circlebuttons · 2 months
Rafe on Love Island
- this is a throw away rant because of how obsessed i am w love island us rn. I feel like Rafe would be a mix of leah and rob with a bit of caine for rule breaking.
You get coupled with Rafe in love island on the very first night. When all the guys walked in your eyes were on him immediately, he's taller and broader than everyone else in his sharp grey suit with his white button down being unbuttoned just a tad. The closer he gets you notice that his eyes are already locked on you. His eye contact makes your heart race and the cherry on top is the sly smirk that creeps up on his face when you lean over to the two girls you already befriended in such a short time and quietly inform them that, "Buzzcut is mine." He scoffs out a silent laugh on account of you never look away from him once or block your lips from being able to be read. You're the first person he introduces himself too, holding your hand firmly and probably for a bit too long.
He sits on the couch facing you and during the icebreaker questions you learn that Rafe Cameron is a man who's lived a lot of lives but is now a certified businessman, looking to find his first ever stable relationship. The most important thing you learn is that your feelings of attraction are mutual when he pulls a card that reads "Kiss the islander who you think is a gold digger"
His eyes immediately land you and he clarifies to everyone that he's picking you not because he thinks your a gold digger, but because he'd rather have you be his sugar baby, it's all about perspective at the end of the day.
"You can take all my money" he mumbles before kissing you gently at first with a coy hand on your neck, but you're the one to deepen it and he follows your lead immediately before you break apart, softly saying, "Nice to meet you" while using your finger to wipe the rouge lip combo that you both are now wearing.
There's no doubt in your mind when picking Rafe to couple up with. After the coupling Rafe is on your heels following you like a puppy to an area of couches where you're meant to get to know each other a bit better before sharing a bed. There he asks a lot more questions about yourself, hanging onto every word that leaves your mouth. You eventually leave to go get ready for bed and he reluctantly separates from you, being the first one under the covers laying awake with bright eyes when you climb in on the other side of him. "Courtesy pillow?" he asks looking at you cautiously. "Not unless you need it, I'll behave for the first night" you smirk at him before turning to your side and getting comfortable and little do you know how long he stares at the ceiling replaying every event from today, avoiding reminiscing on the kiss to avoid becoming to worked up, but worked up nonetheless because he feels insane for falling for a girl this fast into the game.
That morning Rafe wakes up with a smile on his face for the first time in ages and he wakes up like that everyday in the villa because no matter what it's always you. He's nothing short of obsessed with you, just as much as you are him, but the two of you being head over heels doesn't make for good tv until Rafe starts playing more defensively. The first male bombshells that get added to the villa get nothing but glares from him as they get way to comfortable with you in the games and attempt to pull you for chats while you're literally right next to him. Production had made it clear that it was off limits to physically fight, so Rafe had to settle for pulling in other guys for secret "chats" instead where he'd just loom over them and make sure it was understood you were happy being coupled with him.
Production would have to step in again to remind rafe that it was also against the rules to hinder filming in anyway meaning saying blunt no's when another girl tries to pull him or turning his head when the objective of a game is to kiss. It unexpectedly makes better tv when Rafe starts his malicious compliance as he sits either blank or stank faced and awkwardly silent in one on one chats with girls who insist on talking with him and in challenges the cameras capture the disgusted tight lipped faces he makes when he's forced to kiss someone else. You feel the same way he does, you're a bit more complacent with production and don't mind participating. It bothers Rafe sure, but at the end of the day it fuels him seeing you kiss another islander and knowing that he's ten times better than any of these guys will ever be. You and Rafe discussed that you have to do what you have to do for tv, but outside of mini games there was to be exclusivity. Exclusive is a word you use a lot, waiting until the outside to be a real couple.
Although what you don't wait for is having sex in the villa after finding out all the guys left for casa amor. Hearing that Rafe was the only guy to refuse not only made you proud, but surprisingly horny too. Making out at night or even grinding on each other wasn't foreign to either one of you, it's when your hand drifts into Rafe's waistband that he shoots up to flip you under him, eager to finally have all of you. After that night the two of you sneak around fucking like absolute bunnies. You protest weakly every time he starts kissing on your neck, knowing what's about to to happen, mumbling "Fuck me, my moms watching" before you the two of you duck under covers and have the best sex of your lives.
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mxnhoo · 3 months
like doing nothing, with you (s. jy)
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synopsis : jake who was originally your best friend, had recently became your boyfriend, and you were overwhelmed at the change. genre : fluff, word vomit, not proofread warnings : reader is insecure(?), ALMOST smut, LMK IF I MISSED OUT ON ANYTHING ELSE pairing : sim jaeyun x reader w/c : 3.1k a/n : the 'almost smut' scene was inspired by 'my love story with yamada-kun at lvl999' ch69 hehe. and thank you guys for the amount of love shown on my previous posts! hope this doesnt disappoint!
playlist : "sjy, ilysm."
any interaction w this post is greatly appreciated!
"Hi!" a loud voice spoke out, causing you to shoot your head up over the counter.
A customer.
"Hi! So sorry for not noticing you, what would you like to get?" You quickly fixed your attire, straightening your posture as you focus your attention on the customer.
By now, it was already 10:46p.m, and you were having your first night shift. You had to take over your colleague because she had last-minute issues to attend to, and it didn't necessarily bother you.
What bothered you was Jake.
In your head was only Jake.
Recalling his voice, the way his mouth moved when he talked, the way his eyes lights up when he sees you, and how he runs his hand through his hair.
One specific thing that couldn't stop replaying in your head was when he asked you to be his girlfriend a few days ago.
He had been your best friend for years.. and years.. and you secretly had a crush on him for the longest time. You were practically going through the 5 stages of grief.. except it was for your shocked feeling when he asked you out.
The first stage : Denial.
You were in that stage. Considering that it had only been a few days since you two got together, it's normal. But it was affecting you like crazy.
Everytime you went to the toilet? You thought of Jake.
Everytime you went to your part-time job? You thought of Jake.
Eat, sleep, study and Jake.
"Hello?????" the same voice spoke out again, breaking your train of thought.
Fuck, you were seriously getting distracted, and it was Jake's fault. He was driving you insane.
"Oh my god, I'm really sorry. Could you repeat your order again?" You blinked continuously to keep yourself focused at the customer in front of you, taking a deep breath in.
"Latte. Could I get a Latte for takeout?" the customer answered, a hint of annoyance in his tone.
You quickly nodded, pressing the customer's order into the cash register.
"That would be $5.80. Cash or ca—" "Card."
You nodded, feeling slightly displeased at the way the customer just interrupted you, but you just wanted to get this over with. Both of you were impatient.
You pressed a few buttons onto the card machine, and nodded at him indicating that he could tap his card. He did so, and as the receipt came out, you voiced out again.
"Name for the drink?"
Your heart jumped up again. James, Jake. Oh man, you were even thinking about Jake when serving customers.
You nodded at the customer and walked to the espresso machine, starting to make the drink.
Brewing, pouring, steaming, and pouring.
After 5 minutes, you were ready to serve James with his order. Carefully placing the plastic lid on the cup, you placed the cup into a small bag and walked up to the counter.
"Latte for James?"
In the corner of your eye, you saw the same guy approaching you. He took the drink, and muttered out a small thank-you before turning his back and making his way to the exit
You nodded your head and turned your back, leaning against the counter. You closed your eyes and threw your head back, the sounds of the door opening and closing filled the cafe.
At this point, the cafe only consisted of you.
Or so you thought. You heard footsteps approaching you and you thought it was the customer, James, wanting to ask for something, so you took a deep breath and turned around.
"Yes, what do you need?" You said loudly, clearly wanting to go home. However, the person who stood behind the counter was in fact not James, but Jake, the person who was driving you insane.
"Hey." He looked at you, giving you his smile. He was wearing his grey zip-up with a white shirt inside. His hair fell so perfectly on his forehead, and he was wearing his thick-rimmed glasses.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you were unknowingly staring at him, unable to process the fact that the boy driving you insane was right in front of you. Your boyfriend was right in front of you.
"Do I look so good that you're staring?" he chuckled, interrupting your thoughts. You regained consciousness and you blink constantly, looking at every single thing except him.
"S-sorry.." you muttered, feeling embarassed.
"No need to apologise, I feel like the luckiest person in the world when you look at me like that." Your eyes flew to him, a shy smile creeping up his lips. The cafe was quite dim, considering that it was night time and the lighting wasn't very bright, but you could see the hint of pink filling his cheeks.
"W-well!" you felt flustered at his comment, and you wanted to change the topic. Why was he here? Was he not supposed to be in bed by now? "W-why are you here?"
"To see my girlfriend, of course, which is you."
Oh my god, his way with words literally have you folding.
"You didn't have to.. it's late" "Why not? And it's also your first night shift right? I wanna take you home."
His voice sounded so genuine, and you could not process that the boy you wanted so bad was treating you like this, so well, just like a gentleman. The warmth that filled your heart was limitless, and at this point of time you just wanted to climb over the counter between the two of you and bring him into your embrace.
"I'll quickly close-up the cafe then, give me about 30 minutes okay?" you said, turning around so he couldn't see how red your face was. Gosh, you were practically a tomato.
"Sure thing, need help with anything?" "No, it's okay. Want a drink before I start to close up?" "It's okay, maybe another day, you seem tired."
The way he was looking after you so much was driving you insane. You weren't someone who was never in a relationship before, but the way Jake treated you, made you feel, was all so different. You were convinced that he was someone who stepped out of a book, a movie, he was too perfect.
You smiled to yourself before grabbing all the used equipment and bringing it to the sink, starting to wash-up.
"You feeling okay? You seem kinda.. spaced out" he said, still at the counter.
You. It was because of you I feel so spaced out.
"I'm okay, just tired.. And the shift timing is different than usual." you replied, back facing him as you continued to wash the equipment.
"Was that guy bothering you?" he said, his tone starting to sound serious.
"Huh? What guy?" "The one you served a while ago. I was entering the cafe while he was leaving."
Oh. James.
"Ah, not at all." "You sure?" "Mhm.." you placed the wet equipment on the drying rack, washing your hands. "Okay.. but you know if you wanna talk about something, I'm always here right?"
God, he's so sweet. Gift from God.
"Thanks, Jake.." you turned your head over your neck, making eye contact and flashing him a quick smile.
"There's the smile I love so much. Keep smiling like that okay? You look so gorgeous."
You couldn't help but to smile more. You faced back to the equipment to the drying rack, taking a towel before individually drying them. You weren't looking at Jake, but you just know he was staring at you.
"I guess you're the one staring now." You teased, feeling less tensed up after how he was so sweet to you.
"Ah, shit, you caught me" — he chuckled — "How can I not when you're so beautiful?"
"Enough with the compliments." You enjoyed all the compliments, but from the amount he was giving you at once, it was quite overwhelming for your heart.
He chuckled, and he made his way to one of the tables, sitting down with his eyes still locked onto you. After cleaning, sorting the equipment, you started to wipe down the counters and sweep the floor.
After sweeping the inside of the counter, you made your way to the seating area of the cafe, cleaning up any crumbs of food. You were hard at work when you suddenly felt a pair of arms embrace you, feeling the warmth against your body. His head was resting on your shoulder, his warm breath hitting your ear. A shy smile creeped up your face as you stopped sweeping to cherish the warmth further.
"Hey, I have to get this done you know?" "Just a few more minutes. I missed you so much." "You have a way with words, y'know?" "Do I?" "Yeah. I feel like my heart is going to explode everytime you say something."
He snickered.
"I could say the same for you." He adjusted his head to the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses on your neck before you shivered and unintentionally pushed him away.
His eyes widened and head tilted, poor boy was confused.
"I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfor—" "No no! I'm.."
You were both having such a good moment and you had to ruin it, all because you were scared and not used to this.
"... sorry.." "Hey, it's not your fault." his voice was soft, reassuring you. "I'll finish up and we'll go, okay?" you looked at him, feeling guilty that you had just pushed him away. "Okay!" his voice was still cheerful. You didn't get it, how and why was he treating you so well even after you just pushed him away?
You got back to work, and after sweeping up majority of the cafe, you went back into the staff room where Jake couldn't see you, and you looked at yourself.
"How does he find me gorgeous when I look like this?" you mumbled to yourself. You sigh to yourself before removing your cap, hair net and apron, putting it nicely to one of the corners in the room.
You punched your card out, and you gathered your belongings. Turning off the light of the staff room, you went back out and was met with Jake's gaze.
His mood instantly lifted when he knew it was time for you to go home. His eyebrows were lifted and a big smile plastered onto his face. He kinda reminded you of Layla, his dog.
You finished closing up and turned off all the lights, making your way to Jake.
"Let's go, I'll take you home" he extended his hand to you, and you hesitated a bit before taking his hand. He instantly interlocked his hands with yours, both of you walking out of the cafe.
He was going to walk you home since your apartment was only nearby, but you were feeling worried since his place was quite far away.
You and Jake had been best friends, reguarly coming over to each other's apartments to hang out, whether it was to play games, gossip, or something else. You were okay with the fact that he was coming over, but this was the first time he was coming over, as your boyfriend.
The reason why you had been so "cold" to your boyfriend was not because you didn't like him. Fuck, you were heads over heels for him. It was just that you and him were always best friends, and you were just not used to him being your significant other. During the friendship, you and him were always close, but now that you and him were actually official, it inevitably made you awkward. You wanted to do so many things with him — beach date, restaurant date, netflix date, arcade date, too many things for you to even list, but you were scared that you'd be "overbearing" for him, so you held yourself back.
The walk back home was silent. Both of you hand-in-hand, swinging your interlocked hands together. The silence was so tense it was making you feel uncomfortable, until his voice broke it.
"Do you feel uncomfortable with me?"
His question was so sudden. The answer was obviously a 'no', but the way you acted with him contradicted it.
"Not at all." you sounded stern. You didn't want to make him wait for a response, so you answered with whatever appeared in your head first.
"You can tell me if anything I'm doing makes you uncomfortable, okay?"
Usually, after he says this, all you can respond with is "okay" or "sure", but you didn't want that. You wanted to open up to him, tell him that whatever he was doing was completely fine, and that you were just not used to it. You wanted to reassure him the same way he did for you.
"Jake." you suddenly called out. "Yes?" his head quickly turned to you, attentive to whatever you're going to say next. "I'm sorry." "For wh—" "The reason why I'm this way is just that.. I'm not used to it."
He was still looking at you, but he didn't say anything.
"To be honest, I've had a crush on you for the longest time"
When you said that, his eyes widened.
"I hope you know this, but I was really happy when you asked me out. But considering that you were a man who had everything, I was, and still am, questioning how the person you chose to be with is me. All those pretty girls after you, and you still chose me. That's one thing I'm confused about."
He was about to speak, but you continued.
"You've always made me feel so special, so happy, that I was convinced that I was out of your league. Not only that, I was your best friend. I was so convinced that I would be stuck in the friendzone for my entire life, considering how much I liked you. The fact that you're treating me so gently, it just makes me go insane. Don't get me wrong, during our friendship, you treated me well too, but the fact that I get to call you 'mine' overwhelms me a lot."
By the time you finished confessing how you felt, you both had already reached the front of your apartment complex. You finally confessed how you felt about him, and it was almost as if all the weight on your shoulder was removed.
You were preparing to say your goodbye's, but he suddenly spoke out.
"Can I stay over?"
Him staying over was nothing new, but your heart started to beat so fast. He tucked the hair on your face behind your ear and looked at you with such loving eyes.
"Of course you can."
Not breaking your interlocked hands, you both enterred the building and stepped into the elavator. As the lift was going up, he suddenly spoke out.
"Did anyone ever tell you how crazy I was over you?"
His words surprised you.
"What?" your eyes shot to him, tilting your head in confusion. "I was going crazy over you. I don't know how you didn't know. I think Sunghoon and Jay got sick of me talking about you so much."
Sunghoon and Jay were the other guys in your friend group. Jake, Sunghoon and Jay were the closest amongst the friend group, and you never questioned it.
The elevator door opened and you both walked out, walking towards your apartment door.
"Those 'pretty girls' you mentioned? I turned all of them down, and I told them that I was courting you."
Your heart felt like it was going to explode at the information he was confessing to you. You nervously took out the keys and unlocked your door, feeling his intense gaze on you.
"I don't want anyone else. I want you and only you, Y/N. The things you make me feel are unexplainable, and it was driving me crazy. I thought that I won the lottery when you accepted me."
You opened your door, stepping in and he follows you. You felt so happy, so elated, contented, fortunate, lucky, and all the other synonyms of 'happiness' at what he was saying.
"I want to make you happy, just the same way you make me feel happy. I want you to hurt me, ruin me."
You locked your front door and turned on the light, then faced him properly. You took both of his hands into yours.
You saying his name made shivers run down his spine. You looked down at his lips.
"I wanna kiss you so bad."
Without wasting anymore time, he leaned in, placing his soft lips on yours. His rhythm matched yours, and he was soft with you. His hands creeped up to your neck, pulling you closer. He tilted his head to get more access. The way he kissed you was so soft and sweet, you felt like you were in heaven.
You were sitting on your bed with no clothes, the blanket covering you. Jake was now shirtless, but still had his jeans on. He was walking back to you after you had requested to turn off the lights.
"W-wait.. I'm not ready yet.." you nervously muttered as he climbed over you. You were caged between his arms.
Despite having dated other people, you never reached this stage of intimacy. Jake was going to be your first, and you felt scared. You felt vulnerable, exposed. At the same time, it felt special especially since he was someone who had always been there for you.
"It's okay, you can take your time, I'm always waiting for you." he comforted you. The room was completely dark, but the smile on his face was visible.
