rkmason · 5 years
perfect day for some mayhem
“you sure you can keep up? do ya haf’ta put on that catsuit again so you can?” he turns to joohyun with a cheeky grin, a shit-eating grin, and he just knows it’s her favorite. for good measure, he’s stretching his arms out, swinging them over her head on purpose to bother her and swatting at her ponytail like a child. around joohyun, he pretty much is one. a child. a brat. the idiot friend to her broccoli head existence. 
reaching out to lightly grab her arm, he’s abrupt as he starts to shake it, grin wide and proud as he continues to nag her, “huh? do ya? do ya, punk?” there’s times he thinks of how being friends with her helped keep him sane too during the in-between times, that being around her reminds him of being home and he’s [very ironically] calmer because of it. this isn’t it. 
moving behind her, he grabs her other arm, swinging them above her and waving them around. “or are ya gonna dance like this and hope for the best? do you remember? this was your move when you were little. pretending to be a jellyfish when you’re just a vegetable.” 
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rksungho · 5 years
what a drag.
the bag on his shoulder is light enough; the trip is only one night, not long enough to waste space on packing anything larger than a backpack for clothes and basic toiletries. the other trainees milling around, waiting for the vans to arrive to ferry them off to some sort of vacation, seem excited. sungho supposes that there is something about going to the site of the last olympics, but he’s not thrilled about the people he’s going with.
this sucks, he thinks to himself. he’s stuck with taemin of all people for a whole.. however long the trip actually is going to be. sungho sighs, not bothering to hide his irritation from anyone around him. he’s never been good at hiding that sort of thing anyways.
“who’d you get stuck with?” he strikes up a conversation with one of the girls, momo. they’ve gotten along alright in the past and he doesn’t hesitate to complain to her. maybe, for once, she’ll share some complaint of her own in return; surely not all of the female trainees get along as well as the boys (sans sungho) pretend to. “is anyone actually looking forward to this?”
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rkyeji · 5 years
♚ #KILISQUEEN  @ hwangyj
i figured out who they are!!! ADDAE and SUNWOO! 😍 very cute, with very big voices!
♚ #KILISQUEEN  @ hwangyj
where do i sign up for them to sing me to sleep? their voices are dripping with honey 🍯.
♚ #KILISQUEEN  @ hwangyj
also, MOMO unnie owns my heart? very lowkey? and then both TAEMIN and LOGAN (??? wat is that stagename?? )
♚ #KILISQUEEN  @ hwangyj
both MOMO and LOGAN were in the mgas last year???  🤩
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rksora · 5 years
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❤      ━━━━━━━━━    BON BON CHOCOLAT   ┊   𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋​ ◞  EVAL 
                  ❪  follow the light that is even more blinding  ∙∙∙  ❫  
it’s unfamiliar territory. picture this: park jiwon stepping out of her comfort zone. ( and so early on in her trainee career, it was ... interesting, to say the least ) but here she is, an unknowing duckling a gaggle of boisterous trainees, all uncertain of what’s to come. in the minutes to come, jiwon finds herself smack-dab in one of the scenes of her favorite movie genres. right before the jump scare -- the thundering, ominous music, the slow-crawl of the camera, the dim of lights and then the scare. it comes like a thunderous assault of nerves and panic as everyone scrambles around the auditorium, grabbing arms and limbs with no real game-plan in sight. 
jiwon becomes the instigator as she fights tooth and nail for survival. what was the use of being a wallflower when the evaluation for the month could only be deemed something of the dog eat dog variety? 
just how was jiwon supposed to ‘catch’ this so-called eye?
this is how she comes to find herself, momo, chungha, seulgi, lisa and saerom in a single group; sitting in their row, waiting for what’s to come. while taking initiative is always the smartest thing to do, it’s where jiwon fails -- she’s no leader, she was never meant to take ‘charge’ and be the voice of the people. hell, jiwon barely had a voice for herself. who was she to voice opinions and thoughts so freely to people she barely even knew?
