blackboyjoy70 · 2 months
Brothers be like…….😆😛
Happy Birthday Brother 🥳
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auggiewrld · 7 months
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My lovely oc costia Ramoan
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colourfullsims · 2 years
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DAY 3 | The Recoupling (5/8)
Nina: Um, okay? Guess Joey’s pick isn’t the only surprise these islanders had for us tonight. Even after admitting the connection that he feels with Yana, Ramone has decided to continue his partnership with Camryn! Y’know, Camryn...the girl who’s been dragging him since the first day? *shrug* Yeah, I don’t quite get it either, but it’s his choice I guess. Let’s just see what this next boy has up his sleeve...
@madebycoffee @ommsims ​
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Nina: Alright then, let’s move the show along. Next one up is…
Nina: [Ramone!]
Ramone: I was hoping I would have more time to think on this, considering how little time I’ve had with you all. The only thing I’m sure about right now is that…I’m not sure if I’ve had that spark yet.
Ramone: [I’ve coupled up with a girl who I genuinely consider beautiful. She’s hardworking, confident, and unapologetic.]
Ramone: …But I don’t know if she’s willing to give me a true shot and get to know me beyond what’s on the surface. So I’ve had to consider if another girl might be a better match for me.
Ramone: [This girl is also beautiful, can really move on the dance floor, and supports her friends no matter what. She makes me feel like I can be myself.]
Ramone: …But I’m also concerned that she might not be as committed to this process as much as everyone else is. [sigh] Because of that, the girl I want to couple up with is…
Ramoan: Camryn!
Camryn: I’m surprised. I wouldn’t have blamed you to pick Yana.
Ramone: Sure, but I genuinely want you to give me a chance. I might not be a breadwinner, but who says that’s what you need?
Camryn: I guess…
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Rambling Reviews: ReBoot (...and ReBoot The Guardian Code) [SPOILERS]
With the arrival of Netflix's ReBoot: The Guardian Code, RaMoaN takes a look at one of the most beloved cartoons of the mid 90's and tries to understand what has made it's sequel series so hated. Join us as we take a look back at ReBoot!
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oktoberzan · 6 years
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The Ramones
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keeloves · 6 years
My Version of Team Flash
Keep in mind this just my personal opinion on who should on the Flash. These are the heroes and I will make villain roster later. I am also going to describe each person in the order that they are listed and what they do.
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The Men Portion
Barry Allen: He is a crime scene investigator by day and Flash by night. He is a forensic scientist he uses his advantages as the Flash to further investigate crime scenes. He is happily married to his life long best friend Iris Ann West Allen. They sometimes investigate and solve crimes together. He is a good cook and a big dorky romantic. He is also very protective of the people he cares about and will do whatever it takes to protect Iris. 
Wally West: He is an engineer by day and Kid Flash by night. He builds turbine engines. He is very good with building things like computers, turbine care engines and he works with Cisco to build the meta human pipeline but make it in much better conditions. Wally is quite the ladies man until one day he meets Linda Park and that all changes. He is best friends with both Cisco and Barry and he often has training sessions with both Barry and Jay who are more experienced speedsters.
Cisco Ramon: He is also an engineer like Wally but he focuses more on building meta human technology that either work to stimulate other powers or dampen them. He works with Joe down at Central City Police Department as a Meta Human specialist. His super hero name is Vibe and his abilities include finding out about people just by touching a belonging of theirs, he also has the ability like his girlfriend Cynthia to sever speedsters connections to the speed force and he can open portals to other earths. He can also sense changes in the time line and is by far one of the most powerful meta humans ever known. Cisco is a movie enthusiast, he is self confident and he has goals to start his own company. He also loves to fight crime with Cynthia and train with her.
Joe West: He is the father to Iris, Wally and Jenna and step father to Joanie and husband to Cecile and father in law to Barry Allen. Joe took Barry Allen in after his father was wrongfully convicted for murder of Nora Barry’s mother. He works as a detective down at CCPD and he uses connections with the Flash Team to help him solve crimes better. He is like the Jim Gordon of the Flash. He is also moral support for the team and is very protective of his family he will do anything to protect his family. His hobbies include reading, having fun and spending a quiet evening with his wife.
