#RIP Ryan
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hazelnootnut · 6 months ago
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Just go with the flow!
I played the game as soon as I woke up (and got breakfast and etc, but who cares about that), and oh my god. Man. I have a lot of thoughts about this game. And also spoiler-related art to make, but I shotgun this out as soon as I finished the game, so please take it. I love them all so much, they are all so Great and Cute.
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iwaitforyou001 · 3 months ago
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wow so pretty ,,
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theseawants · 5 months ago
ᨒ ོ ☼ 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘶𝘱𝘵𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 ☼ ོᨒ
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This is a Ryan from the game Rot in Paradise roleplay/ask blog! Rules, tags, and etc are below.
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Crossovers (with other SIG characters and OCs) are allowed and encouraged! They're fun for everyone :]
No NSFW. I (mod) am a minor, and while I'm fine with suggestive jokes (e.g. "i cast testicular torsion") the moment it goes further than that you're done.
In relation to the above rule, flirting is fine from other rp blogs if we've talked about it (in dms or otherwise) and established the characters are/will be in a romantic relationship.
Anon magic is heavily encouraged! Just don't try to heavily change his character/lore/backstory and we're good. Have fun with it!
If your ask makes me, the mod, uncomfortable, it will be deleted. No exceptions. Just be respectful and you'll be fine.
𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘯/𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
༄.° None
☼ thoughts? and prayers - answers to anons
☼ oomfies - interaction/rp thread with other rot in paradise blogs
☼ just like super smash bros - SIG crossover interactions/rp threads
☼ locked cabana - finished rp threads/interactions
☼ ryan speaks - in character post
☼ ambience/☼ ambiance - in character reblog
☼ voice from the depths - ooc post/reblog
☼ the self - ask memes/rp starters/rp prompts/other character development stuff
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jirainokei · 7 months ago
alone again w no friends, what did u expect from a selfish narcissistic suburban white trash christ?
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agender-wolfie · 1 month ago
I need to be put in a headlock and prone boned until I’m fucked dumb all while being called a “good baby”… pls 🥹
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months ago
Could I request Yellowstone boys looking after a drink significant other please?x
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Ryan is probably the one that got you in trouble in the first place and he assumes complete for responsibility for that. He's the one giving you a piggy back if your feet hurt or carrying you from the truck to the house because you took your shoes off in the car. You always get a little frisky and Ryan's always a gentleman, kissing your fingertips and telling you tomorrow, when your sober. He tucks you into bed, kisses your forehead before collecting your shoes and any miscellaneous items of clothing you��ve slung around and making sure they’re in a place you can find them.
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Travis thinks you’re fucking adorable when you’re drunk. It doesn’t happen often but when it does he’s there for it. You always get super affectionate, flirty and silly and he loves it. Gives you entire attention even if you are chatting shit. Travis is very protective and keeps an eye on you, not because he doesn’t trust you but because he’s spent years on the rodeo circuit and he knows assholes, hell he’s been that asshole. Anyone shows to much of an interest, he’s literally getting between the two of you and telling that fella you’re taken and to fuck off.
When the two of you get home, he helps you get into one of his t-shirts and climbs into bed alongside you. You spend the night curled up against him as his fingers comb through your hair.
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Rip’s experience of drunks before you was Beth. You are far more easy to handle. You’re a lot more controlled and don’t go completely off the rails. When Rip is picking you up, he always requests that you stay inside the bar because he hates the thought of you being out in the cold, and he also knows that bad things happen to woman in dark parking lots.
When he steps inside he usually watches you for a minute. If your dancing, he’s coming over to join you before he takes you home, if a guy’s anywhere near you he’s stepping in to protect his territory. He has no chill when it comes to you.
When he gets you in the truck, he has the music low because he knows you like to sing a long and the heating on because it gets cold. He asks you about your night, if you had fun.
In the house he makes you drink some water, give you a snack and tucks you into bed before making sure the house is completely locked up and joining you.
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Walker thinks you're the cutest thing. The two of you dance and sing together in the parking lot, he doesn't give a shit who sees, he just likes having you in his arms. Let's you wear his hat because he thinks you look adorable in it.
The dancing continues at home and ends up with the two of you falling you asleep on the couch together, Walker singing you to sleep.
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Kayce is all smiles when he comes to pick you up especially if it looks like you’re having a lot of fun. He drapes one arm around your shoulders and kisses your temple.
“Oh hey darlin, you ready to go…” type of thing.  
Keeps you tucked into his side in the parking a lot, it’s a territorial thing he doesn’t even realise he does, a way of keeping you safe. You usually fall asleep in the truck in the way home. He tucks his jacket around you for the journey, checking on you as he drives. He hates waking you up so he carries you into the house and puts you to bed, leaving a glass of water on the night stand.
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Jamie loves to see you have fun, he’s addicted to your smile, your happiness. When he comes to the bar, he sticks around a while, watching you dance and laugh. He discreetly pays your bar tab before cutting in for a dance. Jamie just loves around you, so one dance turns into three more.
When he does get you home he’s very sweet and tender as he undresses you. Lingering teasing kisses as he helps you into your pyjamas. When he climbs into bed a long side you, the two of you stay up laughing while you tell him about your night. You fall asleep, draped across him, mid-sentence and Jamie just hugs you close.
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jetblack4realz · 3 months ago
his little girl - yellowstone boys
how the yellowstone (+ 1923) boys react to you having their daughter
i think i might make this a series if y'all are interested. i think it'd be cute! i'll do kayce (obvs), rip (ofc), ryan (what a man), lee (we didn't get enough of him), jimmy (i haven't seen a single thing on here for him, not that there isn't but still), and spencer (he's iconic)!!
lmk if you want anything in particular for any or all of these guys! i think it could be fun :)
kayce dutton:
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when you first got pregnant, you were so certain it was going to be a little boy, and that's what you told kayce. he smiled over at you, hand on your stomach as he shook his head.
"and why's that, baby?" he wondered.