and then there was the unforeseeable complications: apparently, they were all dancers. 
it was like the devil had planned and laughed at their fate, they were all dancers; a gaggle of fools with the best feet to match. jiwon hadn’t been a trainee for long but she was sure this couldn’t be what training entailed -- this was a hardship jiwon didn’t sign up for.
she wasn’t a leader, she didn’t know how to handle this.
that’s why surprise comes second when they’re handing out parts, dishing out what they all believed they were best at and when it comes to jiwon: when she’s asked if she can sing, hesitance comes first with surprise a ringing second. sing? there was no way.
but really, who was jiwon to say no? she wasn’t a leader, but she also didn’t have the backbone to oppose. 
in the end, she practices. while jiwon can’t say her entire heart is into it, she’s full of nerves and unease, she does her best to keep up with the lines and the beat of the song. she isn’t a born singer and ( barely ) six months of training can only do so much and while she tries to tell herself that the song isn’t a hard song ( the dancing was a doozy trying to memorize all the steps and counts but she got it in the end ), she can’t help but get hung up over the lines. 
of course they’re no main vocal -- she can only offer her condolences to seulgi who seemed just as unsure of her part as jiwon did -- but, like everything jiwon was unsure of, there was no way she could do this confidently.
dancing? yes -- sure, obviously faking confidence was easier when dancing could become muscle memory and exhausted into bone. the dance is more girl-crush than she had expected. it didn’t look hard, too. and while it was definitely something one of her teammates back at the dance club would have liked, jiwon was more impartial -- if it got her through this month’s evaluations scotch-free, why not?
singing, on the other hand -- didn’t that take real skill?
the end of the month comes faster than she feared. she’s gripped by the turn of the clock and how april quickly fades to the last day. she’s worrying about it all the way to seocho, shedding her coat as they’re told to file into the auditorium before being dispersed into their individual rooms. 
she despairs for the minute they’re given as camera equipment is tinkered and the men who stand behind them quiet down. the lights are bright along the crowns of their heads and jiwon can feel her sweat begin to swelter at her palms. 
when the music starts: she can only hope for the best.
her voice rising from her throat the moment her limbs meet the floor and she’s smiling at the camera that’s directed her way. it’s blinking red eye a smile away --
                                                          ❪  go up to the sky ∙∙∙  ❫  
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rkariel · 6 years
who's your favorite of the new kt rookies?
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          “ what if my favorites are the original ktrookies?” she laughs, shaking her head. “ okay, i’m sorry but i had to say it! i’m actually confused about how ktrookies works right now but i hope they get to do a lot of things! i kinda hope they get to perform with us for more special stages too. i just love seeing kt trainees out there. there’s so many that deserve to be on stage. they’ll steal your heart, that’s what kt trainees do. that’s how we keep the heart as the kt symbol. ” 
          humming softly, she tilts her head, “ but to answer the question . . . if i had to pick just one, i’d say momo or luda because i’m always partial to the girls. that’s why i’m a little sad not to see other trainees like jiwon and chungha included. they’re such cute girls. if i were to pick one of the boys . . . they’re also sweethearts, to be honest but i think i’d pick sungho because i’m glad he’s still here. i’m glad it seems like he wants to stay a little bit now.  oh wait, i mean jino. ”
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rkfanfic · 6 years
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— ◉ — @rkxmomo  .
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rkvernon-blog · 6 years
virtual reality
charisma starter, for @rkxmomo
vernon finds that playing video games with others more fun than being all by himself. he’s got a large room, so spacious that being left behind in the mansion without his parents gets boring easily. he’s got nothing planned for the day and that means, he has the house to himself excluding the butlers and maids that serve the choi family on their daily lives.
he goes through his contact lists and figured that it’s the right time to hit up momo or is it, actually? the last time he saw her, she was talking about her life as a trainee. that’s where he last picked off and since then, he hasn’t talked to the girl much. needless to say, he misses being around her. at the thought, he enters her number and creates an sms to send. he’d call but he’s pretty sure that would only be a bother.