Hartley Rathaway: He is a scientist and he basically does what Harriosn Wells does. He is alias is the Pied Piper. His special powers include high technology gloves that send out high sonic waves that can shatter glass and can temporarily make his enemies feel distorted. He also has a degree in biochemistry. His hobbies include reading, building things and he likes to go hiking.
Jay Garrick: Doppleganger to Henry Allen and Earth 90 Barry Allen. He is the golden age Flash and he is on the team to help train Barry and Wally with their super speed.He teaches them new tricks and they sometimes teach him new tricks. He has the ability to pull a speedster out of the speed force. He serves more as a mentor to the team but because of his age he doesn’t go out in the field as much anymore but he does still do his part to help and he goes out in the field when they need an extra hand. He also uses his powers in creative ways such as punching his hat to send vibrations to blast his enemies across the room. Jay’s hobbies include relaxing with a good movie or a good book, he likes to travel to other times but he is very careful not alter anything because he learned his lesson on messing with the time line a long time ago. 
Women’s portion:
Iris West Allen: She now runs the most successful news paper company in Central City it is called Central City Citizens. She named her company Central City City Citizens because she truly believes in justice and truth. She cares about getting the truth out to people no matter what it takes. She majored in psychology but she originally wanted to be a cop. She didn’t become a cop because it was too dangerous and plus her dad wouldn’t talk to her until and she with drew her application but she still wanted to find away to help people and be out in the field so she decided to become a investigative reporter. She is also leader of team Flash. She is sufficient in guns, hand to hand combat fighting, she is also quick thinking and level headed. She is married to Barry Allen/The Flash. Due to her successful blog and her success as a reporter she was able to open up her business thanks to Mrs. Merkel helping fund for CCC. Iris’s hobbies include, shopping, hanging. getting her manny peddies and she changes up her hair. (I am seriously desperate to see Iris with more black women hair styles)
Linda Park: Is an employer at Central City Citizens and she works in Sports News. She is best friends with Iris West Allen and is the love interest to Wally West. She is Dr. Light and has the ability to shoot light out of her hands and acts as a human light bulb when electricity goes out. Her abilities include temporarily blinding her enemies with lights that are super bright light. Her hobbies are, blogging about sports, doing cross fit which she got Iris to join because they agree they needed to stay in shape since they were going to be on team Flash. Iris also convinced Linda to learn how to shoot guns just in case her powers go out of wack. Linda also trains in self defense and is a decent in hand to combat fighting and that is thanks to Cynthia’s training.
Joanie Horton: She is the step sister to Iris West Allen and Wally, and half older sister to Jenna, she is also the daughter to Cecil and step daughter to Joe West. She works at Central City Citizens Newspaper. She writes about feminism from her perspective  as a black woman. She is even planning on launching her own Magazine to help to help empower women especially women of color. She works as Iris’s employee and they have spent a lot of time together. She is looped in on who on who’s team Flash secret identity. Iris insist Joanie be looped in because she knows what its like not to be in the loop and the Barry and Joe learned that it is safer to keep family in the loop so they know how to stay safe. Joanie isn’t really part of team Flash but she has taken self defense classes, she works out to stay in shape and can defend herself. Her hobbies are, shopping, taking pole dancing classes a few times a week because she finds it feminine and fun and likes to be girly. She also loves getting massages, her hair done and loves to manny peddies. She is a girly girly and loves fashion. She still as goals to write a book.
Ceclile Horton: Step mom to Iris and Wally and mother to Joanie and Jenna. She is the wife to Joe West. She works as a lawyer in a law firm. She really isn’t part of team Flash but she does team up with Iris and Joe to to help build a case against criminals or she helps the innocent. She serves as a mentor to Iris and the other females simply because of her age and Iris also needs someone to lean on. Cecile is very supportive and kind warm caring person. Her hobbies include doing arts and crafts, scrap booking, shopping, reading and spending quality time with her family. She also has taken self defense classes along with other team and has taken fencing classes because Cecil loves to pick up new hobbies and has trained with Marlize since she is good with a Katana. 