"C-can you see anything?" you nervously asked, feeling completely exposed to him. "Yeah I can. My eyes already adjusted to the dark" he let out a low laugh. "Oh my god.." you groaned. You felt self-conscious about how you looked, afraid that he would suddenly view you differently if he were to see every part of you. "It's okay. No matter what, you're still the most beautiful person in my eyes, okay? I'll tell you that as many times as you want." He tucked a hair behind your ear, looking at you with such an intense gaze.
You looked back at him, maintaining eye contact.
"You can tell me when you're ready, or if you wanna stop now before we take it too fa—" "I'm ready." you cut him off. "Really? Are you sure? You don't have to, I don't think i can hold back once I start.." "I'm sure, Jakey." your hands that were gripping the blanket slowly wrapped around his neck.
He had his arms wrapped around your bare waist, his face resting at the back of your head as he breathes slowly, warm air hitting your neck.
"Y/N" "Yes?" "I love you." "I love you too."
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fushic0re · 2 years
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — in which you and steve have a secret pornhub channel. 
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — 18+ ONLY; MINORS DNI. pornography. all the smut; unprotected sex, size kink, cum kink, dirty talk, praise kink, little bit of degradation, exhibitionism.
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YOU WERE PRACTICALLY BUZZING with excitement and nervousness as you sat patiently on your and Steve’s shared bed. 
Clad in only his crisp button up shirt, you watched him expertly arrange your film setup. The two of you had been planning this for months. It all started off as a fantasy. A kink that the two of you shared but knew you could not act on due to the circumstances of your jobs as Avengers. You had a standard to uphold and enemies lurking in every corner looking for the smallest speck of dirt on you to use as leverage. A sex tape wouldn’t exactly help your cause. 
But one night, you and Steve revisited the topic and came up with a game plan. 
Steve took one of Tony’s cameras. The billionaire techy wouldn’t notice one of his many possessions missing. Plus, its hard drive was impenetrable. There was no possible way anyone was going to get into it besides you two. Steve also managed to get a custom built Stark computer. Tony was thrilled his longtime friend was finally integrating himself into modern technology outside of work. When Steve asked him for brand recommendations, the Stark heir scoffed and without another word, began building the next piece of your plan. Just like everything Stark owned and made, your computer was the best of the best in terms of security. The Avengers’ wi-fi wasn’t exactly hackable either.
Once the logistics were worked out, you and Steve came up with some rules. You were only allowed to film at your residence on the Avengers Compound. This way there would be nothing identifiable in the background that could easily link people to your brownstone in Brooklyn. Obviously, your faces would not be showing. After pulling an all-nighter, the two of you managed to program Tony’s camera so that it automatically cropped your faces out of frame. Lastly – another obvious given – you would only go by aliases. 
Nomad and Lilac.
They were simple and inconspicuous. Lilacs were your favorite flower. After the accords, Steve was a fugitive living the life of a nomad.  
Once the camera was rolling, Steve turned to you with a ravenous expression. 
“You ready, Lilac?” 
You watched yourself getting bent in half and split open by Steve’s cock on the computer screen. The lewd sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and the squelch of your cunt blasted from the speakers. You sat perched on Steve’s lap, the two of you scrolling through the thousands of comments left on the first video posted on your channel. Thousands. 
“Is this what Peter refers to as ‘breaking the internet?” Steve breathed, eyes wide with shock. “About a thousand people in less than 10 hours watched us fuck.” 
“For once in my life, I have absolutely nothing to say.” You stuttered, shaking your head in disbelief. 
The comment section was flooded with praise. 
user1: look at that pretty little cunt
user2: she takes it like a champ
user3: that man is built like a god AND fucks like one too
user4: he’s basically breaking her and half and she’s just like 🥺 that’s love
user6: he has the prettiest dick i’ve ever seen no homo
user7: kinda want them to top me??????
user8: i had to replay this video like 20 times bc i couldn’t decide who to look at that’s bi culture
user9: if my wife cheated on me with him i’d be jealous…of her
user10: this channel is going to be my new addiction i can feel it
It was amusing truly. Everyone was witnessing goody two shoes Steve Rogers, the golden boy, do things to one of the most loved Avengers in the world that would make the devil himself sweat bullets and didn’t even know it. You, always sitting pretty and prim without a single hair out of place, were splayed out and covered in spit and cum. A sight for the world to see, but only for the man you loved to know firsthand. 
Steve’s embrace tightened as the video continued to play. His lips trailed your neck, covering every inch of exposed skin in kisses and love bites. He suckled the spot directly below your ear, prompting your eyes to slowly shut and your body to go lax against his. He slithered one hand up your body, gripping your face firmly and slipping his thumb in between your parted lips. Watching yourselves on screen was doing a number on him. He knew it would, hence why he went through with the channel with you, but actually seeing the fruit of his deepest fantasies was something else entirely.
“You like when strangers watch me fuck you?” Steve purred in your ear. 
You nodded with a low whine, wrapping your hand around his wrist. Just like that, he had your entire body under his spell. Your back arched slightly, your bottom now flush against his groin. A growl so deep you felt the vibrations from his chest against your back rumbled from your lover. 
“I would have never imagined myself doing something like this,” Steve confessed. “You make me fuckin’ crazy, sweetheart.”
No one would know. It was your dirty little secret. 
AS TIME PASSED, you and Steve’s channel unexpectedly blew up. Lilac and The Nomad became an adult channel that seemingly everyone was talking about. Twitter and Reddit pages dedicated to reposting your content were being made left and right. Your messages were blowing – no pun intended – up with requests from viewers, some even asking for private shows in exchange for unreasonable sums of money. Every now and then, a couple of overzealous users would ask for in-person meet ups. Obviously, you and Steve paid the latter no mind. It was the praise and the thrill of sneaking around that the two of you chased after. It became addicting. The two of you simply could not stop.
That’s how you found yourself in your current circumstance.
Since recovering post-blip, Tony had insisted upon family nights at least once a week. Said night consisted of having dinner together and following it up with a movie marathon. They were nights of wholesomeness, which is why the feeling of Steve’s rough hands creeping past the band of your cotton shorts felt deliciously lude. With your back against his chest, his arms wound around your front, a blanket covering the both of you, and the rest of the Avengers’ attention focused on the screen, Steve could do whatever he wanted with you and no one would notice. You gripped his forearm tightly as a thick finger dipped into your wetness before sliding over your clit. He circled it in slowly, agonizingly. Your composure began to crumble crack by crack. Each time Scott turned to everyone to deliver some stupid commentary or Wanda asked for you to pass a snack to her, a piece of your sanity chipped away. By the time your baby hairs were stuck to your forehead with sweat and your limbs felt nonexistent, Steve’s hand retreated.
He brought his plump lips to your ear discreetly.
“Get the camera, go to the guest bathroom, and wait for me.”
Like a woman possessed, you got up without hesitating and began to make your way out of the family living room.
“Where do you think you’re going, Mrs. America? Sit down,” Tony snarked.
“Period. Not feeling good.” You excused, keeping the lie short and simple so no one would ask questions.
Tony’s nose wrinkled slightly before he nodded, dismissing you with a wave of a hand. From behind you, Pepper scolded him.
“You’re going to have to get better at that. You have a daughter.”
He sighed deeply.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
Once you were out of earshot, you sprinted up to your and Steve’s room to retrieve the goods, then sprinted right back down to the guest bathroom. It didn’t take long for the love of your life to meet you at your rendezvous, his eyes wide and pupils dilated with anticipation. He made quick work of locking the door behind him before scooping you up into his arms and placing you on the granite counter. You giggled quietly as he practically tore off your shorts and panties, pushing his sweatpants down just enough to slide his cock out before taking the camera from you.
“They’re gonna love this,” Steve murmured, turning the device on and hitting record.
He angled the lens towards the treasure that laid in between your legs, gripping his member with one hand and slapping your cunt with it. Its sheer weight against your already stimulated pearl made you yelp. Steve shushed you quicky, letting go of his cock and letting his hips do the work. He continued to glide in between your wet folds, his now free hand sliding up your torso to push the hem of your oversized sweatshirt up. Once your bare breast were revealed to him, it didn’t take long until he was greedily massaging them in large palm. He allowed the camera to linger for a moment before returning it to its initial angle.
“Look at that,” He remarked lowly. “Already soaked me and I haven’t even been inside of you yet.”
Sure enough, his cock was glistening with your nectar. Your mouth watered, excited to see just how gorgeous it looked on camera.
“Think you can be quiet for me, pretty girl?”
You nodded eagerly, wiggling your hips needily. Steve let you play, chuckling darkly when his head caught your entrance, and he began to push into you. All of the oxygen was knocked out of you. No matter how many times you and Steve had sex, nothing could get you used to the first intrusion of his incredibly thick cock. Your inner thighs trembled as he bottomed inside of you, teeth sinking into your pillowy bottom lip as you suppressed a sharp gasp. Slowly, he withdrew his hips before roughly slamming back into you with a long, wanton moan.
“Fuck. You’re such a good girl letting me have you like this,” Steve praised, low grunts and growls reverberating from him as he increased his pace.
Everything was too much – from the pleasure your man was making you feel, the sounds he was making, how gorgeous he looked in the throes of passion, and the need to keep quiet. You felt like a ticking timebomb that could explode at any second.
And yet, things had just gotten started.
The two of you fucked like depraved animals, pouring every ounce of energy into your mutual pleasure. You wanted to badly to reach up and press your lips against his, but for the life of you could not get your brain to work, for your body was a slave for lust. Steve, however, could sense just what you needed. He placed the camera down, making sure it had a perfect shot of you both, before gathering you in his arms. He pressed his forehead against yours before devouring you’re his with his. He continued to fuck you without faltering, swallowing your whimpers and moans like a man starved.
“I fucking love you,” He huffed quietly just for you to hear, punctuating his words with vigorous thrusts. “I. Love. You. So. Much.”
“I love you,” You hummed, too cock drunk and fucked out. “’M gonna cum…so fucking hard.”
“Do it. While everyone out there worries about you because they think you don’t feel good when in reality, you’re too much of a cock slut and just couldn’t wait to get fucked. Do it.” Steve commanded, his own words shaky as he neared his release.
That was enough to push you over the edge. Unable to stop yourselves, you came with a vociferous sob, the tightening of your channel around his cock sending Steve over with an equally enthusiastic exultation. Rope after rope of cum coated your walls until eventually, it began to ooze out of you before Steve could even pull out. When he did, he had to hold himself back from ravishing you once more. The sight of your pussy, swollen from use, painted in his copious seed was one for sore eyes. He sure to get a generous amount of footage of the money shot, already anticipating the audience’s reactions before switching the camera off. You both recovered slumped in each other’s arms, the hulking blond’s face nuzzled sweetly against your bosom until you both deemed it appropriate to leave.
“I can’t go back out there.” You groaned, your head filling with every embarrassing scenario possible.
Steve chortled endearingly, carefully pulling your panties back up and the hem of your sweatshirt back down and over your bum. Putting your shorts back on was not even in question, you were far too sensitive for that.
“I got you, sugar,” He cooed, wrapping one arm under your bottom and scooping you into his embrace once more. You wrapped your arms and legs around him, dozing off as he walked the two of you to your room.
“Go ahead and upload. I’ll tell them that you don’t feel good and needed a nap, then I’ll be right up.” Steve promised as he gently laid you down on your shared bed.
You made yourself comfortable before reaching for Steve’s computer and doing your thing. You were unable to cease your lips from turning up into a devious smile as your nimble fingers danced across the keyboard.
“got fucked in the bathroom in the middle of family movie night”
After double checking everything, you hit upload and watched the views rise. The sensation Steve’s spent leaking out of your used hole as you read the comments your new home movie was already accruing caused heat to rise to your face. It was still a shock that you and America’s gold boy were living a double life as amateur pornstars.
user1: I thought the load nomad had in their first video was just a one off. Clearly this dude can nut like a fucking champ.
user2: this is so fucking hot especially when they were whispering to each other
user3: KJDHS that’s SO much cum???is that a condition or something???
user4: okay but that’s a nice ass bathroom are they making money off of these videos?
user5: idk if i wanna be nomad or lilac 😵‍💫
user6: i’m this 👌🏼 close to dedicating a fanpage to them
user7: not to be deep on fucking PORNHUB of all places but this is some real shit. you can feel the passion, love, and care they have for each other. this is the type of porn we should all be watching, none of that overproduced fake shit.
user7: this mf is built like captain america what the fuck do you eat nomad
The last comment made you laugh heartily, but also arose some concern. Was someone catching on? Worry filled the absence of lust. All it would take for the entirety of your lives to fall apart was for one person to put the pieces together. As much as you and Steve loved the rush, both of you were playing a dangerous game with your respective livelihoods.
But then you remembered Steve.
Steve and all he had sacrificed for the betterment of the world. Steve, the man who hadn’t even lived his life for himself and never once complained about it. Steve, who was finally being selfish and acting on his own desires rather than everyone else’s. Lilac and The Nomad was more than just an adult content channel. It was a symbol of the love of your life’s emancipation from social standards. The first step of him doing whatever the fuck he wanted, not what everyone else wanted. He deserved it. The two of you had taken every precaution to protect yourselves. No one would know. It was just a stupid joke.
“CHEERS!” EVERYONE CHIMED AS they clinked their glasses together.
“Congratulations, Cap!”
Sam beamed widely upon being called his new moniker for the first time. He placed an amicable arm around his predecessor.
“Thanks guys, and thank you for this opportunity, man.” He lauded.
“Literally, out with the old and in with the new.” Natasha sniggered, earning an eye roll from Steve.
“I can still fire you, Romanoff,” He countered.
The ember haired woman simply flipped him off before taking another swig of Russian vodka.
“On a real note, what are you going to do now?” Bruce inquired.
Steve shrugged, placing his beer bottle down casually.
“I don’t know. The only thing I could really think of was getting a place in Brooklyn, which we just did. I don’t have a plan for my next move and for once it feels…good.”
“Well,” Thor grunted. “You can start by finally getting drunk off of Asgardian liquor.”
Thor reached for a decanter behind him and the former captain a generous glass of the amber liquid.
“There you go! That’s my man! Drink up, spangles!” Tony encouraged.
“I’m not getting drunk,” Steve argued, causing everyone to boo loudly. “But…I’ll have this.”
He turned to you, his glass raised in his hand. His azure orbs were capacious, glimmering with hope. He wore a refreshed expression that you had never seen on him before as he smiled dazzlingly at you. It melted your heart to finally see him like this.
“To our new beginning.”
Everyone around you gagged playfully. You hushed them with a threatening hiss.
“I have so much dirt on you guys, I wouldn’t make a single sound if I were you.”
“…. Did that do something to you too?” Bucky teased.
“Hey, shut your fuckin’ mouth, punk!”
“OH! He curses now!”
The night persisted wonderfully. Sam was celebrated in the way he deserved to be. Sure, there was still a lot of work left to do in the world, but all of you were on a new life journey. And sure, new territory was scary, but it was also invigorating. To be able to rejoice together with the people you loved most was even more invigorating.
“Women do not watch porn!” Clint yelled. “That sounds fake!”
“Women probably watch more porn than men,” Natasha argued. “Better porn too. Not whatever you call those 5 minutes of pump and grunt.”
    “I only watch women’s porn.” Laura added, her husband’s expression twisting into one of perplexion.
“You only what?”
“Speaking of porn,” Wanda giggled tipsily. “There’s this new couple that I’ve been watching and they’re—” She ended her sentence with the chef’s kiss gesture.
“Who?! I love that homemade shit!” Sam yelled from across the table.
“Their names are Nomad and Lilac on Pornhub,”
You and Steve tensed up, not moving a single centimeter for fear oF triggering something. What exactly was unknown. He gripped your hand reassuringly.
No one would find out.
“I wanna see.” Bucky chimed in, brows furrowed with curiosity.
Sam tittered mischievously, hopping to the living room to retrieve the television remote. You turned to your partner with a fearful expression. Steve shook his head discreetly, leaning in to peck your cheek soothingly.
“And that’s our que to call it a night.” He quickly stated, saving face successfully.
“He loves her so much he doesn’t even want to see another woman get railed.” Wanda cried to herself drunkenly. “That’s so sweet,”
“Good night, everyone,” You bid, swallowing the frog in your throat.
“Good night, you two. You know where your room is right?” Pepper questioned politely.
“We’re all good, Pep. Thank you for having us,” Steve thanked, wishing everyone one final farewell before rushing the both of you to one of the Stark guest rooms.
“Steven! They’re fucking watching us!” You panicked quietly.
“I believe the correct way to say that is ‘they’re watching us fuck’—”
“…Are you actually joking with me right now?”
“Sweetheart,” Steve uttered softly, cupping your face in his hands. “It’s okay. I promise. Thousands of people have watched us. This is no different. You and I did a pretty damn good job at covering our bases. If the world hasn’t figured it out, the people closest to us definitely won’t.”
Silence filled the room as you retired to the confines of your intrusive thoughts.
 “We can stop if you’re worried. We’ll take everything down, crush up the camera and computer into pieces, toss them into a landmine, and act like nothing ever happened. I want you comfortable, honey.” Steve promised.
You shook your head.
“No, no. I’m sorry. I just got a little shocked. That’s all.” You rushed out.
“Don’t apologize. I got a little scared too. I mean, my heart dropped to my goddamn stomach. I haven’t felt that since Coney Island.”
His belly filled with butterflies when you laughed, all of your worries dissipating into thin air.
“But you know what else I felt?” He proposed, his soft tone taking on a huskier one.
You hummed in response, your heart skipping a beat at the shift in energy.
“Desire. Lust.” He pulled you towards him until your body was pressed against his, your lips barely brushing his. “I want to see their expressions while they watch us.”
It was like you were never worried in the first place when your back hit the mattress and Steve’s body covered yours.
