able to keep a vampire off his bloodlust for weeks on end.
"Very," the vampire confirmed. Then he sighed and looked down at his friend for a moment before smacking him sharply enough that the sound even got a little echo. "Wake up, asshole!"
Kevin jolted awake with a lurch, then moaned and covered his face his hands. "The liiiiiights, they're so briiiiiight. Neiiiiiiiiiil where aaaaaare weeeeee?"
The vampire - Neil - rolled his eyes and gestured to the man in his lap. "See what I have to deal with?" He shook his head and shoved Kevin off his lap before standing. He was a little shaky as he rose, but managed to keep his feet. "Get up Kev. Thanks to you there's a huge ass fucking mess and if we ever want to come back again we're gonna have to help clean it up."
Kevin peaked his eye open, saw Andrew, and pointed. "Make him do it. Its basically his job!"
"I don't work here," Andrew said immediately, despite the violently orange vest he was wearing that sported both a name-tag and the logo for Palmetto Grocery.
Then a truly awful thing happened: Neil grinned at him. It was like the goddamn moon rising over an enchanted fucking lake, is what it was. Those blue eyes shined and his whole face softened. Two perfect dimples winked at him, his fangs flashing in a way that was both really sexy and kinda... cute. Even with the blood-spatter on his face the man was downright captivating.
Kevin woozily stumbling to his feet snapped Andrew out of his momentary stupor. The were looked from Neil to Andrew and sighed, shaking his head. "Tiny assholes. I am surrounded by tiny assholes." Then he turned and began to shuffle around, picking up boxes of Twinkies and stacking them in one arm.
Andrew turned back to Neil. "So if all you are here for is lemonade, why are you covered in blood?" It distantly occurred to Andrew that this probably should have been the first question he asked.
Neil shrugged. "Had to kill someone when I picked up Kevin."
Ah, well, that was that then. Andrew nodded his understanding and the two of them joined Kevin dealing with the mess. It was after Andrew had righted the display fixtures and Neil had started stacking all the boxes on them upside down that Neil looked over at him and asked, "Do you usually work nights?"
Andrew paused, blinked, and looked over at him. "Why?"
"Just curious. Kev and I are new to town."
"I am not a tour guide."
Ugh, no there it was again - that grin. This time accompanied by a short, bright laugh.
"Understood." Neil placed the last box on the top of the fixture, somehow getting it to balance on a single corner. Satisfied, he then looked back at Andrew, still fucking smiling. "I guess I'll see you around, then."
"You confuse me," Andrew said, almost without meaning to.
Another fang-flashing grin. "I'm a bit of a puzzle."
Andrew studied him for a moment, considering. He wondered if the idiot vampire even realized he was flirting with him. It sure seemed intentional - but he hesitated to give the dumbass that much credit.
"I guess I will just have to solve you then," Andrew finally said.
"Guess so." Neil then had the audacity to wink, and Andrew's ears turned pink. Intentional then, definitely intentional.
Luckily, Neil had turned to collect his friend, so probably didn't see his traitorous ears. The vampire looked back at him one more time, just long enough to raise a hand in farewell, before leading Kevin away from the refrigerators. Andrew tracked him with his eyes until they turned the corner, and were gone.
Well, if nothing else - Palmetto sure as fuck got a hell of a lot more interesting.
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neonponders · 3 years
I FINALLY uploaded again to my first Harringrove fic ever, so here’s an easy way to read ch. 1 since a lot of people here don’t know me from Dracula Has a Mullet haha
Read on ao3 here ~
💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋
The discovery that Billy Hargrove is a vampire came at a weird time in a weird way. It’s just not everyday that you walk in on someone fingering Alexandra O’Neil with their teeth—fangs—in her tit.
There were stranger things in Hawkins, unfortunately. Unfortunately? How fortunate is a vampire?
“For fuck’s sake. Really?”
Billy has the grace to extract his freaking teeth with a semblance of being surprised. “I didn’t know you had that kind of mouth, Harrington.”
Steve waves a scolding finger at him with all the gusto of a drunk, and he has the solo cup to justify it. “Put those away! She was homecoming queen last year. Jesus, have some class.”
“You serious?”
Steve downed the last of his beer and Jäger with a grimace, his voice going raspy. “Look, I’m not one to judge a lady’s standards, but really, Alex…Alex?”
The lady in question was so blissed out she looked like one of those unnaturally stupid women in every Dracula movie. Billy actually moved aside as Steve pulled her away from the wall—away from Billy—to try and talk to her. Righting her dress with quick yanks, he covered her gorgeous, if small, breasts and gave her a shake. “Alex! Hey!”
He could hear—could feel it, more like—Billy moving behind him in the dark room. Steve had come up here hoping to claim the guest room before someone used it to hookup from the party downstairs. It wouldn’t be the first time he woke up from a mid-party nap to someone being blown, but sometimes it’s the price one pays for free liquor and an ounce of decent sleep.
“What’s wrong with her standards? Huh, King Steve?”
The voice is right behind him, so close that the damn vampire has to rear backwards when Steve whirls around. “What kind of vamp name is Billy? Wait, that’s short for something—”
“If you call me by anything else, I’ll hang you from the ceiling by your teeth.”
“You’re not charming like vampires,” Steve practically complained. “Gotta work on that. Everyone gossips here. Folks will know you’re toothy like…” He fumbled a clumsy but sharp snap of his fingers.
Billy made a derisive sound before his voice crooned, “Seems like I’m flying just fine under the vampire radar, then.”
He was heaving Alex back up from where she had slumped against the dresser when Steve released her. Steve raked a hand through his hair, thinking. It was a slog through the alcohol, but he surmised that he could not take her away from this guy. Case being: Steve was far too drunk to logically drive, and to where? It was her house.
“You. You gotta go.”
Billy huffed one of his low, mirthless laughs. Instead of setting Alex nicely on the bed, he just kind of dumped her there. She let out a sort of dumb-giddy moan as she face planted a pillow and he faced Steve. “Excuse me?”
“You’re, like, biting people at a party!” Steve realized somewhere between his tone and his slight—or perhaps exaggerated, it was hard to tell at this point—sway, that Billy was far more sober than he felt.
Not the time to play hero but whatever.
Billy slowly stepped toward him. “There’s plenty worse at this shit house than me, Harrington. Worst weed I’ve ever had. And that shit whiskey’s been so watered down, it’s nothing but wheat water.”
“Hey!” Steve was poking two fingers at him before he meant to. “They just renovated the place and I got well paid for the tiling and paint!”
“So you’re the reason everyone’s been tripping over the same spot in the kitchen?” Billy huffed.
“And the whiskey’s not so bad if you chase it with grape juice. It’s like toast and jam water. Whatever, no one’s here for your holier-than-thou, California bullshit!”
Billy was caught by surprise that time. His whole expression lifted, brows and eyes widening as he repeated, “Holier. Than. Thou. That’s the kind of shit you pick up from books. I didn’t know the king could read.”
“Fuck off,” Steve grimaced, really just wanting to get Alex tucked into bed and maybe join her. “You’ve been riding me ever since you got here.”
“I definitely have not been doing that,” Billy retorted and then smiled. “What, you offering?”
“Was she?” Steve cornered, drawing himself up to his full height. Admittedly, not much taller than Billy, but small victories lead to great heights or something.
