#RP: Beauty in the Strange
Thinking about Kyson calling David “Davy” when they’re alone and-
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<He couldn't help but laugh at the question because he knew it sounded just as absurd to her as it did to him whenever he thought about it. He shook his head a little afterwards and took her hand in his own but did not answer for the moment as he contemplated his answer and what would be the correct way to word it. There were a lot of variables to consider in this explanation, but he wanted to make it as easy as he could for the moment so as to not confuse her more than she already had become.>
My family ... wasn't really much of anything that was worth talking about. Disappoinment and...tragedy. But that's not a subject for now. Anyone from anywhere can technically come from "magical background", should they choose to take the time to learn and open their minds it. I myself - as you have probably figured out by now - used to be a doctor and in that stage of my life I had no interest in metaphysical knowledge or abilities. But then...well, life finally broke down the walls of the "perfect life" I was building for myself.
<He smiled as he watched her look at the surroundings while he spoke, until the last part had drawn her attention back to him. Slowly, he held up his free hand to show her the scars she had noted on them earlier which were now more of a deep red than they were before due to the coolness of the afternoon air settling in on the Sanctum. He was still self-conscious about them, even years after the accident, but this was his Soulmate, the woman he loved before than even life itself. And if he trusted anyone to not judge him or their history, it was this beautiful woman in front of him.>
I was in a car accident that left me no longer able to perform my job, I was told of a place called Kamar-Taj, where I would be able to gain the ability to use my hands again. It was there that I studied - and continue to learn on many occasions - about the Mystic Arts. It was there that I met my two teachers: The Ancient One, who we lost to battle, and Damon Renner.
<He gently brushed a strand of hair behind her ear as he looked into her eyes while he spoke once more. He thought about it and began to realize things now that he hadn't been emotionally prepared for and it made him look away.>
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He's the one I was getting the medical books to help when I found you. He's also the one who sent his familiar to me to lead me to your side. He...just lost his Soulmate to a very large battle and is very badly wounded. Of course...of course he would lead me to the one I'm meant to be with.
*Our paths to here and now couldn’t be more different! Beauty’s heart, connected to Stephen’s through numerous lifetimes, discerned what he left unspoken. An unhappy childhood, marked by a painful loss. A family that may have been at odds with his sensibilities. A loneliness which he sought to fill with a brilliant career and the financial success it granted him. And then a sudden, tragic turn that changed his world—or rather, set him on the path he had been born to travel. She had to wonder if, in all that time, anyone had given him even a bit of unconditional love—whereas her cup of such had been filled to the brim. Surely this was by Design, and she was meant to bring that gift to Stephen’s life.*
I wish I could’ve known you then, Stephen. Not to change the course of your life, but perhaps to soften its edges. I think I had a luxury of kindness given me that I’d have been very happy to share with you…
*Beauty’s eyes reckoned the reddened weals that ran the full length of his fingers, and the slight tremor as Stephen offered her an unforgiving view of them. Even scarred, there was an undeniable elegance to his hand, and she could easily envision his confident dexterity as a surgeon. A mighty blow, that must have been—and his bones must ache as those of her arthritic grandmother’s. Her voice was hushed in soft consideration.*
Do they hurt, Stephen? Can your magic dull the pain? How…how do you manage? And…and how can I help? *she lowered her gaze a moment, carefully arriving at her next observation* Your hands...they’re beautiful despite your injuries, you know. Like something a great sculptor might have made. Those scars just can’t erase their grace.
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*He extended that same hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear--a simple enough act, but eloquent in its own way, for its gentleness and familiarity. Something like uncertainty seemed to flicker in his eyes a moment before he went on to explain about his teacher and the loss he had endured. Moving Beauty to her next, natural suggestion.*
But about your friend, Damon—if he’s been badly injured, shouldn’t you be seeing to him now? I don’t want to keep you from where you belong, Stephen. I mean, we’ve lived our whole lives so far without even knowing each other. I can wait whatever time it will take for you to do right by him. I promise I’ll be here when your duty to your teacher and friend is done.
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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Adventure, romance, friendship, who says these stories are only for the young? Swynlake is a town where stories of all sorts can thrive. This winter, why not explore Swynlake with one of these characters?
Angela Potts (Mrs. Potts, Beauty and The Beast) - Why? That’s the question you keep asking yourself. What was the reason your family was all turned into a tea set of all things? And by who? You’re as determined to answer those questions as you are to answer the biggest one: how do you fix it?