"he's been kicking like a boy, and i've got the skin to show it's a boy. i've always imagined that i'd be a boy mom," you answered with a shrug, leaning into his embrace comfortably. "and we've already got tate. i think it'll be another boy."
and he'd been alright with that. he let you have your dreams of what to name him and how you'd have him and tate match in little cowboy outfits. you even omitted the gender reveal in favor of it being a surprise, but also because you were so certain it was a boy.
but, when that little girl came out, you both were in instant happy tears.
kayce held her first due to some complications during birth, and he suddenly remembered the joy that came with being a father. as he stared down at his baby girl with eyes that matched his, he was flooded with a certain protectiveness that didn't come with tate. this was his little girl - nobody was going to mess with her.
to say she was spoiled by her daddy was an understatement. there wasn't a day that he didn't come home with a new handful of wildflowers, one for each of his girls, and sit on the floor having her explain all her little drawings to him. when tate would mess with her, teasing as a good older brother would, kayce would give him a stern shake of his head, holding her close to his chest as she sniffled.
"she ain't a boy, bud," he told him. "i know she's your sister and you wanna tease her, but you gotta treat her like a lady."
"i just wanna make her laugh," tate defended.
"find another way, okay pal? there's a million ways to make her laugh and only a few to make her cry. let's figure that out, alright?" he said, pulling the boy into his side for a hug. tate looked at his sister, thinking for a moment before making a funny face, sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes as he pulled his mouth at a funny angle. she burst into a fit of giggles, kayce high-fiving him as she clambered out of his lap to go play with her older brother.
you had to be the one to teach her to rope and ride, ensuring she had the true makings of a cowgirl because kayce did not want that life for her. he hoped that she wouldn't ever end up with a cowboy. but, once she knew how to ride well enough, he'd take her on long rides with him and tate, explaining the beauties of montana to them both.
he first bought her a dress from a little boutique in town and a matching bow to go with it when she was five, beyond excited to dress her in it and take her out on a daddy daughter date. you took tate on a mommy son date that same night, smiling as you saw your husband and daughter eating ice cream through the store window as tate dragged you to the theater down the street.
kayce stayed protective, but supportive of what she wanted - except for when she started getting cutesy around the newest ranch hand rip had let stick around, a kid called carter. kayce nipped that one in the bud real fast.
he thrived as a father, it was his true calling, with both tate and your little girl. having both felt like his life had equalled out and he ensured they had a close bond as well. kayce isn't a girl dad or a boy dad, he's just a dad, and he loves it.
rip wheeler:
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rip would never admit it, but whenever he imagined finding a girl, settling down, and starting a family, it was always filled with daughters. it was easy to assume that he'd want all boys - he was one of the most manly men montana had ever seen. but, with that, he felt a need to have girls to protect, to be strong for.
so when that first baby ended up a girl, he was silently ecstatic.
"baby, it's a girl," he mumbled to you, his smile the widest you'd seen it since your wedding day.
he was so supportive during labor, petting your hair out of your face as you squeezed his hand tightly. when your little girl finally started crying, he took her straight from the doctor and set her on your chest, one hand on your arm and the other on the baby's back.
he watched over the both of y'all carefully. it was obvious to everyone that you were his number one priorities, and if anyone so much as mentioned your names with the wrong tone he was ready to fight.
rip started taking her out on rides as soon as she was able to be strapped to his chest and sit on a horse without crying, which was actually awfully early. you told him it was only because she was his daughter that he was able to do this, but they both loved it. she was an expert rider by the time she was eight years old, and a good roper too.
you had two twin girls after her, both absolutely adored by rip and their older sister. you were able to go on family rides at that point, you and rip with each one of the littles in front of you and your oldest perched behind rip with wide wondering eyes.
"daddy, an eagle!" she cheered, pointing over his shoulder at a bald eagle flying over the trees.
"good eye, baby," rip said, smiling as he high-fived the little girl.
she quickly became his right hand man. even at four years old, she was grabbing him a banana for breakfast before he headed out the door or helping him clean his boots. the older she got, the more responsibility she got, which was fine by her. she was strong and determined and a total daddy's girl.
until she became a brother's girl.
carter showed up when she was seven and she fell in love with him quickly. he was sweet with her, carrying her on his back out to the barn as she helped him shovel stalls the best she could.
rip didn't know how to feel about it until you finally approached him about adopting carter.
"it wouldn't be anything official since neither of y'all have any documentation or anything," you told him, fiddling with your fingers. "but, that boy needs a home. and rip, i really love him, and so does she, and so do you. we've got one extra room and a place at the table. i want him here. you've seen him with our baby girl, he wants to be a part of this family too. please, rip."
and so that was that. after you sat the boy down and told him, he became even more dependable. he was an avid protector of your daughter and rip actually began smiling at the sight of the two of them walking around the ranch.
rip didn't love carter the same way he loved his baby girl, he was always meant to be a girl dad, but he appreciated him nonetheless. the way he was with rip's daughters helped secure him in the little wheeler family, and rip was happy about it.
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ryan was in no way prepared to be a father. when you told him you were pregnant he about shat himself.
"but we used protection," he said, eyes wide as he paced the bunkhouse.
"well, quite obviously it didn't work," you said. you grabbed his arms. "ryan, hun, it'll be okay. okay? it'll all work out, we'll figure it out."
"i don't have anything for you. i can't do anything for you. i don't have a house for myself, i barely have my own truck, i make enough to live but i don't know how to provide for you," he stressed.
"we'll figure it out," you emphasized again, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly.
and you did. with how long ryan had been working on the yellowstone ranch and how close your family was to the duttons (how you'd met ryan, actually), john gave you space in the main house to take care of you new little girl - heavens knew there was enough room, he barely even noticed you were there. he, himself, was kind of obsessed with the idea of having another pseudo grandchild, and ryan was convinced that was the only reason he worked it all out for y'all.
ryan was a nervous father. he was uber careful, keeping constant eyes on the baby or whoever was holding her. ninety percent of the time, that person was himself. he barely even let colby hold her and he cursed out jimmy when he asked, saying how he wasn't about to let that dumbass, brain-injured, bronco-riding klutz of a rodeo star hold his precious baby girl and drop her on her head just like his parents had done to him, obviously.
everyone had a good laugh about that one.
your little girl wasn't around the horses or cows, or even a damn rope for so much of her life, but what she was around was poker. ryan had her in his lap as they played cards since she was a month old and not sleeping through the night. somehow, impeccably, she went down without a fuss after sitting through a few games of cards with her father and his friends.
when she got a bit older, he taught her all his favorite childhood card games, but she got bored of them. when you first walked in on him explaining poker to her, you about smacked him upside the head, but when you saw her smiling and figuring out the order of the cards you let it slide.
