#RIIL Gymnastics
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Passages: RIIL Hall of Famer Richard Stapleton a calm, steady mentor to the high school gymnastics community for 50+ years
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August 7, 2024
The RIIL offers its deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Dick Stapleton, a longtime educator, gymnastics coach and official, who passed away at the age of 85 on July 27, 2024.
Inducted into the RIIL High School Athletic Hall of Fame in 2019, Stapleton was a health and physical education teacher in Warwick for 22 years. He coached the Toll Gate girls gymnastics team from 1975 to 1990 and then the R.I. College women’s gymnastics team from 1992 to 1998. He had judged high school gymnastics for the last 23 years, formerly serving as the RIIL’s co-director of the sport and co-assignor of officials.
At the 2024 RIIL Gymnastics State Championships last winter, awards presented to the individual champions were named in honor of longtime contributors to Rhode Island gymnastics. As such, Bars Champion Lauren Horrigan of La Salle Academy was presented with the Richard Stapleton Award in Stapleton's honor.
Relatives and friends are invited to a Celebration of Life Service, Sunday August 11, 2024 at noon, in North Scituate Baptist Church, 619 West Greenville Rd, North Scituate, RI.
More on Richard Stapleton from his 2019 induction into the RIIL High School Athletic Hall of Fame:
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Misi Petaka - 1
Langkah Arjun terhenti ketika mendengar suara genderang ditabuh bersahut-sahutan. Tangannya reflek memberikan isyarat berhenti kepada teman-temannya yang berada dibelakang. Suara genderang itu mengerikan. Seperti iringan musik kematian. Semakin mendekat dan semakin jelas terdengar ….
“Sial !” Arjun sedikit mengumpat.
Arjun melihat mata pisau fixation bowie sedikit cuil setelah bertarung dengan kawat gerigi milik paman Arya. Dia masih membolak-balikkan pisau itu dengan seksama. Meraba disetiap sisinya khawatir terdapat cuilan yang lain. Dia menghela nafas lega. Pisau pemberian paman Steven dari perusahaan SOG ini adalah barang yang sangat dia jaga. Arjun sangat suka model pisau ini. Tidak besar dan tidak terlalu kecil. Pas untuk kegiatan jelajah alam liar.
Dari sekian banyak kegiatan outdoor. Lintas rimba adalah kegiatan yang sangat Arjun tekuni. Materi tentang survival kit, navigasi, topografi, hingga prinsip-prinsip yang harus dimiliki oleh petualang telah melekat erat di sanubarinya.
Menyusuri sebuah hutan tanpa mengenal seluk beluk hutan tersebut merupakan tantangan yang sangat berbahaya. Butuh mental dan jam terbang yang tinggi untuk dapat pulang kembali dengan selamat. Bagaimanapun juga teori akan bertransformasi menjadi penerapan riil ketika telah terjun ke medan laga. Dan juga pengalaman dalam praktek lapangan berperan sangat penting untuk menunjang keselamatan.
Arjun menyadari sedari tadi masih membelai-belai pisau kesayangannya. Dia menyarungkan kembali pisau itu. Lantas beranjak menuju mobil jeep sebelum sebuah tangan berhasil menepuk bahunya.
“Arjun !”
Seseorang memanggilnya. Arjun menoleh. Speechless. Terpana. Antara percaya dan tidak percaya dengan siapa yang berdiri didepanku.
“Raka !? Raka Wibisana ?! Ini kau benar Raka ?!
Adalah Raka. Sahabat petualang Arjun dari semenjak SMA kelas 3. Dia adalah sosok yang sangat luar biasa. Cerdas. Petualang sejati. Arjun dan Raka berpisah ketika menginjak semester 3 kuliah. Raka memutuskan untuk melanjutkan kuliahnya di luar negeri dan melanjutkan hobinya di sana. Entah sudah berapa hutan di dataran Eropa yang sudah dia taklukkan.
“Assalamualaikum, Arjun !” Salam Raka.
