dreamnotefancures · 1 year
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More Fancure references!! Decided to share my RHPC girls!! :D
Cure Paint Cure Lucky
Cure Imagine Cure Sound
and Cure Laughter
Made these on doll divine!
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espinerd02 · 1 year
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RHPC Reunion 2023 🔥🔥
(No the guy on the right is not Paco 😅)
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alltheyoungmoons · 4 months
marauders as rocky horror characters:
- James as Lily as Brad and Janet (obviously. james is made to destroy “dammit janet” at karaoke)
- Sirius as Frank ‘n’ Further (duh)
- Remus as Rocky
- Peter as Eddy
- Mary as Magenta
- Marlene as Columbia
- Regulus (or Snape, with that nasally ass voice) as Riff Raff
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soldier-requests · 3 months
HELLO could i ask for some bisexual icons with Brad Majors from The Rocky Horror Picture Show thank you!!
hello!! sounds super cool, so sure why not ^_^. someday i'll get around to watching that... XD.
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sources: one, two, three.
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modern-alebrije · 1 year
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
I fucking love it when theres a weird blonde guy
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pisshandkerchief · 11 months
i so badly want to go see your rhpc production but i live in stupid ass illinois :((
😔 this is devastating. I would invite so many of my mutuals to my show but we all live in bumfuck nowhere so no one gets to see it. I promise I'm slaying so hard though you just have to imagine it
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jtrbluv · 2 years
DAWG I MISS RHPC TOO </3 but i meant i was watching old abdc quest crew performances LMFAOOOOO i need to see a yoongi and dtrix dance battle fr
dawg the way i looked back on my comment and stumped myself bc how did i get them confused but dude stop I MISS ABDC HUH i watched kaba modern live the other week at a comp (and like it does not compare at all to their abdc) days but dayum. also i miss yoongi, Real and rhpc, also Real
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Hopes and Friendships Chap. 20-A Witch's First Day of School
Hey guys! I’ve been on a roll this month with fanfics! Getting this one worked on after RHPC and while working on Indie Kids, which I also finished.
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!!
It was the first day of school. Mu looked at herself in the mirror wearing the outfit Luka and Harriet had bought for her during their shopping trip. She sighed in disappointment and sadness knowing that she would be entering a new school that doesn’t involve magic.
Many anxious scenarios played her head as she trotted downstairs to have breakfast with Harriet and Luka. What if magic just somehow happens?  What if no one likes her? Not wanting to show her nervousness Mu took a deep breath and gave a smile as she approached the kitchen.
“Morning!” Mu beamed.
“Morning Mu, how did you sleep?” Harriet asked.
“I slept okay, thanks for asking,” Mu replied as she sat down next to her best friend. Luka placed a plate of waffles topped with berries and whipped cream in front of Mu. She smiled in delight. 
Taking her fork, Mu sliced a bit of the waffle and took a bite out of it. She smiled seeing it tasted sweet, and kept on eating. 
“Is it good? It’s my dad’s secret recipe.” Harriet mentioned. Mu nodded and kept on eating.
“You're gonna need your appetite for your first day of school.”  Luka mentioned as he prepared the girls lunches.
“So any questions about human school you’d like to know?” Harriet asked.
Mu thought which questions would be good to ask as there were far too many questions she had in mind. “How are human world schools different from magic schools?” Mu asked.
“Well to start, no magic and no crazy teachers that want to kill us,” Harriet mentioned. Mu sighed, but Harriet wasn’t sure if that was a sigh of relief for no evil teachers or a sigh of sadness for a lack of magic.”But, you’re in the same class with me.”
Mu’s eyes widened. “Really?” She asked. Harriet nodded. “But how? Is that not difficult to achieve?” She asked.
“Dad has a way!” Harriet replied.
“I won’t say who, but your teacher this year was an old friend of mine. I told them how we took in an exchange student from another country and to make sure you're not separated they put you in their class.” Luka explained.
Mu felt a wave of relief wash over her. She wouldn't be separated from her best friend. Once she and Harriet were done eating they grabbed their lunches and backpacks, but before they could leave Moonjumper and Boss looked at the girls hoping to come along with them.
“Sorry guys, you have to stay home with Dad.” Harriet told them.
“Aww…” Moonjumper sighed looking down.
Boss sighed in relif. “Good. I’ll just relax.” He replied as he went to Harriet’s bed and slept.
Moonjumper then latched himself on to Harriet and gave his partner the biggest puppy dog eyes. “Come on, can we please go with you?” He asked.
“You’ll be fine at home. Dad will take care of both of you.” Harriet told him.
“I can be a plush toy! I’m good at it!” Moonjumper explained.
