bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Oh please, Medile with RCS all you want. I just want to see your story :)
Greetings Anon ^^
Thank you for your approval and blessing, this means so much to me :-.)
Well, from what I have thought/imagined it that, Samantha would, one day just, wake up in a back/blind alley with a headache and confused in how she got there and were she is.
Soon Sam would realize that things have turned very...strange, everything looks different from the last time she remembers how they were, a lot has changed, so much looks different then from how she thoughts things were.
Of course, the rabbit would, after returning to the Roadkillerz headquarters, realize that the freedom fighter organization she knew, no longer exists, and that they now call themselves the "Roadcurators" or "RCS" for short.
After a quick argument she gets thrown out for being "out of date" and a "living fossil" as she gets called by the leadership of the Roadcurators.
I do like to think that it is then, that maybe Samantha would meet another protagonist and one of her first allies, a "One Star Roadcurator" who is stuck in an office job, blamed for problems that are not their fault...and not being taken seriously, they are also a person who has heard a lot about the "old Roadkillerz" and so would recognize Samantha.
Dissatisfied and, to be honest also horrified into what the Roadkillerz have turned, no longer being the organization she was part of Samantha vows to found her own organization, that is closer to what the "RCS" once was, and not what they are now.
Over the time, more and more people would join Samantha's organization, slowly bringing things into order again, and really supporting and helping people, unlike the RCS who only cares about their image and the deception of helping people.
Of course, the RCS, seeing in the new organization a rival..and a danger to exposing who they really are, would try to stop them.
I like to think that while there a references to the past (for example Samantha getting reminded of Cupid by the RCS recruit who helps her) the cast, minus Samantha would be mostly their own/new characters, however, I can imagine that a few of them are decadents of characters from the past. And of course, a few characters would still exist...in one way or another.
Now, there is of course the question now, why Samantha can't remember how they got there, and for that there is an explanation, which could be potential spoilers
Some unspecific time after the events/end of Roadkillerz, Samantha died, having been able to lift the curse from herself, Samantha started to age normally and passed away peacefully at some time, being reunited with her friend and family. The reason how the curse got lifted requires a bit of explanation if that is alright with you :-.) :
I did think about the concept, that, the whole plot/story that is about Samantha returning the effigy to the location were she stole it, involves a scene/point/plot device, were, a lot of immortal/invincible characters, give up their immortality willingly, to help/aid the god/entity who cursed Samantha in the first place, because said entity was in danger, and so by giving up their curses/magic/technology etc. that kept them alive, they gave the deity a boost of power that helps them.
After the danger in the plot/story is dealt with (a group of mercenaries who got ordered to get rid of everyone so that the place could be salvaged and looted, and the ground be used for private investors to built some building there), a few of the once immortal characters would start to, peacefully pass away (Constance for example), whole others, like Samantha, got their curses lifted and are now mortal again and so start to age normally.
Back to the explanation about why Samantha can't remember how they got back there.
In the afterlife, and seeing earth, Samantha, witnessed herself how the Roadkillerz was changing, and while for some time she thinks this is no longer her responsibility, it leaves her restless seeing the Roadkillerz just...turn into this shadow of itself.
So she wonders what she could do, which isn't much.
As a ghost, on Earth, the chances are rather slim, that someone would notice her, and haunting someones dreams also...didn't seem to be like as if it would be a fruitful idea.
Reincarnation on the other hand, would mean Samantha would loose her memories, and could end up anywhere on the world.
For a while it appeared hopeless and as if Samantha would have to just, sit there and do nothing, having to witness how the Roadcurators turn more and more into what the Roadkillerz were not.
Until she suddenly gets an idea...even if it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
Which involves her, approaching the same deity/entity, that had cursed her...and requests to get cursed again by her own wish.
The god is taken aback and surprised, that Samantha would request such a thing, and after her explanations, would honor her request.
However, they do warn Samantha, that, while they could re-curse her, and bring her in such way back to the world of the living, it would be very likely, that she won't remember the reason, why she is back on the land of the living again (as in, that she got re-cursed), perhaps also forgetting that she was ever death, and the god would ask her again if she is ready , despite those risks.