“Let’s calm you down, pretty girl.”
From the living room, the Avengers played each Lilac and The Nomad video one after another. Wanda simply fangirled, loving that her suggestion was actually being enjoyed thoroughly by everyone. The video of you and Steve having a quickie in the bathroom was the best to play. It had become one of your most viewed videos, the reach far greater than you would have imagined.            
“This one’s my favorite personally.” Laura critiqued casually as the video reached its halfway mark.
“In the middle of a family movie night, huh? Which one of you nasty shitheads has pulled one of those?” Sam accused, pointing a finger at each person.
“We would all know if someone did.”
“True. It would be obvious. Did anyone even leave last movie night?”
“Steve and Y/N did.”
No one spoke. Everyone went silent before glancing around at each other and then back up at the television screen.
“B-but, he said she was having…lady problems.” Scott stuttered, his expression growing more and more mortified as he began to connect the dots.
“That sweater does look familiar.” Bucky pointed out, gesturing to the display on the screen with a jerk of his head.
“I, uh, bought one just like that for her,” Natasha spoke under her breath. “It was a souvenir.”
“Steve Rogers wouldn’t do that stuff, guys! C’mon! That’s Captain America!” Scott blurted out in pure denial.
“Not anymore.” Tony rebutted. “That is a free man who can do whatever he pleases. As you can see—” He pointed to the TV animatedly.
“That’s definitely them. A couple months ago he asked me for computer recommendations, and I ended up building one for him. When has that man ever cared about computers?”
“Check the date of the video in the description.”
Unable to handle the anticipation, Bucky snatched the remote from a shocked Scott’s hand and scrolled down to the description. He scoffed with a smile of disbelief.
“Well, I’ll be damned. I didn’t think the little shit had it in him.”
“These are just coincidences, you guys! We have no confirmation whatsoever that it’s the—”
Something akin to a cry mixed with a moan from a couple doors away cut their words short. One that sounded exactly like the ones coming from the TV. Your teammates had all of the confirmation they need.
“Sooooo….how do we look them in the eye now?”
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The RFA w/ MC who loves sewing
What? A post? From me? You're crazy, there's no way that's happening.
I'm trying to get back into writing for this blog and recently started replaying Mystic Messenger because I want poor sleep 💕 Basically I'm letting my fixation fuel my writing because... the sentence ends there.
Enjoy these headcanons! I thought they turned out really cute~
(FYI: I used fem!MC for these headcanons; girlfriend/wife/etc.)
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He found out in the RFA chatroom when the two of you were talking about games and hobbies.
Yoosung had been excitedly telling you about the armor set he had gotten in his latest LOLOL binge, sending a picture and saying how he wishes he could wear cool armor in real life.
“I can make it for you”
“MC… what???”
And this is where he discovered your passion for sewing and your side-hobby of cosplay
He had a little experience with sewing, he could sew on a button and fix small tears thanks to his high school “home ec” classes, but you’re talking about making entire outfits and costumes from scratch.
He is amazed and thoroughly impressed by your talents, even moreso after you send some pictures of your completed works.
It’s amazing that you can make your own clothes, but he’s definitely super impressed with your cosplays. They’re insanely detailed, matching perfectly with the source material. He often says that your cosplays look better than the source material. They’re true works of art in his eyes.
Praises your talents nonstop.
Talks about it all the time to everyone. Every one of his friends knows how skilled his girlfriend is. And the other RFA members know tenfold.
After hearing you talk about your projects, Yoosung decided to join the sewing club at school in the hopes that he could help you with your amazing work! (Not that you need help, he really just wants to participate in something you love)
What ends up happening though is him sitting beside you at the sewing machine and getting lost in your working rhythm. (“Yoosung, are you paying attention? I thought you wanted me to give you tips?” “S-sorry, MC!! You’re just… really good at this… Like magic!”)
There’s no way he’ll be able to catch up with your skill anytime soon, so you compromise with him. You’ll make the costumes, but he has to cosplay with you~
(I have a short fic continuation of this! You can read it here)
He found out just before one of his performances.
The costume he was wearing was a bit snug but worked fine in all the dress rehearsals, so he didn’t think much of it at the time.
You were backstage with him before opening night, ready to tell him to break a leg and give the audience a show to remember, when you saw the rip in his jacket.
It was a seam rip behind his left shoulder. Not the worst, but clearly noticeable.
Curtain was in ten minutes.
“Hyun, take off your costume.”
“Jagyia, I know I’m irresistible, but can you wait until after the show?”
“Not like that!!!” >////<
You pulled a flat black case from your purse and opened it, revealing a small sewing kit. You had everything you needed for a sewing emergency. Pins, buttons, snaps, scissors, an assortment of colored thread. And needles, of course.
You fixed the rip and strengthened the seam with four minutes to spare.
Zen asks you about it after the show (which went perfectly, thanks to you) and you explain your sewing hobby to him. Mentioning that you always have your little sewing kit with you for emergencies like tonight.
You show him pictures of the projects you’ve made and entire outfits you’ve designed and created from scratch. A good chunk of your wardrobe are pieces you’ve made yourself.
Of course he supports you! He’s so impressed and is constantly gushing about how talented you are in the chatroom.
Though nothing could prepare him for the moment you said you wanted to make something for him. Looking up at him with big hopeful eyes as you asked if he’d let you design him an outfit. His heart nearly burst.
You poured hours of time and effort into these pieces for him, determined to make this your best project yet. Your magnum opus. (You also sent concept sketches and fabric swatches to Jaehee for her “professional fan opinion”)
When he put it on for the first time, he was speechless. Everything fit perfectly, there wasn’t a part of the outfit that was uncomfortable in the slightest.
And he may be a bit of a narcissist, but he swore that the clothes you crafted made him more handsome than he thought possible. He looked good but never this good.
Your heart was filled with sunshine and warmth when he decided to wear it to an interview.
“My outfit? It’s custom-made. My girlfriend is a very talented seamstress and this was a gift from her~”
She found out when she called you to complain about the c-fur she was still cleaning up around her apartment.
“Ugh, I’m sorry, Jaehee. I know how bad that can get. I took care of my friend’s cat for a weekend once and I spent an entire month cleaning fur off all my fabric.”
Your fabric?? “What fabric, MC?”
The fabric for your projects of course! Once she got you started, you happily explained your passion to her and how you’ve been making your own clothes for a while now too.
She is also very impressed with your skill and also impressed with how handy it is. You very generously offered to mend her favorite blazer when one of the seams split. You also fixed the two loose buttons you found.
When you two open up the cafe together, you made Jaehee a custom apron to wear. Even going so far as to embroider her name on it along with some decorative coffee beans.
It’s her favorite apron and the one she wears the most while working. (until it has to be cleaned, but then it’s right back in the cafe for her to use)
It gets a lot of compliments too and you’ve actually had a few customers commission you from Jaehee’s (unintentional) promoting.
You since made more clothes for her, even an entire sundress similar to one she had been looking at while you both were out shopping. (You didn’t think the one sold was her color, so you made one yourself that would highlight her best~)
The only issue is the thread and fabric scraps that tend to scatter just as bad as the c-fur… but hey, at lease the end result is more useful! And she can always count on you to tidy your mess when you’re finished~
You mentioned it offhand. Simply mentioning the stitching quality on one of his ties and how you hadn’t made a tie before.
He followed up asking why you would want to make a tie, to which you explained that you often made your own clothes but would love to give yourself a little challenge with something you hadn’t done before.
Initially, he didn’t quite understand. He could easily have any outfit you desired tailored specifically for you, there wasn’t the need to go through all the hassle of making it.
You had to explain that it was your hobby. That, while time consuming and occasionally tedious, you truly enjoyed making your own clothes, and showed him some examples from your closet.
“I’m quite impressed, MC. I’ve only seen this kind of quality come out of trained professionals.”
“I’ll take that compliment. Thank you, love~”
He gives you an entire studio for your projects. While you insist that he doesn’t need to give you so many elaborate gifts, you have to admit that the space is very nice. Much better than working in cramped conditions or on the floor.
While Jumin doesn’t have an interest in joining your craftiness, your husband is more than willing to encourage your hobby monetarily with machine repairs and high quality materials.
Whatever you want, you can have. You’re his darling wife after all.
He even gifted you an antique sewing machine, a vintage 1902 Singer Treadle. You don’t “use” it, but you learned how to just for fun. It’s a lovely decoration of your hobby at the least.
And, yes, you did make a tie for him. Two actually, but you only gave him the second one, insisting that the first was practice only.
It quickly becomes his favorite and he always wears it to important meetings. It’s like having you right there with him for support.
It also becomes quite the talking piece at one of the RFA parties when a member of the Cultured Citizens asks about the brand and price.
“This tie was handmade by my wife and is certainly priceless.”
He already knew because of course he did.
He would often send you (jokingly) ridiculous “orders” with impossible time frames, including:
An iridescent “Statue of Liberty” costume - 3 days
Twenty-seven onesies for ducks - 4 days
A prom dress made of pasta - 3 days
An overnight yeti costume
The two of you would banter about it in the chatroom until someone told you guys to knock it off, it was never not fun.
Whenever you finished a new piece or outfit for yourself, you would try it on and call him while standing in front of the camera in the apartment, asking for his opinion.
The cat-themed overall skirt was the one that broke him. You were just so cute with all the decorated pockets~! And the buttons looked like little cats too! You’re just too precious~
After the dust of the first party settled and Saeyoung had his brother back, you took it upon yourself to make Saeran some new clothes. He was going to be your brother-in-law, after all, you wanted to make him feel welcome.
Of course, it then turned into making both boys some new clothes as you kept thinking of new ideas. Not that you minded, this was your passion after all.
I think Saeyoung would also give you your own room/studio in the bunker. A place where you could spread out without worry. (Vanderwood was just grateful he didn’t have to keep cleaning up thread)
Saeyoung was also happy to help with any repairs your sewing machine needed, or he’d just make you a new one… or three… with some—interesting—added features.
“Saeyoung, dear, I don’t think my machine needs a Ph.D Pepper dispenser.”
“But what if my honey gets thirsty while she works?!”
“...But won’t the sewing shake up all the carbonation? It would explode on my pretty clothes T^T”
“OMG! I’m so sorry!! I’ll take it out right away!!”
This kind of conversation happens regularly.
Eventually, there was one top-secret project that you were working on… one that you made Saeyoung swear not to snoop through. Even going so far as to have Saeran keep an eye out to make sure his brother stayed true to his word. (He did but he whined about it)
The project took a long time and you had to have Saeran help you order the materials in secret.
Saeyoung didn’t like being kept in the dark, it made him uneasy. You assured him it was okay and that you just didn’t want the surprise to be ruined.
He was still uneasy, but he trusted you.
And it was all worth it in the end…
When you walked down the aisle in your handmade wedding dress, glittering and shining like stars in the night sky you both loved so much.
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can you do y/n sending heethan a moaning audio?🫶🫶
"The Sweet Sound of Wind Chimes..."
Warnings: yeah this is like full on porn. its nearly pure smut but its really good...probably the most detailed (or one of the most) detailed smut scenes i've written (def the most for a drabble/request) so here it is. ;) there is mentions of murder, hints of violence and ofc, theres the crazed obsession that our man has for his y/n. (yandere life) also if you know me or are familiar with my works, like most of them, this isnt proofread. sorry.
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“Huh, she sent me an audio?” Heeseung thought to himself as he adjusted the volume in his car. With the bluetooth connected, he pushes play and the vibrating beat of your voice echoes through his car. You were moaning. You were whimpering. You were biting your lip and gasping near the end of the audio bit. Just what were you doing when you made this? You were in class, at least....that's where he dropped you off five minutes ago.
But oh the sound was addicting. it was music to his ears, fact, he replayed the audio over and over again. He couldn't get enough.
"Fuck......" he whispers out.
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"Another one?" Heeseung mentally noted as his thumb hovers over the play button. "Sweet death come to me....."
The delightful sound of your wind-chime voice reaches a pitch high enough to break glass, but it was so soothing and angelic. The way your tone soared through like a spear and punctured his ears as you gasped out and whined, the very same sound you make when he.....
*knock knock*
Turning his head slowly, not even startled by the interruption, Heeseung faces the opposite window, and sees Jake. Rolling down the window, Jake pops his head in as he greets his best friend.
"Hey man, you coming in? Class is about to start."
Heeseung merely looked at Jake for a moment, causing the man to form a confused smirk as he starts to recognize that lustful shine in Heeseung's eye.
"Ah, you're thinking about y/n again. Well today is a short day so you'll see her soon. Lets go man."
Still looking at Jake with soulless eyes, Heeseung simply places his phone down and starts his car back up.
"Hey, are you leaving??" Jake utters as he steps back from the car. With the window still rolled down, Heeseung speaks out as he starts to back out of the parking space.
"I'm taking an administrative delay, i'll be in later. Tell the professors for me."
Chuckling, Jake waves goodbye as Heeseung drives off.
Lonesomely, you stand in the locker room. Leaned onto the row of the steel doors, you rest your hip and shoulder against the lockers while your fingers remained under the skirt of your dress. The straps coming loose and draping down over your shoulders, with the tie string in the front undone, exposing more of the supple curves of your cleavage. Tilting your head against the locker, you become zoned out as the thought of Heeseung....and Ethan slamming into you was too much to bear just in thought. Perhaps you were close to ovulating? Why were the thoughts so strong this time around? Flipping over towards your side, you leaned more inward with half your chest pressing against the steel wall. So engrossed with the image of him thrusting into you, you bit down on your lip hard as you further craved for him, causing you to moan and whimper aloud.
"i'm here baby."
his deep voice emerged from behind, startling you yet his immediate grasp around your waist snapped you right back into the filthy mindset you had just seconds before he snuck up on you.
"Shhhh...i'm going to fix it." with his traditional saying, he tugs you inward and pushes you up against the lockers, causing your chest and breasts smashing against the steel doors. Your hands reach up and become plastered, palm on the cold metal as you stabilize yourself, perking your rear up and curving your lower back at a distinct arch. You were ready.
Scooting your dress up, he collects the pretty floral material to coil around your waist as he smooths his hands around the most narrow part, just above your hip. You felt so soft....you always felt soft.
His thumbs extend over and circulates around your rear cheeks. Your derriere was large, bouncy, and supple, just the way he liked it. It always amazed him, how you could keep your ass so perky and large, round, and buoyant, yet he's never seen you do squats to enlarge it. Guess you were just built perfectly.....for him.
Leaning his chest over your back, his nose caresses your ear as he licks inside of it, nibbling on the lobe, causing you to whine like a child. "tell me what you want, pretty baby...." his voice started to transition, he was merging to his Ethan side, becoming half and half.
"mmm....." you moaned out.
"I said tell me."
"F-fuck....fuck me.....Heeseung fuck me......"
"ahh...very good."
With his member poking out of the opening in his trousers, he slides the large length in between your cheeks, poking the head out from above as he squeezes your rear to hug the shaft. Thrusting slowly, he continues to hug his length with your plump bottom, watching as the tip extends out in the open.
The feeling of him fucking your rear cheeks was immensely pleasurable and painful, it had caused your yearning state to soar through the tip of your burning desire and you nearly cried, you were reaching a breaking point.
"ugh! please!! please!! please!!" you begged.
"You gonna talk dirty for me?"
"yes! Yes!!"
"you gonna be nasty?"
"yeah? you sure?"
"Yes! please!...i'll do whatever you want...just please......i-inside....."
"mmhmm..." he deeply chuckles as he feeds the tip into your entry, yet unlike all the other times, he decided to toy with you just a little more. Once the bulging tip was inside, he rests and keeps it at the base of your opening, refraining from sliding the remainder of his length in...though it was extremely hard for him to do. With a shaky groan, he releases an unsteady breath as he smirks and continues to tease you.
"Tell me......mm...fuck....tell me what you were thinking about when you sent me that audio....." he tilts his head back and winces his eyes shut upon feeling you squeezing his tip. His Adam's Apple exposed fully as he faces the ceiling.
"Ttttthinking...thinking about....y-you.......fffffffucking me......mmmm fuck me......" you stuttered out as you started to move your hips back and forth. As soon as you started moving, his grip around your waist tightened as he pushes you forward, furthering meshing you against the steel wall to hold you steady. Your cheek pressed up against the cool surface, with your hands remaining propped up against the wall as your cleavage squeezes against said surface and becomes overly plump from the pressure.
"Yeah? what else?" he deeply chokes out as he slides a couple inches inside.
"Ugh! more! more!"
"Tell me what else then."
"fucking....fucking me hard.......cumming...cumming inside.....lots....lots of cum....i want it..i want it all..." moaning a mess of words, you tilted your head back, allowing your hair to drape down and reaching his finger tips, which he delightfully coiled around as he maintained his grasp around your waist. With his thumbs stroking the indented curve and lining of your back, formed by the arch, his soft and tender notion appeals to you as he continues.
"my pretty baby wants it all?"
"you dont want to share with anyone, do you?"
"no! NO!"
"and you dont want me to share you with anyone, right?"
"No..no sharing....no sharing!"
"You belong to me, and i belong to you, right?"
"yes! Yes!"
Inch by inch, he slowly slides in the remainder of his length. "You're all mine? You gonna follow my rules and only be mine? You gonna eat, sleep, taste, dream, smell, and breathe only me for the rest of your life?"
"yes! Yes! oh my god yes! mmmm please!"
"say it. say that i'm your everything...."
"yo-you're my everything! my everything!" your voice reaching a high pitch and cracking near the last bit, he was so close to fully feeding his dick inside, you could feel the base of his groin against your rear cheeks.
"you know you're my everything?"
"You know i would do anything for you?"
Reaching a hand up and around your neck, he pulls your head back to rest against his chest. Burying his mouth into your ear, he whispers....
