sunshinereddie · 2 years
Omg that song ask reminded me: Big Shot by Billy Joel is the most Richie song I have ever heard. 100% certain it is about him and nobody else. Not only the lyrical content, but just the song itself. I'm pretty sure it's on the same album as Zanzibar, so that kind of vibe imagine. I'd quote lyrics, but there are just too many. The main one is:
"Because you had to be a big shot, didn't you
You had to open up your mouth,"
But again. Straight up just every single lyric is him. It's about him. Thank you and goodnight.
oh my god that song was written for richie. oh my god. you're so right!!! every single lyric i just think. richard tozier.
"You had to have the last word, last night You know what everything's about You and to have a white hot spotlight You had to be a big shot last night" --> i can so see this being him, night after night where he knows that he went too far with whatever it was he did this time, but he just can't help himself, and he hates it.
"Oh, but now you just don't remember All the things you said And you're not sure you want to know I'll give you one hint, honey You sure did put on a show" --> again!!!! this is so him!!!!! i feel like at some point richie's career came to a point where he started to lose himself, where he started to write less jokes that he liked and more jokes that did well for the crowds, until it wasn't him writing his jokes at all anymore, and at that point in his career he's not even really himself anymore, he's not the comedian he always wanted to grow up to be, he's just... trashmouth. trashmouth tozier, who doesn't always make people laugh anymore but what comes out of his mouth certainly gets their attention, and richie doesn't like it, but at least its better than disappearing. what was it they said- bad press is still press? so sure, maybe he's not the same richie tozier he used to be, but at least he still puts on a show.
"Well, it's no big sin to stick your two cents in If you know when to leave it alone But you went over the line You couldn't see it was time to go home." --> OHHHHHH THIS IS MY FAVOURITE AAAHHHHHHHHH LJHGFSOLEJHBAF oh this is so richie. this line right here, so richie. i think im also going insane because this line just perfectly describes richie in the last chapter of my fic, puppy love...... for anyone who has read it you may know what im talking about,, the part where richie knows he shouldn't be egging on bowers but he does anyways....... AUGH THAT LINE HIT ME !!!!!
wow. i am just. wow. thank you so much for this ask....... i loved it....... new fav richie song...... thank you........
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lucystark12 · 1 month
what are you thinking, finn wolfhard?
everything i'm about to say aligns with my finn wolfhard is a genius agenda.
it was just made apparent to me that not only did finn wolfhard film it 2017 before season two, but he filmed his scenes as boris in the goldfinch literally DAYS before filming season three. this is extremely hard for me to conceptualize. but it also makes me think about finn wolfhard himself who obviously knows the truth about mike wheeler's sexuality. if byler is as deep seeded as we want it to be, odds are that finn knew what was up from the beginning. which makes a girl think- did he know the same about richie tozier when he first played him in 2017?
lets look at richie a bit.
richie is obviously gay. i will not be taking arguments on this. i'm reading a reddit thred right now where people are debating it and i'm like- are you kidding me. but he wasn't gay in the source material. stephen king has stated as much in a vanity fair article. though he calls andy muscetti's choice "genius" (which it is, btw), he makes it clear that it wasn't his intention. it's explicitly clear in it chapter 2, and being wired like a byler shipper, i was able to suss it out in the first movie, but was that andy muscetti's intention to begin with?
there are many ways this change can be interpreted. assuming that it wasn't something that was explicitly written into the original character description for richie in the first movie, you could see this as something that was put in as a sign of the times, a statement if you will. it chapter one was written in 2015-2016 while we were still under obama's presidency, one that saw drastic improvements for the quality of life of a gay person in america. it chapter two was written during trump's presidency and could have been trying to brand itself as a statement of sorts. i only say this because as far as i can find (and PLEASE tell me if i'm wrong) there wasn't nearly as much evidence hinting at richie's sexuality in the first movie as there is for mike or will to use a relevant example.
the idea that finn wolfhard could have gone straight from it filming (summer of 2016) to stranger things filming (early november 2016) just having played a character who he knows was in the closet and in love with his best friend in the 80s could open up new interpretation to mke in season two. oddly, the reason i bring this up is because richie tozier to me is the mirror image of a kid i was friends with in middle school. they acted the same, they even weirdly looked and dressed the same. the only time i've ever made the comparison between middle school kid and mike wheeler was during season two, specifically in the scene where max leaves them the note, which leads me to believe that he could have carried other things over from other aspects of the it production.
season two isn't what really concerns me though. i'm looking more at season three. the goldfinch only moved to production in albuquerque in april of 2018, which is obviously where finn wolfhard filmed all of his scenes. however, stranger things 3 started production on april 23rd, 2018, which means there might have even been crossover between finn's shooting dates if not at least a very short gap of time between them. it chapter 2 was filmed that same summer likely with some of it's own crossover with stranger things three dates. finn wolfhard's lack of scenes in the second movie are probably what made this possible, but the scenes that he did have tackled very delicate topics that had to be handled with care. most actors get their scripts for minor roles like this a few weeks out from filming, which means that finn could have had his scripts for it chapter 2 that very explicitly make it clear that he's gay during filming for stranger things 3.
so here he is with one gay character right before season 3 and one right after. he knows how to handle these things, which means that every move he's making, especially in season three, is most likely intentional, especially if he knows this far in advance about mike's sexuality. i think it's totally feasible that he does. i'm fifteen and i understand what was happening between byler during the fight scene, finn was sixteen and, being a part of this show, probably understood what was going on too even if he wasn't outright told. doing justice to a season like this when he was also having to figure out scenes like the boreo taxi scene or the arcade scene with henry bower's cousin or r + e was probably at the forefront of his mind.
in conclusion, i just have one question:
what does this mean, finn wolfhard?
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watchoutforthefanfics · 2 months
goodbye for now || Reddie (IT)
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Inspiration: ^^^ this amazing art by @you-are-braver-than-you-think + I love you by Billie Eilish
Summary: Richie was ready to leave Derry. But that doesn't mean he's ready to leave everything in it.
TWs: crying, saying goodbye, angst, hurt/no comfort, the Forgetting (idk what to call it) and mention of the 27 years.
[[A/N: This one fucking hits. So be warned. Enjoy :)) ]]
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Richie didn't believe in wanderlust. The whole longing for something bigger, better. Or that, one day, he'd want to leave Derry.
Not because it wasn't a shithole, it definitely fucking was. He knew that ever since that summer when their whole lives were changed (he still stared at the scar on his hand sometimes). Even still, he never in his heart felt like he wanted to leave his friends -they'd been through so much shit that he'd knew they would be there forever. Or at least, he thought they would be.
But then, people started leaving. Promising that they would write, that they would call.
And Richie watched their cars leave -chasing them with his bike the first time, waving so enthusiastically he almost fell off. But as time went by, they disappeared and there was nothing. Nothing from anybody. It changed.
The hugs lasted longer, and he cried a little more. All of them did. Because even though they said they'd call, or even fucking write, it never happened. It was like as soon as they left, Derry was just gone. Richie eventually learned to stop waiting.
Richie Tozier didn't believe in wanderlust when he was ten. But as he got older, colleges were reaching out and the world was at his fingertips, and well, teenage Richie Tozier believed in wanderlust. Magazines of monuments and letters from colleges, he wanted to fucking go.
Derry felt like a cage, and Richie was ready to open the door.
But it wasn't that easy.
Not as he stared at the acceptance letter from the University of California Los Angeles. Not as he saved up for an apartment with his shitty icecream parlor job (his parents wanted to help him, but they wanted him to earn it too) wage. Not as he got fucking excited about the idea of making more of himself than dirty bathroom walls (and a carving on the kissing bridge).
And especially not as he looked into the eyes of Eddie Kaspbrak and told him that this was his last summer in Derry.
"Eds," he was laughing, but it felt like his heart was ripped open, "-I got accepted into UCLA a couple of months before we graduated. And I'm... starting in the fall."
"What?" Eddie repeated, and he watched his face twist into something Richie fucking hated (hurt), "-Why the fuck didn't you tell me that shit?"
"I didn't want to make this any worse," Richie answered honestly.
"Richie, it's fucking June," Eddie retorted, something deep and heavy in his words, "-and you're leaving in like two months and you didn't fucking tell me?"
Richie had debated it for a long time. But as he watched Eddie live out his senior year, the most free he's ever been, the decision was easy. He wouldn't ruin it for him, and, selfishly, didn't want to ruin it for himself. Make everything sadder than it already fucking was (with 3 missing faces and no contact to show for it). Because he just... god, he wanted this with Eddie. He just wanted to feel fucking happy with Eddie-
And that was a whole other thing. Richie had realized just what exactly Eddie was to him when he was 11 years old and he carved into that fucking bridge. He knew what it was, and what that meant he was. He knew that. And maybe that's why wanted to go to California. And maybe, he just wanted to remember that shit with him happily. Just in case-
"I know, Eds," he breathed out, feet dangling off the Quarry cliff -his shitty car parked just off the road, "-I'm so fucking sorry. But I wasn't going to fuck up our last year."
"It's not like we're fucking dying, idiot," Eddie retorted.
But it kinda was.
Richie knew that he'd fucking call Eddie, or even write him, whatever the fuck he wanted. He knew, if he could help it, he'd talk to him every fucking day, see him every summer, but shit... shit didn't work out that way. Everyone else said the same things, and now... now there were only 3.
Richie hadn't heard from Bev in years. Fuck, Stanley (his best friend before the Losers even existed) hadn't even called him once.
But he hoped to fucking god that wouldn't be him.
"No, we aren't fucking dying, but-" Richie relented, but it felt like a lie, "-our lives are changing. There's no going back to high school, where we're fucking together all the time."
"No, Richie," Eddie's face was pushed into a flat line, "-your life is changing. I'm gonna fucking... rot here in this shithole, by myself-"
"Eds, I told you-"
"I know what you said," Eddie sighed, turning out to the water -Richie wanted him to look at him, "-It's just not fucking happening. You know that. Ma is never-"
"You'll get away from her, Eds," Richie interrupted, "-You can't let her control you forever."