"she'll be cheatin' out the rest of us in no time," ryan said, running a hand over her hair as he smiled up at you.
"whatever you say, cowboy," you sighed, sitting next to her and picking at the chips he'd laid out for her.
for her tenth birthday, he threw her a poker party with the rest of the wranglers, the duttons, tate, and carter, with ibc rootbeers in a cooler to make her feel just as cool as the rest of them. it was the first time she'd played with anyone but her parents, and she was stoked.
she smoked their asses.
they were freaking flabbergasted, even ryan. he pressed a kiss to her head, laughing as he congratulated her. "that's my kid, everybody."
lee dutton:
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lee never wanted kids.
he knew it, you knew it, john knew it, hell, the whole family knew it. it was never in his plan.
but, you also weren't in his plan. he'd had a perfectly organized idea of being the forever bachelor of the yellowstone, hitting up bars for quick girls when he wanted a makeout or one night stand or whatever, and then returning to life on the ranch.
well, you showed up, a horse trainer from the sixes, travis wheatley's little sister, and he fell in love so fast he almost tripped over his feet. he rushed into dating you, proposing, and marrying you but no one in montana had any complaints, except for maybe your father, but he was in texas so it didn't matter in the long run. and he also, accidentally, rushed into getting you pregnant, which was not the goal at all.
"i know, and i'm sorry, but i'm keeping it, baby," you'd told him the night he found the test. you held his face in your hands, brows furrowed. "i want this. i hope you can understand that."
"i never wanted kids," he told you, shaking his head and breathing out a deep sigh. "but, uh, with you? with you, i'm not so opposed." he looked up at you, mustering a small, almost scared smile. "hell, we're already here, ain't we? let's fuckin do this thing, baby."
"language, lee," you laughed.
his mind was blown when you gave birth, absolutely scared and amazed out of his mind when the nurse handed over this perfect, slightly messy, bundle of pink blankets screaming bloody murder to him as they cleaned you up.
"holy shit," he muttered, staring down at his daughter with wide eyes.
"language, lee," you groaned, sitting up and reaching out for the baby. he handed her to you immediately, watching the both of you carefully.
his world changed that day.
as soon as you were ready to let her out of the house, he took her everywhere with him, and he was not ashamed about it. the strap-on baby carrier was his best friend as he walked around the house, grabbing her nursing bottles before heading out to the barn. john laughed when he saw him the first time.
"and what the hell are you doing? you can't cowboy with a baby, lee," he told his eldest.
"watch me," was his answer.
you didn't know he was doing all this, only being told that he'd take her out while you got some rest or did whatever you needed to get done. it was nice to have little breaks throughout the day, but you worried if she was hungry. well, until you saw the little bottle holster he'd made himself that he kept strapped to his side.
you almost thought it was ridiculous, but it was the best possible outcome you could've hoped for, so you let him take her out every few days.
that girl was practically a cowboy by the time she was five years old. she knew all the terms, had her own boots, was dressed in the same wranglers and carhartts as her dad and grandpa, and always was begging for a horse. she wasn't allowed quite yet, but lee promised her she'd get one eventually.
he took her out hunting with him basically her whole life, teaching her the sacredness and also the practicality of it. she became obsessed with guns when she was eight, something you became especially worried about. you made him put extra locks on each case and then on the safe, the fear of her getting into them eating you alive. she complained about not being able to get a tag until she was twelve, but you thanked the state for it.
lee, of course, found a workaround where she began shooting bucks as big as the bed of his truck when she was only ten because it was on the dutton property - who was going to know? if she could love him anymore than she already did, she definitely did after that.
you kept it to the one kid, knowing she was all lee could really handle. and you were both happy to have her be the center of your worlds. and as much as some traditional montanans might argue that dutton ranch's succession should be male, anyone who met your daughter knew that that little ten year old was as much a cowboy as anyone on the ranch, following in the large footsteps of her grandpa and father with exactness.
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jimmy was ecstatic when he learned you were pregnant, as nervous as it made him too. everything in his life was starting to work out; he'd figured out his dream job - to be a horse trainer, he had a good job, y'all had just gotten married, and he bought his first house right by the sixes.
"this is perfect," he told you, kissing your forehead as he smile widely. "everything is so perfect now, darlin'."
when you learned it was a girl that day at the doctor's office, he was even more ecstatic.
"our little cowgirl," you told him as he pulled you into his side.
"our little cowgirl," he nodded, a certain proud smile on his lips as he thought about what it'd be like raising a little cowgirl as a real cowboy now himself.
now that he had money, and good money too, he let himself go out and buy the baby all sorts of things, from cow printed blankets to little stuffed horses. you laughed when he came home one day with tiny little baby boots.
he put them on her as soon as she'd grown enough to give him the chance. he held her hands as he walked her around the room, the small girl bouncing a bit as she situated in her boots.
"i know they're kinda funny, hun," he hummed to her as she walked with him. "but, they're actually the best sort of shoe. you're gonna love 'em."
his favorite part of the day had always been coming home to you, but it was even better now that he had two people to come home to. and she loved her daddy, babbling with that big baby smile as she crawled to him. he'd always scoop her up into his arms and give her a big kiss on the cheek before walking through the rest of the house to find you.
he told her stories about the yellowstone ranch when he tucked her into bed, her favorite black and white spotted stuffed horse in her arms as she gazed up at him with a smile and big hazel eyes that mirrored his own.
when she got older, you started bringing her down to the arena to show her what exactly her daddy did. at that point, he was on travis' main team of show horse trainers, and he was happy to show off for his wife and little girl. she was always excited to watch him, hanging off the fence with a wide grin as you stood behind her, waving at your husband just as travis yelled at him to get back to work. it was the first time jimmy had ever really talked back to him, yelling not to curse when his daughter was around. travis never did it again and began to show off for the eight year old when she was around too.
she was spunky, way spunkier than jimmy was ready for and sassier than he ever had been. "she gets this from you."
when she went to travis asking for her own horse and better lessons, her brows raised and arms crossed over her chest, jimmy nearly had a heart attack. he dismounted his horse, crossing to his daughter but not making it before travis responded.