"You know i'll kill anyone if they ever touch or look at you?"
"yess........yes......" you moaned out. You knew that he wasn't bluffing, he killed before and you believe he'd kill again....all because the man was insanely obsessed with you. you were his and his alone. while his demeanor and actions would scare others, it thrilled and fed your deepest and wildest desires. because of this man, you were saved from the ugliness of the world countless times....because he loved you.
"you like that....dont you?" he smirks as he starts to thrust in more, his base reaching and closing in against your taint.
"you like it when the monster comes out?"
"you like it when the monster bites?"
"you like it when the monster feeds, sucks, and fucks you?"
Extending his fingers out, and delicately wrapping them around your throat, all in a graceful notion, he bucks his hips, finally.
"ugh! Oh my God!!!" you reach behind and slap your hand against his thigh from the powerful sensation of him burying his cock deep....so deep inside you. Sliding it out, his tip near the opening, before he slams it back in, puncturing that sweet spot.
"Heethan baby....." he corrects you, as his lips remained plastered against your ear, whispering deeply and licking your helix.
Picking up the pace, you surrendered fully as you reach up and attempt to pull his hand off your throat, allowing you to lean forward so you could rest against the wall once more. "please..please let me....let me move...let me move.....c-cant....cant stand....ugh!"
Honoring your wish, he lets go of your neck and lets you nearly fall forward as your hands catch your fall and becomes plastered against the steel wall once more. His hand smooths over your back and pushes down on the lower bit, forcing you to perk your rear up.
"Ass up pretty."
Slightly leaned in towards your tip toes, you perk your derriere up and increased the exposure of your womanhood as he gains a clear view of his throbbing and swollen member thrusting in and out of your opening, skin on skin melting with eachother, creating a mixture of fluids, yours and his.
Thrusting faster and faster, he fucks you harder than you had imagined, it felt so good...too good. the sound of the lockers rattling and shaking as he slams into you, pelts his hip against your ass as his groin slaps against the skin of your suppled cheeks, staining them pink and red from each hit.
"mmmmmmmfuck!!!" you screamed out as your body bounces back and forth, your breasts jolting in quick motions as they jiggle from his high momentum.
"yeah? you fucking like that dont you?" he scoffs out. "touch it baby."
Doing as he bids, you reach in between your legs and caressed the part of his shaft that remained exposed with your two fingers, rubbing it vigorously as he continues to pump the remaining inches inside you, squelching the juices in and out.
Dripping, you felt the essence of his labor and your desire trailing down your leg.
"Oh? Pretty baby looks like she wants to become a mommy." he teases as he thrusts even harder, pull you back up and into him as he had done before.
"ugh! ugh! plllllllleease!" you moaned out as you grab onto his arm, which was swooped around your neck, placing you in a gentle chokehold. Your throat rests against his inner elbow, as his hand reaches your ear, where he gently moves the hair away and buries his face in once more. With you nearly standing upright, back plastered against his chest, his thrusts goes in straight and upwards, trailing in deeper than before, the momentum was so strong, it caused your body to become lifted as you shift back and forth between your tip toes from the slight bit of levitation, all due to his thrusting force.
"ugh! ugh! ugh!"
"yeah, fucking moan some more you pretty thing." he darkly whispers as he increases his pace.
"ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh!" your moans increased to match his momentum.
"you ready to get pregnant?"
"yes! yes! yes! fuck me! heethan fuck me!" you gasped out repeatedly, your voice airy and light as the pleasured tears stream down your face, exposing how fucked out you looked from taking him in repeatedly. "please......please cum...cum...inside...please fuck me and cum inside..." you begged. Just as you finished uttering out your words, he wraps his arms around your waist and lifts your body entirely off the ground, with his shaft still nestled inside.
"ahhhh!!!" screaming out from the shock of being fully levitated in his grasp, not to mention how deep his shaft went in upon lifting your weight, he flings you over behind against the other wall, where a bench nearby was stationed. Not once did his throbbing member exit out of your cavity, his finesse was so above reproach, he could effortlessly move you without ever breaking contact. Lifting your leg by swooping his hand under your kneecap, he places it on the bench as he leans you forward against the tile wall, while simultaneously pulling your rear closer to him.
the repeated slapping of skin fills the entire locker room, he went even faster. His dick looked as if he was melting into your opening as the blurred view of your skin meshing with his becomes the highlight of his day. You became even more wet, allowing him to slide in and out easily as he goes in faster, deeper, and harder.
"ugh! i'm-i'm gonna cum!"
"cum with me baby." he gasps out in a deep groan as he reaches up and places a hand on your shoulder, while the other firmly grabs onto the side of your waist. He was both, pulling you in and holding you steady.
"cum for me, and i'll cum for you......"
tapping against your sweet spot, along with the feeling of his thick shaft in between your thighs as he thrusts in, you snapped. Screaming out, your walls gyrate and your thighs and rear cheeks shake vigorously.
"oh shit....." he gasps out, softly smiling at the view before him. Your body was losing control, jolting in all directions. Had it not been for his grab on you, you would have broken contact, yet he remained you steady so that he could finish.
Seeping inside, he releases every last bit of his seeds inside your belly, slowing down his thrusts as he catches his breath. with your body still jerking from the immense orgasm, he rubs his fingers up and down to coo you, calming your nerves and your heart rate.
"theeeeeeere.......good girl......shhhh..." he whispers out as he thrusts in slowly......slooooooowly.....
whimpering from the feeling of his thick member entering and re-entering, your body begins to go limp as your hands drag down from the tile wall. Catching you by reaching around and palming the center of your chest, he flings you up and against him, sitting you down on his lap as he takes his seat on the bench behind. Leaving his thick cock inside you, he keeps your legs slightly wide open as he rests your back against your chest, your hair plastered on your skin from the bit of sweat accumulated by the performance, he hugs you around your waist. Kissing your ear, he softly and gently repeats his pecks as you drift off into a blissful slumber, keeping his shaft nestled and warm in between your walls as he takes his time to recover. Once you were out cold, he chuckles to himself as he lifts your hand and admires your fingers.
"ah fuck baby......the effect you have on me.....even if its just the sound of your voice, you have a way about you that makes the monster hungry."
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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kittykat-25 · 7 months
One Of The Guys - Part 9
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Pairings: Hongjoong x F! Reader, Chan x F!Reader
Genre: idol au, Friends x Lovers, angst
Warnings: Feminine pet names(Doll, Cupcake, bubs, Pretty Girl) Alcohol Consumption(drink responsibly) Mean implication(slut)
Summary: You tried really hard not to be a cliché, falling love with your best friend. How unoriginal. But when your best friend is Kim Hongjoong what are you supposed to do?
Now Playing: One Of The Guys- Jessia
A/N: Part 9 picks up directly where part 8 ended🩷 enjoyyyyy
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“I think I’m in love with her.” Hongjoong called after them.
Mingi stared at his friend, “No.” was his reply before turning around and walking away. Leaving Wooyoung and Hongjoong staring at each other. “Woo please. I get you don’t think I deserve her” he started, voice shakey. Wooyoung cut him off, “No! I know you don’t deserve her. Keep whatever revelation you think you had to yourself and leave Y/n out of it. She is happy and I don’t care if you are my captain or my brother. If you ruin this for her I will never forgive you. And neither will she.” He turned on his heel and walked away. Leaving Hongjoong standing there alone. Staring up at your window, apartment dark he wonders if he has ruined whatever already small chance he had to be with you. Turning and following behind his members he failed the see the other man sprinting back towards your building.
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Three days later
You walked towards your apartment door completely drained. As you got closer you saw the bouquet of flowers sitting on your mat. Staring down at the beautifully arranged flora you didn’t need to read the card to know who had sent them. Picking them up and setting them beside the ones that arrived yesterday you threw the card in the trash. Not bothering to read whatever apology Hongjoong had crafted this time. Your mind replayed the call you made to Chan after you heard Wooyoung and Mingi leave on repeat.
Curled up in your floor sobbing. “Miss me already pretty?” Chan said into the phone. You sniffled and, “can you come back please.” A sob racked through your body. “I’m on my way baby.” He said and you ended the call. You opened the door for Chan and were immediately engulfed in a hug. “What happened?” He asked voice soft, wiping the remaining tears that fell down your cheeks. “Hon-Hongjoong was here when I got home. Him and Wooyoung and Mings.” Chans eyes darkened, “what happened.” He asked again, his voice a hair angrier than before. You shook your head, his eyes softened and he pulled you tighter to him, running a hand down your booth in soothing motions. “It’s alright pretty girl. I’m here now, I’m not going anywhere.” He kept murmuring into your hair, pressing kisses into your head after every word.
You shake your head trying to physically get the memories away from you. You pull your phone out of your pocket as you drop your bag. 32 missed calls from Hongjoong. Rolling your eyes you scroll past them and find Wooyoung’s name. Hitting the call button you wait for the ring, ready to leave a voicemail. “Hey bubs!” He says as he answers. “Hey! I thought yall would be working.” Wooyoung laughed, “calling just to hear my voice.” “More like too lazy to text all I want to complain about right now.” You said as you made your way through the apartment. “Can you please tell him to drop it. I don’t want anymore flowers. I don’t want to speak to him. 32 calls Woo. That’s ridiculous.” You groan into the phone.
Wooyoung looks up and locks eyes with his leader, shaking his head slightly. “I’ll do my best bubs. Still on for dinner Friday before we leave?” You smiled, “of course. Like I’d miss seeing my boys before you leave to go overseas.” Wooyoung gave Mingi a grin and nodded his head. “I’ll let the guys know you don’t hate all of us.” Seonghwa slapped the back of Wooyoung’s head, “OW” “I don’t hate anyone Wooyoung. I’m just done dealing with his tantrums.” You said quietly. “Anyways I’ll leave yall to your break. Be safe!” Wooyoung said his goodbyes and hung up.
Turning to look at his leader. “This is borderline harassment.” He seethed. “Wooyoung don’t start. We have to go on stage soon.” Seonghwa stated. Wooyoung bowed slightly at his oldest member. Eyes cutting towards Hongjoong. “What did she say? Does she forgive me?” He asked softly. Mingi rolled his eyes, “she sick of the flowers you have delivered everyday. She ignores your calls. Does it seem to you like you’ve been forgiven.” San in the back started singing Unforgiven under his breath making Wooyoung laugh. “Alright that’s enough. We have to be on stage in 30 minutes. Keep all of your thoughts to yourself unless it applies to our music. I am sick of this.” Seonghwa said sternly cutting his eyes at the three men.
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As you walked into your apartment building the next day you found security guards standing beside someone at the desk. The doorman waved you over, as you walked that way Hongjoong came into focus. “What did you do?!?” You asked looking between him and the security officer. “He was hanging out outside your apartment. Your neighbor called down here.” “Where’s your key you idiot?” You asked Joong. He looked up at you sheepishly, “Wooyoung stole it.” You rolled your eyes. You were going to kill these boys. “He’s fine, he just can’t keep up with a key apparently.” You told the guard as they let Hongjoong stand. You said thank you and started walking towards the step, Hongjoong falling in line with you.
As you shut the door behind you, motioned towards the table, “why are you here?” You asked as you set your stuff down. “I wanted to apologize.” He said staring at you intently. “You have about ten minutes to do so before Chan gets here for dinner.” You stared pulling out ingredients waiting for him to talk, “are you happy?” He asked quietly. You stopped and looked at him, “very. Why?” “I’m sorry about what I said. I just don’t like the idea of you getting hurt.” He said. You started at him, “and yet you’re the only one that has hurt me lately.” you calmly. Your door buzzed and you heard Hongjoong sigh. “He’s early.” You glared at him and buzzed Chan in.
You opened the door to find Chan with bags full of groceries, “hey pretty girl!” He said cheerfully. You smiled at him, “hey, Hongjoong is here by the way.” You added quietly motioning towards your table. Chan glanced at the boy sitting there before looking back at you. He smiled and walked inside. “How’s the comeback going?” He asked Joong as he pulled groceries out of the bag for you. “It’s good. We leave for Japan Sunday.” Hongjoong replied, colder than he had been with you. As you finished taking groceries out, Hongjoong still sitting at the table, small talk passing between the men.
You looked at Joong and motioned for the door. “We can talk about this more Friday, you should go.” He nodded and glanced at Chan. “You’re still coming for family dinner Friday right.” You unlocked the door, pulling it open. “I told Woo and Mingi I’d be there. I’d like to see my friends before they leave.” He nodded and walked out. You said goodbye and shut the door before he could apologize again.
As you walked back towards Chan, resting your forehead against his back. “Want to talk about it?” He asked, the vibrations of his voice sending warmth down your body. “He was being held by security when I got home. Wooyoung stole his extra key after last time.” Chan nodded, leading you towards the living room. He turned on the tv, picking your music app, chuckling when Stray kids albums were the first to pull up.
Laughing you buried your head in his chest, “so supportive of us baby.” He cooed into your ear making you blush. He slowly spun you around the living room, tapping the beat of the song gentle down your spine. “This is not usually a slow dance song.” You said as he spun you to the fast rapping of Han. “Really, I could change it to Taste?” He asked smirking. “Or red lights? Or drive? Ohhh what about Connected!” You said reaching to change the song, Chans whole face turned red, he pulled you tight against him, forehead pressed against yours. “I like this song, let’s leave it here.” He mumbled. You laid your head on his chest, letting him spin you around your living room.
As Hongjoong stared up at your window watching you laugh with Chan he felt his heart clenching. When had he completely lost you? He tore his eyes away as Chan lifted your face to kiss you. Not being able to look, Hongjoong turned and walked towards his dorm. Wondering where he went wrong and brainstorming ideas to win you back. Whether his brothers wanted to help or not.
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Friday night you knocked on the door to Seonghwas dorm, smiling at the older boy when he opened it. “Y/n!” He said pulling you into a hug. “Hi Hwa! I’ve missed you!” You replied. He ruffled your hair leading you into the kitchen where Wooyoung and Mingi were cooking. “Let’s get this show on the road. We need to be in bed by 10 at the latest.” Hwa called out as he walked into the living room. You gave the two boys hugs, missing their comfort and safety these past few weeks. “I have a movie night with the kids after this but Channie says to take our time. No rush.” You said quietly.
Mingi smiled at you, “it’s going well then?” You busied yourself with cutting vegetables, “I really really like him. He’s everything you could possibly want in a guy.” Wooyoung cooed at you, “y/ns in loveeee” you smacked his arm, “I’m not! He’s just great and this is the first time I’ve felt like this and it be reciprocated.” You said looking down. Mingi patted your head, “maybe Channie Hyung is in loveee too.” You elbowed him away and kept chopping up the veggies for Wooyoung.
As the night went on you texted Chan to keep him updated on when you’d head that way. Curled up on the couch talking to Wooyoung and Mingi your phone started ringing, Chans name popping up making you smile immediately. “Hey baby, I’m going to send Minho to come pick you up. It’s cold and I don’t want you walking too much in the dark. If that’s alright?” You smiled, “of course. Is there a reason you’re not coming?” You asked knowing the answer, as Felix has sent you pictures earlier of Chan and Hyunjin doing shots of who knows what. “I had some drinks so I can’t drive. But Minho will get you here safely. He said he’d text you when he was there.” You thanks Chan and told the guys. Seonghwa excited to see his old friend, told Minho to just come up when he got here.
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Minho and Han got there 20ish minutes later, grateful to have then walk you down. You knew Hongjoong was out but you didn’t like the chances of you facing him alone. After the other night you didn’t know what to say to your friend anymore. As you said your goodbyes and walked out the door you felt something shift. Your anxiety coming to the surface. You chalked it up to being alone with Chans friends and nerves. Even though you knew Minho and had been around Han multiple times. The three of you were walking towards the stairwell when the door opened and Hongjoong stepped out. He stopped when he saw you, a smile forming at your company. Minho put his hand at your back, gently coaxing you forward with Han.
Han bowing slightly at Joong as you passed him, “I see you easily got all of them wrapped around your finger?” You stiffened, already anticipating the next words out of his mouth. As they had been spoken towards you repeatedly over the years when you were out with all of Ateez. “How long before you’re wrapped around them at night? Mhm y/n?” he asked. You had started shaking, Han tugging you closer, pulling you gently towards the door away from Hongjoong. Minho stepped in front of you, putting distance between you two. “Careful Hongjoongie, I don’t have the patience that Chan has. So consider what you are implying about Y/n.” Han carefully pulled you away, not giving you a chance to hear Joongs response. Turning your head you saw Minho following behind you, a smug smile on his lip but pure rage in his eyes. “Let’s go.” He said as he wrapped an arm around you and lead you down the stairs.
Hongjoong staring after you with wide eyes and a frown etched on his face. Standing still until the door shut, shaking him from his thoughts. He shook his head, why would he say that to you. He turned around and found Wooyoung, Mingi and Hwa all staring at him. “Joong, why would you say that to her?” Hwa asked, the disappointment visible on his face. “You know how that affects her.” He adds, shaking his head at his friend. Hongjoong looked down and noticed that Hwas arm had been placed strategically on the door frame, blocking Mingi and Wooyoung inside.
“I didn’t mean to say it, it just came out. I don’t know what came over me.” Hongjoong said sadly. He heard someone muttering, calling him a prick. He pulled out his phone ready to call you and apologize. He hit the dial button, “the person you are trying to reach is not available.” Hit hit the dial button again. Same message. Third try it didn’t even give him a message just a dial tone and the click. He yelled out in frustration, throwing his phone down the hallways. “Don’t ever try to tell me you love her again.” Wooyoung said as he walked towards their shared apartment door. “You would never intentionally hurt the person you love.” He threw open the door and walked into his bedroom slamming the door shut behind him.