Eddie wrung his hands together and didn't look at him. Richie felt like throwing up, he just knew it would end up this way. He really didn't want to fucking leave Eddie.
They talked about Eddie coming too, running away. But then, his Mom got sick. And well, Eddie would hate himself if he left her -helpless. And Richie spent nearly every day trying to convince him differently, it hurt in his fucking chest when Eddie refused. Every time.
But he needed to fucking leave-
"I can't do that shit without you," Eddie leveled, looking at him, "-I can't... I can't stand up to her without you."
"Yes, you fucking can," Richie argued, shoving into his arm, "-You're brave as shit, Eddie. We fought a demon clown before hitting fucking puberty-"
"I did that with you guys!" Eddie burst, frustrated and Richie might've seen tears in his eyes, "-I did it with everyone. I'm not... Fuck, I can't do it alone. I don't wanna be alone."
Richie frowned, gnawing at his lips, "You're not alone, Eds. You'll never be fucking alone as long as I'm alive-"
Eddie was just staring at him, big brown eyes dusted with tears. Richie felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest, it just fucking hurt-
"-Eddie, even if I... even if I don't do anything like call or write letters, I'm still here for you-"
"Don't-" Eddie frowned, "-Don't say that shit."
"-Eddie, no, you need to hear this-" Richie leveled, putting his hands on his shoulders, "-If I don't talk to you, it's not up to me. I don't... I don't know why it's happening. But I swear to fucking god, I would come back to you, or at least fucking talk to you, okay?"
Eddie was crying now, wiping at his eyes like he was much younger (Richie flashed back a moment), "Yeah, okay."
The summer was, as expected, bittersweet. Richie knew it would be, but he kept it light-hearted or tried to with everyone not just Eddie. But still, it was heavy. In the clubhouse, which was so hard to be in now, there was something in the air. It sucked, but it was gonna happen. He knew it was gonna happen. So, he tried to make it the best summer of his life, of all of their lives.
He thinks it worked. He thinks he had a good impact. He thinks they'll remember this, or he'll try his fucking hardest to.
And then, it was August.
Richie had been packing up since late July, and Eddie made himself comfortable helping. ("You need to be fucking organized so you know where your shit is, asshole.") And Richie let him. He was pretty sure he'd let Eddie Kaspbrak do anything, honestly. So, he'd labeled boxes and argued why he "shouldn't take fucking everything you own, Richie", and danced around just what was happening. They didn't talk about that conversation over the summer, they didn't even touch the fact that he was leaving -not even over his packed fucking boxes.
Eddie just didn't seem to want to touch it, and Richie honestly didn't either. This felt normal, the bickering, even though the reason they were doing it all hung over everything like a fucking storm cloud. They still acted normal, like Richie wasn't leaving, like he was gonna stay right there. They were gonna stay. Together.
He wanted that so bad it burned, but Richie fucking needed out. It was time.
And then, it was the day.
Richie was silently packing up the last box, and taping it shut. And Eddie scribbled on the front with his insanely perfect handwriting -comics.
It was quiet, too quiet. Eddie was still crouched down, staring at the box, the words. And Richie was staring at him. Unabashedly. He thinks he should be allowed to now. And the thought crossed his mind of finally telling him, bubbled along his skin. As he watched Eddie's eyes trace the letters for the 10th time, it felt like it was on the tip of his tongue.
Richie cleared his throat -voice a little scratchy, turning toward his old bed (grabbing something under the mattress), an extra comic. A special one.
Wordlessly, Richie extended it forward.
Eddie eyed him for a second, standing up -glance landing on the comic.
"Are you fucking serious?" Eddie hissed out, "-You forgot one? You're such a-"
"Eds," Richie leveled -seriously, extending it forward -shaking it a little.
Eddie's lips snapped shut, and his eyes dropped from Richie's to the comic in his hand.
It was one they used to fight over when they were younger. He remembered particularly being on the hammock, Eddie's head on his shoulder (cussing him out when he moved too fast, but doing the very same when he moved too slow), and peeking glances when he was focused on reading. Because he was Eddie, and Richie felt a lot then. Still does, but he knows what it is now.
Eddie raised a hand, hesitantly, and pulled the book into his hands. Naturally, he started flipping through it -red pen sticking out on the page.
"I wrote notes," Richie pointed awkwardly, "-like um, like commentary. So..."
Eddie was silent, flipping through the pages -not looking up. Richie just kept talking.
"-So, it was like I was still here. Saying stupid shit."
Eddie laughed a little, something caught up in his throat. He swallowed once, heavily, eyes blinking a little too fast.
Fuck, don't cry, Eds. If you cry, I don't know if I can fucking leave.
"If you talk about fucking my Mom, I'm burning it."
Richie laughed, something heavy on your shoulders, "Well, you better get the fucking matches, Eds."
Eddie laughed a little more, finally looking up at him. The laugh faded, his smile slipping, and his eyes were the same big ass brown ones, but now they were teary. And he was just staring at him, his face falling further each second that passed. Richie felt like he was ripping out his heart and leaving it here with Eddie. It hurt so fucking bad-
And then, before Richie could even blink, Eddie was in his arms -face shoved into his shoulder.
Richie's eyes were watery now, his chest aching, and he wrapped his arms around him, unhesitatingly. He could feel Eddie's shaky breaths against him, wracking through his lungs. And Richie pulled him tighter, pressing the side of his face into Eddie's. God, he never wanted to forget him, please don't let me fucking forget him-
"Promise you'll write?" Eddie breathed out, heavy breaths against his shoulder.
And even though, they'd talked about the outcomes and the fact that, if he didn't, it wasn't up to him, something was happening. Richie still answered the same.
Squeezing him a little tighter, he whispered -maybe through bleary tears, "I promise."
They stayed like that for a while, and Richie felt it on the tip of his tongue. It almost came out with every breath.
Eddie, I love you. I think I've loved you my whole life.
It didn't come out.
Not as he and his Dad and Eddie packed all his boxes into his shitty ass car's trunk. Not as they forced his trunk closed. Not as Eddie angrily told him to take the necessary stops, don't skip meals, and stay hydrated ("Don't fall asleep on the road, dipshit."). Not as his Dad grabbed his gas can and filled Richie's tank. Not as his Mom hugged him, crying. Not as his Dad patted his shoulder and told him to "Take on the world, son". Not as he, Ben, Mike, and Eddie crowded together into a hug so tight that it hurt. Not as Eddie threw himself into Richie again (on his own), all angry edges and sharp pointy elbows ("Promise?" "Promise."). Not as he pulled himself into the driver's seat, aching like he had ripped off a limb. Not as he stared into the rearview mirror, watching as his friends waved and Eddie stared -waving so desolately that it was like he was going to war. Not even as he pulled out of Derry, and Eddie followed the car as far as he could (Ben and Mike pulling him back). Not as the trees flew by his windows, and his eyes teared up -road blurry and sobs wracking through his chest.
But as he got further along, it lessened. He stopped feeling so heavy, wondering why he felt that way before anyway. The towns passed by and he got out, hitting tourist spots (taking pictures and not being sure who to send them to). And then, he was in California, and everything felt fresh.
Pulling up to his apartment building, he trucked up the stairs over and over -boxes piling up in the empty room. When it was all inside, Richie laid down on the floor -letting a big breath out of his lungs. And then, he moved on autopilot.
Digging into his boxes, he found a piece of paper and pencil, pulled a box toward him, and set it down -throwing the pencil to the paper.
Richie blinked once.
He was supposed to write something, he felt it in his bones but he couldn't remember what, or maybe who to write to. But he was fucking supposed to, it was so... visceral.
Richie felt so... He felt something he'd never felt before, an ache in his bones. And just as everything seemed so happy, there was something nagging at him-
He scribbled along the paper, just what he felt (no header, no name).
I think I loved you.
Shaking his head once, Richie blinked and grabbed the paper, crumpling it up, and throwing it into a corner (the apartment really was fucking empty). This feeling would go away. If it mattered, he'd know.
And then, a year went by.
Eddie Kaspbrak arrived in New York, unpacking as soon as he got into his apartment. Digging through his boxes, his fingers dusted along some paper, maybe a magazine. Why the hell did I pack a magazine?
He pulled it out and eyed it for a second.
An old comic book. His eyes flicked along a red pen on the front, Return to Richie Tozier. Eddie pulled it open, skimming over the pages -hinging on red marks. They were shitty jokes, he noted.
Did I get this from some fucking second-hand store? Why? It's fucking ruined.
Eddie shut it and stared at the name again. Richie Tozier. He wondered for a second who he was, like a lot of people did with original owners of their shit, and felt something nagging in his mind. Richie Tozier, he repeated.
He pressed his lips together and although he didn't know shit about it (or why he fucking had it), he carefully placed it onto a table -away from anything else. He'd look at it later, maybe figure out why he kept it.
It ended up forgotten, slid into a bookshelf.
None of it would make sense. Not until 2 phone calls, 2 trips, and the hitting of a gong.
Then... Then, it would make a lot of fucking sense.
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xelmokidx · 3 months
First of all, I really like it posts and how r u
Second of all I was wondering if you still do metal lorda characters or IT characters?
Because if you did I was wondering if you could do a story or some headcannons.
What it would be like dating hunter Sylvester
Or an angst story with Richie tozier with light smut, aged up of course
No pressure at all btw
Anyway have a miraculous day!
✌️ 😁
ima do the metal lords request, ( I just haven’t watched -IT in a rlly long time 😭😭)
Hunter Sylvester x fem!reader
what it’s like dating Hunter Sylvester
Will drill you on metal knowledge cuz it’s his hyperfixation
like you will know just as much as he does by like the second week of dating
height difference go brrrrr
fore head kisses go crazy
is a softie but doesn’t want to be
like will beg for cuddles, cuddle you and then halfway through cuddling, will gain conciseness and push you away
(then he’ll feel rlly bad and cuddle you ten times harder)
sleepovers 🔛🔝‼️
he has such a huge and beautiful house that you insist on staying there 24/7
I mean he has all the good snacks and such a comfy bed, why wouldn’t you want to stay over for eternity??
night long car rides!!