( msg: momori ) yoo momo, are you training right now? ( msg: momori ) wanted to bug ya to see if you could play some games- ( msg: momori ) i got this new vr setup
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rkgray · 6 years
// happy belated birthday  |  momo & gray
momo hates being late with birthday things, but she’s also a firm believer in it being better late than never. besides, it’s not her fault she didn’t know it was his birthday, was it? in any case, she’s glad that she at least found out, because as much as she’d tried to lend and ear that day she found him sulking about, she still feels like she owes him so much for that time he’d helped her refuel the tank on her bike. he’d really gone above and beyond then, and this, she feels, is the least she can do.
after searching around a bit just before training starts, she finds him and greets him with a smile and a wave. “gray sunbae!” she calls out, quickening her pace to catch up with him. “a little birdie told me it was your birthday! sorry this is late—the bird is a really slow flier.”
she chuckles quietly, then hands him the gift bag with a composition notebook inside and the fanciest pen she could find and afford on short notice. “happy belated birthday! i believe my debt has been repaid.”
it’s a joke, of course, and she laughs, but she can’t help but feel like a small portion of her guilt has been alleviated, even knowing it never will be fully gone.
aside from aron and johnny who knew about his birthday, he hadn't really expected someone to approach him regarding that matter at all. gray had seen the sideglances some trainees had given him, whenever the topic about his age resurrected. netizens wouldn't leave it alone as well and it had become quite annoying. he disliked being just associated with only his age, when there was so much more that defined him. sure, he was one of the older trainees, but that didn't took a toll on his abilities. at least he thought so, but in reality he had realized that his age has become some kind of wall that separated him from the others. he wasn't seen among the crowd of talented, much younger kids. people were talking behind his back because of this. they didn't know the struggle he had been through, they didn't know about his poverty he had worked his way out, they didn't know how many auditions he failed before finally successing, when they had a much easier path to walk. but gray wasn't the type of guy to resent them, he didn't had to justify himself to strive for what he dreamt of.
the rapper turns around as soon as he hears his name being called. "hi, momo." he returns the smile gently, as he waits for her to catch up. "my birthday?" he wonders, lifting a brow in surprise. where did she heard about that? "yes, it was on the 24th." when she mentioned a little bird being a slow flier, he chuckles amused. he liked her little story.
as she hands him a bag the next moment, he blinks, slightly shocked. "a present? for me?" a lovely surprise from a sweet girl who didn't know too much about him. and yet, she had gone and bought him a gift. "i- are you sure? i mean, that's so sweet of you and i appreciate it, but i can't possibly -" he couldn't accept it, right? but when he looked at her laughing face, he coudn't dare to refuse the gift she had specially prepared for someone like him. "... thank you. it means a lot." he lifts the bag up and catches a glimpse of a notebook and a pen. definitely things he would put to good use. "i will write a song into it, the moment i get home and i'll show it to you exclusively!" he promises, before hesitantly giving her a small hug. "thank you for thinking of me."
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rkmb · 6 years
﹢ oopsie !
            he recognizes that walk anywhere:  timid, graceful steps, light in nature---a pleasant compliment to straightened shoulders, never hunched, and a frugal command of space.  it’s an old friend from high school, and if he’s not mistaken, her name is park eun-something.  park eunhee?  yes, that sounds right.  last he knew, park eunhee had graduated top of class and moved cross-country to busan to pursue a degree in architecture - not too shabby, but still a questionable choice  ( not that he has any room to judge, considering his esteemed 2-dan title in go ).  and well, guess she’s already back.  the years really do fly.
            smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, he picks up his pace to catch up to her.  “ah, park eunhee, thought i recognized your rather peculiar walk.”  he loops an arm around the young girl’s shoulders, pulls her in close---a fairly intimate act, given their just friends title---then pauses.  this isn’t park eunhee.  lips pursed ever so slightly, he stares at her, eyes narrowing just a bit.  “oops”  ---is all he says before letting his arm fall awkwardly back to his side.  “thought you were someone i knew.”  another pause, then:  “when i said ‘peculiar walk,’ i didn’t mean it in an offensive way.”  ﹢  @rkxmomo
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danielxrk · 6 years
out of all your crushes, whose the one you like most? only one!
