julianyarac · 4 days
Nuevas herramientas de prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino
Hemos progresado mucho en el entendimiento de ésta enfermedad, desde hace décadas se sabe que cada cáncer de cuello uterino diagnosticado es expresión de que el sistema sanitario, ha fallado en alcanzar a ésa paciente durante las décadas que tardó en desarrollarse. Se trata de una enfermedad que afecta hoy por hoy a las mujeres que por algún motivo se encuentran excluidas del sistema…
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pathologylab · 8 months
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#G2M's Rapi-Q is a CE-IVD approved, automated Point-of-Care (POC) RT-#PCR system based on 4 channel fluorescence chemistry for target detection in 1 to 8 samples. It is small, light weight and an easy to carry system which is ideal for identifying Tuberculosis, #HPV, 3Hdtect (HIV, HCV & HBV), Tropical Fever, STIs, and respiratory #diseases.
Visit our #website for more information. https://www.genes2me.com/rapi-q-rapid-poc-rt-pcr-testing-solution/rapid-point-of-care-real-time-pcr-testing-device
For more details, Call us at +91-8800821778 or drop us an email at [email protected]
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NP plays a central role in viral replication [18]. As a structural protein with no intrinsic enzymatic activity [19], it is the most abundant viral protein in infected cells.
In an influenza infection, nucleoprotein is the first viral protein to replicate, so the infected cell quickly presents the nucleoprotein antigens, provoking a strong early immune response, they explained.
"Another aspect worth pointing out is that protection against currently circulating influenza viruses has been reached even with a very old variant of the nucleoprotein protein," they continued.
"The OVX836 vaccine is based on the full-length nucleoprotein of the influenza A virus A/WSN/1933 (H1N1), and, despite the fact that this antigen is highly conserved and has been through over 90 years of evolution, this protein has undergone some changes...
Of the 11 RSV-encoded proteins, N is one of the most conserved structural proteins and is essential for virus encapsidation by coating the entire viral RNA genome to form the ribonucleoprotein (RNP).
These data suggest that the antigenic repertoire of T cells in IS subjects is skewed compared to HSV-2+ subjects and that IS subjects had more frequent T cells responses to IE proteins and infrequent T cell responses to virion components.
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The preponderance of T cell responses directed at IE proteins in IS subjects suggests that IS subjects have been exposed to replicating virus since IE proteins are the first proteins made during the virus infectious life cycle and are not present in infectious virions. T cells directed at IE proteins would be engaged early in the infectious life cycle and may be able to kill the virally-infected cell before the production of infectious progeny and thus advantageous to the host. If some of the IS subjects are infected with HSV-2 in the absence of seroconversion, the presence of T cells directed at IE proteins at the neural-epidermal junction would provide the quickest defense against the virus spreading to the periphery and may explain why we did not detect any HSV DNA at mucosal sites in IS subjects (4).
The HPV genome contains an early expressed region containing the ORF (Open reading frames) of E1 to E7 genes which are necessary for viral replication and transcriptional regulation6. The E6, E7 and E5 proteins are able to interact with many cell targets, promoting cellular transformation7,8. The E1 protein is encoded within the early expressed region and it is localized in nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. This protein is highly conserved among different HPV types and is the unique HPV protein with enzymatic activity.
The initiation of the HPV infection is from the basal layer of the squamous epithelium. The viral replication process and transcription of other E proteins are regulated by E1 and E2 proteins...
E1 protein has been reported highly conserved among the types of HPV and commonly decoded during the early expression of HPV infection...
E1 and E2 proteins play crucial role in the initiation and regulation of HPV replication as illustrated in Fig. 1. Initially, E2 proteins bind to their binding sites (E2BS11 and E2BS12) at the origin of replication, which recruits a pair of E1 proteins to form a complex.
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healthcare2025 · 4 months
From Prevention to Protection: Harnessing the Power of Vaccination
Vaccination has long been a cornerstone of public health, acting as a powerful tool in the fight against infectious diseases. From smallpox eradication to controlling the spread of measles and the recent battle against COVID-19, vaccines have proven to be indispensable in protecting global health. This blog explores the transformative impact of vaccination, highlighting its journey from a preventive measure to a robust shield against diseases.
The Historical Journey of Vaccination
The Birth of Vaccination
The concept of vaccination dates back to the late 18th century when Edward Jenner, an English physician, observed that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox did not get smallpox. In 1796, Jenner tested his theory by inoculating a young boy with material from cowpox lesions and subsequently exposing him to smallpox. The boy did not develop smallpox, marking the birth of vaccination.
Eradication of Smallpox
The success of Jenner's smallpox vaccine paved the way for global immunization efforts. The World Health Organization (WHO) launched an intensive smallpox eradication campaign in 1967. Through widespread vaccination and rigorous surveillance, smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980, making it the first disease to be eliminated by human efforts.
The Mechanism of Vaccines
Vaccines work by mimicking the infectious agent, stimulating the body's immune system to recognize and combat the pathogen without causing the disease. There are several types of vaccines, including:
Inactivated Vaccines: Contain killed pathogens (e.g., polio vaccine).
Live Attenuated Vaccines: Contain weakened pathogens (e.g., measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine).
Subunit, Recombinant, or Conjugate Vaccines: Contain pieces of the pathogen (e.g., HPV vaccine).
mRNA Vaccines: Use messenger RNA to instruct cells to produce a protein that triggers an immune response (e.g., Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines).
The Role of Vaccination in Public Health
Disease Prevention
Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent infectious diseases. It not only protects vaccinated individuals but also contributes to herd immunity, reducing the spread of diseases within communities. Vaccines have led to significant declines in diseases like measles, polio, and diphtheria, saving millions of lives annually.
Response to Emerging Threats
The rapid development and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines showcased the critical role of vaccination in responding to emerging health threats. The unprecedented global collaboration among scientists, governments, and pharmaceutical companies resulted in the fastest vaccine development in history, underscoring the importance of vaccination in mitigating pandemics.
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Economic Impact
Vaccination has substantial economic benefits. By preventing disease, vaccines reduce healthcare costs, increase productivity, and alleviate the economic burden on families and healthcare systems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), childhood immunizations in the United States save $13.5 billion in direct costs and $68.8 billion in societal costs annually.