Omg I can just imagine driving at night in like a downtown area and just talking about life and your future together
then you guys make out in his car
speaking of make outs, he does not know how to do that when you guys first start dating
like pretty boys clueless
you teach him the littlest amount of basic info
omg I can just see him like being a nerd a writing down all of the stuff your saying 😭😭
He’s literally like 🤓✍️
Sitting in at band seshes
you and Emily are besties
helping him write his songs
(there are like fifteen songs he’s written about you)
sitting on his lap whilst he writes songs
or sitting on his lap while watching movies
or sitting on his lap while in band practice
just sitting on his lap‼️‼️
braiding his hair !!
you search up YouTube tutorials in how to do different types of braids and hair styles
and if you have long hair then he can braid yours
also!! As a black curly hair girly I have this thing where I think that he doesn’t like people touching his hair, just like us curly haired people don’t like people touching our hair
so I think that if the reader has curly hair, then you guys both have mutual understanding on people violating your personal space and touching you hair, which not only brings you together but also helps you guys feel safe with one another
omg sorry for the rant lmao
I think he totally digs them but acts like he doesn’t
his fav romcom is ten things I hate about you
do you guys see the vision cuz I see the vision
he wants to be your Patrick and you are this kat
omg i just had a thought
what if he made a metal cover of can't take my eyes off of you 😭😭😭
you are nina the killer and he’s either Jeff the killer or Nina’s canon bf eyeless Jack ( creepypasta fandom unite!!!)
he want to stay in a watch horror movie but you want to go trick or treating
he gives and you both go trick or treating
he hates Christmas I cna feel it in my bones
bur if you love Christmas he will do a complete 180 and act like he enjoys it just a little bit
will loathe your celebrity crush with his entire soul heart and bones
like he will wish death upon them
and your all like “hunter it’s not like I’m gonna date Louis partridge he’s dating Olivia Rodrigo” and he’s all like “good cuz he can’t have you 😠😠”
has a crush on Elvira
I think that’s all the headcanonna I have in me 💀💀
let me know if there’s anything else you guys want me to write, I’m on summer so I have so much time to write !!! love you freaky freaks
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1mlostnow · 2 months
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠!
Hello! I’m Evan and this is my intro post (the third one, I redo them a lot).
[spotify] [poetry insta] [wall of text] [tone tag list]
I’m a guy, I use he/him, and I’m queer :3
I am a minor!!! Anyone can interact but I’d prefer that if you’re 18+ you don’t do asks or DM me.
EvanRadio : @evan-radio - Tune in!! ★
Writing and poetry : @1mfoundnow
House MD ask blog (Stevie) : @head-of-forensics
House MD ask blog (Gabi) : @plastic-surgeon-gabi
Some basic information ⇨
Blue text is primary information or things I’d like to bring attention to, highlighted headers refer to the entire section (ie : My Resume)
I absolutely love nicknames, you can call me Ev or something completely different.
Obviously no discrimination of any kind, cringe culture is dead and I’d love to learn more about anything you know about.
Please please please interact. Feel free to do asks do anons reply to my posts, anything really. For the most part I’d prefer if you didn’t DM me just because those situations tend to be uncomfortable for me, but if you really want to, go ahead
ALSO I don’t get out a lot and I love interacting with people :))
If you wanna read any of my writing/poetry, it’s posted on my IG which is the same as my tumblr :333
I love my mutuals to death and I mean it when I say you’re my friends ♡︎
I do appreciate it if you could use tone indicators with me, but you don’t have to!
Uhh some assorted facts -> mbti : intj-t, I’m a Leo (idk the sun and moon stuff), I’m from America, more specifically the Midwest (CDT time zone)
Typically online from 8AM-1AM CDT but this fluctuates and will change soon.
My Resume ⇨
★ CEO of Losers Inc.
★ Weird kid since day 1
★ I’m a professional ghostbuster
★ Supervillain (for the outfits)
★ Midwestern Cowboy (fun, not cop)
★ OG test subject (I was in a jar with sticks and leaves and a few holes in the lid)
EvanRadio Tunes ⇨
AJJ, Arctic Monkeys, boygenius, Bright Eyes, Bug Hunter, Cage The Elephant, Car Seat Headrest, Crywank, David Bowie, girl in red, Gorillaz, Green Day, Hospital Bracelet, ICP, Lemon Demon, Lord Huron, Los Campesinos!, Modern Baseball, MCR, Pat The Bunny, Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Ricky Montgomery, Tally Hall, Tame Impala, TFB, The Lumineers, The Neighborhood, The Smiths, The Velvet Underground, TV Girl, Vundabar, Weezer, Will Wood, Will Wood and The Tapeworms, Wingnut Dishwashers Union, and more.
A Guide To Tags ⇨
#evan speaks -> I am very chatty. I love to talk. One day I’ll drop the 50 random drafts // #evan rants -> I love to talk about things that upset me. This will often be politics but it varies // #evan draws -> my art!! I draw and do digital art // #evan writes -> self explanatory, I write some stuff. I post it on my ig too if you wanna see that, it’s the same as my tumblr // #evan can’t vote -> strictly for politics, I am a minor but i encourage everyone to vote if they can // #i love my mutuals -> I love my mutuals :3
Hobbies ⇨
★ I occasionally crochet
★ I love to read and write
★ I play the alto sax in marching band
★ I love art
★ Music <333
Shows and movies ⇨
Supernatural, Sherlock, House MD, Dead Poets Society, My Babysitters A Vampire, Ghostbusters, Velvet Goldmine, The Truman Show, Goonies, Stand By Me, Scooby Doo, Homestuck, Hannibal, Saw, Good Omens, IT 2017, Over The Garden Wall, and more.
Kinnie List ⇨
★ Sherlock Holmes -> Sherlock
★ Castiel -> Supernatural
★ Steven Meeks -> DPS
★ Richie Tozier -> IT 2017
★ Teddy Duchamp -> Stand By Me
★ Truman Burbank -> The Truman Show
★ Egon Spengler -> Ghostbusters
★ Rory Keaner -> MBAV
Primary Fandoms ⇨
Supernatural, DPS, Sherlock, Homestuck, House MD, Ghostbusters
Some other facts ⇨
- I love my car #TOMATER supremacy
- I like to do little drawings sometimes, especially of my mutuals
- Once again I love my mutuals so much
- Richard Cameron Defender for life
- I change my blog theme frequently
- I have adhd
- if u ever draw anything for me I’ll love u forever
- I have a tendency to see notifs and forget to reply so if that happens just @ me, I promise I’m not ignoring you
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Drawings from ping!! ⇧
Drawings from me ⇩
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A note ⇨
Intro post will likely be edited often as well :))
Dead Poets Society ⇨
@pingunaa @ghostboyhood @wordssricochet @meekspeaks @lv3buzzz @yourfavvgal @poetsinnyc @apparitiongnostic @asclexe @lefthandedspaghetti @midwest-quill @notcatseatheadrest @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @de4d-poet-kisser @alightelixe
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐧, 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
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princess-glassred · 3 months
Imagine if in the 1990's version of IT, when Richie walked into the library, instead of instantly seeing Pennywise, he looked down a specific aisle of books and remembered his own version of the arcade scene?
It was a saturday, and Richie was checking out comic books at the library since he was bored and almost all his other friends were busy. He pilfered through the bottom shelf for a while, until another boy just around his age walked over and started searching for comics too.
He's a really good lookin kid, dressed in baggy overalls and a sweater with the most gorgeous slicked back blonde hair he'd ever seen. And when Richie sees something amazing, well, he's gotta open his mouth and start talking.
He makes a joke, Richie is so flustered he cannot remember what the joke was but it gets this kid laughing and Richie is happy to have an audience that doesn't roll their eyes. They shake hands. "Richie Toziers the name, and doing voices is my game!" "Connor, Connor Bowers.".
The boys last name makes him take pause, but Richie laughs it off with another joke that gets them both giggling. He spots an issue of mad magzine in his hands and instantly launches into a big neurodivergent spiel about it, talking a mile a minute about his opinions and love for them while Connor stands and listens totally impressed.
They make more small talk until Connor breaks the news he has to go and Richie jokingly tells him not to let the door hit him on the way out, but just when Connor turns to leave, Richie is overcome with the urge to talk to him more, so he grabs him by the arm.
"Y-you know, I have a whole big comic collection at my house, first editions and stuff. Maybe sometime you could come over and see it... if you want.".
Connor seems interested in the idea at first, but some one turns the corner of the aisle and sees them: Henry, here to pick up his cousin. They are in a terribly compromising position right now, with Richie's hand on his arm like they've known each other for years, and Connor knows if he wants to avoid humiliation or worse he's gotta tell them kid off.
So, he jerks his arm away and yells "Get the hell off me! Are you a fuckin queer or something? Leave me alone.".. poor Richie doesn't even know how to process it, he's confused, offended, and deeply hurt, but he's not sure why. If it wasn't true why did it hurt so much? I mean, it wasn't true... right?
Connor turns to Henry and starts going on and on abour how this little fairy made a pass at him and is trying to get him to comeback to his house even after he told him no over and over again, and Henry gets fucking pissed. Richie attempts to talk his way out of it, but for the first time ever Richie doesn't have anything to say. What happens next is a total fucking blur to adult Richie, all he remembers is Henry pulling out his switch blade and grabbing him by the shirt collar. "I want you to get the fuck away from me and my cousin before i get down and show you what we do fags like you in Derry. You got it?" Henry says, and poor poor Richie can do nothing else but drop his books on the ground and comply.
So he runs, out of the library and out of adult Richie Toziers memory, leaving him to sit with his cup of water, badly shaken and ready as ever to run back home, just like he did all those years ago. And that's when Pennywise shows up.