Jaeger Clade (Jaeger Clade, Strange World) - Strange swirling shapes fill your vision as you claw your way through the dark cavern. You’ve been alone for so long -- but it’s worth it! For the adventure, the discovery... and yet you can’t remember your son’s face...
Roz Peterson (Roz, Monsters Inc.) - Such is the way of the RAS: you don’t even know who your supervisor is, necessarily, even if they’re right under your nose. Oh, and you are right under their noses. With things going awry lately, is it time to make your presence known?
Rafiki (Rafiki, The Lion King) - It’s possibly to remain mysterious while never really, er, shutting up. Just don’t make any sense when you talk! And boy, do you manage that! Your visions of the past and future don’t always make sense, but if you listen closely, maybe there’s sage advice after all...
Don Spud (Mr. Potato Head, Toy Story) - Good things come to those who wait, even if you wait with a furrowed brow and a standoffish demeanor. Deep down though, you’ve got a soft squishy heart as your wife and newly adopted triplets know well. Lately though, things have been seeming...hm...how to put this delicately...strange. Might your children have something to do with it?
Ming Lee (Ming Lee, Turning Red) - The panda  is the least of your worries when you’ve got a magic amulet keeping it inside. What you are worried about? Your daughter, of course! University is a time as exciting as it is scary and you wonder if your Meilin is adjusting as well as she wants you to think. Surely she must still need her Mama, right?
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insane-eli · 7 months
Every part of Rupert P. got very still very suddenly, except for his chest, which rose and fell so fiercely it was like it was hooked up to a defibrillator. I could feel the outburst coming.
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irkenproperty · 4 months
So Dib, tell us a story of how you met your little feral Zim, Got to know each other, how did you communicate? all the way up to having babies😊
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Beautiful mini-fic under cut by my BFF and very talented RP-partner @darthzadr , about how we RP'ed Zim and Dib's meeting, please read it!
Her fic commissions are open, btw!
Earth. A blue and green paradise teaming with life both too small to see with the naked eye, all the way up to enormous creatures great enough to snuff out those very lives beneath them with a single step. Luscious forests and greenery spread out as far as the eye could see, running for miles and miles until meeting with its lover, the ocean - and there were so many different oceans, too! Some were blue and alive, and nourishing to the entire planet. Some were yellow; oceans of sand stretching out towards the horizon and beyond that still, until eventually stumbling upon an oasis. There were even some oceans, according to his books, that were bright red and bubbling hot, so much so that a single touch was enough to melt flesh and bone. Truly, Earth was Eden's glorious garden.
Once upon a time.
Dib gazed into the old photo album and turned the page wistfully, and he quickly lost himself in the images again. Having been just shy of three years old upon departing Earth his memories of his home world were fading fast, and all he had to remember it by were the pictures in his books, his father's photo albums, and one very fuzzy memory: In that, there was no green whatsoever, only concrete and smoke, and a burning-red sky.  He vaguely recalled an enormous crowd swarming like flies on the final slab of meat upon a carcass stripped of flesh, all so desperate to escape the fast rotting planet they themselves had helped to destroy. The people had poured in from all across America, Mexico, and beyond to try and find salvation. Professor Membrane's great invention was just one of but a handful of ships around the world capable of deep-space travel, and Dib could remember watching the people from the control room alongside his father and wailing baby sister; they were screaming and begging for a place upon the ship already stretched beyond its capacity. “Aren't we going to let them in, daddy...?” Dib had asked curiously, and he couldn't understand why Professor Membrane didn't answer him, nor why he was crying just as much as Gaz was as the ship lifted up from the Earth's soil one last time and took flight, leaving the dying world far behind them.
To this day, Dib still didn't understand it.
With a sigh he closed the album and looked out the window instead, to the real greenery outside infinitely more interesting than the flat pictures. Life aboard the Marina was the world that Dib knew and remembered, and now, his world was extending to a whole new plain of existence outside. When first the ship had landed upon the strange soils only a select handful of Membrane's most trusted advisors were permitted to leave the safety of the Marina to explore the vast forests and its diverse ecosystem; to take pictures and bring back precious samples for Professor Membrane to study: plant matter, fresh produce, the strange bones of creatures yet unknown . . . After many, many moons – so many moons in fact, that Dib had lost count – it was determined that the environment was a suitable biome for humanity's survivors. Fences had been erected all around the ship to create a vast compound, allowing people to venture outside whilst keeping them all safe from the unknown that lay beyond in the jungle. At nightfall curfew began, and no one was allowed to set foot outside for fear of the dark.