"what do i get if i do? horses aren't free, you know."
"a new trainer," she answered, nodding at him firmly. "i've seen y'all do this my whole life. i've rode my whole life. just gimme a shot."
at the ripe age of ten, she'd managed to convince travis wheaton to give her a horse, let her dad teach her, and the opportunity to stay on as she trained. travis laughed when he passed jimmy, shaking his head. "i hate to break it to you, but she ain't your kid, jimmy."
jimmy breathed a sigh of relief before he pulled her up onto his horse, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
"you've really got to talk to me about things like that before you just do it," he said. "that's my boss, you know that?"
"he ain't my boss," she laughed, kissing her dad on the cheek.
spencer dutton:
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spencer had always wanted kids. and ever since he met you he knew he wanted to have them with you. but, life as a hunter in africa was dangerous enough as it is that you both agreed to wait.
life had other plans.
well, you weren't exactly careful, for one, and for two birth control was iffy, so you should've seen it coming sooner or later. it probably should've been later, but what the hell.
he decided that was the right time to quit being a predator hunter then and did what he could to get you both back to montana, hopefully before you popped. you didn't argue - you wanted to be home when you had your baby too. he took excellent care of you on each ship, each town, and on the train west, ensuring you always had water and foods that didn't make you want to throw up, being a constant pillow for when your body decided it needed a nap, and paying for the most comfortable accommodations the different vessels had.
you didn't know the gender of the baby until after you had her. you were exhausted, but spencer had been right by your side the whole way through, smoothing your hair back and cooling you down with a wet cloth as cara coached you through it.
the look on his face when cara exclaimed it was a girl was one you would never forget; a mixture between love, adoration, and excitement, and fear, protectiveness, and anxiety.
he coddled that baby girl. every night, he spent hours cooing to her as he rocked in the rocking chair his father had built when he was just a baby. he told her stories about cowboying and africa, sang her lullabies cara used to sing to him, and never missed an opportunity to kiss her sweet chubby cheeks.
"you're so good with her," you mumbled to him one night as you sat on his lap in the chair, head tucked into his neck as he held you in one arm and the baby in the other. "how do you do it?"
"i don't know," he whispered, glancing at you with a gentle smile before you both returned your gazes to your daughter. "loving her comes as easily to me as loving you. it's as natural as anything i've ever felt."
"so it's just instinct that helps you calm her in any situation?" you asked.
"well, i can't calm her in every situation," he said with a quiet chuckle. "you've got the only solution sometimes. but, yeah. i guess in other ways it is."
then things got worse with whitfield and the ranch. she was older then, about six, and spencer made sure she knew to never go anywhere alone, to scream for help if she ever saw anyone she didn't know on the ranch (because she knew and adored literally every cowboy working for jacob), and to run. fast.
and she was fast. like, surprisingly fast. she took great pleasure in challenging spencer and jack and jacob to races. spencer and jack always pretended to let her win, and so did jacob, but after he got shot she actually did start to win. when he was told to walk around to get better, she thought she would be encouraging by walking right by his side a little faster than he was able to. it did actually get him moving quicker, but cara was constantly rolling her eyes as she did it.
when she got older, of course spencer taught her how to shoot and hunt.
"this is what daddy did before you were born, princess," he told her as he helped her line up the sight to the target.
"kill things?" she asked, raising her brows. you laughed as you sat to the side, watching in amusement.
he cleared his throat, his brows furrowing a bit. "well, i mean, yes, but i was protecting people from animals that wanted to hurt them. and other times getting food for the family."
"so, do i have to get food for the family now?" she asked, looking down at the gun. he laughed.
"you don't have to, no," he reassured. "i just wanted to show you. it's something i love to do, and something to protect you. that's why mama knows."
"mama knows?"
"yes, i do, baby," you chimed in with a smile. "he showed me back when we were just teenagers. he's a lot better than me though, so you listen to him."
"can we shoot something real next time?" she asked, glancing back at spencer.
"maybe not next time, but when you get enough practice in then yeah," he answered.
"when is that?"
she had a lot of questions. and she always asked them. but, spencer was as even kiln as ever, so patient when he responded to her and made sure her curious little mind found the answers it needed.
but, whenever you thought of spencer as a father, there was always one night that came to mind. she was probably four and it was way past her bedtime. y'all had put her to sleep maybe ten times before she finally stayed in her room and you left to hopefully get some rest.
except spencer turned on the radio. you'd just gotten it the day before and were so excited about it and when he flicked it on, some slow, country tune was playing through it. he took you in his arms then, holding you close to his chest with his lips on your temple, swaying you both gentle along to the tune.
you were smiling the whole time, letting him twirl you once before bringing you in close again. only a few minutes into your impromptu slow dancing, your door was pushed open and in walked your toddler.
there was no shouting or frustrated demand for her to go back to sleep, even though that was very tempting given your last hundred tries to have her do just that. instead, spencer pressed a kiss to your head and twirled you out of his arms as he moved to scoop her up instead. he held her up with one arm, his other holding her hand as he spun slowly in circles.
"if i let you dance with mommy and me will you stay in bed?" he said, raising his brows as he met the eyes that matched his. she giggled, nodding as he kissed her cheek. "okay, then let's dance baby."
you leaned up against the bed frame, watching them with crossed arms and a smile as the music played through the small radio. he met your eyes and his smile grew, slowly spinning his way over to you. releasing your daughter's hand, he took yours instead and pulled you in close. his hand moved to your waist and soon you had your arms wrapped around him and your baby girl as he held her between you, swaying slowly.
as the song ended, he twirled you and then spun himself to earn a giggle from the toddler before setting her down and taking her small hand to give her a twirl as well.
your heart was so full in that moment. when he returned from tucking her in for the (hopefully) last time, you kissed him slowly, pulling away with a soft smile.
"you're a good dad, spencer," you told him. he shrugged, pulling you back in to hold you in a gentle embrace.
"you're a good mom. you make it easy for me."
thanks for reading! leave a request in the comments or message me privately! i love writing, so if you've got an idea you need fleshed out on paper i'd love to be the one to do that for you
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 11 months ago
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#The Same Picture
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chappellsroans · 1 year ago
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When you play a character that hard, that long, just letting go just feel like a breakup. 