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nexus-my-beloved · 8 months
This isn't my usual content but I recently (four days ago) decided to read the actual book for IT so here's a couple of headcanons (specifically centred around 1990 IT, but I'll specify which years just in case):
-1990 Eddie likely had severe anxiety around showers and baths after the time he saw Pennywise in the gym locker room showers. He probably always had a fear of the clown stretching open the drain again and reaching to grab him and drag him into the sewers. Eddie is afraid of disease and germs, though, conditioned to it, so he still took showers and baths- but he probably scrubbed hard enough to make his skin red and raw and he did it fast before rushing out, always racing against an invisible clock that when the timer was up Pennywise would grab him. This fear probably carried over to adulthood, even when he forgot about Derry, and he likely got better with it but probably still was afraid for some unknown reason- he probably took ten minute showers, fifteen at most.
-1990 Reddie headcanon: when they were kids, Richie probably had a small crush on Eddie, but he likely had more feelings for Stanley (1990 Stozier truther here but also universal Reddie enjoyer). When they were adults, though, Richie probably grew out of his feelings for Stanley and I like to think he had more feelings for Eddie that resurfaced the moment he saw him. Eddie probably liked Richie a lot when they were adults, but probably wasn't very big on him when they were kids.
-1990 Stenbrough headcanon: for years after Derry, Bill probably would say random bird species when he was anxious. He wouldn't remember who this was from or realize it was from one of his best friends until he got back to Derry, and that friend was dead. Bill likely held on hope that Stan would come, and probably felt his heart bleed a bit when he realized Stan had killed himself. He never got to fess up to the little crush he used to have.
-2019 Reddie headcanon: based on the fact that Eddie yelled "I knew it! I fucking knew it!" when they were leaving the restaurant after Richie admitted to not writing his own material, I like to think that Eddie probably watched this comedian he recognized but didn't know from where on TV and swore up and down the material was scripted from someone other than him. He didn't recognize the Tozier standup guy until he got the phone call from Mike and realized it was Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier from when he was a kid. Eddie probably kept tabs and watched Richie for years without ever realizing that used to be his best friend.
-2017 Bill Denbrough headcanon: I like to think that Bill particularly stuttered on s-words. Which means he probably stuttered like hell whenever he'd have to say Stan/Stanley sometimes. Imagine how he'd have to use nicknames instead, silly or not, and how much more important it'd be when he said just Stanley, even if it was hard.
-All Media Bill Denbrough: there's no way he could've looked at paper boats without feeling like crying. Even as an adult he probably couldn't explain it. He'd just cry.
I probably have more but I think this is a big enough post for tonight. Have these I found on Pinterest!
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The sillies <3
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Bowers Gang Slander but it gets progressively worse/better (depends how you see it)
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Abso-fuckin-lutely it is them. I can imagine little 2017 Eddie running after Finn Wolfhard Richie with inhaler in hand and trying to keep up while Richie laughs his ass off and promptly smacks his face into an open locker and eats shit
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Twink Eddie <3
In all fairness though I love adult 1990 Eddie. He looks like the embodiment of if kindness were a human being and he just makes me so happy I would hug this man and love him forever I want to keep him in my pocket
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halfpricedpages · 2 months
intro post (finally)
ive debated making an intro post because first off ive been on tumblr for two years and I never got around to it and secondly I am really really horrible at talking about myself because what is to much info and what it to little info and the cycle continues but im giving it a shot because I feel like my mutuals have no idea who I am lmao
HAI my name is Charlie im 15 (18+ I dont mind if you follow me but please dont dm me thank you :]) I use jasper as an online name kind of (at this point its just reserved for my best friend ace but I dont mind if other people call me jasper since I still love the name)
my pronouns are he/him but im also perfectly comfortable with common neopronouns (it/its xey/xem) if you wanna get funky with it.
im a self diagnosed autistic and ARFID (if you dont know what that is its an eating disorder where certain factors make you avoidant and restrictive of the food you eat and it has nothing to do with physical appearance. for me its linked to my autistic sensory issues(ALSO OCD NOW?!!? WHAT THE FUCK?!!?)) I have depression and anxiety and the only reason I mention this is because I relate my mental health to my fav characters in tv shows and books and stuff so if you see me posting about them like everything is connected lol
(my a03 is ghostwithfeet if you want to see me be silly and project my weird life onto fictional characters (I am the most inconsistent updater in the world please expect nothing from me if you even ask about a project it will scare me and like I turtle I will crawl into my shell never to see the light of day again))
my interests really vary about current hyperfixations but heres the master list
current hyperfixs
stranger things specifically Byler but mostly mike wheeler (this has turned into a special interest(I DO NOT support Noah schnapp or another of the other cast members who are in support of the inhumane actions the Israel government are doing. I am pro saving innocent civilians. I know that this can be controversial to be such a big fan of this show and honestly I have a lot of complex feelings on the matter but im autistic as previously mentioned and its my special interest and It won't leave my brain even if im not directly interacting with the media so im gonna yap about it on my blog thank you.))
also just Finn wolf hard for some reason (check out his band the Aubreys its awesome. also check out a recent movie he was in called when you finished Saving the world. it means a lot to me)
donna tarts the goldfinch book
old special interests/hyperfixs
the percy Jackson universe specifically nico di Angelo
the IT universe specifically reddie and Beverly marsh but more leaning towards richie tozier (see what I mean with the Finn wolf hard thing)
dead boy detectives !!
doctor who (I haven't even finished David tenants doctor yet so please no spoilers)
Alice oseman content (never read loveless or iwbft but ive read all of her other stuff)
paper girls graphic novel
other interests
the good place tv show
Kathleen Glasgows book girl in pieces
the walking dead comics including the clementine spin off graphic novels
um yeah thats all I can think of for now
my fav musicians/bands
florence and the machine
indigo de Souza
Kevin Atwater
the Aubreys
the cranberries
soccer mommy
runo plum
lala lala
the smiths
hospital bracelet
Chappell roan
Madilyn Mei!
Elliot smith
(my music taste is all over the place and is also very seasonal and I have a bunch of underground artists I dont listen to but I am here to give good recs I promise my playlists are fire)
we've gotten to the part of the intro post where im wondering if this is way to much information so sorry if I overshared idk but hope we can be silly mutuals or friends if you want (never be scared to shoot the friendship shot I would love to yap with y'all)
also since this is taking over my other pinned post I just want to put this as an honorary spot and let everyone know that my old pinned post was a quote from radio silence and that Aled last is me and I am him and the February Friday plot line is actually me and it makes me sick how much I resonate with that book
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chans-room · 1 year
🎈Spookyfest Presents 🎈
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Stray Kids in IT
Georgie - Yang Jeongin
He is baby and unfortunately that means he is dying first. Pour one out for the babiest bread.
Bill - Bang Chan
No one is surprised. He’s the leader, and his guilt (despite it not being his fault) for I.N dying drives him. Idk if anyone else has read the book recently but literally all the characters talk about how they’d die for Bill but don’t always agree with him/understand his motivation. That is So Chan-core.
Richie - Lee Minho
If anyone is gonna be Trash Mouth Richie Tozier it’s gonna be Lee Minho. Homosexual feelings for one of his friends? Check. Propensity for violence and outrage, but is actually a softie? Check. We stan.
Eddie - Han Jisung
Hypocondriac softie. He’s not convinced he should be there or if his friends really love him, but is so deeeeeply loved by everyone and especially Lino. The bravery comes out in the moments where it’s needed, and his sacrifice is always remembered. Pour another one out for Hanji.
Bev - Lee Felix
Have you seen how SKZ fawn over Felix? Like you can not tell me I’m wrong. Everyone treats them like they’re weak, but they’re actually the strongest of the bunch. Unintentionally keep everyone together and moving forward, always agreeswith Chan/Bill and helps everyone see the importance of the Losers Club.
Stanley - Hwang Hyunjin
Very methodical, particular, and mature, but also the most skeptical and fearful. In the book, he is supposed to have a strange sense of humor, and that feels sooooo Hyunjin to me. Also rip to Hyunjin: the reappearance of IT causes him so much strife he can’t go back to Derry. Also, if we’re going off movie Stanley sacrifices himself to make sure the others can succeed bc he knows his fear would get in the way of the others killing IT. We love a self aware king even tho hes dead
Ben - Seo Changbin
Okay I debated putting this but he just, fits for Ben’s arc. Super smart, sensitive and shy, but turns into a rich hot dude who gets the girl in the end and remains unwaveringly kind and gentle? Yes please.
Mike - Kim Seungmin
Listen, this might be a hot take but imo Seungmin is the only one in skz who I think would be a) responsible enough to stay in Derry to make sure someone’s ready when Pennywise comes back and b) unhinged enough to drug his friends to try to get them to stay in town and kill a demon clown.
Pennywise - JYP sorry not sorry
Thrives off fear and making others feel smaller and more insignificant as him?? Feasts on the souls of innocent children?? Corporate wants you to tell the difference between the two. You can’t.
spookyfest babes: @kiestrokes @eureka-its-zico @j-a-nuary @minisugakoobies @minttangerines @chimivx
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mercedesvince · 1 year
Hello I’m Vince!!
I am a writer who is open to writing requests for x reader
Just a heads up that English is not my first language so apologies for any grammar or wrong use of words :(
This is meant to be a blog for x male or non-binary x readers
I will not write for female readers as of now (but might change in future)
I will only write for series listed below
no smut (I am not comfortable with that)
There are characters listed below underage, all characters will at least be aged up to teenagers, but even so I will only go as far as kissing
I will not write any sort of NSFW for any character under 18 (what i mean when i say NSFW I mean in a sexual way, things like cussing or slight violence I can do)
I can write angst, fluff or both
If you see a mistake in my writing please inform me on it so I can improve in future :)
If i missed a TW or you notice something i should let the readers know before reading PLEASE let me know, i’d hate for someone to be negatively affected by my writing
Please be nice and respect everybody and there wishes!!