“I’m sorry Moon, but don’t worry. I’ll be back home soon.” Harriet gave Moonjumper a hug and put down. “See you later!” She beamed, grabbing Mu’s hand as they ran out of the house too. They made their way along their path, Mu smiled and laughed, trying to catch up to Harriet’s speed.
Once they made it to Starshine Elementary, Mu became starstruck at how big the school was. “This is your school?” Mu asked.
“Yep!” Harriet replied. She smiled as the two saw a green and blue blur running by, “And here’s one of my closest friends!” She beamed. Mu saw a girl around their age come running down before them. Jumping at Harriet and giving her a big hug.
The girl had dark skin, dark brown curly hair tied with a light blue ribbon, purple eyes and wore a green blouse with a light blue skirt, along with white cat socks and black boots. “Harriet! I missed you!” The girl beamed.
Harriet giggled. “I missed you too Brandy.”
“How was your summer?” Brandy asked.
Harriet giggled. “You could say it was magical,” she replied.
Brandy giggled. She turned to Mu. “Who’s your new friend?” 
“Oh right, Brandy this is Emily, or Mu as she likes to be called. She’s an exchange student dad and I took in over the summer.” Harriet explained, going along with the story her dad told her. “Mu this is Brandy, we’ve been friends since Kindergarten.”
“N-nice to meet you.” Mu replied, stuttering a bit.
Brandy giggled. “Hi there, any friend of Harriet is a friend of mine!” She beamed, taking Mu’s hand.
Mu was nervous to reply but managed to give a warm yet shaky chuckle. Harriet nudged her witch friend and gave a wink. “If you like me, you’ll definitely like Brandy. She's really cool and fun.” Harriet mentioned. 
Brandy giggled. “Guess what, Harriet,” she asked. “I’m in the same class as you this year!” 
Harriet squealed. “That’s great,” she beamed, “the three of us should sit together!”
“You read my mind!” Brandy replied. With that Harriet grabbed Mu’s hand as the girls went inside the classroom.
Once inside, Harriet and Brandy reunited with all their classmates and started to talk about their summer together. “So Harriet,” Brandy whispered, “tell me about your magical summer.”
Harriet nodded. “A lot has happened you see-“ Harriet was then cut off by the bell meaning class was about to start. “I’ll tell you at lunch.”
Once everyone was in class, the teacher came in. Harriet’s eyes widened as she recognized her from previous interactions. The teacher wore a light blue dress, brown pants and black shoes. Her rose red hair was tied into a side braid. She faced the class with a bright smile on her face.
“Good morning, and welcome back!” The teacher said happily. “I’m Miss. Rose, I’ll be your 5th grade teacher for this year!” 
Harriet quickly got up from her seat. “It’s nice to meet you W-I mean Miss. Rose!” She blurted out.
Miss. Rose giggled. “Harriet, I know your dad knows me, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get special treatment to call me by my full name.” She explained. 
The class giggled, which made Harriet laugh alongside them, just a tad more embarrassed, as she sat back down. “Sorry, sorry, I’m just excited for this year that’s all.” She explained.
“Well, it seems like you guys did have a nice, long, exciting break.” Miss. Rose explained. “So as a starter, why don’t we spend this morning getting to know each other before you guys go meet with the elective teachers.” The class agreed. “Alright, to start, why doesn’t the exchange student take the lead.” She said pointing to Mu.
The witch knew the teacher was talking about her and stood up nervously from her seat. “Uh… hi… I’m Emily, but I like to be called Mu.” She started. “It’s nice to meet you all.” Mu sat down and sighed in relief.
The class smiled, which made Mu smile. “Feel better?” Harriet whispered. Mu nodded and the two listened to the rest of their class each talk about themselves and their favorite moments about summer.
After a while, it was Brandy’s turn to speak. “Well, I’m Brandy, and my summer was alright. I got to visit my aunt in the city.” She explained.
She then looked at Harriet giving her a turn to speak up. “I’m Harriet Kidd, and during my summer I-“
“Was stuck in your fantasy world again?” A young boy asked, causing his little group to laugh.
“No!” Harriet snapped. “I was-“
“Pretending to be a witch!” Another boy in that same group cut Harriet off, which started to get the class except Mu and Brandy, to laugh.
Harriet went quiet and sat back down, but Mu was angry and she got up. “She and her dad visited me!” Mu yelled, getting the class quiet. “Harriet and her dad went traveling and I met them! That’s why I’m here!” Mu yelled. Harriet looked up at Mu and smiled seeing her friend stand up for her. Even if what Mu said wasn’t true it was something better than what she could’ve come up with.
“And don’t you pick on Harriet, Dylan!” Miss. Rose pointed to one of the boys. “I heard from your 4th grade teacher about your behavior towards her and others. I will not tolerate it.” Miss. Rose explained.
Dylan groaned and crossed his arms. Mu glared knowing Dylan would be on her nerves and looked at Harriet before whispering in her ear. “If you need me to get back at him let me know.”