Billy wiped his mouth and Steve’s eyes plummeted to those lips. “Yeah, she was. She pulled me upstairs, or is that so hard to believe, blue balls?”
“It kind of is, yeah,” Steve said with his hands on his hips. “Alex has asthma. Like, inhaler tucked in her bra at prom in case the slow dance was too much. She’d never get with a chain smoker like you.”
“She would if her high school sweetheart cheated on her with the first college bitch he found.” One of Billy’s eyebrows perked up with his shrug. “I’m a favorite for ladies looking for a rebound.”
Steve grimaced. “Derek cheated? How do you know that?”
“That’s between her and me,” Billy said, stepping forward again. “But I hear you’ve been due for a rebound for a while, Harrington.”
He didn’t want to talk about Nancy. It wasn’t even Nancy, really, but he didn’t want to talk about anything regarding his sex life or lack thereof. Steve diverted, “I want you to leave. Go find someone else to—whatever the hell this is.”
“Well. You’re right here.”
“Not me, dumbass. I told you to leave the house.”
“That’s not gonna happen,” Billy smiled. “What? You’ll let me beat the shit out of you again? We had an audience last time too.”
“I wouldn’t be too cocky about last time,” Steve groaned, beginning to take a step back. “The way I hear it, Jonathan had to mop you off the floor after—”
Billy wasn’t listening. His eyes were on Steve’s neck and the only gut wrenching, instinctive thought Steve had was weapon. It came in the form of a glass lamp, which he wrenched out of the wall to break over Billy’s head.
The hard thud of thick glass hitting before the shatter and glass raining over the floor had Steve gaping at him. Billy stood very still. Way too still. Steve wondered if he had knocked him out, but his legs hadn’t unbuckled yet.
Then Billy lifted dark eyes beneath his mess of a fringe, pupils blown wide. Steve continued to stare at him with the mechanical parts of the lamp still in his hand. “Holy shit, you didn’t even flinch! You’re supposed to dodge when furniture’s coming at you—”
Billy gripped the wrist holding the parts and wrenched him so far that Steve couldn’t react to Billy’s other hand on his pants. Heaving him up by his belt, he slammed Steve onto the table from which the lamp had originated. Music thrummed around them, the very beams in the walls vibrating. Steve defied the laws of his denim pants by folding his leg against his side to kick Billy in the gut. Ragged sounds from both of them went unheard by the party below. Steve slid like a heavy tablecloth to the floor with Billy likewise winded and crouched in front of him.
“Why…” Steve tried, rubbing his chest and hoping his talking lasted long enough for him to decide whether running or trying to pin Billy down was the best decision. “…can’t you just…not do this? Whatever alpha bullshit game you think life is.”
“Some of us don’t want to go through life with your dashing prince crap,” Billy spat.
“You think I’m dashing? I couldn’t tell, I passed out the last time you punched me in the face.”
Billy laughed. “Yeah. You’re just as soft as I remember.”
He was moving again and Steve felt a wild, foolish—downright stupid—thrill to try something else. “You need to leave, man. Really. I know a party of blackout graduates might seem like easy pickings, but Hawkins is different.”
“You don’t know shit about different,” Billy growled. “You’ve never seen grass outside this bum fuck of a town.”
“I’ve been to Disney World. And New York City. There’s gotta be some hospital nurse you can swoon into letting you raid their blood bank?”
He couldn’t tell if Billy was getting angrier or not. The man was always angry, seemed like. “I’m not drinking from a freezer. Now shut the hell up. You’ll enjoy this like your homecoming queen.”
A last ditch effort, diving in the direction of the door, but it wasn’t the first time Billy had been on top of him with murder in his eyes. Steve’s hands fumbled at Billy’s face, but then his wrists were pinned above his head and a panicked whine escaped as Billy’s hot, humid breath found him.
Steve went slack. They always do. Billy had figured out that something in his teeth or saliva sedated those he bit, and more. A whole lot more. It made a good flirt into a hell of a time. Alexandra of the Hawkins Homecoming Court had already come on his finger when Steve, of all people, waltzed right in.
It made hunting annoying. It made hunting fun. He had to be picky; didn’t want anyone he couldn’t look at for longer than three minutes moaning all over him while he tried to feed. His looks did most of the work. The right dash of charm here, a nice compliment there, and then his fangs did the rest.
Steve was hard under him. Billy felt the distinct push of his jeans against his own ass while he slid his fingers under Steve’s nape. Lifting his neck, he made sure the moron’s windpipe stayed open, as well as lifted his meal closer to his mouth—
A strange sound came from Steve. Billy’s eyes flicked to his face, but when that labored breathing sound happened again, he sat up and stared. Steve was crying.
This had never happened before. Those doe eyes that all the girls had ranted about when he first drove into Hawkins were red and squinted as moisture slid over his temples. Billy even checked to make sure he wasn’t sitting too heavily on his dick or something, but the gears of his brain slid into place.
Steve usually wore sunglasses at parties. Billy couldn’t help but huff a laugh. “Are you a drunk crier, Harrington? Hey, I’m talking to you.”
He gripped Steve’s jaw, but his whole head lolled, those eyes barely finding him through the daze. “I just wanna sleep,” he said quietly. Fresh tears raced into his hair as he passed out.
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
Fabulous Friday Evenings
Summary: You were having a really bad day.  Conner decides to help cheer you up and make sure your drunk ass doesn’t face plant on the side walk.
word count:  2,652
a/n: Special thanks to @anothertimdrakestan for helping with the ending and helping with editing! Love you, Elle!
warnings: alcohol and swearing and author does not know how alcohol works.  No one is under the drinking age. This may benefit from more editing. 
"Mosht people are jusht the careful scaffolding of complexshesh," you slurred, your face red, head half buried in your arms, and golden ear cuffs winking under the dim bar lights.
"You somehow still sound like a fucking nerd even you're when drunk," Conner laughed throwing his head back, handsome face stretched with a cheeky smile.  "You look like a mess," he said softly, reaching out for your cheek.
"Fuhk you! Not eberyone can be born too pretty for their own guhd- how did yah evehn know I was here? It was Tim wasn't it! "
"Good guess buuuut it was actually Bart" Conner explained casually taking a seat next to you as you lifted your head momentarily before plopping it back down to stare at the amber gloss of the drink. The light from the ceiling seemed to dance so elegantly in your eyes even as you wrinkled your brows. "That rat," you cursed miserably into your arm. 
Across from you, a pretty brunette shot you two a wink and without looking you could tell Conner flirted in kind. Normally, you'd have the audacity to steal the girl's attention away before Conner could even make a proper move but tonight you were in absolutely no mood to be charming. In fact, you were sloshed. You didn't know whether it was the fourth or fifth drink that did it but there you were sitting next to one of the most attractive people he knew with your makeup smeared and  eyes still swollen and puffy. You kind of just want a portal to open up and swallow you.
 The brunette made a motion to her friends which indicated that she was gonna try her luck and you wished her the best of luck. You bit your soft lips before pressing them into a pout. It took everything in Conner not to kiss you on the spot. Be the responsible one they said. It would be fun, they said. 
"We should go. You're-"
"Have fun," you said, patting him on the shoulder, cutting him off curtly; placing some cash on the bar before leaving. The buxom brunette approached Conner placing a hand on the shoulder you’d just touched moments before. He didn’t seem to notice her, his mind still lingering on the warmth of your hand.  Before she can say anything, he pivots and runs towards you .
