#feral irkens
irkenproperty · 4 months
So Dib, tell us a story of how you met your little feral Zim, Got to know each other, how did you communicate? all the way up to having babies😊
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Beautiful mini-fic under cut by my BFF and very talented RP-partner @darthzadr , about how we RP'ed Zim and Dib's meeting, please read it!
Her fic commissions are open, btw!
Earth. A blue and green paradise teaming with life both too small to see with the naked eye, all the way up to enormous creatures great enough to snuff out those very lives beneath them with a single step. Luscious forests and greenery spread out as far as the eye could see, running for miles and miles until meeting with its lover, the ocean - and there were so many different oceans, too! Some were blue and alive, and nourishing to the entire planet. Some were yellow; oceans of sand stretching out towards the horizon and beyond that still, until eventually stumbling upon an oasis. There were even some oceans, according to his books, that were bright red and bubbling hot, so much so that a single touch was enough to melt flesh and bone. Truly, Earth was Eden's glorious garden.
Once upon a time.
Dib gazed into the old photo album and turned the page wistfully, and he quickly lost himself in the images again. Having been just shy of three years old upon departing Earth his memories of his home world were fading fast, and all he had to remember it by were the pictures in his books, his father's photo albums, and one very fuzzy memory: In that, there was no green whatsoever, only concrete and smoke, and a burning-red sky.  He vaguely recalled an enormous crowd swarming like flies on the final slab of meat upon a carcass stripped of flesh, all so desperate to escape the fast rotting planet they themselves had helped to destroy. The people had poured in from all across America, Mexico, and beyond to try and find salvation. Professor Membrane's great invention was just one of but a handful of ships around the world capable of deep-space travel, and Dib could remember watching the people from the control room alongside his father and wailing baby sister; they were screaming and begging for a place upon the ship already stretched beyond its capacity. “Aren't we going to let them in, daddy...?” Dib had asked curiously, and he couldn't understand why Professor Membrane didn't answer him, nor why he was crying just as much as Gaz was as the ship lifted up from the Earth's soil one last time and took flight, leaving the dying world far behind them.
To this day, Dib still didn't understand it.
With a sigh he closed the album and looked out the window instead, to the real greenery outside infinitely more interesting than the flat pictures. Life aboard the Marina was the world that Dib knew and remembered, and now, his world was extending to a whole new plain of existence outside. When first the ship had landed upon the strange soils only a select handful of Membrane's most trusted advisors were permitted to leave the safety of the Marina to explore the vast forests and its diverse ecosystem; to take pictures and bring back precious samples for Professor Membrane to study: plant matter, fresh produce, the strange bones of creatures yet unknown . . . After many, many moons – so many moons in fact, that Dib had lost count – it was determined that the environment was a suitable biome for humanity's survivors. Fences had been erected all around the ship to create a vast compound, allowing people to venture outside whilst keeping them all safe from the unknown that lay beyond in the jungle. At nightfall curfew began, and no one was allowed to set foot outside for fear of the dark.
In Dib's opinion, this was the very best time to go outside and play.
He opened up the bedroom window and slipped easily outside into a nearby tree. The branches were strong and sturdy, and Dib climbed down like it was second nature. He gasped as his bare feet touched the dew-sodden grass, and he jumped a little on the spot both from the excitement, and the alien sensation he still wasn't used to. There was no grass aboard the Marina, after all. There were green houses and gardens where they grew food plentiful enough to feed their people – but there was no space to run around or explore. Not like this; not like it was in the strange new world.
Bubbling with enthusiasm Dib wandered along the edge of the fence, his hand trailing across the chain-links. The fence reached so high that he was pretty certain it could touch the sky – but clearly not, because it wasn't tall enough to keep the planet's creations from flying over, and sometimes into the compound. Enormous insects; creatures that looked like dragonflies and moths, and hornets even bigger than Professor Membrane himself. Terrifying, but equally so fascinating, and it made Dib wonder, what else is out there?