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As Minho pulled up to the dorms parking his car, he turned at looked at you. “Do you want to tell Chan Hyung what happened or do you want me too? I understand if you don’t want to repeat what he said.” Minhos voice was sharpe, full of edge but his eyes looking at you were soft, Han was rubbing soothing circles on your back, had been the whole ride over when he noticed your shaking. “I really don’t want to repeat that. I’ve heard it enough from staff and dancers over the years.” You said, voice shaky from holding in your tears.
Minho nodded and undid the seatbelt, throwing up the door he stormed inside. “Do you want to wait out here?” Han asked gently. “How do you think Chans going to react?” You asked, turning to look at the boy. “Channies Hyung is protective and you’re important to him. He’s not going to be happy.” Han said keeping eye contact. “Honestly none of them are going to be happy. We all care about you and it’s not right what he said.” You gave a small nod. Your phone vibrated and you were ready to decline another call when you saw it was from Hwa. “Don’t believe what he said for a second. It’s not true. I’ll talk to him, we all love you . Have a good night.” You smiled at the text and turned your phone off. “Let’s go inside.” You said opening the car door. Letting Han lead you inside the dorms.
Where there was usually yelling and chaos was eerily silent. Han opened the door and you found 5 of the members ears pressed to the door going to Chans room. “What are-“ Han started to ask. “SHHHH” was all you were greeted with as the boys pressed their ears back to the door. You sat down on the couch, pulling your knees to your chest. You heard a small gasp and looked, all heads turned towards you. “That little..” “Changbin No.” Felix said and Changbin tried to make his way to the door. “Please Binnie, it’s fine.” You said patting the couch beside you. “It’s not fine y/n!” Seungmin said plopping down on the other side of you. “Nothing I haven’t heard before. You can’t be friends with a group of guys without people implying things SeungMinnie, it’s okay.” Felix wrapped your body in a hug, “it’s not true though.” You nodded, feeling the tears in your eyes start to trickle down.
Not in sadness but overwhelming love for the boys surrounding you.The door the Chans room flew open, Chan walking out, face red in anger. Felix let go of you as Chans eyes met yours; instantly softening. “Do you want me to say something to him?” He asked, knowing it would affect your relationship with all of Ateez in the process. “No I’ll handle it.” You said. Chan moved towards you and all the other guys gave you both space choosing to follow Minho into the kitchen. Chan sat down, wrapping his arms around you, practically pulling you into his lap. His body was shaking in anger, “channie it’s okay.” He looked towards you, gently tucking a hair behind your ear, “no baby it’s not. I’m so sorry you’ve had to hear that over the years. But I swear you will never hear it towards you as long as I’m around.” You nodded and tucked your head into the curve of his neck.
Chan ran his hands down your back, “Minho might kill him on sight next time.” Chan said. You laughed, “Wooyoung and Mingi might beat him to it.” You said. Hoping they were keeping the peace before they were stuck on a plane together. The rest of the guys came back out and started a movie, you not paying any attention, hyper aware of the glances the members would give you and the way Chans hand never left your body. Feeling safe you laid your head on Chans shoulder and drifted off to sleep. Hoping to calm the voices in your mind repeating what Joong had said over and over again.
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A/N: SOOO I’ll be doing a poll soon so be on the lookout for that! I hope you guys are liking this so far!
Sorry this part was so long🩷
@vampzity @sanslovesblog @sundaybossanova @skzline @edenesth @owmoiralover @scarfac3 @blackb3|| @ateezswonderland @amuromio @the-multishipper @mingisbbokari @chngbbnwf @vic0921 @woosmaid
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mylifeisactuallyamess · 5 months
Sanctuary part 2
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Chapter 1: After
A/N: Oh hey guys! It’s been a while! I’m finally ready to delve back into this, I needed to know more of what Hemlock had going on and now I do so…here fucking goes. Sorry it’s only short for now. More, so much more is coming.
Prefer AO3? I got you.
Warnings: 18+ written from Tech’s pov. Mentions of what happened in the previous, awful, cliffhanger chapter. Sorry about that.
Word Count: 1355
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Tech? If you’re listening to this, they found me. Tech. I used the button but I know you can’t come and get me. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m hiding in the supply cupboard, they landed not that long ago and I know they’re here for me. They know w-who I am. Wh-what I am. Don’t come after me, Tech. I’d never forgive myself. They’re here. I know we never said this in person but I can’t die and not have said it. Tech. I love you.
I love you. — Stitch’s full message.
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3 days after
Days. You had been gone for days. It didn’t seem real. Logically Tech knew he was doing everything he possibly could to find you, but he could feel the frustration creeping up on him. He tried to shut everyone out, as grateful as he was for them trying to ground him, he didn’t want it right now.
He had to find you.
His eyes closed when he heard light footsteps on the ramp, knowing exactly who was coming to come and check on him. Phee visited the same time everyday so Tech didn’t get a shock, she always tried to talk to him which he shut down until all she did was sit there. Usually he forgot she was there.
“Hey, brown eyes.” Tech’s fingers paused his eyes not leaving the console screen. He was about to slice into a highly protected Imperial system and he needed no distractions while he did it. Tech had written the programme himself, masking his signal so he would appear invisible to the Imperial network. Hopefully slipping in and out unnoticed.
His fingers curled, caught between the urge to tell her to go away and doing the socially acceptable thing. Whatever that was.
“Omega made me bring you some fish that Wrecker caught and cooked. That brother of yours is settling in nicely.”
“Wrecker has always been more laid back and adaptable to social situations than the rest of us.” Stars, his throat was dry. In that moment Tech decided to take a break. Standing up he rolled his shoulders and stretched his arms, wiggling his fingers as he tried to banish the aching sensation in his entire body. He wasn’t sure if it was a mental manifestation, but since you’d been taken he found his joints aching more than they should. He had contemplated the cause was the accelerated aging, even though the age he was now, he should still be in his prime. By human standards.
“You’re talking today?” Phee sighed and sat down in one of the seats, crossing her legs, handing him the package of food and a bottle of water.
Tech worked out if he drank the water and ate the fish he could have her satisfied and out of here in approximately 10 standard minutes. Then she’d report back to the others he had eaten and he’d be left alone until the sun set. He took the water, gulping it so he didn’t have to respond. Most of the time he found Phee easy to be around, she allowed him to empty his head when they were working in the Archium and theorise without debunking any of his ideas as nonsense.
He was highly aware of your reaction to her less than a week ago. Less than a week ago. The despondent feeling settled in his chest and he became blank once more. He had to fully detach from the pain your loss created or he’d never have the brain power to find you. He had spent every night tossing and turning in his bunk, replaying over every second of dropping you at Ord Mantell. If only he had gone with you, if only they hadn’t let you come, if only, if only.
“I don’t think you’ve heard a word I’ve said.” Tech glanced up from staring at the bottle of water in his hand, shifting his goggles as he cleared his throat quietly.
“Apologies. My mind is elsewhere,” Tech murmured.
“Eat, you need to keep up that energy if you’re to find her,” Phee told him. Good idea. He really should research the fish here, if they were rich in oils they would contain docosahexaenoic acid which would help. He needed all the help he could get. Tech began to tuck into the fish, realising the pains in his stomach were because he was hungry. He suddenly registered Phee was talking about something and again he wasn’t listening. It wasn’t important anyway, she had no idea about the inner workings of an Imperial computer, prison or had any new information that could help him.
He finished eating and automatically handed her the wrapper which she took, trying to catch his eye. Tech avoided that. He didn’t want to look at her, he only wanted to look at you. Your eyes were something he had committed to his memory, the way they danced when you smiled, the glow of hyperspace in them as you stared with wonder out of the viewport. He remembered the way your panic faded the longer you looked at him, realisation and wonder in your features had made his chest ache. Not that he knew it back then.
He missed your hand in his.
“I have things to do and I need all my concentration to do them,” Tech announced, not caring if he was being abrupt or rude. He needed her gone now.
“What you need, brown eyes, is sleep,” she told him with a hand on her hip.
“I will get some.” When I exhaust all current avenues of investigation.
“Don’t make me get your brothers up here,” she threatened and Tech had to hold back an irritated tut and sat with a stoic expression on his face. “I will be back to check on you later.” But she listened, finally leaving him alone.
Tech’s fingers flew over the console keys, about to thread his own coding in with the Imperial coding so he could slice into their network when the ship com went off. At first he was going to ignore it, but he decided to answer it. Heading into the cockpit he accepted the transmission.
“This is Havoc-4. Do you copy?”
“Loud and clear Havoc-4.” As Tech responded he remembered vaguely Hunter had said something about Echo making an appearance but it didn’t attach to anything to do with you, so he had dismissed the useless information.
“I need your expertise, Havoc-2. I have something you might like.” Tech leaned forward in his chair, not even aware he was doing it.
“Is it a lead?” He asked eagerly, his mind racing ahead with all the possibilities no matter how outlandish they were.
“We need to decrypt it to find out. I’m coming in now. Havoc-4 out.” Tech jumped up, putting aside what he was doing so he could step outside at the sound of the ship.
“Hunter, Wrecker. Echo is here with some intel,” he announced eagerly into his com.
“On our way,” Hunter responded.
“What have you got?” Tech demanded as soon as Echo descended the ramp, awarding him a raised eyebrow.
“Good to see you too, Tech.” He sighed a little and pulled a datastick from his pouch. “I pulled this from an Imperial ship loaded with clones. We have no idea where they were being shipped to or why.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Tech only had eyes for the datastick, for the information it could possibly hold and he saw it as a lifeline to you. He turned back to the ship, pausing when Echo called his name.
“We’re doing all we can,” he said, running a hand across the back of his neck while he gestured with his scomp. “To find Stitch.” Tech flinched at the sound of your name, concentrating on the datastick once more. What could he say? He knew they were doing everything they could.
Thankfully, Hunter and Wrecker arrived with Omega and Tech turned away to disappear into the ship. He inserted the datastick into the console, setting his programme to run the decryption code and waited for the information to reveal itself.
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lazypeachsoul · 2 years
Like I've known you forever.
Summary: Sometimes traumatic events make you realise how deeply you love someone or a collection of moments and memories of love after the birdstrike.
Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x F!Reader
Word Count: 3k.
Rating: No warnings per se but the events are a bit sad because it's after the birdstrike, hospitals, mentions of painkillers, ilnesses.
A/N: Normal is current events, Italics are memories. Inspired by one of my favourite movies and I thought the quote fit Bob so well. As always, english is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes. And enjoy.
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Days off were a sort of myth for your little two person —one cat— household. The sort of myth you grew weary of fully enjoying because at any moment a call could end your boyfriend’s off time. But you enjoyed nonetheless because any minute you got together you cherished. But this time it was different. This time the house felt tense and cold, nothing to do with the bright and home-y feeling of mornings spent watching a show and laughing together. This time you were trying to fold for the third time the couch blanket while keeping your ears open for any sounds coming from the bedroom.
He was okay —that’s what he had said—, just needed to sleep off the tension —also his words— and spend some time with you —brown noser—. According to the doctors he had a bruised rib and you should look out for possible neck or back pain caused by falling a few thousand feet at high speed. Look out for that while being grateful that it was only pain and not a spinal break. Damn it, there go the tears again. Walking towards the living-room window, unfolded blanket still in your hand, you realised how late it had gotten. The day was winding down to and end in a mix of oranges and yellows while you wrung out the fabric between your hands.
Your mind couldn’t stop replaying the events of the last 48 hours.
Your mind couldn’t stop replaying the events of the last 48 hours.
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You were in the middle of what your boss had warned you was a very important meeting for the company, a potential new big shot client. Robert knew and had wished you the best of luck before he left for work looking like a dream in his ironed uniform and his recently gelled hair. So when your phone started vibrating against your desk you frowned, knowing very few calls would have gone through in Do Not Disturb mode. In fact, it could only be one of four people: Robert, his mom, your mom or Maverick.
Fully ready to see Bob’s contact picture you almost had to do a double check when you saw it was actually Maverick calling.The voice of your boss speaking through the laptop became nothing but background noise while you tried to reason why Maverick would be calling you. Your gut told you to answer quickly and it spoke so loud you pressed the green button before you could properly excuse yourself from the meeting. And soon it became apparent you weren’t the only one feeling the urgency.
“Maverick?” Was the only word you could muster, your overthinking brain always negative.
“Hey, I’m sorry to call you.” Oh well, that wasn’t a good start to the conversation. “Bob and Phoenix had some difficulties during today’s training-”
“Difficulties? That sounds-” “Worse than it really is, don’t worry. They are being rescued as we speak-”
“Rescued!?” You asked raising your voice, probably an effect of the fear and that run through your veins. If the word difficulties made your heart skip a beat the word rescued restarted it completely. You could feel the adrenaline starting to flow through your veins, suddenly feeling cold and warm at the same time.
“Sorry, it’s technical talk I didn’t want to scare you. I know how hard a call like this is.” Did he? But even if he didn’t a part of your mind thanked the excuse. “The team said they looked in okay shape and are being brought to the base hospital for a check up. I wanted to call you before you received a call from the hospital, thought it would be less intimidating.” Had you been in your right mind you would have almost laughed at his sheepish voice. “Although I don’t seem to be doing it very well.”
A ping sounded through the speakers of the laptop and a chat notification from the video call system appeared. A private message from your boss. Everything okay? You look pale from that call. You knew there was more than worry written in the message, probably a reprimand about taking private calls during a meeting. But your mind at the moment only seemed to care about how injured you needed to be to be considered in ‘okay shape’. Okay?
“Are you still there? I know the news are unexpected-”
“Yeah, I’m still here.” At least you thought you were, even if you couldn’t stop picturing horrible scenarios involving a jet plane, your boyfriend and your best friend. “I should go to the hospital right?”
You probably sounded like a horrible girlfriend, the worst. But nobody ever takes the time to explain the protocol for technical difficulties resulting in the need of a rescue and hospital checkup.
“Are you okay to drive? You sound shocked. Don’t want you distracted on the wheel.”
You looked at the message from your boss and managed to type a few words: Bob was in accident. Grammar be damned. And as soon as you sent the message all the adrenaline that up until this point had been building in your body exploded. The laptop slammed shut while you muttered “See you there” to Maverick on the phone, picking up what your amped up brain considered essentials before you run to the car.
A movement outside the window snapped you from your painful memories, a bird flying to find refuge before the day became night. Birds. At one point when you were a child you wanted to be like them, flying looked to be the most freeing experience. And when you met Bob you realised that maybe your interest in flying was a happy coincidence. One of life’s funny foreshadowing moments. Birdstrike, that’s what the ha told you.
“How can something as small as a bird win against millions of dollars of military technology?” You mumbled against Bob’s neck almost without realising. The question had been in your head since Maverick tried to explain to you the situation in the waiting room.
Bob couldn’t help but let out a wheezy laugh, wanting to groan at the pain in his chest but fighting against it fearing you might remove yourself from his arms. “Isn’t it incredible? Best pilots in the US navy and a pidgeon knocked us out.” You lifted your head and looked at him with a raised brow. “Okay, maybe not incredible. Bad wording. It’s surprising.” He rectified with a small smile.
Silence, or as much silence as possible in a hospital full with beeping machines, surrounded you when you kissed his temple before pressing your forehead against it. The adrenaline rush fizzled into tiredness, but every time you closed your eyes horrible images conjured by your imagination plagued you. “I love you.” You heard him muster and you smiled. “Thank you for being here.”
It broke your heart to think how he might be feeling. You were suffering the effects of not knowing, but he probably was feeling the effects of knowing exactly what could’ve happened and didn’t. “Nowhere else I would rather be, bub.” You muttered close to his ear, not wanting to disturbe the atmosphere created in the room. “Well, maybe home without the scare. But always with you.”
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“Something interesting going on with the neighbours?” Spoke behind you the same voice you had been daydreaming about, making you jump in your place.
“What are you doing out of bed? You are supposed to be on complete bed rest!” You turned to walk his way. But he quickly stopped you with a raised hand and a bright smile.
While he walked towards the window you took your time to check him out to see potential damage -what would spine damage look like? The doctor didn’t explain that part-. But you could only see his unruly hair, blonde curl falling against his forehead, and his crooked glasses. His cheeks were rosy, more than likely result of the painkillers and the deep sleep, and his eyes had recuperated the shine they lacked after a night in hospital. His wrinkly pijamas only adding to his relaxed image. Definitely not the image of someone who had fallen out of a plane at 50 feet per second 48 hours earlier. Once he was within reach he took the blanket from your hands and draped it over your shoulders before pulling you close to him with it.
“Okay mother hen.” He spoke softly, almost as if scared that any sound louder would spook you. “I think it’s more dangerous if I lie all day, blood clots from lack of movement are a real risk.” Damn, should you be looking out for that too? The doctor hadn’t said anything. Almost as if he could read your thoughts he pressed his lips to your forehead. “Stop. I’m okay.”
You wanted to say that he wasn’t. Wanted to recite the statistics for the results of jet plane ejections you had googled while in the waiting room. To repeat the diagnosis the doctor had made. But that wouldn’t have been good for either of you. You raised on your tip toes, pressing a chaste kiss against his lips that meant only three things: sorry, I love you and I’m still taking care of you.
“I am probably overbearing. I’m sure you would prefer to be in that hospital room again.” You joked, a probably too morbid joke that he seemed to get thankfully.
“Ah yes, nothing like the smell of disinfectant and sickness to feel better. Definitely, tender love and care from my favourite girl doesn’t even come close.”
His favourite girl, how you loved to hear him say it.
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Deep breath in, deep breath out. Maybe the disinfectant in the air could clean your system of the icky feeling the wait had left you in. You looked at the plaque on the door and triple checked this was the right room. It was. You also justified the minutes you had already spent in front of the door without moving because you could hear voices inside the room talking. Deep breath in and you raised your hand to knock and the door opened quickly, knocking the air out of your lungs.