Overcoming Challenges in Vaccination
Vaccine Hesitancy
Vaccine hesitancy, fueled by misinformation and mistrust, remains a significant barrier to achieving high vaccination coverage. Public health campaigns focused on education, transparency, and community engagement are crucial in addressing these concerns and building public confidence in vaccines.
Access and Equity
Ensuring equitable access to vaccines is a global challenge. Disparities in vaccine distribution and healthcare infrastructure mean that some populations, particularly in low-income countries, remain vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases. International initiatives like Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, aim to improve access to vaccines in the world's poorest countries, promoting health equity.
Technological Advancements
Advances in vaccine technology, such as mRNA vaccines, offer new possibilities for combating diseases. These innovations can accelerate vaccine development, improve efficacy, and enable rapid responses to emerging pathogens. Continued investment in research and development is essential to harness the full potential of these technologies.
The Future of Vaccination
The future of vaccination lies in personalized vaccines, which tailor immunization to an individual's genetic makeup and health profile, and in the development of universal vaccines that provide broad protection against multiple strains of a pathogen. Additionally, integrating digital health tools for vaccine tracking and monitoring can enhance vaccination programs and improve public health outcomes. Important Information:Conference Name: 15th American Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, And Patient Safety Summit Short Name: # 15AHNPSUCG2025 Dates: May 14-16,2025 Venue: San Francisco, United States & Virtual Email: [email protected] Visit: https://health.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://health.universeconferences.com/call-for-paper/Register here: https://health.universeconferences.com/registration/Call/WhatsApp Us: +442033222718
Vaccination is a powerful tool that has transformed public health, providing a shield of protection against infectious diseases. From its historical roots in smallpox eradication to the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, the impact of vaccination is undeniable. By continuing to address challenges and invest in innovative technologies, we can harness the full power of vaccination, ensuring a healthier and more resilient global population.
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Viral Infection
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Viral infections, caused by small germs known as viruses, are prevalent and diverse. They can range from mild conditions such as the common cold to severe and life-threatening illnesses like Ebola or COVID-19. This comprehensive discussion aims to explore various aspects of viral infections, covering their overview, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, management, prevention, outlook, and living with these infections.
A viral infection occurs when a virus invades the body and utilizes the host’s cells to replicate. Viruses are microscopic pathogens with genetic material (DNA or RNA) encased in a protective protein coat. Unlike bacteria, viruses lack the cellular machinery necessary for self-replication. Instead, they rely on hijacking host cells to reproduce, causing illness in the process.
Understanding Viruses
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Viruses, being smaller than bacteria, are visible only under a microscope. They carry genetic information that acts as instructions for replication. In contrast, human cells are complex factories containing the equipment to execute these instructions, such as building proteins and generating more cells. Viruses lack cells and the necessary machinery, making them obligate intracellular parasites.
Distinguishing Viral and Bacterial Infections
Symptoms of viral and bacterial infections often overlap, including fever, cough, and rashes. To differentiate between them, a healthcare provider’s assessment is crucial. Prolonged or worsening symptoms warrant professional evaluation. Various viruses, including herpes and adenoviruses, can cause diverse illnesses, making precise diagnosis crucial for effective treatment.
Types of Viral Infections
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Viruses can infect different parts of the body, leading to various types of viral infections. Some common categories include respiratory infections (e.g., common cold, influenza, COVID-19), digestive system infections (e.g., norovirus, hepatitis), viral hemorrhagic fevers (e.g., Ebola, dengue), sexually transmitted infections (e.g., HIV, HPV), exanthemata's infections causing rashes (e.g., chickenpox, measles), neurological infections (e.g., West Nile virus, rabies), and congenital infections transmitted from mother to fetus (e.g., cytomegalovirus, Zika virus).
Risk Factors for Viral Infections
While everyone is susceptible to viral infections, certain factors increase the risk of severe illness. Infants, the elderly, individuals with specific health conditions (diabetes, asthma, COPD), those with weakened immune systems (HIV/AIDS, cancer patients), and pregnant individuals face elevated risks.
Symptoms and Causes
Symptoms of Viral Infections
The symptoms of viral infections vary based on the affected body part but commonly include flu-like symptoms such as fever, body aches, and fatigue. Respiratory infections manifest with sore throat, cough, and sneezing, while digestive system infections cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Skin conditions like rashes, sores, and warts are also prevalent.
Causes of Viral Infections
Various viruses cause infections in humans, entering the body through the nose, mouth, eyes, anus, genitals, or breaks in the skin. Transmission occurs through direct contact, respiratory droplets, contaminated surfaces, sexual contact, animal bites, or ingestion of contaminated food or water.
Contagious Nature
Almost all viral infections are contagious, relying on human-to-human transmission for survival. The need for living hosts to reproduce drives the contagious nature of viruses.
Diagnosis and Tests
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Diagnosing Viral Infections
Healthcare providers can diagnose viral infections by assessing symptoms and conducting examinations. Specific viral identification often involves swabbing the nose or throat or obtaining blood samples. In cases of severe inflammation, imaging techniques like X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans may be employed to understand the infection’s impact on internal organs.
Tests for Viral Infections
Laboratory tests on body fluids or tissues, including blood, saliva, sputum, nasal swabs, skin samples, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, stool, and cervical cells (Pap smear), help identify viral DNA/RNA, antibodies, or antigens, aiding in the confirmation of viral infections.
Management and Treatment
Treatment Approaches
While specific antiviral medications are available for some viral infections (e.g., flu, COVID-19, HIV), many viral illnesses, particularly those causing mild symptoms, can be managed at home. Over-the-counter medications, rest, and proper hydration are commonly recommended.
Antiviral Medications
Antiviral medications impede virus replication and are crucial for managing chronic infections or shortening the duration of respiratory illnesses. Specific antivirals exist for influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B and C, HIV, and certain other viral infections.
Convalescent Plasma and Prophylaxis
In severe cases, convalescent plasma, derived from recovered individuals, is used to introduce antibodies and aid in fighting the infection. Post-exposure prophylaxis, involving antiviral medications and immunoglobulin treatment, can prevent the onset of life-threatening viral infections if administered before symptoms appear.