He gazed longingly through the fence and into the trees. Sometimes, in the dead of lonely night, he almost swore that he could see movement from within the foliage. He'd often find himself hours later still in the same place, his vision growing blurry where he'd been standing staring at the same spot for so long. There was no movement tonight so Dib kept on walking, making his steady way around the perimeter and towards the gardens. The planet's soils were rich with nutrients and happily allowed the seeds of Earth plants to take root. Alongside those, they were now growing a vast array of native fruits and vegetables of this world too. Dib's favourite were the bright pink berries swollen close to bursting with a rich, tart juice that left stains all over his lips, fingers, and everything he touched – but it was worth it. He grabbed a handful as he walked by and popped several into his mouth. He and Gaz liked them a lot, and had taken to calling them blorpberries, on account of the funny noise they made when Dib pushed them against the roof of his mouth, and they exploded over his tongue.
Dib's head whipped up towards the fence. A flash of movement darted out from behind the trees, and the next thing he saw was a flurry of frantic motions. Something was digging outside the compound, scratch, scratch, scratching into the ground with a keen ferocity unlike anything Dib had seen before. In the light coming through the windows of the Marina, and the starlit sky dancing in worship around two giant moons, Dib could make out a long tail flaring amid the flying dirt, the tip and the base both crowned by a beautiful tuft of bright pink.
“Wow!” The gasp escaped Dib's lips before he could stop it, and all movement ceased in an instant. The tail stood completely still and erect. Then came another flash of movement as the creature leaped from its hole and into the forest cover. Dib froze in place, one hand clamped over his mouth to keep himself quiet. After a moment of nothing, a pair of bright eyes appeared from within the bushes and shone gloriously in the moonlight; unearthly pink, and utterly magnificent.
“ . . . Hello.” Dib lowered his hand slowly, and whispered just as gently. He saw the shrubs shift as the hidden creature flinched, its wondrous gaze drifting from Dib to the beginnings of its burrow, until Dib himself looked. The hole was situated right across from the gardens ripe with the blorpberries Dib loved so much. He made the connection instantly. “Oh! Are you hungry?” He grabbed a handful and tossed them through the fence. It was the feeble, clumsy throw of a seven-year-old bookworm, and only two landed within easy reach of the bush. Once they were swept away by a hand or tail almost too fast to see with the naked eye, the pink gaze returned, fixated upon the remaining berries out of its reach. Silence fell once more. Dib trembled with anticipation. Please . . . Please get them . . .
Slowly, inch by cautious inch, the creature began to emerge, and it was all Dib could do not to squeal in delight. He watched in silent awe, marveling at its brilliance. Green skin. Two black antennas. A long, strong tail like that of a monitor lizard; powerful, and deadly. It prowled the forest floor on all floors like it owned the place, snatching up the berries in its claws as it went by. And what claws! Three in total on each limb, and wickedly sharp, like that of an ancient dinosaur long since lost to time; they were the perfect tool and weapon both for a harsh life in the jungle. As it walked and ate it kept its eyes fixed suspiciously on Dib. Soon there were none left but for those still in the bush, and the creature sat in between the fence and the forest, its gaze continuously shifting between longing want at the fruit, to suspicious scrutiny at Dib.
“Hi there!” Dib whispered quietly, but his voice was so thick with excitement that he made the creature flinch backwards. “Oh, sorry!” He apologised, his tone dropping even lower in volume for the startled visitor frozen in place. Silence echoed once more as giant pink eyes remained fixated on Dib like lasers, as if trying to pierce through into his skull and see inside of his mind. As such, Dib focused in on a single thought, just in case the creature could indeed read his mind. I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you. Let's be friends.
The creature blinked, then leaped back into its hole and resumed the frantic dig. Dib sat back with his knees tucked to his chest, watching with fast growing anticipation. Dirt came flying from the hole; launched aside unneeded by the creature's immense tail. Soon, the ground beside him began to crumble inwards, opening up a fully-fledged tunnel from one side of the fence to the next. A pair of black antennas poked out first. They twitched. Twice, then the creature emerged from up the hole and shook the dirt from its body. Bright pink eyes soon found their way onto Dib again and held his gaze with ease. It was like gazing into a galaxy before his very eyes; a whole, wide new world lay within the swirling, starry light, and Dib was utterly captivated.
“Hello,” he smiled. “My name's Dib. What's yours?”
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spaceboibrainrot · 6 months
An unsuspecting vortian and a hostile invasive bug species
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weirdassartist · 18 days
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ART INSPIRED BY @irkenproperty (Sorry if it sends you a notification! I want people to enjoy your amazing art)
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lexezombie · 2 months
Some of the final attacks! Might do 1 or 2 more??