“Waalaikumussalam Raka, aku tidak menyangka kita akan bertemu lagi sahabatku !” Mereka berdua berpelukan melepas kerinduan sebagai sahabat yang sudah tertahan bertahun-tahun. Raka sibuk dengan petualangannya, pun Arjun begitu.
“Wow, beda sekali kau sekarang, Raka ? Semakin kekar saja kau.”
“Haha, kuliahku disana banyak waktu luangnya ,Arjun. Ya aku sering pergi ke gymnastic dan seperti biasa melanjutkan petualangan-petualangan yang sempat terhenti. Lalu bagaimana denganmu ?” Tanya Raka.
“Seperti yang kau lihat.” Arjun mengisyaratkan tangan ke baju yang sedang dikenakannya. “ Aku menjadi instruktur mahasiswa pecinta alam di beberapa universitas disini. Selain itu aku mengisi waktu kosong dengan mendaki gunung, memanjat tebing, dan apapun kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan alam.” Balas Arjun.
“Eh ayo masuk dulu, kita minum kopi sambil ngobrol-ngobrol didalam lebih enak.”
Mereka berdua asyik membicarakan pengalaman masing-masing. Tampak disudut ruangan itu seekor burung elang bertengger gagah diatas sebatang kayu tanpa rantai yang mengikat kedua kaki burung itu.
Raka bercerita tentang pengalaman dia menjelah hutan Aokigahara di Jepang yang terkenal dengan banyaknya kasus bunuh diri disana. Bercerita tentang Black Forest di Jerman. Dan hutan-hutan lain yang membuat Arjun tampak terpesona dan ingin mengikuti jejak sahabatnya itu.
Arjun masih mendengarkan sahabatnya bercerita. Tiba-tiba hp Arjun berbunyi. Terlihat nomor yang tidak asing.
Panggilan Masuk
Arjun segera menjawab panggilan itu. Terdengar suara serak diseberang sana.
“Arjun ! “ Sontak suara itu sedikit mengagetkan Arjun.
“Siap, Pak ! ada apa ?” Tanya Arjun.
“Ada kecelakaan lalu lintas udara.Sebuah pesawat dilaporkan mengalami kerusakan mesin dan jatuh dipulau yang kita sendiri belum pernah menjamah pulau itu. Presiden memerintahkan kami untuk segera menuju lokasi jatuhnya pesawat agar bisa segera mengevakuasi korban yang ada. Malam ini segera menuju markas pusat dan kami akan memberikanmu nama-nama yang nanti akan bekerja dibawah komandomu. Jelas ?!”
“Siap, Jelas, Pak !” Jawab Arjun mantap.
Tidak ada tedeng aling-aling bagi arjun dalam masalah seperti ini. Seperti biasa dia selalu semangat jika mendapatkan sebuah panggilan tugas.
Arjun segera meraih remot tv. Menyalakannya dengan terburu-buru. Terpampang diheadline berita kecelakaan pesawat boeng 737. Diberita disebutkan pesawat mengalamai mall fungsi dan terbakar diudara sesaat sebelum menghantam pulau ditengah laut lepas.
“Oh shit!” Jawab Arjun dan Raka serempak.
“Raka ! setelah sekian lama aku tidak meminta bantuanmu, maka kali ini aku akan meminta bantuanmu.”
Raka menatap Arjun. Mencoba menerka apa yang akan dikatakan Arjun kepadanya.
“Kau ikut aku dalam misi penyelamatan pesawat ini” Tegas Arjun tanpa basa-basi.
Raka tersenyum. Ini yang dia tunggu setelah lama berpisah. Kembali berjuang bersama dalam misi penyelamatan berselimut petualangan. Raka mengangguk. Arjun tersenyum.
“Aku akan tunjukkan kau sesuatu.” Kata Arjun
Arjun berjalan menuju sebuah lemari buku besar. Dia melambaikan tangan dua kali didepan lemari itu. Terdengar suara decitan kecil. Lemari itu terangkat dan bergeser teratur. Raka hanya bisa menatap takjub dengan apa yang dia lihat.