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ghostradiodylan · 1 year ago
I’M SORRY how did I miss this??? So beautifully done and sad and sweet! I feel completely normal about it.
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couldn't get this picture out of my head after I accidentally killed Ryan in my first playthrough
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months ago
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Eddie ready to unmask himself! I needed to give the moustache one last hurrah!
This took way longer than I thought it would and turned out very differently to how I had intended, but I love it all the same! I hope you like it too!
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hazelnootnut · 2 months ago
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please come with me. i don't want to be alone in this.
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911onabcbts · 26 days ago
“we have some stuff in store for you actually, obviously i can’t say anything but tim and i have been in talks and we have some new stuff coming up in the latter half of this season.”
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theseawants · 4 months ago
heyyy man didnt know u were on here. wsp
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pileofboneswrites · 8 months ago
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SUMMARY — loosely inspired by the song cheyenne by ian munsick. every year he never asks anything from you, resigned to the routine you've created; you pull into the yellowstone, park your trailer, and spend all your time with him, and then when august rolls around you pack it all in, and leave. this year, instead of dancing around the heartache, he [and a few others] ask you to stay.
PAIRING — fem!reader x lee dutton
WARNINGS — established friends with benefits type relationship, lee has been in love with reader since they met, pinning, allusions to smut, lee watches reader get dressed – reader puts on a show, no use of y/n — everyone calls her honey as a nickname, mentions of heartbreak, mentions of murder (not overly graphic), mentions of past abuse, angst
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you put your truck in park, tucked along the side of the house like you always do. you open the trailer up, lead you horse peaches out into the fenced off area out front, and then wander up the front steps and into the house. you kick off your boots, and pad through the hallway, taking in the view from the living room windows. you enter the open concept kitchen, grabbing a beer and setting to work on tidying up. you start with the dishes, there aren't as many as there were last time.
next, you sweep, the build up of dirt he's tracked into the house has you frowning. after, you throw laundry in — your own clothes first of course. next is vacuuming, followed by grabbing the load of groceries from your cold box in your truck. lastly, you step into the shower, watching the setting sun as you deep condition your hair and shave your legs. when you wrap yourself in your towel you hear the front door open, a pair of boots falling heavily on the hardwood floor.
"honey," lee breathes out, a wide smile on his face as he steps into the warm room, and enveloping you in his arms, his lips latching onto your own.
"hi," you giggle, through pecks to your lips, followed by him slipping his tongue into your mouth.
you allow it for a few moments, relishing in his closeness. you untangle yourself from him, making him frown cutely at you. you give him a teasing smile, and peck him on the lips once more.
"i just swept, and washed those floors of yours, lee dutton. i'm not impressed," you slip past him in your bath towel, tsking at him as you go.
"i'm sorry honey, allow me to make it up to you," he says, a devious smile on his lips, as he follows you into his bedroom.
he catches you by the end of the bed, arms circling your waist as he pulls you flush with his chest. you look up at him throughout your eye lashes, and he bites his lip looking down into your eyes. he dips his head, resting his forehead on your shoulders, his lips ghosting over your collarbone. you want so badly to give in, but you have plans tonight.
"sorry cowboy," you murmur, pushing him away, turning towards his closet—where you keep a sizable amount of your clothes. "you need to shower, and get dressed."
"dressed? for what?" he groans dropping onto the end of the bed, slipping off his boots.
"the carnival? you promised tate last summer we'd be there to ride on the rollercoaster with him?" you say, glancing at him over your shoulder.
"you remember that?" he asks, rasing an eyebrow at you.
you giggle, dropping your towel to put on your underwear. lee moans quietly at the view of your naked body. you slowly pull them up, bending over to give him a full view of your bum. he sucks in a sharp breath, eyes never leaving your skin as you tease him.
you nod, "i do, and he's only text me about it everyday since – so y'know, it'd be hard to forget."
"yeah..." he agrees with you absentmindedly, eyes clinging to your chest as you twist your bra around your chest pulling it up. "hard to– hard to forget."
you make a show of putting your arms through the straps, and pulling the cups up. lee hangs off your every move, his fascination with your body not ending even with your boobs covered. his eyes rake up and down your figure, his eyes dark, and his bottom lip betweeen his teeth as he works through something silently. you feel smug with satisfaction as you step closer, slinging one leg over either side of his hips. you sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, bringing his attention back up to your face.
"baby," you whisper, lips ghosting over his.
"mhmm," he hums, hands landing on your hips.
"you promised,"
he nods, "i did,"
his grip on your hips tightens, briefly, then retract.
"nothing, honey, i can wait." he leans in closer to your ear, "but tonight, i'm not going to be able to stop myself."
a shiver goes up your spine, goosebumps exploding over your arms. you missed that. he easily lifts you off his lap, setting you beside him. he stands, heading into the bathroom to shower, the door clicking closed calmly behind him. you sit there, surprised by his show of restraint. he doesn't normally do that, normally he would have had your face pressed into the mattress in a seconds notice. after taking a second to collect yourself, you stand up, and walk back over to the closet.
you pick out a dark green summer dress, a pair of brown cowboy boots in better shape than the ones you'd worn here. you grab a cardigan, and a cowboy hat that matches your boots. you then go back into the kitchen, and grab your cellphone from where you'd left it charging. two missed messages from monica dutton long.
hi aunt honey it's tate! excited to see you and uncle lee tonight rollercoster here we come!
hey, it's monica, just wanted to let you and lee know we'll be by the ticket booth. tate's very excited, see you at 9.
ten minutes pass, and lee is walking down the hallway. he's wearing a button that coincidentally matches your dress, his good hat and his best boots. he looks refreshed, the stress of the day washed away, and a easy smile on his face.
"well don't you look handsome," you smile, stepping into his embrace.
he kisses you deeply, your knees go weak, his arm sliding around your back steadying you. he smirks into your lips, and you pull back rolling your eyes playfully at him. you forgot how much you enjoyed being here, being with him.
"honey, you are the most beautiful woman i have ever met; dressed up like this, or covered in sweat and dirt from a long day."
your heartaches at his confession; it's temporary, you'll be gone again come the end of august. then the cycle continues. you smile, enjoy it now. lee's always been your favourite, it's why you keep coming back. he always knows what to say to make your knees weak, and how to break your heart.