The casual slump in your shoulders in place of your usual elegance was a pretty good indication that you would probably fall in a gutter before you got home. Conner highly doubted  you could see straight. 
"I can’t believe Roz let you get this sloshed without checking on you," He joked bringing one of your arms over his shoulder and slinging his own arm around you for balance. You walked like a newborn horse. It was incredibly embarrassing and you wanted to die. Conner, on the other hand, just found it incredibly hilarious.
 "She's out getting into her own brand of sloshed at a bachelorette party,"
"Huh. Didn't know she was the wedding type. Thought she hated going to those,"
"She's the stripper," You deadpanned, sounding abnormally sober.  With that Conner let out a genuinely hearty laugh. You would trade all the martinis, dackories, and margaritas in the world just to get drunk on that laugh. 
"That reminds me," Conner drawled, adjusting his hold feeling just how shaky you were from the late October Metropolis weather pressing you closer to his warm body. You kind of wanted to melt into his side but you had too much pride. "Bart never said why you were out here getting shit faced," You frowned at him but couldn't really muster any sharpness into your expression.
 There were lots of reasons to get 'shit faced' even in shiny Metropolis. You twitched your nose and mouth side to side gathering the makings of a sentence. Where do you even start? Your little sister got suspended, your mother (who somehow found out you were in Metropolis) is either demanding money or for you to drop everything to go back home to help around the house (translation: help out with the bills while babysitting your siblings), Bats and some other league members were on your ass for the last mission (probably the only thing on this list you found reasonable),  this morning, you got fired from your library job so they could hire Marco's girlfriend (who is in fact a perfectly nice person which means you can't really hate her), or the dozens of little annoyances such as Bart not being able to keep his trap shut. 
"This week was just a little much," 
A long moment of silence passes between you. Uncharacteristic for Conner but it was cute that he thought silence would make you fess up. 
"You know I could have gone home on my own. That brunette looked like she was up for a good time," 
"Yeah right. Also you're welcome." 
"You're right. Thank you for getting blue balled this fine evening to escort me" you didn't want to be prickly but Conner was being too nice and that made your skin crawl. Why couldn’t he be mean to you right now like a normal person? 
"First off, she wasn't even my type-" You raised a brow. 
"Kon, her tits were the size of Jupiter-" 
"Did you really  just say 'tits'?" 
You threw him a scowl clearly sobering up from irritation.
"Shut up. Point iiiis, you didn't have to-"
"You just said-"
"Oh for the love of- yes, I said tits. Speaking of which you should be staring at some instead of having to lug my sorry ass around on this fabulous Friday evening."  Your hand fluttering, gesturing vaguely in the air.
"Eh. There'll be other Fridays" Kon shrugged.  Pulling you closer and some selfish part of you felt relieved. 
Much to your surprise (you really ought not to be), Roz wasn't home yet which meant you had to dig out the keys from the secret hiding spot- another hassle. You reached out peeling a hilariously well concealed hole in the wall and fished out the set of jingling keys. Conner looked like he was between amusement and bewilderment. Good enough.  At least, this stopped Conner's 30 minute TED Talk about the new 70s sitcom he'd found. 
You two entered the shoe box apartment clumsily thanks to your disastrous limbs. 
You blew out a breath and muttered a thanks as Conner helped you plop onto the couch.  Though, it was more like gravity decided to magnetize your body to the couch and Conner just let it happen. 
You shut his eyes for a moment wrapping a ragged blanket around you. You made a mental note to raid the thrift store for a new one. Preferably one void of holes. 
"So what's up and don't you dare say it was nothing. I've never seen you this hammered before," He said handing you a mug of steaming hot chocolate. 
"Does it occur to you that I might get hammered like this often and you might just not see it? Who knows maybe I'm actually a functional alcoholic?" 
"Ok, first off, you are barely functional. Second, that might be your weakest deflection yet.  Try again," 
"Ok... did it occur-" 
"I didn't mean it lite- just tell me what happened. Everyone's worried," 
You stared at the steam rising from the fresh cup of cocoa. It was none of Conner's business. It was no one’s business.  Your friends were too goddamn nice. Blowing out another breath, you said "You might wanna sit down too," 
Conner takes his own mug of hot cocoa and sits next to you because for some reason eye contact made you a better liar and Conner for all his dumb decisions wasn't gonna let  you off the hook that easily.  You shifted uncomfortably and muttered about either Cassie or Roz ratting you out. He assumed it was the eye contact thing. Conner felt a little offended. He might not be Tim but he’s smart enough to figure it out on his own. Despite his hurt feelings and bruised ego, he decided to table that and focus on the current issue or, likely, issues.
 "Do you want it in alphabetical order?" 
"Please tell me you can actually do that," Conner teased with a wide grin. You couldn’t fight off a smile forming on your face. "Sadly, I am not Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne. My brain cells work like a normal person's,"
"Didn't you die?" 
"Death only fixes stupid when you stay dead. You've seen Red Hood and whichever other Ex-Robin has been to the pearly gates,"
"You say that as if Jason wouldn't tell the big man to fuck off," 
You blinked and turned your head up to the ceiling. "Ok that's true," You conceded, your mouth twitching rapidly from side to side making you look like an exasperated rabbit.  Cute.
"So what's up?" 
 All the good mood from the past few minutes dissipated in an instant. You looked down solemnly at the still steaming mug. You were silent for what felt like an eternity. 
 "It's family- Immediate.  And the source of all evil-"  
 "Lex Corp?" 
You snorted a shy tired smile cracked across your face.  You shook your head. Those little gestures just make Conner feel a little warmer. You, on the other hand, cursed at how easily Conner could make you laugh. You were  supposed to be sad damn it. 
"Money," Conner knew immediate family was always a sore spot for you. No one knew the specifics except Roz but that was inevitable when you're cousins.  Money was also a sore spot and based on your near dead tone. You’ve either lost a lot of it or you’re in a tight spot but not ready to elaborate. 
"Wanna try buying a lottery ticket?"
"Who knows you might get lucky?" 
"You could have gotten lucky you if you-" 
"Are you seriously gonna keep bringing that up?" 
"Yes, most likely. Depends," 
"On what?!" 
"On whether I can think of something funnier to give you shit about or if you can convince me-whatever the fuck you're thinking of doing stop!"Conner's cheeky grin did not disappear nor did the faint flush on your cheeks. 
"I wasn't thinking of anything, you sick pervert" he laughed. You really should have been exasperated with Conner. You tried damn it. You looked at him skeptically before violently letting his head rest on Conner’s shoulder causing the other boy to fall over. 
"Aaaaaaawwwww babe , if you wanted to cuddle you could have just said so," 
You wanted to. In fact,  both of you wanted to. But unfortunately neither of you were martian and neither of you was willing to say jack.  You closed your eyes trying to pretend Conner wasn't a little shit. Conner radiated too much smug for that though. 
"Shut up," You mumbled into Conner's shoulder already feeling sleep pull him under. You clung to him. Maybe just for tonight you can indulge in this. Just for a little while you can cling to Conner's warmth. Maybe in the morning your head will ache too much to remember this. Waking up alone wouldn't be too painful then. Hopefully. 