         ⊰ mentioned: @joohyunrk, @jinsoulrk, @rknvna, @rkxmomo, @sujeongrk​ ! ⊱ 
  ⊰ ◝   ( *it’s a hard question, and one that makes him embarrassed, a blush dusting his cheeks. he looks down-- shuffles his feet ) ah, i don’t know. ( *as if that will get him out of it. he knows it won’t, but there are so many, how does he choose? he already feels bad about the sheer number, but choosing makes it worse. there’s joohyun, jinsoul, jinah, momo, sori, that cute girl he met at the bubble festival, sujeong, if he can still count her, and probably more he’s just temporarily forgotten. maybe the order he thinks of them should be indication enough, but really, when he gets down to it, it’s a toss up between joohyun and jinsoul. there’s not much depth to the others, based mostly on superficiality over actually knowing them, whereas he has real, genuine friendship with joohyun and jinsoul. maybe that makes the feelings for them more real, too. but if he has to pick just one ) maybe joohyun. ( *he decides, albeit hesitantly ) i think i’ve liked her my entire life, so it makes the most sense to pick her.
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rkmason · 5 years
natural habitat
they’ve been standing in line, waiting to get in when he turns to momo, taking his eyes off his phone and the game he was playing, trying to beat the high score she showed him on her phone just a few minutes ago. “hey, do you think it’s too obvious if i buy anything for luxe? you get it for me and i’ll pay you back or give you the money. oh wait, i could get you a certain someone’s number if you want. is that good enough?” he teases, though it might be weird, all things considered. they hadn’t spoken that much since it happened, he couldn’t imagine any of them really wanting to hear from him. dabin and seik steer clear of the convo, as the younger plays the same game he and momo have been playing and seik’s trying to catch sight of his special guest for the day. 
without waiting for momo’s reply, he keeps going, grin wide as amusement thickly glazes his eyes. “since it’s an organic cafe and all... do you feel like you’re in your natural habitat yet? huh, broccoli head?” but he is actually impressed by the idea. part of him wonders why it’s not more widespread, why it’s only at royal and not at seocho but it makes sense for the royal ceo to want to prioritize his trainees in particular. he can’t help thinking though... wouldn’t this place make a killing in gangnam too? location wise, where the company is now does also make the most sense. it’s close for him too, but he probably shouldn’t come by on his own that often. 
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rkpjy · 5 years
❝ — chimaek delivery ,
she hasn’t seen him since the mgas have ended, and while she largely has training to blame for that, she still feels bad that she hadn’t gone to see him sooner. looking back on all her lows from the past few years, he’s always been someone she could count on to just be there for her, even if he’s just making quips at her and they never end up verbally discussing the topic at hand; just having her best friend there in her presence had always been enough. she hopes she can do the same for him now.
it’s become something of a habit for them to have chicken and beer during meetings like these now, and with that in mind, she’d stopped by one of her old jobs and picked some up. they’re still hot by the time she arrives at his place and knocks at his door, belatedly realizing she should have called or messaged him first. she doesn’t even know if he’s home right now (though, if worst came to worst, she supposes she could finish off all three boxes of chicken and the case of beer on her own).
still, she continues knocking, adding her own voice to the ruckes. “yah~ park jinyoung, i know you’re in there—” she does not, in fact, know that he’s in there, “—open up~!”
