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Photo credit: Vincent Anthony
#bmw r75/6#bmw motorcycle#bmw custom bike#bmw adventure#bmw bobber#moto love#motorcycle#motorbike#lifestyle#moto adventure#classic bike#moto life#motorcyclelove#caferacer#cafe racer#black motorbike
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BMW R75/6
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Chris Pine - 1967 BMW R50/2 (Essentially in stock form)
Chris Pine, who plays Captain James T. Kirk in the rebooted Star Trek franchise, also appears in the Wonder Woman films, and is a prolific voice actor (Robot Chicken!). According to Sabel, who counts Pine as a friend as well as a client, Pine acquired his first Roughchild custom, an ex-police duty BMW R75/6, in 2021. Pines father, Robert Pine, played Sgt. Getraer on the iconic 1970s cop show CHiPs, so the cop bike connection was strong. Pine is also a devoted car guy and master coffee maker, Sabel told me. One day while at Pine’s home, Sabel says he spotted Pine’s vintage Porsche 356 (”Every Hollywood movie star should have one,” Sabel says), but was told it didn’t run after sitting undriven for too long.
Ever the motorhead, Sabel was able to McGuyver a quick fix and get the Porsche running, and then suggested to Pine he needed a motorcycle from the same era to keep the 356 company. Pine apparently agreed, but the bike he ended up with happened to be Sabel’s personal ride, a 1967 R50/2 in pretty much stock form. “I went home, got the bike, rode it over and that was that,” Sabel said.
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BMW R75/6 by @hex_moto - ph @vincent.anthony.conti. - source Moto Vitelloni - Wheels n' wings.
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60100002406 HDY-0614 FILTER LONKING
60100002406 HDY-0614 FILTER LONKING
D124000053 活塞芯 4110001089048 驾驶室总成 29030018951 刀具 6228000409 出烟管 4110000186365 LG938L燃油箱总成 26140002051 DRAW BAR; WELDED ASSEMBLY; LIGHT DUTY 29150021592 铲斗 14402561 尿素箱 4110000851 后封板 4110001044248 大腔过载补油阀 6410006758 遮阳帘 29330001321 气门弹簧上座61500050109 29170011711 箱盖 3214512793 方头锥形螺塞90017010003 4110001002058 铣刀片APKT150412-PM YBM253(株钻) 29250015971 L955F轮式装载机 F612600110540 支承轴-ZL15G 29170307791 圆柱销Q5220618 29290013301 柴油机油 CD 10W-30 29070026001 胶管F372C9C9202010-1500-SG1500 5512114G2910 胶管20411-16-05WZ/20491-16-05WZXEC110-05X3 11215252 接近开关线束 3120900917 后安装板焊接总成 4120008371 GB7380半圆头内六角螺栓m12*15 ZJ4130000006 燃油箱后板 LG8937006022 固定板6105Q-1000019 14401628 主密封圈ZL154MA-00061 14545434 螺塞 29010064421 动臂油缸HSGF-160*90*430-1355 14665108 29170043501 O形圈 0634 313 260 25×3 ZFN744 14665106 29170039901 驾驶室防护网总成 6410003683 机用丝锥 F-9-BXP FRONT FRAME 4120003903 行星轮架总成 4043000426 软管LGB154-202152 2617002723029 大开口钩 6900013339 传动油管 26021003951 