(If there is a character I have missed that is not on the list for a specific series and you would like a x reader for please ask and I will let you know whether or not I can write for them :))
South Park
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCornmick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Wendy Testaburger
Bebe Stevens
Heidi Turner
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentis
Jason Gideon
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Matthew Simmons
Like Alvez
Kate Callahan
Tara Lewis
Sam Cooper
Gina LaSalle
Beth Griffin
Jonathan Simms
Mick Rawson
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Scott Pilgrim
Ramona Flowers
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
Julie Powers
Wallace Wells
Lucas lee
Gideon Graves
Matthew Patel
Todd Ingram
Young Neil
Roxy Ritcher
Stacy Pilgrim
Stephen Stills
My Hero Academia
Disclaimer I have not watched the series recently, so I do not have everything up to date and can only write up to season 4 :(
Anyone from Class 1A
Anyone from Class 1B
Any Pro Hereos
Any Villians
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki
Shun Kaido
Aren Kuboyasu
Aiura Mikoto
Kokomo Teruhashi
Reita Tortisuka
Riki Nendo
Kineshi Hairo
Chiyo Yumehara
Metori Saiko
Chisato Mera
Hunter X Hunter
Disclaimer I am only caught up on the series not the manga
Gon Freecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paradinight
Hisoka Morrow
Chrollo Lucifer
Any Phantom Troupe Memebers
Ging Freecss
Any Zodiac members
April O’neil
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max mayfield
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Disclaimer I have been trying my best to see the second movie but I have only managed to watch the first so I can only write for things relevant in the first movie :(
Stanley Uris
Ben Hanscom
Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrak
Miles Morales (earth 1610 & earth 42)
Gwen Stacy
Peter B. Parker
Jessica Drew
Miguel O’hara
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Spider Noir
Penny Parker
This Masterlist includes all works i’ve written on this blog so far!
That is all for now! Thank you so much for reading and feel free to request, I am new to tumblr so please feel free to let me know if I need to add or be more specific on something :))
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
EEE an au where richie is a street magician who is really good at like sleight of hand magic, doing fun little card tricks and all of that..... which attracts the attention of eddie, who is a real wizard. eddie was walking through town one day when he noticed a crowd on the street, and stopped for a moment to look and see what was going on, and he is absolutely shocked to see someone doing magic. 
he can’t believe his eyes- what the hell does this guy think he’s doing, showing off real magic in public?! he’s making things appear and disappear right in front of all of these people!! he’s insane!! but as eddie approaches, he realizes with awe that this guy isn’t, in fact, a real wizard... he’s just one of those humans who happen to be very good at imitating real magic. 
at first eddie wasn’t completely convinced, and he spent a few minutes with the magician after his little show asking questions to see if he really is just a human... and eddie is completely surprised to find out that this guy, richie, is 100% non magical. eddie finds it fascinating. 
he doesn’t tell richie that he possesses magical powers himself, but he ends up joining richie on this little magic act of his, because after years of learning magical theory and following strict rules of magic, eddie finds it rather fun to learn how to “guess somebody’s card” using nothing but a sneaky hand trick (he can’t wait to show it to his wizard friends).
richie, on the other hand, finds eddie rather amusing. he’s a bit of a weird guy, richie still remembers the way eddie approached him and bombarded him with questions after a street performance, but richie likes that about him. eddie keeps things fun, and richie finds it rather entertaining to teach eddie all of these different tricks. and richie thinks it’s probably nothing, but... he can’t help but think that eddie has a bit of a natural talent for magic. with the way the cards seem to almost glide in his hands when he shuffles them, the way the “disappearing” acts seem to play out a little too perfectly when eddie does it, the way that eddie can easily perform escapist acts on the first that richie has been trying to perfect for years... eddie is an interesting guy to have around, richie thinks.
it’s almost like he’s a little magical himself. 
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Hii! I love your work sm ong. I was wondering if you could do a richie tozier angst using prompts 7,9,12,15 from the angst/emotional section where they get into a fight or wtv and then the reader has like a near death experience from pennywise after? I feel like that would be nice bc I'm craving angst 😻
Last Fights
pairing: richie tozier x gn!reader
summary: things between you and richie seem to be getting worse and you finally manage to confront him but it’s all in vain. none of it matters and it’s true what it said, you’ll float too. 
warnings: self-doubt, very angsty. that’s it. 
word count: 1.7k 
a/n: i am so sorry this took me so long but i was locked out of my account for a good while before i managed to get back in- this is rlly emotional and i'm kinda sorry… thats a lie. i'm in an angsty mood. hope you enjoy this anon :) 
not proofread in the slightest, beware grammatical mistakes
promts: angst 7. “wake up please!” 9. “no! don't you dare close your eyes!” 12. “is everything just a joke to you!?” 15. “you always do this!”
— — — — — X — — — — — 
your mind is filled with regret and fear as silent tears stream down your face, hair caking against your forehead which is damp with blood and sweat. you regret the way things between you and richie, your supposed boyfriend, were left. but the fear you felt? that had nothing to do with your fight with the glasses-wearing idiot. this wasn’t like any other fear you’ve felt before. this was a primal fear, as if every cell in your worn out body was begging you to run, get out of there no matter the cost. 
you couldn't. not only were you quite literally stuck where you were, a mountain of items separating you from the exit, but the sight of beverly’s floating body halts your flight reaction. you couldn't reach her, it was in your way. its orange eyes which stare through you as it approaches you slowly, mockingly. its mouth is upturned in a sick grin, rows of sharp teeth on display as it spews razor sharp words at you, each syllable coming from its mouth causing your body to grow weaker as you start to give up. 
“there’s no point. they’re not coming to find you.” it starts off, a bubbly laugh being pulled from its chest. “they’re only interested in bevvy which means we get to have so much fun together!” you shudder at the thought of its version of fun. “they’re better off without you, y/n. richie too.” 
your heart aches at the mention of him, a wave of self doubt crashing over you as you consider the possibility of your friends not needing you. “you’ll float too.” its words pull you from your inner debate and you flinch when you see its face right in front of yours, close enough to smell the rotten breath which escapes its mouth. you desperately try to move further away but your back hits a wall almost immediately. you have nowhere to run. 
you close your eyes and feel a gloved hand wrap around your throat, breath hitching as you await the pain, the darkness, anything. 
a loud scream echoes throughout the sewer and you could've sworn it sounded like bowers. whoever it was though, spared your life. its hand loosens as it turns to look into the one tunnel, obviously knowing more than you do in that moment. 
it whips its head around to grin at you, “guess our playtime will have to wait.” 
all of a sudden a wave of nausea oversomes you and you start to feel lightheaded, the fear you were feeling doubling as you lose control of your body. “sleep tight!” it laughs maniacally as your eyes droop shut and body drops to the floor, sewer water soaking the rest of you. 
the last thing you see is the huge figure of the clown looming over you, as you go over the argument you and richie had 2 days earlier. it was the last time you spoke to him and even now, on the verge of death, the only thought which floats in your mind is about him. 
‘i wonder how rich is doing…’ 
— — — 
you slam your front door shut and throw your bag onto the kitchen counter, elbows resting on the top as you grip the roots of your hair in frustration. a knock at the door makes you sigh out loud, already knowing who it is: richie tozier. you had left him at the arcade but he doesn't seem to understand the fact that you want nothing to do with him. 
with a major eye roll, you make your way to the front door, silently thanking whoever could hear you that your parents weren't home. 
“what is it, richie?” you ask as you're greeted with the annoyed and confused expression of derry’s very own trashmouth. “what the fuck was that?” he asks, pulling another eye roll from you. “you mean when you flirted with that chick right in front of me?” he frowns at your words, clearly not agreeing with your conclusion. “i wasn’t flirting. i was being polite.” he says matter of factly. 
“oh please,” you scoff, “richie tozier isn't polite.” he looks at you in silence for a good 5 seconds before responding drily, “i can be sometimes.” 
“so you only choose to be polite when a pretty girl comes up to you, is that it?” your blood starts to boil. “maybe. i’m polite to you, am i not, toots?” he smiles and you swear that you could punch him into next year. “is everything just a joke to you!?” you shout, finally having enough with this nonchalant attitude of his. 
he blinks, not expecting your outburst in the slightest. “why would this be a joke?” he asks dumbly. “you’re fucking kidding me, right?” you deadpan. “no.” is all he says and you laugh. “y’know, i always ignore the fact that you flirt with others, the idea that you’re looking for something in someone else but i can't anymore rich! i can't!” you pace slightly, richie still in the doorway as he watches you, tears slowly fogging your vision as you become angrier and angrier. 
“i’m done! done with your bullshit and with undermining myself and this relationship!” his eyes widen at those words, not expecting you to go this far. “hey, calm down alright? i’m sorry, it’s fine. i-” you cut him off and pull your arm away before he manages to get a grip on you. 
“no, it’s not ‘fine’, richie! you always do this, don't you see? i try to get over it, ignore the self-doubt, but i can't anymore! it hurts… you keep hurting me.” your voice gets softer towards the end and you blink away the tears which threaten to spill over. “i can’t do this anymore.” 
your gaze is downcast but if only you looked at him and saw the broken expression on his face, the tears which shine in his own eyes, size enhanced by his glasses. “so, what? this is it?” his voice cracks ever slightly at the end and your heart aches at the sound but you refuse to meet his eyes as you whisper, “yeah, maybe.” 
he stands in silence, not knowing what to say or how to reassure you that you’re the only one on his mind. the only one he’d ever consider being with, the one he wants to spend his whole life with. the only one in this world that he truly loves. he can’t form the word to tell you this, the only words which manage to leave his mouth are lousy and unimpactful, “i got to go. we can talk about this tomorrow.” 
and with that, he’s off. picking up his bike, he doesn't look back and quickly cycles off, heading straight for his house and he fails to see the heartbreak on your face, the way you crumble in a heap on the ground, hand covering your mouth as you cry. you cry harder than you ever have before. 
if only he knew that you wouldn't be able to talk about it the next day. maybe then he would've said what was on his mind, what he desperately wanted to tell you, things he may never get to tell you. 
— — — 
“-n!” your eyes flutter under your lids, slowly being dragged from the memory of that night. 
