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Sukuna says Gojo over exerted himself when recovering his burnt out CT with RCT. Because it essentially means destroying the part of the brain where CT is engraved and recovering it with RCT. Which is a very risky thing to do.
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Sorcerers deduce that Gojo did that process of destroying his brain and healing it at least 5 times now. But Sukuna is okay since he did it less times than Gojo. Sukuna then asks “you’re reaching your limit right?”
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Sukuna says this time he will close his domain with a barrier so that Gojo can’t escape. All he has to do his cut Gojo and adapt to void.
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Gojo’s nose is still bleeding and he falls to his knees when Sukuna starts to say “See ya, ‘Strongest’. A guy that was born when I didn’t exist. An ordinary guy.”
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Sukuna tries to open his domain and Malevolent Shrine gets IMMEDIATELY destroyed.
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SUKUNA STARTS TO BLEED TOO!!! Even though the time Sukuna took Unlimited Void’s effects were less than 10 seconds, his brain still took damage.
Wait… where’s all the shit talking now Sukuna? Lmaoooo 😂
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Narrator explains that just like Gojo, Sukuna’s brain took damage too and now he can’t expand his domain. Gojo laughs at Sukuna.
What goes around comes around lmao
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Gojo points at Mei Mei’s crows and says “My students are watching me. I’m still gonna look cool.”
Throwback to when he first met Sukuna and was like “my student’s watching so I’m gonna show off a bit.” Come on now 👏🏼 I’m here for it.
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Gojo pulls Sukuna towards him and lands a heavy punch to his face!! Narrator recalls Yorozu’s lines to Sukuna “I have more to teach you about love and ultimate strength and the solitude it brings.”
Editor’s Comment: “Both aren’t stepping back. The battle of the strongest is going to round 2!!”
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gazpachoandbooks · 5 months
Currently imagining Arthur + Gwen + the knights asking someone (maybe druids?) who this famous "Emrys" is and they proceed to do a version of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" while Arthur, Gwen and the knights grow increasingly more distressed with each line and Merlin hyperventilates in the background
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baldguy-fight · 2 years
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Ghost Fight vs Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans
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fave-fight · 1 year
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You, the Voter:
“I don't know you, what do you think?”
Miss Piggy:
“She has kicked every ass she's ever fought with a karate chop. She can literally bend steel bars. She would fight and she would WIN.”
“She can kick ass, honestly - and look good while doing it. ”
“She is the queen of everything!!!!”
“She's a girlboss”
“shes the realest person here in my heart. realer than ted cruz”
“She'd rip them to pieces lmao”
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thing-fight · 1 year
Round 2
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teamthunderdome · 3 months
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(Please reblog for a larger sample size, or to spread your team's propaganda)
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Group D, Round 2, Poll 5:
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Propaganda under the cut
Miss Piggy
She is the queen of Girlbossing. She lies to get what she wants, and keeps out any she thinks isn't worthy of what she has to offer. She is perhaps the original Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss.
Darth Revan
Savior. Hero. Conqueror. Villain. They managed to steal half of the republics fleet. Make their own empire. Get kidnapped and brainwashed to forget their identity, and still manage to be the most powerful person in the galaxy.
Gaslight: 1) Rallied many young jedi knights to their cause in Mandalorian Wars which made them disregard council's worries that there are something even more sinister on the horizon. They all save for an Exile either died or fall to the dark side. 2) Gaslighted ancient tribal amphibians to let them pass in the temple to destroy Star Forge while actually planning to use it themselves. 3) Jedi mind trick. Just jedi mind trick. 4) Laughed so hard at his personal killer robot describing his best friend with "meatbag" (and Malak being greatly upset by it) that decided to programm said assassin droid to refer to all organics as "meatbag". Gatekeep: 1) Closer to the end of Mandalorian Wars become much more pragmatic and ruthless locating those Republic (allied!) forces and jedi who weren't loyal to him enough near an orbit of Malachor so when Mass Shadow Generator was activated it wiped both Mandalorian and Republic ships simultaneously leaving Revan's fleet mostly unscathed and other too destroyed/suffering heavy losses. Well not so much for wiped more like crashed on the surface of planet destroying it with it's inhabitants too. 2) Didn't tell anyone about Star Maps and Star Forge (except for best friend Malak with whom they discovered it) - almost omnipotent shipyard capable of creating countless ships/droids/whatever needed for war effort. Girlboss: 1) The ultimate reason Republic didn't fall to Mandalorian neocrusaders. 2) Survived (albeit with Bastila's help) a heavy cannon strike on the flagship's bridge. 3) Were cool even with total amnesia, then remembered who they were and depending on player killed their ex-apprentice and reclaimed the mantle of the dark lord or stopped the maniacal tyrant of ex-bestfriend and became the Prodigal Knight.
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months
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This little interaction made me so happy! Killer really fought through Dream to give Cross his necklace back
Asjlkhdkgkd I'm so glad you liked it!! I had fun putting a little story into that one ^^
And, because I am normal and don't think about these guys for hours every day, here's some backstory:
When Cross first joined, Killer actually took to him pretty quickly (Dust and Horror did not get warm welcomes). Which is to say he immediately started flocking to Cross to annoy him and compete with him on missions. Cross didn't have the benefit of knowing Killer already to see these were affectionate annoyances, so to him Killer was just some guy who had a problem and wouldn't leave him alone.