"we'd better go," you say, ignoring the disappointment in his eyes as you walk away.
you're always walking away.
"i had so much fun!" tate yells, hoisting the matching bear to yours over his head.
"and now he's going to take forever to get to sleep tonight," monica laughs, "thanks for the sugar rush, aunt honey."
"pshhh, he'll crash the minute you get him in the truck." you reply, "and no problem, i live for these moments,"
"it was good seeing you, honey." monica says, pulling you into a hug.
"you too mon, we need to get coffee before i leave." you tell her, giving her a light squeeze.
"why don't you stay?" she asks, watching as tate makes a beeline for the truck, climbing into the backseat as kayce follows behind him, chatting with lee.
"i can't," you can't tear your eyes away from lee's back as he talks with his youngest sibling, which doesn't go unnoticed by his sister-in-law.
"why not? you and lee act like a married couple and besides; you're perfect for each other." her tone is gentle, like she's talking to an easily spooked animal.
"because..." you debate telling her the truth, the real reason you run every year, and your heart wins out over your rational thinking. "i know that he'll always be there this way, i don't think he'd want me if he had me fulltime."
"how could you possibly think that? lee looks at you like you personally hung the moon, sun and stars. he's so in love with you," she says, smiling softly at you. "you have to know that by now. he turns into a completely different person when you're gone."
"i know he is, i see it in the way he looks at me. i just– i'm terrified of ruining what we have. i'm not an easy person to love, i've been told that my whole life; i'm impulsive, stubborn, bossy, rude, selfish.... he doesn't deserve someone like that. he deserves someone who's sweet, and kind, and... good." you say, "someone like him."
"i don't know... the way you describe yourself; that's not the person i see. i see someone so full of love, and life, someone that helps others no matter what, honey, i've literally seen you give someone the shirt off your back. whoever's pumped your head full of that hate, was trying to convince you you're evil, when you're not. you're none of those things."
"i appreciate that, i'm not sure you're entirely right, but thank you." you shoot her a half smile, and squeeze her shoulder before you break away, walking towards lee's truck.
he meets you halfway, entwining your fingers, and pulling you closer.
he smiles at you, "that was fun,"
"i knew you'd have a good time,"
"thank you for making me come tonight,"
"thank you for winning me a big ass teddy bear," you reply, holding the giant black bear. "i love him, and i'm going to call him dusty,"
"dusty, eh?" he qestions, pulling your door open for you.
"do you have any better ideas?" you quiry, sliding into your seat.
he leans against the passenger door, his head tilted to the side as he thinks. after a few seconds he shakes his head, ducking down to kiss you once. twice. three times before closing the door and walking around to the drivers side.
"wanna grab a pizza on the way?" he asks, and you nod excitedly. "barneys?"
"barneys!" you say it at the same time, and he laughs, patting your left thigh.
three weeks later, you're sitting in one of the muskoka chairs up by the main house, a blanket over your legs as you and tate roast marshmallows.
"yours is burning!" tate says, pointing to your marshmallow.
"i love them burnt!" you reply, watching as it catches fire.
"that's weird," tate makes a face, "burnt ones are gross,"
"nuh-huh, they're the best!"
"no! golden ones are!"
"ewwww," comes lee's voice from behind the two of you, "marshmallows? gross!"
"i agree with you there," kayce says, from his chair across the fire pit.
"i second it, too sweet." john adds from beside kacey, and tate looks shocked.
"grandpa! you don't like marshmallows?"
john shakes his head, a disgusted look on his face.
"that's devastating," tate says, and monica lets out a snort of laughter.
"who taught you that word?" she asks, trying to keep a straight face as he stares her down.
"aunt honey, she says it a lot." tate shrugs, turning back to the fire.
monica gives you a quizzical look, as lee sits down beside you, between your chair and hers on your right side. so i don't say fuck in front of your kid, you mouth at her, and she nods in understanding.
"cause i'm trying not to corrupt you," you add, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to give him a quick hug.
"yeah, besides, his dad does a good enough job on his own." lee chuckles making kayce roll his eyes, and flip his brother off while tate's looking away.
"how long are you down for now?" john asks, when the conversation dies down.
your eyes snap to lee, who's looking staight ahead into the darkness. monica and kayce exchange a look before they both take turns glancing at you, and lee.
"uh, 'm not sure just yet," you say awkwardly, your shoulders tensing automatically.
you feel like a dear caught in the headlights. john nods, his attention being stolen by rip who materializes next to him. feeling like john just smacked you, you excuse yourself, wrapping your blanket around your shoulders, and making your way to lee's house. you sit out on the steps, thinking about what you were doing. i'm not good for lee. staying would be a mistake, it would ruin what we have. then i'd be all alone again. you're not sure how long you'd been sat alone, staring off into the dark when you hear lee's boots crunching gravel.
"you okay?" you ask him, and his eyebrows pull together in confusion.
"i'm fine, are you, okay?"
you force yourself to nod, "of course,"
he reaches out for your hand, and you immediately give it to him, allowing him to guide you up into the house. you shed your uggs, blanket, jacket, sweatpants and sweater, when you enter his bedroom. you crawl into bed, pulling the blankets up and waiting for him to crawl in next to you. he does, turning the lights off, and shimmying close to you. you rest your head on his chest, and even after you hear his soft snoring, you can't fall alseep. you lay there, eyes closed trying to sleep, but then the first ray of light speaks into the room.
before you know it, it's six am, and lee's softly shifting you over so he can go shower. you stare up at the ceiling, unmoving. the room is still dark, and when he steps out of the bathroom, towel around his hips, and his hair dripping wet. you pretend to be sleeping when he leans over the bed to give your temple a quick kiss, before he heads down to the bunkhouse. you lie there, staring up at the ceiling, your mind racing. you met lee at a bar in town when you were eighteen, you'd been passing through, on your way to your next race, when he'd caught your eye.
you ended up spending the month curled up in his sheets, praying that it would never end. but like all good things in your life, it did. you'd had a blow out fight about something ridiculous, and after he fell asleep that night you left. you found yourself passing through the following summer, part of you praying you'd see him again. and you did. he sat perched on a bar stool, chatting with rip and two other hands from the ranch. rip saw you first, a knowing smile on his lips, then the other two—who you later came to know as colby and ryan—their conversation fizzled out quickly.