“Oh, Lieutenant. It looks like you have your first visitor.” The man in scrubs and a white coat exclaimed with too much enthusiasm for a hospital. “Please come in, I’m already done. I’m guessing you are his next of kin?”
You nodded while walking inside, not daring to look up yet.
“She’s my favourite girl, doctor.” Bob’s voice spoke up, but that wasn’t a very Bob-like phrase. Always prefering privacy over ostentatious declarations.
You looked up then, deep breaths be damned, and you realised nothing could have prepared you to see the man you loved so deeply laying in a hospital bed and hooked to different machines. Now you understood what Maverick meant with ‘okay shape’. Bob looked okay except for a few scratches and an ugly bruise in his cheekbone, but not even his loopy smile could make you stop worrying.
“Hi baby.” He said his a slight slurred voice that made your heart clench. He tried to raise his arm to wave you but dropped it a groan.
“Nice to meet you, I’m doctor Stevens.” You gave him your name with a tense smile, not wanting to remove your eyes from your boyfriend face for too long, as if he might disappear. “All his tests came back okay, only a bruised rib. But they probably already told you that.” You nodded, they had informed you while you were waiting. “He’s under the effects of the painkillers, so don’t worry if he’s a bit out of it.”
The doctor probably wanted to speak more to you, talk about tests and x-rays. But nothing in that moment meant to you more than the man laying in the bed with a smile too big to be natural. Sensing the disconnect, the doctor quickly said his goodbyes and moved towards the door. Walking towards the bed you couldn’t help to ask.
“Doctor, is Phoenix okay?” Seeing Bob had relaxed your nerves a little, but the same worry kept circling your head. And you knew even under the haze of the painkillers Bob would want to know too.
“Lieutenant Trace appears to be in as good shape as one could be in this situation. They were both incredibly lucky.”
Lucky. Your lucky best friend. Your lucky boy.
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“What was so interesting? You spent quite some time looking out the window.” He repeated his first question and you turned in his arms to look out the window again. Pressing your back against his chest -carefully because of the injury- you sighed contentedly when his arms wrapped around you.
“Nothing. It’s peaceful out there at this time.” You murmur and he hums against the hair at the back of your head. “Looking at the birds.”
He tensed a little and a sigh brushed against your head. You knew it was probably soon, or maybe not an appropriate time but you also couldn’t find it in you to lie. “You always loved the birds.”
And it was the tone in which he said those words, as if instead of knowing eachother for a three years he had known you for your entire lifetime. The tone that said I wasn’t there but I knew you even when I didn’t. That’s what made the sting of tears appear. Because you felt exactly the same about him. And you knew he wanted to spare you of any pain and that he wasn’t able to protect you from the fear hurt him too. Sweet Robert, raised to put the ones he love before himself.
“I love you.” You spoke after a minute of trying to reorganise your thoughts. “I love you so much it hurts sometimes.” You could hear him huff behind you and you knew he was about to interrupt you. So you turned quickly and pressed your hand against his mouth to shush him preemptively. “Let me speak. Sometimes it hurts because I simply cannot process all the feelings and I can only hope that you understand one third of the feelings I have for you. Because I’m unbelievably lucky that I found you. While also sad that I haven’t known you for longer because I wish I could have been therefor every story you tell me, good or bad.”
By that point the knot in your throat was too big to keep talking, but just by looking at Bob’s eyes you knew he knew. And the shine in his eyes told you he was feeling something big too. You raised your hand to straighten his still crooked glasses and he grabbed your wrist, placing the inside of it against his lips to press a soft kiss.
“I don't believe in luck.” He spoke, tickling the skin of your wrist with the movement of his chapped lips. “I do believe we've known each other since forever, though.”
“Really?” You whispered while moving your hand to rest against his warm cheek.
“Yeah. You know how?” You shook your head no, enjoying the softness in his voice that paired so well with the now purple and blue tones coming from the window. “When the big bang happened, all the atoms in the universe, they were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward. So my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then, and, who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years. So my atoms have known your atoms and they've always known your atoms. My atoms have always loved your atoms.”
And if the Robert lying on the hospital bed pumped full of drugs wasn’t your Robert, this was exactly him. Scientific and precise, and loving and just a perfect amount of nerdy that made your stomach fill with butterflies. The Robert that could make talking about atoms the most romantic thing ever said in history. Your Robert, forever.
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“Do I know you?” You asked the blonde man standing to your right at the crowded bar.
You were feeling a bit out of your comfort zone surrounded by so many people in the bar,, that’s why you had offered yourself to get the drinks not thinking this side would be even more crowded. But, somehow, in the middle of the chaos you had found yourself next to a blonde man who seemed as uncomfortable as you. While waiting for your drinks you couldn’t help but glance at him from time to time, your gut telling yo there was something familiar about him.
He looked at you surprised and opened and closed his mouth several times before clearing his throat. “I-I don’t think so.” The man answered before he seemed to rethinking his answer. “I wouldn’t forget a face so beautiful.”
And you appreciated the sentiment but it almost sounded weird out of his mouth. But he himself cringed at his bad pick up line so you knew your reaction wasn’t alone. With a chuckle you introduced yourself and he reciprocated with a bashful smile.
“Well Robert, I am so glad now I know you.” “I’m sure I won’t forget you now, pick up lines aside.”
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mysteriouslybluepirate · 11 months
Just did a rewatch of OFMD S2 Eps 6/7 and: (Yes, it DEFINITELY got better)
*All pacing issues and some cast being in scenes when others aren't is the fault of the studios being cheap and not the writers/creators. :) Flying the cast to New Zealand + housing them for filming meant some crew just couldn't be there (Fang, Roach, Olu) or mostly written out (Buttons, Swede).
The reason this season feels *weird* is just that. It is not the fault of the actors or any of the workers in New Zealand who got jobs because they were the cheaper, nonunion, option.
I was mainly mad due to some pacing things that, after I thought about it, I don't think *I* was ready for them to make jokes about, if that makes sense. Izzy is such a personal character for me that some of the stuff they joke about just...hits.
*While the show kind of blowing off Izzy's repressed feelings for Ed did originally piss me off (the 'jealous' comment from Ed in ep 7 especially), reframing the scenes as Izzy letting himself mourn this and seeing how easily he lets Ed go does make me happy. He will love Ed. That's just a fact. But he is not his relationship with Ed he is defined by what he does with it. Yes, they can joke about it. Izzy has probably defined their relationship as something that just can't happen. Either by thinking Ed could never love him or that Ed never cared. Izzy knew Ed's attention was always fleeting and MAYBE that's some BS way we can say eps 5, 6, and 7 happened within a few days of each other. Because...if Izzy is just repressing everything again. I swear. This show will not give me the polycule I want.
*Stede and Izzy work so fucking well as friends. Like. Izzy knows how Stede will use the bar as validation and is READY to fight for him. Stede knows Izzy will stand to fight with him. The way Izzy looks so DONE when Stede starts to fight? Izzy just lost Ed god damn it. That, and the thigh grab will be in my head forever... stizzy fans also win.
*Imagine having sex with the only person you've ever loved and they ditch the next day. Add that to Stede's own insecurities and it's like the writers had a checklist on how to break Stede Bonnet.
*Ed is leaving a manic period (started maybe ep 2), and entering a depressive period in episode 6 where he remembers 'oh yeah, I fucking hate pirating'.
*Both Stede and Ed want very different things in life and this conflict was always going to happen. But at the begining of ep 6 we see Ed replaying the abuse he's caused/experienced. He's mentally framing himself as a hazard. Stede enjoys the life Ed is desperately running from. This is why Izzy is so quick to grab Stede I think. To help him understand that Ed is just...a complicated man.
*Izzy was right about Ed needing to give Stede some time to sit with the death of Ned Low. Ed barging in allowed Stede to put his negative feelings into something positive, not fully allowing him to process his actions. Ed then uses their first time as an excuse to run away.
*Izzy is hot in both episodes :) End note. But for me, the reason the Drag scene felt weird on first watch is just that I can't read half the cast's face soemtimes. Its a me thing. On this rewatch I noticed them cheering and generally being more supportive, lol.
*I wish we got to see Izzy putting the drag makeup on. Even just a line of concealer. Putting on the character he'd embody for the night. Drag is such a practice of self realizion and community. I wish we got to see Izzy staring at himself, applying the mark on his face that he clearly loves so much.
*The concept of Ned Low- A vicious torture-focused pirate, sadly was handled like a minor inconvenience, and... while I like the masochism joke from Izzy, and the implications for Stede's arc, he felt weird and out of place. Like. Instead of tying Low's bad management to something like the Navy, why not the Kraken? The stuff was there for it. Show how shitty working on a ship that prioritizes violence is, and mirror it with Ed's growth.
*I love the ship design for Ep 6 so much.
*The Ed&Izzy apology still bugs me but I have hope Izzy and Ed will talk it out a bit more after talks with some of the lovelies online
*I love the crew but acknowledge that this season has shafted a lot of stories. Clearly, the writers did what they could.
*Izzy's 'love interest' this season is clearly just the 'community/self' and finding comfort in humanity again...its so GOOD.
*Izzy casually making sex jokes is so weird. Like a coworker you've known for a few years that finally starts talking shit with you on the job. It feels weird to me now, but I also write him like this? So it's a lot of wires crossing in my mind. Like...he FUCKS!
*Same with Izzy smiling. It feels wrong in the best way. Again, I wish we had ONE MORE episode of Izzy being in the middle of healing, but this more self-realized Izzy is lovely to watch.
*They changed the gender of the song Izzy sings so he's singing about a man. I will not be normal about this.
*I'm so happy I caught Izzy's hand being that FUCKING HIGH on Stede's inner leg first watch. It's changed me. Izzy really said 'When the dogs are away the cats are out to play' and POUNCED.
*I didn't catch Izzy pointedly calling Stede captain until I saw it online and now I love it. Stede adopted the stray cat and god damn he'll stay loyal until the day he dies.
*Spoilers for the teaser: If the series Ends and Izzy is in solitary confinement/Izzy is locked away from the others I will scream
*"Hiya, Boys" I LOVE HIM. Izzy confidently grinning and being a prick is my favorite.
*izzy loving Ed enough to let him go is just....so tragic and good. Especially since we know Ed just tried to hold izzy closer in s1
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devnmon · 2 years
Days Gone Bye.
Chapter One: Written in My Stars
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Summary: Daryl and his brother Merle hear about the impending state of doom that's brought the apocalypse on in Atlanta. They hit the road, ending up in a nearby forest where Merle hatches a plan in order to get them "on top again", or so he says..
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Series Masterlist | Playlist
Chapter warnings: Merle Dixon, typical TWD violence/walkers, scary situations
wc: 3.1k
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The distant echo of sirens and helicopter blades filled the sky as Daryl Dixon and his brother Merle drove through backroads in a truck, with the trailer carrying Merle's motorcycle. They'd been ready to travel back into Atlanta, until the two heard reports of people dying and coming back to life, only to become a brainless species of creatures that roamed the Earth feasting on human flesh. Luckily for the Dixon brothers, their hobbies allowed them to adapt somewhat easily to living in the woods.
Granted, nights were terrifying, having to park on the side of the road, taking turns staying up all night to watch for the dead strolling by. Due to the rising number of walkers by day, the brothers found themselves stuck in one area or another.
A while passed before Merle spoke, the two sharing a pack of Daryl's cigarettes and listening to whatever broadcast on the radio they could find. Most of the stations replayed the same message, their outage for any connection to other individuals burning out. Daryl found himself sat chewing on his nails, another anxious habit and coping mechanism he couldn't seem to break.
"Ah shit.. damn tank's empty." Merle glanced down to the fuel indicator, lingering way past empty. Startled, Daryl looked over at his brother as they noticed the truck was starting to slow on its own.
"Guess we're walkin'.." Daryl trailed off as a police vehicle came into view. "Unless..."
The breaks of the truck squealed and brought it to a full stop, getting rolled off the road. Daryl b-lined right for the police vehicle with his knife drawn, clearing his sight line for walkers.
Daryl's better judgment deceived him, knowing there was no possible way a police vehicle this intact would have any fuel or power. As he opened the door, a stench of bad coffee and stale donuts wafted right into his face. Daryl hopped into the driver's seat, checking the console and glovebox for keys to the truck, before ripping the wires out from under the steering wheel to hot-wire.
Once, twice, three times Daryl tried to start the engine up, growing frustrated and sweaty at the dried out truck.
No gasoline, no food, and no useful supplies.
Daryl almost gave up, looking around until he remembered that all police cb radios run on battery power. The truck didn't need to have gas in it, the radio had its own supply of power. His hands shot towards the black box, twisting and turning dials for a more stable connection. He came across repeats of the same message, broadcasted on most of the news and local channels.
He was persistent, relentlessly tuning the radio for any chance of survivors, thinking he failed, until he'd heard a voice from one of the channels. He clamored for the walkie attached to it, finding the button that would communicate his voice with anyone's on the air.
"Hello? Is anybody there?" He panted, waiting for a response, but only getting broken pieces of audio in return. It was nothing he could make out. he was about to try again, until Merle's voice echoed behind him.
"What the hell are you doing over there, huh? Ain't no way you're gonna get through to anyone on that piece of crap." Daryl whipped his head around to where his brother sat, giving him an unbelieving look, shook his head, and continued calling out.
"Anyone?!? Is anyone there? I'm just off of mile 41 on the highway I-"
Daryl was so focused on trying to get in contact with the voice he heard, he hadn't picked up on Merle walking toward him. Out of nowhere, he slapped the radio out of Daryl's hands before he could go any further.
"Ain't nobody there, I told ya! Nobody gon' answer ya, boy! Now you listen to me, we're gonna take whatever shit we can carry, and get the hell outta here before someone shows up! Ya hear me?!"
Always with the yelling, his brother.
"Man, ain't you wanna know if there's people out there? We should at least try!" Daryl scoffed as he threw his hands in the air, hopping out of the truck.
"Both trucks got no fuel, no food. It's a waste of time. I say we leave 'er here, mark it on a map and then come back for our shit when we settle someplace.. You good with that, baby brother?"
"When you come back for your shit, ya mean.. Whatever. Let's jus' get outta here." Daryl gathered his pack and bow and slung them on his back.
"Alright, help me hide the truck." Merle started gathering some branches, but dropped them as Daryl just stood there.
"For what?"
"So my hog don't get stolen, that's why. No reason to leave a perfectly good bike out in the open to rust." He began picking them up again, Daryl helping him do so. They rolled the truck next to the police vehicle, draping the two of them with leaves. Against the trees, there wasn't much to see when the two trucks were covered. The brothers picked up what was left of their belongings, and headed out into the forest.
Merle spent much of the day blabbering on about the kind of misbehavior he used to get into when Daryl wasn't around; but he always reminded him that blood was thicker than water, making it clear to him that nobody would be there for him like his brother was. It was one of Merle's more manipulative tactics of getting Daryl to stay by his side, since the younger Dixon believed that he could only trust family in a time like this.
"So, ya really believe all that nonsense 'bout people comin back from the dead? Chewin' on human flesh? I dunno, man.." Merle's voice cut through the silence of the path they walked.
"Seems believable enough... mean, I haven't seen one of 'em dead freaks yet but when i do, I'll let ya know." Daryl continued to stare out into the distance.
The two were thick as thieves, set loose roaming a large section of a Georgia forest. These woods were familiar to the Dixon brothers, growing up hunting and camping here after their mother died.
Daryl had always been good with a crossbow, while Merle preferred guns, their weapons somewhat a mirror of themselves in a way.
Merle always said everything he was thinking, the exact minute he thought it. Always nitpicking and going on and on and on about things from the old world he got annoyed with, and how he would change it if he could. It was narcissistic and undeniably exactly who Merle was. Daryl on the other hand, only said what upset him when Merle pushed the right buttons. Most times they hashed it out, letting it go after that.
Other times, when Merle had made it so far under Daryl's already thickened skin, was when he truly couldn't tell his brother off. Instead, he took his thoughts out in a journal. Ever since his mother gifted him one, Daryl and his journal were inseparable. He found it comforting to place his thoughts somewhere else, relishing in the fact that he was putting his brain on paper. Daryl never told anyone about this hobby of his, since Merle would belittle him for not being "man enough" and dealing with his emotions a different way. Daryl wouldn't couldn't let Merle ruin his one safe space.
He found it easier to write how he felt more naturally when he was alone. Though he was alone the majority of days when Merle was hunting, he preferred when it was safe for him to let his guard down around himself. Sometimes he wished he could tell these thoughts to a person he loved. He had his doubts to if he would ever have someone like that in his life. But Daryl would wait for that day, no matter how long it took.
The first few days of travel were rough, the two learning to get used to the elements of earth once again. They camped out every two to three days in a different area, their daily activities including collecting tinder for campfires at night, since the summer days cooled down immediately after the sun set. It wasn't until Daryl started catching squirrels that they finally didn't go hungry for days.
One particular afternoon, after his daily, more than always successful hunt, Daryl returned to Merle packing up their supplies and campsite. Daryl didn't expect to be moving this early, since the two had just set up this site the night before. The squirrels he caught flung from around his chest as he walked toward merle.
"What's goin' on? We leavin' already? Man, I jus' got back from huntin' so we could eat!" Slightly agitated that Merle hadn't said a single word since he came over, his heart rate quickened and beads of sweat began to coat his palms.
"We gotta move on, baby brother. Can't stay here forever. Plus, I got an idea." Merle's smirk plastered across his face had the telltale signs of a plan that most likely had an ulterior motive.
The gear Daryl took off of his body clattered to the ground as he began to help Merle pack up their site. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto his arm, his light colored hair damp from being out all day in the heat.