Lemari terbuka. Sebuah pintu baja mengkilat kokoh berdiri dibelakang sana. Lagi lagi Arjun mendekatkan matanya kesebuah sensor pendeteksi retina. Pintu baja bergeser cepat. Arjun melambai ke arah Raka. Mempersilahkan masuk.
Arjun menuju lemari besi diujung ruangan. Arjun membukanya. Lagi-lagi lemari besi itu dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan canggih. Pintu lemari berdecit sedikit membuka perlahan. Arjun menyalakan lampu kecil didalam lemari itu dan terlihat banyak peralatan petualang lengkap berharga mahal terpajang rapi didalam lemari itu. Raka belum berhenti dari rasa takjubnya. Matanya masih berlari kemana-kemana menjelajah seluruh isi lemari itu.
“Ayo Raka bantu aku mengeluarkan semua barang-barang yang kita perlukan.” Pinta Arjun
“Sebentar. Bukankah SAR PUSAT sudah menyediakan semua alat-alat yang digunakan untuk penyelamatan nanti arjun ?” Raka penasaran, kenapa Arjun harus repot-repot membawa peralatan sendiri jika SAR sudah menyediakan.
“Memang begitu, tapi komandan tahu. Aku meragukan alat-alat yang disediakan SAR. Aku lebih nyaman menggunakan alat-alatku sendiri. Kami sudah berteman sejak lama.” Arjun tersenyum kepada Raka sambil membelai tas ransel kesayangannya.
“Alasan yang tepat, dengan alat pribadi maka seseorang bisa memperkirakan resiko keamanan penggunaan alatnya sendiri dan tentu prioritas kenyamanan juga penting. Tapi aku tidak bekerja di SAR, bukankah nanti bermasalah ? ” Tanya Raka
“Calm down, Raka. Komandan mempercayakan misi ini kepadaku, dia membiarkanku membawa siapapun sebagai teman dalam misi penyelamatan ini. Kau kira aku bekerja di SAR ? ” Jawab Arjun santai sambil melirik kearah Raka.
“Baiklah kalau begitu mari kita bereskan.” Sahut Raka tak kalah semangat.
Mereka berdua segera menyiapkan alat-alat yang dibutuhkan. Gerakan mereka lincah dan gesit pertanda bahwa mereka sudah terbiasa dan berpengalaman dalam hal itu. Karmantel, pisau komando, pelampung, parasut, dan alat-alat lain sudah tertata rapi.
Arjun berjalan sedikit menuju ujung ruangan. Dia mengangkat tangannya ke arah kaca yang menempel di ujung ruangan itu. Sementara di sisi lain Raka memandang Arjun dengan tatapan heran. Pikirannya mencoba menerka-nerka apa yang akan dilakukan Arjun. Raka mengambil kursi kecil didekatnya lalu duduk dengan pandangan tetap tertuju kearah arjun. Arjun mulai menempelkan telapak tangannya di kaca dan tiba-tiba muncul cahaya hijau seperti memindai tangan Arjun.
Izin masuk diterima…
Membuka pintu rahasia …
Gubraaakkk …
Ben terjatuh dari kursinya karena terkejut bercampur penasaran dengan kecanggihan ruangan ini. Arjun menoleh kearah Raka dan sedikit meledeknya.
“Duduk saja tidak bisa bagaimana mau menyelamatkan orang ?” Ejek Arjun sambil tertawa kecil. “Kemarilah, aku tunjukkan kau sesuatu. kata Arjun dengan wajah meledek.
Raka menganggukkan kepala tanda oke. Mereka berdua memasuki ruangan seperti lift. Pintu ruangan itu menutup secara otomatis. Arjun bergumam “Grey Room”. Suara seperti robot kembali menyahut “Grey Room Opened” . Perlahan-lahan lift mulai berjalan dan semakin cepat. Raka masih terpana dan tidak bisa berkata-berkata selain takjub dengan apa yang dia lihat.