Despite of that, Samantha is ready, bidding her friends and family farewell before returning to the land of the living, waking up exactly were she would at the start/beginning of the story.
Eventually, Samantha would regain that part of her memory she had lost, and remember why she got here.
I like to think she would decide, to stay for a little while longer in those new times, before, at one point again, she would become mortal again, which this time she can do, because this time she was voluntarily cursed / got cursed for good reasons and not as punishment.
Yours sincerely
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grizzersmamma · 2 years
Ballroom Blaze | RCS AU | Rosiex17
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Pairing: Rosie (Trans Clone Trooper OC) x Alpha-17
Warnings: Slavery, Slave AU, Implied Non-Con (Slave Owner), Trans Fetishism (Slave Owner & Mentioned from Background Slave Owners).
Tagging: @commander-marlo
A/N: So, this fic got too long for me to copy and paste it into Discord without having to break it up into 1000 little bits. As a result, I'll be posting it here! RCS AU belongs to @commander-marlo
Description: Rosie has been doing her best to survive in her new position providing pleasure to the natborn owning her but struggles with it greatly. At an event she attends with her new master she comes across a familiar face.
It’s been months since Rosie last lay eyes on a fellow clone. Painful, lonely, mortifying months where she has had ever inch of her body touched and invaded and the tiny amount of privacy she had left has been thrown out the window. Despite never having a moment to herself, she’s never felt so isolated and miserable in her life. Clones are supposed to be together, going alone can cause immense stress in their lives, and with so much change going on around her the lack of familiar faces, she’s not doing too well.  
Being dragged along to some fancy event by her new ‘owner’ is not what she was hoping for, but the moment they reach the front steps they are greeted by two of Rosie’s brothers and she can near enough feel the tension falling from her shoulders. Being so exposed and scantily clad in the dress she’s been forced into has had her on edge all evening, but knowing there are brothers nearby calms her nerves.  
The trooper that greets them offers a polite introduction to the estate they are visiting and provides instructions for them to navigate towards the ballroom the event is being held in. Lyone, her master, barely pays any attention, waving the trooper off, but Rosie offers him a genuine smile as they pass. The trooper gives her a nod in return and she feels warmth spread through her chest.  
She honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if she wasn’t recognized as a clone at all – her new master had preferred her with bright blonde hair and had wanted to alter her figure so it looked much more feminine, giving her breast implants with enough bacta to make it look natural due to the lack of scarring – she's also been done up with enough makeup that she almost looks like another person entirely to those unused to seeing a brother wearing it.  
She looks like a completely different person now, and when she looks in the mirror she no longer recognizes the person looking back. Although, she isn’t sure if that’s because of the new appearance, or the way her soul has been worn down and crushed under foot. But knowing at least one of her brothers can still see *her* under everything, it’s enough to almost bring her to tears. Almost. She knows better than to ruin her makeup with something as weak as tears.  
When they get into the main ballroom, the light is almost blinding compared to the dark night sky they had just been walking through. The jewels hanging from her figure catch the light and make her entire body sparkle. Rosie’s pretty sure she’d wearing more gems than the massive chandelier hanging high above them. They rattle a little when she moves, but they’re hanging loosely enough that she can still move fairly freely. 
Her shiny appearance, unfortunately, seems to draw the attention of some of the other guests. Rosie feels her stomach roll uncomfortably at all of the disgusting stares being thrown her way so openly. It reminds her of the first time the RCS decided to show off their ‘products’ by picking out the prettiest troopers they could and dressing them to the nines.  
She had made the mistake of letting her real gender slip and the people in charge had leapt at the chance to offer their clients a glimpse at a female clone. Some of the guests had laughed and mocked her, because how could a meat droid like a clone even grasp a concept as complicated as gender? Others had seemed uncomfortably interested, leering after her with lustful stares and touches that lingered just a little too long.  