Cynthia Renolyds: She has the same powers as Cisco and she has been training him to use his powers in new ways like Barry trains Wally to uses his speed in new ways. She is skilled in hand to hand combat, she works to hunt metas that travel to other Earths and she hunts the worst criminals. All though she has gotten more relaxed since being on Earth 1 and has taken her father’s job as the New Breecher. She works with Cisco and she is also dating him. Her best friends are Iris and Linda because she wanted some female friends so who better than the people she works to protect the city with. Her hobbies, include working out, so she can stay in shape for her job, she loves to shoot guns at the shooting range and is more of a tomboy but also femine and knows how to throw on a nice gown of the group all though she is open to trying new things. She often is dragged shopping but she enjoys because she with friends. She has mostly black in her wardrobe but she takes fashion tips from Joanie who has convinced her to wear more color due to her beautiful skin tone. She loves what she does and is happy to have friends who help her fight crime.
Marlize Devoe: She is like the Harrison Wells of the group as in she is the scientist of the group and she has specialized in studying people’s powers. She has become friends with Iris West Allen and they train in hand to combat since they are the only non metas. Marlize has taught Iris how to sword fight, and Iris has taught Marlize how to shoot guns better. She also invents tech and sometimes works with Cisco to build cool technology. She also doesn’t have a temper and is very level headed. Her hobbies include building technology, she loves shopping for new clothes, she stays in shape and she loves to take up fencing. She besides Joanie is also very girly and feminine and she enjoys dressing up when she gets a chance. She recently got out of abusive relationship. She has apologized to Iris for helping put Barry in jail and is working to bring back the meta humans that her husband used her bodies. (She has also called on Legends of Tomorrow to help her with this and yes in my next character roster for Arrow/Birds of Prey that is how Earth 1 Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary will come back to life) Marlize calls on Legends of Tomorrow to help her save the meta humans and she is doing her best to be a better person. She even helps Iris plan girl’s nights and has heart to hearts with Iris. They even joke about how they used to fight and used to nemesis. They even spar sometimes and they realized their skills work better together than divided.
Anyways this my Flash Roster. Any opinions are welcome but please keep them respectful. I tried to include as many women as possible who I think would be good friends for Iris. Yes most of the women are related to her in some way. I will also be putting together a villain roster but I can’t promise it will be prompt. Anyways enjoy this roster and I hope you enjoy my descriptions I gave the characters. I gave the descriptions purely based off what I have seen on the show but I added some of my own head canons to help in their personalities. Let me know what you guys and gals and think.
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aagdolla · 4 years
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Ramoan Bruce
by aagdolla
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Panic settles
Chuck Steinberg x reader
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Summary: after you escape your story with only four of your five of your senses, you stick around with chuck in the hospital end up getting seperated.
Warning: swearing
OK listen....once again late in the night Satan took hold of my soul And told me to write this :/
This is probably God awful but I mean so is everything else I write so...?
It was all pretty fucked, the whole situation, the fact that three kids had been taken or killed you were still unsure about that fact. there wasn't any sign of foul play just a kid missing, and it was even surprise to you that you managed to get to Ruth, that they managed to save you.
That moment still played in your head.
You could hear chuck and Stella calling out to you But couldn't see them. That's when panic settled in your stomach.
"C...chuck!?...stella!?.." one of your hands sat across your face where that thing clawed at your face, while you used your other hand to guide you. "Chuck!?"
It was minuets before he was sat in front of you. "Hey I'm Right here..." he took both your hands and grimced umong seeing your face. "Oh God..."
You wanted to cry, the feeling took over your body and showed it's self in your words. "I...I can't..." he nodded and took your face in his hands. "It'll be ok...it's gonna be fine..." You could tell he was lying but you went with it.
"Y/n?" you jumped and looked up at chuck. He frowned when You did so seeing the bandages around your eyes. "Are you ok? You look more freaked out then I am.." You chuckled and pushed your hair back.
"You think?" there was a beat of scilens between the two of you. "You think we'll make it outta this?" you asked pushing yourself off the ground to lean against the wall he was up against.
"I mean we got to Ruth right? You saved me?..." You added, hearing him make a noise. "Yea barrely..." You swallowed thickly. "I'll be fine chuck...I used to walk around my house blindfolded, I-"
"It's not the same! You are permanently like this for all we know! We should of realized it was YOU Sooner!" You hung your head. "It wasn't your fault..." you whispered.