钢板t6*1790-Q345B 14664784 4110001321013 风道支架 14666741 FXKAY-00325F 销子 4190003597 槽钢 11215680 PANEL_WA LH 4110002410001 L958F线束总成 1690200014 缸盖H40981000 29330070842 橡胶套 6900000818 螺母M85*2 93 200 016 28280016621 软管LGB144-105035 7200001543 后侧板 F1030408 继电器固定板 2130900105 停用-水泵2W8002 6212000572 电磁阀 29030017471 齿轮T611 2284 965184 举升缸总成 26014000131 油标尺固定管 11211435 前法兰总成 F2-2629000465 柱塞 29200013981 挡板 4120002038001 右翻转支架 15016901 LG956N油缸总成 14606624 29150025321 停用-输出法兰YJ315D-00020A 3214513990 28280011091 CLAMP 14602533 29360019931 操纵箱后盖 14554190 4120003860 CONVERTER_VOLTAGE 14604292 4110000960003 分离轴承润滑软管总成16N-02055 5111000630 板 225 除水放心滤滤芯612600081294-经适件 4011000048 喷咀120927 29360025131 软管LGB161-414118 4110000560273 后板簧第十片 3050900117 过滤器 29330061351 管 A24-4110001026 RS626H压路机 4110001867431 管夹LGB169-A15*10 26290017371 HOSE_CAC OUT 4011000703 FRAME_WA SIDE RH 6410002033 回油法兰 6390901824 P-橡胶板 4120005026007 油箱进油管部件J8LG4-1104M00B 11222913 旋装式燃油滤清器612600081334 4110000076385 接近开关支架 0L0550W3114G39AA 后支架 ZJ4120001528 气缸盖 29281003891 电瓶线P50*1200 26141010101 缸体02165.0042Y.300 R75-1440 26180032641 曲轴推力轴承 29290064921 右盖板 29021001551 缓冲套LGB123-0952 28340004441 P-螺钉M24*50-Q-8.8 4120005799 垫片(12167040)PTD226B-6(13020158)-024 4120009115118 轴套LGB302-85*140A2 FKC4190001098656 叉子缸连接胶管 M086DWAN5 弯板 03B0053 1690000013 活塞24A080300 55A2566 26130023311 连接座 57A1562 29100008781 前轮支架总成(销子、轮子、两个支架、2吨友佳电托 ) 00B0275 29300007621 电瓶盖 29380034391 闷盖0630 362 824H 29310027661 LG938L外协驾驶室总成(配DDE) 4120018088 高低速软轴支架 29210010701 螺栓GB5782-M20*200EpZn-8.8 26361002191 水性PU黄色面漆WPTA800002/21K 4110001061204 空气接头 30SM 4130002904108 补水管 26330032531 PLATE 4130002699002 合页 29170049841 螺栓M10X65Q1841065TF2 LG8936000009 主线束 29010039321 P-盘 F4043000015F 组合开关组合开关HZ10-25/3 F11M9-45010F 支架 70A0017 4110001007018 硬管总成 44C0019 4110004186181 直钻 55A2570 4120007190 铰接润滑油管 55A2558 29310028511 钢管 62A0731 4130002461 停用-开槽螺母 11215726 燃油粗滤器滤芯C85AB-85AB302+B 28230022761 斗杆1650总成 11211663 贯穿螺栓总成02200TB-C-AY 26240016011 气动螺丝刀头 世达59392 29021000511 液压油箱 4110000129184 进气胶管 4110000846117 驾驶室电气总成 29070201811 托链轮 29370202571 防滚翻框架标识 8278009 钎杆 E7-2909000891 坐标镗钢带 4130002909 立板 26330013111 LG958L/959配DDE发动机轮胎式装载机2500h保养包 26461005661 PLATE 26050001911 标准臂模块 26010026591 STOPPER_LIMIT SW 4110002924 钢板t2×100×75 26180019582 驾驶室总成 4120001819002 保险丝电路标识 6410007645 钢管 4110001387060 优先阀进油胶管 8278005 钢管 4190001641 空调滤芯 14400516 LG0M0760WE6 销R909087755 4120006444008 太阳齿轮 29110009011 P-动臂垫 1590000003 操纵箱焊接总成 4110002168081 钢管 6410005132 VGA数据线 5m LG2917010620 1 进气钢管 29240043601 齿轮 14624922 消声器支座 29200005031 锁紧螺母24C012020 11216494 闪光蜂鸣器指示灯型号:AD16-22M 电压:24V 3190006013 弯管器(世达97327) 14510496-A 6213000076 弹簧22010402210 HVY32.2 50CrVA 3214530362-B 29220007571 多楔带轮-曲轴F04252958 14616924 6430001112 油门操纵软轴LGB677-2 3214514203-B 4041015721 PLATE_CTR TOP REAR 29010061961 防护网(一套)HB0242 4043005843 L953轮式装载机 B631000088 扳手43202 11211305 小臂活塞杆 2080900018 P-螺栓GB5782-M12*45EpZn-8.8 4110000518018 安装板2 26360004651 右侧玻璃 29290033291 丝座LGB311-2*M12*90*14 6244000092 安装板 11210154 连接隔块C3904692 14622001 11223201 左罩板 3214607567 6233000809 防松套LGB331-14*26*10flZnyc-45? 