Her current master was one such foul creature, drooling over her like a massiff, the same predatory glint in his eyes as he tears her body and mind to little pieces all for his pleasure. He’d whisper such nasty words into her ears while he defiles her body, touching places that should be reserved for only those she loves and accepts. She never realized that sex could feel so uncomfortable and painful until Lyone had attempted to “pleasure her”. Not that he’d managed to accomplish anything even close to a pleasurable sensation in her.  
His arm is wrapped around her waist, directing her around the fancy room while he laughs and chatters with other equally as dull-witted people. Occasionally, one will comment on her appearance, make jokes, or just outright laugh at how silly a concept it is for a clone to look so feminine. Some try to touch her, but thankfully, Lyone is rather possessive and refuses to let their grimy hands taint her skin and fancy clothes.  
She does her best to distract herself with watching the troopers stationed around the room as protection for the people inside. Their armour lacks the paint that would normally tell which squad or battalion a man belonged to. It’s impossible to know who is around them – it could be the very men she spent her years with on Coruscant – but regardless of who it was, they still comforted her. It gave her the strength to smile and nod and laugh at all the pathetic jokes the natborns offered.  
Rosie begins to drift, simply going through the motions as if on autopilot. Listen to someone new introduce themselves, offer her name in return, smile politely when they start chatting away to her master, talking about her as if she isn’t there. She’s entirely zoned out of the conversation, until a flash of blue and white catches her attention.  
She blinks, glancing up at the circle of troopers around the room. She feels her breath catch, her heart thundering in her ears as she watches one clone speaking with whichever trooper is in charge of the group.  
Apparently, Alpha is overseeing the squad providing protection, because there he stands, in full armour, still adorned with his bright blue stripes and accents. As always, he was a striking man compared to everyone around him, tall and muscular and as intimidating as ever. He finishes speaking to the brother, before turning around and looking directly at her.  
His helmet tilts minutely, just enough to signal that his full attention is on her, and Rosie feels her stomach flare with excitement. But there’s also a painful longing there, a wish to run and throw herself into her lover’s arms so that she can be protected from all the hurts of the world. She wants to bawl her eyes out against his chest and disappear.  
She turns, leaning closer to Lyone and asks, “may I step outside for a while, master? I need a breath of fresh air.” She’s immediately waved off by her owner who is far too deep in the conversation he’s having with another few natborns.  
Rosie tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear and does her best not to grin or skip away from the hall too eagerly. She heads toward the nearest hallway – a hallway she’s yet to see anyone wander down and should hopefully be void of any prying eyes – and catches in the corner of her vision, Alpha muttering a brief word to the clone in charge, before moving to follow after her.  
She can feel his eyes burning into the back of her head, causing butterflies to flutter around in her stomach, intensifying with each step she takes away from the ballroom and toward privacy. What will he think of her now? She hasn’t seen him in months, anything could have happened to him to make him change his mind on their relationship. If he knows what she’s been rented out to her current owner for, then she certainly wouldn’t blame him should he decide she’s no longer worth the effort of pursuing.  
The sound of his steps behind her, increasing in speed the moment they’re out of sight, has her heart thundering. No matter what happens, she’s determined to face it head on.  
Rosie stops walking when she turns a corner, deciding that she’s far enough away from the ballroom and all of the natborns. She takes a deep breath and goes to turn around, only to have the Alpha clone’s hands on her immediately, pushing her back against the wall. There are warm, cracked lips desperately pressing against hers, and for a moment she freezes, her breath catching, before she remembers who she’s with, melting into the intimate gesture.  
She doesn’t even recall seeing Alpha remove his helmet, but for some reason it’s laying on the ground while its owner works to completely ravage her. It’s a glorious feeling, to have someone she loves so deep in her bones kissing at her with the desperation of a dying man.  
But the moment is over far too quickly, and Alpha is pulling back to look her over, cupping her face so tenderly with his gloved hands. His eyes roll over her face, taking in every detail as though he’ll never see them again. She waits with bated breath for him to speak, for Rosie feels as though she’s entirely incapable of speech.  
“I preferred you with black hair,” Alpha says simply.  