Limitations of Antibiotics
Antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections and are only prescribed for bacterial infections. Their misuse contributes to antibiotic resistance, emphasizing the importance of accurate diagnosis.
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Vaccination is a cornerstone in preventing viral infections. Vaccines are available for numerous viruses, including chickenpox, COVID-19, hepatitis, HPV, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, rotavirus, rabies, and shingles. Seeking advice from healthcare providers helps determine the appropriate vaccinations based on individual risk factors.
Hygiene Practices
Frequent handwashing, especially during cold and flu seasons, is vital in preventing viral spread. Safe food practices, including proper storage and preparation, contribute to avoiding foodborne viruses. Consistent condom or dental dam use during sexual activity reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
Vector-Borne Viruses
Protecting against vector-borne viruses involves using protective clothing, insect repellents, and mosquito nets. Avoiding contact with wild or aggressive animals and supervising pets outdoors reduces the risk of rabies.
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
In cases of potential exposure to life-threatening viruses like HIV, rabies, hepatitis B, or chickenpox, immediate post-exposure prophylaxis can prevent illness. Seeking prompt medical attention after exposure is crucial for effective prevention.
Expectations with Viral Infections
The prognosis of viral infections varies, ranging from self-limiting conditions like the common cold to severe and chronic illnesses. Managing less serious infections at home is often possible, while other infections may lead to life-threatening or long-lasting consequences.
Duration of Viral Infections
The duration of viral infections varies widely. Respiratory infections typically last a few days to two weeks, while chronic infections like hepatitis B and C can persist for years. HIV infections are lifelong, requiring ongoing management.
Viral infections can lead to complications, both immediate and delayed. Severe respiratory illnesses may result in pneumonia, requiring hospitalization. Inflammation in the brain or its lining (encephalitis or meningitis), severe bleeding, reactivation of dormant viruses, and the development of cancer are potential complications associated with viral infections.
Living With Viral Infections
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When to Seek Medical Attention
Individuals experiencing viral infection symptoms that persist or worsen after several days should consult a healthcare provider. High-risk individuals with flu or COVID-19 symptoms may benefit from antiviral medications. Immediate medical attention is necessary for those exposed to HIV, rabies, hepatitis B, or chickenpox.
Emergency Situations
Signs of serious infection, such as high fever, difficulty breathing, chest pain, coughing up blood, severe abdominal pain, or mental changes, require immediate medical attention.
Questions for Healthcare Providers
Patients diagnosed with viral infections should inquire about preventing transmission, proper medication usage, expected recovery timelines, symptom management at home, and follow-up appointments.
In conclusion, understanding viral infections is crucial for effective prevention, management, and timely medical intervention. With a focus on vaccination, hygiene practices, and post-exposure prophylaxis, individuals can minimize the risk of contracting and spreading viral infections. While many viral illnesses are self-limiting, recognizing symptoms and seeking appropriate medical care is vital to prevent complications and ensure a healthier outcome. Embracing a proactive approach to viral infection prevention contributes to individual and public health.
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factmrps · 1 year
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rnomics · 2 years
Viruses, Vol. 14, Pages 2824: Advanced Nanomedicine for High-Risk HPV-Driven Head and Neck #cancer
The incidence of high-risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV)-driven head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is on the rise globally. HR-HPV-driven HNSCC displays molecular and clinical characteristics distinct from HPV-uninvolved cases. Therapeutic strategies for HR-HPV-driven HNSCC are under investigation. HR-HPVs encode the oncogenes E6 and E7, which are essential in tumorigenesis. Meanwhile, involvement of E6 and E7 provides attractive targets for developing new therapeutic regimen. Here we will review some of the recent advancements observed in preclinical studies and clinical trials on HR-HPV-driven HNSCC, focusing on nanotechnology related methods. Materials science innovation leads to great improvement for #cancer therapeutics including HNSCC. This article discusses HPV-E6 or -E7- based vaccines, based on plasmid, messenger #RNA or peptide, at their current stage of development and testing as well as how nanoparticles can be designed to target and access #cancer cells and activate certain immunology pathways besides serving as a delivery vehicle. Nanotechnology was also used for chemotherapy and photothermal treatment. Short interference #RNA targeting E6/E7 showed some potential in animal models. Gene editing by CRISPR-CAS9 combined with other treatments has also been assessed. These advancements have the potential to improve the outcome in HR-HPV-driven HNSCC, however breakthroughs are still to be awaited with nanomedicine playing an important role. https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/14/12/2824?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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espnnews2h · 2 years
Delhi Govt expands free diagnostic services, to cover 450 tests, Health News, ET HealthWorld
Delhi Govt expands free diagnostic services, to cover 450 tests, Health News, ET HealthWorld
New Delhi: Expanding the scope of its diagnostic services for patients visiting state-run hospitals, mohalla clinics and polyclinics, the Delhi government on Tuesday said that from January 1, a total of 450 tests will be provided for free, up from the existing 200-odd. Some of the tests that will be free include Hepatitis B antigen, Hepatitis C virus, HIV, Hepatitis B DNA, Hepatitis C RNA, HPV…
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pathologylab · 9 months
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#G2M's Rapi-Q is a CE-IVD approved, automated Point-of-Care (POC) RT-PCR system based on 4 channel #fluorescence chemistry for target detection in 1 to 8 samples. It is small, light weight and an easy to carry system which is ideal for identifying Tuberculosis, #HPV, 3Hdtect (HIV, HCV & HBV), Tropical Fever, STIs, and respiratory diseases.
#pcr #extraction #nucleicacids #automation #biotech #biotechnology #yearsofexcellence #data #bioindia #dna #rna #analysis #hiv #ivd #hiv #hcv #hbv #diseases #molecularbiology #poc #poct #genes2me #pointofcare
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reportstore · 2 years
Institut Pasteur test to predict cervical cancer in HPV patients
Specialists from Institut Pasteur in France have fostered a two-overlap test to foresee the cervical disease risk in ladies with human papillomavirus (HPV).
HPV is known to be responsible for the vast majority of cervical malignant growths. The virus is linked to convoluted determination and treatment.