14400282 4120010642002 弯管接头 14400331 4110015714 E6140FD挖掘机 14400334 28100006621 电气系统 14400419 29380012161 水泵部件B8800-1307100G 14400444 29290045661 变速操纵软轴LG06-BSCZ-920 14400531 11211162 玻璃钢人字梯 河南登月 绝缘2.5米 14400532 2022000554 R150消音器 14400534 M0500WE40 RS8220宣传册(4000) 4043001435 塑料袋 14404661 50岩石斗齿套 29100033231 盖板C3908095 J4120015812004 平衡铁 29090100091 销轴 11216960 仪表台线束 14400126 29900000281 硝酸银100g 14665624 26131003061 除尘式砂轮机 标准型 250mm 21006109 6221000043 方锉 3214539462-B 5500000006 30L储气筒支架(246) 00B0025 6430001122 斗杆油缸HSGK-165*115*1670-2335—经适件 55A2565 2110800149 软管 55A2556 14560857 密封圈GB13871.1-FB16019015-D 24D0036 4110000186686 PLATE 61A0045 D124000016 横梁 55A2532 29010032321 P-水油散热器总成LG926-1 55A2551 FCZFD5 橡胶板 55A2562 29240033681 BOOM BEFORE 55A2548 4190000804001 海绵 20B0022 6410006582 非公路自卸车 52A0124 29010062371 骨架油封(120×150×14) 55A2575 28140003141 后侧海绵 43A0058 29100030202 回转马达 01B0036 FKC4110000724006 接近开关LJ18A3-8J/D 52A0198 LG29240026652 BRACKET_WA KIT_FILLER PUMP 3060900799 燃油滤清器支架1000869895 55A2539 4110002510106 后车架线束 06B0008 28210009251 前轮花纹方向标识(右) 06B0055 11217845 板 23B0017 F11N8-42201 破碎锤换向阀总成 4110003226292 上架JU6550 4110015182020 LG933L驾驶室围板总成(先导三联) 14593712 缓冲块LGB345-C10*48 26180022761 发动机进水胶管 7200001400 左后扶手 4110003428 环形密封圈44020100700 4110002515001 执行机构YMZX-60 4110000907060 密封圈612630040029 FDH150-7-ZBGT FRAME_WA CTR LG6360_14659032 6221000104 端盖320805014GB002 6280000073 进气胶管 14403492 铲斗缸小腔胶管 4110001121097 支架(金色) 14513392 28140002111 筋板 28100006881 高压油管总成612600082202 14400970 4110002654021 气缸盖罩总成129948-11300 29260037211 弯板 Read the full article
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The Distinguished Gentleman‘s Ride 2018 Nuremberg
#r75/6#bmw classic#bmw motorrad#gentlemansride#german blech#mine#me#nuremberg#fuerth#einfachfuerthsein
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46Works<BMW R75/6 custom>製作記その1。
46worksさん最新動画<[Custom Build vol.1] F’s BMW R75/6 custom>2021横浜ホットロッドショーに出展された車両のカスタム行程その1です! (more…)
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National Transport Services offers competitive pricing and exceptional customer service from Coast to Coast. Our team will guarantee your vehicle is transported by an experienced and top-rated carrier. No matter the destination, your vehicle is in the best hands with us. https://shipnts.com
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Velasco's motorcycle
It's a vintage BMW!