“y/n-” you manage to make out your name,  “-please!”, the voice is oddly familiar and it pushes you to try open your eyes. they’re heavy and strained but you need to see if it’s who you think, if it’s who you hope. 
“wake up, please!” your eyelids peek open slightly, taking a second to adjust to the newly found light. 
as you get accustomed to seeing things again, you feel your torso being squeezed, warmth and a familiar smell filling your senses. your eyes prickle with tears as you see the mop of messy curls, weak arms trying to wrap themselves around the boy in comfort. 
“i’m sorry.” he mumbles and you shake your head, causing him to lift his own from your neck. you look into richie’s eyes and you’re filled with regret, wanting to take back everything you said to him. “no,” your voice is hoarse and scratchy, “i’m sorry… i didn’t mean anything i said.” you admitted. 
he smiles sadly and you finally notice the wet lines running down his face. guess you weren’t the only emotional one right now. 
“you have nothing to apologise for. i was a dumbass.” he sniffs and you laugh lightly before coughing loudly, causing his eyes to widen as panic rises in his chest. “no you weren’t,” you manage to get out as your coughing calms down a little bit, “i was… i-” you cough again, face scrunching up in pain, your throat feeling as if you’ve swallowed glass shards and then some. 
you feel your eyes slowly start to close, exhaustion taking over. “no! don't you dare close your eyes! you hear me? don't leave me again, please!” he cries out, the rest of the losers quick;y making their way over to you, the sight of pennywise disappearing down the sewer fresh in their minds. 
 “keep them open!” he urges, more tears streaming down his flushed and dirty face. “i’m tired…” you slur, voice sleepy and mind foggy, finally feeling safe. “i’m fine, jus’ lemme… sleep…” you plead. 
richie shakes his head. “just wait, alright? hang in there!” 
you smile at him softly, hand slowly making its way to cup his cheek. “dumbass…” you start, eyes glazing over, “i love you…” you whisper, hand soon falling off his face as you finally give in to the exhaustion and darkness overcomes all your senses. 
you faintly hear richie cry in the background, the other losers calling your name in vain. you try fight, you wanted to fight for richie but 4 words put an end to your struggle. 4 words which you’ve always wanted to hear from him: 
“i love you too.” 
the words echo throughout your mind as you drift off into the dark abyss, a smile on your face as you take your last breath in the arms of the boy you fell in love with, the only one who’ll ever have your heart.
‘i may only see you in another life, rich, but i’ll love you in every one of them.’ 
you should be scared or anxious but you’re not. you feel content, safe, comforted… loved. 
— — — — — X — — — — — 
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babygirllinds · 2 years
ao3 masterlist
Top Gun
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky/Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Danger is Calling my Name - explicit/oneshot
— “When Ice told Maverick that he was dangerous, he wasn't lying. The man flew too close to the edge, never once following the rules set in the parameters of the mission. But when Ice said those words, he held an entirely different meaning in mind.”
happiness - explicit/oneshot (background Slimav relationship)
— Maverick’s relationship with Ice throughout the years.
Merry Christmas - explicit/oneshot
— “Ice has never really liked Christmas, but he thinks that maybe he could learn to like it as long as he has Maverick by his side.”
say you’ll be my wife tonight - explicit/oneshot
— "I've been thinking about how pretty of a wife you'd be for me."
seduction plan: failed? - explicit/oneshot
— Maverick uses his best pants to seduce the Iceman. It fails. So he brings out the big guns: the short shorts.
kitten - explicit/oneshot
— Where Pete wears a collar, calls Tom daddy, and has intense feelings of emptiness that can only be sated one way… with Tom’s cock.
Let me Teach you a Lesson or Two - explicit/multi-chapter (ongoing)
— college!au (long-hair bratty mav + dominant tutor ice)
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky/Ron “Slider” Kerner/Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
lend a helping hand - explicit/two-shot
— A/B/O smut: Ice and Slider are good bros who just want Maverick to not be in pain during his heat… they also might have feelings for him and their help isn’t entirely selfless.
I saw him first - explicit/two-shot
— Slider saw Maverick first and was immediately attracted to him. Here’s the kicker though… Ice also wants Maverick. They come to a mutual understanding.
Ron “Slider” Kerner/Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
piercing pleasure - explicit/two-shot
— Maverick doesn’t believe Slider when he boasts about his dick size. Ice sets him right. Along with exposing that Slider has a cock piercing… and the fact that he has feelings for Maverick.
there is happiness - explicit/oneshot (background Icemav relationship)
— sequel to happiness/takes place in Slider’s POV.
The Magicians
Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh
Illicit Affairs - explicit/oneshot
— Where Eliot and Quentin are in love, but neither know how to cope with their feelings. So, instead they end up fucking in secret, because what’s better than ignoring the obvious?
Happy Birthday, Q - explicit/oneshot
— "Let me make you forget your sadness for tonight, Q," Eliot's words were muffled as his kisses made their way to his ear, tongue dipping in slightly. "Let me make you forget tonight and give you a memorable birthday, sweet boy."
If the World Was Ending - mature/oneshot
— In which an earthquake happens and Eliot realizes just how much he misses Quentin.
Quentin Coldwater/Margo Hanson/Eliot Waugh
Thinking of You + 1 - explicit/oneshot
— Missing scenes from Season 1 of The Magicians. Quentin has harbored feelings for Eliot for a while and the threesome has brought them to light.
IT (Stephen King)
Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Like a Prayer - explicit/oneshot
— In which it’s Richie’s birthday and Eddie just wants to worship his boyfriend’s dick.
Devil in an Angel’s Disguise - explicit/oneshot
— "Eds... literally fuck me all to hell," Richie's eyes glazed over, darkening from brown to almost black, "you're not wearing anything underneath that little skirt, are you?”
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watchoutforthefanfics · 4 months
achievement unlocked 🔓 (part one) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
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Inspiration: this prompt
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, mention of pet death (briefly in chat), cursing, child neglect, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: Was scrolling through some old reblogs and found this gold mine. It is perfect for Reddie, so... Also, in terms of vibes, I think Richie's content is rivaling Game Grumps vibes, random games with funny commentary. Also, was this supposed to be a oneshot? Yes. Is it? No. This universe is just so 👌👌👌. Anyway. Enjoy :))]]
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Richie Tozier was not lucky.
He grew up in the middle of nowhere in a shitty small town that was perpetually stuck in the 80s. And he was gay. So, that, in itself, spoke a lot about his shitty luck.
On top of that, Richie's parents, Maggie and Wentworth Tozier, really didn't give a shit about what he did. Ever. (He remembers telling them about being an official Twitch partner, and he got the equivalent of a 'yeah, yeah, whatever you say' text.) So, he was kinda alone. Since he was like 5 years old.
To be fair, Richie wasn't really the easiest person to be around. His therapist would probably say: "Because you never received much attention at home, you became a physical representation of 'LOOK AT ME'." And he was usually right, so there was some merit to that.
The thing was, Richie always knew he was destined for the public eye (maybe because he felt so insignificant), he wanted to make a difference. Do something so that people would see him, for once-
Streaming wasn't initially anything special, not really. Richie was just bored, which was honestly how most things he did started, and decided to make an account. Cruising over the app for awhile, he doesn't know exactly what made him do it, but he just decided to go in balls deep.
He bought a webcam, a mic, a better gaming chair, and a way fucking better PC. One good thing about his parents, they were rich. (Not the megamansion kind but definitely the healthy retirement kind). And he doesn't know if they felt guilt about how they raised him, but they were pretty lenient with 'allowances'. If you could even call them that.
And then, one day, he just pressed that fancy button.
And the rest is history.
Richie's life was kind of built around streaming at this point. He didn't really have an internal clock, so he'd wake up to stream in the mornings if he was responsible, and if he wasn't he'd do them when he was bored at 3 am. (His subs had taken to calling those streams "Richy hours" like the witch thing. Richie just rolled with it.) In the beginning, his chat and subscribers felt a little like his friends.
With college far out of his mind, he focused solely on content creation. Which, at this point was mainly streaming (not that he hasn't tried other things, there is an old YouTube channel his chat will never let down). That being said, he focused on that a lot -maybe too much, by some of his friend's standards.
That's where he was now, tapping out a rhythm on his desk as he readied up everything for the stream. This one was an actual scheduled one, which was a win for Richie's responsibility. Skimming over his monitors, he made sure to put some cursed picture on the greenscreen behind him (and made sure his shirt didn't have green on it). Making sure all his little special things were in order, like the subscriber notifications and little visuals. (They were all his own renditions, handmade. Meaning they were disfigured stick figures that chat now adored.)
And with that, Richie hit the button.
He waited a moment for people to flood in, always did -humming along with some song he had stuck in his head for the 400th time.
"Hey, all you motherfuckers," he chimed (yes, that is what he called his fans), "-how are we doing today?"
Richie skimmed over the chat through his glasses, trying to catch a few of them.
"My cat died," he read, shifting a hand through his hair (it was probably too long now, but he didn’t care), "-Fuck, dude, you're ruining the vibes. But, seriously, rest in peace."
He saluted, like Richie would do.
Skimming through chat again, he caught on another.
"Where did you get your name? Funny story actually," he began, "-it's what bullies used to call me in middle school."
The name being 'trashmouth.tozier', that is.
"No, chat, I'm not trauma dumping-"
His eyes caught on a checkmark, stan.the.man, Richie grinned big. 'What the hell are you doing up this early?'
"Staniel! Good to see you today," he clapped his hands, fidgeting with something else (he physically could not stop moving), "-And I am streaming, fucking duh."
He saw the chat waft through with a few 'STANLEY!!!'s, and maybe grinned a little brighter. Stanley was one of the Losers Club members, or this group of streamers who played together. It was Stanley, Bev, Ben, Mike, Bill, and well... Richie.
Stanley did a lot of calm games, the kinds like Stardew Valley where there's only a little combat. And even then, he just mostly did those like cheap puzzle games where you digitally built a puzzle. How he had an audience, Richie doesn't know. Sometimes he wonders how Stan even befriended him, so he was a little clueless in general.