The new in-vitro atomic test, named HPV RNA-Seq, is intended to distinguish the sort of HPV infection as well as any precancerous markers of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL).
It depends on multiplexed switch transcription PCR (RT-PCR) and cutting edge sequencing (NGS).
To know more about the key segments in the Human Papilloma Virus market, download a free report sample
Institut Pasteur Science of Infection Unit Microbe Revelation Lab lead investigator Marc Eloit said: "HPV RNA-Seq is an exceptional test that combines the upsides of sub-atomic measures (HPV typing) and cervical cytology (cell phenotyping)."
The scientists tried HPV RNA-Seq in a proof-of-concept review involving tests from 55 ladies, including 28 with poor quality squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) and 27 with precancerous HSIL.
Information showed that the new test identified and determined the kind of HPV infection among a board of 16 high-risk HPVs. The outcomes were supposed to be similar to a commonly utilized HPV DNA sub-atomic indicative pack.
The scientists added that the new test distinguished two additional HPV-positive patients, contrasted with the DNA test, and likewise identified more patients with various HPV infections.
HPV RNA-Seq's responsiveness in detecting the virus was 97.3%, with a negative prescient worth of 93.8%.
The specialists further contrasted the test and a cytology technique for cervical disease emergency. They noticed markers of high-grade cytology and said that the new test demonstrated an ideal profile as an emergency approach.
The positive prescient worth of HPV RNA-Seq contrasted with histology was additionally observed to be in every case more than that of cytology versus histology.
HPV RNA-Seq is supposed to offer speedy outcomes for minimal price and likewise decrease superfluous demonstrative methods like colposcopies.
According to the group, the test may likewise be utilized for other HPV-related diseases like butt-centric malignant growth and head and neck disease.
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sapphic-sex-ed · 3 years
For pap smears, do I need one if I've never had and do not plan to have any sexual activity involving myself, including any of the transmissions described in the post? Is cervical cancer genetic or able to "hibernate"? I tried getting one, but it was such a painful experience, any insertion hurts a lot and I'm ok not putting anything in there if I can.
Okay so basically, the vaccine that help prevent cervical cancer that is mentioned in the mentioned post does so by inoculating you against some strings of HPV virus (though not all) that can cause changes to the cells of the cervix, leading to cancer later. However, there is always a risk of cancer for any organ (except the heart, medlife crisis on YouTube is a cardiologist who has a video on that topic) because every time your cells divide, the DNA has to untwist from the double helix, and then be read and replicated by types of RNA. There is always a risk of a mistake happening in this process, and with every division some DNA at the tips of the chromosome gets eaten off (we have some “waste” DNA there to protect the important bits but that does get used up and then the actually important codes get destroyed) which means that in time, genes that code for apoptosis (cell death) and limiting mitosis (cell division) can be damaged leading to cells dividing uncontrollably and not dying aka cancer. This is why the risk of cancer gets greater with age and cervical cancer is the same.
Pap smears, like mammography, are screenings for the early signs of cancer to increase chance of survival.
So while if you have taken the HPV vaccine (you should) and don’t have any sex that is mentioned in the post, your risk of cancer is lowered, it’s not eliminated.
It‘s awful that you’ve experienced pain when doing smears before, and I‘m not the boss of you, I do recommend doing smears, though maybe just later in life. I also want to add that pain during sex or any penetration is a very common issue that people of all genital configurations experience. If possible, find a sexologist, ob-gyn, or even regular GP and discuss the issue — there are treatments!
-mod liz
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danicachamberlain · 2 years
CRISPR and Cancer Treatment
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in today’s society, responsible for one in seven deaths, with painful and long treatment plans. In worst-case scenarios, the patient can have cancer that resists radiation and chemotherapy, or the cancer is too far along that surgery is out of the option. The new and exciting CRISPR technology can bring light into this field. With the use of gene editing, doctors can possibly treat and cure cancers by finding the part of the human gene that causes different types of cancers, and then using CRISPR-Cas9 to edit this faulty gene. This CRISPR technology is currently being studied towards using it to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer. The most critical factors being looked into are correcting the genome of the cells, making them cancerous, and suppressing the expression of specific proteins.
As previously mentioned, CRISPR-Cas9 is an easy and versatile way for targeted genome editing. A few changes were made so it can be used within human cells to edit DNA. The system is guided by the single-guide RNA (sgRNA) to target specific regions of a genome for editing, the Cas9 protein will cut the DNA in this specific region, and the crRNA will be complementary to the section of DNA of interest. Once the break is made, the DNA will either be degraded or can be repaired and edited.
Applying this technology to treat cancer can get tricky because there are many different types of cancers that affect different tissues and systems in our body. This requires making the CRISPR-Cas9 system to be specific so it doesn’t target and edit undesired genes. In order to find a way to treat some cancers, scientists have to look at specific types and access how CRISPR can be utilized to treat them. Two of them are spoken about below, but there is more research on other kinds of cancers with new advancements occurring frequently.
One of the kinds of cancers CRISPR is being used with is prostate cancer. A significant cause of death in the male population is prostate cancer. Over the years of research, scientists have begun to understand the signalling pathways, single base-pair variants, non-coding RNA and many more that are associated with prostate cancer. A certain study that is using the technology of CRISPR-Cas9 towards treating cancer is looking at disrupting the androgen receptor (AR). Androgen stimulates prostate cancer to grow, so it is only logical to halt the production of androgen by disrupting the AR. By using the CRISPR-Cas9 system to edit the AR gene, scientists can disrupt and completely block the production of androgen which will, in turn, suppress the growth of androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells.
Another type of cancer that is specific to women is cervical cancer. It has been discovered that the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has an association with cervical cancer. The mutations within the HPV that cause the cancer are the E7 and E6 genes. These two genes will affect the Rb and p53 proteins that play a role in cell cycle arrest. The Rb and p53 proteins function as checkpoints within the cell cycle to ensure the cell is in good shape to continue along the cell cycle and replicate. If there is something wrong with the cell, like a mutation, these proteins will stop the cell cycle so the cell can’t replicate its faulty genes. The E6 genes will function by facilitating the degradation of the p53 protein, thus overcoming this checkpoint. The E7 gene can also overcome the checkpoint by binding and inhibiting the Rb protein (Figure 1). Researchers looked into using the CRISPR-Cas9 system to edit the E7 and E6 genes in order to halt their negative effects on the cell cycle. Some researchers edited the genes of E7 and E6 using CRISPR-Cas9 and found a decline in cancerous cells in mice. This leads to many more possibilities for future research to progress and hopefully result in human trials.