just as momo feared, jinyoung isn’t currently at his apartment. that about sums up how out of tune they’ve been recently. her trainee schedule is restrictive, not to say pretty much impossible to sustain healthily without breaking down at some point (he’s been there). jinyoung has had the mgas for a time and now he works aimlessly at the café while having no clue what he’s going to do from now on. the past two years have been filled with uncertainty. part of him is determined to see his dreams all the way through, while the other is ready to give up. despite being only twenty-two, it’s already an old age for someone who’s not even a trainee yet. he feels like his last chance at a career is just landing a role in a drama and taking the acting root. that’s what he’s studied. clearly companies don’t want him anymore.
he comes home from his shift completely beaten down. both yugyeom and mina are out working so he doesn’t expect to see anyone home or do anything other than shower and eat convenience store food, maybe taking a depression nap. it’s a surprise to see his best friend shouting at his door and just for the thrill of it, jinyoung stands behind her for a while, watching her antics with a smile. he did miss her. “yah, hirai-san, stop trying to break into my place.”
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rksungho · 6 years
“they want us to what?” sungho doesn’t hide his shock at the news. dye his hair? for one fucking performance? his hair has never been touched by bleach or color and he hoped to keep it that way as long as possible. there’s maintenance involved in coloration, especially bright colors and pastels like the staff had told the trainees to choose from. he doesn’t want to waste the money on a hair treatment that will fade away in just a few washes.
but they’re trainees, they’re puppets to their masters’ whims, and sungho has no choice but to comply with their demands. not that he has any fucking clue what to do; he’s never even thought about changing his hair color, let alone what color to change it to. and going from natural black-brown to some sort of vibrant shade is well beyond his comfort zone.
“do you know what you’re doing?” he turns to the nearest trainee to him, a girl he’s spoken to only briefly before. at least it had been a decent experience; he doesn’t feel bad admitting to her that he’s entirely out of his element. “this is fucking ridiculous.”
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rkjoohyvn · 6 years
You are interrupted during a morning lesson by your dance coach but, instead of receiving praises or complaints, they tell you your presence is needed elsewhere. You have your own suspicions on what it is about but you keep yourself quiet. Maybe it was because you were nervous, or maybe your coach told you to keep quiet whenever you tried speaking. As you draw closer to Katie Lee’s office your suspicions start growing stronger. However, before you’ve reached the office, your coach turns towards a room on your right and tells you to take a seat.
The woman sitting at the table isn’t your CEO, but one you know holds a strong position in the company. Once you sit down, she gives you a smile. “Hello, Momo. I’m glad to see you here today.” You can’t tell if she’s sincere with her greeting, yet you keep paying attention regardless. “As you must be aware, we here in KT have a very special project going. We did a lot with their current members and, after much thought, we’ve decided to award you with one of the new spots in KTROOKIES.”
She leans to the side to take a file out from inside her purse and places it right in front of you. “In here is your full preparation schedule with everything you need to worry about. This time we’ll do things a bit differently, though.” She points at the file for you to take a look at it. “You’ll have your own introduction video to be uploaded on the sub-channel under the KTROOKIES name, and you’ll also have a photoshoot to have your pictures displayed on KT’s official website. But, before that, you and the other chosen trainees to take part in this second generation of KTROOKIES will film a video teaser by yourself. You’ll get to know your partners soon enough, I’m sure.” The dates and details are all listed on the file for your future reference. “You won’t need to make up any normal training you miss when you’re called upon for KTROOKIES, so you won’t need to worry about that.”