During that mission, Nightmare was calling a retreat when he put a hand to his chest and realised the heart locket was gone. Killer saw him looking all around frantically and had a good idea what was lost, since it was the one thing Cross would absolutely not part with since he joined. So, Killer ran back out towards the stars to look for it, because why learn self preservation now. It was the first thing to convince Cross that Killer actually was being (relatively) friendly, despite all the annoyances.
And also, a doodle of the afterwards of that picture
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because it's probably the only time he's managed to get Killer to shut up lol
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 8 months
If I had a nickel for every time atsushi and akutagawa had some kind of fight and development on a ship or near the sea, I’d have at least 4 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened that many times
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slydiddledeedee · 1 year
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they are so funny. to me.
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hollow-knight-fights · 8 months
Hollow Knight Charm Fight: Round 2
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Round 2 poll 2
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Bdubs (Hermitcraft / life series)
I'm not even mad that Glares didn't win the mob vote because BDubs is basically just a Glare in human form.
#but bdubs is 100% more creature coded#it’s because he leans into it#Jon is obsessed with staying human#while bdubs said ‘people call me a weird little thing so I made my eyes bigger and grew moss all over’#and I love that for him
Taylor Hebert (Worm (webserial by Wildbow))
Human girl who has superpowers that let her control bugs. She shunts all emotions off into her swarm of bugs, leaving her totally blank and stoic. She outsources sensory-input to her bugs, so she never looks or reacts to anything. In a fight, she reacts to opponents there is no possible way she could see, because she sensed them with her bugs. Overall has virtually no facial tells and moves in a way that makes her seem like she isn't a person. very creature <3 she is just a bug girl
shes such a FREAK. shes completely human (tho with an eldritch alien creature extradimensionally attached to her mind) but God does she not act like it sometimes. she has the superpower to control bugs and uses it to become the worlds most terrifying hero slash villain slash warlord slash apocalyptic threat. she has her bugs crawling all over her all the time. she uses a swarm of flies to scout out areas and then leaves flies in everybodys hair so she can keep track of where they are. she practiced having her bugs make noises until she figured out how to combine their noises into human speech so now she can talk through her swarm. she makes decoys of herself out of large pillars of bugs. once she was concussed and in the hospital and subconsciously calling her bugs to her so she was just covered in insects while the doctor tried to help her. then there was ANOTHER time she was hospitalized and got bored so she made a bunch of bugs so a little dance on her chest. whenever she's in costume and talking she has her bugs make noises to distort her voice and make her sound more scary and she doesnt even realize shes doing it anymore. she surrounds herself in a swarm to disorient her enemies. she doesn't even notice when her hair covers her eyes or anything like that because shes scouting out the area using her bugs so she doesnt have to see. she once used a tide of bugs to clean herself off and dust off her dress after having sex.
#she views herself as more of a swarm of bugs with a girl-shaped computer to control them than a girl herself#her body is just an extension of her bugs which is large and inconvenient but ultimately part of the weapon
#taylor “dissociates into bugs” hebert#taylor “keeps bugs in her hair” hebert#taylor “choke them with bugs” hebert#taylor “no one could ever love me” hebert#taylor “violence is always the answer” hebert
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baldguy-fight · 2 years
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boonalina · 6 months
(Follow me to stay updated on the sexy non-binary tournament. It's free, and you can easily unfollow once it's over :)
Sexy Nonbinary/Genderfluid Poll FINAL FIGHT
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(As some may know, my desktop computer stopped working and so I can't update the poll photos anymore. So I apologize but for now, there is no photo of the whole tournament.)
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fave-fight · 1 year
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Perry the Platypus/Agent P:
“I can't submit Dr. Doofenshmirtz without also submitting his nemesis! Perry is just a platypus but he regularly beats up a full-grown man with nothing more than his little platypus fists. He's also a master of disguise as even when Dr. Doof sees him without his signature fedora, he has no idea its really Perry.”
“He always has the element of surprise”
“He's a semi aquatic Egg laying mammal of action (Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah) (Doo-bee-doo-bee-do-bah) He's a furry little flatfoot Who never flinched From a fra-ee-ay-ee-ay (Fray) He's got more than just mad skill He's got a beaver tail and bill And the women swoon Whenever they hear him say (Perry's sound) He's Perry, Perry the platypus (You can call him Agent P) Perry (I said you can call him Agent P) Agent P Agent P Agent P”
Reigen Arataka:
“he has so many silly anime special moves like . throwing salt”
“Well, he doesn't break the super strength rule, so he'll at least be allowed into the fist fight! That's something! As for why he'll win, he um. Well I'm not sure honestly, but I'm sure he'll do it somehow. Maybe he'll find a way to sneak some table salt into the match so that he can perform his special technique, the Banishing Salt Punch. Though, if he doesn't cheat, he'll be left with a plain ol punch. The special technique didn't so much damage, but that was on a ghost, and I'm not sure if there will be any ghosts here, and his punch has proved somewhat effective in the series. Maybe he'll somehow get the participants of this poll in a con or something. Maybe the charm that got him the title of the #2 Tumblr Sexyman and made him sweep so many polls will be enough for him to win. Maybe his patheticness will loop around and make him win somehow. He has options”
“Reigen is an "exorcist" who pretends to have psychic powers, but mostly gets his psychic employee(s) to do the exorcisms for him. His primary techniques include throwing salt at his problems, running away, and punching. My favorite technique of his is Self Defense Rush which is where he punches a terrifying psychic but yells "SELF DEFENSE!" in hopes of preventing legal trouble.”
“Remember that one time he dropkicked a psychic? that was fun”
“He’s such a loser he’d lose at anything”
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