“Don’t worry, I will.” Harriet whispered back as the two girls giggled.
The rest of class was normal and uneventful. Afterwards, the students got to visit all of the elective classes for the year. Mu was excited to try out all the classes. During the tour, Harriet kept on getting bumped and teased by Dylan, who would later act all innocent when someone else looked at him. 
Mu glared and had her wand hidden under her sleeves when she whispered a spell that caused Dylan to trip on his shoelace and fall on his face, causing everyone to laugh. Mu smirked and Harriet looked up with a smile. 
“You're horrible,l Mu.” Harriet whispered and snickered.
“I was just born that way.” Mu replied, giving a shrug. The girls giggled as they walked back to their classroom to work on their lessons for the day.
Since it was only the first day of school, the lessons were simple, so at times the kids asked Mu questions about her old school, and her life.
“So what kind of school did you go to before coming here?” One girl asked.
“A private school,” Mu replied.
“Have any friends? I’d love to meet them.” A young boy asked.
“Yep! I have a few, plus Harriet.” Mu answered, giving a nod.
Harriet smiled seeing Mu was adjusting well with everyone. She then felt a tap on her shoulder which made her turn towards Brandy. “I have a question about Mu, can I ask you very quickly?” She whispered.
“Sure what is it?” Harriet asked. Brandy leaned in Harriet’s ear and whispered her question. Harriet reacted with a cat-like smile. “Ask her at lunch. I won’t say.” She replied. Brandy smiled and gave a nod.
Lunch rolled around and Mu, Harriet and Brandy sat down at a table away from the rest of the kids. “This is where Brandy and I usually sit.” Harriet explained. 
Once the group was seated, Brandy didn’t hesitate to ask her a question. “You're a witch are you?” Brandy asked. 
Mu spit out her drink in surprise and coughed. “N-no!” She yelled. “What makes you say that?”
Harriet sighed. “Mu, remember when I said you’ll like Brandy?” She asked. Mu turned to her friend. “Well Brandy also likes magic like I do, so she’s safe to tell her you're a witch.”
Mu sighed feeling relieved. “Well to answer your question; yes I am a witch.”
Brandy’s smile widened and she hugged Mu tightly. “That is so cool!” Brandy beamed. “What kinds of magic can you do? Do you have a cat? I know witches have cats! Ooh tell me tell me!” Brandy was so excited as she wanted to know everything about Mu, the real Mu..
Mu chuckled. “Okay, okay. I can show you the magic after school. I do have a cat named Boss, he keeps me in line most of the time.” She explained.
“He’s also cuddly.” Harriet added. 
Brandy giggled in reply. “I’m guessing you didn’t travel to another country, but a witch world?” She asked, looking at Harriet.
Harriet nodded. “Yep! Speranza.” She replied. “Plus I even found clues about my mom.”
“That’s amazing!” Brandy beamed in reply. “So is she home safe?”
Harriet frowned and shook her head. Brandy frowned in reply knowing it wasn’t good news. “Turns out my grandma, who is also the headmistress, took her away from me and turned her into a monster.” Harriet explained.
Brandy frowned and hugged her friend. “I’m sorry, Harriet.” She said, before turning to Mu. “I guess you got stuck here too?” Mu nodded. 
“So now we’re trying to find a way to get back to Speranza to save my mom!” Harriet beamed.
Brandy smiled. “Um…if you want, I can help.” 
“How can you help?” Mu asked.
“I have a lot of magic-esq stuff at my house.” Brandy answered. “Maybe there’s something I have that could help.”
Mu and Harriet smiled seeing they were slowly making progress. “Alright. We’ll go!” Mu answered.
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
Can I request a Magenta RHPC moodboard? Standard moodboard generally, tired slutty goth maid energy /lh - @answers-in-my-cigarette-box
Yes! We hope you like the moodboard, it was really fun to make. [|:)
Click here to see your finished request!
Mod Vintage (👤(Ex) and 🥽)
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dreamnotefancures · 1 year
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!! :D
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borvooven · 1 year
Maybe I should stop singing the RHPC soundtrack and instead start studying properly or I'll have a big problem on friday
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tokenspal1900 · 1 year
 The Richie Coin Giveaway campaign is currently live! Enter for your chance to win a portion of the impressive 33,333,333,335 $RHCP token prize pool. Don't miss out, join now!
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realmikedirnt · 2 years
alright, i finally got the damn wifi to cooperate at this coffeeshop - server management (set up channels & threads) - message o about newspapers - comment on c’s gift - message k about rhpc - venmo transfer
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adelle-ein · 3 years
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stonckes 📈
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espinerd02 · 3 years
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x / x / x / x
this actually happened in like october but might as well do it now for the people
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