Lift berhenti. Pintu membuka perlahan-perlahan. Terlihat berbagai jenis senjata api tertata rapi di almari penyimpanan yang terletak disepanjang lorong ruangan itu. Gudang senjata. Ya . Arjun membangun fasilitas canggih ini semua semata-mata untuk menunjang pekerjaan dan hobinya. Arjun juga sangat menyukai dunia intelijen, terlebih fasilitas-fasilitas yang dimiliki berbagai macam biro intelijen di dunia.
“Nanti kau boleh memilih dari sekian banyak senjata ini mana yang kau suka, Rak. Tenang” Tutur Arjun
“Serius, Jun ?” Tanya Raka seakan tidak percaya.
“Aku serius, kawan” Jawab Arjun sembari tersenyum.
“Ayo kesini aku akan mengambil senjata kesukaanku.”
Arjun membuka kotak kaca di tengah ruangan. Klik terdengar suara kunci terbuka. Arjun mengambil pistol kesayangannya. Desert Eagle. Kaliber 50 mm. Ia mengangkatnya dengan gesit. Memutar-mutarnya sebentar. Cekrekkkkk … dengan gerakan tiba-tiba senjata itu sudah mengarah ke pelipis Raka. Raka terkejut bukan main. Ia mundur satu langkah. Arjun pun tertawa meledek temannya.
“Jangan bergerak tiba-tiba jika tidak ingin membuat penembakmu panik”.
“Sial, kau selalu tidak berubah. Kau kira lucu dengan menodongkan senjata seperti itu ke kepalaku.” Raka sedikit kesal dengan apa yang telah dilakukan Arjun.
“Sekali lagi kau seperti itu, RPG yang akan berada dikepalamu, Jun.” Balas Raka mantap.
Tawa mereka berduapun menggema diruangan kedap suara itu.
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RIIL Expands Partnership with Rhode Island Energy
Warwick, RI (February 5, 2025) — The Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL) is pleased to announce it has signed an expanded partnership with Rhode Island Energy. As part of the new partnership, Rhode Island Energy will be the presenting sponsor of the 2025 RIIL Gymnastics State Championships. This year’s state meet will be held over a two-day period at Rhode Island College, beginning with the RIIL Division I and Division II Gymnastics Team Championships, set to take place Saturday evening, February 15th at The Murray Center, immediately following the Rhode Island College women’s gymnastics tri-meet. The Midge Palmer Individual Gymnastic State Championship will be held on Sunday afternoon, February 16th.
In addition, Rhode Island Energy will serve as presenting sponsor of the Alice Sullivan Award, which will be given out this spring at the 2025 RIIL Awards Breakfast. This award will be given to an individual who exemplifies the life, character and enthusiasm for female athletics displayed by the late Alice Sullivan, who was the driving force behind girls sports being added to the Rhode Island Interscholastic League in the late 1960s and served as the RIIL’s first director of girls sports.
Rhode Island Energy also will continue to serve as the proud presenting sponsor of the RIIL Boys and Girls Soccer State Championships.
“We’re proud to provide additional support to RIIL and this year’s Gymnastics State Championships.” said Greg Cornett, president of Rhode Island Energy. “Not only do our nearly 1,400 union and non-union employees live and work here, but we are also neighbors, friends, parents, fellow parishioners, and customers. It is important for us to play our part in supporting our community, and we’re especially thankful to RIIL for giving us this expanded opportunity.”
“We are thankful for Rhode Island Energy’s expanded commitment in support of the value of educational school-based athletics in our state.” said RIIL Executive Director Michael Lunney. “We look forward to our continued work together in providing the best possible experiences for our student athletes.”
About Rhode Island Energy
Rhode Island Energy provides essential energy services to over 770,000 customers across Rhode Island through the delivery of electricity or natural gas. Our team is dedicated to helping Rhode Island customers and communities thrive, while supporting the transition to a cleaner energy future. Rhode Island Energy is part of the PPL Corporation (NYSE: PPL) family of companies addressing energy challenges head-on by building smarter, more resilient and more dynamic power grids and advancing sustainable energy solutions. For more information visit www.RIEnergy.com.