In Dib's opinion, this was the very best time to go outside and play.
He opened up the bedroom window and slipped easily outside into a nearby tree. The branches were strong and sturdy, and Dib climbed down like it was second nature. He gasped as his bare feet touched the dew-sodden grass, and he jumped a little on the spot both from the excitement, and the alien sensation he still wasn't used to. There was no grass aboard the Marina, after all. There were green houses and gardens where they grew food plentiful enough to feed their people – but there was no space to run around or explore. Not like this; not like it was in the strange new world.
Bubbling with enthusiasm Dib wandered along the edge of the fence, his hand trailing across the chain-links. The fence reached so high that he was pretty certain it could touch the sky – but clearly not, because it wasn't tall enough to keep the planet's creations from flying over, and sometimes into the compound. Enormous insects; creatures that looked like dragonflies and moths, and hornets even bigger than Professor Membrane himself. Terrifying, but equally so fascinating, and it made Dib wonder, what else is out there?
He gazed longingly through the fence and into the trees. Sometimes, in the dead of lonely night, he almost swore that he could see movement from within the foliage. He'd often find himself hours later still in the same place, his vision growing blurry where he'd been standing staring at the same spot for so long. There was no movement tonight so Dib kept on walking, making his steady way around the perimeter and towards the gardens. The planet's soils were rich with nutrients and happily allowed the seeds of Earth plants to take root. Alongside those, they were now growing a vast array of native fruits and vegetables of this world too. Dib's favourite were the bright pink berries swollen close to bursting with a rich, tart juice that left stains all over his lips, fingers, and everything he touched – but it was worth it. He grabbed a handful as he walked by and popped several into his mouth. He and Gaz liked them a lot, and had taken to calling them blorpberries, on account of the funny noise they made when Dib pushed them against the roof of his mouth, and they exploded over his tongue.
Dib's head whipped up towards the fence. A flash of movement darted out from behind the trees, and the next thing he saw was a flurry of frantic motions. Something was digging outside the compound, scratch, scratch, scratching into the ground with a keen ferocity unlike anything Dib had seen before. In the light coming through the windows of the Marina, and the starlit sky dancing in worship around two giant moons, Dib could make out a long tail flaring amid the flying dirt, the tip and the base both crowned by a beautiful tuft of bright pink.
“Wow!” The gasp escaped Dib's lips before he could stop it, and all movement ceased in an instant. The tail stood completely still and erect. Then came another flash of movement as the creature leaped from its hole and into the forest cover. Dib froze in place, one hand clamped over his mouth to keep himself quiet. After a moment of nothing, a pair of bright eyes appeared from within the bushes and shone gloriously in the moonlight; unearthly pink, and utterly magnificent.
“ . . . Hello.” Dib lowered his hand slowly, and whispered just as gently. He saw the shrubs shift as the hidden creature flinched, its wondrous gaze drifting from Dib to the beginnings of its burrow, until Dib himself looked. The hole was situated right across from the gardens ripe with the blorpberries Dib loved so much. He made the connection instantly. “Oh! Are you hungry?” He grabbed a handful and tossed them through the fence. It was the feeble, clumsy throw of a seven-year-old bookworm, and only two landed within easy reach of the bush. Once they were swept away by a hand or tail almost too fast to see with the naked eye, the pink gaze returned, fixated upon the remaining berries out of its reach. Silence fell once more. Dib trembled with anticipation. Please . . . Please get them . . .
Slowly, inch by cautious inch, the creature began to emerge, and it was all Dib could do not to squeal in delight. He watched in silent awe, marveling at its brilliance. Green skin. Two black antennas. A long, strong tail like that of a monitor lizard; powerful, and deadly. It prowled the forest floor on all floors like it owned the place, snatching up the berries in its claws as it went by. And what claws! Three in total on each limb, and wickedly sharp, like that of an ancient dinosaur long since lost to time; they were the perfect tool and weapon both for a harsh life in the jungle. As it walked and ate it kept its eyes fixed suspiciously on Dib. Soon there were none left but for those still in the bush, and the creature sat in between the fence and the forest, its gaze continuously shifting between longing want at the fruit, to suspicious scrutiny at Dib.
“Hi there!” Dib whispered quietly, but his voice was so thick with excitement that he made the creature flinch backwards. “Oh, sorry!” He apologised, his tone dropping even lower in volume for the startled visitor frozen in place. Silence echoed once more as giant pink eyes remained fixated on Dib like lasers, as if trying to pierce through into his skull and see inside of his mind. As such, Dib focused in on a single thought, just in case the creature could indeed read his mind. I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you. Let's be friends.