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Figure 1. A diagram representing the effects E6 and E7 genes have on the cell cycle. They will both result in the cells overcoming the checkpoints. This can result in cancer cells that keep replicating and never die, resulting in an overabundance of cells causing tumours.
Overall, the CRISPR-Cas9 system has been used to edit and disrupt genes of human cells in an effort to reveal their functions and hopefully identify targets for tumour types. The main challenge it faces is specificity, which can possibly lead to dysfunction of key genes, translocation in chromosomes, and activation of a gene that has the potential to cause cancer. Despite these challenges, there are still exciting developments with gene editing through the use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, leading to a hopeful future for cancer research.
Click on the links below for more information: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10528-022-10193-9#Sec1
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chaoskirin · 4 years
The CoViD Vaccine
I first posted this to facebook because of the high number of anti-vaxxers on the media. But I figured I’d post it here, too. This is a quick study of why the CoViD-19 vaccine was developed so quickly and why it’s likely safe. Sources at the bottom of the post.
Part 1: Why was the CoViD vaccine developed so quickly while other vaccines take years?
Some people cite the inability to produce an HIV/AIDS vaccine after so long as a justification for stating that the CoViD vaccine could not possibly be developed in such a short time. However, there's a very good reason with the HIV/AIDS vaccine is taking so long, and it's found in the genetic makeup of the virus.
HIV is a strange virus, in that it completes its cycle insanely fast (within 24 hours in some cases) and because of this, it's prone to mutations. Because little to nothing was done about the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, the virus was allowed to spread, unchecked, rapidly mutating and developing into HUNDREDS of strains.
You know how we have to get a new flu shot every year because the virus has mutated into something new? That's HIV, but instead of a new strain appearing once a year, a new strain can appear in the course of one single viral generation. When HIV is transmitted to someone else, it may already be a slightly different virus than it was in the transmitter. This means that a vaccine developed to work in the person who transmitted the virus would not work for the newly-infected person.
That's why, at this point in time, antiretrovirals (drugs that disrupt the replication of the virus by preventing it from attaching to RNA) actually work better than a vaccine.
As well, HIV/AIDS specifically attacks the immune system, hampering any efforts at strong immune response. That is, by the time a vaccinated immune system recognizes the virus as a threat, it has already destroyed part of the immune system AND mutated itself, meaning the even a vaccine that would otherwise work can no longer be effective. This is a known phenomenon called "immune exhaustion."
Lastly, HIV is really good at hiding from detection as a dormant phase of the viral particles (called provirus) can remain within cells for years before lysing from/destroying the cells they're inside. And HIV creates these provirus particles every single cycle, which means even if a vaccine is developed and destroys all free-floating viral particles, the dormant particles will always be around to start a new phase of infection, once again leading to immune exhaustion.
In the case of HIV, the hope of a vaccination lay within the blood of people with a natural immunity to HIV, which is a brand new frontier of vaccine development that is poorly understood.
Conversely, CoViD-19 does have a semi-quick mutation rate, but not as fast as HIV. It was also immediately taken seriously by medical professionals, and the development of the vaccine started soon after the virus's discovery. Unlike HIV, CoViD does NOT attack the immune system (instead, it triggers a massive immune response called a cytokine storm) and it also does not hide undetected within cells. (...Probably. We are still learning about the virus.)
 Part 2: Genome Mapping
First, it's important to note that data sharing and sequencing equipment is much more sophisticated than it used to be. This means that several labs can work on the genetic mapping of CoViD at the same time, and share that data in real time. Powerful software allowed the geneticists to connect the various strands of viral RNA gathered from patients presenting with the virus, and it was quickly determined that CoViD-19 (AKA SARS-CoV-2) was remarkably similar to SARS-CoV years before. The viruses share between 88%-90% of the same genetic code; some scholars refer to both viruses as the same "species."
The full method used to determine the genome can be found here: https://www.thelancet.com/.../PIIS0140-6736(20.../fulltext (very long, but pretty cool!)
During the sequencing, it was also determined that while CoViD-19 showed mutations between each case, the faithfulness of the virus to the control was about 99%--suggesting that it was mutating slower than expected. This meant that a quick response could prevent the evolution of the virus to a point where vaccines would be ineffective. While there are multiple strains of CoViD-19, it's likely that they are all currently very similar.
The genome also showed that, like SARS from years past, the CoVid-19 virus contained the same protein receptor--known as ACE2--which had already been studied. The receptor (or spike, as it's called) is what allows the virus to bind to a host cell and release its RNA.
Other factors to consider that are related to the genome mapping itself is that the COST of mapping is far less than it has been in the past, and it also faster and more accurate. Development of vaccines for other diseases (such as chicken pox and HPV) were often hampered by cost, time, and inaccuracy. Conversely, every time the CoViD-19 virus was mapped, the resulting data was nearly the same.
In short, one of the hindrances to vaccine production is often the genome mapping. It's impossible to create a vaccine without knowing the full details of the virus, as a vaccine's purpose is to produce an immune response. That's essentially tricking the immune system into believing it's fighting a virus. The hardest part of vaccine development for CoViD-19 is already done, and it was done in record time.
Part 3: Messenger RNA and synthetic RNA
Before discussing the vaccine, I need to talk about what messenger ribonucleic acid (AKA mRNA) is.
When a cell splits, it needs to make an EXACT copy of its DNA for both cells. Because DNA is fairly complicated, it can't just split in half like the rest of the cell. It needs a set of instructions, which is where transcription comes in.
An enzyme called RNA polymerase makes a near-exact copy of the DNA strand, except for the nucleotide thymine, which is found in DNA, is transcribed as Uracil on the mRNA strand. A lot of stuff happens after that, but the important part is that this mRNA strand is read by ribosomes and TRANSLATED into proteins.
There's... a lot more to it than that, but that's the basic gist.
Which takes us to the question: What is an mRNA vaccine?