1. Arbuus - justheartattack
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2. Marmalade - DarlingAngelDragon
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3. Bingo, Bongo + Garbage Disposal - imnotafurryiswear & JuicyyyBoxxx
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4. SpikeBack - Style_Creates
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5. Cap, Scout + Pip - @kuriliancharlie
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6. Mech S - DoubleJump
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7. Cocoa + Bacon - @crowworkz
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raccoonzinspace · 3 months
Little Hit of Serotonin:
Sometimes, feral pet Irkens make little noises that almost sound like that of Tribbles.
That sound often means they're wanting to get your attention or are just happy to see you. :3
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justasplatoon3fan · 3 months
Artfight attacks (all watermarked
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shadowbugtidbits · 3 months
A possible idea that I've been sitting on is "The Shadowbug Takeover" or "The Fall of the Empire".
Essentially, the Shadowbugs had enough of how they were treated by the Irken Empire and thus led a revolution. They started by assassinating the Tallest and then eventually destroyed the Control Brains, reverting the Irken species back to their most base instincts.
By some miracle and through the power of friendship, they succeeded in overthrowing the Irkens and assumed control of the entire empire.
The leaders of this new "Shadow Empire" mended relationships with races that were previously enslaved, giving them their rights back. This empire made some new allies, such as Earth. This new empire was non-hostile unless attacked first.
As for the now-feral Irkens, the Shadowbugs opted to domesticate them rather than eradicate them. Their main export to their allies were care supplies for the feral Irkens, as well as those bred to be kept as pets.
They retained the history of Irk in the archives, as well as brought much of their erased history to the forefront. This painted quite a different history of the planet, showing that Irkens and Shadowbugs co-existed peacefully both in their primordial days and under Miyuki's reign.
Since the fall of the Irken Empire, things were a lot different from that point forward.
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buyospudlinarts · 1 year
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Various Nefarious Little guys
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ive been on a bit of an invader zim kick lately, so have some of my ocs!
styx has always been defective.
they managed to hide it just fine, and even managed to get a decent job as a gaurd on the armada.
that was until they were told to 'get rid of' a defective smeet. they couldnt bring themself to do it, so they took the smeet and ran, escaping to a desert planet with no one the wiser.
the pair started a new life, hiding their irken origins. life was difficult, but they survived. no one suspected that the strange, protective alien and their small, friendly pup were irken, and styx was going to keep it that way.
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hermajestytak · 7 months
IZ Episode Idea: "The Primaling"
Zim learns in skool that humans evolved from monkeys and gets the idea to devolve humans back to primitive primapes with a planet-sized wave of energy. He builds a device in the middle of the jungle and sets it off remotely.
The problem is Zim thinks Irkens are so advanced that he's immune. He's wrong and realizes too late that when hit with his devolution ray, Irken bodies devolve into long tailed, disgusting, insectoid lizards with feral lizard-brains.
So it ends up being a race between Dib and Zim to the center of the giant ass jungle as they get progressively more feral.
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irkenproperty · 5 months
Has feral Zim slap Dib with his tail before?
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Obviously. Mostly during minor arguments / disagreements.
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spaceboibrainrot · 7 months
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Will your story have the headcanon irkens have the go into heat? Or nah. I always enjoy that headcanon.
No, but Zim's sexual awakening might as well be just as intense as going into heat lol. The dude gets real feral for his Dib, and they're about to have two uninterrupted weeks of space travel together in a tiny ship, so... I'm sure you can see where this is going
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starscatteredsky · 14 days
is it ok to ask for an inbox check?/nf
inbox check!