There was more quiet. It was weird for you two to be this quiet. You where the loudest pair in your friend group, always laughing, always making jokes. Now...not So much. You leaned your head back against the momentarily before hearing the shuffle of feet and then feeling chuck grab your hand.
"Where are we going?"
"I don't know...I can't stand here...we'll get caught." you heard him click the buttons rappidly.
With in what felt like a matter of seconds there was a rush of the fall air across your face. "Chuck?..."
"Shit." you felt him let go of your hand for a moment. "Chuck?"
"OK just keep your head down." he took your hand again and lead you. You made it quite a distance before you heard someone call out to you. "Hey! Hey kid's, you lost?"
Your free hand grabbed chucks arm instinctively. Suddenly he picked up pace. "Hey!"
"Chuck? What's happening!?" You heard a door swing open then slam shut. "Stairs!" he warned. You moved your free hand hastily to grab the railing and walked down them as quick as you could, only stumbling a few times.
You had hit flat floor again but where pulled along running. "Chuck!?"
You where pulled to the side and then suddenly his arm was around your shoulder and the other over your mouth.
"They went this way! Sound the alarm!" You waited, and waited. Then finally he let go. "C'mon there gone..." he took your hand again and lead you to the stairs. "Careful...there's more stairs..." You let out a long shaky breath. Thankful you where no longer running.
"We'll get you out of whatever it is Shara Bellows has for you...." you said finally. He looked at you. "I mean your right...not being able to open my eyes when I'm unsure of what hall to turn down...not being able to see what people look like...not knowing where I am all the time with out someone telling me..."
You felt him squeeze your hand. "I don't know that I could do any of this with out you." you smiled turning to face him the best you could offering a smile.
He smiled back with a chuckle. "Good cause I don't trust you to do this with out me...your a mess as it is." You laughed at him. "Yea ok...I'm worse than you I suppose?"
"Pfft a lot worse!"
"As if!" You leaned against him pushing him a little. He turned down a hall with you close in tow.
You jumped when a siren went of and chuck froze dead in his tracks. "What is it?"
He gave no answer only turned around and stopped again. "Chuck answer me!"
"The red room."
"This is the red room...she's...she's here." your heart skipped a beat and you tugged his arm. "Then We need to go!"
He turned you around again and stopped again. "Chuck..." he pushed you behind him and backed up, you cliches into his shoulders.
Suddenly you where spun around and shoved hard. "Go! Start running!" You grabbed his arm. "Chuck i'm not leaving you, you moron!" he pulled your hand free from his arm.
"You need to go!"
"Chuck! I'm not leaving! I promised i'd get you out of this!" you reached out to grab his hand but couldn't find it. "Y/n Just go! I'm right behind you!" you paused a moment. "Y/n, I swear! It's just as important you get out of here! I'm not letting something bad happen to you again!"
You started running in the direction he pointed you bumping into the wall and ran down the other end.
Chuck was facing one direction after he pushed you. The white lady slowly making her way towards him every direction he looked finally he turned to go down the hall he sent you But stopped when he saw her appear there too.
You tripped and fell on your knees. "Chuck! where did you go!?" it was then that panic settled in your stomach again. You knew he was in danger yet you went on with out him.
"Chuuuuck!?" your voice started to crack with worry as you called out for someone. "Chuck!? Help! Help us!" You moved your hand around looking for the base of the wall to help you up.
"Help! Somebody!" You stopped hearing him call out somewhere behind you. "Chuck!" You turned yourself around going to move back that way when someone grabbed you.
You let out a scream but calmed down when they started talking. "Y/n! Y/n It's us! It's us!"
"Ramoan? Stella?"
"Yes it's us, where's Chuck?" you pointed a shaky finger in the direction you last heard him. Stealla took off first and Ramoan followed, leading you along side him.
"Chuck?" you moved away from Ramon when he stoped feeling yourself kick something. You sunk to your knees and picked it up.
"Oh my God..."
"What? What is it?" Stella took the pen from you and looked at it.
"It's his pen." your breath caught in your throat. "No..." You brought a hand up to cover your mouth muddling the sobbing sound that fell from your mouth.
Later in what Stella told you was the police station. You sat there quietly for the most part.