About the Rhode Island Interscholastic League
The Rhode Island Interscholastic League is a voluntary organization of high school and middle school principals who pledge that their schools and participants will support and follow the Rules and Regulations of the League. The RIIL is a support organization to its membership and administers championships in 31 sports and activities to its membership, which includes approximately 73 public, charter, private, and parochial high schools and 61 middle schools (grades 6-8). More than 40,000 student-athletes compete annually in thousands of competitions among Rhode Island Interscholastic League member schools.
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League to honor 23 individuals at May 8th RIIL Awards Breakfast
(Updated May 2, 2024)
April 19, 2024
WARWICK, RI – The Rhode Island Interscholastic League will honor 23 individuals, including 16 student-athletes, for their exemplary achievements and contributions over the past year at its 12th annual RIIL Awards Breakfast, to be held Wednesday, May 8, 2024 from 9-11:15 a.m. at the Quonset “O” Club, 200 Lt. James Brown Rd., North Kingstown. (Registration from 8:30-9 a.m.). In addition, the RIIL will present Brady Toner of Rogers High School with the 2024 Local 51 Scholarship.
Tickets, which cost $26 per person, may be purchased online at https://gofan.co/app/school/RIIL by May 3rd. For more information, contact Susana Borges via email at [email protected] or by phone at the League Office at 401-272-9844. No tickets will be sold at the door. The honorees:
RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Awards
Presented by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI
Wayne McNamara, Lincoln High School
Leila W.X. Hopkins, Classical High School
RIIL Leadership & Service Awards
Presented by Bank Rhode Island
Maura Pendergast, Scituate High School
Adeline Areson, Toll Gate High School
Nolan Rogalski, Cumberland High School
Adam Beaudry, Woonsocket High School
RIIL Distinguished Achievement Award
Emily Ballard, Chariho High School
Griffin Crain, Bishop Hendricken High School
Alexia DiLorenzo, Johnston High School
Chukwuemeka Ezeama, Smithfield High School
Alexandra Stoehr, Westerly High School
Peter Vachon, Cranston West High School
Samantha Vernancio, Cranston High School East
Arden Katherine Wilkes, Mt. Hope High School
RIIL Unified Sports Award
Brady Cullen, Ponaganset High School Athlete
Luke Daponte, Ponaganset High School Partner
RIIL Spirit of Sport Award
Keith MacDonald, Portsmouth High School Football Coach
RIIL Distinguished Service Award:
John Abbate, Burrillville Athletic Director
Susan Chandler, Exeter/West Greenwich H.S. Principal
Elaine Lyden, Gymnastics Official
Emma Ofner, La Salle Academy Athletic Trainer
Jamey Vetelino, Westerly Athletic Director
Rhode Island College Athletic Department
2024 Local 51 Scholarship Recipient
Brady Toner, Rogers High School
#RIIL Awards Breakfast#RIIL Awards#Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI#BankRI#Bank Rhode Island#Leila Hopkins#Classical#Wayne McNamara#Lincoln#John Abbate#Burrillville#Susan Chandler#Exeter/West Greenwich#Elaine Lyden#Gymnastics#Emma Ofner#La Salle Academy#Jamey Vetelino#Westerly#Rhode Island College Athletics#Ponaganset#Luke Daponte#Brady Cullen#Keith MacDonald#Spirit of Sport#Portsmouth
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February RIIL Educator Spotlight, presented by BankRI: Coventry's Lolita Lipa Roberts takes great "Oaker Pride" in helping student-athletes reach their potential
February 23, 2024
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#RIIL Educator Spotlight#Bank Rhode Island#BankRIb#Coventry#Lolita Lipa Roberts#Cheerleading#Gymnastics#nfhs#educator spotlight
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SEE COMPLETE RESULTS from Sunday's RIIL Gymnastics Championships at: https://www.riil.org/page/6597 https://www.instagram.com/p/CaPggXuuguk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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RIIL Gymnastics State Championships Top 6 All-Around Competitors: 1, Olivia Priest, North Kingstown, 37.3 2, Shaye Robinson, Barrington, 36.95 3, Caitlin Dowling, Coventry, 36.925 4, Riley Bromage, Warwick Co-op, 36.875 5, Morgan Correira, La Salle, 35.775 6, Madison Long, Warwick Co-op, 35.15 (at Rhode Island College (RIC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaN0O_3rPBD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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RIIL Gymnastics State