So far, I've narrowed down the model to something like a 1975 R90/6 or 1976 R75/6 (I think?). If anyone can narrow it down more, please chime in!
It's a gorgeous, classy bike and Joe has impeccable taste 😍🤌🏻
#joe velasco#law and order svu#svu#detective vlassic pickle#he can take me for a ride any day#no seriously I really love BMW motorcycles!
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612650080021 612650080018 612650080028 612650080029 pipe weichai
612650080021 612650080018 612650080028 612650080029 pipe weichai
6261000342 法兰螺栓01754-50814 29240009021 加液面板2007508 4043003724 板 FXKAY-01374 LG6135E/6150E液压挖掘机操作及保养手册(英) 6215000311 接头APL10-3 984139 11214664 NF309 4041002777 光滑环规 11218662 转斗油缸HSGF-180*90*502-954 29020000011 前密封盖-中间轴前端1701238-950 20459857 O型圈 9*1.7 4110000080001 EGR 冷却器进水管总成1207181-B226/C 4120000018001 焊台 白光HAKKO FX-951 6399004350 工作装置线束 4110000565241 电机 51K90GU-S3F/ 1300r/min 26241025921 球头硬质合金铣刀∮3R1.5 11223529 安全阀915080501 29220019271 连杆 E6700FB 4110000042137 丝杠丝母 4110000083022 发动机罩标识包 14630138 螺母 MT86M 1603690801 驾驶室FR185 ZL50F单 29440001622 盖板71n6-03131 4120006670003 发动机总成 6224000154 加强板 29360018192 916-1新燃油箱(带锁) M095HWA96 侧卸油缸下衬套 29030041511 LG918铲斗(斗容0.8m3,斗宽2140) 4110000907004 非公路自卸车 6212000643 撬棍 28280006451 支撑杆 7300001269 开孔器 世达53313 29050033041 L933两联阀改卸高4米液压换下模块 4041001858 固定座24A154290 29430009942 盖板 26290022451 板 29360016891 LG953L加大燃油箱总成 4120004381 软管 6430000082 彩色纸箱 4043003971 垫圈HD469-2402014 MT86H 29370025061 LED明装格栅灯 亚浦耳3*18W 4120001059003 PLATE_RH TOOL_BOX PZFAP-411/HK-100 4120016828042 挡板 LG968N 14552327 仪表台线束总成 4041003325 主线束 4041001711 密封环 11211318 油料加注标识 6900001037 高压螺栓M6*15 26240025481 气扳机 宇航B1231 E1815215AK931 钢板t8*1800 29170171782 支架 F21Z1-01212 上架JU6210 4110001394098 板 29330029021 防尘圈 6410005082 进口套筒41#60550041 11217693 两腿扁平吊带 2*1T*0.8m 4120015835 24202内六角旋具套筒5mm 21033328 LG936L轮式装载机 4180000413 GMA315-R75度带勾头垫式铣刀盘用压刀块 MT86 L036HW3115A36E1 后车架 LG28430002191B 配重 4110001486 齿轮马达SNM2NL-/-8 26150001781 驾驶室框架 2929002370 1 Ф42*6硬管总成PA-04206-1826-01 L0530W3114Q29A1 油环部件C05AB-05AB601+B LG2912010016 13620灯泡 4110004063135 后盖 26240018041 固定筋板 ZFJ 6210000819 交流接触器180N*3B 180A 26330043512 轴承套 4110000179029 骨架油封(120*150*14) 26141021341 变速操纵总成 21773993 6410005480 滚柱轴承 11212172 增压器总成1118010-A783/A 4110015574 液压式喷油提前装置129935-51741 29410001081 盖板 29030025551 下架 RS8140 4110015998001 O形橡胶密封圈U641A-8M5248+A 9200001295 软管LGB129-010161 4120016307 连接板 14554758 履带板 11204982 螺母GB6170-M22EpZn-10 FQMSD 桥工具CA715701 9200001234 停用-胶管F381CACF151508-650 M0600WE80 压线帽Φ4 4110000184195 进气胶管 29140022991 轴承 11222619 铲斗油缸150-9 29031006391 