"He's really gone..." you mumbled Stella looked over to you. "It's bad enough I wasn't going to see him again now he's just completely gone from my life...I...I told him I wouldn't let shara get him...."
She put a hand on your shoulder reassuringly. "And then he pushed me from him and said it was more important that I was safe...that he couldn't have anything else happen to me...he's gone...or worse! Thinking what happens to me is HIS fault."
"Y/n...Chuck Was just trying to protect you he loved you and didn't-"
"I'm sorry what?" you stopped her mid scentence and turned your head to her. "He what?"
"He told me walking home from your play last fall...he made me swear to never tell you But I mean everything he did was because of that..."
You scoffed and nodded. "Of course...and...and he'll never tell me because...because You had to go and take that book and...and fuck up our lives!"
Stella looked at you sadly. "Y/n, we'll get them back....there has to be a way to do it."
"Then do it! Fix this..."
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soderndaydate · 4 years
Since it’s not socially acceptable to post on instagram like fifty times a day, and since i can only post about ten photos at a time, I’ll be posting either photo sets on here or links to my photo sets. It’ll be all for free to see them (I’m really just posting to add to my portfolio). That being said, there will be a photo set up tonight. 
My Favourite pictures from the sets will be eventually up on my instagram.
- Kittie Ramoan
Instagrams: @ moderndaygirk / @ Runted_kitten / @ Khlourine
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@orchid-tea tagged me 2 post a selfie so here it is
im gonna tag @grandeurlupus @captawesomesauce (and w if she wants to I just don’t know her @) @bi-and-blue @frumpkinz @slogthor @foxaes @ramoaner
Also anyone who feels like they need an excuse to post a selfie here it is !
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colourfullsims · 2 years
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DAY 3 | Rolling with the Punches (3/13)
Nina: I can’t say I didn’t see this coming: if fact, I’m kind of mad I didn’t think of a way to stoke these flames even sooner. Back in the Villa, Felicity and Camryn are in the middle of their daily yoga session when they realize that they’ve both set their sights on the same man. Maybe if they weren’t becoming fast friends, this wouldn’t be awkward, but now, there’s no ignoring the giant elephant in the room. They’ll both have to sit with the knowledge that at the next recoupling, at least one of them won’t be getting who they want. But who care about that right now? Let’s get back to this roller skating date!
@morrigan-sims​ @ommsims​
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Felicity: W-wOooAah! Whew! Either I’m seriously out of practice or all the drama from the last 24 hours has really thrown my balance out of whack!
Camryn: Girl, I’m back here struggling too, so it’s clearly the latter! I blame you, with that earth-shattering kiss you planted on Joey.
Felicity: [laughing] You know he’s probably been replaying it in his head since then. Serves him right, with the stunt he pulled today.
Camryn: Yeah, I guess. But I hope you’re not gonna waste all your time on trying to make Joey regret his decision. You’ve still got to make sure your spot is secured in here.
Felicity: Fret not ma chérie, I haven’t forgotten. In fact, I’ve already made headway on getting myself a new partner this morning.
Camryn: Well look at you being proactive! Seeing as Syd and Frankie are attached at the hip, and Hikaru is mortal enemy number two for you, it’s safe to assume you took me up on my offer to take Ramoan off my hands. I’d be happy to play wing woman if you’d like--
Felicity: Psh, yeah right. You think I want him mooching off of me? I’m looking for a self made man who I don’t have to give a weekly allowance.
Camryn: [struggling] W-who the h-hell in here is s-self made? The o-only one who comes even c-close to that is--
Felicity: Tucker. We spoke this morning about if he was open to playing the field a little. He seemed receptive to the offer to try things out with me. I’m sure a little more attention will send him over the edge.
Camryn: Hm… That’s funny you say that. I actually was talking to Tucker yesterday about the same thing.
Felicity: You talked to him about coupling up with me?
Camryn: No…me.
Felicity: …Ah.
Felicity: …I suppose that isn’t a shock. We both want someone we don’t need to take care of and Tucker is clearly more than capable and…desirable…I guess it will just come down to who he thinks suits him better.
Camryn: Yeah…Is this gonna be weird for us? Pursuing the same guy?
Felicity: N-no, I don’t see why it should. I mean…that’s just the show right?