Bev did a lot of things on stream honestly. Her biggest stuff was sewing, making outfits, and trying them on. Her chat would tell her what to fix or give her ideas on what to do next; it was pretty fun and unique. Richie popped in a few times and gave his two cents; Beverly usually just flipped him off wordlessly, but still. She did game though, obviously.
Ben came actually as one of her subscribers (unsurprisingly, Richie would find out). Bev dug into him once, watched a stream, and recruited him. He was actually the newest of the crew (it went Stanley, Richie, Bill, Mike, Bev, and Ben), and did a sort of mix of streams. He did book reviews and would take chat's suggestions on what to read next, for one. Sometimes, they'd all submit poems for him to read (Richie would send one in and Ben wouldn't even read it out loud, he was too soft for that). If not anything book-related (snore), Ben did mystery games. Like half those ones where you find things on certain screens, and half like story-driven ones. Otherwise, his channel was pretty quiet, closer to Stanley's in vibes.
Mike was the epitome of calm. EPITOME. Mostly, he did story games, the kind where characters die (Richie had seen him cry on camera at least twice), and your choices impact everything else. He did dabble in horror games though, a little because it was funny to watch scary stuff happen and Mike be completely centered with himself. And if his chat felt like it, they'd play like a cozy game. It was just the right vibes for Mike as a person.
Bill was a fun one, he fully played horror games (mostly). And yeah, he got scared, just like any normal person would, but then he'd beat the shit out of the game. Richie has watched him clear full games in 2 hours, whole games. God made him fucking determined, and Bill took that to the max. Richie was good at certain games in particular, but Bill? He could easily figure out a game in minutes and do pretty fucking good in it in, tops, an hour. He was the kind of streamer who sometimes did speedruns. It was pretty impressive, Richie will admit.
Now, Richie?
Trashmouth Tozier was total utter chaos, his chat usually reeled him in, which was kind of the opposite of what Twitch was. But it's how it worked.
Any game was, well, fair game. An obscure NES title that is shitty because of how hard it is? Done. Barbie Horse Adventures? Let's do it. A dating game about pigeons? Yeah, been there, done that. (He dated every single pigeon, every single one, and unlocked all the story available.) Story game where you can control your path? He was going villain every time, but yeah. If he wasn't doing chat's recommendations, he was showing off in some arcade-style game or maybe an RPG. Not to brag, but he was pretty fucking good at them; the Losers Club hated that, mostly because it blew up his ego.
"What are we doing today?" Richie read out, and then grinned big and wide, "-Well, well, chat. We're tackling something you guys have begged for, almost as much as your mom was last ni-"
Beep! Beep! A clown horn echoed through the air.
The little visual of a clown (with an obnoxiously big red nose) popped up, along with a name and message.
mike.me.up donated $1: took one for the team guys
Right, Richie had a physical button people could use to shut him up. Every time someone donated, they could choose to 'beep' him. His friends had picked up on saying it to him verbally: "Beep, beep, Richie."
"C'mon, Mikey," he groaned, eyes dipping over the chat (which was still flooded with horn emojis and 'beep, beep' in all caps), "-that one wasn't even that bad-"
stan.the.man: thanks mike
"Guys," he whined, throwing his head back,"-stop ganging up on me. Chat, defend me."
The chat blew up (mostly those like huffing out air emojis and soldier salutes), and Richie thought he saw a request for a Barbie game (again), and he ignored it.
big.bill: are you going to tell us the game or not, rich?
"Billy, you always have to ruin the fun, don't you?" Richie pursed his lips with no bite. He never really had any bite, "-But okay, fine. Let's fucking do this-"
With a grin, he unmuted the audio that was playing from the game's main screen, which chat couldn't see yet.
"Dream Daddy~"
reddy.bevvy: FINALLYYY, our prayers have been answered
"Bevvy, baby!" Richie called out, smiling again, before asking, "-What the fuck are you all doing? Shouldn't you be streaming? Or am I the only one who has my shit together today? For once?"
Before anyone could answer, another notification flew across his screen.
benny.boy raided you with 2,645 viewers
"Benny," he called out with a grin, before pausing, "-Wait, when the fuck did your stream start? It's like nine in the morning-"
Richie paused a moment, waiting for the chat to answer his question, Which it did.
"6?!" he spoke in disbelief, eyes wide through the lens of his glasses, "-What the fuck, Ben? What are you doing-"
They went back and forth a few times, Richie rambling about a few different things. Today, it was a little about how he went to get a coffee and the barista put expired milk into it. He really couldn't make this shit up. After that though, he decided to focus in on the game.
Shifting the screen to gameplay with his little camera in the corner, Richie skimmed through the chat again.
"Isn't this game gay?" he read out aloud, "-Yes, it is, and so am I, while we're talking about it."
The chat flooded with rainbow flags and hearts, something in Richie's heart twinkled. He really had a good community, somehow. He had no fucking clue how, actually-
"Wait," Richie gasped, looking at the game, "-I can make my fucking character?! My gay dad? Chat-"
stan.the.man: we're going to be here forever guys, thanks
"Stan," he held his hands over his heart, dramatically, "-you wound me. I thought we were friends. It's always the closest ones who hurt you the worst-"
stan.the.man donated $1: shut the fuck up richard
"Awe," Richie switched his tone, "-Stanley, thanks for the donation. Time for more important matters though-"
He leveled a serious gaze into the camera.
"What do we think, chat? Twink or bear?"
His mods were pretty quick to set up a poll, and actually, it was a twink sweep. And to be fair, Richie did love him a twink. So, he wasn't super surprised. By the time he got to the clothes, chat was slower, calmer, and maybe that's why he saw the message. Or maybe it was fate, Richie could believe it.
eddie.kaspbrak: just don't give him a shitty shirt like yours
eddie.kaspbrak: i can't handle both of them on my screen at the same time
Richie stopped what he was doing, pulling on his shirt at the shoulders (it was white with flamingos wearing fedoras), "What, Eddie Spaghetti? You don't like it?"
He had a tendency to talk to chat like he knew them personally (which he decidedly did not know this person). It was part of the appeal of his streams. Or he thinks so anyway.
eddie.kaspbrak: what the fuck did you just call me?
"Eddie Spaghetti," he repeated, plainly, but with a little bit of a shit-eating grin.
eddie.kaspbrak: that's the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard and I watch your streams so that's saying something
Richie laughed out loud and pinned the comment himself (it stayed there until the stream ended), "Eds gets off on a good one! Chat, let's applaud-"
Chat was filled with clapping emojis, and that was that.
The next time Richie heard from Eddie was about a day later (he had a break day between streams), where he was picking up Dream Daddy again. In the end, he didn't seem to get past meeting every Dad, so he had quite the way to go.
A little after he started the stream, maybe even minutes, he caught Eddie in chat.
eddie.kaspbrak: dream daddy again?
"Eddie!" he exclaimed with a grin, "-Yes, we are romancing the Dads, yet again."
eddie.kaspbrak: you didn't even get to that last time
eddie.kaspbrak: you were spending too much time picking out shitty facial hair
Richie laughed a little, watching as more chats filled the space and he maybe felt a little disappointed that Eddie was washed away in it. Which was fucking weird, but that was just between Richie and himself, so who cares.
"Hey, motherfuckers," he chimed, raising his hands -routinely, "-how are we doing today?"
They got into the game pretty early this time, and Richie took it upon himself to voice every character differently -flawlessly he will add.
"Wait," he spoke, suddenly, "-we can fuck Robert?"
Richie stared at the screen a second, before flashing over to chat, "Guys, should we fuck Robert?"
Clown horn.
geez.zee donated $5: fuck robert
"Thank you, Zee," he chimed, instinctively, before taking on a more heroic (dramatic really) voice, "-For you, I shall fuck Robert!"
They were finally at the portion where you could pick dates, and Richie was exaggeratively rubbing his chin. Eyes darting over the list, they hovered over a few of them.
"This is the café guy, right?" Richie questioned, reading out the name -mouse ontop of him, "-Mat? The one we chose the pun for?"
The chat told him yes.
"Okay," he acknowledged, biting at his lip, "-Chat, I think I want to be a monsterfucker."
reddy.bevvy: you could also be a homewrecker
"Bev," he clicked his tongue, eyes moving over to Joseph (the married Dad), "-you do have a point."
benny.boy: neither of them is your type though, rich
"Ben, Benny, my beloved," Richie responded, "-It's about the fantasy of it. It's fucking boring if I do that."
Before he could say much else, a horn interrupted it.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $1: what is your type?
Richie grinned, big and bright, batting his eyelashes, "Eds, my oh my, are you flirting with lil' ole me?"
He got a few more clown honks for that, and yeah, he expected it. Respected it, even.
"If you're not a dude though," he added, "-sorry, it won't work out. I'm into strictly dicks. If I wasn't, I'd be married to Bev."
reddy.bevvy: 😘😘😘
eddie.kaspbrak: fuck you trashmouth
There was a pause.
eddie.kaspbrak: and I am a dude for the record, obviously
eddie.kaspbrak: why would I watch your shitty fucking gameplay if I wasn't
"I'm getting mixed signals here, Spaghetti," Richie commented, mimicking picking petals off a flower, "-He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not-"
Honk, honk.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $1: i asked you a question dipshit
"I dunno, Eds," he laughed, "-if you keep paying me, I might just put it off forever. Plus," he motioned to his monitor, "-Chat already knows."
itty.bitty-mettle: Robert
cryingandscreaming: Robert fs
toziers-trash: he's fucked up so probably Robert
jiggy.saws: Robert hands down
letdown-urhair: he always goes for brunettes and he's a freak so Robert
too.tough.to.cry: screaming why is everyone saying the same thing
the_girls.girl: Robert but like a twink
your._.mom: you'd think it was Joseph but it's Robert
bouncing-baby-boy: Robert bc he's a dick
Richie motioned to chat again, dramatically making prayer hands with a melodic tone, "The chat has spoken."