铜管(¢4mm紫铜) 3214539753 29150022211 停用-气缸体总成1002015-56D/p 14404438 胶管F787TC1C6A301616-850 26340001381 行车制动低压报警开关 4110001742008 前车架线束 11211913 关节轴承GB9163-GE50ES-2RS 4011000146 夹条 3CM L968F 29260028031 支架 6228000388 支架 4110004276155 胶管 4120017550 管夹 29290030561 齿座 MT86D 4120003367 后车架 ZJ4110001187021 钢板t20*566*350 16060378 1500h小时保养包 29440000741 半圆锁片ZL18E-01-11 28100010661 柴油机油 CK-4 5W-30 200l 4130015496 盆型喇叭DL125-100L-01 4190004183001 硬盘希捷ES.3系列 4TB 7200转128M SATA3 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 26260009981 发动机右后支架 14573742 6228000144 感应式巡检器 蓝卡BP-2012S 11223897 ZG30L16-12V空调器 4110000509103 履带600×42 4110003369008 泵调节器 26370005301 销轴 26370006351 侧贴板 29340025701 下叉 6222000285 弹簧 14777849 5131000118 数据采集仪02937571 4110001061233 蒸发器总成 ZJ4110001187016 密封海绵 3901000031 吊环夹紧块 612600040574 29380033271 配重 4130016123 软管夹 F95-250 parker测试接头 SCA-1/4-EMA-3 29090012141 胶管LGB339-10*450 2022001489 停用-胶管F381CACF101006-2000 26240008581 节流堵头A=0.65 4644 306 521 7200000871 垫片 4043002020 油缸上销轴 29290000040191 油水分离器滤芯 29030051561 软轴总成4120008302-21 4110001424026 滑轮 LG2926004186 1 RIGHT SUPPORT PLATE M086HWA95 O形圈GB3452.1-56.0*5.3G 11215307 发动机左支腿(前) 14513950 4120002264105 杯座 29120019541 主刀板 29260024871 支撑板 4120010477 停用-LG953N加强斗(3.0m3,斗底板提高) 4014000134 接插件固定架 14608127 6410007574 PIN 14527308 胶管FQLG-1210 29260100381 套筒30(1)霹雳马60150030 21909001871 回转马达HM5X45P112350LG-45P-G 6614000011 升降电机1.5Kw 14401817 螺栓GB5783-M16*60flZnyc-10.9-480 1060000006 工作灯 LG959 26014001791 螺栓M6X15Q1840615 28400000211 三通管 6214000481 内六方螺栓M10×15 2080900334 O型橡胶密封圈B00001391 7117-34200 28131002761 气缸盖部件HA03028 28080000660361 垫片 7X02215A29 刀柄接杆 29330085161 垫圈 4110001002101 ? 铝合金方管内壁2mm,44*100*3000?? FZ0000929 碗形塞C3914035 FKC42308E PLATE_FUEL TANK REAR 29190007971 斗杆 6900001530 支架 E4015111AA6 六角法兰面螺栓90011410007 29070011151 E6360F 履带挖掘机零部件图册 4110000172049 连接管组件GKL33-5.0H1-60 4110001477018 滑键05712-00408 4120009748 万向节十字轴 4110004049032 右后立柱风道 4190002948 固定板 28220004531 盖452324 350*400 4110000045030 线束 L968F 6244000040 驾驶室918E 4110001005177 充电式���电筒 世达90746 29240030971 伺服活塞小弹簧03.04.01.00079 LGM086HWA03 电瓶正极线 FXJDD-00032F 三通接头LGB174-0181822 6303000387 LG933轮式装载机-3301214G29 14400789 压板 29330035321 飞轮组件1G840-25016 26300100411 VRT200变速箱总成 C92AL-9H5921 29120027521 进气阀弹簧c3991085 29360025201 缸体HSGK-100/45*300-4 4041003755 软管LGB125-003059 6233000237 O形圈GB3452.1-106*3.55G F三一135 steelQ345D(12*1.62*7) 4120001821 振动轮 4110001933015 午餐盒底座总成 21909016391 停用-堵头 4120006310002 调速器轴衬套D02111679 60113315 FKC4120000042 BG180 4190003037 接头体1000753575 26200001061 非公路自卸车 GB96.1-20EpZn-300H 4110000907178 COUNTERWEIGHT 