lee had stood, ready to leave for the night, but when he twisted around on that bar stool, he saw you standing there. a smile broke out on his face, and the next thing you knew, you were face down on his mattress, and all was forgotten. it was a cycle that repeated itself for years, this being your tenth summer returning to yellowstone. you couldn't help yourself, there was just something so magnetic about him. you couldn't stay away even if you tried. you show up, play house, counting down the days until a fight breaks out and then you disappear like leaves in the wind.
this time something was different though. everyone around you seemed to be trying to get you to stay. you'd had conversations with kayce, beth, tate, monica and even rip. that was the one you kept rolling over the most. you'd had a similar childhood as he did, but instead of you ending things, your father took your mother and two younger sister's lives then his own. you were seventeen. the only things you had left after that, was your horse, peaches, your truck and trailer. other than some clothes, that was all. you were a traveller, rarely staying in one spot long enough to form any meaningful connections.
lee and the dutton's were an anomaly to that. maybe that was why you always came back, but you couldn't be sure. rip had intercepted you just before supper one night, and despite never having had a much of a real conversation (besides small talk) in your ten years as acquaintances, you sat and listened to what he had to say. rip being a man of few words, had talked to–well more like at you–for twenty minutes. in that time, he'd managed to make you really wonder if running was the best option. you can only run for so long, eventually you'll be too old too, and then what? what would you have to show for it?
you phone goes off on the nightstand, and you sigh, forcing yourself to sit up. monica dutton long. you hit answer, and greet her.
"sorry, were you sleeping?"
"no, no, you're fine. what can i do for you?"
"tate was hoping you'd be up for a ride, i've packed a picnic, and kayce and lee said they'd meet us for lunch."
"sure, that sounds fun," you smile softly, your head screaming, see? you'd miss this if you left. you always do. "i'll get peaches ready, and meet you down at the barn,"
"awesome, tate's already excited. see you down there,"
you hang up, and slide out of bed. your feet hit the hard wood floor, and you go through your routine. you brush your teeth, put on a ballcap, and then throw on a t-shirt, jeans and your boots. you grab a bag of the cookies you bakes yesterday, and jump onto the four wheeler lee leaves for you so you can get around the far without using your truck. over the years, you've noticed that lee gets weird about your truck. it's probably because anytime you go near it, you're usually hauling ass out of yellowstone. you blink away the thought, and head down towards the barn.
lloyd is standing in the bunkhouse doorway when you park the four wheeler, "coffee?"
"oh, yes please." you nod, and he disappears inside returning moments later with a mug for you. "thanks, lloyd."
"you're welcome sweetheart," he smiles at you, and the pair of you stand in a comfortable silence, enjoying your coffee. "y'know, it's nice seeing you around here again,"
the guilt you've felt since you stepped into lee's house flairs back to life, and you nod, forcing a small smile. you go to walk towards the stall's, and he catches your elbow pulling you back.
"i know you've heard it a lot since you got back," he says, staring you down, "but everytime you leave; it's like lee loses part of him... you know that saying, "behind every good man, there's a great woman"? lee needs his great woman around. he needs you around,"
your eyes fill with tears, and you're sobbing before you have much of a chance to try and keep yourself together. lloyd's eyes go wide, and if you weren't losing your mind, you'd have laughed. he guides you into the bunkhouse, closing the door behind him. you plop down at the table, and try to calm yourself. lloyd stares at you, waiting patiently.
"i'm sorry," you mumble, using the shoulder of your shirt to wipe your eyes. "i don't know why that happened,"
"i didn't mean to push you," lloyd tells you, a look of guilt in his eyes.
"no, oh god no, please don't. this isn't your fault. i just..." you trail off looking at your feet. "can i vent for a minute?"
he nods, pulling out a chair and sitting beside you, "please,"
"i come from a pretty fucked up family," you start, lee doesn't even know about what happened to your family. you liked it that way, because every time you give someone an insight into your background, their perspective changed and they started treating you like glass. "i mean, who's isn't? mine... well, mine is a different kind of fucked up. my dad snapped one night, murdered my mom, two baby sisters, and then killed himself. no one's really sure why he did it; he was abusive as shit, sure, but that– that was a kind of rage he never displayed before. he didn't leave a note, he just did it, and then shot himself in the head. go figure the old bastard went the easy way,"
you sigh leaning forward resting your head in your hands, "i started running that night. i'd snuck out to see a boy, and came home to find them all dead. i just took off. had i not snuck out, i would be just like them. i don't have friends, i don't have any family, i've tried to keep to myself but when i met lee... my desire to be isolated changed. i just wanted to be with him. when i'm not here, all i can think about is whether he's safe or not. he's all i think about, but... my dad made it incredibly clear to me growing up that i was a burdern, unlovable, worthless, a waste of space... that kind of thing is difficult to just forget. he told me that everyday, for seventeen years. the scariest part of it all, is that i have my father's rage. i don't want to be like him, but i'm terrified that if i'm too close, i won't see it and it'll be too late."
you look up at lloyd, tears in your eyes, "he told me i wasn't worth loving, and i believe him. i hate leaving, i'm tired of it, but i'm terrified."
someone clears their throat from the doorway, the pair of you jumping at the noise. you turn your head, and see lee standing there, clutching the doorknob so tightly his fingers turn white. lloyd clears his throat, and stands, leaning down only to give your hand a light squeeze. lloyd leaves, and lee closes the door. it takes four long strides before lee is pulling you to your feet by your elbow, and crashing his lips to yours. you're surprised by the action, but melt into his touch. when the pair of you pull apart, breathing heavily, he rests his forehead against yours.
"i love you," he breaths, "you are worthy of love, you deserve happiness, and you are good."
your eyes water, again.
"how do you know i'm not a monster?" you whisper.
"because i know you. you bake cookies when you can't sleep, you pick up spiders and take them outside instead of killing them despite the fact that you're terrified of them, you close your eyes every time you see roadkill because it makes you sad that an animal died, you'd sooner adopt every animal than see them suffer, cute animals excite you, you're scared of thunder but always put on a brave face for tate because you don't want him to freak out, you hold doors open for everyone, and pay for peoples groceries or meal if they can't afford it. you are light, you are warmth, you are so damn good."
you bury your face in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably as he holds you tightly. never in the ten years that lee has known you, has he ever seen your eyes water, let alone see you cry. someone knocks softly on the door, and then monica pokes her head in.