Once she finishes with the prepared introduction, the woman relaxes. “I hope you’re excited for this. It’ll be a long ride.”
the first emotion to sink in when she’s called out of lessons is dread. she’s only been a trainee for a few months, and she swears she’s abode by every single rule in the trainee contract (save for the whole secrecy thing, but has anyone who’s ever signed really followed it?), but she can’t shake the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. perhaps she hasn’t lived up to the expectations that were placed on her from the mga’s, or maybe they’re worried about her depleting sense of self-confidence---she isn’t exactly sure what it is, but it surely can’t be good. the feeling only intensifies once she’s sat in front of one of the higher-ranked staff members in kt. she wrings her fingers in her lap.
a lot of what she’s saying at first goes in one ear and out the other, far too drowned out by the negativity in her head. she hears the piece about a special project, but nothing clicks until she hears ktrookies. 
“i’m sorry?” she murmurs, far too soft and timid to be heard. her eyes lift from where they had previously been glued to her hands in her lap, and she watches as the staff member pulls out a file. she reaches for it, flips through it, eyes scanning the papers inside, and slowly everything begins to click and make sense. the negativity that had been residing within her ever since the end of the mgas is suddenly and finally beginning to seep out of her system, making room for the thrill and rush and renewed confidence beginning to swim inside her. she can’t help but to start squirming and dancing around in her seat.
“of course i’m excited for this!” she blurts out, perhaps far too loudly and with an endless amount of enthusiasm. the smile that appears now is huge as she grips onto the folder given to her as if she would give her life for it. “i’m excited for this ride!” she jumps up, renewed energy flowing through her veins, and she can’t wait to get back to practice to make sure they know they haven’t made any mistakes in choosing her. “thank you for this opportunity! i won’t let you down!”
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rksora · 5 years
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it was cruel. so, so cruel. but should she have thought differently when everyone ( herself, included at times )loved adding a comedic flair to sadistic situations?
it was laughable, really. one moment jiwon had been exhausted out of her mind, sweat peppering her hairline and the next she’s jumping out of her skin. fearing for her life as the scream that had wished to escape is clamped shut as she watches priceless light fixtures, camera lens and all begin their domino descent to the ground. the crash is deafening. 
she’s frozen where she stands. was she even breathing -- was anyone? could anyone? what was happening? had the ghost from kt jumped ship and followed the trainees to seocho? was it just like momo had said? 
was it a ghost? was this a joke?
what was happening?
and just like a movie, the play button resumes life and the time that had frozen still immediately comes back into motion. if anyone speaks, jiwon doesn’t hear it. instead, watching in horror as the murder scene is laid out before them and the destroyed cameras are all for them to see. instinctively, as she draws her first breath, her eyes turn immediately to the japanese girl, frightened at what they just witnessed.
the staff from earlier begin to rush in -- like a tide of events right before the riot. pitchforks and fire not included. the accusations arise and jiwon, like the pitiful, ashamed child she is, has nothing to say. head bowed as she refrains from maintaining eye contact. unsure if she could help shoulder the blame, to take the responsibility one should as a leader would do.
who was she kidding, though, park jiwon -- a leader? not in this lifetime. so she stays quiet, letting their aggresive cries of payment and disbursement, and blame stack upon each other. the horrific thoughts pile into her brain as they pull them from the room, leading them back to where they came from: was this the end of her trainee career? just like that? she shakes her head, disbelief written all over her face as she tugs her arm into saerom’s embrace, the fear running her blood cold. 
a conclusion on the cusp of brewing: maybe training was just like a horror movie. 
it had jump-scares of it’s own, apparently. 
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rkariel · 6 years
❝ raindrops — ♡
          her manager isn’t too far away and ariel has nothing to hide about taking a small walk for fresh air. as thinly veiled a reason it seems, she merely wanted to have a moment to see jeju again, to take a break and think about the last few times she’d been there. it wasn’t the mv filming she thought of this time but the language retreat, of who she’d seen, of how it feels as if there’s nearly as many people here this time around, maybe even more since the five companies have brought out the cavalry. but she’s glad for it when she spots a familiar face on her way out of the hotel lobby, “ momo! are you doing anything right now? do you want to take a walk with me? promise i won’t talk your ear off or take too long, i just felt like going outside for a bit. what do you think? ” 
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