You woke up feeling like a troop of Can Caning hippos decided to host a live performance all over your head. You sighed remembering that you had in fact run out of Aspirin just days before so you decided on just lying there and praying that Roz also needed Aspirin and  had more energy to run to the store. 
You settled in nuzzling in to the warm- 
Wait. It was October. 
Nothing in the apartment should be warm. 
Then, you heard it.  A LOUD snore. It honestly sounded more like the roar of an engine than anything.  Everything else followed. The slow rising and falling of the chest beneath you, the press of stubble against your forehead, and the strong arms loosely wrapped around you. 
Yeah. You died again. Yeah. You finally went to heaven. Yup. You were ok with that. You were  definitely 100% A Ok with this if this was heaven. Being held tenderly by the guy you liked while you got a good night’s sleep was definitely heaven. God, you were such a sap.  
How the hell you missed all of that baffled you.
 Oh wait. Dancing hippos. Fuck. 
Your head felt like it was threatening to crack open but somehow you honestly could not mind even if you tried. You were  laying on top of a hot (literally and metaphorically) guy mutually cuddling. You nuzzled into the junction between Conner’s neck and shoulder in an attempt to steal more warmth. Sure, you were probably gonna go deaf from the snoring. Sure, you were definitely irritated by the stubble pressed against your face. And sure, you would probably die of embarrassment once Conner woke up. You could worry about all that later. All you could think about was how nicely your arms fit around Conner’s neck and how Conner’s arms wrap around you a little tighter in return. 
You could hear the distinct sound of your own camera shutter. Each sound chipped away at your peace of mind. You lifted your head only to see Roz holding your camera. 
Your cousin was nothing if not a petty opportunist. 
“I would tell you to get a room buuuut the only bedroom iiiiis preeeeeeetty occupied,” Roz drawled  smugly way too pleased with herself. You opened his mouth to ask but you’d already made the mistake of walking in on Roz and a guest once and you were  pretty sure you needed more therapy for that than you did for your murder. You just sighed as Roz took another picture.
“Come on, (y/n), smile a little,”
“I’m not smiling for your blackmail material,”
Roz gasped trying to sound scandalized. She failed, only sounding amused beyond belief. “It’s only blackmail if you’re ashamed of it. Personally, I think you’re scoring big time,”
“Roz please just fuck off before you wake him up,”
“Too fuckin’ late for that. He’s been awake for awhile,” 
You could  feel Conner smiling into your hair and his arms wrap around you  a little tighter. You tried to straighten up. To tower over him. To look intimidating. 
But…. you couldn’t. You were kind of trapped because, yanno,  super strength.
 You were seething and threw a scowl at Conner who only chuckled at you in response.  
“You’re never gonna let me live this down, are you?” You snarled, clearly exasperated and feeling the hippos start their encore performance. 
“ Mmmmmm, it depends,” Nope. The hippos did not only come back for an encore. They brought friends. Based on the absolutely smug look on Conner’s face, you were in for an entire parade. 
You let out a breath not sure if you wanted to play this game but not really seeing any other options.  “On what?“
Conner paused and hummed and hummed and hummed some more as if he was actually thinking but you knew from the crook of his lips that he had this planned out. Maybe not this exact scenario but something close“Go out on a date with me,”
You blinked then rolled your eyes theatrically enough that your head rolled along with it.   “And be seen with you in public?” You teased, an almost sheepish smile tugging at your features.
Yeah, Conner wasn’t exactly expecting you to say yes.
 “Yeah. Sure. Why not?” You said playing it off as casually as possible but you couldn’t help but mirror the absolutely goofy grin plastered on Conner’s face.  His happiness was infectious. You felt weightless. It was probably the fact that you were floating with him but you were pretty sure you were just on cloud nine. You were doomed. Definitely, inevitable, indubitably doomed. Even though everything has been shit up to now. The happiness radiating off of Conner was enough to make everything feel a little better.  
Thank you so much for reading!
tag list: 
@batarella (I thought you might like it?)
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itsscrystal · 4 years
One shot: Three is the magic number.
Osamu x fem!reader
a/n: idk if this makes sense but suddenly this came out?? hopefully it doesn’t seem as bad
warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of someone dying, but it’s a happy ending at the end so...
summary: is Osamu a lucky man? while he couldn’t end up with [l/n] [y/n] for the first two lives, maybe things would be better for his third life. afterall, three is the magic number, right?
Osamu never knew he could be so lucky.
To be able to marry the love of his life, [l/n] [y/n]. Their families have always been close. One day, their parents have decided that uniting the two prestigious families, Miya and [l/n], would be a good idea. Hence the arranged marriage between their two youngest children— Miya Osamu and [l/n] [y/n].
This wedding felt like a dream. He was so happy that he could finally stop hiding his blush whenever he saw her. To be able to stand next to her, not as her friend, but as her husband.
When he took a sip of sake with [y/n], love in his eyes, he was already looking forward to spending the rest of his life with her. He knew, this moment where they both made eye contact shyly over the rim of the cup, will be etched in his mind forever.
One moment. He didn’t know what happened. He only knew he blinked his eyes, at the same time admiring [y/n]’s flutter of eyelashes, when the bright orange flames licked her and everywhere.
“F-Fire! Put it out!” His twin’s panicked voice reached him. His hands let go of the wooden cup as he raced to save his beloved.
Orange. It was all he could see. Where is everyone? Why can’t he see anyone? Where is his wife?
He could only feel intense heat burning around him as he reached out in the direction of his love. Relief flowed in his veins as he felt one hand clutching his.
“[y/n]-sama? Is that you?” Osamu cried. Moving closer, he realised it was not her, but his twin. “We gotta go! `Samu, hurry!” Atsumu tugged on his hand. “B-But [y/n]-sama?” “Save yer life first! We can talk about her later!” Choking on the smoke burning on the wood of the shrine, he was dragged through the flames unwillingly, his hoarse voice calling for her.
It was only later when he was away from the site he looked hard for [y/n]. No, no, where is she! Fear fuelling his heavy legs, he ran back towards the flaming shrine, only to see a glimpse of [y/n] in it.
She didn’t make it.
“NO!” Osamu screamed and was about to take another step when he felt his twin pulling him back. “Yer not going back! I will not let ya die!”
I love you.
That was all Osamu could see on her face as she slowly disappeared from sight.
No, no…
“They’ve tried. They told us that there’s no way they can go back and save [y/n]-sama too. The fire was too big then. `Samu, I-I’m sorry for yer lost…”
Osamu never knew he could be so unlucky.
Osamu never knew he could be so lucky.
What are the odds that his best friend, [l/n] [y/n] would kiss her? None. Unless she’s in love with him too.
Osamu tried to quieten the pounding of his heart as he looked at the now-knocked-out girl. Earlier during the evening, as both their parents are out for a business trip, his brother, Atsumu, has decided to invite their friend over for dinner. As well as to raid the expensive cabinet of liquor at home.
Looking at his twin lying on the couch, dead to the world, he decided to just leave him there and carried [y/n] into his bedroom. Technically, he shares his bedroom with `Tsumu, but now it’s just HIS room.
I want to sleep on my bed too… I’ll just put her on `Tsumu’s bed. For a while.
Next morning, he woke up to two people talking. With his eyes shut, he decided to eavesdrop a little.