Camryn: …Right.
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Rambling Reviews: Marvel’s Infinity War [SPOILER FREE]
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How do I begin a review of Marvel’s Infinity War? Well, I might as well start with how we got  to this point within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ever since the first Avengers movie from 2012 and the end cut-scene that came with it, people have been wondering just how the legendary villain Thanos will fit into the ever expanding story. There have been hints, whispers and outright explicit details with each passing film, but now it has all come to  a head. The question now is was Infinity War a good film? Let’s find out.
Let me list my pros for the film first. Obviously, I’m thrilled to see most of these characters again, but I was even more excited to see how they would interact with one another, as some of these characters would be meeting each other for the first time. The Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, Captain America and his renegades, Doctor Strange, Spiderman and Iron Man all coming together to defeat a common threat with a bit of quirky banter here and there.
Also, there is world-building galore here. You will see old places and new places that all have a part to play in this movie, some with easter eggs which act as the cherry on top of the lore sundae.
And, of course, there is Thanos. Played by Josh Brolin, this two-eyed no horned fighting purple people beater is probably the best villain of the MCU. Say what you will about Loki, Ultron or any of the villains from the standalone films, most of them have lacked the gravitas to earn the title “Best Villain”. Thanos, however, has that gravitas and more. His character goes through development rather than just dumping him into the story and saying “He’s bad because reasons”. The intensity of the performance brought by Brolin makes you fear yet be intrigued by him. Even without the iconic armor he normally sports in his comic book origins, he is a formidable villain who, oddly enough, felt very human and relatable to a point.
Now, the cons. Even great films like this will have flaws, and there are a few that might put some people off the movie. Firstly, there are quite a few characters that felt under utilized, and that is, in part, due to the sheer number of characters there are in this film.  Heck, some don’t even make an appearance and will probably come into play in Part 2 (because of course there was going to be a Part 2). Sure, Stark, Parker and Rogers get a chance to be in the spotlight, but other characters felt like they were simply window dressing, which is somewhat disappointing depending on who you like in the MCU.
Another thing I noticed in this film was that when it comes to action it is difficult to see who is fighting who and how the fight is going. This film goes above and beyond to make the characters fight harder and faster than before, but that might actually be more of a detriment to the film than a plus. I don’t know if it’s because I saw the film in standard format rather than IMAX 3D OMG WTF SMELL-O-VISION, or if I was simply unable to follow the flow of the action, but it just got to a point that whenever people began flipping around in the air like two birds that had just crashed into one another mid-flight that I began getting annoyed.
Finally, there is of course the part where I have to say “you need to watch the other films to understand certain bits of Infinity War”. Thankfully, minus Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther (Yes, I know. Shame on me), I’m more or less caught up with the MCU as a whole. However, if you have barely made a dent into the MCU, you will definitely be lost and not understand what an impact certain scenes have on those who understand the general lore.
Now, this final bit is neither a pro nor a con. It is also quite possibly the closest I will get to spoiling a movie within a spoiler free review. I will try to keep what I’m about to say very vague, but at the same time I wish to make a point. This will probably be the most devisive MCU film for a while. The directions this film goes in order to create a memorable story will certainly cause emotions to stir within even the most hardened of movie goers. You will either love Infinity War for what it does or hate it.
With that, I must say that Infinity War is a pretty fantastic movie and probably the best MCU movie of the year (so far). Most of the top-tier characters were in top form, the villain was absolutely amazing and actually understandable in comparison to his predecessors, and the universe feels a lot bigger yet more connected. Yes, some characters don’t get a chance to shine more than others, and the fight scenes can be a bit confusing to follow, but so long as you’re up to date with the general story prior to Infinity War, you’ll still have a great time with this film. I highly recommend giving Infinity War a chance! In the meantime, never stop rambling. TM
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whatevski · 5 years
downI was tagged by @bigjewface to answer some stuff! Here we go :)
These are in no specific order!