Championships - Midge Palmer Individual Championships: Barrington junior Shaye Robinson is individual state runner-up, finishing 2nd in the all-around with a score of 36.95. (at Rhode Island College (RIC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaNyV1orFPy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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RIIL Gymnastics State Championships - Midge Palmer Individual Championships North Kingstown junior Olivia Priest successfully defends her state crown, taking first in the all-around with a score of 37.3. (at Rhode Island College (RIC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaNvZGHpnVv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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2022 RIIL Gymnastics Championships Division II Champion: Barrington High School (at Rhode Island College (RIC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaNvMHqJyFD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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2022 RIIL Gymnastics Championships Division I State Runner-up: La Salle Academy (at Rhode Island College (RIC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaNvJAMJ0l3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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2022 RIIL Gymnastics Championships Division I State Champion: Warwick Co-op (at Rhode Island College (RIC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaNvDZGpVij/?utm_medium=tumblr
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TODAY! RIIL Gymnastics State Team & Midge Palmer Individual Championships, noon at R.I. College. CHECK OUT the Digital Program, which includes qualifiers, order of competition and state meet history. You can download and print it, too: https://www.flipsnack.com/tpg2020/gymnastics-championships-program-2022/full-view.html PLEASE BE ADVISED: All Spectators must provide proof of vaccination or a negative test when they arrive. (at Rhode Island College (RIC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaMxWldLXlr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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2021 RIIL Midge Palmer Individual Gymnastics Championships All-Around: 1, Olivia Priest, North Kingstown, 36.9; 2, Madison Long, Warwick Co-op, 34.925; 3, Katie Ignagni, Warwick Co-op, 34.825. (at Strive Gymnastics and Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLk0KhFs96e/?igshid=xz6hdf234m6a
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RIIL Region 2 Gymnastics Champion: Warwick Co-op https://www.instagram.com/p/CLiaq8GMUk-/?igshid=1bdmz05jzbrt9
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RIIL Winter Sports Update - 1/20/21
January 20, 2021 —Through a tremendous amount of collaboration between state officials, the R.I. Department of Health and our member schools, the R.I. Interscholastic League has received authorization to begin games/competitions in the low- and moderate-risk sports of indoor track & field, basketball, hockey, gymnastics and swimming beginning no earlier than Friday, January 22nd. The State of Rhode Island released the updated Phase III Youth, Adult and School Sports guidelines this morning.
Although we are thankful to receive the authorization from the State of Rhode Island and everyone is anxious to play, we also recognize that each member school and our officials associations will need time to adjust schedules and implement the new guidelines prior to hosting any competitions. Therefore, we strongly encourage each member school to take the appropriate time necessary prior to hosting its first events.
Please note that games/competitions are contingent upon schools being prepared to adhere to the following parameters:
Each winter sports team must have completed the required number of practices prior to their first competition.
All student-athletes, coaches, and staff taking part in RIIL sports activities are strongly advised to obtain a COVID-19 test weekly except in cases where they have tested positive within the past 90 days. Testing can be done as part of an in-school testing program or student-athletes, coaches and staff may obtain a test at one of the many statewide testing sites available throughout Rhode Island.
As always, the RIIL office will continue to be available to support schools as we head into the winter competition season. Best of Luck to everyone!
RIIL Covid-19 Information Page: https://www.riil.org/page/5925
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