its pretty long right now, but we're doing our best! its a little overwhelming but we're to help the kin masses! /silly
queued and ready to post! (in order of when they'll be posted, subject to slight changes as drafts are slotted into their places)
Tips for a burmese mountain dog
Stimboard/tips for TFP/TFA starscream
Tips for a ferret
Tips for Dave brubot/major player
Tips for dating colin the computer
Tips for pickles the drummer (metalocalypse)
Tips for P.AI.NTER
Tips for an australian shepard 
Tips and fashion kit for maned wolf
Tips for an arctic fox
Tips for a fallen angel
Fashion for snow leopards
Tips for highland cows and blacknose sheep
Tips for an alien
Tips for a minecraft phantom
Tips for a kestrel
Tips for feral dogs
Neos for cryptids
Selfcare tips for an omnitherian
Tips for Madcom Grunt kin + Sebastian Solace kin
Pastel pink robot moodboard
Moodboard for Shidaraki
Playlist for the Tenth Doctor
Fashion kit for a fallen angel and space
Pronouns and activities for a barnowl
Tips for draculara
Tips for paldean woopers
Tips for tsunami (wof)
Fashion for a weather angel
Neos and fashion for N (murder drones)
Tips for an eldritch horror
Tips and fashion for a robotic wolf
Tips for dwebble and crustle
Tips for bowerbirds
Wips/drafts/in progress/complete but not queued (in no particular order)!
Tips and playlist for a warden
Tips for bill cypher
Tips and fashion for a great horned owl
Fashion for an african wild dog
Fashion for an orange persian cat
Denboard and fashionboard for a vancouver island coastal wolf
Black cat and shark tips
Tips for eevee
Punk fashion kit and tips for a pine marten
Tips  and den inspo for a wood mouse
Tips for a black cat
Moodboard and tips for shadow demon
Tips and fashion for fern the human (adventuretime)
Fashion and home decor for the old web
Fashionboard for an angel
Sweater fashion kit
Tips and fashion for lilac (Orin Ayo)
70s/80s fashion for an incubus
Home inspo for yeerks
Tips fashion and recipes for a zim
Tips for a raccoon
Tips for the untitled goose
Tips for a dragon and shark
Tips for questioning fictionkin
tips /fashion for a sheep
Tips for cerberus
Tips and fashion for a shapeshifter
Tips for a wallace hawk eagle
Tips for an aussie shepard
Tips for an albino leopard
Tips for frost
Tips for sunbears
Tips for a robot/eldritch being
Tips for a tv
Tips for a questioning voidkin
Tips for scp-049
Tips for ermac
tips for a corvid
Fashion for a fox
tips for a nightfury
Tips for ball jointed dolls
Fashion for cerberus
Fashion for a burmese mountain dog
Tips and neos for quetzalcoatlus
tips and fashion for shadow the hedgehog
Tips for jasper
Tips for space divines
Tips for c!tubbo without explosions
Tips for a tiger with connection to space
Tips for buckets
tips/gear for a neanderthal 
Tips for a disabled vampire
Tips for poodles/chinese crested dogs
tips for a border collie
Darkcore fashion for a feral black german shepherd 
Tips for sparrows
Tips for lions
tips for an angel
Tips for a dog/fae and mimic
Fashion for a satyr
Fashionboard for oscar pine
Tips for zekrom
Dysphoria relieving tips for a general nonhuman
Tips for crows and cockatoos
inbox/not started (in no particular order)!!
Tips for a space-man (KISS)
Tips for an albino american cockroach
Tips for mark heathcliff (mandela catalouge)
Tips for connecting to mermaid kintype away from the sea
Tips for scarlet (pearlecentmoon) and nihachu (genloss)
Tips for aven (worldless)
Tips for flippy (htf)
Tips for persecutor unicorns
Tips for micheal afton
Tips for C1tubbo
Tips for dib membrane (invader zim)
Tips fpr a nextbot
Tips for a centipede
Tips for ronja (robbers daughter)
Tips for deimos from madness combat
Tips for barney calhoun from half life 2
Thin man vibes
Tips for fan (inanimate insanity)
Tips for tardis
Tips for jordie holmes
Tips for jane doe
Tips for connecting to feeling catlike
Tips for an aibo
Carekit for a god/void
Tips for zim/an irken
Tips for an EPCOT placekin
Denboard for a ferret
Recommendations for servius
Tips for raven from the raven poem
Tips for dave miller
Fashion for a coastal wolf
tips/fashion for the companion bots from stray
Tips for raoul
Grounding tips for fnaf sourced alters
Tips for v1 (ultrakill)
tips/denboard for a gryphon
Carekit for an alien
Carekit for venus (solarballs)
Tips for a halforc/elf humankin
tips for zelda
tips for a purple blooded troll
tips for princess
tips for guiding lights
fashion board for cold
tips for glimmer
fashion for a scene cougar
tips for qsmp philza
tips and outfit ideas for c!technoblade
names and tips for a femme scott summers
fem fashion for a crow
tips for kyouka izumi
selfcare for a hobbit and room cleaning tips for a hobbit/vampire
vibes for a hobbit and vampire, moodboard for a hobbit and vampire
names for a hobbit and recipes for a hobbit
questions for connecting to hobbit kintype
fashion for the heart 
goth and alt fashion for an enderman
tips for an evil ocean deity
types of requests
vampire and gothic fashion for scourge
colourful fashion for a moth 
tips for a cheagle 
tips for connecting to clownpierce
neos and xenos for even hansen
fashion for red heeler dog (REDO)
stimboard and masc fashion for a saarloos wolfdog 
fashion for a coyote
fashion and moodboard for a harpy
tips for huldra
tips for hell hounds, ghosts, and cyn
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raccoonzinspace · 2 months
Feral Irken Care Tip #1:
Never, and I mean NEVER feed peppers or spicy foods of any kind to your domesticated Irken. The chemical that makes these things spicy (capsaicin) is very dangerous for them.