The creature blinked, then leaped back into its hole and resumed the frantic dig. Dib sat back with his knees tucked to his chest, watching with fast growing anticipation. Dirt came flying from the hole; launched aside unneeded by the creature's immense tail. Soon, the ground beside him began to crumble inwards, opening up a fully-fledged tunnel from one side of the fence to the next. A pair of black antennas poked out first. They twitched. Twice, then the creature emerged from up the hole and shook the dirt from its body. Bright pink eyes soon found their way onto Dib again and held his gaze with ease. It was like gazing into a galaxy before his very eyes; a whole, wide new world lay within the swirling, starry light, and Dib was utterly captivated.
“Hello,” he smiled. “My name's Dib. What's yours?”
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(Open Rp) Frostbites in “Red Riding Hood And a Big Bad Butcher Wolf”
(This Is a base Of the game called “Frostbites and Purple” if you don’t Know it Just watch the video from youtube...So yea...Warning..this contains  NSFW, Viewer Disgression is Adviced)
On The cold Night, The Young Maiden was riding a Lovely White Furry Horse....this Maiden Wears a lovely Blue jeans and Black Boots..a Lovely Black Long sleeve Shirt with a red Corsets on..along with a Lovely Long and Red velvet Cloak with a Hood on it...Her Name is Saphira Lorraina Fox, she’s just moved in this Strange town About 5 Months ago..at the Apartment..She was a bit quiet and Mysterious...She was in human Disguised, Her Hair is Pure Snow white..and her eyes is Sapphire Blue as the sea and her beautiful Skin is Pale Like a Moonlight.. It was Snowing hard...and she began to try to Stock the food For the winter..Until she sees the Place called “Smiles market”. She finds it Interesting But She hears the Rumors...That this Convience store was Haunted by the Ghost Wolf Who was Seeking revenge on Those who Done the wolf wrong...Once the victums goes in...and Never came back alive...She hears the news that 6 People Had been Disappeared For few months now, So she rides it there and Tied her horse up at the bike bar..and began to go in..She remove her Hood and Looked around this place...And then..She sees the Bitter Person at the cash register and sees the Name tags..and then She said sweetly with her lovely tone,” Excuse me Sir, Did i came in the wrong time?”...the Man Looked at this White Haired Maiden with a lovely red Cloak and made a scoff and stood up and Came to her..and then He said..
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demigod-jack-hearth · 2 months
I wanna give my OC a yt channel and put any RP scene onto it
Is that ok with everyone, I can blur acc names/pfp if people want
@not-a-communist-just-meg @nico-di-angelo-aaaaa @lesterthesunboy @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @reigningprinceofithaca @yourfavoriteearthshaker @the-gods-strange-children @glee-of-ares-wrath-of-aphrodite @sky-child-of-apollo @bluefoodcritic @beauty-queen-official @nicoswill2live @daggerhobbit @mentally-unstable-childofhades @k-is-for-potassium @thegroovydaughterofhestia @unhinged-as-hell @the-goddess-aphrod1te @bleep-bloop-boo @if-chaos-was-a-boy @boldofyoutoassumeicanspell @pastels-and-chaos @silena-daughterofaphrodite @zariahthewitch @the-wolf-of-ares @ariathemortal
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saiintofdiirt · 6 days
staring with large and intense eyes at your Worse Person AU. How did (nice) Wifies get to Unstableverse. What does uu being LARP entail. I am invested. Also,,Wifies wearing a turtleneck to hide the collar from other people,, not being quite free but freer than he’s ever been when he’s in unstable..
sorry I had to like. . . actually do my job. ew.
I am staring back with my own large eyes. we are united in big eye-dom.
I think nice Wifies gets onto UU because Parrot asks, and the overseer (who is a beautiful evil woman in my head bc I love beautiful evil women) decides it's a good chance for popularity. The idea is that the overseer is as obsessed with fame, but is willing to do more intense things for it. So Parrot asks, and the collar gets a few upgrade for long-range use, and Wifies gets sent out.