It's taken a long time to develop synthetic mRNA. Katalin Karikó, a Hungarian scientist, believed messenger RNA could be harnessed to create all sorts of disease resistances, but the synthetic material was quickly identified and destroyed by the body's immune system.
Because Karikó was experimenting with an idea that other scientists had dismissed as impossible, it took her FIFTEEN YEARS to create something with such promise that she finally received grants to further her work. It wasn't until 2005 that Karikó discovered a way to trick the immune system into NOT immediately attacking the synthetic RNA.
Only 15 years ago. And even then, because many of Karikó's peers had already dismissed messenger RNA as a valid medical tool, it took them a long time to get them on board, and research crawled forward and a snail's pace.
Her accomplishments DID interest a post-doc named Derrick Rossi, who successfully used the synthetic RNA to create proteins in a petri dish out of various polypeptides. Most interestingly, an introduced immune contingent would ignore the mRNA, as if it was supposed to be there.
It was this work, in 2010, that made Rossi realize that mRNA could be used to create vaccines.
This inkling of an idea required "proof of concept" in order to receive funding for further research--which was slow in coming. Any new technology, even discoveries that are microscopic, carries risks, and it turned out that repeated doses of mRNA could produce unwanted side-effects. It wasn't until 2018 that Moderna (which should be a familiar name to everyone by now!) Developed a two-dose therapy that would not produce significant negative effects in humans.
Just in time, too. CoViD-19 appeared in 2019. And while Moderna, Pfizer, and several other companies had been experimenting with mRNA as a vessel for vaccines, nothing had yet been approved for use.
Remember when I talked about the genetic map of CoViD-19 in my last post? With that, scientists creating an mRNA vaccine did not actually need the virus in order to work on the vaccine. All they needed was the genome--and they could then synthesize RNA, which could then be used to build the protein shell of the virus, producing an immune response.
Unfortunately, companies developing the vaccines came under fire for essentially using the promise of a save, synthetic material to fill their coffers. But of course, that's capitalism, and that's a different story.
But essentially, rather than a traditionally-created vaccine which uses dead or modified live viruses, an mRNA vaccine has never touched a virus, has never been injected into an animal in order to synthesize more vaccine, and is able to be ready-made in a lab using messenger RNA.
Of course there is concern about possible long-term effects of this new type of vaccine. The cool thing about mRNA, though, is built into its very code. After it does what it's supposed to do (in the case of the CoViD vaccine, that job is "building a viral envelope that contains no actual viral RNA," it self-destructs. That's why it has to be stored at such low temperatures. anything higher than that and you'd have what's essentially a slurry of random synthesized polypeptides that wouldn't do a damn thing.
So the worry isn't really whether there will be long-term effects from this vaccine, but whether the synthetic mRNA will be able to survive long enough to produce enough fake virus shells to create an immune response. So far, trials have proved successful.
Part 4: Polio, and Why Most Vaccines Are So Extensively Tested
There's a good reason that the FDA requires such extensive, lengthy testing on vaccines, and it has to do with the polio vaccine.
I'm sure most opponents of vaccination cite the early polio vaccine as a reason not to vaccinate--that vaccines are inherently dangerous and should be approached with caution.
Trials of the polio vaccine went well, and were well-tolerated, which meant scientists were initially baffled when a vaccine caused 40,000 cases of polio in children, 200 of which were left paralyzed, and 10 of which died.
At first, people were convinced that this meant vaccines were dangerous--many blamed Jonas Salk for pushing the vaccine through R&D and dooming everyone who'd gotten the vaccine to polio.
So what happened? Did dangerous chemicals in the vaccine cause a weak immune system leading to polio? Was the process itself flawed? Was it time to give up on vaccines as a valid form of disease protection???
Fortunately, no.
Just like today, there were many nay-sayers about vaccines, and those who were against putting them into their body. See, Salk used formaldehyde to de-activate the virus, which people recognized as being very poisonous. despite the fact that the vaccine itself contained none of the chemical, the public demanded an alternative if they were to take it.
So a company called Cutter Labs decided not to use formaldehyde to deactivate the vaccine. In fact, they didn't de-activate the vaccine at all. Because of a lack of rigorous safety protocol at the time, the error was then missed by health inspectors, who ok'd giving a completely live virus to 40,000 children.
This incident, called the Cutter Incident, led to more rigorous oversight and testing when it came to vaccination. It also let to what's called "attunated" viruses, which are weakened, but still living viruses. These attunated viruses have been responsible for outbreaks of poliomyelitis around the world, all because people feared the process used to kill the virus.
The point is, the reason it takes so long to approve vaccines under normal circumstances is that you are dealing with a medication that contains actual viruses (albeit usually dead viruses) plus agents designed to provoke an immune response, such as aluminum. Deactivated vaccines also used to contain thimerosal as a binding agent preservative. While not elemental mercury, thimerosal was derived from mercury, and thus just as suspect as Salk's formaldehyde.
In any case, there's a lot of people concerned about what they are putting into their bodies. And while the use of aluminum adjuvants has been proven safe over decades of vaccinations, every single one still must be tested in order to determine efficacy and safety. Pushing a vaccine that doesn't work is just as bad as pushing a vaccine that causes harm to the patient.
To be fair, it is likely the alum compound that causes vaccine reactions, which means it's up to medical science to do better! Thankfully there are many new adjuvants on the market, including MF59, an oil emulsion which is derived from shark liver; most people consider this a much better option than heavy metal, and it is the most likely candidate for use as an adjuvant in the CoViD-19 vaccine.
If, that is, an adjuvant is needed at all. Currently, there's some speculation that the mRNA in the CoViD vaccine could alone provoke a strong immune response.
Part 5: Putting it all together!
1. Coronavirus was caught quickly and an immediate medical response was established. Using new genetic mapping technology that has only been developed within the last decade, CoViD-19's genome was mapped and made available.
2. CoViD-19 does not hide in, nor does it attack the immune system. For this reason, it's much easier to create an immune response to a vaccine as compared to, say, the HIV virus. Unlike the HIV virus and the common cold, CoViD-19 also currently has limited strains and mutations, making it the perfect time to create a vaccine.