Rosie bites down on her lip to stop herself from outright bursting out laughing. Of course. No “I missed you” nor a “it’s good to see you”, merely a comment that most women would take great offense to. It’s so very much an Alpha comment. Oh, how she’s missed this big idiot. “I missed you, di’kut,” she grins, wrapping her arms around him and pressing her face against the armour of his chest.  
One hand gently cards through her hair, while another is wrapped around her to hold her close to his body. “Don’t worry, you’re still beautiful,” he reassures her, and Rosie snickers at him again, her shoulders shaking slightly with the force of her contained laugher. She glances up at him and notes the mischievous glint in the man’s eyes and knows she must look the same as she smiles up at him.  
“Well, I’m glad I still meet your approval,” she says, rolling her eyes dramatically while poking out her bottom lip in a pout.  
“There’s no way you ever wouldn’t,” he breathes in a low whisper, leaning down nice and close to Rosie’s ear. He nips at the shell of her ear, and she shivers, tilting her head to give him more access to the side of her neck. “And you won’t have to miss me, not after this,” he continues.  
Rosie makes a questioning sound at his statement, but only receives a soft “mhm,” from him in answer. She isn’t entirely sure what he’s talking about – surely, he knows she can’t just decide to leave while her ‘owner’ is still here – but she quickly forgets all that when a hand reaches up to start playing with her chest.  
The hand pauses upon finding the flesh of Rosie’s new breast, and she looks up at the slightly confused sound she hears. Alpha is just dumbly staring at where his hand meets her chest, blinking in evident surprise. He raises and eyebrow at her, finally meeting her gaze, “did you ask for these?” 
“Well, I didn’t exactly have a choice in getting them, but I was hoping to get them after the war...” She doesn’t bother with the rest of her comment. They had all expected things to get at least a little better for them after the war, but it seems that it was not to be. “I like them, they’re a nice size, and it was a professional job,” she adds truthfully. They certainly helped her to feel more at home in her body, even if the situation behind them wasn’t the best.  
Satisfied with that answer, Alpha takes a step even closer into her personal space, before he removes both of the gloves and armour from his hands. He drops them into his upturned helmet, then with all the tenderness of someone holding a newborn babe, starts to drag his hands up the length of her thighs. The dress begins to bunch up and is slowly lifted up with every inch of her body Alpha explores. His hands are rough with calloses, but they’re familiar and everywhere they come into contact with her flesh immediately flare with heat.  
Lyone’s hands have always been cold and clammy, befitting of the slimy man they belonged to, by Alpha’s hands burn her body with their mere touch, making her breath quicken and her stomach tingle with an interest that is quick to spread to lower areas. “I’ve missed you,” she whispers again, this time breathily as she closes her eyes against the delightful sensation of her man’s touch.  
“I know,” she hears him whisper back, his mouth returning briefly to press a kiss to her lips, “I couldn’t find you, I thought that-” he cuts himself off, and Rosie opens her eyes again. Her heart aches at the uncertainty in his eyes, and she wishes more than anything she could banish it from them. Uncertainty has never been a trait she’s associated with Alpha, and for good reason. He’s always been self-assured and confident in his actions, with a gentle tenderness hidden within for those he holds close.  
She pulls him close again, pressing their lips together in a more drawn-out kiss, before pressing their foreheads together. “You think I’d let some pathetic natborn do me in?” she asks, feigning disgust. She smiles when she hears the amused snort that draws out of him, continuing in her wounded tone, “I’m hurt, alor. Surely you think better of me than that.”  
“I thought ladies liked having a big, strong man to come and save them from danger?” He has that dangerous look in his eyes again, and Rosie just laughs, pecking his mouth again.  
“I’ll have you know I’m a perfectly competent fighter, not some damsel in one of those terrible holo-shows our vod’e insist on destroying their braincells with,” she smirks, “but I suppose I could be convinced to play along, if your ego can’t handle a strong woman taking care of herself.”  
Alpha laughs aloud at that, shaking his head in disbelief. “You’ve got all your vod’e tricked, thinking you’re some sweet little angel. You’re a real devil deep down, aren’t you?” he gives a jab to her side and offers a broad grin when she can’t help squealing slightly. Before she can scold him, however, his hands continue their journey up her body.  