26170012061 铝合金铰链40/40 29010037811 传动油散热器LY-LG956L-LNG 28100006801 调整垫片0.1 132814 14403886 26240011602 小腔油管242400299 29240015291 回油口座 4110001121061 斗杆总成3800 28250024131 PIPE_WA BUCKET CYL LARGE 2.5/3.9M 7300000465 BODY 3110900490 板 L918 29330051681 挺柱D04-127-30C+D 6900002926 减震器 MT86D F11NB-70010 前右侧板 6233000792 高压油管总成13033905 RELAY(10A)-BLOWER 28100007801 内齿圆套管FM-1.5 14400007 平板 华为揽阅M2青春版 7.0(带保护套) 29070010301 固定座 MT86H 14883838 板 11216150 LGRS8180宣传册 F29120015311 橡胶软管(L=300)QG3 29030015121 直接头LGB120-11413*65 4190000536123 卷管器 28250009061 软管LGB125-004037 4190015533 消音器 3/8手动换向阀配套 15401246 燃油管 1690200037 油封包03500FS-SR-A 6211000019 PLATE 29260006961 好手牌夹钳CH-12130 4110000217020 软管 29340054131 螺母 4110004276151 节温器座密封圈A3923331 4043000404 转向缸大腔钢管A 4120002358036 进气胶管 6391900058 固定螺钉 6214000113 钢管 4120005488007 钢管 E655FS 4110000997314 后桥及附属 4110003022075 直绞刀 26240016991 启动马达线 14530464 MS500WA00 变矩器YJ350LG 29380032371 板 4190002767012 垫片-加机油管1003136-A002/A 4110000054056 半轴齿轮 Mail:[email protected] 26120004581 连接板 LG6430001425 后雨刮过渡线束 4120016268086 后车架 4110001903019 取暖水进水接头00AL002 29100022911 活塞24A180420 4110015194212 后车架 28250024161 仪表罩 4044000008 履带板8216-MN-A002601 29010032371 P-散热器总成LYWZ25-4 14517947 F1123407 密封圈24F008021 2807000466101 燃油管13024894 F龙工855-XLB 锁紧角钢 2624001994 密封件包-经适件 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 4120002148011 两联阀模块 4110001952027 蒸发器线束H30223-5870 6900004646 螺母GB6184-M10EpZn-8 6410004149 右前连接板总成 4120015940025 L953F轮式装载机 4110002116 底架 14880663 压盖 125磨光机用 6212000633 后窗棂(焊接部件) LG953 26170036481 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓-细牙 29330038531 锥柄钻头 5301000319 伸缩油缸上板 26141018491 壳体 6223000123 支撑板 LG2926004171 4 电瓶 D30S-3 4110003115 吸油胶管 4030000182 COMPRESSOR 11212811 夹头4B0418 4110002883009 连杆装配 26280000531 钢管总成 26441009351 胶管F481CACF222212-880 29170068111 液压油箱部装 29340034091 发动机左后支座 14545290 拉杆 4110000038181 风动换向杠杆 M16 东空 6373401762 螺栓 F04-27V-MD/DT 软管LGB124-004080 4110000054114 后罩线束 4030000645 CLAMPING PLATE 4180000005 进气门330-1007011D 26320001771 连杆螺栓 1J700-2214-0 4110003377077 软管LGB104-010125 14403489 密封圈011.13.2630 14405376 1500小时保养包 LG938L Read the full article
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The Basic Pattern
This is the pattern I developed for the basic blorbo. (No pictures as of yet, since I have yet to do a completely basic version, but will update this post if/when I do; for now, see the posts for the basic characters for examples with modifications.) This will produce a generic doll amigurumi, so if you want to, you can crochet a blank one and just make outfits for it.