3. The vaccine does not use viral particles. It doesn't need to be "incubated" and then tested after each incubation period. There is no chance for the vaccine to cause the virus in any dose. Instead, it uses synthetic messenger RNA in prompt the body into synthesizing the protein shell of the virus, which activates our immune system.
4. It contains a natural adjuvant found in shark liver oil, rather than heavy metal aluminum. This cuts down on the testing time. Adjuvants provoke an immune response more quickly than the virus alone, although Pfizer stated that the vaccine would likely work without one.
5. Lastly, this can't be overstated enough, the idea behind testing is to have a successful trial in as many people as possible. Other vaccines fail because of unfavorable trials. (For example, chicken pox took so long to develop a vaccine for because of the lack of technologies we had today leading to low efficacy rates in test subjects.) Compared with the MMR vaccine, which has an average efficacy of 90%, the CoViD-19 vaccine achieved a 95% efficacy rate in 10 months. There was very little "back to the drawing board" except in one case where the company developing a vaccine trial dropped completely.
I do want to state here that it is normal for medical science to work faster and better as time progresses. Vaccine science IS medical science, and has only been utilized for the last hundred years. All medical sciences progress and become more reliable as time goes on, including heart transplants, treatment of HIV, diabetes, hell--even Alzimers may have a cure in the next decade thanks to various breakthroughs in the last three years.
It is okay to be cautious. It is not okay to dismiss science because you're afraid or because you don't understand it. It's okay to ask for help learning about these things.
We science people aren't here to lie to you. We look forward to a future where serious disease is a simple hindrance, and not a life-changing event.
(And apparently I forgot to save my sources about adjuvants. :|)
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mi6-rogue · 2 years
A syntenin inhibitor blocks endosomal entry of SARS-CoV-2 and a panel of RNA viruses
Preliminary report; Viruses are dependent on interactions with host factors in order to efficiently establish an infection and replicate. Targeting such interactions provides an attractive strategy to develop novel antivirals. Syntenin is a protein known to regulate the architecture of cellular membranes by its involvement in protein trafficking, and has previously been shown to be important for HPV infection. Here we show that a highly potent and metabolically stable peptide inhibitor that binds to the PDZ1 domain of syntenin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection by blocking the endosomal entry of the virus. Furthermore, we found that the inhibitor also hampered chikungunya infection, and strongly reduced flavivirus infection, which are completely dependent on receptor mediated endocytosis for their entry. In conclusion, we have identified a novel pan-viral inhibitor that efficiently target a broad range of RNA viruses. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.08.18.504268v1?rss=1%22&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr Read more ↓
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healthcare-market · 3 years
Rapid Cancer Tests Kits Market : Pin-Point Analysis for Changing Competitive Dynamics
Rapid Cancer Tests Kits Market: Introduction
· The rapid cancer test market is driven by an indispensable need for low-cost point-of-care diagnostic technology for cancer detection
· Non-invasive diagnostic tools play a crucial role in advancing the care for cancer patients, given the fact that tests in lab settings usually are time-consuming, expensive, and invasive
Read Report Overview: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/rapid-cancer-tests-kits-market.html
· The market is expanding due to the growing array of biomarkers that have been integrated into test kits. The great value that point-of-care diagnostics play in general well-being of patients offers significant opportunity for the cancer rapid test kit market.
· Advances in biosensor technology have helped stakeholders witness opportunities in the market. A case in point being lab-on-a-chip.
· Advances in biosensors have helped manufactures improve the functionality. On the other hand, the development of suitable biomarkers for rapid cancer test is replete with the challenges of designing kits that meet the requirements of specificity and sensitivity. These include metabolites, lipids, RNA, DNA, and exosomes. Advent of new immunoassay-based technologies has further boosted the test cancer kits market.
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Key Drivers, Restraints, and Opportunities of Rapid Cancer Tests Kits Market
· Increase in usage of tobacco, which includes smokeless tobacco, HPV-induced cancers, and consumption of alcohol are major factors that drive the cancer rapid test kit market. Furthermore, increase in awareness and aging population also contribute to the prevalence the cancers.
· According to the cancer research center in U.K, globally over 3, 00,000 persons were diagnosed with oral cancer. Smoking is a major factor that is turning many men and women into victims of oral cancer. In the U.S., black males exhibit a high incidence rate as compared to their white counterparts because of cigarette smoking and heavy alcohol consumption.
· Lack of new diagnostic technologies in the market is a major factor restraining the rapid cancer testing kits market
Enquiry before Buying Rapid Cancer Tests Kits Market Report - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=EB&rep_id=81976
North America to dominate global rapid cancer tests kits market
· North America is expected to hold a relatively high market share due to growing awareness about the disease and rise in geriatric population in the region. However, Asia Pacific and European regions are also notable markets due to increase in incidence of cancer in these regions.
· Currently, very few technologies are available in the market for routine screening of oral cancers. Hence, companies are trying to develop the rapid cancer testing kit, which can detect the stage of cancer effectively in less time to perform test at home/clinic.
Pre-book Rapid Cancer Tests Kits Market Report - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=81976&ltype=S
· Vigilant biosciences developed ‘OncAlert Oral Cancer LAB Test’, which is accurate, cost-effective, and uses non-invasive technology. This technology also received CE mark in Europe, which enables this product to sell all over Europe. Various companies and universities are trying to develop rapid detection technology for cancer kits in order to detect cancer.
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mesbiologia · 3 years
ciclo lítico e ciclo lisogênico dos vírus
Entenda o que é ciclo lítico e ciclo lisogênico
Tanto o ciclo lítico, como o ciclo lisogênico, estão diretamente relacionados com a forma como o vírus infecta e invade as células.
Ciclo lítico
No ciclo lítico, o vírus invade a célula hospedeira e interrompe as suas funções, graças a presença do ácido nucléico do vírus (DNA ou RNA). Somado a isso, de maneira concomitante, ao mesmo tempo que o DNA ou RNA é replicado, este ainda comanda a síntese das proteínas, que ao final do processo, irão compor o capsídeo.
Dessa maneira, são produzidos novos vírus. Neste processo, ocorre o que conhecemos como lise, que é quando a célula infectada se rompe, fazendo com que os novos bacteriófagos sejam liberados.