UU as a LARP is kinda my favorite idea ever b/c to me its like. Spoke, Wemmbu, and Parrot found this weird world with all these problems, and the world doesn't hurt them or anything, it's just weird. So they told their friends, who came to see it, and from there they began talking like "oh wouldn't it be cool if x happened and then y" and they decided. Well. Why not? So they started factions and stuff to try and understand the server while also being able to LARP and have fun in a way that's more structured than their usual LS antics. LS is fun and has it's moments of structure, but this is more organized and that can be really attractive. It's like the difference between unplanned interblog RP vs a DnD session if that makes sense???? So they're all playing to "win" over each other, but they're never trying to actually really hurt seriously. This also helps explain why some of the plot points just kinda stop being relevant; they're just friends LARPing, so sometimes things don't work. JamatoP had stuff to do, so he gets axed from Spoke's story and Spoke makes it sound like they had a horrible breakup. Clown has time off so he joins suddenly and gets a huge arc in Parrot's videos before fucking off back to LS. Things like that !!!
My current explanation of the collar is this: it's made using materials off of Guardians for their electric properties, like their fins and scales. There's a spike in the back inner part that connects directly to Wifies's spine through the neck, and the overseer sends electric signals through it to override Wifies and make him do things, along with just being able to shock him badly in general for punishment purposes. It's probably a little difficult to hide, so big turtlenecks are necessary, though when it's visible its. . . kinda beautiful? It glitters like scales and is waterproof from it's Guardian origins. This is also why it messes with the voidwalker part of him— whatever Guardians are, I don't think they're quite natural. Their strange magic-not magic conflicts with void magic.
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rpking99 · 1 month
Beauty Of The Stars
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"They skies are beautiful. The setting sun, the glorious colours produced, the shimmering stars... If reminds me of those night on Tameran, oh so long ago." Starfire said softly as she looked out at city she was in, crossing her violet coated legs softly
The orange skinned woman had been traveling thr world ever since the Titans separated as a team. Their base had exploded and the family of heroes needed some space. As expected. You can only spend so much time with someone before you want to strange them.
Your muse had been her traveling companion for a while. And... Yes, feelings had emerged. But neither had spoken on them, directly at least. ... And here we should chance.
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peacocks-pantomime · 5 months
In an empty theatre, teardrops echo like the sound of applause.
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All I do is lay down a bet~ It’s out of my control if my opponent decides to lay down their life, isn’t it?
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After the chaos, not much was left of Sigonia-IV, yet there were two malnourished children-- Kakavasha and his Big Sis, nearly perishing from the elements on the ruined planet.
One day, there was finally salvation in the form of a light-- a light, and a beautiful woman dressed in elegant clothing peering down at them under a wide-brimmed hat.
She told them that they would be safe, that they could trust her-- and what other option did they have? She looked so different, and seemed so kind compared to the others that have mistreated them... Big Sis had been willing to give her a chance.
And so, Kakavasha was whisked away to another world, offered clean clothes and a room of his own. He fell asleep immediately, curling up on the soft carpet of the floor.
When he awoke, his Big Sis wasn't there. But they said she would be. They told him she would be. So he wanders through the strange building against his better judgement.
It wasn't long before he heard muffled words coming from the ajar door of a bright room. He snuck over to peek into the room and he saw people dressed in simplistic black clothing, taking notes on some sort of devices and huddled around a bed.
And on the bed lay the body of his dead sister. But those people would never acknowledge her as such; to them she was only an experiment. One of the last Sigonians of the Avgin race, a miraculous discovery. And they weren't going to tell him. They were going to hide it from him.
Blinded by the emotions swirling around inside of him, Kakavasha threw himself through the doorway, grabbing the first sharp tool in sight, and ended the lives of all the professionals in that wretched room one by one.
He'd cried the whole time. He couldn't identify the emotion the tears stemmed from-- whether from sadness at the loss of his sister, or from the rage burning bright-- but as the boy stood there, he dropped his weapon, wrapping his arms around himself in horror...
He didn't feel guilty for what he'd done.
That sort of control-- the ability to watch the life of another mortal slip away between his fingers and know that he was the cause...
It was empowering.
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Notes from the moderator:
~ Mod also runs the @aventurine-official rp account, so the format is her own and is not plagiarized :)
~ Art (2nd top picture and pfp) and concept credit goes to @day-night-darlix! Their original post is here
~ This Aventurine exists in the same universe as @the-truth-of-nothingness
A famous musical artist and actor, known for masking his true self.
Roams around Penacony but travels the cosmos to perform
Is quite sadistic and will bet others on their life-- resulting in their death, because he never loses.
Longs to destroy the IPC as vengeance for the lies and betrayal from which his sister suffered
The glistening teardrop hanging around his neck allows him to mesmerize others with a glance, if he so wishes-- the glow of his eyes is interconnected
(I might add more details later, or link a headcanon post!)