“[y/n]! So you’re here after all!”
“`Tsumu? Oh my god I actually slept on your bed I’msorryI’msorry—”
“Why are yer sorry? I like it.”
“I mean it. I like seeing ya on my bed. I’ve been wanting to tell ya this for a while. I think I like you, [y/n].”
“Damn, luckily I’m not the only one. Dummy, I love ya too.”
What’s going on..?
“I thought you liked `Samu…?”
“What? I know both of ya look the same, but I like you. Not `Samu. Well… Unless you don’t like me…”
“No! I like yer too! A lot!”
Osamu was glad he chose to face the wall instead of `Tsumu’s bed. Because he could not stop tears from leaking out of his eyes.
Osamu never knew he could be so unlucky.
Osamu wasn’t sure if he was lucky or not.
Having a twin that has an identical face as him, seemed to bring more trouble than he wants.
Firstly, it did not help that his twin, Atsumu, was known for his bad boy reputation in school. This made teachers mistake him as his brother. Hence, he was often scolded and targetted by many of them.
<Well, while Atsumu was the residential bad boy, Osamu was the shyer, quieter twin that has way better grades and conduct. Pity people can’t seem to differentiate both of them, despite the very obvious difference in hair colour. He thought that if he could convince `Tsumu to bleach his hair piss-yellow, things might change. Apparently not.>
Secondly, of course his brother’s girls kept finding him. He’s tired of telling people repeatedly that No, I didn’t sleep with you last night. No, I’m not Miya Atsumu, but his twin Miya Osamu. No, I’m not interested in that. Yes, I like staying normal. If only people can just leave him alone! Or maybe stop identifying him as his brother.
While he loves his brother a lot, this is starting to become annoying and bothersome.
So his response to the girl was “No, I’m not Miya Atsumu. Please go away.” when she came to him and proclaimed her love for him. “I know?” She replied in confusion, head tilted to one side.
“Yep. You must’ve gotten the wrong Miya twin. That’s right. Good bye.” Placing his books neatly into his bag, he quickly grabbed it and left the library. Sheesh, can’t he get a little break from all the annoying girls? He just wants to study and get a nice grade for the test tomorrow!
“I mean, I know. That you’re Miya Osamu, not Miya Atsumu. Both of you have different hair colours. I have eyes that are working fine, okay?”
Osamu was surprised. Okay, someone finally identifying the right guy. “Uh, so what did you say earlier?”
She huffed in annoyance. “That my name is [l/n] [y/n] and I LIKE YOU. I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU.” Osamu wasn’t sure how to reply to her confession. Not like he had much experience with this kind of thing. “Uh… Okay? What do I say next?”
Osamu nervously pushed up his glasses that are beginning to slip down his nose. “I-I mean...”
“Let’s be friends?” [y/n] finally spoke. Osamu couldn’t help but shiver a little. When did her voice sound so good? “O-Okay.” Osamu nodded and then exchanged numbers with her. Maybe she'll be my study partner. It’s kind of lonely to study alone.
“And that’s it.” Osamu said. “What? Are ya serious? Lame!” His twin, Atsumu cried. “Ya need to bring her to a date. Ya can’t meet up just to study!”
“But all I do is study…” Osamu muttered. “What am I supposed to do…?”
“Easy! The movies!” “`Tsumu the last time I went to watch a movie I slept through it as I finished the popcorn.”
Atsumu was stuck. He wasn’t sure what to tell his brother. What he usually does can’t really be applied to Osamu. “Do ya like her though? Are there any feelings? Any spark?” “Are ya stupid? This ain’t some fairytale.” “Don’t ignore my question! Hey why are you hitting me with your pillow? Wait yer blushing—”
Osamu had decided to meet up with [y/n] again. This time, he decided to listen to his twin’s suggestion. Watch a movie. Yes. A movie.
Breathe in, breathe out. You will not sleep during the movie. Eat your popcorn slowly. Or drink water. Yes. You’ve brought two litres of water for this.
“I’m here!”
Osamu unconsciously smiled as he looked at his phone. Wait, why is he smiling at your text?
Looking around, he spotted [y/n] and took a moment to admire her. In a pink sweater and jeans, she’d never looked so good to him. Is it her fashion? Maybe that’s why she looks so good now.
He was about to wave and call her name when he saw a flash of piss-yellow colour. His brother, the more popular twin, Atsumu walked towards her and slung an arm around her shoulders. “What’s a pretty girl like ya doing here without a date? Your name’s [y/n], right?”
<how does he know her? scratch that— for his pea-sized brain, how does he remember almost every girl’s name?>
Osamu wanted to turn around and walk back to the campus. Maybe he should just text her and tell her he’s not feeling well…
“Sorry, Atsumu-san, can you remove your arm? I feel quite uncomfortable like that.” [y/n] boldly pushed his arm away before continuing, “well, I’m meeting Osamu-san. Do you know where is he? He hasn't replied to my text yet.”
“Are ya serious? He actually agreed to this? He hates—” “Hiya [y/n]-san.” Osamu decided to intervene before Atsumu could continue. “`Samu! It’s her? Oh my gosh FINALLY.” “Huh?” Both Osamu and [y/n] stared at Atsumu in confusion. “Nothing!”
“Oh! [y/n]-san do you want to go on a date with me? `Cause I’ve never seen anyone so pretty~” Atsumu suddenly asked. Osamu had never wanted to hit Atsumu so much. That jerk even winked at her cheekily and had flipped on what Osamu mentally called the flirting switch.
“Uh Atsumu-san…”
Osamu was panicking inside. Maybe [y/n] had given up on him and not liked him anymore. No! He was planning to—
“No thanks but she’s with me because I like her too just like how she likes me so now scram before I punch you you knew she’s the one I liked how can you `Tsumu I’m even willing to watch a movie like a movie and not study—”
“Woah! Woah. I didn’t know ya could speak so much `Samu! I was just joking ya know…”
“So you like me too?” [y/n] tugged on his sleeve and asked. “I-I…” Osamu couldn’t stop the flush on his face. Oh my god why did I choose this time to confess this is not what I’ve planned…
“Well, I’ve got to say, unlike you, I do not like her that way. So hurry up and say yes you idiot!” Atsumu whined and stomped his feet impatiently. “Yeah… I like you too [y/n].” Osamu replied and then tugged her into his arms. “So, uh, what movie are we— I mean just ME and [Y/N]— watching again?”
“Okay, I got the hint. I’m leaving y’all now! Have a good date~” Atsumu rolled his eyes and then screeched “`Samu REMEMBER TO KISS HER AFTERWARDS OKAY”
“SHUT UP YOU PISS HEAD” Osamu shouted.
Well, one is sure: at the end of the movie, Osamu had a girlfriend— [y/n].
Hmm… Well, Osamu can consider himself a lucky man, I guess.
“Aww… At least the guy got to be with the girl! Like in his third life,” Komori Motoya sighed and then gasped. “Wait! Miya-san! Look! He looks a bit like you!”
“HUH?” Miya Atsumu, one of the setters invited to the All-Japan Youth Camp, screeched. “From what you’ve just said, are you cursing me?”
“No! I’m just stating a comment. The image the author attached at the end of the story features the guy and girl in the story. Apparently she drew this up and said that she imagined them looking like that.”