Rosie has to bite back the gasp that threatens to escape her when finally, his bare hands settle on her breasts, cupping them gently while his thumbs caress her already hardening nipples. He makes an appreciative hum, not seeming to notice when his tongue darts out to wet his lips. “I’m going to enjoy taking my time with these,” he says, staring directly into Rosie’s eyes, “I need to get reacquainted.”  
At that Rosie frowns, “we have to do this now, Alpha,” she pleads, knowing that her voice has gained a slightly frantic edge, “I’m only here for a few more hours, then...” She can’t even say it, tears already dangerously close to ruining her makeup as her breathing starts to grow panicked. This could be it, the last time she feels him, the last time she *sees* him. She can’t let him leave, not when she knows it’ll likely be the last time they meet.  
“Shhhh,” Alpha coos, removing his hands from her and letting her dress drop back down to cover her body. He cups her face again, kissing below her eyelids to rid her soft cheeks of the tears painting them. “You let me worry about that, verd’ika. I promise, you’ll be safe from now on,” He says it with such conviction, ensuring to hold her gaze unblinkingly. “You trust me, don’t you?”  
Rosie nods, placing her hands over Alpha’s, feeling their warmth seeping into her own. “Always,” she promises.  
She had thought that he looked truly fierce in that moment as he accepted her proclamation of trust, but that was nothing in comparison to the terrifying figure he cut silhouetted against the roaring flames of carnage and destruction he’d single-handedly caused. The mansion burns bright under the dark skies above, the scent of scorched flesh thick in the air.  
He turns, and Rosie’s heart skips a beat. Alpha’s visor glows an ominous green as he stares her down, standing upon the rubble of the fallen walls. He holds a hand out to her and she comes to him, accepting his assistance in climbing the crumbled stone in her fancy dress. He holds her hand, stroking her knuckles with his thumb as they both look out at the roaring blaze before them.  
Watching a fire turn their enemies to ash while standing under the moon and stars.  
How utterly romantic.  
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qep0ermint · 8 months
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This one is adorable Love!Wally belongs to @rc-snoop
Little fact: Yandere Wally does not welcome touching himself from anyone other than Y/N. Therefore, he will be very annoyed!
Here's what happened next:
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sydneyadmu · 11 days
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Day 2 ➥ AU | inspired by My Lady Jane
Lady Jyn Erso and her arranged husband Cassian Andor find themselves in the middle of a conspiracy after Jyn is unexpectedly crowned queen after the alleged death of her cousin
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moofy117 · 8 months
Dory Verse - “Aura Projection Practice”
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Feral JD belongs to @draco-after-dark
Royal Council JD belongs to me
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 4 months
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(( dat's right darna, dont fall for capt murica's plead on resting on your shoulders, he dont get no jetlag, he drives airplanes ))
#RCAu #crossoverDarna #crossoverMarvel #yandereAU #planetputo twitter/x: @planetputo / @haimacheir2 BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com If you like our work, pls consider supporting us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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mothsakura · 5 months
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If the devs don't give UI some lore.... then I will ...
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relationship chart:
UI dislikes him, hell they are basically one minor inconvenience away from hating him. he's slightly older than them, but despite being "such a brat" (UI is projecting onto him. pebbles is NOT a brat <///3), he is a lot more liked by the group than UI. neither do their views align, UI is an anti-sliverist, and pebbles is a sliverist. so basically UI is fighting pebbles for the title of the cooler third gen iterator of the group (everyone else in the group is either second gen or first gen)
UI likes moon, literally the only one who UI isn't mean around. and it's not because UI just wants to be on the good side of a senior, no, UI genuinely does think that moon is rather nice. a part of UI wishes that they were her younger sibling instead of pebbles. moon is sort of the only one who's nice to them… thus they need to repay moon by being nice back. UI tries their best to not accidentally push moon away.