"Yeah? An' what bright idea is that?" He shared a looked with Merle, skeptical at what was about to come out of his mouth. Most of his brother's plans involved violence, or not-so-friendly actions.
"We find a camp.. small one. Not too many people. We introduce ourselves, get to know 'em. Then one night while they least expect it, we rob 'em blind."
Holy shit, my brother's gonna get me fuckin' killed.
Merle's plan left Daryl realizing his brother will never change, knowing his juvie days were most, if not all, due to theft. It was a bad plan that could get the both of them killed, but he trusted Merle more than he doubted him. He only shot him a look of disbelief.
"What? Don't look at me like that, Darlina. You know that's exactly what we got to do in this world, or we ain't gonna make it. Admit it. C'mon.. First camp we find, we just wait for our moment."
"Alright, I'm in." Merle laughed and clapped his hands together, knowing he'd just roped Daryl into another one of his devious plans. The rest of his day was spent wondering silently if he was going to follow every single little thing Merle did, including his plan to rob the first camp they found.
He couldn't be bothered to pester his brother in order to change his mind about it, Daryl knew better than that. Instead, a begrudging feeling washed over him, resent for his brother poking at him.
As night came, the brothers set up camp once again, Daryl going out to hunt for their dinner like he always did. The older Dixon set up the campfire, kindling it and keeping it low until Daryl returned with meat. It was usually always squirrel, but on some occasions, Daryl was able to find a good size bird or slightly bigger animal to sustain them for the night. The two were a good team; always had each other's backs, cracking jokes and whatnot until they eventually ended up arguing again.
This time, it was over who got the bigger piece of meat; Daryl believed he was entitled to it, being the one who always hunts for their food. Merle chose to butt in with his ever so familiar I taught you everything you know about huntin', baby brother, so you should show a little respect.
Exhausted from his travels, Daryl decided to bite his tongue and leave it at that. He scowled at his brother, watching as he chowed down on the bigger piece of meat, leaving his brother the less-meaty other half. Daryl grunted to himself as he ate, picking the bones clean and flicking them off into the distance. He glanced over at his brother once more as Daryl stood, picking up the strap of his pack and flinging it over his shoulder, doing the same with his bow.
"Takin' a piss. Be back." He glanced around the campsite, grabbing the flashlight he'd placed on the log stump near him, "An' put out the fire."
"Whatever you say, Darlina." Merle chuckled to himself, continuing to eat his portion of meat by the fire. He watched as Daryl walked away, knowing he would return sooner or later.
Daryl found himself wandering for a place to sit and relax for a few minutes without the presence of Merle. Grabbing his flashlight, he clicked it on for more visibility of the forest, although he was always aware of his surroundings. Daryl was skilled in everything Merle had taught him, almost better at everything than him. The archer was more precise, more patient, more undetectable when he hunted. Not to mention those skills coming in handy in times like this. His left hand went for his belt, the leather sheath carrying the blade Daryl's had since he was 15. It was a simple hunting knife, with a wooden handle, his initials carved into it as well.
Unsheathing the strap just in case he needed to act fast, Daryl's eyes darted around the dark forest. Only the sound of crickets and nocturnal animals filled the air, still cooling down without the sun's blazing heat. The time was lost to him as he continued to walk through the trees.
Daryl froze in his tracks as he picked up scattered footsteps nearby. The steps sounded human, but he'd been confused by the sound, since he knew Merle wouldn't leave the campsite unattended.
He crouched down behind a nearby tree, pulling out his knife and gripping it in the palm of his hand. As the footsteps grew closer, Daryl turned to the right, a large tree coming into view. This was the perfect spot he'd been looking for, until he bean to hear those same footsteps again.
Staggered, like a wounded animal, but coulda sworn those were human, unless...
In that moment, Daryl reacted the fastest he ever had, whipping his body around just in time to push away a geek one step from taking a bite out of him. This was the first one of the dead he'd come across, so he was a little overtaken by how it repeated to lunge at him, driven by the hunger death brought.
Daryl grasped for its neck, the groaning sound and stench of the dead-body-walking overwhelming him. It took Daryl a minute to realize his knife was in his hand. As a reflex, he plunged the knife into the geek's abdomen, but when it faltered only slightly, Daryl's eyes widened.
Grunting, he pushed the figure back, kicking its knee when it approached again so it fell, still grabbing for him.
"Maybe this'll do it..." He raised his right arm, plunging the blade into its forehead. A slight cracking sound was heard, before the walker ceased movement, lying lifeless on the ground.
Daryl's chest heaved, glancing around cautiously, to check if any walkers decided to tread behind the one he'd already put down. He pulled the blade out of the walker's head, the cracking of it's skull sounding out. His hand tugged at the red rag in his back pocket, cleaning the sharp metal of his knife, sheathing it back around his waist.
The first time Daryl actually looked up from the body below, a small smile cracked onto his face. Though he'd almost been food for a walker, he still thought it was the perfect place to take a seat.
"So that's what ya sumbitches look like, huh? Me, one, geek, zero."
Daryl spit at the lifeless body on the ground, and walked away.
He approached the area he'd spotted earlier, dropping his bow and pack to the ground, reaching for his pack quite quickly. The buckles clinked as his leather bag opened, rough against the skin of his fingertips. Daryl reached inside, his brain knowing what he's grabbing for. As his hand felt around in the pack, the object in mind was book-like, but not quite close. Daryl finally pulled the leather bound journal out of his pack, his hand diving right back in to find his writing utensil. He was picky with those, only wanting to use a specific type because of how smoothly they wrote.
He knew it was irrational to be picky with pens, this was the apocalypse, of course. But he always went out of his way to find more pens every time he went out, never wanting to run out of the right kind.
Daryl muttered to himself as he finally found the pen, stuffed in the bottom, under everything else. Relief washed over him as he undid his journal, flipping through pages of past entries and little drawings of things he saw on the road.
He started a new entry, labelling it 'day one' for the first day of the new world. Daryl only had one rule for himself: don't let anyone know about your journal.
God forbid Merle found out.
Daryl knew the only thing he would hear from him about it was a tangent about how soft he was, how he needed to just face his emotions like "real men do". It was just one bit of the bullshit Merle threw at him. Daryl only threw punches when his brother infuriated him to no end, always going on about some stupid minuscule thing he did before the fall. Though he felt guilty for going along with all the things Merle did, some legal, most illegal, at least he had someone that would always be there. Daryl believed that he would only have family in the end.
For now, he only had Merle.
As he sat, Daryl took the opportunity to look up at the stars that now populated the sky. He took a breath, inhaling as his lungs filled with air, and exhaling, taking the stress from his day today and letting it wash out of his body. The cool air settled on his skin, settling his heart and calming him.
Daryl finally looked down at the page, clicked his pen, and began writing.
Day one
Been out n on the road with Merle since we got back from huntin’ and everyone was sayin' the dead were walkin' round chewin' on people. So we packed what shit we had n left. Been in the woods huntin' and eatin' whatever we could manage. Merle’s been sayin we should rob the first camp we find. Dunno how I feel about it, don’t think random people deserve that shit. They deserve to survive as much as us. Hopefully we’ll find somewhere safe soon.
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A/n: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this fic! Feedback motivates me to write more, so please don't hesitate to leave some in my inbox!!
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osakunt · 1 year
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AOT FINAL SEASON SPOILERS !!!! Some angst for the soul
The memory of Connie opening the door to where you stood replays one too many times. Over and over, you hear his words fall out his lips and see the tear roll down his face.
It hurt. It hurt to the point to where you wanted to go out and find a way to be with her. It’s stupid that you were in the room next door to where it happened yet you were alive and she was not.
The whole point of making the trip to retrieve Eren was to find a way to not lose anymore lives. Very naive of everyone to think you wouldn’t lose an asset like Sasha.
I’m front of her gravestone Mikasa sits bunched into a ball. You stand in front of her only able to replay memories of that night. She looks up at you waiting to say something - nothing is said. All you give her is a blank stare. The overthinking of the situation makes you light headed, causing you to sway a little in place.
Seeing your body move, Jean flies next to you to help you balance yourself before you fell. You regain yourself and put a hand up to stop him letting him know you were fine.
“I’ll be going. I’m tired of coming here”
A blunt emotionless response to the silence. You had already gave your condolences to Sasha’s family. They knew how much she meant to you. The chef was the one who had so much going on that you. Just had to go.
“And you. Please shut up ….what was your name ? …..doesn’t matter just pile down” you walk passed him.
Nicolo grabs. Your shoulder with a grip that you were able to break. Your sharp glare striking fear into his eyes. It did not stop him from yelling at you.
“Does it not hurt you ?! You two were close ?! How the hell is it that you’re acting this way”
“C’mon Nicolo Y/n is also grieving”
“Doesn’t seem like she is” he answers to Connie.
Mikasa looks over to you. Your tears at the brim - ready to spill. Your eyes were so irritated from crying. It was crazy to you how this imbecile had not noticed.
“Listen here, you aren’t the only one hurting. Sasha was very much important to me like she was to you. She was my first love - my first everything !”
Your eyes let the tears roll down your face as you talk to him. Sasha’s father steps in when he sees you step towards the taller male.
“It’s okay sweetheart, let it out. Ya needa let the pain heal” her fathers voice calms you. He was like a father figure after all. You didn’t want to alter the situation. You wiped the tears away and let Mikasa guide your once again swaying body back to headquarters.
“You need to lay down. You haven’t slept in days”
Mikasa cracks a smile towards you trying to pry your long olive colored coat off you to get you to bed. The bed was somewhere where you didn’t want to be. You wanted to stand by the window looking out at the scenery that was going dark as the sun set.
The day ended and a new started. That morning you’re walking towards Levi’s office when you’re informed that the child that shot and killed Sasha has escaped along with the little boy that tagged along with her.
“She’s related to Reiner. The stupid little button nose says it all”
You laugh at the situation before continuing to walk your way.
“I Sasha, Eren is going to be the end of us with all this havoc”
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raccoonhearteyes · 2 years
I love your castle au! Can you do 75?
They shouldn't be here.
This is so far out of Lexa's jurisdiction.
They could have her badge for this.
Detective Woods and her author sidekick have no business being in LA. But Lexa got a hit from an nationwide search that a murder with the same modus operandi as her mother's death happened here just yesterday.
It's the closest she's come to a lead in ten years, and she couldn't ignore it. She was at the airport the next morning, and was just as surprised to see Clarke waiting for her at the gate as Captain Gates was when she asked for a few days off.
Lexa hasn't quite figured out how to say no to Clarke. She's wormed her way into her routine, and she's honestly grateful that she doesn't have to face this completely alone. She's touched. Clarke has... grown... on her in the last year of their unwilling partnership. She's smart. Thinks in ways no one else does that lead to breaks in cases. And she's here without Lexa asking because she somehow knew this would make it easier.
They flew across the country, landing in the early evening, too late to get any real work done, too early to go right to sleep so they decided to have a drink by the pool.
Things have been charged since checking into the hotel. Something about being here together, unsanctioned by the NYPD feels scandalous. Clarke has been on her best behavior-- no fake flirting, no pushing Lexa's buttons. Just supportive. She even booked them a two bedroom suite so they have plenty of privacy. It's felt serious. Heavy.
"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Clarke asks.
"I'm meeting with my friend in the LAPD to get the details on the murder here, then I'll follow the clues back to whoever is doing this."
"I'm coming with you."
"Fine, we are meeting with the LAPD."
Clarke nods, appeased for the moment. "This must be hard for you."
Lexa fidgets with her glass, unable to make eye contact. She feels unnerved by the whole ordeal. "I've wanted to solve this case since before I joined the force. It's why I joined the force, but it's been stagnant for nearly a decade. I didn't think there would ever be a break."
"Must feel like digging into old wounds."
Lexa nods, takes a deep breath, and admits her biggest fear, "What if I can't find them? What if I never get justice for my mom?"
Clarke scoots her chair closer to rest a hand on her knee, "You will."
Lexa looks down, then back into Clarke's eyes and holds her gaze. She sees Clarke's eyes flit down to her lips. Her own look at that freckle that sits just above Clarke's, and her heart rate spikes.
She's not ready. Not yet. She drags her eyes away from Clarke's and looks back at the pool. Some laps might help clear her head.
“I’m going for a swim. Do you want to join me?”
Clarke shakes her head as if to get rid of a thought, "I'm actually going to turn in for the night. Don't stay up too late. We have a big day tomorrow."
She stands and gives the detective a quick nod, then heads back to the room.
Both replay the last few minutes over and over for the rest of the night.
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Eddie's Education: Chapter 10
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Minors DNI
Chapter 10
During their next shift at The Hideout, Eddie was behind the bar in a cheap nylon Dracula cape while Leia changed into her costume.
In a few minutes, she met him there wearing an authentic Catholic school uniform with splotches of fake blood over the knee-length paid kilt and the white button down.
“Whoa! That's a pretty detailed costume!”
She laughed as she studied the strategically placed blood stains. “Well it's not exactly a costume. It was my actual school uniform.”
“Wait wait wait...Vespero...do you mean to tell me that you were an honest-to-god Catholic school girl? Like...a sign of the cross, kneeling to pray, going to confession, Catholic school girl?”
“Yup! Kindergarten to high school graduation. My dad was cool and nerdy enough to name me Leia, but then he found the lord and got into this really oppressive religious phase. It was...a special kind of hell but I got a really good costume out of it.”
“Yeah it is! But that blood will never come out, you know.”
“Ah, that's okay. I had to wear this fucking thing every school day for 4 years. I was almost ready to burn it.”
“I can't imagine growing up like that,” Eddie said in awe, shaking his head. “It must have been so hard.”
She shrugged, “yeah, you could say that. I spent a lot of time being terrified of hell and trying to be very good...trying to be perfect. So obviously, now I'm just an atheist with trauma, but hey, on the bright side, at least sex will always feel filthy and sinful, right?” It was a joke she'd used many times to distract from the dreary subject, but she'd realized as soon as Eddie stared and stuttered with his mouth hanging open, that maybe that was the wrong joke to make.
She quickly followed it up with, “And you're not gonna fucking believe this, but we weren't allowed to celebrate Halloween or anything related to 'evil' things or the occult...a true Satanic panic situation. No trick or treating, no horror movies or devil costumes. So obviously, I'm obsessed with all of that now.”
“You've gotta be shitting me,” he said, genuinely shocked.
Chuckling, she said lightly, “I shit you not! But don't worry! I've made up for lost time since then. It's my favorite holiday...my favorite month.”
“You know,” Eddie said, considering the outfit with his arms crossed and head tilted. “It's not at all what porn and anime have led me to believe.”
Leia smacked him playfully, and chuckled. “Gross, Eddie. And no...there's nothing sexy about the real thing. Can you help me with the zombie part of this zombie school girl, though? The blood isn't enough, it has to look...you know...gray and corpse-y”.
As she opened the make up kit full of blue and gray hues to make her skin look lifeless, he was jolted into the horrible memory of Chrissy...sweet innocent Chrissy in her cheerleader uniform, cursed by Vecna as her eyes rolled back and skin sunk in, turning that same putrid gray. He saw the replay in his mind as clearly as the moment it happened; her little body pinned to ceiling like a bug in a collection, eyes hollow as a dead cicada. He could still hear the sickening sound of her bones breaking one by one as she turned lifeless and desiccated. Then she fell to the floor, a sightless tangled broken shell of the girl he had a crush on. He remembered how he ran. His heart ached with a deep disorienting nightmarish shame as he left her behind.
Leia noticed Eddie was beginning to shake and his skin was going white and clammy, his breath teetering on the brink of hyperventilation.
“Eddie?” Leia asked, placing a hand on his shoulder which made him flinch away from her for the first time in their friendship. She suddenly realized what was happening, having encountered the signs before from students who were war veterans.
“Hey, Eddie? Can you hear me?”
He nodded his head violently as his eyes welled up and his breath began to hitch.
“Just listen to my voice, okay? I'm right here. Take a deep breath with me.”
He followed her lead, listening and watching her inhales and exhales to match them, while he sank to the floor and she knelt next to him.
“Good. You're doing so well. Now, can you feel your rings on your fingers.”
“How many rings are you wearing on your right hand.”
“Three,” he answered, running his thumb along them.
“How do they feel?”
“C...c...cold. Smooth...” he answered, breath beginning to still and eyes focusing back on her instead on his memory. A spark of life finally emerged from behind the blackout curtain of his unsettling, distant, gaze.
“Hey,” she said softly, “Sorry, I touched you. I forgot it's not great to do that when somebody is...you know...having...”
“No no no. It's okay! I'm so sorry, Leia. I didn't mean to scare you.”
She said in a soothing tone, “Don't worry about that. I just want to make sure you're okay. Here. Drink some water, try to breathe.”
He sipped and cycled as much air as possible through his lungs for a few minutes, while she took the make up away. She packed it up tightly and buried it out of sight, realizing something about it must have been the trigger. What happened to this poor man? I wish he would tell me. I wish I could hold him.
He was looking a lot better by the time she came back as he smiled and asked, “Hey..um...is it okay if we don't make a...a uh...dead school girl costume?”
“Sure...sure, Eddie. I'm so so sorry. I didn't realize.”
He reached out his hand to her from where he was sitting against the wall and she took it gladly. His big brown eyes staring up at her punctured her heart with longing, like a hot needle.
“No! Don't apologize, please. Most of the time even I don't know what's gonna hit me.”
He lifted himself up, wobbling slightly, as she looped her arm around his lanky waist. She felt a little guilty, realizing how happy she was for an excuse to touch him there, feeling the smooth hard curve of his torso against her palm. Once he was steady again, she reluctantly let him go to stand on his own.