“Hmm… It looks a little like Miya-san but not really. The hair colour isn’t piss-coloured…” Kageyama muttered.
Unfortunately, Atsumu heard that. “Oi! Tobio-kun, you’ll hurt my feelings like that! My hair colour is the definition of cool and beautiful. It’s not that bad!” Coming closer to peer over Komori’s shoulder, he squinted at the phone screen. “You’re right… He does look like me… But since it’s such a sad story, I’m going to say it’s `Samu! Not me!”
“Who?” Komori asked.
“`Samu. The obviously not-so-cool twin. Here’s a picture.”
“You sure he’s not as cool? To be honest, his hair colour is nicer than yours…” Kageyama frowned.
“Tobio-kun! Not you too!”
“See? That’s why I rather talk to the other Miya and not you, Miya.” Sakusa Kiyoomi’s voice could be heard as clear as day, even though he was standing ten metres away from everyone.
“Hey! Not you too Omi-kun!”
“And I’ve said not to call me that, Miya.”
a/n: in case y’all are still confused: the story about Osamu is actually a story Komori read online. thank you for reading this !! likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Wynne's Diary - Touch with Asra
We were clearing out the shop today. Boxes filled with piles of aged magical books, masquerade masks and other important miscellaneous items were stuffed into the crates. Our home was full of countless varied and unique things you can ever imagine or guess of that we needed a separate day to sort the stuff out to what we might need in the future and keep it inside the shop, and then to things that we would not need unless for emergency purposes, which would rightfully be organised in the storehouse we had.
Me and my husband were raiding our shop, basically. Because one, it seemed like a detailed mission, and two, we were extremely tired and filthy from the dust the shop had amassed over time. We accidentally even demolished some of the spider's home webs while brushing so we had to carefully pick the spiders out and leave them outside on the lawn.
Poor arachnids.....they were so adorable and cute. I hope they find a better home soon. Though forming a web was never an easy job.
And so wasn't the task of clearing out such a relatively huge shop and stacking all the articles without damaging even a tinge of any material.
"Wynne, can you help me with this one?" My husband called me from inside the repository. His voice echoed through the walls of the room and reached my ears as a dusted my hands onto my apron and entered the dark room lit just by an orb of esoteric blue fire above.
"Is this the last one to be moved?" I placed my hands on my hips. Asra was crouched near the box as he rubbed his cheek to wipe out the dust and faced me, he had sweat on his brows and he looked pretty exhausted because......
We both had been working for hours. We started somewhere around midday and it's nightfall now.
"Yes...After this one, we can finally rest. I feel very thirsty and I could definitely use some of your lemonade" he huffed and ran his hand through his velvety white hair.
"Lemonade huh....sure. Let's get this over with" I took off the rubber band on my hair and retied it on into a small tail so that my hair doesn't impede much. I squatted down, and got hold of the edge of the box and gradually started to lift it with every strength I had.
Asra supported the other side of the box, and we both coordinated our steps to move the load together outside the storage room. I was not a lifter, and neither was Asra. We could have called Muriel over to help, but he was lying sick on the bed with Portia and Julian both aiding the giant man. So we agreed to not bother him and take the matters to our own ourselves.
It was our mart anyway, so we had to.
"Almost there!" Asra notified. I nodded and pulled in the air to exert the energy left in my arms. I walked patiently back, keeping a watch out to not bump with the other items on the floor and trip on my heel. Asra cautiously followed me, he rasped a bit and used his momentum to get a better grip of the end.
He knew that I was not much physically substantial, so he made sure to not let me take the heavier weight, but watching him take all the burden over himself just like how he always was, made me feel immensely culpable.
Asra was always like this. Votive, generous, selfless. These were very good traits in him, no doubt in that. But sometimes, he overdoes it, and that was not at all acceptable by me. He from time to time needs to know that his own self is as significant as everyone else he cared about. He needs to realize that at the end of the world, he would only have himself with him, and he better give a fuck about it sooner than repent it at later moments.
But.....I was not in the right niche to teach him such a lesson.
Because I wouldn't be the educator of this topic, I would be a student since there was hardly any difference in both of our sentiment towards our loved ones.
Votive, generous, selfless......
We both were a bunch of crackheads.
"Oof! Finally, everything is done. The shop barely changed, but at least it holds less weight than previously" Asra slumped onto the couch and caught his breath, his chest rhythmically rising and sinking with the teal pendant on his bosom.
Faust and Ichigo weren't home today. They both had gone to take a stroll around Vesuvia as we toiled. We didn't worry about both of them too much since they were proper grown-ups and can handle themselves faultlessly, unlike us both who can't even watch out for cobwebs and prevent ourselves to mercilessly annihilate them.
I still feel sad about them.......poor babies...
"Ahh...." I heard him groan and hold his shoulder.
"What's the matter?" I asked him.
"My shoulders ache a lot. My arms too. Looks like a overworked myself. They feel quite fatigued" he tried gearing his joints only to wince in discomfort.
"Ugh, don't aggravate it. That would make it worse. Relax your shoulders, and try to slowly roll them to get some movement" I instructed him sternly.
"I can't. They stiffened up. I cannot even properly move them without feeling a lot of stings" he complained to me, still grabbing onto his ailing shoulder.
I watched him cynically and shook my head, sighing and closing my eyes, rubbing my own furrowed brows. He was seriously acting like a whiny child crying over a tiny scratch. But despite my dubiety, I did not blame him. It was true he did a lot of work today. He shifted hefty stuff, helped me tidy up the inside of the storehouse and shelves along with the rest of the two-storeys, and also renovated the mattress, sheets and curtains with new and clean ones. I couldn't have done all of them without Asra, and I did owe him enough to alleviate him from his post-pain.
"Turn your back" I ordered him again.
"O-Oh.... alright" he did as I told him. I cracked my knuckles and trudged towards him and sat near him, facing his back.
"Take your shirt off," I told him next. He obeyed me and dropped the piece of clothing in front of him. I tenderly skimmed his back, caressing his spine and feeling the bumps of his vertebrate. My nails trailed along his tanned back and I felt his shivers reverberating through my finger pads. His skin was soft like the petals of blossoms and tempting to sense as a downy kitten's fur.
And he was even kissable as a child's rosy cheek.
I shifted a little closer to him, grasping his shoulders carefully in my hands and enclosing my fingers around his shoulder blades. I lightly applied pressure on my palms and squeezed his shoulders. Asra lightly grumbled in return, and I continued my work around that area and his neck. I handily massaged his tendons and muscles, untying all the tangles and applying the right amount of force as not to cause too much throb on him.
"Mmmahh.....Wynne....." He sizzled. It didn't sound like a wince of pain but of genuine contentment and pleasure. He finally let himself loose under my hands as he leaned back onto my shoulder, closing his eyes and moaning against my neck. I softly chuckled and laid a peck on his nose as I kept pummelling onto his other aching places.
I moved from his neck to his arms and shoulders, and I sensually kneaded his well-built limbs and fondled with his biceps in-between my fingers. I pressed every spot of his arms and started laying butterfly kisses upon his neck and below his ear. He lightly purred from my touch, succumbing to my soft seduction as I nibbled onto his ear, and my hand slid up from his chest to hold his chin and the other reached down to twiddle with his nipple.
"Ohhh...Wynne....." He bit his lip, his cheeks dusted pink from impulse.