grey wind:
never talked to them, sort of wary, but admire them nonetheless. neither did UI wanna talk to GW, i guess they feel too guilty, as if GW absolutely despises them for how they're unable to really keep much friendships without pushing everyone away after 100 cycles. this guilt clouds UI's eyes, making them wary of GW because they so thoroughly convinced themselves GW hates them.
no significant harassment:
rather neutral about NSH, tried to become friends with NSH but ended up pushing him away like they always do. nevertheless, they hold no good or bad opinions about NSH
UI doesn't know them, has no clue why they talk like they're a part of the group, and really doesn't like them because of this. UI is sort of distrustful of strangers, they definitely live by an extreme version of "you do not get my respect for free"
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layout of the group, purely my hcs
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extra ^
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andorerso · 3 months
high school au in which Jyn simply cannot handle having a crush on Cassian so she's always super mean to him and he's convinced she hates him for no good reason so he's mean right back
idk where I'm going with this but the vibes are vibing
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for july! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Admire Me (Like I Do For You) || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which seungcheol shows you his tattoos. 
Dimple || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ you can’t sleep, so you try touching seungcheol’s dimple just for the fun of it (spoiler: he loves it)
Shave || @yikesmary💕✅💯
↳ with your boyfriend’s comeback approaching, mingyu asks you to help with shaving.
The Stars And You || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you bring the stars to your boyfriend for his birthday. (to this author, i am so sorry, but 90% of the fics that i have read from you so far, most of them are on this list. keep doing what youre doing please. i love them)
Try Me || @cheolhub🔞✅
↳ you push your sweet boyfriend a little too far when you threaten to fuck his business partner at dinner. he decides to show both you and mingyu who you belong to. (oh lord, heaven have mercy.)
Ukiyo || @wheeboo💕💔✅
↳ in which you and minghao spend the day together.
Wonwoo's Tasty Cereal (And Milk) || @twogyuu💕✅
↳ You've been eating cereal wrong your entire life. Wonwoo and your niece are going to fix that.
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Fake Dating Roommates || @yikesmary💕🔄💯💯
↳ in which choi seungcheol becomes your roommate and fake boyfriend in one fell swoop. and you still don't know how it happened.
Seventeen As Fake Dating Scenarios || @bluehoodiewoozi💕✅
↳ (title says it all and i am out here fulfilling my delulu side of my brain. doing great out here im telling you)
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Baby, All I Really Want Is Your Attention || @viastro💕✅
↳ you and mingyu have been academic rivals since the beginning of your high school career. having always aimed for the #1 spot, mingyu would beat you without even needing to study. now dedicating all your time into studying at the local library, you find yourself wondering who keeps neatly packing your things and waking you up each time you fall asleep while studying. (hes so soft, i cant)
Catnaps || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you volunteer at the local cat shelter with your crush.
Dating Seventeen (Hyung Line) || @wqnwoos💕✅
↳ (out here filling my delulu brain. also seungcheol does radiate sugar daddy tho, ngl)
Fix You || @smileysuh🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ “As a member of 53V3NT33N, I have two different states of mind coded into me, aggression and admiration. To love something, to admire it, is to feel aggressive when it’s questioned, to want to control it, if even for a little while- it’s the need to consume it, endlessly, as my fans consume and control me as an automaton. Even though I’m a member of a group, there’s a distance. Automatons can never truly motivate each other because our motivations are based on external human needs, it’s built into us- We can see when humans need us, and we do what we can to fix that need… I know you need me, the way I’ve needed you since I got here.” (god, yall dont even know how much i freaking love their fics. like bro, ily)
Gamers Do it Better || @sluttyminghao🔞✅💯
↳ (listen, just hear me out. tag teamed by the two lord saviors of svt's hhu. i really need like a threesome au/tag or something i swear.)
Hits Different || @hellohannie💕💔✅
↳ it was no secret that you had dated many people in your past. when you were with them, you believed you loved them and they loved you. when you broke up, you realized that they didn't truly love you. but you still believed that love was real. then, you met lee chan. when he broke up with you, you started to question if love truly did exist after all. (i need me some more dino fics cause i barely come across any)
Loving Him Was Red || @boowanie💕💔✅💯
↳ After the café you were part-timing at suddenly closes, you were left unemployed and broke as you tried your best to look for a new job. But when your best friend suggests an alternative way of earning money, you suddenly find yourself falling for a certain Jeon Wonwoo.