~ Keep the asks sfw if you please, suggestive is okay!
~ No random links in asks unless they are links to other Tumblr posts (if they are there, please specify what they are)
~ Be kind, please. Any hateful comments related but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism and transphobia will not be tolerated here and you may be blocked.
~ All ships (age-appropriate) are welcome. (I personally believe Aventurine is gay as hell, so he will have a noticeable interest in men versus women).
~ Try to avoid sending DMs to the mod unless you are another mod
~ Anons are more than welcome here! You may have a personalized tag and everything :)
List of current anon signoffs here
Key (if applicable):
" " : for dialogue
* * : for movements
( ) : ooc
#ace of spades ♠️ : Art reblogs
#the flip of a coin 🪙 : Random thoughts and calm moments
#trump card 🃏 : Asks from anons and others
#life on the line 🎲 : Interactions with Honkai Star Rail blogs
#melancholy theatre 🎭 : Interactions with other members of the Masked Fools
#dear doctor 🍷 : Interactions with / mentions of the Veritas Ratio in his universe
Masterlist post of Honkai Star Rail-official blogs linked here
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
Ok! New au notes so far!
Underground based. Monsters willingly went underground with the barrier after the above world went to sh*t
Underground mutates over time giving a gloomy strange Halloween vibe/feel. Monsters mutate with it creating a scary looking (but friendly) people
I’m leaning more towards a friendly peaceful au that has a vastly different perception of beauty than other monsters
Swamp, gothic, adams family, cruptid, cave vibes
The sans and paps will be living underground after the crash in waterfall, they visit the surface for friends and shopping (a good way to introduce waterfall in rps)
Will probably make both skeletons masculine leaning this time
Second set of teeth for the sans? Larger eyes, white or dim grey eyelights? Slightly greyer bones
Paps has mouth of large canines, elongated arms and claws?
I kinda like the idea of two extremes with the sans being very small and the paps being large, like 4foot something and 7 foot something
Au brings in cavernous crops and better underground irrigation and paving system? Specialize in beholding natural terrain? Most monsters earth affinity??
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literally who is that in your profile pic?
Thank you for Asking! My icon is taken from a piece of artwork created by @purplefeathersandblackleather , as a Christmas gift💖💚 It depicts the character (Beauty Lincoln, who is wearing a wedding ring in this work) that I've used for role play with a couple of Doctor Strange RP'ers.
This is the piece in full, which includes the Artist's own RP character, Damon Renner and Tony Stark. Notice the Sanctum Window ornament on the tree!
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Unless you're a fan fic writer--or an RP'er, I suppose--you can't imagine the joy it gives one to see the vision realized, of the character that you've created. Purple💜also gifted me this sketch-
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If they should ever decide to color it in, I plan to make it my new icon--and possibly the banner on this blog, or my sideblog @mostly-romance ...
Actually, now that I think of it, I'm going to make it the banner on my sideblog right after I post this!😀 If you enjoy RP or beautiful pieces of artwork (especially those featuring Stephen Strange) I highly recommend you go follow @purplefeathersandblackleather!
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cinememed · 10 months
₍ 🎞 ₎   fight club  (1999)  rp  starters  ! featuring violence, explicit language, unhealthy relationships & mature topics . some lines have been slightly adjusted for rp purposes .
how much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?
you met me at a very strange time in my life.
i found freedom. losing all hope was freedom.
i want you to hit me as hard as you can.
the things you own end up owning you.
yes, these are bruises from fighting. yes, i'm comfortable with that.
it's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
if i don't say anything, people always assume the worst.
this isn't love, it's sport fucking.
i know everything you do, so if you know then i know.
i no longer have any fear of death. but i am in a pretty lonely place.
i wouldn't feel good about my life, is that what you want to hear me say? fine. 
this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.
i see all this potential, and i see squandering.
listen to me, i'm giving you a direct order. 
you have very serious emotional problems.
you're sorry, i'm sorry, everybody's sorry, but... i can't do this anymore.
it will hurt more than you've ever been burned before. you will have a scar.
i'm grateful to you. but this is too much. i don't want this.
you're the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
this is probably one of those cry-for-help things.
you're not getting this back. i consider it asshole tax.
fuck what you know. you need to forget about what you know.
is your life so empty that you can't think of a better way to spend these moments?
start a fight. prove you're alive.
you are too fucking... blonde!
you have a kind of sick desperation in your laugh.