"Yes, darling~?" I whispered into his ear and took the opportunity to bite on his earlobe and pull it faintly with my mouth.
"Aahhh! please.....more......I want more" he pleaded to me. I gazed into his eyes, they were clouded with submission and fervour. He wanted to keep up with this play of pinch and flirt with me, and he wanted himself to be under my mercy and decree till I break him to his brim by making him reach his peak ecstasy and orgasm.
And who would refuse such an offer?
Well, the answer is simple.
I would.
Before he could make any other move, I promptly pulled myself back and stood up on my feet as Asra landed back on the sofa with a thud.
"Pervert" was all I said before I made my way to the kitchen to fetch him the spiced lemonade he was craving ever since he finished his work, and a playful smirk was visible throughout on my lips. It's not that I didn't want to continue exciting him, I stopped because I want this to be on a day where no chore, nonentity, and no interference come in the middle. I wanted the day we make love to be untarnished, ripe and vehement, where no one coaxed to unnerve us.
As far as I can remember, Asra's face was priceless by the heckler finale I gave him. He was completely bamboozled and hoodwinked, and damn I loved it. The taunting was one of my greatest pastimes, and working it out on Asra was even more fun. Why do you ask? Because he always gives the most adorable and unparalleled ripostes than anyone I had ever known, and it was always mirthful at which I can chortle about for hours and never forget it ever in my life.
Maybe one such day will arrive when he would be fortunate enough to receive my full attention.....one day..........
And I'm desperately but patiently waiting for it.
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xmalereader · 4 years
Javier Pena X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Request: Hi,can I request a javi x male reader where reader is another agent and is married and steve doesn't know but one day an the reader come into the station and visits javi and is super love towards javi and steve is just confused. Ps. I love your work, thank you hope you have a nice day
Warnings: Fluff, husbands, Steve being a confused child, sassy husband, making out, cuddling.
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“Pena, someone is here to see you.”
Steve looks up from his desktop and raises a brow, who would want to see Javier Pena?
Javier gives the man a strange and confused look as he simply sighs and stands up, “Do you know who they are?” He asks as he puts away the files, making sure that they were organized in their folders as he waits for the other to respond. “He said that he was your neigherbor?” Steve was now even more confused, first he lived down the hallway from Javier and second, he doesn’t remember anyone living in their neighborhood but them.
Javier gives Steve a look and heads outside towards the main hall were he saw a young man wearing a suit waiting for him. “Puta.” He whispers as he approached the man who gives him a small smile. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay home.” Javier grabs him by the arm and drags him towards an empty room.
Steve was leaning back in his chair as he watched Javier and the strange man closely, watching them enter an empty room with the blinds closed.
“I know, you’ve told me many times to not visit becuase it was dangerous.”
“So, why are you here.”
“You forgot something.” He reaches under his shirt and pulls out a gun, Javi’s gun. Javiers eyes widen as he snatches the gun away from him, “How did you get pass security with this?” He hisses out as the other giggles with a cheeky grin. “I’ve got my ways, mi amor.”
Javier looks at him up and down. “You flirted your way through didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” The other shurgs.
“okay yes! But hey, this is pay back to the time you flirted with one of the suspects.” He shot back which caused Javier to groan. “That was one time, okay? So please go back to work and maybe will see each other tonight.”
“Maybe? Hold it right their, I am your husband and you will be home tonight for dinner and if you aren’t then I won’t hesitate to drag you out of here by the balls.” He warns out with a small glare as Javier rolls his eyes. “Okay, ya I’ll be home by dinner.”
“You better be.” Y/n says again as he adjusts javiers shirt with a smirk, pulling him by the shirt and capturing his lips into a kiss. Javier groans as he steps back and shoved him up against the wall, as the two made out with each other a sudden knock makes them break apart. “Shit...” Y/n whispers out and fixes himself, fixing his own tie and hair as he tries to make himself look like nothing happened before Javier opens the door.
Steve was standing on the other side. “Hey, we just got a signal from one of escobars men.” He says as he eyes y/n.
Javier clears his throat and nods. “Right—uh, Steve this is y/n he works in a different department of the DEA.”
“No wonder you looked familiar.” Said Steve as he shakes his hand. Y/n smiles proudly, “Javiers jealous that imma higher rank than him.” He teased as javi glares at him. “Anyway, I only came to return Javi’s gun since he left it behind during one of our missions together, didn’t want him leaving the field without one.” He explains.
Steve hums as he crossed his arms. “So how do you two know each other?”
“We used to be partners before they transformed me to a higher department, in usually in charge of keeping everything settled while you guys do the dirty work.” He chuckled out shyly as Steve takes the bait. “Well, good to know someone from a different department.” He gives Javier a look and nods towards their desks.
Javier slips Past y/n and gives him a shrug over his shoulder, mouthing to him. ‘Tonight’ as in for saying that he’ll be home for dinner.
Y/n could only roll his eyes as he nods back and leaves Javier and Steve to do there own thing as he sighs deeply and gets back to his own work.
“So, y/n? What’s that about?” He hears Steve ask as the two of them a team of their own were raiding through a factory. “What about him?” He asks back and quirks a brow at his partner, checking out the bodies in hopping of finding a very important men amongst them. “I thought you would be upset you know, since he was able to move to a higher ranking than you even though you two were partners?”
“Nope, he deserved it. Whatever he did he deserves it and besides I enjoy the department that I am in, that just means less time with y/n.” He confess as he bends down to pick up some documents that were lying around. “Huh, you two just seemed really close.”
“Jealous Murphy, that my previous partner is better than you?” Javier tease with a grin on his face. Steve chuckles softly and shakes his head, “No just a little curious is all.” He watches as Javier hums in response and continues on with the evidence before Steve leaves him on his own and heads down stairs to talk to a few of his own men.
“Are you done?” Javier and Steve both look up to see y/n, leaning against the door frame. His arms were crossed over his chest as he gives Javier a small glare. “Almost.” He answers back and turns his attention back to the files. “You guys going out?” It was Steve who asks, he was already done with his work and was simply putting away the foldered files away. “I invited Javi out for drinks.” Y/n lies out with a smile as Javier rolls his eyes. “yeah.”
The two were secretly married, they have been for the last four years now and no one at the agency knew. The two have kept it well hidden and haven’t been caught yet, not that the embassy will care since they have been together for years but they wanted to keep it professional during work hours.
Steve chuckles as he glanced over to y/n and eyes him, getting the small details about him until he notices the golden band around his third finger on his left hand. “you married?”
Y/n glanced down at his wedding ring and smiles happily. “Yep! Have been for four years.” Y/n was the one who would wear his ring proudly while Javier would keep his hidden around his neck, keeping it as a necklace, afraid that he would lose it during one of his field chases. “Wow, must be some lucky women.” Y/n cringes a bit but hides his expression, Javi was able to tell that he wasn’t comfortable.
“Yeah, she uh—makes me very happy and she’s rather sexy too—“
“Okay I’m done.” Javier stands up from his desk and clears out everything, making sure to grab his gun and jacket before heading towards the exit. “Don’t show up late tommorrow or ill drag you out here myself.” Steve reminds Javi as he gives him a nod and sighs. “I got it, I’m heading out now.” He waves goodnight to Steve and leaves with Y/n.