Pup Code || @beefboyandbabygirl🔞💕✅💯💯💯
↳ mingyu doesn't have crushes. he likes avril lavigne and sometimes he fucks pretty girls. but you seem to stir something in him that no one else can. without the trusty girl code, mingyu makes his own code to help you fall in love with him. (yall need to read this one. like read it cause i lowkey can imagine him making up his own code ngl. man has no self control sometimes)
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Crossing Boundaries || @wonusite🔞💕✅
↳ Seungcheol has always demanded that all of his employees keep professional boundaries, but it frustrates him that his son’s nanny is a little too good at keeping things professional. 
Happy (First) Fathers' Day || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ it’s fathers’ day, but you seem to be more fixated on an event for your newborn daughter, much to mingyu’s dismay.
Made With Love || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ joshua wakes up to quite the commotion, and you’re not by his side.
The Cake In the Back || @toruro🔞💕✅
↳ cheol is a regular at your bakery, and it's all because his son loves the banana bread you make—at least that's what he tells himself. it also doesn't hurt that you're cute. and polite. and totally someone he'd like to fuck.
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Roommates With Benefits || @shuaflix🔞💕✅
↳ initially, wonwoo doesn’t think much about your incessant requests to play on his xbox. however, when what was supposed to be a two-hour visit to his place stretches out for two weeks, he starts to think you’re overstaying your welcome.
The Secrets Kept From Roommates || @cheolism🔞💕✅
↳ you are hiding a secret from mingyu. little do you know that he's hiding one from you too.
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Broken Pieces || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Your friend broke your soulmate's heart, leaving you to pick up the pieces of both his and your own heart. (stop my heart, i cant)
Right? Right. || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅
↳ Your soulmate mark might be broken, but at least he will always be there for you.
Do check out all of the other seventeen fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 months
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some more wc au lore! the black lion fulfills the role of starclan in this universe but its a bit diffrent from canon wc. instead of SC being just ancestors communicating with living cats, its instead a sentient amalgamation of said ancestors and functions as one whole being. whenever a clan cat dies their life essence (you could even say... their QUINTESSENCE......) joins the amalgamation, fusing with all the other souls. theres also SOME sort of a prophecy going on here, its propably something about swift and his gaggle of apprentices defeating The Witch (honerva) and freeing the captured cats with the help of a twoleg (allura<3)
...or something. still figuring stuff out this might all change lol
(also the first pic was my first attempt at a black lion design and thats why it looks diffrent from the others lmao)
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I don't think your story/plot idea is bad at all ^^
Greetings Anon ^^
Awww, thank you, that means a lot to me, and I am glad that you like what I have thought about the Roadcurators AU so far :-.)
I really like thinking about it and how the world may look like 1000 years later.
Yours sincerely
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littlenekodraws · 5 months
Hands you some RC!ranchers even though I've already sent them to you
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Hehee heeheehoo
Thank you girlie
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redxcrackle · 2 months
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❤️RedCrackle Aesthetic💙
singer! Carmen & camera tech! Gray AU
If you want to be +/- to the taglist you can text, reblog w/ comment, ask, etc. You will be tagged for every aesthetic that I do.
♥️Taglist: @grahamcarmen @fuckyeahmiraculous @rys-redcrackle @chiefladyluminary @etherealdisneyvillainness @lara635kookie @r3dcrakle
Requested by: @grahamcarmen
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gardenofskeletonss · 4 months
3hats stuff dump
more under cut
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moofy117 · 8 months
Dory Verse - “New Chewtoy”
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Feral JD belongs to @draco-after-dark
Grey JD belongs to @ijjstlostthegame
Brotherhood JD belongs to @0ketlyn-s and @tea0w0stache
Royal Council JD belongs to me
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mothsakura · 5 months
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hi hello (gives you this and runs off and trips and falls )
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