all the ways you wish you could be, that's me.
i am free in all the ways that you are not.
i'll bring us through this. like always.
this is your pain. it's right here. look at it.
you are not special. you are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.
i'll carry you, kicking and screaming, and in the end you'll thank me.
you can swallow a pint of blood before you get sick.
you're not your job. you're not how much money you have 
we are all part of the same compost heap.
you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake.
when people think you're dying, they really, really listen to you
what do you want me to do? you just want me to hit you?
i don't wanna die without any scars. hit me before i lose my nerve.
on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
every evening i died, and every evening i was born again, resurrected.
nobody takes this more seriously than me. 
i didn't create some loser alter-ego to make myself feel better.
why would anyone possibly confuse you with me?
without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.
three pitchers of beer, and you still can't ask.
you wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.
you have to consider the possibility that god does not like you.
i'd be very, very careful who you talk to about that.
i felt like destroying something beautiful.
everything's far away. everything's a copy of a copy of a copy.
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zzencat · 2 months
Tarot Mini Reading Request
My initials: SR, Sabrina Rocha
Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Lilith Gemini ♊️
His Initials: RP, Rico P.
Coworker at gastro, leader/shift supervisor 2nd in-command. Charismatic, hard to get to know personally. Problem-solver, strategic and professional. Great at teamwork. Gym rat. No hobbies. No faith in love or trust, but seems to be devoted to God (wears cross), always has his doppio espresso. Speaks Spanish and likes Shisha bars.
Green eyes, tall and very fit, beautiful smile. Blueish-greenish grey aura/vibes.
Sort of became a little more softie towards me. Caring when I don’t make him book food for my dinner (one of his tasks for the team), sometimes double-asking. Defending me from a disrespectful coworker on some occasions. Seemingly being closer to me at times. Or like that time he stared almost intensely at my eyes….and I tried to hold the stare until I looked down and away…shy as hell.
Last time we worked together, I gifted him a letter. Sort of love letter confessing that I like him more than just a coworker and inviting him to a coffee date. Also reassuring him I respect him a lot as a person and hope nothing will change after this if he feels uncomfortable or can’t reciprocate the feelings back. At the end telling a little more about me via a self-made quote and songs. A few drawings and scents (coffee, vanilla and lemongrass) on the letter and envelope.
What will the answer be or rely to be most likely? Positive, negative. Any other cards telling more, as it’s a short reading?
I’d be willing to expand on that through paying a little extra amount for more card pulls and energy-reading.
Thank you so much already!
sabrina sorry but does his surname happen to be…puerto?? nah nah im kidding 😂😂😂 my own lil jokes haha im playin
rico’s energy?
ok so…he kinda has a weird energy to him? it’s kinda strange. it’s like he’s putting on some sort of act or something or maybe he has to but yeah you’re right about him being hard to open up. he’s getting there yes, also correct.. but there’s something that’s going to be revealed and it will change everything. it was probably your little confession, but he’s taking everything into account. it’s also strange that i got deception like 3 times in the reading already. not in a bad way but like…hiding his true feelings? ik this is a little late so idk if he’s answered you yet, but in his mind he’ll try to keep things as peaceful and harmonious, at least at work. i will say that whatever the outcome is, you’ll try to keep yourself balanced and logical. it’s gonna be hard at work but you’ll try really, realllllly hard. you might hold back feelings or suppress some emotions. also i pulled some advice for you. again, whatever the outcome, make sure you don’t change yourself. love will come to you naturally. ALSO!!!! be very careful materially. don’t be sharing finances out so easily, NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE!!!!!!! very important. be careful of theft as well. be careful who you let in easily. if you’re already guarded and are an alert person, that’s going to do you some good for now. i think you’re a fair person or at least you want to act fairly. you might have some moments where you feel like you have to overcompensate or prove yourself and your worth, especially at this job. be careful that you don’t become greedy materially. AND if people know you’re a hardworker and they happen to know how much you make, even if it’s more than them maybe, be careful with that as well. i want you to be super cautious money wise. you’ll feel down at times and to deal with it, you could put that energy into work or other things, so make sure you rest yourself and give yourself time to sit down and process emotions sometimes ok? i don’t think you give up easily either so good on you! you’re just getting started hahah. and you are worthy alright? don’t ever doubt it.