"oh, sorry– i was just going to ask if you guys were ready, but if now doesn't work–"
"no, now's good," you say, pulling your face away from his chest. "we were just–"
"she's staying," lee cuts you off, and she lets out an excited squeal.
"i have to tell kayce and tate!" she says, quickly disappearing.
you look up at him through red, swollen eyes, a teasing smile on your lips.
"i'm staying am i?" you ask wrapping your arms around his back. "'cause last i checked, you're the only one who hasn't asked me to stay."
"hasn't?" he echoes, an embarrassed look on his face as he looks down at you.
"oh yeah, your family was on me the minute i pulled in. you just happened to catch me in the aftermath of lloyd asking me."
"even rip?"
you nod, "especially rip. i think he had me convinced, but i wanted to hear it from you before i made my final decision."
he looks into your eyes, a serious look you've never seen before sliding over his features, "stay, please."
"okay," you whisper, not breaking eye contact, as his lips twitch up.
"marry me?" he says next, "please."
despite how badly he's caught you off guard, you find yourself immediately nodding, a wide smile crossing your face as he grabs you and spins you. you giggle, and he laughs, the pair of you hugging each other tightly.
"i love you," you tell him, "i love you so damn much, and i'm sorry for not you telling you sooner."
"it's ok, because we know now. that's good enough for me."
you nod, "me too."
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supergirl000983 · 11 months ago
Save a horse, Ride a cowboy
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Ryan x Reader
Warning: Smut, Language, Unsafe PnV, wrap it before you tap it kids, Shower sex, Oral (F&M receiving)
It had been a long day, and by the time Y/N got home all she wanted to do was curl up in her bed with her husband and go to sleep. Sadly though they already had plans with it being Lloyd’s birthday. They were gonna hang out at the bunkhouse for a few and then they would head to the main house.
“Hey Darlin” Ryan said as he saw his wife walk up to the corral fence. “Hi baby.” She said leaning up to meet him halfway for a kiss as he leaned down from his horse. “Hi Baby” Teeter said puckering up her lips in a joking way with her best friend. “You know one of these days I gonna actually kiss you, and then what?” Y/N said wrapping an arm around the pink haired woman as they watched their men work. “Well then I’ll convince you to leave Ryan and we will ride off into the sunset.” Teeter said laughing before she walked off to go help Lloyd with whatever Rip needed them to do. “So baby sister…Are you to tired to go to the bar tonight?” Beth asked coming to stand beside her and lean against the fence. “Honestly I want to go to sleep, but last time that happened you dragged me outta bed by my hair and messed up my extensions.” Y/N said side-eyeing her sister. “Yeah that dad made me pay for. Which you should thank me because the first set looked like shit.” Beth said bumping her sister’s shoulder before walking off over to Rip. After a little bit longer the cowboys were all released to go get ready for the birthday party. Ryan’s and Y/N made their way to their room at the main house so Ryan could shower and Y/N could get changed out of her Vet scrubs. “You should join me in the shower.” Ryan said wrapping his arms around her waist. “I fully planned to. Watching you work your horse got me all hot.” She said turning in his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Well you know what they say baby. Save a horse, Ride a Cowboy.” Ryan said as he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. He sat her on the counter as his lips over took hers both fighting for dominance that she knew she would let him have. His hands made their way underneath her shirt and pulled it from her body. His lips immediately going to her neck as one hand went to the loose knot on her pants and the other one made quick work of her bra. After pulling her bra off his lips found her left nipple as his hand found the other one. He began working on undoing his own belt. Pulling away from her letting her nipple pop out of his mouth as he pulled his shirt off and helped her down so she could get her pants and panties off. After getting her pants off she tried to walk straight in the shower, but was stopped by Ryan sitting her back up on the counter but this time he laid he down along the counter. “Baby what are you doing?” She asked looking up at Ryan. “Well I worked through my lunch and I’m really hungry.” He said bringing his right hand to run along her slit and his left hand moved back to continue pinching, pulling, and flicking her nipples. Turning her into a giggling moaning mess. After a moment of just running his finger up and down. He bent down letting his hot tongue work at her clit while shoving his ring finger in one time then adding his middle finger bringing them up to curl as he sucked and licked at her clit like it was his last meal. “OH GOD!” Y/N screamed and she contracted around his fingers arching her back hard. “Not God baby just Ryan.” He said and chuckled against her clit cause her to spasm. “Shit Ry I think I’m gonna-“ “Cum for me baby let me hear those angelic moans of yours. Paint my tongue baby.” He said sending her over the edge. He pinched her one of her nipples pulling it as he thrusted his fingers in and out a lot quicker. After a minute he finally pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. “I love you so much. You taste so sweet.” Ryan said he leaned down catching her lips in a kiss. After a minute he pulled his pants and boxers down before picking her up and moving to the shower after sitting her down on her feet and holding her with one hand and her fiddled with the shower to put on some warm water.
After regaining some strength Y/N waited until he was preoccupied with getting the shower to the right temp before dropping to her knees in front of him. Ryan looked down in awe of his wife who was looking up at him through her lashes in the most seductive way. He watched as she took all 7 inches of him in both her hands and kissed the head. She then started with small kitten licks that turned to bigger licks and before he knew it she had him in her mouth as he threw his head back. Working his fingers through her hair as she played with his balls and continued deep throating him. “God Damn Baby. You are so good at that.” Ryan said as he tugged on her hair knowing he was about to cum he pulled her up and bent her over before sliding into her warm tight slick hole. Fucking into her a a fast pace before stopping again turning her to face him with her back against to wall as he pulled her leg up to get better access. Finally both reaching their highs as Ryan capturing her mouth with his as he brought his hand down to rub her clit in figure eight with his fingers. As she came down from her high her head fell into Ryan’s shoulder. “I think that was some of our best sex yet.” She said as she caught her breath before moving to actually shower. “Agreed.” He said as he popped her ass before he grabbed his body wash. After showering they got dressed at headed to the party in the bunkhouse.
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