“Rather sexy?”
Y/n hears Javi mumble out as they get inside the car, he chuckles at him and leans over his seat to kiss his cheek. “I was speaking the truth, you are rather sexy and in bed too.” He adds in the end as Javier laughs and drives them out of the embassy parking lot and heads back home. He double checks to make sure that Murphy wasn’t around when they arrive to the apartment complex.
The two step out and head inside, making sure oto be quiet as they head inside their apartment, y/n is the first to let out a groan and toss his jacket on the couch, landing face first into the cushions. “I thought you were gonna cook tonight?” Javier tossed his own jacket on a chair and sits by his husbands legs, chuckling at him.
“Forget it, lets order take out I’m too tired to do anything.”
“Newbies getting to you again?” He pulls out a cigarette and places it between his lips as y/n quickly sits up with a frown on his face. “They are the worst! They can’t listen for shit!” He cries out in frustration, he’s been dealing with new agents lately and they have been getting on his nerves, he was so close to actually murdering one of them.
“They’ll learn to obey, just give it time.”
“Javi, its been months now. Those idiots won’t learn!” He throws his hands in the air and falls back onto the couch, Javier sighs and sets his cigar down in an ashtray. He crawls above y/n and leaves kiss up his neck, undoing his tie. “Javi...”
“Si, mi amor?”
“Before we have sex I want some food first, I haven’t eaten all day—and don’t say that you aren’t hungry.” He quickly says as Javier sighs and drops his head on his husbands shoulder. “Fine ill order us something, in the meantime, Wash up.” He climbs off y/n and reaches out to grab his jacket and pull out his phone. As Javier dialed a number, y/n gets off the couch and heads towards the bathroom to take a shower.
He’s quick when it comes to showering, coming out with a pair of new clothes and the towel wrapped over his shoulders. He wore a white shirt and a pair of grey sweats as he walks back to the couch and sits next to Javier who was watching some tv. “How many times do I have to tell you, dry your hair once you finish.” He mutters out and sits up, taking the towel and helping his own husband with drying his hair.
Y/n smiles at the kind gesture. “that’s because you do it better and I enjoy the attention.” He admits as Javier frowns and lowers the towel down. “Will you should stop or else I won’t help anymore.”
Y/n pouts. “you wouldn’t.”
“Try me.” Javi tosses the towel on the other couch and sighs, lying back down as y/n lies on top of him. His head on his chest with an arm wrapped around him as he cuddled Javier. “What did did you order?”
“Just some pizza.” He whispers out and wraps an arm around y/n’s waist and with the other he ran his fingers through his damp hair. “that sounds good.” The other yawns out and stares at the tv, watching whatever was being prodcasted.
The two remained in comfortable silence as they waited for their food and once their meal arrived the two would stay up talking about work or planning out a date for each other, they haven’t had much time to spend with each other becuase of all the work pilling up and having to deal with Escobar and los Pepe’s. It was stressing them both out but the two still managed to make up time for each other.
Y/n always thought that there relationship wouldn’t work because of javi’s reputation.
He remembers the first time Javier asked him out on a date that he randomly blurted out if he was even interested in men? Of course that wasn’t really a good start for the two of them, Javier answered with a yes, telling him that he was interested in both genders but that still didn’t change y/n’s opinion about javi asking him out on a date but also he wasn’t one to refuse so he easily accepted the date.
Javier had prepared a nice dinner for the two of them, he was romantic on the first date. Y/n always expected him to make a move to get him into a bed and to never call him again or to speak to him but it wasn’t like that. Javier was serious about these dates, he wanted to be with y/n and he wanted to be happy together. The two had their ups and downs when it came towards their relationship but after making it for almost three years, Javi was able to propose. The two suddenly getting married for four years now and not having anyone question their love live.
As the sun began to rise its light shines through there apartment and bedroom window, causing y/n to groan from the sudden sunlight. He pulls the blankets higher to cover his face and bury himself against javiers chest. They were suppose to be working right now but since the two stayed up late talking and making out they didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. Y/n was close to calling in sick but before he could reach out for his phone he hears loud banging at their front door.
“Damn you.” Y/n hisses out in anger, he does not appreciate others waking him up. As the banging gets louder he groans and throws the blankets off hismelf and marches down the hall and towards the front door, as the banging continues on he growls.
“Who the hell is it?!” He shouts in anger as he swings the door open to see a very shocked Steve. “Steve?”
Y/n gasps and turns around to look at the clock, he was suppose to leave earlier than Javi but instead slept in. It was a thing that they planned out when he found out that Steve became javi’s new partner and was living in the same buildings them. He planned to leave ten minutes earlier than javi so that Steve wouldn’t get suspicious of the two but now here he is, standing in front of him in only a shirt and boxers.
“Y/n who is?”
Both y/n and Steve look over to see Javier coming out of his room, rubbing the tiredness from his face as he enters the main room in only his boxers. It takes Steve a few seconds to ask, “what is going on?”
Javier is startled by Steve’s voice and groans, cursing under his breath as he approaches the two. “Let him come inside while we get ready.”
“Yes Murphy, we.” He glares at Steve as the couple head back to their room to get dressed properly, Steve stays standing by the entrace as he waits for the two to finish up and explain to him, why he found y/n in javiers apartment and with the two half naked.
Y/n is the first to come out, adjusting his hair as he grabs his jacket and slips it on. Next to come out is Javi, he was wearing his casual tight pants and a tucked in button up shirt. “Okay, explain.” Steve was quick to get ask for answers.
Javier sighs as he moves towards the kitchen that was located close to their entrance, “Y/n and I have been seeing each other for awhile, hop that doesn’t bug you or anything.” He simply shrugs as he prepares some coffee for the three of them. “I mean it doesn’t really bug me but—since when were you interested in guys,—and y/n is married! An affair, really javi?” He gave his friend a look of disappointment as Javier hands him a cup of coffee without saying anything.
Y/n approaches them and takes his own cup. “What about you y/n, what would your wife think?”
“Well I hope she’s happy since she doesn’t really exist?” He bites his lip and sips his coffee.
“Wait what? What do you mean?” Steve was even more confused.
Y/n sighs and Sets his mug down, he shows him his wedding ring and nudges Javier who rolls his eyes and reaches under his shirt collar, pulling out a necklace that had a golden ring hanging from it.
Steve eyes both rings; putting two and two together as his mouth slowly shapes into an ‘o’, finally understanding everything. “H-how long?” He blurts out as y/n smiles. “Four almost five years now.” He replies back. “Four years? You’ve lasted four years in a marriage, I thought you were still a man whore.”
Javier glared at Steve. “Was, not anymore—“ he sets his empty mug in the sink. “you better not say anything at the embassy, they still don’t know and I would rather keep it that way.” He warns out.
Y/n chuckles. “you’re actually the first to know about us.” He whisper to Steve and winks at him, finishing up his coffee and washing his cup before grabbing his things. “ill be heading out first, try not to cause trouble.” He says and walks over to give javi a kiss on the lips, smirking at him. “Ill see you later tonight.” He flirts out with a wink as Javier chuckles with a grin.
“I’m still here.”
Javier rolls his eyes, hearing Steve as he turns towards his partner. “Don’t care—now lets go before the ambassador gets on our asses.” This earns him a laugh from y/n as the three of them leave the apartment together.
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