i think there’s possibility for there to be a love connection (in the future)! it just probably won’t happen super soon bc of financial reasons. he could feel pretty stuck and unsure how to really move on from now. whatever the outcome, he doesn’t want there to be drama between you two or work. he’d like to keep everything civil. if he’s a little avoidant, it’s probably bc you’re taking steps to pursue him. not that he thinks it’s bad! he’s just kind of in that…uncertain period, esp emotionally. it’s not you tho! not your fault or anything. the good thing is that he’ll try to be nice about everything. maybe it won’t happen so soon, but there is definitely a chance for you in the future with this guy. it could also be an age thing, so maybe he’s waiting for you to be more financially stable or just ready in general. he could also be in that energy where if he pursues this relationship, he’s thinking about *everything* that could change in his life.
that’s all i have for you sabrina!! thank you for joining the game :)
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violant-apologia · 2 months
my recent magic card escapades have taught me the value of a signifantly informationally denser character intro than i currently have. so, here we go!
Briar Hathaway, the Violant-Scrawling Apologist
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(art by ScribbleSpecters and letters-of-fire respectively!)
he is:
a correspondent, focusing on weaving the correspondence into dance and poetry
persuasive and dangerous, and skilled with mithridacy, chess-playing and the red science
steadfast, melancholy and daring
closest to bohemians (in who he is respected by) society (in who he's associated with) and the great game (in what he actually spends most of his time doing)
white on the chessboard
a vake-killer and drowning in money
an ex-criminal, ex-seeker, and ex-devil-associator (though he still likes the grand devils)
constantly torn between duty and desire
in a strange semi-relationship with mr stones (and ingratiated with the rest of the masters (not veils))
the future mr bricks in the seventh city (with the passion destiny) (he doesn't become a curator though)
owner of a pigeon, nora, who scouts on the THV Something Beautiful.
featured in a few fics of mine on ao3! go read them if you feel so inclined!
employer of a rubbery plongeur (hehe one of my pieces won a competition)
feel free to send a calling card or any social actions and i'll try to match your freak (RP with RP, you know what i mean)
bonus art:
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ref sheet by waterlogged-detective
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by the-insouciant-scientist, for my fic toothsome!
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canonrpfinder · 2 months
Hello everyone, hope you're all doing alright, folks! And thanks canonrpfinder to manage the account and to helping me to see when posts had been udpate, lol!
About me! I roleplay since ten years now, and currently doing it on discord! I write on 3rd person, and are pretty flexible when it comes to the lenght of our answers. I would just like to have a partner sending something I can work with, not just anyhting like "He kissed her." or those five words answers. I tend to like playing on a server for the two of us, with using tupperbox. I love OOC discussion, and eventually would be looking for someone who could answer regularly. I am also ready to double rp. To conclude this part, I wish that all people reaching me be over the age of majority! I like to have some erp parts in my rp, not just for the love of it (thought horny can be fun) but because I do romantic ships and think that erp can be beautiful when we write it good!
Anyways, about what I am really looking for right now! It will be about some fandoms of mine and ships in it, so buckle up and here we go!🕺
• MCU:
- Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova
- Loki and Brunhilde
- Wanda Maximoff and Strange
- Layla-El-Faouly and Arthur Harrow
- Layla-El-Faouly and Marc Spector
- Xu Xialing and Namor
- Jennifer Walters and Kingpin
- Kilgrave and Jessica Jones
- Kilgrave and Karen Page
- Kilgrave and Maria Hill
- Kilgrave and Black Widow
• Marvel Comics:
- America Chavez and Kate Bishop (Amerikate for the win!)
- Storm and Doom
- Sue Storm and Namor
- Kate Bishop and Laura Kinney
- Kate Bishop and Masque
- MJ and Osborn
• X-Men 97:
- Rogue and Magneto
- Jubilee and Sunspot
• DCU:
- Ratcatcher and Poison Ivy
• DC Comics:
- Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
- Raven and Beastboy
- Harper Row and Stephanie Brown
• Skins:
- Effy and Naomi
- Naomi and Cook
- Effy and Cook
- Naomi and Emily
• The Last of Us:
- Ellie and Dina
• Stranger Things:
- Nancy and Robin (Ronance for the win too!)
- Max and Robin
- Nancy and Steve
• Scott Pilgrim:
- Ramona and Gideon
- Ramona and Envy
- Ramona and Scott
- Ramona and Foxie
- Kim and Foxie
- Kim and Scott
• Drive Away Dolls:
- Jamie and Marian
• Locke and Key:
- Kinsey and Dodge
• Brooklyn 99
- Jake and Amy
Can't wait to have your news, like this and I will reach out for more talk about what we can rp on!
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