Special Stitches:
INV DEC (sc): Insert hook through front loop of first st, insert hook through front loop of second st, YO and draw through both st, YO and complete sc.
Right Leg:
Ch 7. R1: 3sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 4 ch, 3sc in next ch. Working along back side of ch, sc in next 4 ch, sl st in 1st sc (14 sc). R2: Ch 1, [2sc in first 3 st, sc in next 4 st] twice, sl st in first sc (20 sc). R3: Ch 1, sc in back loop of each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc). R4: Ch 1, sc in in each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc). R5: Ch 1, sc in first 11 st, inv dec 2 times, sc in next 5 st, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R6: Ch 1, sc in first 9 st, inv dec 3 times, sc in next 3 st, sl st in first sc (15 sc). R7-29: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (15 sc). Fasten off. Stuff leg.
Left Leg:
Ch 7. R1: 3sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 4 ch, 3sc in next ch. Working along back side of ch, sc in next 4 ch, sl st in 1st sc (14 sc). R2: Ch 1, [2sc in first 3 st, sc in next 4 st] twice, sl st in first sc (20 sc). R3: Ch 1, sc in back loop of each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc). R4: Ch 1, sc in in each st around, sl st in first sc (20 sc). R5: Ch 1, sc in first 5 st, inv dec 2 times, sc in next 11 st, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R6: Ch 1, sc in first 3 st, inv dec 3 times, sc in next 9 st, sl st in first sc (15 sc). R7-29: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (15 sc). Stuff leg.
*NOTE: Your first stitch should be at about the midway point of the inside part of the leg. If not, sl st to that point.
R30: Ch 4. Line legs up next to each other (toes may or may not turn slightly inward). Sc in matching st of right leg. Sc in each st around right leg, sc in each ch across, sc in each st around left leg, sc on other side of chain across, sl st in first sc (38 sc). R31-40: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (38 sc). R41: Ch 1, [sc in next 17 st, inv dec over next 2 st] twice, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R42-48: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R49: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (27 sc). R50-51: Ch 1, sc around, sl st in first sc (27 sc). R52: Ch 1, [sc in first st, inv dec] 9 times around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R53-54: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). Stuff body.
R55: Ch 1, [sc in first st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (12 sc). R56: Ch 1, [sc in front loop of first st, 2sc in front loop of next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R57: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (24 sc). R58: Ch 1, [sc in first 3 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (30 sc). R59: Ch 1, [sc in first 4 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R60: Ch 1, [sc in first 5 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (42 sc). R61: Ch 1, [sc in first 6 st, 2sc in next st] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (48 sc). R62-64: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (48 sc). R65: Ch 1, sc in first 10 st, puff st in next st, sc in next 37 st, sl st in first sc (47 sc, 1 puff stitch) R66-70: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (48 sc). Embroider, glue, paint, or sew face onto front of head. From this point on, stuff as you go. R71: Ch 1, [sc in first 6 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (42 st). R72: Ch 1, [sc in first 5 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (36 sc). R73: Ch 1, [sc in first 4 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (30 sc) R74: Ch 1, [sc in first 3 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (24 sc). R75: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (18 sc). R76: Ch 1, [sc in first st, inv dec] 6 times around, sl st in first sc (12 sc). Make sure head is fully stuffed. R77: Ch 1, inv dec 6 times around (6 sc). Fasten off, sew closed, weave in ends.
Arms: Make 2.
R1: 5sc in magic circle, join. R2: Ch 1, 2sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (10 sc). R3: Ch 1, [sc in first st, 2sc in next st] 5 times around, sl st in first sc (15 sc). R4-8: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (15 sc). R9: Ch 1, [sc in first 2 st, inv dec] 3 times, sc in next 2 st, sl st in first sc (12 sc). R10-25: Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc (12 sc). Stuff each arm as desired (recommend no higher than R23). Fasten off, leaving long tail for sewing.
Position arms at row 50. Stitch onto body.
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Brakes and suspension business.
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