8 albums you love: Young the Giant x Young the Giant (self titled) Young the Giant x Mind Over Matter Lana Del Rey x Born to  Die The Decemberists x Picaresque The Front Bottoms x Back on Top Brand New x Your Favorite Weapon A Perfect Circle x Thirteenth Step thats all i got :x
8 tv shows you love: Friends ( I KNOW ) Futurama King of the Hill The Toast of London Not a “real” show but I like Game Grumps Dexter What we Do in The Shadows Grace & Frankie 8 movies you love: So these are just my “I can watch whenever” movies. My go-tos? What We do in the Shadows Jurassic Park Shes out of my League Mars Attacks My Big Fat Greek Wedding Shaun of the Dead Wristcutters, A Love Story Everything is Illuminated Im going to tag anyone else who wants to do this plus: @valuevillainy @downfallofi @rafzombie @ramoaner @petty-davis :)
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herringandherring · 5 years
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XX/XY @evafehren #WeWearItBest Ramoan Bruce - DJ & Brianna Morris - Model My style is pretty laid back, chill, I guess I like classic pieces like a white t and jeans. But I do usually have jewelry on as well, I like rings and earrings. - @bri.morris We definitely mix and match each other’s jewelry, there are things she has that I am fond of, and there are pieces that might be a little different that she has her eye on, so we will swap every now and then. - @sirramoanbruce Photography: @herringandherring Stylist: @debwatson Hair: @kiriyoshiki Makeup: @akikoowada Nails: @Laquerfetish XX/XY was shot exclusively using @hasselblad and @broncolorusa #herringandherring #hasselbladambassador #photography #photographer #photoshoot #portraitphotography #RamoanBruce #brimorris #evafehren #jewelry (at Whitney Museum of American Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Aw6p9njJH/?igshid=1mo4m5tvzbi
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redoctopusbabe · 5 years
Answer 21 Questions and 21 Mutuals You Would Like To Get to Know Better
I was tagged by the wonderful @realisticflyinglesbian - I love you, sweetheart ❤️
Nickname(s): Me? Have nickname? Oh, please. I don’t have one.
Zodiac sign: Cancer, aka. THAT Bitch. Who’s also a crybaby sometimes because no one fucking listens to her lol
Height: 5’5” / 165 cm - ish
Hogwarts House: Slytherin. Because I’m gonna slytherin your bed tonight ;)
Last Thing I Googled: “Slip Dress” - because I need lingerie ;)
Favorite Musicians: Avicii, Swedish House Mafia, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Cream, Audioslave, Chris Cornell, Soundgarden, and so many more.
Song Stuck in Your Head: Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden
Following: 573
Followers: 144
Do you get asks: occasionally. I’d like more but they either tell me that I’m too ugly to get raped or that I’m the most gorgeous person in the world.
Amount of Sleep: sometimes 4 hours. Sometimes 12 hours. No in between at this point.
Lucky Number: 16
What are you wearing: sweatpants and a red bra. I’ve got work to do.
Dream Job: A studio artist in a studio and a small art supply store beside it.
Dream Trip: To spend as much time as I can in Northern Europe, especially my home country, and to see Russia.
Instrument: I used to play piano religiously as a kid. I can still play, but I’m so very rusty. Give me a few days. Otherwise I’d love to play the guitar.
Languages: Swedish (mother tongue), English. Spanish (sorta), French (even worse than my Spanish).
Favorite Song(s): Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden, Angel by Jimi Hendrix, White Room by Cream, Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin. And the list goes on lol
Random Fact: I absolutely hate driving with my life. I hate it. I’ve been driving for 4 years. Hate every second of it. Hate it with my life.
Aesthetic: Tired and grumpy artist with a cigarette in their hand and always covered in paint, slip, clay, anything art related. Oh and I’m always pissed off at something. Lol. Basically Dr. Leonard McCoy if he was an artist. Oh yeah, I’m always ready to punch someone. I don’t act on it because there’s a study that says if you don’t act on your anger, you become nicer. I’ve been doing good so far. And cats. Especially black cats and Sphinx cats.
I tag the bootyful: @burur999 @havtomatkalashnikov @infected @es-lv @ramoaner @lady-kisses @selflovemademedoit @shybaby666 @dul-incaru @shadowzone1996 @ffruitdeath @stylable @thunderscent @whos-the-queerest-of-them-all @envercopper @the-brown-gentleman @paperbackboi @nerdylilmoxxi @hummingbirdhan @pour-some-sugar-on-mee @stressthrough @dimi2u
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