Os vírus que se reproduzem desta maneira, acabam gerando sintomas que aparecem imediatamente após o início do processo.
Ciclo lisogênico
No caso do ciclo lisogênico, o processo se modifica um pouco. Neste caso, o vírus invade a célula hospedeira (ou bactéria em alguns casos), e incorpora seu DNA ao da célula infectada. Ou seja, o DNA do vírus passa a fazer parte do DNA da célula infectada.
Com isso, uma vez que a célula foi infectada, ela continua com seu processo natural de reprodução celular. Mas agora ela está com o DNA modificado, contendo partes do vírus em questão. Durante o processo de divisão desta célula, há um processo de duplicação deste DNA modificado.
Dessa forma, uma célula que foi infectada, começará a reproduzir o vírus, sempre que esta passar por um processo de mitose. Com isso, todas as células reproduzidas por ela, já terão em seu código genético, o vírus em questão.
A diferença, no que se refere aos sintomas, no caso do ciclo lisogênico, é que estes podem demorar para se tornarem perceptíveis e notados. No geral, salvo algumas exceções, as doenças que são oriundas de vírus com reprodução através do ciclo lisogênico, não possuem uma cura. Isso, por que não há mais como isolar o vírus e eliminá-lo.
É importante perceber que não necessariamente, os vírus que se reproduzem através do ciclo lítico, são menos prejudiciais do que os que se reproduzem através do ciclo lisogênico.
Tudo vai depender do vírus e da forma como ele afeta o funcionamento fisiológico do organismo. Há vírus mais e menos potentes no que se refere aos impactos sobre a saúde.
Por isso, é fundamental que você, como profissional, saiba os principais exemplos de vírus que se reproduzem por meio de cada um destes ciclos.
Exemplos de vírus que se reproduzem através do ciclo lítico
Se formos analisar as doenças causadas por cada um dos tipos de reprodução dos vírus, veremos que temos representantes mais conhecidos em cada um deles. No caso do ciclo lítico, temos uma doença que com certeza, você já adquiriu: a gripe.
A Gripe é um caso clássico de ciclo lítico. Porém, a influenza, que é um tipo de gripe também, conhecida como H1N1, não possui um ciclo lítico, mas sim, lisogênico.
Outros vírus, causadores de doenças bastante conhecidas, também apresentam ciclo lítico na sua reprodução. Entre os mais comuns, temos:
– Varíola
A varíola é causada pelo vírus Orthopoxvirus, que é um dos maiores vírus que infectam os seres humanos. Foram encontrados vestígios deste vírus em múmias que datam do século 1.
– Rinovírus
O rinovírus é um vírus altamente comum e tem como principal patologia, o resfriado. Porém, ele está diretamente associado a problemas com asma e fibrose cística também.
– Vírus sincicial respiratório
O vírus sincicial respiratório é o causador de doenças do trato respiratório, como a bronquiolite. Ele acaba afetando com mais intensidade, bebês.
– Vírus Norwalk
Este é um vírus que causa, entre outras patologias, gastroenterectite.
– Adenovírus
O adenovírus é causador de patologias das vias respiratórias, mas também causa doenças oculares e gastrointestinais.
– Sarampo e rubéola
O vírus do Sarampo tem sua reprodução através do sistema lítico. Por isso, ele pode ser tratado e prevenido, de uma forma um pouco mais simples. O mesmo ocorre com o vírus causador da rubéola.
– Rotavírus
O rotavírus é um dos principais causadores de doenças como a gastroenteretite.
– Poliomelite
A poliomielite é causada pelo vírus conhecido como polivírus. Ela pode gerar uma série de sintomas, como diarreia, vômitos e outros. Cerca de 1% das pessoas que adquirem a doença, acabam tendo problemas como a paralisia.
– Raiva
O vírus da raiva, transmitido principalmente pelo contato com animais, é outro exemplo de ciclo lítico. A raiva afeta diretamente o sistema nervoso central e as glândulas salivares.
– Ebola e dengue
Os vírus causadores do ebola e da dengue, também se reproduzem através de ciclos líticos. Estas doenças têm principalmente, a característica de atacar de forma hemorrágica diversas funções do organismo.
– Hepatite A e E
A hepatite é uma doença que causa inflamação do intestino e fígado.
Estes são alguns dos principais exemplos de vírus que tem como forma de reprodução, o ciclo lítico.
Exemplos de doenças com ciclo lisogênico
As doenças causadas pelos vírus que se reproduzem de forma lisogênica são caracterizadas por apresentarem mais dificuldade de cura. Mas isso, de maneira alguma é uma regra. Existem sim, vírus que se reproduzem de forma lisogênica, que podem ser curados, como é o caso do Varicella-Zoster (Catapora).
Veja agora, alguns outros exemplos de vírus lisogênicos:
– Herpes
A Herpes é uma doença que pode se manifestar de diferentes formas. No geral, ela causa feridas ao redor da boca ou dos genitais. As formas de tratamento do herpes podem variar, de acordo com a força do vírus e fatores individuais, como a imunidade.
– Varicela-Zoster (catapora)
A varicela-zoster é um vírus que causa a conhecida doença da catapora. Ela causa erupções cutâneas e no geral, ocorre com mais frequência em crianças.
– Papiloma Vírus
O papiloma vírus é o causador da HPV, doença que causa verrugas e em caso de mulheres grávidas, pode causar problemas para a formação do feto.
O vírus da AIDS é mais um exemplo de vírus lisogênico. O vírus HIV, causador da AIDS, afeta diretamente o sistema imunológico. Não há cura para a ação do vírus no corpo, apenas formas de amenizar sua ação.
– Hepatite B
Uma forma mais intensa da doença, o vírus causador da hepatite B também é um exemplo de vírus lisogênico.
Estes são alguns dos exemplos mais comuns dos vírus com ciclo lítico e lisogênico. Um profissional da área da saúde, tem que entender as diferenças entre eles, pois a forma como os tratamentos são feitos, dependem de como o ciclo de vida destes vírus acontecem.
Se você quiser aprofundar mais seus conhecimentos, se tornando um profissional mais qualificado sobre o assunto, conheça nosso curso sobre Virologia: ciclo lítico e lisogênico (clique aqui).
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