It can cause your Irken to be seriously injured in low amounts and it can even kill them in high amounts. Even smelling it can irritate their nasal cavity and antennas.
So, it's best to avoid feeding your domesticated Irken anything with capsaicin and keeping spices away from them altogether.
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asexual-spongebob · 4 months
you've been suddenly making some mermaid/siren stories lately, and I needs ask;
What got you into the mermaid/siren thing?
Sorry about how lengthy this answer is lmao- and also kinda a dive into my creative process lmao.
I’ve always had a soft spot for merfolk and siren’s ever since I was a kid, I’ve always found them fascinating. Not to mention I’ve always had a love for marine biology and the ocean (blame octonauts) so the fact they were underwater creatures made me love them even more.
when I got into fanfiction was I was a tween I always adored merfolk and siren au’s, I’d eat them up every time. I loved reading merfolk AU fics.
When I started watching H2O, a show I never saw as a kid but I know i would’ve loved, I just became obsessed with merfolk and sirens all over again.
So, when I got into Octonauts, I wondered if there was any mermaid/merfolk AU’s, and then I stumbled across my friend @/c-midori ‘s Reclaimed By Nature fic, and wondered “Huh. What if I made a Octonauts x H2O: Just Add Water AU?” So I did, and that’s how TWTLTS was born.
When I first started getting into IZ, I wondered if there were any merfolk and or siren AU’s and I found just what I was looking for. I then read this really good fic called Look Out On The Day Of Another Dream by PsychoLimbo on AO3, it was one of the first ZaDr fics I ever read it still holds a special place in my heart. It was an AU where Zim was a siren and Dib was a selkie. I loved it so much.
So, I went to go find more merfolk iz fics, and I loved them so much. But I noticed there wasn’t a whole lot of merm or siren Dib fics and I was like “huh. maybe I should make my own siren Dib fic?” So I did. I decided to also include Gaz because I had never seen a siren!gaz! fic before and I thought it could be interesting.
And I thought it’d also be funny considering Irken’s are allergic to water, and Dib and Gaz are sirens, aka creatures who live in water. So I began to think of ideas, one of the first was Zim and Tak being dock workers of some sort and Dib and Gaz being sirens who lurk around said dock. But, I decided to scrap this idea because I had an AU similar to it for Octonauts. (Which I still haven’t shared here lmao-) So I decided to think of something different.
Aka the plot of WotS we have today.
I asked myself, “How would Dib and Gaz become sirens?” And my brain went, Chemical Spill. So, I decided that the chemical spill would turn them into sirens when they were in salt water.
I choose salt water specifically because I didn’t want it to be to much like TWTLTS (which works the same way as H2O).
I decided that them being sirens may make them a bit more… feral. (Which is why Dib is described as eating aggressively raw fish in the first chapter and later on) As, I always saw sirens as more feral then the typical mermaid, I also thought that they’d look a bit more scaly looking. (Hence why I always draw Dib and Gaz with scaly, webbed hands.)
I took some inspiration from the clips of Freeform’s Siren had seen on the internet as well.
And that’s how Wail of the Siren was born. Sorry about how long this answer was, I just love answering asks like this.
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