He took a deep breath and met her eyes saying, “Thank you for bringing me back.”
She nodded. “Anytime.”
He looked around, desperate for a distraction from the odd moment, and saw a little pot of fake blood sitting on the bar. “Oh hey,” he said, “come here. I have an idea.”
Her dark brows knit together curiously as she came closer. He took two fingers and dipped the tips in the little pot. A giddy little shiver danced through her as his hand wove into her hair, gently coaxing her head to the side, revealing her neck. He stamped two red dots over the line of her jugular vein and dragged down to create the illusion of a bite.
Eddie smiled, his hand still cradling her head. As he met her gaze he said, “Thanks for rescuing me, Princess Leia. I know it's a little backwards, but I did just give you eternal life. I hope that's fair. You don't mind drinking people to death periodically, right?”
“No, Leia rescues Han, remember?”
He slowly slid his hand away, but his eyes still locked with hers in honey-sweet admiration. “Touche. I know when I'm bested. May the force be with you, Princess.”
“And also with you,” she quipped, giving herself the sign of the cross, and throwing Eddie into a hysterical laughing fit.
It was a slow night, as weeknights so often were, but Dale, Leia, and Eddie were all grateful for the calm before the storm of the Halloween Extravaganza coming up that weekend.
“So,” Eddie asked as they stocked the fridge together. “Are you all ready for the big party? What's your costume gonna be?”
“It's a surprise,” she said coyly, winking.
He raised his eyebrows. “Well then...mine will be too. Let's just hope we don't end up wearing the same thing. Actually, can I borrow that uniform? You'd never know it but I have great legs.”
She laughed, but thought, and I would love to see them. Preferably, from between them. He loved the sound of her laugh, loved seeing her smile, loved that there was more and more of both whenever she worked here with him. He was finally willing to concede that maybe, just maybe, it was because of him. That he, The Freak...The Banished, was a blessing for this sweet smart lost woman. He promised himself, right then, that he would take care of her, no matter what. She was worth not running away scared.
The door swung open as a customer came in and strolled up to the bar.
Eddie turned to face him, hands propped on the counter, “Hey man, what can I get you?”
“Hey, can I get a...Leia? Hah...Leia, what the hell are you doing working here, and in that costume?” he said, dripping with smarmy chagrin.
Eddie watched as Leia turned to the customer, face blanching and panic written over her big dark eyes. He'd never seen her look so scared. It was bone deep terror, like a little girl in the middle of a nightmare. Leia felt for a moment, that it was a waking nightmare, that it couldn't be real.
“Sam?” she gasped in disbelief, “What are you doing here? In Hawkins?”
“Oh, just coming back to visit my folks,” he looked her up and down chuckling, “My my, how the mighty have fallen.”
Her expression turned icy, shooting daggers from her onyx eyes. “What do you want, Sam?”
“Well,” he shrugged, combing through his mop of ginger hair pensively and nudging his black plastic frames back up to the bridge of his nose. “I just came here for a beer, but as usual, all the selections are total piss, so I'll pass. But, you know, Molly is still stuck in Chicago working and I'll be here a few days. I can come by and you can give me head for old time's sake later. That'd be a good start.”
Eddie leaned closer over the bar getting up in Sam's face. “What the fuck did you just say to her, you rude prick?”
“Fuck off, Sam!” She yelled, uncharacteristically raising her voice. Dale heard and began moving closer to the bar, keeping an eye on the scene.
Sam laughed and his sharp cruel green eyes bored through her...eyes that she used to find so entrancing and lovely. “Oh, so this is who you're fucking now?” He pointed a long, pale finger to Eddie then turned to face him, “You're in luck, buddy. She was a virgin when I got her...so...you know...barely used, but doesn't exactly know the ropes so well.”
Eddie, was around the bar in an instant, cracking an empty bottle on the bar and holding the jagged edge to Sam's throat where he had him gripped by the collar.
Dale, shouted, “Eddie!” and ran over. “Eddie...relax okay.”
Sam added, “Yeah, call off your guard dog, will you?” to which Eddie just tightened his grip on his collar.
Dale sighed, saying, “I wouldn't make this situation worse if I were you, fella. I suggest you fuck off before Eddie...or I...have to do something regrettable”.
Sam squinted. “Are you threatening me? I could press charges, on both of you.”
Dale retorted, “And I could do the same for harassing my employee. Now I suggest you get the fuck out and never come in here again.”
Eddie let go of his collar, and Sam flipped his hair out of his eyes, smoothed out his shirt. His pale skin was now fire-engine red as he stormed out the door. As it slammed, Leia flinched, still silent and trembling.
Dale turned to Eddie, saying quietly with a hand on his shoulder, “Hey, why don't drive Leia home and I'll watch the bar, okay. I can take the rest of the night, it's a slow one anyway.”
Leia finally snapped out of it and piped up. “Dale, I'm fine.”
“You're not!” both men turned and said to her simultaneously.
Dale sighed, “Darlin', for my sake, I'd feel better if you let Eddie drive you home.”
She took a deep breath, nodded, and slung her bag over her shoulder, still incandescent with embarrassment. As she followed Eddie out the door she turned to the 6 assorted weeknight drunks and said weakly, “Sorry, everyone.”
Andy, the old timer from her classes at the community college, waved if off and raised his bottle with a nod, slurring out, “Don't worry about it. Get home safe, Miss Vespero.”
Despite the situation, or maybe because of the absurdity of it, Leia chuckled as she said, “ Good night, Andy,” and Eddie led her to his van with a protective arm around her.
As soon as the door shut and they were alone in the cocoon of the car, she threw her arms around Eddie and began to sob as he hugged her close and stroked her hair.
“Hey,” he soothed, “I'm here. It's okay. You're safe.”
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patheticlittlemen · 1 year
[Kurt Kunkle x Female Reader]
Chapter 7- Somewhere in There Is a Lesson
Words: 1114
Warnings: None
A/N: apologies for my absence, i'm gonna post as I finish chapters to make up for the time I was gone
It had been a few days since you moved in with Nellie and you’re ready to finalize things with Rick. After a few minutes of trying to build up courage to start the conversation, you send him a text.
Y/N: Can I call you?
Rick: ofc
Before you can even think of hitting the call button, you phone lights up with a call from him. You really don’t want to answer but need this to be over for good.
“Hey.” You answer curtly.
“What’s up?” Just the sound of Rick’s voice makes you tear up.
“Just wanted to make sure everything is good with the apartment. I paid my rent for this month already and ended my lease. The key should have been on the counter.”
“Oh…” Rick doesn’t speak for a moment. “You’re really done, huh?”
“Yeah.” You try to fight back the tears threatening to spill.
“I mean I was just hoping we could talk, I can fix this-”
“No, Rick. I’m breaking up with you for good.”
“I hope you treat your next girlfriend better.” Before letting him respond, you hang up and set your phone down.
You’re unaware of the tears streaming down your face until you feel them fall onto your hands. The chapter that was your last three years with Rick is over. Of course you’re exhausted from the emotions and the change but a part of you is happy. No more pretending that Rick is a good boyfriend, no more putting up with mediocrity. You’re ready for whatever is coming next, but just let yourself cry in the moment.
After a little while, your phone buzzes and you wipe the tears off your face as you see a message from Kurt.
Kurt: Just posted our video!
Deciding to try and get your interaction with Rick out of your mind, you go on youtube and click on the notification that includes Kurt’s video.
The day at the park replays in your mind as you watch it from Kurt’s point of view. There’s nothing shown that was different from the day except when Kurt came back from getting water.
The clip starts with Kurt talking about his music, just mentioning that he’s been working hard in the studio with his dad and should have a new song out soon. At some point Kurt looks over to you and glances back to the camera, smiling then turning the camera around to face you.
You’re engrossed in your drawing, focused only on getting the lines right. The camera just sits on you for a few seconds until you look up and Kurt asks you to show the camera what you’re drawing. The video continues on, showing the day you remember but your mind is stuck on the part that you weren’t aware of. You go back in the video, replaying the section where Kurt talks about music then turns the camera to you.
In that moment you see a glimpse of yourself in other people’s eyes. Your hair falling in front of your face as you look down, the way you chew on your bottom lip and furrow your brows. You never really realized how…pretty you are. You’re the artist in that moment but you could be mistaken for the art.
Is this what everyone sees?
…is this what Kurt sees?
You’ve always thought you’re pretty but never thought anybody else could think so. Men barely ever approached you, and you always believed your friends when they said you are attractive, but thought that was just them being nice. Replaying the clip again, you stare at yourself for a second. The focus shown in your face is intense, but when you look up at Kurt, your eyebrows raise a bit and the concentration fades from your eyes.
While continuously skipping back to see yourself, you accidentally skip a little too far back to the part where Kurt is talking about his music. It’s nothing special, just showing Kurt as you know him. But the second where he pauses to look at you then glances back to the camera makes your heart skip. It seems like he looked over to see if you were listening, but as he’s looking a smile starts spreading on his face and you think you see a little flush in his cheeks. 
You know you feel strongly towards Kurt, you had just been trying to push away the feelings out of respect for Rick. Now that you are actually able to acknowledge your little crush, you realize just how much you really like Kurt. You’ve only known him for about 7 days, so any intention to act upon it was far from your mind but the feelings are very much so there.
Nellie knocks on your door, startling you a bit. You turn around, feeling like a kid that had been caught doing something they shouldn’t have been.
“What’s that face?” Nellie jokes, walking in to sit next to you on the bed.
“What face?”
“You know. Whatever, what are you watching?” She asks.
“Oh, Kurt uploaded a video.” You re-start the video and hand your phone to Nellie, who gladly takes it. You sit quietly as she watches, feeling happy when she laughs at the jokes you make. The video ends and Nellie hands back your phone.
“So this is the guy that was here the other day?” Nellie asks and you nod. “Tell me about him.”
“I mean…I don’t even know where to start.”
“How did you meet?” Nellie turns to you as you start detailing the night you met all the way up to the day you moved in.
“Huh. And how do you feel about him?”
“Well…” you pause, trying to think of words to explain it. “I don’t really know, Nel.”
“Because he sure as hell feels things about you.” 
“How can you be so sure?”
“He stopped by the other day to check on you. It was the morning after we were up until like 5 am and I didn’t want to bother you. I forgot to tell you about it after, but he really seemed worried.”
“He could have just texted me.” You say, surprised. “Besides, maybe he’s just being nice.”
“If you say so.” Nellie shrugs and smirks at you, standing up and walking out of the room before you can even argue.
You flop back onto the bed, frustrated by your own feelings and the fact that you don’t know if Kurt feels the same. No matter how much Nellie argues, you know you won’t believe her. Like always, you’ll settle upon not acting on your thoughts and hope that Kurt will make a move.
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risu5waffles · 1 year
Not like we're TEN days late
i know, i know. Look, last night was busy. But here we are again. Together. In the soup.
This level is so nifty! i loved all the little mechanical bits and interactions. Also that you kind of criss-cross through it, being able to see some later sections from early on in the level. Me, i just eat that right up. It feels a little rude to make this one a race, just figuring out how to progress can be a bit of a timesink, tho' i can see that adding into replay value. Like, you play a couple times just to learn what the level expects from you, and then you start making real stabs at a good score. It's weird, because on one hand, that really is good level design, and indicates a certain amount of confidence in what you've made that you believe players will give it that kind of time. On the other, well, it's not really a the other hand, i just think most players won't.
This is one of those levels that's really cool in concept, but pretty rough in execution. Not really through any fault of the level itself, it's just heavily, heavily reliant on physics, and when things work, it's super nifty, and when they don't, the level just breaks. i had to play three times just to get the duck to land right in that early on bit, and that's nothing i had any real control over, just a watch and hope kind of thing. Also, if i'm being honest, the level does feel just a touch overlong, and i was pretty ready to give up all pretense of getting a good score by around the halfway mark. Still, i super appreciate the ambition, and all the work that must have gone into making it run.
Gods, i honestly kind of love these attempts to make something scary in early LBP. Maybe because this was previous to the style getting subsumed in meme/copypasta formats. i just like "this is my spoopy ghost hospital wiv guh-guh-ghosts" a lot more than "jumpscare wiv slenderman or evil Sanic." But look at me here speaking from almost 45. i lay you dimes to donuts if i'd been in my young teens around the spoopy-pasta boom in LBP(2? Was that really a big thing in 1?), i'd have been right there for all of it. i was not wivout my edgy pre-teen phase, if you can imagine (and i'm sure you can).
Exactly what it says on the tin, and a bit more or less. Still, i mean, it's not not cute, you know?
This is, no lie, an extremely impressive bit of kit for LBP1. Like, it is a solidly designed platformer, wiv a clear design and character aesthetic, that delivers on that promise in a very satisfying way. The biggest issue i had wiv it turned out to be a totally on my end thing. That midboss fight, the one that seems to go on forever? So, some of you might know that my hearing is pretty shoddy. Not, perhaps, needing hearing aids levels, but it's still pretty bad. Rewatching the footage and i finally noticed there's a "damage taken" sound effect from the paintinator kit that plays when you hit those buttons. i didn't catch that at all when playing, so, going purely off the visual cues, i thought you needed to hit the left and right side buttons once to move it to the next cycle? So, like, it pops up, you hit both the buttons, it goes down, repeat three times kind of thing. Really, i could have hit either of the buttons repeatedly to just kill the thing. That kinda sucked. Yo, that final boss, tho'? Beautiful design on that one.
We talked about Princess Tofu last week. i stand by my takeaway that it is charming and confusing in about equal measure.
The LBP1 vibes are off the chart wiv this one. It's actually a pretty decent level, all nostalgia aside, tho'. Nothing in here is really too challenging, but there is a lot of it, and it's mostly enjoyable throughout. i love the creator just randomly wrapping up the level wiv a roller coaster, 'cause that was a whole thing for a hot minute. Like tying an onion to your belt.
This one is super cute, and i definitely appreciated the bright and cheery vibe; but it just goes on for what feels like forever? Also, even tho' there's no risk beyond just losing progress, i kinda hated that bounce pad staircase thing. Just thinking i'd have to do the whole dang thing again if i screwed up, you know?
i felt salty wiv this one, not gonna lie. The title page claimed it would be a long level. That it would be challenging. It turned out to be a two minute walk through a cave. That wasn't. Even. Cardboard. That's just lying. They lied to me. Rude.
i feel kind of bad for the creator here. Up on the title page there's a note, like, "this used to be copyable, but it turns out the LBP community is a bunch of thieving shits" (paraphrased). Which, you know, is definitely a mood. It's a real shame making levels copyable so you could share and teach turned into people just repubbing the level wiv their name on it. We really are a bunch of thieving shits. This level's pretty neat tho'. It's a good collection of some relatively simple puzzles and obstacles, and i had a good time throughout. It is fairly drab, seeing as there's a complete lack of decoration, but i can understand that; if the intent was for players to copy this and see how it was put together to make their own versions), the creator wouldn't have wanted too much crufting that might hide how things fit together.
So that's that set of ten down. The series has been going for almost a full six months (if you include my backlog, which i absolutely am) on a daily upload schedule, and that's kinda wow? Maybe? i don't know, i have a hard time judging these things, but i'm going to go wiv "a little proud" on this one.
Had a bit of a night out wiv two of my coworkers, and that went mostly well. Honestly far better than i could have expected. Was, i think, the first time i've been to an izakaya since honeybunny and i split back in '18. Definitely since covid has been a thing. It was mostly empty, which, like, honestly, that's for the best what wiv the plague, but also very not an izakaya mood, and kinda extremely lonely. But i had a nice time talking to the two gals, and eating shitty izakaya food, and surprisingly not drinking (the surprising was the enjoying not drinking, not the not drinking itself; it helped only one of us drank, so there was none of that social pressure to have a beer or anything).
The biggest fly in the ointment was, holy shit and no joke, i was fucking exhausted. i'd been dead-tired and beat since i woke up that morning, and the workshift did not help. i ended up having to skedaddle round about 7.30p, and i felt like a bit of a shit, like they might worry i didn't enjoy their company when i actually rather did. But like, when i say tired, i mean like "i am so fucking tired i can't even focus enough to have dysphoria over my stubble" tired. i mean, that sounds nice, the not having dysphoria, but, like, also, not being able to feel my fingertips sometimes and constant yawning, and that's its own socially awkward, and also "if i pass out, people will panic, then how will i get home" legitimate concern.
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highfantasy-soul · 1 year
Is anyone else having issues with the Amazon Prime Video player? It just...doesn't register the ad at the beginning of the video so everything other than the episode itself is completely out of sync. The 'skip recap' and 'skip intro' buttons come on a full minute too early, when there are alternative language subtitles they show up a minute too early (which SUCKED for the WoT finale when the cold open was in the Old Tongue and I had no idea who was saying what, and had to try to remember the dialogue that was coming up over the recap and try to match it to the scene that didn't start for a bit, just hoping I got who was saying what lines right not to mention that in the middle of the episode, I get a subtitle talking about 'you said you saw and Ogier here' and that dialogue went with the NEXT scene, not the scene we were still watching) AND the end of episodes are extremely frustrating because the interface thinks the episode is already over when it's not, so it shows the 'next up' suggestion with NO FUCKING WAY TO HIDE IT!!!! When you're watching a 'free with ads' show and there's a next episode ready, it tries to quickly skip to the next episode when there's like a full five minutes left of the episode due to it ignoring the ad breaks!! And as there's no 'previous episode' button, you have to go fully out of the player, try to get into the show page without it just starting another episode, and replay the end.
Like, how does one fix that and could Amazon get it together because it kind of ruins the climactic ending of episodes and all the reveals/set ups when you're frantically trying to stop the next episode auto playing or you're staring at a super bright 'My Spy' ad in the corner of a super dark and intense scene for about two minutes.
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