He took a second like that, before switching back to normal -answering genuinely, "But yeah, Spaghetti, teeny little brunettes who are mean to me."
stan.the.man: he is being 100% honest by the way believe me
Eddie decidedly didn't say anything else. Not that Richie was waiting or anything. Because he wasn't.
"Well," he cleared his throat, strictly not disappointed, "-mods, let's run a poll. Monsterfucker or homewrecker, chat?"
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que3rduckling · 2 years
It is February 14, 1990-something and Richie and Eddie are spending their first Valentine’s Day as an official couple together. They have spent the whole day doing little romantic couple things around the town, well as romantic as a gay couple in the 90s who live in a small town can get.
They went to the movies together, went to a cafe with each other and even surprised one another with little chocolates and sweets.
As the time started to get later they decided it was best if they started to head back home. As they were walking back Richie could tell Eddie was a bit bummed out about something, worried about his boyfriend, he decided to figure out what was the matter.
“What’s up Ed’s? You look a little bummed out there. So sad to already see me go? Or are you worried that I might sneak out to hang out with Mrs K tonight, which I can assure you won’t happen since you’re the only man for me. Even if Mrs K is good in bed” Richie said with a smug grin, rapping his arm around Eddie’s shoulders.
“First off, fuck you and secondly, Beep Beep Richie.” Eddie said with his classic annoyed face but Richie knew he secretly loved it. but as the seconds flew by his facial expression turned into a much more softer one.
“I just-… I don’t know, I just wished we could do all those romantic things every other couple gets to do or just even be able at all to act like we’re a couple.” Eddie looked down as he talked, looking more upset as he talked “like deep down I was kinda hoping that we would do something like… I don’t know … a date?”
He said the last bit much more quietly and if Richie wasn’t listening so carefully to everything that Eddie was saying, he probably wouldn’t have heard him. Richie softly smiled to himself, he had planned for this exact moment.
“Why don’t you come back to my place? Spend some special time with me, if you know what I mean” Richie said winking and nudging Eddie with his elbow.
“BEEP. FUCKING. BEEP RICHIE” Eddie yelled, halting in his tracks.
“No but seriously Eds, why don’t you come to my place? My parents are out on a date right now so why don’t you come over and we can maybe have some romantic time, just the two of us.” Richie asked. Eddie thought about the offer for a minute but then simply replied 
“Why not”
As they finally arrived at the Tozier residence, Richie suddenly stopped in the driveway. Eddie, surprised by The sudden stop, turned around to see what was the matter.
“What? Did something happen?” Eddie questioned, worried about Richie.
“Oh no, nothings wrong! Just stay here for a second I need to check on something” Richie said quickly, running to the his house but stopping at the front door to turn around, “don’t worry, I won’t be doing anything too bad” he winked 
Eddie sighed as Richie entered his house wondering ‘what the hell was Richie doing in there?’ But not too long later Richie appears back at the door beckoning him to come in. As Eddie approached the front door he was hit with a wave of what smelt like some sort of pasta dish, he entered the house with Richie guiding him to the kitchen. When he peered into the kitchen he saw Richie’s kitchen table had two plates of spaghetti sitting on either side of the table with a vast of flowers and lighted candles set in the middle. It looked like one of those romantic dinners straight out of a movie. 
Eddie was shocked, he was amazed. When Richie invited him over he expected them to just hang out, watch a movie not have an amazing romantic dinner. Richie, obviously thinking he had done something wrong by Eddie’s reaction, started to panic.
“If you don’t like it, just say so. I mean we don’t even have to have dinner if you don’t want to. I-” before Richie could even finish, Eddie cut him off
“No, no, no Richie, This- oh my god, this is amazing! I love it” Richie smiled, looking relieved that Eddie actually did, in fact, like it.
“Well good, I worked my ass off preparing this meal and I know that you wouldn't want this ass to work so hard for nothing Eds.” Richie said, giving Eddie a smug grin “Now let’s eat, shall we? Don’t want stop you from committing cannibalism any longer, Eddie spaghetti”
“That’s not my name.” Eddie replied with a small smile as they sat down. The food was much better than what he had expected, probably since the last time Richie tried to cook anything he almost burned down the house. It felt like they were on an actual date, complete with soft romantic music playing in the background and the candles emitting some of the only light in the room. As they finished their meal Richie started to gain a small smile on his lips which was so infectious that Eddie couldn't stop himself from smiling more than he already was, which he didn’t even know was possible. 
“How do you feel about some dancing, Eds?” Richie asked as he got up and started to clear the dishes off the table “I know you can’t keep your hands off of me” 
“You wish” Eddie replied, though the idea of dancing was quite intriguing for Eddie. “Do you have a mixtape already or are we just gonna have to find some radio station for some music?” 
“I have something already don't you worry” Richie said, his smile getting bigger as he started moving around the kitchen appearing to be looking for something then all of a sudden he stopped “shit! I think I forgot it in my room. Give me a second!” then he ran up the stairs, running to his room.
Eddie let out a small sigh, not because he was upset, actually on the contrary. He was amused. Richie was always forgetting things, his homework, his key to his house, he even once forgot his glasses, which Eddie still had no clue how that could have ever happened. It could be very annoying when Richie forgot something, especially if that something was important, but Eddie always found it a tiny bit funny. 
Eddie started to wander off, but was quickly whipped out of his thoughts as he heard the loud thud of Richie jumping over the last few steps of his stairs and landing on the floor. He turned around to see Richie holding up his arm, revealing that he had, in fact, found the mixtape and was holding it. Richie moved over to where the cassette player was located on the kitchen counter and popped the mixtape in. 
“This ones for you, Eddie my love” Richie said before he hit play on the player, moving away from the counter and towards Eddie as the lyrics of the song started to drift out of the player. Soon Eddie realized the reason why Richie’s big smile was for as he heard the first lyrics of the song.
‘Eddie my love, I love you so’
Eddie softly smiled to himself. Of course Richie had chosen that song, it was such a Richie thing to do. But Eddie found it romantic nonetheless. His smile only widened more as he heard Richie singing along to all the lyrics, putting his hands around Eddie's waist and starting to slow dance. They stayed like that for hours, slow dancing to whatever music Richie decided was romantic enough to put on his mixtape and it was as they slow dancing Eddie realised that even though they aren’t at some super fancy restaurant, displaying to the whole world their love for each other. This, this was the perfect valentine's day. Just him and Rich slow dancing together and eating the meal Richie had prepared for the two of them. Just them hanging out and having fun together. This was the valentine's day Eddie had always dreamed of and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
link for the song if anyone wants to listen to it
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call-me-eds · 2 years
call-me-eds Masterlist
Fic Recs
Blurbs (includes recs)
Eddie Munson
The Other Woman
You know she means a lot to Eddie, but that doesn’t mean you’re happy about it.
Jasper Avenue (Part 1)
Eddie broke up with you before you went off to school and is still in Hawkins. You’ve been trying to move on from each other, but you’re alone, drunk, with a cell phone, and have his number memorized.
‘tis the damn season (Jasper Avenue Part 2) Winter break is here and you’re back in Hawkins for a month. It didn’t take long for you to run into the person you’ve been trying to forget for the last five months, your ex-boyfriend Eddie.
New Dress
Eddie hears through the grapevine that you want to go on more dates, and he goes into quick action.
Prom Night
You never thought it would be your fault that you couldn’t go to prom with your boyfriend, but Eddie did his part. It was you that messed up.
Girls Freak Me Out
After graduating, Eddie isn’t as in the loop with the Hawkins population, especially when someone new comes to town.
Chivalry Kills *18+
Eddie is a perfect gentleman to everyone, and it makes you feel invisible to him. 
Lecture *18+
Wayne walks in on something..unbecoming. He has a special relationship with you, but now all of that is out the window.
Fluff, fluff, fluff with our boy Eddie.
You help Nancy out in an emergency, it brings back a painful memory, Dustin doesn’t bother to read instructions.
Done Deal
You thought you and Eddie were just enjoying each other’s company, but he takes a step that puts your relationship in more of a gray area.
The Boy is Mine (call-me-eds version)
A romantic night in at the trailer
Steve Harrington
A Family Affair *minor smut
You and Steve finally get a moment alone without your brother.
Second Date
After a disastrous first date, you and Steve give it another go.
Answering Machine
You hesitate to open up to Steve, but when it all gets too much, he can’t bear to see you suffer anymore.
Almost everyone can tell that Max has a crush on Steve. When he cancels a driving lesson to take you on a date, you think that you can take out 2 birds with one stone.
Friendsgiving *18+
You and Steve try to get through a dinner after crossing a line.
Baby *18+
Snapshots of your relationship with Steve through his most used nickname.
Eddie and Wayne get into a fight, and he goes to Steve for comfort.
Not Today (Reddie)
All Eddie wants is to be an emotional backbone for Richie, who is used to running and hiding from his emotions. He’s trying to learn and be emotionally available to Eddie, but it’s hard to change all at once.
Patience (Stenbrough)
Stan needs help in school. He hates not being the smartest one in the room, he hates having to ask for help, and he hates having to ask for help from his boyfriend.  
Know-It-All (Stozier)
Stan knew all there was to know about almost everything. He’s spent almost his entire life trying to pin down just one thing about Richie Tozier, but no one could do that.
Weak (Stenbrough: Fuckboy!Bill)
Fuckboy! Bill has his claws deep in Stan.
Weak Part Two (Stenbrough: Fuckboy!Bill) Stan gets some guts and Bill isn’t sure how to handle it.
Tomorrow (Reddie)
Eddie is leaving for college and Richie can’t quite handle it.
Jewelry (Stozier)
Richie falls in love with piercings and rings while Stan falls in love with him.
Poison (Stanlon)
Getting high has never been so stressful, but then again, everything that Stan did had an edge to it.
Eye On The Ball (Bichie)
Bill tries to cope with his role in his friend group and Richie can’t stand it.
Drive (Reddie)
All Richie has wanted is to have his license and his freedom, and there’s only one thing that might stand in his way.
Yes (Stenbrough)
Stan has had enough of Bill’s heroics and can’t help but put his foot down.
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